International Mailing Services: Mailing Services Product and Price Changes-CPI, 26345-26347 [2019-11821]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 109 / Thursday, June 6, 2019 / Rules and Regulations Adoption of the Amendment In consideration of the foregoing, the Federal Aviation Administration amends 14 CFR part 71 as follows: miles north of the airport, and within 4 miles each side of the 175° bearing from William R. Pogue Municipal Airport extending from the 6.5-mile radius to 10.9 miles south of the airport. PART 71—DESIGNATION OF CLASS A, B, C, D, AND E AIRSPACE AREAS; AIR TRAFFIC SERVICE ROUTES; AND REPORTING POINTS Issued in Fort Worth, Texas, on May 29, 2019. John A. Witucki, Acting Manager, Operations Support Group, ATO Central Service Center. 1. The authority citation for part 71 continues to read as follows: [FR Doc. 2019–11774 Filed 6–5–19; 8:45 am] ■ BILLING CODE 4910–13–P Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(f), 106(g); 40103, 40113, 40120; E.O. 10854, 24 FR 9565, 3 CFR, 1959–1963 Comp., p. 389. § 71.1 [Amended] POSTAL SERVICE 39 CFR Part 20 2. The incorporation by reference in 14 CFR 71.1 of FAA Order 7400.11C, Airspace Designations and Reporting Points, dated August 13, 2018, and effective September 15, 2018, is amended as follows: ■ Paragraph 5000 Class D Airspace. * * * * International Mailing Services: Mailing Services Product and Price Changes— CPI khammond on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with RULES * * * * ASW OK E5 Tulsa, OK [Amended] Tulsa International Airport, OK (Lat. 36°11′54″ N, long. 95°53′17″ W) Richard Lloyd Jones Jr. Airport, OK (Lat. 36°02′23″ N, long. 95°59′05″ W) William R. Pogue Municipal Airport, OK (Lat. 36°10′31″ N, long. 96°09′07″ W) Tulsa VORTAC (Lat. 36°11′47″ N, long. 95°47′17″ W) That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface within an 8-mile radius of Tulsa International Airport, and within 1.6 miles each side of the 089° radial of the Tulsa VORTAC extending from the 8-mile radius to 11.9 miles east of the airport, and within a 6.5-mile radius of Richard Lloyd Jones Jr. Airport, and within a 6.5-mile radius of William R. Pogue Municipal Airport, and within 4 miles each side of the 355° bearing from William R. Pogue Municipal Airport extending from the 6.5-mile radius to 10.9 VerDate Sep<11>2014 15:44 Jun 05, 2019 Jkt 247001 I. Regulatory History On October 10, 2018, the Postal Service filed a notice with the PRC in Docket No. R2019–1 of mailing services price adjustments, effective on January 27, 2019. In addition, on October 17, 2018, the Postal Service published a notice of proposed product and price changes in the Federal Register entitled ‘‘International Mailing Services: Proposed Product and Price Changes— III. Effective June 23, 2019 As a result, effective June 23, 2019, mailers must mail items weighing 15.994 ounces or more with First-Class Package International Service, Priority Mail Express International service, or Priority Mail International service. If a mailer, counter to the Postal Service’s regulations, presents an FCMI large envelope (flat) weighing above the newly established weight limit, the Postal Service. Final rule. SUMMARY: Paragraph 6005 Class E Airspace Areas Extending Upward From 700 Feet or More Above the Surface of the Earth. * The Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) favorably reviewed an updated weight limitation for FirstClass Mail International® (FCMI) large envelopes (flats) in PRC Order No. 4932, issued December 19, 2018, in PRC Docket No. MC2019–3. On March 11, 2019, in a filing at the PRC, the Postal Service announced an implementation date of June 23, 2019, for the revised FCMI large envelopes (flats) maximum weight limitation. The Postal Service has made the accompanying classification changes to Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International Mail Manual (IMM®) in order to reflect this revised weight limitation. DATES: Effective June 23, 2019. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Michelle Lassiter at 202–268–2914. