International Energy Agency Meetings, 27764-27765 [2018-12781]

Download as PDF 27764 Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 115 / Thursday, June 14, 2018 / Notices text or Portable Document Format (PDF). To use PDF you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is available free at this site. You may also access documents of the Department published in the Federal Register by using the article search feature at: Specifically, through the advanced search feature at this site, you can limit your search to documents published by the Department. Dated: June 11, 2018. James F. Manning, Acting Chief Operating Officer Federal Student Aid. Closed SEQ Session—IEA Member Countries Only [FR Doc. 2018–12822 Filed 6–13–18; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4000–01–P DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY International Energy Agency Meetings Department of Energy. Notice of meetings. AGENCY: ACTION: The Industry Advisory Board (IAB) to the International Energy Agency (IEA) will meet on June 26, 2018, at at the UIC–P, 16 Rue Jean Rey, 75015 Paris, France, in connection with a joint meeting of the IEA’s Standing Group on Emergency Questions (SEQ) and the IEA’s Standing Group on the Oil Market (SOM) on June 27, 2018. There will be a meeting involving members of the Industry Advisory Board (IAB) to the International Energy Agency (IEA) in connection with the IEA’s 9th Emergency Response Exercise (ERE9) to be held at the OECD Conference Centre, ´ 2 Rue Andre-Pascal, 75016 Paris, France, on June 28–29, 2018. DATES: June 26–29, 2018. ADDRESSES: UIC–P, 16 Rue Jean Rey, ´ 75015 Paris, France; 2 Rue AndrePascal, 75016 Paris, France. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Thomas Reilly, Assistant General Counsel for International and National Security Programs, Department of Energy, 1000 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20585, 202–586– 5000. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In accordance with section 252(c)(1)(A)(i) of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6272(c)(1)(A)(i)) (EPCA), the following notice of meetings is provided: A meeting of the Industry Advisory Board (IAB) to the International Energy Agency (IEA) will be held at the UIC– P, 16 Rue Jean Rey, 75015 Paris, France, commencing at 9:30 a.m. on June 26, 2018. The purpose of this notice is to permit attendance by representatives of daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES SUMMARY: VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:38 Jun 13, 2018 Jkt 244001 U.S. company members of the IAB at a meeting of the IEA’s Standing Group on Emergency Questions (SEQ), which is scheduled to be held at the same location and time. The IAB will also hold a preparatory meeting among company representatives at the same location at 8:30 a.m. on June 26. The agenda for this preparatory meeting is to review the agenda for the SEQ meeting. The agenda of the meeting is under the control of the SEQ and the SOM. It is expected that the SEQ and the SOM will adopt the following agenda: 1. Adoption of the Agenda 2. Approval of the Summary Record of the 153rd Meeting 3. Status of Compliance with IEP Agreement Stockholding Obligations—Presentation by the Secretariat 4. Update on the Ministerial Mandates/ Oil Stockholding System Revision Work Open SEQ Session—Open to Association Countries 5. Cost-benefit of Stockholding Study— Presentation by the Secretariat 6. Mid-term Review of Norway— Presentation by the Administration 7. Update of Saving Oil in a Hurry— Presentation by the Secretariat 8. Industry Advisory Board Update 9. Emergency Response Review of Japan—Presentation by the Secretariat 10. ASEAN+6 Energy Security Study— Presentation by the Secretariat 11. Mid-term Review of Poland— Presentation by the Administration 12. ERE9—Presentation by the Secretariat 13. Bilateral Stocks in Non-OECD Countries—Presentation by Australia 14. Outreach—Presentation by the Secretariat 15. Oral Reports by Administrations —Netherlands (Groningen & Bonaire) —Mexico (Natural gas workshop) —Denmark (Digitalization/Cyber security) 16. Other Business —ERR Programme Schedule of SEQ & SOM Meetings 2018 & 2019 —27–29 November 2018 —19–21 March 2019 —25–27 June 2019 —22–24 October 2019 A meeting of the Industry Advisory Board (IAB) to the International Energy Agency (IEA) will be held in UNESCO, Room IX (N° 9), 7 place de Fontenoy, 75007 Paris, France, commencing at PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 09:30 on June 27, 2018. The purpose of this notice is to permit attendance by representatives of U.S. company members of the IAB at a joint meeting of the IEA’s Standing Group on Emergency Questions (SEQ) and the IEA’s Standing Group on the Oil Market (SOM), which is scheduled to be held at the same location and time.The agenda of the SEQ meeting is under the control of the SEQ. It is expected that the SEQ will adopt the following agenda: Start Meeting/Introduction 17. Adoption of the Agenda 18. Approval of Summary Record of 20 March 2018 19. Reports on Recent Oil Market and Policy Developments in IEA Countries 20. Update on the Current Oil Market Situation: followed by Q&A 21. Presentation: ‘‘Gas 2018—‘‘Analysis & forecasts to 2023’’ followed by Q&A 22. Presentation: ‘‘Global refining trends’’ followed by Q&A 23. Presentation: ‘‘Oil demand growth: the importance of petrochemicals’’ followed by Q&A 24. Presentation: ‘‘Chevron’s long term outlook’’ followed by Q&A 25. Presentation: ‘‘Digitilization & the oil sector’’—followed by Q&A 26. Presentation: ‘‘Global electric vehicles outlook 2018’’ followed by Q&A 27. Other Business —Tentative schedule of the next SOM meeting: 27 November 2018, Location TBC A meeting involving members of the Industry Advisory Board (IAB) to the International Energy Agency (IEA) in connection with the IEA’s 9th Emergency Response Exercise (ERE9) will be held at the OECD Conference ´ Centre, 2 Rue Andre-Pascal, 75016 Paris, France, on June 28–29, 2018. The agenda for ERE9 is under the control of the IEA. It is expected that the IEA will adopt the following agenda: Day One: 28 June Welcome to ERE9 Training: Session 1 —The IEA and Energy Security: Overview —Oil Markets During a Supply Disruption —IEA Emergency Response System —Emergency Data Collection Training: Session 2 —Media Perspective: The Role of Messaging During a Supply Disruption —Analysis of a Previous ERE Scenario ERE9 Disruption Simulation: Goals and Ground Rules E:\FR\FM\14JNN1.SGM 14JNN1 Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 115 / Thursday, June 14, 2018 / Notices Supply Disruption Scenario 1: Introduction and Breakout Session Supply Disruption Scenario 1: Discussion of Group Responses