Distributed Energy Resources-Technical Considerations for the Bulk Power System; Notice Inviting Post-Technical Conference Comments, 19745-19746 [2018-09450]
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Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 87 / Friday, May 4, 2018 / Notices
Joe Baumann, Office of Electric
Reliability, Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, 888 First Street NE,
Washington, DC 20426, (202) 502–8373,
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Docket No. AD18–10–000]
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES
Distributed Energy Resources—
Technical Considerations for the Bulk
Power System; Notice Inviting PostTechnical Conference Comments
On April 10 and April 11, 2018,
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
(Commission) staff convened a technical
conference to discuss the participation
of distributed energy resource (DER)
aggregations in Regional Transmission
Organization (RTO) and Independent
System Operator (ISO) markets and to
more broadly discuss the potential
effects of DERs on the bulk power
All interested persons are invited to
file post-technical conference comments
on the topics relating to the potential
effects of DERs on the bulk power
system as discussed during the
technical conference, including the
questions listed in the Supplemental
Notices issued in this proceeding on
March 29, 2018 and April 9, 2018. In
addition, Commission staff is interested
in comments on several follow-up
topics and questions. Commenters need
not respond to all topics or questions
asked. Attached to this notice are the
topics and questions related to Panels 4
and 5 from the two previous notices, as
well as Commission staff’s follow-up
questions related to those panels. Please
file comments relating to these areas in
Docket No. AD18–10–000.
A notice inviting post-technical
conference comments on the topics and
questions concerning the Commission’s
DER aggregation proposal related to
Panels 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7 is being
concurrently issued in Docket No.
RM18–9–000. Please separately file
comments relating to Panels 1, 2, 3, 6,
and 7 in Docket No. RM18–9–000.
Commenters may reference material
previously filed in this docket but are
encouraged to avoid repetition or
replication of previous material. In
addition, commenters are encouraged,
when possible, to provide examples in
support of their answers. Comments
must be submitted on or before 60 days
from the date of this notice.
For further information about this
notice, please contact:
Technical Information
Louise Nutter, Office of Electric
Reliability, Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, 888 First Street NE,
Washington, DC 20426, (202) 502–8175,
VerDate Sep<11>2014
18:16 May 03, 2018
Jkt 244001
Dated: April 27, 2018.
Kimberly D. Bose,
Post-Technical Conference Questions
for Comment
Collection and Availability of Data on
DER Installations (Panel 4)
To plan and operate the bulk power
system, it is important for transmission
planners, transmission operators, and
distribution utilities to collect and share
validated data across the transmissiondistribution interface. In September
2017, the North American Electric
Reliability Corporation (NERC)
published a Reliability Guideline on
DER modeling (Guideline) that specified
the minimum DER information needed
by transmission planners and planning
coordinators to assist in modeling and
conducting assessments.1 The Guideline
references the importance of static data
(such as the capacity, technical
capabilities, and location of a DER
installation) for the entities involved in
the planning of the bulk power system.
The following questions focus on
understanding the need for bulk power
system planners and operators to have
access to accurate data to plan and
operate the bulk power system, explore
the types of data that are needed, and
assess the current state of DER data
collection. The following questions also
address regional DER penetration levels
and any potential effects of inaccurate
long-term DER forecasting. The
Commission Staff DER Technical
Report,2 issued on February 15, 2018,
provides a common foundation for the
topics raised in this panel.
Comments are requested on the
following topics and questions that were
included in previous supplemental
1. What type of information do bulk
power system planners and operators
need regarding DER installations within
their footprint to plan and operate the
bulk power system? Would it be
sufficient for distribution utilities to
provide aggregate information about the
penetration of DERs below certain
1 See NERC Distributed Energy Resource
Modeling Reliability Guideline, at 5 (Sept. 2017),
available at https://www.nerc.com/comm/PC_
2 The report is available at https://www.ferc.gov/
PO 00000
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points on the transmission-distribution
interface? If greater granularity is
needed, what level of detail would be
sufficient? Is validation of the submitted
data possible using data available?