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Postal Service is revising several sections of Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International Mail Manual (IMM), to reflect classification changes to Mailing Services. These changes implement a lower maximum weight limit on FCMI large envelopes (flats), to bring them closer to limits established by the Universal Postal Union (UPU). ACTION: ASW OK D Tulsa, OK [Amended] Richard Lloyd Jones Jr. Airport, OK (Lat. 36°02′23″ N, long. 95°59′05″ W) Richard Lloyd Jones Jr.: RWY 01L–LOC (Lat. 36°02′52″ N, long. 95°59′01″ W) That airspace extending upward from the surface to and including 3,100 feet MSL within a 4-mile radius of Richard Lloyd Jones Jr. Airport, and within 1 mile each side of the 193° bearing from the Richard Lloyd Jones Jr.: RWY 01L–LOC extending from the 4-mile radius to 4.1 miles south of the airport, excluding that airspace within the Tulsa International Airport, OK, Class C airspace area. This Class D airspace area is effective during the specific dates and times established in advance by a Notice to Airmen. The effective date and time will thereafter be continuously published in the Chart Supplement. CPI’’ (83 FR 52351). In the proposed rule, the Postal Service stated that on October 10, 2018, it also filed a notice with the PRC in Docket No. MC2019–3, proposing a change in the maximum weight limit for FCMI large envelopes (flats) from the current 64 ounces to under 16 ounces (the actual weight limit is 15.994 ounces, to accommodate Postal Service systems that round to three decimal places and thus round items that weigh 15.995–15.999 ounces up to 16 ounces). This change would more closely align the Postal Service’s definition of FCMI large envelopes (flats) with the UPU Convention’s weight limit, which allows a maximum weight of 500 grams (17.6 ounces) for flat-shaped letter post items. II. Postal Regulatory Commission Orders Because the proposed change to FCMI large envelopes (flats) upper weight limit that was the subject of Docket No. MC2019–3 was pending at the time the PRC was scheduled to complete its review in Docket No. R2019–1, the PRC issued an interim order on October 19, 2018, in Docket No. R2019–1. That interim order required the Postal Service to revise its filing in the R2019– 1 docket so that the Postal Service’s proposed changes in the R2019–1 docket would not include the proposed revision to the FCMI large envelopes (flats) maximum weight limit. See PRC Order No. 4859, Interim Order Relating to Outbound Single-Piece First-Class Mail International Flats, Docket No. R2019–1, October 19, 2018. The PRC subsequently favorably reviewed the revised maximum weight limit for FCMI large envelopes (flats) in Order No. 4932, issued December 19, 2018, in Docket No. MC2019–3. On March 11, 2019, the Postal Service announced an implementation date of June 23, 2019, for the revised FCMI large envelopes (flats) maximum weight limit. See Notice of the United States Postal Service of Effective Date of Update to the Maximum Weight Limit for Outbound Single-Piece First-Class Mail International Large Envelopes (Flats) in the Mail Classification Schedule, PRC Docket No. MC2019–3 (March 11, 2019). AGENCY: * 26345 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\06JNR1.SGM 06JNR1 26346 Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 109 / Thursday, June 6, 2019 / Rules and Regulations Postal Service will offer the customer the option of mailing at the applicable First-Class Package International Service, Priority Mail Express International service, or Priority Mail International service price if the item meets the requirements for those mail classes. International Priority Airmail (IPA) service, including IPA M-bags, is a commercial service designed for volume mailings of all FCMI postcards, letters, and large envelopes (flats), and for volume mailings of FCPIS packages (small packets). IPA shipments are typically flown to a foreign destination (exceptions apply to Canada and Mexico) and are then entered into that country’s air or surface priority mail system for delivery. To qualify for IPA service, a mailpiece must either meet the FCMI characteristics defined in IMM 141.5 or the FCPIS characteristics as defined in IMM 141.6, except for weight, as follows: —The maximum weight limit for IPA large envelopes (flats) is 17.6 ounces. —The maximum weight limit for IPA packages (small packets) is 4.4 pounds. International Surface Air Lift (ISAL) service, including ISAL M-bags, is a commercial service designed for volume mailings of all FCMI postcards, letters, and large envelopes (flats), and for List of Subjects in 39 CFR Part 20 Foreign relations, International postal services. PART 20—[AMENDED] * * Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a); 13 U.S.C. 301– 307; 18 U.S.C. 1692–1737; 39 U.S.C. 101, 401, 403, 404, 407, 414, 416, 3001–3011, 3201–3219, 3403–3406, 3621, 3622, 3626, 3632, 3633, and 5001. 