ZionSolutions,, 56881-56883 [2018-24726]
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Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 220 / Wednesday, November 14, 2018 / Notices
(2) information provided in the
environmental report and other
documents submitted by Entergy
Operations, Inc.; (3) consultation with
Federal, State, local, and Tribal
agencies; (4) the NRC staff’s
independent environmental review; and
(5) the NRC staff’s consideration of
public comments received during the
scoping process and on the draft
Supplement 58 to the GEIS.
Dated at Rockville, Maryland, on
November 8, 2018.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Eric R. Oesterle,
Chief, License Renewal Projects Branch,
Division of Materials and License Renewal,
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.
[FR Doc. 2018–24813 Filed 11–13–18; 8:45 am]
[Docket Nos. 50–295, 50–304, and 72–1037;
ZionSolutions, LLC; Zion Nuclear
Power Station, Units 1 and 2;
Independent Spent Fuel Storage
Nuclear Regulatory
ACTION: Exemption; issuance.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC) is issuing an
exemption in response to a November 2,
2017, request submitted by
ZionSolutions, for its general license to
operate an independent spent fuel
storage installation (ISFSI) at the Zion
Nuclear Power Station (ZNPS). The
exemption would allow ZionSolutions
to deviate from the requirements in
Certificate of Compliance (CoC) No.
1031, Amendment No. 6, Appendix A,
Technical Specifications and Design
Features for the Modular Advanced
Generation Nuclear All-purpose
STORage (MAGNASTOR®) System,
Section 5.7, ‘‘Training Program.’’
DATES: This exemption is being issued
on November 14, 2018.
ADDRESSES: Please refer to Docket ID
NRC–2018–0243 when contacting the
NRC about the availability of
information regarding this document.
You may obtain publicly-available
information related to this document
using any of the following methods:
• Federal Rulemaking Website: Go to
https://www.regulations.gov and search
for Docket ID NRC–2018–0243. Address
questions about Docket IDs in
Regulations.gov to Jennifer Borges;
telephone: 301–287–9127; email:
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10 of the Code of Federal Regulations
(10 CFR), ‘‘Domestic Licensing of
Production and Utilization Facilities.’’
The licenses provide, among other
things, that the facility must comply
with all applicable NRC requirements.
Consistent with subpart K of 10 CFR
part 72, ‘‘General License for Storage of
Spent Fuel at Power Reactor Sites,’’ a
general license is issued for the storage
of spent fuel in an ISFSI at power
reactor sites to persons authorized to
possess or operate nuclear power
reactors under 10 CFR part 50.
ZionSolutions is currently authorized to
store spent fuel at the ZNPS ISFSI under
the 10 CFR part 72 general license
The conditions of the 10 CFR part 72
general license, specifically 10 CFR
72.212(a)(2), 72.212(b)(3),
72.212(b)(5)(i), and 72.212(b)(11),
require a general licensee to store spent
fuel in an approved spent fuel storage
cask listed in 10 CFR 72.214, and to
comply with the conditions specified in
the cask’s CoC. ZionSolutions
previously registered to load and store
spent fuel in MAGNASTOR® storage
casks, as approved by the NRC under
CoC No. 1031, Amendment No. 3
(ADAMS Accession No. ML14028A257)
at the ZNPS ISFSI. In 2015, the NRC
granted ZionSolutions’ exemption
request for CoC No. 1031, Amendment
I. Background
No. 3. This exemption relieved
On February 13, 1998,
ZionSolutions, under CoC No. 1031,
Commonwealth Edison Company, the
Amendment No. 3, from the
ZNPS licensee at that time, submitted a
requirement to develop training
letter (ADAMS Accession No.
