National Register of Historic Places; Notification of Pending Nominations and Related Actions, 57747-57749 [2018-25035]
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Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 222 / Friday, November 16, 2018 / Notices
The sealed bids should be sent by
certified mail, return receipt requested,
or be hand delivered to the Public
Room, BLM Utah State Office, at the
address provided in the ADDRESSES
section and clearly marked ‘‘Sealed Bid
for UTU–81895 Coal Sale—Not to be
opened before 1:00 p.m. November 28,
2018.’’ The Public Room will issue a
receipt for each hand-delivered bid.
Bids received after 10 a.m. will not be
considered. If identical high bids are
received, the tying high bidders will be
requested to submit follow-up sealed
bids until a high bid is received. All tiebreaking sealed bids must be submitted
within 15 minutes following the sale
official’s announcement, at the sale, that
identical high bids have been received.
A lease issued as a result of this offering
will require payment of an annual rental
of $3 per acre, or fraction thereof, and
a royalty payable to the United States of
12.5 percent of the value of coal mined
by surface methods and eight percent by
underground methods. Bidding
instructions for the tract offered and the
terms and conditions of the proposed
coal lease are included in the Detailed
Statement of Lease Sale. Copies of the
statement and the proposed coal lease
are available at the Utah State Office.
Casefile UTU–81895 is also available for
public inspection at the Utah State
(Authority: 43 CFR 3422.3–2)
Edwin L. Roberson,
State Director.
[FR Doc. 2018–25083 Filed 11–15–18; 8:45 am]
Bureau of Land Management
Filing of Plats of Survey, Nebraska and
Bureau of Land Management,
ACTION: Notice of official filing.
The Bureau of Land
Management (BLM) is scheduled to file
plats of survey 30 calendar days from
the date of this publication in the BLM
Wyoming State Office, Cheyenne,
Wyoming. The surveys, which were
executed at the request of the BLM, are
necessary for the management of these
DATES: Protests must be received by the
BLM by December 17, 2018.
ADDRESSES: You may submit written
protests to the Wyoming State Director
at WY957, Bureau of Land Management,
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES
VerDate Sep<11>2014
17:19 Nov 15, 2018
Jkt 247001
5353 Yellowstone Road, Cheyenne,
Wyoming 82003.
Sonja Sparks, BLM Wyoming Chief
Cadastral Surveyor at 307–775–6225 or Persons who use a
telecommunications device for the deaf
may call the Federal Relay Service at 1–
800–877–8339 to contact this office
during normal business hours. The
Service is available 24 hours a day, 7
days a week, to leave a message or
question with this office. You will
receive a reply during normal business
surveyed are: The plat representing the
dependent resurvey of portions of the
west boundary and subdivisional lines,
designed to restore the corners in their
true locations according to the best
available evidence, the survey of a
portion of the District Court of Howard
County rendered thread of avulsed
abandoned river bed through section 18,
and the survey of Lot 8 of section 18,
Township 15 North, Range 9 West,
Sixth Principal Meridian, Nebraska,
Group No. 187, was accepted November
8, 2018.
The plat and field notes representing
the dependent resurvey of portions of
certain tracts and the subdivisional
lines, designed to restore the corners in
their true original locations according to
the best available evidence, and the
survey of the subdivision of section 17,
Township 57 North, Range 74 West,
Sixth Principal Meridian, Wyoming,
Group No. 963, was accepted November
8, 2018.
The plat and field notes representing
the dependent resurvey of the Eighth
Standard Parallel North, through Range
70 West, a portion of the west boundary,
and a portion of the subdivisional lines,
designed to restore the corners in their
true original locations according to the
best available evidence, Township 32
North, Range 70 West, Sixth Principal
Meridian, Wyoming, Group No. 978,
was accepted November 8, 2018.
The plat and field notes representing
the dependent resurvey of a portion of
the east and west boundaries, and
portions of the subdivisional lines,
designed to restore the corners in their
true original locations according to the
best available evidence, Township 33
North, Range 70 West, Sixth Principal
Meridian, Wyoming, Group No. 979,
was accepted November 8, 2018.
