Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation Disaster Relief, 30991-30993 [2018-14125]
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Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 127 / Monday, July 2, 2018 / Notices
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Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 27th day
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For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Annette L. Vietti-Cook,
Federal Advisory Committee Management
[FR Doc. 2018–14202 Filed 6–29–18; 8:45 am]
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
Disaster Relief
Pension Benefit Guaranty
ACTION: Notice.
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The Pension Benefit Guaranty
Corporation (PBGC) is changing how it
announces relief from filing deadlines
and penalties when a disaster occurs.
Under an Announcement made today,
PBGC’s disaster relief will be available
at the same time the Internal Revenue
Service issues disaster relief for
taxpayers that includes filing extensions
for the Form 5500 series. Filers will not
have to wait for PBGC to issue a
separate announcement. For premium
filings, PBGC is changing its practice so
that in addition to no late payment
penalty charges, no late payment
interest charges will be assessed for the
disaster relief period.
DATES: The Disaster Relief
Announcement in this notice is effective
for disasters for which the Internal
Revenue Service has issued a disaster
relief news release on or after July 2,
Stephanie Cibinic, Deputy Assistant
General Counsel for Regulatory Affairs,
Office of the General Counsel, Pension
Benefit Guaranty Corporation, 1200 K
Street NW, Washington, DC 20005–
4026;; 202–
326–4400 extension 6352. TTY users
may call the Federal relay service tollfree at 800–877–8339 and ask to be
connected to 202–326–4400 extension
When there is a disaster covered by
Internal Revenue Code section
1033(h)(3), Employee Retirement
Income Security Act (ERISA) section
4002(i) gives the Pension Benefit
Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) authority
to extend deadlines by notice or
otherwise. PBGC has followed a practice
of posting a disaster relief
announcement on its website each time
the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) posts
a disaster relief news release that
includes filing extensions for the
Annual Return/Report of Employee
Benefit Plan Form 5500 Series. Each
PBGC disaster relief announcement
copies the disaster, disaster area, and
relief period from the IRS news release
on which it is based. Except for these
types of fields, the text in PBGC disaster
relief announcements is boilerplate that
is repeated in every announcement.
IRS issues a separate disaster relief
news release for each state affected by
a disaster. Each news release lists the
names of counties in the state that are
covered by the relief. IRS may add
newly affected counties to an existing
news release. PBGC filers have to rely
on a statement in each PBGC
PO 00000
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announcement that the corresponding
IRS news release should be checked for
other counties that IRS might have
added. Because PBGC’s announcements
rely on data from IRS news releases,
PBGC’s announcements are always
issued later than IRS’ news releases.
PBGC filers have to wait for PBGC to
respond to each IRS disaster relief news
release before they can be certain that
PBGC is providing disaster relief.
PBGC is changing its practice to
simplify how it announces disaster
relief by referring PBGC filers directly to
IRS’ disaster relief news releases. Filers
will no longer have to wait for PBGC to
act, because PBGC’s disaster relief will
be keyed to IRS’ news releases. Instead
of multiple disaster relief
announcements, all explaining disaster
relief in the same repetitive language,
PBGC will have one simple
announcement that clearly explains
how PBGC disaster relief is keyed to IRS
relief, what circumstances generally
lead to relief, and the nature of relief
generally granted.
The qualifications for disaster relief
and relief granted will be simpler and
easier to apply. Formerly, relief was
described separately for premiums,
single-employer plan terminations,
reportable events notices, annual
employer reporting, administrative
review, and multiemployer plan filings.
This detail is unnecessary because, no
matter the type of PBGC filing or
whether the plan is a multiemployer or
single-employer plan, the deadline
extension is simply the end of the IRS
relief period for due dates that fall
within that period.
As with the current practice, there are
exceptions to this general ‘‘IRS-based’’
relief, which are listed in the
Announcement. Filers would still be
able to request relief on a case-by-case
basis for the excepted filings or other
actions not covered by the general relief.