modules under the general licensee’s
ML15232A492) to the NRC certifying
systematic approach to training (SAT)
the permanent cessation of operations at that include comprehensive instructions
ZNPS, Units 1 and 2. On March 9, 1998, for the operation and maintenance of
Commonwealth Edison Company
the ISFSI Structures, Systems and
submitted a letter (ADAMS Accession
Components (SSCs), that as defined in
No. ML15232A487) to the NRC
10 CFR 72.3, are not important to safety
certifying the permanent removal of fuel (80 FR 53347). On April 17, 2017,
from the reactor vessels at ZNPS. On
ZionSolutions re-registered to load and
May 4, 2009, the NRC issued the Order
store spent fuel in MAGNASTOR®
(ADAMS Accession No. ML090930037)
storage casks, approved by the NRC
to transfer the ownership of the
under CoC No. 1031, Amendment No. 6
permanently shut down ZNPS facility
(ADAMS Accession No. ML17116A314).
and responsibility for its
As a result, the 2015 exemption no
decommissioning to ZionSolutions. This longer applies and so, ZionSolutions has
transfer was effectuated on September 1, submitted this exemption request for
2010 (ADAMS Accession No.
using MAGNASTOR® storage casks
under Amendment No. 6.
ZionSolutions was established solely
II. Request/Action
for the purpose of acquiring and
decommissioning the ZNPS facility for
By letter dated November 2, 2017
release for unrestricted use, while
(ADAMS Accession No. ML17311A148),
transferring the spent nuclear fuel and
ZionSolutions submitted a request for
greater-than-Class C radioactive waste to exemptions from certain requirements
the ZNPS ISFSI. ZionSolutions holds
of 10 CFR 72.212(a)(2), 72.212(b)(5),
Facility Operating License Nos. DPR–39 72.212(b)(11), and 72.214. Specifically,
and DPR–48, which authorize
ZionSolutions has requested an
possession of spent fuel from the
exemption from the requirements of
operation of ZNPS, Units 1 and 2, in
CoC No. 1031, Amendment No. 6,
Zion, Illinois, pursuant to part 50 of title Appendix A, Technical Specifications
Jennifer.Borges@nrc.gov. For technical
questions, contact the individual listed
CONTACT section of this document.
• NRC’s Agencywide Documents
Access and Management System
(ADAMS): You may obtain publiclyavailable documents online in the
ADAMS Public Documents collection at
adams.html. To begin the search, select
‘‘Begin Web-based ADAMS Search.’’ For
problems with ADAMS, please contact
the NRC’s Public Document Room (PDR)
reference staff at 1–800–397–4209, 301–
415–4737, or by email to pdr.resource@
nrc.gov. The ADAMS accession number
for each document referenced (if it is
available in ADAMS) is provided the
first time that it is mentioned in this
• NRC’s PDR: You may examine and
purchase copies of public documents at
the NRC’s PDR, Room O1–F21, One
White Flint North, 11555 Rockville
Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: YenJu Chen, Office of Nuclear Material
Safety and Safeguards, U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission, Washington,
DC 20555; telephone: 301–415–1018;
email: Yen-Ju.Chen@nrc.gov.
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Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 220 / Wednesday, November 14, 2018 / Notices
and Design Features for the
MAGNASTOR® System, Section 5.7,
‘‘Training Program.’’ Upon review, NRC
staff has added 10 CFR 72.212(b)(3) to
the exemption for the proposed action
pursuant to its authority under 10 CFR
72.7. The requirements in 10 CFR
72.212(b)(3) provide that the general
licensee must ensure that each cask
used by the general licensee conforms to
the terms, conditions, and specifications
of a CoC or an amended CoC listed in
10 CFR 72.214.
Section 5.7 in Appendix A requires
the following: ‘‘A training program for
the MAGNASTOR® system shall be
developed under the general licensee’s
systematic approach to training (SAT).
Training modules shall include
comprehensive instructions for the
operation and maintenance of the
MAGNASTOR® system and the
independent spent fuel storage
installation (ISFSI) as applicable to the
status of ISFSI operations.’’
ZionSolutions has stated that its training
program for the MAGNASTOR® system
was developed using the SAT methods.
The training modules included
comprehensive instructions for the
operation and maintenance of the
MAGNASTOR® system. The exemption
request applies only to developing a
training program under SAT for
operation and maintenance of ISFSI
SSCs, that as defined in 10 CFR 72.3, are
not important to safety. If granted,
ZionSolutions will provide training/
instructions for such SSCs in
accordance with manufacturer’s
instructions and ZionSolutions
approved procedures, instead of
developing such training and
instructions using the SAT methods.
