Information Collection Being Reviewed by the Federal Communications Commission, 12386-12387 [2018-05730]
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Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 55 / Wednesday, March 21, 2018 / Notices
between incurring costs of generating
data for registration and obtaining
B. How can I get copies of this document revenue from product sales, (2) the
multiple years over which revenue is
and other relevant information?
generated, and (3) the costs of producing
The docket for this action, identified
and distributing the product. The PR
by docket identification (ID) number
Notice provides suggestions about the
EPA–HQ–OPP–2015–0814, is available
data that can be used to conduct the
either electronically though https://
analysis. Finally, the PR Notice explains or in hard copy at
how qualitative information may be
the OPP Docket in the Environmental
Protection Agency Docket Center, (EPA/ used to inform the quantitative analysis
DC) EPA West William Jefferson Clinton and interpret the results. It also clarifies
that the most recent USDA Census of
Bldg., Room 3334, 1301 Constitution
Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20460–0001. Agriculture is the appropriate source for
data on acreage in the U.S. to establish
The Public Reading Room is open from
a minor use under the acreage definition
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through
in FIFRA section 2(ll)(1).
Friday, excluding legal holidays. The
telephone number for the Public
Registrants will typically seek to
Reading Room is (202) 566–1744, and
demonstrate that a site is a minor use in
the telephone number for the OPP
the context of requesting an extension of
Docket is (703) 305–5805.
the exclusive use period for data
submitted in support of a registration
II. What guidance does this PR Notice
under FIFRA section 3(c)(1)(F)(ii) or a
new exclusive use period for data
FIFRA defines a minor use of a
pesticide as either a use on a crop grown submitted to support a registration
under FIFRA section 3(c)(1)(F)(vi).
on 300,000 acres or less in the United
These clauses are intended to provide
States or a use that lacks sufficient
incentives to registrants to obtain
economic incentive to seek or maintain
registrations for uses that might
a registration but has private or social
value. This PR Notice provides guidance otherwise go unfulfilled because they
offer low returns because of low
to the registrant concerning the method
used to determine if a use site is a
‘‘minor use’’ as defined by FIFRA 2(ll).
The information collection activities
In particular, the PR Notice describes
associated with the activities described
the method for determining if the use
in this PR Notice are already approved
‘‘does not provide sufficient economic
by the Office of Management and
incentive.’’ To date, EPA’s
Budget (OMB) under the Paperwork
interpretation of economic minor use in
Reduction Act (PRA), 44 U.S.C. 3501 et
section 2(ll)(2) has been shaped by
seq. The corresponding Information
guidance provided in PR Notice 97–2.
Collection Request (ICR) document for
However, the approach outlined in PR
the Application for New and Amended
Notice 97–2 does not consider critical
Pesticide Registration has been assigned
factors that influence the incentives for
EPA ICR number 0277.16 and is
approved under OMB control number
EPA published and requested public
comment on the draft Economic Minor
Use PR Notice on June 6, 2016 (81 FR
III. Do PR Notices contain binding
38704). EPA received comments from
seven entities. Most commenters were
broadly supportive of the endeavor to
The PR Notice about the
improve upon PR Notice 97–2.
determination of a minor use is
Commenters supported the new process intended to provide guidance to EPA
to qualify for minor use registration
personnel and decision-makers and to
under FIFRA as more appropriate and
pesticide registrants. While the
simple by clarifying and updating
requirements in the statutes and Agency
economic definitions and treating
regulations are binding on EPA and the
registration of a pesticide as an
applicants, this PR Notice is not binding
investment. The Agency appreciates the on either EPA or pesticide registrants,
comments provided by the public, and
and EPA may depart from the guidance
the Agency’s responses to the comments where circumstances warrant and
for the draft PR Notice can be found at
without prior notice. Likewise, pesticide using docket ID number registrants may assert that the guidance
is not appropriate generally or not
This final PR Notice describes the
revised approach to evaluate ‘‘sufficient applicable to a specific pesticide or
economic incentive.’’ It explicitly
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
entities that may be affected by this
considers (1) the difference in time
VerDate Sep<11>2014
18:34 Mar 20, 2018
Jkt 244001
Authority: 7 U.S.C. 136 et seq.
PO 00000
Frm 00054
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Dated: March 7, 2018.
Richard P. Keigwin, Jr.,
Director, Office of Pesticide Programs.
[FR Doc. 2018–05635 Filed 3–20–18; 8:45 am]
[OMB 3060–0931]
Information Collection Being Reviewed
by the Federal Communications
Federal Communications
ACTION: Notice and request for
As part of its continuing effort
to reduce paperwork burdens, and as
required by the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995 (PRA), the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC or
Commission) invites the general public
and other Federal agencies to take this
opportunity to comment on the
following information collections.
Comments are requested concerning:
Whether the proposed collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
Commission, including whether the
information shall have practical utility;
the accuracy of the Commission’s
burden estimate; ways to enhance the
quality, utility, and clarity of the
information collected; ways to minimize
the burden of the collection of
information on the respondents,
including the use of automated
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology; and ways to
further reduce the information
collection burden on small business
concerns with fewer than 25 employees.
