Energy Conservation Program: Data Collection and Comparison With Forecasted Unit Sales of Five Lamp Types, 36479-36482 [2018-16097]
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Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 146 / Monday, July 30, 2018 / Proposed Rules
Dated: July 19, 2018.
Bruce Summers,
Administrator, Agricultural Marketing
motion or approve any Committee
action. At assembled meetings all votes
shall be cast in person.
For the reasons set forth in the
preamble, the Agricultural Marketing
Service proposes to amend 7 CFR part
959 as follows:
§§ 959.110 and 959.111
[Removed and
6. Remove and reserve §§ 959.110 and
[FR Doc. 2018–15793 Filed 7–27–18; 8:45 am]
1. The authority citation for 7 CFR
part 959 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 7 U.S.C. 601–674.
2. Revise § 959.22 to read as follows:
§ 959.22
Establishment and membership.
The South Texas Onion Committee,
consisting of thirteen members, eight of
whom shall be producers and five of
whom shall be handlers, is hereby
established. For each member of the
Committee there shall be an alternate.
Producer members and alternates shall
not have a proprietary interest in or be
employees of a handler organization.
■ 3. Revise § 959.24 to read as follows:
Energy Conservation Program: Data
Collection and Comparison With
Forecasted Unit Sales of Five Lamp
Office of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy, Department of
ACTION: Notice of data availability.
The Secretary shall select members
and respective alternates from districts
established pursuant to §§ 959.24 or
959.25. Selections shall be as follows:
(a) District No. 1: Five producer
members and alternates; three handler
members and alternates.
(b) District No. 2: Three producer
members and alternates; two handler
members and alternates.
■ 5. Amend § 959.32 by revising
paragraph (a) to read as follows:
The U.S. Department of
Energy (DOE) is informing the public of
its collection of shipment data and
creation of spreadsheet models to
provide comparisons between 2016 and
2017 unit sales and benchmark estimate
unit sales of five lamp types (i.e., rough
service lamps, vibration service lamps,
3-way incandescent lamps, 2,601–3,300
lumen general service incandescent
lamps, and shatter-resistant lamps). For
3-way incandescent lamps, 2,601–3,300
lumen general service incandescent
lamps, and shatter-resistant lamps, the
2016 and 2017 sales are not greater than
200 percent of the forecasted estimates.
The 2016 and 2017 unit sales for
vibration service lamps are greater than
200 percent of the benchmark unit sales
estimate. The 2016 unit sales for rough
service lamps are greater than 200
percent of the benchmark unit sales
estimate but the 2017 unit sales are
below the benchmark unit sales
estimate. DOE has prepared, and is
making available on its website, a
spreadsheet showing the comparisons of
projected sales versus 2016 and 2017
sales, as well as the model used to
generate the original sales estimates.
The spreadsheet is available online at:
§ 959.32
§ 959.24
To determine a basis for selecting
Committee members, the following
districts of the production area are
hereby established:
(a) District No. 1: (Coastal Bend-Lower
Valley) The Counties of Victoria,
Calhoun, Goliad, Refugio, Bee, Live
Oak, San Patricio, Aransas, Jim Wells,
Nueces, Kleberg, Brooks, Kenedy,
Duval, McMullen, Cameron, Hidalgo,
Starr, and Willacy in the State of Texas.
(b) District No. 2: (Laredo-Winter
Garden) The Counties of Zapata, Webb,
Jim Hogg De Witt, Wilson, Atascosa,
Karnes Val Verde, Frio, Kinney, Uvalde,
Medina, Maverick, Zavala, Dimmit, and
La Salle in the State of Texas.
■ 4. Revise § 959.26 to read as follows:
§ 959.26
10 CFR Part 430
(a) Nine members of the Committee
shall be necessary to constitute a
quorum. Seven concurring votes, or
two-thirds of the votes cast, whichever
is greater, shall be required to pass any
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As of July 30, 2018, the DOE has
determined that no regulatory action is
necessary at this time.
ADDRESSES: The docket, which includes
Federal Register notices, comments,
and other supporting documents/
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materials, is available for review at All
documents in the docket are listed in
the index.
However, some documents listed in the
index, such as those containing
information that is exempt from public
disclosure, may not be publicly
A link to the docket web page can be
found at
standards.aspx?productid=16. The
docket web page contains simple
instructions on how to access all
documents, including public comments,
in the docket.
Ms. Lucy deButts, U.S. Department of
Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy, Building
Technologies, EE–5B, 1000
Independence Avenue SW, Washington,
DC 20585–0121. Telephone: (202) 287–
1604. Email: ApplianceStandards
Mr. Peter Cochran, U.S. Department of
Energy, Office of the General Counsel,
GC–33, 1000 Independence Avenue SW,
Washington, DC 20585–0121.
Telephone: (202) 586–9496. Email:
Table of Contents
I. Background
II. Definitions
A. Rough Service Lamps
B. Vibration Service Lamps
C. Three-Way Incandescent Lamps
D. 2,601–3,300 Lumen General Service
Incandescent Lamps
E. Shatter-Resistant Lamps
III. Comparison Methodology
IV. Comparison Results
A. Rough Service Lamps
B. Vibration Service Lamps
C. Three-Way Incandescent Lamps
D. 2,601–3,300 Lumen General Service
Incandescent Lamps
E. Shatter-Resistant Lamps
V. Conclusion
I. Background
The Energy Independence and
Security Act of 2007 (EISA 2007; Pub.
L. 110–140) was enacted on December
19, 2007. Among the requirements of
subtitle B (Lighting Energy Efficiency) of
title III of EISA 2007 were provisions
directing DOE to collect, analyze, and
monitor unit sales of five lamp types
(i.e., rough service lamps, vibration
service lamps, 3-way incandescent
lamps, 2,601–3,300 lumen general
service incandescent lamps, and shatterresistant lamps). In relevant part,
section 321(a)(3)(B) of EISA 2007
amended section 325(l) of the Energy
Policy and Conservation Act of 1975
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 146 / Monday, July 30, 2018 / Proposed Rules
(EPCA) by adding paragraph (4)(B),
which generally directs DOE, in
consultation with the National Electrical
Manufacturers Association (NEMA), to:
(1) Collect unit sales data for each of the
five lamp types for calendar years 1990
through 2006 in order to determine the
historical growth rate for each lamp
type; and (2) construct a model for each
of the five lamp types based on
coincident economic indicators that
closely match the historical annual
growth rates of each lamp type to
provide a neutral comparison
benchmark estimate of future unit sales.
