Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities; Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to Port of Kalama Expansion Project on the Lower Columbia River, 56304-56310 [2018-24665]
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Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 219 / Tuesday, November 13, 2018 / Notices
Dated: November 6, 2018.
Tracey L. Thompson,
Acting Deputy Director, Office of Sustainable
Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2018–24614 Filed 11–9–18; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Proposed Information Collection;
Comment Request; Capital
Construction Fund Agreement,
Certificate Family of Forms and
Deposit/Withdrawal Report
National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice.
The Department of
Commerce, as part of its continuing
effort to reduce paperwork and
respondent burden, invites the general
public and other Federal agencies to
take this opportunity to comment on
proposed and/or continuing information
collections, as required by the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
DATES: Written comments must be
submitted on or before January 14, 2019.
ADDRESSES: Direct all written comments
to Jennifer Jessup, Departmental
Paperwork Clearance Officer,
Department of Commerce, Room 6616,
14th and Constitution Avenue NW,
Washington, DC 20230 (or via the
internet at pracomments@doc.gov).
Requests for additional information or
copies of the information collection
instrument and instructions should be
directed to Richard VanGorder, NOAA/
NMFS/F/MB5, 1315 East-West
Highway, Room 13113, Silver Spring,
MD 20910, (301) 427–8784, and
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1
I. Abstract
This request is for extension of a
currently approved information
Respondents will be commercial
fishing industry individuals,
partnerships, and corporations which
entered into Capital Construction Fund
(CCF) agreements with the Secretary of
Commerce allowing deferral of Federal
taxation on fishing vessel income
deposited into the fund for use in the
acquisition, construction, or
reconstruction of fishing vessels.
Deferred taxes are recaptured by
reducing an agreement vessel’s basis for
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depreciation by the amount withdrawn
from the fund for its acquisition,
construction, or reconstruction. The
Capital Construction Fund Agreement
and Certificate Family of Forms is
required pursuant to 50 CFR part 259.2,
50 CFR part 259.9 and Public Law 115–
97 (Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017). The
deposit/withdrawal information
collected from agreement holders is
required pursuant to 50 CFR part 259.7
and Public Law 115–97. The
information collected from applicants
for the CCF Agreement is used to
determine their eligibility to participate
in the CCF Program. The information
collected from agreement holders for the
Certificate Family of Forms is used to
identify their program eligible vessels,
their program projects and to certify the
cost of a project at completion. The
information collected on the deposit/
withdrawal report form is required to
ensure that agreement holders are
complying with fund deposit/
withdrawal requirements established in
program regulations and properly
accounting for fund activity on their
Federal income tax returns. The
information collected on the deposit/
withdrawal report must also be reported
semi-annually to the Secretary of
Treasury in accordance with the Tax
Reform Act.
II. Method of Collection
The information will be collected on
forms submitted electronically, by mail
or by fax.
III. Data
OMB Control Number: 0648–0041.
Form Number(s): NOAA Form 34–82,
NOAA Form 88–14.
Type of Review: Regular submission
(extension of a current information
Affected Public: Business or other forprofit organizations.
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Time Per Response: NOAA
Form 34–82, 20 minutes; NOAA Form
88–14, 3.5 hours for agreements and 1
hour for certificate.
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 2,917.
Estimated Total Annual Cost to
Public: $15,320 in recordkeeping/
reporting costs.
IV. Request for Comments
Comments are invited on: (a) Whether
the proposed collection of information
is necessary for the proper performance
of the functions of the agency, including
whether the information shall have
practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden
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(including hours and cost) of the
proposed collection of information; (c)
ways to enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and (d) ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on respondents, including through the
use of automated collection techniques
or other forms of information
Comments submitted in response to
this notice will be summarized and/or
included in the request for OMB
approval of this information collection;
they also will become a matter of public
Dated: November 6, 2018.
Sarah Brabson,
NOAA PRA Clearance Officer.
[FR Doc. 2018–24611 Filed 11–9–18; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
RIN 0648–XG133
Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to
Specified Activities; Taking Marine
Mammals Incidental to Port of Kalama
Expansion Project on the Lower
Columbia River
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice; issuance of an incidental
harassment authorization.
In accordance with the
regulations implementing the Marine
Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) as
amended, notification is hereby given
that NMFS has issued an Incidental
Harassment Authorization (IHA) to the
Port of Kalama (POK) for the take of
marine mammals, by harassment,
incidental to construction activities
associated with an expansion project at
the Port of Kalama on the Lower
Columbia River, Washington.
DATES: This Authorization is in effect
from October 18, 2018 to October 18,
Youngkin, Office of Protected
Resources, NMFS, (301) 427–8401.
Electronic copies of the application and
supporting documents, as well as a list
of the references cited in this document,
may be obtained by visiting the internet
at: www.fisheries.noaa.gov/national/
marine-mammal-protection/incidentaltake-authorizations-constructionactivities. In case of problems accessing
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 219 / Tuesday, November 13, 2018 / Notices
these documents, please call the contact
listed above.
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1
The MMPA prohibits the ‘‘take’’ of
marine mammals, with certain
exceptions. Sections 101(a)(5)(A) and
(D) of the MMPA (16 U.S.C. 1361 et
seq.) direct the Secretary of Commerce
(as delegated to NMFS) to allow, upon
request, the incidental, but not
intentional, taking of small numbers of
marine mammals by U.S. citizens who
engage in a specified activity (other than
commercial fishing) within a specified
geographical region if certain findings
are made and either regulations are
issued or, if the taking is limited to
harassment, a notice of a proposed
incidental take authorization may be
provided to the public for review.
Authorization for incidental takings
shall be granted if NMFS finds that the
taking will have a negligible impact on
the species or stock(s) and will not have
an unmitigable adverse impact on the
availability of the species or stock(s) for
taking for subsistence uses (where
relevant). Further, NMFS must prescribe
the permissible methods of taking and
other means of effecting the least
practicable adverse impact on the
affected species or stocks and their
habitat, paying particular attention to
rookeries, mating grounds, and areas of
similar significance, and on the
availability of such species or stocks for
taking for certain subsistence uses
(referred to in shorthand as
‘‘mitigation’’); and requirements
pertaining to the monitoring and
reporting of such takings.
The definitions of all applicable
MMPA statutory terms cited above are
included in the relevant sections below.
History of Request
On September 28, 2015, we received
a request from the POK for authorization
of the taking, by Level B harassment
only, of marine mammals incidental to
the construction associated with the
Port of Kalama Expansion Project,
which involved construction of the
Kalama Marine Manufacturing and
Export Facility including a new marine
terminal for the export of methanol, and
installation of engineered log jams,
restoration of riparian wetlands, and the
removal of existing wood piles in a side
channel as mitigation activities. The
specified activity is expected to result in
the take of three species of marine
mammals (harbor seals, California sea
lions, and Steller sea lions). A final
version of the application, which we
deemed adequate and complete, was
submitted on December 10, 2015. We
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published a notice of a proposed IHA
and request for comments on March 21,
2016 (81 FR 715064). After the public
comment period and before we issued
the final IHA, POK requested that we
issue the IHA for 2017 instead of the
2016 work season. We subsequently
published the final notice of our
issuance of the IHA on December 12,
2016 (81 FR 89436), effective from
September 1, 2017–August 31, 2018. Inwater work associated with the project
was expected to be completed within
the one-year timeframe of the IHA.
On June 21, 2018, POK informed
NMFS that work relevant to the
specified activity considered in the
MMPA analysis for the 2017–2018 IHA
was postponed and would not be
completed. POK requested that the IHA
be issued to be effective for the period
from 2018—2019. In support of that
request, POK submitted an application
addendum affirming that no change in
the proposed activities is anticipated
and that no new information regarding
the abundance of marine mammals is
available that would change the
previous analysis and findings. A notice
for the proposed incidental take
authorization was published on July 25,
2018 (83 FR 35220), and a corrected
notice was published on August 14,
2018 (83 FR 40257). Therefore,
comments were received until
September 13, 2018. Please refer to the
Comments and Responses section below
for information on the comments
received during the comment periods
for the proposed IHA.
