FY 2019 Competitive Funding Opportunity: Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Program; Tribal Transit Program, 20694-20699 [2019-09332]
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Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 91 / Friday, May 10, 2019 / Notices
selection criteria and program eligibility
information for Fiscal Year (FY) 2019
projects. FTA may fund the program for
more or less than the full year
appropriation when made available, and
may include other funding if available
from other fiscal years toward project
proposals received in response to this
Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO).
This announcement is available on
the FTA website at: https://
www.transit.dot.gov. Additionally, a
synopsis of the funding opportunity,
FTA–2019–004–TPM–TRTR, will be
posted in the FIND module of the
government-wide electronic grants
website at https://www.grants.gov. The
program is located in the Catalog of
Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA)
under 20.509.
DATES: Complete proposals for the
Tribal Transit Program announced in
this Notice must be submitted by 11:59
p.m. EDT on July 9, 2019. All proposals
must be submitted electronically
through the GRANTS.GOV APPLY
function. Any applicant intending to
apply should initiate the process of
registering on the GRANTS.GOV site
immediately to ensure completion of
registration before the submission
deadline. Instructions for applying can
be found on FTA’s website at https://
www.transit.dot.gov and in the FIND
module of GRANTS.GOV. Mail and fax
submissions will not be accepted.
Contact the appropriate FTA Regional
Office at https://www.transit.dot.gov for
proposal-specific information and
issues. For general program information,
contact Jasmine Clemons, Office of
Program Management, (202) 366–2343,
email: jasmine.clemons@dot.gov. A TDD
is available at 1–800–877–8339 (TDD/
Federal Transit Administration
Table of Contents
soliciting comments on the following
collection of information was published
on March 4, 2019 (84 FR 7412). Title 14
Code of Federal Regulations Part 157,
Notice of Construction, Alteration,
Activation, and Deactivation of
Airports, requires that each person who
intends to establish, construct,
deactivate, or change the status of an
airport, runway, or taxiway notify the
FAA of such activity. The FAA uses the
information collected to determine the
effect the proposed action will have on
existing airports and on the safe and
efficient use of airspace by aircraft, the
effects on existing airspace or
contemplated traffic patterns of
neighboring airports, the effects on the
existing airspace structure and projected
programs of the FAA, and the effects
that existing or proposed manmade
objects (on file with the FAA) and
natural objects within the affected area
will have on the airport proposal. This
information also updates aeronautical
charts and maps airports having
emergency landing or landmark values.
The FAA collects this information via
an online reporting tool available on the
FAA website (FAA Form 7480–1).
Respondents: Approximately 350
Frequency: Information is collected
on occasion.
Estimated Average Burden per
Response: 1 hour.
Estimated Total Annual Burden: 350
Issued in Washington, DC, on May 6, 2019.
Raymond Zee,
Civil Engineer, Airport Engineering Division,
Office of Airport Safety and Standards.
[FR Doc. 2019–09636 Filed 5–9–19; 8:45 am]
FY 2019 Competitive Funding
Opportunity: Public Transportation on
Indian Reservations Program; Tribal
Transit Program
Federal Transit Administration
ACTION: Notice of Funding Opportunity
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The Federal Transit
Administration (FTA) announces the
availability of approximately $5 million
in funding, subject to the availability of
appropriations, for the Public
Transportation on Indian Reservations
Program (Tribal Transit Program). This
notice is a national solicitation for
project proposals and includes the
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A. Program Description
B. Federal Award Information
C. Eligibility Information
D. Application and Submission Information
E. Application Review
F. Federal Award Administration
G. Federal Awarding Agency Contacts
Appendix A: Registering in SAM and
A. Program Description
The Tribal Transit Program is
authorized by Federal Public Transit
law at 49 U.S.C. 5311(c)(1)(A),
contingent on full appropriations. The
program authorizes grants ‘‘under such
terms and conditions as may be
established by the Secretary’’ to Indian
tribes for any purpose eligible under
FTA’s Formula Grants for Rural Areas
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Program, 49 U.S.C. 5311. Tribes may
apply for this funding directly.
The primary purpose of these
competitively selected grants is to
support planning, capital, and, in
limited circumstances, operating
assistance for tribal public transit
services. Funds distributed to Indian
tribes under the Tribal Transit Program
should NOT replace or reduce funds
that Indian tribes receive from States
through FTA’s Formula Grants for Rural
Areas Program. Specific project
eligibility under this competitive
allocation is described in Section C of
this notice.
B. Federal Award Information
Five million dollars is authorized for
the Tribal Transit Program competitive
allocation in FY 2019 to projects
selected pursuant to the process
described in the following sections.
Federal awards under this competitive
program will be in the form of grants.
Additionally, there is a $25,000 cap on
planning grant awards, and FTA has the
discretion to cap capital and operating
C. Eligibility Information
1. Eligible Applicants
Eligible applicants include federally
recognized Indian tribes or Alaska
Native villages, groups, or communities
as identified by the U.S. Department of
the Interior (DOI) Bureau of Indian
Affairs (BIA). As evidence of Federal
recognition, an Indian tribe may submit
a copy of the most up-to-date Federal
Register notice published by BIA:
Entities Recognized and Eligible to
Receive Service from the United States
Bureau of Indian Affairs. To be an
eligible recipient, an Indian tribe must
have the requisite legal, financial, and
technical capabilities to receive and
administer Federal funds under this
program. Additionally, applicants must
be located and provide service in a rural
area with a population of 50,000 or less.
A service area can include some
portions of urban areas, as long as the
tribal transit service begins in and
serves rural areas. An applicant must be
registered in the System for Award
Management (SAM) database and
maintain an active SAM registration
with current information at all times
during which it has an active Federal
award or an application or plan under
consideration by FTA.
2. Cost Sharing or Matching
There is a 90 percent Federal share for
projects selected under the Tribal
Transit Program competitive program,
unless the Indian tribe can demonstrate
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 91 / Friday, May 10, 2019 / Notices
a financial hardship in its application.
FTA is interested in the Indian tribe’s
financial commitment to the proposed
project; thus, the proposal should
include a description of the Indian
tribe’s financial commitment. Tribes
may use any eligible local match under
Chapter 53.
3. Eligible Projects
Eligible projects include public
transportation planning and capital
expenses. Operating projects are eligible
in limited circumstances. In FY 2019,
FTA will only consider operating
assistance requests from tribes without
existing transit service, or those tribes
who received a Tribal Transit Program
formula allocation of less than $20,000.
Public transportation includes
regular, continuing shared-ride surface
transportation services open to the
public or open to a segment of the
public defined by age, disability, or low
income. FTA will award grants to
eligible Indian tribes located in rural
areas. Applicants may submit one
proposal for each project or one
proposal containing multiple projects.
Specific types of projects include:
Capital projects for start-ups,
replacement, or expansion needs;
operating assistance for start-ups; and
planning projects up to $25,000. Indian
tribes applying for capital replacement
or expansion needs must demonstrate a
sustainable source of operating funds for
existing or expanded services.
