Request for Public Comment: 60 Day Information Collection: Indian Health Service Forms To Implement the Privacy Rule, 19088-19089 [2019-09041]
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Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 86 / Friday, May 3, 2019 / Notices
be liable for the costs (other than
deductibles and coinsurance) of the
items or services in dispute; (2) the case
involves a pre-service request for
coverage; or (3) one of the exceptions in
OCPM 7.4.4 applies. The error we
corrected was purely administrative,
and had no effect on the manner in
which OMHA prioritizes appeals.
OCPM Chapter 9: Request and
Correspondence Intake, Docketing, and
A number of actions may initiate (or
reinitiate) proceedings at the OMHA
level. This newly issued chapter
provides information on where to direct
appeal requests and submissions, and
details the processes for docketing,
acknowledging, and assigning cases.
This chapter also explains when claims
may be added or removed from an
appeal and how to combine appeals.
While this chapter deals primarily with
processing appeals as paper files, it also
includes guidelines for processing
electronic case files in OMHA’s
Electronic Case Adjudication Processing
Environment (ECAPE).
OCPM Chapter 19: Closing the Case—
Sections 19.4.3, 19.5.1
This chapter was initially released on
May 25, 2018, and was included in a
quarterly notice published in the August
7, 2018 Federal Register (83 FR 38700).
This revision to OCPM 19.4.3 clarifies
that, in accordance with 42 CFR
405.1044(b) and 423.2044(b), if an
adjudicator issues a consolidated
decision, the adjudicator must also
consolidate the administrative record
and combine the appeals in the case
processing system. OCPM 19.5.1 was
also revised, to clarify that, when an
appeal involves multiple beneficiaries,
any copies of disposition documents
(for example, a decision and any
accompanying notices or enclosures),
must be redacted to display only
personally identifiable information (PII)
that the recipient is entitled to receive.
Dated: April 25, 2019.
Jason M. Green,
Chief Advisor, Office of Medicare Hearings
and Appeals.
amozie on DSK9F9SC42PROD with NOTICES
[FR Doc. 2019–09008 Filed 5–2–19; 8:45 am]
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16:41 May 02, 2019
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Indian Health Service
Request for Public Comment: 60 Day
Information Collection: Indian Health
Service Forms To Implement the
Privacy Rule
Indian Health Service, HHS.
Notice and request for
comments. Request for extension of
In compliance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the
Indian Health Service (IHS) invites the
general public to comment on the
information collection titled, ‘‘IHS
Forms to Implement the Privacy Rule’’
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) Control Number 0917–0030.
This previously approved information
collection project was last published in
the Federal Register (81 FR 15347) on
March 22, 2016, and allowed 30 days for
public comment. No public comment
was received in response to the notice.
This notice announces our intent to
submit the collection, which expires
August 31, 2019, to OMB for approval
of an extension, and to solicit comments
on specific aspects of the information
collection. A copy of the supporting
statement is available at (see Docket ID
Title of Collection: 0917–0030, IHS
Forms to Implement the Privacy Rule
(45 CFR parts 160 & 164). Type of
Information Collection Request:
Extension of the currently approved
information collection, 0917–0030, IHS
Forms to Implement the Privacy Rule
(45 CFR parts 160 & 164). Form(s): IHS–
810, IHS–912–1, IHS–912–2, IHS–913,
and IHS–917. Need and Use of
Information Collection: This collection
of information is made necessary by the
Department of Health and Human
Services Rule entitled ‘‘Standards for
Privacy of Individually Identifiable
Health Information’’ (Privacy Rule) (45
CFR parts 160 and 164). The Privacy
Rule implements the privacy
requirements of the Administrative
Simplification subtitle of the Health
Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act of 1996, creates
national standards to protect
individual’s personal health
information, and gives patients
increased access to their medical
records. 45 CFR 164.508, 164.522,
164.526 and 164.528 of the Rule require
the collection of information to
implement these protection standards
and access requirements. The IHS will
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continue to use the following data
collection instruments to meet the
information collection requirements
contained in the Rule.
45 CFR 164.508: This provision
generally requires covered entities to
obtain or receive a valid authorization
for its use or disclosure of protected
health information, unless otherwise
permitted or required by the Privacy
Rule. (See, e.g., 45 CFR 164.506 for a
common exception to this general rule,
which involves uses and disclosure for
treatment, payment, or healthcare
operations.) Individuals may initiate a
written authorization permitting
covered entities to release their
protected health information to entities
of their choosing. The form IHS–810
‘‘Authorization for Use or Disclosure of
Protected Health Information’’ is used to
document an individual’s authorization
to use or disclose their protected health
45 CFR 164.522: Section 164.522(a)(1)
requires a covered entity to permit
individuals to request that the covered
entity restrict the use and disclosure of
their protected health information. The
covered entity may or may not agree to
the restriction, and with a limited
exception, a covered entity is not
required to agree to a requested
restriction. 45 CFR 164.522(a)(1)(vi).