(42 U.S.C. 6295(l)(4)(B)) Section
321(a)(3)(B) of EISA 2007 also amends
section 325(l) of EPCA by adding
paragraph (4)(C), which, in relevant
part, directs DOE to collect unit sales
data for calendar years 2010 through
2025, in consultation with NEMA, for
each of the five lamp types. DOE must
then compare the actual lamp sales in
that year with the benchmark estimate.
(42 U.S.C. 6295(l)(4)(C)) If DOE finds
that the unit sales for a given lamp type
in any year between 2010 and 2025
exceed the benchmark estimate of unit
sales by at least 100 percent (i.e., are
greater than 200 percent of the
anticipated sales), DOE must issue a
finding within 90 days of the end of the
analyzed calendar year that the estimate
has been exceeded. (42 U.S.C.
6295(l)(4)(D)(i)(I), (E)(i)(I), (F)(i)(I), and
On December 18, 2008, DOE issued a
notice of data availability (NODA) for
the Report on Data Collection and
Estimated Future Unit Sales of Five
Lamp Types (hereafter the ‘‘2008
analysis’’), which was published in the
Federal Register on December 24, 2008.
73 FR 79072. The 2008 analysis
presented the 1990 through 2006
shipment data collected in consultation
with NEMA, the spreadsheet model
DOE constructed for each lamp type,
and the benchmark unit sales estimates
for 2010 through 2025. On April 4,
2011, DOE published a NODA in the
Federal Register announcing the
availability of updated spreadsheet
models presenting the benchmark
estimates from the 2008 analysis and the
collected sales data from 2010 for the
first annual comparison. 76 FR 18425.
Similarly, DOE published NODAs in the
Federal Register in the following five
years announcing the updated
spreadsheet models and sales data for
the annual comparisons. 77 FR 16183
(March 20, 2012); 78 FR 15891 (March
13, 2013); 79 FR 15058 (March 18,
2014); 80 FR 13791 (March 17, 2015); 81
FR 20261 (April 7, 2016). This NODA
presents the seventh comparison;
specifically, section IV of this report
compares the actual unit sales against
benchmark unit sales estimates for 2016
and 2017.2
EISA 2007 also amended section
325(l) of EPCA by adding paragraphs
(4)(D) through (4)(H), which state that if
DOE finds that the unit sales for a given
lamp type in any year between 2010 and
2025 exceed the benchmark estimate of
unit sales by at least 100 percent (i.e.,
are greater than 200 percent of the
anticipated sales), then DOE must take
regulatory action for such lamps. (42
U.S.C. 6295(l)(4)(D) through (H)) For
2,601–3,300 lumen general service
incandescent lamps, DOE must impose
a statutorily prescribed maximumwattage level and packaging
requirement. (42 U.S.C. 6295(l)(4)(G))
For the other four types of lamps, the
statute requires DOE to initiate an
accelerated rulemaking to establish
energy conservation standards. If the
Secretary does not complete the
accelerated rulemakings within one year
from the end of the previous calendar
year, EPCA specifies maximum wattage
and related requirements (i.e., a
‘‘backstop requirement’’) for each lamp
type. (42 U.S.C. 6295(l)(4)(D)(ii), (E)(ii),
(F)(ii), and (H)(ii))
As in the 2008 analysis and previous
comparisons, DOE uses manufacturer
shipments as a surrogate for unit sales
in this NODA because manufacturer
shipment data are tracked and
aggregated by the trade organization,
NEMA. DOE believes that annual
shipments track closely with actual unit
sales of these five lamp types, as DOE
presumes that retailer inventories
remain constant from year to year. DOE
believes this is a reasonable assumption
because the markets for these five lamp
types have existed for many years,
thereby enabling manufacturers and
retailers to establish appropriate
inventory levels that reflect market
demand. In addition, increasing unit
sales must eventually result in
increasing manufacturer shipments.
This is the same methodology presented
in DOE’s 2008 analysis and subsequent
annual comparisons, and DOE did not
receive any comments challenging this
assumption or the general approach.
1 For 2,601–3,300 lumen general service
incandescent lamps, EPCA does not specify a
requirement to publish such findings, but as
discussed further in this notice, EPCA does
establish requirements upon the benchmark
estimate being exceeded.