III. Discussion
Pursuant to 10 CFR 72.7, the
Commission may, upon application by
any interested person or upon its own
initiative, grant such exemptions from
the requirements of the regulations of 10
CFR part 72 as it determines are
authorized by law and will not endanger
life or property or the common defense
and security and are otherwise in the
public interest.
Authorized by Law
The provisions in 10 CFR part 72 from
which ZionSolutions is requesting an
exemption require the licensee to
comply with the terms, conditions, and
specifications of the CoC for the
approved cask model it uses. The
requested exemption would also allow
ZionSolutions to provide training/
instructions in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions and
ZionSolutions approved procedures
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instead of using the SAT methods for
ISFSI SSCs not important to safety.
Consistent with 10 CFR 72.7, the
Commission may grant exemptions from
the requirements of 10 CFR part 72.
Additionally, as explained below, the
proposed exemption will not endanger
life or property or the common defense
and security, and is otherwise in the
public interest. Issuance of this
exemption is consistent with the Atomic
Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and
not otherwise inconsistent with NRC’s
regulations or other applicable laws.
Therefore, the exemption is authorized
by law.
Will Not Endanger Life or Property or
the Common Defense and Security
If the requested exemption is granted,
ZionSolutions would provide training/
instructions in accordance with
manufacturer’s instructions and
ZionSolutions approved procedures,
instead of using the SAT methods, for
ISFSI SSCs not important to safety.
There are no changes to design or
operations of the ISFSI, and no changes
to safety- or security-related
components. Therefore, issuance of the
exemption will not endanger life or
property or the common defense and
Additionally, in 2015, the NRC
granted a similar exemption to
ZionSolutions that only applied to using
MAGNASTOR® storage casks under
Amendment No. 3. In April 2017,
ZionSolutions re-registered to load and
store spent fuel in MAGNASTOR®
storage casks under Amendment No. 6
and so, the 2015 exemption no longer
applies. As a result, ZionSolutions
submitted this exemption request for
using MAGNASTOR® storage casks
under Amendment No. 6.
Otherwise in the Public Interest
Approval of this exemption request
will only allow ZionSolutions to
provide training that is not developed
under a SAT program for ISFSI SSCs not
important to safety. The costs associated
with these activities are paid from the
decommissioning trust fund for ZNPS.
Decommissioning trust funds are funds
set aside during plant operation. These
funds do not belong to the utility and
are retained in the public interest solely
to pay for eventual decommissioning of
the plant. ZNPS is currently in a
decommissioning process. As such,
there is a finite amount of funds, which
exists to complete decommissioning
activities. With regard to the subject
request, exemption from
implementation of this training process
relieves the need to expend
decommissioning trust fund resources
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on these additional training
NRC staff finds that the exemption is
otherwise in the public interest because
the resources saved from developing
training activities under the SAT
program can be utilized for other
decommissioning activities. For
example, it could reduce the time
needed to complete decommissioning
activities and reduce the risk of
radiological effects to workers and the
public and ameliorate any unexpected
Environmental Considerations
In reviewing this exemption request,
the NRC staff also considered whether
there would be any significant
environmental impacts associated with
the exemption. Granting this exemption
from 10 CFR 72.212(a)(2), 72.212(b)(3),
72.212(b)(5)(i), 72.212(b)(11), and
72.214 only allows the licensee to
develop a training program not under
the SAT program for operation and
maintenance of ISFSI SSCs not
important to safety as defined in 10 CFR
72.3. The NRC staff has determined that
this proposed action meets the
categorical exclusion criteria in 10 CFR
51.22(c)(25). Specifically, the criteria
under 10 CFR 51.22(c)(25)(i)–(v) are also
satisfied. In its review, the NRC staff
determined that approving
ZionSolutions’ request is in accordance
with10 CFR 51.22(c)(25) because the
exemption request: (i) Does not involve
a significant hazards considerations
because the requested exemption does
not involve changes to the design or
operation of the safety systems for the
MAGNASTOR® system or ISFSI, and it
would not reduce a margin of safety, nor
create a new or different kind of
accident from any accident previously
evaluated, nor significantly increase the
probability or consequences of an
accident previously evaluated; (ii)
would not produce a significant change
in either the types or the amounts of any
effluents that may be released offsite
because the requested exemption
neither changes the effluents nor
produces additional avenues of effluent
release; (iii) would not result in a
significant increase in either
occupational radiation exposure or
public radiation exposure because the
requested exemption neither introduces
new radiological hazards nor increases
existing radiological hazards; (iv) would
not result in a significant construction
impact because there is no construction
activity associated with the requested
exemption; and (v) would not increase
either the potential for or consequences
from radiological accidents because the
requested exemption does not involve
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 220 / Wednesday, November 14, 2018 / Notices
any changes to the design, safety limits,
or safety analysis assumptions
associated with the cask system and
would not create any new accident
precursors. The exemption also relates
solely to training requirements.
