Agency Information Collection Activities; Comment Request: National Universal Product Code (NUPC) Database, 20032-20033 [2018-09625]
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Federal Register
Vol. 83, No. 88
Monday, May 7, 2018
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER
contains documents other than rules or
proposed rules that are applicable to the
public. Notices of hearings and investigations,
committee meetings, agency decisions and
rulings, delegations of authority, filing of
petitions and applications and agency
statements of organization and functions are
examples of documents appearing in this
Food and Nutrition Service
Agency Information Collection
Activities; Comment Request: National
Universal Product Code (NUPC)
Food and Nutrition Service
ACTION: Notice.
In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this
notice invites the general public and
other public agencies to comment on
this proposed information collection.
This collection is an extension, without
change, of a currently approved
collection for the maintenance of a
central repository containing
information about authorized foods in
the Special Supplemental Nutrition
Program for Women, Infants and
Children (WIC), as approved by various
WIC State agencies.
DATES: Written comments must be
received on or before July 6, 2018.
ADDRESSES: Comments may be sent to:
Kurtria Watson, Food and Nutrition
Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture,
3101 Park Center Drive, Room 524,
Alexandria, VA 22302. Comments may
also be submitted via fax to the attention
of Kurtria Watson at 703–305–2196 or
via email to Kurtria.Watson@ Comments will also be
accepted through the Federal
eRulemaking Portal. Go to https://, and follow the
online instructions for submitting
comments electronically.
All responses to this notice will be
summarized and included in the request
for Office of Management and Budget
approval. All comments will be a matter
of public record.
Requests for additional information or
copies of this information collection
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES
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should be directed to Kurtria Watson at
are invited on: (a) Whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the agency, including
whether the information shall have
practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions that were
used; (c) ways to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information to
be collected; and (d) ways to minimize
the burden of the collection of
information on those who are to
respond, including use of appropriate
automated, electronic, mechanical, or
other technological collection
techniques or other forms of information
Title: National Universal Product
Code (NUPC) Database.
Form Number: N/A.
OMB Number: 0584–0552.
Expiration Date: August 31, 2018.
Type of Request: Extension, without
change, of a currently approved
Abstract: The Special Supplemental
Nutrition Program for Women, Infants
and Children (WIC), (Pub. L. 109–85)
provides low-income pregnant,
breastfeeding, and postpartum women,
infants, and children up to age five with
nutritious supplemental foods, nutrition
education, including breastfeeding
promotion and support, and referrals to
health and social services. The WIC
Program is administered by the USDA
Food and Nutrition Service (FNS). FNS
provides grant funding and issues
regulations which are utilized by WIC
State agencies to operate the WIC
Program and distribute benefits through
local WIC clinics. The program operates
throughout the 50 States, the District of
Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, American
Samoa, Commonwealth of the Northern
Mariana Islands, the U.S. Virgin Islands,
and in 34 Indian Tribal Organizations.
The reporting and record-keeping
associated with WIC State agencies and
their management of the NUPC database
is not included in this burden
calculation. Burden hours associated
with WIC State agencies and their
management of the NUPC database is
included in the burden calculation
associated with the WIC program
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regulations, OMB Control Number
WIC Regulations at 7 CFR part 246
require State agencies to authorize
eligible foods for their WIC food list.
Under these regulations, State agencies
must review food products for eligibility
in accordance with Federal regulations
and State agency policies. State agencies
are not required to authorize all food
products eligible under federal
regulations, but generally select foods
based on factors such as cost,
availability and acceptability to
participants. After review, the State
agency develops a list of food items
available for WIC participants for
purchase. This food list is known as the
Authorized Products List (APL). State
agencies require authorized vendors
(i.e., stores authorized to provide WIC
foods) to ensure only approved food
items are purchased. In State agencies
that have transitioned to Electronic
Benefit Transfer (EBT) systems,
authorized vendors must program their
point of sale systems to identify WIC
approved foods and their associated
Universal Product Code (UPC) or Price
Look-Up (PLU) code as individual
products are scanned at the checkout.
Vendors in State agencies that have not
transitioned to EBT rely on their
checkout clerks to ensure only
authorized WIC products are approved
for purchase.
