Release of Information From Department of Veterans Affairs' Records, 14613-14621 [2018-06097]
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Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 66 / Thursday, April 5, 2018 / Proposed Rules
requested must be filed in paper form,
must be clearly labeled ‘‘Confidential,’’
and must comply with FTC Rule 4.9(c).
In particular, the written request for
confidential treatment must include the
factual and legal basis for the request,
and must identify the specific portion of
the comment to be withheld from the
public record. See FTC Rule 4.9(c).
Visit the Commission website at to read this
document and the news release
describing it. The FTC Act and other
laws that the Commission administers
permit the collection of public
comments to consider and use in this
proceeding as appropriate. The
Commission will consider all timely
and responsive public comments that it
receives on or before May 9, 2018. You
can find more information, including
routine uses permitted by the Privacy
Act, in the Commission’s privacy
policy, at
By direction of the Commission.
Donald S. Clark,
[FR Doc. 2018–06976 Filed 4–4–18; 8:45 am]
38 CFR Part 1
RIN 2900–AQ27
Release of Information From
Department of Veterans Affairs’
Department of Veterans Affairs.
Proposed rule.
This document amends the
Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA)
regulations governing the submission
and processing of requests for
information under the Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA) and the Privacy
Act in order to reorganize, streamline,
and clarify existing regulations.
DATES: Comments must be received on
or before June 4, 2018.
ADDRESSES: Written comments may be
submitted through https://; by mail or handdelivery to the Director, Regulations
Management (00REG), Department of
Veterans Affairs, 810 Vermont Avenue
NW, Room 1063B, Washington, DC
20420; or by fax to (202) 273–9026.
Comments should indicate that they are
submitted in response to ‘‘RIN 2900–
AQ27, Release of Information from
Department of Veterans Affairs
Records.’’ Copies of comments received
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will be available for public inspection in
the Office of Regulation Policy and
Management, Room 1063B, between the
hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.,
Monday through Friday (except
holidays). Please call (202) 461–4902 for
an appointment. In addition, during the
comment period, comments may be
viewed online through the Federal
Docket Management System at https://
Catherine Nachmann, Attorney, Office
of General Counsel (024), Department of
Veterans Affairs, 810 Vermont Avenue
NW, Washington, DC 20420, (202) 461–
7742 (this is not a toll-free number).
authority for publishing this proposed
rule reads as follows: 5 U.S.C. 552, 552a,
38 U.S.C. 501(a), unless otherwise
noted. The FOIA, codified at 5 U.S.C.
552, requires an agency to publish
public guidance regarding its
implementation of the statute, such as
rules of procedure and substantive rules
of general applicability. The Privacy Act
of 1974, as amended, codified at 5
U.S.C. 552a, requires an agency to
publish its rules and procedures
implementing that statute. Section
501(a) of title 38, U.S.C., authorizes the
Secretary of Veterans Affairs to
prescribe rules and regulations to carry
out the laws administered by VA.
We propose to update VA’s
regulations pertaining to the release of
information from VA claimant records;
the regulations are codified at 38 CFR
1.500 through 1.527. Specifically, VA
proposes to amend 38 CFR 1.519
regarding the release of lists of names
and addresses.
In addition, we propose to amend
VA’s regulations pertaining to release of
information under the FOIA. VA’s
current FOIA regulations are codified at
38 CFR 1.550 through 1.562. We
propose to update these regulations to
ensure compliance with the FOIA
Improvement Act of 2016, Public Law
114–185, streamline existing procedures
based on our experience administering
the FOIA, clarify portions of the
regulations to make the regulations and
VA’s implementing procedures
consistent with applicable law and
easier for the public to understand,
eliminate inherent conflict, ensure that
the Department’s intent is clear with
regard to the agency’s processing of
requests for records and information
under these statutes, and generally
reorganize provisions as necessary.
We have also made minor, nonsubstantive changes to the regulations to
correct typographical or grammatical
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errors and make the language of the text
generally more consistent.
Finally, we propose to amend VA’s
regulations pertaining to the release of
information from claimant records
protected under the Privacy Act of 1974;
the regulations are codified at 38 CFR
1.575 through 1.584. Specifically, we
propose to amend 38 CFR 1.577(c) and
1.577(e) pertaining to VA’s procedures
regarding requests for access to records
and fees, respectively, and 38 CFR 1.580
pertaining to administrative review of
denials of requests for amendment of
Changes to 38 CFR Part 1
Release of Information From
Department of Veterans Affairs
Claimant Records, 1.500–1.527
Lists of Names and Addresses
Current § 1.519(c) provides, in part,
that the Associate Deputy Assistant
Secretary for Information Resources
Management, with the concurrence of
the General Counsel (emphasis added),
is authorized to release names and
addresses of present or former personnel
of the armed services and their
dependents from VA records to
organizations under specific
circumstances outlined in that section.
Current § 1.519(e) provides that a denial
of a request for the release of names and
addresses of present or former personnel
of the armed services and their
dependents from VA records may be
appealed to the General Counsel.
We propose to amend § 1.519(c) to
delete the requirement that the General
Counsel concur in a release of names
and addresses; this requirement
inherently conflicts with the General
Counsel’s authority to address appeals
in these cases. As it stands, the
regulation requires the General Counsel
to be involved in the initial
determination and address the appeal
regarding the release of information. In
order to preserve the integrity of the
appeals process, however, the General
Counsel should review the request for
the first time on appeal. Removing the
requirement that the General Counsel
concur in the determination of
Information Resources Management in
these cases would resolve this conflict.
Procedures for Disclosure of Records
Under the Freedom of Information Act,
We propose to make minor stylistic
changes throughout the regulations as
necessary that have no substantive
effect. We also propose more specific
and substantive revisions as outlined
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 66 / Thursday, April 5, 2018 / Proposed Rules
General Provisions
Current § 1.552(a) contains the
internet address established by VA to
obtain information regarding VA’s FOIA
processing and information that VA
makes electronically available under the
FOIA. The internet address has changed
since the last publication of VA’s FOIA
regulations. Proposed § 1.552(a),
therefore, would replace the existing
internet address with the new, current
internet address.
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1.554 Requirements for Making
Current § 1.554(a) covers FOIA
requests submitted by letter or fax and
contains general information regarding
the submission of requests; the
provision advises, e.g., that the
requester send the request to the FOIA
Officer for the component that he or she
believes maintains the records
requested. The section also contains
signature requirements when requesting
records about which the requester
believes he or she has a privacy interest
or to which a confidentiality statute
applies. Current § 1.554(a) also contains
two references to the availability of a list
of FOIA contacts available on the
Current § 1.554(b) covers FOIA
requests submitted by email, including
circumstances under which signature
requirements are triggered. Current
§ 1.554(c) addresses requirements when
requesting records pertaining to another
Proposed § 1.554(a) would address
requests by letter and fax and would
delete the redundant reference to
internet information regarding the
availability of VA FOIA contacts.
Proposed § 1.554(b) would address
requests by email. Proposed § 1.554(a)
and § 1.554(b) would contain
administrative details such as where to
send FOIA requests and would remove
signature requirements. Proposed
§ 1.554(c) would address the content of
requests by letter, fax and email and
would address the circumstances under
which a signature requirement is
triggered and options for providing a
signature; specifically, proposed
§ 1.554(c) would require the requester to
comply with the verification of identity
requirements set forth in § 1.577 of 38
CFR part 1 when seeking records about
himself or herself. Proposed § 1.554(c)
also would provide that if the requester
is seeking records not covered by the
Privacy Act, but which the requester
believes may pertain to him or her, the
requester may provide proof of identity,
such as by a notarized, signed statement
affirming his or her identity or a
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declaration made in compliance with 28
U.S.C. 1746. Further, proposed
§ 1.554(c) would require that if the
requester is seeking records pertaining
to another individual who is the record
subject, whether by letter, fax, or email,
the requester may obtain greater access
to the records, if he or she provides
satisfactory authorization to act on
behalf of the record subject. Proposed
§§ 1.554(a) through (c), would be
synthesized and reorganized to make it
easier for the public to understand and
to clarify this portion of the regulations.
In proposed §§ 1.554(d)(2) and (d)(4),
we would make a minor stylistic
revision to use numerals only rather
than both numerals and words.
Current § 1.554(e) addresses
circumstances in which a FOIA fee
issue is unresolved. Proposed § 1.554(e)
streamlines and organizes the language
to make it easier for the public to
1.556 Timing of Responses to Requests
Current § 1.556(c)(1) contains VA
procedures with regard to FOIA requests
that involve ‘‘unusual circumstances,’’
including notification when the agency
is extending the 20-day response time
limit by 10 or more days. Proposed
§ 1.556(c)(1) would provide that in cases
where an extension of more than 10
days is needed, the FOIA Officer also
must advise the requester that the VA
FOIA Liaison is available to assist in
any disputes between the requester and
VA (as required by the FOIA) and that
the requester has the right to seek
dispute resolution from the Office of
Government Information Services (as
required by the FOIA Improvement Act
of 2016). In proposed § 1.556(c)(1) and
§ 1.556(d)(3), we would also make a
minor stylistic revision to eliminate use
of numerals and written words in favor
of using only numerals.
1.557 Responses to Requests
Current § 1.557 addresses the agency’s
procedures regarding responses to
requests, including the agency’s
acknowledgment and timing of
responses and adverse determinations.
Current § 1.557(a) addresses the FOIA
Officer’s responsibility to assign a
number to the request and acknowledge
the FOIA request. Proposed § 1.557(a)
adds specific provisions that the FOIA
Officer will advise the requester of the
assigned FOIA request number and how
the requester may obtain the status of
his or her request.
Current § 1.557(c) addresses time
limits for processing requests. Proposed
§ 1.557(c) would streamline and clarify
this provision. Current § 1.557(d)
addresses adverse determinations of
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requests. We propose to add a new
provision at § 1.557(d) to address grants
of requests in full and to redesignate
current § 1.557(d) as § 1.557(e) and
revise § 1.557(e). In addition to
complying with the FOIA Improvement
Act of 2016, these amendments would
provide clarification and make the
section easier to understand.
1.558 Business Information
Current § 1.558(c)(3) provides for
notification to both the submitter of
information and the requester when a
final decision is made regarding release
of business information. We propose to
clarify § 1.558(c)(3) to ensure that the
requirements of the submitter
notification process are met and to make
it easier for the public to understand.
We also propose to delete the last
sentence of current § 1.558(c)(3), which
would become unnecessary based on
the clarifications made in the proposed
We propose to make a minor stylistic
revision to § 1.558(e)(3) to use only the
numeral 10 rather than using the written
form of the numeral and the numeral as
in current § 1.558(e)(3).
1.559 Appeals
Current § 1.559 addresses the agency’s
procedures for filing administrative
appeals of adverse determinations under
the FOIA. Current § 1.559(b) through
§ 1.559(d) include the requirements for
an appeal by letter and email and the
time limit and content of the appeal,
including the requirement for identity
verification when the appeal involves
records protected by a confidentiality
statute; the latter requirement is
contained in both paragraphs (b) and (c).
We propose to streamline § 1.559(b)
through § 1.559(d) by deleting
redundancy in paragraphs (b) and (c)
and by including requirements
applicable to all appeals in paragraph
(d); the proposed revisions would make
the section more organized and easier
for the public to understand. The
proposed revision would also provide
other means by which an individual
could provide verification of his or her
identity; the proposed revision in this
regard would make it more efficient and
easier for requesters to provide identity
Current § 1.559(d) establishes a 60day period within which to file an
appeal and describes the information
that should be included in an appeal.
Proposed § 1.559(d) would extend the
appeal period to 90 days in accordance
with the FOIA Improvement Act. In
addition, current § 1.559(d) describes
the titles of individuals within the VA
Office of General Counsel responsible
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 66 / Thursday, April 5, 2018 / Proposed Rules
for addressing FOIA appeals. We
propose to revise § 1.559(d) to instead
provide a more general description of
the responsible office in order to
account for past and future changes in
nomenclature within the Office of
General Counsel. Lastly, the language of
§ 1.559(d) is disorganized with regard to
the information that must be included
with an appeal and that which may be
included. Proposed § 1.559(d) would
reorganize the language to clarify the
provision and make it easier for the
public to understand.
