Proposed Collection; Comment Request for Forms 990, 990 EZ SCH B (BR), (BR), 990-EZ SCH L (LP), 990-EZ, 990-PF, 990-SCH B, 990-C, 990-EZ, 990-EZ (BR), 990-N, OR 990-EZ (SCH A), 990-EZ (SCH C), 990-EZ (SCH E), 990-EZ (SCH G), 990-EZ (SCH L), 990-EZ (SCH N), 990-EZ (SCH N-1), 990-EZ (SCH O), 990-EZ(SCH O)(BR), 990-PF. 990-PF (BR), 990-SCH A (BR), 990-SCH D, 990-SCH D (BR), 990-SCH F, 990-SCH F-1, 990-SCH H, 990-SCH I, 990-SCH I (BR), 990-SCH I-1, 990-SCH J, 990-SCH J (BR), 990-SCH J-1, 990-SCH J-2, 990-SCH K, 990-SCH M, 990-SCH R, 990-SCH R (BR), 990-SCH R-1, 990-T, 990-T SCH M, 990-T (BR), 990-W, 1023, 990-(BR), 990-I, 1024, 1028, 1028-BR, 5578, 5884 C, 8038, 8038 B, 8038 CP, 8030 G, 8038 GC, 8038 R, 8038 T 8038 TC, 8328, 8718, 8282, 8453-E.O., 8453-X, 8868, 8868-(BR), 8870, 8871, 8872, 8879-E.O., 8886-T, 8899, 42559-42565 [2018-18135]
Download as PDF
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 163 / Wednesday, August 22, 2018 / Notices
the BSA must be retained for five years.
Generally, information collected
pursuant to the BSA is confidential but
may be shared as provided by law with
regulatory and law enforcement
Request for Comments: Comments
submitted in response to this notice will
be summarized and/or included in the
request for OMB approval. All
comments will become a matter of
public record. Comments are invited on:
(a) Whether the collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
agency, including whether the
information shall have practical utility;
(b) the accuracy of the agency’s estimate
of the burden of the collection of
information; (c) ways to enhance the
quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected; (d) ways to
minimize the burden of the collection of
information on respondents, including
through the use of automated collection
techniques or other forms of information
technology; and (e) estimates of capital
or start-up costs and costs of operation,
maintenance and purchase of services to
provide information.
Jamal El-Hindi,
Deputy Director, Financial Crimes
Enforcement Network.
[FR Doc. 2018–18078 Filed 8–21–18; 8:45 am]
Internal Revenue Service
Open Meeting of the Taxpayer
Advocacy Panel Special Projects
Committee; Correction
Internal Revenue Service (IRS),
ACTION: Notice of meeting; correction.
In the Federal Register notice
that was originally published on August
9, 2018, (Volume 83, Number 154, Page
39511) the meeting date has been
corrected. The date of the meeting is:
Wednesday, September 12, 2018 and
Wednesday, September 19, 2018.
DATES: The meeting will be held
Wednesday, September 19, 2018.
Matthew O’Sullivan at 1–888–912–1227
or (510) 907–5274.
hereby given pursuant to Section
10(a)(2) of the Federal Advisory
Committee Act, 5 U.S.C. App. (1988)
that a meeting of the Taxpayer
Advocacy Panel Special Projects
Committee will be held Wednesday,
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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September 19, 2018, at 2:00 p.m. Eastern
Time via teleconference. The public is
invited to make oral comments or
submit written statements for
consideration. Due to limited
conference lines, notification of intent
to participate must be made with
Matthew O’Sullivan. For more
information please contact Matthew
O’Sullivan at 1–888–912–1227 or (510)
907–5274, or write TAP Office, 1301
Clay Street, Oakland, CA 94612–5217 or
contact us at the website: https:// The agenda will
include various IRS issues.
The agenda will include a discussion
on various special topics with IRS
Dated: August 15, 2018.
Antoinette Ross,
Acting Director, Taxpayer Advocacy Panel.
[FR Doc. 2018–18134 Filed 8–21–18; 8:45 am]
Internal Revenue Service
Proposed Collection; Comment
Request for Forms 990, 990 EZ SCH B
(BR), (BR), 990–EZ SCH L (LP), 990–EZ,
990–PF, 990–SCH B, 990–C, 990–EZ,
990–EZ (BR), 990–N, OR 990–EZ (SCH
A), 990–EZ (SCH C), 990–EZ (SCH E),
990–EZ (SCH G), 990–EZ (SCH L), 990–
EZ (SCH N), 990–EZ (SCH N–1), 990–EZ
(SCH O), 990–EZ(SCH O)(BR), 990–PF.
990–PF (BR), 990–SCH A (BR), 990–
SCH D, 990–SCH D (BR), 990–SCH F,
990–SCH F–1, 990–SCH H, 990–SCH I,
990–SCH I (BR), 990–SCH I–1, 990–
SCH J, 990–SCH J (BR), 990–SCH J–1,
990–SCH J–2, 990–SCH K, 990–SCH M,
990–SCH R, 990–SCH R (BR), 990–SCH
R–1, 990–T, 990–T SCH M, 990–T (BR),
990–W, 1023, 990–(BR), 990–I, 1024,
1028, 1028–BR, 5578, 5884 C, 8038,
8038 B, 8038 CP, 8030 G, 8038 GC,
8038 R, 8038 T 8038 TC, 8328, 8718,
8282, 8453–E.O., 8453–X, 8868, 8868–
(BR), 8870, 8871, 8872, 8879–E.O.,
8886–T, 8899
Internal Revenue Service (IRS),
ACTION: Notice and request for
The Internal Revenue Service, as part
of its continuing effort to reduce
paperwork and respondent burden,
invites the general public and other
Federal agencies to take this
opportunity to comment on proposed
and continuing information collections,
as required by the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995 (PRA). This notice requests
PO 00000
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comments on all forms used by taxexempt organizations:
• 990, 990(BR), 990 EZ SCH B (BR),
990–EZ SCH L (LP), 990–EZ, 990–PF,
990–SCH B, 990–C, 990–EZ, 990–EZ
(BR), 990–N, OR 990–EZ (SCH A), 990–
EZ (SCH C), 990–EZ (SCH E), 990–EZ
(SCH G), 990–EZ (SCH L), 990–EZ (SCH
N), 990–EZ (SCH N–1), 990–EZ (SCH
O), 990–EZ(SCH O)(BR), 990–PF. 990–
PF (BR), 990–SCH A (BR), 990–SCH D,
990–SCH D (BR), 990–SCH F, 990–SCH
F–1, 990–SCH H, 990–SCH I, 990–SCH
I (BR), 990–SCH I–1, 990–SCH J, 990–
SCH J (BR), 990–SCH J–1, 990–SCH J–
2, 990–SCH K, 990–SCH M, 990–SCH R,
990–SCH R (BR), 990–SCH R–1, 990–T,
990–T SCH M, 990–T (BR), 990–W,
1023, 990–(BR), 990–I, 1024, 1028,
1028–BR, 5578, 5884 C, 8038, 8038 B,
8038 CP, 8030 G, 8038 GC, 8038 R, 8038
T, 8038 TC, 8282, 8328, 8453–E.O.,
8453–X, 8718, 8868, 8868–(BR), 8870,
8871, 8872, 8879–E.O., 8886–T, 8899
and all attachments to these forms (see
the Appendix A to this notice). With
this notice, the IRS is also announcing
significant changes to (1) the manner in
which tax forms used by tax-exempt
organizations will be approved under
the PRA and (2) its method of estimating
the paperwork burden imposed on all
tax-exempt organizations.
Related Internal Revenue Service and
The Department of Treasury Guidance
EE–111–80 (TD 8019—Final) Public
Inspection of Exempt Organization
TD 8033 (TEMP) Tax Exempt Entity
Leasing (REG–209274–85)
Revenue Procedure 98–19, Exceptions
to the notice and reporting
requirements of section 6033(e)(1) and
the tax imposed by section 6033(e)(2)
REG–246256–96 (Final TD 8978) Excise
Taxes on Excess Benefit Transactions
T.D. 8861, Private Foundation
Disclosure Rules
Notice 2006–109—Interim Guidance
Regarding Supporting Organizations
and Donor Advised Funds
Disclosure by taxable party to the taxexempt entity
Reinstatement and Retroactive
Reinstatement for Reasonable Cause
(Rev. Proc. 2014–11) and Transitional
Relief for Small Organizations (Notice
2011–43) under IRC § 6033(j)
TD 8086—Election for $10 Million
Limitation on Exempt Small Issues of
Industrial Development Bonds;
Supplemental Capital Expenditure
Statements (LR–185–84 Final)
Arbitrage Restrictions and Guidance on
Issue Price Definition for Tax Exempt
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 163 / Wednesday, August 22, 2018 / Notices
TD 8712 (Final), Definition of Private
Activity Bonds; TD 9741, General
Allocation and Accounting
Regulations Under Section 141;
Remedial Actions for Tax-Exempt
FI–28–96 (Final) Arbitrage Restrictions
on Tax-Exempt Bonds
REG–121475–03 (TD 9495—Final)
Qualified Zone Academy Bonds:
Obligations of States and Political
Notice 2009–26, Build America Bonds
and Direct Payment Subsidy
Notice 2012–48: Tribal Economic
Development Bonds
TD 7925 7952—Indian Tribal
Governments Treated As States For
Certain Purposes
Revenue Procedure 97–15, Section
103—Remedial Payment Closing
Agreement Program
EE–12–78 Non-Bank Trustees
TD 9099—Disclosure of Relative Values
of Optional Forms of Benefit
EE–147–87 (Final) Qualified Separate
Lines of Business
TD 8619 (Final) (EE–43–92l) Direct
Rollovers and 20-Percent Withholding
Upon Eligible Rollover Distributions
from Qualified Plans
PS–100–88(TD8540) (Final) Valuation
Revenue Procedure 2017–4
TD 8769 (Final)—(REG–107644–97)
Permitted Elimination of Preretirement Optional Forms of Benefit
Notice 97–45, Highly Compensated
Employee Definition
Compensation Deferred Under Eligible
Deferred Compensation Plans (TD
TD 8816 (Final) Roth IRAs
REG–108639–99 (Final) Retirement
Plans; Cash or Deferred Arrangements
Under Section 401(k) and Matching
Contributions or Employee
Contributions Under Section 401(m);
TD 9169
Revenue Ruling 2000–35 Automatic
Enrollment in Section 403(b) Plans
Notice 2002–27—IRA Required
Minimum Distribution Reporting
TD 9142 (Final), Deemed IRAs in
Qualified Retirement Plans (REG–
REG–146459–05—TD 9324 (Final)
Designated Roth Contributions Under
Section 402A
TD 9467 (REG–139236–07) and Notice
TD 9641—Suspension or Reduction of
Safe Harbor Contributions (REG–
115699–09) Waiver of 60-Day
Rollover Requirement
TD 7898—Employers Qualified
Educational Assistance Programs
TD 8864 (Final); EE–63–88 (Final and
temp regulations) Taxation of Fringe
VerDate Sep<11>2014
16:34 Aug 21, 2018
Jkt 244001
Benefits and Exclusions From Gross
Income for Certain Fringe Benefits;
IA–140–86 (Temporary) Fringe
TD 8073 (Temporary Regulations)—
Effective Dates and Other Issues
Arising Under the Employee Benefit
Provisions of the Tax Reform Act of
REG–209484–87 (TD 8814 final) Federal
Insurance Contributions Act (FICA)
Taxation of Amounts Under
Employee Benefit Plans.
