Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) 70-Detroit, Michigan, Notification of Proposed Production Activity, Fluid Equipment Development Company, LLC (Energy Recovery Turbines and Centrifugal Pumps), Monroe, Michigan, 63154-63155 [2018-26549]
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amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 235 / Friday, December 7, 2018 / Notices
authority to enforce the FTR to the BIS’s
Office of Export Enforcement and the
Department of Homeland Security’s CBP
and Immigrations and Customs
Enforcement. The mandatory use of the
AES also facilitates the enforcement of
the Export Administration Regulations
for the detection and prevention of
exports of high technology commodities
to unauthorized destinations by the BIS
and the CBP; the International Traffic in
Arms Regulations by the U.S.
Department of State for the exports of
munitions; and the validation of the
Kimberly Process Certificate for the
exports of rough diamonds.
Other Federal agencies use these data
to develop the components of the
merchandise trade figures used to
calculate the balance of payments and
Gross Domestic Product accounts; to
enforce U.S. export laws and
regulations; to plan and examine export
promotion programs and agricultural
development and assistance programs;
and to prepare for and assist in trade
negotiations under the General
Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.
Collection of these data also eliminates
the need for conducting additional
surveys for the collection of
information, as the AES shows the
relationship of the parties to the export
transaction (as required by the Bureau of
Economic Analysis). These AES data are
also used by the Bureau of Labor
Statistics as a source for developing the
export price index and by the U.S.
Department of Transportation for
administering the negotiation of
reciprocal arrangements for
transportation facilities between the
United States and other countries.
Export statistics collected from the
AES aid state governments, private
sector companies, financial institutions,
and transportation entities in
conducting market analysis and market
penetration studies for the development
of new markets and market-share
strategies. A collaborative effort among
the Census Bureau, the National
Governors’ Association and other data
users resulted in the development of
export statistics using the state of origin
reported on the AES. This information
enables state governments to focus
activities and resources on fostering the
exports of goods that originate in their
states. Port authorities, steamship lines,
airlines, aircraft manufacturers, and air
transport associations use these data for
measuring the volume and effect of air
or vessel shipments and the need for
additional or new types of facilities.
Affected Public: Individuals,
Frequency: On occasion.
Respondent’s Obligation: Mandatory.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
16:56 Dec 06, 2018
Jkt 247001
Legal Authority: Title 13 United States
Code, Chapter 9, Section 301.
This information collection request
may be viewed at
Follow the instructions to view
Department of Commerce collections
currently under review by OMB.
Written comments and
recommendations for the proposed
information collection should be sent
within 30 days of publication of this
notice to OIRA_Submission@ or fax to (202) 395–5806.
Sheleen Dumas,
Departmental Lead PRA Officer, Office of the
Chief Information Officer, Commerce
[FR Doc. 2018–26538 Filed 12–6–18; 8:45 am]
Foreign-Trade Zones Board
Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) 18—San
Jose, California, Authorization of
Production Activity, Tesla, Inc.
(Electric Passenger Vehicles and
Components), Fremont and Palo Alto,
On August 1, 2018, Tesla, Inc.
submitted a notification of proposed
production activity to the FTZ Board for
its facilities within FTZ 18—Subzone
18G, in Fremont and Palo Alto,
The notification was processed in
accordance with the regulations of the
FTZ Board (15 CFR part 400), including
notice in the Federal Register inviting
public comment (83 FR 40226, August
14, 2018). On November 29, 2018, the
applicant was notified of the FTZ
Board’s decision that no further review
of the activity is warranted at this time.
The production activity described in the
notification was authorized, subject to
the FTZ Act and the FTZ Board’s
regulations, including Section 400.14.
Dated: November 29, 2018.
Andrew McGilvray,
Executive Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2018–26547 Filed 12–6–18; 8:45 am]
PO 00000
Frm 00007
Fmt 4703
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Foreign-Trade Zones Board
Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) 70—Detroit,
Michigan, Notification of Proposed
Production Activity, Fluid Equipment
Development Company, LLC (Energy
Recovery Turbines and Centrifugal
Pumps), Monroe, Michigan
The Greater Detroit Foreign-Trade
Zone, Inc., grantee of FTZ 70, submitted
a notification of proposed production
activity to the FTZ Board on behalf of
Fluid Equipment Development
Company, LLC (FEDCO), located in
Monroe, Michigan. The notification
conforming to the requirements of the
regulations of the FTZ Board (15 CFR
400.22) was received on November 28,
The FEDCO facility is located within
Site 77 of FTZ 70. The facility is used
for the production of energy recovery
turbines and centrifugal pumps used in
water desalination. Pursuant to 15 CFR
400.14(b), FTZ activity would be limited
to the specific foreign-status materials
and components and specific finished
products described in the submitted
notification (as described below) and
subsequently authorized by the FTZ
Production under FTZ procedures
could exempt FEDCO from customs
duty payments on the foreign-status
components used in export production.