D. Application and Submission
1. Address To Request Application
A complete proposal submission will
consist of at least two files: (1) The SF
424 Mandatory form (downloaded from
GRANTS.GOV); and (2) the Tribal
Transit supplemental form found on the
FTA website at https://
www.transit.dot.gov. The Tribal Transit
supplemental form provides guidance
and a consistent format for applicants to
respond to the criteria outlined in this
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2. Content and Form of Application
(i) Proposal Submission
A complete proposal submission will
consist of at least two files: (1) The SF
424 Mandatory form (downloaded from
GRANTS.GOV); and (2) the Tribal
Transit supplemental form found on the
FTA website at https://
www.transit.dot.gov. The applicant must
place the supplemental form in the
attachments section of the SF 424
Mandatory form. Applicants must use
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the supplemental form designated for
the Tribal Transit Program and attach
the form to their submission in
GRANTS.GOV to complete the
application process. A proposal
submission may include additional
supporting documentation as
attachments. Within 48 hours after
submitting an electronic application, the
applicant should receive two email
messages from GRANTS.GOV: (1)
Confirmation of successful transmission
to GRANTS.GOV and (2) confirmation
of successful validation by GRANTS
.GOV. If the applicant does not receive
confirmations of successful validation
or instead receives a notice of failed
validation or incomplete materials, the
applicant must address the reason(s) for
the failed validation or incomplete
materials, as described in the notice,
and resubmit the proposal before the
submission deadline. If making a
resubmission for any reason, the
applicant must include all original
attachments regardless of which
attachments were updated and check
the box on the supplemental form
indicating this is a resubmission.
Complete instructions on the
application process can be found at
https://www.transit.dot.gov. Important:
FTA urges applicants to submit their
project proposals at least 72 hours prior
to the due date to allow time to receive
the validation message and to correct
any problems that may have caused a
rejection notification. FTA will not
accept submissions after the stated
submission deadline. GRANTS.GOV
scheduled maintenance and outage
times are announced on the
GRANTS.GOV website at https://
www.GRANTS.GOV. The deadline will
not be extended due to scheduled
maintenance or outages.
Applicants are encouraged to begin
the process of registration on the
GRANTS.GOV site well in advance of
the submission deadline. Registration is
a multi-step process which may take
several weeks to complete before an
application can be submitted. Registered
applicants may still be required to take
steps to keep their registration up to
date before submissions can be made
successfully: (1) Registration in the
SAM is renewed annually; and (2)
persons making submissions on behalf
of the Authorized Organization
Representative (AOR) must be
authorized in GRANTS.GOV by the
AOR to make submissions. Instructions
on the GRANTS.GOV registration
process are provided in the Appendix.
Applicants may submit one proposal
for each project or one proposal
containing multiple projects. Applicants
submitting multiple projects in one
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proposal must be sure to clearly define
each project by completing a
supplemental form for each project.
Additional supplemental forms must be
added within the proposal by clicking
the ‘‘add project’’ button in Section II of
the supplemental form.
Information such as applicant name,
Federal amount requested, description
of areas served, and other information
may be requested in varying degrees of
detail on both the SF 424 form and
supplemental form. Applicants must fill
in all fields unless stated otherwise on
the forms. Applicants should use both
the ‘‘Check Package for Errors’’ and the
‘‘Validate Form’’ validation buttons on
both forms to check all required fields
on the forms, and ensure that the
Federal and local amounts specified are
(ii) Application Content
The SF 424 Mandatory Form and the
Supplemental Form will prompt
applicants for the required information,
a. Name of federally recognized tribe
and, if appropriate, the specific tribal
agency submitting the application.
b. Dun and Bradstreet (D&B) Data
Universal Numbering System (DUNS)
number if available. (Note: If selected,
applicant will be required to provide
DUNS number prior to grant award).
c. Contact information including:
Contact name, title, address, fax and
phone number, email address if
d. Description of public transportation
services, including areas currently
served by the tribe, if any.
e. Name of person(s) authorized to
apply on applicant’s behalf must
accompany the proposal (attach a signed
transmittal letter).
f. Complete Project Description:
Indicate the category for which funding
is requested (i.e., project type: Capital,
operating, or planning), and then
indicate the project purpose (i.e., startup, expansion, or replacement).
Describe the proposed project and what
it will accomplish (e.g., number and
type of vehicles, routes, service area,
schedules, type of services, fixed route
or demand responsive, safety aspects),
route miles (if fixed route), ridership
numbers expected (actual if an existing
system, estimated if a new system),
major origins and destinations,
population served, and whether the
tribe provides the service directly,
contracts for services, and note vehicle
maintenance plans.
g. Project Timeline: Include
significant milestones such as date of
contract for purchase of vehicle(s),
actual or expected delivery date of
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Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 91 / Friday, May 10, 2019 / Notices
vehicles; facility project phases (e.g.,
NEPA compliance, design,
construction); or dates for completion of
planning studies. If applying for
operational funding for new services,
indicate the period of time that funds
would be used to operate the system
(e.g., one year). This section should also
include any needed timelines for tribal
council project approvals, if applicable.
h. Budget: Provide a detailed budget
for each proposed purpose, noting the
Federal amount requested and any
additional funds that will be used. An
Indian tribe may use up to fifteen
percent of a grant award for capital
projects for specific project-related
planning and administration, and the
indirect cost rate may not exceed ten
percent (if necessary, add as an
attachment) of the total amount
requested/awarded. Indian tribes must
also provide their annual operating
budget as an attachment or under the
Financial Commitment and Operating
Capacity section of the supplemental
i. Technical, Legal, Financial
Capacity: Applicants must be able to
demonstrate adequate technical, legal,
and financial capacity to be considered
for funding. Every proposal MUST
describe this capacity to implement the
proposed project.
1. Technical Capacity: Provide
examples of management of other
Federal projects, including previously
funded FTA projects and/or similar
types of projects for which funding is
being requested. Describe the resources
available to implement the proposed
transit project.
2. Legal Capacity: Provide
documentation or other evidence to
demonstrate status as a federally
recognized Indian tribe. Further,
demonstrate evidence of an authorized
representative with authority to bind the
applicant and execute legal agreements
with FTA. If applying for capital or
operating funds, identify whether
appropriate Federal or State operating
authority exists.
3. Financial Capacity: Provide
documentation or other evidence
demonstrating current adequate
financial systems to receive and manage
a Federal grant. Fully describe: (1) All
financial systems and controls; (2) other
sources of funds currently managed; and
(3) the long-term financial capacity to
maintain the proposed or existing
transit services.
entity identifier in its application; and
(3) continue to maintain an active SAM
registration with current information at
all times during which the applicant has
an active Federal award or an
application or plan under consideration
by FTA. These requirements do not
apply if the applicant: (1) Is an
individual; (2) is excepted from the
requirements under 2 CFR 25.110(b) or
(c); or (3) has an exception approved by
FTA under 2 CFR 25.110(d). FTA may
not make an award until the applicant
has complied with all applicable unique
entity identifier and SAM requirements.
If an applicant has not fully complied
with the requirements by the time FTA
is ready to make an award, FTA may
determine that the applicant is not
qualified to receive an award and use
that determination as a basis for making
a Federal award to another applicant.
SAM registration takes approximately
3–5 business days, but FTA
recommends allowing ample time, up to
several weeks, for completion of all
3. Unique Entity Identifier and System
for Award Management (SAM)
Each applicant is required to: (1) Be
registered in SAM before submitting an
application; (2) provide a valid unique
Step 4: Grants.gov—AOR Authorization
The E-Business Point of Contact (EBiz POC) at your organization must log
in to Grants.gov to confirm an
Authorized Organization Representative
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Step 1: Obtain DUNS Number
If requested by phone (1–866–705–
5711), DUNS is provided immediately.
If your organization does not have one,
you will need to go to the Dun &
Bradstreet website at https://
fedgov.dnb.com/webform to obtain the
Step 2: Register with SAM
Registration may take three to five
business days or up to two weeks. If you
already have a Taxpayer Identification
Number (TIN), your SAM registration
will take three to five business days to
process. If you are applying for an
Employer Identification Number (EIN)
please allow up to two weeks. Ensure
that your organization is registered with
the System for Award Management
(SAM) at https://www.sam.gov. If your
organization is not, an authorized
official of your organization must
Step 3: Establish an Account in
Grants.gov—Username & Password
Complete your Authorized
Organization Representative (AOR)
profile in Grants.gov and create your
username and password. You will need
to use your organization’s DUNS
Number to complete this step. See
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(AOR). Please note that there can be
more than one AOR for your
organization. In some cases, the E-Biz
POC is also the AOR for an organization.
