Privacy Act of 1974; Matching Program, 1725-1726 [2019-00980]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 24 / Tuesday, February 5, 2019 / Notices Filed Date: 1/28/19. Accession Number: 20190128–5033. Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 2/11/19. Docket Numbers: RP19–581–000. Applicants: Rager Mountain Storage Company LLC. Description: Compliance filing Order No. 587–Y—Request for Extension of Time. Filed Date: 1/28/19. Accession Number: 20190128–5044. Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 2/11/19. Docket Numbers: RP19–582–000. Applicants: Equitrans, L.P Description: Compliance filing Order No. 587–Y—Request for Extension of Time. Filed Date: 1/28/19. Accession Number: 20190128–5053. Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 2/11/19. Docket Numbers: RP19–583–000. Applicants: Algonquin Gas Transmission, LLC. Description: § 4(d) Rate Filing: Negotiated Rate -Boston Gas 510798 releases eff 2–1–19 to be effective 2/1/ 2019. Filed Date: 1/28/19. Accession Number: 20190128–5136. Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 2/11/19. The filings are accessible in the Commission’s eLibrary system by clicking on the links or querying the docket number. Any person desiring to intervene or protest in any of the above proceedings must file in accordance with Rules 211 and 214 of the Commission’s Regulations (18 CFR 385.211 and 385.214) on or before 5:00 p.m. Eastern time on the specified comment date. Protests may be considered, but intervention is necessary to become a party to the proceeding. eFiling is encouraged. More detailed information relating to filing requirements, interventions, protests, service, and qualifying facilities filings can be found at: docs-filing/efiling/filing-req.pdf. For other information, call (866) 208–3676 (toll free). For TTY, call (202) 502–8659. Dated: January 29, 2019. Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary. [FR Doc. 2019–00959 Filed 2–4–19; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6717–01–P EXPORT-IMPORT BANK [Public Notice: 2019–6001] Agency Information Collection Activities: Final Collection; Comment Request Export-Import Bank of the United States AGENCY: VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:22 Feb 04, 2019 Jkt 247001 Submission for OMB review and comments request. ACTION: The Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM), as a part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal Agencies to comment on the proposed information collection, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. This collection of information is necessary, pursuant to 12 U.S.C. Sec. 635(a)(1), to determine whether or not a company has a good payment history. This form will enable EXIM to make a credit decision on a foreign buyer credit limit request submitted by a new or existing policy holder. Additionally, this form is used by those EXIM policy holders granted delegated authority to commit the Bank to a foreign buyer credit limit. DATES: Comments should be received on or before April 8, 2019 to be assured of consideration. ADDRESSES: Comments may be submitted electronically on (EIB 99–14) or by email to, or by mail to Mia L. Johnson, Export-Import Bank of the United States, 811 Vermont Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20571. The form can be viewed at https:// pending/eib99-14.pdf. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Titles and Form Number: EIB 99–14 Export-Import Bank Trade Reference form. OMB Number: 3048–0042. Type of Review: Renew. Need and Use: This form provides essential credit information used by EXIM credit officers when analyzing requests for export credit insurance/ financing support, both short-term (360 days and less) and medium-term (longer than 360 days), for the export of their U.S. goods and services. Additionally, this form is an integral part of the short term Multi-Buyer export credit insurance policy for those policy holders granted foreign buyer discretionary credit limit authority (DCL). Multi-Buyer policy holders given DCL authority may use this form as the sole source or one piece among several sources of credit information for their internal foreign buyer credit decision which, in turn, commits EXIM’s insurance. Affected Public: This form affects entities involved in the export of U.S. goods and services. Annual Number of Respondents: 6,500. Estimated Time per Respondent: 15 minutes. SUMMARY: PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 1725 Annual Burden Hours: 1,625 hours. Frequency of Reporting or Use: As needed. Government Expenses: Reviewing time per year: 1,625 hours. Average Wages per Hour: $42.50. Average Cost per Year: $69,062 (time * wages). Benefits and Overhead: 20%. Total Government Cost: $82,875. Bassam Doughman, IT Specialist. [FR Doc. 2019–01064 Filed 2–4–19; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6690–01–P FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Privacy Act of 1974; Matching Program Federal Communications Commission. ACTION: Notice of a new matching program. AGENCY: In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended (‘‘Privacy Act’’), this notice announces the establishment of a computer matching program the Federal Communications Commission (‘‘FCC’’ or ‘‘Commission’’ or ‘‘Agency’’) and the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) will conduct with four non-Federal agencies. The purpose of this matching program is to verify the eligibility of applicants to and subscribers of the Universal Service Fund (USF) Lifeline program, which is administered by USAC under the direction of the FCC. More information about this program is provided in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section below. SUMMARY: Written comments are due on or before March 7, 2019. This computer matching program will commence on March 7, 2019, unless comments are received that require a contrary determination, and will conclude on August 5, 2020. ADDRESSES: Send comments to Mr. Leslie F. Smith, Privacy Manager, Information Technology (IT), Room 1– C216, FCC, 445 12th Street SW, Washington, DC 20554, or to FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Leslie F. Smith, (202) 418–0217, or SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Lifeline program provides support for discounted broadband and voice services to low-income consumers. Lifeline is administered by the Universal Service Administrative