Hispanic-Serving Agricultural Colleges and Universities (HSACU) Certification Process, 11869-11871 [2018-05541]
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Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 53 / Monday, March 19, 2018 / Rules and Regulations
to the private sector. UMRA generally
requires agencies to consider
alternatives and adopt the more cost
effective or least burdensome alternative
that achieves the objectives of the rule.
This rule contains no Federal mandates,
as defined in Title II of UMRA, for State,
local, and Tribal governments or private
sector. Therefore, this rule is not subject
to the requirements of sections 202 and
205 of UMRA.
Paperwork Reduction Act
In accordance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501–
3520), the rule does not change the
approved information collection
approved under OMB control number
0560–0238, General Program
E-Government Act Compliance
FSA is committed to complying with
the E-Government Act, to promote the
use of the internet and other
information technologies to provide
increased opportunities for citizen
access to Government information and
services and other purposes.
List of Subjects in 7 CFR Part 761
Accounting, Loan programs—
agriculture, Rural areas.
For reasons discussed above, FSA
amends 7 CFR chapter VII as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 761
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301 and 7 U.S.C. 1989.
2. Revise § 761.1(b) to read as follows:
§ 761.1
nshattuck on DSK9F9SC42PROD with RULES
(b) The Deputy Administrator:
(1) Delegates to each State Executive
Director within the State Executive
Director’s jurisdiction the authority, and
in the absence of the State Executive
Director, the person acting in that
position, to act for, on behalf of, and in
the name of the United States of
America or the Farm Service Agency to
do and perform acts necessary in
connection with making and
guaranteeing loans, such as, but not
limited to, making advances, servicing
loans and other indebtedness, and
obtaining, servicing, and enforcing or
releasing security and other instruments
related to the loan. For actions that do
not result in a loss to the Farm Service
Agency, a State Executive Director may
redelegate authorities received under
this paragraph to a Farm Loan Chief,
Farm Loan Specialist, District Director,
VerDate Sep<11>2014
14:37 Mar 16, 2018
Jkt 244001
Steven J. Peterson,
Acting Administrator, Farm Service Agency.
[FR Doc. 2018–05466 Filed 3–16–18; 8:45 am]
National Institute of Food and
7 CFR Part 3434
RIN 0524–AA39
Hispanic-Serving Agricultural Colleges
and Universities (HSACU) Certification
National Institute of Food and
Agriculture (NIFA), USDA.
ACTION: Final rule.
This amendment to NIFA
regulations updates the list of
institutions that are granted HispanicServing Agricultural Colleges and
Universities (HSACU) certification by
the Secretary and are eligible for
HSACU programs for the period starting
October 1, 2017, and ending September
30, 2018.
DATES: This rule is effective March 19,
2018 and applicable October 1, 2017.
Joanna Moore; Senior Policy Specialist;
National Institute of Food and
Agriculture; U.S. Department of
Agriculture; STOP 2272; 1400
Independence Avenue SW, Washington,
DC 20250–2272; Voice: 202–690–6011;
Fax: 202–401–7752; Email: jmoore@
Farm Loan Manager, or Senior Farm
Loan Officer, Farm Loan Officer, Loan
Analyst, Loan Resolution Specialist, or
Program Technician.
(2) May establish procedures for
further redelegation or limitation of
HSACU Institutions for Fiscal Year
This rule makes changes to the
existing list of institutions in appendix
B of 7 CFR part 3434. The list of
institutions is amended to reflect the
institutions that are granted HSACU
certification by the Secretary and are
eligible for HSACU programs for the
period starting October 1, 2017, and
ending September 30, 2018.
Certification Process
As stated in 7 CFR 3434.4, an
institution must meet the following
criteria to receive HSACU certification:
PO 00000
Frm 00025
Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
(1) Be a Hispanic-Serving Institution
(HSI), (2) offer agriculture-related
degrees, (3) not appear on the Excluded
Parties List System (EPLS), (4) be
accredited, and (5) award at least 15%
of agriculture-related degrees to
Hispanic students over the two most
recent academic years.