* Time to complete depends on
responsiveness of your E-Biz POC.
Step 5: Track or Status
At any time, you can track your AOR
status by logging in with your username
and password. Login as an Applicant
(enter your username & password you
obtained in Step 3).
4. Submission Dates and Times
Project proposals must be submitted
electronically through GRANTS.GOV by
11:59 p.m. EDT on July 9, 2019. Mail
and fax submissions will not be
accepted. Proposals submitted after the
deadline will not be considered under
any circumstance. Applications are time
and date stamped by the FTA’s
Discretionary Grants System (DGS)
upon successful submission.
5. Funding Restrictions
Funds must be used only for the
specific purposes requested in the
application. Funds under this NOFO
cannot be used to reimburse projects for
otherwise eligible expenses incurred
prior to an FTA award under this
E. Application Review
1. Selection Criteria
FTA will use the following primary
selection criteria when evaluating
competing capital and operating
assistance projects eligible under this
program. Applications will be evaluated
based on the quality and extent to
which the following evaluation criteria
are addressed.
(i.) Planning and Local/Regional
Applications will be evaluated based
on the degree to which the applicant: (1)
Describes how the proposed project was
developed; (2) demonstrates that a
sound basis for the project exists; and
(3) demonstrates that the applicant is
ready to implement the project if
funded. Information may vary
depending upon how the planning
process for the project was conducted
and what is being requested. Planning
and local/regional prioritization should:
a. Describe the planning document
and/or the planning process conducted
to identify the proposed project;
b. Provide a detailed project
description, including the proposed
service, vehicle and facility needs, and
other pertinent characteristics of the
proposed or existing service
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 91 / Friday, May 10, 2019 / Notices
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c. Identify existing transportation
services in and near the proposed
service area, and document in detail
whether the proposed project will
provide opportunities to coordinate
service with existing transit services,
including human service agencies,
intercity bus services, or other public
transit providers;
d. Discuss the level of support by the
community and/or tribal government for
the proposed project;
e. Describe how the mobility and
client-access needs of tribal human
services agencies were considered in the
planning process;
f. Describe what opportunities for
public participation were provided in
the planning process and how the
proposed transit service or existing
service has been coordinated with
transportation provided for the clients
of human services agencies, with
intercity bus transportation in the area,
or with any other rural public transit
g. Describe how the proposed service
complements rather than duplicates any
currently available services;
h. Describe the implementation
schedule for the proposed project,
including time period, staffing, and
procurement; and
i. Describe any other planning or
coordination efforts not mentioned
(ii.) Project Readiness
Applications will be evaluated on the
degree to which the applicant describes
readiness to implement the project. The
project readiness factor involves
assessing whether:
a. The project is a Categorical
Exclusion (CE) or the required
environmental work has been initiated
or completed, for construction projects
requiring an Environmental Assessment
(EA) or Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS) under, among others,
the National Environmental Policy Act
of 1969, as Amended;
b. Project implementation plans are
complete, including initial design of
facilities projects;
c. Project funds can be obligated and
the project can be implemented quickly,
if selected; and
d. The applicant demonstrates the
ability to carry out the proposed project
(iii.) Demonstration of Need
Applications will be evaluated based
on the degree to which the applicant
identifies the need for transit resources.
In addition to project-specific criteria,
FTA will consider the project’s impact
on service delivery and whether the
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project represents a one-time or periodic
need that cannot reasonably be funded
from FTA program formula allocations
or State and/or local resources. FTA will
evaluate how the proposal demonstrates
the transit needs of the Indian tribe as
well as how the proposed transit
improvements or the new service will
address identified transit needs.
Proposals should include information
such as destinations and services not
currently accessible by transit; needs for
access to jobs or health care; safety
enhancements; special needs of elders
or individuals with disabilities;
behavioral health care needs of youth;
income-based community needs; or
other mobility needs. If an applicant
received a planning grant in previous
fiscal years, the proposal should
indicate the status of the planning study
and how the proposed project relates to
that study.
Applicants applying for capital
expansion or replacement projects
should also address the following
factors in their proposal. If the proposal
is for capital funding associated with an
expansion or expanded service, the
applicant should describe how current
or growing demand for the service
necessitates the expansion (and
therefore, more capital) and/or the
degree to how the project is addressing
a current capacity constraint. Capital
replacement projects should include
information about the age, condition,
and performance of the asset to be
replaced by the proposed project and/or
how the replacement may be necessary
to maintain the transit system in a state
of good repair.
(iv.) Demonstration of Benefits
Applications will be evaluated based
on the degree to which the applicant
identifies expected or, in the case of
existing service, achieved project
benefits. FTA is particularly interested
in how these investments will improve
the quality of life for the tribe and
surrounding communities in which it is
located. Applicants should describe
how the transportation service or capital
investment will provide greater access
to employment opportunities,
educational centers, healthcare, or other
needs that impact the quality of life for
the community, as described in the
program purpose above. Possible
examples include: Increased or
sustained ridership and daily trips;
improved service; elimination of gaps in
service; improved operations and
coordination; increased reliability; and
health care, education, and economic
benefits to the community. Benefits can
be demonstrated by identifying the
population of tribal members and non-
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tribal members in the proposed project
service area and estimating the number
of daily one-way trips the proposed
transit service will provide or the actual
number of individual riders served.
Applicants are encouraged to consider
qualitative and quantitative benefits to
the Indian tribe and to the surrounding
communities that are meaningful to
Using the information provided under
this criterion, FTA will rate proposals
based on the quality and extent to
which they discuss the following four
a. The project’s ability to improve
transit efficiency or increase ridership;
b. Whether the project will improve or
maintain mobility, or eliminate gaps in
service for the Indian tribe;
c. Whether the project will improve or
maintain access to important
destinations and services;
d. Any other qualitative benefits, such
as greater access to jobs, education, and
health care services.
(v.) Financial Commitment and
Operating Capacity
Applications must identify the source
of local match (10 percent is required
for all operating and capital projects),
and any other funding sources used by
the Indian tribe to support proposed
transit services, including human
service transportation funding, the
Federal Highway Administration’s
Tribal Transportation Program funding,
or other FTA programs. If requesting
that FTA waive the local match based
on financial hardship, the applicant
must submit budgets and sources of
other revenue to demonstrate hardship.
FTA will review this information and
notify a tribe at the time of award if the
waiver is approved. If applicable, the
applicant also should describe how
prior year Tribal Transit Program funds
were spent to date to support the
service. Additionally, Indian tribes
applying to operate new services should
provide a sustainable funding plan that
demonstrates how it intends to maintain
In evaluating proposals, FTA will
consider any other resources the Indian
tribe will contribute to the project,
including in-kind contributions,
commitments of support from local
businesses, donations of land or
equipment, and human resources. The
proposal should describe to what extent
the new project or funding for existing
service leverages other funding. Based
upon the information provided, the
proposals will be rated on the extent to
which the proposal demonstrates that:
a. Tribal Transit Program funding
does not replace existing funding;
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 91 / Friday, May 10, 2019 / Notices
b. The Indian tribe will provide nonfinancial support to the project;
c. The Indian tribe is able to
demonstrate a sustainable funding plan;
d. Project funds are used in
coordination with other services for
efficient utilization of funds.
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(vi.) Evaluation Criteria for Planning
For planning grants, the proposal
must describe the need for and a general
scope of the proposed study.
