Revised Critical Infrastructure Protection Reliability Standard CIP-003-7-Cyber Security-Security Management Controls, 17913-17921 [2018-08610]
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Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 80 / Wednesday, April 25, 2018 / Rules and Regulations
purposes of the PRA, a paperwork
burden may take the form of either a
reporting or a recordkeeping
requirement, both referred to as
information collections. This rule does
not constitute a ‘‘collection of
information’’ within the meaning of
section 3502(3) and would not increase
paperwork requirements under the PRA
or regulations of the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB).
By the National Credit Union
Administration Board on April 19, 2018.
Gerard S. Poliquin,
Secretary of the Board.
For the reasons discussed above, the
NCUA Board amends 12 CFR part 740
as follows:
18 CFR Part 40
Executive Order 13132
Executive Order 13132 encourages
independent regulatory agencies to
consider the impact of their actions on
state and local interests. In adherence to
fundamental federalism principles, the
NCUA, an independent regulatory
agency as defined in 44 U.S.C. 3502(5),
voluntarily complies with the executive
order. The rule will not have substantial
direct effect on the states, on the
connection between the national
government and the states, or on the
distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of government. The NCUA has
determined that this rule does not
constitute a policy with federalism
implications for purposes of the
executive order.
Small Business Regulatory Enforcement
Fairness Act
The Small Business Regulatory
Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996 (Pub.
L. 104–121) (SBREFA) provides
generally for congressional review of
agency rules. A reporting requirement is
triggered in instances where the NCUA
issues a final rule as defined in Section
551 of the Administrative Procedure
Act. The NCUA does not believe this
final rule is a ‘‘major rule’’ within the
meaning of the relevant sections of
SBREFA. As required by SBREFA, the
NCUA has filed the appropriate
documentation with OMB for review.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES
The Treasury and General Government
Appropriations Act of 1999—
Assessment of Federal Regulations and
Policies on Families
The NCUA has determined that this
rule will not affect family well-being
within the meaning of Section 654 of
the Treasury and General Government
Appropriations Act, 1999.11
List of Subjects in 12 CFR Part 740
Advertisements, Credit unions, Share
insurance, Signs and symbols.
11 Public
Law 105–277, 112 Stat. 2681 (1998).
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1. The authority citation for part 740
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1766, 1781, 1785, and
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Docket No. RM17–11–000; Order No. 843]
Revised Critical Infrastructure
Protection Reliability Standard CIP–
003–7—Cyber Security—Security
Management Controls
Federal Energy Regulatory
ACTION: Final rule.
The Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (Commission)
■ 2. Amend § 740.5 by revising
approves Critical Infrastructure
paragraphs (a), (b), (c)(7) and (c)(8) to
Protection (CIP) Reliability Standard
read as follows:
CIP–003–7 (Cyber Security—Security
Management Controls), submitted by the
§ 740.5 Requirements for the official
North American Electric Reliability
advertising statement.
Corporation (NERC). Reliability
(a) Each insured credit union must
Standard CIP–003–7 clarifies the
include the official advertising
obligations pertaining to electronic
statement, prescribed in paragraph (b) of access control for low impact BES Cyber
this section, in all of its advertisements, Systems; requires mandatory security
including on its main internet page,
controls for transient electronic devices
except as provided in paragraph (c) of
(e.g., thumb drives, laptop computers,
and other portable devices frequently
this section.
connected to and disconnected from
(b)(1) The official advertising
systems) used at low impact BES Cyber
statement is in substance one of the
Systems; and requires responsible
entities to have a policy for declaring
(i) This credit union is federally
and responding to CIP Exceptional
insured by the National Credit Union
Circumstances related to low impact
BES Cyber Systems. In addition, the
Commission directs NERC to develop
(ii) Federally insured by NCUA;
modifications to the CIP Reliability
(iii) Insured by NCUA; or
Standards to mitigate the risk of
(iv) A reproduction of the official sign malicious code that could result from
as described in § 740.4(b) may be used
third-party transient electronic devices.
in lieu of the other statements included
DATES: This rule will become effective
in this section. If the official sign is used June 25, 2018.
as the official advertising statement, an
insured credit union may alter the font
Matthew Dale (Technical Information),
size to ensure its legibility as provided
Office of Electric Reliability, Federal
in § 740.4(b)(2).
Energy Regulatory Commission, 888
First Street NE, Washington, DC
(2) The official advertising statement
20426, (202) 502–6826,
must be in a size and print that is clearly
legible and may be no smaller than the
smallest font size used in other portions Kevin Ryan (Legal Information), Office
of the General Counsel, Federal
of the advertisement intended to convey
Energy Regulatory Commission, 888
information to the consumer.
First Street NE, Washington, DC
(c) * * *
20426, (202) 502–6840 kevin.ryan@
(7) Advertisements by radio which do
not exceed thirty (30) seconds in time;
Before Commissioners: Kevin J. McIntyre,
(8) Advertisements by television,
Chairman; Cheryl A. LaFleur, Neil
other than display advertisements,
Chatterjee, Robert F. Powelson, and
which do not exceed thirty (30) seconds
Richard Glick.
in time;
1. Pursuant to section 215 of the
Federal Power Act (FPA),1 the
[FR Doc. 2018–08557 Filed 4–24–18; 8:45 am]
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U.S.C. 824o (2012).
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 80 / Wednesday, April 25, 2018 / Rules and Regulations
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES
Commission approves Reliability
Standard CIP–003–7 as just, reasonable,
not unduly discriminatory or
preferential, and in the public interest.
Reliability Standard CIP–003–7
addresses the Commission’s directives
from Order No. 822 and is an
improvement over the current
Commission-approved CIP Reliability
Standards.2 Specifically, Reliability
Standard CIP–003–7 improves upon the
existing Reliability Standards by: (1)
Clarifying the obligations pertaining to
electronic access control for low impact
BES Cyber Systems; 3 (2) adopting
mandatory security controls for
transient electronic devices (e.g., thumb
drives, laptop computers, and other
portable devices frequently connected to
and disconnected from systems) used at
low impact BES Cyber Systems; and (3)
requiring responsible entities to have a
policy for declaring and responding to
CIP Exceptional Circumstances related
to low impact BES Cyber Systems. We
also approve NERC’s proposed
implementation plan and violation risk
factor and violation severity level
assignments. Finally, we approve
NERC’s proposed revised definitions for
inclusion in the NERC Glossary.
2. In the NOPR, the Commission
proposed to direct that NERC modify
Reliability Standard CIP–003–7 to: (1)
Provide clear, objective criteria for
electronic access controls for low
impact BES Cyber Systems; and (2)
address the need to mitigate the risk of
malicious code that could result from
third-party transient electronic devices.4
The Commission adopts the NOPR
proposal regarding third-party transient
electronic devices but does not adopt
the proposal regarding criteria for
electronic access controls for low
impact BES Cyber Systems.
3. As discussed below, in view of the
comments from NERC and others, we
are persuaded that Reliability Standard
CIP–003–7 provides a clear security
objective that establishes compliance
2 Revised Critical Infrastructure Protection
Reliability Standards, Order No. 822, 154 FERC ¶
61,037, reh’g denied, Order No. 822–A, 156 FERC
¶ 61,052 (2016).
3 BES Cyber System is defined by NERC as ‘‘[o]ne
or more BES Cyber Assets logically grouped by a
responsible entity to perform one or more reliability
tasks for a functional entity.’’ Glossary of Terms
Used in NERC Reliability Standards (NERC
Glossary). The acronym BES refers to the bulk
electric system. Reliability Standard CIP–002–5.1a
(Cyber Security System Categorization) provides a
‘‘tiered’’ approach to cybersecurity requirements,
based on classifications of high, medium and low
impact BES Cyber Systems.
4 Revised Critical Infrastructure Protection
Reliability Standard CIP–003–7—Cyber Security—
Security Management Controls, Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking, 82 FR 49541 (Oct. 26, 2017), 161 FERC
¶ 61,047 (2017) (NOPR).
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expectations. Accordingly, we do not
adopt the proposed directive relating to
electronic access controls for low
impact BES Cyber Systems. Instead, as
suggested in the comments, we direct
NERC to conduct a study to assess the
implementation of Reliability Standard
CIP–003–7 to determine whether the
electronic access controls adopted by
responsible entities provide adequate
security. NERC must submit the
directed study within eighteen months
of the effective date of Reliability
Standard CIP–003–7.
4. With regard to the second issue
discussed in the NOPR, we remain
concerned that the proposed Reliability
Standard lacks a clear requirement to
mitigate the risk of malicious code that
could result from third-party transient
electronic devices. Accordingly, we
direct NERC to develop a modification
to the Reliability Standard to provide
the needed clarity. Such modification
will better ensure that registered entities
clearly understand their mitigation
obligations and, thus, improve
individual entity mitigation plans and
collectively improve the cybersecurity
posture of the electric grid.
I. Background
A. Section 215 and Mandatory
Reliability Standards
5. Section 215 of the FPA requires a
Commission-certified Electric
Reliability Organization (ERO) to
develop mandatory and enforceable
Reliability Standards, subject to
Commission review and approval.
Reliability Standards may be enforced
by the ERO, subject to Commission
oversight, or by the Commission
independently.5 Pursuant to section 215
of the FPA, the Commission established
a process to select and certify an ERO,6
and subsequently certified NERC.7
B. Order No. 822
6. The Commission approved the
‘‘Version 1’’ CIP Reliability Standards in
January 2008, and subsequently acted
on revised versions of the CIP
Reliability Standards.8 On January 21,
5 16
U.S.C. 824o(e).
Concerning Certification of the Electric
Reliability Organization; and Procedures for the
Establishment, Approval, and Enforcement of
Electric Reliability Standards, Order No. 672, FERC
Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,204, order on reh’g, Order No.
672–A, FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,212 (2006).
7 North American Electric Reliability Corp., 116
FERC ¶ 61,062, order on reh’g and compliance, 117
FERC ¶ 61,126 (2006), aff’d sub nom. Alcoa, Inc.
v. FERC, 564 F.3d 1342 (DC Cir. 2009).
8 Mandatory Reliability Standards for Critical
Infrastructure Protection, Order No. 706, 122 FERC
¶ 61,040, order on reh’g, Order No. 706–A, 123
FERC ¶ 61,174 (2008), order on clarification, Order
No. 706–B, 126 FERC ¶ 61,229 (2009), order on
6 Rules
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2016, in Order No. 822, the Commission
approved seven CIP Reliability
Standards: CIP–003–6 (Security
Management Controls), CIP–004–6
(Personnel and Training), CIP–006–6
(Physical Security of BES Cyber
Systems), CIP–007–6 (Systems Security
Management), CIP–009–6 (Recovery
Plans for BES Cyber Systems), CIP–010–
2 (Configuration Change Management
and Vulnerability Assessments), and
CIP–011–2 (Information Protection). The
Commission determined that the
Reliability Standards under
consideration at that time were an
improvement over the prior iteration of
the CIP Reliability Standards and
addressed the directives in Order No.
791 by, among other things, addressing
in an equally effective and efficient
manner the need for a NERC Glossary
definition for the term ‘‘communication
networks’’ and providing controls to
address the risks posed by transient
electronic devices (e.g., thumb drives,
laptop computers, and other portable
devices frequently connected to and
disconnected from systems) used at high
and medium impact BES Cyber
7. In addition, in Order No. 822,
pursuant to section 215(d)(5) of the
FPA, the Commission directed NERC,
inter alia, to: (1) Develop modifications
to the Low Impact External Routable
Connectivity (LERC) definition to
eliminate ambiguity surrounding the
term ‘‘direct’’ as it is used in the LERC
definition; and (2) develop
modifications to the CIP Reliability
Standards to provide mandatory
protection for transient electronic
devices used at low impact BES Cyber
C. NERC Petition
8. On March 3, 2017, NERC submitted
a petition seeking approval of Reliability
Standard CIP–003–7 and the associated
violation risk factors and violation
severity levels, implementation plan
and effective date. NERC states that
Reliability Standard CIP–003–7 satisfies
the criteria set forth in Order No. 672
that the Commission applies when
reviewing a proposed Reliability
Standard.11 NERC also sought approval
of revisions to NERC Glossary
definitions for the terms Removable
clarification, Order No. 706–C, 127 FERC ¶ 61,273
(2009); Version 5 Critical Infrastructure Protection
Reliability Standards, Order No. 791, 145 FERC
¶ 61,160 (2013), order on clarification and reh’g,
Order No. 791–A, 146 FERC ¶ 61,188 (2014).