2 The notices and related documents for the 2008
analysis and successive annual comparisons,
including this NODA, are available through the
DOE website at:
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II. Definitions
A. Rough Service Lamps
Section 321(a)(1)(B) of EISA 2007
amended section 321(30) of EPCA by
adding the definition of a ‘‘rough service
lamp.’’ A ‘‘rough service lamp’’ means
a lamp that—(i) has a minimum of 5
supports with filament configurations
that are C–7A, C–11, C–17, and C–22 as
listed in Figure 6–12 of the 9th edition
of the IESNA [Illuminating Engineering
Society of North America] Lighting
handbook, or similar configurations
where lead wires are not counted as
supports; and (ii) is designated and
marketed specifically for ‘‘rough
service’’ applications, with—(I) the
designation appearing on the lamp
packaging; and (II) marketing materials
that identify the lamp as being for rough
service. (42 U.S.C. 6291(30)(X))
As noted above, rough service
incandescent lamps must have a
minimum of five filament support wires
(not counting the two connecting leads
at the beginning and end of the
filament), and must be designated and
marketed for ‘‘rough service’’
applications. This type of incandescent
lamp can be used in applications where
the lamp would be subject to
mechanical shock or vibration while it
is operating. Other incandescent lamps
have only two support wires (which
also serve as conductors), one at each
end of the filament coil. When operating
(i.e., when the tungsten filament is
glowing so hot that it emits light), rough
service applications could cause an
incandescent lamp’s filament to break
prematurely. To address this problem,
lamp manufacturers developed lamp
designs that incorporate additional
support wires along the length of the
filament to ensure that it has support
not just at each end, but at several other
points as well. The additional support
protects the filament during operation
and enables longer operating life for
incandescent lamps in rough service
B. Vibration Service Lamps
Section 321(a)(1)(B) of EISA 2007
amended section 321(30) of EPCA by
adding the definition of a ‘‘vibration
service lamp.’’ A ‘‘vibration service
lamp’’ means a lamp that—(i) has
filament configurations that are C–5, C–
7A, or C–9, as listed in Figure 6–12 of
the 9th Edition of the IESNA Lighting
Handbook or similar configurations; (ii)
has a maximum wattage of 60 watts; (iii)
is sold at retail in packages of 2 lamps
or less; and (iv) is designated and
marketed specifically for vibration
service or vibration-resistant
applications, with—(I) the designation
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 146 / Monday, July 30, 2018 / Proposed Rules
appearing on the lamp packaging; and
(II) marketing materials that identify the
lamp as being vibration service only. (42
U.S.C. 6291(30)(AA))
The statute mentions three examples
of filament configurations for vibration
service lamps in Figure 6–12 of the
IESNA Lighting Handbook, one of
which, C–7A, is also listed in the
statutory definition of ‘‘rough service
lamp.’’ The definition of ‘‘vibration
service lamp’’ requires that such lamps
have a maximum wattage of 60 watts
and be sold at a retail level in packages
of two lamps or fewer. Vibration service
lamps must be designated and marketed
for vibration service or vibrationresistant applications. As the name
suggests, this type of incandescent lamp
can be used in applications where the
incandescent lamp would be subject to
a continuous low level of vibration,
such as in a ceiling fan light kit. In such
applications, incandescent lamps
without additional filament support
wires may not achieve the full rated life,
because the filament wire is brittle and
would be subject to breakage at typical
operating temperature. To address this
problem, lamp manufacturers typically
use a more malleable tungsten filament
to avoid damage and short circuits
between coils.
C. Three-Way Incandescent Lamps
Section 321(a)(1)(B) of EISA 2007
amended section 321(30) of EPCA by
adding the definition of a ‘‘3-way
incandescent lamp.’’ A ‘‘3-way
incandescent lamp’’ includes an
incandescent lamp that—(i) employs 2
filaments, operated separately and in
combination, to provide 3 light levels;
and (ii) is designated on the lamp
packaging and marketing materials as
being a 3-way incandescent lamp. (42
U.S.C. 6291(30)(Y))
Three-way lamps are commonly
found in wattage combinations such as
50, 100, and 150 watts or 30, 70, and
100 watts. These lamps use two
filaments (e.g., a 30-watt and a 70-watt
filament) and can be operated separately
or together to produce three different
lumen outputs (e.g., 305 lumens with
one filament, 995 lumens with the
other, or 1,300 lumens using the
filaments together). When used in threeway sockets, these lamps allow users to
control the light level. Three-way
incandescent lamps are typically used
in residential multi-purpose areas,
where consumers may adjust the light
level to be appropriate for the task they
are performing.
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D. 2,601–3,300 Lumen General Service
Incandescent Lamps
The statute does not provide a
definition of ‘‘2,601–3,300 Lumen
General Service Incandescent Lamps;’’
however, DOE is interpreting this term
to be a general service incandescent
lamp 3 that emits light between 2,601
and 3,300 lumens. These lamps are used
in general service applications when
high light output is needed.
E. Shatter-Resistant Lamps
Section 321(a)(1)(B) of EISA 2007
amended section 321(30) of EPCA by
adding the definition of a ‘‘shatterresistant lamp, shatter-proof lamp, or
shatter-protected lamp.’’ ‘‘Shatterresistant lamp, shatter-proof lamp, and
shatter-protected lamp’’ mean a lamp
that—(i) has a coating or equivalent
technology that is compliant with NSF/
ANSI 51 [National Sanitation
Foundation/American National
Standards Institute] and is designed to
contain the glass if the glass envelope of
the lamp is broken; and (ii) is
designated and marketed for the
intended application, with—(I) the
designation on the lamp packaging; and
(II) marketing materials that identify the
lamp as being shatter-resistant, shatterproof, or shatter-protected. (42 U.S.C.
6291(30)(Z)) Although the definition
provides three names commonly used to
refer to these lamps, DOE simply refers
to them collectively as ‘‘shatter-resistant
Shatter-resistant lamps incorporate a
special coating designed to prevent glass
shards from being dispersed if a lamp’s
glass envelope breaks. Shatter-resistant
lamps incorporate a coating compliant
with industry standard NSF/ANSI 51,4
‘‘Food Equipment Materials,’’ and are
labeled and marketed as shatterresistant, shatter-proof, or shatterprotected. Some types of the coatings
can also protect the lamp from breakage
in applications subject to heat and
thermal shock that may occur from
water, sleet, snow, soldering, or
3 ‘‘The term ‘general service incandescent lamp’
means a standard incandescent or halogen type
lamp that—(I) is intended for general service
applications; (II) has a medium screw base; (III) has
a lumen range of not less than 310 lumens and not
more than 2,600 lumens or, in the case of a
modified spectrum lamp, not less than 232 lumens
and not more than 1,950 lumens; and (IV) is capable
of being operated at a voltage range at least partially
within 110 and 130 volts.’’ (42 U.S.C.
4 NSF/ANSI 51 applies specifically to materials
and coatings used in the manufacturing of
equipment and objects destined for contact with
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III. Comparison Methodology
In the 2008 analysis, DOE reviewed
each of the five sets of shipment data
that was collected in consultation with
NEMA and applied two curve fits to
generate unit sales estimates for the five
lamp types after calendar year 2006.
One curve fit applied a linear regression
to the historical data and extended that
line into the future. The other curve fit
applied an exponential growth function
to the shipment data and projected unit
sales into the future. For this
calculation, linear regression treats the
year as a dependent variable and
shipments as the independent variable.
