Air Plan Approval; Massachusetts; Revised Format for Materials Being Incorporated by Reference, 3965-3982 [2018-01513]
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Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 19 / Monday, January 29, 2018 / Rules and Regulations
Lower Mississippi River, New Orleans,
LA between mile marker (MM) 95.6 and
MM 96.6 Above Head of Passes.
(b) Effective period. This section is
effective from 10 p.m. through 11:20
p.m. on February 3, 2018.
(c) Regulations.
(1) In accordance with the general
regulations in § 165.23 of this part, entry
into this zone is prohibited unless
specifically authorized by the Captain of
the Port Sector New Orleans (COTP) or
designated representative. A designated
representative is a commissioned,
warrant, or petty officer of the U.S.
Coast Guard assigned to units under the
operational control of USCG Sector New
(2) Vessels requiring entry into this
safety zone must request permission
from the COTP or a designated
representative. They may be contacted
on VHF–FM Channel 16 or 67.
(3) Persons and vessels permitted to
enter this safety zone must transit at
their slowest safe speed and comply
with all lawful directions issued by the
COTP or the designated representative.
(d) Information broadcasts. The COTP
or a designated representative will
inform the public through Broadcast
Notices to Mariners of any changes in
the planned schedule.
Effective Date: This final rule is
effective on January 29, 2018.
ADDRESSES: EPA has established a
docket for this action under Docket ID
No. EPA–R01–OAR–2017–0107. SIP
materials which are incorporated by
reference into 40 CFR part 52 are
available for inspection at the following
locations: Environmental Protection
Agency, Region 1, 5 Post Office Square,
Boston, Massachusetts 02109–3912; and
the National Archives and Records
Administration (NARA). For
information on the availability of this
material at NARA, call (202) 741–6030,
or go to:
Ariel Garcia, U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, EPA New England
Regional Office, Office of Ecosystem
Protection, Air Quality Planning Unit, 5
Post Office Square—Suite 100, (Mail
code OEP05–2), Boston, MA 02109–
3912, telephone number (617) 918–
1660, fax number (617) 918–0660, email
Throughout this document whenever
‘‘we,’’ ‘‘us,’’ or ‘‘our’’ is used, we mean
EPA. This supplementary information
section is arranged as follows:
Dated: January 22, 2018.
Wayne R. Arguin,
Captain, U.S. Coast Guard, Captain of the
Port Sector New Orleans.
Table of Contents
[FR Doc. 2018–01616 Filed 1–26–18; 8:45 am]
40 CFR Part 52
[EPA–R01–OAR–2017–0107; FRL–9972–53Region 1]
Air Plan Approval; Massachusetts;
Revised Format for Materials Being
Incorporated by Reference
A. Description of a SIP
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Final rule; administrative
The Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) is revising the format for
materials submitted by the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts that
are incorporated by reference (IBR) into
the Massachusetts State Implementation
Plan (SIP). The regulations and other
materials affected by this format change
have all been previously submitted by
Massachusetts and approved by EPA as
part of the SIP.
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I. Background
A. Description of a SIP
B. How EPA Enforces SIPs
C. How the State and EPA Update the SIP
D. How EPA Compiles the SIP
E. How EPA Organizes the SIP Compilation
F. Where You Can Find a Copy of the SIP
G. The Format of the New Identification of
Plan Section
H. When a SIP Revision Becomes Part of
the SIP and Federally Enforceable
I. The Historical Record of SIP Revision
II. What is EPA doing in this action?
III. Incorporation by Reference
IV. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
I. Background
Each State has a SIP containing the
control measures and strategies to attain
and maintain the National Ambient Air
Quality Standards (NAAQS). The SIP is
extensive, containing such elements as
air pollution control regulations,
emission inventories, monitoring
networks, attainment demonstrations,
and enforcement mechanisms.
B. How EPA Enforces SIPs
Before formally adopting required
control measures and strategies, each
State must provide the public with an
opportunity to comment on them. The
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States then submit these measures and
strategies to EPA as requested SIP
revisions on which EPA must formally
When these control measures and
strategies are approved by EPA, after
notice and comment rulemaking, they
are incorporated into the Federallyapproved SIP and identified in title 40
of the Code of Federal Regulations, part
52 (Approval and Promulgation of
Implementation Plans) (40 CFR part 52).
The actual State regulations approved
by EPA are not reproduced in their
entirety in 40 CFR part 52, but are
‘‘incorporated by reference,’’ which
means that EPA has approved a given
State regulation with a specific effective
date. This format allows both EPA and
the public to know which measures are
contained in a given SIP and to help
determine whether the State is enforcing
the regulations.
C. How the State and EPA Update the
The SIP is periodically revised as
necessary to address the unique air
pollution problems in the State.
Therefore, EPA from time to time takes
action on State SIP submissions
containing new and/or revised
regulations and other materials; if
approved, they become part of the SIP.
On May 22, 1997 (62 FR 27968), EPA
revised the procedures for incorporating
by reference federally approved SIPs, as
a result of consultations between EPA
and the Office of the Federal Register
As a result, EPA began the process of
developing the following: (1) A revised
SIP document for each State that would
be incorporated by reference under the
provisions of title 1 CFR part 51; (2) a
revised mechanism for announcing EPA
approval of revisions to an applicable
SIP and updating both the IBR
document and the CFR; and (3) a
revised format of the ‘‘Identification of
plan’’ sections for each applicable
subpart to reflect these revised IBR
procedures. The description of the
revised SIP document, IBR procedures,
and ‘‘Identification of plan’’ format are
discussed in further detail in the May
22, 1997, Federal Register document.
D. How EPA Compiles the SIP
The Federally-approved regulations,
source-specific requirements, and
nonregulatory provisions (entirely or
portions of) submitted by each State
agency and approved by EPA have been
organized into a ‘‘SIP compilation.’’ The
SIP compilation contains the updated
regulations, source-specific
requirements, and nonregulatory
provisions approved by EPA through
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 19 / Monday, January 29, 2018 / Rules and Regulations
previous rulemaking actions in the
Federal Register.
E. How EPA Organizes the SIP
Each SIP compilation contains three
parts approved by EPA: Part one
contains regulations; part two contains
source-specific requirements; and part
three contains nonregulatory provisions.
Each State’s SIP compilation contains a
table of identifying information for each
of these three parts. In this action, EPA
is publishing the tables summarizing the
applicable SIP requirements for
Massachusetts. The effective dates in
the tables indicate the date of the most
recent revision of each regulation. The
EPA Region 1 Office has the primary
responsibility for updating the
compilation and ensuring its accuracy.
F. Where You Can Find a Copy of the
SIP Compilation
EPA’s Region 1 Office developed and
will maintain the compilation for
Massachusetts. A copy of the full text of
Massachusetts’ regulatory and sourcespecific compilations will also be
maintained at NARA.
G. The Format of the New Identification
of Plan Section
To better serve the public, EPA
revised the organization of the
‘‘Identification of plan’’ section and
included additional information to
clarify which provisions are the
enforceable elements of the SIP.
The revised Identification of plan
section contains five subsections: (a)
Purpose and scope; (b) Incorporation by
reference; (c) EPA-approved regulations;
(d) EPA-approved source-specific
requirements; and (e) EPA-approved
nonregulatory provisions such as
transportation control measures,
statutory provisions, control strategies,
and monitoring networks.
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H. When a State Submission Becomes
Part of the SIP and Federally
All revisions to the applicable SIP
become federally enforceable as of the
effective date of the revisions to
paragraphs (c), (d), or (e) of the
applicable Identification of Plan section
found in each subpart of 40 CFR part 52.
I. The Historical Record of SIP Revision
To facilitate enforcement of
previously-approved SIP provisions and
provide a smooth transition to the new
SIP compilation, EPA has retained the
original Identification of plan section,
previously appearing in the CFR as the
first or second section of part 52 for
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each State subpart. After an initial twoyear period, EPA will review its
experience with the new table format
and will decide whether or not to retain
the Identification of plan appendices for
some further period.
II. What is EPA doing in this action?
Today’s rule constitutes a record
keeping exercise to ensure that all
revisions to the State programs and
accompanying SIP that have already
occurred are accurately reflected in 40
CFR part 52. State SIP revisions are
controlled by EPA regulations at 40 CFR
part 51. When EPA receives a formal SIP
revision request, the Agency must
publish proposed rulemaking in the
Federal Register and provide for public
comment before approval.
