National Priorities List; Correction, 26576-26578 [2019-11759]
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Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 110 / Friday, June 7, 2019 / Rules and Regulations
§ 165.T07–0208 Safety Zone; St Lucie
River, Stuart, FL.
List of Subjects in 33 CFR Part 165
(a) Location. The safety zone will
encompass all waters of St Lucie River,
Stuart FL contained within the
following points: Commencing at
27°12′24″ N, 080°15′21″ W; thence
southeast to 27°12′21″ N, 080°14′48″ W;
thence southwest to 27°12′06″ N,
080°14′50″ W; then northwest to
27°12′10″ N, 080°15′23″ W; thence
northeast to origin. All coordinates are
North American Datum 1983.
(b) Definition. The term ‘‘designated
representative’’ means Coast Guard
Patrol Commanders, including Coast
Guard coxswains, petty officers, and
other officers operating Coast Guard
vessels, and Federal, state, and local
officers designated by or assisting the
COTP in the enforcement of the
regulated area.
(c) Regulations. (1) No person or
vessel will be permitted to enter, transit,
anchor, or remain within the regulated
area unless authorized by COTP or a
designated representative.
(2) Persons and vessels desiring to
enter, transit, anchor, or remain within
the regulated area may contact the
COTP by telephone at 305–535–4313, or
a designated representative via VHF
radio on channel 16 to request
authorization. If authorization is
granted, all persons and vessels
receiving such authorization must
comply with the instructions of the
COTP or a designated representative.
(d) Enforcement period. This
regulation will be enforced from 6 p.m.
until 7:30 p.m. on July 4, 2019.
Harbors, Marine safety, Navigation
(water), Reporting and recordkeeping
requirements, Security measures,
Dated: June 3, 2019.
J.F. Burdian,
Captain, U.S. Coast Guard, Captain of the
Port Miami.
For the reasons discussed in the
preamble, the Coast Guard amends 33
CFR part 165 as follows:
[FR Doc. 2019–11987 Filed 6–6–19; 8:45 am]
1. The authority citation for part 165
continues to read as follows:
40 CFR Part 300
F. Environment
We have analyzed this rule under
Department of Homeland Security
Directive 023–01 and Environmental
Planning COMDTINST 5090.1 (series),
which guide the Coast Guard in
complying with the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42
U.S.C. 4321–4370f), and have
determined that this action is one of a
category of actions that do not
individually or cumulatively have a
significant effect on the human
environment. This rule involves a safety
zone lasting approximately 90 minutes
that will prohibit entry into a regulated
area on the St Lucie River east of the
Roosevelt/U.S. Route 1 Bridge in Stuart,
Florida. It is categorically excluded from
further review under paragraph L60(a)
in Table 3–1 of U.S. Coast Guard
Environmental Planning Implementing
Procedures 5090.1. A Record of
Environmental Consideration
supporting this determination is
available in the docket where indicated
G. Protest Activities
The Coast Guard respects the First
Amendment rights of protesters.
Protesters are asked to contact the
person listed in the FOR FURTHER
coordinate protest activities so that your
message can be received without
jeopardizing the safety or security of
people, places or vessels.
Authority: 46 U.S.C. 70034, 70051; 33 CFR
1.05–1, 6.04–1, 6.04–6, and 160.5; and
Department of Homeland Security Delegation
No. 0170.1.
2. Add § 165.T07–0208 to read as
jbell on DSK3GLQ082PROD with RULES
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On May 15, 2019, the
Environmental Protection Agency
published a final rule which added
seven new sites to the National
Priorities List (NPL) and changed the
name of an NPL site. That document
inadvertently contained a typographical
error, citing Table 1 (General Superfund
Section) in the instructions to make the
site name change rather than Table 2
(Federal Facilities Section). This
document corrects the final rule.
DATES: Effective June 14, 2019.
Terry Jeng, phone: (703) 603–8852,
email:, Site
Assessment and Remedy Decisions
Branch, Assessment and Remediation
Division, Office of Superfund
Remediation and Technology
Innovation (Mailcode 5204P), U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, 1200
Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington,
DC 20460.
