Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities; Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to Marine Site Characterization Surveys off of Delaware, 14417-14443 [2018-06856]
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Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 65 / Wednesday, April 4, 2018 / Notices
appropriate entries of subject
merchandise in accordance with the
final results of this review.8 Commerce
intends to issue appropriate assessment
instructions directly to CBP 15 days
after the date of publication of these
final results of review.
Cash Deposit Requirements
The following cash deposit
requirements will be effective upon
publication of the final results of this
administrative review for all shipments
of subject merchandise entered, or
withdrawn from warehouse, for
consumption on or after the publication
date of these final results, as provided
by section 751(a)(2)(C) of the Tariff Act
of 1930, as amended (the Act): (1) For
JBF, the cash deposit rate will be equal
to the weighted-average dumping
margin listed above in the section
‘‘Final Results of Review;’’ (2) for
merchandise exported by producers or
exporters not covered in this review but
covered in a previously completed
segment of this proceeding, the cash
deposit rate will continue to be the
company-specific rate published in the
final results for the most recent period
in which that producer or exporter
participated; (3) if the exporter is not a
firm covered in this review or in any
previous segment of this proceeding, but
the producer is, then the cash deposit
rate will be that established for the
producer of the merchandise in these
final results of review or in the final
results for the most recent period in
which that producer participated; and
(4) if neither the exporter nor the
producer is a firm covered in this
review or in any previously completed
segment of this proceeding, then the
cash deposit rate will be 4.05 percent,
the all-others rate established in the less
than fair value investigation.9 These
cash deposit requirements, when
imposed, shall remain in effect until
further notice.
amozie on DSK30RV082PROD with NOTICES
We will disclose to interested parties
the calculations performed in
connection with these final results
within five days of the publication of
this notice, consistent with 19 CFR
Notification to Importers
This notice serves as a final reminder
to importers of their responsibility
under 19 CFR 351.402(f)(2) to file a
certificate regarding the reimbursement
of antidumping duties prior to
liquidation of the relevant entries
during this POR. Failure to comply with
this requirement could result in
Commerce’s presumption that
reimbursement of antidumping duties
occurred and the subsequent assessment
of doubled antidumping duties.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administrative Protective Order
This notice is the only reminder to
parties subject to the administrative
protective order (APO) of their
responsibility concerning the return or
destruction of proprietary information
disclosed under the APO in accordance
with 19 CFR 351.305(a)(3), which
continues to govern business
proprietary information in this segment
of the proceeding. Timely written
notification of the return or destruction
of APO materials, or conversion to
judicial protective order, is hereby
requested. Failure to comply with the
regulations and the terms of an APO is
a violation subject to sanction.
Notification to Interested Parties
We are issuing and publishing these
final results and this notice in
accordance with sections 751(a)(1) and
777(i)(1) of the Act and 19 CFR
Dated: March 29, 2018.
P. Lee Smith,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy and
Issues in the Decision Memorandum
I. Summary
II. Scope of the Order
III. Period of Review
IV. Discussion of the Issue
Comment 1: Home Market Credit Expenses
V. Recommendation
[FR Doc. 2018–06837 Filed 4–3–18; 8:45 am]
8 Commerce applied the assessment rate
calculation method adopted in Antidumping
Proceedings: Calculation of the Weighted-Average
Dumping Margin and Assessment Rate in Certain
Antidumping Proceedings: Final Modification, 77
FR 8101 (February 14, 2012).
9 See Polyethylene Terephthalate Film, Sheet, and
Strip from Brazil, the People’s Republic of China
and the United Arab Emirates: Antidumping Duty
Orders and Amended Final Determination of Sales
at Less Than Fair Value for the United Arab
Emirates, 73 FR 66595, 66596 (November 10, 2008).
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RIN 0648–XF991
Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to
Specified Activities; Taking Marine
Mammals Incidental to Marine Site
Characterization Surveys off of
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice; proposed incidental
harassment authorization; request for
NMFS has received a request
from Garden State Offshore Energy, LLC
(GSOE), for authorization to take marine
mammals incidental to marine site
characterization surveys off the coast of
Delaware as part of the Skipjack Wind
Project in the area of the Commercial
Lease of Submerged Lands for
Renewable Energy Development on the
Outer Continental Shelf (OCS–A 0482)
and along potential submarine cable
routes to a landfall location in Maryland
or Delaware. Pursuant to the Marine
Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), NMFS
is requesting comments on its proposal
to issue an incidental harassment
authorization (IHA) to incidentally take
marine mammals during the specified
activities. NMFS will consider public
comments prior to making any final
decision on the issuance of the
requested MMPA authorizations and
agency responses will be summarized in
the final notice of our decision.
DATES: Comments and information must
be received no later than May 4, 2018.
ADDRESSES: Comments should be
addressed to Jolie Harrison, Chief,
Permits and Conservation Division,
Office of Protected Resources, National
Marine Fisheries Service. Physical
comments should be sent to 1315 EastWest Highway, Silver Spring, MD
20910, and electronic comments should
be sent to ITP.carduner@noaa.gov.
Instructions: NMFS is not responsible
for comments sent by any other method,
to any other address or individual, or
received after the end of the comment
period. Comments received
electronically, including all
attachments, must not exceed a 25megabyte file size. Attachments to
electronic comments will be accepted in
Microsoft Word or Excel or Adobe PDF
file formats only. All comments
received are a part of the public record
and will generally be posted online at
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 65 / Wednesday, April 4, 2018 / Notices
incidental/energy_other.htm without
change. All personal identifying
information (e.g., name, address)
voluntarily submitted by the commenter
may be publicly accessible. Do not
submit confidential business
information or otherwise sensitive or
protected information.
Jordan Carduner, Office of Protected
Resources, NMFS, (301) 427–8401.
Electronic copies of the applications
and supporting documents, as well as a
list of the references cited in this
document, may be obtained by visiting
the internet at: www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/
permits/incidental/energy_other.htm. In
case of problems accessing these
documents, please call the contact listed
amozie on DSK30RV082PROD with NOTICES
Sections 101(a)(5)(A) and (D) of the
MMPA (16 U.S.C.1361 et seq.) direct the
Secretary of Commerce (as delegated to
NMFS) to allow, upon request, the
incidental, but not intentional, taking of
small numbers of marine mammals by
U.S. citizens who engage in a specified
activity (other than commercial fishing)
within a specified geographical region if
certain findings are made and either
regulations are issued or, if the taking is
limited to harassment, a notice of a
proposed authorization is provided to
the public for review.
An authorization for incidental
takings shall be granted if NMFS finds
that the taking will have a negligible
impact on the species or stock(s), will
not have an unmitigable adverse impact
on the availability of the species or
stock(s) for subsistence uses (where
relevant), and if the permissible
methods of taking and requirements
pertaining to the mitigation, monitoring
and reporting of such takings are set
NMFS has defined ‘‘negligible
impact’’ in 50 CFR 216.103 as an impact
resulting from the specified activity that
cannot be reasonably expected to, and is
not reasonably likely to, adversely affect
the species or stock through effects on
annual rates of recruitment or survival.
The MMPA states that the term ‘‘take’’
means to harass, hunt, capture, or kill,
or attempt to harass, hunt, capture, or
kill any marine mammal.
Except with respect to certain
activities not pertinent here, the MMPA
defines ‘‘harassment’’ as: any act of
pursuit, torment, or annoyance which (i)
has the potential to injure a marine
mammal or marine mammal stock in the
wild (Level A harassment); or (ii) has
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the potential to disturb a marine
mammal or marine mammal stock in the
wild by causing disruption of behavioral
patterns, including, but not limited to,
migration, breathing, nursing, breeding,
feeding, or sheltering (Level B
National Environmental Policy Act
To comply with the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969
(NEPA; 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) and
NOAA Administrative Order (NAO)
216–6A, NMFS must review our
proposed action (i.e., the issuance of an
incidental harassment authorization)
with respect to potential impacts on the
human environment.
Accordingly, NMFS is preparing an
Environmental Assessment (EA) to
consider the environmental impacts
associated with the issuance of the
proposed IHA. We will review all
comments submitted in response to this
notice prior to concluding our NEPA
process or making a final decision on
the IHA request.
Summary of Request
On November 22, 2017, NMFS
received a request from GSOE for an
IHA to take marine mammals incidental
to marine site characterization surveys
off the coast of Delaware in the area of
the Commercial Lease of Submerged
Lands for Renewable Energy
Development on the Outer Continental
Shelf (OCS–A 0482) (Lease Area) and
along potential submarine cable routes
to a landfall location in Maryland or
Delaware. GSOE has designated
Skipjack Offshore Energy, LLC
(Skipjack), a wholly-owned indirect
subsidiary of Deepwater Wind Holdings,
LLC (Deepwater Wind), and an affiliate
of GSOE, to perform the activities
described in the IHA application. A
revised application was received on
March 19, 2018. NMFS deemed that
request to be adequate and complete.
GSOE’s request is for take of 14 marine
mammal species by Level B harassment.
Neither GSOE nor NMFS expects
serious injury or mortality to result from
this activity, and the activity is expected
to last no more than one year Therefore,
an IHA is appropriate.
Description of the Proposed Activity
GSOE proposes to conduct marine site
characterization surveys, including
high-resolution geophysical (HRG) and
geotechnical surveys, in the Lease Area
and along potential submarine cable
routes to landfall locations in either the
state of Maryland or Delaware. Surveys
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would occur from approximately May
2018 through December 2018.
The purpose of the marine site
characterization surveys is to obtain a
baseline assessment of seabed/subsurface soil conditions in the Lease Area
and cable route corridors to support the
siting of the proposed Skipjack wind
farm. Underwater sound resulting from
GSOE’s proposed site characterization
surveys have the potential to result in
incidental take of marine mammals in
the form of behavioral harassment.
Dates and Duration
The site characterization surveys
would occur between May 15, 2018, and
December 31, 2018. During this time
period, geophysical surveys would be
conducted for up to 183 days and
geotechnical surveys would be
conducted for up to 72 days. This
schedule is based on 24-hour operations
and includes potential down time due
to inclement weather. Surveys will last
for approximately seven months and are
anticipated to commence upon issuance
of the requested IHA, if appropriate.
Specific Geographic Region
GSOE’s survey activities would occur
in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean within
Federal waters. Surveys would occur in
the Lease Area and along potential
submarine cable routes to landfall
locations in the state of Maryland and
Delaware (see Figure 1 in the IHA
application). The Lease Area is
approximately 390 square kilometers
(km2) (96,430 acres). The Lease Area is
approximately 11 miles due east from
Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, at its closest
point to shore.
Detailed Description of the Specified
GSOE’s proposed marine site
characterization surveys include HRG
and geotechnical survey activities.
Surveys would occur within the Bureau
of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM)
Delaware Wind Energy Area (DE WEA)
which is east of Delaware (see Figure 1
in the IHA application). Water depths in
the Lease Area range from 16 to 28
meters (m) (52 to 92 feet (ft)). For the
purpose of this IHA the Lease Area and
submarine cable corridor are
collectively termed the Project Area.
Geophysical and shallow geotechnical
survey activities are anticipated to be
supported by a vessel approximately
30–60 m (100–200 ft) long which will
maintain a speed of between two to five
knots (kn) while transiting survey lines.
Deep geotechnical survey activities and
possible shallow geotechnical activities
are anticipated to be conducted from an
80 to 100 m (250 to 300 ft) dynamically
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 65 / Wednesday, April 4, 2018 / Notices
amozie on DSK30RV082PROD with NOTICES
positioned (DP) vessel with support of
a tug boat. Survey activities will be
executed in compliance with the July
2015 BOEM Guidelines for Providing
Geophysical, Geotechnical, and
Geohazard Information Pursuant to 30
CFR part 585. The proposed HRG and
geotechnical survey activities are
described below.
Geotechnical Survey Activities
GSOE’s proposed geotechnical survey
activities would include the following:
• Vibracores to characterize the
geological and geotechnical
characteristics of the seabed, up to
approximately 5 m deep. Vibracoring
entails use of a hydraulic or electric
driven pulsating head to drive a hollow
tube into the seafloor and recover a
stratified representation of the sediment.
• Core Penetration Testing (CPT) to
determine stratigraphy and in-situ
conditions of the sediments. Target
penetration is 60 to 75 m.
• Deep Boring Cores would be drilled
to determine the vertical and lateral
variation in seabed conditions and
provide geotechnical data to depths at
least 10 m deeper than design
penetration of the foundations (60 to 75
m target penetration).
GSOE’s proposed geotechnical survey
activities would last up to 72 days.
Shallow geotechnical surveys,
consisting of CPTs and vibracores, are
planned for within the Lease Area and
approximately every 1–2 kilometers
(km) along the export cable routes.
Foundation-depth geotechnical borings
are also planned at each proposed
foundation location within the Lease
Area. While the quantity and locations
of wind turbine generators to be
installed, as well as cable route, has yet
to be determined, an estimate of 66
vibracores, 21 CPTs, and 22 deep
borings are planned within the Lease
Area and along the export cable routes.
The geotechnical sampling will be
conducted from a DP vessel,
approximately 80 m in length.
In considering whether marine
mammal harassment is an expected
outcome of exposure to a particular
activity or sound source, NMFS
considers the nature of the exposure
itself (e.g., the magnitude, frequency, or
duration of exposure), characteristics of
the marine mammals potentially
exposed, and the conditions specific to
the geographic area where the activity is
expected to occur (e.g., whether the
activity is planned in a foraging area,
breeding area, nursery or pupping area,
or other biologically important area for
the species). We then consider the
expected response of the exposed
animal and whether the nature and
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duration or intensity of that response is
expected to cause disruption of
behavioral patterns (e.g., migration,
breathing, nursing, breeding, feeding, or
sheltering) or injury.
Geotechnical survey activities would
be conducted from a drill ship equipped
with DP thrusters. DP thrusters would
be used to position the sampling vessel
on station and maintain position at each
sampling location during the sampling
activity. Sound produced through use of
DP thrusters is similar to that produced
by transiting vessels and DP thrusters
are typically operated either in a
similarly predictable manner or used for
short durations around stationary
activities. NMFS does not believe
acoustic impacts from DP thrusters are
likely to result in take of marine
mammals in the absence of activity- or
location-specific circumstances that
may otherwise represent specific
concerns for marine mammals (i.e.,
activities proposed in area known to be
of particular importance for a particular
species), or associated activities that
may increase the potential to result in
take when in concert with DP thrusters.
In this case, we are not aware of any
such circumstances. Monitoring of past
projects that entailed use of DP thrusters
has shown a lack of observed marine
mammal responses as a result of
exposure to sound from DP thrusters.
Therefore, NMFS believes the likelihood
of DP thrusters used during the
proposed geotechnical surveys resulting
in harassment of marine mammals to be
so low as to be discountable. As DP
thrusters are not expected to result in
take of marine mammals, these activities
are not analyzed further in this
Vibracoring entails driving a
hydraulic or electric pulsating head
through a hollow tube into the seafloor
to recover a stratified representation of
the sediment. The vibracoring process is
short in duration and is performed from
a dynamic positioning vessel. The
vessel would use DP thrusters to
maintain the vessel’s position while the
vibracore sample is taken, as described
above. The vibracoring process would
always be performed in concert with DP
thrusters, and DP thrusters would begin
operating prior to the activation of the
vibracore to maintain the vessel’s
position; thus, we expect that any
marine mammals in the project area
would detect the presence and noise
associated with the vessel and the DP
thrusters prior to commencement of
vibracoring. Any reaction by marine
mammals would be expected to be
similar to reactions to the concurrent DP
thrusters, which are expected to be
minor and short term. In this case,
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vibracoring is not planned in any areas
of particular biological significance for
any marine mammals. Thus while a
marine mammal may perceive noise
from vibracoring and may respond
briefly, we believe the potential for this
response to rise to the level of take to
be so low as to be discountable, based
on the short duration of the activity and
the fact that marine mammals would be
expected to react to the vessel and DP
thrusters before vibracoring commences,
potentially through brief avoidance. In
addition, the fact that the geographic
area is not biologically important for
any marine mammal species means that
such reactions are not likely to carry any
meaningful significance for the animals.
Field studies conducted off the coast
of Virginia to determine the underwater
noise produced by CPTs and borehole
drilling found that these activities did
not result in underwater noise levels
that exceeded current thresholds for
Level B harassment of marine mammals
(Kalapinski, 2015). Given the small size
and energy footprint of CPTs borehole
drilling, NMFS believes the likelihood
that noise from these activities would
exceed the Level B harassment
threshold at any appreciable distance is
so low as to be discountable. Therefore,
geotechnical survey activities, including
CPTs, borehole drilling and vibracores,
are not expected to result in harassment
of marine mammals and are not
analyzed further in this document.
Geophysical Survey Activities
GSOE has proposed that HRG survey
operations would be conducted
continuously 24 hours per day. Based
on 24-hour operations, the estimated
duration of the geophysical survey
activities would be approximately 183
days (including estimated weather
down time). The geophysical survey
activities proposed by GSOE would
include the following:
• Multibeam Depth Sounder to
determine water depths and general
bottom topography. The multibeam
echosounder sonar system projects
sonar pulses in several angled beams
from a transducer mounted to a ship’s
hull. The beams radiate out from the
transducer in a fan-shaped pattern
orthogonally to the ship’s direction.
• Shallow Penetration Sub-Bottom
Profiler (Chirp) to map the near surface
stratigraphy (top 0 to 5 m of sediment
below seabed). A Chirp system emits
sonar pulses which increase in
frequency (3.5 to 200 kHz) over time.
The pulse length frequency range can be
adjusted to meet project variables.
• Medium Penetration Sub-Bottom
Profiler (Boomer) to map deeper
subsurface stratigraphy as needed. This
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 65 / Wednesday, April 4, 2018 / Notices
system is commonly mounted on a sled
and towed behind a boat.
• Medium Penetration Sub-Bottom
Profiler (Sparker and/or bubble gun) to
map deeper subsurface stratigraphy as
needed. Sparkers create acoustic pulses
omni-directionally from the source that
can penetrate several hundred meters
into the seafloor. Hydrophone arrays
towed nearby receive the return signals.
• Sidescan Sonar used to image the
seafloor for seabed sediment
classification purposes and to identify
natural and man-made acoustic targets
on the seafloor. The sonar device emits
conical or fan-shaped pulses down
toward the seafloor in multiple beams at
a wide angle, perpendicular to the path
of the sensor through the water. The
acoustic return of the pulses is recorded
in a series of cross-track slices, which
can be joined to form an image of the
sea bottom within the swath of the
• Marine Magnetometer to detect
ferrous metal objects on the seafloor
which may cause a hazard including
anchors, chains, cables, pipelines,
ballast stones and other scattered
shipwreck debris, munitions of all sizes,
unexploded ordinances, aircraft,
engines and any other object with
magnetic expression.
Table 1 identifies the representative
survey equipment that may be used in
support of planned geophysical survey
activities. The make and model of the
listed geophysical equipment will vary
depending on availability and the final
equipment choices will vary depending
upon the final survey design, vessel
availability, and survey contractor
selection. Any survey equipment
selected would have characteristics
similar to the systems described below,
if different.
Equipment type
Source level
(SLrms dB re 1
μPA @1 m)
(meters below
Beam width
Pulse duration
Multibeam Depth Sounding
Reson SeaBat 7125 1 ..................................
Reson SeaBat 7101 2 ..................................
R2SONIC Sonic 2020 1 ................................
200 and 400 .....
100 ...................
170 to 450 ........
220 ...................
162 ...................
162 ...................
4 .......................
2 to 5 ................
2 to 5 ................
128 ........................
140 ........................
160 ........................
0.03 to 0.3.
0.8 to 3.04.
45 ..........................
170 ........................
Shallow Sub-bottom Profiling
Teledyne Benthos Chirp III 3 ........................
EdgeTech SB3200 XS .................................
SB2164 .........................................................
2 to 7 ................
2 to 16 ..............
197 ...................
176 ...................
4 .......................
2 to 5 ................
Medium Penetration Sub-bottom Profiling
Applied Acoustics .........................................
Fugro boomer 1 ............................................
Applied Acoustics S-Boom system—CSP–
D 2400HV (600 joule/pulse) 5.
GeoResources 800 Joule Sparker 6 ............
0.1 to 10 ...........
175 ...................
1 to 2 ................
60 ..........................
0.25 to 8 ...........
203 ...................
2 .......................
25 to 35 .................
0.75 to 2.75 ......
203 ...................
4 .......................
0.1 to 0.2.
Falmouth Scientific HMS 620 bubble gun 7
0.02 to 1.7 ........
196 ...................
1.5 ....................
Applied Acoustics .........................................
Dura-Spark 240 5 .........................................
0.03 to 5 ...........
213 ...................
1 to 2 ................
360 (omni-directional).
360 (omni-directional).
170 ........................
20 .....................
10 .....................
1 .......................
40 ..........................
158 ........................
0.5 and 0.26 ..........
10 to 20.
5 to 12.
Side Scan Sonar
Klein Marine Systems model 3900 1 ............
EdgeTech model 4125 1 ..............................
EdgeTech model 4200 1 ..............................
445 and 900 .....
105 and 410 .....
300 and 600 .....
242 ...................
225 ...................
215 to 220 ........
amozie on DSK30RV082PROD with NOTICES
1 Source level obtained from equipment specifications as described in 82 FR 22250: ‘‘Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities; Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to Site Characterization Surveys off the Coast of New York.’’
2 Source level based on published manufacturer specifications and/or systems manual.
3 Source level based on published manufacturer specifications and/or systems manual—assumed configured as TTV–171 with AT–471 transducer per system manual.
4 Source level obtained from Crocker and Fratantonio (2016). Assumed to be 3200 XS with SB216. Used as proxy: 3200 XS with SB424 in 4–
24 kHz mode Since the 3200 XS system manual lists same power output between SB216 and SB 424.
5 Source level obtained from Crocker and Fratantonio (2016).
6 Source level obtained from Crocker and Fratantonio (2016)—ELC820 used as proxy.
7 Source level obtained from Crocker and Fratantonio (2016)—Used single plate 1 due to discrepancies noted in Crocker and Fratantonio
(2016) regarding plate 2.
The deployment of HRG survey
equipment, including the equipment
planned for use during GSOE’s planned
activity, produces sound in the marine
environment that has the potential to
result in harassment of marine
mammals. However, sound propagation
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is dependent on several factors
including operating mode, frequency
and beam direction of the HRG
equipment; thus, potential impacts to
marine mammals from HRG equipment
are driven by the specification of
individual HRG sources. The
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specifications of the potential
equipment planned for use during HRG
survey activities (Table 1) were
analyzed to determine which types of
equipment would have the potential to
result in harassment of marine
mammals. HRG equipment that would
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 65 / Wednesday, April 4, 2018 / Notices
be operated either at frequency ranges
that fall outside the functional hearing
ranges of marine mammals (e.g., above
200 kHz) or that that operate within
marine mammal functional hearing
ranges but have low sound source levels
(e.g., a single pulse at less than 200 dB
re re 1 mPa) were assumed to not have
the potential to result in marine
mammal harassment and were therefore
eliminated from further analysis. Of the
potential HRG survey equipment
planned for use, the following
equipment was determined to have the
potential to result in harassment of
marine mammals:
• Teledyne Benthos Chirp III Subbottom Profiler;
• EdgeTech Sub-bottom Profilers
• Applied Acoustics Fugro Subbottom Profiler (Boomer);
• Applied Acoustics S-Boom Subbottom Profiling System consisting of a
CSP-D 2400HV power supply and 3plate catamaran;
• GeoResources 800 Joule Sparker;
• Falmouth Scientific HMS 620
Bubble Gun; and
• Applied Acoustics Dura-Spark 240
As the HRG survey equipment listed
above was determined to have the
potential to result in harassment of
marine mammals, the equipment listed
above was carried forward in the
analysis of potential impacts to marine
mammals; all other HRG equipment
planned for use by GSOE is not
expected to result in harassment of
marine mammals and is therefore not
analyzed further in this document.
Proposed mitigation, monitoring, and
reporting measures are described in
detail later in this document (please see
‘‘Proposed Mitigation’’ and ‘‘Proposed
Monitoring and Reporting’’).
Description of Marine Mammals in the
Area of Specified Activity
Sections 3 and 4 of GSOE’s IHA
application summarize available
information regarding status and trends,
distribution and habitat preferences,
and behavior and life history, of the
potentially affected species. Additional
information regarding population trends
and threats may be found in NMFS’
Stock Assessment Reports (SAR;
www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/sars/) and more
general information about these species
(e.g., physical and behavioral
descriptions) may be found on NMFS’
website (www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/
species/mammals/). All species that
could potentially occur in the proposed
survey areas are included in Table 5 of
the IHA application. However, the
temporal and/or spatial occurrence of
several species listed in Table 5 of the
IHA application is such that take of
these species is not expected to occur,
and they are not discussed further
beyond the explanation provided here.
Take of these species is not anticipated
either because they have very low
densities in the project area, are known
to occur further offshore than the project
area, or are considered very unlikely to
occur in the project area during the
proposed survey due to the species’
seasonal occurrence in the area.
Table 2 lists all species with expected
potential for occurrence in the survey
area and with the potential to be taken
as a result of the proposed survey and
summarizes information related to the
population or stock, including
regulatory status under the MMPA and
ESA and potential biological removal
(PBR), where known. For taxonomy, we
follow Committee on Taxonomy (2017).
PBR is defined by the MMPA as the
maximum number of animals, not
including natural mortalities, that may
be removed from a marine mammal
stock while allowing that stock to reach
or maintain its optimum sustainable
population (as described in NMFS’
SARs). While no mortality is anticipated
or authorized here, PBR is included here
as a gross indicator of the status of the
species and other threats.