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Current § 1.561(a) provides the
general requirements for charging fees
under the FOIA. We propose to amend
§ 1.561(a) to eliminate unnecessary
references to other paragraphs of the
section and streamline the regulation.
Current § 1.561(b)(3) uses the term
‘‘salary’’ when referring to the employee
performing the work. We propose to
revise § 1.561(b)(3) to replace the term
‘‘salary’’ with ‘‘hourly wage’’ to clarify
the meaning and to provide consistency
in the regulations. In addition, we
propose to revise the description of
direct costs so as to eliminate
redundancy in the paragraph.
Current § 1.561(d)(2) provides
information on the cost of duplication
by paper copy and provides that for
other types of duplication, VA will
charge for the direct costs of the
duplication. Proposed § 1.561(d)(2)
would delete the references to the
specific cost of duplication or other
services in § 1.561(d)(2) and instead,
would include those costs in the
schedule of fees set forth in proposed
§ 1.561(g)(1); the proposed revision
would eliminate redundancy and
confusion. Proposed § 1.561(d)(2) would
include language advising requesters
that only one copy of duplicated records
will be provided.
Current § 1.561(e) provides for
limitations on charging fees; parts of the
section contain information that is
redundant of other sections. Proposed
§ 1.561(e) would streamline the
regulation in order to eliminate
repetitive portions (e.g., paragraphs
(e)(4) and (e)(5)) and make the section
easier to understand. Proposed
§ 1.561(e) also would add language to
address requirements imposed by the
FOIA Improvement Act of 2016.
Current § 1.561(f) contains a table
describing fees that each category of
requester may be charged. The table
does not include duplication fee
information as it pertains to electronic
media; we propose to add this
information to § 1.561(f).
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Current § 1.561(g) contains
information regarding fee assessments
that is redundant of other sections of the
FOIA regulations. In addition, current
§ 1.561(g)(1) provides a fee schedule
that includes reference to ‘‘DC locality
payment’’ and specific grades of Federal
employees. In proposed § 1.561(g), we
would eliminate references to specific
forms of potential costs and would
instead refer to direct costs and the
requester’s fee category; the revision
would eliminate redundancy and add
consistency to the provision. In
proposed § 1.561(g)(1), we would add
specific-cost information in order to
synthesize fee elements as much as
possible into one provision. We would
also eliminate the reference to DC
locality pay in § 1.561(g)(1); locality pay
is based on where the employee
performing the work is located and
would not be tied to one particular
locality. In addition, the proposed
change would clarify the section
generally and make it consistent with
other parts of the regulation by
providing that the assessment of a fee is
based on the hourly salary of the
employee performing the work, which
would include the particular locality
pay of that employee. The references to
the specific job type of the employee
involved would be eliminated as
unnecessary and confusing. Overall, the
proposed revisions would make the
section easier to understand and more
consistent with the remainder of this
Current § 561(g)(1) includes a
provision that fees are charged in
quarter hour increments. The proposed
revision would eliminate the text of
current § 561(g)(1). Current § 561(g)(2)
contains the schedule of fees. In view of
the elimination of the text of current
§ 561(g)(1), current § 561(g)(2) would
become § 561(g)(1). Section 561(g)(2)
would be reserved.
Current § 1.561(h) addresses
notification to the requester of a fee
estimate. We propose to streamline and
clarify this section.
Current §§ 1.561(i) and (l)(3),(5)
address charges for other services and
advance payments, respectively. We
propose to make minor stylistic
revisions to §§ 1.561(i) and (l)(3),(5) in
order to clarify the meaning of the
sections and make the sections
consistent with the other sections.
Current § 1.561(n) sets forth the
requirements for a fee waiver or
reduction; proposed § 1.561(n) would
clarify that if a FOIA Officer
communicates with a requester to seek
necessary additional information, the
fee-waiver request will be closed if the
information is not received within 10
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days of the request for additional
information. Proposed § 1.561(n) also
would provide that if the fee waiver is
denied or closed, the underlying FOIA
request will be processed in accordance
with applicable provisions.
Safeguarding Personal Information in
Department of Veterans Affairs Records,
Access to Records
Current § 1.577(c) provides that the
VA staff office having jurisdiction over
the records involved in a request will
establish appropriate disclosure
procedures. Proposed § 1.577(c) would
specify that access requests for Privacy
Act records or information must be sent
to the staff office that maintains the
records and refer the individual to the
system of record notice in order to
identify the office to which the request
should be sent.
Current § 1.577(e) describes the fees to
be charged for providing an individual
a copy of his or her records and contains
a fee table that includes an outdated
reference to ‘‘direct cost.’’ Proposed
§ 1.577(e) would provide the correct
reference to direct cost. Current
§ 1.577(e) includes no provision for the
waiver of fees totaling less than $25.00.
Currently, § 1.561(g) provides for the
waiver of fees totaling under $25.00
under the Privacy Act; § 1.561(g),
however, is in the FOIA section of VA
regulations. Proposed § 1.577(e) would
include the waiver language of fees of
$25.00 or less in the Privacy Act
regulations. The revision would make it
easier for record subjects to find
relevant information when making a
Privacy Act request. Finally, proposed
§ 1.577(e) would include a clarification
that the first 100 pages are provided free
of charge whether provided in paper or
an electronic medium.
Administrative Review
Current § 1.580 provides that upon
denial of a request for access or
amendment to VA records, the requester
will be advised of the decision in
writing and will be provided appeal
rights to OGC; the regulation does not
distinguish between a written response
and the lack of a response. As a result,
OGC receives appeals from individuals
who have received no response from the
component or staff office; OGC directs
these communications back to the
originating office to respond. The
proposed amendment clarifies that
§ 1.580 applies to a written denial of the
request and not to the absence of a
response to the request. The proposed
revision represents an effort to
effectuate an expeditious review of the
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 66 / Thursday, April 5, 2018 / Proposed Rules
record request, i.e., eliminate OGC
involvement in order to streamline
review procedures when circumstances
involve the absence of a response,
ensure that access requests are done by
the correct component or staff office at
the outset, and provide a quicker
response to the requester. The proposed
revisions result in the addition of
section 38 CFR 1.580(c).
We also propose to correct a
typographical error in the first sentence
of § 1.580, i.e., ‘‘denial or’’ to ‘‘denial
of’’ a request.
Paperwork Reduction Act
This document contains no provisions
constituting a collection of information
under the Paperwork Reduction Act (44
U.S.C. 3501–3521).
amozie on DSK30RV082PROD with PROPOSALS
Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Secretary of Veterans Affairs
hereby certifies that this proposed rule
will not have a significant economic
impact on a substantial number of small
entities as they are defined in the
Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601–
612. This proposed rule concerns the
procedures for requesting information
from VA and the payment of certain fees
for processing such requests. The fees
prescribed by this proposed rule will
generally comprise only an insignificant
portion of a small entity’s expenditures.
Therefore, this proposed rule is exempt,
pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 605(b), from the
initial and final regulatory flexibility
analysis requirements of sections 603
and 604.
Executive Orders 12866, 13563 and
Executive Orders (E.O.s) 12866 and
13563 direct agencies to assess all costs
and benefits of available regulatory
alternatives and, if regulation is
necessary, to select regulatory
approaches that maximize net benefits
(including potential economic,
environmental, public health and safety
effects, distributive impacts, and
equity). E.O. 13563 emphasizes the
importance of quantifying both costs
and benefits of reducing costs, of
harmonizing rules, and of promoting
flexibility. E.O. 12866, Regulatory
Planning and Review, defines
‘‘significant regulatory action’’ to mean
any regulatory action that is likely to
result in a rule that may: ‘‘(1) Have an
annual effect on the economy of $100
million or more or adversely affect in a
material way the economy, a sector of
the economy, productivity, competition,
jobs, the environment, public health or
safety, or State, local, or tribal
governments or communities; (2) Create
a serious inconsistency or otherwise
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interfere with an action taken or
planned by another agency; (3)
Materially alter the budgetary impact of
entitlements, grants, user fees, or loan
programs or the rights and obligations of
recipients thereof; or (4) Raise novel
legal or policy issues arising out of legal
mandates, the President’s priorities, or
the principles set forth in this Executive
VA has examined the economic,
interagency, budgetary, legal, and policy
implications of this regulatory action,
and it has been determined not to be a
significant regulatory action under E.O.
12866. This proposed rule is not
expected to be an E.O. 13771 regulatory
action because this proposed rule is not
significant under E.O. 12866.
Dated: March 20, 2018.
Consuela Benjamin,
Regulation Development Coordinator, Office
of Regulation Policy & Management, Office
of the Secretary, Department of Veterans
Unfunded Mandates
The Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
of 1995 requires, at 2 U.S.C. 1532, that
agencies prepare an assessment of
anticipated costs and benefits before
issuing any rule that may result in an
expenditure by state, local, and tribal
governments, in the aggregate, or by the
private sector, of $100 million or more
(adjusted annually for inflation) in any
year. This proposed rule would have no
such effect on state, local, and tribal
governments, or on the private sector.
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
There is no Catalog of Federal
Domestic Assistance number for the
program affected by this proposed rule.
List of Subjects in 38 CFR Part 1
Administrative practice and
procedure, Archives and records,
Cemeteries, Claims, Courts, Crime,
Flags, Freedom of information,
Government contracts, Government
employees, Government property,
infants and children, Inventions and
patents, Parking, Penalties, Privacy,
Reporting and Recordkeeping
requirements, Seals and insignia,
Security measures, and Wages.
Signing Authority
The Secretary of Veterans Affairs, or
designee, approved this document and
authorized the undersigned to sign and
submit the document to the Office of the
Federal Register for publication
electronically as an official document of
the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Jacquelyn Hayes-Byrd, Deputy Chief of
Staff, Department of Veterans Affairs,
approved this document on March 19,
2018, for publication.
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For the reasons stated in the
preamble, VA proposes to amend 38
CFR part 1 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 1
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 38 U.S.C. 501(a), and as noted
in specific sections.
2. Revise § 1.519 paragraph (c) to read
as follows.
§ 1.519
Lists of names and addresses.
(c) The Associate Deputy Assistant
Secretary for Information Resources
Management is authorized to release
lists of names and addresses to
organizations which have applied for
such lists in accordance with paragraph
(a) of this section, if he or she finds that
the purpose for which the organization
desires the names and addresses is
directly connected with conduct of
programs and the utilization of benefits
under title 38 U.S.C. Lists of names and
addresses authorized to be released
pursuant to this paragraph shall not
duplicate lists released to other
elements, segments, or chapters of the
same organization.
■ 3. Revise § 1.552 paragraph (a) to read
as follows:
§ 1.552
General provisions.
(a) Additional information.
Information regarding VA’s FOIA and
Privacy Act process generally, including
how to file FOIA requests, and
information made available by VA
under the FOIA, is available at the
following internet address: https://
■ 4. Revise § 1.554 paragraphs (a)
through (c), (d)(2),(d)(4), and (e) to read
as follows:
§ 1.554
Requirements for making requests.
(a) Requests by letter and facsimile
(fax). The FOIA request must be in
writing and may be by letter or fax. To
assist in processing, the request letter,
envelope, or fax cover sheet of any FOIA
request should be marked ‘‘Freedom of
Information Act Request.’’ Information
helpful for filing a request, such as a list
of VA FOIA contacts, VA’s FOIA
Reference Guide, and the text of the
FOIA, are available on VA’s FOIA
amozie on DSK30RV082PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 66 / Thursday, April 5, 2018 / Proposed Rules
homepage on the internet. See § 1.552(a)
for the pertinent internet address. VA
has a decentralized FOIA system,
meaning that each VA component, i.e.,
administrations and staff offices, the
Veterans Health Administration (VHA)
medical centers, Veterans Benefits
Administration (VBA) regional offices,
or offices located within the VA Central
Office in Washington, DC (e.g., the
Office of the Secretary), maintain their
own FOIA processes and respond to
FOIA requests directly. Accordingly,
requesters must write directly to the
FOIA Officer for the VA component that
maintains the records. If requesting
records from a particular medical
facility, regional office, or Central Office
component, the request should be sent
to the FOIA Office at the address listed
for that component. A legible return
address must be included with the FOIA
request; the requester may wish to
include other contact information as
well, such as a telephone number and
email address. If the requester is not
sure where to send the request, he or
she should seek assistance from the
FOIA Contact for the office believed to
manage the programs whose records are
being requested or, if these efforts fail,
he or she should send the request to the
Director, FOIA Service (005R1C), 810
Vermont Avenue NW, Washington, DC
20420, who will refer it for action to the
FOIA contact at the appropriate
(b) Requests by email. VA accepts
email FOIA requests. To assure prompt
processing, email FOIA requests must
be sent to official VA FOIA mailboxes
established for the purpose of receiving
FOIA requests. An email FOIA request
that is sent to an individual VA
employee’s mailbox, or to any other
entity, will not be considered a
perfected FOIA request. Mailbox
addresses designated to receive email
FOIA requests are available on VA’s
FOIA homepage. See § 1.552(a) for the
pertinent internet address.
