The Indiana Rail Road Company-Temporary Trackage Rights Exemption-CSX Transportation, Inc., 2941-2942 [2019-01594]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 27 / Friday, February 8, 2019 / Notices Paper Comments Send paper comments in triplicate to Secretary, Securities and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC 20549. All submissions should refer to File Number SR–ICC–2019–001. This file number should be included on the subject line if email is used. To help the Commission process and review your comments more efficiently, please use only one method. The Commission will post all comments on the Commission’s internet website ( rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the submission, all subsequent amendments, all written statements with respect to the proposed rule change that are filed with the Commission, and all written communications relating to the proposed rule change between the Commission and any person, other than those that may be withheld from the public in accordance with the provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be available for website viewing and printing in the Commission’s Public Reference Room, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC 20549, on official business days between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Copies of such filings will also be available for inspection and copying at the principal office of ICE Clear Credit and on ICE Clear Credit’s website at https:// All comments received will be posted without change. Persons submitting comments are cautioned that we do not redact or edit personal identifying information from comment submissions. You should submit only information that you wish to make available publicly. All submissions should refer to File Number SR–ICC–2019–001 and should be submitted on or before March 1, 2019. For the Commission, by the Division of Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated authority.16 Eduardo A. Aleman, Deputy Secretary. BILLING CODE 8011–01–P amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1 SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION [Docket No. SSA 2017–0063] Privacy Act of 1974; Matching Program Social Security Administration (SSA). 16 17 CFR 200.30–3(a)(12). VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:18 Feb 07, 2019 Jkt 247001 In accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Act, as amended, this notice announces a new matching program with the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). This matching agreement sets forth the terms, conditions, and safeguards under which OPM will provide SSA with civil service benefit and payment data. This disclosure will provide SSA with information necessary to verify an individual’s self-certification of eligibility for the Extra Help with Medicare Prescription Drug Plan Costs program (Extra Help). It will also enable SSA to identify individuals who may qualify for Extra Help as part of its Medicare outreach efforts. DATES: The deadline to submit comments on the proposed matching program is 30 days from the date of publication of this notice in the Federal Register. The matching program will be applicable on October 1, 2018, or once a minimum of 30 days after publication of this notice has elapsed, whichever is later. The matching program will be in effect for a period of 18 months. ADDRESSES: Interested parties may comment on this notice by either telefaxing to (410) 966–0869, writing to Mary Ann Zimmerman, Acting Executive Director, Office of Privacy and Disclosure, Office of the General Counsel, Social Security Administration, G–401 WHR, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235–6401, or emailing All comments received will be available for public inspection by contacting Ms. Zimmerman at this street address. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Interested parties may submit general questions about the matching program to Mary Ann Zimmerman, Acting Executive Director, Office of Privacy and Disclosure, Office of the General Counsel, by any of the means shown above. SUMMARY: Mary Zimmerman, Acting Executive Director, Office of Privacy and Disclosure, Office of the General Counsel. [FR Doc. 2019–01553 Filed 2–7–19; 8:45 am] AGENCY: Notice of a new matching program. ACTION: Participating Agencies: SSA and OPM. Authority for Conducting the Matching Program: The legal authority for SSA to conduct this matching is sections 1144(a)(1) and (b)(1) and 1860D–14(a)(3) of the Social Security Act (Act) (42 U.S.C. 1320b–14(a)(1) and (b)(1) and 1395w–114(a)(3)). Pursuant to these sections, SSA must determine whether a Social Security Part D eligible PO 00000 Frm 00135 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 2941 individual is a subsidy-eligible individual. Purpose(s): The purpose of this matching program is to set forth the terms, conditions, and