REG–164754–01 (FINAL) Split-Dollar
Life Insurance Arrangements.
T.D. 9088, Compensatory Stock Options
Under Section 482.
T.D. 9083—Golden Parachute Payments.
Revenue Procedure 2014–55, Election
Procedures and Information Reporting
with Respect to Interests in Certain
Canadian Retirement Plans
Substitute Mortality Tables for Single
Employer Defined Benefit Plans
T.D. 8802—Certain Asset Transfers to a
Tax-Exempt Entity
REG–113572–99 (TD 8933) Qualified
Transportation Fringe Benefits
Revenue Procedure 2016–1, Rulings and
determination letters—26 CFR 601–
26 CFR 31.6001–1 Records in general;
26 CFR 31.6001–2 Additional Records
under FICA; 26 CFR 31.6001–3,
Additional records under Railroad
Retirement Tax Act; 26 CFR 31.6001–
5 Additional records
IA–44–94 (Final) Deductibility,
Substantiation, and Disclosure of
Certain Charitable Contributions
Notice 2005–41, Guidance Regarding
Qualified Intellectual Property
De Minimis Error Safe Harbor to the
I.R.C. §§ 6721 and 6722 Penalties
Substantiation of Charitable
Contributions—TD 8002
Qualified Conservation Contributions
TD 7852—Registration Requirements
with Respect to Debt Obligations
(NPRM, LR–255–82)
Notice 2007–70—Charitable
Contributions of Certain Motor
Vehicles, Boats, and Airplanes.
Reporting requirements under Sec.
TD 8124—Time and Manner of Making
Certain Elections Under the Tax
Reform Act of 1986
EE–14–81 (NPRM) Deductions and
Reductions in Earnings and Profits (or
Accumulated Profits) With Respect to
Certain Foreign Deferred
Compensation Plans Maintained by
Certain Foreign Corporations or
TD 9724—Summary of Benefits and
Coverage Disclosures
TD 7845—Inspection of Applications for
Tax Exemption and Applications for
PO 00000
Frm 00102
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Determination Letters for Pension and
Other Plans (Final)
REG–130477–00; REG–130481–00 (TD
8987—Final), Required Distributions
From Retirement Plans
EE–175–86 (Final) Certain Cash or
Deferred Arrangements and Employee
and Matching Contributions under
Employee Plans: REG–108639–99
(NPRM) Retirement Plans; Cash or
Deferred Arrangements
Change in Minimum Funding Method
(Rev. Proc. 2000–41)
REG–109481–99 (TD 9076—Final)
Special Rules Under Section 417(a)(7)
for Written Explanations Provided by
Qualified Retirement Plans After
Annuity Starting Dates
TD 9472 (Final)—Notice Requirements
for Certain Pension Plan Amendments
Significantly Reducing the Rate of
Future Benefit Accrual
T.D. 9079—Ten or More Employer Plan
Compliance Information
Waivers of Minimum Funding
Standards—Revenue Procedure 2004–
Election of Alternative Deficit
Reduction Contribution and Plan
Revenue Procedure 2010–52, Extension
of the Amortization Period for Plan
Sponsor of a Multiemployer Pension
Designated Roth Contributions to Cash
or Deferred Arrangements Under
Section 401(k)
Notice 2005–40, Election to Defer Net
Experience Loss in a Multiemployer
Notice 2006–107—Diversification
Requirements for Qualified Defined
Contribution Plans Holding Publicly
Traded Employer Securities
Revised Regulations Concerning Section
403(b) Tax-Sheltered Annuity
Contracts—TD 9340 (Final)
TD 9447 (Final) Automatic Contribution
NOT–2009–31—Election and Notice
Procedures for Multiemployer Plans
under Sections 204 and 205 of
Relief and Guidance on Corrections of
Certain Failures of a Nonqualified
Deferred Compensation Plan to
Comply with § 409A(a)
Suspension of Benefits Under the
Multiemployer Pension Reform Act of
2014; Administration of
Multiemployer Plan Participant Vote
REG–209823–96 (TD 8791)—Guidance
Regarding Charitable Remainder
Trusts and Special Valuation Rules
for Transfer of Interests in Trusts
DATES: Written comments should be
received on or before October 22, 2018
to be assured of consideration.
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 163 / Wednesday, August 22, 2018 / Notices
Direct all written comments
to Laurie Brimmer, Internal Revenue
Service, Room 6526, 1111 Constitution
Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20224.
Requests for additional information or
copies of the form and instructions
should be directed to Elaine Christophe,
at Internal Revenue Service, Room 6526,
1111 Constitution Avenue NW,
Washington, DC 20224, or through the
internet, at Elaine,H,
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1
Change in PRA Approval of Forms
Used by Tax-Exempt Organizations
Under the PRA, OMB assigns a
control number to each ‘‘collection of
information’’ that it reviews and
approves for use by an agency. A single
information collection may consist of
one or more forms, recordkeeping
requirements, and/or third-party
disclosure requirements. Under the PRA
and OMB regulations, agencies have the
discretion to seek separate OMB
approvals for forms, recordkeeping
requirements, and third-party reporting
requirements or to combine any number
of forms, recordkeeping requirements,
and/or third-party disclosure
requirements (usually related in subject
matter) under one OMB Control
Number. Agency decisions on whether
to group individual requirements under
a single OMB Control Number or to
disaggregate them and request separate
OMB Control Numbers are based largely
on considerations of administrative
The PRA also requires agencies to
estimate the burden for each collection
of information. Accordingly, each OMB
Control Number has an associated
burden estimate. The burden estimates
for each control number are displayed
in (1) the PRA notices that accompany
collections of information, (2) Federal
Register notices such as this one, and
(3) in OMB’s database of approved
information collections. If more than
one form, recordkeeping requirement,
and/or third-party disclosure
requirement is approved under a single
control number, then the burden
estimate for that control number reflects
the burden associated with all of the
approved forms, recordkeeping
requirements, and/or third-party
disclosure requirements.
As described below under the heading
‘‘Taxpayer Burden Model,’’ the IRS’s
Taxpayer Burden Model (TBM)
estimates of taxpayer burden are based
on taxpayer characteristics and
activities, taking into account, among
other things, the forms and schedules
used by these taxpayers and the
recordkeeping and other activities
needed to complete those forms. The
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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expansion of the TBM to calculate the
burden estimate for tax-exempt
organizations represents the third phase
of a long-term effort to improve the
ability of IRS to measure the burden
imposed on all groups of taxpayers by
the federal tax system. While the TBM
methodology provides a more accurate
and comprehensive estimate of taxexempt organization burden, it will not
provide burden estimates on a form-byform basis, as has been done under the
previous methodology. When the prior
model was developed in the mid-1980s,
almost all tax returns were prepared
manually, either by the taxpayer or a
paid provider. In this context, it was
determined that estimating burden on a
form-by-form basis was an appropriate
methodology. Today, over 90 percent of
all tax-exempt organization tax returns
are prepared using software or with
preparer assistance. In this
environment, a taxpayer-centric view of
the tax compliance burden is more
Currently, there are 58 forms used
primarily by tax-exempt organizations.
These include Forms 990, 990(BR), 990
EZ SCH B (BR), 990–EZ SCH L (LP),
990–EZ, 990–PF, 990–SCH B, 990–C,
990–EZ, 990–EZ (BR), 990–N, OR 990–
EZ (SCH A), 990–EZ (SCH C), 990–EZ
(SCH E), 990–EZ (SCH G), 990–EZ (SCH
L), 990–EZ (SCH N), 990–EZ (SCH N–
1), 990–EZ (SCH O), 990–EZ(SCH
O)(BR), 990–PF. 990–PF (BR), 990–SCH
A (BR), 990–SCH D, 990–SCH D (BR),
990–SCH F, 990–SCH F–1, 990–SCH H,
990–SCH I, 990–SCH I (BR), 990–SCH I–
1, 990–SCH J, 990–SCH J (BR), 990–SCH
J–1, 990–SCH J–2, 990–SCH K, 990–SCH
M, 990–SCH R, 990–SCH R (BR), 990–
SCH R–1, 990–T, 990–T SCH M 990–T
(BR), 990–W, 1023, 990- (BR), 990–I,
1024, 1028, 1028–BR, 5578, 5884 C,
8038, 8038 B, 8038 CP, 8030 G, 8038
GC, 8038 R, 8038 T 8038 TC, 8328 8718
8282 8453–E.O., 8453–X, 8868, 8868(BR), 8870 8871, 8872, 8879–E.O., 8886–
T, 8899 and their schedules and all the
forms tax-exempt organizations attach to
their tax returns (see the Appendix A to
this notice). For most of these forms, IRS
has in the past obtained separate OMB
approvals under unique OMB Control
Numbers and separate burden estimates.