2. What, if any, data on DER
installations is currently collected, and
by whom is it collected? Do procedures
and appropriate agreements exist to
share this data with affected bulk power
system entities (i.e., those entities
responsible for the reliable operation of
the bulk power system or for modeling
and planning for a reliable bulk power
system)? Is there variation by entity or
3. At various DER penetration levels,
what planning and operations impacts
do you observe? Do balancing
authorities with significant growth in
DERs experience the need to address
bulk power system reliability and
operational considerations at certain
DER penetration levels? What are they?
Is the MW level of DER penetration the
most important factor in whether DERs
cause planning and operational impacts,
or do certain characteristics of installed
DERs affect the system operator’s
analysis? Is there a threshold that could
trigger a need for distribution utilities to
share information on DERs with the
bulk power system operator, such as the
point at which DER penetration causes
bulk power system reliability and
operational impacts, or some other,
lower, level of penetration? How could
the answer to these questions vary on a
regional basis, and what factors may
contribute to this variance?
4. How are long-term projections for
DER penetrations developed? Are these
projections currently included in related
forecasting efforts? Do system operators
study the potential effects of future DER
growth to assess changing infrastructure
and planning needs at different
penetration levels?
5. What are the effects on the bulk
power system if long-term forecasts of
DER growth are inaccurate? Are these
effects within current planning
horizons? Are changes in the expected
growth of DERs incorporated into
ongoing planning efforts? Can these
uncertainties be treated similarly to
other uncertainties in the planning
6. How are DERs incorporated into
production cost modeling studies? Do
current tools allow for assessment of
forecasting variations and their effects?
7. Noting that participation in the
RTO/ISO markets by DER aggregators
may provide more information to the
RTOs/ISOs about DERs than would
otherwise be available, should any
specific information about DER
aggregations or the individual DERs in
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 87 / Friday, May 4, 2018 / Notices
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES
them be required from aggregators to
ensure proper planning and operation of
the bulk power system?
8. Do the RTOs/ISOs need any
directly metered data about the
operations of DER aggregations to
ensure proper planning and operation of
the bulk power system?
Based on the discussion at the April
10–11 Technical Conference, comments
are also requested on the following
additional questions:
9. What can DERs offer to support or
enhance bulk power system reliability?
How can these benefits be quantified?
Are these opportunities unique to DERs?
10. With the recently approved IEEE
1547–2018 Standard, what coordination
or collaboration is needed to leverage
the Standard’s technical requirements
(e.g., ride-through settings,
communication capabilities) in a
manner that supports bulk power
system reliability?
11. Is a formal development of a grid
architecture that includes distribution
and transmission systems necessary to
facilitate planning efforts to incorporate
12. What specific real-time DER data
is needed to manage bulk power system
reliability? Why is that data needed? Is
there a specific penetration-level of
DERs above which real-time data is
needed? Without real-time DER data to
ensure visibility of DER installations,
what, if any, potential challenges and
mitigating actions exist for RTOs/ISOs
and transmission operators (e.g., the
potential need to procure additional
contingency reserves)? Please give
13. What challenges exist for DER
developers and owners to provide DER
real-time data? Please give examples.
Incorporating DERs in Modeling,
Planning, and Operations Studies
(Panel 5)
Bulk power system planners and
operators must select methods to
feasibly model DERs at the bulk power
system level with sufficient granularity
to ensure accurate results. The chosen
methodology for grouping DERs at the
bulk power system level could affect
planners’ ability to predict system
behavior following events, or to identify
a need for different operating
procedures under changing system
conditions. Further, the operation of
DERs can affect both bulk power
systems and distribution facilities in
unintended ways, suggesting that new
tools to model the transmission and
distribution interface may be needed.
Staff is also aware of ongoing work in
this area, for example efforts at NERC,
national labs, and other groups, to
VerDate Sep<11>2014
18:16 May 03, 2018
Jkt 244001
evaluate options for studies in these
areas, which could also inform future
work. The following questions focus on
the incorporation of DERs into different
types of planning and operational
studies, including options for modeling
DERs and the methodology for the
inclusion of DERs in larger regional
models. The Commission Staff DER
Technical Report, issued on February
15, 2018, provides a common
foundation for the topics raised in this
Comments are requested on the
following topics and questions that were
included in previous supplemental
1. What are current and best practices
for modeling DERs in different types of
planning, operations, and production
cost studies? Are options available for
modeling the interactions between the
transmission and distribution systems?