On its domestic sales, for the foreignstatus materials/components noted
below, FEDCO would be able to choose
the duty rates during customs entry
procedures that apply to: Energy
recovery turbines; single-stage pumps
under 2-inch discharge; single-stage
pumps over 2-inch discharge; singlestage pumps over 3-inch discharge;
multi-stage centrifugal pumps; and,
pump spare parts (duty-free). FEDCO
would be able to avoid duty on foreignstatus components which become scrap/
waste. Customs duties also could
possibly be deferred or reduced on
foreign-status production equipment.
The components and materials
sourced from abroad include: Steel cast
flanges; steel cast rings; steel cast cavity
covers; steel cast bearing holders; steel
cast pump inlets; steel cast housings;
steel cast seal carriers; and, steel cast
impellers (duty rate 2.9%). The request
indicates that the materials/components
are subject to special duties under
Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974
(Section 301), depending on the country
of origin. The applicable Section 301
decisions require subject merchandise
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 235 / Friday, December 7, 2018 / Notices
to be admitted to FTZs in privileged
foreign status (19 CFR 146.41).
Public comment is invited from
interested parties. Submissions shall be
addressed to the Board’s Executive
Secretary at the address below. The
closing period for their receipt is
January 16, 2019.
A copy of the notification will be
available for public inspection at the
Office of the Executive Secretary,
Foreign-Trade Zones Board, Room
21013, U.S. Department of Commerce,
1401 Constitution Avenue NW,
Washington, DC 20230–0002, and in the
‘‘Reading Room’’ section of the Board’s
website, which is accessible via
For further information, contact
Elizabeth Whiteman at or (202)
Dated: November 29, 2018.
Andrew McGilvray,
Executive Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2018–26549 Filed 12–6–18; 8:45 am]
Foreign-Trade Zones Board
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES
Approval of Subzone Status, Mayfield
Consumer Products, Mayfield and
Hickory, Kentucky
On October 11, 2018, the Executive
Secretary of the Foreign-Trade Zones
(FTZ) Board docketed an application
submitted by the Paducah McCracken
County Riverport Authority, grantee of
FTZ 294, requesting subzone status
subject to the existing activation limit of
FTZ 294, on behalf of Mayfield
Consumer Products, in Mayfield and
Hickory, Kentucky.
The application was processed in
accordance with the FTZ Act and
Regulations, including notice in the
Federal Register inviting public
comment (83 FR 52382–52383, October
17, 2018). The FTZ staff examiner
reviewed the application and
determined that it meets the criteria for
approval. Pursuant to the authority
delegated to the FTZ Board Executive
Secretary (15 CFR Sec. 400.36(f)), the
application to establish Subzone 294A
was approved on November 30, 2018,
subject to the FTZ Act and the Board’s
regulations, including Section 400.13,
and further subject to FTZ 294’s 2,000acre activation limit.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
16:56 Dec 06, 2018
Jkt 247001
Dated: November 30, 2018.
Andrew McGilvray,
Executive Secretary.
Applicable December 7, 2018.
Baker, AD/CVD Operations, Office VI,
Enforcement and Compliance,
International Trade Administration,
U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401
Constitution Avenue NW, Washington,
DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482–2924.
[FR Doc. 2018–26548 Filed 12–6–18; 8:45 am]
Foreign-Trade Zones Board
Approval of Subzone Status, Winpak
Heat Seal Corporation, Pekin, Illinois
On June 11, 2018, Commerce
published the preliminary results of the
administrative review of the
antidumping duty order on pipe and
tube from Turkey.1 The review covers
the following producers/exporters of the
subject merchandise: Borusan Istikbal
Ticaret T.A.S. (Borusan Istikbal) and
Borusan Mannesmann Boru Sanayi ve
Ticaret A.S. (Borusan Mannesmann)
(collectively, Borusan); 2 Toscelik Profil
ve Sac Endustrisi A.S., Tosyali Dis
Ticaret A.S., and Toscelik Metal Ticaret
A.S. (Toscelik Metal) (collectively,
Toscelik); 3 Borusan Birlesik Boru
Fabrikalari San ve Tic (Borusan
Birlesik); Borusan Gemlik Boru Tesisleri
A.S. (Borusan Gemlik); Borusan Ihracat
Ithalat ve Dagitim A.S. (Borusan
Ihracat); Borusan Ithicat ve Dagitim A.S.
(Borusan Ithicat); Tubeco Pipe and Steel
Corporation (Tubeco); Erbosan Erciyas
Boru Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. (Erbosan);
and Yu¨cel Boru ve Profil Endustrisi A.S.
(Yu¨cel Boru), Yu¨cel boru Ihracat Ithalat
ve Pazarlama A.S. (Yu¨cel boru), and
Cayirova Boru Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S.
(Cayirova) (collectively, ‘‘Yu¨cel
On June 21, 2018, we placed on the
record certain entry documents obtained
from U.S. Customs and Border
On October 9, 2018, the Executive
Secretary of the Foreign-Trade Zones
(FTZ) Board docketed an application
submitted by the EDC, Inc., The
Economic Development Council for the
Peoria Area, grantee of FTZ 114,
requesting subzone status subject to the
existing activation limit of FTZ 114, on
behalf of Winpak Heat Seal Corporation,
in Pekin, Illinois.
