Decertification of Representatives, 612-614 [2019-00406]
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Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 21 / Thursday, January 31, 2019 / Proposed Rules
location of the two depository
organizations. * * *
7. The authority citation for part 348
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 12 U.S.C. 3207, 12 U.S.C.
8. Section 348.3 is amended by
revising the first sentence of paragraph
(c) to read as follows:
§ 348.3
(c) Major assets. A management
official of a depository organization
with total assets exceeding $10 billion
(or any affiliate of such an organization)
may not serve at the same time as a
management official of an unaffiliated
depository organization with total assets
exceeding $10 billion (or any affiliate of
such an organization), regardless of the
location of the two depository
organizations. * * *
Dated: December 18, 2018.
William A. Rowe,
Chief Risk Officer.
By order of the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System, December 14, 2018.
Ann E. Misback,
Secretary of the Board.
Dated at Washington, DC, this 18th day of
December 2018.
By order of the Board of Directors.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
Robert E. Feldman,
Executive Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2018–28038 Filed 1–30–19; 8:45 am]
BILLING CODE 4810–33–P; 6210–01–P; 6714–01–P
29 CFR Parts 1203 and 1206
[Docket No. C–7198]
RIN 3140–AA01
Decertification of Representatives
National Mediation Board.
Proposed rule with requests for
The National Mediation
Board (NMB or Board) is proposing to
amend its regulations to provide a
straightforward procedure for the
decertification of representatives. The
Board believes this change is necessary
to fulfill the statutory mission of the
Railway Labor Act, protecting
employees’ right to select their
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representative. This change will ensure
that each employee has a say in their
representative and eliminate
unnecessary hurdles for employees who
no longer wish to be represented.
DATES: Submit comments on or before
April 1, 2019. A public hearing will be
held at 10 a.m. in Washington, DC at a
date and location to be announced later.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
identified by Docket No. C–7198, by any
of the following methods:
—Federal eRulemaking Portal: https:// Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
—Agency Website:
Follow the instructions for submitting
—Email: Include Docket
No. C–7198 in the subject line of the
—Fax: (202) 692–5085.
—Mail and Hand Delivery: National
Mediation Board, 1301 K Street NW,
Ste. 250E, Washington, DC 20005.
Instructions: All submissions received
must include the agency name and
docket number. All comments received
will be posted without change to https://, including any personal
information provided.
Docket: For access to the docket to
read background documents or
comments received, go to https://
Mary Johnson, General Counsel,
National Mediation Board, (202) 692–
Railway Labor Act (RLA), 45 U.S.C. 151
et seq. establishes the NMB whose
functions, among others, are to
administer certain provisions of the
RLA with respect to investigating
disputes as to the representative of a
craft or class. In accordance with its
authority under 45 U.S.C. 152, Ninth,
the Board has considered changes to its
rules to better facilitate the statutory
mission to investigate representation
disputes ‘‘among a carrier’s employees
as to who are the representatives of such
Currently, while employees have the
ability to decertify a representative
under the RLA, the process to decertify
is unnecessarily complex and
convoluted. By failing to have in place
a straight-forward process for
decertification of a representative, the
Board is maintaining an unjustifiable
hurdle for employees who no longer
wish to be represented and failing to
fulfill the statutory purpose of ‘‘freedom
of association among employees.’’ 45
U.S.C. 151a(2).
PO 00000
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Unlike the National Labor Relations
Act, the RLA has no statutory provision
for decertification of a bargaining
representative. The Supreme Court,
however, has held that, under Section 2,
Fourth, 45 U.S.C. 152, Fourth,
employees of the craft or class ‘‘have the
right to determine who shall be the
representative of the group or, indeed,
whether they shall have any
representation at all.’’ Bhd. of Railway
and Steamship Clerks v. Assoc. for the
Benefit of Non-Contract Employees, 380
US 650, 670 (1965)(ABNE). In ABNE,
the Court further noted that the
legislative history of the RLA supports
the view that employees have the option
of rejecting collective representation. Id.
at 669. citing Hearings on H.R. 7650,
House Committee on Interstate and
Foreign Commerce, 73d Cong., 2d Sess.,
34–35. In International Brotherhood of
Teamsters v. Bhd. of Railway, Airline
and Steamship Clerks, the United States
Court of Appeals for the District of
Columbia (D.C. Circuit), stated that ‘‘it
is inconceivable that the right to reject
collective representation vanishes
entirely if the employees of a unit once
choose collective representation. On its
face that is a most unlikely rule,
especially taking into account the
inevitability of substantial turnover of
personnel within the unit.’’ 402 F.2d
196, 202 (1968), See also Russell v.
