Texas Railway Exchange LLC-Construction and Operation Exemption-in Galveston County, Texas, 6461-6462 [2019-03363]
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amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 39 / Wednesday, February 27, 2019 / Notices
‘‘Docket Number: DOS–2019–0002’’ in
the Search field. Then click the
‘‘Comment Now’’ button and complete
the comment form.
• Email: RiversDA@state.gov.
• Regular Mail: Send written
comments to: U.S. Department of State,
CA/OCS/PMO, SA–17, 10th Floor,
Washington, DC 20522–1710
You must include the DS form
number (if applicable), information
collection title, and the OMB control
number in any correspondence.
Direct requests for additional
information regarding the collection
listed in this notice, including requests
for copies of the proposed collection
instrument and supporting documents,
to Derek Rivers at SA–17, 10th Floor,
Washington, DC 20522–1710, who may
be reached on 202–485–6332 or at
• Title of Information Collection:
Smart Traveler Enrollment Program.
• OMB Control Number: 1405–0152.
• Type of Request: Extension of a
Currently Approved Collection.
• Originating Office: Bureau of
Consular Affairs, Overseas Citizens
Services (CA/OCS).
• Form Number: DS–4024, 4024e.
• Respondents: United States Citizens
and Nationals.
• Estimated Number of Respondents:
• Estimated Number of Responses:
• Average Time per Response: 20
• Total Estimated Burden Time:
336,796 hours.
• Frequency: On occasion.
• Obligation to Respond: Voluntary.
We are soliciting public comments to
permit the Department to:
• Evaluate whether the proposed
information collection is necessary for
the proper functions of the Department.
• Evaluate the accuracy of our
estimate of the time and cost burden for
this proposed collection, including the
validity of the methodology and
assumptions used.
• Enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
• Minimize the reporting burden on
those who are to respond, including the
use of automated collection techniques
or other forms of information
Please note that comments submitted
in response to this Notice are public
record. Before including any detailed
personal information, you should be
aware that your comments as submitted,
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including your personal information,
will be available for public review.
Abstract of Proposed Collection
The Smart Traveler Enrollment
Program (STEP) makes it possible for
U.S. nationals to register on-line from
anywhere in the world. In the event of
a family emergency, natural disaster or
international crisis, U.S. embassies and
consulates rely on this registration
information to provide registrants with
critical information and assistance. One
of the main legal authorities for use of
this form is 22 U.S.C. 2715.
Ninety-nine percent of responses are
received via electronic submission on
the internet. The service is available on
the Department of State, Bureau of
Consular Affairs website https://
travel.state.gov at https://step.state.gov/
step/. The paper version of the
collection permits respondents who do
not have internet access to provide the
information to the U.S. embassy or
consulate by fax, mail or in person.
Michelle Bernier-Toth,
Managing Director, Bureau of Consular
Affairs, Department of State.
[FR Doc. 2019–03409 Filed 2–26–19; 8:45 am]
modernization of the CRT regime. The
meeting is open to the public, up to the
capacity of the room. Requests for
reasonable accommodation should be
made to the email listed above, on or
before March 13, 2019. The Department
will consider requests made after that
date, but might not be able to
accommodate them. Information about
the meeting, can be found at https://
c78892.htm or by emailing the email
address listed above. If you are unable
to attend in person, you can listen to the
Town Hall via phone by calling 1–800–
356–8278 and entering the passcode
Mark W. Cullinane,
Director, Office of Canadian Affairs,
Department of State.
[FR Doc. 2019–03353 Filed 2–26–19; 8:45 am]
[Docket No. FD 36186]
Texas Railway Exchange LLC—
Construction and Operation
Exemption—in Galveston County,
Surface Transportation Board.
Issuance of Draft Environmental
Assessment; Request for comments.
Town Hall Meeting on Modernizing the
Columbia River Treaty Regime
Department of State.
Notice of meeting.
The Department of State
(Department) will hold a Town Hall
meeting, co-hosted by the Northwest
Power and Conservation Council, in
Kalispell, Montana, to discuss the
modernization of the Columbia River
Treaty (CRT) regime.
DATES: The meeting will be held on
March 20, 2019, from 5:30 p.m. to
approximately 7:00 p.m., Mountain
The meeting will be held at
the Red Lion Hotel Grand Ballroom, 20
S Main St., Suite 150, Kalispell, MT
Julien Katchinoff, Deputy Negotiator,
Office of Canadian Affairs,
ColumbiaRiverTreaty@state.gov, 202–
Town Hall is part of the Department’s
public engagement on the
PO 00000
Frm 00108
Fmt 4703
The Surface Transportation
Board’s (Board’s) Office of
Environmental Analysis (OEA) has
prepared a Draft Environmental
Assessment (Draft EA) in response to a
petition for exemption filed on
November 21, 2018 by Texas Railway
Exchange LLC (TREX) to construct and
operate an approximately 2,800-foot line
of railroad in the City of Galveston,
Galveston County, Texas. The proposed
rail line would connect the Texas
International Terminals facility (the
Terminal) on Galveston Bay with an
existing line of railroad operated by
BNSF Railway Company by crossing an
existing Union Pacific Railroad rail line.