Therefore this exemption is
categorically excluded from further
analysis under 10 CFR
Pursuant to 10 CFR 51.22(c), no
environmental impact statement or
environmental assessment needs to be
prepared in connection with the
approval of this exemption request.
IV. Conclusions
Based on the above considerations,
the NRC staff has determined, pursuant
to 10 CFR 72.7, that this exemption is
authorized by law, will not endanger
life or property or the common defense
and security, and is otherwise in the
public interest. Therefore, the
Commission hereby grants
ZionSolutions an exemption from 10
CFR 72.212(a)(2), 72.212(b)(3),
72.212(b)(5)(i), 72.212(b)(11), and
72.214, which state that the licensee
shall comply with the terms, conditions,
and specifications of the CoC, only with
regard to the requirements of CoC No.
1031, Amendment No. 6, Appendix A,
Technical Specifications and Design
Features for the MAGNASTOR® System,
Section 5.7, ‘‘Training Program.’’ The
exemption only exempts ZionSolutions
from the requirement to develop
training modules under the SAT
program that include comprehensive
instructions for the operation and
maintenance of the ISFSI SSCs that are
not important to safety. The SAT
training requirements are still
applicable to all important to safety
components, as required by the CoC.
The exemption is effective upon
Dated at Rockville, Maryland, on
November 7, 2018
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
John McKirgan,
Chief, Spent Fuel Licensing Branch, Division
of Spent Fuel Management, Office of Nuclear
Material Safety and Safeguards.
[FR Doc. 2018–24726 Filed 11–13–18; 8:45 am]
Meeting of the Advisory Committee on
Reactor Safeguards (ACRS);
Subcommittee on Plant License
The ACRS Subcommittee on Plant
License Renewal will hold a meeting on
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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November 15, 2018 at U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission, Three White
Flint North, 11601 Landsdown Street,
Conference Rooms 1C3–1C5, North
Bethesda, MD 20852.
The meeting will be open to public
attendance. The agenda for the subject
meeting shall be as follows:
Thursday November 15, 2018–8:30 a.m.
until 12:00 p.m.
The Subcommittee will review the
Seabrook License Renewal Amendment.
The Subcommittee will hear
presentations by and hold discussions
with NRC staff and other interested
persons regarding this matter. The
Subcommittee will gather information,
analyze relevant issues and facts, and
formulate proposed positions and
actions, as appropriate, for deliberation
by the Full Committee.
Members of the public desiring to
provide oral statements and/or written
comments should notify the Designated
Federal Official (DFO), Kent Howard
(Telephone 301–415–2989 or Email:
Kent.Howard@nrc.gov) five days prior to
the meeting, if possible, so that
appropriate arrangements can be made.
Seventy-five hard copies of each
presentation or handout should be
provided to the DFO thirty minutes
before the meeting. In addition, one
electronic copy of each presentation
should be emailed to the DFO one day
before the meeting. If an electronic copy
cannot be provided within this
timeframe, presenters should provide
the DFO with a CD containing each
presentation at least thirty minutes
before the meeting. Electronic
recordings will be permitted only
during those portions of the meeting
that are open to the public. The public
bridgeline number for the meeting is
866–822–3032, passcode 8272423.