(c) The content of a request. Whether
submitting the request by letter, fax, or
email, the following applies: If the
requester is seeking records about
himself or herself or to which a
confidentiality statute applies (38 U.S.C.
5701, e.g.), the requester must comply
with the verification of identity
requirements set forth in 1.577 of this
Part, which applies to requests for
records maintained under the Privacy
Act. If the requester is seeking records
not covered by the Privacy Act, but
which the requester believes may
pertain to him or her, the requester may
obtain greater access to the records by
complying with the verification of
identity requirements set forth in 1.577
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of this Part, by providing the image of
the requester’s signature (such as an
attachment that shows the requester’s
handwritten signature), or by submitting
a notarized, signed statement affirming
his or her identity or a declaration made
in compliance with 28 U.S.C. 1746. The
suggested language for a statement
under 28 U.S.C. 1746 is included on
VA’s FOIA homepage; see § 1.552(a) for
the pertinent internet address. If the
requester is seeking records pertaining
to another individual under the FOIA,
whether by letter, fax, or email, the
requester may obtain greater access to
the records if he or she provides
satisfactory authorization to act on
behalf of the record subject to receive
the records or by submitting proof that
the record subject is deceased (e.g., a
copy of a death certificate or an
obituary). Each component has
discretion to require that a requester
supply additional information to verify
that a record subject has consented to
(d) * * *
(2) Requests for voluminous amounts
of records may be placed in a complex
track of a multitrack processing system
pursuant to § 1.556(b); such requests
also may meet the criteria for ‘‘unusual
circumstances,’’ which are processed in
accordance with § 1.556(c) and may
require more than 20 business days to
process despite the agency’s exercise of
due diligence.
(4) The time limit for VA to process
the FOIA request will not start until the
FOIA Officer determines that the
requester has reasonably described the
records sought in the FOIA request. If
the FOIA Officer seeks additional
clarification regarding the request and
does not receive the requester’s written
response within 30 calendar days of the
date of its communication with the
requester, he or she will conclude that
the requester is no longer interested in
pursuing the request and will close VA’s
files on the request.
(e) Agreement to pay fees. The time
limit for processing a FOIA request will
be tolled while any fee issue is
unresolved. Depending on the
circumstances, the FOIA Officer will
notify the requester: That the FOIA
Officer anticipates that the fees for
processing the request will exceed the
amount that the requester has stated a
willingness to pay or will amount to
more than $25.00 or the amount set by
Office of Management and Budget fee
guidelines, whichever is higher;
whether the FOIA Officer is requiring
the requester to agree in writing to pay
the estimated fee; or whether advance
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payment of the fee is required prior to
processing the request (i.e., if the
estimated fee amount exceeds $250 or
the requester previously has failed to
pay a FOIA fee in a timely manner). If
the FOIA Officer does not receive the
requester’s written response to the
notice regarding any of these items
within 10 business days of the date of
the FOIA Officer’s written
communication with the requester, the
FOIA Officer will close the request. If
requesting a fee waiver under§ 1.561,
the requester nonetheless may state his
or her willingness to pay a fee up to an
identified amount in the event that the
fee waiver is denied; this will allow the
component to process the FOIA request
while considering the fee waiver
request. If the requester pays a fee in
advance, and VA later determines that
the requester overpaid or is entitled to
a full or partial fee waiver, a refund will
be made. (For more information on the
collection of fees under the FOIA, see
§ 1.561.)
■ 5. Revise § 1.556 paragraphs (c)(1) and
(d)(3) to read as follows:
§ 1.556
Timing of responses to requests.
(c) * * *
(1) FOIA Officers may encounter
‘‘unusual circumstances,’’ where it is
not possible to meet the statutory time
limits for processing the request. In such
cases, the FOIA Officer will extend the
20-business day time limit for 10 more
business days and notify the requester
in writing of the unusual circumstances
and the date by which it expects to
complete processing of the request.
Where an extension of more than 10
business days is needed, the FOIA
Officer will notify the requester in
writing and will include in the notice
the following: An opportunity to modify
the request so that it may be processed
within the identified time limit; an
opportunity to arrange an alternative
time period with the FOIA Officer for
processing the request or a modified
request; notice of the availability of the
agency FOIA Liaison, and the right to
seek dispute resolution services from
the Office of Government Information
Services. Unusual circumstances consist
of the following:
(i) The need to search for and collect
the requested records from field
facilities or components other than the
office processing the request;
(ii) The need to search for, collect and
examine a voluminous amount of
separate and distinct records that are the
subject of a single request; or
(iii) The need for consultation with
another agency or among two or more
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 66 / Thursday, April 5, 2018 / Proposed Rules
components or another agency having a
substantial interest in the subject matter
of a request.
(d) * * *
(3) Within 10 calendar days of its
receipt of a request for expedited
processing, the FOIA Officer shall
determine whether to grant the request
and will provide the requester written
notice of the decision. If the FOIA
Officer grants a request for expedited
processing, the FOIA Officer shall give
the request priority and process it as
soon as practicable. If the FOIA Officer
denies the request for expedited
processing, the requester may appeal the
denial, which appeal shall be addressed
■ 6. Revise § 1.557 paragraphs (a), (c),
and (d) and revise and redesignate
current paragraph (d) as paragraph (e) to
read as follows:
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§ 1.557
Responses to requests.
(a) Acknowledgement of requests.
When a request for records is received
by a component designated to receive
requests, the component’s FOIA Officer
will assign a FOIA request number; the
FOIA Officer will send the requester
written acknowledgement of receipt of
the request and will advise the requester
of the assigned FOIA request number
and how the requester may obtain the
status of his or her request.
(c) Time limits for processing
requests. A component must advise the
requester within 20 business days from
the date of VA’s receipt of the request
whether the request is granted in its
entirety, granted in part, or denied in its
entirety and provide the reasons
therefor. If the request must be referred
to another component, the response
time will begin on the date that the
request was received by the appropriate
component, but in any event not later
than 10 business days after the referring
office receives the FOIA request; the
referring component has an affirmative
duty to refer the FOIA request within 10
business days.
(d) Grants of requests in full. When a
component makes a determination to
grant a request in full, it shall notify the
requester in writing. The component
also shall inform the requester of any
fees charged under § 1.561. The
component also must inform the
requester of his or her right to seek the
assistance of the appropriate VA FOIA
Public Liaison and provide the contact
information for the Liaison.
(e) Adverse determinations of
requests. When a component makes an
adverse determination denying the
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request in any respect, the component
FOIA Officer shall promptly notify the
requester of the adverse determination
in writing. Adverse determinations
include decisions that a requested
record is exempt from release in whole
or in part, does not exist or cannot be
located, is not readily reproducible in
the form or format sought by the
requester, or is not a record subject to
the FOIA; adverse determinations also
include denials regarding requests for
expedited processing and requests
involving fees, such as requests for fee
waivers. The adverse determination
notice must be signed by the component
head or the component’s FOIA Officer,
and shall include the following:
(1) The name and title or position of
the person responsible for the adverse
(2) A brief statement of the reason(s)
for the denial, including any FOIA
exemptions applied by the FOIA Officer
in denying the request;
(3) The amount of information
withheld in number of pages or other
reasonable form of estimation; an
estimate is not necessary if the volume
is indicated on redacted pages disclosed
in part or if providing an estimate
would harm an interest provided by an
applicable exemption;
(4) Notice that the requester may
appeal the adverse determination and a
description of the requirements for an
appeal under § 1.559 of this part; and
(5) Notice that the requester may seek
assistance or dispute resolution services
from the appropriate VA FOIA Liaison
or dispute resolution services from the
Office of Government Information
■ 7. Revise § 1.558 paragraphs (c)(3) and
(e) to read as follows:
§ 1.558
Business information.
(c) * * *
(3) Whenever the FOIA Officer
notifies the submitter of VA’s intent to
disclose over the submitter’s objections,
the FOIA Officer will also notify the
requester by separate correspondence.
(e) Consideration of objection(s) and
notice of intent to disclose. The FOIA
Officer will consider all pertinent
factors, including but not limited to, the
submitter’s timely objection(s) to
disclosure and the specific grounds
provided by the submitter for nondisclosure in deciding whether to
disclose business information.
Information provided by the submitter
after the specified time limit and after
the component has made its disclosure
decision generally will not be
considered. In addition to meeting the
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requirements of § 1.557, when a FOIA
Officer decides to disclose business
information over the objection of a
submitter, the FOIA Officer will provide
the submitter with written notice, which
(1) A statement of the reason(s) why
each of the submitter’s disclosure
objections were not sustained;
(2) A description of the business
information to be disclosed; and
(3) A specified disclosure date of not
less than 10 days from the date of the
notice (to allow the submitter time to
take necessary legal action).
■ 8. Revise § 1.559 paragraphs (b)
through (d) to read as follows:
§ 1.559
(b) How to file and address a written
appeal. The requester may appeal an
adverse determination denying the
request, in any respect, except for those
concerning Office of Inspector General
records, to the VA Office of the General
Counsel (024), 810 Vermont Avenue
NW, Washington, DC 20420. Any
appeals concerning Office of Inspector
General records must be sent to the VA
Office of Inspector General, Office of
Counselor (50), 810 Vermont Avenue
NW, Washington, DC 20420. The FOIA
appeal must be in writing and may be
by letter or facsimile (fax); whichever
method is used, the appeal must comply
with all requirements of this paragraph
and paragraph (d). Information
regarding where to fax the FOIA appeal
is available on VA’s FOIA homepage on
the internet. See § 1.552(a) for the
pertinent internet address.
(c) How to file an email appeal. VA
accepts email appeals; the appeal must
comply with all requirements of this
paragraph and paragraph (d). In order to
assure initial processing of an appeal
filed by email, the email must be sent
to one of the official VA FOIA
mailboxes established for the purpose of
receiving FOIA appeals; an email FOIA
appeal that is sent to an individual VA
employee’s mailbox, or to any other
entity, will not be considered a
perfected FOIA appeal. Mailbox
addresses designated to receive email
FOIA appeals are available on VA’s
FOIA homepage. See § 1.552(a) for the
pertinent internet address.
(d) Time limits and content of appeal.
The appeal to the VA OGC (024) or VA
Office of Inspector General (50) must be
received or postmarked no later than 90
calendar days after the date of the
adverse determination and must contain
the following: A legible return address;
clear identification of the determination
being appealed, including any assigned
amozie on DSK30RV082PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 66 / Thursday, April 5, 2018 / Proposed Rules
request number (if no request number
was assigned, other information must be
provided such as the name of the FOIA
officer, the address of the component,
the date of the component’s
determination, if any, and the precise
subject matter of the appeal); and
identification of the part of the
determination that is being appealed (if
appealing only a portion of the
determination). If the appeal involves
records about the requester himself or
herself or records to which a
confidentiality statute applies, the
requester must comply with the
verification of identity requirements set
forth in 1.577 of this Part, which applies
to requests for records maintained under
the Privacy Act. If the appeal involves
records not covered by the Privacy Act,
but which the requester believes may
pertain to him or her, the requester may
obtain greater access to the records by
complying with the verification of
identity requirements set forth in 1.577
of this Part, providing the image of the
requester’s signature (such as an
attachment that shows the requester’s
handwritten signature), or submitting a
notarized, signed statement affirming
his or her identity or a declaration made
in compliance with 28 U.S.C. 1746. The
suggested language for a statement
under 28 U.S.C. 1746 is included on
VA’s FOIA homepage. See § 1.552(a) for
the pertinent internet address. If the
appeal involves records pertaining to
another individual (i.e., record subject),
the requester may obtain greater access
to the records if he or she provides
satisfactory authorization to act on
behalf of the record subject to receive
the records or by submitting proof that
the record subject is deceased (e.g., a
copy of a death certificate or an
obituary). Each component has
discretion to require that a requester
supply additional information to verify
that a record subject has consented to
disclosure. Appeals should be marked
‘‘Freedom of Information Act Appeal.’’
