Office of the Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs Request for Proposal (RFP) for the Fundraising, Project Management, Design, Construction, Operation, Disassembly and Removal of a USA Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai, 7098-7103 [2018-03116]
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Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 33 / Friday, February 16, 2018 / Notices
arguments concerning the foregoing,
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[FR Doc. 2018–03201 Filed 2–15–18; 8:45 am]
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daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES
For the Commission, by the Division of
Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated
Eduardo A. Aleman,
Assistant Secretary.
All submissions should refer to File
Number SR–ICEEU–2018–001. This file
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and should be submitted on or before
March 9, 2018.
[Public Notice: 10310]
Office of the Under Secretary of State
for Public Diplomacy and Public
Affairs Request for Proposal (RFP) for
the Fundraising, Project Management,
Design, Construction, Operation,
Disassembly and Removal of a USA
Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai
Department of State.
Request for Proposals for the
Design, Development, Installation,
Operation, and Final Disposition of a
U.S. Pavilion at Expo Dubai 2020.
The Expo Unit within the
Office of the Under Secretary of State for
Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs of
the U.S. Department of State requests
proposals from private U.S. individuals,
firms, associations, educational
institutions, and organizations (for
profit and non-profit) for the
fundraising, project management,
design, construction, operation, and
disassembly and removal of a USA
Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai, in the
United Arab Emirates (UAE) (https:// The UAE is a
strong U.S. partner, and the largest
export market for U.S. goods and
services in the Middle East. The sixmonth long Expo 2020 Dubai from
October 2020-April 2021 will be the first
Expo (also known as World’s Fair) to
take place in the Middle East, North
Africa, or South Asia and is expected to
attract 25 million visitors and coincides
with the UAE’s 50th founding
anniversary. Proposals from non-U.S.
citizens or non-U.S. firms or
organizations shall be deemed ineligible
for consideration.
DATES: Submit proposals on or before
April 17, 2018.
Matthew Asada, Dubai Expo 2020
Project Manager, at or by
phone at: (202) 647–9905.
I. Description of Project
Overall authority for Department of
State support for U.S. participation in
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international expositions is contained in
Section 102(a)(3) of the Mutual
Educational and Cultural Exchange Act
of 1961, as amended (22 U.S.C.
2452(a)(3)), also known as the FulbrightHays Act. The purpose of the Act is ‘‘to
enable the Government of the United
States to increase mutual understanding
between the people of the United States
and the people of other countries . . .
to strengthen the ties which unite us
with other nations by demonstrating the
educational and cultural interests,
developments, and achievements of the
people of the United States and other
nations . . . and thus to assist in the
development of friendly, sympathetic
and peaceful relations between the
United States and the other countries of
the world.’’ Pursuant to this authority,
the Secretary of State has authorized the
Under Secretary of State for Public
Diplomacy and Public Affairs to provide
for U.S. participation in international
expositions abroad. The Expo Unit, in
the Office of the Under Secretary for
Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs,
will represent the U.S. Government in
dealings with the organizers of Expo
2020 Dubai and serve as the primary
point of contact with the selected
Expo 2020 Dubai is a large-scale,
universal exposition (also known as a
World’s Fair) registered by the Bureau of
International Expositions (BIE). The BIE
is an international treaty organization
established to regulate certain
international exhibitions. The United
States rejoined the BIE on May 10, 2017.
Invitations to world’s fairs are extended
from the host government to other
The Government of the United Arab
Emirates (UAE) has invited the United
States to participate in Expo 2020 Dubai
and, on October 19, 2017, the Secretary
of State informed the UAE Government
of the U.S. Government’s intention to
participate with an official USA
Pavilion, contingent upon identification
of a viable private sector partner and
successful fundraising efforts. The Expo
officially opens on October 20, 2020,
and closes on April 10, 2021.
With a projected 25 million visitors,
70 percent of whom will come from
outside of the UAE, Expo 2020 Dubai
offers an excellent opportunity to
inform and inspire foreign audiences—
especially those residing in the Middle
East, South Asia, and East Asia—about
the United States, its people, values and
foreign policies, and to promote U.S.
economic and commercial interests.
Expo 2020 Dubai is the first World’s
Fair hosted in the Middle East. U.S.
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 33 / Friday, February 16, 2018 / Notices
participation in Expo 2020 Dubai would
reconfirm the strength and importance
of U.S.-UAE bilateral ties and promote
mutual understanding between
Americans and peoples of the region.
The theme of Expo 2020 Dubai is
Connecting Minds, Creating the Future,
representing the potential of what can
be achieved when meaningful
collaborations and partnerships are
forged. The Expo’s subthemes are
Opportunity, Mobility, and
Sustainability reflecting the timeless
drivers of progress that continue to
inspire people, organizations, and
nations in their endeavors to create a
better future. A detailed description of
the themes and their meaning is
available in the Expo 2020 Participant
Guide. The USA Pavilion should
emphasize the ‘‘Mobility’’ sub-theme
and the pavilion’s architecture and
interior design should communicate
American progress, ingenuity, and
innovation in social, physical, and
mechanical (transportation) mobility.
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U.S. Direction
The USA Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai
will be an official representation of the
United States; the Department must
therefore ensure that the USA Pavilion
is nonpolitical and nonpartisan in
nature, of the highest possible quality,
and balanced and representative of the
diversity of American political, social,
and cultural life. The USA Pavilion
must maintain the highest level of
scholarly integrity and meet the highest
standards of artistic achievement and
academic excellence. It should also be
entertaining and interactive. The USA
Pavilion will be used to promote U.S.
commercial interests, U.S. foreign
policy, as well as highlight outstanding
U.S. cultural, scientific, technological,
and artistic achievement.
Funding and Fundraising Limitations
Section 204 of Public Law 106–113
(22 U.S.C. 2452b) limits the support the
Department of State may provide for
U.S. participation in international
expositions registered by the Bureau of
International Expositions (BIE). This
includes Expo 2020 Dubai. This Request
for Proposals is intended to help
identify a private U.S. individual, firm,
association, or organization interested
in, and capable of, providing a complete
Pavilion/exhibit at Expo 2020 Dubai as
a gift to the United States Government.
The Department of State is not
authorized to provide funding for the
U.S. Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai.
Section 5 of Public Law 115–32 (22
U.S.C. 2452b note) prohibits Department
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of State employees from soliciting funds
to pay expenses for a U.S. pavilion or
other major exhibit at any exposition
registered by the BIE.
Planning, budgeting, and operating a
U.S. pavilion at a Bureau of
International Expositions-recognized
international exposition is a
complicated, multi-year project. Cost for
a representative USA Pavilion for Expo
2020 Dubai is estimated at 50–60
million USD and will be the sole
responsibility of the selected
The successful applicant will be
responsible for all costs associated with
the USA Pavilion including its
fundraising, project management,
design, construction, operation, and
disassembly and removal of, as well as
any claims arising from, the exhibit at
the end of the Expo, as well as all
support for the U.S. Commissioner
General. The successful proposer will
consult closely with and follow the
guidance of Department officials and the
U.S. Commissioner General with respect
to Pavilion content, fundraising, and
programming. The USA Pavilion shall
be considered on loan to the U.S.
Government. The aforementioned loan
shall be treated as a gift to the U.S.
Government. The U.S. Department of
State is not authorized to provide
federal funding for any aspect of the
USA Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai.
