Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the West Seattle and Ballard Link Extensions, King County, Washington, 3541-3544 [2019-01949]
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Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 29 / Tuesday, February 12, 2019 / Notices
requirements that require all iron, steel,
or manufactured products be produced
in the United States, to help create and
protect manufacturing jobs in the
United States. The Ferry program will
have a significant economic impact
toward meeting the objectives of the
Buy America law. The FAST Act
amended the Buy America
requirements, 49 U.S.C. 5323(j), to
provide for a phased increase in the
domestic content for rolling stock. For
FY 2019, the cost of components and
subcomponents produced in the United
States must be more than 65 percent of
the cost of all components. For FY 2020
and beyond, the cost of components and
subcomponents produced in the United
States must be more than 70 percent of
the cost of all components. There is no
change to the requirement that final
assembly of rolling stock must occur in
the United States. The Buy America
requirements can be found in 49 CFR
part 661 and additional guidance on the
implementation of the phased increase
in domestic content can be found at 81
FR 60278 (Sept. 1, 2016). Any proposal
that will require a waiver must identify
the items for which a waiver will be
sought in the application. Applicants
should not proceed with the expectation
that waivers will be granted.
iv. Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
Projects that include ferry
acquisitions are subject to the
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
(DBE) program regulations at 49 CFR
part 26 and ferry manufacturers must be
certified Transit Vehicle Manufacturers
(TVMs) to be eligible to bid on an FTAassisted ferry procurement. The rule
requires that, prior to bidding on any
FTA-assisted vehicle procurement,
entities that manufacture ferries must
submit a DBE Program plan and annual
goal methodology to FTA. The FTA will
then issue a TVM concurrence/
certification letter. Grant recipients
must verify each entity’s compliance
before accepting its bid. A list of
certified TVMs is posted on FTA’s web
page at
civilrights/12891.html. Recipients
should contact FTA before accepting
bids from entities not listed on this webposting. In lieu of using a certified TVM,
recipients may also establish project
specific DBE goals for ferry purchases.
The FTA will provide additional
guidance as grants are awarded. For
more information on DBE requirements,
please contact Janelle Hinton, Office of
Civil Rights, 202–366–9259, email:
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v. Planning
FTA encourages applicants to notify
the appropriate State Departments of
Transportation and MPOs in areas likely
to be served by the project funds made
available under these initiatives and
programs. Selected projects must be
incorporated into the long-range plans
and transportation improvement
programs of States and metropolitan
areas before they are eligible for FTA
vi. Standard Assurances
The applicant assures that it will
comply with all applicable Federal
statutes, regulations, executive orders,
directives, FTA circulars, and other
Federal administrative requirements in
carrying out any project supported by
the FTA grant. The applicant
acknowledges that it is under a
continuing obligation to comply with
the terms and conditions of the grant
agreement issued for its project with
FTA. The applicant understands that
Federal laws, regulations, policies, and
administrative practices might be
modified from time to time and may
affect the implementation of the project.
The applicant agrees that the most
recent Federal requirements will apply
to the project, unless FTA issues a
written determination otherwise. The
applicant must submit the Certifications
and Assurances before receiving a grant
if it does not have current certifications
on file.
4. Reporting
Post-award reporting requirements
include the electronic submission of
Federal Financial Reports and Milestone
Progress Reports.
G. Federal Awarding Agency Contact(s)
For further information concerning
this notice, please contact the Ferry
program manager, Vanessa Williams, by
phone at 202–366–4818, or by email at A TDD is
available for individuals who are deaf or
hard of hearing at 800–877–8339. In
addition, FTA will post answers to
questions and requests for clarifications
on FTA’s website at: https://
passenger-ferry-grant-program-section5307. To ensure receipt of accurate
information about eligibility or the
program, the applicant is encouraged to
contact FTA directly, rather than
through intermediaries or third parties.
H. Technical Assistance and Other
Program Information
This program is not subject to
Executive Order 12372,
‘‘Intergovernmental Review of Federal
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Programs.’’ FTA will consider
applications for funding only from
eligible recipients for eligible projects
listed in Section C. Complete
applications must be submitted through
GRANTS.GOV by 11:59 p.m. EST on
April 15, 2019. For issues with
GRANTS.GOV, please contact
GRANTS.GOV by phone at 1–800–518–
4726 or by email at
Contact information for FTA’s
regional offices can be found on FTA’s
website at
Issued in Washington, DC.
K. Jane Williams,
Acting Administrator.
[FR Doc. 2019–01951 Filed 2–11–19; 8:45 am]
Federal Transit Administration
Notice of Intent To Prepare an
Environmental Impact Statement for
the West Seattle and Ballard Link
Extensions, King County, Washington
Federal Transit Administration
ACTION: Notice of intent to prepare an
environmental impact statement.