NIFA obtained the latest report from
the U.S. Department of Education’s
National Center for Education Statistics
that lists all HSIs and the degrees
conferred by these institutions
(completion data) during the 2015–16
academic year. NIFA used this report to
identify HSIs that conferred a degree in
an instructional program that appears in
appendix A of 7 CFR part 3434 and to
confirm that over the 2014–15 and
2015–16 academic years at least 15% of
the degrees in agriculture-related fields
were awarded to Hispanic students.
NIFA further confirmed that these
institutions were nationally accredited
and were not on the exclusions listing
in the System for Award Management
The updated list of HSACUs is based
on (1) completions data from 2014–15
and 2015–16, and (2) enrollment data
from Fall 2016. NIFA identified 147
institutions that met the eligibility
criteria to receive HSACU certification
for FY 2018 (October 1, 2017 to
September 30, 2018).
Declaration of Intent To Opt Out of
HSACU Designation and Apply for Non
Land-Grant College of Agriculture
(NLGCA) Designation
As set forth in Section 7101 of the
Agricultural Act of 2014 (Pub. L. 113–
79), which amends 7 U.S.C. 3103, an
institution that is eligible to be
designated as an HSACU may notify the
Secretary of its intent not to be
considered an HSACU. Institutions that
opt out of HSACU designation will have
the option to apply for designation as a
Non-Land Grant College of Agriculture
(NLGCA) institution. To opt out of
designation as an HSACU, an
authorized official at the institution
must submit a declaration of intent not
to be considered an HSACU to NIFA by
email at NLGCA.status@nifa.usda.gov.
In accordance with Section 7101, a
declaration by an institution not to be
considered an HSACU shall remain in
effect until September 30, 2018. To be
eligible for NLGCA designation,
institutions must be public colleges or
universities offering baccalaureate or
higher degrees in the study of food and
agricultural sciences, as defined in 7
U.S.C. 3103. An online form to request
NLGCA designation is available at
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 53 / Monday, March 19, 2018 / Rules and Regulations
In FYs 2016 and 2017, one institution
opted out of HSACU designation and
received NLGCA designation, hence that
institution is excluded from the FY 2018
HSACU list.
Appeal Process
As set forth in 7 CFR 3434.8, NIFA
will permit HSIs that are not granted
HSACU certification to submit an
appeal within 30 days of the publication
of this document.
This rule relates to internal agency
management. Accordingly, pursuant to
5 U.S.C. 553, notice of proposed
rulemaking and opportunity for
comment are not required, and this rule
may be made effective less than 30 days
after publication in the Federal
Register. This rule also is exempt from
the provisions of Executive Order
12866. This action is not a rule as
defined by the Regulatory Flexibility
Act, as amended by the Small Business
Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of
1996, 5 U.S.C. 601 et seq., or the
Congressional Review Act, 5 U.S.C. 801
et seq., and thus is exempt from the
provisions of those Acts. This rule
contains no information collection or
recordkeeping requirements under the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. 3501 et seq.).
List of Subjects in 7 CFR Part 3434
Administrative practice and
procedure, Agricultural research,
education, extension, Hispanic-serving
institutions, Federal assistance.
Accordingly, part 3434 of title 7 of the
Code of Federal Regulations is amended
as set forth below:
1. The authority citation for part 3434
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 7 U.S.C. 3103.