The successful applicant must be able
to demonstrate to the U.S. Department
of State that it can raise the funds
necessary to complete the project. Only
after the applicant is able to secure
sufficient seed funding, to be
determined based on the successful
applicant’s proposed budget, and
demonstrate viable future revenue
streams will the U.S. Department of
State sign a Memorandum of Agreement
(MOA) with that applicant. The
Department would subsequently sign a
Participation Contract with the UAE’s
Bureau Expo Dubai 2020 (Expo
Expo Guidelines
For information regarding the
guidelines for developing the exhibits,
themes, and the design and construction
of a pavilion, please refer to documents
produced by the Expo 2020 Dubai
Organizer, including the Theme Guide,
Participant Guide, and Self-build Guide
available at:
Exhibit content, and food and beverage
offerings, should be sensitive to
prevailing cultural norms and in
accordance with Dubai municipal
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Purpose of RFP
The purpose of this request for
proposal is to find a private sector
partner who will serve as the U.S.
Government’s fundraiser and project
manager for U.S. participation in Expo
2020. This entails three main tasks: (1)
Raise all the funds needed to cover the
costs of the USA Pavilion at Expo 2020
Dubai; (2) manage the USA Pavilion
project; and (3) conduct all operations
associated with the USA Pavilion.
(1) Fundraising
As described above, the Department
of State is prohibited from using its
appropriated funds for the USA Pavilion
at Expo 2020 Dubai and the
Department’s employees are prohibited
from soliciting funds to pay for
expenses of the USA Pavilion.
Therefore, all funds for the
establishment and operation of the USA
Pavilion must come from other sources.
It will be the responsibility of the
selected entity to identify prospective
sponsors, solicit the funds, and
conclude sponsorship agreements. The
Department must approve the selected
entity’s fundraising plan, process, and
marketing materials.
Non-profit organizations must have
nonprofit status with the IRS, or have
applied for such status, at the time of
Once the nonprofit status of the
selected proposer is confirmed, and if
the proposer satisfies the U.S.
citizenship requirements, the
Department will issue a ‘‘Letter of
Intent’’ to the selected organization
authorizing it to proceed with
fundraising to fund the USA Pavilion
project. The letter will include
guidelines on fundraising to be followed
by the selected organization. Note that
all prospective donors must be vetted by
the Department of State pursuant to the
Foreign Affairs Manual (2 FAM 962.1
Authority to Solicit and Accept Gift
02FAM/02FAM0960.html). Once the
selected entity has raised sufficient seed
funding to provide for U.S. participation
at Expo Dubai 2020, the Department of
State will sign a Memorandum of
Agreement (MOA) with the selected
It is estimated that a representative
USA pavilion will cost between 50 and
60 million USD, depending on final
design, construction, and programming.
The costs, described in greater detail
below, include, but are not limited to:
• Design and construction of a
building to house the exhibition and
provide an appealing welcome on the
exterior facade; provide exterior
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 33 / Friday, February 16, 2018 / Notices
landscaping; incorporate appropriate
internal and external crowd control
• Design of the exhibition and
development of the story line;
• Raising all necessary funds;
• Production of exhibits, audio-visual
materials, films, DVDs, videos, posters
and other promotional materials needed
for the exhibit;
• Development and implementation
of a media engagement and
communications plan to promote and
advertise the USA Pavilion to U.S. and
foreign audiences, before and during
Expo 2020;
• All administrative, personnel and
exhibit costs, including salaries,
benefits, staff housing expenses,
contracting and supplier costs and
consulting fees as well as funding
associated with guides, escorts, and
protocol gifts;
• Transport, travel, insurance,
postage and shipping fees of all pavilion
• Security, development and
implementation of a security program
for the USA Pavilion in consultation
with the State Department and
appropriate UAE authorities;
• Tear-down, including removal of
exhibits, and return of the pavilion lot
in the condition required by the Expo
organizers; final disposition plan must
be approved by the Expo Unit;
• Cultural and informational
programs associated with the exhibition,
including, but not limited to,
production of U.S. National Day
activities (each participating country
has a national day celebration at some
point during the six-month fair);
• Funding all expenses associated
with the U.S. Commissioner General;
• Creation and staffing of facilities
devoted to hosting VIPs visiting the
USA Pavilion.
(2) Project Management
The selected organization would be
responsible for all aspects of providing
for U.S. participation in Expo 2020
Dubai. This includes, but is not limited
to, (a) design, (b) construction and
removal, (c) staffing, (d) programming,
and (e) supporting the U.S.
Commissioner General:
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a. Design of USA Pavilion
The pavilion will be the physical
representation of the United States, and
therefore should be worthy of
representing our country and its people.
The architecture and interior design of
the USA Pavilion must reflect the theme
of Expo 2020 Dubai, Connecting Minds,
Creating the Future, described above.
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The USA Pavilion and exhibition must
maintain the highest level of scholarly
integrity and meet the highest standards
of artistic achievement and academic
excellence. The design concept for the
USA Pavilion exhibition should appeal
to a general, non-expert audience.
The two main components to the
design of the USA Pavilion are (i)
architecture and (ii) interior design:
i. Architecture
National pavilions are closely
associated with their architecture. The
design of the USA Pavilion should be
spectacular, and worthy of carrying the
name of the United States. The
applicant should describe how they
plan to create a design that is inspiring,
while remaining cost-efficient. The
successful applicant will be encouraged
to hold a national design competition.
ii. Interior Design
The concept for the pavilion structure
should include an exhibition area, a live
performance area, a VIP hospitality area,
and administration/staff area. Food,
beverage, and retail offerings can be
considered, but are not required. The
exhibition area is where the Expo’s
theme and sub-themes communicate
American creativity, innovation and
ingenuity to the visitors. Successful
exhibits are those that communicate a
message, are informative, but are also
interactive and fun. The selected
organization must also ensure that the
exhibits are nonpolitical in nature and
are of the highest possible quality. The
VIP hospitality area should provide a
reception space to support symposia,
meetings, receptions, and delegations
that advance economic and public
diplomacy goals of the United States.
In designing the USA Pavilion, the
selected entity is encouraged to translate
the theme into an authentic portfolio of
stories and perspectives that highlight
the interconnections between the
subthemes in a way that engages visitors
of all ages. The selected entity will
consult with the Department of State’s
Expo Unit for approval on all final
designs, exhibit content, programmatic
activities, and communications
In responding to this Request for
Proposal, applicants should include a
two-page Theme Statement that
explains design, components and
content of the USA Pavilion (per Annex)
by the initial application due date. The
submission should define the overall
theme and the exhibits that will make
up the pavilion, providing a general
overview of the proposed strategy,
thematic content, installations, events,
and architectural expression of the
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pavilion. The selected organization will
be required to develop a more detailed
and final Theme Statement for approval
by the Expo Unit followed by full design
proposals for the USA Pavilion—
Concept and Final—no later than June
30, 2019.
b. Construction and Removal of USA
After the approval of the designs, and
with necessary funding in hand, the
selected entity will be responsible for
constructing the USA Pavilion in Dubai
in accordance with the specifications
listed in the Organizer’s Self-Build
Pavilions Guide. Ideally, such a pavilion
will meet the specifications for a
‘‘Large’’ or an ‘‘Extra Large’’ pavilion,
but proposals should specify what size
they recommend. The USA Pavilion can
comprise one or more buildings.
Construction of the pavilion’s shell and
core must be completed by October
2019. Interior work must be complete by
July 2020 and exhibits must be installed
by September 2020.
The selected entity is also responsible
for the dismantling and removal of the
USA Pavilion after conclusion of the
Expo in April 2021.