safeguards under which OPM will disclose to SSA civil service benefit and payment data for verifying an individual’s selfcertification of eligibility for the Prescription Drug Plan Costs program (Extra Help). It will also enable SSA to identify individuals who may qualify for Extra Help as part of its Medicare outreach efforts. Categories of Individuals: The individuals whose information is involved in this matching program are individuals who self-certify their eligibility for the Extra Help program. Categories of Records: OPM’s data file will consist of approximately 75,000 records of updated payment information for new civil service annuitants and annuitants whose civil service annuity has changed. SSA’s comparison file consists of approximately 91 million records from the Medicare Database file. The number of people who apply for Extra Help determines in part the number of records matched. OPM will provide SSA with electronic files containing civil service benefit and payment data for individuals who apply for the Extra Help program. The file includes: a. Payee Name and Date of Birth, b. Payee Social Security number, c. Payee Civil Service Claim Number, and d. Amount of current gross civil service benefits. System(s) of Records: OPM will provide SSA with electronic files containing civil service benefit and payment data from the OPM system of records published as OPM/Central–1 (Civil Service and Insurance Records), on October 8, 1999 (64 FR 54930), as amended on March 20, 2008 (73 FR 15013). SSA will match OPM data with its system of records 60–0321, Medicare Database file, last fully published at 71 FR 42159 (July 25, 2006), and amended at 72 FR 69723 (December 10, 2007). [FR Doc. 2019–01693 Filed 2–7–19; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4191–02–P SURFACE TRANSPORTATION BOARD [Docket No. FD 36068 (Sub-No. 2)] The Indiana Rail Road Company— Temporary Trackage Rights Exemption—CSX Transportation, Inc. On December 21, 2018, The Indiana Rail Road Company (INRD), a Class II E:\FR\FM\08FEN1.SGM 08FEN1 amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1 2942 Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 27 / Friday, February 8, 2019 / Notices rail carrier, filed a request under 49 CFR 1180.2(d)(8) for a one-year extension of the limited temporary overhead trackage rights previously granted in this subdocket over a line of railroad of CSX Transportation, Inc. (CSXT), between its connection with CSXT at approximately CSXT milepost OZA 204.5 at Sullivan, Ind., and the connection with trackage serving the Oaktown Mine at approximately CSXT milepost OZA 219.05 at Oaktown, Ind., a distance of approximately 14.55 miles (the Line). INRD was authorized to acquire these trackage rights over the Line by notice of exemption served and published in the Federal Register on December 22, 2017 (82 FR 60,788). The trackage rights permit INRD to handle loaded and empty unit coal trains between the Oaktown Mine and the Kentucky Utilities Generating Station in Harrodsburg, KY, in interline service with other carriers. The rights were scheduled to expire on December 31, 2018.1 Under 49 CFR 1180.2(d)(8), the parties may, prior to the expiration of the temporary trackage rights, file a request for a renewal of the temporary rights for an additional period of up to one year, including the reasons for the extension. INRD states that CSXT has agreed to extend the temporary trackage rights for an additional year. INRD states that the reason for the extension is that further short-term traffic movements to the Kentucky Utilities Generating Station appear probable and feasible. INRD filed a draft copy of the amendment to the temporary trackage rights agreement with its request for the one-year extension, and states that it will submit a finalized version within 10 days of execution. INRD also acknowledges that any further extension of these rights, or a conversion of the rights from temporary to permanent, would require a separate notice of exemption filing pursuant to 49 CFR 1180.4(g). In accordance with 49 CFR 1180.2(d)(8), INRD’s temporary trackage rights over the Line will be extended for one year and will expire on December 31, 2019. The employee protective conditions imposed in the December 22, 2017 notice remain in effect. Notice of the one-year extension will be published in the Federal Register. It is ordered: 1. INRD’s temporary trackage rights over the Line are extended for one year and will expire on December 31, 2019. 1 Because of the partial shutdown of the Federal government from December 22, 2018, through January 25, 2019, INRD’s extension request could not be addressed before the trackage rights were scheduled to expire. VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:18 Feb 07, 2019 Jkt 247001 2. Notice will be published in the Federal Register. 