2. Revise appendix B to read as
nshattuck on DSK9F9SC42PROD with RULES
Appendix B to Part 3434—List of
HSACU Institutions, 2017–2018
The institutions listed in this appendix are
granted HSACU certification by the Secretary
and are eligible for HSACU programs for the
period starting October 1, 2017, and ending
September 30, 2018. Institutions are listed
alphabetically under the state of the school’s
location, with the campus indicated where
VerDate Sep<11>2014
14:37 Mar 16, 2018
Jkt 244001
Arizona (6)
Arizona Western College
Central Arizona College
Cochise County Community College
Phoenix College
Pima Community College
University of Arizona
California (63)
Allan Hancock College
Antioch University-Los Angeles
Bakersfield College
Cabrillo College
California Baptist University
California State University-San Bernardino
California State University-Dominguez Hills
California State University-Long Beach
California State University-Los Angeles
California State University-East Bay
University of California-Irvine
University of California-Riverside
University of California-Santa Barbara
University of California-Santa Cruz
California Lutheran University
Chaffey College
Craft Hills College
College of the Desert
College of the Sequoias
Cosumnes River College
Cuesta College
Cuyamaca College
El Camino Community College District
Foothill College
Fresno Pacific University
Fullerton College
Golden West College
Hartnell College
Imperial Valley College
Las Positas College
Long Beach City College
Los Angeles Pierce College
Mendocino College
Merced College
Mills College
MiraCosta College
Modesto Junior College
Mt. San Antonio College
Mt. San Jacinto Community College District
Napa Valley College
National University
Orange Coast College
Pacific Union College
Porterville College
Reedley College
Santa Ana College
Santa Barbara City College
Santa Monica College
San Bernardino Valley College
San Diego City College
San Diego Mesa College
San Diego State University
San Jose State University
Saint Mary’s College of California
Southwestern College
University of California-Irvine
University of California-Riverside
University of California-Santa Cruz
Victor Valley College
West Hills College-Coalinga
Whittier College
Woodland Community College
Yuba College
Colorado (2)
Aims Community College
Community College of Denver
PO 00000
Frm 00026
Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
Florida (5)
Broward College
Florida International University
Miami Dade College
Palm Beach State College
Valencia College
Illinois (1)
Dominican University
Kansas (3)
Dodge City Community College
Garden City Community College
Seward County Community College and Area
Technical School
Massachusetts (1)
Springfield Technical Community College
Nevada (2)
College of Southern Nevada
Truckee Meadows Community College
New Jersey (5)
Essex County College
Kern University
Saint Peter’s University
New Mexico (10)
Central New Mexico Community College
Eastern New Mexico University-Main
Eastern New Mexico University-Ruidoso
Mesalands Community College
New Mexico Highlands University
Northern New Mexico College
Santa Fe Community College
Western New Mexico University
University of New Mexico–Los Alamos
University of New Mexico-Main Campus
New York (5)
CUNY City College
CUNY Hunter College
CUNY LaGuardia Community College
Mercy College
SUNY Westchester Community College
Oregon (1)
Chemeketa Community College
Puerto Rico (15)
Instituto Tecnologico de Puerto Rico-Recinto
de Manati
Inter American University of Puerto RicoAguadilla
Inter American University of Puerto RicoBayamon
Inter American University of Puerto RicoMetro
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-San
Inter American University of Puerto RicoPonce
Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico–
Universidad Del Turabo
Universidad Metropolitana
University of Puerto Rico-Arecibo
University of Puerto Rico-Humacao
University of Puerto Rico-Utuado
University of Puerto Rico-Medical Sciences
University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras
University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 53 / Monday, March 19, 2018 / Rules and Regulations
Texas (24)
Concordia University-Texas
Houston Community College
McLennan Community College
Odessa College
Palo Alto College
Saint Edwards’s University
San Antonio College
Southwest Texas Junior College
South Plains College
St. Mary’s University
Tarrant County College District
Texas State Technical College
Texas A & M International University
Texas A & M University-Corpus Christi
The University of Texas at El Paso
The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
The University of Texas at San Antonio
The University of Texas at Brownsville
University of Houston
University of Houston-Clear Lake
University of the Incarnate Word
University of St. Thomas
Western Texas College
Wayland Baptist University
The Director of the Federal Register
approved the incorporation by reference
of a certain publication listed in this AD
as of April 23, 2018.
ADDRESSES: For service information
identified in this final rule, contact
Aviation Partners Boeing, 2811 South
102nd St., Suite 200, Seattle, WA 98168;
phone: 1–206–830–7699; fax: 1–206–
767–3355; email: leng@
aviationpartners.com; internet: https://
www.aviationpartnersboeing.com. You
may view this service information at the
FAA, Transport Standards Branch, 2200
South 216th St., Des Moines, WA. For
information on the availability of this
material at the FAA, call 206–231–3195.
It is also available on the internet at
https://www.regulations.gov by searching
for and locating Docket No. FAA–2017–
Washington (4)
Columbia Basin College
Heritage University
Wenatchee Valley College
Yakima Valley Community College
You may examine the AD docket on
the internet at https://
www.regulations.gov by searching for
and locating Docket No. FAA–2017–
0903; or in person at the Docket
Management Facility between 9 a.m.
and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday,
except Federal holidays. The AD docket
contains this final rule, the regulatory
evaluation, any comments received, and
other information. The address for the
Docket Office (phone: 800–647–5527) is
Docket Management Facility, U.S.