The overall budget, including
construction, must be reviewed by the
Expo Unit before work can start, and the
entity must consult with the Expo Unit
before undertaking any changes in
budget line items greater than $50,000.
The implementing partner will be
encouraged to establish an escrow
account or obtain insurance to ensure
that removal of the pavilion is
c. Pavilion Staffing
Unlike other national pavilions that
hire local workers to staff their
pavilions, the U.S. pavilions have
historically used American college
students or recent graduates to staff the
USA Pavilion as guides under a program
called ‘‘Student Ambassadors.’’ For
Dubai, applicants may also consider
supplementing the Student Ambassador
program with an additional cohort of
alumni from U.S. Department of State
exchange programs. Proposals must
include a plan for funding, recruiting
and managing student ‘‘ambassadors’’
and Department of State exchange
alumni at the USA Pavilion. All Student
Ambassadors, but not the exchange
program alumni, must be U.S. citizens,
from a diverse set of backgrounds and
U.S. states, and ideally with two or
more years of college-level Arabic
language or area studies course work, or
equivalent ability gained through family
or residence in the Arab world. The
selected organization is encouraged to
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 33 / Friday, February 16, 2018 / Notices
partner with a U.S. higher education
institution or cultural exchange program
organization in the United States or
abroad to manage the Student
Ambassador and Exchange Alumni
d. Programming
The selected organization will be
responsible for all programming within
the USA Pavilion. Proposals may
include content and programming
partnerships with a variety of
community, educational, cultural,
philanthropic, businesses, and nonprofit organizations. Proposals are
encouraged to identify potential
linkages to existing State Department
educational and cultural programs that
could run concurrently with the USA
e. Supporting the U.S. Commissioner
The selected organization will be
responsible for supporting the U.S.
Commissioner General, who will be
appointed by the United States
Government and serve as the official
U.S. representative to Expo 2020.
Details of this support will be specified
in the Memorandum of Agreement
(3) Operations
The successful proposer will be
responsible for full operation of the
USA Pavilion. This will include, but not
be limited to, such areas as protocol,
public affairs, sponsorship fulfillment,
cultural programming, student guide
services, communications, operations,
security, cleaning, and maintenance.
Office space must be adequate for the
proposed number of staff.
II. Eligibility Information
Applications may be submitted by
U.S.-based individuals, firms,
associations, and public and private
organizations, or groups of such entities
formed for this project. Non-profit
organizations must meet the provisions
described in Internal Revenue Code
section 26 U.S.C. 501(c)(3). Non-profit
organizations must have nonprofit
status with the IRS, or have applied for
such status, at the time of application.
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III. Application and Submission
1. Proposals
Proposals should be no longer than
thirty-five (35) pages (single-spaced,
single-sided) and outline, in as much
detail as possible, plans for providing a
pavilion and exhibition for the U.S.
Government at Expo 2020 Dubai.
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Proposals should include the
following components:
1. Pavilion Theme Statement (2 pages
max) explains design, components and
content of the USA Pavilion in
accordance with the Mobility sub-theme
and the Expo 2020 Dubai Theme Guide.
2. Fundraising plan (3 pages)—How
and when does the organization plan to
reach the fundraising goals to cover the
project? How does the organization plan
to make use of sponsorship agreements
to fund specific exhibits or the overall
3. Project Management Plan (3 pages)
that explains how the organization
plans to accomplish all the tasks listed
in the Project Management section. This
plan should include specifics, including
whether the organization plans to
compete the different elements to subcontractors, or if they plan to fulfill
them in-house, and the process for each.
This action plan should include the
following sections:
a. Design of the USA Pavilion
architecture and interior;
b. Construction procurement process;
c. Disassembly and legacy (future use
of the pavilion structure or exhibits).
4. Pavilion Designs (10 pages) A
maximum of 5 conceptual designs of the
proposed pavilion architecture and a
maximum of 5 conceptual designs of the
proposed interior fit-out.
5. Proposed Staffing Plan (3 pages) for
management and staff before and during
the expo, including envisioned Student
Ambassador and Exchange Alumni
programs. Provide biographic
summaries of no more than one
paragraph each of the architect, curator,
designer, project manager, fundraiser,
chief financial officer, and all other key
personnel involved in the project.
6. Multi-year Operating Budget (4
pages) (narrative and chart in USD). A
budget narrative should include an
explanation of how the estimates were
created (including but not limited to
cost price analysis or past experience)
for the major cost centers of the project.
The operating budget should explain
how early-stage operations of the project
will be sustained prior to attaining
major gifts and projected cash flow.
7. Track record (2 pages) of the
organization’s past fundraising and
project management successes, a
description of its resources, capabilities,
key staff and their qualifications.
8. Timeline (3 pages) of the entire
9. Work Samples (5 pages) Submit up
to 10 images of past architectural and
design work.
Proposals must commit to:
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• Adhere to the regulations and rules
of Expo 2020 as stipulated by the Expo
organizers (see participant guides),
including restrictions and limitations
related to construction;
• Consult closely with and follow the
guidance of the U.S. Commissioner
General, Expo Unit, and their
designated representatives at the U.S.
mission to the UAE;
• Operate in a transparent and
financially responsible manner. This
includes allowing the Commissioner
General and Expo Unit insight into the
budget and reporting on finances on a
regular basis, with oversight of the Expo
Unit, and seeking prior consultation
before any expenditure or changes in
budget line items greater than $50,000.
• Submit all contracts or subcontracts contemplated to be awarded
by the proposer to further the purposes
of the USA pavilion that are in excess
of $50,000 for review by the Expo Unit
prior to their conclusion.
• Proposals should state clearly that
all materials developed specifically for
the project will be subject to prior
review and approval by the Department.
• Proposals should state clearly that
all fundraising plans, processes, and
marketing materials will be subject to
prior review and approval by the
Department, including the need to have
all potential donors vetted and
approved by the Department.
2. Application Deadline and Methods of
Application Deadline
Application Deadlines: April 17,
Submitting Applications
Responses must be submitted
electronically and in hard copy.
An electronic version of the proposal
submission must be sent to expo@ Please include ‘‘Expo 2020
Proposal—[Entity Name]’’ in the email
subject field. The Expo Unit will
acknowledge receipt of an electronic
Proposal submissions must also be
sent via a nationally recognized
overnight delivery service (i.e., DHL,
Federal Express, UPS, Airborne Express,
or U.S. Postal Service Express Overnight
Mail, etc.) and be shipped no later than
the above deadline. The delivery
services used by applicants must have
in-place, centralized shipping
identification and tracking systems that
may be accessed via the internet and
delivery people who are identifiable by
commonly recognized uniforms and
delivery vehicles. Proposals shipped on
or before the above deadline but
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 33 / Friday, February 16, 2018 / Notices
received by the Expo Unit more than
seven calendar days after the deadline
will be ineligible for further
consideration under this competition.
Proposals shipped after the established
deadlines are ineligible for
consideration under this competition. It
is each applicant’s responsibility to
ensure that each package is marked with
a legible tracking number and to
monitor/confirm delivery to the Expo
Unit via the internet. The Expo Unit
will not notify you upon receipt of a
hard copy proposal. Delivery of
proposal packages may not be made via
local courier service or in person for this
competition. Faxed documents will not
be accepted at any time. Only proposals
submitted as stated above will be
Ten copies of the application should
be sent to: U.S. Department of State,
Ref.: Expo 2020 Dubai RFP, 2201 C
Street NW, R/FO, Room 5932,
Washington, DC 20520.