DATES: E:\FR\FM\05FEN1.SGM 05FEN1 1726 Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 24 / Tuesday, February 5, 2019 / Notices Company (USAC) under FCC direction. Consumers qualify for Lifeline through proof of income or participation in a qualifying program, such as Medicaid, the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP), Federal Public Housing Assistance, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Veterans and Survivors Pension Benefit, or various Tribal-specific federal assistance programs. In a Report and Order adopted on March 31, 2016, the Commission ordered USAC to create a National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier (‘‘National Verifier’’), including the National Lifeline Eligibility Database (LED), that would match data about Lifeline applicants and subscribers with other data sources to verify the eligibility of an applicant or subscriber. The Commission found that the National Verifier would reduce compliance costs for Lifeline service providers, improve service for Lifeline subscribers, and reduce waste, fraud, and abuse in the program. Participating Non-Federal Agencies • Indiana Family and Social Services Administration, Division of Family Resources; • Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Division of Family Support; • Michigan Department of Health and Human Services: And • Puerto Rico Department of the Family. Authority for Conducting the Matching Program 47 U.S.C. 254; 47 CFR 54.400 et seq.; Lifeline and Link Up Reform and Modernization, et al., Third Report and Order, Further Report and Order, and Order on Reconsideration, 31 FCC Rcd 3962, 4006–21, paras. 126–66 (2016) (2016 Lifeline Modernization Order). Purpose(s) In the 2016 Lifeline Modernization Order, the FCC required USAC to develop and operate a National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier (National Verifier) to improve efficiency and reduce waste, fraud, and abuse in the Lifeline program. The stated purpose of the National Verifier is ‘‘to increase the integrity and improve the performance of the Lifeline program for the benefit of a variety of Lifeline participants, including Lifeline providers, subscribers, states, community-based organizations, USAC, and the Commission.’’ 31 FCC Rcd 3962, 4006, para. 126. To help determine whether Lifeline applicants and subscribers are eligible for Lifeline benefits, the Order contemplates that a USAC-operated VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:22 Feb 04, 2019 Jkt 247001 Lifeline Eligibility Database (LED) will communicate with information systems and databases operated by other Federal and State agencies. Id. at 4011–2, paras. 135–7. Categories of Individuals The categories of individuals whose information is involved in this matching program include, but are not limited to, those individuals (residing in a single household) who have applied for Lifeline benefits; are currently receiving Lifeline benefits; are individuals who enable another individual in their household to qualify for Lifeline benefits; are minors whose status qualifies a parent or guardian for Lifeline benefits; are individuals who have received Lifeline benefits; or are individuals acting on behalf of an eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) who have enrolled individuals in the Lifeline program. Categories of Records The categories of records involved in the matching program include, but are not limited to, a Lifeline applicant or subscriber’s full name; physical and mailing addresses; partial Social Security number or Tribal ID number; date of birth; qualifying person’s full name (if qualifying person is different from subscriber); qualifying person’s physical and mailing addresses; qualifying person’s partial Social Security number or Tribal ID number, and qualifying person’s date of birth. The National Verifier will transfer these data elements to the source agencies, which will respond either ‘‘yes’’ or ‘‘no’’ that the individual is enrolled in a Lifeline-qualifying assistance program. System(s) of Records The USAC records shared as part of this matching program reside in the Lifeline system of records, FCC/WCB–1, Lifeline Program, a notice of which the FCC published at 82 FR 38686 (Aug. 15, 2017) and became effective on September 14, 2017. Federal Communications Commission. Marlene Dortch, Secretary. [FR Doc. 2019–00980 Filed 2–4–19; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6712–01–P PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION [OMB 3060–1138] Information Collection Being Reviewed by the Federal Communications Commission Under Delegated Authority Federal Communications Commission. ACTION: Notice and request for comments. AGENCY: As part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork burdens, and as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC or the Commission) invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on the following information collection. Comments are requested concerning: whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the Commission, including whether the information shall have practical utility; the accuracy of the Commission’s burden estimate; ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information collected; ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on the respondents, including the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology; and ways to further reduce the information collection burden on small business concerns with fewer than 25 employees. The FCC may not conduct or sponsor a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid control number. No person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information subject to the PRA that does not display a valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. DATES: Written PRA comments should be submitted on or before April 8, 2019. If you anticipate that you will be submitting comments, but find it difficult to do so within the period of time allowed by this notice, you should advise the contact listed below as soon as possible. ADDRESSES: Direct all PRA comments to Nicole Ongele, FCC, via email PRA@ and to FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For additional information about the information collection, contact Nicole Ongele at (202) 418–2991. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: OMB Control Number: 3060–1138. SUMMARY: E:\FR\FM\05FEN1.SGM 05FEN1