2. Revise the following sections of Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International Mail Manual (IMM), as follows: ■ Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International Mail Manual (IMM) 1 International Mail Services * * * * * 120 Preparation for Mailing * * * * * 123 Customs Forms and Online Shipping Labels * * 123.6 * * Required Usage 123.61 * * * Conditions * * * Exhibit 123.61 Customs Declaration Form Usage by Mail Category * * * * * [Revise the First-Class Mail International section to read as follows:] 1. The authority citation for 39 CFR Part 20 continues to read as follows: ■ Declared value, weight, or physical characteristic Type of item * volume mailings of FCPIS packages (small packets). ISAL shipments are typically flown to a foreign destination (exceptions apply to Canada and Mexico) and are then entered into that country’s surface nonpriority mail system for delivery. To qualify for ISAL service, a mailpiece must meet either the FCMI characteristics defined in IMM 141.5 or the FCPIS characteristics as defined in IMM 141.6, except for weight, as follows: —The maximum weight limit for ISAL large envelopes (flats) is 17.6 ounces. —The maximum weight limit for ISAL packages (small packets) is 4.4 pounds. Accordingly, for the reasons stated, the Postal Service has adopted the following changes to Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International Mail Manual (IMM®), which is incorporated by reference in the Code of Federal Regulations in accordance with 39 CFR 20.1, along with associated changes to Notice 123, Price List. Required PS form * Comment (if applicable) * * * First-Class Mail International Letters and Large Envelopes (Flats), as well as International Priority Airmail (IPA) Letters and Large Envelopes (Flats) and International Surface Air Lift (ISAL) Letters and Large Envelopes (Flats) All First-Class Mail International letter-size and flatsize items, as defined in 241.2, containing only nondutiable documents. All IPA and ISAL letter-size and flat-size items, as defined in 241.2, containing only nondutiable documents. All items containing any goods, regardless of weight. khammond on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with RULES * Under 16 ounces 1 ........................................... None 2 ............ See 123.63 for additional information concerning ‘‘documents.’’ Items containing merchandise are prohibited in First-Class Mail International.3 Under 16 ounces 1 ........................................... 16 ounces to 17.6 ounces ............................... None 2 ............ 2976 ............... Prohibited ........................................................ Prohibited ...... See 123.63 for additional information concerning ‘‘documents.’’ Items containing merchandise are prohibited in IPA/ISAL letters and large envelopes (flats).3 See 123.63 for additional information concerning ‘‘documents’’ and merchandise. Items containing merchandise are prohibited in First Class Mail International and in IPA/ISAL letters and large envelopes (flats).3 * * * * * * [Below Exhibit 123.61, add three footnotes to read as follows:] 1 The actual weight is 15.994 ounces, to accommodate Postal Service systems that round to three decimal places and thus round items that weight 15.995–15.999 ounces up to 16 ounces. 2 Certain nonnegotiable documents controlled by export regulatory agencies may require customs documentation. See 510–540 and Publication 699 for additional information. 3 Items containing merchandise are mailable using Global Express Guaranteed service, Priority Mail Express International service, Priority Mail International service, or First-Class Package International Service; commercial mailers may also use IPA packages (small packets) and ISAL packages (small packets). VerDate Sep<11>2014 15:44 Jun 05, 2019 Jkt 247001 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\06JNR1.SGM 06JNR1 Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 109 / Thursday, June 6, 2019 / Rules and Regulations * 140 International Mail Categories * 141 Definitions * * 241.23 Physical Standards — Large Envelopes (Flats) * * * * First-Class Mail International [Revise the first sentence (changing the weight limit) to read as follows:] First-Class Mail International is a generic term for mailpieces that are postcard-size, letter-size, or flat-size and weigh less than 16 ounces (the actual weight limit is 15.994 ounces, to accommodate Postal Service systems that round to three decimal places and thus round items that weigh 15.995– 15.999 ounces up to 16 ounces).