IV. Application Review Information
Review Process
The Expo Unit will review all
proposals for technical eligibility.
Proposals will be deemed ineligible if
they are not submitted by a U.S. citizen,
U.S.-corporation, or U.S.-based
organization and do not fully adhere to
the General Regulations of the Expo
2020 Dubai and the guidelines stated
Eligible proposals will be subject to
compliance with Federal and
Department regulations and guidelines.
A panel of U.S. Government employees
will review eligible proposals. Proposals
may also be reviewed by the Office of
the Legal Adviser or by other elements
in the State Department and the U.S.
Department of Commerce. The decision
about which proposal demonstrates the
greatest likelihood of achieving the
goals of the project will be at the sole
discretion of the Under Secretary of
State for Public Diplomacy and Public
Review Criteria
Technically-eligible proposals will be
reviewed and scored out of 100 points,
according to the criteria stated below:
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1. Pavilion Concept—15 points
a. Architectural and Design Merit,
including how the pavilion will educate
and inform foreign audiences about the
United States and its people and
promote broad U.S. commercial
interests, as well as how specifically it
will address the theme and sub-themes
of Expo 2020 Dubai.
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2. Fundraising Plan—35 points
a. Fundraising, including proposed
plan, timeline, resources on hand, as
well as potential to find and engage
potential sponsors, manage sponsor
relationships, and fulfill sponsorship
agreements. The successful proposer
must demonstrate to the Department
that it can raise the funds necessary to
complete the USA Pavilion project and
has past fundraising success in
completing time-bound, multi-year,
multi-million dollar campaigns.
3. Operational Plan—10 points
a. Design, Build, Remove, including
plans to project manage the pavilion.
b. Operational Plan, including
program management and operational
staffing before and during the Expo
c. Expenditure, including summary
and line-item budget.
4. Communications and Cultural
Programming—15 points
a. Proposed Domestic and
International Outreach in advance of
and during the Expo to raise awareness
of U.S. participation in Dubai Expo 2020
and amplify exhibit messages and
b. Proposed Cultural Programming
Events and programs that represent the
diversity of America including potential
linkages to existing State Department
educational and cultural programs that
could run parallel to or in conjunction
with the USA Pavilion.
c. Virtual Presence and Engagement of
the USA Pavilion before and during the
5. Institutional Capacity—15 points
a. Program Management for design
and build, and design and operation of
temporary cultural and commercial
b. Architectural and Design
Excellence, including quality and
significance of the architects, curators,
organizations, designs or services that
the project will involve; record of
professional activity and achievement
by individuals/organizations involved;
ability to monitor and measure the
effectiveness and impact of the
6. Regional Experience and
Partnerships—10 points
a. Strategic Partners and Legacy Use,
including how the USA Pavilion fits in
to the strategic plans of partners for
their regional engagement and
expansion and reflective of past regional
b. Monitoring and Project Evaluation
Plan, a plan to measure the impact of
PO 00000
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the proposed U.S. exhibition, and
cultural and information programs.
V. Administration Information
Selection Notices: All applicants will
receive a decision notification from the
Expo Unit.
Project Launch and Construction &
Participation Phases: There are two
phases to the project. The first phase
(Project Launch) will begin by the
Department issuing a Letter of Intent to
the selected proposer authorizing that
entity to proceed with fundraising to
complete the project. The letter will
include guidelines on fundraising and
will establish a deadline for completion
of fundraising activities. The second
phase (Construction & Participation) can
begin once the successful proposer is
able to demonstrate that all funding
required for the project is available. A
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)
between the successful proposer and the
Department will be concluded and the
Department will conclude a
Participation Contract with the Expo
organizing body.
Reporting Requirement for Selected
The successful proposer must provide
the Expo Unit with an electronic and
hard copy original plus two copies of
the following reports:
1. Program and financial reports every
45 (forty-five) calendar days after the
signature of the Memorandum of
2. Final program and financial reports
no more than 90 (ninety) calendar days
after the scheduled April 10, 2021,
closing of Expo 2020 Dubai.
VI. Agency Contacts
For questions about this
announcement, contact
Correspondence with the Expo Unit
concerning this Request for Proposals
(RFP) should reference Expo 2020 Dubai
RFP in the subject line.
Please read the complete
announcement before sending inquiries
or submitting proposals. Once the RFP
deadline for submission of proposals
has passed, Expo Unit staff may not
discuss this competition with applicants
until the proposal review process has
been completed.
VII. Other Information
The terms and conditions published
in this Request for Proposals are binding
and may only be modified in writing.
Issuance of this RFP does not constitute
an intention to agree to work with any
private sector exhibitor at Expo 2020
Dubai. The Under Secretary for Public
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 33 / Friday, February 16, 2018 / Notices
Diplomacy and Public Affairs reserves
the right to select the U.S. private sector
partner for Expo 2020 Dubai and to
approve all elements of the Pavilion and
project. Decisions made based on
proposals submitted in response to this
RFP will be made in the sole discretion
of the Under Secretary for Public
Diplomacy and Public Affairs and will
be final.
I. Steven Goldstein,
Under Secretary of State, Public Diplomacy
and Public Affairs, Department of State.
Annex: Theme Statement (max 2 pages)
Title of the exhibition
Exhibition Goals ..............................
The overall goals of the exhibition and the key messages that the Pavilion aims to communicate to the
A clear and comprehensive presentation of how the exhibition content relates to the theme and subthemes
of Expo 2020 Dubai.
A well-described statement for the exhibition content based on the theme and subthemes:
What are the main messages that the exhibition will convey to the visitors?
How will the visitors experience and interact with the content?
What will the visitors take away when they leave the pavilion?
A conceptual description of the educational programs and opportunities that will be offered to the visitors
as part of the exhibition.
A preliminary overview of the design of the pavilion and exhibition areas indicating how the chosen theme
and topics are creatively integrated into the space. Participants should also indicate how they plan to
showcase America’s unique identity, culture, and diversity in the design.
A preliminary description of how the theme and chosen subthemes are integrated into the pavilion operations.
A preliminary list of the types of materials that will be used in the exhibition (such as objects, artifacts, and
A summary of the plan regarding the products (both culinary and commercial) that the proposer will promote during the event. Proposers should clearly indicate how the retail activity captures and incorporates
the theme and subthemes
Description of the pavilion’s legacy use and its incorporation into pavilion partners’ regional presence and
engagement strategies.
Thematic Concept ...........................
Content Descriptions .......................
Educational Program ......................
Architecture and Design .................
Operations .......................................
List of Materials ...............................
Retail ...............................................
Legacy Use .....................................
[FR Doc. 2018–03116 Filed 2–15–18; 8:45 am]
Federal Railroad Administration
[Docket Number FRA–2002–11809]
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES
Petition for Waiver of Compliance
Under part 211 of Title 49 Code of
Federal Regulations (CFR), this provides
the public notice that on January 29,
2018, the North County Transit District
(NCTD) petitioned the Federal Railroad
Administration (FRA) for an extension
of its existing waiver of compliance
from certain provisions of the Federal
railroad safety regulations contained.
FRA assigned the petition docket
number FRA–2002–11809.