Department of Transportation, Docket
Operations, M–30, West Building
Ground Floor, Room W12–140, 1200
New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC
Lu, Aerospace Engineer, Airframe
Section, FAA, Seattle ACO Branch, 2200
South 216th St., Des Moines, WA 98198;
phone and fax: 206–231–3525; email:
Examining the AD Docket
Done in Washington, DC, this 8th day of
March 2018.
Sonny Ramaswamy,
Director, National Institute of Food and
[FR Doc. 2018–05541 Filed 3–16–18; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 39
[Docket No. FAA–2017–0903; Product
Identifier 2017–NM–074–AD; Amendment
39–19225; AD 2018–06–05]
RIN 2120–AA64
Airworthiness Directives; The Boeing
Company Airplanes
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Final rule.
We are adopting a new
airworthiness directive (AD) for certain
The Boeing Company Model 737–300
and –500 series airplanes. This AD was
prompted by a report indicating that
fatigue cracks were found in the lower
wing skin of an airplane with winglets
installed. This AD requires repetitive
inspections for cracking of the lower
wing skin, and repair if necessary. We
are issuing this AD to address the unsafe
condition on these products.
DATES: This AD is effective April 23,
nshattuck on DSK9F9SC42PROD with RULES
VerDate Sep<11>2014
14:37 Mar 16, 2018
Jkt 244001
We issued a notice of proposed
rulemaking (NPRM) to amend 14 CFR
part 39 by adding an AD that would
apply to certain The Boeing Company
Model 737–300 and –500 series
airplanes. The NPRM published in the
Federal Register on October 6, 2017 (82
FR 46725). The NPRM was prompted by
a report indicating that fatigue cracks
were found in the lower wing skin of an
airplane with winglets installed. The
NPRM proposed to require repetitive
inspections for cracking of the lower
wing skin, and repair if necessary.
We are issuing this AD to detect and
correct fatigue cracking of the lower
wing skin common to the runout of
stringer L–5. Such cracking could grow
PO 00000
Frm 00027
Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
and result in loss of structural integrity
of the wing, and consequent reduced, or
complete loss of, controllability of the
We gave the public the opportunity to
participate in developing this final rule.
The following presents the comments
received on the NPRM and the FAA’s
response to each comment. Aviation
Partners Boeing concurred with the
proposed AD.
Request for Manufacturer To Share
One commenter, Mary Lou Allen,
requested that the airplane
manufacturer share in the expense with
the airplane’s purchaser or owner,
because of the high costs associated
with supplemental type certificates. We
infer that the commenter wants
manufacturers to be required to help
pay for compliance with the proposed
We do not agree to this request. We
provide estimates of the cost on U.S.
operators for AD compliance, but do not
determine who is responsible for
payment. We are aware that airplane
manufacturers and modifiers often have
warranty agreements with owners and
operators to cover some or all of the
costs of modifications or repairs, but we
do not participate in these agreements.
We have not changed this AD in this
We reviewed the relevant data,
considered the comments received, and
determined that air safety and the
public interest require adopting this
final rule as proposed, except for minor
editorial changes. We have determined
that these minor changes:
• Are consistent with the intent that
was proposed in the NPRM for
correcting the unsafe condition; and
• Do not add any additional burden
upon the public than was already
proposed in the NPRM.
Related Service Information Under 1
CFR Part 51
We reviewed Aviation Partners
Boeing Service Bulletin AP737C–57–
002, dated April 5, 2017. The service
information describes procedures for
repetitive inspections for cracking of the
lower wing skin, and repair if necessary.
This service information is reasonably
available because the interested parties
have access to it through their normal
course of business or by the means
identified in the ADDRESSES section.
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 53 (Monday, March 19, 2018)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 11869-11871]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2018-05541]
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
7 CFR Part 3434
RIN 0524-AA39
Hispanic-Serving Agricultural Colleges and Universities (HSACU)
Certification Process
AGENCY: National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), USDA.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: This amendment to NIFA regulations updates the list of
institutions that are granted Hispanic-Serving Agricultural Colleges
and Universities (HSACU) certification by the Secretary and are
eligible for HSACU programs for the period starting October 1, 2017,
and ending September 30, 2018.