Description of the Activity
The 2017–2018 IHA covered the
incidental take of marine mammals due
to construction of a marine terminal and
dock/pier for the export of methanol,
and associated compensatory mitigation
activities for the purposes of offsetting
habitat effects from the action. The
marine terminal will be approximately
45,000 square feet in size, supported by
320 concrete piles (24-inch precast
octagonal piles to be driven by impact
hammer) and 16 steel piles (12 × 12inch and 4 × 18-inch anticipated to be
driven by vibratory hammer, and impact
hammering will only be done to drive/
proof if necessary). The compensatory
mitigation includes installation of eight
engineered log jams (ELJs), which will
be anchored by untreated wooden piles
driven by impact hammer at low tides
(not in water). The compensatory
mitigation also includes removal of
approximately 157 untreated wooden
piles from an old trestle in a nearby
backwater area. The piles will be
removed either by direct pull or
vibratory extraction. Finally, the
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compensatory mitigation includes
wetland restoration and enhancement
by removal of invasive species and
replacement with native wetland
Since no changes have been made to
the planned activities reflected in the
proposed IHA, NMFS refers the reader
to the documents related to the 2017–
2018 IHA for more detailed description
of the project activities. These previous
documents include the Federal Register
notice of the issuance of the 2017–2018
IHA for the POK’s Port of Kalama
Expansion Project (81 FR 89436,
December 12, 2016), the Federal
Register notice of the proposed IHA (81
FR 15064, March 21, 2016), POK’s
application (and 2018 application
addendum), and all associated
references, which can be found at
Comments and Responses
NMFS published a notice of receipt of
POK’s updated application addendum
and proposed IHA in the Federal
Register on July 25, 2018 (83 FR 35220),
with a comment response date of
August 24, 2018. However, during the
public review period for this notice, it
was noted that instructions for
submitting comments were lacking.
Therefore, a second notice of the
proposed IHA was published on August
14, 2018 (83 FR 40257), which included
full instructions for submittal of
comments. Comments were accepted on
this corrected notice until September
13, 2018. NMFS received two comments
during the review of the first notice.
One comment was from a private citizen
and one comment was received from the
Columbia Riverkeeper, stating that
instructions for submitting comments
was not clear and voicing their concern
with the use of a Categorical Exclusion
(CE) for our action. During public
review of the corrected notice, NMFS
received four additional comments. Two
of these additional comments were from
the same private citizen who
commented on the first notice; one was
from the Marine Mammal Commission
(MMC); and one was from the Center for
Biological Diversity (CBD). Copies of the
full comments received are available at
incidental-take-authorizationsconstruction-activities. Additionally, all
comments received on both notices are
summarized and responses are provided
Comment: Three comments were
received from the same private citizen
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 219 / Tuesday, November 13, 2018 / Notices
(Jean Public) expressing opposition to
the project and concern regarding any
government authorization to kill birds,
seals, and sea lions in the Columbia
River. One of these comments also
suggested charging the POK (terminal
builders) $100,000 for every seal they
Response: NMFS has issued an IHA to
the POK for the incidental take, by Level
A and Level B harassment only, of
marine mammals due to in-water
construction activities associated with
the POK expansion project. Mortality is
not expected or authorized by the IHA.
Comment: The MMC concurred with
NMFS’s findings and recommended that
NMFS issue the IHA subject to
inclusion of the mitigation, monitoring,
and reporting measures discussed in the
notice of the Proposed IHA.
Response: NMFS thanks the MMC for
their comment and concurs with the
recommendation. NMFS has issued the
IHA to the Port of Kalama subject to the
mitigation, monitoring, and reporting
measures that were included in the
notice of the Proposed IHA.
Comment: The MMC recommended
that NMFS revise the Level A
harassment zones for harbor seals
during impact driving of concrete piles
and vibratory driving of steel piles
based on eight hours of activities, or
eight piles/day, because harbor seals
may be present in the project area for
longer periods than California or Steller
sea lions and therefore accumulate more
sound energy.
Response: NMFS agrees that it is
possible that harbor seals may be
present in the general project area for
longer periods than California or Steller
sea lions. However, NMFS feels that it
is unreasonable to assume that seals
would remain within the area for a full
eight hours, as they may be transiting
between two sites (one approximately
one mile upstream and one
approximately 3.5 miles downstream)
where they are known to forage and/or
haul out. In addition, it is not
reasonable to assume that pile driving
activities would occur for eight
consecutive hours daily, and is more
likely that these activities would occur
for an hour to two hours at a time, and
would be broken up by time needed to
set up new piles. However, NMFS has
determined it is reasonable to assume
that seals would be present for double
the amount of time as sea lions
(assuming a two-hour duration versus a
one-hour duration due to the fact that
they may be transiting the area twice if
they move from one site to the other and
return again) results in a Level A
harassment threshold distance of 63 m
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for impact driving of concrete piles and
26 m for vibratory driving of steel piles.
As noted in the notice for the
proposed IHA, Level A harassment takes
proposed for authorization did not rely
on calculated takes, and were
qualitatively proposed for authorization
out of an abundance of caution in the
event that some seals may be undetected
before entering the Level A harassment
zone. Therefore, the amount of Level A
harassment takes authorized has not
changed as a result of reconsidering the
Level A harassment zone and only
results in a revision of the Level A
harassment monitoring area. Therefore,
the requirement for monitoring and shut
down distance to avoid Level A
harassment take has been revised to 63
m and 26 m to correspond to a two-hour
duration for impact driving of concrete
piles and vibratory driving of steel piles,
Comment: The MMC recommended
that NMFS further investigate
appropriate timeframes over which
sound exposure levels should be
accumulated when estimating Level A
harassment zones, and recommended
that NMFS make this a priority to
resolve in the near future. MMC further
recommended that NMFS consult with
its own and external scientists and
acousticians to determine appropriate
accumulation times.
Response: NMFS considers this a
priority and has recently formed a group
to work on the issue of accumulation
Comment: The Commission expressed
continuing concern with NMFS’s notice
that one-year renewals could be issued
in certain circumstances without
additional public notice and comment
requirements. The Commission also
suggested that NMFS should discuss the
possibility of renewals through a more
general route, such as abbreviated
notices such as was done in this
instance. The Commission further
recommended that if NMFS did not
pursue renewals solely using
abbreviated notices, that the agency
provide a legal analysis supporting our
conclusion that this process is
consistent with the requirements of
section 101(a)(5)(D) of the MMPA.
Response: As stated in previous
responses to this comment from the
Commission, the process of issuing a
renewal IHA does not bypass the public
notice and comment requirements of the
MMPA. The Federal Register notice of
the proposed IHA expressly notified the
public that under certain, limited
conditions an applicant could seek a
renewal IHA for an additional year. The
notice describes the conditions under
which such a renewal request could be
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considered and seeks public comment
on those circumstances. Importantly,
such renewals would be limited to
circumstances where: The activities are
identical or nearly identical to those
analyzed in the proposed IHA or the
activities would not be completed by
the time the IHA expires and renewal
would allow completion of the activities
beyond that described in the Dates and
Duration section; monitoring does not
indicate impacts that were not
previously analyzed and authorized;
and the mitigation and monitoring
requirements remain the same, all of
which allow the public to comment on
the appropriateness and effects of a
renewal at the same time the public
provides comments on the initial
proposed IHA. NMFS has, however,
modified the language to clarify that all
IHAs, including renewal IHAs, are valid
for no more than one year and that the
agency would consider only one
renewal for a project at this time. In
addition, notice of issuance or denial of
a renewal IHA would be published in
the Federal Register, as they are for all
IHAs. The option for issuing renewal
IHAs has been in NMFS’s implementing
regulations for the incidental take
provisions of the MMPA (Section
101(a)(5)(A) and (D)) since 1996.
Comment: The Columbia Riverkeeper
(Riverkeeper) submitted a comment
expressing concern with NMFS’s use of
a CE for purposes of the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for
the issuance of our IHA to the POK for
incidental take of marine mammals from
construction activities associated with
the POK expansion project. The
Riverkeeper stated that use of the CE
would be counter to NOAA’s NEPA
guidance, citing language in the
Companion Manual to NOAA
Administrative Order 216–6A that says
a CE may only be applied when the
proposed action is not part of a larger
action and can therefore be reviewed
independently from other actions under
NEPA. In addition, the Riverkeeper
asserted that use of the CE would be a
waste of agency time and resources
since the US Army Corps of Engineers
(USACE) is currently preparing an
Environmental Assessment (EA) for the
overall construction project. The
Riverkeeper suggested that NMFS
should participate in USACE’s ongoing
NEPA process and base its IHA decision
on the USACE NEPA document. In
addition, the Center for Biological
Diversity (CBD) submitted a comment
stating they were in agreement with the
Riverkeeper comment.