Recap of Day 1 Day 2: 29 June Supply Disruption Scenario 2: Introduction and Breakout Session Supply Disruption Scenario 2: Discussion of Group Responses Supply Disruption Scenario 3: Introduction and Plenary Discussion ERE9 Round-Up: Key Takeaways Concluding Remarks As provided in section 252(c)(1)(A)(ii) of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6272(c)(1)(A)(ii)), the meetings of the IAB are open to representatives of members of the IAB and their counsel; representatives of members of the IEA’s Standing Group on Emergency Questions and the IEA’s Standing Group on the Oil Markets; representatives of the Departments of Energy, Justice, and State, the Federal Trade Commission, the General Accounting Office, Committees of Congress, the IEA, and the European Commission; and invitees of the IAB, the SEQ, the SOM, or the IEA. Issued in Washington, DC, June 11, 2018. Thomas Reilly, Assistant General Counsel for International and National Security Programs. [FR Doc. 2018–12781 Filed 6–13–18; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6450–01–P ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY [EPA–HQ–OPP–2015–0769; FRL–9978–37] requests. If these requests are granted, any sale, distribution, or use of products listed in this notice will be permitted after the registration has been cancelled only if such sale, distribution, or use is consistent with the terms as described in the final order. DATES: Comments must be received on or before July 16, 2018. ADDRESSES: Submit your comments, identified by docket identification (ID) number EPA–HQ–OPP–2015–0769, by one of the following methods: • Federal eRulemaking Portal: https:// Follow the online instructions for submitting comments. Do not submit electronically any information you consider to be Confidential Business Information (CBI) or other information whose disclosure is restricted by statute. • Mail: OPP Docket, Environmental Protection Agency Docket Center (EPA/ DC), (28221T), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20460–0001. • Hand Delivery: To make special arrangements for hand delivery or delivery of boxed information, please follow the instructions at https:// Additional instructions on commenting or visiting the docket, along with more information about dockets generally, is available at https:// FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Julie Javier, Pesticide Re-Evaluation Division (7508P), Office of Pesticide Programs, Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20460–0001; telephone number: (703) 347–0790; email address: javier.julie@ SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Difenacoum; Notice of Receipt of Requests to Voluntarily Cancel Certain Pesticide Registrations Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). ACTION: Notice. AGENCY: In accordance with the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), EPA is issuing a notice of receipt of requests by the registrant to voluntarily cancel its registrations of products containing the pesticide difenacoum. The requests would terminate the last difenacoum products registered for use in the United States. EPA intends to grant these requests at the close of the comment period for this announcement unless the Agency receives substantive comments within the comment period that would merit its further review of the requests, or unless the registrant withdraws its daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES SUMMARY: VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:38 Jun 13, 2018 Jkt 244001 I. General Information A. Does this action apply to me? This action is directed to the public in general, and may be of interest to a wide range of stakeholders including environmental, human health, and agricultural advocates; the chemical industry; pesticide users; and members of the public interested in the sale, distribution, or use of pesticides. Since others also may be interested, the Agency has not attempted to describe all the specific entities that may be affected by this action. B. What should I consider as I prepare my comments for EPA? 1. Submitting CBI. Do not submit this information to EPA through or email. Clearly mark the part or all of the information that you claim to be CBI. For CBI PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 27765 information in a disk or CD–ROM that you mail to EPA, mark the outside of the disk or CD–ROM as CBI and then identify electronically within the disk or CD–ROM the specific information that is claimed as CBI. In addition to one complete version of the comment that includes information claimed as CBI, a copy of the comment that does not contain the information claimed as CBI must be submitted for inclusion in the public docket. Information so marked will not be disclosed except in accordance with procedures set forth in 40 CFR part 2. 2. Tips for preparing your comments. When preparing and submitting your comments, see the commenting tips at comments.html. II. Background on the Receipt of Requests To Cancel Registrations This notice announces receipt by EPA of requests from registrant Woodstream Corporation to cancel all their difenacoum product registrations. Difenacoum is a second generation anticoagulant rodenticide used in and around homes, buildings, and in commercial transportation vehicles. It is formulated as ready-to-use pelleted bait to control rats and mice. In letters dated October 19, 2017 and April 4, 2018, Woodstream Corporation requested EPA to cancel the pesticide product registrations identified in Table 1 of Unit III. They also requested that the timeframe for the existing stocks provisions be two years from the date of the 90-day response to the GDCI, i.e., to October 18, 2019. (The 90-day response to the DCI is dated October 19, 2017, where the registrant requested to cancel EPA Registration Nos. 36488–66 and 47629–12. They followed this up with a request dated April 4, 2018, to cancel the rest of the registrations identified in Table 1 of Unit III.) The registrant does not expect any significant adverse effects to public health or the environment as a result. The registrant’s request will terminate the last difenacoum products registered in the United States. III. What action is the Agency taking? This notice announces receipt by EPA of requests from a registrant to cancel all difenacoum product registrations. The affected products and the registrant making the requests are identified in Tables 1 and 2 of this unit. Unless a request is withdrawn by the registrant or if the Agency determines that there are substantive comments that warrant further review of this request, EPA intends to issue an order canceling the affected registrations. E:\FR\FM\14JNN1.SGM 14JNN1