The form IHS–912–1 ‘‘Request for
Restrictions(s)’’ is used to document an
individual’s request for restriction of
their protected health information, and
whether the IHS agreed or disagreed
with the restriction. Section
164.522(a)(2) permits a covered entity to
terminate its agreement to a restriction
under certain conditions. For example,
termination may occur if the individual
agrees to or requests the termination in
writing. 45 CFR 164.522(a)(2)(i). The
form IHS–912–2 ‘‘Request for
Revocation of Restriction(s)’’ is used to
document the individual’s request, the
individual’s agreement, and/or the
agency’s decision to terminate a
formerly agreed to restriction regarding
the use and disclosure of protected
health information.
45 CFR 164.528: This provision
requires covered entities to provide an
accounting of certain disclosures of
protected health information made by
the covered entity. See also, 45 CFR
5b.9(c). The form IHS–913 ‘‘Request for
an Accounting of Disclosures’’ is used to
document an individual’s request for an
accounting of disclosures of their
protected health information and the
agency’s handling of the request.
45 CFR 164.526: Under this provision,
individuals have a right to amend
protected health information or a record
about the individual in a designated
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 86 / Friday, May 3, 2019 / Notices
record set, under certain conditions. 45
CFR 164.526(a). This provision further
requires covered entities to permit an
individual to request that the covered
entity amend protected health
information. 45 CFR 164.526(b). The
covered entity must inform the
individual if the covered entity accepts
the requested amendment, in whole or
in part. The covered entity must provide
the individual with a written denial
containing certain information if the
a Privacy Act System of Records Notice.
Affected Public: Individuals and
households. Type of Respondents:
Individuals. Burden Hours: The table
below provides for this information
collection: types of data collection
instruments, estimated number of
respondents, number of responses per
respondent, average burden hour per
response, and total annual burden
covered entity denies the requested
amendment, in whole or in part. 45 CFR
164.526(d)(1). The form IHS–917
‘‘Request for Correction/Amendment of
Protected Health Information’’ will be
used to document an individual’s
request to amend his/her protected
health information and the agency’s
decision to accept or deny the request.
Completed forms used in this
collection of information are filed in the
IHS medical, health and billing record,
Number of
responses per
burden hour
per response *
Number of
Data collection instrument
Authorization for Use or Disclosure of Protected Health Information (OMB
Form No. 0917–0030, IHS–810) ..................................................................
Request for Restriction(s) (OMB Form No. 0917–0030, IHS–912–1) ............
Request for Revocation of Restriction(s) (OMB Form No. 0917–0030, IHS–
912–2) ..........................................................................................................
Request for Accounting of Disclosures (OMB Form No. 0917–0030, IHS–
913) ..............................................................................................................
Request for Correction/Amendment of Protected Health Information (OMB
Form No. 0917–0030, IHS–917) ..................................................................
Total Annual Burden .................................................................................
burden hours
amozie on DSK9F9SC42PROD with NOTICES
* For ease of understanding, burden hours are provided in actual minutes.
The total estimated burden for this
collection of information is 35,211
There are no capital costs, operating
costs and/or maintenance costs to
Requests for Comments: Your written
comments and/or suggestions are
invited on one or more of the following
(a) Whether the information collection
activity is necessary to carry out an
agency function;
(b) whether the agency processes the
information collected in a useful and
timely fashion;
(c) the accuracy of the public burden
estimate (the estimated amount of time
needed for individual respondents to
provide the requested information);
(d) whether the methodology and
assumptions used to determine the
estimates are logical;
(e) ways to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information
being collected; and
(f) ways to minimize the public
burden through the use of automated,
electronic, mechanical, or other
technological collection techniques or
other forms of information technology.
ADDRESSES: Send your written
comments, requests for more
information on the collection, or
requests to obtain a copy of the data
collection instrument and instructions
to Evonne Bennett-Barnes by one of the
following methods:
VerDate Sep<11>2014
16:41 May 02, 2019
Jkt 247001
• Mail: Evonne Bennett-Barnes,
Information Collection Clearance
Officer, Indian Health Service, Office of
Management Services, Division of
Regulatory and Policy Coordination,
5600 Fishers Lane, Mail Stop 09E70,
Rockville, MD 20857.
• Phone: 301–443–1116.