The plat and field notes representing
the dependent resurvey of a portion of
the south boundary and a portion of the
subdivisional lines, designed to restore
the corners in their true original
locations according to the best available
PO 00000
Frm 00034
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
evidence, and the survey of the
subdivision of section 34, and the
metes-and-bounds survey of Parcel A,
section 34, Township 27 North, Range
90 West, Sixth Principal Meridian,
Wyoming, Group No. 999, was accepted
November 8, 2018.
A person or party who wishes to
protest one or more plats of survey
identified above must file a written
notice of protest within 30 calendar
days from the date of this publication
with the Wyoming State Director at the
above address. Any notice of protest
received after the scheduled date of
official filing will be untimely and will
not be considered. A written statement
of reasons in support of a protest, if not
filed with the notice of protest, must be
filed with the State Director within 30
calendar days after the notice of protest
is filed. If a notice of protest against a
plat of survey is received prior to the
scheduled date of official filing, the
official filing of the plat of survey
identified in the notice of protest will be
stayed pending consideration of the
protest. A plat of survey will not be
officially filed until the next business
day following dismissal or resolution of
all protests of the plat.
Before including your address, phone
number, email address, or other
personal identifying information in your
protest, you should be aware that your
entire protest—including your personal
identifying information—may be made
publicly available at any time. While
you can ask us to withhold your
personal identifying information from
public review, we cannot guarantee that
we will be able to do so.
Copies of the preceding described
plats and field notes are available to the
public at a cost of $4.20 per plat and
$.13 per page of field notes.
Dated: November 8, 2018.
Sonja S. Sparks,
Chief Cadastral Surveyor, Division of Support
[FR Doc. 2018–25004 Filed 11–15–18; 8:45 am]
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places;
Notification of Pending Nominations
and Related Actions
National Park Service, Interior.
The National Park Service is
soliciting comments on the significance
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 222 / Friday, November 16, 2018 / Notices
of properties nominated before October
27, 2018, for listing or related actions in
the National Register of Historic Places.
DATES: Comments should be submitted
by December 3, 2018.
ADDRESSES: Comments may be sent via
U.S. Postal Service and all other carriers
to the National Register of Historic
Places, National Park Service, 1849 C St.
NW, MS 7228, Washington, DC 20240.
properties listed in this notice are being
considered for listing or related actions
in the National Register of Historic
Places. Nominations for their
consideration were received by the
National Park Service before October 27,
2018. Pursuant to Section 60.13 of 36
CFR part 60, written comments are
being accepted concerning the
significance of the nominated properties
under the National Register criteria for
Before including your address, phone
number, email address, or other
personal identifying information in your
comment, you should be aware that
your entire comment—including your
personal identifying information—may
be made publicly available at any time.
While you can ask us in your comment
to withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so.