In its petition, NCTD seeks to extend
the relief granted in its existing shared
use waiver, which was originally
granted by FRA’s Railroad Safety Board
(Board) on May 1, 2003; modified in
2006; and extended and modified in
2013. This shared use waiver applies to
operation of the SPRINTER rail fixed
guideway transit system between
Oceanside, California, and Escondido,
CA over the BNSF Railway’s (BNSF)
Escondido Subdivision. SPRINTER
operates for 22 miles with temporal
separation from the Pacific Sun Railroad
which is contracted by BNSF. The
VerDate Sep<11>2014
19:24 Feb 15, 2018
Jkt 244001
exclusive passenger period is from 3:45
a.m. until 9:45 p.m. Sunday through
Thursday, and 3:45 a.m. until 12:00 a.m.
(midnight) Friday through Saturday.
NCTD continues to seek relief from 49
CFR part 210, Railroad Noise Emission
Compliance Regulations; part 217,
Railroad Operating Rules; part 219,
Control of Alcohol and Drug Use; part
221, Rear End Marking DevicePassenger, Commuter, and Freight
Trains; sections 223.9(c), 223.9(d),
223.15(c), and 223.17 of the Safety
Glazing Standards—Locomotives,
Passenger Cars and Cabooses; part 228,
Hours of Service of Railroad Employees;
Recordkeeping and Reporting; Sleeping
Quarters, where applicable for operators
only; part 231, Railroad Safety
Appliance Standards; part 238,
Passenger Equipment Safety Standards;
part 239, Passenger Train Emergency
Preparedness; part 240, Locomotive
Engineer Certification. NCTD continues
to seek partial relief from 49 CFR part
225, Railroad Accidents/Incidents:
Reports Classification, and
Investigations, except with regard to
reporting train and highway-rail grade
crossing accidents to FRA, as employee
injuries may be reported under Federal
Transit Administration (FTA) or
Occupational Safety and Health
Administration rules; and relief from
part 229, Railroad locomotive safety
PO 00000
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standards, except from sections
In its petition, NCTD states there have
been no deficiencies with its operation
since the last approval in 2013 and that
NCTD, Pacific Sun Railroad, and the
California Public Utilities Commission
(CPUC) have continually interfaced with
FRA Regional staff to monitor safety.
CPUC is the State Safety Oversight
Agency (SSOA) providing equivalent
safety oversight in accordance with the
terms and conditions set forth in FTA
regulations at T49 CFR part 659, Rail
Fixed Guideway State Safety Oversight,
in CPUC General Order 164–D, Rules
and regulations Governing State Safety
Oversight of Rail Fixed Guideway
Systems, and in CPUC General Order
143–B, Design, Construction and
Operation of Light Rail Transit Systems.
A copy of the petition, as well as any
written communications concerning the
petition, is available for review online at and in person at
the U.S. Department of Transportation’s
(DOT) Docket Operations Facility, 1200
New Jersey Avenue SE, W12–140,
Washington, DC 20590. The Docket
Operations Facility is open from 9 a.m.
to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday,
except Federal Holidays.
Interested parties are invited to
participate in these proceedings by
submitting written views, data, or
comments. FRA does not anticipate
scheduling a public hearing in
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 33 (Friday, February 16, 2018)]
[Pages 7098-7103]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2018-03116]
[Public Notice: 10310]
Office of the Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and
Public Affairs Request for Proposal (RFP) for the Fundraising, Project
Management, Design, Construction, Operation, Disassembly and Removal of
a USA Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai
AGENCY: Department of State.
ACTION: Request for Proposals for the Design, Development,
Installation, Operation, and Final Disposition of a U.S. Pavilion at
Expo Dubai 2020.
SUMMARY: The Expo Unit within the Office of the Under Secretary of
State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs of the U.S. Department of
State requests proposals from private U.S. individuals, firms,
associations, educational institutions, and organizations (for profit
and non-profit) for the fundraising, project management, design,
construction, operation, and disassembly and removal of a USA Pavilion
at Expo 2020 Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) ( The UAE is a strong U.S. partner, and the largest
export market for U.S. goods and services in the Middle East. The six-
month long Expo 2020 Dubai from October 2020-April 2021 will be the
first Expo (also known as World's Fair) to take place in the Middle
East, North Africa, or South Asia and is expected to attract 25 million
visitors and coincides with the UAE's 50th founding anniversary.
Proposals from non-U.S. citizens or non-U.S. firms or organizations
shall be deemed ineligible for consideration.
DATES: Submit proposals on or before April 17, 2018.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Matthew Asada, Dubai Expo 2020 Project
Manager, at [email protected] or by phone at: (202) 647-9905.
I. Description of Project
Overall authority for Department of State support for U.S.
participation in international expositions is contained in Section
102(a)(3) of the Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961,
as amended (22 U.S.C. 2452(a)(3)), also known as the Fulbright-Hays
Act. The purpose of the Act is ``to enable the Government of the United
States to increase mutual understanding between the people of the
United States and the people of other countries . . . to strengthen the
ties which unite us with other nations by demonstrating the educational
and cultural interests, developments, and achievements of the people of
the United States and other nations . . . and thus to assist in the
development of friendly, sympathetic and peaceful relations between the
United States and the other countries of the world.'' Pursuant to this
authority, the Secretary of State has authorized the Under Secretary of
State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs to provide for U.S.
participation in international expositions abroad. The Expo Unit, in
the Office of the Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public
Affairs, will represent the U.S. Government in dealings with the
organizers of Expo 2020 Dubai and serve as the primary point of contact
with the selected applicant.
Expo 2020 Dubai is a large-scale, universal exposition (also known
as a World's Fair) registered by the Bureau of International
Expositions (BIE). The BIE is an international treaty organization
established to regulate certain international exhibitions. The United
States rejoined the BIE on May 10, 2017. Invitations to world's fairs
are extended from the host government to other governments.
The Government of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has invited the
United States to participate in Expo 2020 Dubai and, on October 19,
2017, the Secretary of State informed the UAE Government of the U.S.
Government's intention to participate with an official USA Pavilion,
contingent upon identification of a viable private sector partner and
successful fundraising efforts. The Expo officially opens on October
20, 2020, and closes on April 10, 2021.
With a projected 25 million visitors, 70 percent of whom will come
from outside of the UAE, Expo 2020 Dubai offers an excellent
opportunity to inform and inspire foreign audiences--especially those
residing in the Middle East, South Asia, and East Asia--about the
United States, its people, values and foreign policies, and to promote
U.S. economic and commercial interests. Expo 2020 Dubai is the first
World's Fair hosted in the Middle East. U.S.
[[Page 7099]]
participation in Expo 2020 Dubai would reconfirm the strength and
importance of U.S.-UAE bilateral ties and promote mutual understanding
between Americans and peoples of the region.
The theme of Expo 2020 Dubai is Connecting Minds, Creating the
Future, representing the potential of what can be achieved when
meaningful collaborations and partnerships are forged. The Expo's
subthemes are Opportunity, Mobility, and Sustainability reflecting the
timeless drivers of progress that continue to inspire people,
organizations, and nations in their endeavors to create a better
future. A detailed description of the themes and their meaning is
available in the Expo 2020 Participant Guide. The USA Pavilion should
emphasize the ``Mobility'' sub-theme and the pavilion's architecture
and interior design should communicate American progress, ingenuity,
and innovation in social, physical, and mechanical (transportation)
U.S. Direction
The USA Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai will be an official
representation of the United States; the Department must therefore
ensure that the USA Pavilion is nonpolitical and nonpartisan in nature,
of the highest possible quality, and balanced and representative of the
diversity of American political, social, and cultural life. The USA
Pavilion must maintain the highest level of scholarly integrity and
meet the highest standards of artistic achievement and academic
excellence. It should also be entertaining and interactive. The USA
Pavilion will be used to promote U.S. commercial interests, U.S.
foreign policy, as well as highlight outstanding U.S. cultural,
scientific, technological, and artistic achievement.