WIC State agencies operating EBT
systems provide their authorized
vendors with an electronic file
containing the State agency’s current list
of authorized foods. As products are
scanned at the checkout lane, the UPC
or PLU is matched to the State specific
APL. Food items matching the APL, and
which are presented in quantities less
than or equal to the remaining benefit
balance associated with the participant’s
WIC EBT card, are approved for
purchase. Unmatched items, or items in
excess of the available account balance,
may not be purchased with WIC
The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of
2010 directed the Secretary of
Agriculture to establish a National
Universal Product Code (NUPC)
database for use by all WIC State
agencies as they implement EBT
statewide. As a result of this legislation,
FNS expanded the number of data
elements contained in the existing
NUPC database while simultaneously
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 88 / Monday, May 7, 2018 / Notices
reducing the burden on WIC State
agency employees by assembling food
product information in an easily
accessible repository. NUPC database
modifications and expansion activities
have allowed for the storage and
retrieval of additional data elements for
each WIC authorized food to include:
Nutrition facts panel information,
ingredients, special processing practices
(i.e., Kosher or Halal), and a free form
comments field. The NUPC retained all
previously used product identifier
fields. Responsibility for populating the
NUPC database resides with an
independent contractor who serves as
the single point of entry for all
information entering the NUPC
database. This contractor ensures NUPC
data is captured with a high level of
accuracy while preserving data integrity
in a standardized format. The NUPC
database provides all WIC State agencies
with access to a central repository
containing comprehensive information
about authorized WIC foods. State
agencies may choose to use the NUPC
database to create an initial list of
authorized foods eligible for redemption
by WIC Program participants.
Subsequently, State agencies may use
the NUPC database to maintain their list
of authorized foods, and to create an
APL for distribution to authorized
vendors when operating in the EBT
Affected Public: Businesses or Other
For Profit Organizations. Respondent
groups identified include: (1) Food
Manufacturers and Distributors; (2)
Authorized Vendors.
Estimated Number of Respondents:
The total estimated number of
respondents is 360. This includes 240
food manufacturers or distributors and
120 authorized vendors.
Estimated Number of Responses per
Respondent: 3.33. The 240 food
manufacturers or distributors will be
asked to provide product information in
electronic format (.doc, .xls, .pdf). All
responses are voluntary. FNS estimates
that each of the food manufacturers or
distributors will be asked to provide
product information 4 times per year on
average and that each of the 120
authorized vendors will be asked to
provide product information 2 times per
year on average.
Estimated Total Annual Responses:
The total number of responses is
estimated to be 1,200. FNS estimates
food manufacturers or distributors will
be asked to respond a total of 960 times
per year (240 food manufacturers or
distributors × 4 responses per year each
= 960). FNS estimates authorized
vendors will be asked to respond a total
of 240 times per year (120 authorized
vendors × 2 responses per year each =
240). All responses are voluntary.
Estimated Time per Response: The
estimated time per response varies by
type of respondent. FNS expects all
respondents will expend 12 hours per
respondent per year to develop,
number of
annually per
maintain, and troubleshoot the
electronic systems for use in
transmitting information. The estimated
time required to develop, maintain, and
troubleshoot electronic systems is
amortized over the expected number of
responses. FNS also expects all
respondents will expend 2 seconds per
response to transmit information to FNS
electronically. Since the time required
to actually transmit the information to
FNS is considered negligible (total of 40
minutes per year for all respondents), it
was omitted from the burden
calculation. FNS expects that food
manufacturers or distributors will
expend 6 hours per response to gather
and format the requested information.
Authorized vendors are expected to
expend 1 hour per response to gather
and format the requested information.
The estimated time per response for
food manufacturers or distributors is
expected to be 9 hours per response ((12
hours per year/4 responses per year) +
6 hours per response = 9 hours per
response). The estimated time per
response for authorized vendors is
expected to be 7 hours per response ((12
hours per year/2 responses per year) +
1 hour per response = 7 hours per
Estimated Total Annual Burden on
Respondents: 10,320 hours. The table
below provides an estimated total
annual burden for each type of
Total annual
of hours
per response
total annual
Food Manufacturers and Distributors ..................................
Authorized Vendors .............................................................
Total ..............................................................................
Dated: April 27, 2018.
Brandon Lipps,
Administrator, Food and Nutrition Service.
[FR Doc. 2018–09625 Filed 5–4–18; 8:45 am]
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES
Foreign-Trade Zones Board
Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) 37—Orange
County, New York; Notification of
Proposed Production Activity;
Takasago International Corp. (U.S.A.)
(Fragrances); Harriman, New York
Takasago International Corp. (U.S.A.)