The proposed rail line would offer a
new alternative rail transportation
option for rail traffic entering and
leaving the Terminal.
The Draft EA evaluates the potential
environmental impacts of two
alternative rail alignments, as well as
the No-Action Alternative and
preliminarily concludes that
construction of the proposed rail line
connection would have no significant
environmental impacts if the Board
imposes and TREX implements the
recommended mitigation measures set
forth in the Draft EA. The entire Draft
[Public Notice: 10681]
Sfmt 4703
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 39 / Wednesday, February 27, 2019 / Notices
EA is available on the Board’s website
(www.stb.dot.gov) by clicking on the
‘‘Decisions & Notices’’ button that
appears in the drop down menu for
‘‘ELIBRARY,’’ and searching by Service
Date (February 22, 2019) or Docket
Number (FD 36186).
DATES: The EA is available for public
review and comment. Comments must
be postmarked by March 14, 2019. OEA
will consider and respond to comments
received on the Draft EA in the Final
EA. The Board will issue a final
decision on the proposed transaction
after issuance of the Final EA.
Filing Environmental Comments:
Comments submitted by mail should be
addressed to: Josh Wayland, Surface
Transportation Board, 395 E Street SW,
Washington, DC 20423. Comments on
the Draft EA may also be filed
electronically on the Board’s website,
www.stb.dot.gov, by clicking on the ‘‘E
FILING’’ link. Please refer Docket No.
FD 36186 in all comments, including
electronic filings.
Wayland by mail at the address above,
by telephone at 202–245–0330, or by
email at joshua.wayland@stb.gov.
By the Board, Victoria Rutson,
Director, Office of Environmental
Regena Smith-Bernard,
Clearance Clerk.
[FR Doc. 2019–03363 Filed 2–26–19; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
Public Notice for Intent To Release
Airport Property
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice of intent to rule on
request to release airport property for
non-aeronautical use; Deadhorse Airport
(SCC), Deadhorse, Alaska.
The FAA proposes to rule and
invites public comment on the release of
land at the Deadhorse Airport,
Deadhorse, Alaska.
DATES: Comments must be received on
or before March 29, 2019.
ADDRESSES: Documents are available for
review by appointment at the FAA
Anchorage Airports Regional Office,
Molly Lamrouex, Compliance Manager,
222 W 7th Avenue, Anchorage, AK.
Telephone: (907) 271–5439/Fax: (907)
271–2851 and the Alaska Dept. of
Transportation and Public Facilities,
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1
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2301 Peger Rd., Fairbanks, AK 99709.
Telephone: (907) 451–2216.
Written comments on the Sponsor’s
request must be delivered or mailed to:
Molly Lamrouex, Compliance Manager,
Federal Aviation Administration,
Airports Anchorage Regional Office, 222
W 7th Avenue, Anchorage AK 99513,
Telephone Number: (907) 271–5439/
FAX Number: (907) 271–2851.
Molly Lamrouex, Compliance Manager,
Federal Aviation Administration,
Alaskan Region Airports District Office,
222 W 7th Avenue, Anchorage, AK
99513. Telephone Number: (907) 271–
5439/FAX Number: (907) 271–2851.
invites public comment on the request
to release the aeronautical use only
grant provision for a portion of lease Lot
1A, Block 700 at the Deadhorse Airport
(SCC) under the provisions of 49 U.S.C.
47107(h)(2). The Alaska Department of
Transportation and Public Facilities has
requested from the FAA that a portion
of airport property currently leased to
Deadhorse Aviation Center be released
for an interim non-aeronautical use. The
FAA has determined that the release of
the property will not impact future
aviation needs at the airport. The FAA
may approve the request, in whole or in
part, no sooner than 30 days after the
publication of this notice.
The disposition of proceeds from the
non-aeronautical lease of the airport
property will be in accordance with
FAA’s Policy and Procedures
Concerning the Use of Airport Revenue,
published in the Federal Register on
February 16, 1999 (64 FR 7696).
Issued in Anchorage, Alaska, on February
19, 2019.
Kristi Warden,
Acting Director, Alaskan Airports Regional
Office, FAA, Alaskan Region.
[FR Doc. 2019–03334 Filed 2–26–19; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
Notice of Cancellation of
Environmental Impact Statement for
Proposed Capacity Enhancements and
Other Improvements at Charlotte
Douglas International Airport,
Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, NC
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), Department of
Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Notice of Cancellation of
Preparation of Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS) by the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) for proposed
PO 00000
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capacity enhancements and other
improvements (Proposed Action) at
Charlotte Douglas International Airport,
Charlotte, NC.
The Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) announces that it
has discontinued preparation of an
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
for proposed capacity enhancements
and other improvements (Proposed
Action) at Charlotte Douglas
International Airport (CLT), Charlotte,
NC. The Proposed Action initially
presented to the FAA entailed: (1) A
Fourth 12,000-foot Parallel Runway 1–
19 and End-Around Taxiways; (2)
Concourse B and Ramp Expansion; (3)
Concourse C and Ramp Expansion; and
(4) Daily North Parking Deck. Based on
developments during the National
Environmental Policy Act, 42 U.S.C.
4321 et seq. (NEPA), review process, the
project now subject to environmental
review includes a fourth parallel
runway of only 10,000 feet. The FAA
determined that this was a sufficient
change to one of the proposed capacity
enhancements, as described in greater
detail below in the Supplementary
Information section of this Notice, to
warrant cancellation of the EIS and
conversion to an Environmental
Assessment (EA).
DATES: Cancellation of this EIS is
ADDRESSES: Mail all comments,
statements, or questions concerning this
notice to: Mr. Tommy L. Dupree,
Assistant Manager, Memphis Airports
District Office, 2600 Thousand Oaks
Blvd., Suite 2250, Memphis, TN 38118.
You may also send comments to
In addition, one copy of any comment
submitted to the FAA should be mailed
or delivered to Mr. Jack Christine, Chief
Operating Officer, City of Charlotte
Aviation Department, 5601 Wilkinson
Boulevard, Charlotte, NC 28208.
22, 2018, the FAA published in the
Federal Register a Notice of Intent (NOI)
to prepare an EIS and to conduct public
and agency scoping meetings (Volume
83, Number 05583, FR 12369–12640).
The FAA held two governmental agency
scoping meetings for Federal, state, and
local regulatory agencies in Raleigh, NC,
on April 24, 2018 and Charlotte, NC, on
April 25, 2018, in addition to two public
scoping meetings for the general public
in Charlotte, NC, on April 24 and 26,
2018. FAA issued a Notice to Proceed
for the EIS April 24, 2017.
In October 2018, FAA conducted an
EIS runway length analysis for the
proposed 12,000-foot runway, and the
[Federal Register Volume 84, Number 39 (Wednesday, February 27, 2019)]
[Pages 6461-6462]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2019-03363]
[Docket No. FD 36186]
Texas Railway Exchange LLC--Construction and Operation
Exemption--in Galveston County, Texas
AGENCY: Surface Transportation Board.
ACTION: Issuance of Draft Environmental Assessment; Request for
SUMMARY: The Surface Transportation Board's (Board's) Office of
Environmental Analysis (OEA) has prepared a Draft Environmental
Assessment (Draft EA) in response to a petition for exemption filed on
November 21, 2018 by Texas Railway Exchange LLC (TREX) to construct and
operate an approximately 2,800-foot line of railroad in the City of
Galveston, Galveston County, Texas. The proposed rail line would
connect the Texas International Terminals facility (the Terminal) on
Galveston Bay with an existing line of railroad operated by BNSF
Railway Company by crossing an existing Union Pacific Railroad rail
line. The proposed rail line would offer a new alternative rail
transportation option for rail traffic entering and leaving the
The Draft EA evaluates the potential environmental impacts of two
alternative rail alignments, as well as the No-Action Alternative and
preliminarily concludes that construction of the proposed rail line
connection would have no significant environmental impacts if the Board
imposes and TREX implements the recommended mitigation measures set
forth in the Draft EA. The entire Draft
[[Page 6462]]
EA is available on the Board's website (www.stb.dot.gov) by clicking on
the ``Decisions & Notices'' button that appears in the drop down menu
for ``ELIBRARY,'' and searching by Service Date (February 22, 2019) or
Docket Number (FD 36186).
DATES: The EA is available for public review and comment. Comments must
be postmarked by March 14, 2019. OEA will consider and respond to
comments received on the Draft EA in the Final EA. The Board will issue
a final decision on the proposed transaction after issuance of the
Final EA.
Filing Environmental Comments: Comments submitted by mail should be
addressed to: Josh Wayland, Surface Transportation Board, 395 E Street
SW, Washington, DC 20423. Comments on the Draft EA may also be filed
electronically on the Board's website, www.stb.dot.gov, by clicking on
the ``E FILING'' link. Please refer Docket No. FD 36186 in all
comments, including electronic filings.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Josh Wayland by mail at the address
above, by telephone at 202-245-0330, or by email at
By the Board, Victoria Rutson, Director, Office of Environmental
Regena Smith-Bernard,
Clearance Clerk.
[FR Doc. 2019-03363 Filed 2-26-19; 8:45 am]