2019–09924 (84 FR 21708), appearing
on page 21708 of the Federal Register
of Wednesday, May 15, 2019, the
following correction is made:
National Priorities List; Correction
1. On page 21713, in the third column,
amendatory instruction 2 and its
corresponding regulatory text are
corrected to read as follows:
■ 2. Appendix B to part 300 is amended
as follows:
■ a. In Table 1, adding entries for
‘‘Copper Bluff Mine’’, ‘‘Cliff Drive
Groundwater Contamination’’,
‘‘McLouth Steel Corp’’, ‘‘Sporlan Valve
Plant #1’’, ‘‘Magna Metals’’,
‘‘PROTECO’’, and ‘‘Shaffer Equipment/
Arbuckle Creek Area’’ in alphabetical
order by state.
■ b. In Table 2, adding an entry for
‘‘Hunters Point Naval Shipyard’’ in
alphabetical order by state and
removing the entry for ‘‘Treasure Island
Naval Station-Hun Pt An’’.
The additions read as follows:
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
Appendix B to Part 300—National
Priorities List
Final rule, correction.
[EPA–HQ–SFUND–1989–0007, EPA–HQ–
OLEM–2018–0253, 0580, 0581, 0582, 0583,
0585, and 0586; FRL–9994–86–OLEM]
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Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 110 / Friday, June 7, 2019 / Rules and Regulations
Site name
CA .................................................
Cooper Bluff Mine ......................... Hoopa ............................................
IN ...................................................
Cliff Drive Groundwater Contami- Logansport ....................................
MI ..................................................
McLouth Steel Corp ...................... Trenton ..........................................
MO ................................................
Sporlan Valve Plant #1 ................. Washington ...................................
NY .................................................
Magna Metals ............................... Cortlandt Manor ............................
PR .................................................
PROTECO .................................... Pen˜uelas .......................................
WV ................................................
Shaffer Equipment/Arbuckle Creek Minden ..........................................
(a) A
= Based on issuance of health advisory by Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (if scored, HRS score need not be greater
than or equal to 28.50).
P = Sites with partial deletion(s).
Site name
CA .................................................
Hunters Point Naval Shipyard ..... San Francisco ..............................
(a) A = Based on issuance of health advisory by Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (if scored, HRS score need not be greater
than or equal to 28.50).
P = Sites with partial deletion(s).
Dated: May 29, 2019.
Barry N. Breen,
Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of
Land and Emergency Management.
[FR Doc. 2019–11759 Filed 6–6–19; 8:45 am]
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Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 110 / Friday, June 7, 2019 / Rules and Regulations
II. Summary of Errors
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
On page 15680, in our listing of the
effective dates, we made an error in a
regulatory citation.
On page 15713, in our discussion of
dual eligible special needs plans and
contracts with states, we made a
typographical error.
On page 15736, in our discussion of
integrated grievances, we made an error
in regulatory citation.
A. Summary of Errors in the Preamble
42 CFR Parts 422, 423, 438, and 498
RIN 0938–AT59
Medicare and Medicaid Programs;
Policy and Technical Changes to the
Medicare Advantage, Medicare
Prescription Drug Benefit, Programs of
All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly
(PACE), Medicaid Fee-For-Service, and
Medicaid Managed Care Programs for
Years 2020 and 2021; Correction
Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS.
Final rule; correction.
This document corrects
technical and typographical errors that
appeared in the final rule published in
the April 16, 2019 Federal Register
titled ‘‘Medicare and Medicaid
Programs; Policy and Technical Changes
to the Medicare Advantage, Medicare
Prescription Drug Benefit, Programs of
All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly
(PACE), Medicaid Fee-For-Service, and
Medicaid Managed Care Programs for
Years 2020 and 2021’’.