9 Order No. 822, 154 FERC ¶ 61,037 at P 17.
10 Id. P 18.
11 See NERC Petition at 2 (citing Order No. 672,
FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,204 at PP 262, 321–337);
id., Exhibit D (Order No. 672 Criteria).
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 80 / Wednesday, April 25, 2018 / Rules and Regulations
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES
Media and Transient Cyber Asset, as
well as the retirement of the NERC
Glossary definitions of LERC and Low
Impact BES Cyber System Access Point
(LEAP). In addition, NERC proposed the
retirement of Commission-approved
Reliability Standard CIP–003–6.12
9. NERC states that Reliability
Standard CIP–003–7 improves upon the
existing protections that apply to low
impact BES Cyber Systems. NERC avers
that the proposed modifications address
the Commission’s directives from Order
No. 822 by: (1) Clarifying electronic
access control requirements applicable
to low impact BES Cyber Systems; and
(2) adding requirements for the
protection of transient electronic
devices used for low impact BES Cyber
Systems. In addition, while not required
by Order No. 822, NERC proposes a CIP
Exceptional Circumstances policy for
low impact BES Cyber Systems.
10. In response to the Commission’s
directive to develop modifications to
eliminate ambiguity surrounding the
term ‘‘direct’’ as it is used in the LERC
definition, NERC proposes to: (1) Retire
the terms LERC and LEAP from the
NERC Glossary; and (2) modify Section
3 of Attachment 1 to Reliability
Standard CIP–003–7 ‘‘to more clearly
delineate the circumstances under
which Responsible Entities must
establish access controls for low impact
BES Cyber Systems.’’ 13 NERC states that
the proposed revisions are designed to
simplify the electronic access control
requirements associated with low
impact BES Cyber Systems to avoid
ambiguities associated with the term
‘‘direct.’’ NERC explains that it
recognized the ‘‘added layer of
unnecessary complexity’’ introduced by
distinguishing between ‘‘direct’’ and
‘‘indirect’’ access within the LERC
definition and asserts that the proposed
revisions will ‘‘help ensure that
Responsible Entities implement the
required security controls
effectively.’’ 14
11. With regard to the Commission’s
directive that NERC develop
modifications to the CIP Reliability
Standards to provide mandatory
protection for transient electronic
devices used at low impact BES Cyber
Systems, NERC proposes to add a new
section to Attachment 1 of Reliability
Standard CIP–003–7 that requires
responsible entities to include controls
12 Reliability Standard CIP–003–7 is not attached
to this Final Rule. The Reliability Standard is
available on the Commission’s eLibrary document
retrieval system in Docket No. RM17–11–000 and
is posted on the NERC website, https://
13 NERC Petition at 16.
14 Id. at 16.
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in their cyber security plans to mitigate
the risk of the introduction of malicious
code to low impact BES Cyber Systems
that could result from the use of
‘‘Transient Cyber Assets or Removable
Media.’’ Specifically, proposed Section
5 of Attachment 1 lists controls to be
applied to Transient Cyber Assets and
Removable Media that NERC contends
‘‘will provide enhanced protections
against the propagation of malware from
transient devices.’’ 15
12. NERC also proposes a
modification that was not directed by
the Commission in Order No. 822.
Namely, NERC proposes revisions in
Requirement R1 of Reliability Standard
CIP–003–7 to require responsible
entities to have a policy for declaring
and responding to CIP Exceptional
Circumstances related to low impact
BES Cyber Systems.16 NERC states that
a number of requirements in the existing
CIP Reliability Standards specify that
responsible entities do not have to
implement or continue implementing
these requirements to avoid hindering
the entities’ ability to timely and
effectively respond to the CIP
Exceptional Circumstance. NERC
proposes to add a requirement for
responsible entities to have a CIP
Exceptional Circumstances policy that
applies to low impact BES Cyber
Systems since the proposed
requirements relating to transient
electronic devices used at low impact
BES Cyber Systems include an
exception for CIP Exceptional
13. NERC requests that Reliability
Standard CIP–003–7 and the revised
definitions of Transient Cyber Asset and
Removable Media become effective the
first day of the first calendar quarter that
is eighteen months after the effective
date of the Commission’s order
approving the Reliability Standard.
D. Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
14. On October 19, 2017, the
Commission issued a NOPR that
proposed to approve Reliability
Standard CIP–003–7. The NOPR
proposed to determine that Reliability
Standard CIP–003–7 is just, reasonable,
not unduly discriminatory or
15 Id.
at 26–27.
CIP Exceptional Circumstance is defined in
the NERC Glossary as a situation that involves or
threatens to involve one or more of the following,
or similar, conditions that impact safety or bulk
electric system reliability: A risk of injury or death;
a natural disaster; civil unrest; an imminent or
existing hardware, software, or equipment failure;
A Cyber Security Incident requiring emergency
assistance; a response by emergency services; the
enactment of a mutual assistance agreement; or an
impediment of large scale workforce availability.
17 NERC Petition at 31–32.
16 A
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preferential, and in the public interest
and addresses the directives in Order
No. 822 by: (1) Clarifying the obligations
pertaining to electronic access control
for low impact BES Cyber Systems; and
(2) adopting mandatory security
controls for transient electronic devices
used at low impact BES Cyber Systems.
In addition, the NOPR observed that, by
requiring responsible entities to have a
policy for declaring and responding to
CIP Exceptional Circumstances for low
impact BES Cyber Systems, Reliability
Standard CIP–003–7 would align the
treatment of low impact BES Cyber
Systems with that of high and medium
impact BES Cyber Systems, which
currently include a requirement for
declaring and responding to CIP
Exceptional Circumstances. Therefore,
the Commission proposed to approve
Reliability Standard CIP–003–7 because
the proposed modifications improve the
base-line cybersecurity posture of
responsible entities compared to the
current Commission-approved CIP
Reliability Standards.
15. In addition, the Commission
proposed to direct that NERC develop
modifications to Reliability Standard
CIP–003–7 to addressed two issues: (1)
Provide clear, objective criteria for
electronic access controls for low
impact BES Cyber Systems; and (2)
address the need to mitigate the risk of
malicious code that could result from
third-party transient electronic devices.
The Commission explained that
modifications directed at these two
concerns will address potential gaps
and improve the cyber security posture
of responsible entities that must comply
with the CIP Reliability Standards.
16. The Commission received
comments in response to the NOPR
from Jonathan Appelbaum
(Appelbaum), Electric Consumers
Resource Council (ELCON), North
American Electric Reliability
Corporation (NERC), Transmission
Access Policy Study Group (TAPS), and
Trade Associations.18 We address below
the issues raised in the NOPR and
II. Discussion
17. Pursuant to section 215(d)(2) of
the FPA, we approve Reliability
Standard CIP–003–7 as just, reasonable,
not unduly discriminatory or
preferential, and in the public interest.
Reliability Standard CIP–003–7
addresses the directives in Order No.
822 and is an improvement over the
currently-effective, Commission18 Trade Associations represent American Public
Power Association, Edison Electric Institute, and
National Rural Electric Cooperative Association.
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 80 / Wednesday, April 25, 2018 / Rules and Regulations
approved CIP Reliability Standards.
Specifically, Reliability Standard CIP–
003–7 improves upon the existing CIP
Reliability Standards by: (1) Clarifying
the obligations pertaining to electronic
access control for low impact BES Cyber
Systems; (2) adopting mandatory
security controls for transient electronic
devices (e.g., thumb drives, laptop
computers, and other portable devices
frequently connected to and
disconnected from systems) used at low
impact BES Cyber Systems; and (3)
requiring responsible entities to have a
policy for declaring and responding to
CIP Exceptional Circumstances related
to low impact BES Cyber Systems. We
also approve NERC’s proposed
implementation plan and violation risk
factor and violation severity level
assignments. Finally, we approve
NERC’s proposed revised definitions for
inclusion in the NERC Glossary.
18. In addition, as discussed below,
pursuant to section 215(d)(5) of the
FPA, we adopt the NOPR proposal and
direct NERC to develop modifications to
the CIP Reliability Standards to mitigate
the risk of malicious code that could
result from third-party transient
electronic devices. However, for the
reasons discussed below, we determine
not to adopt the NOPR proposal to
direct NERC to develop criteria for
electronic access controls for low
impact BES Cyber Systems at this time.
19. Below, we discuss the following
matters: (A) Criteria for electronic access
controls for low impact BES Cyber
Systems; (B) mitigation of the risk of
malicious code associated with thirdparty transient electronic devices; and
(C) implementation plan and effective
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES
A. Criteria for Electronic Access
Controls for Low Impact BES Cyber
20. In the NOPR, the Commission
proposed to direct NERC to develop
modifications to Section 3 of
Attachment 1 to Reliability Standard
CIP–003–7 to provide clear, objective
criteria for electronic access controls for
low impact BES Cyber Systems.19
Specifically, the proposed directive
addressed the concern that Reliability
Standard CIP–003–7 may not provide
adequate electronic access controls for
low impact BES Cyber Systems because
Reliability Standard CIP–003–7 does not
provide clear, objective criteria or
measures to assess compliance by
independently confirming that the
access control strategy adopted by a
19 NOPR,
161 FERC ¶ 61,047 at P 32.
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responsible entity would reasonably
meet the security objective of permitting
only ‘‘necessary inbound and outbound
electronic access’’ to its low impact BES
Cyber Systems.20 The Commission
stated that, in order to ensure an
objective and consistently-applied
requirement, the electronic access
control plan required in Attachment 1
should require the responsible entity to
articulate its access control strategy for
a particular set of low impact BES Cyber
Systems and provide a technical
rationale rooted in security principles
explaining how that strategy will
reasonably restrict electronic access. In
addition, the Commission stated that
Attachment 1 should outline basic
security principles in order to provide
clear, objective criteria or measures to
assist in assessing compliance.21
21. The Commission observed that
without clear, objective criteria or
measures, auditors will not necessarily
have adequate information to assess the
reasonableness of the responsible
entity’s decision with respect to how the
responsible entity identified necessary
communications or restricted electronic
access to specific low impact BES Cyber
Systems. The Commission posited that
absent such information, it is possible
that an auditor could assess a violation
where an entity adequately protected its
low impact BES Cyber Systems or fail to
recognize a situation where additional
protections are necessary to meet the
security objective of the Reliability
22. NERC acknowledges the NOPR
concerns but comments that a directive
‘‘may not be necessary.’’ 23 Specifically,
NERC asserts that ‘‘Responsible Entities
must provide auditors sufficient
information to allow the auditors to
properly assess compliance with section
3.1’’ of Reliability Standard CIP–003–
7.24 NERC contends that Section 3.1
‘‘articulates a clear security objective:
permit only necessary inbound and
outbound access to low impact BES
Cyber Systems.’’ 25 NERC explains that
Section 3.1 is not prescriptive due to the
wide array of low impact BES Cyber
Systems and their lower risk to bulk
electric system reliability, but, while
Section 3.1 grants responsible entities
flexibility, ‘‘a Responsible Entity must
demonstrate that its electronic access
permissions and controls are consistent
with the security objective.’’ 26
Specifically, NERC maintains that a
responsible entity ‘‘must document the
necessity of its inbound and outbound
electronic access permissions and
provide justification of the need for
such access.’’ 27 NERC states further that
‘‘[i]f a Responsible Entity fails to
articulate a reasonable business or
operational need for the electronic
access permission, the ERO Enterprise
would find that the Responsible Entity
did not comply with Section 3.1.’’ 28
NERC continues that ‘‘[c]onsistent with
the intent of the Commission’s proposed
directive, the Responsible Entity would
have to articulate its access control
strategy for the low impact BES Cyber
System and provide a technical
rationale rooted in security principles,
explaining how that strategy will
reasonably restrict electronic access.’’ 29
NERC states that if a responsible entity
‘‘fails to demonstrate that its chosen
electronic access controls are properly
designed and implemented to meet the
security objective, the ERO Enterprise
would find that the Responsible Entity
did not comply with Section 3.1’’ of
Reliability Standard CIP–003–7.30
23. NERC concludes that while the
Commission’s proposed directive may
not be necessary and could potentially
be an inefficient use of NERC and
industry resources, ‘‘[a]rticulating
objective criteria for electronic access
controls for low impact BES Cyber
Systems may improve clarity and
auditability, and help ensure that
entities implement effective electronic
access controls.’’ 31
24. Trade Associations, TAPS and
ELCON do not support the proposed
directive, claiming that the proposal
would impose additional burdens on
registered entities without a
corresponding reliability benefit. Trade
Associations and TAPS contend that
Section 3 of Attachment 1 to Reliability
Standard CIP–003–7 gives responsible
entities needed flexibility to develop
and implement effective electronic
access controls for low impact BES
Cyber Systems. TAPS adds that
Reliability Standard CIP–003–7 reflects
what NERC, through the standard
development process, ‘‘determined was
a technically appropriate tailoring of
electronic access controls requirements
to low impact BES cyber systems.’’ 32
Trade Associations recommend, as an
26 Id.
20 Id.
P 28.