The requester may include other
information as well, such as a telephone
number and email address and a copy
of the initial agency determination. An
appeal is not perfected until VA either
receives the required information
identified above or the appeal is
otherwise easily and sufficiently
defined. The designated official within
the Office of the General Counsel (024)
will act on behalf of the Secretary on all
appeals under this section, except those
pertaining to the Office of Inspector
General. The designated official in the
Office of Inspector General will act on
all appeals pertaining to Office of
Inspector General records. A
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determination by the Office of General
Counsel, or designated official within
the Office of Inspector General, will be
the final VA action.
§ 1.561
9. Amend § 1.561 by:
a. Revising paragraphs (a), (b)(3),
(d)(2), (e);
■ b. Adding paragraphs (e)(4)(iii) and
■ c. Removing paragraphs (e)(5) and
■ d. Revising paragraph (f) and (g)(1);
■ e. Removing and reserving paragraph
(g)(2), and
■ f. Revising paragraphs (h), (i), (l)(3),
(l)(5), and (n)(1).
The revisions and additions read as
§ 1.561
(a) General. VA will charge for
processing requests under the FOIA, as
amended, and in accordance with this
section. Requesters must pay fees by
check or money order made payable to
the Treasury of the United States.
Payment by credit card also may be
acceptable; the requester should contact
the FOIA Officer for instructions on
credit card payments. Note that fees
associated with requests from VA
beneficiaries, applicants for VA benefits,
or other individuals, for records
retrievable by their names or individual
identifiers processed under 38 U.S.C.
5701 (records associated with claims for
benefits) and 5 U.S.C. 552a (the Privacy
Act), will be assessed fees in accordance
with the applicable regulatory fee
provisions relating to VA benefits and
VA Privacy Act records.
(b) * * *
(3) Direct costs mean expenses that
VA incurs in responding to a FOIA
request; direct costs include searching
for and duplication of (and in the case
of commercial use requesters,
reviewing) records to respond to a FOIA
request, the hourly wage of the
employee performing the work plus 16
percent of the hourly wage, and the cost
of operating duplication machinery.
Direct costs do not include overhead
expenses, such as the costs of space or
heating and lighting of the facility
where the records are kept.
(d) * * *
(2) Duplication. When the agency
provides duplicated records in response
to a request, no more than one copy will
be provided.
(3) * * *
(e) Limitations on charging fees. (1)
When VA determines that a requester is
an educational institution, a non-
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commercial scientific institution, or a
representative of the news media, VA
will not charge search fees.
(2) VA charges fees in quarter hour
increments; no search or review fee will
be charged for a quarter hour period
unless more than half of that period is
required for search or review.
(3) VA may provide free copies of
records or free services in response to an
official request from another
government agency or a congressional
office and when a component head or
designee determines that doing so will
assist in providing medical care to a VA
patient or will otherwise assist in the
performance of VA’s mission.
(4)(i) If VA fails to comply with the
time limit to respond to a request, it
may not charge search fees, or, in cases
of requests from requesters described in
paragraph (e)(1) of this section, may not
charge duplication fees, except as
described in paragraph (e)(4)(ii)–(iv).
(ii) If VA has determined that unusual
circumstances as defined by the FOIA
apply and has provided timely written
notice to the requester in accordance
with the FOIA, a failure to comply with
the time limit shall be excused for an
additional 10 days.
(iii) If VA has determined that
unusual circumstances as defined by the
FOIA apply and more than 5,000 pages
are necessary to respond to the request,
VA may charge search fees, or in the
case of requesters described in
paragraph (e)(1) of this section, may
charge duplication fees, if the following
steps are taken: VA must provide timely
written notice of unusual circumstances
to the requester in accordance with the
FOIA and must discuss with the
requester via written mail, email or
telephone (and later confirmed in
writing) (or have made not less than
three good-faith attempts to do so) how
the requester could effectively limit the
scope of the request in accordance with
5 U.S.C. 552(a)(6)(B)(ii). If this
exception is satisfied, the component
may charge all applicable fees incurred
in the processing of the request.
(iv) if a court has determined that
exceptional circumstances exist, as
defined by the FOIA, a failure to comply
with the time limits shall be excused for
the length of time provided by the court
(e)(5) [Removed]
(e)(6) [Removed]
(f) The following table summarizes
the chargeable fees for each category of
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 66 / Thursday, April 5, 2018 / Proposed Rules
Search fees
Commercial Use ....................................................
Educational Institution ...........................................
Non-Commercial Scientific Institution ....................
News Media ...........................................................
All other .................................................................
(g) Fee schedule. If it is determined
that a fee will be charged for processing
the FOIA request, VA will charge the
direct cost to the agency and in
Review fees
Yes ...................................
No .....................................
No .....................................
No .....................................
Yes (2 hours free) ............
Yes ...................................
No .....................................
No .....................................
No .....................................
No .....................................
accordance with the requester’s fee
category (see § 1.561(c)); to the extent
possible, direct costs are itemized in
paragraph 1 of this section. Duplication
(i) Duplication of standard size (8 ⁄ ″ x 11″; 8 ⁄ ″ x 14″) paper records
or records on electronic media.
(ii) Duplication of non-paper items (e.g., x-rays), paper records which
are not of a standard size (e.g., architectural drawings/construction
plans or EKG tracings).
(iii) Record search by manual (non-automated) methods .......................
(iv) Record search using automated methods, such as by computer .....
(v) Record review (for Commercial Use Requesters only) ......................
(vi) Other activities, such as: Attesting under seal or certifying that
records are true copies; sending records by special methods; forwarding mail; compiling and providing special reports, drawings,
specifications, statistics, lists, abstracts or other extracted information; generating computer output; providing files under court process
where the Federal Government is not a party to, and does not have
an interest in, the litigation.
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Note to paragraph (g)(1): VA will charge
fees consistent with the salary scale
published by the Office of Personnel
Management (OPM).
(2) Reserved.
(h) Notification of fee estimate or
other fee issues. (1) VA will not charge
the requester if the fee is $25.00 or less.
(2) When a FOIA Officer determines
or estimates that the fees to be charged
under this section will amount to more
than $25.00 or the amount set by OMB
fee guidelines, whichever is higher, the
FOIA Officer will notify the requester in
writing of the actual or estimated
amount of fees and ask the requester to
provide written assurance of the
payment of all fees or fees up to a
designated amount, unless he or she has
indicated a willingness to pay fees as
high as those anticipated. Any such
agreement to pay the fees shall be
memorialized in writing. When the
requester does not provide sufficient
information upon which VA can
identify a fee category (see paragraphs
(c)(1) through (c)(4) of this section), or
a clarification is otherwise required
regarding a fee, the FOIA Officer may
notify the requester and seek
clarification; the notification to the
requester will state that if a written
response is not received within 10 days,
the request will be closed. The timeline
for responding to the request will be
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Yes (100
Yes (100
Yes (100
Yes (100
fees also are applicable to records
provided in response to requests made
under the Privacy Act (see § 1.577(e),(f)).
(1) Schedule of fees:
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Duplication fees
Paper records: $0.15 per page.
Electronic media: $3.00 per each compact disc (CD) or digital versatile
disc (DVD).
Direct cost to VA.
Hourly wage of the employee(s), plus 16 percent.
Direct cost to VA.
Hourly rate of employees performing review to determine whether to
release records and to prepare them for release, plus 16 percent.
Direct cost to VA.
tolled and no further work will be done
on the request until the fee issue has
been resolved.
(i) Charges for other services. Apart
from the other provisions of this section,
VA will charge the requester the direct
costs of providing any special handling
or services requested, such as certifying
that records are true copies or sending
them by other than ordinary mail. The
FOIA Officer may choose to provide
such a service as a matter of
administrative discretion.
(l) * * *
(3) Where the requester previously
has failed to pay a properly charged
FOIA fee to VA within 30 days of the
date of billing, a FOIA Officer may
require the requester to pay the full
amount due, plus any applicable
interest as specified in this section, and
to make an advance payment of the full
amount of any anticipated fee, before
the FOIA Officer begins to process a
new request or continues to process a
pending request from that requester.
(5) In cases in which a FOIA Officer
requires advance payment or payment is
due under this section, the time for
responding to the request will be tolled
and further work will not be done on
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the request until the required payment
is received.
(n) Requirements for waiver or
reduction of fees. (1) Waiving or
reducing fees. Fees for processing the
request may be waived if the requester
meets the criteria listed in this section.
The requester must submit adequate
justification for a fee waiver; without
adequate justification, the request will
be denied. The FOIA Officer may, at his
or her discretion, communicate with the
requester to seek additional information,
if necessary, regarding the fee waiver
request. If the additional information is
not received from the requester within
10 days of the FOIA Officer’s
communication with the requester, VA
will assume that the requester does not
wish to pursue the fee waiver request
and the fee waiver request will be
closed. If the request for waiver or
reduction is denied or closed, the
underlying FOIA request will continue
to be processed in accordance with the
applicable provisions of this Part.
Requests for fee waivers are decided on
a case-by-case basis; receipt of a fee
waiver in the past does not establish
entitlement to a fee waiver each time a
request is submitted.
■ 10. Revise § 1.577 paragraph (c) and
(e) to read as follows:
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 66 / Thursday, April 5, 2018 / Proposed Rules
§ 1.577
Access to Records.
(c) The VA component or staff office
having jurisdiction over the records
subject to the Privacy Act request will
establish appropriate disclosure
procedures, including notifying the
individual who filed the Privacy Act
request of the time, place, and
conditions under which the VA will
comply with the request, in accordance
with applicable laws and regulations.
Access requests for Privacy Act records
or information must be sent to the staff
office that maintains the records; the
individual seeking access may consult
the system of record notice (https://
records.aspx) in order to identify the
office to which the request should be
sent. Each component has discretion to
require that a requester supply
additional information to verify his or
her identity.
(e) Fees to be charged, if any, to any
individual for making copies of his or
her record shall not include the cost of
and search for and review of the record.
Fees under $25.00 shall be waived. Fees
to be charged are as follows:
(1) Duplication of documents by any type of reproduction process to
produce plain one-sided paper copies of a standard size (81⁄2″ x 11″;
81⁄2″ x 14″; 11″ x 14″).
(2) Duplication of non-paper records, such as microforms, audiovisual
materials (motion pictures, slides, laser optical disks, video tapes,
audio tapes, etc.), computer tapes and disks, diskettes for personal
computers, and any other automated media output.
(3) Duplication of document by any type of reproduction process not
covered by paragraphs (e)(1) or (2) of this section to produce a copy
in a form reasonably usable by the requester.
$0.15 per page after first 100 one-sided pages or electronic equivalent.
11. Revise § 1.580 to read as follows:
§ 1.580
Administrative review.
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(a) Upon consideration and denial of
a request under § 1.577 or § 1.579 of this
section, the responsible VA official or
designated employee will inform the
requester in writing of the denial. The
adverse determination notice must be
signed by the component head or the
component’s Privacy Officer, and shall
include the following:
(1) The name and title or position of
the person responsible for the adverse
(2) A brief statement of the reason(s)
for the denial and the policy upon
which the denial is based; and
(3) Notice that the requester may
appeal the adverse determination under
VerDate Sep<11>2014
18:15 Apr 04, 2018
Jkt 244001
Direct cost to the Agency as defined in § 1.561(b)(3) of this part to the
extent that it pertains to the cost of duplication.
Direct cost to the Agency as defined in § 1.561(b)(3) of this part to the
extent that it pertains to the cost of duplication.