National Mediation Board, 714 F.2d
1332 (1983).
Under its current procedures, the
NMB allows indirect rather than direct
decertification. The Board does not
allow an employee or a group of
employees of a craft or class to apply for
an election to vote for their current
representative or for no union.
Employees who wish to become
unrepresented must follow a more
convoluted path to an election because
of the Board’s requirement of the ‘‘straw
man.’’ This straw man requirement
means that if a craft or class of
employees want to decertify, they must
find a person willing to put their name
up, i.e. ‘‘John Smith,’’ and then explain
to at least fifty percent of the workforce
that John Smith does not want to
represent them, but if they want to
decertify they have to sign the card
authorizing him to represent them.
Thus, in order to become unrepresented,
employees are required to first sign an
authorization card to have a strawman
step in to represent them. In the
resulting election, the ballot options
will include the names of the current
representative; John Smith, the
strawman applicant; ‘‘no union;’’ and an
option to write in the name of another
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 21 / Thursday, January 31, 2019 / Proposed Rules
representative. To decertify, employees
have to vote for no representation.
It is NMB’s statutory mandate to
protect employees’ freedom to choose a
representative. There is, however, no
statutory basis for the additional
requirement of a straw man where
employees seek to become
unrepresented. Both courts and the
Board have recognized that inherent in
the right to representation is the right to
be unrepresented. Accordingly, the
Board proposes changing its rules to
simplify the decertification process and
put decertification on an equal footing
with certification. Employees may
submit authorization cards to decertify
their current representative. The
wording on the card must be
unambiguous and clearly state the
intent to no longer be represented by the
current union. The showing of interest
requirement will be the same showing
of interest required for a certification
election—at least 50 percent of the craft
or class.
The necessity of a straw man will be
eliminated, and the ballot will no longer
include a strawman representation
choice. Once it is determined that the
showing of interest is valid and
sufficient, the Board will authorize the
election with the incumbent and the no
representation option, along with a
write-in option. The Board’s existing
run-off rules will apply.
Successful decertification, like
certification, is a challenging and
significant undertaking by employees
with a substantial impact on the
workplace for both employees and their
employer. In the Board’s view, the
changes in the employee-employer
relationship that occur when employees
become represented, change
representative or become unrepresented
require similar treatment. For this
reason, the Board proposes extending
the two year time limit on applications
in Sec. 1206.4(a) to decertifications as
well as certifications. The other time
limits set forth in 1206.4 will remain
Member Puchala dissents from the
Board majority’s action in approving the
proposed rule.
Executive Order 12866
This rule is not a significant rule for
purposes of Executive Order 12866 and
has not been reviewed by the Office of
Management and Budget.
Regulatory Flexibility Act
As required by the Regulatory
Flexibility Act, the NMB certifies that
these regulatory changes will not have
a significant impact on small business
entities. This rule will not have any
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significant impact on the quality of the
human environment under the National
Environmental Policy Act.
Paperwork Reduction Act
The NMB has determined that the
Paperwork Reduction Act does not
apply because this interim regulation
does not contain any information
collection requirements that require the
approval of the Office of Management
and Budget.
List of Subjects
29 CFR Part 1203
Air carriers, Labor management
relations, Labor unions, Railroads.
29 CFR Part 1206
Air carriers, Labor management
relations, Labor union, Railroads.
For the reasons stated in the
preamble, the National Mediation Board
proposes to amend 29 CFR Chapter X as
set forth below:
1. The authority citation for part 1203
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 44 Stat. 577, as amended; 45
U.S.C. 151–163.
2. Revise § 1203.2 to read as follows:
§ 1203.2 Investigation of representation
Applications for the services of the
National Mediation Board under section
2, Ninth, of the Railway Labor Act to
investigate representation disputes
among carriers’ employees may be made
on printed forms NMB–3, copies of
which may be secured from the Board’s
Representation and Legal Department or
on the internet at Such
applications and all correspondence
connected therewith should be filed in
duplicate and the applications should
be accompanied by signed authorization
cards from the employees composing
the craft or class involved in the
dispute. The applications should show
specifically the name or description of
the craft or class of employees involved,
the name of the invoking organization or
individual seeking decertification, the
name of the organization currently
representing the employees, if any, and
the estimated number of employees in
each craft or class involved. The
applications should be signed by the
chief executive of the invoking
organization, some other authorized
officer of the organization, or an
individual seeking decertification.