The Federal Transit
Administration (FTA) and the Central
Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority
(Sound Transit) intend to prepare an
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
to evaluate the benefits and impacts of
the proposed West Seattle and Ballard
Link Extensions (WSBLE), a light rail
transit extension project. The project
would improve public transit service
along the WSBLE corridor between and
through the West Seattle, Downtown,
and Ballard neighborhoods in Seattle,
King County, Washington. It would
respond to a growing number of
transportation and community needs
identified in the agency’s regional
transit system plan, Sound Transit 3
FTA and Sound Transit will prepare
the EIS in accordance with the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), FTA
environmental regulations, Fixing
America’s Surface Transportation Act
(FAST Act), and Washington’s State
Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). This
Notice initiates formal scoping for the
EIS, provides information on the nature
of the proposed transit project, invites
participation in the EIS process,
provides information about the purpose
and need for the proposed transit
project, includes the general set of
alternatives being considered for
evaluation in the EIS, and identifies
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 29 / Tuesday, February 12, 2019 / Notices
potential environmental effects to be
considered. It also invites comments
from interested members of the public,
tribes, and agencies on the scope of the
EIS and announces upcoming public
scoping meetings. Alternatives being
considered for evaluation include a NoBuild alternative and various build
alternatives to develop light rail in the
WSBLE corridor. The alternatives were
developed through a local planning
process including a Regional Transit
Long-Range Plan, a regional system plan
of transit investments (ST3), and a SEPA
early scoping and alternatives
development process specific to the
WSBLE corridor. Results of the SEPA
early scoping process, the alternatives
development process and findings, and
other background technical reports are
available at Sound Transit’s office
located at 401 S Jackson Street, Seattle,
WA 98104–2826, on the project website:, or by
contacting the project line at (206) 903–
The public scoping period will
begin on the date of publication of this
Notice and will continue through March
18, 2019 or 30 days from the date of
publication, whichever is later. Please
send written comments on the scope of
the EIS, including the draft purpose and
need statement, the alternatives to be
considered in the EIS, the
environmental and community impacts
to be evaluated, and any other projectrelated issues, to the Sound Transit
address listed in ADDRESSES below.
Public scoping meetings will be held
at the times and locations indicated in
ADDRESSES below. Sound Transit and
FTA will accept written (via mail and
online) and verbal comments recorded
by a court reporter at those meetings.
FTA and Sound Transit have also
scheduled a meeting to receive
comments from agencies and tribes who
have an interest in the proposed project
(on March 5, 2019). Invitations to the
agency and tribal scoping meeting have
been sent to appropriate Federal, tribal,
state, and local governmental units.
Written comments on the
scope of the EIS must be received by
March 18, 2019 or 30 days from the
publication of this Notice, whichever is
later. Please send comments to: WSBLE
(c/o Lauren Swift, Central Corridor
Environmental Manager) Sound Transit,
401 S. Jackson Street, Seattle, WA
98104–2826, or by email to
WSBscopingcomments@ Comments will also be
accepted at the public scoping meetings
which will be held at:
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1. February 27, 2019, 6:00–8:30, Alki
Masonic Center, 4736 40th Ave. SW,
Seattle, WA 98116.
2. February 28, 2019, 6:00–8:30,
Ballard High School, 1418 NW 65th St.,
Seattle, WA 98117.
3. March 7, 2019, 5:00–7:30, Sound
Transit, Union Station, 401 S. Jackson
Street, Seattle, WA 98104.
All public meeting locations are
accessible to persons with disabilities.
To request materials be prepared and
supplied in alternate formats or
languages, please call the project line,
(206) 903–7299/TTY Relay 711 at least
48 hours in advance of the meeting.
Persons who are deaf or hard of hearing
may call (888) 713–4900/TTY Relay
Information about the proposed
project, the alternatives development
process, scoping, and the EIS process
will be available at the scoping
meetings, at Sound Transit offices, on
the project website: https://, or by
contacting the project line at (206) 903–
Mark Assam, FTA Environmental
Protection Specialist, phone: (206) 220–
4465 or Lauren Swift, Sound Transit
Central Corridor Environmental
Manager, phone: (206) 398–5301.
Background. NEPA ‘‘scoping’’ (40
CFR 1501.7) has specific and fairly
limited objectives, one of which is to
identify the light rail alignment
alternatives’ significant issues that will
be examined in detail in the EIS, while
simultaneously limiting consideration
and development of issues that are not
truly significant. The NEPA scoping
process should identify potentially
significant environmental impacts
caused by the project and that give rise
to the need to prepare an EIS; impacts
that are deemed not to be significant
need not be developed extensively in
the context of the impact statement. The
EIS must be focused on impacts of
consequence consistent with the
ultimate objectives of the NEPA
implementing regulations—‘‘to make
the environmental impact statement
process more useful to decision makers
and the public; and to reduce
paperwork and the accumulation of
extraneous background data, in order to
emphasize the need to focus on real
environmental issues and alternatives
. . . [by requiring] impact statements to
be concise, clear, and to the point, and
supported by evidence that agencies
have made the necessary environmental
analyses.’’ Executive Order 11991, of
May 24, 1977. Transit projects may also
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generate environmental benefits, which
should also be highlighted; the EIS
process should draw attention to
positive impacts, not just negative.