Response: The application of a CE for
NMFS’s action (issuance of an IHA) is
entirely consistent with NOAA’s NEPA
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 219 / Tuesday, November 13, 2018 / Notices
guidance and practices. The issuance of
an IHA is not part of a larger NMFS
action that would be segmented for the
purposes of NEPA (i.e., NMFS’s action
would not be segmented for purposes of
NEPA such that several CEs would be
required for a larger project, as the only
action NMFS has would be the issuance
or denial of the IHA for the incidental
take of marine mammals due to in-water
construction work associated with the
POK expansion). Further, as stated in
the notice of the proposed IHA, NMFS
had previously prepared its own EA for
the issuance of the previous IHA, which
resulted in a Finding of No Significant
Impact (FONSI). Based on this past
analysis, as well as an Administrative
Record justifying the use of the CE (CE
B4) for similar types of activities, NMFS
has determined that the use of the CE
for this action is well supported. While
we appreciate that the USACE must
prepare a NEPA document for its own
action (issuance of a permit, or permits,
for the larger construction project),
relying on the NEPA analysis for this
larger project would be of no benefit for
NMFS’s purposes due to the fact that
the majority of the larger project
construction activities would be
associated with upland areas with no
potential for the incidental take of
marine mammals associated with
NMFS’s action.
Comment: The CBD commented that
their primary concern is that the scope
of the authorization is arbitrarily narrow
in light of the Project’s recognized
impacts on marine mammals. More
specifically, the CBD states that NMFS
previously considered the Project and
concluded in its biological opinion that
the Project would adversely affect blue,
humpback, fin, and sperm whales, yet
none of these species are considered in
the applicant’s request. The Biological
Opinion also concluded the Project
would adversely affect several species of
Chinook salmon and critical habitat, yet
the applicant did not consider the
resulting impacts to the critically
endangered Southern Resident killer
whales that feed on those salmon.
Response: The two statutes
(Endangered Species Act (ESA) and
MMPA) are different both substantively
and procedurally, with different
analyses and potentially involving
different scopes. The Biological Opinion
was prepared pursuant to section 7(a)(2)
of the ESA due to the requirement for
consultation on the effects of the
proposed action by a federal action
agency, in this case the USACE, to issue
permits for the construction of the
Kalama Manufacturing and Marine
Export Facility on the Columbia River
and to Northwest Pipeline LLC for
construction of the Kalama Lateral
Project.1 The Biological Opinion
evaluates the effects of the USACE
issuance of permits that would
authorize the construction project for
the marine export facility, which is a
component of the overall Kalama
Manufacturing and Marine Export
Facility project. The ESA consultation
(Biological Opinion) evaluates the direct
and indirect effects of the proposed
action, together with interrelated and
interdependent actions such as the
manufacturing/production facility, into
the reasonably foreseeable future.
Therefore, the ESA consultation broadly
evaluated the effects of the agency
action. The Biological Opinion
determined that the project is likely to
indirectly affect several species of
marine mammals including blue,
humpback, fin, and sperm whales,
based on increased vessel traffic
(including increased potential for ship
strike and noise associated with OGVs
and supertankers) from the long-term
operation of the facility.
The Biological Opinion does not
identify potential effects of pile driving/
in-water construction in regard to any
ESA-listed marine mammal species, as
none are anticipated to be present in the
area of pile driving activities. The
Biological Opinion did determine
adverse effects to salmon as a result of
in-water construction/pile driving but
also concluded that the proposed action
is not likely to adversely affect southern
resident killer whales.
The IHA was issued pursuant to
section 101(a)(5)(D) of the MMPA,
which requires NMFS to authorize the
incidental (but not intentional) take
from a specified activity (in this case,
in-water construction work associated
with the Kalama Manufacturing and
Marine Export Facility) in a specified
geographic region for a one-year period
if the relevant statutory standards are
satisfied. The applicant for an IHA
describes the specified activity for
which the IHA is requested, and need
not be a federal action agency. The IHA
does not evaluate interrelated and
interdependent activities of the
specified activity. As Steller sea lions,
California sea lions, and harbor seals are
the only marine mammal species
anticipated to occur in the specified
area, these are the appropriate species
considered for the IHA.
Description of Marine Mammals
A description of the marine mammals
in the area of the activities is found in
the previous documents referenced
above, which remain applicable to this
IHA as well. In addition, NMFS has
reviewed recent Stock Assessment
Reports, information on relevant
Unusual Mortality Events, and recent
scientific literature. Since the submittal
of the 2015 IHA application, the USACE
has published updated data on pinniped
presence at the Bonneville Dam
(Tidwell et al., 2017). This information
reveals that in both 2016 and 2017 the
numbers of pinnipeds present at
Bonneville Dam were within the range
of historical variability. The latest
USACE data does not suggest a trend
that would require a modification to the
take estimates or to the effects analysis
(see Table 1 below for a summary of
monitoring data by year from Tidwell et
al., 2017). Therefore, NMFS has
determined that the updated
information does not affect our analysis
of impacts for the 2018–2019 IHA.
[From Tidwell et al., 2017]
Total hours
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1
2002 .....................................................................................
2003 .....................................................................................
2004 .....................................................................................
2005 * ...................................................................................
California sea
Steller sea
Harbor seals
1 The U.S. Department of Energy is also identified
as an action agency because of its consideration of
whether to issue a loan guarantee for the project.
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Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 219 / Tuesday, November 13, 2018 / Notices
[From Tidwell et al., 2017]
Total hours
California sea
Steller sea
a 69
a 54
a 63
Harbor seals
* Observations did not begin until March 18 in 2005.
a In 2015, 2016, and 2017 the minimum estimated number of Steller sea lions was 55, 41, and 32, respectively. These counts were less than
the maximum number of Steller sea lions observed on one day, so Tidwell et al. (2017) used the maximum number observed on one day as the
minimum number. This difference was driven by a focus on California sea lions and lack of branding or unique markers on Steller sea lions.
Potential Effects of Specified Activities
on Marine Mammals and Their Habitat
A description of the potential effects
of the specified activities on marine
mammals and their habitat is found in
the previous documents referenced
above, and remain applicable to this
proposed IHA. There is no new
information on potential effects that
would change our analyses or
determinations under the 2018–2019
Estimated Take
A description of the methods and
inputs used to estimate take anticipated
to occur and, ultimately, the take that
was authorized is found in the previous
documents referenced above. The
methods of estimating take for this IHA
are identical to those used in the 2017–
2018 IHA, as is the density of marine
mammals. The source levels, also
remain unchanged from the 2017–2018
IHA, and NMFS’s 2016 Technical
Guidance for Assessing the Effects of
Anthropogenic Sound on Marine
Mammal Hearing (NMFS 2016) was
used to address new acoustic thresholds
in the notice of issuance of the 2017–
2018 IHA (see Table 2 for NMFS User
Spreadsheet inputs). As stated above,
since the submittal of the application for
the 2017–2018 IHA (in effect from
September 1, 2017 through August 31,
2018), the USACE has published
updated data on pinniped presence at
the Bonneville Dam, and this data does
not suggest a trend that would require
a modification to the take estimates or
effects analysis. Consequently, the
authorized Level B harassment take for
this 2018–2019 IHA is identical to the
2017–2018 IHA, as presented in Table 3
below. However, the originally issued
IHA did not authorize any Level A
harassment take. As harbor seals are
smaller and may be more difficult to
detect at larger Level A harassment
zones, and to account for the potential
that they may be unseen or linger longer
than expected, a small number of takes
by Level A harassment is now
authorized. Finally, the pile driving
duration informing the calculation of
Level A harassment zone sizes has
changed from the notice of the proposed
IHA as a result of a public comment
received. As seals are not transiting to
the Bonneville Dam similar to sea lions,
and may spend more time in the project
vicinity, the duration has been doubled
for these species for impact driving of
concrete piles and for vibratory driving
of steel piles. For impact driving of steel
piles, the duration was kept at the
original one hour due to the fact that
impact driving of these piles would only
occur briefly (for proofing) if at all.
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1
Input parameter
Vibratory pile driving (steel)
Weighting Factor Adjustment 1 ......................
Source Level (SL) 2 ........................................
Duration 3 .......................................................
Strikes per pile ...............................................
Piles per day 3 ................................................
Propagation (xlogR) .......................................
Distance from SL measurement ....................
2 hours
1 (1 hour duration)
Impact pile driving (steel)
1 hour
(1 pile/hour)
Impact pile driving (concrete)
2 hours
(1 pile/hour)
1 In instances where full auditory weighting functions associated with the SEL
cum metric cannot be applied, NMFS has recommended the default, single frequency weighting factor adjustments (WFAs) provided here. As described in Appendix D of NMFS’s Technical Guidance (NMFS,
2016), the intent of the WFA is to broadly account for auditory weighting functions below the 95 frequency contour percentile. Use of single frequency WFA is likely to over-predict Level A harassment distances.
