Compliance With Statutory Program Integrity Requirements, 14312-14313 [2019-06971]
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Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 69 / Wednesday, April 10, 2019 / Rules and Regulations
40 CFR Part 300
[EPA–HQ–SFUND–2002–0008; FRL–9991–
99–Region 8]
National Oil and Hazardous
Substances Pollution Contingency
Plan; National Priorities List: Partial
Deletion of OU2 of the Libby Asbestos
Superfund Site
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Final rule.
The Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) Region 8 announces the
deletion of the Operable Unit 2 (OU2),
Former Screening Plant, of the Libby
Asbestos Superfund Site (Site) located
in Libby, Montana from the National
Priorities List (NPL). The NPL,
promulgated pursuant to section 105 of
the Comprehensive Environmental
Response, Compensation, and Liability
Act (CERCLA) of 1980, as amended, is
an appendix of the National Oil and
Hazardous Substances Pollution
Contingency Plan (NCP). This partial
deletion pertains to all of OU2. Operable
Unit 1 (OU1), Former Export Plant;
Operable Unit 3 (OU3), Former
Vermiculite Mine; Operable Unit 4 and
Operable Unit 7 (OU4/OU7),
Residential/Commercial Properties of
Libby and Troy; Operable Unit 5 (OU5),
Former Stimson Lumber Mill; Operable
Unit 6 (OU6), BNSF Rail Corridor; and
Operable Unit 8 (OU8), Highways and
Roadways, are not being considered for
deletion as part of this action and will
remain on the NPL. The EPA and the
State of Montana, through the
Department of Environmental Quality
(DEQ), have determined that all
appropriate response actions under
CERCLA, other than operation and
maintenance, and five-year reviews,
have been completed. However, the
deletion of these parcels does not
preclude future actions under
This action is effective April 10,
EPA has established a
docket for this action under Docket
Identification No. EPA–HQ–SFUND–
2002–0008. All documents in the docket
are listed on the https:// website. Although
listed in the index, some information is
not publicly available, i.e., Confidential
Business Information or other
information whose disclosure is
restricted by statute. Certain other
jbell on DSK30RV082PROD with RULES
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material, such as copyrighted material,
is not placed on the internet and will be
publicly available only in hard copy
form. Publicly available docket
materials are available electronically in; by calling
EPA Region 8 at (303) 312–7279 and
leaving a message; and at the EPA Info
Center, 108 E 9th Street, Libby, MT
59923, (406) 293–6194, Monday through
Thursday from 8:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
Dania Zinner, Remedial Project
Manager, U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Region 8, Mailcode EPR–SR,
1595 Wynkoop Street, Denver, CO
80202–1129, (303) 312–7122, email
portion of the site to be deleted from the
NPL is: OU2 of the Libby Asbestos
Superfund Site in Libby, Montana. A
Notice of Intent for Partial Deletion for
this Site was published in the Federal
Register (84 FR 2122–2125) on February
6, 2019.
The closing date for comments on the
Notice of Intent for Partial Deletion was
March 8, 2019. One set of public
comments was received. The
commenter does not object to the
delisting; however, the commenter
would like the Operations and
Maintenance plan to be reviewed and
updated. EPA commits to revising and
updating the Operation and
Maintenance plan for OU2 when new
information necessitates an update. EPA
activities completed at the site satisfy
the NCP deletion criteria. EPA believes
the partial deletion of OU2 of the Libby
Asbestos Superfund Site from the NPL
is appropriate. A responsiveness
summary was prepared and placed in
both the docket, EPA–HQ–SFUND–
2002–0008, on,
and in the local repositories listed
EPA maintains the NPL as the list of
sites that appear to present a significant
risk to public health, welfare, or the
environment. Deletion of a site from the
NPL does not preclude further remedial
action. Whenever there is a significant
release from a site deleted from the NPL,
the deleted site may be restored to the
NPL without application of the hazard
ranking system. Deletion of portions of
a site from the NPL does not affect
responsible party liability, in the
unlikely event that future conditions
warrant further actions.
List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 300
Environmental protection, Air
pollution control, Chemicals, Hazardous
waste, Hazardous substances,
PO 00000
Frm 00054
Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
Intergovernmental relations, Penalties,
Reporting and recordkeeping
requirements, Superfund, Water
pollution control, Water supply.
Dated: March 29, 2019.
Douglas H. Benevento,
Regional Administrator, Region 8.
For reasons set out in the preamble,
40 CFR part 300 is amended as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 300
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 33 U.S.C. 1321(d); 42 U.S.C.