The Proposed Project. Sound Transit
is proposing to expand Link light rail
transit service from downtown Seattle to
West Seattle’s Alaska Junction
neighborhood, and to Ballard’s Market
Street area. The project corridor is
approximately 11.8 miles long. The
project is part of the ST3 Plan of
regional transit system investments,
approved for funding by voters in the
region in 2016. The ST3 Plan is
available on Sound Transit’s website at:
Purpose of and Need for the Project.
The Purpose and Need statement
establishes the basis for developing and
evaluating a range of reasonable
alternatives for environmental review
and assists with the identification of a
Preferred Alternative. The purpose of
the WSBLE project is to expand the Link
light rail system from downtown Seattle
to West Seattle and Ballard, to make
appropriate community investments to
improve mobility, and to increase
capacity and connectivity for regional
connections in order to:
• Provide high quality rapid, reliable,
and efficient light rail transit service to
communities in the project corridor as
defined through the local planning
process and reflected in the ST3 Plan
(Sound Transit, 2016).
• Improve regional mobility by
increasing connectivity and capacity
through downtown Seattle to meet
projected transit demand.
• Connect regional centers as
described in adopted regional and local
land use, transportation, and economic
development plans and Sound Transit’s
Regional Transit Long-Range Plan
Update (Sound Transit, 2014).
• Implement a system that is
technically and financially feasible to
build, operate, and maintain.
• Expand mobility for the corridor
and region’s residents, which include
transit-dependent, low-income, and
minority populations.
• Encourage equitable and
sustainable urban growth in station
areas through support of transit-oriented
development and multimodal
integration in a manner that is
consistent with local land use plans and
policies, including Sound Transit’s
Transit Oriented Development and
Sustainability policies.
• Encourage convenient and safe nonmotorized access to stations such as
bicycle and pedestrian connections
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 29 / Tuesday, February 12, 2019 / Notices
consistent with Sound Transit’s System
Access Policy.
• Preserve and promote a healthy
environment and economy by
minimizing adverse impacts on the
natural, built, and social environments
through sustainable practices.
The project is needed because:
• When measured using national
standards, existing transit routes
between downtown Seattle, West Seattle
and Ballard currently operate with poor
reliability. Roadway congestion in the
project corridor will continue to degrade
transit performance and reliability as
the city is expected to add 70,000
residential units and 115,000 jobs by
2035, without any major expansions in
• Increased ridership from regional
population and employment growth
will increase operational frequency in
the existing downtown Seattle transit
tunnel requiring additional tunnel
• Puget Sound Regional Council
(PSRC), the regional metropolitan
planning organization, and local plans
call for High Capacity Transit (HCT) in
the corridor consistent with VISION
2040 (PSRC, 2009) and Sound Transit’s
Regional Transit Long-Range Plan
Update (Sound Transit, 2014).
• The region’s citizens and
communities, including transit
dependent residents and low-income
and minority population, need longterm regional mobility and multimodal
connectivity as called for in the
Washington State Growth Management
• Regional and local plans call for
increased residential and/or
employment density at and around HCT
stations, and increased options for
multimodal access.
• Environmental and sustainability
goals of the state and region, as
established in Washington state law and
embodied in PSRC’s VISION 2040 and
2018 Regional Transportation Plan,
include reducing greenhouse gas
emissions by decreasing vehicle miles
Proposed Alternatives. Three light rail
transit (LRT) build alternatives have
been identified for the WSBLE project,
as well as a no-build alternative, as
required under NEPA, that serves as a
baseline against which to assess the
impacts of the proposed alternatives.
The mode and corridor served for the
proposed project were identified
through the years-long planning process
for the Sound Transit Regional Transit
Long-Range Plan and ST3 Plan. The
three LRT alternatives were developed
through an alternatives development
process which built off of the Regional
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Transit Long-Range Plan and ST3
planning work. The planning and
alternatives development processes
included technical analysis, public
engagement, and input from affected
local jurisdictions. Sound Transit
developed an initial range of
alternatives from agency and public
input during the SEPA early scoping
process (February 2 through March 5,
2018). The project Elected Leadership
Group (ELG), a comprehensive group of
elected officials that represent the
service corridor, and the Stakeholder
Advisory Group (SAG), an advisory
group consisting of members of the
community appointed by the ELG, then
recommended how to narrow and refine
these alternatives based on additional
analysis and community, agency, and
tribal input. Consistent with 23 CFR
part 450.318, FTA is relying on the
results of these local planning processes
to inform the mode, corridor, and range
of reasonable alternatives to be
evaluated during the environmental
FTA and Sound Transit invite
comments on these alternatives. The
input received during the scoping
period will help FTA and Sound Transit
identify alternatives to evaluate in the
Draft EIS. After scoping concludes, the
Sound Transit Board is expected to
consider the scoping comments received
and then act on a motion addressing the
purpose and need for the project, the
scope of environmental review, and
identifying the preferred alternative and
other alternatives to be considered in
the Draft EIS.