* * * * * * * * 2 Conditions for Mailing * * * * 240 First-Class Mail International * * * * Global express guaranteed Country Max. Wt. (lbs.) Price group Afghanistan 6 * * * * * * BILLING CODE 7710–12–P ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 40 CFR Part 52 [EPA–R10–OAR–2018–0679; FRL–9994–49– Region 10] Air Plan Approval; OR: Infrastructure Requirements for the 2015 Ozone Standard * Jkt 247001 n/a * 6 * This final rule is effective July 8, 2019. The EPA has established a docket for this action under Docket ID No. EPA–R10–OAR–2018–0679. All documents in the docket are listed on the website. Although listed in the index, some information is not publicly Frm 00017 Fmt 4700 * * * * [Revise footnote 3 to read as follows:] 3 First-Class Mail International maximum weights: Letters, 3.5 ozs.; Large Envelopes (flats), under 16 ounces (the actual weight limit is 15.994 ounces to accommodate Postal Service systems that round to three decimal places and thus round items that weigh 15.995– 15.999 ounces up to 16 ounces). FirstClass Package International Service maximum weight: 4 lbs. [In the table, in the second header row in the farthest column on the right, revise ‘‘Max. Wt. (ozs./lbs)3’’ to just ‘‘Max. Wt.,’’ and revise all of the entries in that column (except Somalia) to read as follows (with the entry for Afghanistan as an example) (the entry for Somalia remains ‘‘n/a’’):] Sfmt 4700 PMI flat rate envelopes and boxes price group 2 66 maintenance, and enforcement of the standard, commonly referred to as infrastructure requirements. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is approving the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality’s (ODEQ) State Implementation Plan (SIP), submitted on September 25, 2018, as meeting infrastructure requirements for the 2015 ozone NAAQS. In addition, the EPA is approving the addition of an Oregon Administrative Rule to the SIP, submitted as part of the Cleaner Air Oregon SIP submission on December 11, 2018. This rule identifies the November 2018 edition of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) as the CFR version referred to throughout the state’s rule. PO 00000 * Max. Wt. (lbs.) Price group ADDRESSES: Whenever a new or revised National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) is promulgated, the Clean Air Act (CAA) requires states to submit a plan for the implementation, Country Price Groups and Weight Limits Priority mail international PMEI flat rate envelopes price group 1 n/a DATES: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). ACTION: Final rule. AGENCY: SUMMARY: Max. Wt. (lbs.) * [FR Doc. 2019–11821 Filed 6–5–19; 8:45 am] khammond on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with RULES * n/a * 15:44 Jun 05, 2019 * 243 Prices and Postage Payment Methods Price group Brittany M. Johnson, Attorney, Federal Compliance. VerDate Sep<11>2014 * 241.231 Weight Limit [Revise the text to read as follows (changing the weight limit):] The weight limit for a First-Class Mail International large envelope (flat) is less than 16 ounces (the actual weight limit is 15.994 ounces, to accommodate Postal Service systems that round to three decimal places and thus round items that weigh 15.995–15.999 ounces up to 16 ounces). * * * * * * * * Priority mail express international 70 * * 243.3 Permit Imprint—General [Revise the fourth sentence to read as follows:] * * *For items requiring a customs form (First-Class Mail International letter-size and flat-size mailpieces containing nonnegotiable documents * 241 Description and Physical Characteristics * controlled by export regulatory agencies, covered in IMM 510–540), mailers must also meet the following requirements:* * * * * * * * Physical Characteristics * 141.5 * 241.2 * 26347 8 * First-class mail international and first-class package international service Price group 6 Max. Wt. See Note 3. * available, e.g., CBI or other information the disclosure of which is restricted by statute. Certain other material, such as copyrighted material, is not placed on the internet and is publicly available only in hard copy form. Publicly available docket materials are available at, or please contact the person identified in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section for additional availability information. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Christi Duboiski, EPA Region 10, 1200 6th Ave., Suite 155, Seattle, WA 98101, (360) 753–9081 or duboiski.christi@ SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Throughout this document wherever ‘‘we,’’ ‘‘us,’’ or ‘‘our’’ is used, it is intended to refer to the EPA. I. Background Information On March 11, 2019, the EPA proposed to approve Oregon’s September 25, 2018, SIP submission as meeting certain infrastructure requirements of the CAA E:\FR\FM\06JNR1.SGM 06JNR1