The TBM estimates the aggregate
burden imposed on tax-exempt
organizations based upon their taxrelated characteristics and activities. IRS
therefore will seek OMB approval of all
58-tax-exempt organization-related tax
forms as a single ‘‘collection of
information.’’ The aggregate burden of
these tax forms will be accounted for
under OMB Control Number 1545–0047,
which is currently assigned to Form 990
and its schedules. OMB Control Number
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1545–0047 will be displayed on all taxexempt organization tax forms and other
information collections. As a result of
this change, burden estimates for taxexempt organizations will now be
displayed differently in PRA Notices on
tax forms and other information
collections, and in Federal Register
notices. This format for reporting
burden has been used for individual
taxpayers (OMB number 1545–0074)
since 2005 and for business taxpayers
(OMB number 1545–0123) since 2015.
Taxpayer Burden Model (TBM)
That Taxpayer Burden Model method
of burden estimation replaces the
Arthur D. Little (ADL) legacy burden
model developed in the mid-1980s.
Since the 1980s, improved technology
and modeling sophistication have
enabled the IRS to improve the burden
estimates. The TBM provides taxpayers
and the IRS with a more comprehensive
understanding of the current levels of
taxpayer burden. It reflects major
changes over the past three decades in
the way taxpayers prepare and file their
returns. The TBM also represents a
substantial step forward in the IRS’s
ability to assess likely impacts of
administrative and legislative changes
on tax compliance burden.
The TBM’s approach to estimating tax
compliance burden focuses on the
characteristics and activities of
taxpayers. Key determinants of tax
compliance burden in the model are the
type of entity, total assets, total receipts,
and activities reported on the tax return
(income, deductions, credits, etc.). In
contrast, the previous estimates
primarily focused on the length and
complexity of each tax form. The
changes between the ADL model
estimates and the TBM estimates are
due to the improved ability of the TBM
to estimate burden and the expanded
scope of what is included in the TBM.
The transition to the TBM burden
estimation methodology will create a
one-time change in the estimate of
burden levels that reflects the improved
estimation methodology of the TBM.
The differences in estimates between
the models do not reflect any change in
the actual burden experienced by
taxpayers. Comparisons should not be
made between these and the earlier
published estimates, because the models
measure burden in different ways.
Burden is defined as the time and outof-pocket costs incurred by taxpayers to
comply with the federal tax system. As
has been done for individual taxpayer
burden since 2005 and business entities
since 2015, both the time expended and
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 163 / Wednesday, August 22, 2018 / Notices
the out-of-pocket costs for tax-exempt
organization are estimated. The burden
estimation methodology used data
gathered from recent taxpayer burden
surveys that ask for the time and out-ofpocket costs that taxpayers spend on
pre-filing and filing activities. The
methodology establishes econometric
relationships between tax return
characteristics and reported compliance
costs. The methodology controls for the
substitution of time and money by
monetizing time and reporting total
compliance costs in dollars. This
methodology better reflects taxpayer
compliance burden, because in a world
of electronic tax preparation, time and
out-of-pocket costs are governed by the
information required rather than the
form on which it is ultimately reported.
Importantly, even where various taxexempt organizations complete the same
tax form lines, the TBM methodology
differentiates the cost incurred to
complete those forms based on
characteristics of those taxpayers filing
the forms. Key characteristics that serve
as coefficients in the TBM are:
• Form type
• Total assets
• Total receipts
• Return complexity
For more information about tax
compliance burden and the TBM, go to
the article ‘‘Tax Compliance Burden’’
posted on the IRS website at https://
Taxpayer Burden Estimates
The estimates are subject to change as
new forms and data become available.
Proposed PRA Submission to OMB
Title: Tax-Exempt Organization Tax
Compliance Burden.
OMB Number: 1545–0047.
Form Numbers: Forms 990, 990–EZ,
990–PF, 990–N, 990–T and all
attachments to these forms (see the
Appendix A to this notice).
Abstract: These forms are used by taxexempt organizations to report their taxcompliance-related activity. The data is
used to verify that the items reported on
the forms are correct, and also for
general statistics use.
Current Actions: The burden
estimation methodology for tax-exempt
organizations is being transitioned from
the legacy ADL model to the Taxpayer
Burden Model.
Type of Review: Revision of currently
approved collections.
Estimates Total Time (Hours):
Estimated Total Out-of-Pocket Costs:
Estimated Total Monetized Burden:
Affected Public: Tax Exempt
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Total Estimated Time: 50.5 million
Estimated Time per Respondent: 35.7
Total Estimated Out-of-Pocket Costs:
$1.30 billion.
Estimated Out-of-Pocket Cost per
Respondent: $918.
Total Estimated Monetized Burden:
$3.59 billion.
Estimated Total Monetized Burden
per Respondent: $2,543.
Note: Amounts below are for FY2018.
Reported time and cost burdens are national
averages and do not necessarily reflect a
‘‘typical’’ case. Most taxpayers experience
lower than average burden, with taxpayer
burden varying considerably by taxpayer
type. Detail may not add due to rounding.
Type of return
Form 990
Projections of the Number of Returns to
be Filed with IRS ................................
Estimates Average Total Time (Hours)
Estimated Average Total Out-of-Pocket
Costs ..................................................
Estimates Total Time (Hours) ................
Estimated Total Out-of-Pocket Costs ....
Form 990–EZ
Form 990–PF
Form 990–T
Form 990–N
Note: Totals may not add due to rounding.
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1
An agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information
unless the collection of information
displays a valid OMB Control Number.
Books or records relating to a
collection of information must be
retained as long as their contents may
become material in the administration
of any internal revenue law. Generally,
tax returns and tax return information
are confidential, as required by 26
U.S.C. 6103.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
Request for Comments
Comments submitted in response to
this notice will be summarized and/or
included in the request for OMB
approval. All comments will become a
matter of public record. Comments are
invited on: (a) Whether the collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
agency, including whether the
information will have practical utility;
(b) the accuracy of the agency’s estimate
of the burden of the collection of
information; (c) ways to enhance the
quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected; (d) ways to
minimize the burden of the collection of
information on respondents, including
through the use of automated collection
techniques or other forms of information
technology; and (e) estimates of capital
or start-up costs and costs of operation,
maintenance, and purchase of services
to provide information.
Approved: August 16, 2018.
Laurie Brimmer,
Senior Tax Analyst.
Appendix A
& 990 EZ SCH B (BR) .......
(BR) ....................................
990–EZ SCH L (LP) ...........
Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax ...............................................
Schedule of Contributors (Braille Version) ............................................................
Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax (Braille Version) ....................
Transactions with Interested Persons (Large Print Version) .................................
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Schedule of Contributors .......................................................................................
Farmer’s Cooperative Association Income Tax Return .........................................
Short Form Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax ............................
Short Form Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax (Braille Version)
Electronic Notice (e-Postcard) for Tax-Exempt Organizations Not Required to
File Form 990 or Form 990EZ.
Public Charity Status and Public Support .............................................................
Political Campaign and Lobbying Activities ...........................................................
Schools ..................................................................................................................
Supplemental Information Regarding Fundraising or Gaming Activities ...............
Transactions with Interested Persons ...................................................................
Liquidation, Termination, Dissolution or Significant Disposition of Assets ............
Continuation Sheet for Form 990 (or 990–EZ) Schedule N ..................................
Supplemental Information to Form 990 or 990–EZ ...............................................
Supplemental Information to Form 990 or 990–EZ (Braille Version) ....................
Return of Private Foundation or Section 4947(a)(1) Trust Treated as Private
Return of Private Foundation or Section 4947(a)(1) Nonexempt Charitable Trust
Treated as a Private Foundation (Braille Version).
Public Charity Status and Public Support(Braille Version) ....................................
Supplemental Financial Statements ......................................................................
Supplemental Financial Statements (Braille Version) ...........................................
Statement of Activities Outside the United States ................................................
Continuation Sheet for Schedule F (Form 990) ....................................................
Hospitals ................................................................................................................
Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments, and Individuals in
the United States.
Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments, and Individuals in
the U.S. (Braille Version).
Continuation Sheet for Schedule I .........................................................................
Compensation Information .....................................................................................
Compensation Information (Braille Version) ..........................................................
Continuation Sheet for Schedule J (Form 990) .....................................................
Continuation Sheet for Form 990 ..........................................................................
Supplemental Information on Tax-Exempt Bonds .................................................
Noncash Contributions ...........................................................................................
Related Organizations and Unrelated Partnerships ..............................................
Related Organizations and Unrelated Partnerships (Braille Version) ...................
Continuation Sheet for Schedule R .......................................................................
Exempt Organization Business Income Tax Return .............................................
Exempt Organization Business Income Tax Return (Braille Version) ..................
Estimated Tax on Unrelated Business Taxable Income for Tax-Exempt Organizations.
Application for Recognition of Exemption Under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Application for Recognition of Exemption Under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (Braille Version).
Application for Recognition of Exemption Under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (Interactive Version).
Application for Recognition of Exemption Under Section 501(a) or for Determination Under Section 120.
Application for Recognition of Exemption ..............................................................
Application for Recognition of Exemption (Braille Version) ...................................
Annual Certification of Racial Nondiscrimination for a Private School Exempt
From Federal Income Tax.
Credit Against Employment Tax for Tax-Exempt Employers Hiring Qualified
Tax-Exempt Organizations Hiring Qualified Veterans.
Information Return for Tax-Exempt Private Activity Bond Issues .........................
Information Return for Build America Bonds and Recovery Zone Economic Development Bonds.
Credit for Qualified Bonds Allowed to Issuer ........................................................
Information Return for Government Purpose Tax-Exempt Bond Issues ..............
Consolidated Information Return for Small Tax-Exempt Government Bond
Request for Recovery of Overpayment Under Arbitrage Rebate Provisions ........
Arbitrage Rebate and Penalty in Lieu of Arbitrage Rebate ...................................
Information Return for Tax Credit and Specified Tax Credit Bonds as the result
of the new Hire bill.
Donee Information return .......................................................................................
Exempt Organization Declaration & Signature for Electronic Filing ......................
Political Organization Declaration for Electronic Filing of Notice 527 Status .......
Application for Extension of Time To File an Exempt Organization Return .........
