Notice of Submission Deadline for Schedule Information for Chicago O'Hare International Airport, John F. Kennedy International Airport, Los Angeles International Airport, Newark Liberty International Airport, and San Francisco International Airport for the Summer 2019 Scheduling Season, 49155-49157 [2018-21217]
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Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 189 / Friday, September 28, 2018 / Notices
Federal Aviation Administration
Notice of Submission Deadline for
Schedule Information for Chicago
O’Hare International Airport, John F.
Kennedy International Airport, Los
Angeles International Airport, Newark
Liberty International Airport, and San
Francisco International Airport for the
Summer 2019 Scheduling Season
Department of Transportation,
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
ACTION: Notice of submission deadline.
Under this notice, the FAA
announces the submission deadline of
October 4, 2018, for summer 2019 flight
schedules at Chicago O’Hare
International Airport (ORD), John F.
Kennedy International Airport (JFK),
Los Angeles International Airport
(LAX), Newark Liberty International
Airport (EWR), and San Francisco
International Airport (SFO). The
deadline coincides with the schedule
submission deadline for the
International Air Transport Association
(IATA) Slot Conference for the summer
2019 scheduling season.
DATES: Schedules must be submitted no
later than October 4, 2018.
ADDRESSES: Schedules may be
submitted by mail to the Slot
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1
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Administration Office, AGC–200, Office
of the Chief Counsel, 800 Independence
Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591;
facsimile: 202–267–7277; or by email to:
Bonnie C. Dragotto, Regulations
Division, FAA Office of the Chief
Counsel, AGC–240, Room 916N, Federal
Aviation Administration, 800
Independence Avenue SW, Washington,
DC 20591; telephone (202) 267–3808;
has designated EWR, LAX, ORD, and
SFO as IATA Level 2 airports 1 and JFK
as an IATA Level 3 airport under the
Worldwide Slot Guidelines (WSG). The
FAA currently limits scheduled
operations at JFK by Order until October
24, 2020.2
The FAA is primarily concerned
about scheduled and other regularly
conducted commercial operations
during peak hours, but carriers may
submit schedule plans for the entire
day. At ORD, the peak hours for the
summer 2019 scheduling season are
0700 to 2100 Central Time (1200 to 0200
UTC), at LAX and SFO from 0600 to
2300 Pacific Time (1300 to 0600 UTC),
and at EWR and JFK from 0600 to 2300
Eastern Time (1000 to 0300 UTC). These
hours are unchanged from previous
1 These designations will remain effective at these
airports until the FAA announces a change.
2 Operating Limitations at John F. Kennedy
International Airport, 73 FR 3510 (Jan. 18, 2008), as
amended 83 FR 46865 (September 17, 2018).
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scheduling seasons. Carriers should
submit schedule information in
sufficient detail including, at minimum,
the marketing or operating carrier, flight
number, scheduled time of operation,
frequency, aircraft equipment, and
effective dates. IATA standard schedule
information format and data elements
for communications at Level 2 and
Level 3 airports in the IATA Standard
Schedules Information Manual (SSIM)
Chapter 6 may be used. The WSG
provides additional information on
schedule submissions at Level 2 and
Level 3 airports.
The U.S. summer scheduling season
is from March 31, 2019, through October
26, 2019, in recognition of the IATA
northern summer scheduling period.
The FAA understands there may be
differences in schedule times due to
different U.S. daylight saving time dates
and will accommodate these differences
to the extent possible.
General Information for All Airports
As stated in the WSG, schedule
facilitation at a Level 2 airport is based
on schedule adjustments mutually
agreed between the airlines and the
facilitator; the intent is to avoid
exceeding the airport’s coordination
parameters; the concepts of historic
precedence and series of slots do not
apply at Level 2 airports; and the
facilitator should adjust the smallest
number of flights by the least amount of
time necessary to avoid exceeding the
airport’s coordination parameters.
[FR Doc. 2018–21303 Filed 9–27–18; 8:45 am]
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 189 / Friday, September 28, 2018 / Notices
Consistent with the WSG, the success of
Level 2 in the U.S. depends on the
voluntary cooperation of all carriers.