2. To what extent are capabilities and
performance of DERs currently
modeled? Do current modeling tools
provide features needed to model these
3. What methods, such as net load,
composite load models, detailed models
or others, are currently used in power
flow and dynamic models to represent
groups of DERs at the bulk power
system level? Would more detailed
models of DERs at the bulk power
system level provide better visibility
and enable more accurate assessment of
their impacts on system conditions?
Does the appropriate method for
grouping DERs vary by penetration
4. Do current contingency studies
include the outage of DER facilities, and
if they are considered, how is the
contingency size chosen? At what
penetration levels or under what system
conditions could including DER outages
be beneficial? Are DERs accounted for
in calculations for Under Frequency
Load Shedding and related studies?
5. What methods are used to calculate
capacity needed for balancing supply
and demand with large amount of solar
DER (ramping and frequency control)
and determining which resources can
provide an appropriate response?
Based on the discussion at the April
10–11 Technical Conference, comments
are also requested on the following
additional questions:
6. For planning efforts, how are model
parameters determined and
incorporated into existing models using
currently available data on DER
capabilities? What types of validation
techniques are used for the data in these
models and how often are they applied?
7. Given the discussion on
interactions between distribution and
PO 00000
Frm 00067
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
transmission operators, are further
requirements for distributed controls,
interoperability and/or cybersecurity
protections being evaluated? Would
advanced techniques and methods to
simulate real-time systems, distributed
controls and demand response or
additional risk-based planning methods,
forecasting techniques and data
analytics provide a benefit in this area?
Which of these methods would provide
the most value to operators and why?
[FR Doc. 2018–09450 Filed 5–3–18; 8:45 am]
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Docket No. RM18–9–000]
Participation of Distributed Energy
Resource Aggregations in Markets
Operated by Regional Transmission
Organizations and Independent
System Operators; Notice Inviting
Post-Technical Conference Comments
On April 10 and April 11, 2018,
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
(Commission) staff convened a technical
conference to discuss the participation
of distributed energy resource (DER)
aggregations in Regional Transmission
Organization (RTO) and Independent
System Operator (ISO) markets and to
more broadly discuss the potential
effects of DERs on the bulk power
All interested persons are invited to
file post-technical conference comments
on the topics concerning the
Commission’s DER aggregation proposal
discussed during the technical
conference, including the questions
listed in the Supplemental Notices
issued in this proceeding on March 29,
2018 and April 9, 2018. In addition,
Commission staff is interested in
comments on several follow-up topics
and questions. Commenters need not
respond to all topics or questions asked.
Attached to this notice are the DER
aggregation topics and questions related
to Panels 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7 from the two
previous notices, as well as Commission
staff’s follow-up questions related to
those panels. Please file comments
relating to these issues in Docket No.
A notice inviting post-technical
conference comments on the topics and
questions relating to the potential effects
of DERs on the bulk power system
related to Panels 4 and 5 is being
concurrently issued in Docket No.
AD18–10–000. Please separately file
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 87 (Friday, May 4, 2018)]
[Pages 19745-19746]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2018-09450]
[[Page 19745]]
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
[Docket No. AD18-10-000]
Distributed Energy Resources--Technical Considerations for the
Bulk Power System; Notice Inviting Post-Technical Conference Comments
On April 10 and April 11, 2018, Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission (Commission) staff convened a technical conference to
discuss the participation of distributed energy resource (DER)
aggregations in Regional Transmission Organization (RTO) and
Independent System Operator (ISO) markets and to more broadly discuss
the potential effects of DERs on the bulk power system.
All interested persons are invited to file post-technical
conference comments on the topics relating to the potential effects of
DERs on the bulk power system as discussed during the technical
conference, including the questions listed in the Supplemental Notices
issued in this proceeding on March 29, 2018 and April 9, 2018. In
addition, Commission staff is interested in comments on several follow-
up topics and questions. Commenters need not respond to all topics or
questions asked. Attached to this notice are the topics and questions
related to Panels 4 and 5 from the two previous notices, as well as
Commission staff's follow-up questions related to those panels. Please
file comments relating to these areas in Docket No. AD18-10-000.