No Build Alternative. The No Build
Alternative reflects the existing
transportation system plus the
transportation improvements included
in PSRC’s Transportation Improvement
Light Rail Transit Alternatives. Each
LRT alternative is approximately 11.8
miles and includes fourteen stations
that serve the following areas: Alaska
Junction, Avalon, Delridge, SODO, the
sports stadiums, International District/
Chinatown, Midtown, Westlake, Denny,
South Lake Union, Seattle Center, Smith
Cove, Interbay, and Ballard. FTA and
Sound Transit may also examine several
design options and potential minimal
operable segments for the proposed
alternatives. Information about the
proposed project, the alternatives
development process, scoping, and the
EIS process will be available at the
scoping meetings, at Sound Transit
offices, on the project website: https://, or by
contacting the project line at (206) 903–
7229. For purposes of the Notice, the
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proposed alternatives can be generally
described as follows:
In West Seattle, the alternatives
include several elevated and tunnel
station options in the Alaska Junction
area in the vicinity of SW Alaska Street
on either 41st Avenue SW, 42nd
Avenue SW, or 44th Avenue SW. From
the Alaska Junction, the alternatives
travel east in either an elevated or
tunnel configuration with elevated or
tunnel station options at Avalon, and
continue in an elevated configuration
along SW Genesee Street with an
elevated station in Delridge along or
west of Delridge Way SW. The
alternatives then cross the Duwamish
River on a high level fixed bridge
parallel to the existing West Seattle
Bridge on either the north or south side.
The alternatives continue east in an
elevated configuration before turning
north following the alignment of the E3
Busway to a new elevated or at-grade
SODO station and an at-grade Stadium
station and connect to the existing
downtown Seattle transit tunnel.
A new downtown tunnel would begin
in the vicinity of the Stadium station, it
would head north with alignments
under 4th Avenue S or 5th Avenue S
through the International District/
Chinatown and then travel northwest
along 5th Avenue or 6th Avenue
through Midtown and Westlake. The
alternatives would then continue in a
tunnel configuration along Westlake
Ave N to South Lake Union with a
station near Denny Way before turning
northwest with a station near Aurora
Ave N between Harrison and Roy
streets. The alternatives would continue
in tunnel towards Seattle Center with a
station on either Republican or Mercer
streets. The alternatives then turn north
and begin to transition to at-grade or
elevated configurations to serve a Smith
Cove station along Elliott Avenue W.
From the Smith Cove station, the
alternatives either continue in an
elevated configuration along 15th
Avenue W or transition to at-grade along
the east side of the Burlington Northern
Santa Fe (BNSF) railway tracks to a
station in Interbay near W Dravus Street.
From the Interbay station, one
alternative would continue in an
elevated alignment along 15th Avenue
W and cross Salmon Bay with a
movable bridge. The other alternatives
transition to the east of 15th Avenue W
and cross Salmon Bay with a high level
fixed bridge or tunnel. Station options
in Ballard include elevated and tunnel
stations near NW Market Street on 15th
Avenue NW or 14th Avenue NW.
The build alternatives could also
include transit related roadway, bicycle,
maritime, and pedestrian projects by
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 29 / Tuesday, February 12, 2019 / Notices
Sound Transit or others. These
improvements may be eligible for
federal funding and could be part of the
transit project or constructed together
with it as part of a joint effort with
agency partners, thereby meriting joint
environmental analysis. This could
include access improvements around
station areas and over waterway
crossings. Sound Transit would identify
these improvements and could include
them as it works with partner agencies.
Possible Adverse Effects. Consistent
with NEPA, FTA and Sound Transit
will evaluate, with input from the
public, tribes, and agencies, the
potential impacts of the alternatives on
the natural, built, and social
environments. Likely areas of
investigation include, transportation
(including navigable waterways), land
use and consistency with applicable
plans, land acquisition and
displacements, socioeconomic impacts,
park and recreation resources, historic
and cultural resources, environmental
justice, visual and aesthetic qualities, air
quality, noise and vibration, energy use,
safety and security, and ecosystems,
including threatened and endangered
species and marine mammals. The EIS
will evaluate short-term construction
impacts and long-term operational
impacts. It will also consider indirect,
secondary and cumulative impacts. The
EIS will also propose measures to avoid,
minimize, or mitigate significant
adverse impacts.
In accordance with FTA policy and
regulations, FTA and Sound Transit will
comply with all Federal environmental
laws, regulations, and executive orders
applicable to the proposed project
during the environmental review
Roles of Agencies and the Public.
NEPA, and FTA’s regulations for
implementing NEPA, call for public
involvement in the EIS process. FTA
and Sound Transit therefore invite
Federal and non-Federal agencies to
participate in the NEPA process as
‘‘cooperating’’ or ‘‘participating’’
agencies. FTA will also initiate
government-to-government consultation
with Indian tribes and will invite them
to participate in the process.
Any agency or tribe interested in the
project that does not receive such an
invitation should promptly notify the
Sound Transit Corridor Environmental
Manager identified above under
FTA and Sound Transit will prepare
a draft Coordination Plan for agency
involvement. Interested parties will be
able to review the draft Coordination
Plan on the project website. The draft
Coordination Plan will identify the
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project’s coordination approach and
structure, will provide details on the
major schedule milestones for agency
and public involvement, and will
include an initial list of interested
agencies and organizations.