21 Id. P 29.
22 Id.
23 NERC Comments at 3.
24 Id. (citing NERC Petition at 21–24).
25 Id.
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27 Id.
at 3–4.
at 4 (citing NERC Petition at 22).
28 Id.
29 Id.
30 Id.
31 Id.
at 5.
Comments at 7 (citing 16 U.S.C. 824o(d)).
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 80 / Wednesday, April 25, 2018 / Rules and Regulations
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES
alternative to the proposed directive,
that the Commission approve the
proposed Reliability Standard without
modification and monitor its concerns,
for example, by directing NERC to
conduct a study to assess the
implementation by responsible entities
of Reliability Standard CIP–003–7
electronic access controls to determine
whether there are in fact inadequate
controls. According to Trade
Associations, a fact-driven assessment
would help to inform and demonstrate
a reliability and security need for future
Commission actions related to the CIP
Reliability Standards.33
25. Further, Trade Associations assert
that a risk-based approach is essential to
allow responsible entities to focus their
resources on assets that have a higher
impact on bulk electric system
reliability. ELCON adds that while it
‘‘appreciates the value establishing more
tangible criteria for adequate LowImpact BES Cyber System controls, . . .
the additional requirements that the
Commission proposes would do nothing
to harden a Low-Impact facility against
the rapid evolution in cyber warfare.’’ 34
26. Appelbaum supports the proposed
directive regarding Section 3 of
Attachment 1 to Reliability Standard
CIP–003–7. Appelbaum notes that
Reliability Standard CIP–003–7 ‘‘leaves
the choice of controls to the [responsible
entity] and leaves an Auditor with no
requirement basis to perform an
audit.’’ 35 Appelbaum states that under
‘‘NERC’s proposal that each entity
establishes their own security plan and
only needs to demonstrate compliance
and adherence to its plan then . . . the
implementation of security controls will
be implemented to various levels of
security and differentiated . . . across
the NERC Regions.’’ 36 Appelbaum
states further that Reliability Standard
CIP–003–7 ‘‘will result in different
auditor conclusions for similarly
situated entities implementing similar
protections.’’ 37 Appelbaum concludes
that ‘‘[c]lear requirements are needed to
establish a common understanding of
the necessary security to be
achieved.’’ 38
3. Commission Determination
27. We do not to adopt the proposed
directive, but rather adopt the Trade
Associations’ recommendation for a
study and report to be filed with the
Commission. We are satisfied with the
33 Trade
Associations Comments at 9.
Comments at 4.
35 Applebaum Comments at 5.
36 Id. at 6.
37 Id. at 7.
38 Id.
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explanation of NERC and other
commenters that Section 3 of
Attachment 1 to Reliability Standard
CIP–003–7 provides a clear security
objective that establishes compliance
expectations. Specifically, we are
persuaded by commenters that Section
3 of Attachment 1 requires responsible
entities to adopt security controls to
permit only necessary inbound and
outbound electronic access to Cyber
Assets connected using a routable
protocol to low impact BES Cyber
28. The concern raised in the NOPR
focused on the lack of clear, objective
criteria or measures to assess
compliance with Reliability Standard
CIP–003–7. As noted above, however,
NERC states in its comments that
responsible entities will be required to
demonstrate that electronic access
permissions and controls associated
with low impact BES Cyber Systems are
consistent with the stated security
objective. NERC also clarifies that
responsible entities will be required to
‘‘document the [business or operational]
necessity of its inbound and outbound
electronic access permissions and
provide justification of the need for
such access.’’ 39 Given NERC’s
statements, we believe that there will be
adequate measures to assess compliance
with Reliability Standard CIP–003–7.
We expect responsible entities to be able
to provide a technically sound
explanation as to how their electronic
access controls meet the security
29. In response to Appelbaum’s
comment that auditors will not have a
common understanding on which to
judge compliance across the ERO
enterprise, in view of NERC’s
comments, we believe that NERC and
the Regional Entities will have the
ability to assess the effectiveness of a
responsible entity’s electronic access
control plan as well as a responsible
entity’s adherence to its electronic
access control plan.
30. Moreover, to ensure that the
security controls are implemented and
that Section 3 accomplishes its intended
purpose, we adopt Trade Associations’
proposal and direct NERC to conduct a
study to assess the implementation of
Reliability Standard CIP–003–7.40 The
study should address what electronic
access controls entities choose to
implement and under what
circumstances, and whether the
electronic access controls adopted by
responsible entities provide adequate
security, as well as other relevant
40 Trade
PO 00000
Comments at 4.
Associations Comments at 9.
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information found by NERC as a result
of the study. NERC must file the study
within eighteen months of the effective
date of Reliability Standard CIP–003–7.
We may revisit the need for
modifications to Section 3 of
Attachment 1 to Reliability Standard
CIP–003–7 if warranted by the study
determination, or the results of audits or
other compliance procedures.
B. Mitigation of the Risk of Malicious
Code Associated With Third-Party
Transient Electronic Devices
31. In the NOPR, the Commission
proposed to direct NERC to develop
modifications to proposed Section 5 of
Attachment 1 to Reliability Standard
CIP–003–7 to mitigate the risk of
malicious code that could result from
third-party transient electronic
devices.41 Specifically, the Commission
raised a concern that Reliability
Standard CIP–003–7 does not explicitly
require mitigation of the introduction of
malicious code from third-party
managed transient electronic devices,
even if the responsible entity
determines that the third-party’s
policies and procedures are inadequate.
The Commission noted NERC’s
statement in its petition that a
responsible entity’s failure to mitigate
this risk ‘‘may not constitute
compliance.’’ 42 The Commission stated
that NERC’s explanation suggests that,
with regard to low impact BES Cyber
Systems, the requirement lacks an
obligation for a responsible entity to
correct any deficiencies that are
discovered during a review of thirdparty transient electronic device
management practices.
32. The Commission expressed
concern that Reliability Standard CIP–
003–7 may contain a reliability gap
where a responsible entity contracts
with a third-party but fails to mitigate
potential deficiencies discovered in the
third-party’s malicious code detection
and prevention practices prior to a
transient electronic device being
connected to a low impact BES Cyber
System. The Commission explained that
the reliability gap would result from the
fact that Reliability Standard CIP–003–
7 does not contain: (1) A requirement
for the responsible entity to mitigate any
malicious code found during the thirdparty review(s); or (2) a requirement that
the responsible entity take reasonable
steps to mitigate the risks of third party
malicious code on its systems, if an
arrangement cannot be made for the
41 Id.
42 Id.
P 41.
P 39 (citing NERC Petition at 30).
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 80 / Wednesday, April 25, 2018 / Rules and Regulations
third-party to do so. The Commission
observed that without such obligations
responsible entities could, without
compliance consequences, simply
accept the risk of deficient third-party
transient electronic device management
33. Therefore, pursuant to section
215(d)(5) of the FPA, the Commission
proposed to direct NERC to modify
Reliability Standard CIP–003–7 to
require responsible entities to
implement controls to address the need
to mitigate the risk of malicious code
that could result from third-party
transient electronic devices.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES
34. NERC states that it ‘‘agrees with
the Commission that, should a
Responsible Entity find that a third
party’s processes and practices for
protecting its transient electronic
devices inadequate, the Responsible
Entity must be required to take
mitigating action prior to connecting
third-party transient electronic devices
to a low impact BES Cyber System.’’ 44
According to NERC, ‘‘failure to take
mitigating action in this circumstance[ ]
could result in a finding of
noncompliance with Section 5 of
Attachment 1.’’ 45 NERC, therefore,
asserts that ‘‘the proposed directive may
not be necessary and may be an
inefficient use of NERC and industry
resources.’’ 46 NERC observes, however,
that ‘‘[m]odifying proposed Section 5 to
explicitly include a mitigation
requirement for third-part[y] devices
may remove any doubt about
compliance expectations.’’ 47
35. Trade Associations and ELCON do
not support the proposed directive.
Trade Associations contend that
‘‘[a]lthough Section 5.2 [of Attachment
1 to CIP–003–7] does not explicitly
require the responsible entity to mitigate
the introduction of malicious code, risk
mitigation is an explicit obligation
under Section 5.’’ 48 Trade Associations
state that if a responsible entity’s plan
does not ‘‘achieve the objective of
mitigating the risk of the introduction of
malicious code to low impact BES Cyber
Systems through the use of Transient
Cyber Assets . . . then the plan will not
comply with Section 5.’’ 49 Trade
Associations maintains that the ‘‘intent
43 Id. P 40 (citing Order No. 706, 122 FERC ¶
61,040 at P 150 (rejecting the concept of acceptance
of risk in the CIP Reliability Standards)).
44 NERC Comments at 6 (citing NERC Petition at
45 Id.
46 Id.
47 Id.
48 Trade Associations Comments at 10.
49 Id. at 11.
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of the requirement is made clear in the
Supplemental Material for Section 5 and
5.2, which both require the responsible
entities to document how they will
mitigate the introduction of malicious
code.’’ 50 Trade Associations note in a
footnote that:
Although the Supplemental Material does
not create binding obligations on responsible
entities, the text of the Supplemental
Material in the Proposed Standard further
clarifies and reinforces that the binding
requirements found in CIP–003–7,
Attachment 1, Section 5 include the
obligation to take additional steps if a thirdparty’s practices do not meet the security
Trade Associations conclude that the
Commission should approve Reliability
Standard CIP–003–7 without
36. ELCON states that ‘‘the
requirement for a Low-Impact BES
Cyber System owner or operator to
actively mitigate deficiencies in third
party’s anti-virus security programs
does exist in [Section 5 of Attachment
1 to Reliability Standard CIP–003–7].’’ 52
ELCON states that the opening
paragraph of Section 5, which requires
responsible entities to implement one or
more plans to ‘‘achieve the objective of
mitigating the risk of the introduction of
malicious code to low impact BES Cyber
Systems through the use of Transient
Cyber Assets or Removable Media,’’
establishes an obligation to mitigate any
identified deficiencies. ELCON
contends that the objective of mitigating
the risk ‘‘cannot be reached if the
Responsible Entity allows a third party
to connect an insufficiently evaluated
[Transient Cyber Asset] to a Low-Impact
BES Cyber System.’’ 53 ELCON argues
that the ‘‘positioning of the requirement
in the opening paragraph of Section 5
assures that mitigating actions must be
taken to address deficiencies detected’’
with responsible entity-owned
Transient Cyber Assets, vendor-owned
Transient Cyber Assets, and Removable
3. Commission Determination
37. We adopt the NOPR proposal and,
pursuant to section 215(d)(5) of the
FPA, direct that NERC develop
modifications to Reliability Standard
CIP–003–7 to address our concern and
ensure that responsible entities
implement controls to mitigate the risk
of malicious code that could result from
third-party transient electronic devices.
50 Id.
51 Id.
Comments at 4 (emphasis in original).
at 4–5.
54 Id. at 5.
53 Id.
PO 00000
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NERC could satisfactorily address the
identified concern, for example, by
modifying Section 5 of Attachment 1 to
CIP–003–7 to clarify that responsible
entities must implement controls to
mitigate the risk of malicious code that
could result from the use of third-party
transient electronic devices.
38. The directed modification will
improve the security posture of
responsible entities by clarifying
compliance expectations. While
commenters claim that the provision is
sufficiently clear and ask the
Commission not to adopt the proposal,
all commenters agree that there is not an
explicit requirement to mitigate the
threat of malicious code that could
result from third-party transient
electronic devices. While Trade
Associations state that Section 5.2 of
Attachment 1 does not explicitly require
the mitigation of malicious code, Trade
Associations and ELCON suggest that
Section 5 generally requires risk
mitigation. While commenters agree
that, at least implicitly, the mitigation of
malicious code is an obligation, the lack
of a clear requirement could lead to
confusion in both the development of a
compliance plan and in the
implementation of a compliance plan.
In addition, although NERC contends
that the proposed directive may not be
necessary, NERC agrees that modifying
Reliability Standard CIP–003–7 to
address the mitigation of malicious code
explicitly could clarify compliance
39. Therefore, pursuant to FPA
section 215(d)(5), we direct NERC to
develop and submit modifications to
Reliability Standard CIP–003–7 to
include an explicit requirement that
responsible entities implement controls
to mitigate the risk of malicious code
that could result from third-party
transient electronic devices.