[Federal Register Volume 84, Number 109 (Thursday, June 6, 2019)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 26345-26347]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2019-11821]



39 CFR Part 20

International Mailing Services: Mailing Services Product and 
Price Changes--CPI

AGENCY: Postal Service.

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: The Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) favorably reviewed an 
updated weight limitation for First-Class Mail International[supreg] 
(FCMI) large envelopes (flats) in PRC Order No. 4932, issued December 
19, 2018, in PRC Docket No. MC2019-3. On March 11, 2019, in a filing at 
the PRC, the Postal Service announced an implementation date of June 
23, 2019, for the revised FCMI large envelopes (flats) maximum weight 
limitation. The Postal Service has made the accompanying classification 
changes to Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, 
International Mail Manual (IMM[supreg]) in order to reflect this 
revised weight limitation.

DATES: Effective June 23, 2019.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Michelle Lassiter at 202-268-2914.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Postal Service is revising several 
sections of Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, 
International Mail Manual (IMM), to reflect classification changes to 
Mailing Services. These changes implement a lower maximum weight limit 
on FCMI large envelopes (flats), to bring them closer to limits 
established by the Universal Postal Union (UPU).

I. Regulatory History

    On October 10, 2018, the Postal Service filed a notice with the PRC 
in Docket No. R2019-1 of mailing services price adjustments, effective 
on January 27, 2019. In addition, on October 17, 2018, the Postal 
Service published a notice of proposed product and price changes in the 
Federal Register entitled ``International Mailing Services: Proposed 
Product and Price Changes--CPI'' (83 FR 52351). In the proposed rule, 
the Postal Service stated that on October 10, 2018, it also filed a 
notice with the PRC in Docket No. MC2019-3, proposing a change in the 
maximum weight limit for FCMI large envelopes (flats) from the current 
64 ounces to under 16 ounces (the actual weight limit is 15.994 ounces, 
to accommodate Postal Service systems that round to three decimal 
places and thus round items that weigh 15.995-15.999 ounces up to 16 
ounces). This change would more closely align the Postal Service's 
definition of FCMI large envelopes (flats) with the UPU Convention's 
weight limit, which allows a maximum weight of 500 grams (17.6 ounces) 
for flat-shaped letter post items.

II. Postal Regulatory Commission Orders

    Because the proposed change to FCMI large envelopes (flats) upper 
weight limit that was the subject of Docket No. MC2019-3 was pending at 
the time the PRC was scheduled to complete its review in Docket No. 
R2019-1, the PRC issued an interim order on October 19, 2018, in Docket 
No. R2019-1. That interim order required the Postal Service to revise 
its filing in the R2019-1 docket so that the Postal Service's proposed 
changes in the R2019-1 docket would not include the proposed revision 
to the FCMI large envelopes (flats) maximum weight limit. See PRC Order 
No. 4859, Interim Order Relating to Outbound Single-Piece First-Class 
Mail International Flats, Docket No. R2019-1, October 19, 2018. The PRC 
subsequently favorably reviewed the revised maximum weight limit for 
FCMI large envelopes (flats) in Order No. 4932, issued December 19, 
2018, in Docket No. MC2019-3. On March 11, 2019, the Postal Service 
announced an implementation date of June 23, 2019, for the revised FCMI 
large envelopes (flats) maximum weight limit. See Notice of the United 
States Postal Service of Effective Date of Update to the Maximum Weight 
Limit for Outbound Single-Piece First-Class Mail International Large 
Envelopes (Flats) in the Mail Classification Schedule, PRC Docket No. 
MC2019-3 (March 11, 2019).