3. This decision is effective on its service date. Decided: February 4, 2019. By the Board, Allison C. Davis, Acting Director, Office of Proceedings. Jeffrey Herzig, Clearance Clerk. [FR Doc. 2019–01594 Filed 2–7–19; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4915–01–P SURFACE TRANSPORTATION BOARD [Docket No. AB 55 (Sub-No. 787X)] CSX Transportation, Inc.— Abandonment Exemption—in Bronx County, N.Y. CSX Transportation, Inc. (CSXT), has filed a verified notice of exemption under 49 CFR pt. 1152 subpart F— Exempt Abandonments to abandon an approximately 1.8-mile rail line on its Port Morris Branch, Albany Division, between milepost QVP 0.0 and milepost QVP 1.8 in Bronx County, N.Y. (the Line).1 The Line traverses U.S. Postal Service Zip Codes 10456, 10455, and 10454. CSXT has certified that: (1) No local traffic has moved over the Line for at least two years; (2) any overhead traffic on the Line can be rerouted over other lines; (3) no formal complaint filed by a user of rail service on the Line (or by a state or local government entity acting on behalf of such user) regarding cessation of service over the Line either is pending with the Surface Transportation Board (Board) or any U.S. District Court or has been decided in favor of a complainant within the two-year period; and (4) the requirements at 49 CFR 1105.12 (newspaper publication), 49 CFR 1152.50(d)(1) (notice to governmental agencies), and 49 CFR 1105.7 and 1105.8 (environment and historic report), have been met. As a condition to this exemption, any employee adversely affected by the abandonment shall be protected under Oregon Short Line Railroad— Abandonment Portion Goshen Branch Between Firth & Ammon, in Bingham & Bonneville Counties, Idaho, 360 I.C.C. 91 (1979). To address whether this condition adequately protects affected employees, a petition for partial revocation under 49 U.S.C. 10502(d) must be filed. 1 Publication of this notice was delayed due to the partial shutdown of the Federal government from December 22, 2018, through January 25, 2019. See 49 CFR 1152.50(d)(3). PO 00000 Frm 00136 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 Provided no formal expression of intent to file an offer of financial assistance (OFA) has been received,2 this exemption will be effective on March 12, 2019, unless stayed pending reconsideration. Petitions to stay that do not involve environmental issues,3 formal expressions of intent to file an OFA under 49 CFR 1152.27(c)(2),4 and interim trail use/rail banking requests under 49 CFR 1152.29 must be filed by February 15, 2019. Petitions to reopen or requests for public use conditions under 49 CFR 1152.28 must be filed by February 28, 2019, with the Surface Transportation Board, 395 E Street SW, Washington, DC 20423–0001. A copy of any petition filed with the Board should be sent to CSXT’s representative, Louis E. Gitomer, Law Offices of Louis E. Gitomer, LLC, 600 Baltimore Avenue, Suite 301, Towson, MD 21204. If the verified notice contains false or misleading information, the exemption is void ab initio. CSXT has filed a combined environmental and historic report that addresses the effects, if any, of the abandonment on the environment and historic resources. OEA will issue an environmental assessment (EA) by February 15, 2019. Interested persons may obtain a copy of the EA by writing to OEA (Surface Transportation Board, Washington, DC 20423–0001) or by calling OEA at (202) 245–0305. Assistance for the hearing impaired is available through the Federal Information Relay Service at (800) 877– 8339. Comments on environmental and historic preservation matters must be filed within 15 days after the EA becomes available to the public. Environmental, historic preservation, public use, or trail use/rail banking conditions will be imposed, where appropriate, in a subsequent decision. Pursuant to the provisions of 49 CFR 1152.29(e)(2), CSXT shall file a notice of 2 The Board modified its OFA procedures effective July 29, 2017. Among other things, the OFA process now requires potential offerors, in their formal expression of intent, to make a preliminary financial responsibility showing based on a calculation using information contained in the carrier’s filing and publicly available information. See Offers of Financial Assistance, EP 729 (STB served June 29, 2017); 82 FR 30,997 (July 5, 2017). 3 The Board will grant a stay if an informed decision on environmental issues (whether raised by a party or by the Board’s Office of Environmental Analysis (OEA) in its independent investigation) cannot be made before the exemption’s effective date. See Exemption of Out-of-Serv. Rail Lines, 5 I.C.C.2d 377 (1989). Any request for a stay should be filed as soon as possible so that the Board may take appropriate action before the exemption’s effective date. 4 Each OFA must be accompanied by the filing fee, which currently is set at $1,800. See 49 CFR 1002.2(f)(25). E:\FR\FM\08FEN1.SGM 08FEN1