(Takasago) submitted a notification of
proposed production activity to the FTZ
Board for its facility in Harriman, New
York. The notification conforming to the
requirements of the regulations of the
FTZ Board (15 CFR 400.22) was
received on April 30, 2018.
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Takasago already has authority to
produce fragrances within Site 10 of
FTZ 37. The current request would add
additional foreign status components of
essential oils and aromatic chemicals to
the scope of authority. Pursuant to 15
CFR 400.14(b), additional FTZ authority
would be limited to the specific foreignstatus components described in the
submitted notification (as described
below) and subsequently authorized by
the FTZ Board.
Production under FTZ procedures
could exempt Takasago from customs
duty payments on the foreign-status
components used in export production.
On its domestic sales, for the foreignstatus components noted below,
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 88 (Monday, May 7, 2018)]
[Pages 20032-20033]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2018-09625]
Federal Register
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains documents other than rules
or proposed rules that are applicable to the public. Notices of hearings
and investigations, committee meetings, agency decisions and rulings,
delegations of authority, filing of petitions and applications and agency
statements of organization and functions are examples of documents
appearing in this section.
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 88 / Monday, May 7, 2018 / Notices
[[Page 20032]]
Food and Nutrition Service
Agency Information Collection Activities; Comment Request:
National Universal Product Code (NUPC) Database
AGENCY: Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), USDA.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this
notice invites the general public and other public agencies to comment
on this proposed information collection. This collection is an
extension, without change, of a currently approved collection for the
maintenance of a central repository containing information about
authorized foods in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for
Women, Infants and Children (WIC), as approved by various WIC State
DATES: Written comments must be received on or before July 6, 2018.
ADDRESSES: Comments may be sent to: Kurtria Watson, Food and Nutrition
Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 3101 Park Center Drive, Room
524, Alexandria, VA 22302. Comments may also be submitted via fax to
the attention of Kurtria Watson at 703-305-2196 or via email to
[email protected]. Comments will also be accepted through the
Federal eRulemaking Portal. Go to, and
follow the online instructions for submitting comments electronically.
All responses to this notice will be summarized and included in the
request for Office of Management and Budget approval. All comments will
be a matter of public record.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Requests for additional information or
copies of this information collection should be directed to Kurtria
Watson at 703-605-4387.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Comments are invited on: (a) Whether the
proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the
information shall have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the
agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of
information, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions
that were used; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity
of the information to be collected; and (d) ways to minimize the burden
of the collection of information on those who are to respond, including
use of appropriate automated, electronic, mechanical, or other
technological collection techniques or other forms of information
Title: National Universal Product Code (NUPC) Database.
Form Number: N/A.
OMB Number: 0584-0552.
Expiration Date: August 31, 2018.
Type of Request: Extension, without change, of a currently approved
Abstract: The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women,
Infants and Children (WIC), (Pub. L. 109-85) provides low-income
pregnant, breastfeeding, and postpartum women, infants, and children up
to age five with nutritious supplemental foods, nutrition education,
including breastfeeding promotion and support, and referrals to health
and social services. The WIC Program is administered by the USDA Food
and Nutrition Service (FNS). FNS provides grant funding and issues
regulations which are utilized by WIC State agencies to operate the WIC
Program and distribute benefits through local WIC clinics. The program
operates throughout the 50 States, the District of Columbia, Guam,
Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana
Islands, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and in 34 Indian Tribal
The reporting and record-keeping associated with WIC State agencies
and their management of the NUPC database is not included in this
burden calculation. Burden hours associated with WIC State agencies and
their management of the NUPC database is included in the burden
calculation associated with the WIC program regulations, OMB Control
Number 0584-0043.
WIC Regulations at 7 CFR part 246 require State agencies to
authorize eligible foods for their WIC food list. Under these
regulations, State agencies must review food products for eligibility
in accordance with Federal regulations and State agency policies. State
agencies are not required to authorize all food products eligible under
federal regulations, but generally select foods based on factors such
as cost, availability and acceptability to participants. After review,
the State agency develops a list of food items available for WIC
participants for purchase. This food list is known as the Authorized
Products List (APL). State agencies require authorized vendors (i.e.,
stores authorized to provide WIC foods) to ensure only approved food
items are purchased. In State agencies that have transitioned to
Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) systems, authorized vendors must
program their point of sale systems to identify WIC approved foods and
their associated Universal Product Code (UPC) or Price Look-Up (PLU)
code as individual products are scanned at the checkout. Vendors in
State agencies that have not transitioned to EBT rely on their checkout
clerks to ensure only authorized WIC products are approved for
WIC State agencies operating EBT systems provide their authorized
vendors with an electronic file containing the State agency's current
list of authorized foods. As products are scanned at the checkout lane,
the UPC or PLU is matched to the State specific APL. Food items
matching the APL, and which are presented in quantities less than or
equal to the remaining benefit balance associated with the
participant's WIC EBT card, are approved for purchase. Unmatched items,
or items in excess of the available account balance, may not be
purchased with WIC benefits.