Marine mammal abundance estimates
presented in this document represent
the total number of individuals that
make up a given stock or the total
number estimated within a particular
study or survey area. NMFS’ stock
abundance estimates for most species
represent the total estimate of
individuals within the geographic area,
if known, that comprises that stock. For
some species, this geographic area may
extend beyond U.S. waters. All managed
stocks in this region are assessed in
NMFS’ U.S. 2017 draft SARs (e.g., Hayes
et al., 2018). All values presented in
Table 2 are the most recent available at
the time of publication and are available
in the 2017 draft Atlantic SARs (Hayes
et al., 2018).
Common name
MMPA and
ESA status;
(Y/N) 1
NMFS stock
(CV,Nmin, most
abundance survey) 2
(CV) 3
Occurrence and
seasonality in the
survey area
amozie on DSK30RV082PROD with NOTICES
Toothed whales (Odontoceti)
Sperm whale
Long-finned pilot
Atlantic white-sided
Atlantic spotted dolphin (Stenella frontalis).
Bottlenose dolphin
(Tursiops truncatus).
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North Atlantic ...........
E; Y ..........
2,288 (0.28; 1,815; n/
W. North Atlantic ......
—; Y .........
5,636 (0.63; 3,464; n/
W. North Atlantic ......
—; N .........
W. North Atlantic ......
W. North Atlantic,
W. North Atlantic,
Northern Migratory
18:51 Apr 03, 2018
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48,819 (0.61; 30,403;
37,180 (0.07)
—; N .........
44,715 (0.43; 31,610;
55,436 (0.32)
—; N .........
77,532 (0.40; 56,053;
6,639 (0.41; 4,759;
Common year round.
Common in summer;
rare in winter.
—; N .........
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5,353 (0.12)
6 18,977
5 97,476
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 65 / Wednesday, April 4, 2018 / Notices
Common name
MMPA and
ESA status;
(Y/N) 1
NMFS stock
(CV,Nmin, most
abundance survey) 2
Short-beaked common dolphin
(Delphinus delphis).
Harbor porpoise
W. North Atlantic ......
—; N .........
70,184 (0.28; 55,690;
86,098 (0.12)
Common year round.
Gulf of Maine/Bay of
—; N .........
79,833 (0.32; 61,415;
* 45,089 (0.12)
Common year round.
* 535 (0.45)
* 1,637 (0.07)
Year round in continental shelf and
slope waters,
occur seasonally to
Common year round.
4,633 (0.08)
717 (0.3)
* 2,112 (0.05)
(CV) 3
Occurrence and
seasonality in the
survey area
Baleen whales (Mysticeti)
North Atlantic right
whale (Eubalaena
W. North Atlantic ......
E; Y ..........
458 (0; 455; n/a) ......
Humpback whale 6
Fin whale
Gulf of Maine ...........
—; N .........
335 (0.42; 239; n/a)
W. North Atlantic ......
E; Y ..........
1,618 (0.33; 1,234; n/
Sei whale
(Balaenoptera borealis).
Nova Scotia ..............
E; Y ..........
357 (0.52; 236; n/a)
Minke whale
Canadian East Coast
—; N .........
2,591 (0.81; 1,425; n/
Year round in continental shelf and
slope waters,
occur seasonally to
Year round in continental shelf and
slope waters,
occur seasonally to
Year round in continental shelf and
slope waters,
occur seasonally to
Earless seals (Phocidae)
amozie on DSK30RV082PROD with NOTICES
Gray seal 7
Harbor seal (Phoca
W. North Atlantic ......
—; N .........
27,131 (0.10; 25,908;
W. North Atlantic ......
—; N .........
75,834 (0.15; 66,884;
Common year round.
1 ESA status: Endangered (E), Threatened (T)/MMPA status: Depleted (D). A dash (—) indicates that the species is not listed under the ESA
or designated as depleted under the MMPA. Under the MMPA, a strategic stock is one for which the level of direct human-caused mortality exceeds PBR (see footnote 3) or which is determined to be declining and likely to be listed under the ESA within the foreseeable future. Any species or stock listed under the ESA is automatically designated under the MMPA as depleted and as a strategic stock.
2 NMFS marine mammal stock assessment reports online at: www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/sars. CV is coefficient of variation; N
min is the minimum
estimate of stock abundance. In some cases, CV is not applicable. For certain stocks, abundance estimates are actual counts of animals and
there is no associated CV. The most recent abundance survey that is reflected in the abundance estimate is presented; there may be more recent surveys that have not yet been incorporated into the estimate. All values presented here are from the 2017 draft Atlantic SARs (Hayes et
al., 2018).
3 This information represents species- or guild-specific abundance predicted by recent habitat-based cetacean density models (Roberts et al.,
2016). These models provide the best available scientific information regarding predicted density patterns of cetaceans in the U.S. Atlantic
Ocean, and we provide the corresponding abundance predictions as a point of reference. Total abundance estimates were produced by computing the mean density of all pixels in the modeled area and multiplying by its area. For those species marked with an asterisk, the available information supported development of either two or four seasonal models; each model has an associated abundance prediction. Here, we report
the maximum predicted abundance.
4 Potential biological removal, defined by the MMPA as the maximum number of animals, not including natural mortalities, that may be removed from a marine mammal stock while allowing that stock to reach or maintain its optimum sustainable population size (OSP).
5 Abundance estimates are in some cases reported for a guild or group of species when those species are difficult to differentiate at sea. Similarly, the habitat-based cetacean density models produced by Roberts et al. (2016) are based in part on available observational data which, in
some cases, is limited to genus or guild in terms of taxonomic definition. Roberts et al. (2016) produced density models to genus level for
Globicephala spp. and produced a density model for bottlenose dolphins that does not differentiate between offshore and coastal stocks.
6 NMFS stock abundance estimate applies to Gulf of Maine feeding population. Actual humpback whale population in survey area is likely to be
larger and to include humpback whales from additional feeding populations in unknown numbers.
7 NMFS stock abundance estimate applies to U.S. population only, actual abundance is believed to be much larger.
Four marine mammal species that are
listed under the Endangered Species Act
(ESA) may be present in the survey area
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and are included in the take request:
North Atlantic right whale, fin whale,
sei whale and sperm whale.
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Below is a description of the species
that are both common in the survey area
east of Delaware and that have the
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 65 / Wednesday, April 4, 2018 / Notices
amozie on DSK30RV082PROD with NOTICES
highest likelihood of occurring, at least
seasonally, in the survey area and thus
are expected to have the potential to be
taken by the proposed activities.
Though other marine mammal species
are known to occur in the Northwest
Atlantic Ocean, the temporal and/or
spatial occurrence of several of these
species is such that take of these species
is not expected to occur, and they are
therefore not discussed further beyond
the explanation provided here. Take of
these species is not anticipated either
because they have very low densities in
the project area (e.g., blue whale,
Clymene dolphin, pantropical spotted
dolphin, striped dolphin, spinner
dolphin, killer whale, false killer whale,
pygmy killer whale, short-finned pilot
whale), or, are known to occur further
offshore than the project area (e.g.,
beaked whales, rough toothed dolphin,
Kogia spp.).
For the majority of species potentially
present in the specific geographic
region, NMFS has designated only a
single generic stock (e.g., ‘‘western
North Atlantic’’) for management
purposes. This includes the ‘‘Canadian
east coast’’ stock of minke whales,
which includes all minke whales found
in U.S. waters. For humpback and sei
whales, NMFS defines stocks on the
basis of feeding locations, i.e., Gulf of
Maine and Nova Scotia, respectively.
However, our reference to humpback
whales and sei whales in this document
refers to any individuals of the species
that are found in the specific geographic
North Atlantic Right Whale
The North Atlantic right whale ranges
from the calving grounds in the
southeastern United States to feeding
grounds in New England waters and
into Canadian waters (Waring et al.,
2016). Surveys have demonstrated the
existence of seven areas where North
Atlantic right whales congregate
seasonally, including Georges Bank,
Cape Cod, and Massachusetts Bay
(Waring et al., 2016). In the late fall
months (e.g., October), right whales
generally depart from the feeding
grounds in the North Atlantic and move
south to their breeding grounds.
Movements within and between habitats
are extensive, and the area off the midAtlantic states is an important migratory
corridor (Waring et al., 2016). In 2000,
one whale was photographed in Florida
waters on January 12, then again 11
days later in Cape Cod Bay, less than a
month later off Georgia, and back in
Cape Cod Bay five weeks later,
effectively making the round-trip
migration to the Southeast and back at
least twice during the winter season
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(Brown and Marx 2000). During the
proposed survey right whales may be
migrating through the proposed survey
area and the surrounding waters.
The western North Atlantic
population demonstrated overall growth
of 2.8 percent per year between 1990 to
2010, despite a decline in 1993 and no
growth between 1997 and 2000 (Pace et
al. 2017). However, since 2010 the
population has been in decline, with a
99.99 percent probability of a decline of
just under 1 percent per year (Pace et al.
2017). Between 1990 and 2015, calving
rates varied substantially, with low
calving rates coinciding with all three
periods of decline or no growth (Pace et
al. 2017). On average, North Atlantic
right whale calving rates are estimated
to be roughly half that of southern right
whales (Eubalaena australis) (Pace et al.
2017), which are increasing in
abundance (NMFS 2015).
The proposed survey area is part of
the Eastern Atlantic Biologically
Important Area (BIA) for North Atlantic
right whales, which is important for
right whale migration in March, April,
November and December; this important
migratory area is comprised of the
waters of the continental shelf offshore
the East Coast of the United States and
extends from Florida through
Massachusetts. Based on the proposed
survey schedule (May through
December), the majority of the survey
would occur outside the months when
the BIA is considered important for
right whale migration.
NMFS’ regulations at 50 CFR part
224.105 designated nearshore waters of
the Mid-Atlantic Bight as Mid-Atlantic
U.S. Seasonal Management Areas (SMA)
for right whales in 2008. SMAs were
developed to reduce the threat of
collisions between ships and right
whales around their migratory route and
calving grounds. Within SMAs,
mandatory vessel speed restrictions
(less than 10 kn) are in place for vessels
greater than 65 ft. A portion of one SMA
overlaps spatially with the northern
section of the proposed survey area.
This SMA, which occurs off the mouth
of the Delaware Bay, is active from
November 1 through April 30 of each
year. Any survey vessels greater than 65
ft in length would be required to adhere
to the mandatory vessel speed
restrictions when operating within the
SMA (when the SMA is active from
November 1 through April 30).
The current abundance estimate for
this stock is 458 individuals (Hayes et
al., 2018). Data indicates that the
number of adult females fell from 200 in
2010 to 186 in 2015 while males fell
from 283 to 272 in the same timeframe
(Pace et al., 2017). In addition, elevated
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North Atlantic right whale mortalities
have occurred since June 7, 2017,
including a total of 17 confirmed dead
stranded whales (12 in Canada; 5 in the
United States), and an additional 5 live
whale entanglements in Canada,
documented to date. This event has
been declared an Unusual Mortality
Event (UME). More information is
available online at: https://
Humpback Whale
Humpback whales are found
worldwide in all oceans. The humpback
whale population within the North
Atlantic has been estimated to include
approximately 11,570 individuals
(Waring et al., 2016). Humpback whales
utilize the mid-Atlantic as a migration
pathway between calving/mating
grounds to the south and feeding
grounds in the north (Waring et al.
2007). During winter, the majority of
humpback whales from North Atlantic
feeding areas (including the Gulf of
Maine) mate and calve in the West
Indies, where spatial and genetic mixing
among feeding groups occurs, though
significant numbers of animals are
found in mid- and high-latitude regions
at this time and some individuals have
been sighted repeatedly within the same
winter season indicating that not all
humpback whales migrate south every
winter (Waring et al., 2016).
A key question with regard to
humpback whales off the mid-Atlantic
states is their stock identity. Using fluke
photographs of living and dead whales
observed in the region, Barco et al.
(2002) reported that 43 percent of 21
live whales matched to the Gulf of
Maine, 19 percent to Newfoundland,
and 4.8 percent to the Gulf of St
Lawrence, while 31.6 percent of 19 dead
humpbacks were known Gulf of Maine
whales. Although the population
composition of the mid-Atlantic is
apparently dominated by Gulf of Maine
whales, lack of photographic effort in
Newfoundland makes it likely that the
observed match rates under-represent
the true presence of Canadian whales in
the region (Waring et al., 2016). Barco et
al. (2002) suggested that the midAtlantic region primarily represents a
supplemental winter feeding ground
used by humpbacks.
Since January 2016, elevated
humpback whale mortalities have
occurred along the Atlantic coast from
Maine through North Carolina. Partial or
full necropsy examinations have been
conducted on approximately half of the
62 known cases. A portion of the whales
have shown evidence of pre-mortem
vessel strike; however, this finding is
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 65 / Wednesday, April 4, 2018 / Notices
not consistent across all of the whales
examined so more research is needed.
NOAA is consulting with researchers
that are conducting studies on the
humpback whale populations, and these
efforts may provide information on
changes in whale distribution and
habitat use that could provide
additional insight into how these vessel
interactions occurred. Three previous
UMEs involving humpback whales have
occurred since 2000, in 2003, 2005, and
2006. More information is available at
Fin Whale
Fin whales are common in waters of
the U.S. Atlantic Exclusive Economic
Zone (EEZ), principally from Cape
Hatteras northward (Waring et al.,
2016). Fin whales are present north of
35-degree latitude in every season and
are broadly distributed throughout the
western North Atlantic for most of the
year (Waring et al., 2016). Fin whales
are found in small groups of up to 5
individuals (Brueggeman et al., 1987).
The main threats to fin whales are
fishery interactions and vessel collisions
(Waring et al., 2016).
amozie on DSK30RV082PROD with NOTICES
Sei Whale
The Nova Scotia stock of sei whales
can be found in deeper waters of the
continental shelf edge waters of the
northeastern U.S. and northeastward to
south of Newfoundland. The southern
portion of the stock’s range during
spring and summer includes the Gulf of
Maine and Georges Bank. Spring is the
period of greatest abundance in U.S.
waters, with sightings concentrated
along the eastern margin of Georges
Bank and into the Northeast Channel
area, and along the southwestern edge of
Georges Bank in the area of
Hydrographer Canyon (Waring et al.,
2015). Sei whales occur in shallower
waters to feed. Sei whales are listed as
engendered under the ESA, and the
Nova Scotia stock is considered strategic
and depleted under the MMPA. The
main threats to this stock are
interactions with fisheries and vessel
Minke Whale
Minke whales can be found in
temperate, tropical, and high-latitude
waters. The Canadian East Coast stock
can be found in the area from the
western half of the Davis Strait (45° W)
to the Gulf of Mexico (Waring et al.,
2016). This species generally occupies
waters less than 100 m deep on the
continental shelf. There appears to be a
strong seasonal component to minke
whale distribution in which spring to
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fall are times of relatively widespread
and common occurrence, and when the
whales are most abundant in New
England waters, while during winter the
species appears to be largely absent
(Waring et al., 2016). The main threats
to this stock are interactions with
fisheries, strandings, and vessel
Sperm Whale
The distribution of the sperm whale
in the U.S. EEZ occurs on the
continental shelf edge, over the
continental slope, and into mid-ocean
regions (Waring et al., 2014). The basic
social unit of the sperm whale appears
to be the mixed school of adult females
plus their calves and some juveniles of
both sexes, normally numbering 20–40
animals in all. There is evidence that
some social bonds persist for many
years (Christal et al., 1998). This species
forms stable social groups, site fidelity,
and latitudinal range limitations in
groups of females and juveniles
(Whitehead, 2002). In summer, the
distribution of sperm whales includes
the area east and north of Georges Bank
and into the Northeast Channel region,
as well as the continental shelf (inshore
of the 100-m isobath) south of New
England. In the fall, sperm whale
occurrence south of New England on the
continental shelf is at its highest level,
and there remains a continental shelf
edge occurrence in the mid-Atlantic
bight. In winter, sperm whales are
concentrated east and northeast of Cape
Hatteras. The current abundance
estimate for this stock is 2,288 (Hayes et
al., 2017).
Long-Finned Pilot Whale
Long-finned pilot whales are found
from North Carolina and north to
Iceland, Greenland and the Barents Sea
(Waring et al., 2016). In U.S. Atlantic
waters the species is distributed
principally along the continental shelf
edge off the northeastern U.S. coast in
winter and early spring and in late
spring, pilot whales move onto Georges
Bank and into the Gulf of Maine and
more northern waters and remain in
these areas through late autumn (Waring
et al., 2016). Long-finned pilot whales
are not listed under the ESA. The
Western North Atlantic stock is
considered strategic under the MMPA.
The main threats to this species include
interactions with fisheries and habitat
issues including exposure to high levels
of polychlorinated biphenyls and
chlorinated pesticides, and toxic metals
including mercury, lead, cadmium, and
selenium (Waring et al., 2016).
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Atlantic White-Sided Dolphin
White-sided dolphins are found in
temperate and sub-polar waters of the
North Atlantic, primarily in continental
shelf waters to the 100-m depth contour
from central West Greenland to North
Carolina (Waring et al., 2016). The Gulf
of Maine stock is most common in
continental shelf waters from Hudson
Canyon to Georges Bank, and in the Gulf
of Maine and lower Bay of Fundy.
Sighting data indicate seasonal shifts in
distribution (Northridge et al., 1997).
During January to May, low numbers of
white-sided dolphins are found from
Georges Bank to Jeffreys Ledge (off New
Hampshire), with even lower numbers
south of Georges Bank, as documented
by a few strandings collected on beaches
of Virginia to South Carolina. From June
through September, large numbers of
white-sided dolphins are found from
Georges Bank to the lower Bay of
Fundy. From October to December,
white-sided dolphins occur at
intermediate densities from southern
Georges Bank to southern Gulf of Maine
(Payne and Heinemann 1990). Sightings
south of Georges Bank, particularly
around Hudson Canyon, occur year
round but at low densities. The main
threat to this species is interactions with
Atlantic Spotted Dolphin
Atlantic spotted dolphins are found in
tropical and warm temperate waters
ranging from southern New England,
south to Gulf of Mexico and the
Caribbean to Venezuela (Waring et al.,
2014). This stock regularly occurs in
continental shelf waters south of Cape
Hatteras and in continental shelf edge
and continental slope waters north of
this region (Waring et al., 2014). There
are two forms of this species, with the
larger ecotype inhabiting the continental
shelf and is usually found inside or near
the 200 m isobaths (Waring et al., 2014).
Atlantic spotted dolphins are not listed
under the ESA, and the stock is not
considered depleted or strategic under
the MMPA. The main threat to this
species is interactions with fisheries.
Short-Beaked Common Dolphin
The short-beaked common dolphin is
found world-wide in temperate to
subtropical seas. In the North Atlantic,
short-beaked common dolphins are
commonly found over the continental
shelf between the 100-m and 2000-m
isobaths and over prominent
underwater topography and east to the
mid-Atlantic Ridge (Waring et al., 2016).
Only the western North Atlantic stock
may be present in the Lease Area. The
current abundance estimate for this
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 65 / Wednesday, April 4, 2018 / Notices
stock is 70,184 animals (Hayes et al.,
2017). The main threat to this species is
interactions with fisheries.
Bottlenose Dolphin
There are two distinct bottlenose
dolphin morphotypes in the western
North Atlantic: the coastal and offshore
forms (Waring et al., 2016). The offshore
form is distributed primarily along the
outer continental shelf and continental
slope in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean
from Georges Bank to the Florida Keys.
The coastal morphotype is
morphologically and genetically distinct
from the larger, more robust
morphotype that occupies habitats
further offshore. Spatial distribution
data, tag-telemetry studies, photo-ID
studies and genetic studies demonstrate
the existence of a distinct Northern
Migratory stock of coastal bottlenose
dolphins (Waring et al., 2014). During
summer months (July-August), this
stock occupies coastal waters from the
shoreline to approximately the 25 m
isobath between the Chesapeake Bay
mouth and Long Island, New York;
during winter months (January-March),
the stock occupies coastal waters from
Cape Lookout, North Carolina, to the
North Carolina/Virginia border (Waring
et al., 2014). The Western North
Atlantic northern migratory coastal
stock and the Western North Atlantic
offshore stock may be encountered by
the proposed survey.
The main threat to bottlenose
dolphins is interactions with fisheries.
Bottlenose dolphins are not listed as
threatened or endangered under the
ESA. The Western North Atlantic
offshore stock is not a strategic stock
under the MMPA, but the Northern
Migratory Coastal Stock is a strategic
stock under the MMPA due to the
depleted listing under the MMPA.
fisheries and in the Canadian herring
weir fisheries (Waring et al., 2016).
Harbor Seal
The harbor seal is found in all
nearshore waters of the North Atlantic
and North Pacific Oceans and adjoining
seas above about 30° N (Burns, 2009). In
the western North Atlantic, harbor seals
are distributed from the eastern
Canadian Arctic and Greenland south to
southern New England and New York,
and occasionally to the Carolinas
(Waring et al., 2016). Haulout and
pupping sites are located off Manomet,
MA and the Isles of Shoals, ME, but
generally do not occur in areas in
southern New England (Waring et al.,
2016). The current abundance estimate
for this stock is 75,834 (Hayes et al.,
2017). The main threat to this species is
interactions with fisheries.
amozie on DSK30RV082PROD with NOTICES
Harbor Porpoise
Gray Seal
There are three major populations of
gray seals found in the world; eastern
Canada (western North Atlantic stock),
northwestern Europe and the Baltic Sea.
Gray seals in the survey area belong to
the western North Atlantic stock. The
range for this stock is thought to be from
New Jersey to Labrador. Though gray
seals are not regularly sighted in
Delaware their range has been
expanding southward in recent years,
and they have been observed recently as
far south as the barrier islands of
Virginia. Current population trends
show that gray seal abundance is likely
increasing in the U.S. Atlantic EEZ
(Waring et al., 2016). Although the rate
of increase is unknown, surveys
conducted since their arrival in the
1980s indicate a steady increase in
abundance in both Maine and
Massachusetts (Waring et al., 2016). It is
believed that recolonization by
Canadian gray seals is the source of the
U.S. population (Waring et al., 2016).
In the Lease Area, only the Gulf of
Maine/Bay of Fundy stock may be
present. This stock is found in U.S. and
Canadian Atlantic waters and is
concentrated in the northern Gulf of
Maine and southern Bay of Fundy
region, generally in waters less than 150
m deep (Waring et al., 2016). They are
seen from the coastline to deep waters
(≤1800 m; Westgate et al. 1998),
although the majority of the population
is found over the continental shelf
(Waring et al., 2016). The current
abundance estimate for this stock is
79,883 (Hayes et al., 2017). The main
threat to the species is interactions with
fisheries, with documented take in the
U.S. northeast sink gillnet, mid-Atlantic
gillnet, and northeast bottom trawl
Marine Mammal Hearing
Hearing is the most important sensory
modality for marine mammals
underwater, and exposure to
anthropogenic sound can have
deleterious effects. To appropriately
assess the potential effects of exposure
to sound, it is necessary to understand
the frequency ranges marine mammals
are able to hear. Current data indicate
that not all marine mammal species
have equal hearing capabilities (e.g.,
Richardson et al., 1995; Wartzok and
Ketten, 1999; Au and Hastings, 2008).
To reflect this, Southall et al. (2007)
recommended that marine mammals be
divided into functional hearing groups
based on directly measured or estimated
hearing ranges on the basis of available
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behavioral response data, audiograms
derived using auditory evoked potential
techniques, anatomical modeling, and
other data. Note that no direct
measurements of hearing ability have
been successfully completed for
mysticetes (i.e., low-frequency
cetaceans). Subsequently, NMFS (2016)
described generalized hearing ranges for
these marine mammal hearing groups.
Generalized hearing ranges were chosen
based on the approximately 65 dB
threshold from the normalized
composite audiograms, with the
exception for lower limits for lowfrequency cetaceans where the lower
bound was deemed to be biologically
implausible and the lower bound from
Southall et al. (2007) retained. The
functional groups and the associated
frequencies are indicated below (note
that these frequency ranges correspond
to the range for the composite group,
with the entire range not necessarily
reflecting the capabilities of every
species within that group):
• Low-frequency cetaceans
(mysticetes): Generalized hearing is
estimated to occur between
approximately 7 Hertz (Hz) and 35
kilohertz (kHz);
• Mid-frequency cetaceans (larger
toothed whales, beaked whales, and
most delphinids): Generalized hearing is
estimated to occur between
approximately 150 Hz and 160 kHz;
• High-frequency cetaceans
(porpoises, river dolphins, and members
of the genera Kogia and
Cephalorhynchus; including two
members of the genus Lagenorhynchus,
on the basis of recent echolocation data
and genetic data): Generalized hearing is
estimated to occur between
approximately 275 Hz and 160 kHz.
• Pinnipeds in water; Phocidae (true
seals): Generalized hearing is estimated
to occur between approximately 50 Hz
to 86 kHz;
The pinniped functional hearing
group was modified from Southall et al.
(2007) on the basis of data indicating
that phocid species have consistently
demonstrated an extended frequency
range of hearing compared to otariids,
especially in the higher frequency range
(Hemila et al., 2006; Kastelein et al.,
2009; Reichmuth and Holt, 2013).
For more detail concerning these
groups and associated frequency ranges,
please see NMFS (2016) for a review of
available information. Eleven marine
mammal species (nine cetacean and two
pinniped (both phocid) species) have
the reasonable potential to co-occur
with the proposed survey activities.