[Federal Register Volume 84, Number 24 (Tuesday, February 5, 2019)]
[Pages 1725-1726]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2019-00980]



Privacy Act of 1974; Matching Program

AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.

ACTION: Notice of a new matching program.


SUMMARY: In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended 
(``Privacy Act''), this notice announces the establishment of a 
computer matching program the Federal Communications Commission 
(``FCC'' or ``Commission'' or ``Agency'') and the Universal Service 
Administrative Company (USAC) will conduct with four non-Federal 
agencies. The purpose of this matching program is to verify the 
eligibility of applicants to and subscribers of the Universal Service 
Fund (USF) Lifeline program, which is administered by USAC under the 
direction of the FCC. More information about this program is provided 

DATES: Written comments are due on or before March 7, 2019. This 
computer matching program will commence on March 7, 2019, unless 
comments are received that require a contrary determination, and will 
conclude on August 5, 2020.

ADDRESSES: Send comments to Mr. Leslie F. Smith, Privacy Manager, 
Information Technology (IT), Room 1-C216, FCC, 445 12th Street SW, 
Washington, DC 20554, or to

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Leslie F. Smith, (202) 418-0217, 

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Lifeline program provides support for 
discounted broadband and voice services to low-income consumers. 
Lifeline is administered by the Universal Service Administrative

[[Page 1726]]

Company (USAC) under FCC direction. Consumers qualify for Lifeline 
through proof of income or participation in a qualifying program, such 
as Medicaid, the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP), 
Federal Public Housing Assistance, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), 
Veterans and Survivors Pension Benefit, or various Tribal-specific 
federal assistance programs. In a Report and Order adopted on March 31, 
2016, the Commission ordered USAC to create a National Lifeline 
Eligibility Verifier (``National Verifier''), including the National 
Lifeline Eligibility Database (LED), that would match data about 
Lifeline applicants and subscribers with other data sources to verify 
the eligibility of an applicant or subscriber. The Commission found 
that the National Verifier would reduce compliance costs for Lifeline 
service providers, improve service for Lifeline subscribers, and reduce 
waste, fraud, and abuse in the program.

Participating Non-Federal Agencies

     Indiana Family and Social Services Administration, 
Division of Family Resources;
     Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Division 
of Family Support;
     Michigan Department of Health and Human Services: And
     Puerto Rico Department of the Family.

Authority for Conducting the Matching Program

    47 U.S.C. 254; 47 CFR 54.400 et seq.; Lifeline and Link Up Reform 
and Modernization, et al., Third Report and Order, Further Report and 
Order, and Order on Reconsideration, 31 FCC Rcd 3962, 4006-21, paras. 
126-66 (2016) (2016 Lifeline Modernization Order).


    In the 2016 Lifeline Modernization Order, the FCC required USAC to 
develop and operate a National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier (National 
Verifier) to improve efficiency and reduce waste, fraud, and abuse in 
the Lifeline program. The stated purpose of the National Verifier is 
``to increase the integrity and improve the performance of the Lifeline 
program for the benefit of a variety of Lifeline participants, 
including Lifeline providers, subscribers, states, community-based 
organizations, USAC, and the Commission.'' 31 FCC Rcd 3962, 4006, para. 
126. To help determine whether Lifeline applicants and subscribers are 
eligible for Lifeline benefits, the Order contemplates that a USAC-
operated Lifeline Eligibility Database (LED) will communicate with 
information systems and databases operated by other Federal and State 
agencies. Id. at 4011-2, paras. 135-7.

Categories of Individuals

    The categories of individuals whose information is involved in this 
matching program include, but are not limited to, those individuals 
(residing in a single household) who have applied for Lifeline 
benefits; are currently receiving Lifeline benefits; are individuals 
who enable another individual in their household to qualify for 
Lifeline benefits; are minors whose status qualifies a parent or 
guardian for Lifeline benefits; are individuals who have received 
Lifeline benefits; or are individuals acting on behalf of an eligible 
telecommunications carrier (ETC) who have enrolled individuals in the 
Lifeline program.

Categories of Records

    The categories of records involved in the matching program include, 
but are not limited to, a Lifeline applicant or subscriber's full name; 
physical and mailing addresses; partial Social Security number or 
Tribal ID number; date of birth; qualifying person's full name (if 
qualifying person is different from subscriber); qualifying person's 
physical and mailing addresses; qualifying person's partial Social 
Security number or Tribal ID number, and qualifying person's date of 
birth. The National Verifier will transfer these data elements to the 
source agencies, which will respond either ``yes'' or ``no'' that the 
individual is enrolled in a Lifeline-qualifying assistance program.

System(s) of Records

    The USAC records shared as part of this matching program reside in 
the Lifeline system of records, FCC/WCB-1, Lifeline Program, a notice 
of which the FCC published at 82 FR 38686 (Aug. 15, 2017) and became 
effective on September 14, 2017.

Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene Dortch,
[FR Doc. 2019-00980 Filed 2-4-19; 8:45 am]
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