Nominations submitted by State
Historic Preservation Officers:
Anchorage Borough
Block 13 Army Housing Association Historic
District, E 10th & 11th Aves., Barrow &
Cordova Sts., Anchorage, SG100003171
Middlesex County
Higganum Landing Historic District, 40–68
Landing Rd., 2–14 Landing Rd. S, Haddam,
District of Columbia
MacFarland Junior High School, (Public
School Buildings of Washington, DC MPS),
4400 Iowa Ave. NW, Washington,
Roosevelt, Theodore, Senior High School,
(Public School Buildings of Washington,
DC MPS), 4301 13th St. NW, Washington,
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES
Latah County
Jefferson Parish
Kirby—Adam House, (Louisiana Coastal
Vernacular: Grand Isle 1780–1968 MPS),
142B Community Ln., Grand Isle,
Poche House, (Louisiana Coastal Vernacular:
Grand Isle 1780–1968 MPS), 102
Community Ln., Grand Isle, MP100003193
Robin House, (Louisiana Coastal Vernacular:
Grand Isle 1780–1968 MPS), 176 Coulon
Riguard Rd., Grand Isle, MP100003194
United States Coast Guard Station No. 79,
(Louisiana Coastal Vernacular: Grand Isle
1780–1968 MPS), 170 Ludwig Ln., Grand
Isle, MP100003195
Campbell, Harry and Fern, House, 101 E 4th
St., Troy, SG100003175
Carroll County
Carroll County Infirmary, (County Homes of
Indiana MPS), 6409 W 100 North, Delphi
vicinity, MP100003177
Clark County
Pleasant Ridge Historic District, (Residential
Planning and Development in Indiana,
1940–1973 MPS), Roughly between
Hampton Ct., Marcy, Audubon &
Thompson Sts., Winthrop, & Kenwood
Aves., Halcyon & Ridge Rds., Charlestown,
Clinton County
Parkview Home of Clinton County, (County
Homes of Indiana MPS), 1501 Burlington
Ave., Frankfort vicinity, MP100003179
Grant County
First Presbyterian Church, 216 W 6th St.,
Marion, SG100003184
Hamilton County
Westfield Historic District, Roughly bounded
by Camilla Ct., Penn, Walnut & Park Sts.,
Westfield, SG100003180
Hendricks County
Hendricks County Poor Asylum, (County
Homes of Indiana MPS), 865 E Main St.,
Danville vicinity, MP100003181
Howard County
Howard Masonic Temple, 316 N Washington
St., Kokomo, SG100003182
Knox County
Knox County Poor Asylum, (County Homes
of Indiana MPS), 2008 S Hart Street Rd.,
Vincennes vicinity, MP100003183
Monroe County
Breezy Point Farm Historic District, 8000 W
Sand College Rd., Gosport vicinity,
Carter—Randall—Parker House, 3636 S
Rogers St., Bloomington vicinity,
Putnam County
Roachdale Historic District, Roughly
bounded by Washington, Main, Grove &
Indiana Sts., Roachdale, SG100003187
Randolph County
Randolph County Infirmary, (County Homes
of Indiana MPS), 1882 S US 27, Winchester
vicinity, MP100003188
St. Joseph County
Fulton County
B. Mifflin Hood Brick Company Building,
686 Greenwood Ave. NE, Atlanta,
House at 690 South Boulevard, 690 S
Boulevard, Atlanta, SG100003174
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 247001
South Bend City Cemetery, 214 N Elm St.,
South Bend, SG100003189
Tippecanoe County
Peirce, Oliver Webster Jr., and Catherine
House, 538 S 7th St., Lafayette,
PO 00000
Frm 00035
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Presque Isle County
CHOCTAW (shipwreck), Address Restricted,
Presque Isle Township vicinity,
Sanilac County
Cadillac House, 5502 Main St., Lexington,
Silver Bow County
Shaffer’s Chapel African Methodist Episcopal
Church, 602 S Idaho, Butte, SG100003199
White Pine County
Lund Grade School, (School Buildings in
Nevada MPS), 30 W Center St., Lund,
Camden County
Newton Union Burial Ground, Lynne &
Collings Aves., Haddon Township,
St. Bartholomew Roman Catholic Church,
751 Kaighn Ave., Camden, SG100003202
Monmouth County
McLeod—Rice House, 900 Leonardville Rd.,
Middletown Township, SG100003203
Billings County
De Mores Memorial Park, (Federal Relief
Construction in North Dakota, 1931–1943,
MPS), SE corner of Main St. & 3rd Ave.,
Medora, MP100003204
Greene County
Wickersham House, 23 E Washington St.,
Jamestown, SG100003208
Lucas County
Ontario Building, 713–717 Jefferson Ave.,
Toledo, SG100003209
Muskingum County
Glenn, John, Boyhood Home, 72 Main St.,
New Concord, SG100003210
Stark County
Timken Vocational High School, 521
Tuscarawas St. W, Canton, SG100003211
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 222 / Friday, November 16, 2018 / Notices
Additional documentation has been
received for the following resource:
Glynn County
Brunswick Old Town Historic District,
Roughly bounded by 1st, Bay, New Bay, H
and Cochran Sts., Brunswick, AD79000727
Nomination submitted by Federal
Preservation Officers:
The State Historic Preservation
Officer reviewed the following
nomination and responded to the
Federal Preservation Officer within 45
days of receipt of the nomination and
supports listing the property in the
National Register of Historic Places.