2 SLs from CalTrans (2012). SL for all steel piles are based on 18’’ steel pipe (4 of the piles are 18’’ and 12 of the piles are 12’’).
3 A 1-hour duration was used for California and Steller sea lions, as there are no haul-outs in the project area. Animals are transiting through
the project area, and are not anticipated to be present for a full 8-hour day of pile driving activity. POK estimates 6–8 piles/day, or approximately
1 pile/hour. Animals are anticipated to be present for the duration of 1 pile being driven (1 hour) at most. For harbor seals, a two-hour duration
was used, as they may be transiting between two sites (one approximately one mile upstream and one approximately 3.5 miles downstream of
the project area). Given that these animals may transit back and forth between these two sites, the duration was doubled.
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Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 219 / Tuesday, November 13, 2018 / Notices
Estimated take
by level B harassment
Estimated take
by level A harassment
Abundance of
Percentage of
stock potentially affected
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1
Harbor seal ..............................................................
California sea lion ....................................................
Steller sea lion .........................................................
Description of Mitigation, Monitoring
and Reporting Measures—A description
of mitigation, monitoring, and reporting
measures is found in the previous
documents referenced above, and
remain unchanged for this IHA with the
exception of a change in the required
monitoring distance to avoid Level A
harassment takes. In summary,
mitigation includes implementation of
shut down procedures if any marine
mammal approaches or enters the Level
A harassment zone for pile driving (26
m (85 feet (ft)) for vibratory pile driving
of steel piles; 63 m (207 ft) for impact
driving of concrete piles; and 252 m
(828 ft) for impact driving of steel piles).
For in-water heavy machinery work
other than pile driving (e.g. standard
barges, barge-mounted cranes,
excavators, etc.), if a marine mammal
comes within 10 m, operations must
cease and vessels must reduce speed to
the minimum level required to maintain
steerage and safe working conditions.
One trained observer must monitor to
implement shutdowns and collect
information at each active pile driving
location (whether vibratory or impact
driving of steel or concrete piles).
At least three observers must be on
duty during impact driving at all times.
As discussed above, one observer must
monitor and implement shutdowns and
collect information at each pile driving
location at all times. In addition, two
shore-based observers are required (one
upstream of the project and another
downstream of the project), whose
primary responsibility shall be to record
pinnipeds in the Level B harassment
zone and to alert the barge-based
observer to the presence of pinnipeds,
thus creating a redundant alert system
for prevention of injurious interaction as
well as increasing the probability of
detecting pinnipeds in the disturbance
zone. At least three observers must be
on duty during vibratory pile driving
activity for the first two days, and
thereafter on every third day to allow for
estimation of Level B harassment takes.
Similar to requirements for impact
driving, the first observer must be
positioned on a work platform or barge
where the entirety of the shutdown zone
can be monitored. Shore based
observers must be positioned to observe
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Jkt 247001
the disturbance zone from the bank of
the river. Protocols will be implemented
to ensure that coordinated
communication of sightings occurs
between observers in a timely manner.
Pile driving activities may only be
conducted during daylight hours. If the
shutdown zone is obscured by fog or
poor lighting conditions, pile driving
will not be initiated until the entire
shutdown zone is visible. Work that has
been initiated appropriately in
conditions of good visibility may
continue during poor visibility. The
shutdown zone will be monitored for 30
minutes prior to initiating the start of
pile driving, during the activity, and for
30 minutes after activities have ceased.
If pinnipeds are present within the
shutdown zone prior to pile driving, the
start will be delayed until the animals
leave the shutdown zone of their own
volition, or until 15 minutes elapse
without re-sighting the animal(s).
Soft start procedures must be
implemented at the start of each day’s
impact pile driving and at any time
following cessation of impact driving for
a period of thirty minutes or longer. If
steel piles require impact installation or
proofing, a bubble curtain must be used
for sound attenuation. If water velocity
is 1.6 ft per second (1.1 miles per hour
(mph)) or less for the entire installation
period, the pile being driven must be
surrounded by a confined or unconfined
bubble curtain that will distribute small
air bubbles around 100 percent of the
pile perimeter for the full depth of the
water column. If water velocity is
greater than 1.6 feet per second (1.1
mph) at any point during installation,
the pile being driven must be
surrounded by a confined bubble
curtain (e.g., a bubble ring surrounded
by a fabric or non-metallic sleeve) that
will distribute air bubbles around 100
percent of the pile perimeter for the full
depth of the water column.
The POK proposes to conduct
activities in 2018–2019 that are
identical to those covered in the current
2017–2018 IHA. As described above, the
number of estimated takes of the same
stocks of harbor seals (OR/WA Coast
stock), California sea lion (U.S. stock),
PO 00000
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Population trend
and Steller sea lion (Eastern DPS) is the
same for this IHA as those authorized in
the 2017–2018 IHA, which were found
to meet the negligible impact and small
numbers standards. The authorized take
of 1,540 harbor seals; 372 California sea
lions, and 372 Steller sea lions represent
6.2 percent, 0.2 percent, and 0.6 percent
of these stocks of marine mammals,
respectively. We evaluated the impacts
of the additional authorization of 10
Level A harassment takes of harbor seal,
and find that consideration of impacts
to these 10 individuals accruing a small
degree of permanent threshold shift
(PTS) does not meaningfully change our
analysis, nor does it change our
findings/determinations. This IHA
includes identical required mitigation,
monitoring, and reporting measures as
the 2017–2018 IHA, and there is no new
information suggesting that our prior
analyses or findings should change.
Based on the information contained
here and in the referenced documents,
NMFS has determined the following: (1)
The authorized takes will have a
negligible impact on the affected marine
mammal species or stocks; (2) the
required mitigation measures will effect
the least practicable impact on marine
mammal species or stocks and their
habitat; (3) the authorized takes
represent small numbers of marine
mammals relative to the affected species
or stock abundances; and (4) the POK’s
activities will not have an unmitigable
adverse impact on taking for subsistence
purposes, as no relevant subsistence
uses of marine mammals are implicated
by this action.
National Environmental Policy Act
In compliance with the NEPA of 1969
(42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), as implemented
by the regulations published by the
Council on Environmental Quality (40
CFR parts 1500–1508), NMFS prepared
an EA to consider the direct, indirect
and cumulative effects to the human
environment resulting from our
previous IHA action (issuance of an IHA
for incidental take of marine mammals
due to the POK Expansion project).
NMFS made the EA available to the
public for review and comment in order
to assess the impacts to the human
environment of issuance of the 2017–
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 219 / Tuesday, November 13, 2018 / Notices
2018 IHA to the POK. Also in
compliance with NEPA and the CEQ
regulations, as well as NOAA
Administrative Order 216–6, NMFS
made a FONSI on October 24, 2016, for
issuance of the 2017–2018 IHA. These
NEPA documents are available at
Since this IHA covers the same work
covered in the 2017–2018 IHA, NMFS
has reviewed our previous EA and
FONSI, and has determined that our
current action is consistent with
categories of activities identified in CE
B4 of the Companion Manual for NOAA
Administrative Order 216–6A, which do
not individually or cumulatively have
the potential for significant impacts on
the quality of the human environment
and for which we have not identified
any extraordinary circumstances that
would preclude this categorical
exclusion. Accordingly, NMFS has
determined that the issuance of the IHA
qualifies to be categorically excluded
from further NEPA review. We have
reviewed all comments submitted in
response to this notice prior to
concluding our NEPA process and
making our final decision on the 2018–
2019 IHA request.
Endangered Species Act (ESA)
Section 7(a)(2) of the Endangered
Species Act of 1973 (ESA: 16 U.S.C.
1531 et seq.) requires that each Federal
agency insure that any action it
authorizes, funds, or carries out is not
likely to jeopardize the continued
existence of any endangered or
threatened species or result in the
destruction or adverse modification of
designated critical habitat. To ensure
ESA compliance for the issuance of
IHAs, NMFS consults internally
whenever we propose to authorize take
for endangered or threatened species.
No incidental take of ESA-listed marine
mammal species is expected to result
from this activity, and none would be
authorized. Therefore, NMFS has
determined that consultation under
section 7 of the ESA is not required for
this action.