The FAA considers several factors
and priorities as it reviews schedule
requests at Level 2 airports, which are
consistent with the WSG, including—
services from the previous equivalent
season over new demand for the same
timings, services that are unchanged
over services that plan to change time or
other capacity relevant parameters,
introduction of year-round services,
effective period of operation, regularly
planned operations over ad hoc
operations, and other operational factors
that may limit a carrier’s timing
flexibility. In addition to applying these
Level 2 priorities from the WSG, the
U.S. Government has adopted a number
of measures and procedures to promote
competition and new entry at U.S. slot
controlled and schedule facilitated
At Level 2 airports, the FAA seeks to
improve communications with carriers
and schedule facilitators on potential
runway schedule issues or terminal and
gate issues that may affect the runway
times. The FAA also seeks to reduce the
time that carriers consider proposed
offers on schedules. Retaining open
offers for extended periods of time may
delay the facilitation process for the
airport. Reducing this delay is
particularly important to allow the FAA
to make informed decisions at airports
where operations in some hours are at
or near the scheduling limits. The
agency recognizes that there are
circumstances that may require some
schedules to remain open. However, the
FAA expects to substantially complete
the process on initial submissions each
scheduling season within 30 days of the
end of the Slot Conference. After this
time, the agency would confirm the
acceptance of proposed offers, as
applicable, or issue a denial of schedule
requests. At Level 3 airports, the FAA
follows the slot offer and acceptance
procedures set forth in the WSG.
Slot management in the United States
differs from other countries that follow
the WSG in some respects. In the United
States, the FAA is responsible for
facilitation and coordination of runway
access for takeoffs and landings at Level
2 and Level 3 airports; however, the
airport authority or its designee is
responsible for facilitation and
coordination of terminal/gate/airport
facility access. The process with the
individual airports for terminal access
and other airport services is separate
from, and in addition to, the FAA
schedule review based on runway
capacity. Approval from both the FAA
and the airport authority for runway and
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airport availability, respectively, is
necessary before implementing schedule
plans. Contact information for Level 2
and Level 3 airports is available at
Generally, the FAA uses average
hourly runway capacity throughput for
airports and performance metrics in its
schedule reviews at Level 2 airports and
for the scheduling limits at Level 3
airports.3 The FAA also considers other
factors that can affect operations, such
as capacity changes due to runway,
taxiway, or other airport construction,
air traffic control procedural changes,
airport surface operations, and historical
or projected flight delays and
Finally, the FAA notes that the
schedule information submitted by
carriers to the FAA may be subject to
disclosure under the Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA). The WSG also
provides for release of information at
certain stages of slot coordination and
schedule facilitation. In general, once it
acts, the FAA may release information
on slot allocation or similar slot
transactions or schedule information
reviewed as part of the schedule
facilitation process. The FAA does not
expect that practice to change and most
slot and schedule information would
not be exempt from release under FOIA.
The FAA recognizes that some airlines
may submit information on schedule
plans that is not available to the public
and may be considered by the carrier to
be proprietary. Carriers that submit slot
or schedule information deemed
proprietary should clearly mark such
information accordingly. The FAA will
take the necessary steps to protect
properly designated information to the
extent allowable by law.
JFK Schedules
The Port Authority of New York and
New Jersey (PANYNJ) plans
construction on JFK Runway 13L/31R
that will close the runway from April 1,
2019, through November 15, 2019. The
FAA will develop an operational
‘‘playbook’’ for runway configurations
that would be used under various
weather and operating conditions while
3 The FAA typically determines an airport’s
average adjusted runway capacity or throughput for
Level 2 and Level 3 airports by reviewing hourly
data on the arrival and departure rates that air
traffic control indicates could be accepted for that
hour, commonly known as ‘‘called’’ rates. We also
review the actual number of arrivals and departures
that operated in the same hour. Generally, the FAA
uses the higher of the two numbers, called or actual,
for identifying trends and schedule review
purposes. Some dates are excluded from analysis,
such as during periods when extended airport
closures or construction could affect capacity.