Laurens County
Dublin Veterans Administration Hospital,
(United States Third Generation Veterans
Hospitals, 1946–1958 MPS), 1826 Veterans
Blvd., Dublin, MP100003205
Authority: Section 60.13 of 36 CFR part
Dodgeville Mill, 453 S Main St., Attleboro,
Tobin’s Beach Site, Address Restricted,
Brookfield vicinity, 86003808
Tobin’s Beach Site (Boundary Increase),
Address Restricted, Brookfield vicinity,
National Register of Historic Places;
Notification of Pending Nominations
and Related Actions
Grande Ballroom, 8952–8970 Grand River
Ave., Detroit, SG100003226
National Park Service, Interior.
ACTION: Notice.
Bernalillo County
Wayne County
The National Park Service is
soliciting comments on the significance
of properties nominated before
November 3, 2018, for listing or related
actions in the National Register of
Historic Places.
DATES: Comments should be submitted
by December 3, 2018.
ADDRESSES: Comments may be sent via
U.S. Postal Service and all other carriers
to the National Register of Historic
Places, National Park Service, 1849 C St.
NW, MS 7228, Washington, DC 20240.
properties listed in this notice are being
considered for listing or related actions
in the National Register of Historic
Places. Nominations for their
consideration were received by the
National Park Service before November
VerDate Sep<11>2014
17:19 Nov 15, 2018
Jkt 247001
Main Library, 501 Copper Ave. NW,
Albuquerque, SG100003217
Roosevelt County
Davis Mercantile, 4610 NM 206, Milnesand,
Torrance County
Willard Mercantile Company, 101 E
Broadway, Mountainair, SG100003219
Addison County
Camp Marbury Historic District, (Organized
Summer Camping in Vermont MPS), 243,
245 & 293 Mile Point Rd., Ferrisburgh,
Franklin County
Bridge Number VT105–10, (Metal Truss,
Masonry, and Concrete Bridges in Vermont
MPS), VT 105, Sheldon vicinity,
PO 00000
Frm 00036
Additional documentation has been
received for the following resource:
Eastern District
U.S. Naval Station Tutuila Historic District,
Between Togotogo Ridge and W side of
Pago Pago Harbor, on waterfronts of
Fagatogo and Utulei villages, Fagatogo and
Utulei, AD90000854
Authority: Section 60.13 of 36 CFR part 60.
Dated: November 5, 2018.
Christopher Hetzel,
Acting Chief, National Register of Historic
Places/National Historic Landmarks Program.
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Bristol County
Worcester County
Spokane County
Coeur d’Alene Park, 2111 W 2nd Ave.,
Spokane, SG100003228
Mount Spokane Vista House, N 26107 Mt.
Spokane Park Dr., Mead, SG100003229
Holmes, David Hull, House, 720 11th St.,
Boulder, SG100003225
[FR Doc. 2018–25035 Filed 11–15–18; 8:45 am]
National Park Service
[FR Doc. 2018–25034 Filed 11–15–18; 8:45 am]
Boulder County
Dated: October 26, 2018.
Christopher Hetzel,
Acting Chief, National Register of Historic
Places/National Historic Landmarks Program.
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES
3, 2018. Pursuant to Section 60.13 of 36
CFR part 60, written comments are
being accepted concerning the
significance of the nominated properties
under the National Register criteria for
Before including your address, phone
number, email address, or other
personal identifying information in your
comment, you should be aware that
your entire comment—including your
personal identifying information—may
be made publicly available at any time.
While you can ask us in your comment
to withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so.