The application was processed in
accordance with the FTZ Act and
Regulations, including notice in the
Federal Register inviting public
comment (83 FR 51926, October 15,
2018). The FTZ staff examiner reviewed
the application and determined that it
meets the criteria for approval. Pursuant
to the authority delegated to the FTZ
Board Executive Secretary (15 CFR Sec.
400.36(f)), the application to establish
Subzone 114G was approved on
November 30, 2018, subject to the FTZ
Act and the Board’s regulations,
including Section 400.13, and further
subject to FTZ 114’s 990-acre activation
Dated: November 30, 2018.
Andrew McGilvray,
Executive Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2018–26550 Filed 12–6–18; 8:45 am]
International Trade Administration
Welded Carbon Steel Standard Pipe
and Tube Products From Turkey: Final
Results of Antidumping Duty
Administrative Review; 2016–2017
Enforcement and Compliance,
International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce.
SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce
(Commerce) determines that welded
carbon steel standard pipe and tube
products (pipe and tube) from Turkey
were sold at less than normal value
during the period of review (POR), May
1, 2016, through April 30, 2017.
PO 00000
Frm 00008
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
1 See Welded Carbon Steel Standard Pipe and
Tube Products from Turkey: Preliminary Results of
Antidumping Duty Administrative Review and
Preliminary Determination of No Shipments; 2016–
2017, 83 FR 26951 (June 11, 2018) (Preliminary
Results) and accompanying Preliminary Decision
2 As explained in the Preliminary Results,
Commerce treated Borusan Mannesmann Boru
Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. and Borusan Istikbal Ticaret
T.A.S. as a single entity in this administrative
review. See Preliminary Decision Memorandum at
1, n.1.
3 In prior segments of this proceeding, we treated
Toscelik Profil ve Sac Endustrisi A.S., Tosyali Dis
Ticaret A.S., and Toscelik Metal as a single entity.
See, e.g., Welded Carbon Steel Standard Pipe and
Tube Products from Turkey: Final Results of
Antidumping Duty Administrative Review; 2012–
2013, 79 FR 71087, 71088 n.8 (December 1, 2014).
However, in a prior review, we found that Toscelik
Metal has ceased to exist. Id. There is no record
evidence that warrants altering this treatment.
Therefore, for these final results, we are treating
Toscelik and Tosyali as a single entity, and
continue to find that Toscelik Metal no longer
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 235 (Friday, December 7, 2018)]
[Pages 63154-63155]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2018-26549]
Foreign-Trade Zones Board
Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) 70--Detroit, Michigan, Notification of
Proposed Production Activity, Fluid Equipment Development Company, LLC
(Energy Recovery Turbines and Centrifugal Pumps), Monroe, Michigan
The Greater Detroit Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc., grantee of FTZ 70,
submitted a notification of proposed production activity to the FTZ
Board on behalf of Fluid Equipment Development Company, LLC (FEDCO),
located in Monroe, Michigan. The notification conforming to the
requirements of the regulations of the FTZ Board (15 CFR 400.22) was
received on November 28, 2018.
The FEDCO facility is located within Site 77 of FTZ 70. The
facility is used for the production of energy recovery turbines and
centrifugal pumps used in water desalination. Pursuant to 15 CFR
400.14(b), FTZ activity would be limited to the specific foreign-status
materials and components and specific finished products described in
the submitted notification (as described below) and subsequently
authorized by the FTZ Board.
Production under FTZ procedures could exempt FEDCO from customs
duty payments on the foreign-status components used in export
production. On its domestic sales, for the foreign-status materials/
components noted below, FEDCO would be able to choose the duty rates
during customs entry procedures that apply to: Energy recovery
turbines; single-stage pumps under 2-inch discharge; single-stage pumps
over 2-inch discharge; single-stage pumps over 3-inch discharge; multi-
stage centrifugal pumps; and, pump spare parts (duty-free). FEDCO would
be able to avoid duty on foreign-status components which become scrap/
waste. Customs duties also could possibly be deferred or reduced on
foreign-status production equipment.
The components and materials sourced from abroad include: Steel
cast flanges; steel cast rings; steel cast cavity covers; steel cast
bearing holders; steel cast pump inlets; steel cast housings; steel
cast seal carriers; and, steel cast impellers (duty rate 2.9%). The
request indicates that the materials/components are subject to special
duties under Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974 (Section 301),
depending on the country of origin. The applicable Section 301
decisions require subject merchandise
[[Page 63155]]
to be admitted to FTZs in privileged foreign status (19 CFR 146.41).
Public comment is invited from interested parties. Submissions
shall be addressed to the Board's Executive Secretary at the address
below. The closing period for their receipt is January 16, 2019.
A copy of the notification will be available for public inspection
at the Office of the Executive Secretary, Foreign-Trade Zones Board,
Room 21013, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue NW,
Washington, DC 20230-0002, and in the ``Reading Room'' section of the
Board's website, which is accessible via
For further information, contact Elizabeth Whiteman at
[email protected] or (202) 482-0473.
Dated: November 29, 2018.
Andrew McGilvray,
Executive Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2018-26549 Filed 12-6-18; 8:45 am]