The FCC may not conduct or sponsor
a collection of information unless it
displays a currently valid Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) control
number. No person shall be subject to
any penalty for failing to comply with
a collection of information subject to the
PRA that does not display a valid OMB
control number.
DATES: Written PRA comments should
be submitted on or before May 21, 2018.
If you anticipate that you will be
submitting comments, but find it
difficult to do so within the period of
time allowed by this notice, you should
advise the contact listed below as soon
as possible.
ADDRESSES: Direct all PRA comments to
Cathy Williams, FCC, via email PRA@ and to
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 55 / Wednesday, March 21, 2018 / Notices
additional information about the
information collection, contact Cathy
Williams at (202) 418–2918.
OMB Control Number: 3060–0931.
Title: Section 80.103, Digital Selective
Calling (DSC) Operating Procedures—
Maritime Mobile Identity (MMSI).
Form Number: N/A.
Type of Review: Extension of a
currently approved collection.
Respondents: Individuals or
households; business or other for-profit
entities and Federal Government.
Number of Respondents and
Responses: 40,000 respondents; 40,000
Estimated Time per Response: .25
Frequency of Response: On occasion
reporting requirement and third-party
disclosure requirement.
Obligation to Respond: Required to
obtain or retain benefits. Statutory
authority for this Information collection
is in 47 U.S.C. 154, 303, 307(e), 309 and
332 of the Communications Act of 1934,
as amended. The reporting requirement
is contained in international agreements
and ITU–R M.541.9.
Total Annual Burden: 10,000 hours.
Total Annual Cost: No cost.
Privacy Impact Assessment: Yes. The
FCC maintains a system of records
notice (SORN), FCC/WTB–1, ‘‘Wireless
Services Licensing Records’’ that covers
the collection, purpose(s), storage,
safeguards, and disposal of the PII that
marine VHF radio licensees maintain
under 47 CFR 80.103.
Nature and Extent of Confidentiality:
There is a need for confidentiality with
respect to all owners of Marine VHF
radios with Digital Selective Calling
(DSC) capability in this collection. The
licensee records will be publicly
available and routinely used in
accordance with subsection (b) of the
Privacy Act of 1974. FRN numbers and
material which is afforded confidential
treatment pursuant to a request made
under 47 CFR 0.459 of the
Commission’s rules will not be available
for public inspection. Any personally
identifiable information (PII) that
individual applicants provide is covered
by a system of records, FCC/WTB–1,
‘‘Wireless Services Licensing Records’’,
and these and all other records may be
disclosed pursuant to the Routine Uses
as stated in the SORN.
Needs and Uses: The information
collected is necessary to require owners
of marine VHF radios with Digital
Selective Calling (DSC) capability to
register information such as the name,
address, type of vessel with a private
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
VerDate Sep<11>2014
18:34 Mar 20, 2018
Jkt 244001
entity issuing marine mobile service
identities (MMSI). The information
would be used by search and rescue
personnel to identify vessels in distress
and to select the proper rescue units and
search methods.
The requirement to collect this
information is contained in
international agreements with the U.S.
Coast Guard and private sector entities
that issue MMSI’s.
The information is used by private
entities to maintain a database used to
provide information about the vessel
owner in distress using marine VHF
radios with DSC capability. If the data
were not collected, the U.S. Coast Guard
would not have access to this
information which would increase the
time and effort needed to complete a
search and rescue operation.
Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene H. Dortch,
Secretary, Office of the Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2018–05730 Filed 3–20–18; 8:45 am]
[OMB 3060–1113]
Information Collection Being Reviewed
by the Federal Communications
Federal Communications
ACTION: Notice and request for
As part of its continuing effort
to reduce paperwork burdens, and as
required by the Paperwork Reduction
Act (PRA) of 1995, the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC or
the Commission) invites the general
public and other Federal agencies to
take this opportunity to comment on the
following information collection.
Comments are requested concerning:
Whether the proposed collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
Commission, including whether the
information shall have practical utility;
the accuracy of the Commission’s
burden estimate; ways to enhance the
quality, utility, and clarity of the
information collected; ways to minimize
the burden of the collection of
information on the respondents,
including the use of automated
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology; and ways to
further reduce the information
collection burden on small business
concerns with fewer than 25 employees.
PO 00000
Frm 00055
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
The FCC may not conduct or sponsor a
collection of information unless it
displays a currently valid control
number. No person shall be subject to
any penalty for failing to comply with
a collection of information subject to the
PRA that does not display a valid Office
of Management and Budget (OMB)
control number.
DATES: Written PRA comments should
be submitted on or before May 21, 2018.
If you anticipate that you will be
submitting comments, but find it
difficult to do so within the period of
time allowed by this notice, you should
advise the contact listed below as soon
as possible.