Applications will be evaluated based on
the degree to which the applicant
addresses the following:
a. The tribe’s long-term commitment
to transit; and
b. The method used to implement the
proposed study and/or further tribal
2. Review and Selection Process
An FTA technical evaluation
committee will review proposals under
the project evaluation criteria. Members
of the technical evaluation committee
and other involved FTA staff reserve the
right to screen the applications, and
seek clarification about any statement in
an application. After consideration of
the findings of the technical evaluation
committee, the FTA Administrator will
determine the final selection and
amount of funding for each project.
Geographic diversity and the applicant’s
receipt and management of other
Federal transit funds may be considered
in FTA’s award decisions. After
applying the above preferences, the FTA
Administrator will consider the
following key Departmental objectives:
(A) Supporting economic vitality at
the national and regional level;
(B) Utilizing alternative funding
sources and innovative financing
models to attract non-Federal sources of
infrastructure investment;
(C) Accounting for the life-cycle costs
of the project to promote the state of
good repair;
(D) Using innovative approaches to
improve safety and expedite project
delivery; and,
(E) Holding grant recipients
accountable for their performance and
achieving specific, measurable
outcomes identified by grant applicants.
Prior to making an award, FTA is
required to review and consider any
information about the applicant that is
in the designated integrity and
performance system accessible through
SAM (currently FAPIIS). An applicant,
at its option, may review information in
the designated integrity and
performance systems accessible through
SAM and comment on any information
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about itself that a Federal awarding
agency previously entered and is
currently in the designated integrity and
performance system accessible through
F. Federal Award Administration
1. Federal Award Notice
FTA will publish a list of the selected
projects, including Federal dollar
amounts and award recipients, on FTA’s
website. Project recipients should
contact their FTA Regional Offices and
tribal liaison for information about
setting up grants in FTA’s Transit
Award Management System (TrAMS).
2. Award Administration
Successful proposals will be awarded
through FTA’s TrAMS as grant
agreements. The appropriate FTA
Regional Office and tribal liaison will
manage project agreements.
3. Administrative and National Policy
Except as otherwise provided in this
NOFO, Tribal Transit Program grants are
subject to the requirements of 49 U.S.C.
5311(c)(1) as described in the latest FTA
Circular 9040 for the Formula Grants for
Rural Areas Program.
4. Reporting
The post-award reporting
requirements include submission of the
Federal Financial Report (FFR) and
Milestone Progress Report in TrAMS,
and FTA’s National Transit Database
(NTD) reporting as appropriate (see FTA
Circular 9040). Reports to TrAMS and
NTD are due annually.
G. Federal Awarding Agency Contacts
For further information concerning
this notice, please contact Jasmine
Clemons, Office of Program
Management, (202) 366–2343, email:
jasmine.clemons@dot.gov. A TDD is
available at 1–800–877–8339 (TDD/
H. Other Information
This program is not subject to
Executive Order 12372,
‘‘Intergovernmental Review of Federal
Programs.’’ FTA will consider
applications for funding only from
eligible recipients for eligible projects
listed in Section C of this Notice. Due
to funding limitations, applicants that
are selected for funding may receive less
than the amount requested.
Additionally, to assist tribes with
understanding requirements under the
Tribal Transit Program, FTA has
conducted Tribal Transit Technical
Assistance Workshops and will
continue those efforts in FY 2019. FTA
PO 00000
Frm 00083
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
has expanded its technical assistance to
tribes receiving funds under this
program. Through the Tribal Transit
Technical Assistance Assessments
Initiative, FTA collaborates with Tribal
Transit Leaders to review processes and
identify areas in need of improvement,
and then assists to offer solutions to
address these needs—all in a supportive
and mutually beneficial manner that
results in technical assistance. FTA has
completed over fifty assessments to date
and expects to conduct fifteen
assessments in FY 2019. These
assessments include discussions of
compliance areas pursuant to the Master
Agreement, a site visit, promising
practices reviews, and technical
assistance from FTA and its contractors.
These workshops and assessments
have received exemplary feedback from
Tribal Transit Leaders and provided
FTA with invaluable opportunities to
learn more about Tribal Transit Leaders’
perspectives and better honor the
sovereignty of tribal nations.
FTA will post information about
upcoming workshops to its website and
will disseminate information about the
assessments through its regional offices.
Contact information for FTA’s regional
offices can be found on FTA’s website
at www.transit.dot.gov. Applicants may
also receive technical assistance by
contacting their FTA regional Tribal
A list of Tribal Liaisons is available
on FTA’s website at
K. Jane Williams,
Acting Administrator.
Appendix A
Registering in SAM and Grants.gov
Registration in Brief: Registration takes
approximately three to five business days;
please allow four weeks for completion of all
In order to apply for a grant, you and/or
your organization must first complete the
registration process in Grants.gov. The
registration process for an Organization or an
Individual can take between three to five
business days or as long as four weeks if all
steps are not completed in a timely manner.
So please register in Grants.gov early.
The Grants.gov registration process ensures
that applicants for Federal funds have the
basic prerequisites to apply for and to receive
Federal funds. Applicants for FTA
competitive funds must:
• Have a valid DUNS number
• Have a current registration in SAM
(formerly CCR)
• Register and apply in Grants.gov
The required registration steps are
described in greater detail on the Grants.gov
website. The following is a link to a helpful
checklist and explanations published by
Grants.gov to assist applicants: Organization
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 91 / Friday, May 10, 2019 / Notices
Registration Checklist. If you have not
recently applied for Federal funds, we
recommend that you initiate your search,
registration, and application process with
Grants.gov. Visiting the Grants.gov site will
inform you of how to apply for grant
opportunities, as well as assist you in linking
to the other required registrations, i.e., Dun
& Bradstreet to obtain a DUNS Number, and
System for Award Management (SAM).
Summary of steps (these steps are available
in Grants.gov during registration):
Step 1: Obtain DUNS Number
Same day. If requested by phone (1–866–
705–5711), DUNS is provided immediately. If
your organization does not have one, you
will need to go to the Dun & Bradstreet
website at https://fedgov.dnb.com/webform to
obtain the number.
Step 2: Register With SAM
Three to five business days or up to two
weeks. If you already have a Taxpayer
Identification Number (TIN), your SAM
registration will take three to five business
days to process. If you are applying for an
Employer Identification Number (EIN) please
allow up to two weeks. Ensure that your
organization is registered with the System for
Award Management (SAM) at https://
www.sam.gov. If your organization is not, an
authorized official of your organization must
Step 3: Establish an Account in Grants.gov—
Username & Password
Same day. Complete your Authorized
Organization Representative (AOR) profile on
Grants.gov and create your username and
password. You will need to use your
organization’s DUNS Number to complete
this step. See https://apply07.grants.gov/
khammond on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES
Step 4: Grants.gov—AOR Authorization
*Same day. The E-Business Point of
Contact (E-Biz POC) at your organization
must login to Grants.gov to confirm you as
an Authorized Organization Representative
(AOR). Please note that there can be more
than one AOR for your organization. In some
cases, the E-Biz POC is also the AOR for an
organization. * Time to complete depends on
responsiveness of your E-Biz POC.
* Please Note: Grants.gov gives you the
option of registering as an ‘‘individual’’ or as
an ‘‘Organization.’’ If you register in
Grants.gov as an as an ‘‘Individual,’’ your
‘‘Organization’’ will not be allowed to use the
Grants.gov username and password. To apply
for grants as an Organization, you must
register as an Organization and use that
specific username and password issued
during the ‘‘Organization’’ registration
[FR Doc. 2019–09332 Filed 5–9–19; 8:45 am]
VerDate Sep<11>2014
17:03 May 09, 2019
Jkt 247001
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials
Safety Administration
[Docket No. PHMSA–2018–0114; Notice No.
Hazardous Materials: Information
Collection Activities
Pipeline and Hazardous
Materials Safety Administration
(PHMSA), Department of Transportation
ACTION: Notice and request for
In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this
notice announces that the Information
Collection Requests (ICRs) discussed
below will be forwarded to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) for
renewal and extension. These ICRs
describe the nature of the information
collections and their expected burdens.