PBGC also makes the following
changes and clarifications in the
Announcement, which are designed to
be helpful to plan sponsors:
• Formerly, a late premium payment
eligible for disaster relief and paid by
the end of the relief period was treated
as timely for purposes of assessing the
late payment penalty, but not the
applicable interest charge. Under
PBGC’s new practice, the premium
payment due date is extended so that no
late payment penalty or interest charges
will be assessed for the disaster relief
• Formerly, premium filers had to
submit the premium form and payment
owed (‘‘the premium filing’’) by the end
of the relief period for disaster relief to
apply. Under PBGC’s new practice,
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 127 / Monday, July 2, 2018 / Notices
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES
where a filer is unable to submit, or
anticipates difficulty in submitting, a
premium filing by the end of the relief
period, the filer would simply notify
PBGC by the end of the period of the
filer’s eligibility for disaster relief to
apply. For example, if a premium filer
notifies PBGC by the end of the relief
period that the filer is eligible for
disaster relief but is unable to submit
the premium filing by that time, late
payment penalty and interest charges
would not begin to accrue until after the
end of the relief period, i.e., the
extended due date for the payment. This
same method of notification is available
for filings other than premium filings
covered by the general disaster relief.
• Formerly, filers would need to
apply for case-by-case disaster relief for
late annual financial and actuarial
information reporting under ERISA
section 4010. PBGC believes these
filings more appropriately fall under
general relief.
• Formerly, post-event notices of
reportable events under ERISA section
4043 fell under general relief. Because
certain of these filings involve timesensitive information where there may
be a high risk of substantial harm to
participants or PBGC’s insurance
program, PBGC believes five post-event
filings are more appropriate for case-bycase relief. Those five events are
identified in the exceptions list in the
• Formerly, where disaster relief is
founded on problems getting
information or assistance from a service
provider, the provider’s operations must
be ‘‘directly affected’’ by the disaster.
This vague standard is replaced with a
clear standard that the service provider
be located in the disaster area. This is
the same objective condition as for the
person required to file.
PBGC’s Announcement of disaster
relief is set forth below and posted on
the ‘‘Disaster Relief’’ web page of
Announcement of Pension Benefit
Guaranty Corporation Disaster Relief
When a disaster causes a delay in
making a required filing or in taking
some other required action, the Pension
Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC)
generally grants relief by extending the
time to act. PBGC’s relief relies on data
from Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
announcements, so historically PBGC
has followed IRS’ lead when
announcing relief. With this
Announcement, unless a filing is on the
‘‘Exceptions List’’ below, filers can be
assured that PBGC grants disaster relief
when, where, and for the same relief
period that IRS grants relief for
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taxpayers affected by a disaster. Filers
will not have to wait for PBGC to issue
a separate announcement.
PBGC also may grant case-by-case
relief for filings and actions on the
Exceptions List. See ‘‘Requesting Caseby-Case Relief’’ below for how to
request such relief.
Disasters Covered
Except for filings and actions on the
Exceptions List, PBGC provides relief
where there is a disaster for which the
IRS announces that tax relief is being
granted for affected taxpayers that
includes filing extensions for the Form
5500 series returns. The IRS announces
tax relief for a disaster in a news release
that states:
• The identifying number of the
• The disaster for which relief is
• The disaster area covered by the
announcement (typically counties
within a state).
• The starting and ending dates of the
relief period covered by the
Each news release may be updated
periodically by the IRS to broaden the
disaster area to include places
subsequently affected by the same
disaster and covered by the relief.
IRS news releases announcing tax
relief for disasters are listed on IRS’
website. Select the applicable news
release on the list to see the text of the
Requirements for Disaster Relief
The disaster relief in this
Announcement applies only if all of the
following requirements are met:
• The person responsible for a filing,
payment, or other action under PBGC
regulations, e.g., a plan administrator or
contributing sponsor, is located in the
disaster area. Or, a person responsible
for providing information or other
assistance needed for the filing,
payment, or other action, e.g., a service
provider (such as the plan’s enrolled
actuary) or bank, is located in the
disaster area.
• The due date of the filing, payment,
or other action falls within the relief
• The filer notifies PBGC of the filer’s
eligibility for disaster relief on or before
the last day of the relief period. See
‘‘Notifying PBGC of Your Eligibility for
Disaster Relief’’ below.