III. Effective June 23, 2019

    As a result, effective June 23, 2019, mailers must mail items 
weighing 15.994 ounces or more with First-Class Package International 
Service, Priority Mail Express International service, or Priority Mail 
International service. If a mailer, counter to the Postal Service's 
regulations, presents an FCMI large envelope (flat) weighing above the 
newly established weight limit, the

[[Page 26346]]

Postal Service will offer the customer the option of mailing at the 
applicable First-Class Package International Service, Priority Mail 
Express International service, or Priority Mail International service 
price if the item meets the requirements for those mail classes.
    International Priority Airmail (IPA) service, including IPA M-bags, 
is a commercial service designed for volume mailings of all FCMI 
postcards, letters, and large envelopes (flats), and for volume 
mailings of FCPIS packages (small packets). IPA shipments are typically 
flown to a foreign destination (exceptions apply to Canada and Mexico) 
and are then entered into that country's air or surface priority mail 
system for delivery. To qualify for IPA service, a mailpiece must 
either meet the FCMI characteristics defined in IMM 141.5 or the FCPIS 
characteristics as defined in IMM 141.6, except for weight, as follows:

--The maximum weight limit for IPA large envelopes (flats) is 17.6 
--The maximum weight limit for IPA packages (small packets) is 4.4 

    International Surface Air Lift (ISAL) service, including ISAL M-
bags, is a commercial service designed for volume mailings of all FCMI 
postcards, letters, and large envelopes (flats), and for volume 
mailings of FCPIS packages (small packets). ISAL shipments are 
typically flown to a foreign destination (exceptions apply to Canada 
and Mexico) and are then entered into that country's surface 
nonpriority mail system for delivery. To qualify for ISAL service, a 
mailpiece must meet either the FCMI characteristics defined in IMM 
141.5 or the FCPIS characteristics as defined in IMM 141.6, except for 
weight, as follows:

--The maximum weight limit for ISAL large envelopes (flats) is 17.6 
--The maximum weight limit for ISAL packages (small packets) is 4.4 

    Accordingly, for the reasons stated, the Postal Service has adopted 
the following changes to Mailing Standards of the United States Postal 
Service, International Mail Manual (IMM[supreg]), which is incorporated 
by reference in the Code of Federal Regulations in accordance with 39 
CFR 20.1, along with associated changes to Notice 123, Price List.

List of Subjects in 39 CFR Part 20

    Foreign relations, International postal services.


1. The authority citation for 39 CFR Part 20 continues to read as 

    Authority:  5 U.S.C. 552(a); 13 U.S.C. 301-307; 18 U.S.C. 1692-
1737; 39 U.S.C. 101, 401, 403, 404, 407, 414, 416, 3001-3011, 3201-
3219, 3403-3406, 3621, 3622, 3626, 3632, 3633, and 5001.

2. Revise the following sections of Mailing Standards of the United 
States Postal Service, International Mail Manual (IMM), as follows:

Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International 
Mail Manual (IMM)

1 International Mail Services

* * * * *

120 Preparation for Mailing

* * * * *

123 Customs Forms and Online Shipping Labels

* * * * *

123.6 Required Usage

123.61 Conditions

* * * * *
Exhibit 123.61

Customs Declaration Form Usage by Mail Category

* * * * *
    [Revise the First-Class Mail International section to read as 

                                      Declared value, weight,
            Type of item                    or physical             Required PS form            Comment (if
                                           characteristic                                       applicable)
                                                  * * * * * * *
  First-Class Mail International Letters and Large Envelopes (Flats), as well as International Priority Airmail
 (IPA) Letters and Large Envelopes (Flats) and International Surface Air Lift (ISAL) Letters and Large Envelopes
All First-Class Mail International    Under 16 ounces \1\....  None \2\.................  See 123.63 for
 letter-size and flat-size items, as                                                       additional
 defined in 241.2, containing only                                                         information
 nondutiable documents.                                                                    concerning
                                                                                           ``documents.'' Items
                                                                                           merchandise are
                                                                                           prohibited in First-
                                                                                           Class Mail
All IPA and ISAL letter-size and      Under 16 ounces \1\....  None \2\.................  See 123.63 for
 flat-size items, as defined in       16 ounces to 17.6        2976.....................   additional
 241.2, containing only nondutiable    ounces.                                             information
 documents.                                                                                concerning
                                                                                           ``documents.'' Items
                                                                                           merchandise are
                                                                                           prohibited in IPA/
                                                                                           ISAL letters and
                                                                                           large envelopes
All items containing any goods,       Prohibited.............  Prohibited...............  See 123.63 for
 regardless of weight.                                                                     additional
                                                                                           ``documents'' and
                                                                                           merchandise. Items
                                                                                           merchandise are
                                                                                           prohibited in First
                                                                                           Class Mail
                                                                                           International and in
                                                                                           IPA/ISAL letters and
                                                                                           large envelopes
                                                  * * * * * * *
[Below Exhibit 123.61, add three footnotes to read as follows:]
\1\ The actual weight is 15.994 ounces, to accommodate Postal Service systems that round to three decimal places
  and thus round items that weight 15.995-15.999 ounces up to 16 ounces.
\2\ Certain nonnegotiable documents controlled by export regulatory agencies may require customs documentation.
  See 510-540 and Publication 699 for additional information.
\3\ Items containing merchandise are mailable using Global Express Guaranteed service, Priority Mail Express
  International service, Priority Mail International service, or First-Class Package International Service;
  commercial mailers may also use IPA packages (small packets) and ISAL packages (small packets).