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1
NMFS has issued an IHA to POK for
the incidental take of marine mammals
due to in-water construction work
associated with the POK Expansion
Project for a period of one year,
provided the previously mentioned
mitigation, monitoring, and reporting
requirements are incorporated.
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Dated: November 6, 2018.
Donna S. Wieting,
Director, Office of Protected Resources,
National Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2018–24665 Filed 11–9–18; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Proposed Information Collection;
Comment Request; Application for
Appointment in the NOAA
Commissioned Officer Corps
National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice.
The Department of
Commerce, as part of its continuing
effort to reduce paperwork and
respondent burden, invites the general
public and other Federal agencies to
take this opportunity to comment on
proposed and/or continuing information
collections, as required by the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
DATES: Written comments must be
submitted on or before January 14, 2019.
ADDRESSES: Direct all written comments
to Jennifer Jessup, Departmental
Paperwork Clearance Officer,
Department of Commerce, Room 6616,
14th and Constitution Avenue NW,
Washington, DC 20230 (or via the
internet at JJessup@doc.gov).
Requests for additional information or
copies of the information collection
instrument and instructions should be
directed to LT Jared Halonen—Chief,
NOAA Corps Recruiting, or LT Ricardo
Rodriguez—NOAA Corps Recruiting
Officer; OMAO–CPC–OCMD, 8403
Colesville Road, Suite 500, Silver
Spring, MD 20910, ((800)-299–6622),
I. Abstract
This request is for extension of a
currently approved information
collection. The NOAA Commissioned
Corps is the uniformed component of
the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA), a bureau of the
Department of Commerce. Officers serve
under Senate-confirmed appointments
and Presidential commissions (33 U.S.C.
chapter 17, subchapter 1, sections 853
and 854). The NOAA Corps provides a
cadre of professionals trained in
engineering, earth sciences,
oceanography, meteorology, fisheries
PO 00000
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science, and other related disciplines,
who are dedicated to the service of their
country and optimization of NOAA’s
missions to ensure the economic and
physical well-being of the Nation.
NOAA Corps officers serve in
assignments throughout NOAA, as well
as in each of NOAA’s Line Offices
(National Environmental Satellite, Data,
and Information Service, National
Ocean Service, National Weather
Service, Office of Oceanic and
Atmospheric Research and Office of
Planning, Programming and
Persons wishing to be considered for
a NOAA Corps Commission must
submit a complete application package,
including NOAA Form 56–42, at least
three letters of recommendation, and
official transcripts. A personal interview
must also be conducted. Eligibility
requirements include a bachelor’s
degree with at least 48 credit hours of
science, engineering or other disciplines
related to NOAA’s mission, excellent
health, and normal color vision with
uncorrected visual acuity no worse than
20/400 in each eye (correctable to 20/
II. Method of Collection
Applicants must utilize the E-recruit
electronic application process (https://
and then submit paper forms via mail.
An in-person interview is also required.
III. Data
OMB Control Number: 0648–0047.
Form Number(s): NOAA 56–42 and
NOAA 56–42A.
Type of Review: Regular submission
(extension of a currently approved
information collection).
Affected Public: Individuals or
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Time per Response: Written
applications, 5 hours; interviews, 90
minutes; references, 15 minutes.
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 1,088.
Estimated Total Annual Cost to
Public: $10,875 in recordkeeping,
recording and travel costs.
IV. Request for Comments
Comments are invited on: (a) Whether
the proposed collection of information
is necessary for the proper performance
of the functions of the agency, including
whether the information shall have
practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden
(including hours and cost) of the
proposed collection of information; (c)
ways to enhance the quality, utility, and
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 219 (Tuesday, November 13, 2018)]
[Pages 56304-56310]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2018-24665]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
RIN 0648-XG133
Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities;
Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to Port of Kalama Expansion Project on
the Lower Columbia River
AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
ACTION: Notice; issuance of an incidental harassment authorization.
SUMMARY: In accordance with the regulations implementing the Marine
Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) as amended, notification is hereby given
that NMFS has issued an Incidental Harassment Authorization (IHA) to
the Port of Kalama (POK) for the take of marine mammals, by harassment,
incidental to construction activities associated with an expansion
project at the Port of Kalama on the Lower Columbia River, Washington.
DATES: This Authorization is in effect from October 18, 2018 to October
18, 2019.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dale Youngkin, Office of Protected
Resources, NMFS, (301) 427-8401. Electronic copies of the application
and supporting documents, as well as a list of the references cited in
this document, may be obtained by visiting the internet at:
www.fisheries.noaa.gov/national/marine-mammal-protection/incidental-take-authorizations-construction-activities. In case of problems
[[Page 56305]]
these documents, please call the contact listed above.
The MMPA prohibits the ``take'' of marine mammals, with certain
exceptions. Sections 101(a)(5)(A) and (D) of the MMPA (16 U.S.C. 1361
et seq.) direct the Secretary of Commerce (as delegated to NMFS) to
allow, upon request, the incidental, but not intentional, taking of
small numbers of marine mammals by U.S. citizens who engage in a
specified activity (other than commercial fishing) within a specified
geographical region if certain findings are made and either regulations
are issued or, if the taking is limited to harassment, a notice of a
proposed incidental take authorization may be provided to the public
for review.
Authorization for incidental takings shall be granted if NMFS finds
that the taking will have a negligible impact on the species or
stock(s) and will not have an unmitigable adverse impact on the
availability of the species or stock(s) for taking for subsistence uses
(where relevant). Further, NMFS must prescribe the permissible methods
of taking and other means of effecting the least practicable adverse
impact on the affected species or stocks and their habitat, paying
particular attention to rookeries, mating grounds, and areas of similar
significance, and on the availability of such species or stocks for
taking for certain subsistence uses (referred to in shorthand as
``mitigation''); and requirements pertaining to the monitoring and
reporting of such takings.
The definitions of all applicable MMPA statutory terms cited above
are included in the relevant sections below.
History of Request
On September 28, 2015, we received a request from the POK for
authorization of the taking, by Level B harassment only, of marine
mammals incidental to the construction associated with the Port of
Kalama Expansion Project, which involved construction of the Kalama
Marine Manufacturing and Export Facility including a new marine
terminal for the export of methanol, and installation of engineered log
jams, restoration of riparian wetlands, and the removal of existing
wood piles in a side channel as mitigation activities. The specified
activity is expected to result in the take of three species of marine
mammals (harbor seals, California sea lions, and Steller sea lions). A
final version of the application, which we deemed adequate and
complete, was submitted on December 10, 2015. We published a notice of
a proposed IHA and request for comments on March 21, 2016 (81 FR
715064). After the public comment period and before we issued the final
IHA, POK requested that we issue the IHA for 2017 instead of the 2016
work season. We subsequently published the final notice of our issuance
of the IHA on December 12, 2016 (81 FR 89436), effective from September
1, 2017-August 31, 2018. In-water work associated with the project was
expected to be completed within the one-year timeframe of the IHA.
On June 21, 2018, POK informed NMFS that work relevant to the
specified activity considered in the MMPA analysis for the 2017-2018
IHA was postponed and would not be completed. POK requested that the
IHA be issued to be effective for the period from 2018--2019. In
support of that request, POK submitted an application addendum
affirming that no change in the proposed activities is anticipated and
that no new information regarding the abundance of marine mammals is
available that would change the previous analysis and findings. A
notice for the proposed incidental take authorization was published on
July 25, 2018 (83 FR 35220), and a corrected notice was published on
August 14, 2018 (83 FR 40257). Therefore, comments were received until
September 13, 2018. Please refer to the Comments and Responses section
below for information on the comments received during the comment
periods for the proposed IHA.
Description of the Activity
The 2017-2018 IHA covered the incidental take of marine mammals due
to construction of a marine terminal and dock/pier for the export of
methanol, and associated compensatory mitigation activities for the
purposes of offsetting habitat effects from the action. The marine
terminal will be approximately 45,000 square feet in size, supported by
320 concrete piles (24-inch precast octagonal piles to be driven by
impact hammer) and 16 steel piles (12 x 12-inch and 4 x 18-inch
anticipated to be driven by vibratory hammer, and impact hammering will
only be done to drive/proof if necessary). The compensatory mitigation
includes installation of eight engineered log jams (ELJs), which will
be anchored by untreated wooden piles driven by impact hammer at low
tides (not in water). The compensatory mitigation also includes removal
of approximately 157 untreated wooden piles from an old trestle in a
nearby backwater area. The piles will be removed either by direct pull
or vibratory extraction. Finally, the compensatory mitigation includes
wetland restoration and enhancement by removal of invasive species and
replacement with native wetland species.