Application for Extension of Time To File an Exempt Organization Return
(Braille Version).
990–EZ, 990–PF SCH B ....
C .........................................
EZ .......................................
EZ (BR) ..............................
N .........................................
OR 990–EZ (SCH A) ..........
OR 990–EZ (SCH C) .........
OR 990–EZ (SCH E) ..........
OR 990–EZ (SCH G) .........
OR 990–EZ (SCH L) ..........
OR 990–EZ (SCH N) .........
OR 990–EZ (SCH N–1) .....
OR 990–EZ (SCH O) .........
OR 990–EZ(SCH O)(BR) ...
PF .......................................
990 .................
PF (BR) ..............................
A (BR) ........................
D ................................
D (BR) ........................
F ................................
F–1 ............................
H ................................
I ..................................
990 .................
SCH I (BR) .........................
SCH I–1 ..............................
SCH J .................................
SCH J (BR) ........................
SCH J–1 .............................
SCH J–2 .............................
SCH K ................................
SCH M ................................
SCH R ................................
SCH R (BR) ........................
SCH R–1 ............................
T .........................................
T (BR) .................................
W ........................................
1023 ...............
1023 ...............
(BR) ....................................
1023 ...............
I ..........................................
1024 ...............
1028 ...............
1028 ...............
5578 ...............
(BR) ....................................
5884 ...............
C .........................................
8038 ...............
8038 ...............
B .........................................
8038 ...............
8038 ...............
8038 ...............
CP ......................................
G .........................................
GC ......................................
8038 ...............
8038 ...............
8038 ...............
R .........................................
T .........................................
TC .......................................
EO ......................................
X .........................................
(BR) ....................................
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Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 163 / Wednesday, August 22, 2018 / Notices
EO ......................................
T .........................................
Information Return for Transfer Associations ........................................................
Political Organization Notice of Section 527 Status ..............................................
Political Organization Report of Contributions and Expenditures .........................
IRS e-file Signature Authorization for an Exempt Organization ............................
Disclosure by Tax-Exempt Entity Regarding Prohibited Tax Shelter Transaction
Notice of Income from Donated Intellectual Property ...........................................
Appendix B
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1
EE–111–80 (TD 8019—Final) Public Inspection of Exempt Organization Return .............................................................................
TD 8033 (TEMP) Tax Exempt Entity Leasing (REG–209274–85) .....................................................................................................
Revenue Procedure 98–19, Exceptions to the notice and reporting requirements of section 6033(e)(1) and the tax imposed by
section 6033(e)(2) ............................................................................................................................................................................
REG–246256–96 (Final TD 8978) Excise Taxes on Excess Benefit Transactions ............................................................................
T.D. 8861, Private Foundation Disclosure Rules ................................................................................................................................
Notice 2006–109—Interim Guidance Regarding Supporting Organizations and Donor Advised Funds ...........................................
Disclosure by taxable party to the tax-exempt entity ..........................................................................................................................
Reinstatement and Retroactive Reinstatement for Reasonable Cause (Rev. Proc. 2014–11) and Transitional Relief for Small Organizations (Notice 2011–43) under IRC § 6033(j) .........................................................................................................................
TD 8086—Election for $10 Million Limitation on Exempt Small Issues of Industrial Development Bonds; Supplemental Capital
Expenditure Statements (LR–185–84 Final) ....................................................................................................................................
Arbitrage Restrictions and Guidance on Issue Price Definition for Tax Exempt Bonds .....................................................................
TD 8712 (Final), Definition of Private Activity Bonds; TD 9741, General Allocation and Accounting Regulations Under Section
141; Remedial Actions for Tax-Exempt Bonds ................................................................................................................................
FI–28–96 (Final) Arbitrage Restrictions on Tax-Exempt Bonds .........................................................................................................
REG–121475–03 (TD 9495-Final) Qualified Zone Academy Bonds: Obligations of States and Political Subdivisions ....................
Notice 2009–26, Build America Bonds and Direct Payment Subsidy Implementation .......................................................................
Notice 2012–48: Tribal Economic Development Bonds ......................................................................................................................
TD 7925 7952—Indian Tribal Governments Treated As States For Certain Purposes .....................................................................
Revenue Procedure 97–15, Section 103—Remedial Payment Closing Agreement Program ...........................................................
EE–12–78 Non-Bank Trustees ............................................................................................................................................................
TD 9099—Disclosure of Relative Values of Optional Forms of Benefit .............................................................................................
EE–147–87 (Final) Qualified Separate Lines of Business ..................................................................................................................
TD 8619 (Final) (EE–43–92l) Direct Rollovers and 20-Percent Withholding Upon Eligible Rollover Distributions from Qualified
Plans ................................................................................................................................................................................................
PS–100–88 (TD8540) (Final) Valuation Tables ..................................................................................................................................
Revenue Procedure 2017–4 ................................................................................................................................................................
TD 8769 (Final)—(REG–107644–97) Permitted Elimination of Pre-retirement Optional Forms of Benefit .......................................
Notice 97–45, Highly Compensated Employee Definition ..................................................................................................................
Compensation Deferred Under Eligible Deferred Compensation Plans (TD 9075) ...........................................................................
TD 8816 (Final) Roth IRAs ..................................................................................................................................................................
REG–108639–99 (Final) Retirement Plans; Cash or Deferred Arrangements Under Section 401(k) and Matching Contributions
or Employee Contributions Under Section 401(m); TD 9169 ..........................................................................................................
Revenue Ruling 2000–35 Automatic Enrollment in Section 403(b) Plans .........................................................................................
Notice 2002–27—IRA Required Minimum Distribution Reporting ......................................................................................................
TD 9142 (Final), Deemed IRAs in Qualified Retirement Plans (REG–157302–02) ...........................................................................
REG–146459–05—TD 9324 (Final) Designated Roth Contributions Under Section 402A ................................................................
TD 9467 (REG–139236–07) and Notice 2014–53 ..............................................................................................................................
TD 9641—Suspension or Reduction of Safe Harbor Contributions (REG–115699–09) ....................................................................
Waiver of 60-Day Rollover Requirement .............................................................................................................................................
TD 7898—Employers Qualified Educational Assistance Programs ....................................................................................................
TD 8864 (Final); EE–63–88 (Final and temp regulations) Taxation of Fringe Benefits and Exclusions From Gross Income for
Certain Fringe Benefits; IA–140–86 (Temporary) Fringe Benefits ..................................................................................................
TD 8073 (Temporary Regulations)—Effective Dates and Other Issues Arising Under the Employee Benefit Provisions of the Tax
Reform Act of 1984 ..........................................................................................................................................................................
REG–209484–87 (TD 8814 final) Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) Taxation of Amounts Under Employee Benefit
Plans ................................................................................................................................................................................................
REG–164754–01 (FINAL) Split-Dollar Life Insurance Arrangements .................................................................................................
T.D. 9088, Compensatory Stock Options Under Section 482 ............................................................................................................
T.D. 9083—Golden Parachute Payments ...........................................................................................................................................
Revenue Procedure 2014–55, Election Procedures and Information Reporting with Respect to Interests in Certain Canadian
Retirement Plans ..............................................................................................................................................................................
Substitute Mortality Tables for Single Employer Defined Benefit Plans .............................................................................................
T.D. 8802—Certain Asset Transfers to a Tax-Exempt Entity .............................................................................................................
REG–113572–99 (TD 8933) Qualified Transportation Fringe Benefits ..............................................................................................
Revenue Procedure 2016—1, Rulings and determination letters—26 CFR 601–.201 ......................................................................
26 CFR 31.6001–1 Records in general; 26 CFR 31.6001–2 Additional Records under FICA; 26 CFR 31.6001–3, Additional
records under Railroad Retirement Tax Act; 26 CFR 31.6001–5 Additional records .....................................................................
IA–44–94 (Final) Deductibility, Substantiation, and Disclosure of Certain Charitable Contributions .................................................
Notice 2005–41, Guidance Regarding Qualified Intellectual Property Contributions .........................................................................
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Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 163 / Wednesday, August 22, 2018 / Notices
De Minimis Error Safe Harbor to the I.R.C. §§ 6721 and 6722 Penalties ..........................................................................................
Substantiation of Charitable Contributions—TD 8002 ........................................................................................................................
Qualified Conservation Contributions ..................................................................................................................................................
TD 7852—Registration Requirements with Respect to Debt Obligations (NPRM, LR–255–82) .......................................................
Notice 2007–70—Charitable Contributions of Certain Motor Vehicles, Boats, and Airplanes. Reporting requirements under Sec.
170(f)(12)(D) .....................................................................................................................................................................................
TD 8124—Time and Manner of Making Certain Elections Under the Tax Reform Act of 1986 ........................................................
EE–14–81 (NPRM) Deductions and Reductions in Earnings and Profits (or Accumulated Profits) With Respect to Certain Foreign Deferred Compensation Plans Maintained by Certain Foreign Corporations or .....................................................................
TD 9724—Summary of Benefits and Coverage Disclosures ..............................................................................................................
TD 7845—Inspection of Applications for Tax Exemption and Applications for Determination Letters for Pension and Other Plans
(Final) ...............................................................................................................................................................................................
REG–130477–00; REG–130481–00 (TD 8987 -Final), Required Distributions From Retirement Plans ...........................................
EE–175–86 (Final) Certain Cash or Deferred Arrangements and Employee and Matching Contributions under Employee Plans:
REG—108639–99 (NPRM) Retirement Plans; Cash or Deferred Arrangements ...........................................................................
Change in Minimum Funding Method (Rev. Proc. 2000–41) .............................................................................................................
REG–109481–99 (TD 9076—Final) Special Rules Under Section 417(a)(7) for Written Explanations Provided by Qualified Retirement Plans After Annuity Starting Dates ....................................................................................................................................
TD 9472 (Final)—Notice Requirements for Certain Pension Plan Amendments Significantly Reducing the Rate of Future Benefit
Accrual .............................................................................................................................................................................................
T.D. 9079—Ten or More Employer Plan Compliance Information .....................................................................................................
Waivers of Minimum Funding Standards—Revenue Procedure 2004–15 .........................................................................................
Election of Alternative Deficit Reduction Contribution and Plan Amendments ...................................................................................