C. Implementation Plan and Effective
NERC Petition
40. In its petition, NERC requests an
effective date for Reliability Standard
CIP–003–7 and the revised definitions
of Transient Cyber Asset and Removable
Media on the first day of the first
calendar quarter that is eighteen months
after the effective date of the
Commission’s order approving the
Reliability Standard. NERC explains
that the implementation plan does not
alter the previously-approved
compliance dates for Reliability
Standard CIP–003–6 other than the
compliance date for Reliability Standard
CIP–003–6, Requirement R2,
Attachment 1, Sections 2 and 3, which
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 80 / Wednesday, April 25, 2018 / Rules and Regulations
would be replaced with the effective
date for Reliability Standard CIP–003–7.
NERC also proposes that the retirement
of Reliability Standard CIP–003–6 and
the associated definitions become
effective on the effective date of
Reliability Standard CIP–003–7.55
41. The NOPR proposed to approve
NERC’s implementation plan and
effective date for Reliability Standard
CIP–003–7. The Commission did not
receive any comments regarding this
aspect of the NOPR. Accordingly, we
approve NERC’s proposed
implementation plan and effective date.
III. Information Collection Statement
42. The FERC–725B information
collection requirements contained in
this Final Rule are subject to review by
the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) under section 3507(d) of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.56
OMB’s regulations require approval of
certain information collection
requirements imposed by agency
rules.57 Upon approval of a collection of
information, OMB will assign an OMB
control number and expiration date.
Respondents subject to the filing
requirements of this rule will not be
penalized for failing to respond to these
collections of information unless the
collections of information display a
valid OMB control number. The
Commission solicits comments on the
Commission’s need for this information,
whether the information will have
practical utility, the accuracy of the
burden estimates, ways to enhance the
quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected or retained,
and any suggested methods for
minimizing respondents’ burden,
including the use of automated
information techniques.
43. The Commission bases its
paperwork burden estimates on the
changes in paperwork burden presented
by the proposed revision to CIP
Reliability Standard CIP–003–7 as
compared to the current Commissionapproved Reliability Standard CIP–003–
6. The Commission has already
addressed the burden of implementing
Reliability Standard CIP–003–6.58 As
discussed above, the immediate
rulemaking addresses three areas of
modification to the CIP Reliability
Standards: (1) Clarifying the obligations
pertaining to electronic access control
for low impact BES Cyber Systems; (2)
adopting mandatory security controls
for transient electronic devices (e.g.,
thumb drives, laptop computers, and
other portable devices frequently
connected to and disconnected from
systems) used at low impact BES Cyber
Systems; and (3) requiring responsible
entities to have a policy for declaring
and responding to CIP Exceptional
Circumstances related to low impact
BES Cyber Systems.
44. The NERC Compliance Registry,
as of September 2017, identifies
approximately 1,320 U.S. entities that
are subject to mandatory compliance
with Reliability Standards. Of this total,
we estimate that 1,100 entities will face
an increased paperwork burden under
Reliability Standard CIP–003–7,
estimating that a majority of these
entities will have one or more low
impact BES Cyber Systems. Based on
these assumptions, we estimate the
following reporting burden:
RM17–11–000 FINAL RULE
[Mandatory Reliability Standards for critical infrastructure protection Reliability Standards]
Number of
(ongoing) 61
Total number
of responses
Average burden
and cost per
response 59
Total annual burden
hours and total
annual cost
Cost per
Create low impact TCA assets plan
(one-time). 60
Updates and reviews of low impact
TCA assets (ongoing). 61
Update/modify documentation to remove LERC and LEAP (onetime). 60
Update paperwork for access control
implementation in Section 2 64 and
Section 3 65 (ongoing). 61
Total (one-time) 60 .....................
number of
responses per
(1) * (2) = (3)
(3) * (4) = (5)
(5) ÷ (1)
20 hrs.; $1,680 ...........
6,875 hrs.; $1,848,000 ..............
63 1.5
hrs.; $126 .........
495,000 hrs.; $41,580,000 ........
62 300
20 hrs.; $1,680 ...........
6,875 hrs.; $1,848,000 ..............
20 hrs.; $1,680 ...........
6,875 hrs.; $1,848,000 ..............
13,750 hrs.; $3,696,000 ............
501,875 hrs.; $43,428,000 ........
45. The following shows the annual
cost burden for each group, based on the
burden hours in the table above:
• Year 1: $3,696,000.
• Years 2 and 3: $43,428,000.
55 Id.,
Exhibit C (Implementation Plan).
U.S.C. 3507(d) (2012).
57 5 CFR 1320.11 (2017).
58 See Order No. 822, 154 FERC ¶ 61,037 at PP
59 The loaded hourly wage figure (includes
benefits) is based on the average of three
occupational categories for 2016 found on the
Bureau of Labor Statistics website (https://
Legal (Occupation Code: 23–0000): $143.68
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES
56 44
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• The paperwork burden estimate
includes costs associated with the initial
development of a policy to address
requirements relating to: (1) Clarifying
the obligations pertaining to electronic
access control for low impact BES Cyber
Electrical Engineer (Occupation Code: 17–2071):
Office and Administrative Support (Occupation
Code: 43–0000): $40.89
($143.68 + $68.12 + $40.89) ÷ 3 = $84.23. The
figure is rounded to $84.00 for use in calculating
wage figures in this NOPR.
60 This one-time burden applies in Year One only.
61 This ongoing burden applies in Year 2 and
62 We estimate that each entity will perform 25
updates per month. 25 updates *12 months = 300
updates (i.e. responses) per year.
PO 00000
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Systems; (2) adopting mandatory
security controls for transient electronic
devices (e.g., thumb drives, laptop
computers, and other portable devices
frequently connected to and
disconnected from systems) used at low
63 The 1.5 hours of burden per response is
comprised of three sub-categories:
Updates to managed low TCA assets: 15 minutes
(0.25 hours) per response
Updates to unmanaged low TCA assets: 60
minutes (1 hour) per response
Reviews of low TCA applicable controls: 15
minutes (0.25 hours) per response.
64 Physical Security Controls.
65 Electronic Access Controls.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 80 / Wednesday, April 25, 2018 / Rules and Regulations
impact BES Cyber Systems; and (3)
requiring responsible entities to have a
policy for declaring and responding to
CIP Exceptional Circumstances related
to low impact BES Cyber Systems.
Further, the estimate reflects the
assumption that costs incurred in year
1 will pertain to policy development,
while costs in years 2 and 3 will reflect
the burden associated with maintaining
logs and other records to demonstrate
ongoing compliance.
46. Title: Mandatory Reliability
Standards, Revised Critical
Infrastructure Protection Reliability
Action: Revision to FERC–725B
information collection.
OMB Control No.: 1902–0248.
Respondents: Businesses or other forprofit institutions; not-for-profit
Frequency of Responses: On
Necessity of the Information: This
Final Rule approves the requested
modifications to Reliability Standards
pertaining to critical infrastructure
protection. As discussed above, the
Commission approves NERC’s revised
CIP Reliability Standard CIP–003–7
pursuant to section 215(d)(2) of the FPA
because it improves upon the currentlyeffective suite of cyber security CIP
Reliability Standards.
Internal Review: The Commission has
reviewed the Reliability Standard and
made a determination that its action is
necessary to implement section 215 of
the FPA.
47. Interested persons may obtain
information on the reporting
requirements by contacting the
following: Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, 888 First Street NE,
Washington, DC 20426 [Attention: Ellen
Brown, Office of the Executive Director,
email:, phone:
(202) 502–8663, fax: (202) 273–0873].
48. For submitting comments
concerning the collection(s) of
information and the associated burden
estimate(s), please send your comments
to the Commission, and to the Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs,
Office of Management and Budget, 725
17th Street NW, Washington, DC 20503
[Attention: Desk Officer for the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission, phone:
(202) 395–4638, fax: (202) 395–7285].
For security reasons, comments to OMB
should be submitted by email to: oira_ Comments
submitted to OMB should include
Docket Number RM17–11–000 and
OMB Control Number 1902–0248.
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IV. Regulatory Flexibility Act Analysis
49. The Regulatory Flexibility Act of
1980 (RFA) generally requires a
description and analysis of Final Rules
that will have significant economic
impact on a substantial number of small
entities.66 The Small Business
Administration’s (SBA) Office of Size
Standards develops the numerical
definition of a small business.67 The
SBA revised its size standard for electric
utilities (effective January 22, 2014) to a
standard based on the number of
employees, including affiliates (from the
prior standard based on megawatt hour
sales).68 Reliability Standard CIP–003–7
is expected to impose an additional
burden on 1,100 entities 69 (reliability
coordinators, generator operators,
generator owners, interchange
coordinators or authorities, transmission
operators, balancing authorities,
transmission owners, and certain
distribution providers).
50. Of the 1,100 affected entities
discussed above, we estimate that
approximately 857 or 78 percent 70 of
the affected entities are small. As
discussed above, Reliability Standard
CIP–003–7 enhances reliability by
providing criteria against which NERC
and the Commission can evaluate the
sufficiency of an entity’s electronic
access controls for low impact BES
Cyber systems, as well as improved
security controls for transient electronic
devices (e.g., thumb drives, laptop
computers, and other portable devices
frequently connected to and
disconnected from systems). We
estimate that each of the 857 small
entities to whom the modifications to
Reliability Standard CIP–003–7 applies
will incur one-time costs of
approximately $3,360 per entity to
implement this standard, as well as the
ongoing paperwork burden reflected in
the Information Collection Statement
(approximately $39,480 per year per
entity). We do not consider the
estimated costs for these 857 small
entities to be a significant economic
51. Based on the above analysis, we
certify that the approved Reliability
Standard will not have a significant
66 5
U.S.C. 601–12 (2012).
CFR 121.101 (2017).
68 SBA Final Rule on ‘‘Small Business Size
Standards: Utilities,’’ 78 FR 77343 (Dec. 23, 2013).
69 Public utilities may fall under one of several
different categories, each with a size threshold
based on the company’s number of employees,
including affiliates, the parent company, and
subsidiaries. For the analysis in this Final Rule, we
are using a 500 employee threshold due to each
affected entity falling within the role of Electric
Bulk Power Transmission and Control (NAISC
Code: 221121).
70 77.95 percent.
67 13
PO 00000
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economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities.
V. Environmental Analysis
52. The Commission is required to
prepare an Environmental Assessment
or an Environmental Impact Statement
for any action that may have a
significant adverse effect on the human
environment.71 The Commission has
categorically excluded certain actions
from this requirement as not having a
significant effect on the human
environment. Included in the exclusion
are rules that are clarifying, corrective,
or procedural or that do not
substantially change the effect of the
regulations being amended.72 The
actions proposed herein fall within this
categorical exclusion in the
Commission’s regulations.
VI. Document Availability
53. In addition to publishing the full
text of this document in the Federal
Register, the Commission provides all
interested persons an opportunity to
view and/or print the contents of this
document via the internet through the
Commission’s Home Page (https:// and in the Commission’s
Public Reference Room during normal
business hours (8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Eastern time) at 888 First Street NE,
Room 2A, Washington, DC 20426.
54. From the Commission’s Home
Page on the internet, this information is
available on eLibrary. The full text of
this document is available on eLibrary
in PDF and Microsoft Word format for
viewing, printing, and/or downloading.
To access this document in eLibrary,
type the docket number of this
document, excluding the last three
digits, in the docket number field. User
assistance is available for eLibrary and
the Commission’s website during
normal business hours from the
Commission’s Online Support at (202)
502–6652 (toll free at 1–866–208–3676)
or email at,
or the Public Reference Room at (202)
502–8371, TTY (202) 502–8659. Email
the Public Reference Room at
VII. Effective Date and Congressional
55. The Final Rule is effective June
25, 2018. The Commission has
determined, with the concurrence of the
Administrator of the Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs of
OMB, that this rule is not a ‘‘major rule’’
as defined in section 351 of the Small
71 Regulations Implementing the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969, Order No. 486,
FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 30,783 (1987).
72 18 CFR 380.4(a)(2)(ii) (2017).
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 80 / Wednesday, April 25, 2018 / Rules and Regulations
With the finalization of the DoD-level
FOIA rule at 32 CFR part 286, the
Department is eliminating the need for
this separate DoD-level FOIA rule and
reducing costs to the public as
explained in the preamble of the revised
DoD-level FOIA rule at 32 CFR part 286
published at 83 FR 5196–5197.