Please refer to Table 2. Of the cetacean
species that may be present, five are
classified as low-frequency cetaceans
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 65 / Wednesday, April 4, 2018 / Notices
(i.e., all mysticete species), six are
classified as mid-frequency cetaceans
(i.e., all delphinid species and the sperm
whale), and one is classified as a highfrequency cetacean (i.e., harbor
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Potential Effects of Specified Activities
on Marine Mammals and Their Habitat
This section includes a summary and
discussion of the ways that components
of the specified activity may impact
marine mammals and their habitat. The
‘‘Estimated Take’’ section later in this
document includes a quantitative
analysis of the number of individuals
that are expected to be taken by this
activity. The ‘‘Negligible Impact
Analysis and Determination’’ section
considers the content of this section, the
‘‘Estimated Take’’ section, and the
‘‘Proposed Mitigation’’ section, to draw
conclusions regarding the likely impacts
of these activities on the reproductive
success or survivorship of individuals
and how those impacts on individuals
are likely to impact marine mammal
species or stocks.
Background on Sound
Sound is a physical phenomenon
consisting of minute vibrations that
travel through a medium, such as air or
water, and is generally characterized by
several variables. Frequency describes
the sound’s pitch and is measured in Hz
or kHz, while sound level describes the
sound’s intensity and is measured in
decibels (dB). Sound level increases or
decreases exponentially with each dB of
change. The logarithmic nature of the
scale means that each 10-dB increase is
a 10-fold increase in acoustic power
(and a 20-dB increase is then a 100-fold
increase in power). A 10-fold increase in
acoustic power does not mean that the
sound is perceived as being 10 times
louder, however. Sound levels are
compared to a reference sound pressure
(micro-Pascal) to identify the medium.
For air and water, these reference
pressures are ‘‘re: 20 micro Pascals
(mPa)’’ and ‘‘re: 1 mPa,’’ respectively.
Root mean square (rms) is the quadratic
mean sound pressure over the duration
of an impulse. Root mean square is
calculated by squaring all of the sound
amplitudes, averaging the squares, and
then taking the square root of the
average (Urick 1975). Root mean square
accounts for both positive and negative
values; squaring the pressures makes all
values positive so that they may be
accounted for in the summation of
pressure levels. This measurement is
often used in the context of discussing
behavioral effects, in part because
behavioral effects, which often result
from auditory cues, may be better
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expressed through averaged units rather
than by peak pressures.
When sound travels (propagates) from
its source, its loudness decreases as the
distance traveled by the sound
increases. Thus, the loudness of a sound
at its source is higher than the loudness
of that same sound one km away.
Acousticians often refer to the loudness
of a sound at its source (typically
referenced to one meter from the source)
as the source level and the loudness of
sound elsewhere as the received level
(i.e., typically the receiver). For
example, a humpback whale 3 km from
a device that has a source level of 230
dB may only be exposed to sound that
is 160 dB loud, depending on how the
sound travels through water (e.g.,
spherical spreading (6 dB reduction
with doubling of distance) was used in
this example). As a result, it is
important to understand the difference
between source levels and received
levels when discussing the loudness of
sound in the ocean or its impacts on the
marine environment.
As sound travels from a source, its
propagation in water is influenced by
various physical characteristics,
including water temperature, depth,
salinity, and surface and bottom
properties that cause refraction,
reflection, absorption, and scattering of
sound waves. Oceans are not
homogeneous and the contribution of
each of these individual factors is
extremely complex and interrelated.
The physical characteristics that
determine the sound’s speed through
the water will change with depth,
season, geographic location, and with
time of day (as a result, in actual active
sonar operations, crews will measure
oceanic conditions, such as sea water
temperature and depth, to calibrate
models that determine the path the
sonar signal will take as it travels
through the ocean and how strong the
sound signal will be at a given range
along a particular transmission path). As
sound travels through the ocean, the
intensity associated with the wavefront
diminishes, or attenuates. This decrease
in intensity is referred to as propagation
loss, also commonly called transmission
Acoustic Impacts
Geophysical surveys may temporarily
impact marine mammals in the area due
to elevated in-water sound levels.
Marine mammals are continually
exposed to many sources of sound.
Naturally occurring sounds such as
lightning, rain, sub-sea earthquakes, and
biological sounds (e.g., snapping
shrimp, whale songs) are widespread
throughout the world’s oceans. Marine
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mammals produce sounds in various
contexts and use sound for various
biological functions including, but not
limited to: (1) Social interactions; (2)
foraging; (3) orientation; and (4)
predator detection. Interference with
producing or receiving these sounds
may result in adverse impacts. Audible
distance, or received levels of sound
depend on the nature of the sound
source, ambient noise conditions, and
the sensitivity of the receptor to the
sound (Richardson et al., 1995). Type
and significance of marine mammal
reactions to sound are likely dependent
on a variety of factors including, but not
limited to, (1) the behavioral state of the
animal (e.g., feeding, traveling, etc.); (2)
frequency of the sound; (3) distance
between the animal and the source; and
(4) the level of the sound relative to
ambient conditions (Southall et al.,
When considering the influence of
various kinds of sound on the marine
environment, it is necessary to
understand that different kinds of
marine life are sensitive to different
frequencies of sound. Current data
indicate that not all marine mammal
species have equal hearing capabilities
(Richardson et al., 1995; Wartzok and
Ketten, 1999; Au and Hastings, 2008).
Animals are less sensitive to sounds
at the outer edges of their functional
hearing range and are more sensitive to
a range of frequencies within the middle
of their functional hearing range. For
mid-frequency cetaceans, functional
hearing estimates occur between
approximately 150 Hz and 160 kHz with
best hearing estimated to occur between
approximately 10 to less than 100 kHz
(Finneran et al., 2005 and 2009,
Natchtigall et al., 2005 and 2008; Yuen
et al., 2005; Popov et al., 2011; and
Schlundt et al., 2011).
Hearing Impairment
Marine mammals may experience
temporary or permanent hearing
impairment when exposed to loud
sounds. Hearing impairment is
classified by temporary threshold shift
(TTS) and permanent threshold shift
(PTS). PTS is considered auditory injury
(Southall et al., 2007) and occurs in a
specific frequency range and amount.
Irreparable damage to the inner or outer
cochlear hair cells may cause PTS;
however, other mechanisms are also
involved, such as exceeding the elastic
limits of certain tissues and membranes
in the middle and inner ears and
resultant changes in the chemical
composition of the inner ear fluids
(Southall et al., 2007). There are no
empirical data for onset of PTS in any
marine mammal; therefore, PTS-onset
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must be estimated from TTS-onset
measurements and from the rate of TTS
growth with increasing exposure levels
above the level eliciting TTS-onset. PTS
is presumed to be likely if the hearing
threshold is reduced by ≥ 40 dB (that is,
40 dB of TTS).
TTS is the mildest form of hearing
impairment that can occur during
exposure to a loud sound (Kryter 1985).
While experiencing TTS, the hearing
threshold rises and a sound must be
stronger in order to be heard. At least in
terrestrial mammals, TTS can last from
minutes or hours to (in cases of strong
TTS) days, can be limited to a particular
frequency range, and can occur to
varying degrees (i.e., a loss of a certain
number of dBs of sensitivity). For sound
exposures at or somewhat above the
TTS threshold, hearing sensitivity in
both terrestrial and marine mammals
recovers rapidly after exposure to the
noise ends.
Marine mammal hearing plays a
critical role in communication with
conspecifics and in interpretation of
environmental cues for purposes such
as predator avoidance and prey capture.
Depending on the degree (elevation of
threshold in dB), duration (i.e., recovery
time), and frequency range of TTS and
the context in which it is experienced,
TTS can have effects on marine
mammals ranging from discountable to
serious. For example, a marine mammal
may be able to readily compensate for
a brief, relatively small amount of TTS
in a non-critical frequency range that
takes place during a time when the
animals is traveling through the open
ocean, where ambient noise is lower
and there are not as many competing
sounds present. Alternatively, a larger
amount and longer duration of TTS
sustained during a time when
communication is critical for successful
mother/calf interactions could have
more serious impacts if it were in the
same frequency band as the necessary
vocalizations and of a severity that it
impeded communication. The fact that
animals exposed to levels and durations
of sound that would be expected to
result in this physiological response
would also be expected to have
behavioral responses of a comparatively
more severe or sustained nature is also
notable and potentially of more
importance than the simple existence of
a TTS.
Currently, TTS data only exist for four
species of cetaceans (bottlenose
dolphin, beluga whale (Delphinapterus
leucas), harbor porpoise, and Yangtze
finless porpoise (Neophocaena
phocaenoides)) and three species of
pinnipeds (northern elephant seal
(Mirounga angustirostris), harbor seal,
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and California sea lion (Zalophus
californianus)) exposed to a limited
number of sound sources (i.e., mostly
tones and octave-band noise) in
laboratory settings (e.g., Finneran et al.,
2002 and 2010; Nachtigall et al., 2004;
Kastak et al., 2005; Lucke et al., 2009;
Mooney et al., 2009; Popov et al., 2011;
Finneran and Schlundt, 2010). In
general, harbor seals (Kastak et al., 2005;
Kastelein et al., 2012a) and harbor
porpoises (Lucke et al., 2009; Kastelein
et al., 2012b) have a lower TTS onset
than other measured pinniped or
cetacean species. However, even for
these animals, which are better able to
hear higher frequencies and may be
more sensitive to higher frequencies,
exposures on the order of approximately
170 dB rms or higher for brief transient
signals are likely required for even
temporary (recoverable) changes in
hearing sensitivity that would likely not
be categorized as physiologically
damaging (Lucke et al., 2009).
Additionally, the existing marine
mammal TTS data come from a limited
number of individuals within these
species. There are no data available on
noise-induced hearing loss for
mysticetes. For summaries of data on
TTS in marine mammals or for further
discussion of TTS onset thresholds,
please see Finneran (2016).
Scientific literature highlights the
inherent complexity of predicting TTS
onset in marine mammals, as well as the
importance of considering exposure
duration when assessing potential
impacts (Mooney et al., 2009a, 2009b;
Kastak et al., 2007). Generally, with
sound exposures of equal energy,
quieter sounds (lower sound pressure
levels (SPL)) of longer duration were
found to induce TTS onset more than
louder sounds (higher SPL) of shorter
duration (more similar to sub-bottom
profilers). For intermittent sounds, less
threshold shift will occur than from a
continuous exposure with the same
energy (some recovery will occur
between intermittent exposures) (Kryter
et al., 1966; Ward 1997). For sound
exposures at or somewhat above the
TTS-onset threshold, hearing sensitivity
recovers rapidly after exposure to the
sound ends; intermittent exposures
recover faster in comparison with
continuous exposures of the same
duration (Finneran et al., 2010). NMFS
considers TTS as Level B harassment
that is mediated by physiological effects
on the auditory system.
Animals in the Lease Area during the
HRG survey are unlikely to incur TTS
hearing impairment due to the
characteristics of the sound sources,
which include low source levels (208 to
221 dB re 1 mPa-m) and generally very
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short pulses and duration of the sound.
Even for high-frequency cetacean
species (e.g., harbor porpoises), which
may have increased sensitivity to TTS
(Lucke et al., 2009; Kastelein et al.,
2012b), individuals would have to make
a very close approach and also remain
very close to vessels operating these
sources in order to receive multiple
exposures at relatively high levels, as
would be necessary to cause TTS.
Intermittent exposures—as would occur
due to the brief, transient signals
produced by these sources—require a
higher cumulative SEL to induce TTS
than would continuous exposures of the
same duration (i.e., intermittent
exposure results in lower levels of TTS)
(Mooney et al., 2009a; Finneran et al.,
2010). Moreover, most marine mammals
would more likely avoid a loud sound
source rather than swim in such close
proximity as to result in TTS. Kremser
et al. (2005) noted that the probability
of a cetacean swimming through the
area of exposure when a sub-bottom
profiler emits a pulse is small—because
if the animal was in the area, it would
have to pass the transducer at close
range in order to be subjected to sound
levels that could cause TTS and would
likely exhibit avoidance behavior to the
area near the transducer rather than
swim through at such a close range.
Further, the restricted beam shape of the
sub-bottom profiler and other HRG
survey equipment makes it unlikely that
an animal would be exposed more than
briefly during the passage of the vessel.
Boebel et al. (2005) concluded similarly
for single and multibeam echosounders
and, more recently, Lurton (2016)
conducted a modeling exercise and
concluded similarly that likely potential
for acoustic injury from these types of
systems is negligible but that behavioral
response cannot be ruled out. Animals
may avoid the area around the survey
vessels, thereby reducing exposure. Any
disturbance to marine mammals is
likely to be in the form of temporary
avoidance or alteration of opportunistic
foraging behavior near the survey
Masking is the obscuring of sounds of
interest to an animal by other sounds,
typically at similar frequencies. Marine
mammals are highly dependent on
sound, and their ability to recognize
sound signals amid other sound is
important in communication and
detection of both predators and prey
(Tyack 2000). Background ambient
sound may interfere with or mask the
ability of an animal to detect a sound
signal even when that signal is above its
absolute hearing threshold. Even in the
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absence of anthropogenic sound, the
marine environment is often loud.
Natural ambient sound includes
contributions from wind, waves,
precipitation, other animals, and (at
frequencies above 30 kHz) thermal
sound resulting from molecular
agitation (Richardson et al., 1995).
Background sound may also include
anthropogenic sound, and masking of
natural sounds can result when human
activities produce high levels of
background sound. Conversely, if the
background level of underwater sound
is high (e.g., on a day with strong wind
and high waves), an anthropogenic
sound source would not be detectable as
far away as would be possible under
quieter conditions and would itself be
masked. Ambient sound is highly
variable on continental shelves
(Myrberg 1978; Desharnais et al., 1999).
This results in a high degree of
variability in the range at which marine
mammals can detect anthropogenic
Although masking is a phenomenon
which may occur naturally, the
introduction of loud anthropogenic
sounds into the marine environment at
frequencies important to marine
mammals increases the severity and
frequency of occurrence of masking. For
example, if a baleen whale is exposed to
continuous low-frequency sound from
an industrial source, this would reduce
the size of the area around that whale
within which it can hear the calls of
another whale. The components of
background noise that are similar in
frequency to the signal in question
primarily determine the degree of
masking of that signal. In general, little
is known about the degree to which
marine mammals rely upon detection of
sounds from conspecifics, predators,
prey, or other natural sources. In the
absence of specific information about
the importance of detecting these
natural sounds, it is not possible to
predict the impact of masking on marine
mammals (Richardson et al., 1995). In
general, masking effects are expected to
be less severe when sounds are transient
than when they are continuous.
Masking is typically of greater concern
for those marine mammals that utilize
low-frequency communications, such as
baleen whales, because of how far lowfrequency sounds propagate. Marine
mammal communications would not
likely be masked appreciably by the
signals from HRG survey equipment
given the directionality of the signals
and the brief period when an individual
mammal is likely to be within its beam.
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Non-Auditory Physical Effects (Stress)
Classic stress responses begin when
an animal’s central nervous system
perceives a potential threat to its
homeostasis. That perception triggers
stress responses regardless of whether a
stimulus actually threatens the animal;
the mere perception of a threat is
sufficient to trigger a stress response
(Moberg 2000; Seyle 1950). Once an
animal’s central nervous system
perceives a threat, it mounts a biological
response or defense that consists of a
combination of the four general
biological defense responses: behavioral
responses, autonomic nervous system
responses, neuroendocrine responses, or
immune responses.
In the case of many stressors, an
animal’s first and sometimes most
economical (in terms of biotic costs)
response is behavioral avoidance of the
potential stressor or avoidance of
continued exposure to a stressor. An
animal’s second line of defense to
stressors involves the sympathetic part
of the autonomic nervous system and
the classical ‘‘fight or flight’’ response
which includes the cardiovascular
system, the gastrointestinal system, the
exocrine glands, and the adrenal
medulla to produce changes in heart
rate, blood pressure, and gastrointestinal
activity that humans commonly
associate with ‘‘stress.’’ These responses
have a relatively short duration and may
or may not have significant long-term
effect on an animal’s welfare.
An animal’s third line of defense to
stressors involves its neuroendocrine
systems; the system that has received
the most study has been the
hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal system
(also known as the HPA axis in
mammals). Unlike stress responses
associated with the autonomic nervous
system, virtually all neuro-endocrine
functions that are affected by stress—
including immune competence,
reproduction, metabolism, and
behavior—are regulated by pituitary
hormones. Stress-induced changes in
the secretion of pituitary hormones have
been implicated in failed reproduction
(Moberg 1987; Rivier 1995), altered
metabolism (Elasser et al., 2000),
reduced immune competence (Blecha
2000), and behavioral disturbance.
Increases in the circulation of
glucocorticosteroids (cortisol,
corticosterone, and aldosterone in
marine mammals; see Romano et al.,
2004) have been equated with stress for
many years.
The primary distinction between
stress (which is adaptive and does not
normally place an animal at risk) and
distress is the biotic cost of the
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response. During a stress response, an
animal uses glycogen stores that can be
quickly replenished once the stress is
alleviated. In such circumstances, the
cost of the stress response would not
pose a risk to the animal’s welfare.
However, when an animal does not have
sufficient energy reserves to satisfy the
energetic costs of a stress response,
energy resources must be diverted from
other biotic function, which impairs
those functions that experience the
diversion. For example, when mounting
a stress response diverts energy away
from growth in young animals, those
animals may experience stunted growth.
When mounting a stress response
diverts energy from a fetus, an animal’s
reproductive success and its fitness will
suffer. In these cases, the animals will
have entered a pre-pathological or
pathological state which is called
‘‘distress’’ (Seyle 1950) or ‘‘allostatic
loading’’ (McEwen and Wingfield 2003).
This pathological state will last until the
animal replenishes its biotic reserves
sufficient to restore normal function.
Note that these examples involved a
long-term (days or weeks) stress
response exposure to stimuli.
Relationships between these
physiological mechanisms, animal
behavior, and the costs of stress
responses have also been documented
fairly well through controlled
experiments; because this physiology
exists in every vertebrate that has been
studied, it is not surprising that stress
responses and their costs have been
documented in both laboratory and freeliving animals (for examples see,
Holberton et al., 1996; Hood et al., 1998;
Jessop et al., 2003; Krausman et al.,
2004; Lankford et al., 2005; Reneerkens
et al., 2002; Thompson and Hamer,
2000). Information has also been
collected on the physiological responses
of marine mammals to exposure to
anthropogenic sounds (Fair and Becker
2000; Romano et al., 2002). For
example, Rolland et al. (2012) found
that noise reduction from reduced ship
traffic in the Bay of Fundy was
associated with decreased stress in
North Atlantic right whales.
Studies of other marine animals and
terrestrial animals would also lead us to
expect some marine mammals to
experience physiological stress
responses and, perhaps, physiological
responses that would be classified as
‘‘distress’’ upon exposure to high
frequency, mid-frequency and lowfrequency sounds. For example, Jansen
(1998) reported on the relationship
between acoustic exposures and
physiological responses that are
indicative of stress responses in humans
(for example, elevated respiration and
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increased heart rates). Jones (1998)
reported on reductions in human
performance when faced with acute,
repetitive exposures to acoustic
disturbance. Trimper et al. (1998)
reported on the physiological stress
responses of osprey to low-level aircraft
noise while Krausman et al. (2004)
reported on the auditory and physiology
stress responses of endangered Sonoran
pronghorn to military overflights. Smith
et al. (2004a, 2004b), for example,
identified noise-induced physiological
transient stress responses in hearingspecialist fish (i.e., goldfish) that
accompanied short- and long-term
hearing losses. Welch and Welch (1970)
reported physiological and behavioral
stress responses that accompanied
damage to the inner ears of fish and
several mammals.
Hearing is one of the primary senses
marine mammals use to gather
information about their environment
and to communicate with conspecifics.
Although empirical information on the
relationship between sensory
impairment (TTS, PTS, and acoustic
masking) on marine mammals remains
limited, it seems reasonable to assume
that reducing an animal’s ability to
gather information about its
environment and to communicate with
other members of its species would be
stressful for animals that use hearing as
their primary sensory mechanism.
Therefore, we assume that acoustic
exposures sufficient to trigger onset PTS
or TTS would be accompanied by
physiological stress responses because
terrestrial animals exhibit those
responses under similar conditions
(NRC 2003). More importantly, marine
mammals might experience stress
responses at received levels lower than
those necessary to trigger onset TTS.
Based on empirical studies of the time
required to recover from stress
responses (Moberg 2000), we also
assume that stress responses are likely
to persist beyond the time interval
required for animals to recover from
TTS and might result in pathological
and pre-pathological states that would
be as significant as behavioral responses
to TTS.
In general, there are few data on the
potential for strong, anthropogenic
underwater sounds to cause nonauditory physical effects in marine
mammals. The available data do not
allow identification of a specific
exposure level above which nonauditory effects can be expected
(Southall et al., 2007). There is no
definitive evidence that any of these
effects occur even for marine mammals
in close proximity to an anthropogenic
sound source. In addition, marine
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mammals that show behavioral
avoidance of survey vessels and related
sound sources are unlikely to incur nonauditory impairment or other physical
effects. NMFS does not expect that the
generally short-term, intermittent, and
transitory HRG and geotechnical
activities would create conditions of
long-term, continuous noise and chronic
acoustic exposure leading to long-term
physiological stress responses in marine
Behavioral Disturbance
Behavioral disturbance may include a
variety of effects, including subtle
changes in behavior (e.g., minor or brief
avoidance of an area or changes in
vocalizations), more conspicuous
changes in similar behavioral activities,
and more sustained and/or potentially
severe reactions, such as displacement
from or abandonment of high-quality
habitat. Behavioral responses to sound
are highly variable and context-specific
and any reactions depend on numerous
intrinsic and extrinsic factors (e.g.,
species, state of maturity, experience,
current activity, reproductive state,
auditory sensitivity, time of day), as
well as the interplay between factors
(e.g., Richardson et al., 1995; Wartzok et
al., 2003; Southall et al., 2007; Weilgart,
2007; Archer et al., 2010). Behavioral
reactions can vary not only among
individuals but also within an
individual, depending on previous
experience with a sound source,
context, and numerous other factors
(Ellison et al., 2012), and can vary
depending on characteristics associated
with the sound source (e.g., whether it
is moving or stationary, number of
sources, distance from the source).
Please see Appendices B–C of Southall
et al. (2007) for a review of studies
involving marine mammal behavioral
responses to sound.
Habituation can occur when an
animal’s response to a stimulus wanes
with repeated exposure, usually in the
absence of unpleasant associated events
(Wartzok et al., 2003). Animals are most
likely to habituate to sounds that are
predictable and unvarying. It is
important to note that habituation is
appropriately considered as a
‘‘progressive reduction in response to
stimuli that are perceived as neither
aversive nor beneficial,’’ rather than as,
more generally, moderation in response
to human disturbance (Bejder et al.,
2009). The opposite process is
sensitization, when an unpleasant
experience leads to subsequent
responses, often in the form of
avoidance, at a lower level of exposure.
As noted, behavioral state may affect the
type of response. For example, animals
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that are resting may show greater
behavioral change in response to
disturbing sound levels than animals
that are highly motivated to remain in
an area for feeding (Richardson et al.,
1995; NRC 2003; Wartzok et al., 2003).
Controlled experiments with captive
marine mammals have shown
pronounced behavioral reactions,
including avoidance of loud sound
sources (Ridgway et al., 1997; Finneran
et al., 2003). Observed responses of wild
marine mammals to loud, pulsed sound
sources (typically seismic airguns or
acoustic harassment devices) have been
varied but often consist of avoidance
behavior or other behavioral changes
suggesting discomfort (Morton and
Symonds, 2002; see also Richardson et
al., 1995; Nowacek et al., 2007).
Available studies show wide variation
in response to underwater sound;
therefore, it is difficult to predict
specifically how any given sound in a
particular instance might affect marine
mammals perceiving the signal. If a
marine mammal does react briefly to an
underwater sound by changing its
behavior or moving a small distance, the
impacts of the change are unlikely to be
significant to the individual, let alone
the stock or population. However, if a
sound source displaces marine
mammals from an important feeding or
breeding area for a prolonged period,
impacts on individuals and populations
could be significant (e.g., Lusseau and
Bejder, 2007; Weilgart 2007; NRC 2005).
However, there are broad categories of
potential response, which we describe
in greater detail here, that include
alteration of dive behavior, alteration of
foraging behavior, effects to breathing,
interference with or alteration of
vocalization, avoidance, and flight.
Changes in dive behavior can vary
widely and may consist of increased or
decreased dive times and surface
intervals as well as changes in the rates
of ascent and descent during a dive (e.g.,
Frankel and Clark 2000; Costa et al.,
2003; Ng and Leung 2003; Nowacek et
al., 2004; Goldbogen et al., 2013a,b).
Variations in dive behavior may reflect
interruptions in biologically significant
activities (e.g., foraging) or they may be
of little biological significance. The
impact of an alteration to dive behavior
resulting from an acoustic exposure
depends on what the animal is doing at
the time of the exposure and the type
and magnitude of the response.
Disruption of feeding behavior can be
difficult to correlate with anthropogenic
sound exposure, so it is usually inferred
by observed displacement from known
foraging areas, the appearance of
secondary indicators (e.g., bubble nets
or sediment plumes), or changes in dive
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behavior. As for other types of
behavioral response, the frequency,
duration, and temporal pattern of signal
presentation, as well as differences in
species sensitivity, are likely
contributing factors to differences in
response in any given circumstance
(e.g., Croll et al., 2001; Nowacek et al.;
2004; Madsen et al., 2006; Yazvenko et
al., 2007). A determination of whether
foraging disruptions incur fitness
consequences would require
information on or estimates of the
energetic requirements of the affected
individuals and the relationship
between prey availability, foraging effort
and success, and the life history stage of
the animal.
Variations in respiration naturally
vary with different behaviors and
alterations to breathing rate as a
function of acoustic exposure can be
expected to co-occur with other
behavioral reactions, such as a flight
response or an alteration in diving.
However, respiration rates in and of
themselves may be representative of
annoyance or an acute stress response.