§ 1.580(b) of this part to the Office of
General Counsel (providing the address
as follows: Office of General Counsel
(024), 810 Vermont Avenue NW,
Washington, DC 20420), and
instructions on what information is
required for an appeal, which includes
why the individual disagrees with the
initial denial with specific attention to
one or more of the four standards (e.g.,
accuracy, relevance, timeliness, and
completeness), and a copy of the denial
letter and any supporting
documentation that demonstrates why
the individual believes the information
does not meet these requirements.
(b) The final agency decision in
appeals of adverse determinations
described in paragraph (a) will be made
by the designated official within the
Office of General Counsel (024).
PO 00000
Frm 00017
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 9990
(c) A written denial must have
occurred in order to appeal to OGC. An
absence of a response to an access or
amendment request filed with a VA
component is not a denial. If an
individual has not received a response
to a request for access to or amendment
of records, the individual must pursue
the request with the Privacy Officer of
the administration office (e.g., the VHA,
VBA, or National Cemetery
Administration Privacy Officer) or staff
office (e.g., the Office of Information
Technology or Office of Inspector
General Privacy Staff Officer) that has
custody over the records.
[FR Doc. 2018–06097 Filed 4–4–18; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 66 (Thursday, April 5, 2018)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 14613-14621]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2018-06097]
38 CFR Part 1
RIN 2900-AQ27
Release of Information From Department of Veterans Affairs'
AGENCY: Department of Veterans Affairs.
ACTION: Proposed rule.
SUMMARY: This document amends the Department of Veterans Affairs' (VA)
regulations governing the submission and processing of requests for
information under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and the Privacy
Act in order to reorganize, streamline, and clarify existing
DATES: Comments must be received on or before June 4, 2018.
ADDRESSES: Written comments may be submitted through; by mail or hand-delivery to the Director,
Regulations Management (00REG), Department of Veterans Affairs, 810
Vermont Avenue NW, Room 1063B, Washington, DC 20420; or by fax to (202)
273-9026. Comments should indicate that they are submitted in response
to ``RIN 2900-AQ27, Release of Information from Department of Veterans
Affairs Records.'' Copies of comments received will be available for
public inspection in the Office of Regulation Policy and Management,
Room 1063B, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday
through Friday (except holidays). Please call (202) 461-4902 for an
appointment. In addition, during the comment period, comments may be
viewed online through the Federal Docket Management System at
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Catherine Nachmann, Attorney, Office
of General Counsel (024), Department of Veterans Affairs, 810 Vermont
Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20420, (202) 461-7742 (this is not a toll-
free number).
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: VA's authority for publishing this proposed
rule reads as follows: 5 U.S.C. 552, 552a, 38 U.S.C. 501(a), unless
otherwise noted. The FOIA, codified at 5 U.S.C. 552, requires an agency
to publish public guidance regarding its implementation of the statute,
such as rules of procedure and substantive rules of general
applicability. The Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, codified at 5
U.S.C. 552a, requires an agency to publish its rules and procedures
implementing that statute. Section 501(a) of title 38, U.S.C.,
authorizes the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to prescribe rules and
regulations to carry out the laws administered by VA.
We propose to update VA's regulations pertaining to the release of
information from VA claimant records; the regulations are codified at
38 CFR 1.500 through 1.527. Specifically, VA proposes to amend 38 CFR
1.519 regarding the release of lists of names and addresses.
In addition, we propose to amend VA's regulations pertaining to
release of information under the FOIA. VA's current FOIA regulations
are codified at 38 CFR 1.550 through 1.562. We propose to update these
regulations to ensure compliance with the FOIA Improvement Act of 2016,
Public Law 114-185, streamline existing procedures based on our
experience administering the FOIA, clarify portions of the regulations
to make the regulations and VA's implementing procedures consistent
with applicable law and easier for the public to understand, eliminate
inherent conflict, ensure that the Department's intent is clear with
regard to the agency's processing of requests for records and
information under these statutes, and generally reorganize provisions
as necessary.
We have also made minor, non-substantive changes to the regulations
to correct typographical or grammatical errors and make the language of
the text generally more consistent.
Finally, we propose to amend VA's regulations pertaining to the
release of information from claimant records protected under the
Privacy Act of 1974; the regulations are codified at 38 CFR 1.575
through 1.584. Specifically, we propose to amend 38 CFR 1.577(c) and
1.577(e) pertaining to VA's procedures regarding requests for access to
records and fees, respectively, and 38 CFR 1.580 pertaining to
administrative review of denials of requests for amendment of records.
Changes to 38 CFR Part 1
Release of Information From Department of Veterans Affairs Claimant
Records, 1.500-1.527
1.519 Lists of Names and Addresses
Current Sec. 1.519(c) provides, in part, that the Associate Deputy
Assistant Secretary for Information Resources Management, with the
concurrence of the General Counsel (emphasis added), is authorized to
release names and addresses of present or former personnel of the armed
services and their dependents from VA records to organizations under
specific circumstances outlined in that section. Current Sec. 1.519(e)
provides that a denial of a request for the release of names and
addresses of present or former personnel of the armed services and
their dependents from VA records may be appealed to the General
We propose to amend Sec. 1.519(c) to delete the requirement that
the General Counsel concur in a release of names and addresses; this
requirement inherently conflicts with the General Counsel's authority
to address appeals in these cases. As it stands, the regulation
requires the General Counsel to be involved in the initial
determination and address the appeal regarding the release of
information. In order to preserve the integrity of the appeals process,
however, the General Counsel should review the request for the first
time on appeal. Removing the requirement that the General Counsel
concur in the determination of Information Resources Management in
these cases would resolve this conflict.
Procedures for Disclosure of Records Under the Freedom of Information
Act, 1.550-1.562
We propose to make minor stylistic changes throughout the
regulations as necessary that have no substantive effect. We also
propose more specific and substantive revisions as outlined below.
[[Page 14614]]
1.552 General Provisions
Current Sec. 1.552(a) contains the internet address established by
VA to obtain information regarding VA's FOIA processing and information
that VA makes electronically available under the FOIA. The internet
address has changed since the last publication of VA's FOIA
regulations. Proposed Sec. 1.552(a), therefore, would replace the
existing internet address with the new, current internet address.
1.554 Requirements for Making Requests
Current Sec. 1.554(a) covers FOIA requests submitted by letter or
fax and contains general information regarding the submission of
requests; the provision advises, e.g., that the requester send the
request to the FOIA Officer for the component that he or she believes
maintains the records requested. The section also contains signature
requirements when requesting records about which the requester believes
he or she has a privacy interest or to which a confidentiality statute
applies. Current Sec. 1.554(a) also contains two references to the
availability of a list of FOIA contacts available on the internet.
Current Sec. 1.554(b) covers FOIA requests submitted by email,
including circumstances under which signature requirements are
triggered. Current Sec. 1.554(c) addresses requirements when
requesting records pertaining to another individual.
Proposed Sec. 1.554(a) would address requests by letter and fax
and would delete the redundant reference to internet information
regarding the availability of VA FOIA contacts. Proposed Sec. 1.554(b)
would address requests by email. Proposed Sec. 1.554(a) and Sec.
1.554(b) would contain administrative details such as where to send
FOIA requests and would remove signature requirements. Proposed Sec.
1.554(c) would address the content of requests by letter, fax and email
and would address the circumstances under which a signature requirement
is triggered and options for providing a signature; specifically,
proposed Sec. 1.554(c) would require the requester to comply with the
verification of identity requirements set forth in Sec. 1.577 of 38
CFR part 1 when seeking records about himself or herself. Proposed
Sec. 1.554(c) also would provide that if the requester is seeking
records not covered by the Privacy Act, but which the requester
believes may pertain to him or her, the requester may provide proof of
identity, such as by a notarized, signed statement affirming his or her
identity or a declaration made in compliance with 28 U.S.C. 1746.
Further, proposed Sec. 1.554(c) would require that if the requester is
seeking records pertaining to another individual who is the record
subject, whether by letter, fax, or email, the requester may obtain
greater access to the records, if he or she provides satisfactory
authorization to act on behalf of the record subject. Proposed
Sec. Sec. 1.554(a) through (c), would be synthesized and reorganized
to make it easier for the public to understand and to clarify this
portion of the regulations.
In proposed Sec. Sec. 1.554(d)(2) and (d)(4), we would make a
minor stylistic revision to use numerals only rather than both numerals
and words.
Current Sec. 1.554(e) addresses circumstances in which a FOIA fee
issue is unresolved. Proposed Sec. 1.554(e) streamlines and organizes
the language to make it easier for the public to understand.
1.556 Timing of Responses to Requests
Current Sec. 1.556(c)(1) contains VA procedures with regard to
FOIA requests that involve ``unusual circumstances,'' including
notification when the agency is extending the 20-day response time
limit by 10 or more days. Proposed Sec. 1.556(c)(1) would provide that
in cases where an extension of more than 10 days is needed, the FOIA
Officer also must advise the requester that the VA FOIA Liaison is
available to assist in any disputes between the requester and VA (as
required by the FOIA) and that the requester has the right to seek
dispute resolution from the Office of Government Information Services
(as required by the FOIA Improvement Act of 2016). In proposed Sec.
1.556(c)(1) and Sec. 1.556(d)(3), we would also make a minor stylistic
revision to eliminate use of numerals and written words in favor of
using only numerals.
1.557 Responses to Requests
Current Sec. 1.557 addresses the agency's procedures regarding
responses to requests, including the agency's acknowledgment and timing
of responses and adverse determinations. Current Sec. 1.557(a)
addresses the FOIA Officer's responsibility to assign a number to the
request and acknowledge the FOIA request. Proposed Sec. 1.557(a) adds
specific provisions that the FOIA Officer will advise the requester of
the assigned FOIA request number and how the requester may obtain the
status of his or her request.
Current Sec. 1.557(c) addresses time limits for processing
requests. Proposed Sec. 1.557(c) would streamline and clarify this
provision. Current Sec. 1.557(d) addresses adverse determinations of
requests. We propose to add a new provision at Sec. 1.557(d) to
address grants of requests in full and to redesignate current Sec.
1.557(d) as Sec. 1.557(e) and revise Sec. 1.557(e). In addition to
complying with the FOIA Improvement Act of 2016, these amendments would
provide clarification and make the section easier to understand.
1.558 Business Information
Current Sec. 1.558(c)(3) provides for notification to both the
submitter of information and the requester when a final decision is
made regarding release of business information. We propose to clarify
Sec. 1.558(c)(3) to ensure that the requirements of the submitter
notification process are met and to make it easier for the public to
understand. We also propose to delete the last sentence of current
Sec. 1.558(c)(3), which would become unnecessary based on the
clarifications made in the proposed revision.
We propose to make a minor stylistic revision to Sec. 1.558(e)(3)
to use only the numeral 10 rather than using the written form of the
numeral and the numeral as in current Sec. 1.558(e)(3).
1.559 Appeals
Current Sec. 1.559 addresses the agency's procedures for filing
administrative appeals of adverse determinations under the FOIA.
Current Sec. 1.559(b) through Sec. 1.559(d) include the requirements
for an appeal by letter and email and the time limit and content of the
appeal, including the requirement for identity verification when the
appeal involves records protected by a confidentiality statute; the
latter requirement is contained in both paragraphs (b) and (c). We
propose to streamline Sec. 1.559(b) through Sec. 1.559(d) by deleting
redundancy in paragraphs (b) and (c) and by including requirements
applicable to all appeals in paragraph (d); the proposed revisions
would make the section more organized and easier for the public to
understand. The proposed revision would also provide other means by
which an individual could provide verification of his or her identity;
the proposed revision in this regard would make it more efficient and
easier for requesters to provide identity verification.
Current Sec. 1.559(d) establishes a 60-day period within which to
file an appeal and describes the information that should be included in
an appeal. Proposed Sec. 1.559(d) would extend the appeal period to 90
days in accordance with the FOIA Improvement Act. In addition, current
Sec. 1.559(d) describes the titles of individuals within the VA Office
of General Counsel responsible
[[Page 14615]]
for addressing FOIA appeals. We propose to revise Sec. 1.559(d) to
instead provide a more general description of the responsible office in
order to account for past and future changes in nomenclature within the
Office of General Counsel. Lastly, the language of Sec. 1.559(d) is
disorganized with regard to the information that must be included with
an appeal and that which may be included. Proposed Sec. 1.559(d) would
reorganize the language to clarify the provision and make it easier for
the public to understand.