These disputes are given docket
numbers in the series ‘‘R’’.
PO 00000
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1. The authority citation for part 1206
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 44 Stat. 577, as amended; 45
U.S.C. 151–163.
2. Amend § 1206.1 by revising
paragraph (b) to read as follows
§ 1206.1
Run-off elections.
(b) In the event a run-off election is
authorized by the Board, the two
options which received the highest
number of votes cast in the first election
shall be placed on the run-off ballot. No
blank line on which voters may write in
the name of any organization,
individual, or no representation will be
provided on the run-off ballot.
■ 3. Amend § 1206.2 by revising
paragraph (a) to read as follows:
§ 1206.2 Percentage of valid
authorizations required to determine
existence of a representation dispute.
(a)Upon receipt of an application
requesting that an organization or
individual be certified as the
representative of any craft or class of
employees, or to decertify the current
representative and have no
representative, a showing of proved
authorizations (checked and verified as
to date, signature, and employment
status) from at least fifty (50) percent of
the craft or class must be made before
the National Mediation Board will
authorize an election or otherwise
determine the representation desires of
the employees under the provisions of
section 2, Ninth, of the Railway Labor
■ 4. Amend § 1206.4 by revising
paragraph (a) to read as follows:
§ 1206.4
Time Limits on Applications
(a) For a period of two (2) years from
the date of a certification or
decertification covering the same craft
or class of employees on the same
carrier, and
■ 5. Redesignate §§ 1206.5 through
1206.7 as §§ 1206.6 through 1206.8 and
add new § 1206.5 to read as follows:
§ 1206.5 Decertification of
Employees who no longer wish to be
represented may seek to decertify the
current representative of a craft or class
in a direct election. The employees must
follow the procedure outlines in
§ 1203.2.
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 21 / Thursday, January 31, 2019 / Proposed Rules
Dated: January 28, 2019.
Mary L. Johnson,
General Counsel.
[FR Doc. 2019–00406 Filed 1–30–19; 8:45 a.m.]
29 CFR Part 1404
RIN 3076–AA14
Arbitration Services
Federal Mediation and
Conciliation Service.
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
The Federal Mediation and
Conciliation Service (FMCS) is
proposing to revise the current
arbitration regulation to clarify existing
provisions; eliminate redundancies and
provisions that are never used in
practice; consolidate sections; update
contact information; reduce award
submission requirements and reference
an apprenticeship alternative for joining
the Roster after completion of specified
training; implement a modest increase
in user fees that have remained
unchanged for more than 8 years, and
remove section 1404.20.
DATES: Comments must be submitted to
the office listed in the address section
below on or before January 19, 2019.
ADDRESSES: Submit written comments
identified by RIN 3076–AA14, by mail
to Arthur Pearlstein, Director, Office of
Arbitration Services, FMCS, 250 E Street
SW, Washington, DC 20427. Comments
may be submitted by fax to (202) 606–
8103 or electronically to apearlstein@ Comments may also be sent by
electronic mail message over the
internet via the Federal eRulemaking
Portal. See Federal eRulemaking Portal
website ( for
instructions on providing comments via
the Federal Rulemaking Portal.
All comments will be available for
inspection at 250 E Street SW,
Washington, DC 20427, Room 7113
(Reading Room) from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30
p.m. Monday through Friday, excluding
legal holidays.
Arthur Pearlstein, Director, Office of
Arbitration Services, FMCS, 250 E Street
SW, Washington, Dc 20427. Telephone:
(202) 606–8103.
enabling legislation for FMCS provides
that ‘‘the settlement of issues between
employers and employees through
collective bargaining may be advanced
by making available full and adequate
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governmental facilities for conciliation,
mediation, and voluntary arbitration
. . .’’ 29 U.S.C. 171(b). Pursuant to the
statute and 29 CFR part 1404, FMCS has
long maintained a roster of qualified,
private labor arbitrators to hear disputes
arising under collective bargaining
agreements and provide fact finding and
interest arbitration. The existing
regulation establishes the policy and
administrative responsibility for the
FMCS Roster, criteria and procedures
for listing and removal, procedures for
using arbitration services, an option for
expedited arbitration and, in the
appendix, a schedule of user fees.