Effective Date: The corrections to
the preamble of the final rule published
on April 16, 2019 (84 FR 15680), are
effective June 7, 2019. The correction in
instruction 8 (§ 423.120) is effective
June 17, 2019. The corrections in
instructions 5 (§ 422.561), 6 (§ 422.562),
7 (§ 422.633), and 9 (§ 423.120) are
effective on January 1, 2020. The
correction in instruction 4 (§ 422.107(d))
is effective January 1, 2021.
Theresa Wachter, (410) 786–1157. Cali
Diehl, (410) 786–4053.
jbell on DSK3GLQ082PROD with RULES
I. Background
In FR Doc. 2019–06822 of April 16,
2019 (84 FR 15680), there were a
number of technical and typographical
errors that are identified and corrected
in the Correction of Errors section of
this correcting document. The
provisions in this correction document
are effective as if they had been
included in the document published
April 16, 2019.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
17:18 Jun 06, 2019
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B. Summary of Errors in the Regulations
On page 15828, in the regulation text
for § 422.107(d), we made a
typographical error.
On page 15834, in the regulation text
for § 422.561, we inadvertently
misspelled the term ‘‘complaint’’ and in
§ 422.562, we made errors in two crossreferences.
On page 15838, in the regulation text
§ 422.633, we made inadvertent
technical errors in language of two
regulatory provisions regarding
integrated reconsideration.
On page 15840, we made errors in the
placement of the regulatory text
revisions for § 423.120(c)(6)(iv) and (v).
We inadvertently included the revisions
for § 423.120(c)(6)(iv) with the
amendments effective June 17, 2019
(instead of January 1, 2020) and the
revisions for § 423.120(c)(6)(v) with the
amendments effective January 1, 2020
(instead of June 17, 2019).
normal rulemaking requirements for
good cause if the agency makes a
finding that the notice and comment
process are impracticable, unnecessary,
or contrary to the public interest. In
addition, both section 553(d)(3) of the
APA and section 1871(e)(1)(B)(ii) of the
Act allow the agency to avoid the 30day delay in effective date where such
delay is contrary to the public interest
and an agency includes a statement of
Section 553(d) of the APA ordinarily
requires a 30-day delay in effective date
of final rules after the date of their
publication in the Federal Register.
This 30-day delay in effective date can
be waived, however, if an agency finds
for good cause that the delay is
impracticable, unnecessary, or contrary
to the public interest, and the agency
incorporates a statement of the findings
and its reasons in the rule issued.
III. Waiver of Proposed Rulemaking
We believe that this correcting
document does not constitute a rule that
would be subject to the notice and
comment or delayed effective date
requirements of the APA or section 1871
of the Act. This correcting document
corrects technical errors in the preamble
and regulation text of the final rule but
does not make substantive changes to
the policies that were adopted in the
final rule. As a result, this correcting
document is intended to ensure that the
information in the final rule accurately
reflects the policies adopted in that final
Under 5 U.S.C. 553(b) of the
Administrative Procedure Act (APA),
the agency is required to publish a
notice of the proposed rule in the
Federal Register before the provisions
of a rule take effect. Similarly, section
1871(b)(1) of the Act requires the
Secretary to provide for notice of the
proposed rule in the Federal Register
and provide a period of not less than 60
days for public comment. In addition,
section 553(d) of the APA, and section
1871(e)(1)(B)(i) of the Act mandate a 30day delay in effective date after issuance
or publication of a rule. Sections
553(b)(B) and 553(d)(3) of the APA
provide for exceptions from the notice
and comment and delay in effective date
APA requirements; in cases in which
these exceptions apply, sections
1871(b)(2)(C) and 1871(e)(1)(B)(ii) of the
Act provide exceptions from the notice
and 60-day comment period and delay
in effective date requirements of the Act
as well. Section 553(b)(B) of the APA
and section 1871(b)(2)(C) of the Act
authorize an agency to dispense with
In addition, even if this were a rule to
which the notice and comment
procedures and delayed effective date
requirements applied, we find that there
is good cause to waive such
requirements. Undertaking further
notice and comment procedures to
incorporate the corrections in this
document into the final rule or delaying
the effective date would be contrary to
the public interest because it is in the
public’s interest to ensure that final rule
accurately reflects our policies.