DATES: This rule is effective March 19, 2018 and applicable October 1,
Specialist; National Institute of Food and Agriculture; U.S. Department
of Agriculture; STOP 2272; 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC
20250-2272; Voice: 202-690-6011; Fax: 202-401-7752; Email:
[email protected].
HSACU Institutions for Fiscal Year 2018
This rule makes changes to the existing list of institutions in
appendix B of 7 CFR part 3434. The list of institutions is amended to
reflect the institutions that are granted HSACU certification by the
Secretary and are eligible for HSACU programs for the period starting
October 1, 2017, and ending September 30, 2018.
Certification Process
As stated in 7 CFR 3434.4, an institution must meet the following
criteria to receive HSACU certification: (1) Be a Hispanic-Serving
Institution (HSI), (2) offer agriculture-related degrees, (3) not
appear on the Excluded Parties List System (EPLS), (4) be accredited,
and (5) award at least 15% of agriculture-related degrees to Hispanic
students over the two most recent academic years.
NIFA obtained the latest report from the U.S. Department of
Education's National Center for Education Statistics that lists all
HSIs and the degrees conferred by these institutions (completion data)
during the 2015-16 academic year. NIFA used this report to identify
HSIs that conferred a degree in an instructional program that appears
in appendix A of 7 CFR part 3434 and to confirm that over the 2014-15
and 2015-16 academic years at least 15% of the degrees in agriculture-
related fields were awarded to Hispanic students. NIFA further
confirmed that these institutions were nationally accredited and were
not on the exclusions listing in the System for Award Management
The updated list of HSACUs is based on (1) completions data from
2014-15 and 2015-16, and (2) enrollment data from Fall 2016. NIFA
identified 147 institutions that met the eligibility criteria to
receive HSACU certification for FY 2018 (October 1, 2017 to September
30, 2018).
Declaration of Intent To Opt Out of HSACU Designation and Apply for Non
Land-Grant College of Agriculture (NLGCA) Designation
As set forth in Section 7101 of the Agricultural Act of 2014 (Pub.
L. 113-79), which amends 7 U.S.C. 3103, an institution that is eligible
to be designated as an HSACU may notify the Secretary of its intent not
to be considered an HSACU. Institutions that opt out of HSACU
designation will have the option to apply for designation as a Non-Land
Grant College of Agriculture (NLGCA) institution. To opt out of
designation as an HSACU, an authorized official at the institution must
submit a declaration of intent not to be considered an HSACU to NIFA by
email at [email protected]. In accordance with Section 7101, a
declaration by an institution not to be considered an HSACU shall
remain in effect until September 30, 2018. To be eligible for NLGCA
designation, institutions must be public colleges or universities
offering baccalaureate or higher degrees in the study of food and
agricultural sciences, as defined in 7 U.S.C. 3103. An online form to
request NLGCA designation is available at https://nifa.usda.gov/webform/
[[Page 11870]]
In FYs 2016 and 2017, one institution opted out of HSACU
designation and received NLGCA designation, hence that institution is
excluded from the FY 2018 HSACU list.
Appeal Process
As set forth in 7 CFR 3434.8, NIFA will permit HSIs that are not
granted HSACU certification to submit an appeal within 30 days of the
publication of this document.
This rule relates to internal agency management. Accordingly,
pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 553, notice of proposed rulemaking and opportunity
for comment are not required, and this rule may be made effective less
than 30 days after publication in the Federal Register. This rule also
is exempt from the provisions of Executive Order 12866. This action is
not a rule as defined by the Regulatory Flexibility Act, as amended by
the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996, 5
U.S.C. 601 et seq., or the Congressional Review Act, 5 U.S.C. 801 et
seq., and thus is exempt from the provisions of those Acts. This rule
contains no information collection or recordkeeping requirements under
the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.).
List of Subjects in 7 CFR Part 3434
Administrative practice and procedure, Agricultural research,
education, extension, Hispanic-serving institutions, Federal
Accordingly, part 3434 of title 7 of the Code of Federal
Regulations is amended as set forth below:
1. The authority citation for part 3434 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 7 U.S.C. 3103.
2. Revise appendix B to read as follows:
Appendix B to Part 3434--List of HSACU Institutions, 2017-2018
The institutions listed in this appendix are granted HSACU
certification by the Secretary and are eligible for HSACU programs
for the period starting October 1, 2017, and ending September 30,
2018. Institutions are listed alphabetically under the state of the
school's location, with the campus indicated where applicable.