Combined FEIS and Record of
Decision. Under 23 U.S.C. 139, FTA
should combine the Final EIS and
Record of Decision if it is practicable.
The EIS will be a joint document under
NEPA and SEPA; therefore, FTA and
Sound Transit have determined that this
is not practicable to combine the Final
EIS and Record of Decision.
Paperwork Reduction. The Paperwork
Reduction Act seeks, in part, to
minimize the cost to the taxpayer of the
creation, collection, maintenance, use,
dissemination, and disposition of
information. Consistent with this goal
and with principles of economy and
efficiency in government, FTA limits as
much as possible the distribution of
complete sets of printed environmental
documents. Accordingly, unless a
specific request for a complete printed
set of environmental documents is
received before the document is printed,
FTA and Sound Transit will distribute
only the executive summary of the
environmental document that will
include a compact disc of the complete
environmental document and a link to
the project website where it can be
accessed online. A complete printed set
of the environmental document will be
available for review at the Sound
Transit’s offices and local libraries; an
electronic copy of the complete
environmental document will also be
available on Sound Transit’s project
Linda M. Gehrke,
Regional Administrator.
[FR Doc. 2019–01949 Filed 2–11–19; 8:45 am]
Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) No.
108, Lamps, Reflective Devices, and
Associated Equipment. Gillig filed a
noncompliance report dated February
24, 2017. Gillig also petitioned NHTSA
on March 24, 2017, and supplemented
its petition on May 10, 2017, for a
decision that the subject noncompliance
is inconsequential as it relates to motor
vehicle safety.
Leroy Angeles, Office of Vehicle
Safety Compliance, NHTSA, telephone
(202) 366–5304, facsimile (202) 366–
I. Overview
Gillig LLC (Gillig) has determined that
certain model year (MY) 1997–2016
Gillig Low Floor buses do not fully
comply with paragraph S7. of
FMVSS No. 108, Lamps, Reflective
Devices, and Associated Equipment (49
CFR 571.108). Gillig filed a
noncompliance report dated February
24, 2017, pursuant to 49 CFR part 573,
Defect and Noncompliance
Responsibility and Reports. As stated in
the noncompliance report, turn signal
lights that do not meet the requirements
of the standard may not be sufficiently
visible to other drivers or pedestrians,
potentially increasing the risk of a crash.
Gillig also petitioned NHTSA on March
24, 2017, and supplemented its petition
on May 10, 2017, for an exemption from
the notification and remedy
requirements of 49 U.S.C. Chapter 301
on the basis that this noncompliance is
inconsequential as it relates to motor
vehicle safety, pursuant to 49 U.S.C.
30118(d) and 30120(h) and 49 CFR part
Notice of receipt of the petition was
published with a 30-day public
comment period, on October 4, 2017, in
the Federal Register (82 FR 46346). No
comments were received.
II. Buses Involved
National Highway Traffic Safety
Approximately 17,138 MY 1997–2016
Gillig Low Floor buses, manufactured
between December 31, 1997, and
February 3, 2017, are potentially
[Docket No. NHTSA–2017–0021; Notice 2]
Gillig, LLC, Denial of Petition for
Decision of Inconsequential
National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration (NHTSA),
Department of Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Denial of petition.
Gillig LLC (Gillig) has
determined that certain model year
(MY) 1997–2016 Gillig Low Floor buses
do not fully comply with Federal Motor
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III. Noncompliance
Gillig stated that it installed six
different generations of turn signal
assemblies in the subject buses;
however, after receiving two complaints
that their Generation 7 turn signal
assemblies were not sufficiently visible,
Gillig and the turn signal manufacturer
went back and tested the previous
generations to see if they met the
requirements of FMVSS No. 108. Test
[Federal Register Volume 84, Number 29 (Tuesday, February 12, 2019)]
[Pages 3541-3544]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2019-01949]
Federal Transit Administration
Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for
the West Seattle and Ballard Link Extensions, King County, Washington
AGENCY: Federal Transit Administration (FTA), DOT
ACTION: Notice of intent to prepare an environmental impact statement.
SUMMARY: The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and the Central Puget
Sound Regional Transit Authority (Sound Transit) intend to prepare an
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to evaluate the benefits and
impacts of the proposed West Seattle and Ballard Link Extensions
(WSBLE), a light rail transit extension project. The project would
improve public transit service along the WSBLE corridor between and
through the West Seattle, Downtown, and Ballard neighborhoods in
Seattle, King County, Washington. It would respond to a growing number
of transportation and community needs identified in the agency's
regional transit system plan, Sound Transit 3 (ST3).