Since no changes have been made to the planned activities reflected
in the proposed IHA, NMFS refers the reader to the documents related to
the 2017-2018 IHA for more detailed description of the project
activities. These previous documents include the Federal Register
notice of the issuance of the 2017-2018 IHA for the POK's Port of
Kalama Expansion Project (81 FR 89436, December 12, 2016), the Federal
Register notice of the proposed IHA (81 FR 15064, March 21, 2016),
POK's application (and 2018 application addendum), and all associated
references, which can be found at www.fisheries.noaa.gov/national/marine-mammal-protection/incidental-take-authorizations-construction-activities.
Comments and Responses
NMFS published a notice of receipt of POK's updated application
addendum and proposed IHA in the Federal Register on July 25, 2018 (83
FR 35220), with a comment response date of August 24, 2018. However,
during the public review period for this notice, it was noted that
instructions for submitting comments were lacking. Therefore, a second
notice of the proposed IHA was published on August 14, 2018 (83 FR
40257), which included full instructions for submittal of comments.
Comments were accepted on this corrected notice until September 13,
2018. NMFS received two comments during the review of the first notice.
One comment was from a private citizen and one comment was received
from the Columbia Riverkeeper, stating that instructions for submitting
comments was not clear and voicing their concern with the use of a
Categorical Exclusion (CE) for our action. During public review of the
corrected notice, NMFS received four additional comments. Two of these
additional comments were from the same private citizen who commented on
the first notice; one was from the Marine Mammal Commission (MMC); and
one was from the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD). Copies of the
full comments received are available at https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/national/marine-mammal-protection/incidental-take-authorizations-construction-activities. Additionally, all comments received on both
notices are summarized and responses are provided below:
Comment: Three comments were received from the same private citizen
[[Page 56306]]
(Jean Public) expressing opposition to the project and concern
regarding any government authorization to kill birds, seals, and sea
lions in the Columbia River. One of these comments also suggested
charging the POK (terminal builders) $100,000 for every seal they kill.
Response: NMFS has issued an IHA to the POK for the incidental
take, by Level A and Level B harassment only, of marine mammals due to
in-water construction activities associated with the POK expansion
project. Mortality is not expected or authorized by the IHA.
Comment: The MMC concurred with NMFS's findings and recommended
that NMFS issue the IHA subject to inclusion of the mitigation,
monitoring, and reporting measures discussed in the notice of the
Proposed IHA.
Response: NMFS thanks the MMC for their comment and concurs with
the recommendation. NMFS has issued the IHA to the Port of Kalama
subject to the mitigation, monitoring, and reporting measures that were
included in the notice of the Proposed IHA.
Comment: The MMC recommended that NMFS revise the Level A
harassment zones for harbor seals during impact driving of concrete
piles and vibratory driving of steel piles based on eight hours of
activities, or eight piles/day, because harbor seals may be present in
the project area for longer periods than California or Steller sea
lions and therefore accumulate more sound energy.
Response: NMFS agrees that it is possible that harbor seals may be
present in the general project area for longer periods than California
or Steller sea lions. However, NMFS feels that it is unreasonable to
assume that seals would remain within the area for a full eight hours,
as they may be transiting between two sites (one approximately one mile
upstream and one approximately 3.5 miles downstream) where they are
known to forage and/or haul out. In addition, it is not reasonable to
assume that pile driving activities would occur for eight consecutive
hours daily, and is more likely that these activities would occur for
an hour to two hours at a time, and would be broken up by time needed
to set up new piles. However, NMFS has determined it is reasonable to
assume that seals would be present for double the amount of time as sea
lions (assuming a two-hour duration versus a one-hour duration due to
the fact that they may be transiting the area twice if they move from
one site to the other and return again) results in a Level A harassment
threshold distance of 63 m for impact driving of concrete piles and 26
m for vibratory driving of steel piles.
As noted in the notice for the proposed IHA, Level A harassment
takes proposed for authorization did not rely on calculated takes, and
were qualitatively proposed for authorization out of an abundance of
caution in the event that some seals may be undetected before entering
the Level A harassment zone. Therefore, the amount of Level A
harassment takes authorized has not changed as a result of
reconsidering the Level A harassment zone and only results in a
revision of the Level A harassment monitoring area. Therefore, the
requirement for monitoring and shut down distance to avoid Level A
harassment take has been revised to 63 m and 26 m to correspond to a
two-hour duration for impact driving of concrete piles and vibratory
driving of steel piles, respectively.
Comment: The MMC recommended that NMFS further investigate
appropriate timeframes over which sound exposure levels should be
accumulated when estimating Level A harassment zones, and recommended
that NMFS make this a priority to resolve in the near future. MMC
further recommended that NMFS consult with its own and external
scientists and acousticians to determine appropriate accumulation
Response: NMFS considers this a priority and has recently formed a
group to work on the issue of accumulation time.
Comment: The Commission expressed continuing concern with NMFS's
notice that one-year renewals could be issued in certain circumstances
without additional public notice and comment requirements. The
Commission also suggested that NMFS should discuss the possibility of
renewals through a more general route, such as abbreviated notices such
as was done in this instance. The Commission further recommended that
if NMFS did not pursue renewals solely using abbreviated notices, that
the agency provide a legal analysis supporting our conclusion that this
process is consistent with the requirements of section 101(a)(5)(D) of
the MMPA.
Response: As stated in previous responses to this comment from the
Commission, the process of issuing a renewal IHA does not bypass the
public notice and comment requirements of the MMPA. The Federal
Register notice of the proposed IHA expressly notified the public that
under certain, limited conditions an applicant could seek a renewal IHA
for an additional year. The notice describes the conditions under which
such a renewal request could be considered and seeks public comment on
those circumstances. Importantly, such renewals would be limited to
circumstances where: The activities are identical or nearly identical
to those analyzed in the proposed IHA or the activities would not be
completed by the time the IHA expires and renewal would allow
completion of the activities beyond that described in the Dates and
Duration section; monitoring does not indicate impacts that were not
previously analyzed and authorized; and the mitigation and monitoring
requirements remain the same, all of which allow the public to comment
on the appropriateness and effects of a renewal at the same time the
public provides comments on the initial proposed IHA. NMFS has,
however, modified the language to clarify that all IHAs, including
renewal IHAs, are valid for no more than one year and that the agency
would consider only one renewal for a project at this time. In
addition, notice of issuance or denial of a renewal IHA would be
published in the Federal Register, as they are for all IHAs. The option
for issuing renewal IHAs has been in NMFS's implementing regulations
for the incidental take provisions of the MMPA (Section 101(a)(5)(A)
and (D)) since 1996.
Comment: The Columbia Riverkeeper (Riverkeeper) submitted a comment
expressing concern with NMFS's use of a CE for purposes of the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for the issuance of our IHA to the POK
for incidental take of marine mammals from construction activities
associated with the POK expansion project. The Riverkeeper stated that
use of the CE would be counter to NOAA's NEPA guidance, citing language
in the Companion Manual to NOAA Administrative Order 216-6A that says a
CE may only be applied when the proposed action is not part of a larger
action and can therefore be reviewed independently from other actions
under NEPA. In addition, the Riverkeeper asserted that use of the CE
would be a waste of agency time and resources since the US Army Corps
of Engineers (USACE) is currently preparing an Environmental Assessment
(EA) for the overall construction project. The Riverkeeper suggested
that NMFS should participate in USACE's ongoing NEPA process and base
its IHA decision on the USACE NEPA document. In addition, the Center
for Biological Diversity (CBD) submitted a comment stating they were in
agreement with the Riverkeeper comment.
Response: The application of a CE for NMFS's action (issuance of an
IHA) is entirely consistent with NOAA's NEPA
[[Page 56307]]
guidance and practices. The issuance of an IHA is not part of a larger
NMFS action that would be segmented for the purposes of NEPA (i.e.,
NMFS's action would not be segmented for purposes of NEPA such that
several CEs would be required for a larger project, as the only action
NMFS has would be the issuance or denial of the IHA for the incidental
take of marine mammals due to in-water construction work associated
with the POK expansion). Further, as stated in the notice of the
proposed IHA, NMFS had previously prepared its own EA for the issuance
of the previous IHA, which resulted in a Finding of No Significant
Impact (FONSI). Based on this past analysis, as well as an
Administrative Record justifying the use of the CE (CE B4) for similar
types of activities, NMFS has determined that the use of the CE for
this action is well supported. While we appreciate that the USACE must
prepare a NEPA document for its own action (issuance of a permit, or
permits, for the larger construction project), relying on the NEPA
analysis for this larger project would be of no benefit for NMFS's
purposes due to the fact that the majority of the larger project
construction activities would be associated with upland areas with no
potential for the incidental take of marine mammals associated with
NMFS's action.