FMCS is proposing to revise the
current arbitration regulation to (1)
clarify and shorten existing provisions
and naming conventions and make
other helpful style improvements; (2)
eliminate redundancies and provisions
that are never used in practice; (3)
consolidate sections for ease of
understanding and placement under
appropriate headings; (4) update contact
information and provisions regarding
the use of technology; (5) reduce award
submission requirements and reference
an apprenticeship alternative for joining
the Roster after completion of specified
training; and (6) implement a modest
increase in user fees that have remained
unchanged for more than 8 years. The
increased fees more accurately reflect
FMCS’s costs of maintaining the Roster
and the technology to support it, as well
as responding to requests for arbitrator
panels and biographical data. The
arbitrator listing fee increase would only
apply to arbitrators on the Roster for 5
or more years, reflecting the greater
likelihood for more experienced
arbitrators to be selected by parties.
Section-by-Section Analysis
1. In § 1404.1, revise to make minor
style improvements
2. In § 1404.3, revise (b) to eliminate
‘‘Services’’ from the Office title and use
the abbreviated term ‘‘Roster;’’ revise (c)
to make minor style improvements and
eliminate (c)(1)(v) as unnecessary so
that that it reads as follows:
3. In § 1404.4, revise (b) for minor
style improvements, consolidate
relevant portions of (d) and (e) to 1404.9
to place under the relevant heading and
reduce verbiage, and revise last
paragraph to renumber as (d) and
eliminate redundant language.
4. In § 1404.5, revise preamble to
update contact information and reflect
that Director may designate someone to
review Board recommendations; revise
(b) to clarify requirements; revise (d) to
make minor style improvements; specify
in (3) that violations by arbitrators are
not limited to late awards; clarify in (5)
PO 00000
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that information about arbitrator
misconduct may come to the attention
of FMCS in different ways, and remove
existing (6) as extraneous and never
used; renumber (7) as (6); and revise (f)
for minor style improvements.
5. In § 1404.6, revise for minor style
improvements, eliminate excess
verbiage, and change language in (b)
from ‘‘are encouraged to’’ to ‘‘must’’ to
clarify requirement for arbitrators whose
schedules do not permit timely hearing.
6. In § 1404.9, revise (a) to update
contact information, and the rest of the
section to incorporate consolidations
from 1404.4 and 1404.11, rearrange for
clarity, and eliminate redundant
7. In § 1404.11, moved existing (a) to
1404.9, and otherwise eliminated
redundant or extraneous language
8. In § 1404.12, revised with minor
style changes, eliminated existing (b)
due to redundant language, clarified
ambiguous and confusing language in
existing (c) (new (b)), consolidated
existing (d) into new (b), and eliminated
(f) for unnecessary language.
9. In § 1404.13, revise with minor
style improvement and specify that
hearings must conform to Code of
Professional Responsibility
10. In § 1404.14, revise to make minor
style improvements, clarify language
regarding delay and scheduling, clarify
time for submitting arbitrator report and
fee statement, and change language
regarding consent for award publication
to conform with requirements of the
Code of Professional Responsibility and
industry practice.
11. In § 1404.15, revise (a) to allow
arbitrators to raise fees with notice if a
case continues for over two years after
appointment, (b) to allow arbitrators to
specify multiple business addresses,
and (d) to clarify information on fee
12. In § 1404.16, revise (a) to update
for technology changes and to require
arbitrators to provide contact
information in the event they become
incapacitated or deceased, and (b) to
eliminate excess verbiage.
13. In § 1404.17, revise to eliminate
excess verbiage.
14. In § 1404.18, revise to make minor
style improvements and reduce words.
15. Remove § 1404.20 as the language
is unnecessary and has never been
16. Revise the Appendix to change fee
This rule is not a significant
regulatory action for the purposes of
Executive Order 12866 and has not been
reviewed by the Office of Management
[Federal Register Volume 84, Number 21 (Thursday, January 31, 2019)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 612-614]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2019-00406]
29 CFR Parts 1203 and 1206
[Docket No. C-7198]
RIN 3140-AA01
Decertification of Representatives
AGENCY: National Mediation Board.
ACTION: Proposed rule with requests for comments.
SUMMARY: The National Mediation Board (NMB or Board) is proposing to
amend its regulations to provide a straightforward procedure for the
decertification of representatives. The Board believes this change is
necessary to fulfill the statutory mission of the Railway Labor Act,
protecting employees' right to select their representative. This change
will ensure that each employee has a say in their representative and
eliminate unnecessary hurdles for employees who no longer wish to be
DATES: Submit comments on or before April 1, 2019. A public hearing
will be held at 10 a.m. in Washington, DC at a date and location to be
announced later.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, identified by Docket No. C-7198, by
any of the following methods:
--Federal eRulemaking Portal: Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
--Agency Website: Follow the instructions for
submitting comments.