A notice inviting post-technical conference comments on the topics
and questions concerning the Commission's DER aggregation proposal
related to Panels 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7 is being concurrently issued in
Docket No. RM18-9-000. Please separately file comments relating to
Panels 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7 in Docket No. RM18-9-000.
Commenters may reference material previously filed in this docket
but are encouraged to avoid repetition or replication of previous
material. In addition, commenters are encouraged, when possible, to
provide examples in support of their answers. Comments must be
submitted on or before 60 days from the date of this notice.
For further information about this notice, please contact:
Technical Information
Louise Nutter, Office of Electric Reliability, Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426, (202)
502-8175, [email protected].
Joe Baumann, Office of Electric Reliability, Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426, (202)
502-8373, [email protected].
Dated: April 27, 2018.
Kimberly D. Bose,
Post-Technical Conference Questions for Comment
Collection and Availability of Data on DER Installations (Panel 4)
To plan and operate the bulk power system, it is important for
transmission planners, transmission operators, and distribution
utilities to collect and share validated data across the transmission-
distribution interface. In September 2017, the North American Electric
Reliability Corporation (NERC) published a Reliability Guideline on DER
modeling (Guideline) that specified the minimum DER information needed
by transmission planners and planning coordinators to assist in
modeling and conducting assessments.\1\ The Guideline references the
importance of static data (such as the capacity, technical
capabilities, and location of a DER installation) for the entities
involved in the planning of the bulk power system. The following
questions focus on understanding the need for bulk power system
planners and operators to have access to accurate data to plan and
operate the bulk power system, explore the types of data that are
needed, and assess the current state of DER data collection. The
following questions also address regional DER penetration levels and
any potential effects of inaccurate long-term DER forecasting. The
Commission Staff DER Technical Report,\2\ issued on February 15, 2018,
provides a common foundation for the topics raised in this panel.
\1\ See NERC Distributed Energy Resource Modeling Reliability
Guideline, at 5 (Sept. 2017), available at https://www.nerc.com/comm/PC_Reliability_Guidelines_DL/Reliability_Guideline_-_DER_Modeling_Parameters_-_2017-08-18_-_FINAL.pdf.
\2\ The report is available at https://www.ferc.gov/legal/staff-reports/2018/der-report.pdf.
Comments are requested on the following topics and questions that
were included in previous supplemental notices:
1. What type of information do bulk power system planners and
operators need regarding DER installations within their footprint to
plan and operate the bulk power system? Would it be sufficient for
distribution utilities to provide aggregate information about the
penetration of DERs below certain points on the transmission-
distribution interface? If greater granularity is needed, what level of
detail would be sufficient? Is validation of the submitted data
possible using data available?
2. What, if any, data on DER installations is currently collected,
and by whom is it collected? Do procedures and appropriate agreements
exist to share this data with affected bulk power system entities
(i.e., those entities responsible for the reliable operation of the
bulk power system or for modeling and planning for a reliable bulk
power system)? Is there variation by entity or region?
3. At various DER penetration levels, what planning and operations
impacts do you observe? Do balancing authorities with significant
growth in DERs experience the need to address bulk power system
reliability and operational considerations at certain DER penetration
levels? What are they? Is the MW level of DER penetration the most
important factor in whether DERs cause planning and operational
impacts, or do certain characteristics of installed DERs affect the
system operator's analysis? Is there a threshold that could trigger a
need for distribution utilities to share information on DERs with the
bulk power system operator, such as the point at which DER penetration
causes bulk power system reliability and operational impacts, or some
other, lower, level of penetration? How could the answer to these
questions vary on a regional basis, and what factors may contribute to
this variance?
4. How are long-term projections for DER penetrations developed?
Are these projections currently included in related forecasting
efforts? Do system operators study the potential effects of future DER
growth to assess changing infrastructure and planning needs at
different penetration levels?
5. What are the effects on the bulk power system if long-term
forecasts of DER growth are inaccurate? Are these effects within
current planning horizons? Are changes in the expected growth of DERs
incorporated into ongoing planning efforts? Can these uncertainties be
treated similarly to other uncertainties in the planning process?
6. How are DERs incorporated into production cost modeling studies?
Do current tools allow for assessment of forecasting variations and
their effects?