Nominations submitted by State
Historic Preservation Officers:
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
[Docket No. BOEM–2018–0054]
Outer Continental Shelf (OCS), Alaska
Region (AK), Beaufort Sea Program
Area, Proposed 2019 Beaufort Sea Oil
and Gas Lease Sale
Bureau of Ocean Energy
Management, Interior
ACTION: Notice of Intent to Prepare an
Environmental Impact Statement,
announce the area identified for leasing,
and hold public scoping meetings.
Consistent with the
regulations implementing the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
(BOEM) is announcing its intent to
prepare an Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS) for the proposed 2019
Beaufort Sea Lease Sale in the Beaufort
Sea Planning Area. The EIS will focus
on the potential effects of leasing,
exploration, development, and
production of oil and natural gas in the
proposed lease sale area. In addition to
the no action alternative (i.e., not
holding the lease sale), other
alternatives will be considered.
Consistent with the regulations
implementing the Outer Continental
Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA), BOEM is also
announcing the area recommended for
DATES: Comments: All interested
parties, including Federal, State, Tribal,
and local governments, and the general
public, may submit written comments
by December 17, 2018 on the scope of
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 222 (Friday, November 16, 2018)]
[Pages 57747-57749]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2018-25035]
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places; Notification of Pending
Nominations and Related Actions
AGENCY: National Park Service, Interior.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The National Park Service is soliciting comments on the
[[Page 57748]]
of properties nominated before October 27, 2018, for listing or related
actions in the National Register of Historic Places.
DATES: Comments should be submitted by December 3, 2018.
ADDRESSES: Comments may be sent via U.S. Postal Service and all other
carriers to the National Register of Historic Places, National Park
Service, 1849 C St. NW, MS 7228, Washington, DC 20240.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The properties listed in this notice are
being considered for listing or related actions in the National
Register of Historic Places. Nominations for their consideration were
received by the National Park Service before October 27, 2018. Pursuant
to Section 60.13 of 36 CFR part 60, written comments are being accepted
concerning the significance of the nominated properties under the
National Register criteria for evaluation.
Before including your address, phone number, email address, or
other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be
aware that your entire comment--including your personal identifying
information--may be made publicly available at any time. While you can
ask us in your comment to withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be
able to do so.
Nominations submitted by State Historic Preservation Officers:
Anchorage Borough
Block 13 Army Housing Association Historic District, E 10th & 11th
Aves., Barrow & Cordova Sts., Anchorage, SG100003171
Middlesex County
Higganum Landing Historic District, 40-68 Landing Rd., 2-14 Landing
Rd. S, Haddam, SG100003206
District of Columbia
MacFarland Junior High School, (Public School Buildings of
Washington, DC MPS), 4400 Iowa Ave. NW, Washington, MP100003212
Roosevelt, Theodore, Senior High School, (Public School Buildings of
Washington, DC MPS), 4301 13th St. NW, Washington, MP100003213
Fulton County
B. Mifflin Hood Brick Company Building, 686 Greenwood Ave. NE,
Atlanta, SG100003173
House at 690 South Boulevard, 690 S Boulevard, Atlanta, SG100003174
Latah County
Campbell, Harry and Fern, House, 101 E 4th St., Troy, SG100003175
Carroll County
Carroll County Infirmary, (County Homes of Indiana MPS), 6409 W 100
North, Delphi vicinity, MP100003177