Various studies have shown that
respiration rates may either be
unaffected or could increase, depending
on the species and signal characteristics,
again highlighting the importance in
understanding species differences in the
tolerance of underwater noise when
determining the potential for impacts
resulting from anthropogenic sound
exposure (e.g., Kastelein et al., 2001,
2005b, 2006; Gailey et al., 2007).
Marine mammals vocalize for
different purposes and across multiple
modes, such as whistling, echolocation
click production, calling, and singing.
Changes in vocalization behavior in
response to anthropogenic noise can
occur for any of these modes and may
result from a need to compete with an
increase in background noise or may
reflect increased vigilance or a startle
response. For example, in the presence
of potentially masking signals,
humpback whales and killer whales
have been observed to increase the
length of their songs (Miller et al., 2000;
Fristrup et al., 2003; Foote et al., 2004),
while right whales have been observed
to shift the frequency content of their
calls upward while reducing the rate of
calling in areas of increased
anthropogenic noise (Parks et al.,
2007b). In some cases, animals may
cease sound production during
production of aversive signals (Bowles
et al., 1994).
Avoidance is the displacement of an
individual from an area or migration
path as a result of the presence of a
sound or other stressors and is one of
the most obvious manifestations of
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disturbance in marine mammals
(Richardson et al., 1995). For example,
gray whales are known to change
direction—deflecting from customary
migratory paths—in order to avoid noise
from seismic surveys (Malme et al.,
1984). Avoidance may be short-term,
with animals returning to the area once
the noise has ceased (e.g., Bowles et al.,
1994; Goold 1996; Stone et al., 2000;
Morton and Symonds, 2002; Gailey et
al., 2007). Longer-term displacement is
possible, however, which may lead to
changes in abundance or distribution
patterns of the affected species in the
affected region if habituation to the
presence of the sound does not occur
(e.g., Blackwell et al., 2004; Bejder et al.,
2006; Teilmann et al., 2006).
A flight response is a dramatic change
in normal movement to a directed and
rapid movement away from the
perceived location of a sound source.
The flight response differs from other
avoidance responses in the intensity of
the response (e.g., directed movement,
rate of travel). Relatively little
information on flight responses of
marine mammals to anthropogenic
signals exist, although observations of
flight responses to the presence of
predators have occurred (Connor and
Heithaus, 1996). The result of a flight
response could range from brief,
temporary exertion and displacement
from the area where the signal provokes
flight to, in extreme cases, marine
mammal strandings (Evans and
England, 2001). However, it should be
noted that response to a perceived
predator does not necessarily invoke
flight (Ford and Reeves, 2008) and
whether individuals are solitary or in
groups may influence the response.
Behavioral disturbance can also
impact marine mammals in more subtle
ways. Increased vigilance may result in
costs related to diversion of focus and
attention (i.e., when a response consists
of increased vigilance, it may come at
the cost of decreased attention to other
critical behaviors such as foraging or
resting). These effects have generally not
been demonstrated for marine
mammals, but studies involving fish
and terrestrial animals have shown that
increased vigilance may substantially
reduce feeding rates (e.g., Beauchamp
and Livoreil, 1997; Fritz et al., 2002;
Purser and Radford, 2011). In addition,
chronic disturbance can cause
population declines through reduction
of fitness (e.g., decline in body
condition) and subsequent reduction in
reproductive success, survival, or both
(e.g., Harrington and Veitch, 1992; Daan
et al., 1996; Bradshaw et al., 1998).
However, Ridgway et al. (2006) reported
that increased vigilance in bottlenose
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dolphins exposed to sound over a fiveday period did not cause any sleep
deprivation or stress effects.
Many animals perform vital functions,
such as feeding, resting, traveling, and
socializing, on a diel cycle (24-hour
cycle). Disruption of such functions
resulting from reactions to stressors
such as sound exposure are more likely
to be significant if they last more than
one diel cycle or recur on subsequent
days (Southall et al., 2007).
Consequently, a behavioral response
lasting less than one day and not
recurring on subsequent days is not
considered particularly severe unless it
could directly affect reproduction or
survival (Southall et al., 2007). Note that
there is a difference between multi-day
substantive behavioral reactions and
multi-day anthropogenic activities. For
example, just because an activity lasts
for multiple days does not necessarily
mean that individual animals are either
exposed to activity-related stressors for
multiple days or, further, exposed in a
manner resulting in sustained multi-day
substantive behavioral responses.
Marine mammals are likely to avoid
the HRG survey activity, especially the
naturally shy harbor porpoise, while the
harbor seals might be attracted to them
out of curiosity. However, because the
sub-bottom profilers and other HRG
survey equipment operate from a
moving vessel, and the maximum radius
to the Level B harassment threshold is
relatively small, the area and time that
this equipment would be affecting a
given location is very small. Further,
once an area has been surveyed, it is not
likely that it will be surveyed again,
thereby reducing the likelihood of
repeated HRG-related impacts within
the survey area.
We have also considered the potential
for severe behavioral responses such as
stranding and associated indirect injury
or mortality from GSOE’s use of HRG
survey equipment, on the basis of a
2008 mass stranding of approximately
100 melon-headed whales in a
Madagascar lagoon system. An
investigation of the event indicated that
use of a high-frequency mapping system
(12-kHz multibeam echosounder) was
the most plausible and likely initial
behavioral trigger of the event, while
providing the caveat that there is no
unequivocal and easily identifiable
single cause (Southall et al., 2013). The
investigatory panel’s conclusion was
based on (1) very close temporal and
spatial association and directed
movement of the survey with the
stranding event; (2) the unusual nature
of such an event coupled with
previously documented apparent
behavioral sensitivity of the species to
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other sound types (Southall et al., 2006;
Brownell et al., 2009); and (3) the fact
that all other possible factors considered
were determined to be unlikely causes.
Specifically, regarding survey patterns
prior to the event and in relation to
bathymetry, the vessel transited in a
north-south direction on the shelf break
parallel to the shore, ensonifying large
areas of deep-water habitat prior to
operating intermittently in a
concentrated area offshore from the
stranding site; this may have trapped
the animals between the sound source
and the shore, thus driving them
towards the lagoon system. The
investigatory panel systematically
excluded or deemed highly unlikely
nearly all potential reasons for these
animals leaving their typical pelagic
habitat for an area extremely atypical for
the species (i.e., a shallow lagoon
system). Notably, this was the first time
that such a system has been associated
with a stranding event. The panel also
noted several site- and situation-specific
secondary factors that may have
contributed to the avoidance responses
that led to the eventual entrapment and
mortality of the whales. Specifically,
shoreward-directed surface currents and
elevated chlorophyll levels in the area
preceding the event may have played a
role (Southall et al., 2013). The report
also notes that prior use of a similar
system in the general area may have
sensitized the animals and also
concluded that, for odontocete
cetaceans that hear well in higher
frequency ranges where ambient noise is
typically quite low, high-power active
sonars operating in this range may be
more easily audible and have potential
effects over larger areas than low
frequency systems that have more
typically been considered in terms of
anthropogenic noise impacts. It is,
however, important to note that the
relatively lower output frequency,
higher output power, and complex
nature of the system implicated in this
event, in context of the other factors
noted here, likely produced a fairly
unusual set of circumstances that
indicate that such events would likely
remain rare and are not necessarily
relevant to use of lower-power, higherfrequency systems more commonly used
for HRG survey applications. The risk of
similar events recurring may be very
low, given the extensive use of active
acoustic systems used for scientific and
navigational purposes worldwide on a
daily basis and the lack of direct
evidence of such responses previously
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Numerous studies have shown that
underwater sounds from industrial
activities are often readily detectable by
marine mammals in the water at
distances of many km. However, other
studies have shown that marine
mammals at distances more than a few
km away often show no apparent
response to industrial activities of
various types (Miller et al., 2005). This
is often true even in cases when the
sounds must be readily audible to the
animals based on measured received
levels and the hearing sensitivity of that
mammal group. Although various
baleen whales, toothed whales, and (less
frequently) pinnipeds have been shown
to react behaviorally to underwater
sound from sources such as airgun
pulses or vessels under some
conditions, at other times, mammals of
all three types have shown no overt
reactions (e.g., Malme et al., 1986;
Richardson et al., 1995; Madsen and
Mohl 2000; Croll et al., 2001; Jacobs and
Terhune 2002; Madsen et al., 2002;
Miller et al., 2005). In general,
pinnipeds seem to be more tolerant of
exposure to some types of underwater
sound than are baleen whales.
Richardson et al. (1995) found that
vessel sound does not seem to affect
pinnipeds that are already in the water.
Richardson et al. (1995) went on to
explain that seals on haul-outs
sometimes respond strongly to the
presence of vessels and at other times
appear to show considerable tolerance
of vessels, and Brueggeman et al. (1992)
observed ringed seals (Pusa hispida)
hauled out on ice pans displaying shortterm escape reactions when a ship
approached within 0.16–0.31 miles
(0.25–0.5 km). Due to the relatively high
vessel traffic in the Lease Area it is
possible that marine mammals are
habituated to noise (e.g., DP thrusters)
from project vessels in the area.
Vessel Strike
Ship strikes of marine mammals can
cause major wounds, which may lead to
the death of the animal. An animal at
the surface could be struck directly by
a vessel, a surfacing animal could hit
the bottom of a vessel, or a vessel’s
propeller could injure an animal just
below the surface. The severity of
injuries typically depends on the size
and speed of the vessel (Knowlton and
Kraus 2001; Laist et al., 2001;
Vanderlaan and Taggart 2007).
The most vulnerable marine mammals
are those that spend extended periods of
time at the surface in order to restore
oxygen levels within their tissues after
deep dives (e.g., the sperm whale). In
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addition, some baleen whales, such as
the North Atlantic right whale, seem
generally unresponsive to vessel sound,
making them more susceptible to vessel
collisions (Nowacek et al., 2004). These
species are primarily large, slow moving
whales. Smaller marine mammals (e.g.,
bottlenose dolphin) move quickly
through the water column and are often
seen riding the bow wave of large ships.
Marine mammal responses to vessels
may include avoidance and changes in
dive pattern (NRC 2003).
An examination of all known ship
strikes from all shipping sources
(civilian and military) indicates vessel
speed is a principal factor in whether a
vessel strike results in death (Knowlton
and Kraus 2001; Laist et al., 2001;
Jensen and Silber 2003; Vanderlaan and
Taggart 2007). In assessing records with
known vessel speeds, Laist et al. (2001)
found a direct relationship between the
occurrence of a whale strike and the
speed of the vessel involved in the
collision. The authors concluded that
most deaths occurred when a vessel was
traveling in excess of 24.1 km/h (14.9
mph; 13 knots (kn)). Given the slow
vessel speeds and predictable course
necessary for data acquisition, ship
strike is unlikely to occur during the
geophysical and geotechnical surveys.
Marine mammals would be able to
easily avoid the survey vessel due to the
slow vessel speed. Further, GSOE would
implement measures (e.g., protected
species monitoring, vessel speed
restrictions and separation distances;
see Proposed Mitigation Measures) set
forth in the BOEM lease to reduce the
risk of a vessel strike to marine mammal
species in the survey area.
Marine Mammal Habitat
The HRG survey equipment will not
contact the seafloor and does not
represent a source of pollution. We are
not aware of any available literature on
impacts to marine mammal prey from
HRG survey equipment. However, as the
HRG survey equipment introduces noise
to the marine environment, there is the
potential for it to result in avoidance of
the area around the HRG survey
activities on the part of marine mammal
prey. Any avoidance of the area on the
part of marine mammal prey would be
expected to be short term and
Because of the temporary nature of
the disturbance, and the availability of
similar habitat and resources (e.g., prey
species) in the surrounding area, the
impacts to marine mammals and the
food sources that they utilize are not
expected to cause significant or longterm consequences for individual
marine mammals or their populations.
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 65 / Wednesday, April 4, 2018 / Notices
Impacts on marine mammal habitat
from the proposed activities will be
temporary, insignificant, and
Estimated Take
This section provides an estimate of
the number of incidental takes proposed
for authorization through this IHA,
which will inform both NMFS’
consideration of ‘‘small numbers’’ and
the negligible impact determination.
Harassment is the only type of take
expected to result from these activities.
Except with respect to certain activities
not pertinent here, the MMPA defines
‘‘harassment’’ as any act of pursuit,
torment, or annoyance which (i) has the
potential to injure a marine mammal or
marine mammal stock in the wild (Level
A harassment); or (ii) has the potential
to disturb a marine mammal or marine
mammal stock in the wild by causing
disruption of behavioral patterns,
including, but not limited to, migration,
breathing, nursing, breeding, feeding, or
sheltering (Level B harassment).
Authorized takes would be by Level B
harassment, as use of the HRG
equipment has the potential to result in
disruption of behavioral patterns for
individual marine mammals. NMFS has
determined take by Level A harassment
is not an expected outcome of the
proposed activity; and, thus, we do not
propose to authorize the take of any
marine mammals by Level A
harassment. This is discussed in greater
detail below. As described previously,
no mortality or serious injury is
anticipated or proposed to be authorized
for this activity. Below we describe how
the take is estimated for this project.
Described in the most basic way, we
estimate take by considering: (1)
Acoustic thresholds above which NMFS
believes the best available science
indicates marine mammals will be
behaviorally harassed or incur some
degree of permanent hearing
impairment; (2) the area or volume of
water that will be ensonified above
these levels in a day; (3) the density or
occurrence of marine mammals within
these ensonified areas; and (4) and the
number of days of activities. Below, we
describe these components in more
detail and present the proposed take
Acoustic Thresholds
NMFS uses acoustic thresholds that
identify the received level of
underwater sound above which exposed
marine mammals would be reasonably
expected to be behaviorally harassed
(equated to Level B harassment) or to
incur PTS of some degree (equated to
Level A harassment).
Level B Harassment—Though
significantly driven by received level,
the onset of behavioral disturbance from
anthropogenic noise exposure is also
informed to varying degrees by other
factors related to the sound source (e.g.,
frequency, predictability, duty cycle);
the environment (e.g., bathymetry); and
the receiving animals (hearing,
motivation, experience, demography,
behavioral context); therefore can be
difficult to predict (Southall et al., 2007,
Ellison et al., 2011). NMFS uses a
generalized acoustic threshold based on
received level to estimate the onset of
Level B (behavioral) harassment. NMFS
predicts that marine mammals may be
behaviorally harassed when exposed to
underwater anthropogenic noise above
received levels 160 dB re 1 mPa (rms) for
non-explosive impulsive (e.g., seismic
HRG equipment) or intermittent (e.g.,
scientific sonar) sources. GSOE’s
proposed activity includes the use of
impulsive sources. Therefore, the 160
dB re 1 mPa (rms) criteria is applicable
for analysis of Level B harassment.
Level A harassment—NMFS’
Technical Guidance for Assessing the
Effects of Anthropogenic Sound on
Marine Mammal Hearing (NMFS 2016)
identifies dual criteria to assess auditory
injury (Level A harassment) to five
different marine mammal groups (based
on hearing sensitivity) as a result of
exposure to noise from two different
types of sources (impulsive or nonimpulsive). The Technical Guidance
identifies the received levels, or
thresholds, above which individual
marine mammals are predicted to
experience changes in their hearing
sensitivity for all underwater
anthropogenic sound sources, reflects
the best available science, and better
predicts the potential for auditory injury
than does NMFS’ historical criteria.
These thresholds were developed by
compiling and synthesizing the best
available science and soliciting input
multiple times from both the public and
peer reviewers to inform the final
product, and are provided in Table 3
below. The references, analysis, and
methodology used in the development
of the thresholds are described in NMFS
2016 Technical Guidance, which may
be accessed at: www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/
acoustics/guidelines.htm. As described
above, GSOE’s proposed activity
includes the use of intermittent and
impulsive sources.
PTS onset thresholds
Hearing group
Impulsive *
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Low-Frequency (LF) Cetaceans .......................................
Mid-Frequency (MF) Cetaceans .......................................
High-Frequency (HF) Cetaceans ......................................
Phocid Pinnipeds (PW) (Underwater) ...............................
Otariid Pinnipeds (OW) (Underwater) ...............................
LE,LF,24h: 183 dB ....................................
LE,MF,24h: 185 dB ...................................
LE,HF,24h: 155 dB ...................................
LE,PW,24h: 185 dB ...................................
LE,OW,24h: 203 dB ..................................
LE,LF,24h: 199 dB.
LE,MF,24h: 198 dB.
LE,HF,24h: 173 dB.
LE,PW,24h: 201 dB.
LE,OW,24h: 219 dB.
Note: * Dual metric acoustic thresholds for impulsive sounds: Use whichever results in the largest isopleth for calculating PTS onset. If a nonimpulsive sound has the potential of exceeding the peak sound pressure level thresholds associated with impulsive sounds, these thresholds
should also be considered.
Note: Peak sound pressure (Lpk) has a reference value of 1 μPa, and cumulative sound exposure level (LE) has a reference value of 1μPa2s.
In this Table, thresholds are abbreviated to reflect American National Standards Institute standards (ANSI 2013). However, peak sound pressure
is defined by ANSI as incorporating frequency weighting, which is not the intent for this Technical Guidance. Hence, the subscript ‘‘flat’’ is being
included to indicate peak sound pressure should be flat weighted or unweighted within the generalized hearing range. The subscript associated
with cumulative sound exposure level thresholds indicates the designated marine mammal auditory weighting function (LF, MF, and HF
cetaceans, and PW and OW pinnipeds) and that the recommended accumulation period is 24 hours. The cumulative sound exposure level
thresholds could be exceeded in a multitude of ways (i.e., varying exposure levels and durations, duty cycle). When possible, it is valuable for
action proponents to indicate the conditions under which these acoustic thresholds will be exceeded.
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Ensonified Area
Here, we describe operational and
environmental parameters of the activity
that will feed into estimating the area
ensonified above the acoustic
The proposed survey would entail the
use of HRG survey equipment. The
distance to the isopleth corresponding
to the threshold for Level B harassment
was calculated for all HRG survey
equipment with the potential to result
in harassment of marine mammals using
the spherical transmission loss (TL)
equation: TL = 20log10r. Results of
acoustic modeling indicated that, of the
HRG survey equipment planned for use
that has the potential to result in
harassment of marine mammals, the AA
Dura Spark would be expected to
produce sound that would propagate the
furthest in the water (Table 4); therefore,
for the purposes of the take calculation,
it was assumed the AA Dura Spark
would be active during the entirety of
the survey. Thus the distance to the
isopleth corresponding to the threshold
for Level B harassment for the AA Dura
Spark (estimated at 447 m; Table 4) was
used as the basis of the Level B take
calculation for all marine mammals.
HRG system
Radial distance
(m) to Level B
(160 dB re 1 μPa)
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TB Chirp .........................
EdgeTech Chirp ..............
AA Boomer .....................
AA S-Boom .....................
Bubble Gun .....................
800J Spark .....................
AA Dura Spark ...............
Predicted distances to Level A
harassment isopleths, which vary based
on marine mammal functional hearing
groups (Table 5), were also calculated
by GSOE. The updated acoustic
thresholds for impulsive sounds (such
as HRG survey equipment) contained in
the Technical Guidance (NMFS, 2016)
were presented as dual metric acoustic
thresholds using both SELcum and peak
sound pressure level metrics. As dual
metrics, NMFS considers onset of PTS
(Level A harassment) to have occurred
when either one of the two metrics is
exceeded (i.e., metric resulting in the
largest isopleth). The SELcum metric
considers both level and duration of
exposure, as well as auditory weighting
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functions by marine mammal hearing
group. In recognition of the fact that
calculating Level A harassment
ensonified areas could be more
technically challenging to predict due to
the duration component and the use of
weighting functions in the new SELcum
thresholds, NMFS developed an
optional User Spreadsheet that includes
tools to help predict a simple isopleth
that can be used in conjunction with
marine mammal density or occurrence
to facilitate the estimation of take
numbers. GSOE used the NMFS
optional User Spreadsheet to calculate
distances to Level A harassment
isopleths based on SELcum and used the
spherical spreading loss model (similar
to the method used to calculate Level B
isopleths as described above) to
calculate distances to Level A
harassment isopleths based on peak
pressure. Modeling of distances to
isopleths corresponding to Level A
harassment was performed for all types
of HRG equipment planned for use with
the potential to result in harassment of
marine mammals. Of the HRG
equipment types modeled, the AA Dura
Spark resulted in the largest distances to
isopleths corresponding to Level A
harassment for all marine mammal
functional hearing groups; therefore, to
be conservative, the isopleths modeled
for the AA Dura Spark were used to
estimate potential Level A take.
Modeled distances to isopleths
corresponding to Level A harassment
thresholds for the AA Dura Spark are
shown in Table 5 (modeled distances to
Level A harassment isopleths for all
other types of HRG equipment planned
for use are shown in Table 6 of the IHA
Functional hearing group
(Level A harassment
Low harassmentfrequency
cetaceans (Lpk,flat: 219 dB;
LE,LF,24h: 183 dB) ..............
Mid frequency cetaceans
(Lpk,flat: 230 dB; LE,MF,24h:
185 dB) .............................
High frequency cetaceans
(Lpk,flat: 202 dB; LE,HF,24h:
155 dB) .............................
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Distance to
Level A
Functional hearing group
(Level A harassment
Phocid Pinnipeds (Underwater) (Lpk,flat: 218 dB;
LE,HF,24h: 185 dB) .............
Distance to
Level A
2 1.78
Note: Distances to isopleths shown are the
greater of the two distances calculated based
on the dual metric acoustic thresholds for impulsive sounds (SELcum and peak SPL). ‘‘1’’
indicates distance is based on SELcum, ‘‘2’’ indicates distance is based on peak SPL.
Due to the small estimated distances
to Level A harassment thresholds for all
marine mammal functional hearing
groups, based on both SELcum and peak
SPL (Table 5), and in consideration of
the proposed mitigation measures (see
the Proposed Mitigation section for
more detail), NMFS has determined that
the likelihood of Level A take of marine
mammals occurring as a result of the
proposed survey is so low as to be
We note that because of some of the
assumptions included in the methods
used, isopleths produced may be
overestimates to some degree. Most of
the acoustic sources proposed for use in
GSOE’s survey (including the AA DuraSpark) do not radiate sound equally in
all directions but were designed instead
to focus acoustic energy directly toward
the sea floor. Therefore, the acoustic
energy produced by these sources is not
received equally in all directions around
the source but is instead concentrated
along some narrower plane depending
on the beamwidth of the source.
However, the calculated distances to
isopleths do not account for this
directionality of the sound source and
are therefore conservative. For mobile
sources, such as the proposed survey,
the User Spreadsheet predicts the
closest distance at which a stationary
animal would not incur PTS if the
sound source traveled by the animal in
a straight line at a constant speed.
Marine Mammal Occurrence
1 6.57
1 0.04
2 25.12
In this section we provide the
information about the presence, density,
or group dynamics of marine mammals
that will inform the take calculations.
The best available scientific
information was considered in
calculating marine mammal exposure
estimates (the basis for estimating take).
For cetacean species, densities
calculated by Roberts et al. (2016) were
used. The density data presented by
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 65 / Wednesday, April 4, 2018 / Notices
Roberts et al. (2016) incorporates aerial
and shipboard line-transect survey data
from NMFS and from other
organizations collected over the period
1992–2014. Roberts et al. (2016)
modeled density from 8 physiographic
and 16 dynamic oceanographic and
biological covariates, and controlled for
the influence of sea state, group size,
availability bias, and perception bias on
the probability of making a sighting.
NMFS considers the models produced
by Roberts et al. (2016) to be the best
available source of data regarding
cetacean densities for this project. More
information, including the model results
and supplementary information for each
model, is available online at:
For the purposes of the take
calculations, density data from Roberts
et al. (2016) were mapped using a
geographic information system (GIS),
using density data for the months May
through December. Mean density per
month for each species within the
survey area was calculated by selecting
11 random raster cells selected from 100
km2 grid cells that were inside the
Delaware Wind Energy Area (WEA) and
an additional buffer of 10 km outside
the WEA boundary (see Figure 1 in the
IHA application). Estimates provided by
the models are based on a grid cell size
of 100 km2; therefore, model grid cell
values were then divided by 100 to
determine animals per square km. Data
from the months of May and December
were not included from the estimates as
GSOE expects that the proposed survey
is very likely to occur during the
summer and fall, and it is very unlikely
that surveys will occur in May and
December; therefore, months were
selected for the density calculation that
were expected to be most representative
of actual marine mammal densities that
would be encountered by the proposed
survey and to avoid the potential for
density estimates to be skewed by data
for months that are less likely be
actively surveyed.
Systematic, offshore, at-sea survey
data for pinnipeds are more limited than
those for cetaceans. The best available
information concerning pinniped
densities in the proposed survey area is
the U.S. Navy’s Operating Area
(OPAREA) Density Estimates (NODEs)
(DoN, 2007). These density models
utilized vessel-based and aerial survey
data collected by NMFS from 1998–
2005 during broad-scale abundance
studies. Modeling methodology is
detailed in DoN (2007). For the
purposes of the take calculations,
NODEs Density Estimates (DoN, 2007)
as reported for the summer and fall
seasons in the ‘‘Mid Atlantic’’ area were
used to estimate harbor seal densities.
NODEs reports a density value of 0 for
gray seals throughout the year in the
‘‘Mid Atlantic’’ area; however, the
survey data used to develop the
OPAREA Density Estimates for gray seal
are nearly 20 years old; and, based on
the best available information (Hayes et
al., 2018), gray seals are expected to
occur in the survey area, especially
during the fall months. Therefore,
density data for harbor seals for the
summer and fall seasons in the ‘‘Mid
Atlantic’’ area were used to estimate
gray seal density in the survey area. We
acknowledge that this probably
represents a conservative approach to
estimating gray seal density in the
survey area, however this approach is
based on the best available information.