Comment: The CBD commented that their primary concern is that the
scope of the authorization is arbitrarily narrow in light of the
Project's recognized impacts on marine mammals. More specifically, the
CBD states that NMFS previously considered the Project and concluded in
its biological opinion that the Project would adversely affect blue,
humpback, fin, and sperm whales, yet none of these species are
considered in the applicant's request. The Biological Opinion also
concluded the Project would adversely affect several species of Chinook
salmon and critical habitat, yet the applicant did not consider the
resulting impacts to the critically endangered Southern Resident killer
whales that feed on those salmon.
Response: The two statutes (Endangered Species Act (ESA) and MMPA)
are different both substantively and procedurally, with different
analyses and potentially involving different scopes. The Biological
Opinion was prepared pursuant to section 7(a)(2) of the ESA due to the
requirement for consultation on the effects of the proposed action by a
federal action agency, in this case the USACE, to issue permits for the
construction of the Kalama Manufacturing and Marine Export Facility on
the Columbia River and to Northwest Pipeline LLC for construction of
the Kalama Lateral Project.\1\ The Biological Opinion evaluates the
effects of the USACE issuance of permits that would authorize the
construction project for the marine export facility, which is a
component of the overall Kalama Manufacturing and Marine Export
Facility project. The ESA consultation (Biological Opinion) evaluates
the direct and indirect effects of the proposed action, together with
interrelated and interdependent actions such as the manufacturing/
production facility, into the reasonably foreseeable future. Therefore,
the ESA consultation broadly evaluated the effects of the agency
action. The Biological Opinion determined that the project is likely to
indirectly affect several species of marine mammals including blue,
humpback, fin, and sperm whales, based on increased vessel traffic
(including increased potential for ship strike and noise associated
with OGVs and supertankers) from the long-term operation of the
\1\ The U.S. Department of Energy is also identified as an
action agency because of its consideration of whether to issue a
loan guarantee for the project.
The Biological Opinion does not identify potential effects of pile
driving/in-water construction in regard to any ESA-listed marine mammal
species, as none are anticipated to be present in the area of pile
driving activities. The Biological Opinion did determine adverse
effects to salmon as a result of in-water construction/pile driving but
also concluded that the proposed action is not likely to adversely
affect southern resident killer whales.
The IHA was issued pursuant to section 101(a)(5)(D) of the MMPA,
which requires NMFS to authorize the incidental (but not intentional)
take from a specified activity (in this case, in-water construction
work associated with the Kalama Manufacturing and Marine Export
Facility) in a specified geographic region for a one-year period if the
relevant statutory standards are satisfied. The applicant for an IHA
describes the specified activity for which the IHA is requested, and
need not be a federal action agency. The IHA does not evaluate
interrelated and interdependent activities of the specified activity.
As Steller sea lions, California sea lions, and harbor seals are the
only marine mammal species anticipated to occur in the specified area,
these are the appropriate species considered for the IHA.
Description of Marine Mammals
A description of the marine mammals in the area of the activities
is found in the previous documents referenced above, which remain
applicable to this IHA as well. In addition, NMFS has reviewed recent
Stock Assessment Reports, information on relevant Unusual Mortality
Events, and recent scientific literature. Since the submittal of the
2015 IHA application, the USACE has published updated data on pinniped
presence at the Bonneville Dam (Tidwell et al., 2017). This information
reveals that in both 2016 and 2017 the numbers of pinnipeds present at
Bonneville Dam were within the range of historical variability. The
latest USACE data does not suggest a trend that would require a
modification to the take estimates or to the effects analysis (see
Table 1 below for a summary of monitoring data by year from Tidwell et
al., 2017). Therefore, NMFS has determined that the updated information
does not affect our analysis of impacts for the 2018-2019 IHA.
Table 1--Minimum Estimated Number of Individual Pinnipeds Observed at Bonneville Dam Tailrace Areas and the
Hours of Observation During the Focal Sampling Period, 2002 to 2017
[From Tidwell et al., 2017]
Total hours California sea Steller sea Total
Year observed lions lions Harbor seals pinnipeds
2002............................ 662 30 0 1 31
2003............................ 1,356 104 3 2 109
2004............................ 516 99 3 2 104
2005 *.......................... 1,109 81 4 1 86
[[Page 56308]]
2006............................ 3,650 72 11 3 86
2007............................ 4,433 71 9 2 82
2008............................ 5,131 82 39 2 123
2009............................ 3,455 54 26 2 82
2010............................ 3,609 89 75 2 166
2011............................ 3,315 54 89 1 144
2012............................ 3,404 39 73 0 112
2013............................ 3,247 56 80 0 136
2014............................ 2,947 71 65 1 137
2015............................ 2,995 195 \a\ 69 0 264
2016............................ 1,974 149 \a\ 54 0 203
2017............................ 1,142 92 \a\ 63 1 156
* Observations did not begin until March 18 in 2005.
\a\ In 2015, 2016, and 2017 the minimum estimated number of Steller sea lions was 55, 41, and 32, respectively.
These counts were less than the maximum number of Steller sea lions observed on one day, so Tidwell et al.
(2017) used the maximum number observed on one day as the minimum number. This difference was driven by a
focus on California sea lions and lack of branding or unique markers on Steller sea lions.
Potential Effects of Specified Activities on Marine Mammals and Their
A description of the potential effects of the specified activities
on marine mammals and their habitat is found in the previous documents
referenced above, and remain applicable to this proposed IHA. There is
no new information on potential effects that would change our analyses
or determinations under the 2018-2019 IHA.
Estimated Take
A description of the methods and inputs used to estimate take
anticipated to occur and, ultimately, the take that was authorized is
found in the previous documents referenced above. The methods of
estimating take for this IHA are identical to those used in the 2017-
2018 IHA, as is the density of marine mammals. The source levels, also
remain unchanged from the 2017-2018 IHA, and NMFS's 2016 Technical
Guidance for Assessing the Effects of Anthropogenic Sound on Marine
Mammal Hearing (NMFS 2016) was used to address new acoustic thresholds
in the notice of issuance of the 2017-2018 IHA (see Table 2 for NMFS
User Spreadsheet inputs). As stated above, since the submittal of the
application for the 2017-2018 IHA (in effect from September 1, 2017
through August 31, 2018), the USACE has published updated data on
pinniped presence at the Bonneville Dam, and this data does not suggest
a trend that would require a modification to the take estimates or
effects analysis. Consequently, the authorized Level B harassment take
for this 2018-2019 IHA is identical to the 2017-2018 IHA, as presented
in Table 3 below. However, the originally issued IHA did not authorize
any Level A harassment take. As harbor seals are smaller and may be
more difficult to detect at larger Level A harassment zones, and to
account for the potential that they may be unseen or linger longer than
expected, a small number of takes by Level A harassment is now
authorized. Finally, the pile driving duration informing the
calculation of Level A harassment zone sizes has changed from the
notice of the proposed IHA as a result of a public comment received. As
seals are not transiting to the Bonneville Dam similar to sea lions,
and may spend more time in the project vicinity, the duration has been
doubled for these species for impact driving of concrete piles and for
vibratory driving of steel piles. For impact driving of steel piles,
the duration was kept at the original one hour due to the fact that
impact driving of these piles would only occur briefly (for proofing)
if at all.
Table 2--Inputs for NMFS User Spreadsheet
Vibratory pile driving Impact pile driving
Input parameter (steel) Impact pile driving (steel) (concrete)
Weighting Factor Adjustment \1\............................... 2.5 2 2
Source Level (SL) \2\......................................... 170 178 166
Duration \3\.................................................. 2 hours 1 hour 2 hours
Strikes per pile.............................................. ............................ 1,025 1,025
Piles per day \3\............................................. 1 (1 hour duration) (1 pile/hour) (1 pile/hour)
Propagation (xlogR)........................................... 15 15 15
Distance from SL measurement.................................. 10 10 10
\1\ In instances where full auditory weighting functions associated with the SELcum metric cannot be applied, NMFS has recommended the default, single
frequency weighting factor adjustments (WFAs) provided here. As described in Appendix D of NMFS's Technical Guidance (NMFS, 2016), the intent of the
WFA is to broadly account for auditory weighting functions below the 95 frequency contour percentile. Use of single frequency WFA is likely to over-
predict Level A harassment distances.