This rule is not significant under
Executive Order (E.O.) 12866,
‘‘Regulatory Planning and Review,’’
therefore, E.O. 13771, ‘‘Reducing
Regulation and Controlling Regulatory
Costs’’ does not apply.
Office of the Secretary
List of Subjects in 32 CFR Part 285
Business Regulatory Enforcement
Fairness Act of 1996. This Final Rule is
being submitted to the Senate, House,
and Government Accountability Office.
By the Commission.
Issued: April 19, 2018.
Nathaniel J. Davis, Sr.,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2018–08610 Filed 4–24–18; 8:45 am]
Freedom of information.
32 CFR Part 285
[Docket ID: DOD–2017–OS–0028]
Accordingly, by the authority of 5
U.S.C. 301, 32 CFR part 285 is removed.
RIN 0790–AI51
DoD Freedom of Information Act
(FOIA) Program
Dated: April 20, 2018.
Aaron T. Siegel,
Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison
Officer, Department of Defense.
Office of the Secretary, DoD.
Final rule.
This final rule removes one of
the Department’s two DoD-level
regulations concerning the
implementation of and assignment of
responsibilities for the DoD Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA) program. Any
content required to be in an agency’s
FOIA rule from this part was
incorporated into the Department’s
other DoD-level regulation concerning
the DoD FOIA program, which was
recently revised and for which a final
rule published on February 6, 2018.
Therefore, this part can now be removed
from the CFR.
Additionally, the revised DoD-level
FOIA rule now includes DoD
component FOIA program information,
which eliminated the requirement for
component supplementary rules.
Accordingly, all of the department’s
necessary FOIA public guidance has
been incorporated into a single part.
DATES: This rule is effective on April 25,
James Hogan at 571–372–0462.
determined that publication of this CFR
part removal for public comment is
impracticable, unnecessary, and
contrary to public interest because any
public-facing guidance from this part
was incorporated into another CFR part
for which public comment has already
been taken. Any internal guidance from
this part will continue to be published
in DoD Directive 5400.07 available at
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES
VerDate Sep<11>2014
16:26 Apr 24, 2018
Jkt 244001
[FR Doc. 2018–08663 Filed 4–24–18; 8:45 am]
Coast Guard
33 CFR Part 117
[Docket No. USCG–2018–0325]
Drawbridge Operation Regulation;
Upper Mississippi River, Rock Island,
Coast Guard, DHS.
Notice of deviation from
drawbridge regulation.
The Coast Guard has issued a
temporary deviation from the operating
schedule that governs the Rock Island
Railroad and Highway Drawbridge
across the Upper Mississippi River, mile
482.9, at Rock Island, Illinois. The
deviation is necessary to facilitate the
Quad City Heart Walk. This deviation
allows the bridge to remain in the
closed-to-navigation position for
approximately two and a half (2.5)
hours on one day until the race is
Click on Open Docket Folder on the line
associated with this deviation.
you have questions on this temporary
deviation, call or email Mr. Eric A.
Washburn, Bridge Administrator,
Western Rivers, Coast Guard; telephone
314–269–2378, email Eric.Washburn@
Army Rock Island Arsenal, owner and
operator of the Rock Island Railroad and
Highway Drawbridge, across the Upper
Mississippi River, mile 482.9, at Rock
Island, Illinois, requested a temporary
deviation from the current operating
schedule to accommodate the Quad City
Heart Walk. The bridge has a vertical
clearance of 23.8 feet above normal pool
in the closed-to-navigation position.
This bridge is governed by 33 CFR
This deviation allows the bridge to
remain in the closed-to-navigation
position from 8:30 a.m. through 11 a.m.
on May 19, 2018. Navigation on the
waterway consists primarily of
commercial tows and recreational
watercraft. This temporary deviation has
been coordinated with waterway users.
No objections were received.
Vessels able to pass through the
bridge in the closed position may do so
at any time. The bridge will not be able
to open for emergencies and there are no
alternate routes for vessels transiting
this section of the Upper Mississippi
River. The Coast Guard will inform
users of the waterways through our
Local and Broadcast Notices to Mariners
of the change in operating schedule for
the bridge so the vessel operators can
arrange their transits to minimize any
impact caused by this temporary
In accordance with 33 CFR 117.35(e),
the drawbridge must return to its regular
operating schedule immediately at the
end of the effective period of this
temporary deviation. This deviation
from the operating regulations is
authorized under 33 CFR 117.35.
Dated: April 19, 2018.
Eric A. Washburn,
Bridge Administrator, Western Rivers.
[FR Doc. 2018–08625 Filed 4–24–18; 8:45 am]
This deviation is effective from
8:30 a.m. through 11 a.m. on May 19,
The docket for this
deviation, [USCG–2018–0325] is
available at
Type the docket number in the
‘‘SEARCH’’ box and click ‘‘SEARCH.’’
International Mail Manual;
Incorporation by Reference
PO 00000
Frm 00021
Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
39 CFR Part 20
Postal ServiceTM.
Final rule.
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 80 (Wednesday, April 25, 2018)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 17913-17921]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2018-08610]
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
18 CFR Part 40
[Docket No. RM17-11-000; Order No. 843]
Revised Critical Infrastructure Protection Reliability Standard
CIP-003-7--Cyber Security--Security Management Controls
AGENCY: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission) approves
Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) Reliability Standard CIP-003-7
(Cyber Security--Security Management Controls), submitted by the North
American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC). Reliability Standard
CIP-003-7 clarifies the obligations pertaining to electronic access
control for low impact BES Cyber Systems; requires mandatory security
controls for transient electronic devices (e.g., thumb drives, laptop
computers, and other portable devices frequently connected to and
disconnected from systems) used at low impact BES Cyber Systems; and
requires responsible entities to have a policy for declaring and
responding to CIP Exceptional Circumstances related to low impact BES
Cyber Systems. In addition, the Commission directs NERC to develop
modifications to the CIP Reliability Standards to mitigate the risk of
malicious code that could result from third-party transient electronic
DATES: This rule will become effective June 25, 2018.
Matthew Dale (Technical Information), Office of Electric Reliability,
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street NE, Washington,
DC 20426, (202) 502-6826, [email protected]
Kevin Ryan (Legal Information), Office of the General Counsel, Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC
20426, (202) 502-6840 [email protected]
Before Commissioners: Kevin J. McIntyre, Chairman; Cheryl A.
LaFleur, Neil Chatterjee, Robert F. Powelson, and Richard Glick.
1. Pursuant to section 215 of the Federal Power Act (FPA),\1\ the
[[Page 17914]]
Commission approves Reliability Standard CIP-003-7 as just, reasonable,
not unduly discriminatory or preferential, and in the public interest.
Reliability Standard CIP-003-7 addresses the Commission's directives
from Order No. 822 and is an improvement over the current Commission-
approved CIP Reliability Standards.\2\ Specifically, Reliability
Standard CIP-003-7 improves upon the existing Reliability Standards by:
(1) Clarifying the obligations pertaining to electronic access control
for low impact BES Cyber Systems; \3\ (2) adopting mandatory security
controls for transient electronic devices (e.g., thumb drives, laptop
computers, and other portable devices frequently connected to and
disconnected from systems) used at low impact BES Cyber Systems; and
(3) requiring responsible entities to have a policy for declaring and
responding to CIP Exceptional Circumstances related to low impact BES
Cyber Systems. We also approve NERC's proposed implementation plan and
violation risk factor and violation severity level assignments.
Finally, we approve NERC's proposed revised definitions for inclusion
in the NERC Glossary.
\1\ 16 U.S.C. 824o (2012).
\2\ Revised Critical Infrastructure Protection Reliability
Standards, Order No. 822, 154 FERC ] 61,037, reh'g denied, Order No.
822-A, 156 FERC ] 61,052 (2016).
\3\ BES Cyber System is defined by NERC as ``[o]ne or more BES
Cyber Assets logically grouped by a responsible entity to perform
one or more reliability tasks for a functional entity.'' Glossary of
Terms Used in NERC Reliability Standards (NERC Glossary). The
acronym BES refers to the bulk electric system. Reliability Standard
CIP-002-5.1a (Cyber Security System Categorization) provides a
``tiered'' approach to cybersecurity requirements, based on
classifications of high, medium and low impact BES Cyber Systems.
2. In the NOPR, the Commission proposed to direct that NERC modify
Reliability Standard CIP-003-7 to: (1) Provide clear, objective
criteria for electronic access controls for low impact BES Cyber
Systems; and (2) address the need to mitigate the risk of malicious
code that could result from third-party transient electronic
devices.\4\ The Commission adopts the NOPR proposal regarding third-
party transient electronic devices but does not adopt the proposal
regarding criteria for electronic access controls for low impact BES
Cyber Systems.
\4\ Revised Critical Infrastructure Protection Reliability
Standard CIP-003-7--Cyber Security--Security Management Controls,
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 82 FR 49541 (Oct. 26, 2017), 161 FERC
] 61,047 (2017) (NOPR).
3. As discussed below, in view of the comments from NERC and
others, we are persuaded that Reliability Standard CIP-003-7 provides a
clear security objective that establishes compliance expectations.
Accordingly, we do not adopt the proposed directive relating to
electronic access controls for low impact BES Cyber Systems. Instead,
as suggested in the comments, we direct NERC to conduct a study to
assess the implementation of Reliability Standard CIP-003-7 to
determine whether the electronic access controls adopted by responsible
entities provide adequate security. NERC must submit the directed study
within eighteen months of the effective date of Reliability Standard
4. With regard to the second issue discussed in the NOPR, we remain
concerned that the proposed Reliability Standard lacks a clear
requirement to mitigate the risk of malicious code that could result
from third-party transient electronic devices. Accordingly, we direct
NERC to develop a modification to the Reliability Standard to provide
the needed clarity. Such modification will better ensure that
registered entities clearly understand their mitigation obligations
and, thus, improve individual entity mitigation plans and collectively
improve the cybersecurity posture of the electric grid.
I. Background
A. Section 215 and Mandatory Reliability Standards
5. Section 215 of the FPA requires a Commission-certified Electric
Reliability Organization (ERO) to develop mandatory and enforceable
Reliability Standards, subject to Commission review and approval.
Reliability Standards may be enforced by the ERO, subject to Commission
oversight, or by the Commission independently.\5\ Pursuant to section
215 of the FPA, the Commission established a process to select and
certify an ERO,\6\ and subsequently certified NERC.\7\
\5\ 16 U.S.C. 824o(e).
\6\ Rules Concerning Certification of the Electric Reliability
Organization; and Procedures for the Establishment, Approval, and
Enforcement of Electric Reliability Standards, Order No. 672, FERC
Stats. & Regs. ] 31,204, order on reh'g, Order No. 672-A, FERC
Stats. & Regs. ] 31,212 (2006).
\7\ North American Electric Reliability Corp., 116 FERC ]
61,062, order on reh'g and compliance, 117 FERC ] 61,126 (2006),
aff'd sub nom. Alcoa, Inc. v. FERC, 564 F.3d 1342 (DC Cir. 2009).
B. Order No. 822
6. The Commission approved the ``Version 1'' CIP Reliability
Standards in January 2008, and subsequently acted on revised versions
of the CIP Reliability Standards.\8\ On January 21, 2016, in Order No.
822, the Commission approved seven CIP Reliability Standards: CIP-003-6
(Security Management Controls), CIP-004-6 (Personnel and Training),
CIP-006-6 (Physical Security of BES Cyber Systems), CIP-007-6 (Systems
Security Management), CIP-009-6 (Recovery Plans for BES Cyber Systems),
CIP-010-2 (Configuration Change Management and Vulnerability
Assessments), and CIP-011-2 (Information Protection). The Commission
determined that the Reliability Standards under consideration at that
time were an improvement over the prior iteration of the CIP
Reliability Standards and addressed the directives in Order No. 791 by,
among other things, addressing in an equally effective and efficient
manner the need for a NERC Glossary definition for the term
``communication networks'' and providing controls to address the risks
posed by transient electronic devices (e.g., thumb drives, laptop
computers, and other portable devices frequently connected to and
disconnected from systems) used at high and medium impact BES Cyber
\8\ Mandatory Reliability Standards for Critical Infrastructure
Protection, Order No. 706, 122 FERC ] 61,040, order on reh'g, Order
No. 706-A, 123 FERC ] 61,174 (2008), order on clarification, Order
No. 706-B, 126 FERC ] 61,229 (2009), order on clarification, Order
No. 706-C, 127 FERC ] 61,273 (2009); Version 5 Critical
Infrastructure Protection Reliability Standards, Order No. 791, 145
FERC ] 61,160 (2013), order on clarification and reh'g, Order No.