--Email: Include Docket No. C-7198 in the subject line
of the message.
--Fax: (202) 692-5085.
--Mail and Hand Delivery: National Mediation Board, 1301 K Street NW,
Ste. 250E, Washington, DC 20005.
Instructions: All submissions received must include the agency name
and docket number. All comments received will be posted without change
to, including any personal information provided.
Docket: For access to the docket to read background documents or
comments received, go to
National Mediation Board, (202) 692-5040,
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Railway Labor Act (RLA), 45 U.S.C. 151
et seq. establishes the NMB whose functions, among others, are to
administer certain provisions of the RLA with respect to investigating
disputes as to the representative of a craft or class. In accordance
with its authority under 45 U.S.C. 152, Ninth, the Board has considered
changes to its rules to better facilitate the statutory mission to
investigate representation disputes ``among a carrier's employees as to
who are the representatives of such employees.''
Currently, while employees have the ability to decertify a
representative under the RLA, the process to decertify is unnecessarily
complex and convoluted. By failing to have in place a straight-forward
process for decertification of a representative, the Board is
maintaining an unjustifiable hurdle for employees who no longer wish to
be represented and failing to fulfill the statutory purpose of
``freedom of association among employees.'' 45 U.S.C. 151a(2).
Unlike the National Labor Relations Act, the RLA has no statutory
provision for decertification of a bargaining representative. The
Supreme Court, however, has held that, under Section 2, Fourth, 45
U.S.C. 152, Fourth, employees of the craft or class ``have the right to
determine who shall be the representative of the group or, indeed,
whether they shall have any representation at all.'' Bhd. of Railway
and Steamship Clerks v. Assoc. for the Benefit of Non-Contract
Employees, 380 US 650, 670 (1965)(ABNE). In ABNE, the Court further
noted that the legislative history of the RLA supports the view that
employees have the option of rejecting collective representation. Id.
at 669. citing Hearings on H.R. 7650, House Committee on Interstate and
Foreign Commerce, 73d Cong., 2d Sess., 34-35. In International
Brotherhood of Teamsters v. Bhd. of Railway, Airline and Steamship
Clerks, the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia
(D.C. Circuit), stated that ``it is inconceivable that the right to
reject collective representation vanishes entirely if the employees of
a unit once choose collective representation. On its face that is a
most unlikely rule, especially taking into account the inevitability of
substantial turnover of personnel within the unit.'' 402 F.2d 196, 202
(1968), See also Russell v. National Mediation Board, 714 F.2d 1332
Under its current procedures, the NMB allows indirect rather than
direct decertification. The Board does not allow an employee or a group
of employees of a craft or class to apply for an election to vote for
their current representative or for no union. Employees who wish to
become unrepresented must follow a more convoluted path to an election
because of the Board's requirement of the ``straw man.'' This straw man
requirement means that if a craft or class of employees want to
decertify, they must find a person willing to put their name up, i.e.
``John Smith,'' and then explain to at least fifty percent of the
workforce that John Smith does not want to represent them, but if they
want to decertify they have to sign the card authorizing him to
represent them. Thus, in order to become unrepresented, employees are
required to first sign an authorization card to have a strawman step in
to represent them. In the resulting election, the ballot options will
include the names of the current representative; John Smith, the
strawman applicant; ``no union;'' and an option to write in the name of
[[Page 613]]
representative. To decertify, employees have to vote for no
It is NMB's statutory mandate to protect employees' freedom to
choose a representative. There is, however, no statutory basis for the
additional requirement of a straw man where employees seek to become
unrepresented. Both courts and the Board have recognized that inherent
in the right to representation is the right to be unrepresented.
Accordingly, the Board proposes changing its rules to simplify the
decertification process and put decertification on an equal footing
with certification. Employees may submit authorization cards to
decertify their current representative. The wording on the card must be
unambiguous and clearly state the intent to no longer be represented by
the current union. The showing of interest requirement will be the same
showing of interest required for a certification election--at least 50
percent of the craft or class.
The necessity of a straw man will be eliminated, and the ballot
will no longer include a strawman representation choice. Once it is
determined that the showing of interest is valid and sufficient, the
Board will authorize the election with the incumbent and the no
representation option, along with a write-in option. The Board's
existing run-off rules will apply.