[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 115 (Thursday, June 14, 2018)]
[Pages 27764-27765]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2018-12781]



International Energy Agency Meetings

AGENCY: Department of Energy.

ACTION: Notice of meetings.


SUMMARY: The Industry Advisory Board (IAB) to the International Energy 
Agency (IEA) will meet on June 26, 2018, at at the UIC-P, 16 Rue Jean 
Rey, 75015 Paris, France, in connection with a joint meeting of the 
IEA's Standing Group on Emergency Questions (SEQ) and the IEA's 
Standing Group on the Oil Market (SOM) on June 27, 2018. There will be 
a meeting involving members of the Industry Advisory Board (IAB) to the 
International Energy Agency (IEA) in connection with the IEA's 9th 
Emergency Response Exercise (ERE9) to be held at the OECD Conference 
Centre, 2 Rue Andr[eacute]-Pascal, 75016 Paris, France, on June 28-29, 

DATES: June 26-29, 2018.

ADDRESSES: UIC-P, 16 Rue Jean Rey, 75015 Paris, France; 2 Rue 
Andr[eacute]-Pascal, 75016 Paris, France.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Thomas Reilly, Assistant General 
Counsel for International and National Security Programs, Department of 
Energy, 1000 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20585, 202-586-

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In accordance with section 252(c)(1)(A)(i) 
of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6272(c)(1)(A)(i)) 
(EPCA), the following notice of meetings is provided:
    A meeting of the Industry Advisory Board (IAB) to the International 
Energy Agency (IEA) will be held at the UIC-P, 16 Rue Jean Rey, 75015 
Paris, France, commencing at 9:30 a.m. on June 26, 2018. The purpose of 
this notice is to permit attendance by representatives of U.S. company 
members of the IAB at a meeting of the IEA's Standing Group on 
Emergency Questions (SEQ), which is scheduled to be held at the same 
location and time. The IAB will also hold a preparatory meeting among 
company representatives at the same location at 8:30 a.m. on June 26. 
The agenda for this preparatory meeting is to review the agenda for the 
SEQ meeting.
    The agenda of the meeting is under the control of the SEQ and the 
SOM. It is expected that the SEQ and the SOM will adopt the following 

Closed SEQ Session--IEA Member Countries Only

1. Adoption of the Agenda
2. Approval of the Summary Record of the 153rd Meeting
3. Status of Compliance with IEP Agreement Stockholding Obligations--
Presentation by the Secretariat
4. Update on the Ministerial Mandates/Oil Stockholding System Revision 