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Runway 13L/31R is closed. The FAA
worked with MITRE’s Center for
Advanced Aviation System
Development on modeling the expected
runway configuration and the results
indicate that average arrival delays
could increase modestly while
departure delays would remain close to
current levels or decrease due to runway
configurations that have higher
departure and lower arrival capacities.
As with the three prior runway
construction projects and closures,
delays in the early and late months of
the summer 2019 scheduling season are
projected to increase over the typical
delays in those months but remain
below the average delays in the peak
June to August months.
The FAA will work closely with the
airport and operators to efficiently
manage operations during construction.
The PANYNJ meets regularly with
airlines and other stakeholders to
discuss construction plans and consults
with the FAA and local air traffic
control facilities to minimize
operational impacts. Carriers should
contact the PANYNJ for the latest
information on airport construction
plans. The FAA New York District and
the New York Area Program Integration
Office also holds a regular Delay
Initiatives Meeting that addresses
construction and operational plans.
These local meetings are the best
sources of current construction-related
information to assist in planning
schedules and operations.
EWR Schedules
The FAA is continuing to monitor
operations and delays at EWR and to
identify ways to improve performance
metrics and operational efficiency, and
achieve delay reductions in a Level 2
environment. Demand for access to
EWR and the New York City area
remains high. Recent requests for flights
at EWR have exceeded the scheduling
limits in the 8 a.m. and 1300–2159 local
hours. The FAA has advised carriers in
prior seasons that it would not be able
to accommodate all requests for new or
retimed operations in peak hours and
worked with carriers to identify times
that were available. In some limited
cases, carriers were able to swap with
other airlines for their preferred times in
the peak for winter 2018. Carriers may
continue to seek swaps in order to
operate within the peak. However, the
FAA also continues to seek the
voluntary cooperation of all carriers
operating in peak hours to retime
operations out of the peak to improve
performance at EWR.
For the summer 2019 season, the
hourly scheduling limit remains at 79
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 189 / Friday, September 28, 2018 / Notices
operations and 43 operations per halfhour. To help with a balance between
arrivals and departures, the maximum
number of scheduled arrivals or
departures, respectively, is 43 in an
hour and 24 in a half-hour. This would
allow some higher levels of operations
in certain periods (not to exceed the
hourly limits) and some recovery from
lower demand in adjacent periods. The
FAA will accept flights above the limits
if the flights were operated on a regular
basis in summer 2018, but again, the
FAA seeks cooperation of carriers to
retime operations, to the extent feasible,
out of the peak period. Additionally, the
FAA will consider whether demand
exceeds the limits in adjacent periods
and consider average demand before
determining whether there is
availability for new flights in a
particular period. However, the
operational performance of the airport is
unlikely to improve unless peak
demand is reduced and schedules
remain within the airport’s arrival and
departure limits.
The FAA notes that despite efforts to
facilitate voluntary scheduling
cooperation at EWR, and reductions in
the hourly scheduling limits,4 average
demand for summer 2018 in the
afternoon and evening hours remains at
81 operations per hour as it was in
summer 2017. There are periods when
the demand in half-hours or consecutive
half-hours exceeds the optimum runway
capacity and the scheduling limits in
this notice. The imbalance of scheduled
arrivals and departures in certain
periods has contributed to increased
congestion and delays when the
demand exceeds the arrival or departure
rates. In particular, retiming a minimal
number of arrivals in the early afternoon
hours from the 1400 local hour to the
1300 and 1200 hours could have
significant delay reduction benefits and
help preserve the Level 2 designation at
Based on historical demand, the FAA
anticipates the 0700 to 0859 and 1330
to 2159 periods to be unavailable for
new flights. Consistent with the WSG,
carriers should be prepared to adjust
schedules to meet the hourly limits in
order to minimize potential congestion
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1
4 The
FAA has reduced the hourly scheduling
limits from 81 per hour to 79 and effective with the
winter 2018/2019 season, applied additional halfhour and arrival and departure limits. The FAA
explained that operations approved previously at
the higher limits and operated in the prior season
would be accepted by the FAA even if they were
above the limits, but new flights would not be
approved above the current scheduling limits. The
FAA continues to encourage carriers to retime
flights to less congested periods to keep operations
at or below the new scheduling limit to improve
performance at the airport.