EPA has determined that today’s rule
falls under the ‘‘good cause’’ exemption
in section 553(b)(3)(B) of the
Administrative Procedures Act (APA)
which, upon finding ‘‘good cause,’’
authorizes agencies to dispense with
public participation and section
553(d)(3) which allows an agency to
make a rule effective immediately,
thereby avoiding the 30-day delayed
effective date otherwise provided for in
the APA. Today’s rule simply codifies
provisions which are already in effect as
a matter of law in Federal and approved
State programs. Accordingly, we find
that public comment is ‘‘unnecessary’’
and ‘‘contrary to the public interest’’
under section 553 of the APA, since the
codification of the revised format for
denoting IBR of the State materials into
the SIP only reflects existing law and
since immediate notice in the CFR
benefits the public by removing
outdated citations from the CFR.
III. Incorporation by Reference
In this rule, EPA is finalizing
regulatory text that includes
incorporation by reference. In
accordance with requirements of 1 CFR
51.5, EPA is finalizing the incorporation
by reference of the Massachusetts
Regulations described in amendments to
40 CFR part 52 set forth below. EPA has
made, and will continue to make, these
documents generally available
electronically through and/or in hard
copy at the appropriate EPA office (see
the ADDRESSES section of this preamble
for more information).
IV. Statutory and Executive Order
A. General Requirements
Under Executive Order 12866 (58 FR
51735, October 4, 1993) and 13563 (76
FR 3821, January 21, 2011), this action
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is not a ‘‘significant regulatory action’’
and is therefore not subject to review by
the Office of Management and Budget.
This rule is not subject to Executive
Order 13211, ‘‘Actions Concerning
Regulations That Significantly Affect
Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use’’ (66
FR 28355, May 22, 2001) because it is
not a significant regulatory action under
Executive Order 12866. Because the
agency has made a ‘‘good cause’’ finding
that this action is not subject to noticeand-comment requirements under the
Administrative Procedure Act or any
other statute as indicated in the
above, it is not subject to the regulatory
flexibility provisions of the Regulatory
Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C 601 et seq.), or
to sections 202 and 205 of the Unfunded
Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA)
(Pub. L. 104–4). In addition, this action
does not significantly or uniquely affect
small governments or impose a
significant intergovernmental mandate,
as described in sections 203 and 204 of
UMRA. This rule also does not have a
substantial direct effect on one or more
Indian Tribes, on the relationship
between the Federal government and
Indian Tribes, or on the distribution of
power and responsibilities between the
Federal government and Indian Tribes,
as specified by Executive Order 13175
(65 FR 67249, November 9, 2000), nor
will it have substantial direct effects on
the States, on the relationship between
the national government and the States,
or on the distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of government, as specified in
Executive Order 13132 (64 FR 43255,
August 10, 1999). This rule also is not
subject to Executive Order 13045 (62 FR
19885, April 23, 1997), because it is not
economically significant. This rule does
not involve technical standards; thus
the requirements of section 12(d) of the
National Technology Transfer and
Advancement Act of 1995 (15 U.S.C.
272 note) do not apply. The rule also
does not involve special consideration
of environmental justice related issues
as required by Executive Order 12898
(59 FR 7629, February 16, 1994). In
issuing this rule, EPA has taken the
necessary steps to eliminate drafting
errors and ambiguity, minimize
potential litigation, and provide a clear
legal standard for affected conduct, as
required by section 3 of Executive Order
12988 (61 FR 4729, February 7, 1996).
EPA has complied with Executive Order
12630 (53 FR 8859, March 15, 1998) by
examining the takings implications of
the rule in accordance with the
‘‘Attorney General’s Supplemental
Guidelines for the Evaluation of Risk
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 19 / Monday, January 29, 2018 / Rules and Regulations
and Avoidance of Unanticipated
Takings’’ issued under the executive
order. This rule does not impose an
information collection burden under the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). EPA’s compliance
with these statutes and Executive
Orders for the underlying rules are
discussed in previous actions taken on
the State’s rules.
B. Submission to Congress and the
Comptroller General
The Congressional Review Act (5
U.S.C. 801 et seq.), as added by the
Small Business Regulatory Enforcement
Fairness Act of 1996, generally provides
that before a rule may take effect, the
agency promulgating the rule must
submit a rule report, which includes a
copy of the rule, to each House of the
Congress and to the Comptroller General
of the United States. Section 808 allows
the issuing agency to make a rule
effective sooner than otherwise
provided by the CRA if the agency
makes a good cause finding that notice
and public procedure is impracticable,
unnecessary or contrary to the public
interest. Today’s action simply codifies
provisions which are already in effect as
a matter of law in Federal and approved
State programs. 5 U.S.C. 808(2). As
stated previously, EPA has made such a
good cause finding, including the
reasons therefore, and established an
effective date of January 29, 2018. EPA
will submit a report containing this rule
and other required information to the
U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of
Representatives, and the Comptroller
General of the United States prior to
publication of the rule in the Federal
Register. This rule is not a ‘‘major rule’’
as defined by 5 U.S.C. 804(2).
C. Petitions for Judicial Review
EPA has also determined that the
provisions of section 307(b)(1) of the
Clean Air Act pertaining to petitions for
judicial review are not applicable to this
action. Prior EPA rulemaking actions for
each individual component of the
Massachusetts SIP compilation had
previously afforded interested parties
the opportunity to file a petition for
judicial review in the United States
Court of Appeals for the appropriate
circuit within 60 days of such
rulemaking action. Thus, EPA sees no
need in this action to reopen the 60-day
period for filing such petitions for
judicial review for these ‘‘Identification
of plan’’ reorganization actions for
List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 52
Environmental protection, Air
pollution control, Carbon monoxide,
Incorporation by reference,
Intergovernmental relations, Lead,
Nitrogen dioxide, Ozone, Particulate
matter, Reporting and recordkeeping
requirements, Sulfur oxides, Volatile
organic compounds.
Dated: October 24, 2017.
Deborah A. Szaro,
Acting Regional Administrator, EPA New
Part 52 of chapter I, title 40, Code of
Federal Regulations, is amended as
1. The authority citation for Part 52
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401, et seq.
Subpart W—Massachusetts
§ 52.1120 [Redesignated as § 52.1166 and
2. Redesignate § 52.1120 as § 52.1166,
and revise the section heading and
paragraph (a) to read as follows:
§ 52.1166
Original identification of plan
(a) This section identifies the original
‘‘Air Implementation Plan for the State
of Massachusetts’’ and all revisions
submitted by Massachusetts that were
federally approved prior to January 20,
3. A new § 52.1120 is added to read
as follows:
§ 52.1120
Identification of plan.
(a) Purpose and scope. This section
sets forth the applicable State
Implementation Plan (SIP) for
Massachusetts under section 110 of the
Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7401, and 40
CFR part 51 to meet National Ambient
Air Quality Standards.
(b) Incorporation by reference. (1)
Material listed in paragraphs (c) and (d)
of this section with an EPA approval
date prior to January 20, 2017, was
approved for incorporation by reference
by the Director of the Federal Register
in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and
1 CFR part 51. Entries in paragraphs (c)
and (d) of this section with the EPA
approval date after January 20, 2017
have been approved by EPA for
inclusion in the State Implementation
Plan and for incorporation by reference
into the plan as it is contained in this
section, and will be considered by the
Director of the Federal Register for
approval in the next update to the SIP
(2) EPA Region 1 certifies that the
materials provided by EPA at the
addresses in paragraph (b)(3) of this
section are an exact duplicate of the
officially promulgated state rules/
regulations which have been approved
as part of the SIP as of the dates
referenced in paragraph (b)(1).
(3) Copies of the materials
incorporated by reference into the SIP
may be inspected at the EPA Region 1
Office, 5 Post Office Square, Boston,
Massachusetts 02109–3912. You may
also inspect the material with an EPA
approval date prior to January 20, 2017
at the National Archives and Records
Administration (NARA). For
information on the availability of this
material at NARA, call 202–741–6030,
or go to:
(c) EPA-approved regulations.
State effective date
EPA approval date 1
310 CMR 6.04 .....................
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES
State citation
Standards ............................
7/25/1990 ..................
10/4/2002, 67 FR 62184 ....
310 CMR 7.00 .....................
Definitions ............................
1/2/2015 ....................
11/29/2016, 81 FR 85897 ..
310 CMR 7.00 Appendix A
Emission Offsets and Nonattainment Review.
7/15/1994 and 4/14/
10/27/2000, 65 FR 64360 ..
310 CMR 7.00 Appendix B
Emission Banking, Trading
and Averaging.
8/30/2013 ..................
10/9/2015, 80 FR 61101 ....
Adopted PM10 as the criteria pollutant for particulates.
Approved thirty-three new or
updated definitions.
Approving 1990 CAAA revisions and general NSR
permit requirements.
Approved amended language regarding emissions averaging bubbles.
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Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 19 / Monday, January 29, 2018 / Rules and Regulations
State citation
EPA approval date 1
State effective date
Regulation 1 General Regulations to Prevent Air Pollution.
Regulation 1 Introduction ....