The linear regression curve fit is
modeled by minimizing the differences
among the data points and the best
curve-fit linear line using the least
squares function.5 The exponential
curve fit is also a regression function
and uses the same least squares function
to find the best fit. For some data sets,
an exponential curve provides a better
characterization of the historical data,
and, therefore, a better projection of the
future data.
For 3-way incandescent lamps, 2,601–
3,300 lumen general service
incandescent lamps, and shatterresistant lamps, DOE found that the
linear regression and exponential
growth curve fits produced nearly the
same estimates of unit sales (i.e., the
difference between the two forecasted
values was less than 1 or 2 percent).
However, for rough service and
vibration service lamps, the linear
regression curve fit projected lamp unit
sales would decline to zero for both
lamp types by 2018. In contrast, the
exponential growth curve fit projected a
more gradual decline in unit sales, such
that lamps would still be sold beyond
2018, and it was, therefore, considered
the more realistic forecast. While DOE
was satisfied that either the linear
regression or exponential growth
spreadsheet model generated a
reasonable benchmark unit sales
estimate for 3-way incandescent lamps,
2,601–3,300 lumen general service
incandescent lamps, and shatterresistant lamps, DOE selected the
exponential growth curve fit for these
lamp types for consistency with the
selection made for rough service and
vibration service lamps.6 DOE examines
5 The least squares function is an analytical tool
that DOE uses to minimize the sum of the squared
residual differences between the actual historical
data points and the modeled value (i.e., the linear
curve fit). In minimizing this value, the resulting
curve fit will represent the best fit possible to the
data provided.
6 This selection is consistent with the previous
annual comparisons. See DOE’s 2008 forecast
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 146 / Monday, July 30, 2018 / Proposed Rules
the benchmark unit sales estimates and
actual sales for each of the five lamp
types in the following section and also
makes the comparisons available in a
spreadsheet online: https://
IV. Comparison Results
A. Rough Service Lamps
On October 18, 2016, DOE published
a notice announcing that the actual unit
sales for rough service lamps were 219.7
percent of the benchmark estimate for
the 2015 calendar year. 81 FR 71794,
71800.7 For the 2016 and 2017 calendar
years, the exponential growth forecast
projected the benchmark unit sales
estimate for rough service lamps to be
4,722,000 and 4,489,000 units
respectively. The NEMA-provided
shipment data reported shipments of
9,674,000 units in 2016 and 5,860,000
units in 2017. These findings are 204.9
and 130.5 percent of the benchmark
Since unit sales for rough service
lamps exceeded 200 percent of the
benchmark estimate in 2015, and DOE
did not complete an energy
conservation standards rulemaking for
these lamps by the end of calendar year
2016, the backstop requirement was
triggered. DOE published a final rule on
December 26, 2017, to adopt the
statutory backstop requirements for
rough service lamps which require that
rough service lamps: (I) Have a shatterproof coating or equivalent technology
that is compliant with NSF/ANSI 51
and is designed to contain the glass if
the glass envelope of the lamp is broken
and to provide effective containment
over the life of the lamp; (II) have a
maximum 40-watt limitation; and (III)
be sold at retail only in a package
containing 1 lamp. (42 U.S.C.
6295(l)(4)(D)(ii)) DOE will continue to
collect and model data for rough service
lamps for two years after the effective
date of January 25, 2018, in accordance
with 42 U.S.C. 6295(l)(4)(I)(ii).
B. Vibration Service Lamps
On April 7, 2016, DOE published a
notice announcing that the actual unit
sales for vibration service lamps were
272.5 percent of the benchmark estimate
for the 2015 calendar year. 81 FR 20261.
For the 2016 and 2017 calendar years,
spreadsheet models of the lamp types for greater
detail on the estimates.
7 The October 2016 finding for rough service
lamps was the result of a correction by NEMA to
the data it initially submitted and relied upon by
DOE for the April 7, 2016 notice. See, https://
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the exponential growth forecast
projected the benchmark unit sales
estimate for vibration service lamps to
be 2,467,000 and 2,345,000 units
respectively. The NEMA-provided
shipment data reported shipments of
6,869,000 units in 2016 and 6,018,000
units in 2017. These findings are 278.5
and 256.6 percent of the benchmark
Similar to rough service lamps, since
unit sales for vibration service lamps
exceeded 200 percent of the benchmark
estimate in 2015, and DOE did not
complete an energy conservation
standards rulemaking for these lamps by
the end of calendar year 2016, the
backstop requirement was triggered.
DOE published a final rule on December
26, 2017 to adopt the statutory backstop
requirements for vibration service lamps
which require that vibration service
lamps: (I) Have a maximum 40-watt
limitation; and (II) be sold at retail only
in a package containing 1 lamp. (42
U.S.C. 6295(l)(4)(E)(ii)) DOE will
continue to collect and model data for
vibration service lamps for two years
after the effective date of January 25,
2018, in accordance with 42 U.S.C.
C. Three-Way Incandescent Lamps
For 3-way incandescent lamps, the
exponential growth forecast projected
the benchmark unit sales estimate for
2016 to be 48,104,000 units and for 2017
to be 47,610,000 units. The NEMAprovided shipment data reported
shipments of 31,768,000 units in 2016
and 28,468,000 units in 2017. As these
findings are only 66 percent and 60
percent of the benchmark estimate
respectively, DOE will continue to track
3-way incandescent lamp sales data and
will not initiate an accelerated
standards rulemaking for this lamp type
at this time.
D. 2,601–3,300 Lumen General Service
Incandescent Lamps
For 2,601–3,300 lumen general
service incandescent lamps, the
exponential growth forecast projected
the benchmark unit sales estimate for
2016 to be 34,241,000 units and for 2017
to be 34,307,000 units. The NEMAprovided shipment data reported
shipments of 3,679,000 units in 2016
and 2,794,000 units in 2017. As these
findings are 10.7 and 8.1 percent of the
benchmark estimate respectively, DOE
will continue to track 2,601–3,300
lumen general service incandescent
lamp sales data and will not impose
statutory requirements for this lamp
type at this time.