A Federal Register notice with a 60-day
comment period soliciting comments on
these ICRs was published in the Federal
Register on February 25, 2019 under
Docket No. PHMSA–2018–0114 (Notice
No. 2018–24). PHMSA received two
comments in response to the February
25, 2019 notice. One comment from
Bruce Grimm was supportive of PHMSA
continuing to collect information related
to subsidiary hazards under OMB
control number 2137–0613. The other
comment was outside the scope of this
DATES: Interested persons are invited to
submit comments on, or before June 10,
ADDRESSES: Send comments regarding
the burden estimate, including
suggestions for reducing the burden, by
mail to the Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs, Office of
Management and Budget, Attention:
Desk Officer for DOT–PHMSA, 725 17th
Street NW, Washington, DC 20503, by
fax, 202–395–5806, or by email, to
Comments should refer to the
information collection by title and/or
OMB Control Number.
We invite comments on: (1) Whether
the proposed collection of information
is necessary for the proper performance
of the functions of the Department,
including whether the information will
have practical utility; (2) the accuracy of
the Department’s estimate of the burden
of the proposed information collection;
(3) ways to enhance the quality, utility,
and clarity of the information to be
collected; and (4) ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on respondents, including the use of
PO 00000
Frm 00084
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology.
Docket: For access to the dockets to
read background documents or
comments received, go to https://
Steven Andrews or Shelby Geller,
Standards and Rulemaking Division
(PHH–10), U.S. Department of
Transportation, Pipeline and Hazardous
Materials Safety Administration, 1200
New Jersey Avenue SE, East Building,
2nd Floor, Washington, DC 20590–0001,
Telephone (202) 366–8553.
1320.8 (d), Title 5, Code of Federal
Regulations requires Federal agencies to
provide interested members of the
public and affected agencies an
opportunity to comment on information
collection and recordkeeping requests.
This notice identifies information
collection requests that PHMSA will be
submitting to OMB for renewal and
extension. These information
collections are contained in 49 CFR
parts 110, 172, and 173 of the
Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR;
49 CFR parts 171–180). PHMSA has
revised burden estimates, where
appropriate, to reflect current reporting
levels or adjustments based on changes
in proposed or final rules published
since the information collections were
last approved. The following
information is provided for each
information collection: (1) Title of the
information collection, including former
title if a change is being made; (2) OMB
Control Number; (3) abstract of the
information collection activity; (4)
description of affected persons; (5)
estimate of total annual reporting and
recordkeeping burden; and (6)
frequency of collection. PHMSA will
request a three-year term of approval for
each information collection activity and,
when approved by OMB, publish notice
of the approvals in the Federal Register.
PHMSA requests comments on the
following information collections:
Title: Radioactive (RAM)
Transportation Requirements.
OMB Control Number: 2137–0510.
Summary: This information collection
consolidates and describes the
information collection provisions in the
HMR involving the transportation of
radioactive materials in commerce.
Information collection requirements for
RAM include: Documenting testing and
engineering evaluations for packages,
documentation for DOT 7A packages,
revalidation of foreign competent
authority certifications, providing
specific written instruction of exclusive
use shipment controls, providing
[Federal Register Volume 84, Number 91 (Friday, May 10, 2019)]
[Pages 20694-20699]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2019-09332]
Federal Transit Administration
FY 2019 Competitive Funding Opportunity: Public Transportation on
Indian Reservations Program; Tribal Transit Program
AGENCY: Federal Transit Administration (FTA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO).
SUMMARY: The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) announces the
availability of approximately $5 million in funding, subject to the
availability of appropriations, for the Public Transportation on Indian
Reservations Program (Tribal Transit Program). This notice is a
national solicitation for project proposals and includes the selection
criteria and program eligibility information for Fiscal Year (FY) 2019
projects. FTA may fund the program for more or less than the full year
appropriation when made available, and may include other funding if
available from other fiscal years toward project proposals received in
response to this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO).
This announcement is available on the FTA website at: https://www.transit.dot.gov. Additionally, a synopsis of the funding
opportunity, FTA-2019-004-TPM-TRTR, will be posted in the FIND module
of the government-wide electronic grants website at https://www.grants.gov. The program is located in the Catalog of Federal
Domestic Assistance (CFDA) under 20.509.
DATES: Complete proposals for the Tribal Transit Program announced in
this Notice must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. EDT on July 9, 2019. All
proposals must be submitted electronically through the GRANTS.GOV APPLY
function. Any applicant intending to apply should initiate the process
of registering on the GRANTS.GOV site immediately to ensure completion
of registration before the submission deadline. Instructions for
applying can be found on FTA's website at https://www.transit.dot.gov
and in the FIND module of GRANTS.GOV. Mail and fax submissions will not
be accepted.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Contact the appropriate FTA Regional
Office at https://www.transit.dot.gov for proposal-specific information
and issues. For general program information, contact Jasmine Clemons,
Office of Program Management, (202) 366-2343, email:
[email protected]. A TDD is available at 1-800-877-8339 (TDD/
Table of Contents
A. Program Description
B. Federal Award Information
C. Eligibility Information
D. Application and Submission Information
E. Application Review
F. Federal Award Administration
G. Federal Awarding Agency Contacts
Appendix A: Registering in SAM and Grants.gov
A. Program Description
The Tribal Transit Program is authorized by Federal Public Transit
law at 49 U.S.C. 5311(c)(1)(A), contingent on full appropriations. The
program authorizes grants ``under such terms and conditions as may be
established by the Secretary'' to Indian tribes for any purpose
eligible under FTA's Formula Grants for Rural Areas Program, 49 U.S.C.
5311. Tribes may apply for this funding directly.
The primary purpose of these competitively selected grants is to
support planning, capital, and, in limited circumstances, operating
assistance for tribal public transit services. Funds distributed to
Indian tribes under the Tribal Transit Program should NOT replace or
reduce funds that Indian tribes receive from States through FTA's
Formula Grants for Rural Areas Program. Specific project eligibility
under this competitive allocation is described in Section C of this
B. Federal Award Information
Five million dollars is authorized for the Tribal Transit Program
competitive allocation in FY 2019 to projects selected pursuant to the
process described in the following sections. Federal awards under this
competitive program will be in the form of grants. Additionally, there
is a $25,000 cap on planning grant awards, and FTA has the discretion
to cap capital and operating awards.
C. Eligibility Information
1. Eligible Applicants
Eligible applicants include federally recognized Indian tribes or
Alaska Native villages, groups, or communities as identified by the
U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA).
As evidence of Federal recognition, an Indian tribe may submit a copy
of the most up-to-date Federal Register notice published by BIA:
Entities Recognized and Eligible to Receive Service from the United
States Bureau of Indian Affairs. To be an eligible recipient, an Indian
tribe must have the requisite legal, financial, and technical
capabilities to receive and administer Federal funds under this
program. Additionally, applicants must be located and provide service
in a rural area with a population of 50,000 or less. A service area can
include some portions of urban areas, as long as the tribal transit
service begins in and serves rural areas. An applicant must be
registered in the System for Award Management (SAM) database and
maintain an active SAM registration with current information at all
times during which it has an active Federal award or an application or
plan under consideration by FTA.
2. Cost Sharing or Matching
There is a 90 percent Federal share for projects selected under the
Tribal Transit Program competitive program, unless the Indian tribe can
[[Page 20695]]
a financial hardship in its application. FTA is interested in the
Indian tribe's financial commitment to the proposed project; thus, the
proposal should include a description of the Indian tribe's financial
commitment. Tribes may use any eligible local match under Chapter 53.