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and delay. Carriers are again reminded
that runway approval must be obtained
from the FAA in addition to any
requirements for approval from airport
terminal or other facilities prior to
The PANYNJ also plans construction
on EWR Runway 11/29 during 2019.
The plans currently include night and
weeknight closures and a 12-day full
closure in late August. The FAA will
assess the potential operational impacts
and any necessary mitigations once the
construction plans are finalized. As
indicated for the JFK runway
construction, the PANYNJ is the best
source of information on the
construction and FAA meetings such as
the Delay Initiative Meeting is the best
source for operational plans.
Issued in Washington, DC, on September
24, 2018.
Jeffrey Planty,
Deputy Vice President, System Operations
[FR Doc. 2018–21217 Filed 9–27–18; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
Notice of Intent of Waiver With Respect
to Land; Indianapolis International
Airport, Indianapolis, Indiana
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice.
The FAA is considering a
proposal to change 97.507 acres of
airport land from aeronautical use to
non-aeronautical use and to authorize
the sale of airport property located at
Indianapolis International Airport,
Indianapolis, Indiana. The
aforementioned land is not needed for
aeronautical use.
The land consists of 155 original
airport acquired parcels. The parcels
were acquired under grants 6–18–0038–
14, 3–18–0038–17, 3–18–0038–18, 3–
18–0038–23, 3–18–0038–24, 3–18–
0038–43, 3–18–0038–45, 3–18–0038–47,
3–18–0038–51, 3–18–0038–54, 3–18–
0038–67, 3–18–0038–78, 3–18–0038–81,
3–18–0038–83, 3–18–0038–88, 3–18–
0038–96, 3–18–0038–112, Passenger
Facility Charges, and local funding.
There are no impacts to the airport by
allowing the Indianapolis Airport
Authority to dispose of the property.
The land is not needed for future
aeronautical development.
DATES: Comments must be received on
or before October 29, 2018.
PO 00000
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Documents are available for
review by appointment at the FAA
Chicago Airports District Office,
Melanie Myers, Program Manager, 2300
East Devon Avenue, Des Plaines, Illinois
60018. Telephone: (847) 294–7525/Fax:
(847) 294–7046 and Eric Anderson,
Director of Properties, Indianapolis
Airport Authority, 7800 Col. H. Weir
Cook Memorial Drive, Indianapolis, IN
46241 Telephone: 317–487–5135.
Written comments on the Sponsor’s
request must be delivered or mailed to:
Melanie Myers, Program Manager,
Federal Aviation Administration,
Chicago Airports District Office, 2300
East Devon Avenue, Des Plaines, Illinois
60018. Telephone: (847) 294–7525/Fax:
(847) 294–7046.
Melanie Myers, Program Manager,
Federal Aviation Administration,
Chicago Airports District Office, 2300
East Devon Avenue, Des Plaines, Illinois
60018. Telephone: (847) 294–7525/Fax:
(847) 294–7046.
accordance with section 47107(h) of
Title 49, United States Code, this notice
is required to be published in the
Federal Register 30 days before
modifying the land-use assurance that
requires the property to be used for an
aeronautical purpose.
The disposition of proceeds from the
sale of the airport property will be in
accordance with FAA’s Policy and
Procedures Concerning the Use of
Airport Revenue, published in the
Federal Register on February 16, 1999
(64 FR 7696).
This notice announces that the FAA
is considering the release of the subject
airport property at the Indianapolis
International Airport, Indianapolis,
Indiana from federal land covenants,
subject to a reservation for continuing
right of flight as well as restrictions on
the released property as required in
FAA Order 5190.6B section 22.16.
Approval does not constitute a
commitment by the FAA to financially
assist in the disposal of the subject
airport property nor a determination of
eligibility for grant-in-aid funding from
the FAA.