Arizona (6)
Arizona Western College
Central Arizona College
Cochise County Community College
Phoenix College
Pima Community College
University of Arizona
California (63)
Allan Hancock College
Antioch University-Los Angeles
Bakersfield College
Cabrillo College
California Baptist University
California State University-San Bernardino
California State University-Dominguez Hills
California State University-Long Beach
California State University-Los Angeles
California State University-East Bay
University of California-Irvine
University of California-Riverside
University of California-Santa Barbara
University of California-Santa Cruz
California Lutheran University
Chaffey College
Craft Hills College
College of the Desert
College of the Sequoias
Cosumnes River College
Cuesta College
Cuyamaca College
El Camino Community College District
Foothill College
Fresno Pacific University
Fullerton College
Golden West College
Hartnell College
Imperial Valley College
Las Positas College
Long Beach City College
Los Angeles Pierce College
Mendocino College
Merced College
Mills College
MiraCosta College
Modesto Junior College
Mt. San Antonio College
Mt. San Jacinto Community College District
Napa Valley College
National University
Orange Coast College
Pacific Union College
Porterville College
Reedley College
Santa Ana College
Santa Barbara City College
Santa Monica College
San Bernardino Valley College
San Diego City College
San Diego Mesa College
San Diego State University
San Jose State University
Saint Mary's College of California
Southwestern College
University of California-Irvine
University of California-Riverside
University of California-Santa Cruz
Victor Valley College
West Hills College-Coalinga
Whittier College
Woodland Community College
Yuba College
Colorado (2)
Aims Community College
Community College of Denver
Florida (5)
Broward College
Florida International University
Miami Dade College
Palm Beach State College
Valencia College
Illinois (1)
Dominican University
Kansas (3)
Dodge City Community College
Garden City Community College
Seward County Community College and Area Technical School
Massachusetts (1)
Springfield Technical Community College
Nevada (2)
College of Southern Nevada
Truckee Meadows Community College
New Jersey (5)
Essex County College
Kern University
Saint Peter's University
New Mexico (10)
Central New Mexico Community College
Eastern New Mexico University-Main Campus
Eastern New Mexico University-Ruidoso Campus
Mesalands Community College
New Mexico Highlands University
Northern New Mexico College
Santa Fe Community College
Western New Mexico University
University of New Mexico-Los Alamos Campus
University of New Mexico-Main Campus
New York (5)
CUNY City College
CUNY Hunter College
CUNY LaGuardia Community College
Mercy College
SUNY Westchester Community College
Oregon (1)
Chemeketa Community College
Puerto Rico (15)
Instituto Tecnologico de Puerto Rico-Recinto de Manati
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-Aguadilla
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-Bayamon
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-Metro
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-San German
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-Ponce
Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico-Ponce
Universidad Del Turabo
Universidad Metropolitana
University of Puerto Rico-Arecibo
University of Puerto Rico-Humacao
University of Puerto Rico-Utuado
University of Puerto Rico-Medical Sciences
University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras
University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez
[[Page 11871]]
Texas (24)
Concordia University-Texas
Houston Community College
McLennan Community College
Odessa College
Palo Alto College
Saint Edwards's University
San Antonio College
Southwest Texas Junior College
South Plains College
St. Mary's University
Tarrant County College District
Texas State Technical College
Texas A & M International University
Texas A & M University-Corpus Christi
The University of Texas at El Paso
The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
The University of Texas at San Antonio
The University of Texas at Brownsville
University of Houston
University of Houston-Clear Lake
University of the Incarnate Word
University of St. Thomas
Western Texas College
Wayland Baptist University
Washington (4)
Columbia Basin College
Heritage University
Wenatchee Valley College
Yakima Valley Community College
Done in Washington, DC, this 8th day of March 2018.
Sonny Ramaswamy,
Director, National Institute of Food and Agriculture.
[FR Doc. 2018-05541 Filed 3-16-18; 8:45 am]