791-A, 146 FERC ] 61,188 (2014).
\9\ Order No. 822, 154 FERC ] 61,037 at P 17.
7. In addition, in Order No. 822, pursuant to section 215(d)(5) of
the FPA, the Commission directed NERC, inter alia, to: (1) Develop
modifications to the Low Impact External Routable Connectivity (LERC)
definition to eliminate ambiguity surrounding the term ``direct'' as it
is used in the LERC definition; and (2) develop modifications to the
CIP Reliability Standards to provide mandatory protection for transient
electronic devices used at low impact BES Cyber Systems.\10\
\10\ Id. P 18.
C. NERC Petition
8. On March 3, 2017, NERC submitted a petition seeking approval of
Reliability Standard CIP-003-7 and the associated violation risk
factors and violation severity levels, implementation plan and
effective date. NERC states that Reliability Standard CIP-003-7
satisfies the criteria set forth in Order No. 672 that the Commission
applies when reviewing a proposed Reliability Standard.\11\ NERC also
sought approval of revisions to NERC Glossary definitions for the terms
[[Page 17915]]
Media and Transient Cyber Asset, as well as the retirement of the NERC
Glossary definitions of LERC and Low Impact BES Cyber System Access
Point (LEAP). In addition, NERC proposed the retirement of Commission-
approved Reliability Standard CIP-003-6.\12\
\11\ See NERC Petition at 2 (citing Order No. 672, FERC Stats. &
Regs. ] 31,204 at PP 262, 321-337); id., Exhibit D (Order No. 672
\12\ Reliability Standard CIP-003-7 is not attached to this
Final Rule. The Reliability Standard is available on the
Commission's eLibrary document retrieval system in Docket No. RM17-
11-000 and is posted on the NERC website,
9. NERC states that Reliability Standard CIP-003-7 improves upon
the existing protections that apply to low impact BES Cyber Systems.
NERC avers that the proposed modifications address the Commission's
directives from Order No. 822 by: (1) Clarifying electronic access
control requirements applicable to low impact BES Cyber Systems; and
(2) adding requirements for the protection of transient electronic
devices used for low impact BES Cyber Systems. In addition, while not
required by Order No. 822, NERC proposes a CIP Exceptional
Circumstances policy for low impact BES Cyber Systems.
10. In response to the Commission's directive to develop
modifications to eliminate ambiguity surrounding the term ``direct'' as
it is used in the LERC definition, NERC proposes to: (1) Retire the
terms LERC and LEAP from the NERC Glossary; and (2) modify Section 3 of
Attachment 1 to Reliability Standard CIP-003-7 ``to more clearly
delineate the circumstances under which Responsible Entities must
establish access controls for low impact BES Cyber Systems.'' \13\ NERC
states that the proposed revisions are designed to simplify the
electronic access control requirements associated with low impact BES
Cyber Systems to avoid ambiguities associated with the term ``direct.''
NERC explains that it recognized the ``added layer of unnecessary
complexity'' introduced by distinguishing between ``direct'' and
``indirect'' access within the LERC definition and asserts that the
proposed revisions will ``help ensure that Responsible Entities
implement the required security controls effectively.'' \14\
\13\ NERC Petition at 16.
\14\ Id. at 16.
11. With regard to the Commission's directive that NERC develop
modifications to the CIP Reliability Standards to provide mandatory
protection for transient electronic devices used at low impact BES
Cyber Systems, NERC proposes to add a new section to Attachment 1 of
Reliability Standard CIP-003-7 that requires responsible entities to
include controls in their cyber security plans to mitigate the risk of
the introduction of malicious code to low impact BES Cyber Systems that
could result from the use of ``Transient Cyber Assets or Removable
Media.'' Specifically, proposed Section 5 of Attachment 1 lists
controls to be applied to Transient Cyber Assets and Removable Media
that NERC contends ``will provide enhanced protections against the
propagation of malware from transient devices.'' \15\
\15\ Id. at 26-27.
12. NERC also proposes a modification that was not directed by the
Commission in Order No. 822. Namely, NERC proposes revisions in
Requirement R1 of Reliability Standard CIP-003-7 to require responsible
entities to have a policy for declaring and responding to CIP
Exceptional Circumstances related to low impact BES Cyber Systems.\16\
NERC states that a number of requirements in the existing CIP
Reliability Standards specify that responsible entities do not have to
implement or continue implementing these requirements to avoid
hindering the entities' ability to timely and effectively respond to
the CIP Exceptional Circumstance. NERC proposes to add a requirement
for responsible entities to have a CIP Exceptional Circumstances policy
that applies to low impact BES Cyber Systems since the proposed
requirements relating to transient electronic devices used at low
impact BES Cyber Systems include an exception for CIP Exceptional
\16\ A CIP Exceptional Circumstance is defined in the NERC
Glossary as a situation that involves or threatens to involve one or
more of the following, or similar, conditions that impact safety or
bulk electric system reliability: A risk of injury or death; a
natural disaster; civil unrest; an imminent or existing hardware,
software, or equipment failure; A Cyber Security Incident requiring
emergency assistance; a response by emergency services; the
enactment of a mutual assistance agreement; or an impediment of
large scale workforce availability.
\17\ NERC Petition at 31-32.
13. NERC requests that Reliability Standard CIP-003-7 and the
revised definitions of Transient Cyber Asset and Removable Media become
effective the first day of the first calendar quarter that is eighteen
months after the effective date of the Commission's order approving the
Reliability Standard.
D. Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
14. On October 19, 2017, the Commission issued a NOPR that proposed
to approve Reliability Standard CIP-003-7. The NOPR proposed to
determine that Reliability Standard CIP-003-7 is just, reasonable, not
unduly discriminatory or preferential, and in the public interest and
addresses the directives in Order No. 822 by: (1) Clarifying the
obligations pertaining to electronic access control for low impact BES
Cyber Systems; and (2) adopting mandatory security controls for
transient electronic devices used at low impact BES Cyber Systems. In
addition, the NOPR observed that, by requiring responsible entities to
have a policy for declaring and responding to CIP Exceptional
Circumstances for low impact BES Cyber Systems, Reliability Standard
CIP-003-7 would align the treatment of low impact BES Cyber Systems
with that of high and medium impact BES Cyber Systems, which currently
include a requirement for declaring and responding to CIP Exceptional
Circumstances. Therefore, the Commission proposed to approve
Reliability Standard CIP-003-7 because the proposed modifications
improve the base-line cybersecurity posture of responsible entities
compared to the current Commission-approved CIP Reliability Standards.
15. In addition, the Commission proposed to direct that NERC
develop modifications to Reliability Standard CIP-003-7 to addressed
two issues: (1) Provide clear, objective criteria for electronic access
controls for low impact BES Cyber Systems; and (2) address the need to
mitigate the risk of malicious code that could result from third-party
transient electronic devices. The Commission explained that
modifications directed at these two concerns will address potential
gaps and improve the cyber security posture of responsible entities
that must comply with the CIP Reliability Standards.
16. The Commission received comments in response to the NOPR from
Jonathan Appelbaum (Appelbaum), Electric Consumers Resource Council
(ELCON), North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC),
Transmission Access Policy Study Group (TAPS), and Trade
Associations.\18\ We address below the issues raised in the NOPR and
\18\ Trade Associations represent American Public Power
Association, Edison Electric Institute, and National Rural Electric
Cooperative Association.
II. Discussion
17. Pursuant to section 215(d)(2) of the FPA, we approve
Reliability Standard CIP-003-7 as just, reasonable, not unduly
discriminatory or preferential, and in the public interest. Reliability
Standard CIP-003-7 addresses the directives in Order No. 822 and is an
improvement over the currently-effective, Commission-
[[Page 17916]]
approved CIP Reliability Standards. Specifically, Reliability Standard
CIP-003-7 improves upon the existing CIP Reliability Standards by: (1)
Clarifying the obligations pertaining to electronic access control for
low impact BES Cyber Systems; (2) adopting mandatory security controls
for transient electronic devices (e.g., thumb drives, laptop computers,
and other portable devices frequently connected to and disconnected
from systems) used at low impact BES Cyber Systems; and (3) requiring
responsible entities to have a policy for declaring and responding to
CIP Exceptional Circumstances related to low impact BES Cyber Systems.
We also approve NERC's proposed implementation plan and violation risk
factor and violation severity level assignments. Finally, we approve
NERC's proposed revised definitions for inclusion in the NERC Glossary.
18. In addition, as discussed below, pursuant to section 215(d)(5)
of the FPA, we adopt the NOPR proposal and direct NERC to develop
modifications to the CIP Reliability Standards to mitigate the risk of
malicious code that could result from third-party transient electronic
devices. However, for the reasons discussed below, we determine not to
adopt the NOPR proposal to direct NERC to develop criteria for
electronic access controls for low impact BES Cyber Systems at this
19. Below, we discuss the following matters: (A) Criteria for
electronic access controls for low impact BES Cyber Systems; (B)
mitigation of the risk of malicious code associated with third-party
transient electronic devices; and (C) implementation plan and effective
A. Criteria for Electronic Access Controls for Low Impact BES Cyber
20. In the NOPR, the Commission proposed to direct NERC to develop
modifications to Section 3 of Attachment 1 to Reliability Standard CIP-
003-7 to provide clear, objective criteria for electronic access
controls for low impact BES Cyber Systems.\19\ Specifically, the
proposed directive addressed the concern that Reliability Standard CIP-
003-7 may not provide adequate electronic access controls for low
impact BES Cyber Systems because Reliability Standard CIP-003-7 does
not provide clear, objective criteria or measures to assess compliance
by independently confirming that the access control strategy adopted by
a responsible entity would reasonably meet the security objective of
permitting only ``necessary inbound and outbound electronic access'' to
its low impact BES Cyber Systems.\20\ The Commission stated that, in
order to ensure an objective and consistently-applied requirement, the
electronic access control plan required in Attachment 1 should require
the responsible entity to articulate its access control strategy for a
particular set of low impact BES Cyber Systems and provide a technical
rationale rooted in security principles explaining how that strategy
will reasonably restrict electronic access. In addition, the Commission
stated that Attachment 1 should outline basic security principles in
order to provide clear, objective criteria or measures to assist in
assessing compliance.\21\
\19\ NOPR, 161 FERC ] 61,047 at P 32.
\20\ Id. P 28.
\21\ Id. P 29.
21. The Commission observed that without clear, objective criteria
or measures, auditors will not necessarily have adequate information to
assess the reasonableness of the responsible entity's decision with
respect to how the responsible entity identified necessary
communications or restricted electronic access to specific low impact
BES Cyber Systems. The Commission posited that absent such information,
it is possible that an auditor could assess a violation where an entity
adequately protected its low impact BES Cyber Systems or fail to
recognize a situation where additional protections are necessary to
meet the security objective of the Reliability Standard.\22\
\22\ Id.
22. NERC acknowledges the NOPR concerns but comments that a
directive ``may not be necessary.'' \23\ Specifically, NERC asserts
that ``Responsible Entities must provide auditors sufficient
information to allow the auditors to properly assess compliance with
section 3.1'' of Reliability Standard CIP-003-7.\24\ NERC contends that
Section 3.1 ``articulates a clear security objective: permit only
necessary inbound and outbound access to low impact BES Cyber
Systems.'' \25\ NERC explains that Section 3.1 is not prescriptive due
to the wide array of low impact BES Cyber Systems and their lower risk
to bulk electric system reliability, but, while Section 3.1 grants
responsible entities flexibility, ``a Responsible Entity must
demonstrate that its electronic access permissions and controls are
consistent with the security objective.'' \26\ Specifically, NERC
maintains that a responsible entity ``must document the necessity of
its inbound and outbound electronic access permissions and provide
justification of the need for such access.'' \27\ NERC states further
that ``[i]f a Responsible Entity fails to articulate a reasonable
business or operational need for the electronic access permission, the
ERO Enterprise would find that the Responsible Entity did not comply
with Section 3.1.'' \28\ NERC continues that ``[c]onsistent with the
intent of the Commission's proposed directive, the Responsible Entity
would have to articulate its access control strategy for the low impact
BES Cyber System and provide a technical rationale rooted in security
principles, explaining how that strategy will reasonably restrict
electronic access.'' \29\ NERC states that if a responsible entity
``fails to demonstrate that its chosen electronic access controls are
properly designed and implemented to meet the security objective, the
ERO Enterprise would find that the Responsible Entity did not comply
with Section 3.1'' of Reliability Standard CIP-003-7.\30\
\23\ NERC Comments at 3.