• The filing or action is not described
in the Exceptions List below.
Relief Granted
If the requirements for relief listed
above are met, the due date for the
PO 00000
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filing, payment, or other action is
extended to the last day of the relief
period. Accordingly—
• A filing will not be subject to a late
filing penalty under section 4071 or
4302 of the Employee Retirement
Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) for
the relief period.
• A premium payment will not be
subject to late payment penalty or
interest charges under section 4007 of
ERISA for the relief period.
• The extended due date for a filing
or other action will apply for purposes
of calculating any other due date that is
based on the due date of the filing or
other action. For instance, if a plan is
filing certain actuarial information by an
alternative due date that is 15 days after
a plan’s Form 5500 due date (29 CFR
4010.10(b)), and the deadline to file a
Form 5500 is extended because of a
disaster, then the 15-day period in
PBGC’s regulation is automatically
measured from the last day of the Form
5500 disaster relief period.
Example of How Disaster Relief Works
Plan A is a calendar year plan. Absent
disaster relief, Plan A would be required
to submit the 2018 Comprehensive
Premium Filing (CPF) and pay its 2018
premium by October 15, 2018. IRS
issues a news release providing disaster
relief for tax payers in a specified
disaster area for the period September 4,
2018 through January 31, 2019. Plan A’s
plan administrator is located in the
disaster area covered by the IRS disaster
relief news release. Plan A notifies
PBGC that it is eligible for disaster relief
on or before January 31, 2019 (either by
submitting a CPF in which such
eligibility is reported or by sending an
email to PBGC). If Plan A pays its 2018
• On or before January 31, 2019, no
late payment charges (interest or
penalties) will be assessed.
• After January 31, 2019, late
payment charges will begin accruing on
February 1, 2019.
Exceptions List
The following filings and actions are
not covered by the disaster relief
described above. These are filings that
involve particularly important or timesensitive information where there may
be a high risk of substantial harm to
participants or PBGC’s insurance
program. To request case-by-case relief
for these filings see ‘‘Requesting Caseby-Case Relief’’ below.
• Advance notices of reportable
events under ERISA section 4043 (Form
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 127 / Monday, July 2, 2018 / Notices
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES
• Notices of large missed
contributions under ERISA section
303(k) (Form 200).
• Post-event notices for the following
five reportable events under ERISA
section 4043:
—Failure to make required
contributions under $1 million.
—Inability to pay benefits when due.
—Loan default.
—Insolvency or similar settlement.
• Actions related to distress
terminations for which PBGC has issued
a distribution notice.
Notifying PBGC of Your Eligibility for
Disaster Relief
Premium filings: Notify us by
providing certain information as part of
the Comprehensive Premium Filing. See
the Filing Instructions for the applicable
plan year for details. We also encourage
filers to notify us by email to as soon as
reasonably possible that you are eligible
for disaster relief. The email should
contain the following identifying
information: (1) The number of the
applicable IRS News Release, (2) plan
information, i.e., plan name, EIN, plan
number, and, (3) the name and address
of the person affected by the disaster.
Item (3) may be omitted if the plan
administrator’s address reported in the
most recently submitted premium filing
is in the applicable disaster area.
In situations where a filer is unable to
submit, or anticipates difficulty in
submitting, the Comprehensive
Premium Filing by the end of the relief
period, the filer should notify us by
sending an email with the same
information and to the same address
noted above.
All other filings or actions: Notify us
by following the disaster relief
instructions (if any) for the particular
filing. If there are no such instructions,
filers should notify us of their eligibility
for relief by sending an email by the end
of the relief period to the email address
included in the instructions for the
particular filing, or on a PBGC web page
listing applicable contact information,
such as PBGC’s Contact Information for
Practitioners page. The email should
contain relevant identifying
information, such as: (1) The number of
the applicable IRS News Release, (2)
plan information, i.e., plan name, EIN,
plan number, and, (3) the name and
address of the person affected by the
disaster. We encourage filers to notify us
as soon as reasonably possible.