Furthermore, such procedures would be
unnecessary, as we are not altering
payment eligibility or benefit
methodologies or policies, but rather,
simply implementing correctly the
policies that we previously proposed,
received comment on, and subsequently
finalized. This correcting document is
intended solely to ensure that the final
rule accurately reflects these policies.
Therefore, we believe we have good
cause to waive the notice and comment
and effective date requirements.
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[Federal Register Volume 84, Number 110 (Friday, June 7, 2019)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 26576-26578]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2019-11759]
40 CFR Part 300
[EPA-HQ-SFUND-1989-0007, EPA-HQ- OLEM-2018-0253, 0580, 0581, 0582,
0583, 0585, and 0586; FRL-9994-86-OLEM]
National Priorities List; Correction
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Final rule, correction.
SUMMARY: On May 15, 2019, the Environmental Protection Agency published
a final rule which added seven new sites to the National Priorities
List (NPL) and changed the name of an NPL site. That document
inadvertently contained a typographical error, citing Table 1 (General
Superfund Section) in the instructions to make the site name change
rather than Table 2 (Federal Facilities Section). This document
corrects the final rule.
DATES: Effective June 14, 2019.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Terry Jeng, phone: (703) 603-8852,
email: [email protected], Site Assessment and Remedy Decisions Branch,
Assessment and Remediation Division, Office of Superfund Remediation
and Technology Innovation (Mailcode 5204P), U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20460.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In FR Doc. 2019-09924 (84 FR 21708),
appearing on page 21708 of the Federal Register of Wednesday, May 15,
2019, the following correction is made:
1. On page 21713, in the third column, amendatory instruction 2 and its
corresponding regulatory text are corrected to read as follows:
2. Appendix B to part 300 is amended as follows:
a. In Table 1, adding entries for ``Copper Bluff Mine'', ``Cliff Drive
Groundwater Contamination'', ``McLouth Steel Corp'', ``Sporlan Valve
Plant #1'', ``Magna Metals'', ``PROTECO'', and ``Shaffer Equipment/
Arbuckle Creek Area'' in alphabetical order by state.
b. In Table 2, adding an entry for ``Hunters Point Naval Shipyard'' in
alphabetical order by state and removing the entry for ``Treasure
Island Naval Station-Hun Pt An''.
The additions read as follows:
Appendix B to Part 300--National Priorities List
[[Page 26577]]
Table 1--General Superfund Section
State Site name City/county Notes (a)
* * * * * * *
CA................................... Cooper Bluff Mine...... Hoopa.................. .......................
* * * * * * *
IN................................... Cliff Drive Groundwater Logansport............. .......................
* * * * * * *
MI................................... McLouth Steel Corp..... Trenton................ .......................
* * * * * * *
MO................................... Sporlan Valve Plant #1. Washington............. .......................
* * * * * * *
NY................................... Magna Metals........... Cortlandt Manor........ .......................
* * * * * * *
PR................................... PROTECO................ Pe[ntilde]uelas........ .......................
* * * * * * *
WV................................... Shaffer Equipment/ Minden................. .......................
Arbuckle Creek Area.
* * * * * * *
\(a)\ A = Based on issuance of health advisory by Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (if scored,
HRS score need not be greater than or equal to 28.50).
* * * * * * *
P = Sites with partial deletion(s).
Table 2--Federal Facilities Section
State Site name City/county Notes (a)
* * * * * * *
CA............................... Hunters Point Naval San Francisco...... P.
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * *
\(a)\ A = Based on issuance of health advisory by Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (if scored,
HRS score need not be greater than or equal to 28.50).
* * * * * * *
P = Sites with partial deletion(s).
Dated: May 29, 2019.
Barry N. Breen,
Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Land and Emergency
[FR Doc. 2019-11759 Filed 6-6-19; 8:45 am]