1.561 Fees
Current Sec. 1.561(a) provides the general requirements for
charging fees under the FOIA. We propose to amend Sec. 1.561(a) to
eliminate unnecessary references to other paragraphs of the section and
streamline the regulation.
Current Sec. 1.561(b)(3) uses the term ``salary'' when referring
to the employee performing the work. We propose to revise Sec.
1.561(b)(3) to replace the term ``salary'' with ``hourly wage'' to
clarify the meaning and to provide consistency in the regulations. In
addition, we propose to revise the description of direct costs so as to
eliminate redundancy in the paragraph.
Current Sec. 1.561(d)(2) provides information on the cost of
duplication by paper copy and provides that for other types of
duplication, VA will charge for the direct costs of the duplication.
Proposed Sec. 1.561(d)(2) would delete the references to the specific
cost of duplication or other services in Sec. 1.561(d)(2) and instead,
would include those costs in the schedule of fees set forth in proposed
Sec. 1.561(g)(1); the proposed revision would eliminate redundancy and
confusion. Proposed Sec. 1.561(d)(2) would include language advising
requesters that only one copy of duplicated records will be provided.
Current Sec. 1.561(e) provides for limitations on charging fees;
parts of the section contain information that is redundant of other
sections. Proposed Sec. 1.561(e) would streamline the regulation in
order to eliminate repetitive portions (e.g., paragraphs (e)(4) and
(e)(5)) and make the section easier to understand. Proposed Sec.
1.561(e) also would add language to address requirements imposed by the
FOIA Improvement Act of 2016.
Current Sec. 1.561(f) contains a table describing fees that each
category of requester may be charged. The table does not include
duplication fee information as it pertains to electronic media; we
propose to add this information to Sec. 1.561(f).
Current Sec. 1.561(g) contains information regarding fee
assessments that is redundant of other sections of the FOIA
regulations. In addition, current Sec. 1.561(g)(1) provides a fee
schedule that includes reference to ``DC locality payment'' and
specific grades of Federal employees. In proposed Sec. 1.561(g), we
would eliminate references to specific forms of potential costs and
would instead refer to direct costs and the requester's fee category;
the revision would eliminate redundancy and add consistency to the
provision. In proposed Sec. 1.561(g)(1), we would add specific-cost
information in order to synthesize fee elements as much as possible
into one provision. We would also eliminate the reference to DC
locality pay in Sec. 1.561(g)(1); locality pay is based on where the
employee performing the work is located and would not be tied to one
particular locality. In addition, the proposed change would clarify the
section generally and make it consistent with other parts of the
regulation by providing that the assessment of a fee is based on the
hourly salary of the employee performing the work, which would include
the particular locality pay of that employee. The references to the
specific job type of the employee involved would be eliminated as
unnecessary and confusing. Overall, the proposed revisions would make
the section easier to understand and more consistent with the remainder
of this section.
Current Sec. 561(g)(1) includes a provision that fees are charged
in quarter hour increments. The proposed revision would eliminate the
text of current Sec. 561(g)(1). Current Sec. 561(g)(2) contains the
schedule of fees. In view of the elimination of the text of current
Sec. 561(g)(1), current Sec. 561(g)(2) would become Sec. 561(g)(1).
Section 561(g)(2) would be reserved.
Current Sec. 1.561(h) addresses notification to the requester of a
fee estimate. We propose to streamline and clarify this section.
Current Sec. Sec. 1.561(i) and (l)(3),(5) address charges for
other services and advance payments, respectively. We propose to make
minor stylistic revisions to Sec. Sec. 1.561(i) and (l)(3),(5) in
order to clarify the meaning of the sections and make the sections
consistent with the other sections.
Current Sec. 1.561(n) sets forth the requirements for a fee waiver
or reduction; proposed Sec. 1.561(n) would clarify that if a FOIA
Officer communicates with a requester to seek necessary additional
information, the fee-waiver request will be closed if the information
is not received within 10 days of the request for additional
information. Proposed Sec. 1.561(n) also would provide that if the fee
waiver is denied or closed, the underlying FOIA request will be
processed in accordance with applicable provisions.
Safeguarding Personal Information in Department of Veterans Affairs
Records, 1.575-1.584
1.577 Access to Records
Current Sec. 1.577(c) provides that the VA staff office having
jurisdiction over the records involved in a request will establish
appropriate disclosure procedures. Proposed Sec. 1.577(c) would
specify that access requests for Privacy Act records or information
must be sent to the staff office that maintains the records and refer
the individual to the system of record notice in order to identify the
office to which the request should be sent.
Current Sec. 1.577(e) describes the fees to be charged for
providing an individual a copy of his or her records and contains a fee
table that includes an outdated reference to ``direct cost.'' Proposed
Sec. 1.577(e) would provide the correct reference to direct cost.
Current Sec. 1.577(e) includes no provision for the waiver of fees
totaling less than $25.00. Currently, Sec. 1.561(g) provides for the
waiver of fees totaling under $25.00 under the Privacy Act; Sec.
1.561(g), however, is in the FOIA section of VA regulations. Proposed
Sec. 1.577(e) would include the waiver language of fees of $25.00 or
less in the Privacy Act regulations. The revision would make it easier
for record subjects to find relevant information when making a Privacy
Act request. Finally, proposed Sec. 1.577(e) would include a
clarification that the first 100 pages are provided free of charge
whether provided in paper or an electronic medium.
1.580 Administrative Review
Current Sec. 1.580 provides that upon denial of a request for
access or amendment to VA records, the requester will be advised of the
decision in writing and will be provided appeal rights to OGC; the
regulation does not distinguish between a written response and the lack
of a response. As a result, OGC receives appeals from individuals who
have received no response from the component or staff office; OGC
directs these communications back to the originating office to respond.
The proposed amendment clarifies that Sec. 1.580 applies to a written
denial of the request and not to the absence of a response to the
request. The proposed revision represents an effort to effectuate an
expeditious review of the
[[Page 14616]]
record request, i.e., eliminate OGC involvement in order to streamline
review procedures when circumstances involve the absence of a response,
ensure that access requests are done by the correct component or staff
office at the outset, and provide a quicker response to the requester.
The proposed revisions result in the addition of section 38 CFR
We also propose to correct a typographical error in the first
sentence of Sec. 1.580, i.e., ``denial or'' to ``denial of'' a
Paperwork Reduction Act
This document contains no provisions constituting a collection of
information under the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501-3521).
Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Secretary of Veterans Affairs hereby certifies that this
proposed rule will not have a significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities as they are defined in the
Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601-612. This proposed rule
concerns the procedures for requesting information from VA and the
payment of certain fees for processing such requests. The fees
prescribed by this proposed rule will generally comprise only an
insignificant portion of a small entity's expenditures. Therefore, this
proposed rule is exempt, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 605(b), from the initial
and final regulatory flexibility analysis requirements of sections 603
and 604.
Executive Orders 12866, 13563 and 13771
Executive Orders (E.O.s) 12866 and 13563 direct agencies to assess
all costs and benefits of available regulatory alternatives and, if
regulation is necessary, to select regulatory approaches that maximize
net benefits (including potential economic, environmental, public
health and safety effects, distributive impacts, and equity). E.O.
13563 emphasizes the importance of quantifying both costs and benefits
of reducing costs, of harmonizing rules, and of promoting flexibility.
E.O. 12866, Regulatory Planning and Review, defines ``significant
regulatory action'' to mean any regulatory action that is likely to
result in a rule that may: ``(1) Have an annual effect on the economy
of $100 million or more or adversely affect in a material way the
economy, a sector of the economy, productivity, competition, jobs, the
environment, public health or safety, or State, local, or tribal
governments or communities; (2) Create a serious inconsistency or
otherwise interfere with an action taken or planned by another agency;
(3) Materially alter the budgetary impact of entitlements, grants, user
fees, or loan programs or the rights and obligations of recipients
thereof; or (4) Raise novel legal or policy issues arising out of legal
mandates, the President's priorities, or the principles set forth in
this Executive order.''
VA has examined the economic, interagency, budgetary, legal, and
policy implications of this regulatory action, and it has been
determined not to be a significant regulatory action under E.O. 12866.
This proposed rule is not expected to be an E.O. 13771 regulatory
action because this proposed rule is not significant under E.O. 12866.
Unfunded Mandates
The Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 requires, at 2 U.S.C.
1532, that agencies prepare an assessment of anticipated costs and
benefits before issuing any rule that may result in an expenditure by
state, local, and tribal governments, in the aggregate, or by the
private sector, of $100 million or more (adjusted annually for
inflation) in any year. This proposed rule would have no such effect on
state, local, and tribal governments, or on the private sector.
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
There is no Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance number for the
program affected by this proposed rule.
List of Subjects in 38 CFR Part 1
Administrative practice and procedure, Archives and records,
Cemeteries, Claims, Courts, Crime, Flags, Freedom of information,
Government contracts, Government employees, Government property,
infants and children, Inventions and patents, Parking, Penalties,
Privacy, Reporting and Recordkeeping requirements, Seals and insignia,
Security measures, and Wages.
Signing Authority
The Secretary of Veterans Affairs, or designee, approved this
document and authorized the undersigned to sign and submit the document
to the Office of the Federal Register for publication electronically as
an official document of the Department of Veterans Affairs. Jacquelyn
Hayes-Byrd, Deputy Chief of Staff, Department of Veterans Affairs,
approved this document on March 19, 2018, for publication.
Dated: March 20, 2018.
Consuela Benjamin,
Regulation Development Coordinator, Office of Regulation Policy &
Management, Office of the Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs.
For the reasons stated in the preamble, VA proposes to amend 38 CFR
part 1 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 1 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 38 U.S.C. 501(a), and as noted in specific sections.
2. Revise Sec. 1.519 paragraph (c) to read as follows.
Sec. 1.519 Lists of names and addresses.
* * * * *
(c) The Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary for Information
Resources Management is authorized to release lists of names and
addresses to organizations which have applied for such lists in
accordance with paragraph (a) of this section, if he or she finds that
the purpose for which the organization desires the names and addresses
is directly connected with conduct of programs and the utilization of
benefits under title 38 U.S.C. Lists of names and addresses authorized
to be released pursuant to this paragraph shall not duplicate lists
released to other elements, segments, or chapters of the same
* * * * *
3. Revise Sec. 1.552 paragraph (a) to read as follows:
Sec. 1.552 General provisions.
(a) Additional information. Information regarding VA's FOIA and
Privacy Act process generally, including how to file FOIA requests, and
information made available by VA under the FOIA, is available at the
following internet address:
* * * * *
4. Revise Sec. 1.554 paragraphs (a) through (c), (d)(2),(d)(4), and
(e) to read as follows:
Sec. 1.554 Requirements for making requests.
(a) Requests by letter and facsimile (fax). The FOIA request must
be in writing and may be by letter or fax. To assist in processing, the
request letter, envelope, or fax cover sheet of any FOIA request should
be marked ``Freedom of Information Act Request.'' Information helpful
for filing a request, such as a list of VA FOIA contacts, VA's FOIA
Reference Guide, and the text of the FOIA, are available on VA's FOIA
[[Page 14617]]
homepage on the internet. See Sec. 1.552(a) for the pertinent internet
address. VA has a decentralized FOIA system, meaning that each VA
component, i.e., administrations and staff offices, the Veterans Health
Administration (VHA) medical centers, Veterans Benefits Administration
(VBA) regional offices, or offices located within the VA Central Office
in Washington, DC (e.g., the Office of the Secretary), maintain their
own FOIA processes and respond to FOIA requests directly. Accordingly,
requesters must write directly to the FOIA Officer for the VA component
that maintains the records. If requesting records from a particular
medical facility, regional office, or Central Office component, the
request should be sent to the FOIA Office at the address listed for
that component. A legible return address must be included with the FOIA
request; the requester may wish to include other contact information as
well, such as a telephone number and email address. If the requester is
not sure where to send the request, he or she should seek assistance
from the FOIA Contact for the office believed to manage the programs
whose records are being requested or, if these efforts fail, he or she
should send the request to the Director, FOIA Service (005R1C), 810
Vermont Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20420, who will refer it for action
to the FOIA contact at the appropriate component.