1/27/1972 ..................
5/31/1972, 37 FR 10841.
8/28/1972 ..................
10/28/1972, 37 FR 23085.
Regulation 2 Plans Approval
and Emission Limitations.
Regulation 2 Definitions ......
2/1/1978 ....................
3/15/1979, 44 FR 15703 ....
8/28/1972 ..................
10/28/1972, 37 FR 23085.
Plans Approval and Emission Limitations.
Regulation 3 Nuclear Energy Utilization Facilities.
Plan Application Exemption
Construction Requirements. Paint Spray
Booths 310 CMR 7.03(13).
Regulation 4 Fossil Fuel Utilization Facilities.
U Fossil Fuel Utilization Facilities.
Regulation 5 Fuels ..............
6/6/1994 ....................
4/5/1995, 60 FR 17226.
6/1/1972 ....................
10/28/1972, 37 FR 23085.
2/17/1993 ..................
9/3/1999, 64 FR 48297.
1/27/1972 ..................
10/28/1972, 37 FR 23085 ..
12/28/2007 ................
4/24/2014, 79 FR 22774 ....
8/31/1978 ..................
3/7/1979, 44 FR 12421 ......
310 CMR 7.05 .....................
Fuels All Districts ................
9/23/2005 ..................
5/29/2014, 79 FR 30741 ....
Regulations for the Control
of Air Pollution.
310 CMR 7.07 .....................
Regulations for the Control
of Air Pollution.
310 CMR 7.08 .....................
Regulation 6 Visible Emissions.
Open Burning ......................
Regulation 8 Incinerators ....
8/28/1972 ..................
10/28/1972, 37 FR 23085 ..
9/28/1979 ..................
8/28/1972 ..................
6/17/1980, 45 FR 40987.
10/28/1972, 37 FR 23085 ..
Incinerators. Municipal
Waste Combustors 310
CMR 7.08(2).
Regulation 9 Dust and Odor
1/11/1999 ..................
9/2/1999, 64 FR 48095.
12/9/1977 ..................
9/29/1978, 43 FR 44841 ....
Regulation 10 Noise ............
6/1/1972 ....................
10/28/1972, 37 FR 23085 ..
Regulation 11 Transportation Media.
6/1/1972 ....................
10/28/1972, 37 FR 23085 ..
310 CMR 7.12 .....................
U Source Registration .........
12/28/2007 ................
4/24/2014, 79 FR 22774 ....
Regulations for the Control
of Air Pollution.
310 CMR 7.14 .....................
Regulation 13 Stack Testing
6/1/1972 ....................
10/28/1972, 37 FR 23085 ..
Monitoring Devices and Reports.
Regulation 15. Asbestos .....
11/21/1986 1/15/1987
3/10/1989, 54 FR 10147.
8/28/1972 ..................
10/28/1972, 37 FR 23085 ..
Reduction of Single-Occupant Commuter Vehicle
Conversions to Coal ............
Volatile and Halogenated
Organic Compounds.
12/31/1978, 5/16/1979
9/16/1980, 45 FR 61293.
1/22/1982 ..................
8/30/2013 ..................
6/9/1982, 47 FR 25007.
10/9/2015, 80 FR 61101 ....
Regulations for the Control
of Air Pollution.
Regulations for Prevention
And/or Abatement of Air
Pollution Episode and Air
Pollution Incident Emergencies.
Regulations for the Control
of Air Pollution.
Regulations for Prevention
And/or Abatement of Air
Pollution Episode and Air
Pollution Incident Emergencies.
310 CMR 7.02 .....................
Regulations for the Control
of Air Pollution.
310 CMR 7.03 .....................
Regulations for the Control
of Air Pollution.
310 CMR 7.04 .....................
Regulations for the Control
of Air Pollution.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES
Regulations for the Control
of Air Pollution.
Regulations for the Control
of Air Pollution.
Regulations for the Control
of Air Pollution.
Regulations for Prevention
And/or Abatement of Air
Pollution Episode and Air
Pollution Incident Emergencies.
310 CMR 7.16 .....................
310 CMR 7.17 .....................
310 CMR 7.18 .....................
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Regulation 2 is now known
as 310 CMR 7.02.
Regulation 4 is now known
as 310 CMR 7.04.
Only approved 7.04(2) and
Regulation 5 is now known
as 310 CMR 7.05.
Portions of Regulation 5
have been replaced with
the approval of 310 CMR
Removed landfill gas from
requirements of section.
Regulation 6 is now known
as 310 CMR 7.06.
Regulation 8 is now known
as 310 CMR 7.08.
Regulation 9 is now known
as 310 CMR 7.09.
Regulation 10 is now known
as 310 CMR 7.10.
Regulation 11 is now known
as 310 CMR 7.11. This
regulation restricts idling.
Approved Section 7.12(1)
through 7.12(4) with the
except of 7.12(2)(a)(3)
which was not approved.
Regulation 13 is now known
as 310 CMR 7.13.
Regulation 15 is now known
as 310 CMR 7.15.
Approved revisions to
7.18(1)(d) and (f);
7.18(2)(b), (e), and (f);
7.18(20)(a) and (b); and
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 19 / Monday, January 29, 2018 / Rules and Regulations
State effective date
EPA approval date 1
Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT)
for Sources of Oxides of
Nitrogen (NOX).
Organic Material Storage
and Distribution.
8/30/2013 ..................
10/9/2015, 80 FR 61101 ....
Approved revisions to
1/2/2015 ....................
11/29/2016, 81 FR 85897 ..
310 CMR 7.25 .....................
Best Available Controls for
Consumer and Commercial Products.
10/19/2007 ................
10/9/2015, 80 FR 61101 ....
310 CMR 7.26 .....................
Industry Performance
12/28/2007 ................
4/24/2014, 79 FR 22774 ....
Revised to require the decommissioning of Stage II
vapor recovery systems
and require Stage I Enhanced Vapor Recovery
systems certified by the
California Air Resources
Approved amended existing
consumer products related requirements, added
provisions concerning
AIM coatings.
EPA did not approve 310
CMR 7.26 (1) through
7.26 (29), or 310 CMR
7.26 (38) through 7.26
(49) into the Massachusetts SIP.
310 CMR 7.27 .....................
310 CMR 7.28 .....................
NOX Allowance Program .....
NOX Allowance Trading
Emissions Standards for
Power Plants.
11/19/1999 ................
3/30/2007 ..................
12/27/2000, 65 FR 81743.
12/3/2007, 72 FR 67854.
1/25/2008, 6/29/2007
9/19/2013 78 FR 57487 .....
State citation
310 CMR 7.19 .....................
310 CMR 7.24 .....................
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310 CMR 7.29 .....................
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Only approving the SO2 and
NOX requirements.
The following exceptions
which are not applicable
to the Massachusetts Alternative to BART were
not approved:
(1) In 310 CMR 7.29(1), the
reference to mercury
(Hg), carbon monoxide
(CO), carbon dioxide
(CO2), and fine particulate
matter (PM2.5) in the first
sentence and the phrase
‘‘ . . . and CO2 and establishing a cap on CO2
and Hg emissions from
affected facilities. CO2
emissions standards set
forth in 310 CMR
7.29(5)(a)5.a. and b. shall
not apply to emissions
that occur after December
31, 2008’’ in the second
(2) In 310 CMR 7.29(2), the
definitions of Alternate Hg
Designated Representative, Automated Acquisition and Handling System
or DAHS, Mercury (Hg)
Designated Representative, Mercury Continuous
Emission Monitoring System or Mercury CEMS,
Mercury Monitoring System, Sorbent Trap Monitoring System, and Total
(3) 310 CMR 7.29(5)(a)(3)
through (5)(a)(6);
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 19 / Monday, January 29, 2018 / Rules and Regulations
State citation
State effective date
EPA approval date 1
310 CMR 7.30 .....................
Massport/Logan Airport
Parking Freeze.
12/26/2000 ................
3/12/2001, 66 FR 14318 ....
310 CMR 7.31 .....................
City of Boston/East Boston
Parking Freeze.
12/26/2000 ................
3/12/2001, 66 FR 14318 ....
310 CMR 7.32 .....................
Massachusetts Clean Air
Interstate Rule (Mass
City of Boston/South Boston
Parking Freeze.
3/30/2007 ..................
10/15/1996, 61 FR 53628 ..
310 CMR 7.36 .....................
Transit System Improvements.
10/25/2013 ................
12/8/2015, 80 FR 76225 ....
310 CMR 7.37 .....................
High Occupancy Vehicle
12/9/1991 ..................
10/4/1994, 59 FR 50495 ....
310 CMR 7.38 .....................
Certification of Tunnel Ventilation Systems in the
Metropolitan Boston Air
Pollution Control District.