Revenue Procedure 2010–52, Extension of the Amortization Period for Plan Sponsor of a Multiemployer Pension Plan ..............
Designated Roth Contributions to Cash or Deferred Arrangements Under Section 401(k) ...............................................................
Notice 2005–40, Election to Defer Net Experience Loss in a Multiemployer Plan ............................................................................
Notice 2006–107—Diversification Requirements for Qualified Defined Contribution Plans Holding Publicly Traded Employer Securities ..............................................................................................................................................................................................
Revised Regulations Concerning Section 403(b) Tax-Sheltered Annuity Contracts—TD 9340 (Final) .............................................
TD 9447 (Final) Automatic Contribution Arrangements. .....................................................................................................................
NOT–2009–31—Election and Notice Procedures for Multiemployer Plans under Sections 204 and 205 of WRERA ......................
Relief and Guidance on Corrections of Certain Failures of a Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plan to Comply with
§ 409A(a) ..........................................................................................................................................................................................
Suspension of Benefits Under the Multiemployer Pension Reform Act of 2014; Administration of Multiemployer Plan Participant
Vote ..................................................................................................................................................................................................
REG–209823–96 (TD 8791)—Guidance Regarding Charitable Remainder Trusts and Special Valuation Rules for Transfer of Interests in Trusts ...............................................................................................................................................................................
[FR Doc. 2018–18135 Filed 8–21–18; 8:45 am]
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[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 163 (Wednesday, August 22, 2018)]
[Pages 42559-42565]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2018-18135]
Internal Revenue Service
Proposed Collection; Comment Request for Forms 990, 990 EZ SCH B
(BR), (BR), 990-EZ SCH L (LP), 990-EZ, 990-PF, 990-SCH B, 990-C, 990-
EZ, 990-EZ (BR), 990-N, OR 990-EZ (SCH A), 990-EZ (SCH C), 990-EZ (SCH
E), 990-EZ (SCH G), 990-EZ (SCH L), 990-EZ (SCH N), 990-EZ (SCH N-1),
990-EZ (SCH O), 990-EZ(SCH O)(BR), 990-PF. 990-PF (BR), 990-SCH A (BR),
990-SCH D, 990-SCH D (BR), 990-SCH F, 990-SCH F-1, 990-SCH H, 990-SCH
I, 990-SCH I (BR), 990-SCH I-1, 990-SCH J, 990-SCH J (BR), 990-SCH J-1,
990-SCH J-2, 990-SCH K, 990-SCH M, 990-SCH R, 990-SCH R (BR), 990-SCH
R-1, 990-T, 990-T SCH M, 990-T (BR), 990-W, 1023, 990-(BR), 990-I,
1024, 1028, 1028-BR, 5578, 5884 C, 8038, 8038 B, 8038 CP, 8030 G, 8038
GC, 8038 R, 8038 T 8038 TC, 8328, 8718, 8282, 8453-E.O., 8453-X, 8868,
8868-(BR), 8870, 8871, 8872, 8879-E.O., 8886-T, 8899
AGENCY: Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Treasury.
ACTION: Notice and request for comments.
The Internal Revenue Service, as part of its continuing effort to
reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and
other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on proposed
and continuing information collections, as required by the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA). This notice requests comments on all forms
used by tax-exempt organizations:
990, 990(BR), 990 EZ SCH B (BR), 990-EZ SCH L (LP), 990-
EZ, 990-PF, 990-SCH B, 990-C, 990-EZ, 990-EZ (BR), 990-N, OR 990-EZ
(SCH A), 990-EZ (SCH C), 990-EZ (SCH E), 990-EZ (SCH G), 990-EZ (SCH
L), 990-EZ (SCH N), 990-EZ (SCH N-1), 990-EZ (SCH O), 990-EZ(SCH
O)(BR), 990-PF. 990-PF (BR), 990-SCH A (BR), 990-SCH D, 990-SCH D (BR),
990-SCH F, 990-SCH F-1, 990-SCH H, 990-SCH I, 990-SCH I (BR), 990-SCH
I-1, 990-SCH J, 990-SCH J (BR), 990-SCH J-1, 990-SCH J-2, 990-SCH K,
990-SCH M, 990-SCH R, 990-SCH R (BR), 990-SCH R-1, 990-T, 990-T SCH M,
990-T (BR), 990-W, 1023, 990-(BR), 990-I, 1024, 1028, 1028-BR, 5578,
5884 C, 8038, 8038 B, 8038 CP, 8030 G, 8038 GC, 8038 R, 8038 T, 8038
TC, 8282, 8328, 8453-E.O., 8453-X, 8718, 8868, 8868-(BR), 8870, 8871,
8872, 8879-E.O., 8886-T, 8899 and all attachments to these forms (see
the Appendix A to this notice). With this notice, the IRS is also
announcing significant changes to (1) the manner in which tax forms
used by tax-exempt organizations will be approved under the PRA and (2)
its method of estimating the paperwork burden imposed on all tax-exempt
Related Internal Revenue Service and The Department of Treasury
EE-111-80 (TD 8019--Final) Public Inspection of Exempt Organization
TD 8033 (TEMP) Tax Exempt Entity Leasing (REG-209274-85)
Revenue Procedure 98-19, Exceptions to the notice and reporting
requirements of section 6033(e)(1) and the tax imposed by section
REG-246256-96 (Final TD 8978) Excise Taxes on Excess Benefit
T.D. 8861, Private Foundation Disclosure Rules
Notice 2006-109--Interim Guidance Regarding Supporting Organizations
and Donor Advised Funds
Disclosure by taxable party to the tax-exempt entity
Reinstatement and Retroactive Reinstatement for Reasonable Cause (Rev.
Proc. 2014-11) and Transitional Relief for Small Organizations (Notice
2011-43) under IRC Sec. 6033(j)
TD 8086--Election for $10 Million Limitation on Exempt Small Issues of
Industrial Development Bonds; Supplemental Capital Expenditure
Statements (LR-185-84 Final)
Arbitrage Restrictions and Guidance on Issue Price Definition for Tax
Exempt Bonds
[[Page 42560]]
TD 8712 (Final), Definition of Private Activity Bonds; TD 9741, General
Allocation and Accounting Regulations Under Section 141; Remedial
Actions for Tax-Exempt Bonds
FI-28-96 (Final) Arbitrage Restrictions on Tax-Exempt Bonds
REG-121475-03 (TD 9495--Final) Qualified Zone Academy Bonds:
Obligations of States and Political Subdivisions
Notice 2009-26, Build America Bonds and Direct Payment Subsidy
Notice 2012-48: Tribal Economic Development Bonds
TD 7925 7952--Indian Tribal Governments Treated As States For Certain
Revenue Procedure 97-15, Section 103--Remedial Payment Closing
Agreement Program
EE-12-78 Non-Bank Trustees
TD 9099--Disclosure of Relative Values of Optional Forms of Benefit
EE-147-87 (Final) Qualified Separate Lines of Business
TD 8619 (Final) (EE-43-92l) Direct Rollovers and 20-Percent Withholding
Upon Eligible Rollover Distributions from Qualified Plans
PS-100-88(TD8540) (Final) Valuation Tables
Revenue Procedure 2017-4
TD 8769 (Final)--(REG-107644-97) Permitted Elimination of Pre-
retirement Optional Forms of Benefit
Notice 97-45, Highly Compensated Employee Definition
Compensation Deferred Under Eligible Deferred Compensation Plans (TD
TD 8816 (Final) Roth IRAs
REG-108639-99 (Final) Retirement Plans; Cash or Deferred Arrangements
Under Section 401(k) and Matching Contributions or Employee
Contributions Under Section 401(m); TD 9169
Revenue Ruling 2000-35 Automatic Enrollment in Section 403(b) Plans
Notice 2002-27--IRA Required Minimum Distribution Reporting
TD 9142 (Final), Deemed IRAs in Qualified Retirement Plans (REG-157302-
REG-146459-05--TD 9324 (Final) Designated Roth Contributions Under
Section 402A
TD 9467 (REG-139236-07) and Notice 2014-53
TD 9641--Suspension or Reduction of Safe Harbor Contributions (REG-
115699-09) Waiver of 60-Day Rollover Requirement
TD 7898--Employers Qualified Educational Assistance Programs
TD 8864 (Final); EE-63-88 (Final and temp regulations) Taxation of
Fringe Benefits and Exclusions From Gross Income for Certain Fringe
Benefits; IA-140-86 (Temporary) Fringe Benefits
TD 8073 (Temporary Regulations)--Effective Dates and Other Issues
Arising Under the Employee Benefit Provisions of the Tax Reform Act of
REG-209484-87 (TD 8814 final) Federal Insurance Contributions Act
(FICA) Taxation of Amounts Under Employee Benefit Plans.
REG-164754-01 (FINAL) Split-Dollar Life Insurance Arrangements.
T.D. 9088, Compensatory Stock Options Under Section 482.
T.D. 9083--Golden Parachute Payments.