Detailed procedures for the conduct of
and participation in ACRS meetings
were published in the Federal Register
on October 4, 2017 (82 FR 46312).
Detailed meeting agendas and meeting
transcripts are available on the NRC
website at https://www.nrc.gov/readingrm/doc-collections/#acrs. Information
regarding topics to be discussed,
changes to the agenda, whether the
meeting has been canceled or
rescheduled, and the time allotted to
present oral statements can be obtained
from the website cited above or by
contacting the identified DFO.
Moreover, in view of the possibility that
the schedule for ACRS meetings may be
adjusted by the Chairman as necessary
to facilitate the conduct of the meeting,
persons planning to attend should check
with these references if such
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rescheduling would result in a major
If attending this meeting, please enter
through the Three White Flint North
Building, 11601 Landsdown Street,
North Bethesda, MD 20852. After
registering with Security, please
proceed to Conference Room 1C3–1C5,
located directly behind the security
desk on the first floor. You may contact
Mr. Theron Brown (Telephone 301–
415–6702) for assistance or to be
escorted to the meeting room.
Dated: November 6, 2018.
Michael Snodderly,
Acting Chief, Technical Support Branch,
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards.
[FR Doc. 2018–24751 Filed 11–13–18; 8:45 am]
Meeting of the Advisory Committee on
Reactor Safeguards (ACRS);
Subcommittee on Thermal-Hydraulic
The ACRS Subcommittee on ThermalHydraulic Phenomena will hold a
meeting on November 16, 2018, at the
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
Three White Flint North, 11601
Landsdown Street, Conference Rooms
1C3–1C5, North Bethesda, MD 20852.
The meeting will be open to public
attendance with the exception of
portions that will be closed to protect
information that is proprietary pursuant
to 5 U.S.C. 552b(c)(4). The agenda for
the subject meeting shall be as follows:
Friday, November 16, 2018–8:30 a.m.
until 5:00 p.m.
The Subcommittee will conduct a
meeting to learn about user needs for
computer codes as applied to safety
analyses in advanced non-light water
reactors (non-LWRs) and accidenttolerant fuels in LWRs. The
Subcommittee will hear presentations
by and hold discussions with NRC staff,
industry representatives, and other
interested persons regarding this matter.
The Subcommittee will gather
information, analyze relevant issues and
facts, and formulate proposed positions
and actions, as appropriate, for
deliberation by the Full Committee.
Members of the public desiring to
provide oral statements and/or written
comments should notify the Designated
Federal Official (DFO), Weidong Wang
(Telephone 301–415–6279 or Email:
Weidong.Wang@nrc.gov) one day prior
to the meeting, if possible, so that
appropriate arrangements can be made.
Thirty-five hard copies of each
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 220 (Wednesday, November 14, 2018)]
[Pages 56881-56883]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2018-24726]
[Docket Nos. 50-295, 50-304, and 72-1037; NRC-2018-0243]
ZionSolutions, LLC; Zion Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 and 2;
Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation
AGENCY: Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
ACTION: Exemption; issuance.
SUMMARY: The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing an
exemption in response to a November 2, 2017, request submitted by
ZionSolutions, for its general license to operate an independent spent
fuel storage installation (ISFSI) at the Zion Nuclear Power Station
(ZNPS). The exemption would allow ZionSolutions to deviate from the
requirements in Certificate of Compliance (CoC) No. 1031, Amendment No.
6, Appendix A, Technical Specifications and Design Features for the
Modular Advanced Generation Nuclear All-purpose STORage
(MAGNASTOR[supreg]) System, Section 5.7, ``Training Program.''
DATES: This exemption is being issued on November 14, 2018.
ADDRESSES: Please refer to Docket ID NRC-2018-0243 when contacting the
NRC about the availability of information regarding this document. You
may obtain publicly-available information related to this document
using any of the following methods:
Federal Rulemaking Website: Go to https://www.regulations.gov and search for Docket ID NRC-2018-0243. Address
questions about Docket IDs in Regulations.gov to Jennifer Borges;
telephone: 301-287-9127; email: [email protected]. For technical
questions, contact the individual listed in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION
CONTACT section of this document.