Low Emission Vehicle Program.
12/30/2005 ................
2/15/2008, 73 FR 8818.
12/24/1999 ................
12/23/2002, 67 FR 78179 ..
Regulation 50 Variances .....
9/14/1974 ..................
2/4/1977, 42 FR 6812 ........
Regulation 51 Hearings Relative To Orders and Approvals.
8/28/1972 ..................
10/28/1972, 37 FR 23085 ..
310 CMR 7.33 .....................
310 CMR 7.40 .....................
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES
(4) In 310 CMR
7.29(5)(b)(1), reference to
compliance with the mercury emissions standard
in the second sentence;
(5) 310 CMR 7.29(6)(a)(3)
through (6)(a)(4);
(6) 310 CMR 7.29(6)(b)(10);
(7) 310 CMR 7.29(6)(h)(2);
(8) The third and fourth sentences in 310 CMR
(9) In 310 CMR
7.29(7)(b)(1), the reference to CO2 and mercury;
(10) In 310 CMR
7.29(7)(b)(1)(a), the reference to CO2 and mercury;
(11) 310 CMR
7.29(7)(b)(1)(b) through
(12) In 310 CMR
7.29(7)(b)(3), the reference to CO2 and mercury;
(13) In 310 CMR
7.29(7)(b)(4)(b), the reference to CO2 and mercury; and
(14) 310 CMR 7.29(7)(e)
through 7.29(7)(i).
Applies to the parking of
motor vehicles on
Massport property.
Applies to the parking of
motor vehicles within the
area of East Boston.
12/3/2007, 72 FR 67854.
7/30/1993 ..................
Regulations for the Control
of Air Pollution.
Regulations for the Control
of Air Pollution.
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Applies to the parking of
motor vehicles within the
area of South Boston, including Massport property
in South Boston.
Removes from the SIP the
commitment to design the
Red Line/Blue Line Connector project.
High Occupancy Vehicle
Lanes Regulation for Boston Metropolitan Area.
‘‘Low Emission Vehicle Program’’ (LEV II) except for
310 CMR 7.40(2)(a)(5),
310 CMR 7.40(2)(a)(6),
310 CMR 7.40(2)(c)(3),
310 CMR 7.40(10), and
310 CMR 7.40(12).
Regulation 50 is now known
as 310 CMR 7.50.
Regulation 51 is now known
as 310 CMR 7.51.
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 19 / Monday, January 29, 2018 / Rules and Regulations
State citation
State effective date
EPA approval date 1
Regulations for the Control
of Air Pollution.
Regulations for Prevention
And/or Abatement of Air
Pollution Episode and Air
Pollution Incident Emergencies.
310 CMR 8.02 and 8.03 .....
Regulation 52 Enforcement
Regulation 8 Emission Reduction Plans (ERP).
8/28/1972 ..................
10/28/1972, 37 FR 23085 ..
2/22/1972 ..................
10/28/1972, 37 FR 23085 ..
Regulation 52 is now known
as 310 CMR 7.52.
Regulation 8 is now Known
as 310 CMR 8.00.
The Prevention and/or
Abatement of Air Pollution
Episode and Air Pollution
Incident Emergencies.
Regulations for the Enhanced Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance
7/25/1990 ..................
10/4/2002, 67 FR 62184 ....
8.02 Definitions; 8.03 Air
Pollution Episode Criteria.
9/5/2008 ....................
1/25/2013, 78 FR 5292 ......
Annual Safety and Combined Safety and Emissions Inspection of all
Motor Vehicles, Trailers,
Semi-trailers and converter Dollies.
Conduct of Public Officials
and Employees.
9/5/2008 ....................
1/25/2013, 78 FR 5292 ......
Revises enhanced I/M test
requirements to consist of
‘‘OBD2-only’’ testing program. Approving submitted regulation with the
exception of subsection
310 CMR 60.02(24)(f).
Revises Requirement for Inspection and Enforcement
of I/M Program.
Amended by Statute
in 1978 and 1984.
12/21/2016, 81 FR 93624 ..
310 CMR 60.02 ...................
540 CMR 4.00 .....................
Massachusetts General
Laws, Part IV, Title I,
Chapter 268A, Sections 6
and 6A.
Approved Section 6: Financial interest of state employee, relative or associates; disclosure, and Section 6A: Conflict of interest of public official; reporting requirement.
1 To determine the EPA effective date for a specific provision listed in this table, consult the Federal Register notice cited in this column for
the particular provision.
(d) EPA-approved State Source
specific requirements.
State effective date
EPA approval date 2
Cambridge Electric
Light Company
Submitted 12/28/78 ..
6/17/1980, 45 FR 40987 ....
Regulation 310 CMR 7.04(5), Fuel Oil Viscosity; Revision for Cambridge Electric
Light Company’s Kendall Station, First
Street, Cambridge, MA.
Cambridge Electric
Light Company
Submitted 12/28/
6/17/1980, 45 FR 40987 ....
Holyoke Water Power Holyoke Water
Company, Mount
Power Company
Tom Plant, HolOperations.
yoke, MA.
Esleeck ManufacEsleek Manufacturing
turing Company,
Emission Limit.
Inc., Montague, MA.
Submitted 1/22/1982
6/9/1982, 47 FR 25007 ......
Submitted 2/8/1983 ..
4/28/1983, 48 FR 19173 ....
Erving Paper company, Erving, MA.
Erving Paper Company Operations.
2/15/1990, 55 FR 5447 ......
Monsanto Chemical
Company in Indian
Orchard, MA.
Monsanto Chemical
Company Operations.
Submitted 7/18/1984,
4/17/1985, and
11/25/1987 ...............
6/20/1989 .................
Regulation 310 CMR 7.04(5), Fuel Oil Viscosity; Revision for Cambridge Electric
Light Company’s Blackstone Station,
Blackstone Street, Cambridge, MA.
A revision specifying the conditions under
which coal may be burned at the Holyoke Water Power Company, Mount
Tom Plant, Holyoke, MA.
Source specific emission limit allowing the
Company to burn fuel oil having a maximum sulfur content of 1.21 pounds per
million Btu heat release potential provided the fuel firing rate does not exceed 137.5 gallons per hour.
A revision approving sulfur-in-fuel limitations.
Name of source
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES
Cambridge Electric
Light Company’s
Kendall Station,
First Street, Cambridge, MA.
Blackstone Station,
Blackstone Street,
Cambridge, MA.
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Permit number
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PO 00000
Frm 00035
2/21/1990, 55 FR 5986 ......
Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
Revisions which define and impose reasonably available control technology to
control volatile organic compound emissions from Monsanto Chemical Company in Indian Orchard, MA. Including a
final RACT Compliance Plan.
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 19 / Monday, January 29, 2018 / Rules and Regulations
EPA approval date 2
7/12/1989 and 10/7/
11/8/1989, 54 FR 46894 ....
SM–85–168–IF .........
8/1/1989 and 8/8/
11/8/1989, 54 FR 46896 ....
Acushnet Company,
Titleist Golf Division, Plant A in
New Bedford, MA.
General Motors Corporation in Framingham, MA.
Erving Paper Mills in
Erving, MA.
SM–85–151–IF and
6/1/1990 ...................
2/27/1991, 56 FR 8130 ......
Amendments to the Conditional Plans imposing reasonably available control
Amended Conditional Plan Approval (SM–
85–168–IF) dated and effective August
1, 1989 and an Amendment to the
Amended Conditional Plan Approval
(SM–85–168–IF Revision) dated and effective August 8, 1989 imposing reasonably available control.
An Amended Plan imposing reasonably
available control technology.
General Motors Operations.
6/8/1990 ...................
2/19/1991, 56 FR 6568 ......
An Amended Plan imposing reasonably
available control technology.
Erving Paper Company Operations.
10/16/1990 ...............
3/20/1991, 56 FR 11675 ....
Erving Paper Mills in
Erving, MA.
Erving Paper Company Operations.
4/16/1991 .................
10/8/1991, 56 FR 50659 ....
Brittany Dyeing and
Finishing of New
Bedford, MA.
Specialty Minerals,
Adams, MA.
Monsanto Company’s
Indian Orchard facility, Springfield,
Medusa Minerals
Company in Lee,
Gillette Company Andover Manufacturing Plant.
Norton Company ......
4–P–92–012 .............
3/16/1994 .................
3/6/1995, 60 FR 12123 ......
1–P–94–022 .............
6/16/1995 .................
9/2/1999, 64 FR 48095 ......
1–E–94–106 .............
10/28/1996 ...............
9/2/1999, 64 FR 48095 ......
Revisions which define and impose RACT
to control volatile organic compound
emissions. Including a conditional final
plan approval issued by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP).