9601–9657; E.O. 13626, 77 FR 56749, 3 CFR,
2013 Comp., p. 306; E.O. 12777, 56 FR 54757,
3 CFR, 1991 Comp., p. 351; E.O. 12580, 52
FR 2923, 3 CFR, 1987 Comp., p. 193.
2. In Appendix B to part 300, Table 1
is amended by revising the entry for
‘‘MT’’, ‘‘Libby Asbestos’’, ‘‘Libby’’ to
read as follows:
Appendix B to Part 300—National
Priorities List
MT ......
Notes a
Libby Asbestos ....... Libby .....
Site name
* *
* P = Sites with partial deletion(s).
[FR Doc. 2019–07019 Filed 4–9–19; 8:45 am]
42 CFR Part 59
RIN 0937–AA07
Compliance With Statutory Program
Integrity Requirements
Office of the Assistant
Secretary for Health, Office of the
Secretary, HHS. Department of Health
and Human Services.
Final rule; correction.
This document corrects
technical errors in the provisions that
appeared in the final rule published in
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 69 / Wednesday, April 10, 2019 / Rules and Regulations
the Federal Register on March 4, 2019
titled ‘‘Compliance with Statutory
Program Integrity Requirements’’.
DATES: These corrections are effective
on May 3, 2019.
Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Health (OASH) at (202) 690–7694,, or by mail at 200
Independence Avenue SW, Washington,
DC 20201.
I. Background
In FR Doc. No. 2019–03461 of March
4, 2019 (84 FR 7714 through 7791),
there were several technical errors that
are identified and corrected in the
Correction of Errors section below. The
provisions in this correction document
are effective as if they had been
included in the document published
March 4, 2019.
jbell on DSK30RV082PROD with RULES
II. Summary of Errors
Due to a technical error, on page 7714,
in the 1st column, line 5, the
Department inadvertently included an
incorrect RIN number. The Department
is correcting this error by inserting the
correct RIN number.
Due to a technical error, on page 7787,
in the 1st column, line 4, the
Department included an extra comma
after ‘‘award’’ and omitted a comma
after ‘‘grantee.’’ The Department is
correcting this error by removing the
comma in the one instance and adding
a comma in the other instance.
Due to a technical error, on page 7787,
in the 2nd column, line 25 and the 3rd
column, line 1, the Department
included quotation marks around ‘‘low
income family.’’ In the first instance,
also due to a technical error, the
Department capitalized ‘‘low.’’ The
Department is correcting these errors by
removing the quotation marks in both
instances and replacing the capital ‘‘L’’
with a lower case ‘‘l’’ in the first
Due to a technical error, on page 7789,
in the 3rd column, line 23, the
Department simply described ‘‘section
1008 of the Act . . .’’ without specifying
‘‘Public Health Service.’’ The
Department is correcting this error by
clarifying ‘‘section 1008 of the Public
Health Service Act . . .’’
Due to a technical error, on page 7791,
in the 2nd column, lines 6 and 15, the
Department included unnecessary
commas. The Department is correcting
this error by removing these commas.
Due to a technical error, on page 7791,
in the 3rd column, line 10, the
Department inadvertently included a
reference to a subsection ‘‘gg’’ regarding
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§ 59.18. The Department is correcting
this error by removing the incorrect
subsection (gg) notation regarding
§ 59.18.
III. Waiver of Proposed Rulemaking
The Department will ordinarily
publish a notice of proposed rulemaking
in the Federal Register to provide a
period for public comment before the
provisions of a rule take effect in
accordance with section 553(b) of the
Administrative Procedure Act (APA) (5
U.S.C. 553(b)). However, the
Department can waive this notice and
comment procedure if the Secretary
finds, for good cause, that the notice and
comment process is impracticable,
unnecessary, or contrary to the public
interest, and incorporates a statement of
the finding and the reasons therefore in
the notice.
Section 553(d) of the APA ordinarily
requires a 30-day delay in effective date
of final rules after the date of their
publication in the Federal Register.
This 30-day delay in effective date can
be waived, however, if an agency finds
for good cause that the delay is
impracticable, unnecessary, or contrary
to the public interest, and the agency
incorporates a statement of the findings
and its reasons in the rule issued.
The Department finds it unnecessary
to undertake notice and comment
rulemaking because this notice merely
provides technical corrections to the
regulations. Therefore, the Department
finds good cause to waive notice and
comment procedures.