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E. Shatter-Resistant Lamps
For shatter-resistant lamps, the
exponential growth forecast projected
the benchmark unit sales estimate for
2016 to be 1,679,000 units and for 2017
to be 1,684,000 units. The NEMAprovided shipment data reported
shipments of 548,000 units in 2016 and
474,000 units in 2017. As these findings
are only 32.6 and 28.2 percent of the
benchmark estimate respectively, DOE
will continue to track shatter-resistant
lamp sales data and will not initiate an
accelerated standards rulemaking for
this lamp type at this time.
V. Conclusion
This NODA compares the 2016 and
2017 shipments against benchmark unit
sales estimates for rough service lamps,
vibration service lamps, 3-way
incandescent lamps, 2,601–3,300 lumen
general service incandescent lamps, and
shatter-resistant lamps. For 3-way
incandescent lamps, 2,601–3,300 lumen
general service incandescent lamps, and
shatter-resistant lamps, the 2016 and
2017 sales are not greater than 200
percent of the forecasted estimates. The
2016 and 2017 unit sales for vibration
service lamps are greater than 200
percent of the benchmark unit sales
estimate. The 2016 unit sales for rough
service lamps are greater than 200
percent of the benchmark unit sales
estimate but the 2017 unit sales are
below the benchmark unit sales
estimate. DOE will continue to monitor
these lamp types and will assess 2018
unit sales next year.
Signed in Washington, DC, on July 20,
Kathleen B. Hogan,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy
Efficiency Energy Efficiency and Renewable
[FR Doc. 2018–16097 Filed 7–27–18; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 71
[Docket No. FAA–2016–9442; Airspace
Docket No. 16–ASO–15]
RIN 2120–AA66
Proposed Establishment of Class E
Airspace; Crystal Springs, MS
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 146 (Monday, July 30, 2018)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 36479-36482]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2018-16097]
10 CFR Part 430
Energy Conservation Program: Data Collection and Comparison With
Forecasted Unit Sales of Five Lamp Types
AGENCY: Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Department of
ACTION: Notice of data availability.
SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is informing the public of
its collection of shipment data and creation of spreadsheet models to
provide comparisons between 2016 and 2017 unit sales and benchmark
estimate unit sales of five lamp types (i.e., rough service lamps,
vibration service lamps, 3-way incandescent lamps, 2,601-3,300 lumen
general service incandescent lamps, and shatter-resistant lamps). For
3-way incandescent lamps, 2,601-3,300 lumen general service
incandescent lamps, and shatter-resistant lamps, the 2016 and 2017
sales are not greater than 200 percent of the forecasted estimates. The
2016 and 2017 unit sales for vibration service lamps are greater than
200 percent of the benchmark unit sales estimate. The 2016 unit sales
for rough service lamps are greater than 200 percent of the benchmark
unit sales estimate but the 2017 unit sales are below the benchmark
unit sales estimate. DOE has prepared, and is making available on its
website, a spreadsheet showing the comparisons of projected sales
versus 2016 and 2017 sales, as well as the model used to generate the
original sales estimates. The spreadsheet is available online at:
DATES: As of July 30, 2018, the DOE has determined that no regulatory
action is necessary at this time.
ADDRESSES: The docket, which includes Federal Register notices,
comments, and other supporting documents/materials, is available for
review at All documents in the docket are
listed in the index. However, some documents
listed in the index, such as those containing information that is
exempt from public disclosure, may not be publicly available.
A link to the docket web page can be found at The docket web page contains simple
instructions on how to access all documents, including public comments,
in the docket.
Ms. Lucy deButts, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy
Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Building Technologies, EE-5B, 1000
Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20585-0121. Telephone: (202)
287-1604. Email: [email protected].
Mr. Peter Cochran, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of the General
Counsel, GC-33, 1000 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20585-0121.
Telephone: (202) 586-9496. Email: [email protected].
Table of Contents
I. Background
II. Definitions
A. Rough Service Lamps
B. Vibration Service Lamps
C. Three-Way Incandescent Lamps
D. 2,601-3,300 Lumen General Service Incandescent Lamps
E. Shatter-Resistant Lamps
III. Comparison Methodology
IV. Comparison Results
A. Rough Service Lamps
B. Vibration Service Lamps
C. Three-Way Incandescent Lamps
D. 2,601-3,300 Lumen General Service Incandescent Lamps
E. Shatter-Resistant Lamps
V. Conclusion
I. Background
The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA 2007; Pub.
L. 110-140) was enacted on December 19, 2007. Among the requirements of
subtitle B (Lighting Energy Efficiency) of title III of EISA 2007 were
provisions directing DOE to collect, analyze, and monitor unit sales of
five lamp types (i.e., rough service lamps, vibration service lamps, 3-
way incandescent lamps, 2,601-3,300 lumen general service incandescent
lamps, and shatter-resistant lamps). In relevant part, section
321(a)(3)(B) of EISA 2007 amended section 325(l) of the Energy Policy
and Conservation Act of 1975
[[Page 36480]]
(EPCA) by adding paragraph (4)(B), which generally directs DOE, in
consultation with the National Electrical Manufacturers Association
(NEMA), to: (1) Collect unit sales data for each of the five lamp types
for calendar years 1990 through 2006 in order to determine the
historical growth rate for each lamp type; and (2) construct a model
for each of the five lamp types based on coincident economic indicators
that closely match the historical annual growth rates of each lamp type
to provide a neutral comparison benchmark estimate of future unit
sales. (42 U.S.C. 6295(l)(4)(B)) Section 321(a)(3)(B) of EISA 2007 also
amends section 325(l) of EPCA by adding paragraph (4)(C), which, in
relevant part, directs DOE to collect unit sales data for calendar
years 2010 through 2025, in consultation with NEMA, for each of the
five lamp types. DOE must then compare the actual lamp sales in that
year with the benchmark estimate. (42 U.S.C. 6295(l)(4)(C)) If DOE
finds that the unit sales for a given lamp type in any year between
2010 and 2025 exceed the benchmark estimate of unit sales by at least
100 percent (i.e., are greater than 200 percent of the anticipated
sales), DOE must issue a finding within 90 days of the end of the
analyzed calendar year that the estimate has been exceeded. (42 U.S.C.