Revisions which clarify the requirements of
RACT to control volatile organic compound emissions. Including a conditional
final plan approval amendment that
amends the October 16, 1990 conditional plan approval.
Final Plan Approval No. 4P92012, imposing reasonably available control technology.
Emission Control Plan (Reasonably Available Control Technology for Sources of
Oxides of Nitrogen).
Emission Control Plan (Reasonably Available Control Technology for Sources of
Oxides of Nitrogen).
1–E–94–110 .............
4/17/1998 .................
9/2/1999, 64 FR 48095 ......
MBR–92–IND–053 ...
10/4/2002, 67 FR 62179 ....
Barnet Corporation ...
Barnet Corporation
Solutia .......................
1–P–92–006 .............
Saloom Furniture ......
Saloom Winchendon
Eureka Manufacturing.
4–P–95–094 .............
Moduform .................
Moduform Operations.
Polaroid ....................
MBR–99–IND–001 ...
Globe ........................
4–P–96–151 .............
Submitted 2/17/1993,
4/16/1999, and
10/7/1999 .................
Submitted 2/17/1993,
4/16/1999, and
10/7/1999 .................
Submitted 2/17/1993,
4/16/1999, and
10/7/1999 .................
Submitted 2/17/1993,
4/16/1999, and
10/7/1999 .................
Submitted 2/17/1993,
4/16/1999, and
10/7/1999 .................
Submitted 2/17/1993,
4/16/1999, and
10/7/1999 .................
Submitted 2/17/1993,
4/16/1999, and
10/7/1999 .................
Submitted 2/17/1993,
4/16/1999, and
10/7/1999 .................
Submitted 2/17/1993,
4/16/1999, and
10/7/1999 .................
Permit number
Spalding Sports
Worldwide in Chicopee, MA.
Duro Textile Printers,
Incorporated in Fall
River, MA.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES
Name of source
PV–85–IF–019 .........
VerDate Sep<11>2014
State effective date
C–P–90–083 ............
16:12 Jan 26, 2018
Jkt 244001
PO 00000
Frm 00036
10/4/2002, 67 FR 62179 ....
10/4/2002, 67 FR 62179 ....
Emission Control Plan (Reasonably Available Control Technology for Sources of
Oxides of Nitrogen).
Reasonably Available Control Technology
Plan Approval issued on June 17, 1999.
Reasonably Available Control Technology
Plan Approval issued on August 5,
Reasonably Available Control Technology
Plan Approval issued on May 14, 1991.
10/4/2002, 67 FR 62179 ....
310 CMR 7.02 BACT plan approvals
issued by the MassDEP.
10/4/2002, 67 FR 62179 ....
310 CMR 7.02 BACT plan approvals
issued by the MassDEP.
10/4/2002, 67 FR 62179 ....
310 CMR 7.02 BACT plan approvals
issued by the MassDEP.
10/4/2002, 67 FR 62179 ....
310 CMR 7.02 BACT plan approvals
issued by the MassDEP.
10/4/2002, 67 FR 62179 ....
310 CMR 7.02 BACT plan approvals
issued by the MassDEP.
10/4/2002, 67 FR 62179 ....
310 CMR 7.02 BACT plan approvals
issued by the MassDEP.
Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 19 / Monday, January 29, 2018 / Rules and Regulations
Name of source
Permit number
EPA approval date 2
State effective date
The sulfur dioxide (SO2), oxides of nitrogen (NOX), and PM2.5 provisions of the
Boston/Northeast Region, 310 CMR 7.08(2)—Municipal Waste Combustors, Application No.
MBR–98–ECP–006, Transmittal No.
W003302, Emission Control Plan Modified Final Approval’’ dated March 14,
2012 to Mr. Jairaj Gosine, Wheelabrator
Saugus, Inc. and signed by Cosmo
Buttaro and James E. Belsky, with the
following exceptions which are not applicable to the Massachusetts Alternative
to BART.
The MassDEP Emission Control Plan
‘‘Lynn—Metropolitan, Boston/Northeast
Region, 310 CMR 7.19, Application No.
MBR–94–COM–008, Transmittal No.
X235617, Modified Emission Control
Plan Final Approval’’ dated March 24,
2011 to Ms. Jolanta Wojas, General
Electric Aviation and signed by Marc
Altobelli and James E. Belsky. Note, this
document contains two section V; V.
The MassDEP Emission Control Plan,
‘‘Holyoke Western Region 310 CMR
7.29 Power Plant Emission Standards,
Application No. 1–E–01–072, Transmittal No. W025214, Amended Emission
Control Plan’’ dated May 15, 2009 to Mr.
John S. Murry, Mt. Tom Generating
Company, LLC and signed by Marc
Simpson, with the following exceptions
which are not applicable to the Massachusetts Alternative to BART.
The MassDEP Emission Control Plan
‘‘Salem—Metropolitan Boston/Northeast
Region, 310 CMR 7.29 Power Plant
Emission Standards, Application No.
NE–12–003, Transmittal No. X241756,
Final Amended Emission Control Plan
Approval’’ dated March 27, 2012 to Mr.
Lamont W. Beaudette, Dominion Energy
Salem Harbor, LLC and signed by Edward J. Braczyk, Cosmo Buttaro, and
James E. Belsky with the following exceptions which are not applicable to the
Massachusetts Alternative to BART.
MassDEP Emission Control Plan ‘‘Amended Emission Control Plan Final Approval
Application for: BWP AQ 25, 310 CMR
7.29 Power Plant Emission Standards,
Transmittal Number X241755, Application Number SE–12–003, Source Number: 1200061’’ dated April 12, 2012 to
Peter Balkus, Dominion Energy Brayton
Point, LLC and signed by John K.
Winkler, with the following exceptions
which are not applicable to the Massachusetts Alternative to BART.
MassDEP letter ‘‘Facility Shutdown, FMF
Facility No. 316744’’ dated June 22,
2011 to Jeff Araujo, Somerset Power
LLC and signed by John K. Winkler.
MBR–98–ECP–006 ..
Submitted 12/30/
2011, 8/9/2012,
and 8/28/2012.
9/19/2013, 78 FR 57487 ....
General Electric Aviation.
Submitted 12/30/
2011, 8/9/2012,
and 8/28/2012.
9/19/2013, 78 FR 57487 ....
Mt. Tom Generating
Company, LLC
1–E–01–072 .............
Submitted 12/30/
2011, 8/9/2012,
and 8/28/2012.
9/19/2013, 78 FR 57487 ....
Dominion Energy
Salem Harbor, LLC
NE–12–003 ..............
Submitted 12/30/
2011, 8/9/2012,
and 8/28/2012.
9/19/2013, 78 FR 57487 ....
Dominion Energy
Brayton Point, LLC
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES
Saugus, Inc.
SE–12–003 ..............
Submitted 12/30/
2011, 8/9/2012,
and 8/28/2012.
9/19/2013, 78 FR 57487 ....
Somerset Power LLC
Facility Shutdown .....
Submitted 12/30/
2011, 8/9/2012,
and 8/28/2012.
9/19/2013 78 FR 57487 .....
2 To determine the EPA effective date for a specific provision listed in this table, consult the Federal Register notice cited in this column for
the particular provision.
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Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 19 / Monday, January 29, 2018 / Rules and Regulations
(e) Nonregulatory.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES
Name of non regulatory SIP provision
geographic or
nonattainment area
Miscellaneous non-regulatory changes to ..................................
the plan submitted by the Division of Environmental Health, Massachusetts Department of Public Health.
Miscellaneous non-regulatory additions to ..................................
the plan submitted by the Bureau of Air
Quality Control, Massachusetts Department of Public Health.
Letter of concurrence on AQMA identifica- ..................................
tions submitted on July 23, 1974, by the
Letter dated February 8, 1979 from Ken- ..................................
neth Hagg of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering (DEQE) to Frank Ciavattieri of the
Environmental Protection Agency.
Non-attainment area plan for Total Sus- ..................................
pended Particulates (TSP) in Worcester.
regulation ..................................
An extension request for the attainment of ..................................
TSP secondary standards for areas designated non-attainment as of March 3,
Revision entitled ‘‘Massachusetts Imple- ..................................
mentation Plan, Amended Regulation—
All Districts, New Source Review Element,’’ relating to construction and operation of major new or modified sources in
non-attainment areas.
Revision to the state ozone standard and ..................................
adoption of an ambient lead standard.
Attainment plans to meet the requirements ..................................
of Part D for carbon monoxide and
ozone and other miscellaneous provisions.
Supplemental information to the Attainment ..................................
plans to meet the requirements of Part D
for carbon monoxide and ozone and
other miscellaneous provisions.
Supplemental information to the Attainment ..................................
plans to meet the requirements of Part D
for carbon monoxide and ozone and
other miscellaneous provisions.