(b) Requests by email. VA accepts email FOIA requests. To assure
prompt processing, email FOIA requests must be sent to official VA FOIA
mailboxes established for the purpose of receiving FOIA requests. An
email FOIA request that is sent to an individual VA employee's mailbox,
or to any other entity, will not be considered a perfected FOIA
request. Mailbox addresses designated to receive email FOIA requests
are available on VA's FOIA homepage. See Sec. 1.552(a) for the
pertinent internet address.
(c) The content of a request. Whether submitting the request by
letter, fax, or email, the following applies: If the requester is
seeking records about himself or herself or to which a confidentiality
statute applies (38 U.S.C. 5701, e.g.), the requester must comply with
the verification of identity requirements set forth in 1.577 of this
Part, which applies to requests for records maintained under the
Privacy Act. If the requester is seeking records not covered by the
Privacy Act, but which the requester believes may pertain to him or
her, the requester may obtain greater access to the records by
complying with the verification of identity requirements set forth in
1.577 of this Part, by providing the image of the requester's signature
(such as an attachment that shows the requester's handwritten
signature), or by submitting a notarized, signed statement affirming
his or her identity or a declaration made in compliance with 28 U.S.C.
1746. The suggested language for a statement under 28 U.S.C. 1746 is
included on VA's FOIA homepage; see Sec. 1.552(a) for the pertinent
internet address. If the requester is seeking records pertaining to
another individual under the FOIA, whether by letter, fax, or email,
the requester may obtain greater access to the records if he or she
provides satisfactory authorization to act on behalf of the record
subject to receive the records or by submitting proof that the record
subject is deceased (e.g., a copy of a death certificate or an
obituary). Each component has discretion to require that a requester
supply additional information to verify that a record subject has
consented to disclosure.
(d) * * *
(2) Requests for voluminous amounts of records may be placed in a
complex track of a multitrack processing system pursuant to Sec.
1.556(b); such requests also may meet the criteria for ``unusual
circumstances,'' which are processed in accordance with Sec. 1.556(c)
and may require more than 20 business days to process despite the
agency's exercise of due diligence.
* * * * *
(4) The time limit for VA to process the FOIA request will not
start until the FOIA Officer determines that the requester has
reasonably described the records sought in the FOIA request. If the
FOIA Officer seeks additional clarification regarding the request and
does not receive the requester's written response within 30 calendar
days of the date of its communication with the requester, he or she
will conclude that the requester is no longer interested in pursuing
the request and will close VA's files on the request.
(e) Agreement to pay fees. The time limit for processing a FOIA
request will be tolled while any fee issue is unresolved. Depending on
the circumstances, the FOIA Officer will notify the requester: That the
FOIA Officer anticipates that the fees for processing the request will
exceed the amount that the requester has stated a willingness to pay or
will amount to more than $25.00 or the amount set by Office of
Management and Budget fee guidelines, whichever is higher; whether the
FOIA Officer is requiring the requester to agree in writing to pay the
estimated fee; or whether advance payment of the fee is required prior
to processing the request (i.e., if the estimated fee amount exceeds
$250 or the requester previously has failed to pay a FOIA fee in a
timely manner). If the FOIA Officer does not receive the requester's
written response to the notice regarding any of these items within 10
business days of the date of the FOIA Officer's written communication
with the requester, the FOIA Officer will close the request. If
requesting a fee waiver underSec. 1.561, the requester nonetheless may
state his or her willingness to pay a fee up to an identified amount in
the event that the fee waiver is denied; this will allow the component
to process the FOIA request while considering the fee waiver request.
If the requester pays a fee in advance, and VA later determines that
the requester overpaid or is entitled to a full or partial fee waiver,
a refund will be made. (For more information on the collection of fees
under the FOIA, see Sec. 1.561.)
* * * * *
5. Revise Sec. 1.556 paragraphs (c)(1) and (d)(3) to read as follows:
Sec. 1.556 Timing of responses to requests.
* * * * *
(c) * * *
(1) FOIA Officers may encounter ``unusual circumstances,'' where it
is not possible to meet the statutory time limits for processing the
request. In such cases, the FOIA Officer will extend the 20-business
day time limit for 10 more business days and notify the requester in
writing of the unusual circumstances and the date by which it expects
to complete processing of the request. Where an extension of more than
10 business days is needed, the FOIA Officer will notify the requester
in writing and will include in the notice the following: An opportunity
to modify the request so that it may be processed within the identified
time limit; an opportunity to arrange an alternative time period with
the FOIA Officer for processing the request or a modified request;
notice of the availability of the agency FOIA Liaison, and the right to
seek dispute resolution services from the Office of Government
Information Services. Unusual circumstances consist of the following:
(i) The need to search for and collect the requested records from
field facilities or components other than the office processing the
(ii) The need to search for, collect and examine a voluminous
amount of separate and distinct records that are the subject of a
single request; or
(iii) The need for consultation with another agency or among two or
[[Page 14618]]
components or another agency having a substantial interest in the
subject matter of a request.
* * * * *
(d) * * *
(3) Within 10 calendar days of its receipt of a request for
expedited processing, the FOIA Officer shall determine whether to grant
the request and will provide the requester written notice of the
decision. If the FOIA Officer grants a request for expedited
processing, the FOIA Officer shall give the request priority and
process it as soon as practicable. If the FOIA Officer denies the
request for expedited processing, the requester may appeal the denial,
which appeal shall be addressed expeditiously.
6. Revise Sec. 1.557 paragraphs (a), (c), and (d) and revise and
redesignate current paragraph (d) as paragraph (e) to read as follows:
Sec. 1.557 Responses to requests.
(a) Acknowledgement of requests. When a request for records is
received by a component designated to receive requests, the component's
FOIA Officer will assign a FOIA request number; the FOIA Officer will
send the requester written acknowledgement of receipt of the request
and will advise the requester of the assigned FOIA request number and
how the requester may obtain the status of his or her request.
* * * * *
(c) Time limits for processing requests. A component must advise
the requester within 20 business days from the date of VA's receipt of
the request whether the request is granted in its entirety, granted in
part, or denied in its entirety and provide the reasons therefor. If
the request must be referred to another component, the response time
will begin on the date that the request was received by the appropriate
component, but in any event not later than 10 business days after the
referring office receives the FOIA request; the referring component has
an affirmative duty to refer the FOIA request within 10 business days.
(d) Grants of requests in full. When a component makes a
determination to grant a request in full, it shall notify the requester
in writing. The component also shall inform the requester of any fees
charged under Sec. 1.561. The component also must inform the requester
of his or her right to seek the assistance of the appropriate VA FOIA
Public Liaison and provide the contact information for the Liaison.
(e) Adverse determinations of requests. When a component makes an
adverse determination denying the request in any respect, the component
FOIA Officer shall promptly notify the requester of the adverse
determination in writing. Adverse determinations include decisions that
a requested record is exempt from release in whole or in part, does not
exist or cannot be located, is not readily reproducible in the form or
format sought by the requester, or is not a record subject to the FOIA;
adverse determinations also include denials regarding requests for
expedited processing and requests involving fees, such as requests for
fee waivers. The adverse determination notice must be signed by the
component head or the component's FOIA Officer, and shall include the
(1) The name and title or position of the person responsible for
the adverse determination;
(2) A brief statement of the reason(s) for the denial, including
any FOIA exemptions applied by the FOIA Officer in denying the request;
(3) The amount of information withheld in number of pages or other
reasonable form of estimation; an estimate is not necessary if the
volume is indicated on redacted pages disclosed in part or if providing
an estimate would harm an interest provided by an applicable exemption;
(4) Notice that the requester may appeal the adverse determination
and a description of the requirements for an appeal under Sec. 1.559
of this part; and
(5) Notice that the requester may seek assistance or dispute
resolution services from the appropriate VA FOIA Liaison or dispute
resolution services from the Office of Government Information Services.
7. Revise Sec. 1.558 paragraphs (c)(3) and (e) to read as follows:
Sec. 1.558 Business information.
* * * * *
(c) * * *
(3) Whenever the FOIA Officer notifies the submitter of VA's intent
to disclose over the submitter's objections, the FOIA Officer will also
notify the requester by separate correspondence.
* * * * *
(e) Consideration of objection(s) and notice of intent to disclose.
The FOIA Officer will consider all pertinent factors, including but not
limited to, the submitter's timely objection(s) to disclosure and the
specific grounds provided by the submitter for non-disclosure in
deciding whether to disclose business information. Information provided
by the submitter after the specified time limit and after the component
has made its disclosure decision generally will not be considered. In
addition to meeting the requirements of Sec. 1.557, when a FOIA
Officer decides to disclose business information over the objection of
a submitter, the FOIA Officer will provide the submitter with written
notice, which includes:
(1) A statement of the reason(s) why each of the submitter's
disclosure objections were not sustained;
(2) A description of the business information to be disclosed; and
(3) A specified disclosure date of not less than 10 days from the
date of the notice (to allow the submitter time to take necessary legal
* * * * *
8. Revise Sec. 1.559 paragraphs (b) through (d) to read as follows:
Sec. 1.559 Appeals
* * * * *
(b) How to file and address a written appeal. The requester may
appeal an adverse determination denying the request, in any respect,
except for those concerning Office of Inspector General records, to the
VA Office of the General Counsel (024), 810 Vermont Avenue NW,
Washington, DC 20420. Any appeals concerning Office of Inspector
General records must be sent to the VA Office of Inspector General,
Office of Counselor (50), 810 Vermont Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20420.
The FOIA appeal must be in writing and may be by letter or facsimile
(fax); whichever method is used, the appeal must comply with all
requirements of this paragraph and paragraph (d). Information regarding
where to fax the FOIA appeal is available on VA's FOIA homepage on the
internet. See Sec. 1.552(a) for the pertinent internet address.
(c) How to file an email appeal. VA accepts email appeals; the
appeal must comply with all requirements of this paragraph and
paragraph (d). In order to assure initial processing of an appeal filed
by email, the email must be sent to one of the official VA FOIA
mailboxes established for the purpose of receiving FOIA appeals; an
email FOIA appeal that is sent to an individual VA employee's mailbox,
or to any other entity, will not be considered a perfected FOIA appeal.
Mailbox addresses designated to receive email FOIA appeals are
available on VA's FOIA homepage. See Sec. 1.552(a) for the pertinent
internet address.
(d) Time limits and content of appeal. The appeal to the VA OGC
(024) or VA Office of Inspector General (50) must be received or
postmarked no later than 90 calendar days after the date of the adverse
determination and must contain the following: A legible return address;
clear identification of the determination being appealed, including any
[[Page 14619]]
request number (if no request number was assigned, other information
must be provided such as the name of the FOIA officer, the address of
the component, the date of the component's determination, if any, and
the precise subject matter of the appeal); and identification of the
part of the determination that is being appealed (if appealing only a
portion of the determination). If the appeal involves records about the
requester himself or herself or records to which a confidentiality
statute applies, the requester must comply with the verification of
identity requirements set forth in 1.577 of this Part, which applies to
requests for records maintained under the Privacy Act. If the appeal
involves records not covered by the Privacy Act, but which the
requester believes may pertain to him or her, the requester may obtain
greater access to the records by complying with the verification of
identity requirements set forth in 1.577 of this Part, providing the
image of the requester's signature (such as an attachment that shows
the requester's handwritten signature), or submitting a notarized,
signed statement affirming his or her identity or a declaration made in
compliance with 28 U.S.C. 1746. The suggested language for a statement
under 28 U.S.C. 1746 is included on VA's FOIA homepage. See Sec.
1.552(a) for the pertinent internet address. If the appeal involves
records pertaining to another individual (i.e., record subject), the
requester may obtain greater access to the records if he or she
provides satisfactory authorization to act on behalf of the record
subject to receive the records or by submitting proof that the record
subject is deceased (e.g., a copy of a death certificate or an
obituary). Each component has discretion to require that a requester
supply additional information to verify that a record subject has
consented to disclosure. Appeals should be marked ``Freedom of
Information Act Appeal.'' The requester may include other information
as well, such as a telephone number and email address and a copy of the
initial agency determination. An appeal is not perfected until VA
either receives the required information identified above or the appeal
is otherwise easily and sufficiently defined. The designated official
within the Office of the General Counsel (024) will act on behalf of
the Secretary on all appeals under this section, except those
pertaining to the Office of Inspector General. The designated official
in the Office of Inspector General will act on all appeals pertaining
to Office of Inspector General records. A determination by the Office
of General Counsel, or designated official within the Office of
Inspector General, will be the final VA action.