\24\ Id. (citing NERC Petition at 21-24).
\25\ Id.
\26\ Id. at 3-4.
\27\ Id. at 4 (citing NERC Petition at 22).
\28\ Id.
\29\ Id.
\30\ Id.
23. NERC concludes that while the Commission's proposed directive
may not be necessary and could potentially be an inefficient use of
NERC and industry resources, ``[a]rticulating objective criteria for
electronic access controls for low impact BES Cyber Systems may improve
clarity and auditability, and help ensure that entities implement
effective electronic access controls.'' \31\
\31\ Id. at 5.
24. Trade Associations, TAPS and ELCON do not support the proposed
directive, claiming that the proposal would impose additional burdens
on registered entities without a corresponding reliability benefit.
Trade Associations and TAPS contend that Section 3 of Attachment 1 to
Reliability Standard CIP-003-7 gives responsible entities needed
flexibility to develop and implement effective electronic access
controls for low impact BES Cyber Systems. TAPS adds that Reliability
Standard CIP-003-7 reflects what NERC, through the standard development
process, ``determined was a technically appropriate tailoring of
electronic access controls requirements to low impact BES cyber
systems.'' \32\ Trade Associations recommend, as an
[[Page 17917]]
alternative to the proposed directive, that the Commission approve the
proposed Reliability Standard without modification and monitor its
concerns, for example, by directing NERC to conduct a study to assess
the implementation by responsible entities of Reliability Standard CIP-
003-7 electronic access controls to determine whether there are in fact
inadequate controls. According to Trade Associations, a fact-driven
assessment would help to inform and demonstrate a reliability and
security need for future Commission actions related to the CIP
Reliability Standards.\33\
\32\ TAPS Comments at 7 (citing 16 U.S.C. 824o(d)).
\33\ Trade Associations Comments at 9.
25. Further, Trade Associations assert that a risk-based approach
is essential to allow responsible entities to focus their resources on
assets that have a higher impact on bulk electric system reliability.
ELCON adds that while it ``appreciates the value establishing more
tangible criteria for adequate Low-Impact BES Cyber System controls, .
. . the additional requirements that the Commission proposes would do
nothing to harden a Low-Impact facility against the rapid evolution in
cyber warfare.'' \34\
\34\ ELCON Comments at 4.
26. Appelbaum supports the proposed directive regarding Section 3
of Attachment 1 to Reliability Standard CIP-003-7. Appelbaum notes that
Reliability Standard CIP-003-7 ``leaves the choice of controls to the
[responsible entity] and leaves an Auditor with no requirement basis to
perform an audit.'' \35\ Appelbaum states that under ``NERC's proposal
that each entity establishes their own security plan and only needs to
demonstrate compliance and adherence to its plan then . . . the
implementation of security controls will be implemented to various
levels of security and differentiated . . . across the NERC Regions.''
\36\ Appelbaum states further that Reliability Standard CIP-003-7
``will result in different auditor conclusions for similarly situated
entities implementing similar protections.'' \37\ Appelbaum concludes
that ``[c]lear requirements are needed to establish a common
understanding of the necessary security to be achieved.'' \38\
\35\ Applebaum Comments at 5.
\36\ Id. at 6.
\37\ Id. at 7.
\38\ Id.
3. Commission Determination
27. We do not to adopt the proposed directive, but rather adopt the
Trade Associations' recommendation for a study and report to be filed
with the Commission. We are satisfied with the explanation of NERC and
other commenters that Section 3 of Attachment 1 to Reliability Standard
CIP-003-7 provides a clear security objective that establishes
compliance expectations. Specifically, we are persuaded by commenters
that Section 3 of Attachment 1 requires responsible entities to adopt
security controls to permit only necessary inbound and outbound
electronic access to Cyber Assets connected using a routable protocol
to low impact BES Cyber Systems.
28. The concern raised in the NOPR focused on the lack of clear,
objective criteria or measures to assess compliance with Reliability
Standard CIP-003-7. As noted above, however, NERC states in its
comments that responsible entities will be required to demonstrate that
electronic access permissions and controls associated with low impact
BES Cyber Systems are consistent with the stated security objective.
NERC also clarifies that responsible entities will be required to
``document the [business or operational] necessity of its inbound and
outbound electronic access permissions and provide justification of the
need for such access.'' \39\ Given NERC's statements, we believe that
there will be adequate measures to assess compliance with Reliability
Standard CIP-003-7. We expect responsible entities to be able to
provide a technically sound explanation as to how their electronic
access controls meet the security objective.
\39\ NERC Comments at 4.
29. In response to Appelbaum's comment that auditors will not have
a common understanding on which to judge compliance across the ERO
enterprise, in view of NERC's comments, we believe that NERC and the
Regional Entities will have the ability to assess the effectiveness of
a responsible entity's electronic access control plan as well as a
responsible entity's adherence to its electronic access control plan.
30. Moreover, to ensure that the security controls are implemented
and that Section 3 accomplishes its intended purpose, we adopt Trade
Associations' proposal and direct NERC to conduct a study to assess the
implementation of Reliability Standard CIP-003-7.\40\ The study should
address what electronic access controls entities choose to implement
and under what circumstances, and whether the electronic access
controls adopted by responsible entities provide adequate security, as
well as other relevant information found by NERC as a result of the
study. NERC must file the study within eighteen months of the effective
date of Reliability Standard CIP-003-7. We may revisit the need for
modifications to Section 3 of Attachment 1 to Reliability Standard CIP-
003-7 if warranted by the study determination, or the results of audits
or other compliance procedures.
\40\ Trade Associations Comments at 9.
B. Mitigation of the Risk of Malicious Code Associated With Third-Party
Transient Electronic Devices
31. In the NOPR, the Commission proposed to direct NERC to develop
modifications to proposed Section 5 of Attachment 1 to Reliability
Standard CIP-003-7 to mitigate the risk of malicious code that could
result from third-party transient electronic devices.\41\ Specifically,
the Commission raised a concern that Reliability Standard CIP-003-7
does not explicitly require mitigation of the introduction of malicious
code from third-party managed transient electronic devices, even if the
responsible entity determines that the third-party's policies and
procedures are inadequate. The Commission noted NERC's statement in its
petition that a responsible entity's failure to mitigate this risk
``may not constitute compliance.'' \42\ The Commission stated that
NERC's explanation suggests that, with regard to low impact BES Cyber
Systems, the requirement lacks an obligation for a responsible entity
to correct any deficiencies that are discovered during a review of
third-party transient electronic device management practices.
\41\ Id. P 41.
\42\ Id. P 39 (citing NERC Petition at 30).
32. The Commission expressed concern that Reliability Standard CIP-
003-7 may contain a reliability gap where a responsible entity
contracts with a third-party but fails to mitigate potential
deficiencies discovered in the third-party's malicious code detection
and prevention practices prior to a transient electronic device being
connected to a low impact BES Cyber System. The Commission explained
that the reliability gap would result from the fact that Reliability
Standard CIP-003-7 does not contain: (1) A requirement for the
responsible entity to mitigate any malicious code found during the
third-party review(s); or (2) a requirement that the responsible entity
take reasonable steps to mitigate the risks of third party malicious
code on its systems, if an arrangement cannot be made for the
[[Page 17918]]
third-party to do so. The Commission observed that without such
obligations responsible entities could, without compliance
consequences, simply accept the risk of deficient third-party transient
electronic device management practices.\43\
\43\ Id. P 40 (citing Order No. 706, 122 FERC ] 61,040 at P 150
(rejecting the concept of acceptance of risk in the CIP Reliability
33. Therefore, pursuant to section 215(d)(5) of the FPA, the
Commission proposed to direct NERC to modify Reliability Standard CIP-
003-7 to require responsible entities to implement controls to address
the need to mitigate the risk of malicious code that could result from
third-party transient electronic devices.
34. NERC states that it ``agrees with the Commission that, should a
Responsible Entity find that a third party's processes and practices
for protecting its transient electronic devices inadequate, the
Responsible Entity must be required to take mitigating action prior to
connecting third-party transient electronic devices to a low impact BES
Cyber System.'' \44\ According to NERC, ``failure to take mitigating
action in this circumstance[ ] could result in a finding of
noncompliance with Section 5 of Attachment 1.'' \45\ NERC, therefore,
asserts that ``the proposed directive may not be necessary and may be
an inefficient use of NERC and industry resources.'' \46\ NERC
observes, however, that ``[m]odifying proposed Section 5 to explicitly
include a mitigation requirement for third-part[y] devices may remove
any doubt about compliance expectations.'' \47\
\44\ NERC Comments at 6 (citing NERC Petition at 29).
\45\ Id.
\46\ Id.
\47\ Id.
35. Trade Associations and ELCON do not support the proposed
directive. Trade Associations contend that ``[a]lthough Section 5.2 [of
Attachment 1 to CIP-003-7] does not explicitly require the responsible
entity to mitigate the introduction of malicious code, risk mitigation
is an explicit obligation under Section 5.'' \48\ Trade Associations
state that if a responsible entity's plan does not ``achieve the
objective of mitigating the risk of the introduction of malicious code
to low impact BES Cyber Systems through the use of Transient Cyber
Assets . . . then the plan will not comply with Section 5.'' \49\ Trade
Associations maintains that the ``intent of the requirement is made
clear in the Supplemental Material for Section 5 and 5.2, which both
require the responsible entities to document how they will mitigate the
introduction of malicious code.'' \50\ Trade Associations note in a
footnote that:
\48\ Trade Associations Comments at 10.
\49\ Id. at 11.
\50\ Id.
Although the Supplemental Material does not create binding
obligations on responsible entities, the text of the Supplemental
Material in the Proposed Standard further clarifies and reinforces
that the binding requirements found in CIP-003-7, Attachment 1,
Section 5 include the obligation to take additional steps if a
third-party's practices do not meet the security objective.\51\
\51\ Id.
Trade Associations conclude that the Commission should approve
Reliability Standard CIP-003-7 without modification.
36. ELCON states that ``the requirement for a Low-Impact BES Cyber
System owner or operator to actively mitigate deficiencies in third
party's anti-virus security programs does exist in [Section 5 of
Attachment 1 to Reliability Standard CIP-003-7].'' \52\ ELCON states
that the opening paragraph of Section 5, which requires responsible
entities to implement one or more plans to ``achieve the objective of
mitigating the risk of the introduction of malicious code to low impact
BES Cyber Systems through the use of Transient Cyber Assets or
Removable Media,'' establishes an obligation to mitigate any identified
deficiencies. ELCON contends that the objective of mitigating the risk
``cannot be reached if the Responsible Entity allows a third party to
connect an insufficiently evaluated [Transient Cyber Asset] to a Low-
Impact BES Cyber System.'' \53\ ELCON argues that the ``positioning of
the requirement in the opening paragraph of Section 5 assures that
mitigating actions must be taken to address deficiencies detected''
with responsible entity-owned Transient Cyber Assets, vendor-owned
Transient Cyber Assets, and Removable Media.\54\
\52\ ELCON Comments at 4 (emphasis in original).
\53\ Id. at 4-5.
\54\ Id. at 5.
3. Commission Determination
37. We adopt the NOPR proposal and, pursuant to section 215(d)(5)
of the FPA, direct that NERC develop modifications to Reliability
Standard CIP-003-7 to address our concern and ensure that responsible
entities implement controls to mitigate the risk of malicious code that
could result from third-party transient electronic devices. NERC could
satisfactorily address the identified concern, for example, by
modifying Section 5 of Attachment 1 to CIP-003-7 to clarify that
responsible entities must implement controls to mitigate the risk of
malicious code that could result from the use of third-party transient
electronic devices.
38. The directed modification will improve the security posture of
responsible entities by clarifying compliance expectations. While
commenters claim that the provision is sufficiently clear and ask the
Commission not to adopt the proposal, all commenters agree that there
is not an explicit requirement to mitigate the threat of malicious code
that could result from third-party transient electronic devices. While
Trade Associations state that Section 5.2 of Attachment 1 does not
explicitly require the mitigation of malicious code, Trade Associations
and ELCON suggest that Section 5 generally requires risk mitigation.
While commenters agree that, at least implicitly, the mitigation of
malicious code is an obligation, the lack of a clear requirement could
lead to confusion in both the development of a compliance plan and in
the implementation of a compliance plan. In addition, although NERC
contends that the proposed directive may not be necessary, NERC agrees
that modifying Reliability Standard CIP-003-7 to address the mitigation
of malicious code explicitly could clarify compliance obligations.