FTA and Sound Transit will prepare the EIS in accordance with the
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), FTA environmental
regulations, Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act),
and Washington's State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). This Notice
initiates formal scoping for the EIS, provides information on the
nature of the proposed transit project, invites participation in the
EIS process, provides information about the purpose and need for the
proposed transit project, includes the general set of alternatives
being considered for evaluation in the EIS, and identifies
[[Page 3542]]
potential environmental effects to be considered. It also invites
comments from interested members of the public, tribes, and agencies on
the scope of the EIS and announces upcoming public scoping meetings.
Alternatives being considered for evaluation include a No-Build
alternative and various build alternatives to develop light rail in the
WSBLE corridor. The alternatives were developed through a local
planning process including a Regional Transit Long-Range Plan, a
regional system plan of transit investments (ST3), and a SEPA early
scoping and alternatives development process specific to the WSBLE
corridor. Results of the SEPA early scoping process, the alternatives
development process and findings, and other background technical
reports are available at Sound Transit's office located at 401 S
Jackson Street, Seattle, WA 98104-2826, on the project website:, or by contacting the project line at
(206) 903-7229.
DATES: The public scoping period will begin on the date of publication
of this Notice and will continue through March 18, 2019 or 30 days from
the date of publication, whichever is later. Please send written
comments on the scope of the EIS, including the draft purpose and need
statement, the alternatives to be considered in the EIS, the
environmental and community impacts to be evaluated, and any other
project-related issues, to the Sound Transit address listed in
Public scoping meetings will be held at the times and locations
indicated in ADDRESSES below. Sound Transit and FTA will accept written
(via mail and online) and verbal comments recorded by a court reporter
at those meetings. FTA and Sound Transit have also scheduled a meeting
to receive comments from agencies and tribes who have an interest in
the proposed project (on March 5, 2019). Invitations to the agency and
tribal scoping meeting have been sent to appropriate Federal, tribal,
state, and local governmental units.
ADDRESSES: Written comments on the scope of the EIS must be received by
March 18, 2019 or 30 days from the publication of this Notice,
whichever is later. Please send comments to: WSBLE (c/o Lauren Swift,
Central Corridor Environmental Manager) Sound Transit, 401 S. Jackson
Street, Seattle, WA 98104-2826, or by email to Comments will also be accepted at
the public scoping meetings which will be held at:
1. February 27, 2019, 6:00-8:30, Alki Masonic Center, 4736 40th
Ave. SW, Seattle, WA 98116.
2. February 28, 2019, 6:00-8:30, Ballard High School, 1418 NW 65th
St., Seattle, WA 98117.
3. March 7, 2019, 5:00-7:30, Sound Transit, Union Station, 401 S.
Jackson Street, Seattle, WA 98104.
All public meeting locations are accessible to persons with
disabilities. To request materials be prepared and supplied in
alternate formats or languages, please call the project line, (206)
903-7299/TTY Relay 711 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting.
Persons who are deaf or hard of hearing may call (888) 713-4900/TTY
Relay 711.
Information about the proposed project, the alternatives
development process, scoping, and the EIS process will be available at
the scoping meetings, at Sound Transit offices, on the project website:, or by contacting the project line
at (206) 903-7229.
Protection Specialist, phone: (206) 220-4465 or Lauren Swift, Sound
Transit Central Corridor Environmental Manager, phone: (206) 398-5301.
Background. NEPA ``scoping'' (40 CFR 1501.7) has specific and
fairly limited objectives, one of which is to identify the light rail
alignment alternatives' significant issues that will be examined in
detail in the EIS, while simultaneously limiting consideration and
development of issues that are not truly significant. The NEPA scoping
process should identify potentially significant environmental impacts
caused by the project and that give rise to the need to prepare an EIS;
impacts that are deemed not to be significant need not be developed
extensively in the context of the impact statement. The EIS must be
focused on impacts of consequence consistent with the ultimate
objectives of the NEPA implementing regulations--``to make the
environmental impact statement process more useful to decision makers
and the public; and to reduce paperwork and the accumulation of
extraneous background data, in order to emphasize the need to focus on
real environmental issues and alternatives . . . [by requiring] impact
statements to be concise, clear, and to the point, and supported by
evidence that agencies have made the necessary environmental
analyses.'' Executive Order 11991, of May 24, 1977. Transit projects
may also generate environmental benefits, which should also be
highlighted; the EIS process should draw attention to positive impacts,
not just negative.
The Proposed Project. Sound Transit is proposing to expand Link
light rail transit service from downtown Seattle to West Seattle's
Alaska Junction neighborhood, and to Ballard's Market Street area. The
project corridor is approximately 11.8 miles long. The project is part
of the ST3 Plan of regional transit system investments, approved for
funding by voters in the region in 2016. The ST3 Plan is available on
Sound Transit's website at:
Purpose of and Need for the Project. The Purpose and Need statement
establishes the basis for developing and evaluating a range of
reasonable alternatives for environmental review and assists with the
identification of a Preferred Alternative. The purpose of the WSBLE
project is to expand the Link light rail system from downtown Seattle
to West Seattle and Ballard, to make appropriate community investments
to improve mobility, and to increase capacity and connectivity for
regional connections in order to:
Provide high quality rapid, reliable, and efficient light
rail transit service to communities in the project corridor as defined
through the local planning process and reflected in the ST3 Plan (Sound
Transit, 2016).