Requesting Case-by-Case Relief
Follow the instructions for requesting
a waiver or extension in the regulations
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or instructions for completing the
particular filing. For example, for a
reportable events filing on the
Exceptions List, follow the provision for
waivers and extensions in PBGC’s
reportable events regulation at 29 CFR
4043.4. That provision explains that a
request for a waiver or extension must
be filed with PBGC in writing (which
may be in electronic form) and must
state the facts and circumstances on
which the request is based.
If there is no such guidance, contact
PBGC as soon as reasonably possible
using the phone number or email
address in the instructions for the
particular filing, or on a PBGC web page
listing applicable contact information,
such as PBGC’s Contact Information for
Practitioners page.
Otherwise, contact PBGC’s
Practitioner Problem Resolution Officer
• Email at
• Telephone at 800–736–2444
extension 4136 or 202–326–4136. (For
TTY users, call 800–877–8339 and
request connection to 202–326–4136.)
• U.S. mail at Practitioner Problem
Resolution Officer, Pension Benefit
Guaranty Corporation, 1200 K Street
NW, Suite 610, Washington, DC 20005–
For general information on PBGC
disaster relief, please call our toll-free
practitioner number, 800–736–2444.
Issued in Washington, DC.
William Reeder,
Director, Pension Benefit Guaranty
3642 and 3632(b)(3), on June 26, 2018,
it filed with the Postal Regulatory
Commission a USPS Request to Add
Priority Mail Express, Priority Mail, &
First-Class Package Service Contract 40
to Competitive Product List. Documents
are available at, Docket
Nos. MC2018–187, CP2018–261.
Elizabeth Reed,
Attorney, Corporate and Postal Business Law.
[FR Doc. 2018–14111 Filed 6–29–18; 8:45 am]
Sunshine Act: Notice of Public Meeting
Notice is hereby given that the
Railroad Retirement Board will hold a
meeting on July 17, 2018, 10:00 a.m. at
the Board’s meeting room on the 8th
Floor of its headquarters building, 844
North Rush Street, Chicago, Illinois
60611. The agenda for this meeting
Portion open to the public:
(1) Executive Committee Reports.
The person to contact for more
information is Martha Rico-Parra,
Secretary to the Board, Phone No. 312–
For the Board.
Dated: June 28, 2018.
Martha Rico-Parra,
Secretary to the Board.
[FR Doc. 2018–14258 Filed 6–28–18; 4:15 pm]
[FR Doc. 2018–14125 Filed 6–29–18; 8:45 am]
[Release No. 34–83526; File No. SR–BX–
Product Change—Priority Mail
Express, Priority Mail, & First-Class
Package Service Negotiated Service
Postal ServiceTM.
ACTION: Notice.
Elizabeth Reed, 202–268–3179.
United States Postal Service® hereby
gives notice that, pursuant to 39 U.S.C.
PO 00000
Frm 00085
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
June 26, 2018.
Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
(‘‘Act’’),1 and Rule 19b–4 thereunder,2
notice is hereby given that on June 25,
2018, Nasdaq BX, Inc. (‘‘BX’’ or
‘‘Exchange’’) filed with the Securities
and Exchange Commission (‘‘SEC’’ or
‘‘Commission’’) the proposed rule
change as described in Items I and II
below, which Items have been prepared
by the Exchange. The Commission is
publishing this notice to solicit
The Postal Service gives
notice of filing a request with the Postal
Regulatory Commission to add a
domestic shipping services contract to
the list of Negotiated Service
Agreements in the Mail Classification
Schedule’s Competitive Products List.
DATES: Date of required notice: July 2,
Self-Regulatory Organizations; Nasdaq
BX, Inc.; Notice of Filing and
Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed
Rule Change To Extend the
Exchange’s Penny Pilot Program
1 15
2 17
U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
CFR 240.19b–4.