Take Calculation and Estimation
Here we describe how the information
provided above is brought together to
produce a quantitative take estimate.
In order to estimate the number of
marine mammals predicted to be
exposed to sound levels that would
result in harassment, radial distances to
predicted isopleths corresponding to
harassment thresholds are calculated, as
described above. Those distances are
then used to calculate the area(s) around
the HRG survey equipment predicted to
be ensonified to sound levels that
exceed harassment thresholds. The area
estimated to be ensonified to relevant
thresholds in a single day of the survey
is then calculated, based on areas
predicted to be ensonified around the
HRG survey equipment and the
estimated trackline distance traveled per
day by the survey vessel. GSOE
estimates a daily track line distance of
110 km per day during HRG surveys.
Based on the maximum estimated
distance to the Level B harassment
threshold of 447 m (Table 4) and the
estimated daily track line distance of
110 km, an area of 98.9 km2 would be
ensonified to the Level B harassment
threshold per day during HRG surveys.
The number of marine mammals
expected to be incidentally taken per
day is then calculated by estimating the
number of each species predicted to
occur within the daily ensonified area,
using estimated marine mammal
densities as described above. Estimated
numbers of each species taken per day
are then multiplied by the number of
survey days, and the product is then
rounded, to generate an estimate of the
total number of each species expected to
be taken over the duration of the survey
(Table 6).
The applicant estimated a total of 4
takes by Level A harassment of harbor
porpoises and 3 takes each by Level A
harassment for harbor seals and gray
seals would occur, in the absence of
mitigation. However, as described
above, due to the very small estimated
distances to Level A harassment
thresholds (Table 5), and in
consideration of the proposed
mitigation measures, the likelihood of
the proposed survey resulting in take in
the form of Level A harassment is
considered so low as to be discountable;
therefore, we do not propose to
authorize take of any marine mammals
by Level A harassment. Although there
are no exclusion zones (EZs) proposed
for pinnipeds, the estimated distance to
the isopleth corresponding to the Level
A harassment threshold for pinnipeds is
less than 2 m (Table 5); therefore, we
determined the likelihood of an animal
being taken within this proximity of the
survey equipment to be so low as to be
discountable. Proposed take numbers
are shown in Table 6.
(#/100 km2)
amozie on DSK30RV082PROD with NOTICES
North Atlantic right whale .........................
Humpback whale .....................................
Fin whale ..................................................
Sei whale 2 ...............................................
Minke whale .............................................
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Level A takes
PO 00000
Frm 00025
Level B takes
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Level B takes
takes as a
of population1
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 65 / Wednesday, April 4, 2018 / Notices
(#/100 km2)
Sperm whale ............................................
Long-finned pilot whale 2 ..........................
Bottlenose dolphin—W. North Atlantic
Offshore 3 ..............................................
Bottlenose dolphin—W. North Atlantic
Northern Migratory Coastal 3 ................
Atlantic Spotted dolphin ...........................
Short-beaked common dolphin ................
Atlantic white-sided dolphin .....................
Harbor porpoise .......................................
Harbor seal ..............................................
Gray seal ..................................................
Level A takes
Level B takes
Level B takes
takes as a
of population1
amozie on DSK30RV082PROD with NOTICES
1 Estimates of total proposed takes as a percentage of population are based on marine mammal abundance estimates provided by Roberts et
al. (2016), when available, to maintain consistency with density estimates which are derived from data provided by Roberts et al. (2016). In
cases where abundances are not provided by Roberts et al. (2016), total proposed takes as a percentage of population are based on abundance
estimates in the NMFS Atlantic SARs (Hayes et al., 2018).
2 The proposed number of authorized takes (Level B harassment only) for these species has been increased from the estimated take to mean
group size. Source for sei whale group size estimate is: Schilling et al. (1992). Source for long-finned pilot whale group size estimate is: Augusto
et al. (2017).
3 A total of 1,148 takes of bottlenose dolphins are proposed for authorization. Proposed takes could be from either the Western North Atlantic
Offshore or Western North Atlantic Northern Migratory Coastal stocks. For purposes of calculating proposed takes as a percentage of population
we assume 50 percent of bottlenose dolphins taken will be from the Western North Atlantic Offshore stock and 50 percent will be from the Western North Atlantic Northern Migratory Coastal stock.
Species with Take Estimates Less than
Mean Group Size: Using the approach
described above to estimate take, the
take estimates for the sei whale and
long-finned pilot whale were less than
the average group sizes estimated for
these species (Table 6). However,
information on the social structures and
life histories of these species indicates
these species are often encountered in
groups. The results of take calculations
support the likelihood that the proposed
survey is expected to encounter and to
incidentally take these species, and we
believe it is likely that these species
may be encountered in groups.
Therefore it is reasonable to
conservatively assume that one group of
each of these species will be taken
during the proposed survey. We propose
to authorize the take of the average
group size for these species and stocks
to account for the possibility that the
proposed survey encounters a group of
any of these species or stocks (Table 6).
Note that the take estimate for the North
Atlantic right whale was not increased
to average group size because the
proposed exclusion zone for right
whales (500 m) (see the Mitigation
section), which exceeds the estimated
isopleth corresponding to the Level B
harassment threshold, is expected to
avoid the potential for takes that exceed
the take estimate. Also, the take estimate
for the sperm whale was not increased
to average group size because, based on
water depths in the proposed survey
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area (16 to 28 m (52 to 92 ft)), it is very
unlikely that groups of sperm whales,
which tend to prefer deeper depths,
would be encountered by the proposed
Proposed Mitigation
In order to issue an IHA under
Section 101(a)(5)(D) of the MMPA,
NMFS must set forth the permissible
methods of taking pursuant to such
activity, and other means of effecting
the least practicable impact on such
species or stock and its habitat, paying
particular attention to rookeries, mating
grounds, and areas of similar
significance, and on the availability of
such species or stock for taking for
certain subsistence uses (latter not
applicable for this action). NMFS
regulations require applicants for
incidental take authorizations to include
information about the availability and
feasibility (economic and technological)
of equipment, methods, and manner of
conducting such activity or other means
of effecting the least practicable adverse
impact upon the affected species or
stocks and their habitat (50 CFR
In evaluating how mitigation may or
may not be appropriate to ensure the
least practicable adverse impact on
species or stocks and their habitat, as
well as subsistence uses where
applicable, we carefully consider two
primary factors:
PO 00000
Frm 00026
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
(1) The manner in which, and the
degree to which, the successful
implementation of the measure(s) is
expected to reduce impacts to marine
mammals, marine mammal species or
stocks, and their habitat. This considers
the nature of the potential adverse
impact being mitigated (likelihood,
scope, range). It further considers the
likelihood that the measure will be
effective if implemented (probability of
accomplishing the mitigating result if
implemented as planned) the likelihood
of effective implementation (probability
implemented as planned); and
(2) The practicability of the measures
for applicant implementation, which
may consider such things as relative
cost and impact on operations.
Proposed Mitigation Measures
Based on the applicant’s request, the
BOEM Lease stipulations associated
with ESA-listed marine mammals, and
specific information regarding the zones
ensonified above NMFS thresholds,
NMFS is proposing the following
mitigation measures during the
proposed marine site characterization
Marine Mammal Exclusion Zones and
Watch Zone
Marine mammal EZs would be
established around the HRG survey
equipment and monitored by protected
species observers (PSO) during HRG
surveys, as follows:
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 65 / Wednesday, April 4, 2018 / Notices
• 500 m EZ for North Atlantic right
• 200 m EZ for all other ESA-listed
cetaceans (including fin whale, sei
whale and sperm whale); and
• 25 m EZ for harbor porpoises.
The applicant proposed a 500 m EZ
for North Atlantic right whales and 200
m EZ for all other marine mammals;
however, for non-ESA-listed marine
mammals, based on estimated distances
to isopleths corresponding with Level A
harassment thresholds (Table 5), we
determined the EZs described above to
be sufficiently protective in that they
would be expected to prevent all
potential incidences of Level A
harassment as well as significant
incidences of Level B harassment. In
addition to the EZs described above,
PSOs will visually monitor to the extent
of the estimated Level B harassment
zone (447 m), referred to as the Watch
Zone or, as far as possible if the extent
of the Watch Zone is not fully visible.
amozie on DSK30RV082PROD with NOTICES
Visual Monitoring
As per the BOEM lease, visual and
acoustic monitoring of the established
exclusion and monitoring zones will be
performed by qualified and NMFSapproved PSOs. It would be the
responsibility of the Lead PSO on duty
to communicate the presence of marine
mammals as well as to communicate
and enforce the action(s) that are
necessary to ensure mitigation and
monitoring requirements are
implemented as appropriate. PSOs
would be equipped with binoculars and
would estimate distances to marine
mammals located in proximity to the
vessel and/or exclusion zone using
range finders. Reticulated binoculars
would also be available to PSOs for use
as appropriate based on conditions and
visibility to support the siting and
monitoring of marine species. Position
data will be recorded using hand-held
or vessel global positioning system
(GPS) units for each sighting.
Observations will take place from the
highest available vantage point on the
survey vessel. During surveys
conducted at night, night-vision
equipment with infrared light-emitting
diodes spotlights and/or infrared video
monitoring will be available for PSO
use, and passive acoustic monitoring
(PAM; described below) will be used.
Pre-Clearance of the Exclusion Zone
Prior to initiating HRG survey
activities, GSOE would implement a 30minute pre-clearance period of the
relevant EZs. During this period, the
PSOs would ensure that no marine
mammals are observed within the
relevant EZs. If HRG survey equipment
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is shut down due to a marine mammal
being observed within or approaching
the relevant EZ (described below), ramp
up of survey equipment would not
commence until the animal(s) has been
observed exiting the relevant EZ, or
until an additional time period has
elapsed with no further sighting of the
animal (e.g., 15 minutes for small
delphinoid cetaceans and pinnipeds
and 30 minutes for all other species).
This pre-clearance requirement would
include small delphinoids that
approach the vessel (e.g., bow ride).
PSOs would also continue to monitor
the zone for 30 minutes after survey
equipment is shut down or survey
activity has concluded.
Passive Acoustic Monitoring
As proposed by the applicant, PAM
will be used to support monitoring
during night time operations to provide
for optimal acquisition of species
detections at night. The PAM system
will consist of an array of hydrophones
with both broadband (sampling midrange frequencies of 2 kHz to 200 kHz)
and at least one low-frequency
hydrophone (sampling range
frequencies of 75 Hz to 30 kHz). The
PAM operator(s) will monitor acoustic
signals in real time both aurally (using
headphones) and visually (via sound
analysis software). PAM operators will
communicate nighttime detections to
the lead PSO on duty who will ensure
the implementation of the appropriate
mitigation measure. However, PAM
detection alone would not trigger a
requirement for any mitigation action be
taken upon acoustic detection of marine
Ramp-Up of Survey Equipment
As proposed by the applicant, where
technically feasible, a ramp-up
procedure would be used for
geophysical survey equipment capable
of adjusting energy levels at the start or
re-start of survey activities. The rampup procedure would be used at the
beginning of HRG survey activities in
order to provide additional protection to
marine mammals near the survey area
by allowing them to detect the presence
of the survey and vacate the area prior
to the commencement of survey
equipment use at full energy. Ramp-up
of the survey equipment would not
begin until the relevant EZ has been
cleared by the PSOs, as described above.
Systems will be initiated at their lowest
power output and will be incrementally
increased to full power. If any marine
mammals are detected within the EZ
prior to or during the ramp-up, HRG
equipment will be shut down (as
described below).
PO 00000
Frm 00027
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Shutdown Procedures
As required in the BOEM lease, if a
marine mammal is observed within or
approaching the relevant EZ (as
described above) an immediate
shutdown of the survey equipment is
required. Subsequent restart of the
survey equipment may only occur after
the animal(s) has either been observed
exiting the relevant EZ or until an
additional time period has elapsed with
no further sighting of the animal (e.g.,
15 minutes for delphinoid cetaceans
and pinnipeds and 30 minutes for all
other species).
As required in the BOEM lease, if the
HRG equipment shuts down for reasons
other than mitigation (i.e., mechanical
or electronic failure) resulting in the
cessation of the survey equipment for a
period greater than 20 minutes, a 30
minute pre-clearance period (as
described above) would precede the
restart of the HRG survey equipment. If
the pause is less than less than 20
minutes, the equipment may be
restarted as soon as practicable at its full
operational level only if visual surveys
were continued diligently throughout
the silent period and the EZs remained
clear of marine mammals during that
entire period. If visual surveys were not
continued diligently during the pause of
20 minutes or less, a 30-minute preclearance period (as described above)
would precede the re-start of the HRG
survey equipment. Following a
shutdown, HRG survey equipment may
be restarted following pre-clearance of
the zones as described above.
If a species for which authorization
has not been granted, or, a species for
which authorization has been granted
but the authorized number of takes have
been met, approaches or is observed
within an EZ or within the watch zone,
shutdown would occur.
Vessel Strike Avoidance
Vessel strike avoidance measures will
include, but are not limited to, the
following, as required in the BOEM
lease, except under circumstances when
complying with these requirements
would put the safety of the vessel or
crew at risk:
• All vessel operators and crew will
maintain vigilant watch for cetaceans
and pinnipeds, and slow down or stop
their vessel to avoid striking these
protected species;
• All vessel operators will comply
with 10 knot (18.5 km/hr) or less speed
restrictions in any SMA per NOAA
• All vessel operators will reduce
vessel speed to 10 knots (18.5 km/hr) or
less when any large whale, any mother/
amozie on DSK30RV082PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 65 / Wednesday, April 4, 2018 / Notices
calf pairs, pods, or large assemblages of
non-delphinoid cetaceans are observed
near (within 100 m (330 ft)) an
underway vessel;
• All survey vessels will maintain a
separation distance of 500 m (1640 ft) or
greater from any sighted North Atlantic
right whale;
• If underway, vessels must steer a
course away from any sighted North
Atlantic right whale at 10 knots (18.5
km/hr) or less until the 500 m (1640 ft)
minimum separation distance has been
established. If a North Atlantic right
whale is sighted in a vessel’s path, or
within 100 m (330 ft) to an underway
vessel, the underway vessel must reduce
speed and shift the engine to neutral.
Engines will not be engaged until the
North Atlantic right whale has moved
outside of the vessel’s path and beyond
100 m. If stationary, the vessel must not
engage engines until the North Atlantic
right whale has moved beyond 100 m;
• All vessels will maintain a
separation distance of 100 m (330 ft) or
greater from any sighted non-delphinoid
cetacean. If sighted, the vessel
underway must reduce speed and shift
the engine to neutral, and must not
engage the engines until the nondelphinoid cetacean has moved outside
of the vessel’s path and beyond 100 m.
If a survey vessel is stationary, the
vessel will not engage engines until the
non-delphinoid cetacean has moved out
of the vessel’s path and beyond 100 m;
• All vessels will maintain a
separation distance of 50 m (164 ft) or
greater from any sighted delphinoid
cetacean. Any vessel underway remain
parallel to a sighted delphinoid
cetacean’s course whenever possible,
and avoid excessive speed or abrupt
changes in direction. Any vessel
underway reduces vessel speed to 10
knots (18.5 km/hr) or less when pods
(including mother/calf pairs) or large
assemblages of delphinoid cetaceans are
observed. Vessels may not adjust course
and speed until the delphinoid
cetaceans have moved beyond 50 m
and/or the abeam of the underway
• All vessels will maintain a
separation distance of 50 m (164 ft) or
greater from any sighted pinniped; and
• All vessels underway will not
divert or alter course in order to
approach any whale, delphinoid
cetacean, or pinniped. Any vessel
underway will avoid excessive speed or
abrupt changes in direction to avoid
injury to the sighted cetacean or
GSOE will ensure that vessel
operators and crew maintain a vigilant
watch for cetaceans and pinnipeds by
slowing down or stopping the vessel to
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avoid striking marine mammals. Projectspecific training will be conducted for
all vessel crew prior to the start of the
site characterization survey activities.
Confirmation of the training and
understanding of the requirements will
be documented on a training course log
sheet. Signing the log sheet will certify
that the crew members understand and
will comply with the necessary
requirements throughout the survey
Seasonal Operating Requirements
As described above, the northern
section of the proposed survey area
partially overlaps with a portion of one
North Atlantic right whale SMA which
occurs off the mouth of the Delaware
Bay. This SMA is active from November
1 through April 30 of each year. Survey
vessels would be required to adhere to
the mandatory vessel speed restrictions
(≤10 kn) when operating within the
SMA during times when the SMA is
active. In addition, between watch
shifts, members of the monitoring team
would consult NMFS’ North Atlantic
right whale reporting systems for the
presence of North Atlantic right whales
throughout survey operations. Members
of the monitoring team would monitor
the NMFS North Atlantic right whale
reporting systems for the establishment
of a Dynamic Management Area (DMA).
If NMFS should establish a DMA in the
survey area, within 24 hours of the
establishment of the DMA, GSOE would
coordinate with NMFS to alter the
survey activities as needed to avoid
right whales to the extent possible.
The proposed mitigation measures are
designed to avoid the already low
potential for injury in addition to some
Level B harassment, and to minimize
the potential for vessel strikes. There are
no known marine mammal feeding
areas, rookeries, or mating grounds in
the survey area that would otherwise
potentially warrant increased mitigation
measures for marine mammals or their
habitat (or both). The proposed survey
would occur in an area that has been
identified as a biologically important
area for migration for North Atlantic
right whales. However, given the small
spatial extent of the survey area relative
to the substantially larger spatial extent
of the right whale migratory area, and
the relatively limited temporal overlap
of the survey with the months that the
migratory area is considered biologically
important (March, April, November and
December), the survey is not expected to
appreciably reduce migratory habitat
nor to negatively impact the migration
of North Atlantic right whales. Thus
mitigation to address the proposed
survey’s occurrence in North Atlantic
PO 00000
Frm 00028
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
right whale migratory habitat is not
warranted. Further, we believe the
proposed mitigation measures are
practicable for the applicant to
Based on our evaluation of the
applicant’s proposed measures, NMFS
has preliminarily determined that the
proposed mitigation measures provide
the means of effecting the least
practicable impact on the affected
species or stocks and their habitat,
paying particular attention to rookeries,
mating grounds, and areas of similar
Proposed Monitoring and Reporting
In order to issue an IHA for an
activity, Section 101(a)(5)(D) of the
MMPA states that NMFS must set forth,
requirements pertaining to the
monitoring and reporting of such taking.
The MMPA implementing regulations at
50 CFR 216.104(a)(13) indicate that
requests for authorizations must include
the suggested means of accomplishing
the necessary monitoring and reporting
that will result in increased knowledge
of the species and of the level of taking
or impacts on populations of marine
mammals that are expected to be
present in the proposed action area.
Effective reporting is critical both to
compliance as well as ensuring that the
most value is obtained from the required
Monitoring and reporting
requirements prescribed by NMFS
should contribute to improved
understanding of one or more of the
• Occurrence of marine mammal
species or stocks in the area in which
take is anticipated (e.g., presence,
abundance, distribution, density);
• Nature, scope, or context of likely
marine mammal exposure to potential
stressors/impacts (individual or
cumulative, acute or chronic), through
better understanding of: (1) Action or
environment (e.g., source
characterization, propagation, ambient
noise); (2) affected species (e.g., life
history, dive patterns); (3) co-occurrence
of marine mammal species with the
action; or (4) biological or behavioral
context of exposure (e.g., age, calving or
feeding areas);
• Individual marine mammal
responses (behavioral or physiological)
to acoustic stressors (acute, chronic, or
cumulative), other stressors, or
cumulative impacts from multiple
• How anticipated responses to
stressors impact either: (1) Long-term
fitness and survival of individual
marine mammals; or (2) populations,
species, or stocks;
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 65 / Wednesday, April 4, 2018 / Notices
• Effects on marine mammal habitat
(e.g., marine mammal prey species,
acoustic habitat, or other important
physical components of marine
mammal habitat); and
• Mitigation and monitoring
amozie on DSK30RV082PROD with NOTICES
Proposed Monitoring Measures
As described above, visual monitoring
of the EZs and monitoring zone will be
performed by qualified and NMFSapproved PSOs. PSO Qualifications
would include completion of a PSO
training course and documented field
experience on a marine mammal
observation vessel and/or aerial surveys.
As proposed by the applicant and
required by BOEM, an observer team
comprising a minimum of four NMFSapproved PSOs and a minimum of two
certified PAM operator(s), operating in
shifts, will be employed by GSOE
during the proposed surveys. PSOs and
PAM operators would work in shifts
such that no one monitor will work
more than 4 consecutive hours without
a 2-hour break or longer than 12 hours
during any 24-hour period. During
daylight hours the PSOs will rotate in
shifts of one on and three off, while
during nighttime operations PSOs will
work in pairs. The PAM operators will
also be on call as necessary during
daytime operations should visual
observations become impaired. Each
PSO will monitor 360 degrees of the
field of vision. GSOE will provide
resumes of all proposed PSOs and PAM
operators (including alternates) to
NMFS for review and approval at least
45 days prior to the start of survey
Also as described above, PSOs will be
equipped with binoculars and have the
ability to estimate distances to marine
mammals located in proximity to the
vessel and/or exclusion zone using
range finders. Reticulated binoculars
will also be available to PSOs for use as
appropriate based on conditions and
visibility to support the siting and
monitoring of marine species. During
night operations, PAM and night-vision
equipment with infrared light-emitting
diode spotlights and/or infrared video
monitoring will be used to increase the
ability to detect marine mammals.
Position data will be recorded using
hand-held or vessel global positioning
system (GPS) units for each sighting.
Observations will take place from the
highest available vantage point on the
survey vessel. General 360-degree
scanning will occur during the
monitoring periods, and target scanning
by the PSO will occur when alerted of
a marine mammal presence.
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Data on all PAM/PSO observations
will be recorded based on standard PSO
collection requirements. This will
include dates, times, and locations of
survey operations; time of observation,
location and weather; details of marine
mammal sightings (e.g., species,
numbers,behavior); and details of any
observed taking (e.g.,behavioral
disturbances or injury/mortality).
Proposed Reporting Measures
Within 90 days after completion of
survey activities, a final technical report
will be provided to NMFS that fully
documents the methods and monitoring
protocols, summarizes the data recorded
during monitoring, summarizes the
number of marine mammals estimated
to have been taken during survey
activities (by species, when known),
summarizes the mitigation actions taken
during surveys (including what type of
mitigation and the species and number
of animals that prompted the mitigation
action, when known), and provides an
interpretation of the results and
effectiveness of all mitigation and
monitoring. Any recommendations
made by NMFS must be addressed in
the final report prior to acceptance by
In addition to the final technical
report, GSOE will provide the reports
described below as necessary during
survey activities. In the unanticipated
event that GSOE’s survey activities lead
to an injury (Level A harassment) or
mortality (e.g., ship-strike, gear
interaction, and/or entanglement) of a
marine mammal, DWW would
immediately cease the specified
activities and report the incident to the
Chief of the Permits and Conservation
Division, Office of Protected Resources
and the NMFS Greater Atlantic
Stranding Coordinator. The report
would include the following
Time, date, and location (latitude/
longitude) of the incident;
• Name and type of vessel involved;
• Vessel’s speed during and leading
up to the incident;
• Description of the incident;
• Status of all sound source use in the
24 hours preceding the incident;
• Water depth;
• Environmental conditions (e.g.,
wind speed and direction, Beaufort sea
state, cloud cover, and visibility);
• Description of all marine mammal
observations in the 24 hours preceding
the incident;
• Species identification or
description of the animal(s) involved;
• Fate of the animal(s); and
• Photographs or video footage of the
animal(s) (if equipment is available).
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Activities would not resume until
NMFS is able to review the
circumstances of the event. NMFS
would work with GSOE to minimize
reoccurrence of such an event in the
future. GSOE would not resume
activities until notified by NMFS.
In the event that GSOE discovers an
injured or dead marine mammal and
determines that the cause of the injury
or death is unknown and the death is
relatively recent (i.e., in less than a
moderate state of decomposition), GSOE
would immediately report the incident
to the Chief of the Permits and
Conservation Division, Office of
Protected Resources and the NMFS
Greater Atlantic Stranding Coordinator.
The report would include the same
information identified in the paragraph
above. Activities would be able to
continue while NMFS reviews the
circumstances of the incident. NMFS
would work with GSOE to determine if
modifications in the activities are
In the event that GSOE discovers an
injured or dead marine mammal and
determines that the injury or death is
not associated with or related to the
activities authorized in the IHA (e.g.,
previously wounded animal, carcass
with moderate to advanced
decomposition, or scavenger damage),
GSOE would report the incident to the
Chief of the Permits and Conservation
Division, Office of Protected Resources,
and the NMFS Greater Atlantic Regional
Stranding Coordinator, within 24 hours
of the discovery. GSOE would provide
photographs or video footage (if
available) or other documentation of the
stranded animal sighting to NMFS.
GSOE may continue its operations
under such a case.
Negligible Impact Analysis and
NMFS has defined negligible impact
as an impact resulting from the
specified activity that cannot be
reasonably expected to, and is not
reasonably likely to, adversely affect the
species or stock through effects on
annual rates of recruitment or survival.