3. Eligible Projects
Eligible projects include public transportation planning and
capital expenses. Operating projects are eligible in limited
circumstances. In FY 2019, FTA will only consider operating assistance
requests from tribes without existing transit service, or those tribes
who received a Tribal Transit Program formula allocation of less than
Public transportation includes regular, continuing shared-ride
surface transportation services open to the public or open to a segment
of the public defined by age, disability, or low income. FTA will award
grants to eligible Indian tribes located in rural areas. Applicants may
submit one proposal for each project or one proposal containing
multiple projects. Specific types of projects include: Capital projects
for start-ups, replacement, or expansion needs; operating assistance
for start-ups; and planning projects up to $25,000. Indian tribes
applying for capital replacement or expansion needs must demonstrate a
sustainable source of operating funds for existing or expanded
D. Application and Submission Information
1. Address To Request Application Package
A complete proposal submission will consist of at least two files:
(1) The SF 424 Mandatory form (downloaded from GRANTS.GOV); and (2) the
Tribal Transit supplemental form found on the FTA website at https://www.transit.dot.gov. The Tribal Transit supplemental form provides
guidance and a consistent format for applicants to respond to the
criteria outlined in this NOFO.
2. Content and Form of Application Submission
(i) Proposal Submission
A complete proposal submission will consist of at least two files:
(1) The SF 424 Mandatory form (downloaded from GRANTS.GOV); and (2) the
Tribal Transit supplemental form found on the FTA website at https://www.transit.dot.gov. The applicant must place the supplemental form in
the attachments section of the SF 424 Mandatory form. Applicants must
use the supplemental form designated for the Tribal Transit Program and
attach the form to their submission in GRANTS.GOV to complete the
application process. A proposal submission may include additional
supporting documentation as attachments. Within 48 hours after
submitting an electronic application, the applicant should receive two
email messages from GRANTS.GOV: (1) Confirmation of successful
transmission to GRANTS.GOV and (2) confirmation of successful
validation by GRANTS .GOV. If the applicant does not receive
confirmations of successful validation or instead receives a notice of
failed validation or incomplete materials, the applicant must address
the reason(s) for the failed validation or incomplete materials, as
described in the notice, and resubmit the proposal before the
submission deadline. If making a resubmission for any reason, the
applicant must include all original attachments regardless of which
attachments were updated and check the box on the supplemental form
indicating this is a resubmission.
Complete instructions on the application process can be found at
https://www.transit.dot.gov. Important: FTA urges applicants to submit
their project proposals at least 72 hours prior to the due date to
allow time to receive the validation message and to correct any
problems that may have caused a rejection notification. FTA will not
accept submissions after the stated submission deadline. GRANTS.GOV
scheduled maintenance and outage times are announced on the GRANTS.GOV
website at https://www.GRANTS.GOV. The deadline will not be extended due
to scheduled maintenance or outages.
Applicants are encouraged to begin the process of registration on
the GRANTS.GOV site well in advance of the submission deadline.
Registration is a multi-step process which may take several weeks to
complete before an application can be submitted. Registered applicants
may still be required to take steps to keep their registration up to
date before submissions can be made successfully: (1) Registration in
the SAM is renewed annually; and (2) persons making submissions on
behalf of the Authorized Organization Representative (AOR) must be
authorized in GRANTS.GOV by the AOR to make submissions. Instructions
on the GRANTS.GOV registration process are provided in the Appendix.
Applicants may submit one proposal for each project or one proposal
containing multiple projects. Applicants submitting multiple projects
in one proposal must be sure to clearly define each project by
completing a supplemental form for each project. Additional
supplemental forms must be added within the proposal by clicking the
``add project'' button in Section II of the supplemental form.
Information such as applicant name, Federal amount requested,
description of areas served, and other information may be requested in
varying degrees of detail on both the SF 424 form and supplemental
form. Applicants must fill in all fields unless stated otherwise on the
forms. Applicants should use both the ``Check Package for Errors'' and
the ``Validate Form'' validation buttons on both forms to check all
required fields on the forms, and ensure that the Federal and local
amounts specified are consistent.
(ii) Application Content
The SF 424 Mandatory Form and the Supplemental Form will prompt
applicants for the required information, including:
a. Name of federally recognized tribe and, if appropriate, the
specific tribal agency submitting the application.
b. Dun and Bradstreet (D&B) Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS)
number if available. (Note: If selected, applicant will be required to
provide DUNS number prior to grant award).
c. Contact information including: Contact name, title, address, fax
and phone number, email address if available.
d. Description of public transportation services, including areas
currently served by the tribe, if any.
e. Name of person(s) authorized to apply on applicant's behalf must
accompany the proposal (attach a signed transmittal letter).
f. Complete Project Description: Indicate the category for which
funding is requested (i.e., project type: Capital, operating, or
planning), and then indicate the project purpose (i.e., start-up,
expansion, or replacement). Describe the proposed project and what it
will accomplish (e.g., number and type of vehicles, routes, service
area, schedules, type of services, fixed route or demand responsive,
safety aspects), route miles (if fixed route), ridership numbers
expected (actual if an existing system, estimated if a new system),
major origins and destinations, population served, and whether the
tribe provides the service directly, contracts for services, and note
vehicle maintenance plans.
g. Project Timeline: Include significant milestones such as date of
contract for purchase of vehicle(s), actual or expected delivery date
[[Page 20696]]
vehicles; facility project phases (e.g., NEPA compliance, design,
construction); or dates for completion of planning studies. If applying
for operational funding for new services, indicate the period of time
that funds would be used to operate the system (e.g., one year). This
section should also include any needed timelines for tribal council
project approvals, if applicable.
h. Budget: Provide a detailed budget for each proposed purpose,
noting the Federal amount requested and any additional funds that will
be used. An Indian tribe may use up to fifteen percent of a grant award
for capital projects for specific project-related planning and
administration, and the indirect cost rate may not exceed ten percent
(if necessary, add as an attachment) of the total amount requested/
awarded. Indian tribes must also provide their annual operating budget
as an attachment or under the Financial Commitment and Operating
Capacity section of the supplemental form.
i. Technical, Legal, Financial Capacity: Applicants must be able to
demonstrate adequate technical, legal, and financial capacity to be
considered for funding. Every proposal MUST describe this capacity to
implement the proposed project.
1. Technical Capacity: Provide examples of management of other
Federal projects, including previously funded FTA projects and/or
similar types of projects for which funding is being requested.
Describe the resources available to implement the proposed transit
2. Legal Capacity: Provide documentation or other evidence to
demonstrate status as a federally recognized Indian tribe. Further,
demonstrate evidence of an authorized representative with authority to
bind the applicant and execute legal agreements with FTA. If applying
for capital or operating funds, identify whether appropriate Federal or
State operating authority exists.
3. Financial Capacity: Provide documentation or other evidence
demonstrating current adequate financial systems to receive and manage
a Federal grant. Fully describe: (1) All financial systems and
controls; (2) other sources of funds currently managed; and (3) the
long-term financial capacity to maintain the proposed or existing
transit services.
3. Unique Entity Identifier and System for Award Management (SAM)
Each applicant is required to: (1) Be registered in SAM before
submitting an application; (2) provide a valid unique entity identifier
in its application; and (3) continue to maintain an active SAM
registration with current information at all times during which the
applicant has an active Federal award or an application or plan under
consideration by FTA. These requirements do not apply if the applicant:
(1) Is an individual; (2) is excepted from the requirements under 2 CFR
25.110(b) or (c); or (3) has an exception approved by FTA under 2 CFR
25.110(d). FTA may not make an award until the applicant has complied
with all applicable unique entity identifier and SAM requirements. If
an applicant has not fully complied with the requirements by the time
FTA is ready to make an award, FTA may determine that the applicant is
not qualified to receive an award and use that determination as a basis
for making a Federal award to another applicant. SAM registration takes
approximately 3-5 business days, but FTA recommends allowing ample
time, up to several weeks, for completion of all steps.