IV. Correction of Errors
In FR Rule Doc. No. 2019–03461 of
March 4, 2019 (84 FR 7714 through
7791), the following correction to the
preamble is made:
1. On page 7714, in the 1st column,
line 5, the Department is correcting the
RIN number ‘‘0937–ZA00’’ to read
In FR Rule Doc. No. 2019–03461 of
March 4, 2019 (84 FR 7714 through
7791), the following corrections to 42
CFR part 59 are made:
§ 59.1
1. On page 7787, in the 1st column,
line 4, amend § 59.1 in the second
sentence of paragraph (b) by correcting
the phrase ‘‘To this extent, the use of the
terms ‘‘grant’’, ‘‘award,’’, ‘‘grantee’’ and
‘‘subrecipient’’ in applicable regulations
of this subpart’’ to read, ‘‘To this extent,
the use of the terms ‘‘grant’’, ‘‘award’’,
‘‘grantee’’, and ‘‘subrecipient’’ in
applicable regulations of this subpart.’’
PO 00000
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Fmt 4700
Sfmt 9990
§ 59.2
2. On page 7787, beginning in the 2nd
column, in § 59.2, amend the definition
of ‘‘Low income family’’:
■ a. In the second sentence of the
introductory text by correcting the
phrase ‘‘The project director may find
that ‘‘Low income family’’ also includes
members’’ to read ‘‘The project director
may find that low income family also
includes members’’; and
■ b. In the third sentence of paragraph
(2) by correcting the phrase ‘‘The project
director may, for the purpose of
considering whether the woman is from
a ‘‘low income family’’ ’’ to read ‘‘The
project director may, for the purpose of
considering whether the woman is from
a low income family’’.
§ 59.15
3. On page 7789, in the 3rd column,
amend the first sentence of the
introductory text to § 59.15 by
correcting the phrase ‘‘A Title X project
must be organized so that it is
physically and financially separate, as
determined in accordance with the
review established in this section, from
activities which are prohibited under
section 1008 of the Act’’ to read ‘‘A Title
X project must be organized so that it is
physically and financially separate, as
determined in accordance with the
review established in this section, from
activities which are prohibited under
section 1008 of the Public Health
Service Act’’.
■ 4. On page 7791, in the 2nd and 3rd
columns, amend § 59.19 by correcting
the first sentences of paragraphs (a), (b),
and (c) to read as follows:
§ 59.19
Transition provisions; compliance.
(a) * * * The date by which covered
entities must comply with the physical
separation requirements contained in
§ 59.15 is March 4, 2020. * * *
(b) * * * The date by which covered
entities must comply with § 59.7 and
59.5(a)(13) (as it applies to grant
applications) is the date on which
competitive or continuation award
applications are due, where that date
occurs after July 2, 2019.
(c) * * * The date by which covered
entities must comply with
§§ 59.5(a)(12), 59.5(a)(13) (as it applies
to all required reports), 59.5(a)(14),
(b)(1) and (8), 59.13, 59.14, 59.17, and
59.18 is July 2, 2019.
Dated: April 2, 2019.
Ann C. Agnew,
Executive Secretary to the Department,
Department of Health and Human Services.
[FR Doc. 2019–06971 Filed 4–9–19; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 84, Number 69 (Wednesday, April 10, 2019)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 14312-14313]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2019-06971]
42 CFR Part 59
RIN 0937-AA07
Compliance With Statutory Program Integrity Requirements
AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, Office of the
Secretary, HHS. Department of Health and Human Services.
ACTION: Final rule; correction.
SUMMARY: This document corrects technical errors in the provisions that
appeared in the final rule published in
[[Page 14313]]
the Federal Register on March 4, 2019 titled ``Compliance with
Statutory Program Integrity Requirements''.
DATES: These corrections are effective on May 3, 2019.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: The Office of the Assistant Secretary
for Health (OASH) at (202) 690-7694, [email protected], or by mail at 200
Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20201.
I. Background
In FR Doc. No. 2019-03461 of March 4, 2019 (84 FR 7714 through
7791), there were several technical errors that are identified and
corrected in the Correction of Errors section below. The provisions in
this correction document are effective as if they had been included in
the document published March 4, 2019.
II. Summary of Errors
Due to a technical error, on page 7714, in the 1st column, line 5,
the Department inadvertently included an incorrect RIN number. The
Department is correcting this error by inserting the correct RIN
Due to a technical error, on page 7787, in the 1st column, line 4,
the Department included an extra comma after ``award'' and omitted a
comma after ``grantee.'' The Department is correcting this error by
removing the comma in the one instance and adding a comma in the other
Due to a technical error, on page 7787, in the 2nd column, line 25
and the 3rd column, line 1, the Department included quotation marks
around ``low income family.'' In the first instance, also due to a
technical error, the Department capitalized ``low.'' The Department is
correcting these errors by removing the quotation marks in both
instances and replacing the capital ``L'' with a lower case ``l'' in
the first instance.