6295(l)(4)(D)(i)(I), (E)(i)(I), (F)(i)(I), and (H)(i)(I)).\1\
\1\ For 2,601-3,300 lumen general service incandescent lamps,
EPCA does not specify a requirement to publish such findings, but as
discussed further in this notice, EPCA does establish requirements
upon the benchmark estimate being exceeded.
On December 18, 2008, DOE issued a notice of data availability
(NODA) for the Report on Data Collection and Estimated Future Unit
Sales of Five Lamp Types (hereafter the ``2008 analysis''), which was
published in the Federal Register on December 24, 2008. 73 FR 79072.
The 2008 analysis presented the 1990 through 2006 shipment data
collected in consultation with NEMA, the spreadsheet model DOE
constructed for each lamp type, and the benchmark unit sales estimates
for 2010 through 2025. On April 4, 2011, DOE published a NODA in the
Federal Register announcing the availability of updated spreadsheet
models presenting the benchmark estimates from the 2008 analysis and
the collected sales data from 2010 for the first annual comparison. 76
FR 18425. Similarly, DOE published NODAs in the Federal Register in the
following five years announcing the updated spreadsheet models and
sales data for the annual comparisons. 77 FR 16183 (March 20, 2012); 78
FR 15891 (March 13, 2013); 79 FR 15058 (March 18, 2014); 80 FR 13791
(March 17, 2015); 81 FR 20261 (April 7, 2016). This NODA presents the
seventh comparison; specifically, section IV of this report compares
the actual unit sales against benchmark unit sales estimates for 2016
and 2017.\2\
\2\ The notices and related documents for the 2008 analysis and
successive annual comparisons, including this NODA, are available
through the DOE website at:
EISA 2007 also amended section 325(l) of EPCA by adding paragraphs
(4)(D) through (4)(H), which state that if DOE finds that the unit
sales for a given lamp type in any year between 2010 and 2025 exceed
the benchmark estimate of unit sales by at least 100 percent (i.e., are
greater than 200 percent of the anticipated sales), then DOE must take
regulatory action for such lamps. (42 U.S.C. 6295(l)(4)(D) through (H))
For 2,601-3,300 lumen general service incandescent lamps, DOE must
impose a statutorily prescribed maximum-wattage level and packaging
requirement. (42 U.S.C. 6295(l)(4)(G)) For the other four types of
lamps, the statute requires DOE to initiate an accelerated rulemaking
to establish energy conservation standards. If the Secretary does not
complete the accelerated rulemakings within one year from the end of
the previous calendar year, EPCA specifies maximum wattage and related
requirements (i.e., a ``backstop requirement'') for each lamp type. (42
U.S.C. 6295(l)(4)(D)(ii), (E)(ii), (F)(ii), and (H)(ii))
As in the 2008 analysis and previous comparisons, DOE uses
manufacturer shipments as a surrogate for unit sales in this NODA
because manufacturer shipment data are tracked and aggregated by the
trade organization, NEMA. DOE believes that annual shipments track
closely with actual unit sales of these five lamp types, as DOE
presumes that retailer inventories remain constant from year to year.
DOE believes this is a reasonable assumption because the markets for
these five lamp types have existed for many years, thereby enabling
manufacturers and retailers to establish appropriate inventory levels
that reflect market demand. In addition, increasing unit sales must
eventually result in increasing manufacturer shipments. This is the
same methodology presented in DOE's 2008 analysis and subsequent annual
comparisons, and DOE did not receive any comments challenging this
assumption or the general approach.
II. Definitions
A. Rough Service Lamps
Section 321(a)(1)(B) of EISA 2007 amended section 321(30) of EPCA
by adding the definition of a ``rough service lamp.'' A ``rough service
lamp'' means a lamp that--(i) has a minimum of 5 supports with filament
configurations that are C-7A, C-11, C-17, and C-22 as listed in Figure
6-12 of the 9th edition of the IESNA [Illuminating Engineering Society
of North America] Lighting handbook, or similar configurations where
lead wires are not counted as supports; and (ii) is designated and
marketed specifically for ``rough service'' applications, with--(I) the
designation appearing on the lamp packaging; and (II) marketing
materials that identify the lamp as being for rough service. (42 U.S.C.
As noted above, rough service incandescent lamps must have a
minimum of five filament support wires (not counting the two connecting
leads at the beginning and end of the filament), and must be designated
and marketed for ``rough service'' applications. This type of
incandescent lamp can be used in applications where the lamp would be
subject to mechanical shock or vibration while it is operating. Other
incandescent lamps have only two support wires (which also serve as
conductors), one at each end of the filament coil. When operating
(i.e., when the tungsten filament is glowing so hot that it emits
light), rough service applications could cause an incandescent lamp's
filament to break prematurely. To address this problem, lamp
manufacturers developed lamp designs that incorporate additional
support wires along the length of the filament to ensure that it has
support not just at each end, but at several other points as well. The
additional support protects the filament during operation and enables
longer operating life for incandescent lamps in rough service
B. Vibration Service Lamps
Section 321(a)(1)(B) of EISA 2007 amended section 321(30) of EPCA
by adding the definition of a ``vibration service lamp.'' A ``vibration
service lamp'' means a lamp that--(i) has filament configurations that
are C-5, C-7A, or C-9, as listed in Figure 6-12 of the 9th Edition of
the IESNA Lighting Handbook or similar configurations; (ii) has a
maximum wattage of 60 watts; (iii) is sold at retail in packages of 2
lamps or less; and (iv) is designated and marketed specifically for
vibration service or vibration-resistant applications, with--(I) the
[[Page 36481]]
appearing on the lamp packaging; and (II) marketing materials that
identify the lamp as being vibration service only. (42 U.S.C.