Revenue Procedure 2014-55, Election Procedures and Information
Reporting with Respect to Interests in Certain Canadian Retirement
Substitute Mortality Tables for Single Employer Defined Benefit Plans
T.D. 8802--Certain Asset Transfers to a Tax-Exempt Entity
REG-113572-99 (TD 8933) Qualified Transportation Fringe Benefits
Revenue Procedure 2016-1, Rulings and determination letters--26 CFR
26 CFR 31.6001-1 Records in general; 26 CFR 31.6001-2 Additional
Records under FICA; 26 CFR 31.6001-3, Additional records under Railroad
Retirement Tax Act; 26 CFR 31.6001-5 Additional records
IA-44-94 (Final) Deductibility, Substantiation, and Disclosure of
Certain Charitable Contributions
Notice 2005-41, Guidance Regarding Qualified Intellectual Property
De Minimis Error Safe Harbor to the I.R.C. Sec. Sec. 6721 and 6722
Substantiation of Charitable Contributions--TD 8002
Qualified Conservation Contributions
TD 7852--Registration Requirements with Respect to Debt Obligations
(NPRM, LR-255-82)
Notice 2007-70--Charitable Contributions of Certain Motor Vehicles,
Boats, and Airplanes. Reporting requirements under Sec. 170(f)(12)(D)
TD 8124--Time and Manner of Making Certain Elections Under the Tax
Reform Act of 1986
EE-14-81 (NPRM) Deductions and Reductions in Earnings and Profits (or
Accumulated Profits) With Respect to Certain Foreign Deferred
Compensation Plans Maintained by Certain Foreign Corporations or
TD 9724--Summary of Benefits and Coverage Disclosures
TD 7845--Inspection of Applications for Tax Exemption and Applications
for Determination Letters for Pension and Other Plans (Final)
REG-130477-00; REG-130481-00 (TD 8987--Final), Required Distributions
From Retirement Plans
EE-175-86 (Final) Certain Cash or Deferred Arrangements and Employee
and Matching Contributions under Employee Plans: REG-108639-99 (NPRM)
Retirement Plans; Cash or Deferred Arrangements
Change in Minimum Funding Method (Rev. Proc. 2000-41)
REG-109481-99 (TD 9076--Final) Special Rules Under Section 417(a)(7)
for Written Explanations Provided by Qualified Retirement Plans After
Annuity Starting Dates
TD 9472 (Final)--Notice Requirements for Certain Pension Plan
Amendments Significantly Reducing the Rate of Future Benefit Accrual
T.D. 9079--Ten or More Employer Plan Compliance Information
Waivers of Minimum Funding Standards--Revenue Procedure 2004-15
Election of Alternative Deficit Reduction Contribution and Plan
Revenue Procedure 2010-52, Extension of the Amortization Period for
Plan Sponsor of a Multiemployer Pension Plan
Designated Roth Contributions to Cash or Deferred Arrangements Under
Section 401(k)
Notice 2005-40, Election to Defer Net Experience Loss in a
Multiemployer Plan
Notice 2006-107--Diversification Requirements for Qualified Defined
Contribution Plans Holding Publicly Traded Employer Securities
Revised Regulations Concerning Section 403(b) Tax-Sheltered Annuity
Contracts--TD 9340 (Final)
TD 9447 (Final) Automatic Contribution Arrangements.
NOT-2009-31--Election and Notice Procedures for Multiemployer Plans
under Sections 204 and 205 of WRERA
Relief and Guidance on Corrections of Certain Failures of a
Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plan to Comply with Sec. 409A(a)
Suspension of Benefits Under the Multiemployer Pension Reform Act of
2014; Administration of Multiemployer Plan Participant Vote
REG-209823-96 (TD 8791)--Guidance Regarding Charitable Remainder Trusts
and Special Valuation Rules for Transfer of Interests in Trusts
DATES: Written comments should be received on or before October 22,
2018 to be assured of consideration.
[[Page 42561]]
ADDRESSES: Direct all written comments to Laurie Brimmer, Internal
Revenue Service, Room 6526, 1111 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC
Requests for additional information or copies of the form and
instructions should be directed to Elaine Christophe, at Internal
Revenue Service, Room 6526, 1111 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC
20224, or through the internet, at Elaine,H,[email protected].
Change in PRA Approval of Forms Used by Tax-Exempt Organizations
Under the PRA, OMB assigns a control number to each ``collection of
information'' that it reviews and approves for use by an agency. A
single information collection may consist of one or more forms,
recordkeeping requirements, and/or third-party disclosure requirements.
Under the PRA and OMB regulations, agencies have the discretion to seek
separate OMB approvals for forms, recordkeeping requirements, and
third-party reporting requirements or to combine any number of forms,
recordkeeping requirements, and/or third-party disclosure requirements
(usually related in subject matter) under one OMB Control Number.
Agency decisions on whether to group individual requirements under a
single OMB Control Number or to disaggregate them and request separate
OMB Control Numbers are based largely on considerations of
administrative practicality.
The PRA also requires agencies to estimate the burden for each
collection of information. Accordingly, each OMB Control Number has an
associated burden estimate. The burden estimates for each control
number are displayed in (1) the PRA notices that accompany collections
of information, (2) Federal Register notices such as this one, and (3)
in OMB's database of approved information collections. If more than one
form, recordkeeping requirement, and/or third-party disclosure
requirement is approved under a single control number, then the burden
estimate for that control number reflects the burden associated with
all of the approved forms, recordkeeping requirements, and/or third-
party disclosure requirements.
As described below under the heading ``Taxpayer Burden Model,'' the
IRS's Taxpayer Burden Model (TBM) estimates of taxpayer burden are
based on taxpayer characteristics and activities, taking into account,
among other things, the forms and schedules used by these taxpayers and
the recordkeeping and other activities needed to complete those forms.
The expansion of the TBM to calculate the burden estimate for tax-
exempt organizations represents the third phase of a long-term effort
to improve the ability of IRS to measure the burden imposed on all
groups of taxpayers by the federal tax system. While the TBM
methodology provides a more accurate and comprehensive estimate of tax-
exempt organization burden, it will not provide burden estimates on a
form-by-form basis, as has been done under the previous methodology.
When the prior model was developed in the mid-1980s, almost all tax
returns were prepared manually, either by the taxpayer or a paid
provider. In this context, it was determined that estimating burden on
a form-by-form basis was an appropriate methodology. Today, over 90
percent of all tax-exempt organization tax returns are prepared using
software or with preparer assistance. In this environment, a taxpayer-
centric view of the tax compliance burden is more relevant.
Currently, there are 58 forms used primarily by tax-exempt
organizations. These include Forms 990, 990(BR), 990 EZ SCH B (BR),
990-EZ SCH L (LP), 990-EZ, 990-PF, 990-SCH B, 990-C, 990-EZ, 990-EZ
(BR), 990-N, OR 990-EZ (SCH A), 990-EZ (SCH C), 990-EZ (SCH E), 990-EZ
(SCH G), 990-EZ (SCH L), 990-EZ (SCH N), 990-EZ (SCH N-1), 990-EZ (SCH
O), 990-EZ(SCH O)(BR), 990-PF. 990-PF (BR), 990-SCH A (BR), 990-SCH D,
990-SCH D (BR), 990-SCH F, 990-SCH F-1, 990-SCH H, 990-SCH I, 990-SCH I
(BR), 990-SCH I-1, 990-SCH J, 990-SCH J (BR), 990-SCH J-1, 990-SCH J-2,
990-SCH K, 990-SCH M, 990-SCH R, 990-SCH R (BR), 990-SCH R-1, 990-T,
990-T SCH M 990-T (BR), 990-W, 1023, 990- (BR), 990-I, 1024, 1028,
1028-BR, 5578, 5884 C, 8038, 8038 B, 8038 CP, 8030 G, 8038 GC, 8038 R,
8038 T 8038 TC, 8328 8718 8282 8453-E.O., 8453-X, 8868, 8868-(BR), 8870
8871, 8872, 8879-E.O., 8886-T, 8899 and their schedules and all the
forms tax-exempt organizations attach to their tax returns (see the
Appendix A to this notice). For most of these forms, IRS has in the
past obtained separate OMB approvals under unique OMB Control Numbers
and separate burden estimates.
The TBM estimates the aggregate burden imposed on tax-exempt
organizations based upon their tax-related characteristics and
activities. IRS therefore will seek OMB approval of all 58-tax-exempt
organization-related tax forms as a single ``collection of
information.'' The aggregate burden of these tax forms will be
accounted for under OMB Control Number 1545-0047, which is currently
assigned to Form 990 and its schedules. OMB Control Number 1545-0047
will be displayed on all tax-exempt organization tax forms and other
information collections. As a result of this change, burden estimates
for tax-exempt organizations will now be displayed differently in PRA
Notices on tax forms and other information collections, and in Federal
Register notices. This format for reporting burden has been used for
individual taxpayers (OMB number 1545-0074) since 2005 and for business
taxpayers (OMB number 1545-0123) since 2015.
Taxpayer Burden Model (TBM)
That Taxpayer Burden Model method of burden estimation replaces the
Arthur D. Little (ADL) legacy burden model developed in the mid-1980s.
Since the 1980s, improved technology and modeling sophistication have
enabled the IRS to improve the burden estimates. The TBM provides
taxpayers and the IRS with a more comprehensive understanding of the
current levels of taxpayer burden. It reflects major changes over the
past three decades in the way taxpayers prepare and file their returns.
The TBM also represents a substantial step forward in the IRS's ability
to assess likely impacts of administrative and legislative changes on
tax compliance burden.
The TBM's approach to estimating tax compliance burden focuses on
the characteristics and activities of taxpayers. Key determinants of
tax compliance burden in the model are the type of entity, total
assets, total receipts, and activities reported on the tax return
(income, deductions, credits, etc.). In contrast, the previous
estimates primarily focused on the length and complexity of each tax
form. The changes between the ADL model estimates and the TBM estimates
are due to the improved ability of the TBM to estimate burden and the
expanded scope of what is included in the TBM. The transition to the
TBM burden estimation methodology will create a one-time change in the
estimate of burden levels that reflects the improved estimation
methodology of the TBM. The differences in estimates between the models
do not reflect any change in the actual burden experienced by
taxpayers. Comparisons should not be made between these and the earlier
published estimates, because the models measure burden in different
Burden is defined as the time and out-of-pocket costs incurred by
taxpayers to comply with the federal tax system. As has been done for
individual taxpayer burden since 2005 and business entities since 2015,
both the time expended and
[[Page 42562]]
the out-of-pocket costs for tax-exempt organization are estimated. The
burden estimation methodology used data gathered from recent taxpayer
burden surveys that ask for the time and out-of-pocket costs that
taxpayers spend on pre-filing and filing activities. The methodology
establishes econometric relationships between tax return
characteristics and reported compliance costs. The methodology controls
for the substitution of time and money by monetizing time and reporting
total compliance costs in dollars. This methodology better reflects
taxpayer compliance burden, because in a world of electronic tax
preparation, time and out-of-pocket costs are governed by the
information required rather than the form on which it is ultimately
reported. Importantly, even where various tax-exempt organizations
complete the same tax form lines, the TBM methodology differentiates
the cost incurred to complete those forms based on characteristics of
those taxpayers filing the forms. Key characteristics that serve as
coefficients in the TBM are:
Form type
Total assets
Total receipts
Return complexity
For more information about tax compliance burden and the TBM, go to
the article ``Tax Compliance Burden'' posted on the IRS website at
Taxpayer Burden Estimates
The estimates are subject to change as new forms and data become
Proposed PRA Submission to OMB
Title: Tax-Exempt Organization Tax Compliance Burden.