ADDRESSES: Direct all PRA comments to
Nicole Ongele, FCC, via email PRA@ and to
additional information about the
information collection, contact Nicole
Ongele at (202) 418–2991.
its continuing effort to reduce
paperwork burdens, and as required by
the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of
1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501–3520), the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC or
Commission) invites the general public
and other Federal agencies to take this
opportunity to comment on the
following information collections.
Comments are requested concerning:
Whether the proposed collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
Commission, including whether the
information shall have practical utility;
the accuracy of the Commission’s
burden estimate; ways to enhance the
quality, utility, and clarity of the
information collected; ways to minimize
the burden of the collection of
information on the respondents,
including the use of automated
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology; and ways to
further reduce the information
collection burden on small business
concerns with fewer than 25 employees.
OMB Control Number: 3060–1113.
Title: Election Whether to Participate
in the Wireless Emergency Alert
Form No.: N/A.
Type of Review: Revision of a
currently approved collection.
Respondents: Business or other forprofit.
Number of Respondents and
Responses: 1,253 respondents; 5,012
Estimated Time per Response: 0.5–12
Frequency of Response: On occasion
reporting requirement, recordkeeping
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 55 (Wednesday, March 21, 2018)]
[Pages 12386-12387]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2018-05730]
[OMB 3060-0931]
Information Collection Being Reviewed by the Federal
Communications Commission
AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.
ACTION: Notice and request for comments.
SUMMARY: As part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork burdens,
and as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA), the
Federal Communications Commission (FCC or Commission) invites the
general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to
comment on the following information collections. Comments are
requested concerning: Whether the proposed collection of information is
necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the
Commission, including whether the information shall have practical
utility; the accuracy of the Commission's burden estimate; ways to
enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information collected;
ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on the
respondents, including the use of automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology; and ways to further reduce the
information collection burden on small business concerns with fewer
than 25 employees.
The FCC may not conduct or sponsor a collection of information
unless it displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) control number. No person shall be subject to any penalty for
failing to comply with a collection of information subject to the PRA
that does not display a valid OMB control number.
DATES: Written PRA comments should be submitted on or before May 21,
2018. If you anticipate that you will be submitting comments, but find
it difficult to do so within the period of time allowed by this notice,
you should advise the contact listed below as soon as possible.
ADDRESSES: Direct all PRA comments to Cathy Williams, FCC, via email
[email protected] and to [email protected].
[[Page 12387]]
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For additional information about the
information collection, contact Cathy Williams at (202) 418-2918.
OMB Control Number: 3060-0931.
Title: Section 80.103, Digital Selective Calling (DSC) Operating
Procedures--Maritime Mobile Identity (MMSI).
Form Number: N/A.
Type of Review: Extension of a currently approved collection.
Respondents: Individuals or households; business or other for-
profit entities and Federal Government.
Number of Respondents and Responses: 40,000 respondents; 40,000
Estimated Time per Response: .25 hours.
Frequency of Response: On occasion reporting requirement and third-
party disclosure requirement.
Obligation to Respond: Required to obtain or retain benefits.
Statutory authority for this Information collection is in 47 U.S.C.
154, 303, 307(e), 309 and 332 of the Communications Act of 1934, as
amended. The reporting requirement is contained in international
agreements and ITU-R M.541.9.
Total Annual Burden: 10,000 hours.
Total Annual Cost: No cost.
Privacy Impact Assessment: Yes. The FCC maintains a system of
records notice (SORN), FCC/WTB-1, ``Wireless Services Licensing
Records'' that covers the collection, purpose(s), storage, safeguards,
and disposal of the PII that marine VHF radio licensees maintain under
47 CFR 80.103.
Nature and Extent of Confidentiality: There is a need for
confidentiality with respect to all owners of Marine VHF radios with
Digital Selective Calling (DSC) capability in this collection. The
licensee records will be publicly available and routinely used in
accordance with subsection (b) of the Privacy Act of 1974. FRN numbers
and material which is afforded confidential treatment pursuant to a
request made under 47 CFR 0.459 of the Commission's rules will not be
available for public inspection. Any personally identifiable
information (PII) that individual applicants provide is covered by a
system of records, FCC/WTB-1, ``Wireless Services Licensing Records'',
and these and all other records may be disclosed pursuant to the
Routine Uses as stated in the SORN.
Needs and Uses: The information collected is necessary to require
owners of marine VHF radios with Digital Selective Calling (DSC)
capability to register information such as the name, address, type of
vessel with a private entity issuing marine mobile service identities
(MMSI). The information would be used by search and rescue personnel to
identify vessels in distress and to select the proper rescue units and
search methods.
The requirement to collect this information is contained in
international agreements with the U.S. Coast Guard and private sector
entities that issue MMSI's.
The information is used by private entities to maintain a database
used to provide information about the vessel owner in distress using
marine VHF radios with DSC capability. If the data were not collected,
the U.S. Coast Guard would not have access to this information which
would increase the time and effort needed to complete a search and
rescue operation.
Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene H. Dortch,
Secretary, Office of the Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2018-05730 Filed 3-20-18; 8:45 am]