39. Therefore, pursuant to FPA section 215(d)(5), we direct NERC to
develop and submit modifications to Reliability Standard CIP-003-7 to
include an explicit requirement that responsible entities implement
controls to mitigate the risk of malicious code that could result from
third-party transient electronic devices.
C. Implementation Plan and Effective Date
NERC Petition
40. In its petition, NERC requests an effective date for
Reliability Standard CIP-003-7 and the revised definitions of Transient
Cyber Asset and Removable Media on the first day of the first calendar
quarter that is eighteen months after the effective date of the
Commission's order approving the Reliability Standard. NERC explains
that the implementation plan does not alter the previously-approved
compliance dates for Reliability Standard CIP-003-6 other than the
compliance date for Reliability Standard CIP-003-6, Requirement R2,
Attachment 1, Sections 2 and 3, which
[[Page 17919]]
would be replaced with the effective date for Reliability Standard CIP-
003-7. NERC also proposes that the retirement of Reliability Standard
CIP-003-6 and the associated definitions become effective on the
effective date of Reliability Standard CIP-003-7.\55\
\55\ Id., Exhibit C (Implementation Plan).
41. The NOPR proposed to approve NERC's implementation plan and
effective date for Reliability Standard CIP-003-7. The Commission did
not receive any comments regarding this aspect of the NOPR.
Accordingly, we approve NERC's proposed implementation plan and
effective date.
III. Information Collection Statement
42. The FERC-725B information collection requirements contained in
this Final Rule are subject to review by the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) under section 3507(d) of the Paperwork Reduction Act of
1995.\56\ OMB's regulations require approval of certain information
collection requirements imposed by agency rules.\57\ Upon approval of a
collection of information, OMB will assign an OMB control number and
expiration date. Respondents subject to the filing requirements of this
rule will not be penalized for failing to respond to these collections
of information unless the collections of information display a valid
OMB control number. The Commission solicits comments on the
Commission's need for this information, whether the information will
have practical utility, the accuracy of the burden estimates, ways to
enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be
collected or retained, and any suggested methods for minimizing
respondents' burden, including the use of automated information
\56\ 44 U.S.C. 3507(d) (2012).
\57\ 5 CFR 1320.11 (2017).
43. The Commission bases its paperwork burden estimates on the
changes in paperwork burden presented by the proposed revision to CIP
Reliability Standard CIP-003-7 as compared to the current Commission-
approved Reliability Standard CIP-003-6. The Commission has already
addressed the burden of implementing Reliability Standard CIP-003-
6.\58\ As discussed above, the immediate rulemaking addresses three
areas of modification to the CIP Reliability Standards: (1) Clarifying
the obligations pertaining to electronic access control for low impact
BES Cyber Systems; (2) adopting mandatory security controls for
transient electronic devices (e.g., thumb drives, laptop computers, and
other portable devices frequently connected to and disconnected from
systems) used at low impact BES Cyber Systems; and (3) requiring
responsible entities to have a policy for declaring and responding to
CIP Exceptional Circumstances related to low impact BES Cyber Systems.
\58\ See Order No. 822, 154 FERC ] 61,037 at PP 84-88.
44. The NERC Compliance Registry, as of September 2017, identifies
approximately 1,320 U.S. entities that are subject to mandatory
compliance with Reliability Standards. Of this total, we estimate that
1,100 entities will face an increased paperwork burden under
Reliability Standard CIP-003-7, estimating that a majority of these
entities will have one or more low impact BES Cyber Systems. Based on
these assumptions, we estimate the following reporting burden:
RM17-11-000 Final Rule
[Mandatory Reliability Standards for critical infrastructure protection Reliability Standards]
Annual number
Number of of responses Total number Average burden and cost per response Total annual burden hours and total annual Cost per
respondents per respondent of responses \59\ cost respondent ($)
(1) (2) (1) * (2) = (4).................................. (3) * (4) = (5)............................... (5) / (1)
Create low impact TCA assets plan (one- 1,100 1 1,100 20 hrs.; $1,680...................... 6,875 hrs.; $1,848,000........................ $1,680
time). \60\
Updates and reviews of low impact TCA 1,100 \62\ 300 330,000 \63\ 1.5 hrs.; $126.................. 495,000 hrs.; $41,580,000..................... 37,800
assets (ongoing). \61\
Update/modify documentation to remove 1,100 1 1,100 20 hrs.; $1,680...................... 6,875 hrs.; $1,848,000........................ 1,680
LERC and LEAP (one-time). \60\
Update paperwork for access control 1,100 1 1,100 20 hrs.; $1,680...................... 6,875 hrs.; $1,848,000........................ 1,680
implementation in Section 2 \64\ and
Section 3 \65\ (ongoing). \61\
Total (one-time) \60\................ .............. .............. 2,200 ..................................... 13,750 hrs.; $3,696,000....................... ..............
Total (ongoing) \61\................. .............. .............. 331,100 ..................................... 501,875 hrs.; $43,428,000..................... ..............
45. The following shows the annual cost burden for each group,
based on the burden hours in the table above:
\59\ The loaded hourly wage figure (includes benefits) is based
on the average of three occupational categories for 2016 found on
the Bureau of Labor Statistics website (
Legal (Occupation Code: 23-0000): $143.68
Electrical Engineer (Occupation Code: 17-2071): $68.12
Office and Administrative Support (Occupation Code: 43-0000):
($143.68 + $68.12 + $40.89) / 3 = $84.23. The figure is rounded
to $84.00 for use in calculating wage figures in this NOPR.
\60\ This one-time burden applies in Year One only.
\61\ This ongoing burden applies in Year 2 and beyond.
\62\ We estimate that each entity will perform 25 updates per
month. 25 updates *12 months = 300 updates (i.e. responses) per
\63\ The 1.5 hours of burden per response is comprised of three
Updates to managed low TCA assets: 15 minutes (0.25 hours) per
Updates to unmanaged low TCA assets: 60 minutes (1 hour) per
Reviews of low TCA applicable controls: 15 minutes (0.25 hours)
per response.
\64\ Physical Security Controls.
\65\ Electronic Access Controls.
Year 1: $3,696,000.
Years 2 and 3: $43,428,000.
The paperwork burden estimate includes costs associated
with the initial development of a policy to address requirements
relating to: (1) Clarifying the obligations pertaining to electronic
access control for low impact BES Cyber Systems; (2) adopting mandatory
security controls for transient electronic devices (e.g., thumb drives,
laptop computers, and other portable devices frequently connected to
and disconnected from systems) used at low
[[Page 17920]]
impact BES Cyber Systems; and (3) requiring responsible entities to
have a policy for declaring and responding to CIP Exceptional
Circumstances related to low impact BES Cyber Systems. Further, the
estimate reflects the assumption that costs incurred in year 1 will
pertain to policy development, while costs in years 2 and 3 will
reflect the burden associated with maintaining logs and other records
to demonstrate ongoing compliance.
46. Title: Mandatory Reliability Standards, Revised Critical
Infrastructure Protection Reliability Standards.
Action: Revision to FERC-725B information collection.
OMB Control No.: 1902-0248.
Respondents: Businesses or other for-profit institutions; not-for-
profit institutions.
Frequency of Responses: On Occasion.
Necessity of the Information: This Final Rule approves the
requested modifications to Reliability Standards pertaining to critical
infrastructure protection. As discussed above, the Commission approves
NERC's revised CIP Reliability Standard CIP-003-7 pursuant to section
215(d)(2) of the FPA because it improves upon the currently-effective
suite of cyber security CIP Reliability Standards.
Internal Review: The Commission has reviewed the Reliability
Standard and made a determination that its action is necessary to
implement section 215 of the FPA.
47. Interested persons may obtain information on the reporting
requirements by contacting the following: Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426 [Attention: Ellen
Brown, Office of the Executive Director, email: [email protected],
phone: (202) 502-8663, fax: (202) 273-0873].
48. For submitting comments concerning the collection(s) of
information and the associated burden estimate(s), please send your
comments to the Commission, and to the Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, 725 17th Street
NW, Washington, DC 20503 [Attention: Desk Officer for the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission, phone: (202) 395-4638, fax: (202) 395-
7285]. For security reasons, comments to OMB should be submitted by
email to: [email protected]. Comments submitted to OMB should
include Docket Number RM17-11-000 and OMB Control Number 1902-0248.
IV. Regulatory Flexibility Act Analysis
49. The Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980 (RFA) generally requires
a description and analysis of Final Rules that will have significant
economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.\66\ The
Small Business Administration's (SBA) Office of Size Standards develops
the numerical definition of a small business.\67\ The SBA revised its
size standard for electric utilities (effective January 22, 2014) to a
standard based on the number of employees, including affiliates (from
the prior standard based on megawatt hour sales).\68\ Reliability
Standard CIP-003-7 is expected to impose an additional burden on 1,100
entities \69\ (reliability coordinators, generator operators, generator
owners, interchange coordinators or authorities, transmission
operators, balancing authorities, transmission owners, and certain
distribution providers).
\66\ 5 U.S.C. 601-12 (2012).
\67\ 13 CFR 121.101 (2017).
\68\ SBA Final Rule on ``Small Business Size Standards:
Utilities,'' 78 FR 77343 (Dec. 23, 2013).
\69\ Public utilities may fall under one of several different
categories, each with a size threshold based on the company's number
of employees, including affiliates, the parent company, and
subsidiaries. For the analysis in this Final Rule, we are using a
500 employee threshold due to each affected entity falling within
the role of Electric Bulk Power Transmission and Control (NAISC
Code: 221121).
50. Of the 1,100 affected entities discussed above, we estimate
that approximately 857 or 78 percent \70\ of the affected entities are
small. As discussed above, Reliability Standard CIP-003-7 enhances
reliability by providing criteria against which NERC and the Commission
can evaluate the sufficiency of an entity's electronic access controls
for low impact BES Cyber systems, as well as improved security controls
for transient electronic devices (e.g., thumb drives, laptop computers,
and other portable devices frequently connected to and disconnected
from systems). We estimate that each of the 857 small entities to whom
the modifications to Reliability Standard CIP-003-7 applies will incur
one-time costs of approximately $3,360 per entity to implement this
standard, as well as the ongoing paperwork burden reflected in the
Information Collection Statement (approximately $39,480 per year per
entity). We do not consider the estimated costs for these 857 small
entities to be a significant economic impact.
\70\ 77.95 percent.
51. Based on the above analysis, we certify that the approved
Reliability Standard will not have a significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities.
V. Environmental Analysis
52. The Commission is required to prepare an Environmental
Assessment or an Environmental Impact Statement for any action that may
have a significant adverse effect on the human environment.\71\ The
Commission has categorically excluded certain actions from this
requirement as not having a significant effect on the human
environment. Included in the exclusion are rules that are clarifying,
corrective, or procedural or that do not substantially change the
effect of the regulations being amended.\72\ The actions proposed
herein fall within this categorical exclusion in the Commission's
\71\ Regulations Implementing the National Environmental Policy
Act of 1969, Order No. 486, FERC Stats. & Regs. ] 30,783 (1987).
\72\ 18 CFR 380.4(a)(2)(ii) (2017).
VI. Document Availability
53. In addition to publishing the full text of this document in the
Federal Register, the Commission provides all interested persons an
opportunity to view and/or print the contents of this document via the
internet through the Commission's Home Page ( and
in the Commission's Public Reference Room during normal business hours
(8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern time) at 888 First Street NE, Room 2A,
Washington, DC 20426.
54. From the Commission's Home Page on the internet, this
information is available on eLibrary. The full text of this document is
available on eLibrary in PDF and Microsoft Word format for viewing,
printing, and/or downloading. To access this document in eLibrary, type
the docket number of this document, excluding the last three digits, in
the docket number field. User assistance is available for eLibrary and
the Commission's website during normal business hours from the
Commission's Online Support at (202) 502-6652 (toll free at 1-866-208-
3676) or email at [email protected], or the Public Reference
Room at (202) 502-8371, TTY (202) 502-8659. Email the Public Reference
Room at [email protected].
VII. Effective Date and Congressional Notification
55. The Final Rule is effective June 25, 2018. The Commission has
determined, with the concurrence of the Administrator of the Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs of OMB, that this rule is not a
``major rule'' as defined in section 351 of the Small
[[Page 17921]]
Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996. This Final Rule
is being submitted to the Senate, House, and Government Accountability
By the Commission.
Issued: April 19, 2018.
Nathaniel J. Davis, Sr.,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2018-08610 Filed 4-24-18; 8:45 am]