A revision entitled ‘‘Appendix J Transpor- ..................................
tation Project Level Guidelines’’ relating
to policy guidance on the preparation of
air quality analysis for transportation
A comprehensive air quality monitoring ..................................
plan, intended to meet requirements of
40 CFR part 58.
Revisions to meet the requirements of Part ..................................
D and certain other sections of the Clean
Air Act, as amended, for making a commitment to public transportation in the
Boston urban region.
Letter clarifying State procedures ................ ..................................
The Massachusetts DEQE submitted an ..................................
updated VOC emissions inventory.
Procedures to annually update the VOC ..................................
emission inventory on November 4, 1981.
Massachusetts Department of Environ- Statewide .................
mental Protection (MassDEP) submittal
for attainment plans for carbon monoxide
and ozone.
MassDEP submittal for attainment plans for Statewide .................
carbon monoxide and ozone.
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State submittal date/
effective date
EPA approved date 3
4/27/72 .....................
10/28/72, 37 FR 23085
5/5/72 .......................
10/28/72, 37 FR 23085
7/23/74 .....................
6/2/75, 40 FR 23746
2/8/79 .......................
5/14/79, 44 FR 27991
3/30/1979 and 4/23/
3/30/1979 and 4/23/
3/30/1979 and 4/23/
1/10/1980, 45 FR 2036
5/3/1979, 8/7/1979,
and 5/17/1980.
1/10/1980, 45 FR 2036
8/21/79 .....................
6/17/1980, 45 FR 40987
12/31/1978 and 5/16/
9/16/1980, 45 FR 61293
9/19/1979, 11/13/
1979, and 3/20/
9/16/1980, 45 FR 61293
12/7/1979 and 4/7/
8/27/1981, 46 FR 43147
1/5/1981 ...................
9/3/1981, 46 FR 44186
1/28/1980 .................
3/4/1981, 46 FR 15137
7/9/1981 and 7/30/
9/28/1981, 46 FR 47450
11/12/1981 ...............
9/3/1981 ...................
3/29/82, 47 FR 13143
1/25/1982, 47 FR 3352
11/4/1981 .................
1/25/1982, 47 FR 3352
9/9/1982 ...................
11/09/1983, 48 FR 51480
11/2/1982 .................
11/09/1983, 48 FR 51480
Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
1/10/1980, 45 FR 2036
1/10/1980, 45 FR 2036
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 19 / Monday, January 29, 2018 / Rules and Regulations
geographic or
nonattainment area
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES
Name of non regulatory SIP provision
MassDEP submittal for attainment plans for
carbon monoxide and ozone.
MassDEP submittal for attainment plans for
carbon monoxide and ozone.
MassDEP submittal for attainment plans for
carbon monoxide and ozone.
MassDEP submittal for attainment plans for
carbon monoxide and ozone.
MassDEP submittal for attainment plans for
carbon monoxide and ozone.
MassDEP submittal for attainment plans for
carbon monoxide and ozone.
A revision to exempt the Berkshire Air Pollution Control District from Regulation
310 CMR 7.02(12)(b)(2).
Revisions to the State’s narrative, entitled
New Source Regulations on page 117
and 118.
Letter from the MassDEP dated June 7,
1991, submitting revisions to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP dated November
13, 1992 submitting revisions to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP dated February
17, 1993 submitting revisions to the SIP.
Nonregulatory portions of the state submittal.
Letter from Massachusetts DEQE ...............
Letter from Massachusetts DEQE ...............
Enforcement manual including Method 27,
record form, potential leak points, major
tank truck leak sources, test procedure
for gasoline vapor leak detection procedure by combustible gas detector, instruction manual for Sentox 2 and Notice
of Violation.
Letter from Massachusetts DEQE stating
authority to undertake preconstruction review of new stationary sources of air pollution with potential to emit 5 tons or
more of lead.
Letter from Massachusetts DEQE submitting the Massachusetts Lead Implementation Plan.
Massachusetts attainment and maintenance plans for lead.
Memorandum from Donald C. Squires to
Bruce K. Maillet, subject: Response to
EPA questions regarding Phillips Academy, outlines the permanent energy conservation measures to be used.
Letter from the Massachusetts DEQE dated
December 3, 1985.
Letter from the Massachusetts DEQE dated
January 31, 1986.
Letter from the Massachusetts DEQE dated
February 11, 1986. The nonregulatory
portions of the state submittals.
Letter from the Massachusetts DEQE dated
November 21, 1986.
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Regulation Filing document dated January 15, 1987 states that these regulatory
changes became effective on February
6, 1987.
Letter from the Massachusetts Massachusetts DEQE dated February 21, 1986.
A Regulation Filing and Publication document from the Massachusetts DEQE,
dated February 25, 1986.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 244001
State submittal date/
effective date
Statewide .................
11/17/1982 ...............
11/09/1983, 48 FR 51480
Statewide .................
2/2/1983 ...................
11/09/1983, 48 FR 51480
Statewide .................
3/21/1983 .................
11/09/1983, 48 FR 51480
Statewide .................
4/7/1983 ...................
11/09/1983, 48 FR 51480
Statewide .................
4/26/1983 .................
11/09/1983, 48 FR 51480
Statewide .................
5/16/1983 .................
11/09/1983, 48 FR 51480
Berkshire ..................
3/25/1983 .................
7/7/1983, 48 FR 31200
Statewide .................
9/9/1982 ...................
7/7/1983, 48 FR 31197
Statewide .................
6/7/1991 ...................
6/30/1993, 58 FR 34908
Statewide .................
11/13/1992 ...............
6/30/1993, 58 FR 34908
Statewide .................
2/17/1993 .................
6/30/1993, 58 FR 34908
Statewide .................
11/13/1992 ...............
6/30/1993, 58 FR 34908
Statewide .................
Statewide .................
Statewide .................
2/14/1985 .................
5/22/1985 .................
5/22/1985 .................
9/25/1985, 50 FR 38804
9/25/1985, 50 FR 38804
9/25/1985, 50 FR 38804
Statewide .................
8/17/1984 .................
10/30/1984, 49 FR 43546
Statewide .................
7/13/1984 .................
10/30/1984, 49 FR 43546
Statewide .................
7/13/1984 .................
10/30/1984, 49 FR 43546
Merrimack Valley .....
10/4/1985 .................
4/1/1986, 51 FR 11019
Statewide .................
12/3/1985 .................
11/25/1986, 51 FR 42563
Statewide .................
1/31/1986 .................
11/25/1986, 51 FR 42563
Statewide .................
2/11/1986 .................
11/25/1986, 51 FR 42563
Statewide .................
11/21/1986 ...............
3/10/1989, 54 FR 10147
Statewide .................
1/15/1987 .................
3/10/1989, 54 FR 10147
Statewide .................
2/21/1986 .................
8/31/1987, 52 FR 32791
Statewide .................
2/25/1986 .................
8/31/1987, 52 FR 32791
PO 00000
Frm 00039
Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
EPA approved date 3
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 19 / Monday, January 29, 2018 / Rules and Regulations
geographic or
nonattainment area
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES
Name of non regulatory SIP provision
A letter from the Massachusetts DEQE,
dated June 23, 1986.
Implementation Guidance, 310 CMR
7.18(18), Polystyrene Resin Manufacturing, dated February 1986.
Massachusetts DEQE certification that
there are no polypropylene and polyethylene manufacturing sources located
in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,
dated November 8, 1985.
Letter dated November 5, 1986 from the
Massachusetts DEQE submitting revisions to the SIP.
Letter from the Massachusetts DEQE dated
December 10, 1986. Letter states that
the effective date of Regulations 310
CMR 7.00, ‘‘Definitions’’ and 310 CMR
7.18(19), ‘‘Synthetic Organic Chemical
Manufacture,’’ is November 28, 1986.
Letter from the Massachusetts DEQE dated
September 20, 1988 for a SIP revision
involving regulations 310 CMR 7.18(2)(e)
and 7.18(17).
A Regulation Filing and Publication document from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts dated July 5, 1988 which states
that the effective date of the regulatory
amendments to 310 CMR 7.18(2)(e) and
310 CMR 7.18(17)(d), is July 22, 1988.
Letter dated October 14, 1987 for the
American Fiber and Finishing Company
facility from Stephen F. Joyce, Deputy
Regional Environmental Engineer, Massachusetts DEQE.
Letter dated October 14, 1987 for the
Erving Paper Company facility from Stephen F. Joyce, Deputy Regional Environmental Engineer, Massachusetts DEQE.
Letter dated October 14, 1987 for the
Westfield River Paper Company facility
from Stephen F. Joyce, Deputy Regional
Environmental Engineer, Massachusetts
Statement of agreement signed May 29,
1987 by Schuyler D. Bush, Vice President of Erving Paper Company.