OMB Number: 1545-0047.
Form Numbers: Forms 990, 990-EZ, 990-PF, 990-N, 990-T and all
attachments to these forms (see the Appendix A to this notice).
Abstract: These forms are used by tax-exempt organizations to
report their tax-compliance-related activity. The data is used to
verify that the items reported on the forms are correct, and also for
general statistics use.
Current Actions: The burden estimation methodology for tax-exempt
organizations is being transitioned from the legacy ADL model to the
Taxpayer Burden Model.
Type of Review: Revision of currently approved collections.
Estimates Total Time (Hours): 50,450,000.
Estimated Total Out-of-Pocket Costs: $1,297,300,000.
Estimated Total Monetized Burden: $3,594,400,000.
Affected Public: Tax Exempt Organizations.
Estimated Number of Respondents: 1,413,200.
Total Estimated Time: 50.5 million hours.
Estimated Time per Respondent: 35.7 hours.
Total Estimated Out-of-Pocket Costs: $1.30 billion.
Estimated Out-of-Pocket Cost per Respondent: $918.
Total Estimated Monetized Burden: $3.59 billion.
Estimated Total Monetized Burden per Respondent: $2,543.
Note: Amounts below are for FY2018. Reported time and cost
burdens are national averages and do not necessarily reflect a
``typical'' case. Most taxpayers experience lower than average
burden, with taxpayer burden varying considerably by taxpayer type.
Detail may not add due to rounding.
Table 1--Fiscal Year 2018 Form 990 Series Tax Compliance Cost Estimates
Type of return
Form 990 Form 990-EZ Form 990-PF Form 990-T Form 990-N
Projections of the Number of Returns to be Filed with IRS 322,900 252,900 113,100 124,500 599,800
Estimates Average Total Time (Hours)..................... 85 45 47 40 2
Estimated Average Total Out-of-Pocket Costs.............. $2,400 $500 $1,800 $1,300 $10
Estimates Total Time (Hours)............................. 27,370,000 11,440,000 5,280,000 5,040,000 1,320,000
Estimated Total Out-of-Pocket Costs...................... $787,700,000 $128,000,000 $208,500,000 $167,600,000 $5,500,000
Note: Totals may not add due to rounding.
An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required
to respond to, a collection of information unless the collection of
information displays a valid OMB Control Number.
Books or records relating to a collection of information must be
retained as long as their contents may become material in the
administration of any internal revenue law. Generally, tax returns and
tax return information are confidential, as required by 26 U.S.C. 6103.
Request for Comments
Comments submitted in response to this notice will be summarized
and/or included in the request for OMB approval. All comments will
become a matter of public record. Comments are invited on: (a) Whether
the collection of information is necessary for the proper performance
of the functions of the agency, including whether the information will
have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the agency's estimate of
the burden of the collection of information; (c) ways to enhance the
quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; (d)
ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on
respondents, including through the use of automated collection
techniques or other forms of information technology; and (e) estimates
of capital or start-up costs and costs of operation, maintenance, and
purchase of services to provide information.
Approved: August 16, 2018.
Laurie Brimmer,
Senior Tax Analyst.
Appendix A
No. Title Description OMB No.
990...................... ........................................ Return of Organization 1545-0047
Exempt From Income Tax.
990...................... & 990 EZ SCH B (BR)..................... Schedule of Contributors 1545-0047
(Braille Version).
990...................... (BR).................................... Return of Organization 1545-0047
Exempt From Income Tax
(Braille Version).
990...................... 990-EZ SCH L (LP)....................... Transactions with 1545-0047
Interested Persons (Large
Print Version).
[[Page 42563]]
990...................... 990-EZ, 990-PF SCH B.................... Schedule of Contributors... 1545-0047
990...................... C....................................... Farmer's Cooperative 1545-0051
Association Income Tax
990...................... EZ...................................... Short Form Return of 1545-1150
Organization Exempt From
Income Tax.
990...................... EZ (BR)................................. Short Form Return of 1545-1150
Organization Exempt From
Income Tax (Braille
990...................... N....................................... Electronic Notice (e- 1545-2085
Postcard) for Tax-Exempt
Organizations Not Required
to File Form 990 or Form
990...................... OR 990-EZ (SCH A)....................... Public Charity Status and 1545-0047
Public Support.
990...................... OR 990-EZ (SCH C)....................... Political Campaign and 1545-0047
Lobbying Activities.
990...................... OR 990-EZ (SCH E)....................... Schools.................... 1545-0047
990...................... OR 990-EZ (SCH G)....................... Supplemental Information 1545-0047
Regarding Fundraising or
Gaming Activities.
990...................... OR 990-EZ (SCH L)....................... Transactions with 1545-0047
Interested Persons.
990...................... OR 990-EZ (SCH N)....................... Liquidation, Termination, 1545-0047
Dissolution or Significant
Disposition of Assets.
990...................... OR 990-EZ (SCH N-1)..................... Continuation Sheet for Form 1545-0047
990 (or 990-EZ) Schedule N.
990...................... OR 990-EZ (SCH O)....................... Supplemental Information to 1545-0047
Form 990 or 990-EZ.
990...................... OR 990-EZ(SCH O)(BR).................... Supplemental Information to 1545-0047
Form 990 or 990-EZ
(Braille Version).
990...................... PF...................................... Return of Private 1545-0052
Foundation or Section
4947(a)(1) Trust Treated
as Private Foundation.
990...................... PF (BR)................................. Return of Private 1545-0047
Foundation or Section
4947(a)(1) Nonexempt
Charitable Trust Treated
as a Private Foundation
(Braille Version).
990...................... SCH A (BR).............................. Public Charity Status and 1545-0047
Public Support(Braille
990...................... SCH D................................... Supplemental Financial 1545-0047
990...................... SCH D (BR).............................. Supplemental Financial 1545-0047
Statements (Braille
990...................... SCH F................................... Statement of Activities 1545-0047
Outside the United States.
990...................... SCH F-1................................. Continuation Sheet for 1545-0047
Schedule F (Form 990).
990...................... SCH H................................... Hospitals.................. 1545-0047
990...................... SCH I................................... Grants and Other Assistance 1545-0047
to Organizations,
Governments, and
Individuals in the United
990...................... SCH I (BR).............................. Grants and Other Assistance 1545-0047
to Organizations,
Governments, and
Individuals in the U.S.
(Braille Version).
990...................... SCH I-1................................. Continuation Sheet for 1545-0047
Schedule I.
990...................... SCH J................................... Compensation Information... 1545-0047
990...................... SCH J (BR).............................. Compensation Information 1545-0047
(Braille Version).
990...................... SCH J-1................................. Continuation Sheet for 1545-0047
Schedule J (Form 990).
990...................... SCH J-2................................. Continuation Sheet for Form 1545-0047
990...................... SCH K................................... Supplemental Information on 1545-0047
Tax-Exempt Bonds.
990...................... SCH M................................... Noncash Contributions...... 1545-0047
990...................... SCH R................................... Related Organizations and 1545-0047
Unrelated Partnerships.
990...................... SCH R (BR).............................. Related Organizations and 1545-0047
Unrelated Partnerships
(Braille Version).
990...................... SCH R-1................................. Continuation Sheet for 1545-0047
Schedule R.
990...................... T....................................... Exempt Organization 1545-0687
Business Income Tax Return.
990...................... T (BR).................................. Exempt Organization 1545-0687
Business Income Tax Return
(Braille Version).
990...................... W....................................... Estimated Tax on Unrelated 1545-0976
Business Taxable Income
for Tax-Exempt
1023..................... ........................................ Application for Recognition 1545-0056
of Exemption Under Section
501(c)(3) of the Internal
Revenue Code.
1023..................... (BR).................................... Application for Recognition 1545-0056
of Exemption Under Section
501(c)(3) of the Internal
Revenue Code (Braille
1023..................... I....................................... Application for Recognition 1545-0056
of Exemption Under Section
501(c)(3) of the Internal
Revenue Code (Interactive
1024..................... ........................................ Application for Recognition 1545-0057
of Exemption Under Section
501(a) or for
Determination Under
Section 120.
1028..................... ........................................ Application for Recognition 1545-0058
of Exemption.
1028..................... (BR).................................... Application for Recognition 1545-0058
of Exemption (Braille
5578..................... ........................................ Annual Certification of 1545-0213
Racial Nondiscrimination
for a Private School
Exempt From Federal Income
5884..................... C....................................... Credit Against Employment 1545-2226
Tax for Tax-Exempt
Employers Hiring Qualified
Tax-Exempt Organizations
Hiring Qualified Veterans.
8038..................... ........................................ Information Return for Tax- 1545-0720
Exempt Private Activity
Bond Issues.
8038..................... B....................................... Information Return for 1545-2161
Build America Bonds and
Recovery Zone Economic
Development Bonds.
8038..................... CP...................................... Credit for Qualified Bonds 1545-2161
Allowed to Issuer.
8038..................... G....................................... Information Return for 1545-0720
Government Purpose Tax-
Exempt Bond Issues.
8038..................... GC...................................... Consolidated Information 1545-0720
Return for Small Tax-
Exempt Government Bond
8038..................... R....................................... Request for Recovery of 1545-1750
Overpayment Under
Arbitrage Rebate
8038..................... T....................................... Arbitrage Rebate and 1545-1219
Penalty in Lieu of
Arbitrage Rebate.
8038..................... TC...................................... Information Return for Tax 1545-2160
Credit and Specified Tax
Credit Bonds as the result
of the new Hire bill.
8282..................... ........................................ Donee Information return... 1545-0908
8453..................... EO...................................... Exempt Organization 1545-1879
Declaration & Signature
for Electronic Filing.
8453..................... X....................................... Political Organization 1545-1693
Declaration for Electronic
Filing of Notice 527
8868..................... ........................................ Application for Extension 1545-1709
of Time To File an Exempt
Organization Return.