Improve regional mobility by increasing connectivity and
capacity through downtown Seattle to meet projected transit demand.
Connect regional centers as described in adopted regional
and local land use, transportation, and economic development plans and
Sound Transit's Regional Transit Long-Range Plan Update (Sound Transit,
Implement a system that is technically and financially
feasible to build, operate, and maintain.
Expand mobility for the corridor and region's residents,
which include transit-dependent, low-income, and minority populations.
Encourage equitable and sustainable urban growth in
station areas through support of transit-oriented development and
multimodal integration in a manner that is consistent with local land
use plans and policies, including Sound Transit's Transit Oriented
Development and Sustainability policies.
Encourage convenient and safe non-motorized access to
stations such as bicycle and pedestrian connections
[[Page 3543]]
consistent with Sound Transit's System Access Policy.
Preserve and promote a healthy environment and economy by
minimizing adverse impacts on the natural, built, and social
environments through sustainable practices.
The project is needed because:
When measured using national standards, existing transit
routes between downtown Seattle, West Seattle and Ballard currently
operate with poor reliability. Roadway congestion in the project
corridor will continue to degrade transit performance and reliability
as the city is expected to add 70,000 residential units and 115,000
jobs by 2035, without any major expansions in roadways.
Increased ridership from regional population and
employment growth will increase operational frequency in the existing
downtown Seattle transit tunnel requiring additional tunnel capacity.
Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC), the regional
metropolitan planning organization, and local plans call for High
Capacity Transit (HCT) in the corridor consistent with VISION 2040
(PSRC, 2009) and Sound Transit's Regional Transit Long-Range Plan
Update (Sound Transit, 2014).
The region's citizens and communities, including transit
dependent residents and low-income and minority population, need long-
term regional mobility and multimodal connectivity as called for in the
Washington State Growth Management Act.
Regional and local plans call for increased residential
and/or employment density at and around HCT stations, and increased
options for multimodal access.
Environmental and sustainability goals of the state and
region, as established in Washington state law and embodied in PSRC's
VISION 2040 and 2018 Regional Transportation Plan, include reducing
greenhouse gas emissions by decreasing vehicle miles traveled.
Proposed Alternatives. Three light rail transit (LRT) build
alternatives have been identified for the WSBLE project, as well as a
no-build alternative, as required under NEPA, that serves as a baseline
against which to assess the impacts of the proposed alternatives. The
mode and corridor served for the proposed project were identified
through the years-long planning process for the Sound Transit Regional
Transit Long-Range Plan and ST3 Plan. The three LRT alternatives were
developed through an alternatives development process which built off
of the Regional Transit Long-Range Plan and ST3 planning work. The
planning and alternatives development processes included technical
analysis, public engagement, and input from affected local
jurisdictions. Sound Transit developed an initial range of alternatives
from agency and public input during the SEPA early scoping process
(February 2 through March 5, 2018). The project Elected Leadership
Group (ELG), a comprehensive group of elected officials that represent
the service corridor, and the Stakeholder Advisory Group (SAG), an
advisory group consisting of members of the community appointed by the
ELG, then recommended how to narrow and refine these alternatives based
on additional analysis and community, agency, and tribal input.
Consistent with 23 CFR part 450.318, FTA is relying on the results of
these local planning processes to inform the mode, corridor, and range
of reasonable alternatives to be evaluated during the environmental
FTA and Sound Transit invite comments on these alternatives. The
input received during the scoping period will help FTA and Sound
Transit identify alternatives to evaluate in the Draft EIS. After
scoping concludes, the Sound Transit Board is expected to consider the
scoping comments received and then act on a motion addressing the
purpose and need for the project, the scope of environmental review,
and identifying the preferred alternative and other alternatives to be
considered in the Draft EIS.
No Build Alternative. The No Build Alternative reflects the
existing transportation system plus the transportation improvements
included in PSRC's Transportation Improvement Program.
Light Rail Transit Alternatives. Each LRT alternative is
approximately 11.8 miles and includes fourteen stations that serve the
following areas: Alaska Junction, Avalon, Delridge, SODO, the sports
stadiums, International District/Chinatown, Midtown, Westlake, Denny,
South Lake Union, Seattle Center, Smith Cove, Interbay, and Ballard.
FTA and Sound Transit may also examine several design options and
potential minimal operable segments for the proposed alternatives.
Information about the proposed project, the alternatives development
process, scoping, and the EIS process will be available at the scoping
meetings, at Sound Transit offices, on the project website:, or by contacting the project line at
(206) 903-7229. For purposes of the Notice, the proposed alternatives
can be generally described as follows:
In West Seattle, the alternatives include several elevated and
tunnel station options in the Alaska Junction area in the vicinity of
SW Alaska Street on either 41st Avenue SW, 42nd Avenue SW, or 44th
Avenue SW. From the Alaska Junction, the alternatives travel east in
either an elevated or tunnel configuration with elevated or tunnel
station options at Avalon, and continue in an elevated configuration
along SW Genesee Street with an elevated station in Delridge along or
west of Delridge Way SW. The alternatives then cross the Duwamish River
on a high level fixed bridge parallel to the existing West Seattle
Bridge on either the north or south side. The alternatives continue
east in an elevated configuration before turning north following the
alignment of the E3 Busway to a new elevated or at-grade SODO station
and an at-grade Stadium station and connect to the existing downtown
Seattle transit tunnel.