Funding and Fundraising Limitations
Section 204 of Public Law 106-113 (22 U.S.C. 2452b) limits the
support the Department of State may provide for U.S. participation in
international expositions registered by the Bureau of International
Expositions (BIE). This includes Expo 2020 Dubai. This Request for
Proposals is intended to help identify a private U.S. individual, firm,
association, or organization interested in, and capable of, providing a
complete Pavilion/exhibit at Expo 2020 Dubai as a gift to the United
States Government. The Department of State is not authorized to provide
funding for the U.S. Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai.
Section 5 of Public Law 115-32 (22 U.S.C. 2452b note) prohibits
Department of State employees from soliciting funds to pay expenses for
a U.S. pavilion or other major exhibit at any exposition registered by
the BIE.
Planning, budgeting, and operating a U.S. pavilion at a Bureau of
International Expositions-recognized international exposition is a
complicated, multi-year project. Cost for a representative USA Pavilion
for Expo 2020 Dubai is estimated at 50-60 million USD and will be the
sole responsibility of the selected organization.
The successful applicant will be responsible for all costs
associated with the USA Pavilion including its fundraising, project
management, design, construction, operation, and disassembly and
removal of, as well as any claims arising from, the exhibit at the end
of the Expo, as well as all support for the U.S. Commissioner General.
The successful proposer will consult closely with and follow the
guidance of Department officials and the U.S. Commissioner General with
respect to Pavilion content, fundraising, and programming. The USA
Pavilion shall be considered on loan to the U.S. Government. The
aforementioned loan shall be treated as a gift to the U.S. Government.
The U.S. Department of State is not authorized to provide federal
funding for any aspect of the USA Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai.
The successful applicant must be able to demonstrate to the U.S.
Department of State that it can raise the funds necessary to complete
the project. Only after the applicant is able to secure sufficient seed
funding, to be determined based on the successful applicant's proposed
budget, and demonstrate viable future revenue streams will the U.S.
Department of State sign a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with that
applicant. The Department would subsequently sign a Participation
Contract with the UAE's Bureau Expo Dubai 2020 (Expo Organizer).
Expo Guidelines
For information regarding the guidelines for developing the
exhibits, themes, and the design and construction of a pavilion, please
refer to documents produced by the Expo 2020 Dubai Organizer, including
the Theme Guide, Participant Guide, and Self-build Guide available at: Exhibit content, and food and beverage
offerings, should be sensitive to prevailing cultural norms and in
accordance with Dubai municipal regulations.
Purpose of RFP
The purpose of this request for proposal is to find a private
sector partner who will serve as the U.S. Government's fundraiser and
project manager for U.S. participation in Expo 2020. This entails three
main tasks: (1) Raise all the funds needed to cover the costs of the
USA Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai; (2) manage the USA Pavilion project;
and (3) conduct all operations associated with the USA Pavilion.
(1) Fundraising
As described above, the Department of State is prohibited from
using its appropriated funds for the USA Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai
and the Department's employees are prohibited from soliciting funds to
pay for expenses of the USA Pavilion. Therefore, all funds for the
establishment and operation of the USA Pavilion must come from other
sources. It will be the responsibility of the selected entity to
identify prospective sponsors, solicit the funds, and conclude
sponsorship agreements. The Department must approve the selected
entity's fundraising plan, process, and marketing materials.
Non-profit organizations must have nonprofit status with the IRS,
or have applied for such status, at the time of application.
Once the nonprofit status of the selected proposer is confirmed,
and if the proposer satisfies the U.S. citizenship requirements, the
Department will issue a ``Letter of Intent'' to the selected
organization authorizing it to proceed with fundraising to fund the USA
Pavilion project. The letter will include guidelines on fundraising to
be followed by the selected organization. Note that all prospective
donors must be vetted by the Department of State pursuant to the
Foreign Affairs Manual (2 FAM 962.1 Authority to Solicit and Accept
Gift Funds Once the
selected entity has raised sufficient seed funding to provide for U.S.
participation at Expo Dubai 2020, the Department of State will sign a
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the selected organization.
It is estimated that a representative USA pavilion will cost
between 50 and 60 million USD, depending on final design, construction,
and programming. The costs, described in greater detail below, include,
but are not limited to:
Design and construction of a building to house the
exhibition and provide an appealing welcome on the exterior facade;
provide exterior
[[Page 7100]]
landscaping; incorporate appropriate internal and external crowd
control features;
Design of the exhibition and development of the story
Raising all necessary funds;
Production of exhibits, audio-visual materials, films,
DVDs, videos, posters and other promotional materials needed for the
Development and implementation of a media engagement and
communications plan to promote and advertise the USA Pavilion to U.S.
and foreign audiences, before and during Expo 2020;
All administrative, personnel and exhibit costs, including
salaries, benefits, staff housing expenses, contracting and supplier
costs and consulting fees as well as funding associated with guides,
escorts, and protocol gifts;
Transport, travel, insurance, postage and shipping fees of
all pavilion materials;
Security, development and implementation of a security
program for the USA Pavilion in consultation with the State Department
and appropriate UAE authorities;
Tear-down, including removal of exhibits, and return of
the pavilion lot in the condition required by the Expo organizers;
final disposition plan must be approved by the Expo Unit;
Cultural and informational programs associated with the
exhibition, including, but not limited to, production of U.S. National
Day activities (each participating country has a national day
celebration at some point during the six-month fair);
Funding all expenses associated with the U.S. Commissioner
General; and,
Creation and staffing of facilities devoted to hosting
VIPs visiting the USA Pavilion.
(2) Project Management
The selected organization would be responsible for all aspects of
providing for U.S. participation in Expo 2020 Dubai. This includes, but
is not limited to, (a) design, (b) construction and removal, (c)
staffing, (d) programming, and (e) supporting the U.S. Commissioner
a. Design of USA Pavilion
The pavilion will be the physical representation of the United
States, and therefore should be worthy of representing our country and
its people. The architecture and interior design of the USA Pavilion
must reflect the theme of Expo 2020 Dubai, Connecting Minds, Creating
the Future, described above. The USA Pavilion and exhibition must
maintain the highest level of scholarly integrity and meet the highest
standards of artistic achievement and academic excellence. The design
concept for the USA Pavilion exhibition should appeal to a general,
non-expert audience.
The two main components to the design of the USA Pavilion are (i)
architecture and (ii) interior design:
i. Architecture
National pavilions are closely associated with their architecture.
The design of the USA Pavilion should be spectacular, and worthy of
carrying the name of the United States. The applicant should describe
how they plan to create a design that is inspiring, while remaining
cost-efficient. The successful applicant will be encouraged to hold a
national design competition.
ii. Interior Design
The concept for the pavilion structure should include an exhibition
area, a live performance area, a VIP hospitality area, and
administration/staff area. Food, beverage, and retail offerings can be
considered, but are not required. The exhibition area is where the
Expo's theme and sub-themes communicate American creativity, innovation
and ingenuity to the visitors. Successful exhibits are those that
communicate a message, are informative, but are also interactive and
fun. The selected organization must also ensure that the exhibits are
nonpolitical in nature and are of the highest possible quality. The VIP
hospitality area should provide a reception space to support symposia,
meetings, receptions, and delegations that advance economic and public
diplomacy goals of the United States.