The statute mentions three examples of filament configurations for
vibration service lamps in Figure 6-12 of the IESNA Lighting Handbook,
one of which, C-7A, is also listed in the statutory definition of
``rough service lamp.'' The definition of ``vibration service lamp''
requires that such lamps have a maximum wattage of 60 watts and be sold
at a retail level in packages of two lamps or fewer. Vibration service
lamps must be designated and marketed for vibration service or
vibration-resistant applications. As the name suggests, this type of
incandescent lamp can be used in applications where the incandescent
lamp would be subject to a continuous low level of vibration, such as
in a ceiling fan light kit. In such applications, incandescent lamps
without additional filament support wires may not achieve the full
rated life, because the filament wire is brittle and would be subject
to breakage at typical operating temperature. To address this problem,
lamp manufacturers typically use a more malleable tungsten filament to
avoid damage and short circuits between coils.
C. Three-Way Incandescent Lamps
Section 321(a)(1)(B) of EISA 2007 amended section 321(30) of EPCA
by adding the definition of a ``3-way incandescent lamp.'' A ``3-way
incandescent lamp'' includes an incandescent lamp that--(i) employs 2
filaments, operated separately and in combination, to provide 3 light
levels; and (ii) is designated on the lamp packaging and marketing
materials as being a 3-way incandescent lamp. (42 U.S.C. 6291(30)(Y))
Three-way lamps are commonly found in wattage combinations such as
50, 100, and 150 watts or 30, 70, and 100 watts. These lamps use two
filaments (e.g., a 30-watt and a 70-watt filament) and can be operated
separately or together to produce three different lumen outputs (e.g.,
305 lumens with one filament, 995 lumens with the other, or 1,300
lumens using the filaments together). When used in three-way sockets,
these lamps allow users to control the light level. Three-way
incandescent lamps are typically used in residential multi-purpose
areas, where consumers may adjust the light level to be appropriate for
the task they are performing.
D. 2,601-3,300 Lumen General Service Incandescent Lamps
The statute does not provide a definition of ``2,601-3,300 Lumen
General Service Incandescent Lamps;'' however, DOE is interpreting this
term to be a general service incandescent lamp \3\ that emits light
between 2,601 and 3,300 lumens. These lamps are used in general service
applications when high light output is needed.
\3\ ``The term `general service incandescent lamp' means a
standard incandescent or halogen type lamp that--(I) is intended for
general service applications; (II) has a medium screw base; (III)
has a lumen range of not less than 310 lumens and not more than
2,600 lumens or, in the case of a modified spectrum lamp, not less
than 232 lumens and not more than 1,950 lumens; and (IV) is capable
of being operated at a voltage range at least partially within 110
and 130 volts.'' (42 U.S.C. 6291(30)(D)(i))
E. Shatter-Resistant Lamps
Section 321(a)(1)(B) of EISA 2007 amended section 321(30) of EPCA
by adding the definition of a ``shatter-resistant lamp, shatter-proof
lamp, or shatter-protected lamp.'' ``Shatter-resistant lamp, shatter-
proof lamp, and shatter-protected lamp'' mean a lamp that--(i) has a
coating or equivalent technology that is compliant with NSF/ANSI 51
[National Sanitation Foundation/American National Standards Institute]
and is designed to contain the glass if the glass envelope of the lamp
is broken; and (ii) is designated and marketed for the intended
application, with--(I) the designation on the lamp packaging; and (II)
marketing materials that identify the lamp as being shatter-resistant,
shatter-proof, or shatter-protected. (42 U.S.C. 6291(30)(Z)) Although
the definition provides three names commonly used to refer to these
lamps, DOE simply refers to them collectively as ``shatter-resistant
Shatter-resistant lamps incorporate a special coating designed to
prevent glass shards from being dispersed if a lamp's glass envelope
breaks. Shatter-resistant lamps incorporate a coating compliant with
industry standard NSF/ANSI 51,\4\ ``Food Equipment Materials,'' and are
labeled and marketed as shatter-resistant, shatter-proof, or shatter-
protected. Some types of the coatings can also protect the lamp from
breakage in applications subject to heat and thermal shock that may
occur from water, sleet, snow, soldering, or welding.
\4\ NSF/ANSI 51 applies specifically to materials and coatings
used in the manufacturing of equipment and objects destined for
contact with foodstuffs.
III. Comparison Methodology
In the 2008 analysis, DOE reviewed each of the five sets of
shipment data that was collected in consultation with NEMA and applied
two curve fits to generate unit sales estimates for the five lamp types
after calendar year 2006. One curve fit applied a linear regression to
the historical data and extended that line into the future. The other
curve fit applied an exponential growth function to the shipment data
and projected unit sales into the future. For this calculation, linear
regression treats the year as a dependent variable and shipments as the
independent variable. The linear regression curve fit is modeled by
minimizing the differences among the data points and the best curve-fit
linear line using the least squares function.\5\ The exponential curve
fit is also a regression function and uses the same least squares
function to find the best fit. For some data sets, an exponential curve
provides a better characterization of the historical data, and,
therefore, a better projection of the future data.
\5\ The least squares function is an analytical tool that DOE
uses to minimize the sum of the squared residual differences between
the actual historical data points and the modeled value (i.e., the
linear curve fit). In minimizing this value, the resulting curve fit
will represent the best fit possible to the data provided.
For 3-way incandescent lamps, 2,601-3,300 lumen general service
incandescent lamps, and shatter-resistant lamps, DOE found that the
linear regression and exponential growth curve fits produced nearly the
same estimates of unit sales (i.e., the difference between the two
forecasted values was less than 1 or 2 percent). However, for rough
service and vibration service lamps, the linear regression curve fit
projected lamp unit sales would decline to zero for both lamp types by
2018. In contrast, the exponential growth curve fit projected a more
gradual decline in unit sales, such that lamps would still be sold
beyond 2018, and it was, therefore, considered the more realistic
forecast. While DOE was satisfied that either the linear regression or
exponential growth spreadsheet model generated a reasonable benchmark
unit sales estimate for 3-way incandescent lamps, 2,601-3,300 lumen
general service incandescent lamps, and shatter-resistant lamps, DOE
selected the exponential growth curve fit for these lamp types for
consistency with the selection made for rough service and vibration
service lamps.\6\ DOE examines
[[Page 36482]]
the benchmark unit sales estimates and actual sales for each of the
five lamp types in the following section and also makes the comparisons
available in a spreadsheet online:
\6\ This selection is consistent with the previous annual
comparisons. See DOE's 2008 forecast spreadsheet models of the lamp
types for greater detail on the estimates.