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 127 (Monday, July 2, 2018)]
[Pages 30991-30993]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2018-14125]
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation Disaster Relief
AGENCY: Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) is changing
how it announces relief from filing deadlines and penalties when a
disaster occurs. Under an Announcement made today, PBGC's disaster
relief will be available at the same time the Internal Revenue Service
issues disaster relief for taxpayers that includes filing extensions
for the Form 5500 series. Filers will not have to wait for PBGC to
issue a separate announcement. For premium filings, PBGC is changing
its practice so that in addition to no late payment penalty charges, no
late payment interest charges will be assessed for the disaster relief
DATES: The Disaster Relief Announcement in this notice is effective for
disasters for which the Internal Revenue Service has issued a disaster
relief news release on or after July 2, 2018.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Stephanie Cibinic, Deputy Assistant
General Counsel for Regulatory Affairs, Office of the General Counsel,
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, 1200 K Street NW, Washington, DC
20005-4026;">[email protected]; 202-326-4400 extension 6352.
TTY users may call the Federal relay service toll-free at 800-877-8339
and ask to be connected to 202-326-4400 extension 6352.
When there is a disaster covered by Internal Revenue Code section
1033(h)(3), Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) section
4002(i) gives the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) authority
to extend deadlines by notice or otherwise. PBGC has followed a
practice of posting a disaster relief announcement on its website each
time the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) posts a disaster relief news
release that includes filing extensions for the Annual Return/Report of
Employee Benefit Plan Form 5500 Series. Each PBGC disaster relief
announcement copies the disaster, disaster area, and relief period from
the IRS news release on which it is based. Except for these types of
fields, the text in PBGC disaster relief announcements is boilerplate
that is repeated in every announcement.
IRS issues a separate disaster relief news release for each state
affected by a disaster. Each news release lists the names of counties
in the state that are covered by the relief. IRS may add newly affected
counties to an existing news release. PBGC filers have to rely on a
statement in each PBGC announcement that the corresponding IRS news
release should be checked for other counties that IRS might have added.
Because PBGC's announcements rely on data from IRS news releases,
PBGC's announcements are always issued later than IRS' news releases.
PBGC filers have to wait for PBGC to respond to each IRS disaster
relief news release before they can be certain that PBGC is providing
disaster relief.
PBGC is changing its practice to simplify how it announces disaster
relief by referring PBGC filers directly to IRS' disaster relief news
releases. Filers will no longer have to wait for PBGC to act, because
PBGC's disaster relief will be keyed to IRS' news releases. Instead of
multiple disaster relief announcements, all explaining disaster relief
in the same repetitive language, PBGC will have one simple announcement
that clearly explains how PBGC disaster relief is keyed to IRS relief,
what circumstances generally lead to relief, and the nature of relief
generally granted.
The qualifications for disaster relief and relief granted will be
simpler and easier to apply. Formerly, relief was described separately
for premiums, single-employer plan terminations, reportable events
notices, annual employer reporting, administrative review, and
multiemployer plan filings. This detail is unnecessary because, no
matter the type of PBGC filing or whether the plan is a multiemployer
or single-employer plan, the deadline extension is simply the end of
the IRS relief period for due dates that fall within that period.
As with the current practice, there are exceptions to this general
``IRS-based'' relief, which are listed in the Announcement. Filers
would still be able to request relief on a case-by-case basis for the
excepted filings or other actions not covered by the general relief.
PBGC also makes the following changes and clarifications in the
Announcement, which are designed to be helpful to plan sponsors:
Formerly, a late premium payment eligible for disaster
relief and paid by the end of the relief period was treated as timely
for purposes of assessing the late payment penalty, but not the
applicable interest charge. Under PBGC's new practice, the premium
payment due date is extended so that no late payment penalty or
interest charges will be assessed for the disaster relief period.
Formerly, premium filers had to submit the premium form
and payment owed (``the premium filing'') by the end of the relief
period for disaster relief to apply. Under PBGC's new practice,
[[Page 30992]]
where a filer is unable to submit, or anticipates difficulty in
submitting, a premium filing by the end of the relief period, the filer
would simply notify PBGC by the end of the period of the filer's
eligibility for disaster relief to apply. For example, if a premium
filer notifies PBGC by the end of the relief period that the filer is
eligible for disaster relief but is unable to submit the premium filing
by that time, late payment penalty and interest charges would not begin
to accrue until after the end of the relief period, i.e., the extended
due date for the payment. This same method of notification is available
for filings other than premium filings covered by the general disaster
Formerly, filers would need to apply for case-by-case
disaster relief for late annual financial and actuarial information
reporting under ERISA section 4010. PBGC believes these filings more
appropriately fall under general relief.