Clark County
Pleasant Ridge Historic District, (Residential Planning and
Development in Indiana, 1940-1973 MPS), Roughly between Hampton Ct.,
Marcy, Audubon & Thompson Sts., Winthrop, & Kenwood Aves., Halcyon &
Ridge Rds., Charlestown, MP100003178
Clinton County
Parkview Home of Clinton County, (County Homes of Indiana MPS), 1501
Burlington Ave., Frankfort vicinity, MP100003179
Grant County
First Presbyterian Church, 216 W 6th St., Marion, SG100003184
Hamilton County
Westfield Historic District, Roughly bounded by Camilla Ct., Penn,
Walnut & Park Sts., Westfield, SG100003180
Hendricks County
Hendricks County Poor Asylum, (County Homes of Indiana MPS), 865 E
Main St., Danville vicinity, MP100003181
Howard County
Howard Masonic Temple, 316 N Washington St., Kokomo, SG100003182
Knox County
Knox County Poor Asylum, (County Homes of Indiana MPS), 2008 S Hart
Street Rd., Vincennes vicinity, MP100003183
Monroe County
Breezy Point Farm Historic District, 8000 W Sand College Rd.,
Gosport vicinity, SG100003185
Carter--Randall--Parker House, 3636 S Rogers St., Bloomington
vicinity, SG100003186
Putnam County
Roachdale Historic District, Roughly bounded by Washington, Main,
Grove & Indiana Sts., Roachdale, SG100003187
Randolph County
Randolph County Infirmary, (County Homes of Indiana MPS), 1882 S US
27, Winchester vicinity, MP100003188
St. Joseph County
South Bend City Cemetery, 214 N Elm St., South Bend, SG100003189
Tippecanoe County
Peirce, Oliver Webster Jr., and Catherine House, 538 S 7th St.,
Lafayette, SG100003190
Jefferson Parish
Kirby--Adam House, (Louisiana Coastal Vernacular: Grand Isle 1780-
1968 MPS), 142B Community Ln., Grand Isle, MP100003192
Poche House, (Louisiana Coastal Vernacular: Grand Isle 1780-1968
MPS), 102 Community Ln., Grand Isle, MP100003193
Robin House, (Louisiana Coastal Vernacular: Grand Isle 1780-1968
MPS), 176 Coulon Riguard Rd., Grand Isle, MP100003194
United States Coast Guard Station No. 79, (Louisiana Coastal
Vernacular: Grand Isle 1780-1968 MPS), 170 Ludwig Ln., Grand Isle,
Presque Isle County
CHOCTAW (shipwreck), Address Restricted, Presque Isle Township
vicinity, SG100003214
Sanilac County
Cadillac House, 5502 Main St., Lexington, SG100003216
Silver Bow County
Shaffer's Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church, 602 S Idaho,
Butte, SG100003199
White Pine County
Lund Grade School, (School Buildings in Nevada MPS), 30 W Center
St., Lund, MP100003200
Camden County
Newton Union Burial Ground, Lynne & Collings Aves., Haddon Township,
St. Bartholomew Roman Catholic Church, 751 Kaighn Ave., Camden,
Monmouth County
McLeod--Rice House, 900 Leonardville Rd., Middletown Township,
Billings County
De Mores Memorial Park, (Federal Relief Construction in North
Dakota, 1931-1943, MPS), SE corner of Main St. & 3rd Ave., Medora,
Greene County
Wickersham House, 23 E Washington St., Jamestown, SG100003208
Lucas County
Ontario Building, 713-717 Jefferson Ave., Toledo, SG100003209
Muskingum County
Glenn, John, Boyhood Home, 72 Main St., New Concord, SG100003210
Stark County
Timken Vocational High School, 521 Tuscarawas St. W, Canton,
[[Page 57749]]
Additional documentation has been received for the following
Glynn County
Brunswick Old Town Historic District, Roughly bounded by 1st, Bay,
New Bay, H and Cochran Sts., Brunswick, AD79000727
Nomination submitted by Federal Preservation Officers:
The State Historic Preservation Officer reviewed the following
nomination and responded to the Federal Preservation Officer within 45
days of receipt of the nomination and supports listing the property in
the National Register of Historic Places.
Laurens County
Dublin Veterans Administration Hospital, (United States Third
Generation Veterans Hospitals, 1946-1958 MPS), 1826 Veterans Blvd.,
Dublin, MP100003205
Authority: Section 60.13 of 36 CFR part 60
Dated: October 26, 2018.
Christopher Hetzel,
Acting Chief, National Register of Historic Places/National Historic
Landmarks Program.
[FR Doc. 2018-25035 Filed 11-15-18; 8:45 am]