7. Noting that participation in the RTO/ISO markets by DER
aggregators may provide more information to the RTOs/ISOs about DERs
than would otherwise be available, should any specific information
about DER aggregations or the individual DERs in
[[Page 19746]]
them be required from aggregators to ensure proper planning and
operation of the bulk power system?
8. Do the RTOs/ISOs need any directly metered data about the
operations of DER aggregations to ensure proper planning and operation
of the bulk power system?
Based on the discussion at the April 10-11 Technical Conference,
comments are also requested on the following additional questions:
9. What can DERs offer to support or enhance bulk power system
reliability? How can these benefits be quantified? Are these
opportunities unique to DERs?
10. With the recently approved IEEE 1547-2018 Standard, what
coordination or collaboration is needed to leverage the Standard's
technical requirements (e.g., ride-through settings, communication
capabilities) in a manner that supports bulk power system reliability?
11. Is a formal development of a grid architecture that includes
distribution and transmission systems necessary to facilitate planning
efforts to incorporate DERs?
12. What specific real-time DER data is needed to manage bulk power
system reliability? Why is that data needed? Is there a specific
penetration-level of DERs above which real-time data is needed? Without
real-time DER data to ensure visibility of DER installations, what, if
any, potential challenges and mitigating actions exist for RTOs/ISOs
and transmission operators (e.g., the potential need to procure
additional contingency reserves)? Please give examples.
13. What challenges exist for DER developers and owners to provide
DER real-time data? Please give examples.
Incorporating DERs in Modeling, Planning, and Operations Studies (Panel
Bulk power system planners and operators must select methods to
feasibly model DERs at the bulk power system level with sufficient
granularity to ensure accurate results. The chosen methodology for
grouping DERs at the bulk power system level could affect planners'
ability to predict system behavior following events, or to identify a
need for different operating procedures under changing system
conditions. Further, the operation of DERs can affect both bulk power
systems and distribution facilities in unintended ways, suggesting that
new tools to model the transmission and distribution interface may be
needed. Staff is also aware of ongoing work in this area, for example
efforts at NERC, national labs, and other groups, to evaluate options
for studies in these areas, which could also inform future work. The
following questions focus on the incorporation of DERs into different
types of planning and operational studies, including options for
modeling DERs and the methodology for the inclusion of DERs in larger
regional models. The Commission Staff DER Technical Report, issued on
February 15, 2018, provides a common foundation for the topics raised
in this panel.
Comments are requested on the following topics and questions that
were included in previous supplemental notices:
1. What are current and best practices for modeling DERs in
different types of planning, operations, and production cost studies?
Are options available for modeling the interactions between the
transmission and distribution systems?
2. To what extent are capabilities and performance of DERs
currently modeled? Do current modeling tools provide features needed to
model these capabilities?
3. What methods, such as net load, composite load models, detailed
models or others, are currently used in power flow and dynamic models
to represent groups of DERs at the bulk power system level? Would more
detailed models of DERs at the bulk power system level provide better
visibility and enable more accurate assessment of their impacts on
system conditions? Does the appropriate method for grouping DERs vary
by penetration level?
4. Do current contingency studies include the outage of DER
facilities, and if they are considered, how is the contingency size
chosen? At what penetration levels or under what system conditions
could including DER outages be beneficial? Are DERs accounted for in
calculations for Under Frequency Load Shedding and related studies?
5. What methods are used to calculate capacity needed for balancing
supply and demand with large amount of solar DER (ramping and frequency
control) and determining which resources can provide an appropriate
Based on the discussion at the April 10-11 Technical Conference,
comments are also requested on the following additional questions:
6. For planning efforts, how are model parameters determined and
incorporated into existing models using currently available data on DER
capabilities? What types of validation techniques are used for the data
in these models and how often are they applied?
7. Given the discussion on interactions between distribution and
transmission operators, are further requirements for distributed
controls, interoperability and/or cybersecurity protections being
evaluated? Would advanced techniques and methods to simulate real-time
systems, distributed controls and demand response or additional risk-
based planning methods, forecasting techniques and data analytics
provide a benefit in this area? Which of these methods would provide
the most value to operators and why?
[FR Doc. 2018-09450 Filed 5-3-18; 8:45 am]