NRC's Agencywide Documents Access and Management System
(ADAMS): You may obtain publicly-available documents online in the
ADAMS Public Documents collection at https://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/adams.html. To begin the search, select ``Begin Web-based ADAMS
Search.'' For problems with ADAMS, please contact the NRC's Public
Document Room (PDR) reference staff at 1-800-397-4209, 301-415-4737, or
by email to [email protected]. The ADAMS accession number for each
document referenced (if it is available in ADAMS) is provided the first
time that it is mentioned in this document.
NRC's PDR: You may examine and purchase copies of public
documents at the NRC's PDR, Room O1-F21, One White Flint North, 11555
Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852.
Material Safety and Safeguards, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
Washington, DC 20555; telephone: 301-415-1018; email: [email protected].
I. Background
On February 13, 1998, Commonwealth Edison Company, the ZNPS
licensee at that time, submitted a letter (ADAMS Accession No.
ML15232A492) to the NRC certifying the permanent cessation of
operations at ZNPS, Units 1 and 2. On March 9, 1998, Commonwealth
Edison Company submitted a letter (ADAMS Accession No. ML15232A487) to
the NRC certifying the permanent removal of fuel from the reactor
vessels at ZNPS. On May 4, 2009, the NRC issued the Order (ADAMS
Accession No. ML090930037) to transfer the ownership of the permanently
shut down ZNPS facility and responsibility for its decommissioning to
ZionSolutions. This transfer was effectuated on September 1, 2010
(ADAMS Accession No. ML102290437).
ZionSolutions was established solely for the purpose of acquiring
and decommissioning the ZNPS facility for release for unrestricted use,
while transferring the spent nuclear fuel and greater-than-Class C
radioactive waste to the ZNPS ISFSI. ZionSolutions holds Facility
Operating License Nos. DPR-39 and DPR-48, which authorize possession of
spent fuel from the operation of ZNPS, Units 1 and 2, in Zion,
Illinois, pursuant to part 50 of title 10 of the Code of Federal
Regulations (10 CFR), ``Domestic Licensing of Production and
Utilization Facilities.'' The licenses provide, among other things,
that the facility must comply with all applicable NRC requirements.
Consistent with subpart K of 10 CFR part 72, ``General License for
Storage of Spent Fuel at Power Reactor Sites,'' a general license is
issued for the storage of spent fuel in an ISFSI at power reactor sites
to persons authorized to possess or operate nuclear power reactors
under 10 CFR part 50. ZionSolutions is currently authorized to store
spent fuel at the ZNPS ISFSI under the 10 CFR part 72 general license
The conditions of the 10 CFR part 72 general license, specifically
10 CFR 72.212(a)(2), 72.212(b)(3), 72.212(b)(5)(i), and 72.212(b)(11),
require a general licensee to store spent fuel in an approved spent
fuel storage cask listed in 10 CFR 72.214, and to comply with the
conditions specified in the cask's CoC. ZionSolutions previously
registered to load and store spent fuel in MAGNASTOR[supreg] storage
casks, as approved by the NRC under CoC No. 1031, Amendment No. 3
(ADAMS Accession No. ML14028A257) at the ZNPS ISFSI. In 2015, the NRC
granted ZionSolutions' exemption request for CoC No. 1031, Amendment
No. 3. This exemption relieved ZionSolutions, under CoC No. 1031,
Amendment No. 3, from the requirement to develop training modules under
the general licensee's systematic approach to training (SAT) that
include comprehensive instructions for the operation and maintenance of
the ISFSI Structures, Systems and Components (SSCs), that as defined in
10 CFR 72.3, are not important to safety (80 FR 53347). On April 17,
2017, ZionSolutions re-registered to load and store spent fuel in
MAGNASTOR[supreg] storage casks, approved by the NRC under CoC No.
1031, Amendment No. 6 (ADAMS Accession No. ML17116A314). As a result,
the 2015 exemption no longer applies and so, ZionSolutions has
submitted this exemption request for using MAGNASTOR[supreg] storage
casks under Amendment No. 6.