[[Page 26347]]

* * * * *

140 International Mail Categories

141 Definitions

* * * * *

141.5 First-Class Mail International

    [Revise the first sentence (changing the weight limit) to read as 
    First-Class Mail International is a generic term for mailpieces 
that are postcard-size, letter-size, or flat-size and weigh less than 
16 ounces (the actual weight limit is 15.994 ounces, to accommodate 
Postal Service systems that round to three decimal places and thus 
round items that weigh 15.995-15.999 ounces up to 16 ounces).* * *
* * * * *

2 Conditions for Mailing

* * * * *

240 First-Class Mail International

241 Description and Physical Characteristics

* * * * *

241.2 Physical Characteristics

* * * * *

241.23 Physical Standards -- Large Envelopes (Flats)

241.231 Weight Limit

    [Revise the text to read as follows (changing the weight limit):]
    The weight limit for a First-Class Mail International large 
envelope (flat) is less than 16 ounces (the actual weight limit is 
15.994 ounces, to accommodate Postal Service systems that round to 
three decimal places and thus round items that weigh 15.995-15.999 
ounces up to 16 ounces).
* * * * *

243 Prices and Postage Payment Methods

* * * * *

243.3 Permit Imprint--General

    [Revise the fourth sentence to read as follows:]
    * * *For items requiring a customs form (First-Class Mail 
International letter-size and flat-size mailpieces containing 
nonnegotiable documents controlled by export regulatory agencies, 
covered in IMM 510-540), mailers must also meet the following 
requirements:* * *
* * * * *

Country Price Groups and Weight Limits

* * * * *
    [Revise footnote 3 to read as follows:]
    \3\ First-Class Mail International maximum weights: Letters, 3.5 
ozs.; Large Envelopes (flats), under 16 ounces (the actual weight limit 
is 15.994 ounces to accommodate Postal Service systems that round to 
three decimal places and thus round items that weigh 15.995-15.999 
ounces up to 16 ounces). First-Class Package International Service 
maximum weight: 4 lbs.
    [In the table, in the second header row in the farthest column on 
the right, revise ``Max. Wt. (ozs./lbs)3'' to just ``Max. Wt.,'' and 
revise all of the entries in that column (except Somalia) to read as 
follows (with the entry for Afghanistan as an example) (the entry for 
Somalia remains ``n/a''):]

                                                 Global express        Priority mail express international        Priority mail international         First-class mail international and first-
                                                   guaranteed        ------------------------------------------------------------------------------      class package international service
                                           --------------------------                                                                    PMI flat  ---------------------------------------------
                                                                                                 PMEI flat                                 rate
                  Country                                                            Max. Wt.       rate                    Max. Wt.    envelopes
                                            Price group    Max. Wt.   Price group     (lbs.)     envelopes   Price group     (lbs.)     and boxes   Price group              Max. Wt.
                                                            (lbs.)                              price group                            price group
                                                                                                    \1\                                    \2\
Afghanistan...............................            6           70          n/a          n/a          n/a            6           66            8            6  See Note 3.
                                                                                          * * * * * * *

* * * * *

Brittany M. Johnson,
Attorney, Federal Compliance.
[FR Doc. 2019-11821 Filed 6-5-19; 8:45 am]
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