Open SEQ Session--Open to Association Countries

5. Cost-benefit of Stockholding Study--Presentation by the Secretariat
6. Mid-term Review of Norway--Presentation by the Administration
7. Update of Saving Oil in a Hurry--Presentation by the Secretariat
8. Industry Advisory Board Update
9. Emergency Response Review of Japan--Presentation by the Secretariat
10. ASEAN+6 Energy Security Study--Presentation by the Secretariat
11. Mid-term Review of Poland--Presentation by the Administration
12. ERE9--Presentation by the Secretariat
13. Bilateral Stocks in Non-OECD Countries--Presentation by Australia
14. Outreach--Presentation by the Secretariat
15. Oral Reports by Administrations
    --Netherlands (Groningen & Bonaire)
    --Mexico (Natural gas workshop)
    --Denmark (Digitalization/Cyber security)
16. Other Business
    --ERR Programme
Schedule of SEQ & SOM Meetings 2018 & 2019
    --27-29 November 2018
    --19-21 March 2019
    --25-27 June 2019
    --22-24 October 2019

    A meeting of the Industry Advisory Board (IAB) to the International 
Energy Agency (IEA) will be held in UNESCO, Room IX (N[deg] 9), 7 place 
de Fontenoy, 75007 Paris, France, commencing at 09:30 on June 27, 2018. 
The purpose of this notice is to permit attendance by representatives 
of U.S. company members of the IAB at a joint meeting of the IEA's 
Standing Group on Emergency Questions (SEQ) and the IEA's Standing 
Group on the Oil Market (SOM), which is scheduled to be held at the 
same location and time.The agenda of the SEQ meeting is under the 
control of the SEQ. It is expected that the SEQ will adopt the 
following agenda:

Start Meeting/Introduction

17. Adoption of the Agenda
18. Approval of Summary Record of 20 March 2018
19. Reports on Recent Oil Market and Policy Developments in IEA 
20. Update on the Current Oil Market Situation: followed by Q&A
21. Presentation: ``Gas 2018--``Analysis & forecasts to 2023'' followed 
by Q&A
22. Presentation: ``Global refining trends'' followed by Q&A
23. Presentation: ``Oil demand growth: the importance of 
petrochemicals'' followed by Q&A
24. Presentation: ``Chevron's long term outlook'' followed by Q&A
25. Presentation: ``Digitilization & the oil sector''--followed by Q&A
26. Presentation: ``Global electric vehicles outlook 2018'' followed by 
27. Other Business
    --Tentative schedule of the next SOM meeting: 27 November 2018, 
Location TBC

    A meeting involving members of the Industry Advisory Board (IAB) to 
the International Energy Agency (IEA) in connection with the IEA's 9th 
Emergency Response Exercise (ERE9) will be held at the OECD Conference 
Centre, 2 Rue Andr[eacute]-Pascal, 75016 Paris, France, on June 28-29, 
    The agenda for ERE9 is under the control of the IEA. It is expected 
that the IEA will adopt the following agenda:

Day One: 28 June

Welcome to ERE9
Training: Session 1
    --The IEA and Energy Security: Overview
    --Oil Markets During a Supply Disruption
    --IEA Emergency Response System
    --Emergency Data Collection
Training: Session 2
    --Media Perspective: The Role of Messaging During a Supply 
    --Analysis of a Previous ERE Scenario
ERE9 Disruption Simulation: Goals and Ground Rules

[[Page 27765]]

Supply Disruption Scenario 1: Introduction and Breakout Session
Supply Disruption Scenario 1: Discussion of Group Responses
Recap of Day 1

Day 2: 29 June

Supply Disruption Scenario 2: Introduction and Breakout Session
Supply Disruption Scenario 2: Discussion of Group Responses
Supply Disruption Scenario 3: Introduction and Plenary Discussion
ERE9 Round-Up: Key Takeaways
Concluding Remarks

As provided in section 252(c)(1)(A)(ii) of the Energy Policy and 
Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6272(c)(1)(A)(ii)), the meetings of the IAB 
are open to representatives of members of the IAB and their counsel; 
representatives of members of the IEA's Standing Group on Emergency 
Questions and the IEA's Standing Group on the Oil Markets; 
representatives of the Departments of Energy, Justice, and State, the 
Federal Trade Commission, the General Accounting Office, Committees of 
Congress, the IEA, and the European Commission; and invitees of the 
IAB, the SEQ, the SOM, or the IEA.

    Issued in Washington, DC, June 11, 2018.
Thomas Reilly,
Assistant General Counsel for International and National Security 
[FR Doc. 2018-12781 Filed 6-13-18; 8:45 am]
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