II. Request/Action
By letter dated November 2, 2017 (ADAMS Accession No. ML17311A148),
ZionSolutions submitted a request for exemptions from certain
requirements of 10 CFR 72.212(a)(2), 72.212(b)(5), 72.212(b)(11), and
72.214. Specifically, ZionSolutions has requested an exemption from the
requirements of CoC No. 1031, Amendment No. 6, Appendix A, Technical
[[Page 56882]]
and Design Features for the MAGNASTOR[supreg] System, Section 5.7,
``Training Program.'' Upon review, NRC staff has added 10 CFR
72.212(b)(3) to the exemption for the proposed action pursuant to its
authority under 10 CFR 72.7. The requirements in 10 CFR 72.212(b)(3)
provide that the general licensee must ensure that each cask used by
the general licensee conforms to the terms, conditions, and
specifications of a CoC or an amended CoC listed in 10 CFR 72.214.
Section 5.7 in Appendix A requires the following: ``A training
program for the MAGNASTOR[supreg] system shall be developed under the
general licensee's systematic approach to training (SAT). Training
modules shall include comprehensive instructions for the operation and
maintenance of the MAGNASTOR[supreg] system and the independent spent
fuel storage installation (ISFSI) as applicable to the status of ISFSI
operations.'' ZionSolutions has stated that its training program for
the MAGNASTOR[supreg] system was developed using the SAT methods. The
training modules included comprehensive instructions for the operation
and maintenance of the MAGNASTOR[supreg] system. The exemption request
applies only to developing a training program under SAT for operation
and maintenance of ISFSI SSCs, that as defined in 10 CFR 72.3, are not
important to safety. If granted, ZionSolutions will provide training/
instructions for such SSCs in accordance with manufacturer's
instructions and ZionSolutions approved procedures, instead of
developing such training and instructions using the SAT methods.
III. Discussion
Pursuant to 10 CFR 72.7, the Commission may, upon application by
any interested person or upon its own initiative, grant such exemptions
from the requirements of the regulations of 10 CFR part 72 as it
determines are authorized by law and will not endanger life or property
or the common defense and security and are otherwise in the public
Authorized by Law
The provisions in 10 CFR part 72 from which ZionSolutions is
requesting an exemption require the licensee to comply with the terms,
conditions, and specifications of the CoC for the approved cask model
it uses. The requested exemption would also allow ZionSolutions to
provide training/instructions in accordance with the manufacturer's
instructions and ZionSolutions approved procedures instead of using the
SAT methods for ISFSI SSCs not important to safety. Consistent with 10
CFR 72.7, the Commission may grant exemptions from the requirements of
10 CFR part 72. Additionally, as explained below, the proposed
exemption will not endanger life or property or the common defense and
security, and is otherwise in the public interest. Issuance of this
exemption is consistent with the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended,
and not otherwise inconsistent with NRC's regulations or other
applicable laws. Therefore, the exemption is authorized by law.
Will Not Endanger Life or Property or the Common Defense and Security
If the requested exemption is granted, ZionSolutions would provide
training/instructions in accordance with manufacturer's instructions
and ZionSolutions approved procedures, instead of using the SAT
methods, for ISFSI SSCs not important to safety. There are no changes
to design or operations of the ISFSI, and no changes to safety- or
security-related components. Therefore, issuance of the exemption will
not endanger life or property or the common defense and security.
Additionally, in 2015, the NRC granted a similar exemption to
ZionSolutions that only applied to using MAGNASTOR[supreg] storage
casks under Amendment No. 3. In April 2017, ZionSolutions re-registered
to load and store spent fuel in MAGNASTOR[supreg] storage casks under
Amendment No. 6 and so, the 2015 exemption no longer applies. As a
result, ZionSolutions submitted this exemption request for using
MAGNASTOR[supreg] storage casks under Amendment No. 6.
Otherwise in the Public Interest
Approval of this exemption request will only allow ZionSolutions to
provide training that is not developed under a SAT program for ISFSI
SSCs not important to safety. The costs associated with these
activities are paid from the decommissioning trust fund for ZNPS.