\2\ SLs from CalTrans (2012). SL for all steel piles are based on 18'' steel pipe (4 of the piles are 18'' and 12 of the piles are 12'').
\3\ A 1-hour duration was used for California and Steller sea lions, as there are no haul-outs in the project area. Animals are transiting through the
project area, and are not anticipated to be present for a full 8-hour day of pile driving activity. POK estimates 6-8 piles/day, or approximately 1
pile/hour. Animals are anticipated to be present for the duration of 1 pile being driven (1 hour) at most. For harbor seals, a two-hour duration was
used, as they may be transiting between two sites (one approximately one mile upstream and one approximately 3.5 miles downstream of the project
area). Given that these animals may transit back and forth between these two sites, the duration was doubled.
[[Page 56309]]
Table 3--Estimated Take Authorized and Proportion of Population Potentially Affected
Percentage of
Estimated take Estimated take Abundance of stock
by level B by level A stock potentially Population trend
harassment harassment affected
Harbor seal................................. 1,530 10 24,732 6.2 Stable.
California sea lion......................... 372 0 153,337 0.2 Stable.
Steller sea lion............................ 372 0 59,968 0.6 Increasing.
Description of Mitigation, Monitoring and Reporting Measures--A
description of mitigation, monitoring, and reporting measures is found
in the previous documents referenced above, and remain unchanged for
this IHA with the exception of a change in the required monitoring
distance to avoid Level A harassment takes. In summary, mitigation
includes implementation of shut down procedures if any marine mammal
approaches or enters the Level A harassment zone for pile driving (26 m
(85 feet (ft)) for vibratory pile driving of steel piles; 63 m (207 ft)
for impact driving of concrete piles; and 252 m (828 ft) for impact
driving of steel piles). For in-water heavy machinery work other than
pile driving (e.g. standard barges, barge-mounted cranes, excavators,
etc.), if a marine mammal comes within 10 m, operations must cease and
vessels must reduce speed to the minimum level required to maintain
steerage and safe working conditions. One trained observer must monitor
to implement shutdowns and collect information at each active pile
driving location (whether vibratory or impact driving of steel or
concrete piles).
At least three observers must be on duty during impact driving at
all times. As discussed above, one observer must monitor and implement
shutdowns and collect information at each pile driving location at all
times. In addition, two shore-based observers are required (one
upstream of the project and another downstream of the project), whose
primary responsibility shall be to record pinnipeds in the Level B
harassment zone and to alert the barge-based observer to the presence
of pinnipeds, thus creating a redundant alert system for prevention of
injurious interaction as well as increasing the probability of
detecting pinnipeds in the disturbance zone. At least three observers
must be on duty during vibratory pile driving activity for the first
two days, and thereafter on every third day to allow for estimation of
Level B harassment takes. Similar to requirements for impact driving,
the first observer must be positioned on a work platform or barge where
the entirety of the shutdown zone can be monitored. Shore based
observers must be positioned to observe the disturbance zone from the
bank of the river. Protocols will be implemented to ensure that
coordinated communication of sightings occurs between observers in a
timely manner.
Pile driving activities may only be conducted during daylight
hours. If the shutdown zone is obscured by fog or poor lighting
conditions, pile driving will not be initiated until the entire
shutdown zone is visible. Work that has been initiated appropriately in
conditions of good visibility may continue during poor visibility. The
shutdown zone will be monitored for 30 minutes prior to initiating the
start of pile driving, during the activity, and for 30 minutes after
activities have ceased. If pinnipeds are present within the shutdown
zone prior to pile driving, the start will be delayed until the animals
leave the shutdown zone of their own volition, or until 15 minutes
elapse without re-sighting the animal(s).
Soft start procedures must be implemented at the start of each
day's impact pile driving and at any time following cessation of impact
driving for a period of thirty minutes or longer. If steel piles
require impact installation or proofing, a bubble curtain must be used
for sound attenuation. If water velocity is 1.6 ft per second (1.1
miles per hour (mph)) or less for the entire installation period, the
pile being driven must be surrounded by a confined or unconfined bubble
curtain that will distribute small air bubbles around 100 percent of
the pile perimeter for the full depth of the water column. If water
velocity is greater than 1.6 feet per second (1.1 mph) at any point
during installation, the pile being driven must be surrounded by a
confined bubble curtain (e.g., a bubble ring surrounded by a fabric or
non-metallic sleeve) that will distribute air bubbles around 100
percent of the pile perimeter for the full depth of the water column.
The POK proposes to conduct activities in 2018-2019 that are
identical to those covered in the current 2017-2018 IHA. As described
above, the number of estimated takes of the same stocks of harbor seals
(OR/WA Coast stock), California sea lion (U.S. stock), and Steller sea
lion (Eastern DPS) is the same for this IHA as those authorized in the
2017-2018 IHA, which were found to meet the negligible impact and small
numbers standards. The authorized take of 1,540 harbor seals; 372
California sea lions, and 372 Steller sea lions represent 6.2 percent,
0.2 percent, and 0.6 percent of these stocks of marine mammals,
respectively. We evaluated the impacts of the additional authorization
of 10 Level A harassment takes of harbor seal, and find that
consideration of impacts to these 10 individuals accruing a small
degree of permanent threshold shift (PTS) does not meaningfully change
our analysis, nor does it change our findings/determinations. This IHA
includes identical required mitigation, monitoring, and reporting
measures as the 2017-2018 IHA, and there is no new information
suggesting that our prior analyses or findings should change.
Based on the information contained here and in the referenced
documents, NMFS has determined the following: (1) The authorized takes
will have a negligible impact on the affected marine mammal species or
stocks; (2) the required mitigation measures will effect the least
practicable impact on marine mammal species or stocks and their
habitat; (3) the authorized takes represent small numbers of marine
mammals relative to the affected species or stock abundances; and (4)
the POK's activities will not have an unmitigable adverse impact on
taking for subsistence purposes, as no relevant subsistence uses of
marine mammals are implicated by this action.
National Environmental Policy Act
In compliance with the NEPA of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), as
implemented by the regulations published by the Council on
Environmental Quality (40 CFR parts 1500-1508), NMFS prepared an EA to
consider the direct, indirect and cumulative effects to the human
environment resulting from our previous IHA action (issuance of an IHA
for incidental take of marine mammals due to the POK Expansion
project). NMFS made the EA available to the public for review and
comment in order to assess the impacts to the human environment of
issuance of the 2017-
[[Page 56310]]
2018 IHA to the POK. Also in compliance with NEPA and the CEQ
regulations, as well as NOAA Administrative Order 216-6, NMFS made a
FONSI on October 24, 2016, for issuance of the 2017-2018 IHA. These
NEPA documents are available at https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/national/marine-mammal-protection/incidental-take-authorizations-construction-activities.
Since this IHA covers the same work covered in the 2017-2018 IHA,
NMFS has reviewed our previous EA and FONSI, and has determined that
our current action is consistent with categories of activities
identified in CE B4 of the Companion Manual for NOAA Administrative
Order 216-6A, which do not individually or cumulatively have the
potential for significant impacts on the quality of the human
environment and for which we have not identified any extraordinary
circumstances that would preclude this categorical exclusion.
Accordingly, NMFS has determined that the issuance of the IHA qualifies
to be categorically excluded from further NEPA review. We have reviewed
all comments submitted in response to this notice prior to concluding
our NEPA process and making our final decision on the 2018-2019 IHA
Endangered Species Act (ESA)
Section 7(a)(2) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA: 16
U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) requires that each Federal agency insure that any
action it authorizes, funds, or carries out is not likely to jeopardize
the continued existence of any endangered or threatened species or
result in the destruction or adverse modification of designated
critical habitat. To ensure ESA compliance for the issuance of IHAs,
NMFS consults internally whenever we propose to authorize take for
endangered or threatened species. No incidental take of ESA-listed
marine mammal species is expected to result from this activity, and
none would be authorized. Therefore, NMFS has determined that
consultation under section 7 of the ESA is not required for this
NMFS has issued an IHA to POK for the incidental take of marine
mammals due to in-water construction work associated with the POK
Expansion Project for a period of one year, provided the previously
mentioned mitigation, monitoring, and reporting requirements are
Dated: November 6, 2018.
Donna S. Wieting,
Director, Office of Protected Resources, National Marine Fisheries
[FR Doc. 2018-24665 Filed 11-9-18; 8:45 am]