In designing the USA Pavilion, the selected entity is encouraged to
translate the theme into an authentic portfolio of stories and
perspectives that highlight the interconnections between the subthemes
in a way that engages visitors of all ages. The selected entity will
consult with the Department of State's Expo Unit for approval on all
final designs, exhibit content, programmatic activities, and
communications products.
In responding to this Request for Proposal, applicants should
include a two-page Theme Statement that explains design, components and
content of the USA Pavilion (per Annex) by the initial application due
date. The submission should define the overall theme and the exhibits
that will make up the pavilion, providing a general overview of the
proposed strategy, thematic content, installations, events, and
architectural expression of the pavilion. The selected organization
will be required to develop a more detailed and final Theme Statement
for approval by the Expo Unit followed by full design proposals for the
USA Pavilion--Concept and Final--no later than June 30, 2019.
b. Construction and Removal of USA Pavilion
After the approval of the designs, and with necessary funding in
hand, the selected entity will be responsible for constructing the USA
Pavilion in Dubai in accordance with the specifications listed in the
Organizer's Self-Build Pavilions Guide. Ideally, such a pavilion will
meet the specifications for a ``Large'' or an ``Extra Large'' pavilion,
but proposals should specify what size they recommend. The USA Pavilion
can comprise one or more buildings. Construction of the pavilion's
shell and core must be completed by October 2019. Interior work must be
complete by July 2020 and exhibits must be installed by September 2020.
The selected entity is also responsible for the dismantling and
removal of the USA Pavilion after conclusion of the Expo in April 2021.
The overall budget, including construction, must be reviewed by the
Expo Unit before work can start, and the entity must consult with the
Expo Unit before undertaking any changes in budget line items greater
than $50,000. The implementing partner will be encouraged to establish
an escrow account or obtain insurance to ensure that removal of the
pavilion is completed.
c. Pavilion Staffing
Unlike other national pavilions that hire local workers to staff
their pavilions, the U.S. pavilions have historically used American
college students or recent graduates to staff the USA Pavilion as
guides under a program called ``Student Ambassadors.'' For Dubai,
applicants may also consider supplementing the Student Ambassador
program with an additional cohort of alumni from U.S. Department of
State exchange programs. Proposals must include a plan for funding,
recruiting and managing student ``ambassadors'' and Department of State
exchange alumni at the USA Pavilion. All Student Ambassadors, but not
the exchange program alumni, must be U.S. citizens, from a diverse set
of backgrounds and U.S. states, and ideally with two or more years of
college-level Arabic language or area studies course work, or
equivalent ability gained through family or residence in the Arab
world. The selected organization is encouraged to
[[Page 7101]]
partner with a U.S. higher education institution or cultural exchange
program organization in the United States or abroad to manage the
Student Ambassador and Exchange Alumni programs.
d. Programming
The selected organization will be responsible for all programming
within the USA Pavilion. Proposals may include content and programming
partnerships with a variety of community, educational, cultural,
philanthropic, businesses, and non-profit organizations. Proposals are
encouraged to identify potential linkages to existing State Department
educational and cultural programs that could run concurrently with the
USA Pavilion.
e. Supporting the U.S. Commissioner General
The selected organization will be responsible for supporting the
U.S. Commissioner General, who will be appointed by the United States
Government and serve as the official U.S. representative to Expo 2020.
Details of this support will be specified in the Memorandum of
Agreement (MOA).
(3) Operations
The successful proposer will be responsible for full operation of
the USA Pavilion. This will include, but not be limited to, such areas
as protocol, public affairs, sponsorship fulfillment, cultural
programming, student guide services, communications, operations,
security, cleaning, and maintenance. Office space must be adequate for
the proposed number of staff.
II. Eligibility Information
Applications may be submitted by U.S.-based individuals, firms,
associations, and public and private organizations, or groups of such
entities formed for this project. Non-profit organizations must meet
the provisions described in Internal Revenue Code section 26 U.S.C.
501(c)(3). Non-profit organizations must have nonprofit status with the
IRS, or have applied for such status, at the time of application.
III. Application and Submission Information
1. Proposals
Proposals should be no longer than thirty-five (35) pages (single-
spaced, single-sided) and outline, in as much detail as possible, plans
for providing a pavilion and exhibition for the U.S. Government at Expo
2020 Dubai.
Proposals should include the following components:
1. Pavilion Theme Statement (2 pages max) explains design,
components and content of the USA Pavilion in accordance with the
Mobility sub-theme and the Expo 2020 Dubai Theme Guide.
2. Fundraising plan (3 pages)--How and when does the organization
plan to reach the fundraising goals to cover the project? How does the
organization plan to make use of sponsorship agreements to fund
specific exhibits or the overall pavilion?
3. Project Management Plan (3 pages) that explains how the
organization plans to accomplish all the tasks listed in the Project
Management section. This plan should include specifics, including
whether the organization plans to compete the different elements to
sub-contractors, or if they plan to fulfill them in-house, and the
process for each. This action plan should include the following
a. Design of the USA Pavilion architecture and interior;
b. Construction procurement process; and
c. Disassembly and legacy (future use of the pavilion structure or
4. Pavilion Designs (10 pages) A maximum of 5 conceptual designs of
the proposed pavilion architecture and a maximum of 5 conceptual
designs of the proposed interior fit-out.
5. Proposed Staffing Plan (3 pages) for management and staff before
and during the expo, including envisioned Student Ambassador and
Exchange Alumni programs. Provide biographic summaries of no more than
one paragraph each of the architect, curator, designer, project
manager, fundraiser, chief financial officer, and all other key
personnel involved in the project.
6. Multi-year Operating Budget (4 pages) (narrative and chart in
USD). A budget narrative should include an explanation of how the
estimates were created (including but not limited to cost price
analysis or past experience) for the major cost centers of the project.
The operating budget should explain how early-stage operations of the
project will be sustained prior to attaining major gifts and projected
cash flow.
7. Track record (2 pages) of the organization's past fundraising
and project management successes, a description of its resources,
capabilities, key staff and their qualifications.
8. Timeline (3 pages) of the entire project.
9. Work Samples (5 pages) Submit up to 10 images of past
architectural and design work.
Proposals must commit to:
Adhere to the regulations and rules of Expo 2020 as
stipulated by the Expo organizers (see participant guides), including
restrictions and limitations related to construction;
Consult closely with and follow the guidance of the U.S.
Commissioner General, Expo Unit, and their designated representatives
at the U.S. mission to the UAE;
Operate in a transparent and financially responsible
manner. This includes allowing the Commissioner General and Expo Unit
insight into the budget and reporting on finances on a regular basis,
with oversight of the Expo Unit, and seeking prior consultation before
any expenditure or changes in budget line items greater than $50,000.
Submit all contracts or sub-contracts contemplated to be
awarded by the proposer to further the purposes of the USA pavilion
that are in excess of $50,000 for review by the Expo Unit prior to
their conclusion.
Proposals should state clearly that all materials
developed specifically for the project will be subject to prior review
and approval by the Department.
Proposals should state clearly that all fundraising plans,
processes, and marketing materials will be subject to prior review and
approval by the Department, including the need to have all potential
donors vetted and approved by the Department.
2. Application Deadline and Methods of Submission
Application Deadline
Application Deadlines: April 17, 2018.
Submitting Applications
Responses must be submitted electronically and in hard copy.
An electronic version of the proposal submission must be sent to
[email protected]. Please include ``Expo 2020 Proposal--[Entity Name]'' in
the email subject field. The Expo Unit will acknowledge receipt of an
electronic proposal.