Due to a technical error, on page 7789, in the 3rd column, line 23,
the Department simply described ``section 1008 of the Act . . .''
without specifying ``Public Health Service.'' The Department is
correcting this error by clarifying ``section 1008 of the Public Health
Service Act . . .''
Due to a technical error, on page 7791, in the 2nd column, lines 6
and 15, the Department included unnecessary commas. The Department is
correcting this error by removing these commas.
Due to a technical error, on page 7791, in the 3rd column, line 10,
the Department inadvertently included a reference to a subsection
``gg'' regarding Sec. 59.18. The Department is correcting this error
by removing the incorrect subsection (gg) notation regarding Sec.
III. Waiver of Proposed Rulemaking
The Department will ordinarily publish a notice of proposed
rulemaking in the Federal Register to provide a period for public
comment before the provisions of a rule take effect in accordance with
section 553(b) of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) (5 U.S.C.
553(b)). However, the Department can waive this notice and comment
procedure if the Secretary finds, for good cause, that the notice and
comment process is impracticable, unnecessary, or contrary to the
public interest, and incorporates a statement of the finding and the
reasons therefore in the notice.
Section 553(d) of the APA ordinarily requires a 30-day delay in
effective date of final rules after the date of their publication in
the Federal Register. This 30-day delay in effective date can be
waived, however, if an agency finds for good cause that the delay is
impracticable, unnecessary, or contrary to the public interest, and the
agency incorporates a statement of the findings and its reasons in the
rule issued.
The Department finds it unnecessary to undertake notice and comment
rulemaking because this notice merely provides technical corrections to
the regulations. Therefore, the Department finds good cause to waive
notice and comment procedures.
IV. Correction of Errors
In FR Rule Doc. No. 2019-03461 of March 4, 2019 (84 FR 7714 through
7791), the following correction to the preamble is made:
1. On page 7714, in the 1st column, line 5, the Department is
correcting the RIN number ``0937-ZA00'' to read ``0937-AA07.''
In FR Rule Doc. No. 2019-03461 of March 4, 2019 (84 FR 7714 through
7791), the following corrections to 42 CFR part 59 are made:
Sec. 59.1 [Corrected]
1. On page 7787, in the 1st column, line 4, amend Sec. 59.1 in the
second sentence of paragraph (b) by correcting the phrase ``To this
extent, the use of the terms ``grant'', ``award,'', ``grantee'' and
``subrecipient'' in applicable regulations of this subpart'' to read,
``To this extent, the use of the terms ``grant'', ``award'',
``grantee'', and ``subrecipient'' in applicable regulations of this
Sec. 59.2 [Corrected]
2. On page 7787, beginning in the 2nd column, in Sec. 59.2, amend the
definition of ``Low income family'':
a. In the second sentence of the introductory text by correcting the
phrase ``The project director may find that ``Low income family'' also
includes members'' to read ``The project director may find that low
income family also includes members''; and
b. In the third sentence of paragraph (2) by correcting the phrase
``The project director may, for the purpose of considering whether the
woman is from a ``low income family'' '' to read ``The project director
may, for the purpose of considering whether the woman is from a low
income family''.
Sec. 59.15 [Corrected]
3. On page 7789, in the 3rd column, amend the first sentence of the
introductory text to Sec. 59.15 by correcting the phrase ``A Title X
project must be organized so that it is physically and financially
separate, as determined in accordance with the review established in
this section, from activities which are prohibited under section 1008
of the Act'' to read ``A Title X project must be organized so that it
is physically and financially separate, as determined in accordance
with the review established in this section, from activities which are
prohibited under section 1008 of the Public Health Service Act''.
4. On page 7791, in the 2nd and 3rd columns, amend Sec. 59.19 by
correcting the first sentences of paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) to read
as follows:
Sec. 59.19 Transition provisions; compliance.
(a) * * * The date by which covered entities must comply with the
physical separation requirements contained in Sec. 59.15 is March 4,
2020. * * *
(b) * * * The date by which covered entities must comply with Sec.
59.7 and 59.5(a)(13) (as it applies to grant applications) is the date
on which competitive or continuation award applications are due, where
that date occurs after July 2, 2019.
(c) * * * The date by which covered entities must comply with
Sec. Sec. 59.5(a)(12), 59.5(a)(13) (as it applies to all required
reports), 59.5(a)(14), (b)(1) and (8), 59.13, 59.14, 59.17, and 59.18
is July 2, 2019.
Dated: April 2, 2019.
Ann C. Agnew,
Executive Secretary to the Department, Department of Health and Human
[FR Doc. 2019-06971 Filed 4-9-19; 8:45 am]