IV. Comparison Results
A. Rough Service Lamps
On October 18, 2016, DOE published a notice announcing that the
actual unit sales for rough service lamps were 219.7 percent of the
benchmark estimate for the 2015 calendar year. 81 FR 71794, 71800.\7\
For the 2016 and 2017 calendar years, the exponential growth forecast
projected the benchmark unit sales estimate for rough service lamps to
be 4,722,000 and 4,489,000 units respectively. The NEMA-provided
shipment data reported shipments of 9,674,000 units in 2016 and
5,860,000 units in 2017. These findings are 204.9 and 130.5 percent of
the benchmark estimate.
\7\ The October 2016 finding for rough service lamps was the
result of a correction by NEMA to the data it initially submitted
and relied upon by DOE for the April 7, 2016 notice. See,
Since unit sales for rough service lamps exceeded 200 percent of
the benchmark estimate in 2015, and DOE did not complete an energy
conservation standards rulemaking for these lamps by the end of
calendar year 2016, the backstop requirement was triggered. DOE
published a final rule on December 26, 2017, to adopt the statutory
backstop requirements for rough service lamps which require that rough
service lamps: (I) Have a shatter-proof coating or equivalent
technology that is compliant with NSF/ANSI 51 and is designed to
contain the glass if the glass envelope of the lamp is broken and to
provide effective containment over the life of the lamp; (II) have a
maximum 40-watt limitation; and (III) be sold at retail only in a
package containing 1 lamp. (42 U.S.C. 6295(l)(4)(D)(ii)) DOE will
continue to collect and model data for rough service lamps for two
years after the effective date of January 25, 2018, in accordance with
42 U.S.C. 6295(l)(4)(I)(ii).
B. Vibration Service Lamps
On April 7, 2016, DOE published a notice announcing that the actual
unit sales for vibration service lamps were 272.5 percent of the
benchmark estimate for the 2015 calendar year. 81 FR 20261. For the
2016 and 2017 calendar years, the exponential growth forecast projected
the benchmark unit sales estimate for vibration service lamps to be
2,467,000 and 2,345,000 units respectively. The NEMA-provided shipment
data reported shipments of 6,869,000 units in 2016 and 6,018,000 units
in 2017. These findings are 278.5 and 256.6 percent of the benchmark
Similar to rough service lamps, since unit sales for vibration
service lamps exceeded 200 percent of the benchmark estimate in 2015,
and DOE did not complete an energy conservation standards rulemaking
for these lamps by the end of calendar year 2016, the backstop
requirement was triggered. DOE published a final rule on December 26,
2017 to adopt the statutory backstop requirements for vibration service
lamps which require that vibration service lamps: (I) Have a maximum
40-watt limitation; and (II) be sold at retail only in a package
containing 1 lamp. (42 U.S.C. 6295(l)(4)(E)(ii)) DOE will continue to
collect and model data for vibration service lamps for two years after
the effective date of January 25, 2018, in accordance with 42 U.S.C.
C. Three-Way Incandescent Lamps
For 3-way incandescent lamps, the exponential growth forecast
projected the benchmark unit sales estimate for 2016 to be 48,104,000
units and for 2017 to be 47,610,000 units. The NEMA-provided shipment
data reported shipments of 31,768,000 units in 2016 and 28,468,000
units in 2017. As these findings are only 66 percent and 60 percent of
the benchmark estimate respectively, DOE will continue to track 3-way
incandescent lamp sales data and will not initiate an accelerated
standards rulemaking for this lamp type at this time.
D. 2,601-3,300 Lumen General Service Incandescent Lamps
For 2,601-3,300 lumen general service incandescent lamps, the
exponential growth forecast projected the benchmark unit sales estimate
for 2016 to be 34,241,000 units and for 2017 to be 34,307,000 units.
The NEMA-provided shipment data reported shipments of 3,679,000 units
in 2016 and 2,794,000 units in 2017. As these findings are 10.7 and 8.1
percent of the benchmark estimate respectively, DOE will continue to
track 2,601-3,300 lumen general service incandescent lamp sales data
and will not impose statutory requirements for this lamp type at this
E. Shatter-Resistant Lamps
For shatter-resistant lamps, the exponential growth forecast
projected the benchmark unit sales estimate for 2016 to be 1,679,000
units and for 2017 to be 1,684,000 units. The NEMA-provided shipment
data reported shipments of 548,000 units in 2016 and 474,000 units in
2017. As these findings are only 32.6 and 28.2 percent of the benchmark
estimate respectively, DOE will continue to track shatter-resistant
lamp sales data and will not initiate an accelerated standards
rulemaking for this lamp type at this time.
V. Conclusion
This NODA compares the 2016 and 2017 shipments against benchmark
unit sales estimates for rough service lamps, vibration service lamps,
3-way incandescent lamps, 2,601-3,300 lumen general service
incandescent lamps, and shatter-resistant lamps. For 3-way incandescent
lamps, 2,601-3,300 lumen general service incandescent lamps, and
shatter-resistant lamps, the 2016 and 2017 sales are not greater than
200 percent of the forecasted estimates. The 2016 and 2017 unit sales
for vibration service lamps are greater than 200 percent of the
benchmark unit sales estimate. The 2016 unit sales for rough service
lamps are greater than 200 percent of the benchmark unit sales estimate
but the 2017 unit sales are below the benchmark unit sales estimate.
DOE will continue to monitor these lamp types and will assess 2018 unit
sales next year.
Signed in Washington, DC, on July 20, 2018.
Kathleen B. Hogan,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy.
[FR Doc. 2018-16097 Filed 7-27-18; 8:45 am]