Statement of agreement signed May 27,
1987 by Francis J. Fitzpatrick, President
of Westfield River Paper Company.
Statement of agreement signed May 22,
1987 by Robert Young, Vice President of
American Fiber and Finishing Company.
Letter dated April 22, 1987 for the Erving
Paper Company facility from Stephen F.
Joyce, Deputy Regional Environmental
Engineer, Massachusetts DEQE.
Letter from the MassDEP dated July 18,
1989 submitting a revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting a revision to the SIP.
Letter from the Massachusetts DEQE submitting a revision to the SIP.
Nonregulatory portions of the State submittal. Letter from the MassDEP submitting a revision to the SIP.
Nonregulatory portions of the State submittal. List of documents in the February
4, 1988 RACT SIP submittal to EPA.t.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting a revision to the SIP.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
16:12 Jan 26, 2018
Jkt 244001
State submittal date/
effective date
Statewide .................
6/23/1986 .................
8/31/1987, 52 FR 32791
Statewide .................
2/01/1986 .................
8/31/1987, 52 FR 32791
Statewide .................
11/8/1985 .................
8/31/1987, 52 FR 32791
Statewide .................
11/5/1986 .................
11/19/1987, 52 FR 44394
Statewide .................
11/28/1986 ...............
11/19/1987, 52 FR 44394
Statewide .................
7/5/1988 ...................
3/6/1989, 54 FR 9212
Statewide .................
7/5/1988 ...................
3/6/1989, 54 FR 9212
Pioneer Valley ..........
10/14/1987 ...............
2/15/1990, 55 FR 5447
Pioneer Valley ..........
10/14/1987 ...............
2/15/1990, 55 FR 5447
Pioneer Valley ..........
10/14/1987 ...............
2/15/1990, 55 FR 5447
Pioneer Valley ..........
5/29/1987 .................
2/15/1990, 55 FR 5447
Pioneer Valley ..........
5/27/1987 .................
2/15/1990, 55 FR 5447
Pioneer Valley ..........
5/22/1987 .................
2/15/1990, 55 FR 5447
Pioneer Valley ..........
5/22/1987 .................
2/15/1990, 55 FR 5447
Pioneer Valley ..........
7/18/1987 .................
2/21/1990, 55 FR 5986
Pioneer Valley ..........
7/18/1989 .................
11/8/1989, 54 FR 46894
Central Massachusetts.
Central Massachusetts.
7/18/1989 .................
11/3/1989, 54 FR 46386
2/4/1988 ...................
11/3/1989, 54 FR 46386
Central Massachusetts.
2/10/88 .....................
11/3/1989, 54 FR 46386
Southeastern Massachusetts.
8/8/1989 ...................
11/8/1989, 54 FR 46896
PO 00000
Frm 00040
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EPA approved date 3
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 19 / Monday, January 29, 2018 / Rules and Regulations
geographic or
nonattainment area
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES
Name of non regulatory SIP provision
Letter from the MassDEP submitting a revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting a revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting a revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP certifying that it
did not rely on a dual definition in its attainment demonstration.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting additional assurances that it is making reasonable efforts to develop a complete
and approve SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting a revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting a revision to the SIP.
Letter from the Massachusetts Department
of Environmental submitting a revision to
the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting a revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting a revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting a revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting a revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting a revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting a revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP withdrawing the
emission limit for the Primer-surfacer application from the June 7, 1991 submittal.
Nonregulatory portions of state submittal.
MassDEP’s Decision Memorandum for
Proposed amendments to 310 CMR 7.00.
Nonregulatory portions of state submittal.
MassDEP’s Decision Memorandum for
Proposed amendments to 310 CMR
7.00, 7.18 and 7.24.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting revisions to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting revisions to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting revisions to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting revisions to the SIP.
Letter from the Massachusetts DEQE submitting 310 CMR 7.00: Appendix B.
Letter from the Massachusetts DEQE submitting additional information on 310
CMR 7.00: Appendix B and referencing
310 CMR 7.18(2)(b).
Letter from the MassDEP withdrawing the
emission limit for the Primer-surfacer application in 310 CMR 7.18(7)(b) from the
June 7, 1991 submittal.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting a revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting a revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting a revision to the SIP.
Technical amendments to regulation (310
CMR 7.31) submitted by the MassDEP.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
16:12 Jan 26, 2018
Jkt 244001
State submittal date/
effective date
Statewide .................
8/24/1989 .................
4/19/1990, 55 FR 14831
Statewide .................
10/16/1989 ...............
4/19/1990, 55 FR 14831
Statewide .................
8/27/1982 .................
2/23/1993, 58 FR 10964
Statewide .................
6/22/1987 .................
2/23/1993, 58 FR 10964
Statewide .................
12/27/1989 ...............
2/23/1993, 58 FR 10964
Metropolitan Boston
11/28/1989 ...............
8/3/1990, 55 FR 31587
Metropolitan Boston
11/28/1989 ...............
8/3/1990, 55 FR 31590
Metropolitan Boston
11/20/1989 ...............
8/27/1990, 55 FR 34914
Southeastern Massachusetts.
Metropolitan Boston
6/13/1990 .................
2/27/1991, 56 FR 8130
7/9/1990 ...................
2/19/1991, 56 FR 6568
Pioneer Valley ..........
10/25/1990 ...............
3/20/1991, 56 FR 11675
Pioneer Valley ..........
4/22/1991 .................
10/8/1991, 56 FR 50659
Statewide .................
8/17/1989 .................
10/8/1992, 57 FR 46313
Statewide .................
6/7/1991 ...................
10/8/1992, 57 FR 46313
Statewide .................
12/17/1991 ...............
10/8/1992, 57 FR 46313
Statewide .................
5/24/1991 .................
10/8/1992, 57 FR 46313
Statewide .................
2/25/1991 .................
10/8/1992, 57 FR 46313
Statewide .................
8/27/1982 .................
1/11/1993, 58 FR 3492
Statewide .................
4/12/1985 .................
1/11/1993, 58 FR 3492
Statewide .................
8/17/1989 .................
1/11/1993, 58 FR 3492
Statewide .................
6/7/1991 ...................
1/11/1993, 58 FR 3492
Statewide .................
6/27/1984 .................
1/11/1993, 58 FR 3492
Statewide .................
3/6/1985 ...................
1/11/1993, 58 FR 3492
Statewide .................
12/17/1991 ...............
1/11/1993, 58 FR 3492
Metropolitan Boston
8/4/1989 ...................
3/16/1993, 58 FR 14153
Metropolitan Boston
12/6/1989 .................
3/16/1993, 58 FR 14153
Metropolitan Boston
3/23/1990 .................
3/16/1993, 58 FR 14153
Metropolitan Boston
3/30/1990 .................
3/16/1993, 58 FR 14153
PO 00000
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EPA approved date 3
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 19 / Monday, January 29, 2018 / Rules and Regulations
geographic or
nonattainment area
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES
Name of non regulatory SIP provision
Appendix 5D, Baseline and Future Case
CO Compliance Modeling, dated June
Policy Statement Regarding the Proposed
Amendment to the Logan Airport Parking
Letter from the MassDEP dated May 15,
1992 submitting a revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP dated January
30, 1991 submitting a revision to the SIP.
Certification of Tunnel Ventilation Systems in Boston.
Letter from the MassDEP, dated May 17,
1990 submitting a revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP, dated June 7,
1991, submitting a revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP, dated July 5,
1990, requesting the withdrawal of
amendments to subsection 310 CMR
7.24(2)(c) which require Stage I vapor recovery in Berkshire County from the SIP
revision package submitted on May 17,
Letter from the MassDEP, dated April 21,
1992, submitting an implementation policy statement regarding its Stage II program.
Nonregulatory portions of the SIP submittal.
March 2, 1992 Division of Air Quality
Control Policy certified vapor collection
and control system for Stage II Vapor
Recovery Program.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting a revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting a revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting a revision to the SIP.
Nonregulatory portions of the SIP submittal.
MassDEP’s Listing of Response to Comments dated January 1993.
Nonregulatory portions of the SIP submittal.
MassDEP’s Background Document for
Proposed Amendments to 310 CCMR
7.00, et. al. ‘‘50 Ton VOC RACT Regulations’’ dated September 1992.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting a revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting a revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting a revision to the SIP.
Letter dated October 27, 1993 from
MassDEP submitting certification of a
public hearing.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting a revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting a revision to the SIP which substitutes the
California Low Emission Vehicle program
for the Clean Fuel Fleet program.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting a revision to the SIP which substitutes the
California Low Emission Vehicle program
for the Clean Fuel Fleet program.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting a revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP dated June 6,
1994 submitting a revision to the Massachusetts SIP.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
16:12 Jan 26, 2018
Jkt 244001
State submittal date/
effective date
Metropolitan Boston
6/1/1986 ...................