Formerly, post-event notices of reportable events under
ERISA section 4043 fell under general relief. Because certain of these
filings involve time-sensitive information where there may be a high
risk of substantial harm to participants or PBGC's insurance program,
PBGC believes five post-event filings are more appropriate for case-by-
case relief. Those five events are identified in the exceptions list in
the Announcement.
Formerly, where disaster relief is founded on problems
getting information or assistance from a service provider, the
provider's operations must be ``directly affected'' by the disaster.
This vague standard is replaced with a clear standard that the service
provider be located in the disaster area. This is the same objective
condition as for the person required to file.
PBGC's Announcement of disaster relief is set forth below and
posted on the ``Disaster Relief'' web page of
Announcement of Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation Disaster Relief
When a disaster causes a delay in making a required filing or in
taking some other required action, the Pension Benefit Guaranty
Corporation (PBGC) generally grants relief by extending the time to
act. PBGC's relief relies on data from Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
announcements, so historically PBGC has followed IRS' lead when
announcing relief. With this Announcement, unless a filing is on the
``Exceptions List'' below, filers can be assured that PBGC grants
disaster relief when, where, and for the same relief period that IRS
grants relief for taxpayers affected by a disaster. Filers will not
have to wait for PBGC to issue a separate announcement.
PBGC also may grant case-by-case relief for filings and actions on
the Exceptions List. See ``Requesting Case-by-Case Relief'' below for
how to request such relief.
Disasters Covered
Except for filings and actions on the Exceptions List, PBGC
provides relief where there is a disaster for which the IRS announces
that tax relief is being granted for affected taxpayers that includes
filing extensions for the Form 5500 series returns. The IRS announces
tax relief for a disaster in a news release that states:
The identifying number of the announcement.
The disaster for which relief is granted.
The disaster area covered by the announcement (typically
counties within a state).
The starting and ending dates of the relief period covered
by the announcement.
Each news release may be updated periodically by the IRS to broaden
the disaster area to include places subsequently affected by the same
disaster and covered by the relief.
IRS news releases announcing tax relief for disasters are listed on
IRS' website. Select the applicable news release on the list to see the
text of the announcement.
Requirements for Disaster Relief
The disaster relief in this Announcement applies only if all of the
following requirements are met:
The person responsible for a filing, payment, or other
action under PBGC regulations, e.g., a plan administrator or
contributing sponsor, is located in the disaster area. Or, a person
responsible for providing information or other assistance needed for
the filing, payment, or other action, e.g., a service provider (such as
the plan's enrolled actuary) or bank, is located in the disaster area.
The due date of the filing, payment, or other action falls
within the relief period.
The filer notifies PBGC of the filer's eligibility for
disaster relief on or before the last day of the relief period. See
``Notifying PBGC of Your Eligibility for Disaster Relief'' below.
The filing or action is not described in the Exceptions
List below.
Relief Granted
If the requirements for relief listed above are met, the due date
for the filing, payment, or other action is extended to the last day of
the relief period. Accordingly--
A filing will not be subject to a late filing penalty
under section 4071 or 4302 of the Employee Retirement Income Security
Act of 1974 (ERISA) for the relief period.
A premium payment will not be subject to late payment
penalty or interest charges under section 4007 of ERISA for the relief
The extended due date for a filing or other action will
apply for purposes of calculating any other due date that is based on
the due date of the filing or other action. For instance, if a plan is
filing certain actuarial information by an alternative due date that is
15 days after a plan's Form 5500 due date (29 CFR 4010.10(b)), and the
deadline to file a Form 5500 is extended because of a disaster, then
the 15-day period in PBGC's regulation is automatically measured from
the last day of the Form 5500 disaster relief period.