Successful decertification, like certification, is a challenging
and significant undertaking by employees with a substantial impact on
the workplace for both employees and their employer. In the Board's
view, the changes in the employee-employer relationship that occur when
employees become represented, change representative or become
unrepresented require similar treatment. For this reason, the Board
proposes extending the two year time limit on applications in Sec.
1206.4(a) to decertifications as well as certifications. The other time
limits set forth in 1206.4 will remain unchanged.
Member Puchala dissents from the Board majority's action in
approving the proposed rule.
Executive Order 12866
This rule is not a significant rule for purposes of Executive Order
12866 and has not been reviewed by the Office of Management and Budget.
Regulatory Flexibility Act
As required by the Regulatory Flexibility Act, the NMB certifies
that these regulatory changes will not have a significant impact on
small business entities. This rule will not have any significant impact
on the quality of the human environment under the National
Environmental Policy Act.
Paperwork Reduction Act
The NMB has determined that the Paperwork Reduction Act does not
apply because this interim regulation does not contain any information
collection requirements that require the approval of the Office of
Management and Budget.
List of Subjects
29 CFR Part 1203
Air carriers, Labor management relations, Labor unions, Railroads.
29 CFR Part 1206
Air carriers, Labor management relations, Labor union, Railroads.
For the reasons stated in the preamble, the National Mediation
Board proposes to amend 29 CFR Chapter X as set forth below:
1. The authority citation for part 1203 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 44 Stat. 577, as amended; 45 U.S.C. 151-163.
2. Revise Sec. 1203.2 to read as follows:
Sec. 1203.2 Investigation of representation disputes.
Applications for the services of the National Mediation Board under
section 2, Ninth, of the Railway Labor Act to investigate
representation disputes among carriers' employees may be made on
printed forms NMB-3, copies of which may be secured from the Board's
Representation and Legal Department or on the internet at
Such applications and all correspondence connected therewith should be
filed in duplicate and the applications should be accompanied by signed
authorization cards from the employees composing the craft or class
involved in the dispute. The applications should show specifically the
name or description of the craft or class of employees involved, the
name of the invoking organization or individual seeking
decertification, the name of the organization currently representing
the employees, if any, and the estimated number of employees in each
craft or class involved. The applications should be signed by the chief
executive of the invoking organization, some other authorized officer
of the organization, or an individual seeking decertification. These
disputes are given docket numbers in the series ``R''.
1. The authority citation for part 1206 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 44 Stat. 577, as amended; 45 U.S.C. 151-163.
2. Amend Sec. 1206.1 by revising paragraph (b) to read as follows
Sec. 1206.1 Run-off elections.
* * * * *
(b) In the event a run-off election is authorized by the Board, the
two options which received the highest number of votes cast in the
first election shall be placed on the run-off ballot. No blank line on
which voters may write in the name of any organization, individual, or
no representation will be provided on the run-off ballot.
* * * * *
3. Amend Sec. 1206.2 by revising paragraph (a) to read as follows:
Sec. 1206.2 Percentage of valid authorizations required to determine
existence of a representation dispute.
(a)Upon receipt of an application requesting that an organization
or individual be certified as the representative of any craft or class
of employees, or to decertify the current representative and have no
representative, a showing of proved authorizations (checked and
verified as to date, signature, and employment status) from at least
fifty (50) percent of the craft or class must be made before the
National Mediation Board will authorize an election or otherwise
determine the representation desires of the employees under the
provisions of section 2, Ninth, of the Railway Labor Act.
* * * * *
4. Amend Sec. 1206.4 by revising paragraph (a) to read as follows:
Sec. 1206.4 Time Limits on Applications
* * * * *
(a) For a period of two (2) years from the date of a certification
or decertification covering the same craft or class of employees on the
same carrier, and
* * * * *
5. Redesignate Sec. Sec. 1206.5 through 1206.7 as Sec. Sec. 1206.6
through 1206.8 and add new Sec. 1206.5 to read as follows:
Sec. 1206.5 Decertification of Representatives.
Employees who no longer wish to be represented may seek to
decertify the current representative of a craft or class in a direct
election. The employees must follow the procedure outlines in Sec.
[[Page 614]]
Dated: January 28, 2019.
Mary L. Johnson,
General Counsel.
[FR Doc. 2019-00406 Filed 1-30-19; 8:45 a.m.]