8868..................... (BR).................................... Application for Extension 1545-1709
of Time To File an Exempt
Organization Return
(Braille Version).
[[Page 42564]]
8870..................... ........................................ Information Return for 1545-1702
Transfer Associations.
8871..................... ........................................ Political Organization 1545-1693
Notice of Section 527
8872..................... ........................................ Political Organization 1545-1696
Report of Contributions
and Expenditures.
8879..................... EO...................................... IRS e-file Signature 1545-1878
Authorization for an
Exempt Organization.
8886..................... T....................................... Disclosure by Tax-Exempt 1545-2078
Entity Regarding
Prohibited Tax Shelter
8899..................... ........................................ Notice of Income from 1545-1962
Donated Intellectual
Appendix B
Title/description OMB No.
EE-111-80 (TD 8019--Final) Public Inspection of Exempt 1545-0742
Organization Return....................................
TD 8033 (TEMP) Tax Exempt Entity Leasing (REG-209274-85) 1545-0923
Revenue Procedure 98-19, Exceptions to the notice and 1545-1589
reporting requirements of section 6033(e)(1) and the
tax imposed by section 6033(e)(2)......................
REG-246256-96 (Final TD 8978) Excise Taxes on Excess 1545-1623
Benefit Transactions...................................
T.D. 8861, Private Foundation Disclosure Rules.......... 1545-1655
Notice 2006-109--Interim Guidance Regarding Supporting 1545-2050
Organizations and Donor Advised Funds..................
Disclosure by taxable party to the tax-exempt entity.... 1545-2079
Reinstatement and Retroactive Reinstatement for 1545-2206
Reasonable Cause (Rev. Proc. 2014-11) and Transitional
Relief for Small Organizations (Notice 2011-43) under
IRC Sec. 6033(j).....................................
TD 8086--Election for $10 Million Limitation on Exempt 1545-0940
Small Issues of Industrial Development Bonds;
Supplemental Capital Expenditure Statements (LR-185-84
Arbitrage Restrictions and Guidance on Issue Price 1545-1347
Definition for Tax Exempt Bonds........................
TD 8712 (Final), Definition of Private Activity Bonds; 1545-1451
TD 9741, General Allocation and Accounting Regulations
Under Section 141; Remedial Actions for Tax-Exempt
FI-28-96 (Final) Arbitrage Restrictions on Tax-Exempt 1545-1490
REG-121475-03 (TD 9495-Final) Qualified Zone Academy 1545-1908
Bonds: Obligations of States and Political Subdivisions
Notice 2009-26, Build America Bonds and Direct Payment 1545-2143
Subsidy Implementation.................................
Notice 2012-48: Tribal Economic Development Bonds....... 1545-2233
TD 7925 7952--Indian Tribal Governments Treated As 1545-0823
States For Certain Purposes............................
Revenue Procedure 97-15, Section 103--Remedial Payment 1545-1528
Closing Agreement Program..............................
EE-12-78 Non-Bank Trustees.............................. 1545-0806
TD 9099--Disclosure of Relative Values of Optional Forms 1545-0928
of Benefit.............................................
EE-147-87 (Final) Qualified Separate Lines of Business.. 1545-1221
TD 8619 (Final) (EE-43-92l) Direct Rollovers and 20- 1545-1341
Percent Withholding Upon Eligible Rollover
Distributions from Qualified Plans.....................
PS-100-88 (TD8540) (Final) Valuation Tables............. 1545-1343
Revenue Procedure 2017-4................................ 1545-1520
TD 8769 (Final)--(REG-107644-97) Permitted Elimination 1545-1545
of Pre-retirement Optional Forms of Benefit............
Notice 97-45, Highly Compensated Employee Definition.... 1545-1550
Compensation Deferred Under Eligible Deferred 1545-1580
Compensation Plans (TD 9075)...........................
TD 8816 (Final) Roth IRAs............................... 1545-1616
REG-108639-99 (Final) Retirement Plans; Cash or Deferred 1545-1669
Arrangements Under Section 401(k) and Matching
Contributions or Employee Contributions Under Section
401(m); TD 9169........................................
Revenue Ruling 2000-35 Automatic Enrollment in Section 1545-1694
403(b) Plans...........................................
Notice 2002-27--IRA Required Minimum Distribution 1545-1779
TD 9142 (Final), Deemed IRAs in Qualified Retirement 1545-1841
Plans (REG-157302-02)..................................
REG-146459-05--TD 9324 (Final) Designated Roth 1545-1992
Contributions Under Section 402A.......................
TD 9467 (REG-139236-07) and Notice 2014-53.............. 1545-2095
TD 9641--Suspension or Reduction of Safe Harbor 1545-2191
Contributions (REG-115699-09)..........................
Waiver of 60-Day Rollover Requirement................... 1545-2269
TD 7898--Employers Qualified Educational Assistance 1545-0768
TD 8864 (Final); EE-63-88 (Final and temp regulations) 1545-0771
Taxation of Fringe Benefits and Exclusions From Gross
Income for Certain Fringe Benefits; IA-140-86
(Temporary) Fringe Benefits............................
TD 8073 (Temporary Regulations)--Effective Dates and 1545-0916
Other Issues Arising Under the Employee Benefit
Provisions of the Tax Reform Act of 1984...............
REG-209484-87 (TD 8814 final) Federal Insurance 1545-1643
Contributions Act (FICA) Taxation of Amounts Under
Employee Benefit Plans.................................
REG-164754-01 (FINAL) Split-Dollar Life Insurance 1545-1792
T.D. 9088, Compensatory Stock Options Under Section 482. 1545-1794
T.D. 9083--Golden Parachute Payments.................... 1545-1851
Revenue Procedure 2014-55, Election Procedures and 1545-1773
Information Reporting with Respect to Interests in
Certain Canadian Retirement Plans......................
Substitute Mortality Tables for Single Employer Defined 1545-2073
Benefit Plans..........................................
T.D. 8802--Certain Asset Transfers to a Tax-Exempt 1545-1633
REG-113572-99 (TD 8933) Qualified Transportation Fringe 1545-1676
Revenue Procedure 2016--1, Rulings and determination 1545-1522
letters--26 CFR 601-.201...............................
26 CFR 31.6001-1 Records in general; 26 CFR 31.6001-2 1545-0798
Additional Records under FICA; 26 CFR 31.6001-3,
Additional records under Railroad Retirement Tax Act;
26 CFR 31.6001-5 Additional records....................
IA-44-94 (Final) Deductibility, Substantiation, and 1545-1464
Disclosure of Certain Charitable Contributions.........
Notice 2005-41, Guidance Regarding Qualified 1545-1937
Intellectual Property Contributions....................
[[Page 42565]]
De Minimis Error Safe Harbor to the I.R.C. Sec. Sec. 1545-2270
6721 and 6722 Penalties................................
Substantiation of Charitable Contributions--TD 8002..... 1545-0754
Qualified Conservation Contributions.................... 1545-0763
TD 7852--Registration Requirements with Respect to Debt 1545-0945
Obligations (NPRM, LR-255-82)..........................
Notice 2007-70--Charitable Contributions of Certain 1545-1980
Motor Vehicles, Boats, and Airplanes. Reporting
requirements under Sec. 170(f)(12)(D)..................
TD 8124--Time and Manner of Making Certain Elections 1545-0982
Under the Tax Reform Act of 1986.......................
EE-14-81 (NPRM) Deductions and Reductions in Earnings 1545-1393
and Profits (or Accumulated Profits) With Respect to
Certain Foreign Deferred Compensation Plans Maintained
by Certain Foreign Corporations or.....................
TD 9724--Summary of Benefits and Coverage Disclosures... 1545-2229
TD 7845--Inspection of Applications for Tax Exemption 1545-0817
and Applications for Determination Letters for Pension
and Other Plans (Final)................................
REG-130477-00; REG-130481-00 (TD 8987 -Final), Required 1545-0996
Distributions From Retirement Plans....................
EE-175-86 (Final) Certain Cash or Deferred Arrangements 1545-1069
and Employee and Matching Contributions under Employee
Plans: REG--108639-99 (NPRM) Retirement Plans; Cash or
Deferred Arrangements..................................
Change in Minimum Funding Method (Rev. Proc. 2000-41)... 1545-1704
REG-109481-99 (TD 9076--Final) Special Rules Under 1545-1724
Section 417(a)(7) for Written Explanations Provided by
Qualified Retirement Plans After Annuity Starting Dates
TD 9472 (Final)--Notice Requirements for Certain Pension 1545-1780
Plan Amendments Significantly Reducing the Rate of
Future Benefit Accrual.................................
T.D. 9079--Ten or More Employer Plan Compliance 1545-1795
Waivers of Minimum Funding Standards--Revenue Procedure 1545-1873
Election of Alternative Deficit Reduction Contribution 1545-1883
and Plan Amendments....................................
Revenue Procedure 2010-52, Extension of the Amortization 1545-1890
Period for Plan Sponsor of a Multiemployer Pension Plan
Designated Roth Contributions to Cash or Deferred 1545-1931
Arrangements Under Section 401(k)......................
Notice 2005-40, Election to Defer Net Experience Loss in 1545-1935
a Multiemployer Plan...................................
Notice 2006-107--Diversification Requirements for 1545-2049
Qualified Defined Contribution Plans Holding Publicly
Traded Employer Securities.............................
Revised Regulations Concerning Section 403(b) Tax- 1545-2068
Sheltered Annuity Contracts--TD 9340 (Final)...........
TD 9447 (Final) Automatic Contribution Arrangements..... 1545-2135
NOT-2009-31--Election and Notice Procedures for 1545-2141
Multiemployer Plans under Sections 204 and 205 of WRERA
Relief and Guidance on Corrections of Certain Failures 1545-2164
of a Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plan to Comply
with Sec. 409A(a)....................................
Suspension of Benefits Under the Multiemployer Pension 1545-2260
Reform Act of 2014; Administration of Multiemployer
Plan Participant Vote..................................
REG-209823-96 (TD 8791)--Guidance Regarding Charitable 1545-1536
Remainder Trusts and Special Valuation Rules for
Transfer of Interests in Trusts........................
[FR Doc. 2018-18135 Filed 8-21-18; 8:45 am]