Step 1: Obtain DUNS Number
If requested by phone (1-866-705-5711), DUNS is provided
immediately. If your organization does not have one, you will need to
go to the Dun & Bradstreet website at https://fedgov.dnb.com/webform to
obtain the number.
Step 2: Register with SAM
Registration may take three to five business days or up to two
weeks. If you already have a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), your
SAM registration will take three to five business days to process. If
you are applying for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) please
allow up to two weeks. Ensure that your organization is registered with
the System for Award Management (SAM) at https://www.sam.gov. If your
organization is not, an authorized official of your organization must
Step 3: Establish an Account in Grants.gov--Username & Password
Complete your Authorized Organization Representative (AOR) profile
in Grants.gov and create your username and password. You will need to
use your organization's DUNS Number to complete this step. See https://apply07.grants.gov/apply/OrcRegister.
Step 4: Grants.gov--AOR Authorization
The E-Business Point of Contact (E-Biz POC) at your organization
must log in to Grants.gov to confirm an Authorized Organization
Representative (AOR). Please note that there can be more than one AOR
for your organization. In some cases, the E-Biz POC is also the AOR for
an organization. * Time to complete depends on responsiveness of your
E-Biz POC.
Step 5: Track or Status
At any time, you can track your AOR status by logging in with your
username and password. Login as an Applicant (enter your username &
password you obtained in Step 3).
4. Submission Dates and Times
Project proposals must be submitted electronically through
GRANTS.GOV by 11:59 p.m. EDT on July 9, 2019. Mail and fax submissions
will not be accepted. Proposals submitted after the deadline will not
be considered under any circumstance. Applications are time and date
stamped by the FTA's Discretionary Grants System (DGS) upon successful
5. Funding Restrictions
Funds must be used only for the specific purposes requested in the
application. Funds under this NOFO cannot be used to reimburse projects
for otherwise eligible expenses incurred prior to an FTA award under
this program.
E. Application Review
1. Selection Criteria
FTA will use the following primary selection criteria when
evaluating competing capital and operating assistance projects eligible
under this program. Applications will be evaluated based on the quality
and extent to which the following evaluation criteria are addressed.
(i.) Planning and Local/Regional Prioritization
Applications will be evaluated based on the degree to which the
applicant: (1) Describes how the proposed project was developed; (2)
demonstrates that a sound basis for the project exists; and (3)
demonstrates that the applicant is ready to implement the project if
funded. Information may vary depending upon how the planning process
for the project was conducted and what is being requested. Planning and
local/regional prioritization should:
a. Describe the planning document and/or the planning process
conducted to identify the proposed project;
b. Provide a detailed project description, including the proposed
service, vehicle and facility needs, and other pertinent
characteristics of the proposed or existing service implementation;
[[Page 20697]]
c. Identify existing transportation services in and near the
proposed service area, and document in detail whether the proposed
project will provide opportunities to coordinate service with existing
transit services, including human service agencies, intercity bus
services, or other public transit providers;
d. Discuss the level of support by the community and/or tribal
government for the proposed project;
e. Describe how the mobility and client-access needs of tribal
human services agencies were considered in the planning process;
f. Describe what opportunities for public participation were
provided in the planning process and how the proposed transit service
or existing service has been coordinated with transportation provided
for the clients of human services agencies, with intercity bus
transportation in the area, or with any other rural public transit
g. Describe how the proposed service complements rather than
duplicates any currently available services;
h. Describe the implementation schedule for the proposed project,
including time period, staffing, and procurement; and
i. Describe any other planning or coordination efforts not
mentioned above.
(ii.) Project Readiness
Applications will be evaluated on the degree to which the applicant
describes readiness to implement the project. The project readiness
factor involves assessing whether:
a. The project is a Categorical Exclusion (CE) or the required
environmental work has been initiated or completed, for construction
projects requiring an Environmental Assessment (EA) or Environmental
Impact Statement (EIS) under, among others, the National Environmental
Policy Act of 1969, as Amended;
b. Project implementation plans are complete, including initial
design of facilities projects;
c. Project funds can be obligated and the project can be
implemented quickly, if selected; and
d. The applicant demonstrates the ability to carry out the proposed
project successfully.
(iii.) Demonstration of Need
Applications will be evaluated based on the degree to which the
applicant identifies the need for transit resources. In addition to
project-specific criteria, FTA will consider the project's impact on
service delivery and whether the project represents a one-time or
periodic need that cannot reasonably be funded from FTA program formula
allocations or State and/or local resources. FTA will evaluate how the
proposal demonstrates the transit needs of the Indian tribe as well as
how the proposed transit improvements or the new service will address
identified transit needs. Proposals should include information such as
destinations and services not currently accessible by transit; needs
for access to jobs or health care; safety enhancements; special needs
of elders or individuals with disabilities; behavioral health care
needs of youth; income-based community needs; or other mobility needs.
If an applicant received a planning grant in previous fiscal years, the
proposal should indicate the status of the planning study and how the
proposed project relates to that study.
Applicants applying for capital expansion or replacement projects
should also address the following factors in their proposal. If the
proposal is for capital funding associated with an expansion or
expanded service, the applicant should describe how current or growing
demand for the service necessitates the expansion (and therefore, more
capital) and/or the degree to how the project is addressing a current
capacity constraint. Capital replacement projects should include
information about the age, condition, and performance of the asset to
be replaced by the proposed project and/or how the replacement may be
necessary to maintain the transit system in a state of good repair.
(iv.) Demonstration of Benefits
Applications will be evaluated based on the degree to which the
applicant identifies expected or, in the case of existing service,
achieved project benefits. FTA is particularly interested in how these
investments will improve the quality of life for the tribe and
surrounding communities in which it is located. Applicants should
describe how the transportation service or capital investment will
provide greater access to employment opportunities, educational
centers, healthcare, or other needs that impact the quality of life for
the community, as described in the program purpose above. Possible
examples include: Increased or sustained ridership and daily trips;
improved service; elimination of gaps in service; improved operations
and coordination; increased reliability; and health care, education,
and economic benefits to the community. Benefits can be demonstrated by
identifying the population of tribal members and non-tribal members in
the proposed project service area and estimating the number of daily
one-way trips the proposed transit service will provide or the actual
number of individual riders served. Applicants are encouraged to
consider qualitative and quantitative benefits to the Indian tribe and
to the surrounding communities that are meaningful to them.
Using the information provided under this criterion, FTA will rate
proposals based on the quality and extent to which they discuss the
following four factors:
a. The project's ability to improve transit efficiency or increase
b. Whether the project will improve or maintain mobility, or
eliminate gaps in service for the Indian tribe;
c. Whether the project will improve or maintain access to important
destinations and services;
d. Any other qualitative benefits, such as greater access to jobs,
education, and health care services.
(v.) Financial Commitment and Operating Capacity
Applications must identify the source of local match (10 percent is
required for all operating and capital projects), and any other funding
sources used by the Indian tribe to support proposed transit services,
including human service transportation funding, the Federal Highway
Administration's Tribal Transportation Program funding, or other FTA
programs. If requesting that FTA waive the local match based on
financial hardship, the applicant must submit budgets and sources of
other revenue to demonstrate hardship. FTA will review this information
and notify a tribe at the time of award if the waiver is approved. If
applicable, the applicant also should describe how prior year Tribal
Transit Program funds were spent to date to support the service.
Additionally, Indian tribes applying to operate new services should
provide a sustainable funding plan that demonstrates how it intends to
maintain operations.