A negligible impact finding is based on
the lack of likely adverse effects on
annual rates of recruitment or survival
(i.e., population-level effects). An
estimate of the number of takes alone is
not enough information on which to
base an impact determination. In
addition to considering estimates of the
number of marine mammals that might
be ‘‘taken’’ through harassment, NMFS
considers other factors, such as the
likely nature of any responses (e.g.,
intensity, duration), the context of any
responses (e.g., critical reproductive
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time or location, migration), as well as
effects on habitat, and the likely
effectiveness of the mitigation. We also
assess the number, intensity, and
context of estimated takes by evaluating
this information relative to population
status. Consistent with the 1989
preamble for NMFS’ implementing
regulations (54 FR 40338; September 29,
1989), the impacts from other past and
ongoing anthropogenic activities are
incorporated into this analysis via their
impacts on the environmental baseline
(e.g., as reflected in the regulatory status
of the species, population size and
growth rate where known, ongoing
sources of human-caused mortality, or
ambient noise levels).
To avoid repetition, our analysis
applies to all the species listed in Table
6, given that NMFS expects the
anticipated effects of the proposed
survey to be similar in nature.
NMFS does not anticipate that serious
injury or mortality would occur as a
result of GSOE’s proposed survey, even
in the absence of proposed mitigation.
Thus the proposed authorization does
not authorize any serious injury or
mortality. As discussed in the Potential
Effects section, non-auditory physical
effects and vessel strike are not expected
to occur.
We expect that all potential takes
would be in the form of short-term Level
B behavioral harassment in the form of
temporary avoidance of the area, a
reaction that is considered to be of low
severity and with no lasting biological
consequences (e.g., Southall et al.,
2007). Potential impacts to marine
mammal habitat were discussed
previously in this document (see
Potential Effects of the Specified
Activity on Marine Mammals and their
Habitat). Marine mammal habitat may
be impacted by elevated sound levels,
but these impacts would be temporary.
In addition to being temporary and short
in overall duration, the acoustic
footprint of the proposed survey is small
relative to the overall distribution of the
animals in the area and their use of the
area. Feeding behavior is not likely to be
significantly impacted, as no areas of
biological significance for marine
mammal feeding are known to exist in
the survey area. Prey species are mobile
and are broadly distributed throughout
the project area; therefore, marine
mammals that may be temporarily
displaced during survey activities are
expected to be able to resume foraging
once they have moved away from areas
with disturbing levels of underwater
noise. Because of the temporary nature
of the disturbance and the availability of
similar habitat and resources in the
surrounding area, the impacts to marine
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mammals and the food sources that they
utilize are not expected to cause
significant or long-term consequences
for individual marine mammals or their
populations. In addition, there are no
rookeries or mating or calving areas
known to be biologically important to
marine mammals within the proposed
project area. The proposed survey area
is within a biologically important
migratory area for North Atlantic right
whales (effective March–April and
November–December) that extends from
Massachusetts to Florida (LaBrecque, et
al., 2015). Off the coast of Delaware, this
biologically important migratory area
extends from the coast to beyond the
shelf break. Due to the fact that the
proposed survey is temporary and short
in overall duration, the majority of the
survey would occur outside the months
when the BIA is considered important
for right whale migration, and the
acoustic footprint of the proposed
survey is very small relative to the
spatial extent of the available migratory
habitat in the area, right whale
migration is not expected to be
impacted by the proposed survey.
The proposed mitigation measures are
expected to reduce the number and/or
severity of takes by (1) giving animals
the opportunity to move away from the
sound source before HRG survey
equipment reaches full energy; and (2)
preventing animals from being exposed
to sound levels that may otherwise
result in injury. Additional vessel strike
avoidance requirements will further
mitigate potential impacts to marine
mammals during vessel transit to and
within the survey area.
NMFS concludes that exposures to
marine mammal species and stocks due
to GSOE’s proposed survey would result
in only short-term (temporary and short
in duration) effects to individuals
exposed. Marine mammals may
temporarily avoid the immediate area
but are not expected to permanently
abandon the area. Impacts to breeding,
feeding, sheltering, resting, or migration
are not expected, nor are shifts in
habitat use, distribution, or foraging
success. NMFS does not anticipate the
marine mammal takes that would result
from the proposed survey would impact
annual rates of recruitment or survival.
In summary and as described above,
the following factors primarily support
our preliminary determination that the
impacts resulting from this activity are
not expected to adversely affect the
species or stock through effects on
annual rates of recruitment or survival:
• No mortality, serious injury, or
Level A harassment is anticipated or
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• The anticipated impacts of the
proposed activity on marine mammals
would be temporary behavioral changes
due to avoidance of the area around the
survey vessel;
• The availability of alternate areas of
similar habitat value for marine
mammals to temporarily vacate the
survey area during the proposed survey
to avoid exposure to sounds from the
• The proposed project area does not
contain areas of significance for feeding,
mating or calving;
• Effects on species that serve as prey
species for marine mammals from the
proposed survey are not expected;
• The proposed mitigation measures,
including visual and acoustic
monitoring, exclusion zones, and
shutdown measures, are expected to
minimize potential impacts to marine
Based on the analysis contained
herein of the likely effects of the
specified activity on marine mammals
and their habitat and taking into
consideration the implementation of the
proposed monitoring and mitigation
measures, NMFS preliminarily finds
that the total marine mammal take from
the proposed activity will have a
negligible impact on all affected marine
mammal species or stocks.
Small Numbers
As noted above, only small numbers
of incidental take may be authorized
under Section 101(a)(5)(D) of the MMPA
for specified activities other than
military readiness activities. The MMPA
does not define small numbers and so,
in practice, where estimated numbers
are available, NMFS compares the
number of individuals taken to the most
appropriate estimation of abundance of
the relevant species or stock in our
determination of whether an
authorization is limited to small
numbers of marine mammals.
Additionally, other qualitative factors
may be considered in the analysis, such
as the temporal or spatial scale of the
The numbers of marine mammals that
we propose for authorization to be
taken, for all species and stocks, would
be considered small relative to the
relevant stocks or populations (less than
17 percent for the Western North
Atlantic Northern Migratory Coastal
stock of bottlenose dolphins, and less
than 5 percent for all other species and
stocks) (Table 6). Bottlenose dolphins
taken by the proposed survey could
originate from either the Western North
Atlantic Offshore or Western North
Atlantic Northern Migratory Coastal
stocks, based on water depths and
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 65 / Wednesday, April 4, 2018 / Notices
distances to shore in the proposed
survey area. For purposes of calculating
proposed takes as a percentage of
population we assume 50 percent of
bottlenose dolphins taken will originate
from the Western North Atlantic
Offshore stock and 50 percent will
originate from the Western North
Atlantic Northern Migratory Coastal
stock. Based on the analysis contained
herein of the proposed activity
(including the proposed mitigation and
monitoring measures) and the
anticipated take of marine mammals,
NMFS preliminarily finds that small
numbers of marine mammals will be
taken relative to the population size of
the affected species or stocks.
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Unmitigable Adverse Impact Analysis
and Determination
There are no relevant subsistence uses
of the affected marine mammal stocks or
species implicated by this action.
Therefore, NMFS has determined that
the total taking of affected species or
stocks would not have an unmitigable
adverse impact on the availability of
such species or stocks for taking for
subsistence purposes.
Endangered Species Act
Section 7(a)(2) of the Endangered
Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1531 et
seq.) requires that each Federal agency
insure that any action it authorizes,
funds, or carries out is not likely to
jeopardize the continued existence of
any endangered or threatened species or
result in the destruction or adverse
modification of designated critical
habitat. To ensure ESA compliance for
the issuance of IHAs, NMFS consults
internally, in this case with the NMFS
Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries
Office (GARFO), whenever we propose
to authorize take for endangered or
threatened species.
The NMFS Office of Protected
Resources Permits and Conservation
Division is proposing to authorize the
incidental take of four species of marine
mammals which are listed under the
ESA: the North Atlantic right, fin, sei
and sperm whale. The Permits and
Conservation Division has requested
initiation of Section 7 consultation with
the NMFS Greater Atlantic Regional
Fisheries Office for the issuance of this
IHA. NMFS will conclude the ESA
consultation prior to reaching a
determination regarding the issuance of
the authorization.
Proposed Authorization
As a result of these preliminary
determinations, NMFS proposes to issue
an IHA to GSOE for conducting marine
site assessment surveys offshore
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Delaware and along potential submarine
cable routes from the date of issuance
for a period of one year, provided the
previously mentioned mitigation,
monitoring, and reporting requirements
are incorporated. This section contains
a draft of the IHA itself. The wording
contained in this section is proposed for
inclusion in the IHA (if issued).
1. This IHA is valid for a period of
one year from the date of issuance.
2. This IHA is valid only for marine
site characterization survey activity in
the area of the Commercial Lease of
Submerged Lands for Renewable Energy
Development on the Outer Continental
Shelf (OCS–A 0482) and along
submarine cable routes between the
Lease area and Maryland or Delaware.
3. General Conditions
(a) A copy of this IHA must be in the
possession of GSOE, the vessel operator
and other relevant personnel, the lead
PSO, and any other relevant designees
of GSOE operating under the authority
of this IHA.
(b) The species authorized for taking
are listed in Table 6. The taking, by
Level B harassment only, is limited to
the species and numbers listed in Table
6. Any taking of species not listed in
Table 6, or exceeding the authorized
amounts listed in Table 6, is prohibited
and may result in the modification,
suspension, or revocation of this IHA.
(c) The taking by injury, serious injury
or death of any species of marine
mammal is prohibited and may result in
the modification, suspension, or
revocation of this IHA.
(d) GSOE shall ensure that the vessel
operator and other relevant vessel
personnel are briefed on all
responsibilities, communication
procedures, marine mammal monitoring
protocols, operational procedures, and
IHA requirements prior to the start of
survey activity, and when relevant new
personnel join the survey operations.
4. Mitigation Requirements—the
holder of this Authorization is required
to implement the following mitigation
(a) GSOE shall use at least four (4)
NMFS-approved protected species
observers (PSOs) during HRG surveys.
The PSOs must have no tasks other than
to conduct observational effort, record
observational data, and communicate
with and instruct relevant vessel crew
with regard to the presence of marine
mammals and mitigation requirements.
PSO resumes shall be provided to
NMFS for approval prior to
commencement of the survey.
(b) Visual monitoring must begin no
less than 30 minutes prior to initiation
of survey equipment and must continue
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until 30 minutes after use of survey
equipment ceases.
(c) Exclusion Zones and Watch
Zone—PSOs shall establish and monitor
marine mammal Exclusion Zones and
Watch Zone. The Watch Zone shall
represent the extent of the Level B
harassment zone (447 m). Exclusion
Zones are as follows:
(i) 500 m Exclusion Zone for North
Atlantic right whales;
(ii) 200 m Exclusion Zone for fin
whales, sei whales, and sperm whales;
(iii) 25 m Exclusion Zone for harbor
(d) Shutdown requirements—If a
marine mammal is observed within,
entering, or approaching the relevant
Exclusion Zones as described under 4(c)
while geophysical survey equipment is
operational, the geophysical survey
equipment must be immediately shut
(i) Any PSO on duty has the authority
to call for shutdown of survey
equipment. When there is certainty
regarding the need for mitigation action
on the basis of visual detection, the
relevant PSO(s) must call for such
action immediately.
(ii) When a shutdown is called for by
a PSO, the shutdown must occur and
any dispute resolved only following
(iii) Upon implementation of a
shutdown, survey equipment may be
reactivated when all marine mammals
have been confirmed by visual
observation to have exited the relevant
Exclusion Zone or an additional time
period has elapsed with no further
sighting of the animal that triggered the
shutdown (15 minutes for small
delphinoid cetaceans and 30 minutes
for all other species).
(iv) If geophysical equipment shuts
down for reasons other than mitigation
(i.e., mechanical or electronic failure)
resulting in the cessation of the survey
equipment for a period of less than 20
minutes, the equipment may be
restarted as soon as practicable if visual
surveys were continued diligently
throughout the silent period and the
relevant Exclusion Zones are confirmed
by PSOs to have remained clear of
marine mammals during the entire 20minute period. If visual surveys were
not continued diligently during the
pause of 20 minutes or less, a 30-minute
pre-clearance period shall precede the
restart of the geophysical survey
equipment as described in 4(e). If the
period of shutdown for reasons other
than mitigation is greater than 20
minutes, a pre-clearance period shall
precede the restart of the geophysical
survey equipment as described in 4(e).
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(v) If a species for which
authorization has not been granted, or,
a species for which authorization has
been granted but the authorized number
of takes have been met, approaches or
is observed within the Exclusion Zone
or Watch Zone, shutdown must occur.
(e) Pre-clearance observation—30
minutes of pre-clearance observation
shall be conducted prior to initiation of
geophysical survey equipment.
Geophysical survey equipment shall not
be initiated if marine mammals are
observed within the relevant Exclusion
Zones as described under 4(d) during
the pre-clearance period. If a marine
mammal is observed within the relevant
Exclusion Zones during the preclearance period, initiation of the
geophysical survey equipment will be
delayed until the marine mammal(s)
departs the relevant Exclusion Zone.
(f) Ramp-up—when technically
feasible, survey equipment shall be
ramped up at the start or re-start of
survey activities. Ramp-up will begin
with the power of the smallest acoustic
equipment at its lowest practical power
output appropriate for the survey. When
technically feasible the power will then
be gradually turned up and other
acoustic sources added in way such that
the source level would increase
(g) Vessel Strike Avoidance—Vessel
operator and crew must maintain a
vigilant watch for all marine mammals
and slow down or stop the vessel or
alter course, as appropriate, to avoid
striking any marine mammal, unless
such action represents a human safety
concern. Survey vessel crew members
responsible for navigation duties shall
receive site-specific training on marine
mammal sighting/reporting and vessel
strike avoidance measures. Vessel strike
avoidance measures shall include the
following, except under circumstances
when complying with these
requirements would put the safety of the
vessel or crew at risk:
(i) The vessel operator and crew shall
maintain vigilant watch for cetaceans
and pinnipeds, and slow down or stop
the vessel to avoid striking marine
(ii) The vessel operator shall reduce
vessel speed to 10 knots (18.5 km/hr) or
less when any large whale, any mother/
calf pairs, whale or dolphin pods, or
larger assemblages of non-delphinoid
cetaceans are observed near (within 100
m (330 ft)) an underway vessel;
(iii) The survey vessel shall maintain
a separation distance of 500 m (1,640 ft)
or greater from any sighted North
Atlantic right whale;
(iv) If underway, the vessel must steer
a course away from any sighted North
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Atlantic right whale at 10 knots (18.5
km/hr) or less until the 500 m (1,640 ft)
minimum separation distance has been
established. If a North Atlantic right
whale is sighted in a vessel’s path, or
within 100 m (330 ft) to an underway
vessel, the underway vessel must reduce
speed and shift the engine to neutral.
Engines will not be engaged until the
North Atlantic right whale has moved
outside of the vessel’s path and beyond
100 m. If stationary, the vessel must not
engage engines until the North Atlantic
right whale has moved beyond 100 m;
(v) The vessel shall maintain a
separation distance of 100 m (330 ft) or
greater from any sighted non-delphinoid
cetacean. If sighted, the vessel
underway must reduce speed and shift
the engine to neutral and must not
engage the engines until the nondelphinoid cetacean has moved outside
of the vessel’s path and beyond 100 m.
If a survey vessel is stationary, the
vessel will not engage engines until the
non-delphinoid cetacean has moved out
of the vessel’s path and beyond 100 m;
(vi) The vessel shall maintain a
separation distance of 50 m (164 ft) or
greater from any sighted delphinoid
cetacean. Any vessel underway remain
parallel to a sighted delphinoid
cetacean’s course whenever possible
and avoid excessive speed or abrupt
changes in direction. Any vessel
underway reduces vessel speed to 10
knots (18.5 km/hr) or less when pods
(including mother/calf pairs) or large
assemblages of delphinoid cetaceans are
observed. Vessels may not adjust course
and speed until the delphinoid
cetaceans have moved beyond 50 m
and/or the abeam of the underway
(vii) All vessels shall maintain a
separation distance of 50 m (164 ft) or
greater from any sighted pinniped; and
(viii) All vessels underway shall not
divert or alter course in order to
approach any whale, delphinoid
cetacean, or pinniped. Any vessel
underway will avoid excessive speed or
abrupt changes in direction to avoid
injury to the sighted cetacean or
(ix) The vessel operator shall comply
with 10 knot (18.5 km/hr) or less speed
restrictions in any Seasonal
Management Area per NMFS guidance.
(x) If NMFS should establish a
Dynamic Management Area (DMA) in
the area of the survey, within 24 hours
of the establishment of the DMA, GSOE
shall work with NMFS to shut down
and/or alter survey activities as
5. Monitoring Requirements—The
Holder of this Authorization is required
to conduct marine mammal visual
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monitoring and passive acoustic
monitoring (PAM) during geophysical
survey activity. Monitoring shall be
conducted in accordance with the
following requirements:
(a) A minimum of four NMFSapproved PSOs and a minimum of two
certified (PAM) operator(s), operating in
shifts, shall be employed by GSOE
during geophysical surveys.
(b) Observations shall take place from
the highest available vantage point on
the survey vessel. General 360-degree
scanning shall occur during the
monitoring periods, and target scanning
by PSOs will occur when alerted of a
marine mammal presence.
(c) PSOs shall be equipped with
binoculars and have the ability to
estimate distances to marine mammals
located in proximity to the vessel and/
or Exclusion Zones using range finders.
Reticulated binoculars will also be
available to PSOs for use as appropriate
based on conditions and visibility to
support the sighting and monitoring of
marine species.
(d) PAM shall be used during
nighttime geophysical survey
operations. The PAM system shall
consist of an array of hydrophones with
both broadband (sampling mid-range
frequencies of 2 kHz to 200 kHz) and at
least one low-frequency hydrophone
(sampling range frequencies of 75 Hz to
30 kHz). PAM operators shall
communicate detections or
vocalizations to the Lead PSO on duty
who shall ensure the implementation of
the appropriate mitigation measure.
(e) During night surveys, night-vision
equipment with infrared light-emitting
diode spotlights and/or infrared video
monitoring shall be used in addition to
PAM. Specifications for night-vision
equipment shall be provided to NMFS
for review and acceptance prior to start
of surveys.
(f) PSOs and PAM operators shall
work in shifts such that no one monitor
will work more than 4 consecutive
hours without a 2 hour break or longer
than 12 hours during any 24-hour
period. During daylight hours the PSOs
shall rotate in shifts of 1 on and 3 off,
and while during nighttime operations
PSOs shall work in pairs.
(g) PAM operators shall also be on call
as necessary during daytime operations
should visual observations become
(h) Position data shall be recorded
using hand-held or vessel global
positioning system (GPS) units for each
(i) A briefing shall be conducted
between survey supervisors and crews,
PSOs, and GSOE to establish
responsibilities of each party, define
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chains of command, discuss
communication procedures, provide an
overview of monitoring purposes, and
review operational procedures.
(j) GSOE shall provide resumes of all
proposed PSOs and PAM operators
(including alternates) to NMFS for
review and approval at least 45 days
prior to the start of survey operations.
(k) PSO Qualifications shall include
completion of a PSO training course and
documented field experience on a
marine mammal observation vessel and/
or aerial surveys.
(a) Data on all PAM/PSO observations
shall be recorded based on standard
PSO collection requirements. PSOs
must use standardized data forms,
whether hard copy or electronic. The
following information shall be reported:
(i) PSO names and affiliations
(ii) Dates of departures and returns to
port with port name
(iii) Dates and times (Greenwich Mean
Time) of survey effort and times
corresponding with PSO effort
(iv) Vessel location (latitude/
longitude) when survey effort begins
and ends; vessel location at beginning
and end of visual PSO duty shifts
(v) Vessel heading and speed at
beginning and end of visual PSO duty
shifts and upon any line change
(vi) Environmental conditions while
on visual survey (at beginning and end
of PSO shift and whenever conditions
change significantly), including wind
speed and direction, Beaufort sea state,
Beaufort wind force, swell height,
weather conditions, cloud cover, sun
glare, and overall visibility to the
(vii) Factors that may be contributing
to impaired observations during each
PSO shift change or as needed as
environmental conditions change (e.g.,
vessel traffic, equipment malfunctions)
(viii) Survey activity information,
such as acoustic source power output
while in operation, number and volume
of airguns operating in the array, tow
depth of the array, and any other notes
of significance (i.e., pre-ramp-up survey,
ramp-up, shutdown, testing, shooting,
ramp-up completion, end of operations,
streamers, etc.)
(ix) If a marine mammal is sighted,
the following information should be
(A) Watch status (sighting made by
PSO on/off effort, opportunistic, crew,
alternate vessel/platform);
(B) PSO who sighted the animal;
(C) Time of sighting;
(D) Vessel location at time of sighting;
(E) Water depth;
(F) Direction of vessel’s travel
(compass direction);
(G) Direction of animal’s travel
relative to the vessel;
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(H) Pace of the animal;
(I) Estimated distance to the animal
and its heading relative to vessel at
initial sighting;
(J) Identification of the animal (e.g.,
genus/species, lowest possible
taxonomic level, or unidentified); also
note the composition of the group if
there is a mix of species;
(K) Estimated number of animals
(high/low/best) ;
(L) Estimated number of animals by
cohort (adults, yearlings, juveniles,
calves, group composition, etc.);
(M) Description (as many
distinguishing features as possible of
each individual seen, including length,
shape, color, pattern, scars or markings,
shape and size of dorsal fin, shape of
head, and blow characteristics);
(N) Detailed behavior observations
(e.g., number of blows, number of
surfaces, breaching, spyhopping, diving,
feeding, traveling; as explicit and
detailed as possible; note any observed
changes in behavior);
(O) Animal’s closest point of
approach and/or closest distance from
the center point of the acoustic source;
(P) Platform activity at time of
sighting (e.g., deploying, recovering,
testing, data acquisition, other); and
(Q) Description of any actions
implemented in response to the sighting
(e.g., delays, shutdown, ramp-up, speed
or course alteration, etc.) and time and
location of the action.
6. Reporting—a technical report shall
be provided to NMFS within 90 days
after completion of survey activities that
fully documents the methods and
monitoring protocols, summarizes the
data recorded during monitoring,
estimates the number of marine
mammals that may have been taken
during survey activities, describes the
effectiveness of the various mitigation
techniques (i.e. visual observations
during day and night compared to PAM
detections/operations) and provides an
interpretation of the results and
effectiveness of all monitoring tasks.
Any recommendations made by NMFS
shall be addressed in the final report
prior to acceptance by NMFS.
(a) Reporting injured or dead marine
(i) In the event that the specified
activity clearly causes the take of a
marine mammal in a manner not
prohibited by this IHA (if issued), such
as serious injury or mortality, GSOE
shall immediately cease the specified
activities and immediately report the
incident to the NMFS Office of
Protected Resources and the NMFS
Greater Atlantic Stranding Coordinator.
The report must include the following
PO 00000
Frm 00033
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
(A) Time, date, and location (latitude/
longitude) of the incident;
(B) Vessel’s speed during and leading
up to the incident;
(C) Description of the incident;
(D) Status of all sound source use in
the 24 hours preceding the incident;
(E) Water depth;
(F) Environmental conditions (e.g.,
wind speed and direction, Beaufort sea
state, cloud cover, and visibility);
(G) Description of all marine mammal
observations in the 24 hours preceding
the incident;
(H) Species identification or
description of the animal(s) involved;
(I) Fate of the animal(s); and
(J) Photographs or video footage of the
Activities shall not resume until
NMFS is able to review the
circumstances of the prohibited take.
NMFS will work with GSOE to
determine what measures are necessary
to minimize the likelihood of further
prohibited take and ensure MMPA
compliance. GSOE may not resume their
activities until notified by NMFS.
(ii) In the event that GSOE discovers
an injured or dead marine mammal, and
the lead PSO determines that the cause
of the injury or death is unknown and
the death is relatively recent (e.g., in
less than a moderate state of
decomposition), GSOE shall
immediately report the incident to the
NMFS Office of Protected Resources and
the NMFS Greater Atlantic Stranding
Coordinator. The report must include
the same information identified in
condition 6(b)(i) of this IHA. Activities
may continue while NMFS reviews the
circumstances of the incident. NMFS
will work with GSOE to determine
whether additional mitigation measures
or modifications to the activities are
(iii) In the event that GSOE discovers
an injured or dead marine mammal, and
the lead PSO determines that the injury
or death is not associated with or related
to the specified activities (e.g.,
previously wounded animal, carcass
with moderate to advanced
decomposition, or scavenger damage),
GSOE shall report the incident to the
NMFS Office of Protected Resources and
the NMFS Greater Atlantic Stranding
Coordinator within 24 hours of the
discovery. GSOE shall provide
photographs or video footage or other
documentation of the sighting to NMFS.
7. This Authorization may be
modified, suspended or withdrawn if
the holder fails to abide by the
conditions prescribed herein, or if
NMFS determines the authorized taking
is having more than a negligible impact
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 65 / Wednesday, April 4, 2018 / Notices
on the species or stock of affected
marine mammals.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Request for Public Comments
amozie on DSK30RV082PROD with NOTICES
We request comment on our analyses,
the draft authorization, and any other
aspect of this Notice of Proposed IHA
for the proposed marine site
characterization surveys. Please include
with your comments any supporting
data or literature citations to help
inform our final decision on the request
for MMPA authorization.
On a case-by-case basis, NMFS may
issue a one-year renewal IHA without
additional notice when (1) another year
of identical or nearly identical activities
as described in the Specified Activities
section is planned, or (2) the activities
would not be completed by the time the
IHA expires and renewal would allow
completion of the activities beyond that
described in the Dates and Duration
section, provided all of the following
conditions are met:
• A request for renewal is received no
later than 60 days prior to expiration of
the current IHA.
• The request for renewal must
include the following:
(1) An explanation that the activities
to be conducted beyond the initial dates
either are identical to the previously
analyzed activities or include changes
so minor (e.g., reduction in pile size)
that the changes do not affect the
previous analyses, take estimates, or
mitigation and monitoring
(2) A preliminary monitoring report
showing the results of the required
monitoring to date and an explanation
showing that the monitoring results do
not indicate impacts of a scale or nature
not previously analyzed or authorized.