Example of How Disaster Relief Works
Plan A is a calendar year plan. Absent disaster relief, Plan A
would be required to submit the 2018 Comprehensive Premium Filing (CPF)
and pay its 2018 premium by October 15, 2018. IRS issues a news release
providing disaster relief for tax payers in a specified disaster area
for the period September 4, 2018 through January 31, 2019. Plan A's
plan administrator is located in the disaster area covered by the IRS
disaster relief news release. Plan A notifies PBGC that it is eligible
for disaster relief on or before January 31, 2019 (either by submitting
a CPF in which such eligibility is reported or by sending an email to
PBGC). If Plan A pays its 2018 premium:
On or before January 31, 2019, no late payment charges
(interest or penalties) will be assessed.
After January 31, 2019, late payment charges will begin
accruing on February 1, 2019.
Exceptions List
The following filings and actions are not covered by the disaster
relief described above. These are filings that involve particularly
important or time-sensitive information where there may be a high risk
of substantial harm to participants or PBGC's insurance program. To
request case-by-case relief for these filings see ``Requesting Case-by-
Case Relief'' below.
Advance notices of reportable events under ERISA section
4043 (Form 10-Advance).
[[Page 30993]]
Notices of large missed contributions under ERISA section
303(k) (Form 200).
Post-event notices for the following five reportable
events under ERISA section 4043:
--Failure to make required contributions under $1 million.
--Inability to pay benefits when due.
--Loan default.
--Insolvency or similar settlement.
Actions related to distress terminations for which PBGC
has issued a distribution notice.
Notifying PBGC of Your Eligibility for Disaster Relief
Premium filings: Notify us by providing certain information as part
of the Comprehensive Premium Filing. See the Filing Instructions for
the applicable plan year for details. We also encourage filers to
notify us by email to">[email protected] as soon as reasonably possible
that you are eligible for disaster relief. The email should contain the
following identifying information: (1) The number of the applicable IRS
News Release, (2) plan information, i.e., plan name, EIN, plan number,
and, (3) the name and address of the person affected by the disaster.
Item (3) may be omitted if the plan administrator's address reported in
the most recently submitted premium filing is in the applicable
disaster area.
In situations where a filer is unable to submit, or anticipates
difficulty in submitting, the Comprehensive Premium Filing by the end
of the relief period, the filer should notify us by sending an email
with the same information and to the same address noted above.
All other filings or actions: Notify us by following the disaster
relief instructions (if any) for the particular filing. If there are no
such instructions, filers should notify us of their eligibility for
relief by sending an email by the end of the relief period to the email
address included in the instructions for the particular filing, or on a
PBGC web page listing applicable contact information, such as PBGC's
Contact Information for Practitioners page. The email should contain
relevant identifying information, such as: (1) The number of the
applicable IRS News Release, (2) plan information, i.e., plan name,
EIN, plan number, and, (3) the name and address of the person affected
by the disaster. We encourage filers to notify us as soon as reasonably
Requesting Case-by-Case Relief
Follow the instructions for requesting a waiver or extension in the
regulations or instructions for completing the particular filing. For
example, for a reportable events filing on the Exceptions List, follow
the provision for waivers and extensions in PBGC's reportable events
regulation at 29 CFR 4043.4. That provision explains that a request for
a waiver or extension must be filed with PBGC in writing (which may be
in electronic form) and must state the facts and circumstances on which
the request is based.
If there is no such guidance, contact PBGC as soon as reasonably
possible using the phone number or email address in the instructions
for the particular filing, or on a PBGC web page listing applicable
contact information, such as PBGC's Contact Information for
Practitioners page.
Otherwise, contact PBGC's Practitioner Problem Resolution Officer
Email at">[email protected]
Telephone at 800-736-2444 extension 4136 or 202-326-4136.
(For TTY users, call 800-877-8339 and request connection to 202-326-
U.S. mail at Practitioner Problem Resolution Officer,
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, 1200 K Street NW, Suite 610,
Washington, DC 20005-4026.
For general information on PBGC disaster relief, please call our
toll-free practitioner number, 800-736-2444.
Issued in Washington, DC.
William Reeder,
Director, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.
[FR Doc. 2018-14125 Filed 6-29-18; 8:45 am]