[Federal Register Volume 84, Number 27 (Friday, February 8, 2019)]
[Pages 2941-2942]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2019-01594]



[Docket No. FD 36068 (Sub-No. 2)]

The Indiana Rail Road Company--Temporary Trackage Rights 
Exemption--CSX Transportation, Inc.

    On December 21, 2018, The Indiana Rail Road Company (INRD), a Class 

[[Page 2942]]

rail carrier, filed a request under 49 CFR 1180.2(d)(8) for a one-year 
extension of the limited temporary overhead trackage rights previously 
granted in this sub-docket over a line of railroad of CSX 
Transportation, Inc. (CSXT), between its connection with CSXT at 
approximately CSXT milepost OZA 204.5 at Sullivan, Ind., and the 
connection with trackage serving the Oaktown Mine at approximately CSXT 
milepost OZA 219.05 at Oaktown, Ind., a distance of approximately 14.55 
miles (the Line).
    INRD was authorized to acquire these trackage rights over the Line 
by notice of exemption served and published in the Federal Register on 
December 22, 2017 (82 FR 60,788). The trackage rights permit INRD to 
handle loaded and empty unit coal trains between the Oaktown Mine and 
the Kentucky Utilities Generating Station in Harrodsburg, KY, in 
interline service with other carriers. The rights were scheduled to 
expire on December 31, 2018.\1\

    \1\ Because of the partial shutdown of the Federal government 
from December 22, 2018, through January 25, 2019, INRD's extension 
request could not be addressed before the trackage rights were 
scheduled to expire.

    Under 49 CFR 1180.2(d)(8), the parties may, prior to the expiration 
of the temporary trackage rights, file a request for a renewal of the 
temporary rights for an additional period of up to one year, including 
the reasons for the extension. INRD states that CSXT has agreed to 
extend the temporary trackage rights for an additional year. INRD 
states that the reason for the extension is that further short-term 
traffic movements to the Kentucky Utilities Generating Station appear 
probable and feasible.
    INRD filed a draft copy of the amendment to the temporary trackage 
rights agreement with its request for the one-year extension, and 
states that it will submit a finalized version within 10 days of 
execution. INRD also acknowledges that any further extension of these 
rights, or a conversion of the rights from temporary to permanent, 
would require a separate notice of exemption filing pursuant to 49 CFR 
    In accordance with 49 CFR 1180.2(d)(8), INRD's temporary trackage 
rights over the Line will be extended for one year and will expire on 
December 31, 2019. The employee protective conditions imposed in the 
December 22, 2017 notice remain in effect. Notice of the one-year 
extension will be published in the Federal Register.
    It is ordered:
    1. INRD's temporary trackage rights over the Line are extended for 
one year and will expire on December 31, 2019.
    2. Notice will be published in the Federal Register.
    3. This decision is effective on its service date.

    Decided: February 4, 2019.

    By the Board, Allison C. Davis, Acting Director, Office of 
Jeffrey Herzig,
Clearance Clerk.
[FR Doc. 2019-01594 Filed 2-7-19; 8:45 am]
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