• Upon review of the request for
renewal, the status of the affected
species or stocks, and any other
pertinent information, NMFS
determines that there are no more than
minor changes in the activities, the
mitigation and monitoring measures
remain the same and appropriate, and
the original findings remain valid.
Dated: March 30, 2018.
Elaine T. Saiz,
Acting Deputy Director, Office of Protected
Resources, National Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2018–06856 Filed 4–3–18; 8:45 am]
VerDate Sep<11>2014
18:12 Apr 03, 2018
Jkt 244001
RIN 0648–XG131
Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to
Specified Activities; Taking Marine
Mammals Incidental to the Bravo
Wharf Recapitalization Project
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice; proposed incidental
harassment authorization; request for
NMFS has received a request
from the U.S. Navy (Navy) for an
incidental harassment authorization
(IHA) that would cover a subset of the
take authorized in an IHA previously
issued to the Navy to incidentally take
bottlenose dolphins, by Level B
harassment only, during construction
activities associated with a wharf
recapitalization project at Bravo Wharf,
Naval Station Mayport, Florida. The
project has been delayed, such that only
a subset of the work covered in the 2017
IHA has been completed and, therefore,
the Navy requested that an IHA be
issued to cover the remainder of their
work. NMFS is proposing to issue a
second IHA to cover the remainder of
the incidental take analyzed and
authorized in the first IHA. The
authorized take numbers would be
adjusted (i.e., reduced) to account for
the reduction in work (because a subset
was already completed) and a revision
of the source level based on a recent
measurement, and the required
mitigation, monitoring, and reporting
would remain the same as authorized in
the 2017 IHA referenced above. NMFS
is requesting comments on its proposal
to issue this IHA to incidentally take
marine mammals during the Navy’s
specified activities. NMFS will consider
public comments prior to making any
final decision on the issuance of the
requested MMPA authorization and
agency responses will be summarized in
the final notice of our decision.
DATES: Comments and information must
be received no later than May 4, 2018.
ADDRESSES: Comments should be
addressed to Jolie Harrison, Chief,
Permits and Conservation Division,
Office of Protected Resources, National
Marine Fisheries Service. Physical
comments should be sent to 1315 EastWest Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910
and electronic comments should be sent
to ITP.daly@noaa.gov.
PO 00000
Frm 00034
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Instructions: NMFS is not responsible
for comments sent by any other method,
to any other address or individual, or
received after the end of the comment
period. Comments received
electronically, including all
attachments, must not exceed a 25megabyte file size. Attachments to
electronic comments will be accepted in
Microsoft Word or Excel or Adobe PDF
file formats only. All comments
received are a part of the public record
and will generally be posted online at
23111 without change. All personal
identifying information (e.g., name,
address) voluntarily submitted by the
commenter may be publicly accessible.
Do not submit confidential business
information or otherwise sensitive or
protected information.
Jaclyn Daly, Office of Protected
Resources, NMFS, (301) 427–8438.
Electronic copies of the original
application and supporting documents
(including NMFS FR notices of the
original proposed and final
authorizations), as well as a list of the
references cited in this document, may
be obtained online at https://
www.fisheries.noaa.gov/node/23111. In
case of problems accessing these
documents, please call the contact listed
Sections 101(a)(5)(A) and (D) of the
MMPA (16 U.S.C. 1361 et seq.) direct
the Secretary of Commerce (as delegated
to NMFS) to allow, upon request, the
incidental, but not intentional, taking of
small numbers of marine mammals by
U.S. citizens who engage in a specified
activity (other than commercial fishing)
within a specified geographical region if
certain findings are made and either
regulations are issued or, if the taking is
limited to harassment, a notice of a
proposed authorization is provided to
the public for review.
An authorization for incidental
takings shall be granted if NMFS finds
that the taking will have a negligible
impact on the species or stock(s), will
not have an unmitigable adverse impact
on the availability of the species or
stock(s) for subsistence uses (where
relevant), and if the permissible
methods of taking and requirements
pertaining to the mitigation, monitoring
and reporting of such takings are set
NMFS has defined ‘‘negligible
impact’’ in 50 CFR 216.103 as an impact
resulting from the specified activity that
cannot be reasonably expected to, and is
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 65 (Wednesday, April 4, 2018)]
[Pages 14417-14443]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2018-06856]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
RIN 0648-XF991
Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities;
Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to Marine Site Characterization
Surveys off of Delaware
AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
ACTION: Notice; proposed incidental harassment authorization; request
for comments.
SUMMARY: NMFS has received a request from Garden State Offshore Energy,
LLC (GSOE), for authorization to take marine mammals incidental to
marine site characterization surveys off the coast of Delaware as part
of the Skipjack Wind Project in the area of the Commercial Lease of
Submerged Lands for Renewable Energy Development on the Outer
Continental Shelf (OCS-A 0482) and along potential submarine cable
routes to a landfall location in Maryland or Delaware. Pursuant to the
Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), NMFS is requesting comments on its
proposal to issue an incidental harassment authorization (IHA) to
incidentally take marine mammals during the specified activities. NMFS
will consider public comments prior to making any final decision on the
issuance of the requested MMPA authorizations and agency responses will
be summarized in the final notice of our decision.
DATES: Comments and information must be received no later than May 4,
ADDRESSES: Comments should be addressed to Jolie Harrison, Chief,
Permits and Conservation Division, Office of Protected Resources,
National Marine Fisheries Service. Physical comments should be sent to
1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910, and electronic
comments should be sent to [email protected].
Instructions: NMFS is not responsible for comments sent by any
other method, to any other address or individual, or received after the
end of the comment period. Comments received electronically, including
all attachments, must not exceed a 25-megabyte file size. Attachments
to electronic comments will be accepted in Microsoft Word or Excel or
Adobe PDF file formats only. All comments received are a part of the
public record and will generally be posted online at
[[Page 14418]]
www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/permits/incidental/energy_other.htm without
change. All personal identifying information (e.g., name, address)
voluntarily submitted by the commenter may be publicly accessible. Do
not submit confidential business information or otherwise sensitive or
protected information.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jordan Carduner, Office of Protected
Resources, NMFS, (301) 427-8401. Electronic copies of the applications
and supporting documents, as well as a list of the references cited in
this document, may be obtained by visiting the internet at:
www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/permits/incidental/energy_other.htm. In case of
problems accessing these documents, please call the contact listed
Sections 101(a)(5)(A) and (D) of the MMPA (16 U.S.C.1361 et seq.)
direct the Secretary of Commerce (as delegated to NMFS) to allow, upon
request, the incidental, but not intentional, taking of small numbers
of marine mammals by U.S. citizens who engage in a specified activity
(other than commercial fishing) within a specified geographical region
if certain findings are made and either regulations are issued or, if
the taking is limited to harassment, a notice of a proposed
authorization is provided to the public for review.
An authorization for incidental takings shall be granted if NMFS
finds that the taking will have a negligible impact on the species or
stock(s), will not have an unmitigable adverse impact on the
availability of the species or stock(s) for subsistence uses (where
relevant), and if the permissible methods of taking and requirements
pertaining to the mitigation, monitoring and reporting of such takings
are set forth.
NMFS has defined ``negligible impact'' in 50 CFR 216.103 as an
impact resulting from the specified activity that cannot be reasonably
expected to, and is not reasonably likely to, adversely affect the
species or stock through effects on annual rates of recruitment or
The MMPA states that the term ``take'' means to harass, hunt,
capture, or kill, or attempt to harass, hunt, capture, or kill any
marine mammal.
Except with respect to certain activities not pertinent here, the
MMPA defines ``harassment'' as: any act of pursuit, torment, or
annoyance which (i) has the potential to injure a marine mammal or
marine mammal stock in the wild (Level A harassment); or (ii) has the
potential to disturb a marine mammal or marine mammal stock in the wild
by causing disruption of behavioral patterns, including, but not
limited to, migration, breathing, nursing, breeding, feeding, or
sheltering (Level B harassment).
National Environmental Policy Act
To comply with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA;
42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) and NOAA Administrative Order (NAO) 216-6A,
NMFS must review our proposed action (i.e., the issuance of an
incidental harassment authorization) with respect to potential impacts
on the human environment.
Accordingly, NMFS is preparing an Environmental Assessment (EA) to
consider the environmental impacts associated with the issuance of the
proposed IHA. We will review all comments submitted in response to this
notice prior to concluding our NEPA process or making a final decision
on the IHA request.
Summary of Request
On November 22, 2017, NMFS received a request from GSOE for an IHA
to take marine mammals incidental to marine site characterization
surveys off the coast of Delaware in the area of the Commercial Lease
of Submerged Lands for Renewable Energy Development on the Outer
Continental Shelf (OCS-A 0482) (Lease Area) and along potential
submarine cable routes to a landfall location in Maryland or Delaware.
GSOE has designated Skipjack Offshore Energy, LLC (Skipjack), a wholly-
owned indirect subsidiary of Deepwater Wind Holdings, LLC (Deepwater
Wind), and an affiliate of GSOE, to perform the activities described in
the IHA application. A revised application was received on March 19,
2018. NMFS deemed that request to be adequate and complete. GSOE's
request is for take of 14 marine mammal species by Level B harassment.
Neither GSOE nor NMFS expects serious injury or mortality to result
from this activity, and the activity is expected to last no more than
one year Therefore, an IHA is appropriate.
Description of the Proposed Activity
GSOE proposes to conduct marine site characterization surveys,
including high-resolution geophysical (HRG) and geotechnical surveys,
in the Lease Area and along potential submarine cable routes to
landfall locations in either the state of Maryland or Delaware. Surveys
would occur from approximately May 2018 through December 2018.
The purpose of the marine site characterization surveys is to
obtain a baseline assessment of seabed/sub-surface soil conditions in
the Lease Area and cable route corridors to support the siting of the
proposed Skipjack wind farm. Underwater sound resulting from GSOE's
proposed site characterization surveys have the potential to result in
incidental take of marine mammals in the form of behavioral harassment.
Dates and Duration
The site characterization surveys would occur between May 15, 2018,
and December 31, 2018. During this time period, geophysical surveys
would be conducted for up to 183 days and geotechnical surveys would be
conducted for up to 72 days. This schedule is based on 24-hour
operations and includes potential down time due to inclement weather.
Surveys will last for approximately seven months and are anticipated to
commence upon issuance of the requested IHA, if appropriate.
Specific Geographic Region
GSOE's survey activities would occur in the Northwest Atlantic
Ocean within Federal waters. Surveys would occur in the Lease Area and
along potential submarine cable routes to landfall locations in the
state of Maryland and Delaware (see Figure 1 in the IHA application).
The Lease Area is approximately 390 square kilometers (km\2\) (96,430
acres). The Lease Area is approximately 11 miles due east from Rehoboth
Beach, Delaware, at its closest point to shore.
Detailed Description of the Specified Activities
GSOE's proposed marine site characterization surveys include HRG
and geotechnical survey activities. Surveys would occur within the
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Delaware Wind Energy Area (DE
WEA) which is east of Delaware (see Figure 1 in the IHA application).
Water depths in the Lease Area range from 16 to 28 meters (m) (52 to 92
feet (ft)). For the purpose of this IHA the Lease Area and submarine
cable corridor are collectively termed the Project Area.
Geophysical and shallow geotechnical survey activities are
anticipated to be supported by a vessel approximately 30-60 m (100-200
ft) long which will maintain a speed of between two to five knots (kn)
while transiting survey lines. Deep geotechnical survey activities and
possible shallow geotechnical activities are anticipated to be
conducted from an 80 to 100 m (250 to 300 ft) dynamically
[[Page 14419]]
positioned (DP) vessel with support of a tug boat. Survey activities
will be executed in compliance with the July 2015 BOEM Guidelines for
Providing Geophysical, Geotechnical, and Geohazard Information Pursuant
to 30 CFR part 585. The proposed HRG and geotechnical survey activities
are described below.
Geotechnical Survey Activities
GSOE's proposed geotechnical survey activities would include the
Vibracores to characterize the geological and geotechnical
characteristics of the seabed, up to approximately 5 m deep.
Vibracoring entails use of a hydraulic or electric driven pulsating
head to drive a hollow tube into the seafloor and recover a stratified
representation of the sediment.
Core Penetration Testing (CPT) to determine stratigraphy
and in-situ conditions of the sediments. Target penetration is 60 to 75
Deep Boring Cores would be drilled to determine the
vertical and lateral variation in seabed conditions and provide
geotechnical data to depths at least 10 m deeper than design
penetration of the foundations (60 to 75 m target penetration).
GSOE's proposed geotechnical survey activities would last up to 72
days. Shallow geotechnical surveys, consisting of CPTs and vibracores,
are planned for within the Lease Area and approximately every 1-2
kilometers (km) along the export cable routes. Foundation-depth
geotechnical borings are also planned at each proposed foundation
location within the Lease Area. While the quantity and locations of
wind turbine generators to be installed, as well as cable route, has
yet to be determined, an estimate of 66 vibracores, 21 CPTs, and 22
deep borings are planned within the Lease Area and along the export
cable routes. The geotechnical sampling will be conducted from a DP
vessel, approximately 80 m in length.
In considering whether marine mammal harassment is an expected
outcome of exposure to a particular activity or sound source, NMFS
considers the nature of the exposure itself (e.g., the magnitude,
frequency, or duration of exposure), characteristics of the marine
mammals potentially exposed, and the conditions specific to the
geographic area where the activity is expected to occur (e.g., whether
the activity is planned in a foraging area, breeding area, nursery or
pupping area, or other biologically important area for the species). We
then consider the expected response of the exposed animal and whether
the nature and duration or intensity of that response is expected to
cause disruption of behavioral patterns (e.g., migration, breathing,
nursing, breeding, feeding, or sheltering) or injury.
Geotechnical survey activities would be conducted from a drill ship
equipped with DP thrusters. DP thrusters would be used to position the
sampling vessel on station and maintain position at each sampling
location during the sampling activity. Sound produced through use of DP
thrusters is similar to that produced by transiting vessels and DP
thrusters are typically operated either in a similarly predictable
manner or used for short durations around stationary activities. NMFS
does not believe acoustic impacts from DP thrusters are likely to
result in take of marine mammals in the absence of activity- or
location-specific circumstances that may otherwise represent specific
concerns for marine mammals (i.e., activities proposed in area known to
be of particular importance for a particular species), or associated
activities that may increase the potential to result in take when in
concert with DP thrusters. In this case, we are not aware of any such
circumstances. Monitoring of past projects that entailed use of DP
thrusters has shown a lack of observed marine mammal responses as a
result of exposure to sound from DP thrusters. Therefore, NMFS believes
the likelihood of DP thrusters used during the proposed geotechnical
surveys resulting in harassment of marine mammals to be so low as to be
discountable. As DP thrusters are not expected to result in take of
marine mammals, these activities are not analyzed further in this
Vibracoring entails driving a hydraulic or electric pulsating head
through a hollow tube into the seafloor to recover a stratified
representation of the sediment. The vibracoring process is short in
duration and is performed from a dynamic positioning vessel. The vessel
would use DP thrusters to maintain the vessel's position while the
vibracore sample is taken, as described above. The vibracoring process
would always be performed in concert with DP thrusters, and DP
thrusters would begin operating prior to the activation of the
vibracore to maintain the vessel's position; thus, we expect that any
marine mammals in the project area would detect the presence and noise
associated with the vessel and the DP thrusters prior to commencement
of vibracoring. Any reaction by marine mammals would be expected to be
similar to reactions to the concurrent DP thrusters, which are expected
to be minor and short term. In this case, vibracoring is not planned in
any areas of particular biological significance for any marine mammals.
Thus while a marine mammal may perceive noise from vibracoring and may
respond briefly, we believe the potential for this response to rise to
the level of take to be so low as to be discountable, based on the
short duration of the activity and the fact that marine mammals would
be expected to react to the vessel and DP thrusters before vibracoring
commences, potentially through brief avoidance. In addition, the fact
that the geographic area is not biologically important for any marine
mammal species means that such reactions are not likely to carry any
meaningful significance for the animals.
Field studies conducted off the coast of Virginia to determine the
underwater noise produced by CPTs and borehole drilling found that
these activities did not result in underwater noise levels that
exceeded current thresholds for Level B harassment of marine mammals
(Kalapinski, 2015). Given the small size and energy footprint of CPTs
borehole drilling, NMFS believes the likelihood that noise from these
activities would exceed the Level B harassment threshold at any
appreciable distance is so low as to be discountable. Therefore,
geotechnical survey activities, including CPTs, borehole drilling and
vibracores, are not expected to result in harassment of marine mammals
and are not analyzed further in this document.
Geophysical Survey Activities
GSOE has proposed that HRG survey operations would be conducted
continuously 24 hours per day. Based on 24-hour operations, the
estimated duration of the geophysical survey activities would be
approximately 183 days (including estimated weather down time). The
geophysical survey activities proposed by GSOE would include the
Multibeam Depth Sounder to determine water depths and
general bottom topography. The multibeam echosounder sonar system
projects sonar pulses in several angled beams from a transducer mounted
to a ship's hull. The beams radiate out from the transducer in a fan-
shaped pattern orthogonally to the ship's direction.
Shallow Penetration Sub-Bottom Profiler (Chirp) to map the
near surface stratigraphy (top 0 to 5 m of sediment below seabed). A
Chirp system emits sonar pulses which increase in frequency (3.5 to 200
kHz) over time. The pulse length frequency range can be adjusted to
meet project variables.
Medium Penetration Sub-Bottom Profiler (Boomer) to map
deeper subsurface stratigraphy as needed. This
[[Page 14420]]
system is commonly mounted on a sled and towed behind a boat.
Medium Penetration Sub-Bottom Profiler (Sparker and/or
bubble gun) to map deeper subsurface stratigraphy as needed. Sparkers
create acoustic pulses omni-directionally from the source that can
penetrate several hundred meters into the seafloor. Hydrophone arrays
towed nearby receive the return signals.
Sidescan Sonar used to image the seafloor for seabed
sediment classification purposes and to identify natural and man-made
acoustic targets on the seafloor. The sonar device emits conical or
fan-shaped pulses down toward the seafloor in multiple beams at a wide
angle, perpendicular to the path of the sensor through the water. The
acoustic return of the pulses is recorded in a series of cross-track
slices, which can be joined to form an image of the sea bottom within
the swath of the beam.
Marine Magnetometer to detect ferrous metal objects on the
seafloor which may cause a hazard including anchors, chains, cables,
pipelines, ballast stones and other scattered shipwreck debris,
munitions of all sizes, unexploded ordinances, aircraft, engines and
any other object with magnetic expression.
Table 1 identifies the representative survey equipment that may be
used in support of planned geophysical survey activities. The make and
model of the listed geophysical equipment will vary depending on
availability and the final equipment choices will vary depending upon
the final survey design, vessel availability, and survey contractor
selection. Any survey equipment selected would have characteristics
similar to the systems described below, if different.
Table 1--Summary of Geophysical Survey Equipment Proposed for Use by GSOE
Operational depth
Equipment type Operating frequencies Source level (SLrms (meters below Beam width (degrees) Pulse duration
(kHz) dB re 1 [mu]PA @1 m) surface) (milliseconds)
Multibeam Depth Sounding
Reson SeaBat 7125 \1\......... 200 and 400........... 220.................. 4.................... 128..................... 0.03 to 0.3.
Reson SeaBat 7101 \2\......... 100................... 162.................. 2 to 5............... 140..................... 0.8 to 3.04.
R2SONIC Sonic 2020 \1\........ 170 to 450............ 162.................. 2 to 5............... 160..................... 0.11.
Shallow Sub-bottom Profiling
Teledyne Benthos Chirp III \3\ 2 to 7................ 197.................. 4.................... 45...................... 0.2.
EdgeTech SB3200 XS............ 2 to 16............... 176.................. 2 to 5............... 170..................... 3.4.
Medium Penetration Sub-bottom Profiling
Applied Acoustics............. 0.1 to 10............. 175.................. 1 to 2............... 60...................... 58.
Fugro boomer \1\..............
Applied Acoustics S-Boom 0.25 to 8............. 203.................. 2.................... 25 to 35................ 0.6.
system--CSP-D 2400HV (600
joule/pulse) \5\.
GeoResources 800 Joule Sparker 0.75 to 2.75.......... 203.................. 4.................... 360 (omni-directional).. 0.1 to 0.2.
Falmouth Scientific HMS 620 0.02 to 1.7........... 196.................. 1.5.................. 360 (omni-directional).. 1.6.
bubble gun \7\.
Applied Acoustics............. 0.03 to 5............. 213.................. 1 to 2............... 170..................... 2.1.
Dura-Spark 240 \5\............
Side Scan Sonar
Klein Marine Systems model 445 and 900........... 242.................. 20................... 40...................... 0.025.
3900 \1\.
EdgeTech model 4125 \1\....... 105 and 410........... 225.................. 10................... 158..................... 10 to 20.
EdgeTech model 4200 \1\....... 300 and 600........... 215 to 220........... 1.................... 0.5 and 0.26............ 5 to 12.
\1\ Source level obtained from equipment specifications as described in 82 FR 22250: ``Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities;
Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to Site Characterization Surveys off the Coast of New York.''
\2\ Source level based on published manufacturer specifications and/or systems manual.
\3\ Source level based on published manufacturer specifications and/or systems manual--assumed configured as TTV-171 with AT-471 transducer per system
\4\ Source level obtained from Crocker and Fratantonio (2016). Assumed to be 3200 XS with SB216. Used as proxy: 3200 XS with SB424 in 4-24 kHz mode
Since the 3200 XS system manual lists same power output between SB216 and SB 424.
\5\ Source level obtained from Crocker and Fratantonio (2016).
\6\ Source level obtained from Crocker and Fratantonio (2016)--ELC820 used as proxy.
\7\ Source level obtained from Crocker and Fratantonio (2016)--Used single plate 1 due to discrepancies noted in Crocker and Fratantonio (2016)
regarding plate 2.
The deployment of HRG survey equipment, including the equipment
planned for use during GSOE's planned activity, produces sound in the
marine environment that has the potential to result in harassment of
marine mammals. However, sound propagation is dependent on several
factors including operating mode, frequency and beam direction of the
HRG equipment; thus, potential impacts to marine mammals from HRG
equipment are driven by the specification of individual HRG sources.
The specifications of the potential equipment planned for use during
HRG survey activities (Table 1) were analyzed to determine which types
of equipment would have the potential to result in harassment of marine
mammals. HRG equipment that would
[[Page 14421]]
be operated either at frequency ranges that fall outside the functional
hearing ranges of marine mammals (e.g., above 200 kHz) or that that
operate within marine mammal functional hearing ranges but have low
sound source levels (e.g., a single pulse at less than 200 dB re re 1
[mu]Pa) were assumed to not have the potential to result in marine
mammal harassment and were therefore eliminated from further analysis.
Of the potential HRG survey equipment planned for use, the following
equipment was determined to have the potential to result in harassment
of marine mammals:
Teledyne Benthos Chirp III Sub-bottom Profiler;
EdgeTech Sub-bottom Profilers (Chirp);
Applied Acoustics Fugro Sub-bottom Profiler (Boomer);
Applied Acoustics S-Boom Sub-bottom Profiling System
consisting of a CSP-D 2400HV power supply and 3-plate catamaran;
GeoResources 800 Joule Sparker;
Falmouth Scientific HMS 620 Bubble Gun; and
Applied Acoustics Dura-Spark 240 System;
As the HRG survey equipment listed above was determined to have the
potential to result in harassment of marine mammals, the equipment
listed above was carried forward in the analysis of potential impacts
to marine mammals; all other HRG equipment planned for use by GSOE is
not expected to result in harassment of marine mammals and is therefore
not analyzed further in this document.
Proposed mitigation, monitoring, and reporting measures are
described in detail later in this document (please see ``Proposed
Mitigation'' and ``Proposed Monitoring and Reporting'').
Description of Marine Mammals in the Area of Specified Activity
Sections 3 and 4 of GSOE's IHA application summarize available
information regarding status and trends, distribution and habitat
preferences, and behavior and life history, of the potentially affected
species. Additional information regarding population trends and threats
may be found in NMFS' Stock Assessment Reports (SAR; www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/sars/) and more general information about these species (e.g.,
physical and behavioral descriptions) may be found on NMFS' website
(www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/species/mammals/). All species that could
potentially occur in the proposed survey areas are included in Table 5
of the IHA application. However, the temporal and/or spatial occurrence
of several species listed in Table 5 of the IHA application is such
that take of these species is not expected to occur, and they are not
discussed further beyond the explanation provided here. Take of these
species is not anticipated either because they have very low densities
in the project area, are known to occur further offshore than the
project area, or are considered very unlikely to occur in the project
area during the proposed survey due to the species' seasonal occurrence
in the area.
Table 2 lists all species with expected potential for occurrence in
the survey area and with the potential to be taken as a result of the
proposed survey and summarizes information related to the population or
stock, including regulatory status under the MMPA and ESA and potential
biological removal (PBR), where known. For taxonomy, we follow
Committee on Taxonomy (2017). PBR is defined by the MMPA as the maximum
number of animals, not including natural mortalities, that may be
removed from a marine mammal stock while allowing that stock to reach
or maintain its optimum sustainable population (as described in NMFS'
SARs). While no mortality is anticipated or authorized here, PBR is
included here as a gross indicator of the status of the species and
other threats.
Marine mammal abundance estimates presented in this document
represent the total number of individuals that make up a given stock or
the total number estimated within a particular study or survey area.
NMFS' stock abundance estimates for most species represent the total
estimate of individuals within the geographic area, if known, that
comprises that stock. For some species, this geographic area may extend
beyond U.S. waters. All managed stocks in this region are assessed in
NMFS' U.S. 2017 draft SARs (e.g., Hayes et al., 2018). All values
presented in Table 2 are the most recent available at the time of
publication and are available in the 2017 draft Atlantic SARs (Hayes et
al., 2018).