Land Description
Lots Numbered 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14,
15, 16, 17, 18, and 21 through 33 of Hill
Top Addition, as per plat thereof,
recorded in Plat Book 4, pages 134
through 135 in the Office of the
Recorder of Hendricks County, Indiana,
Lots Numbered 1 through 8 and part of
Lots 9 and 12 of Applecreek, as per plat
thereof, recorded in Plat Book 8, page 85
in said Recorder’s Office, Lots
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 189 (Friday, September 28, 2018)]
[Pages 49155-49157]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2018-21217]
Federal Aviation Administration
Notice of Submission Deadline for Schedule Information for
Chicago O'Hare International Airport, John F. Kennedy International
Airport, Los Angeles International Airport, Newark Liberty
International Airport, and San Francisco International Airport for the
Summer 2019 Scheduling Season
AGENCY: Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration
ACTION: Notice of submission deadline.
SUMMARY: Under this notice, the FAA announces the submission deadline
of October 4, 2018, for summer 2019 flight schedules at Chicago O'Hare
International Airport (ORD), John F. Kennedy International Airport
(JFK), Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), Newark Liberty
International Airport (EWR), and San Francisco International Airport
(SFO). The deadline coincides with the schedule submission deadline for
the International Air Transport Association (IATA) Slot Conference for
the summer 2019 scheduling season.
DATES: Schedules must be submitted no later than October 4, 2018.
ADDRESSES: Schedules may be submitted by mail to the Slot
Administration Office, AGC-200, Office of the Chief Counsel, 800
Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591; facsimile: 202-267-7277;
or by email to: [email protected].
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Bonnie C. Dragotto, Regulations
Division, FAA Office of the Chief Counsel, AGC-240, Room 916N, Federal
Aviation Administration, 800 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC
20591; telephone (202) 267-3808; email [email protected].
SFO as IATA Level 2 airports \1\ and JFK as an IATA Level 3 airport
under the Worldwide Slot Guidelines (WSG). The FAA currently limits
scheduled operations at JFK by Order until October 24, 2020.\2\
\1\ These designations will remain effective at these airports
until the FAA announces a change.
\2\ Operating Limitations at John F. Kennedy International
Airport, 73 FR 3510 (Jan. 18, 2008), as amended 83 FR 46865
(September 17, 2018).
The FAA is primarily concerned about scheduled and other regularly
conducted commercial operations during peak hours, but carriers may
submit schedule plans for the entire day. At ORD, the peak hours for
the summer 2019 scheduling season are 0700 to 2100 Central Time (1200
to 0200 UTC), at LAX and SFO from 0600 to 2300 Pacific Time (1300 to
0600 UTC), and at EWR and JFK from 0600 to 2300 Eastern Time (1000 to
0300 UTC). These hours are unchanged from previous scheduling seasons.
Carriers should submit schedule information in sufficient detail
including, at minimum, the marketing or operating carrier, flight
number, scheduled time of operation, frequency, aircraft equipment, and
effective dates. IATA standard schedule information format and data
elements for communications at Level 2 and Level 3 airports in the IATA
Standard Schedules Information Manual (SSIM) Chapter 6 may be used. The
WSG provides additional information on schedule submissions at Level 2
and Level 3 airports.
The U.S. summer scheduling season is from March 31, 2019, through
October 26, 2019, in recognition of the IATA northern summer scheduling
period. The FAA understands there may be differences in schedule times
due to different U.S. daylight saving time dates and will accommodate
these differences to the extent possible.
General Information for All Airports
As stated in the WSG, schedule facilitation at a Level 2 airport is
based on schedule adjustments mutually agreed between the airlines and
the facilitator; the intent is to avoid exceeding the airport's
coordination parameters; the concepts of historic precedence and series
of slots do not apply at Level 2 airports; and the facilitator should
adjust the smallest number of flights by the least amount of time
necessary to avoid exceeding the airport's coordination parameters.
[[Page 49156]]
Consistent with the WSG, the success of Level 2 in the U.S. depends on
the voluntary cooperation of all carriers.
The FAA considers several factors and priorities as it reviews
schedule requests at Level 2 airports, which are consistent with the
WSG, including--services from the previous equivalent season over new
demand for the same timings, services that are unchanged over services
that plan to change time or other capacity relevant parameters,
introduction of year-round services, effective period of operation,
regularly planned operations over ad hoc operations, and other
operational factors that may limit a carrier's timing flexibility. In
addition to applying these Level 2 priorities from the WSG, the U.S.