In evaluating proposals, FTA will consider any other resources the
Indian tribe will contribute to the project, including in-kind
contributions, commitments of support from local businesses, donations
of land or equipment, and human resources. The proposal should describe
to what extent the new project or funding for existing service
leverages other funding. Based upon the information provided, the
proposals will be rated on the extent to which the proposal
demonstrates that:
a. Tribal Transit Program funding does not replace existing
[[Page 20698]]
b. The Indian tribe will provide non-financial support to the
c. The Indian tribe is able to demonstrate a sustainable funding
plan; and
d. Project funds are used in coordination with other services for
efficient utilization of funds.
(vi.) Evaluation Criteria for Planning Proposals
For planning grants, the proposal must describe the need for and a
general scope of the proposed study. Applications will be evaluated
based on the degree to which the applicant addresses the following:
a. The tribe's long-term commitment to transit; and
b. The method used to implement the proposed study and/or further
tribal transit.
2. Review and Selection Process
An FTA technical evaluation committee will review proposals under
the project evaluation criteria. Members of the technical evaluation
committee and other involved FTA staff reserve the right to screen the
applications, and seek clarification about any statement in an
application. After consideration of the findings of the technical
evaluation committee, the FTA Administrator will determine the final
selection and amount of funding for each project. Geographic diversity
and the applicant's receipt and management of other Federal transit
funds may be considered in FTA's award decisions. After applying the
above preferences, the FTA Administrator will consider the following
key Departmental objectives:
(A) Supporting economic vitality at the national and regional
(B) Utilizing alternative funding sources and innovative financing
models to attract non-Federal sources of infrastructure investment;
(C) Accounting for the life-cycle costs of the project to promote
the state of good repair;
(D) Using innovative approaches to improve safety and expedite
project delivery; and,
(E) Holding grant recipients accountable for their performance and
achieving specific, measurable outcomes identified by grant applicants.
Prior to making an award, FTA is required to review and consider
any information about the applicant that is in the designated integrity
and performance system accessible through SAM (currently FAPIIS). An
applicant, at its option, may review information in the designated
integrity and performance systems accessible through SAM and comment on
any information about itself that a Federal awarding agency previously
entered and is currently in the designated integrity and performance
system accessible through SAM.
F. Federal Award Administration
1. Federal Award Notice
FTA will publish a list of the selected projects, including Federal
dollar amounts and award recipients, on FTA's website. Project
recipients should contact their FTA Regional Offices and tribal liaison
for information about setting up grants in FTA's Transit Award
Management System (TrAMS).
2. Award Administration
Successful proposals will be awarded through FTA's TrAMS as grant
agreements. The appropriate FTA Regional Office and tribal liaison will
manage project agreements.
3. Administrative and National Policy Requirements
Except as otherwise provided in this NOFO, Tribal Transit Program
grants are subject to the requirements of 49 U.S.C. 5311(c)(1) as
described in the latest FTA Circular 9040 for the Formula Grants for
Rural Areas Program.
4. Reporting
The post-award reporting requirements include submission of the
Federal Financial Report (FFR) and Milestone Progress Report in TrAMS,
and FTA's National Transit Database (NTD) reporting as appropriate (see
FTA Circular 9040). Reports to TrAMS and NTD are due annually.
G. Federal Awarding Agency Contacts
For further information concerning this notice, please contact
Jasmine Clemons, Office of Program Management, (202) 366-2343, email:
[email protected]. A TDD is available at 1-800-877-8339 (TDD/
H. Other Information
This program is not subject to Executive Order 12372,
``Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs.'' FTA will consider
applications for funding only from eligible recipients for eligible
projects listed in Section C of this Notice. Due to funding
limitations, applicants that are selected for funding may receive less
than the amount requested.
Additionally, to assist tribes with understanding requirements
under the Tribal Transit Program, FTA has conducted Tribal Transit
Technical Assistance Workshops and will continue those efforts in FY
2019. FTA has expanded its technical assistance to tribes receiving
funds under this program. Through the Tribal Transit Technical
Assistance Assessments Initiative, FTA collaborates with Tribal Transit
Leaders to review processes and identify areas in need of improvement,
and then assists to offer solutions to address these needs--all in a
supportive and mutually beneficial manner that results in technical
assistance. FTA has completed over fifty assessments to date and
expects to conduct fifteen assessments in FY 2019. These assessments
include discussions of compliance areas pursuant to the Master
Agreement, a site visit, promising practices reviews, and technical
assistance from FTA and its contractors.
These workshops and assessments have received exemplary feedback
from Tribal Transit Leaders and provided FTA with invaluable
opportunities to learn more about Tribal Transit Leaders' perspectives
and better honor the sovereignty of tribal nations.
FTA will post information about upcoming workshops to its website
and will disseminate information about the assessments through its
regional offices. Contact information for FTA's regional offices can be
found on FTA's website at www.transit.dot.gov. Applicants may also
receive technical assistance by contacting their FTA regional Tribal
A list of Tribal Liaisons is available on FTA's website at
K. Jane Williams,
Acting Administrator.
Appendix A
Registering in SAM and Grants.gov
Registration in Brief: Registration takes approximately three to
five business days; please allow four weeks for completion of all
In order to apply for a grant, you and/or your organization must
first complete the registration process in Grants.gov. The
registration process for an Organization or an Individual can take
between three to five business days or as long as four weeks if all
steps are not completed in a timely manner. So please register in
Grants.gov early.
The Grants.gov registration process ensures that applicants for
Federal funds have the basic prerequisites to apply for and to
receive Federal funds. Applicants for FTA competitive funds must:
Have a valid DUNS number
Have a current registration in SAM (formerly CCR)
Register and apply in Grants.gov
The required registration steps are described in greater detail
on the Grants.gov website. The following is a link to a helpful
checklist and explanations published by Grants.gov to assist
applicants: Organization
[[Page 20699]]
Registration Checklist. If you have not recently applied for Federal
funds, we recommend that you initiate your search, registration, and
application process with Grants.gov. Visiting the Grants.gov site
will inform you of how to apply for grant opportunities, as well as
assist you in linking to the other required registrations, i.e., Dun
& Bradstreet to obtain a DUNS Number, and System for Award
Management (SAM).
Summary of steps (these steps are available in Grants.gov during
Step 1: Obtain DUNS Number
Same day. If requested by phone (1-866-705-5711), DUNS is
provided immediately. If your organization does not have one, you
will need to go to the Dun & Bradstreet website at https://fedgov.dnb.com/webform to obtain the number.
Step 2: Register With SAM
Three to five business days or up to two weeks. If you already
have a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), your SAM registration
will take three to five business days to process. If you are
applying for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) please allow up
to two weeks. Ensure that your organization is registered with the
System for Award Management (SAM) at https://www.sam.gov. If your
organization is not, an authorized official of your organization
must register.
Step 3: Establish an Account in Grants.gov--Username & Password
Same day. Complete your Authorized Organization Representative
(AOR) profile on Grants.gov and create your username and password.
You will need to use your organization's DUNS Number to complete
this step. See https://apply07.grants.gov/apply/OrcRegister.
Step 4: Grants.gov--AOR Authorization
*Same day. The E-Business Point of Contact (E-Biz POC) at your
organization must login to Grants.gov to confirm you as an
Authorized Organization Representative (AOR). Please note that there
can be more than one AOR for your organization. In some cases, the
E-Biz POC is also the AOR for an organization. * Time to complete
depends on responsiveness of your E-Biz POC.
* Please Note: Grants.gov gives you the option of registering as
an ``individual'' or as an ``Organization.'' If you register in
Grants.gov as an as an ``Individual,'' your ``Organization'' will
not be allowed to use the Grants.gov username and password. To apply
for grants as an Organization, you must register as an Organization
and use that specific username and password issued during the
``Organization'' registration process.
[FR Doc. 2019-09332 Filed 5-9-19; 8:45 am]