Decommissioning trust funds are funds set aside during plant operation.
These funds do not belong to the utility and are retained in the public
interest solely to pay for eventual decommissioning of the plant. ZNPS
is currently in a decommissioning process. As such, there is a finite
amount of funds, which exists to complete decommissioning activities.
With regard to the subject request, exemption from implementation of
this training process relieves the need to expend decommissioning trust
fund resources on these additional training requirements.
NRC staff finds that the exemption is otherwise in the public
interest because the resources saved from developing training
activities under the SAT program can be utilized for other
decommissioning activities. For example, it could reduce the time
needed to complete decommissioning activities and reduce the risk of
radiological effects to workers and the public and ameliorate any
unexpected event.
Environmental Considerations
In reviewing this exemption request, the NRC staff also considered
whether there would be any significant environmental impacts associated
with the exemption. Granting this exemption from 10 CFR 72.212(a)(2),
72.212(b)(3), 72.212(b)(5)(i), 72.212(b)(11), and 72.214 only allows
the licensee to develop a training program not under the SAT program
for operation and maintenance of ISFSI SSCs not important to safety as
defined in 10 CFR 72.3. The NRC staff has determined that this proposed
action meets the categorical exclusion criteria in 10 CFR 51.22(c)(25).
Specifically, the criteria under 10 CFR 51.22(c)(25)(i)-(v) are also
satisfied. In its review, the NRC staff determined that approving
ZionSolutions' request is in accordance with10 CFR 51.22(c)(25) because
the exemption request: (i) Does not involve a significant hazards
considerations because the requested exemption does not involve changes
to the design or operation of the safety systems for the
MAGNASTOR[supreg] system or ISFSI, and it would not reduce a margin of
safety, nor create a new or different kind of accident from any
accident previously evaluated, nor significantly increase the
probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated; (ii)
would not produce a significant change in either the types or the
amounts of any effluents that may be released offsite because the
requested exemption neither changes the effluents nor produces
additional avenues of effluent release; (iii) would not result in a
significant increase in either occupational radiation exposure or
public radiation exposure because the requested exemption neither
introduces new radiological hazards nor increases existing radiological
hazards; (iv) would not result in a significant construction impact
because there is no construction activity associated with the requested
exemption; and (v) would not increase either the potential for or
consequences from radiological accidents because the requested
exemption does not involve
[[Page 56883]]
any changes to the design, safety limits, or safety analysis
assumptions associated with the cask system and would not create any
new accident precursors. The exemption also relates solely to training
requirements. Therefore this exemption is categorically excluded from
further analysis under 10 CFR 51.22(c)(25)(vi)(E).
Pursuant to 10 CFR 51.22(c), no environmental impact statement or
environmental assessment needs to be prepared in connection with the
approval of this exemption request.
IV. Conclusions
Based on the above considerations, the NRC staff has determined,
pursuant to 10 CFR 72.7, that this exemption is authorized by law, will
not endanger life or property or the common defense and security, and
is otherwise in the public interest. Therefore, the Commission hereby
grants ZionSolutions an exemption from 10 CFR 72.212(a)(2),
72.212(b)(3), 72.212(b)(5)(i), 72.212(b)(11), and 72.214, which state
that the licensee shall comply with the terms, conditions, and
specifications of the CoC, only with regard to the requirements of CoC
No. 1031, Amendment No. 6, Appendix A, Technical Specifications and
Design Features for the MAGNASTOR[supreg] System, Section 5.7,
``Training Program.'' The exemption only exempts ZionSolutions from the
requirement to develop training modules under the SAT program that
include comprehensive instructions for the operation and maintenance of
the ISFSI SSCs that are not important to safety. The SAT training
requirements are still applicable to all important to safety
components, as required by the CoC.
The exemption is effective upon issuance.
Dated at Rockville, Maryland, on November 7, 2018
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
John McKirgan,
Chief, Spent Fuel Licensing Branch, Division of Spent Fuel Management,
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards.
[FR Doc. 2018-24726 Filed 11-13-18; 8:45 am]