Government has adopted a number of measures and procedures to promote
competition and new entry at U.S. slot controlled and schedule
facilitated airports.
At Level 2 airports, the FAA seeks to improve communications with
carriers and schedule facilitators on potential runway schedule issues
or terminal and gate issues that may affect the runway times. The FAA
also seeks to reduce the time that carriers consider proposed offers on
schedules. Retaining open offers for extended periods of time may delay
the facilitation process for the airport. Reducing this delay is
particularly important to allow the FAA to make informed decisions at
airports where operations in some hours are at or near the scheduling
limits. The agency recognizes that there are circumstances that may
require some schedules to remain open. However, the FAA expects to
substantially complete the process on initial submissions each
scheduling season within 30 days of the end of the Slot Conference.
After this time, the agency would confirm the acceptance of proposed
offers, as applicable, or issue a denial of schedule requests. At Level
3 airports, the FAA follows the slot offer and acceptance procedures
set forth in the WSG.
Slot management in the United States differs from other countries
that follow the WSG in some respects. In the United States, the FAA is
responsible for facilitation and coordination of runway access for
takeoffs and landings at Level 2 and Level 3 airports; however, the
airport authority or its designee is responsible for facilitation and
coordination of terminal/gate/airport facility access. The process with
the individual airports for terminal access and other airport services
is separate from, and in addition to, the FAA schedule review based on
runway capacity. Approval from both the FAA and the airport authority
for runway and airport availability, respectively, is necessary before
implementing schedule plans. Contact information for Level 2 and Level
3 airports is available at
Generally, the FAA uses average hourly runway capacity throughput
for airports and performance metrics in its schedule reviews at Level 2
airports and for the scheduling limits at Level 3 airports.\3\ The FAA
also considers other factors that can affect operations, such as
capacity changes due to runway, taxiway, or other airport construction,
air traffic control procedural changes, airport surface operations, and
historical or projected flight delays and congestion.
\3\ The FAA typically determines an airport's average adjusted
runway capacity or throughput for Level 2 and Level 3 airports by
reviewing hourly data on the arrival and departure rates that air
traffic control indicates could be accepted for that hour, commonly
known as ``called'' rates. We also review the actual number of
arrivals and departures that operated in the same hour. Generally,
the FAA uses the higher of the two numbers, called or actual, for
identifying trends and schedule review purposes. Some dates are
excluded from analysis, such as during periods when extended airport
closures or construction could affect capacity.
Finally, the FAA notes that the schedule information submitted by
carriers to the FAA may be subject to disclosure under the Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA). The WSG also provides for release of
information at certain stages of slot coordination and schedule
facilitation. In general, once it acts, the FAA may release information
on slot allocation or similar slot transactions or schedule information
reviewed as part of the schedule facilitation process. The FAA does not
expect that practice to change and most slot and schedule information
would not be exempt from release under FOIA. The FAA recognizes that
some airlines may submit information on schedule plans that is not
available to the public and may be considered by the carrier to be
proprietary. Carriers that submit slot or schedule information deemed
proprietary should clearly mark such information accordingly. The FAA
will take the necessary steps to protect properly designated
information to the extent allowable by law.
JFK Schedules
The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ) plans
construction on JFK Runway 13L/31R that will close the runway from
April 1, 2019, through November 15, 2019. The FAA will develop an
operational ``playbook'' for runway configurations that would be used
under various weather and operating conditions while Runway 13L/31R is
closed. The FAA worked with MITRE's Center for Advanced Aviation System
Development on modeling the expected runway configuration and the
results indicate that average arrival delays could increase modestly
while departure delays would remain close to current levels or decrease
due to runway configurations that have higher departure and lower
arrival capacities. As with the three prior runway construction
projects and closures, delays in the early and late months of the
summer 2019 scheduling season are projected to increase over the
typical delays in those months but remain below the average delays in
the peak June to August months.