Proposal submissions must also be sent via a nationally recognized
overnight delivery service (i.e., DHL, Federal Express, UPS, Airborne
Express, or U.S. Postal Service Express Overnight Mail, etc.) and be
shipped no later than the above deadline. The delivery services used by
applicants must have in-place, centralized shipping identification and
tracking systems that may be accessed via the internet and delivery
people who are identifiable by commonly recognized uniforms and
delivery vehicles. Proposals shipped on or before the above deadline
[[Page 7102]]
received by the Expo Unit more than seven calendar days after the
deadline will be ineligible for further consideration under this
competition. Proposals shipped after the established deadlines are
ineligible for consideration under this competition. It is each
applicant's responsibility to ensure that each package is marked with a
legible tracking number and to monitor/confirm delivery to the Expo
Unit via the internet. The Expo Unit will not notify you upon receipt
of a hard copy proposal. Delivery of proposal packages may not be made
via local courier service or in person for this competition. Faxed
documents will not be accepted at any time. Only proposals submitted as
stated above will be considered.
Ten copies of the application should be sent to: U.S. Department of
State, Ref.: Expo 2020 Dubai RFP, 2201 C Street NW, R/FO, Room 5932,
Washington, DC 20520.
IV. Application Review Information
Review Process
The Expo Unit will review all proposals for technical eligibility.
Proposals will be deemed ineligible if they are not submitted by a U.S.
citizen, U.S.-corporation, or U.S.-based organization and do not fully
adhere to the General Regulations of the Expo 2020 Dubai and the
guidelines stated herein.
Eligible proposals will be subject to compliance with Federal and
Department regulations and guidelines. A panel of U.S. Government
employees will review eligible proposals. Proposals may also be
reviewed by the Office of the Legal Adviser or by other elements in the
State Department and the U.S. Department of Commerce. The decision
about which proposal demonstrates the greatest likelihood of achieving
the goals of the project will be at the sole discretion of the Under
Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs.
Review Criteria
Technically-eligible proposals will be reviewed and scored out of
100 points, according to the criteria stated below:
1. Pavilion Concept--15 points
a. Architectural and Design Merit, including how the pavilion will
educate and inform foreign audiences about the United States and its
people and promote broad U.S. commercial interests, as well as how
specifically it will address the theme and sub-themes of Expo 2020
2. Fundraising Plan--35 points
a. Fundraising, including proposed plan, timeline, resources on
hand, as well as potential to find and engage potential sponsors,
manage sponsor relationships, and fulfill sponsorship agreements. The
successful proposer must demonstrate to the Department that it can
raise the funds necessary to complete the USA Pavilion project and has
past fundraising success in completing time-bound, multi-year, multi-
million dollar campaigns.
3. Operational Plan--10 points
a. Design, Build, Remove, including plans to project manage the
b. Operational Plan, including program management and operational
staffing before and during the Expo 2020.
c. Expenditure, including summary and line-item budget.
4. Communications and Cultural Programming--15 points
a. Proposed Domestic and International Outreach in advance of and
during the Expo to raise awareness of U.S. participation in Dubai Expo
2020 and amplify exhibit messages and partners.
b. Proposed Cultural Programming Events and programs that represent
the diversity of America including potential linkages to existing State
Department educational and cultural programs that could run parallel to
or in conjunction with the USA Pavilion.
c. Virtual Presence and Engagement of the USA Pavilion before and
during the Expo.
5. Institutional Capacity--15 points
a. Program Management for design and build, and design and
operation of temporary cultural and commercial exhibitions.
b. Architectural and Design Excellence, including quality and
significance of the architects, curators, organizations, designs or
services that the project will involve; record of professional activity
and achievement by individuals/organizations involved; ability to
monitor and measure the effectiveness and impact of the exhibition.
6. Regional Experience and Partnerships--10 points
a. Strategic Partners and Legacy Use, including how the USA
Pavilion fits in to the strategic plans of partners for their regional
engagement and expansion and reflective of past regional experience.
b. Monitoring and Project Evaluation Plan, a plan to measure the
impact of the proposed U.S. exhibition, and cultural and information
V. Administration Information
Selection Notices: All applicants will receive a decision
notification from the Expo Unit.
Project Launch and Construction & Participation Phases: There are
two phases to the project. The first phase (Project Launch) will begin
by the Department issuing a Letter of Intent to the selected proposer
authorizing that entity to proceed with fundraising to complete the
project. The letter will include guidelines on fundraising and will
establish a deadline for completion of fundraising activities. The
second phase (Construction & Participation) can begin once the
successful proposer is able to demonstrate that all funding required
for the project is available. A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between
the successful proposer and the Department will be concluded and the
Department will conclude a Participation Contract with the Expo
organizing body.
Reporting Requirement for Selected Organization
The successful proposer must provide the Expo Unit with an
electronic and hard copy original plus two copies of the following
1. Program and financial reports every 45 (forty-five) calendar
days after the signature of the Memorandum of Agreement.
2. Final program and financial reports no more than 90 (ninety)
calendar days after the scheduled April 10, 2021, closing of Expo 2020
VI. Agency Contacts
For questions about this announcement, contact [email protected]
Correspondence with the Expo Unit concerning this Request for Proposals
(RFP) should reference Expo 2020 Dubai RFP in the subject line.
Please read the complete announcement before sending inquiries or
submitting proposals. Once the RFP deadline for submission of proposals
has passed, Expo Unit staff may not discuss this competition with
applicants until the proposal review process has been completed.
VII. Other Information
The terms and conditions published in this Request for Proposals
are binding and may only be modified in writing. Issuance of this RFP
does not constitute an intention to agree to work with any private
sector exhibitor at Expo 2020 Dubai. The Under Secretary for Public
[[Page 7103]]
Diplomacy and Public Affairs reserves the right to select the U.S.
private sector partner for Expo 2020 Dubai and to approve all elements
of the Pavilion and project. Decisions made based on proposals
submitted in response to this RFP will be made in the sole discretion
of the Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs and will
be final.
I. Steven Goldstein,
Under Secretary of State, Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs,
Department of State.
Annex: Theme Statement (max 2 pages)
Title Title of the exhibition
Exhibition Goals.................. The overall goals of the exhibition
and the key messages that the
Pavilion aims to communicate to the
Thematic Concept.................. A clear and comprehensive
presentation of how the exhibition
content relates to the theme and
subthemes of Expo 2020 Dubai.
Content Descriptions.............. A well-described statement for the
exhibition content based on the
theme and subthemes:
What are the main messages that the
exhibition will convey to the
How will the visitors experience and
interact with the content?
What will the visitors take away
when they leave the pavilion?
Educational Program............... A conceptual description of the
educational programs and
opportunities that will be offered
to the visitors as part of the
Architecture and Design........... A preliminary overview of the design
of the pavilion and exhibition
areas indicating how the chosen
theme and topics are creatively
integrated into the space.
Participants should also indicate
how they plan to showcase America's
unique identity, culture, and
diversity in the design.
Operations........................ A preliminary description of how the
theme and chosen subthemes are
integrated into the pavilion
List of Materials................. A preliminary list of the types of
materials that will be used in the
exhibition (such as objects,
artifacts, and media).
Retail............................ A summary of the plan regarding the
products (both culinary and
commercial) that the proposer will
promote during the event. Proposers
should clearly indicate how the
retail activity captures and
incorporates the theme and
Legacy Use........................ Description of the pavilion's legacy
use and its incorporation into
pavilion partners' regional
presence and engagement strategies.
[FR Doc. 2018-03116 Filed 2-15-18; 8:45 am]