• Email: Evonne.Bennett-Barnes@
Comment Due Date: July 2, 2019.
Your comments regarding this
information collection are best assured
of having full effect if received within
60 days of the date of this publication.
Michael D. Weahkee,
Assistant Surgeon General, U.S. Public Health
Service, Principal Deputy Director, Indian
Health Service.
[FR Doc. 2019–09041 Filed 5–2–19; 8:45 am]
National Institutes of Health
National Institute on Aging; Notice of
Closed Meeting
Pursuant to section 10(d) of the
Federal Advisory Committee Act, as
amended, notice is hereby given of the
following meeting.
The meeting will be closed to the
public in accordance with the
provisions set forth in sections
552b(c)(4) and 552b(c)(6), Title 5 U.S.C.,
as amended. The contract proposals and
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the discussions could disclose
confidential trade secrets or commercial
property such as patentable material,
and personal information concerning
individuals associated with the contract
proposals, the disclosure of which
would constitute a clearly unwarranted
invasion of personal privacy.
Name of Committee: National Institute on
Aging Special Emphasis Panel; Imaging and
Alzheimer’s Contract Review, 2019/10 ZAG1
ZIJ–U (C1) 1.
Date: June 10, 2019.
Time: 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Agenda: To review and evaluate contract
Place: National Institute on Aging,
Gateway Building, 7201 Wisconsin Avenue,
Suite 2W200, Bethesda, MD 20814.
Contact Person: Anita H. Undale, M.D.,
Ph.D., Scientific Review Branch, National
Institute on Aging, Gateway Building, Suite
2W200, 7201 Wisconsin Avenue, Bethesda,
MD 20892, 240–747–7825, anita.undale@
(Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance
Program Nos. 93.866, Aging Research,
National Institutes of Health, HHS)
Dated: April 30, 2019.
Melanie J. Pantoja,
Program Analyst, Office of Federal Advisory
Committee Policy.
[FR Doc. 2019–09100 Filed 5–2–19; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 84, Number 86 (Friday, May 3, 2019)]
[Pages 19088-19089]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2019-09041]
Indian Health Service
Request for Public Comment: 60 Day Information Collection: Indian
Health Service Forms To Implement the Privacy Rule
AGENCY: Indian Health Service, HHS.
ACTION: Notice and request for comments. Request for extension of
SUMMARY: In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the
Indian Health Service (IHS) invites the general public to comment on
the information collection titled, ``IHS Forms to Implement the Privacy
Rule'' Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Control Number 0917-0030.
This previously approved information collection project was last
published in the Federal Register (81 FR 15347) on March 22, 2016, and
allowed 30 days for public comment. No public comment was received in
response to the notice. This notice announces our intent to submit the
collection, which expires August 31, 2019, to OMB for approval of an
extension, and to solicit comments on specific aspects of the
information collection. A copy of the supporting statement is available
at (see Docket ID IHS-2016-1).
Title of Collection: 0917-0030, IHS Forms to Implement the Privacy
Rule (45 CFR parts 160 & 164). Type of Information Collection Request:
Extension of the currently approved information collection, 0917-0030,
IHS Forms to Implement the Privacy Rule (45 CFR parts 160 & 164).
Form(s): IHS-810, IHS-912-1, IHS-912-2, IHS-913, and IHS-917. Need and
Use of Information Collection: This collection of information is made
necessary by the Department of Health and Human Services Rule entitled
``Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health
Information'' (Privacy Rule) (45 CFR parts 160 and 164). The Privacy
Rule implements the privacy requirements of the Administrative
Simplification subtitle of the Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act of 1996, creates national standards to protect
individual's personal health information, and gives patients increased
access to their medical records. 45 CFR 164.508, 164.522, 164.526 and
164.528 of the Rule require the collection of information to implement
these protection standards and access requirements. The IHS will
continue to use the following data collection instruments to meet the
information collection requirements contained in the Rule.
45 CFR 164.508: This provision generally requires covered entities
to obtain or receive a valid authorization for its use or disclosure of
protected health information, unless otherwise permitted or required by
the Privacy Rule. (See, e.g., 45 CFR 164.506 for a common exception to
this general rule, which involves uses and disclosure for treatment,
payment, or healthcare operations.) Individuals may initiate a written
authorization permitting covered entities to release their protected
health information to entities of their choosing. The form IHS-810
``Authorization for Use or Disclosure of Protected Health Information''
is used to document an individual's authorization to use or disclose
their protected health information.