A new downtown tunnel would begin in the vicinity of the Stadium
station, it would head north with alignments under 4th Avenue S or 5th
Avenue S through the International District/Chinatown and then travel
northwest along 5th Avenue or 6th Avenue through Midtown and Westlake.
The alternatives would then continue in a tunnel configuration along
Westlake Ave N to South Lake Union with a station near Denny Way before
turning northwest with a station near Aurora Ave N between Harrison and
Roy streets. The alternatives would continue in tunnel towards Seattle
Center with a station on either Republican or Mercer streets. The
alternatives then turn north and begin to transition to at-grade or
elevated configurations to serve a Smith Cove station along Elliott
Avenue W. From the Smith Cove station, the alternatives either continue
in an elevated configuration along 15th Avenue W or transition to at-
grade along the east side of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF)
railway tracks to a station in Interbay near W Dravus Street. From the
Interbay station, one alternative would continue in an elevated
alignment along 15th Avenue W and cross Salmon Bay with a movable
bridge. The other alternatives transition to the east of 15th Avenue W
and cross Salmon Bay with a high level fixed bridge or tunnel. Station
options in Ballard include elevated and tunnel stations near NW Market
Street on 15th Avenue NW or 14th Avenue NW.
The build alternatives could also include transit related roadway,
bicycle, maritime, and pedestrian projects by
[[Page 3544]]
Sound Transit or others. These improvements may be eligible for federal
funding and could be part of the transit project or constructed
together with it as part of a joint effort with agency partners,
thereby meriting joint environmental analysis. This could include
access improvements around station areas and over waterway crossings.
Sound Transit would identify these improvements and could include them
as it works with partner agencies.
Possible Adverse Effects. Consistent with NEPA, FTA and Sound
Transit will evaluate, with input from the public, tribes, and
agencies, the potential impacts of the alternatives on the natural,
built, and social environments. Likely areas of investigation include,
transportation (including navigable waterways), land use and
consistency with applicable plans, land acquisition and displacements,
socioeconomic impacts, park and recreation resources, historic and
cultural resources, environmental justice, visual and aesthetic
qualities, air quality, noise and vibration, energy use, safety and
security, and ecosystems, including threatened and endangered species
and marine mammals. The EIS will evaluate short-term construction
impacts and long-term operational impacts. It will also consider
indirect, secondary and cumulative impacts. The EIS will also propose
measures to avoid, minimize, or mitigate significant adverse impacts.
In accordance with FTA policy and regulations, FTA and Sound
Transit will comply with all Federal environmental laws, regulations,
and executive orders applicable to the proposed project during the
environmental review process.
Roles of Agencies and the Public. NEPA, and FTA's regulations for
implementing NEPA, call for public involvement in the EIS process. FTA
and Sound Transit therefore invite Federal and non-Federal agencies to
participate in the NEPA process as ``cooperating'' or ``participating''
agencies. FTA will also initiate government-to-government consultation
with Indian tribes and will invite them to participate in the process.
Any agency or tribe interested in the project that does not receive
such an invitation should promptly notify the Sound Transit Corridor
Environmental Manager identified above under ADDRESSES.
FTA and Sound Transit will prepare a draft Coordination Plan for
agency involvement. Interested parties will be able to review the draft
Coordination Plan on the project website. The draft Coordination Plan
will identify the project's coordination approach and structure, will
provide details on the major schedule milestones for agency and public
involvement, and will include an initial list of interested agencies
and organizations.
Combined FEIS and Record of Decision. Under 23 U.S.C. 139, FTA
should combine the Final EIS and Record of Decision if it is
practicable. The EIS will be a joint document under NEPA and SEPA;
therefore, FTA and Sound Transit have determined that this is not
practicable to combine the Final EIS and Record of Decision.
Paperwork Reduction. The Paperwork Reduction Act seeks, in part, to
minimize the cost to the taxpayer of the creation, collection,
maintenance, use, dissemination, and disposition of information.
Consistent with this goal and with principles of economy and efficiency
in government, FTA limits as much as possible the distribution of
complete sets of printed environmental documents. Accordingly, unless a
specific request for a complete printed set of environmental documents
is received before the document is printed, FTA and Sound Transit will
distribute only the executive summary of the environmental document
that will include a compact disc of the complete environmental document
and a link to the project website where it can be accessed online. A
complete printed set of the environmental document will be available
for review at the Sound Transit's offices and local libraries; an
electronic copy of the complete environmental document will also be
available on Sound Transit's project website.
Linda M. Gehrke,
Regional Administrator.
[FR Doc. 2019-01949 Filed 2-11-19; 8:45 am]