* * * * *
Sec. 1.561 [Amended]
9. Amend Sec. 1.561 by:
a. Revising paragraphs (a), (b)(3), (d)(2), (e);
b. Adding paragraphs (e)(4)(iii) and (4)(iv);
c. Removing paragraphs (e)(5) and (e)(6);
d. Revising paragraph (f) and (g)(1);
e. Removing and reserving paragraph (g)(2), and
f. Revising paragraphs (h), (i), (l)(3), (l)(5), and (n)(1).
The revisions and additions read as follows:
Sec. 1.561 Fees.
(a) General. VA will charge for processing requests under the FOIA,
as amended, and in accordance with this section. Requesters must pay
fees by check or money order made payable to the Treasury of the United
States. Payment by credit card also may be acceptable; the requester
should contact the FOIA Officer for instructions on credit card
payments. Note that fees associated with requests from VA
beneficiaries, applicants for VA benefits, or other individuals, for
records retrievable by their names or individual identifiers processed
under 38 U.S.C. 5701 (records associated with claims for benefits) and
5 U.S.C. 552a (the Privacy Act), will be assessed fees in accordance
with the applicable regulatory fee provisions relating to VA benefits
and VA Privacy Act records.
(b) * * *
(3) Direct costs mean expenses that VA incurs in responding to a
FOIA request; direct costs include searching for and duplication of
(and in the case of commercial use requesters, reviewing) records to
respond to a FOIA request, the hourly wage of the employee performing
the work plus 16 percent of the hourly wage, and the cost of operating
duplication machinery. Direct costs do not include overhead expenses,
such as the costs of space or heating and lighting of the facility
where the records are kept.
* * * * *
(d) * * *
(2) Duplication. When the agency provides duplicated records in
response to a request, no more than one copy will be provided.
(3) * * *
(e) Limitations on charging fees. (1) When VA determines that a
requester is an educational institution, a non-commercial scientific
institution, or a representative of the news media, VA will not charge
search fees.
(2) VA charges fees in quarter hour increments; no search or review
fee will be charged for a quarter hour period unless more than half of
that period is required for search or review.
(3) VA may provide free copies of records or free services in
response to an official request from another government agency or a
congressional office and when a component head or designee determines
that doing so will assist in providing medical care to a VA patient or
will otherwise assist in the performance of VA's mission.
(4)(i) If VA fails to comply with the time limit to respond to a
request, it may not charge search fees, or, in cases of requests from
requesters described in paragraph (e)(1) of this section, may not
charge duplication fees, except as described in paragraph (e)(4)(ii)-
(ii) If VA has determined that unusual circumstances as defined by
the FOIA apply and has provided timely written notice to the requester
in accordance with the FOIA, a failure to comply with the time limit
shall be excused for an additional 10 days.
(iii) If VA has determined that unusual circumstances as defined by
the FOIA apply and more than 5,000 pages are necessary to respond to
the request, VA may charge search fees, or in the case of requesters
described in paragraph (e)(1) of this section, may charge duplication
fees, if the following steps are taken: VA must provide timely written
notice of unusual circumstances to the requester in accordance with the
FOIA and must discuss with the requester via written mail, email or
telephone (and later confirmed in writing) (or have made not less than
three good-faith attempts to do so) how the requester could effectively
limit the scope of the request in accordance with 5 U.S.C.
552(a)(6)(B)(ii). If this exception is satisfied, the component may
charge all applicable fees incurred in the processing of the request.
(iv) if a court has determined that exceptional circumstances
exist, as defined by the FOIA, a failure to comply with the time limits
shall be excused for the length of time provided by the court order.
(e)(5) [Removed]
(e)(6) [Removed]
(f) The following table summarizes the chargeable fees for each
category of requester.
[[Page 14620]]
Category Search fees Review fees Duplication fees
(1) Commercial Use................... Yes.................... Yes.................... Yes.
(2) Educational Institution.......... No..................... No..................... Yes (100 pages or 1
disc free).
(3) Non-Commercial Scientific No..................... No..................... Yes (100 pages or 1
Institution. disc free).
(4) News Media....................... No..................... No..................... Yes (100 pages or 1
disc free).
(5) All other........................ Yes (2 hours free)..... No..................... Yes (100 pages or 1
disc free).
(g) Fee schedule. If it is determined that a fee will be charged
for processing the FOIA request, VA will charge the direct cost to the
agency and in accordance with the requester's fee category (see Sec.
1.561(c)); to the extent possible, direct costs are itemized in
paragraph 1 of this section. Duplication fees also are applicable to
records provided in response to requests made under the Privacy Act
(see Sec. 1.577(e),(f)).
(1) Schedule of fees:
Activity Fees
(i) Duplication of standard size (8\1/ Paper records: $0.15 per page.
2\'' x 11''; 8\1/2\'' x 14'') paper Electronic media: $3.00 per
records or records on electronic media. each compact disc (CD) or
digital versatile disc (DVD).
(ii) Duplication of non-paper items Direct cost to VA.
(e.g., x-rays), paper records which
are not of a standard size (e.g.,
architectural drawings/construction
plans or EKG tracings).
(iii) Record search by manual (non- Hourly wage of the employee(s),
automated) methods. plus 16 percent.
(iv) Record search using automated Direct cost to VA.
methods, such as by computer.
(v) Record review (for Commercial Use Hourly rate of employees
Requesters only). performing review to determine
whether to release records and
to prepare them for release,
plus 16 percent.
(vi) Other activities, such as: Direct cost to VA.
Attesting under seal or certifying
that records are true copies; sending
records by special methods; forwarding
mail; compiling and providing special
reports, drawings, specifications,
statistics, lists, abstracts or other
extracted information; generating
computer output; providing files under
court process where the Federal
Government is not a party to, and does
not have an interest in, the
Note to paragraph (g)(1): VA will charge fees consistent with
the salary scale published by the Office of Personnel Management
(2) Reserved.
(h) Notification of fee estimate or other fee issues. (1) VA will
not charge the requester if the fee is $25.00 or less.
(2) When a FOIA Officer determines or estimates that the fees to be
charged under this section will amount to more than $25.00 or the
amount set by OMB fee guidelines, whichever is higher, the FOIA Officer
will notify the requester in writing of the actual or estimated amount
of fees and ask the requester to provide written assurance of the
payment of all fees or fees up to a designated amount, unless he or she
has indicated a willingness to pay fees as high as those anticipated.
Any such agreement to pay the fees shall be memorialized in writing.
When the requester does not provide sufficient information upon which
VA can identify a fee category (see paragraphs (c)(1) through (c)(4) of
this section), or a clarification is otherwise required regarding a
fee, the FOIA Officer may notify the requester and seek clarification;
the notification to the requester will state that if a written response
is not received within 10 days, the request will be closed. The
timeline for responding to the request will be tolled and no further
work will be done on the request until the fee issue has been resolved.
(i) Charges for other services. Apart from the other provisions of
this section, VA will charge the requester the direct costs of
providing any special handling or services requested, such as
certifying that records are true copies or sending them by other than
ordinary mail. The FOIA Officer may choose to provide such a service as
a matter of administrative discretion.
* * * * *
(l) * * *
(3) Where the requester previously has failed to pay a properly
charged FOIA fee to VA within 30 days of the date of billing, a FOIA
Officer may require the requester to pay the full amount due, plus any
applicable interest as specified in this section, and to make an
advance payment of the full amount of any anticipated fee, before the
FOIA Officer begins to process a new request or continues to process a
pending request from that requester.
* * * * *
(5) In cases in which a FOIA Officer requires advance payment or
payment is due under this section, the time for responding to the
request will be tolled and further work will not be done on the request
until the required payment is received.
* * * * *
(n) Requirements for waiver or reduction of fees. (1) Waiving or
reducing fees. Fees for processing the request may be waived if the
requester meets the criteria listed in this section. The requester must
submit adequate justification for a fee waiver; without adequate
justification, the request will be denied. The FOIA Officer may, at his
or her discretion, communicate with the requester to seek additional
information, if necessary, regarding the fee waiver request. If the
additional information is not received from the requester within 10
days of the FOIA Officer's communication with the requester, VA will
assume that the requester does not wish to pursue the fee waiver
request and the fee waiver request will be closed. If the request for
waiver or reduction is denied or closed, the underlying FOIA request
will continue to be processed in accordance with the applicable
provisions of this Part. Requests for fee waivers are decided on a
case-by-case basis; receipt of a fee waiver in the past does not
establish entitlement to a fee waiver each time a request is submitted.
* * * * *
10. Revise Sec. 1.577 paragraph (c) and (e) to read as follows:
[[Page 14621]]
Sec. 1.577 Access to Records.
* * * * *
(c) The VA component or staff office having jurisdiction over the
records subject to the Privacy Act request will establish appropriate
disclosure procedures, including notifying the individual who filed the
Privacy Act request of the time, place, and conditions under which the
VA will comply with the request, in accordance with applicable laws and
regulations. Access requests for Privacy Act records or information
must be sent to the staff office that maintains the records; the
individual seeking access may consult the system of record notice
( in order to
identify the office to which the request should be sent. Each component
has discretion to require that a requester supply additional
information to verify his or her identity.
* * * * *
(e) Fees to be charged, if any, to any individual for making copies
of his or her record shall not include the cost of and search for and
review of the record. Fees under $25.00 shall be waived. Fees to be
charged are as follows:
Activity Fees
(1) Duplication of documents by any $0.15 per page after first 100
type of reproduction process to one-sided pages or electronic
produce plain one-sided paper copies equivalent.
of a standard size (8\1/2\'' x 11'';
8\1/2\'' x 14''; 11'' x 14'').
(2) Duplication of non-paper records, Direct cost to the Agency as
such as microforms, audiovisual defined in Sec. 1.561(b)(3)
materials (motion pictures, slides, of this part to the extent
laser optical disks, video tapes, that it pertains to the cost
audio tapes, etc.), computer tapes and of duplication.
disks, diskettes for personal
computers, and any other automated
media output.
(3) Duplication of document by any type Direct cost to the Agency as
of reproduction process not covered by defined in Sec. 1.561(b)(3)
paragraphs (e)(1) or (2) of this of this part to the extent
section to produce a copy in a form that it pertains to the cost
reasonably usable by the requester. of duplication.
* * * * *
11. Revise Sec. 1.580 to read as follows:
Sec. 1.580 Administrative review.
(a) Upon consideration and denial of a request under Sec. 1.577 or
Sec. 1.579 of this section, the responsible VA official or designated
employee will inform the requester in writing of the denial. The
adverse determination notice must be signed by the component head or
the component's Privacy Officer, and shall include the following:
(1) The name and title or position of the person responsible for
the adverse determination;
(2) A brief statement of the reason(s) for the denial and the
policy upon which the denial is based; and
(3) Notice that the requester may appeal the adverse determination
under Sec. 1.580(b) of this part to the Office of General Counsel
(providing the address as follows: Office of General Counsel (024), 810
Vermont Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20420), and instructions on what
information is required for an appeal, which includes why the
individual disagrees with the initial denial with specific attention to
one or more of the four standards (e.g., accuracy, relevance,
timeliness, and completeness), and a copy of the denial letter and any
supporting documentation that demonstrates why the individual believes
the information does not meet these requirements.
(b) The final agency decision in appeals of adverse determinations
described in paragraph (a) will be made by the designated official
within the Office of General Counsel (024).
(c) A written denial must have occurred in order to appeal to OGC.
An absence of a response to an access or amendment request filed with a
VA component is not a denial. If an individual has not received a
response to a request for access to or amendment of records, the
individual must pursue the request with the Privacy Officer of the
administration office (e.g., the VHA, VBA, or National Cemetery
Administration Privacy Officer) or staff office (e.g., the Office of
Information Technology or Office of Inspector General Privacy Staff
Officer) that has custody over the records.
[FR Doc. 2018-06097 Filed 4-4-18; 8:45 am]