The FAA will work closely with the airport and operators to
efficiently manage operations during construction. The PANYNJ meets
regularly with airlines and other stakeholders to discuss construction
plans and consults with the FAA and local air traffic control
facilities to minimize operational impacts. Carriers should contact the
PANYNJ for the latest information on airport construction plans. The
FAA New York District and the New York Area Program Integration Office
also holds a regular Delay Initiatives Meeting that addresses
construction and operational plans. These local meetings are the best
sources of current construction-related information to assist in
planning schedules and operations.
EWR Schedules
The FAA is continuing to monitor operations and delays at EWR and
to identify ways to improve performance metrics and operational
efficiency, and achieve delay reductions in a Level 2 environment.
Demand for access to EWR and the New York City area remains high.
Recent requests for flights at EWR have exceeded the scheduling limits
in the 8 a.m. and 1300-2159 local hours. The FAA has advised carriers
in prior seasons that it would not be able to accommodate all requests
for new or retimed operations in peak hours and worked with carriers to
identify times that were available. In some limited cases, carriers
were able to swap with other airlines for their preferred times in the
peak for winter 2018. Carriers may continue to seek swaps in order to
operate within the peak. However, the FAA also continues to seek the
voluntary cooperation of all carriers operating in peak hours to retime
operations out of the peak to improve performance at EWR.
For the summer 2019 season, the hourly scheduling limit remains at
[[Page 49157]]
operations and 43 operations per half-hour. To help with a balance
between arrivals and departures, the maximum number of scheduled
arrivals or departures, respectively, is 43 in an hour and 24 in a
half-hour. This would allow some higher levels of operations in certain
periods (not to exceed the hourly limits) and some recovery from lower
demand in adjacent periods. The FAA will accept flights above the
limits if the flights were operated on a regular basis in summer 2018,
but again, the FAA seeks cooperation of carriers to retime operations,
to the extent feasible, out of the peak period. Additionally, the FAA
will consider whether demand exceeds the limits in adjacent periods and
consider average demand before determining whether there is
availability for new flights in a particular period. However, the
operational performance of the airport is unlikely to improve unless
peak demand is reduced and schedules remain within the airport's
arrival and departure limits.
The FAA notes that despite efforts to facilitate voluntary
scheduling cooperation at EWR, and reductions in the hourly scheduling
limits,\4\ average demand for summer 2018 in the afternoon and evening
hours remains at 81 operations per hour as it was in summer 2017. There
are periods when the demand in half-hours or consecutive half-hours
exceeds the optimum runway capacity and the scheduling limits in this
notice. The imbalance of scheduled arrivals and departures in certain
periods has contributed to increased congestion and delays when the
demand exceeds the arrival or departure rates. In particular, retiming
a minimal number of arrivals in the early afternoon hours from the 1400
local hour to the 1300 and 1200 hours could have significant delay
reduction benefits and help preserve the Level 2 designation at EWR.
\4\ The FAA has reduced the hourly scheduling limits from 81 per
hour to 79 and effective with the winter 2018/2019 season, applied
additional half-hour and arrival and departure limits. The FAA
explained that operations approved previously at the higher limits
and operated in the prior season would be accepted by the FAA even
if they were above the limits, but new flights would not be approved
above the current scheduling limits. The FAA continues to encourage
carriers to retime flights to less congested periods to keep
operations at or below the new scheduling limit to improve
performance at the airport.
Based on historical demand, the FAA anticipates the 0700 to 0859
and 1330 to 2159 periods to be unavailable for new flights. Consistent
with the WSG, carriers should be prepared to adjust schedules to meet
the hourly limits in order to minimize potential congestion and delay.
Carriers are again reminded that runway approval must be obtained from
the FAA in addition to any requirements for approval from airport
terminal or other facilities prior to operation.
The PANYNJ also plans construction on EWR Runway 11/29 during 2019.
The plans currently include night and weeknight closures and a 12-day
full closure in late August. The FAA will assess the potential
operational impacts and any necessary mitigations once the construction
plans are finalized. As indicated for the JFK runway construction, the
PANYNJ is the best source of information on the construction and FAA
meetings such as the Delay Initiative Meeting is the best source for
operational plans.
Issued in Washington, DC, on September 24, 2018.
Jeffrey Planty,
Deputy Vice President, System Operations Services.
[FR Doc. 2018-21217 Filed 9-27-18; 8:45 am]