45 CFR 164.522: Section 164.522(a)(1) requires a covered entity to
permit individuals to request that the covered entity restrict the use
and disclosure of their protected health information. The covered
entity may or may not agree to the restriction, and with a limited
exception, a covered entity is not required to agree to a requested
restriction. 45 CFR 164.522(a)(1)(vi). The form IHS-912-1 ``Request for
Restrictions(s)'' is used to document an individual's request for
restriction of their protected health information, and whether the IHS
agreed or disagreed with the restriction. Section 164.522(a)(2) permits
a covered entity to terminate its agreement to a restriction under
certain conditions. For example, termination may occur if the
individual agrees to or requests the termination in writing. 45 CFR
164.522(a)(2)(i). The form IHS-912-2 ``Request for Revocation of
Restriction(s)'' is used to document the individual's request, the
individual's agreement, and/or the agency's decision to terminate a
formerly agreed to restriction regarding the use and disclosure of
protected health information.
45 CFR 164.528: This provision requires covered entities to provide
an accounting of certain disclosures of protected health information
made by the covered entity. See also, 45 CFR 5b.9(c). The form IHS-913
``Request for an Accounting of Disclosures'' is used to document an
individual's request for an accounting of disclosures of their
protected health information and the agency's handling of the request.
45 CFR 164.526: Under this provision, individuals have a right to
amend protected health information or a record about the individual in
a designated
[[Page 19089]]
record set, under certain conditions. 45 CFR 164.526(a). This provision
further requires covered entities to permit an individual to request
that the covered entity amend protected health information. 45 CFR
164.526(b). The covered entity must inform the individual if the
covered entity accepts the requested amendment, in whole or in part.
The covered entity must provide the individual with a written denial
containing certain information if the covered entity denies the
requested amendment, in whole or in part. 45 CFR 164.526(d)(1). The
form IHS-917 ``Request for Correction/Amendment of Protected Health
Information'' will be used to document an individual's request to amend
his/her protected health information and the agency's decision to
accept or deny the request.
Completed forms used in this collection of information are filed in
the IHS medical, health and billing record, a Privacy Act System of
Records Notice. Affected Public: Individuals and households. Type of
Respondents: Individuals. Burden Hours: The table below provides for
this information collection: types of data collection instruments,
estimated number of respondents, number of responses per respondent,
average burden hour per response, and total annual burden hour(s).
Number of Average
Data collection instrument Number of responses per burden hour Total annual
respondents respondent per response * burden hours
Authorization for Use or Disclosure of Protected 210,954 1 10/60 35,159
Health Information (OMB Form No. 0917-0030, IHS-
Request for Restriction(s) (OMB Form No. 0917- 214 1 10/60 36
0030, IHS-912-1)...............................
Request for Revocation of Restriction(s) (OMB 3 1 10/60 .5
Form No. 0917-0030, IHS-912-2).................
Request for Accounting of Disclosures (OMB Form 39 1 10/60 6.5
No. 0917-0030, IHS-913)........................
Request for Correction/Amendment of Protected 54 1 10/60 9
Health Information (OMB Form No. 0917-0030, IHS-
Total Annual Burden......................... 211,264 .............. .............. 35,211
* For ease of understanding, burden hours are provided in actual minutes.
The total estimated burden for this collection of information is
35,211 hours.
There are no capital costs, operating costs and/or maintenance
costs to respondents.
Requests for Comments: Your written comments and/or suggestions are
invited on one or more of the following points:
(a) Whether the information collection activity is necessary to
carry out an agency function;
(b) whether the agency processes the information collected in a
useful and timely fashion;
(c) the accuracy of the public burden estimate (the estimated
amount of time needed for individual respondents to provide the
requested information);
(d) whether the methodology and assumptions used to determine the
estimates are logical;
(e) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the
information being collected; and
(f) ways to minimize the public burden through the use of
automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection
techniques or other forms of information technology.
ADDRESSES: Send your written comments, requests for more information on
the collection, or requests to obtain a copy of the data collection
instrument and instructions to Evonne Bennett-Barnes by one of the
following methods:
Mail: Evonne Bennett-Barnes, Information Collection
Clearance Officer, Indian Health Service, Office of Management
Services, Division of Regulatory and Policy Coordination, 5600 Fishers
Lane, Mail Stop 09E70, Rockville, MD 20857.
Phone: 301-443-1116.
Email: [email protected].
Comment Due Date: July 2, 2019. Your comments regarding this
information collection are best assured of having full effect if
received within 60 days of the date of this publication.
Michael D. Weahkee,
Assistant Surgeon General, U.S. Public Health Service, Principal Deputy
Director, Indian Health Service.
[FR Doc. 2019-09041 Filed 5-2-19; 8:45 am]