The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 directed the Secretary of
Agriculture to establish a National Universal Product Code (NUPC)
database for use by all WIC State agencies as they implement EBT
statewide. As a result of this legislation, FNS expanded the number of
data elements contained in the existing NUPC database while
[[Page 20033]]
reducing the burden on WIC State agency employees by assembling food
product information in an easily accessible repository. NUPC database
modifications and expansion activities have allowed for the storage and
retrieval of additional data elements for each WIC authorized food to
include: Nutrition facts panel information, ingredients, special
processing practices (i.e., Kosher or Halal), and a free form comments
field. The NUPC retained all previously used product identifier fields.
Responsibility for populating the NUPC database resides with an
independent contractor who serves as the single point of entry for all
information entering the NUPC database. This contractor ensures NUPC
data is captured with a high level of accuracy while preserving data
integrity in a standardized format. The NUPC database provides all WIC
State agencies with access to a central repository containing
comprehensive information about authorized WIC foods. State agencies
may choose to use the NUPC database to create an initial list of
authorized foods eligible for redemption by WIC Program participants.
Subsequently, State agencies may use the NUPC database to maintain
their list of authorized foods, and to create an APL for distribution
to authorized vendors when operating in the EBT environment.
Affected Public: Businesses or Other For Profit Organizations.
Respondent groups identified include: (1) Food Manufacturers and
Distributors; (2) Authorized Vendors.
Estimated Number of Respondents: The total estimated number of
respondents is 360. This includes 240 food manufacturers or
distributors and 120 authorized vendors.
Estimated Number of Responses per Respondent: 3.33. The 240 food
manufacturers or distributors will be asked to provide product
information in electronic format (.doc, .xls, .pdf). All responses are
voluntary. FNS estimates that each of the food manufacturers or
distributors will be asked to provide product information 4 times per
year on average and that each of the 120 authorized vendors will be
asked to provide product information 2 times per year on average.
Estimated Total Annual Responses: The total number of responses is
estimated to be 1,200. FNS estimates food manufacturers or distributors
will be asked to respond a total of 960 times per year (240 food
manufacturers or distributors x 4 responses per year each = 960). FNS
estimates authorized vendors will be asked to respond a total of 240
times per year (120 authorized vendors x 2 responses per year each =
240). All responses are voluntary.
Estimated Time per Response: The estimated time per response varies
by type of respondent. FNS expects all respondents will expend 12 hours
per respondent per year to develop, maintain, and troubleshoot the
electronic systems for use in transmitting information. The estimated
time required to develop, maintain, and troubleshoot electronic systems
is amortized over the expected number of responses. FNS also expects
all respondents will expend 2 seconds per response to transmit
information to FNS electronically. Since the time required to actually
transmit the information to FNS is considered negligible (total of 40
minutes per year for all respondents), it was omitted from the burden
calculation. FNS expects that food manufacturers or distributors will
expend 6 hours per response to gather and format the requested
information. Authorized vendors are expected to expend 1 hour per
response to gather and format the requested information. The estimated
time per response for food manufacturers or distributors is expected to
be 9 hours per response ((12 hours per year/4 responses per year) + 6
hours per response = 9 hours per response). The estimated time per
response for authorized vendors is expected to be 7 hours per response
((12 hours per year/2 responses per year) + 1 hour per response = 7
hours per response).
Estimated Total Annual Burden on Respondents: 10,320 hours. The
table below provides an estimated total annual burden for each type of
Estimated Response Total annual average number Estimated
Respondent number of annually per responses of hours per total annual
respondents respondent response burden (hours)
Food Manufacturers and 240 4 960 9 8,640
Authorized Vendors.............. 120 2 240 7 1,680
Total....................... 360 3.33 1,200 8.6 10,320
Dated: April 27, 2018.
Brandon Lipps,
Administrator, Food and Nutrition Service.
[FR Doc. 2018-09625 Filed 5-4-18; 8:45 am]