Table 2--Marine Mammals Known to Occur in the Survey Area
NMFS stock
NMFS MMPA and ESA abundance Predicted Occurrence and
Common name Stock status; strategic (CV,Nmin, most abundance (CV) PBR \4\ seasonality in the
(Y/N) \1\ recent abundance \3\ survey area
survey) \2\
Toothed whales (Odontoceti)
Sperm whale (Physeter North Atlantic...... E; Y............... 2,288 (0.28; 1,815; 5,353 (0.12) 3.6 Rare.
macrocephalus). n/a).
Long-finned pilot whale W. North Atlantic... --; Y.............. 5,636 (0.63; 3,464; \6\ 18,977 35 Rare.
(Globicephala melas). n/a). (0.11)
Atlantic white-sided dolphin W. North Atlantic... --; N.............. 48,819 (0.61; 37,180 (0.07) 304 Rare.
(Lagenorhynchus acutus). 30,403; n/a).
Atlantic spotted dolphin W. North Atlantic... --; N.............. 44,715 (0.43; 55,436 (0.32) 316 Rare.
(Stenella frontalis). 31,610; n/a).
Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops W. North Atlantic, --; N.............. 77,532 (0.40; \5\ 97,476 561 Common year round.
truncatus). Offshore. 56,053; 2011). (0.06)
W. North Atlantic, --; N.............. 6,639 (0.41; 4,759; ................ 48 Common in summer;
Northern Migratory 2015). rare in winter.
[[Page 14422]]
Short-beaked common dolphin W. North Atlantic... --; N.............. 70,184 (0.28; 86,098 (0.12) 557 Common year round.
(Delphinus delphis). 55,690; 2011).
Harbor porpoise (Phocoena Gulf of Maine/Bay of --; N.............. 79,833 (0.32; * 45,089 (0.12) 706 Common year round.
phocoena). Fundy. 61,415; 2011).
Baleen whales (Mysticeti)
North Atlantic right whale W. North Atlantic... E; Y............... 458 (0; 455; n/a).. * 535 (0.45) 1.4 Year round in
(Eubalaena glacialis). continental shelf
and slope waters,
occur seasonally
to forage.
Humpback whale \6\ (Megaptera Gulf of Maine....... --; N.............. 335 (0.42; 239; n/ * 1,637 (0.07) 3.7 Common year round.
novaeangliae). a).
Fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) W. North Atlantic... E; Y............... 1,618 (0.33; 1,234; 4,633 (0.08) 2.5 Year round in
n/a). continental shelf
and slope waters,
occur seasonally
to forage.
Sei whale (Balaenoptera borealis) Nova Scotia......... E; Y............... 357 (0.52; 236; n/ 717 (0.3) 0.5 Year round in
a). continental shelf
and slope waters,
occur seasonally
to forage.
Minke whale (Balaenoptera Canadian East Coast. --; N.............. 2,591 (0.81; 1,425; * 2,112 (0.05) 162 Year round in
acutorostrata). n/a). continental shelf
and slope waters,
occur seasonally
to forage.
Earless seals (Phocidae)
Gray seal \7\ (Halichoerus W. North Atlantic... --; N.............. 27,131 (0.10; ................ 1,554 Rare.
grypus). 25,908; n/a).
Harbor seal (Phoca vitulina)..... W. North Atlantic... --; N.............. 75,834 (0.15; ................ 2,006 Common year round.
66,884; 2012).
\1\ ESA status: Endangered (E), Threatened (T)/MMPA status: Depleted (D). A dash (--) indicates that the species is not listed under the ESA or
designated as depleted under the MMPA. Under the MMPA, a strategic stock is one for which the level of direct human-caused mortality exceeds PBR (see
footnote 3) or which is determined to be declining and likely to be listed under the ESA within the foreseeable future. Any species or stock listed
under the ESA is automatically designated under the MMPA as depleted and as a strategic stock.
\2\ NMFS marine mammal stock assessment reports online at: www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/sars. CV is coefficient of variation; Nmin is the minimum estimate of
stock abundance. In some cases, CV is not applicable. For certain stocks, abundance estimates are actual counts of animals and there is no associated
CV. The most recent abundance survey that is reflected in the abundance estimate is presented; there may be more recent surveys that have not yet been
incorporated into the estimate. All values presented here are from the 2017 draft Atlantic SARs (Hayes et al., 2018).
\3\ This information represents species- or guild-specific abundance predicted by recent habitat-based cetacean density models (Roberts et al., 2016).
These models provide the best available scientific information regarding predicted density patterns of cetaceans in the U.S. Atlantic Ocean, and we
provide the corresponding abundance predictions as a point of reference. Total abundance estimates were produced by computing the mean density of all
pixels in the modeled area and multiplying by its area. For those species marked with an asterisk, the available information supported development of
either two or four seasonal models; each model has an associated abundance prediction. Here, we report the maximum predicted abundance.
\4\ Potential biological removal, defined by the MMPA as the maximum number of animals, not including natural mortalities, that may be removed from a
marine mammal stock while allowing that stock to reach or maintain its optimum sustainable population size (OSP).
\5\ Abundance estimates are in some cases reported for a guild or group of species when those species are difficult to differentiate at sea. Similarly,
the habitat-based cetacean density models produced by Roberts et al. (2016) are based in part on available observational data which, in some cases, is
limited to genus or guild in terms of taxonomic definition. Roberts et al. (2016) produced density models to genus level for Globicephala spp. and
produced a density model for bottlenose dolphins that does not differentiate between offshore and coastal stocks.
\6\ NMFS stock abundance estimate applies to Gulf of Maine feeding population. Actual humpback whale population in survey area is likely to be larger
and to include humpback whales from additional feeding populations in unknown numbers.
\7\ NMFS stock abundance estimate applies to U.S. population only, actual abundance is believed to be much larger.
Four marine mammal species that are listed under the Endangered
Species Act (ESA) may be present in the survey area and are included in
the take request: North Atlantic right whale, fin whale, sei whale and
sperm whale.
Below is a description of the species that are both common in the
survey area east of Delaware and that have the
[[Page 14423]]
highest likelihood of occurring, at least seasonally, in the survey
area and thus are expected to have the potential to be taken by the
proposed activities. Though other marine mammal species are known to
occur in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean, the temporal and/or spatial
occurrence of several of these species is such that take of these
species is not expected to occur, and they are therefore not discussed
further beyond the explanation provided here. Take of these species is
not anticipated either because they have very low densities in the
project area (e.g., blue whale, Clymene dolphin, pantropical spotted
dolphin, striped dolphin, spinner dolphin, killer whale, false killer
whale, pygmy killer whale, short-finned pilot whale), or, are known to
occur further offshore than the project area (e.g., beaked whales,
rough toothed dolphin, Kogia spp.).
For the majority of species potentially present in the specific
geographic region, NMFS has designated only a single generic stock
(e.g., ``western North Atlantic'') for management purposes. This
includes the ``Canadian east coast'' stock of minke whales, which
includes all minke whales found in U.S. waters. For humpback and sei
whales, NMFS defines stocks on the basis of feeding locations, i.e.,
Gulf of Maine and Nova Scotia, respectively. However, our reference to
humpback whales and sei whales in this document refers to any
individuals of the species that are found in the specific geographic
North Atlantic Right Whale
The North Atlantic right whale ranges from the calving grounds in
the southeastern United States to feeding grounds in New England waters
and into Canadian waters (Waring et al., 2016). Surveys have
demonstrated the existence of seven areas where North Atlantic right
whales congregate seasonally, including Georges Bank, Cape Cod, and
Massachusetts Bay (Waring et al., 2016). In the late fall months (e.g.,
October), right whales generally depart from the feeding grounds in the
North Atlantic and move south to their breeding grounds. Movements
within and between habitats are extensive, and the area off the mid-
Atlantic states is an important migratory corridor (Waring et al.,
2016). In 2000, one whale was photographed in Florida waters on January
12, then again 11 days later in Cape Cod Bay, less than a month later
off Georgia, and back in Cape Cod Bay five weeks later, effectively
making the round-trip migration to the Southeast and back at least
twice during the winter season (Brown and Marx 2000). During the
proposed survey right whales may be migrating through the proposed
survey area and the surrounding waters.
The western North Atlantic population demonstrated overall growth
of 2.8 percent per year between 1990 to 2010, despite a decline in 1993
and no growth between 1997 and 2000 (Pace et al. 2017). However, since
2010 the population has been in decline, with a 99.99 percent
probability of a decline of just under 1 percent per year (Pace et al.
2017). Between 1990 and 2015, calving rates varied substantially, with
low calving rates coinciding with all three periods of decline or no
growth (Pace et al. 2017). On average, North Atlantic right whale
calving rates are estimated to be roughly half that of southern right
whales (Eubalaena australis) (Pace et al. 2017), which are increasing
in abundance (NMFS 2015).
The proposed survey area is part of the Eastern Atlantic
Biologically Important Area (BIA) for North Atlantic right whales,
which is important for right whale migration in March, April, November
and December; this important migratory area is comprised of the waters
of the continental shelf offshore the East Coast of the United States
and extends from Florida through Massachusetts. Based on the proposed
survey schedule (May through December), the majority of the survey
would occur outside the months when the BIA is considered important for
right whale migration.
NMFS' regulations at 50 CFR part 224.105 designated nearshore
waters of the Mid-Atlantic Bight as Mid-Atlantic U.S. Seasonal
Management Areas (SMA) for right whales in 2008. SMAs were developed to
reduce the threat of collisions between ships and right whales around
their migratory route and calving grounds. Within SMAs, mandatory
vessel speed restrictions (less than 10 kn) are in place for vessels
greater than 65 ft. A portion of one SMA overlaps spatially with the
northern section of the proposed survey area. This SMA, which occurs
off the mouth of the Delaware Bay, is active from November 1 through
April 30 of each year. Any survey vessels greater than 65 ft in length
would be required to adhere to the mandatory vessel speed restrictions
when operating within the SMA (when the SMA is active from November 1
through April 30).
The current abundance estimate for this stock is 458 individuals
(Hayes et al., 2018). Data indicates that the number of adult females
fell from 200 in 2010 to 186 in 2015 while males fell from 283 to 272
in the same timeframe (Pace et al., 2017). In addition, elevated North
Atlantic right whale mortalities have occurred since June 7, 2017,
including a total of 17 confirmed dead stranded whales (12 in Canada; 5
in the United States), and an additional 5 live whale entanglements in
Canada, documented to date. This event has been declared an Unusual
Mortality Event (UME). More information is available online at: https://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/health/mmume/2017northatlanticrightwhaleume.html.
Humpback Whale
Humpback whales are found worldwide in all oceans. The humpback
whale population within the North Atlantic has been estimated to
include approximately 11,570 individuals (Waring et al., 2016).
Humpback whales utilize the mid-Atlantic as a migration pathway between
calving/mating grounds to the south and feeding grounds in the north
(Waring et al. 2007). During winter, the majority of humpback whales
from North Atlantic feeding areas (including the Gulf of Maine) mate
and calve in the West Indies, where spatial and genetic mixing among
feeding groups occurs, though significant numbers of animals are found
in mid- and high-latitude regions at this time and some individuals
have been sighted repeatedly within the same winter season indicating
that not all humpback whales migrate south every winter (Waring et al.,
A key question with regard to humpback whales off the mid-Atlantic
states is their stock identity. Using fluke photographs of living and
dead whales observed in the region, Barco et al. (2002) reported that
43 percent of 21 live whales matched to the Gulf of Maine, 19 percent
to Newfoundland, and 4.8 percent to the Gulf of St Lawrence, while 31.6
percent of 19 dead humpbacks were known Gulf of Maine whales. Although
the population composition of the mid-Atlantic is apparently dominated
by Gulf of Maine whales, lack of photographic effort in Newfoundland
makes it likely that the observed match rates under-represent the true
presence of Canadian whales in the region (Waring et al., 2016). Barco
et al. (2002) suggested that the mid-Atlantic region primarily
represents a supplemental winter feeding ground used by humpbacks.
Since January 2016, elevated humpback whale mortalities have
occurred along the Atlantic coast from Maine through North Carolina.
Partial or full necropsy examinations have been conducted on
approximately half of the 62 known cases. A portion of the whales have
shown evidence of pre-mortem vessel strike; however, this finding is
[[Page 14424]]
not consistent across all of the whales examined so more research is
needed. NOAA is consulting with researchers that are conducting studies
on the humpback whale populations, and these efforts may provide
information on changes in whale distribution and habitat use that could
provide additional insight into how these vessel interactions occurred.
Three previous UMEs involving humpback whales have occurred since 2000,
in 2003, 2005, and 2006. More information is available at
Fin Whale
Fin whales are common in waters of the U.S. Atlantic Exclusive
Economic Zone (EEZ), principally from Cape Hatteras northward (Waring
et al., 2016). Fin whales are present north of 35-degree latitude in
every season and are broadly distributed throughout the western North
Atlantic for most of the year (Waring et al., 2016). Fin whales are
found in small groups of up to 5 individuals (Brueggeman et al., 1987).
The main threats to fin whales are fishery interactions and vessel
collisions (Waring et al., 2016).
Sei Whale
The Nova Scotia stock of sei whales can be found in deeper waters
of the continental shelf edge waters of the northeastern U.S. and
northeastward to south of Newfoundland. The southern portion of the
stock's range during spring and summer includes the Gulf of Maine and
Georges Bank. Spring is the period of greatest abundance in U.S.
waters, with sightings concentrated along the eastern margin of Georges
Bank and into the Northeast Channel area, and along the southwestern
edge of Georges Bank in the area of Hydrographer Canyon (Waring et al.,
2015). Sei whales occur in shallower waters to feed. Sei whales are
listed as engendered under the ESA, and the Nova Scotia stock is
considered strategic and depleted under the MMPA. The main threats to
this stock are interactions with fisheries and vessel collisions.
Minke Whale
Minke whales can be found in temperate, tropical, and high-latitude
waters. The Canadian East Coast stock can be found in the area from the
western half of the Davis Strait (45[deg] W) to the Gulf of Mexico
(Waring et al., 2016). This species generally occupies waters less than
100 m deep on the continental shelf. There appears to be a strong
seasonal component to minke whale distribution in which spring to fall
are times of relatively widespread and common occurrence, and when the
whales are most abundant in New England waters, while during winter the
species appears to be largely absent (Waring et al., 2016). The main
threats to this stock are interactions with fisheries, strandings, and
vessel collisions.
Sperm Whale
The distribution of the sperm whale in the U.S. EEZ occurs on the
continental shelf edge, over the continental slope, and into mid-ocean
regions (Waring et al., 2014). The basic social unit of the sperm whale
appears to be the mixed school of adult females plus their calves and
some juveniles of both sexes, normally numbering 20-40 animals in all.
There is evidence that some social bonds persist for many years
(Christal et al., 1998). This species forms stable social groups, site
fidelity, and latitudinal range limitations in groups of females and
juveniles (Whitehead, 2002). In summer, the distribution of sperm
whales includes the area east and north of Georges Bank and into the
Northeast Channel region, as well as the continental shelf (inshore of
the 100-m isobath) south of New England. In the fall, sperm whale
occurrence south of New England on the continental shelf is at its
highest level, and there remains a continental shelf edge occurrence in
the mid-Atlantic bight. In winter, sperm whales are concentrated east
and northeast of Cape Hatteras. The current abundance estimate for this
stock is 2,288 (Hayes et al., 2017).
Long-Finned Pilot Whale
Long-finned pilot whales are found from North Carolina and north to
Iceland, Greenland and the Barents Sea (Waring et al., 2016). In U.S.
Atlantic waters the species is distributed principally along the
continental shelf edge off the northeastern U.S. coast in winter and
early spring and in late spring, pilot whales move onto Georges Bank
and into the Gulf of Maine and more northern waters and remain in these
areas through late autumn (Waring et al., 2016). Long-finned pilot
whales are not listed under the ESA. The Western North Atlantic stock
is considered strategic under the MMPA. The main threats to this
species include interactions with fisheries and habitat issues
including exposure to high levels of polychlorinated biphenyls and
chlorinated pesticides, and toxic metals including mercury, lead,
cadmium, and selenium (Waring et al., 2016).
Atlantic White-Sided Dolphin
White-sided dolphins are found in temperate and sub-polar waters of
the North Atlantic, primarily in continental shelf waters to the 100-m
depth contour from central West Greenland to North Carolina (Waring et
al., 2016). The Gulf of Maine stock is most common in continental shelf
waters from Hudson Canyon to Georges Bank, and in the Gulf of Maine and
lower Bay of Fundy. Sighting data indicate seasonal shifts in
distribution (Northridge et al., 1997). During January to May, low
numbers of white-sided dolphins are found from Georges Bank to Jeffreys
Ledge (off New Hampshire), with even lower numbers south of Georges
Bank, as documented by a few strandings collected on beaches of
Virginia to South Carolina. From June through September, large numbers
of white-sided dolphins are found from Georges Bank to the lower Bay of
Fundy. From October to December, white-sided dolphins occur at
intermediate densities from southern Georges Bank to southern Gulf of
Maine (Payne and Heinemann 1990). Sightings south of Georges Bank,
particularly around Hudson Canyon, occur year round but at low
densities. The main threat to this species is interactions with
Atlantic Spotted Dolphin
Atlantic spotted dolphins are found in tropical and warm temperate
waters ranging from southern New England, south to Gulf of Mexico and
the Caribbean to Venezuela (Waring et al., 2014). This stock regularly
occurs in continental shelf waters south of Cape Hatteras and in
continental shelf edge and continental slope waters north of this
region (Waring et al., 2014). There are two forms of this species, with
the larger ecotype inhabiting the continental shelf and is usually
found inside or near the 200 m isobaths (Waring et al., 2014). Atlantic
spotted dolphins are not listed under the ESA, and the stock is not
considered depleted or strategic under the MMPA. The main threat to
this species is interactions with fisheries.
Short-Beaked Common Dolphin
The short-beaked common dolphin is found world-wide in temperate to
subtropical seas. In the North Atlantic, short-beaked common dolphins
are commonly found over the continental shelf between the 100-m and
2000-m isobaths and over prominent underwater topography and east to
the mid-Atlantic Ridge (Waring et al., 2016). Only the western North
Atlantic stock may be present in the Lease Area. The current abundance
estimate for this
[[Page 14425]]
stock is 70,184 animals (Hayes et al., 2017). The main threat to this
species is interactions with fisheries.
Bottlenose Dolphin
There are two distinct bottlenose dolphin morphotypes in the
western North Atlantic: the coastal and offshore forms (Waring et al.,
2016). The offshore form is distributed primarily along the outer
continental shelf and continental slope in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean
from Georges Bank to the Florida Keys. The coastal morphotype is
morphologically and genetically distinct from the larger, more robust
morphotype that occupies habitats further offshore. Spatial
distribution data, tag-telemetry studies, photo-ID studies and genetic
studies demonstrate the existence of a distinct Northern Migratory
stock of coastal bottlenose dolphins (Waring et al., 2014). During
summer months (July-August), this stock occupies coastal waters from
the shoreline to approximately the 25 m isobath between the Chesapeake
Bay mouth and Long Island, New York; during winter months (January-
March), the stock occupies coastal waters from Cape Lookout, North
Carolina, to the North Carolina/Virginia border (Waring et al., 2014).
The Western North Atlantic northern migratory coastal stock and the
Western North Atlantic offshore stock may be encountered by the
proposed survey.
The main threat to bottlenose dolphins is interactions with
fisheries. Bottlenose dolphins are not listed as threatened or
endangered under the ESA. The Western North Atlantic offshore stock is
not a strategic stock under the MMPA, but the Northern Migratory
Coastal Stock is a strategic stock under the MMPA due to the depleted
listing under the MMPA.
Harbor Porpoise
In the Lease Area, only the Gulf of Maine/Bay of Fundy stock may be
present. This stock is found in U.S. and Canadian Atlantic waters and
is concentrated in the northern Gulf of Maine and southern Bay of Fundy
region, generally in waters less than 150 m deep (Waring et al., 2016).
They are seen from the coastline to deep waters (>1800 m; Westgate et
al. 1998), although the majority of the population is found over the
continental shelf (Waring et al., 2016). The current abundance estimate
for this stock is 79,883 (Hayes et al., 2017). The main threat to the
species is interactions with fisheries, with documented take in the
U.S. northeast sink gillnet, mid-Atlantic gillnet, and northeast bottom
trawl fisheries and in the Canadian herring weir fisheries (Waring et
al., 2016).
Harbor Seal
The harbor seal is found in all nearshore waters of the North
Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans and adjoining seas above about
30[deg] N (Burns, 2009). In the western North Atlantic, harbor seals
are distributed from the eastern Canadian Arctic and Greenland south to
southern New England and New York, and occasionally to the Carolinas
(Waring et al., 2016). Haulout and pupping sites are located off
Manomet, MA and the Isles of Shoals, ME, but generally do not occur in
areas in southern New England (Waring et al., 2016). The current
abundance estimate for this stock is 75,834 (Hayes et al., 2017). The
main threat to this species is interactions with fisheries.
Gray Seal
There are three major populations of gray seals found in the world;
eastern Canada (western North Atlantic stock), northwestern Europe and
the Baltic Sea. Gray seals in the survey area belong to the western
North Atlantic stock. The range for this stock is thought to be from
New Jersey to Labrador. Though gray seals are not regularly sighted in
Delaware their range has been expanding southward in recent years, and
they have been observed recently as far south as the barrier islands of
Virginia. Current population trends show that gray seal abundance is
likely increasing in the U.S. Atlantic EEZ (Waring et al., 2016).
Although the rate of increase is unknown, surveys conducted since their
arrival in the 1980s indicate a steady increase in abundance in both
Maine and Massachusetts (Waring et al., 2016). It is believed that
recolonization by Canadian gray seals is the source of the U.S.
population (Waring et al., 2016).
Marine Mammal Hearing
Hearing is the most important sensory modality for marine mammals
underwater, and exposure to anthropogenic sound can have deleterious
effects. To appropriately assess the potential effects of exposure to
sound, it is necessary to understand the frequency ranges marine
mammals are able to hear. Current data indicate that not all marine
mammal species have equal hearing capabilities (e.g., Richardson et
al., 1995; Wartzok and Ketten, 1999; Au and Hastings, 2008). To reflect
this, Southall et al. (2007) recommended that marine mammals be divided
into functional hearing groups based on directly measured or estimated
hearing ranges on the basis of available behavioral response data,
audiograms derived using auditory evoked potential techniques,
anatomical modeling, and other data. Note that no direct measurements
of hearing ability have been successfully completed for mysticetes
(i.e., low-frequency cetaceans). Subsequently, NMFS (2016) described
generalized hearing ranges for these marine mammal hearing groups.
Generalized hearing ranges were chosen based on the approximately 65 dB
threshold from the normalized composite audiograms, with the exception
for lower limits for low-frequency cetaceans where the lower bound was
deemed to be biologically implausible and the lower bound from Southall
et al. (2007) retained. The functional groups and the associated
frequencies are indicated below (note that these frequency ranges
correspond to the range for the composite group, with the entire range
not necessarily reflecting the capabilities of every species within
that group):
Low-frequency cetaceans (mysticetes): Generalized hearing
is estimated to occur between approximately 7 Hertz (Hz) and 35
kilohertz (kHz);
Mid-frequency cetaceans (larger toothed whales, beaked
whales, and most delphinids): Generalized hearing is estimated to occur
between approximately 150 Hz and 160 kHz;
High-frequency cetaceans (porpoises, river dolphins, and
members of the genera Kogia and Cephalorhynchus; including two members
of the genus Lagenorhynchus, on the basis of recent echolocation data
and genetic data): Generalized hearing is estimated to occur between
approximately 275 Hz and 160 kHz.
Pinnipeds in water; Phocidae (true seals): Generalized
hearing is estimated to occur between approximately 50 Hz to 86 kHz;
The pinniped functional hearing group was modified from Southall et
al. (2007) on the basis of data indicating that phocid species have
consistently demonstrated an extended frequency range of hearing
compared to otariids, especially in the higher frequency range
(Hemil[auml] et al., 2006; Kastelein et al., 2009; Reichmuth and Holt,
For more detail concerning these groups and associated frequency
ranges, please see NMFS (2016) for a review of available information.
Eleven marine mammal species (nine cetacean and two pinniped (both
phocid) species) have the reasonable potential to co-occur with the
proposed survey activities. Please refer to Table 2. Of the cetacean
species that may be present, five are classified as low-frequency
[[Page 14426]]
(i.e., all mysticete species), six are classified as mid-frequency
cetaceans (i.e., all delphinid species and the sperm whale), and one is
classified as a high-frequency cetacean (i.e., harbor porpoise).
Potential Effects of Specified Activities on Marine Mammals and Their
This section includes a summary and discussion of the ways that
components of the specified activity may impact marine mammals and
their habitat. The ``Estimated Take'' section later in this document
includes a quantitative analysis of the number of individuals that are
expected to be taken by this activity. The ``Negligible Impact Analysis
and Determination'' section considers the content of this section, the
``Estimated Take'' section, and the ``Proposed Mitigation'' section, to
draw conclusions regarding the likely impacts of these activities on
the reproductive success or survivorship of individuals and how those
impacts on individuals are likely to impact marine mammal species or
Background on Sound
Sound is a physical phenomenon consisting of minute vibrations that
travel through a medium, such as air or water, and is generally
characterized by several variables. Frequency describes the sound's
pitch and is measured in Hz or kHz, while sound level describes the
sound's intensity and is measured in decibels (dB). Sound level
increases or decreases exponentially with ea