3/16/1993, 58 FR 14153
Metropolitan Boston
11/14/1988 ...............
3/16/1993, 58 FR 14153
Metropolitan Boston
5/15/1991 .................
12/14/1992, 57 FR 58991
Metropolitan Boston
1/30/1991 .................
10/8/1992, 57 FR 46310
Statewide .................
5/17/1990 .................
12/14/1992, 57 FR 58993
Statewide .................
6/7/1991 ...................
12/14/1992, 57 FR 58993
Statewide .................
7/5/1990 ...................
12/14/1992, 57 FR 58993
Statewide .................
4/21/1992 .................
12/14/1992, 57 FR 58993
Statewide .................
4/21/1992 .................
12/14/1992, 57 FR 58993
Statewide .................
11/13/1992 ...............
9/15/1993, 58 FR 48315
Statewide .................
1/15/1993 .................
9/15/1993, 58 FR 48315
Statewide .................
2/17/1993 .................
9/15/1993, 58 FR 48315
Statewide .................
2/17/1993 .................
9/15/1993, 58 FR 48315
Statewide .................
2/17/1993 .................
9/15/1993, 58 FR 48315
Statewide .................
8/26/1992 .................
7/28/1994, 59 FR 38372
Statewide .................
11/2/1990 .................
7/28/1994, 59 FR 38372
7/19/1993 .................
1/6/1995, 60 FR 2016
10/27/1993 ...............
1/6/1995, 60 FR 2016
Metropolitan Boston
12/9/1991 .................
10/4/1994, 59 FR 50495
Statewide .................
11/15/1993 ...............
2/1/1995, 60 FR 6027
Statewide .................
5/11/1994 .................
2/1/1995, 60 FR 6027
Statewide .................
3/31/1994 .................
3/6/1995, 60 FR 12123
Statewide .................
6/6/1994 ...................
4/1/1995, 60 FR 17226
PO 00000
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EPA approved date 3
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 19 / Monday, January 29, 2018 / Rules and Regulations
geographic or
nonattainment area
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES
Name of non regulatory SIP provision
Letter from the MassDEP dated December
9, 1994.
Letter from the MassDEP, submitting a revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting a revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP, dated July 15,
1994, submitting a revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP assuring EPA
that the data elements noted in EPA’s
December 13, 1994 letter were being incorporated into the source registration
forms used by Massachusetts emission
statement program.
Letter which included the oxygenated gasoline program, amendments to the Massachusetts Air Pollution Control Regulations, 310 CMR 7.00, with an effective
date of March 1, 1994, requesting that
the submittal be approved and adopted
as part of the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting a revision to the SIP.
The Technical Support Document for the
Redesignation of the Boston Area as Attainment for Carbon Monoxide.
Letter from the MassDEP dated January 9,
1995 submitting a revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP, dated January 9,
1995, submitting a revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting a revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting a revision to the SIP (City of Boston/South
Boston Parking Freeze).
Letter from the MassDEP submitting revisions to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting revisions to the SIP.
Letter and attachments from the MassDEP
submitting supplemental information concerning the demonstration of balance between credit creation and credit use.
Massachusetts PAMS Network Plan, which
incorporates PAMS into the ambient air
quality monitoring network of State or
Local Air Monitoring Stations (SLAMS)
and National Air Monitoring Stations
Letter from the MassDEP dated December
30, 1993 submitting a revision to the SIP.
The Commonwealth, committed in a letter
dated March 3, 1997 to correct deficiencies for an enhanced motor vehicle
inspection and maintenance (I/M) program within one year of conditional interim approval by EPA.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting a revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting a revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting a revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting a revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP dated submitting
a revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting a revision to the SIP.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
16:12 Jan 26, 2018
Jkt 244001
State submittal date/
effective date
Statewide .................
12/9/1994 .................
4/1/1995, 60 FR 17226
Statewide .................
6/28/1990 .................
3/21/1996, 61 FR 11556
Statewide .................
9/30/1992 .................
3/21/1996, 61 FR 11556
Statewide .................
7/15/1994 .................
3/21/1996, 61 FR 11556
Statewide .................
12/30/1994 ...............
3/21/1996, 61 FR 11556
Statewide .................
10/29/1993 ...............
1/30/1996, 61 FR 2918
Metropolitan Boston
12/12/1994 ...............
1/30/1996, 61 FR 2918
Metropolitan Boston
12/12/1994 ...............
1/30/1996, 61 FR 2918
Statewide .................
1/9/1995 ...................
12/19/1995, 60 FR 65240
Statewide .................
1/9/1995 ...................
2/14/1996, 61 FR 5696
Statewide .................
3/29/1995 .................
7/5/2000, 65 FR 41344
Metropolitan Boston
7/30/1993 .................
10/15/1996, 61 FR 53628
Statewide .................
2/9/1994 ...................
8/8/1996, 61 FR 41335
Statewide .................
3/29/1995 .................
8/8/1996, 61 FR 41335
Statewide .................
2/8/1996 ...................
8/8/1996, 61 FR 41335
Statewide .................
11/15/1993 ...............
7/14/1997, 62 FR 37510
Statewide .................
12/30/1993 ...............
7/14/1997, 62 FR 37510
Statewide .................
3/3/1997 ...................
7/14/1997, 62 FR 37510
Statewide .................
10/17/1997 ...............
4/11/2000, 65 FR 19323
Statewide .................
7/30/1996 .................
4/11/2000, 65 FR 19323
Statewide .................
8/9/2000 ...................
12/18/2000, 65 FR 78974
Statewide .................
9/11/2000 .................
12/18/2000, 65 FR 78974
Statewide .................
7/25/1995 .................
12/18/2000, 65 FR 78974
Statewide .................
2/17/1993 .................
9/2/1999, 64 FR 48297
PO 00000
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Fmt 4700
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EPA approved date 3
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 19 / Monday, January 29, 2018 / Rules and Regulations
geographic or
nonattainment area
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES
Name of non regulatory SIP provision
Letter from the MassDEP submitting a revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP clarifying the program implementation process.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting revisions to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting revisions to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting revisions to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting revisions to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting revisions to the SIP.
Nonregulatory portions of the SIP submittal
Nonregulatory portions of the SIP submittal
A September 17, 1999, Notice of Correction submitted by the Secretary of State
indicating the effective date of the regulations.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting a revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting a revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting a revision to the SIP.
Test Procedures and Equipment Specifications.
Acceptance Test Protocol ............................
Letter from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Executive Office of Environmental Affairs, Department of Environmental Protection submitting an amendment to SIP.
Background Document and Technical Support for Public Hearings on the Proposed
Revisions to the SIP for Ozone, July,
Supplemental Background Document and
Technical Support for Public Hearings on
Modifications to the July 1999 Proposal
to Revise the SIP for Ozone, September,
Table of Unit Allocations ..............................
Letter from the MassDEP ............................
The SIP narrative ‘‘Technical Support Document for Public Hearings on Revisions
to the State Implementation Plan for
Ozone for Massachusetts, Amendments
to Statewide Projected Inventory for Nitrogen Oxides,’’ dated March 2002.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting revisions to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting revisions to the SIP.
Plan Approval issued by the MassDEP to
the Gillette Company Andover Manufacturing Plant.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting negative declarations for certain VOC source
Letter from the MassDEP discussing wood
furniture manufacturing and aerospace
coating requirements in Massachusetts.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting a revision to the SIP.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
16:12 Jan 26, 2018
Jkt 244001
State submittal date/
effective date
Statewide .................
12/19/1997 ...............
6/2/1999, 64 FR 29567
Statewide .................
3/9/1998 ...................
6/2/1999, 64 FR 29567
Statewide .................
7/15/1994 .................
9/2/1999, 64 FR 48095
Statewide .................
10/4/1996 .................
9/2/1999, 64 FR 48095
Statewide .................
12/2/1996 .................
9/2/1999, 64 FR 48095
Statewide .................
1/11/1999 .................
9/2/1999, 64 FR 48095
Statewide .................
4/16/1999 .................
9/2/1999, 64 FR 48095
Statewide .................
Statewide .................
Statewide .................
1/11/1995 .................
3/29/1995 .................
9/17/1999 .................
4/11/2000, 65 FR 19323
4/11/2000, 65 FR 19323
11/15/2000, 65 FR 68898
Statewide .................
5/14/1999 .................
11/15/2000, 65 FR 68898
Statewide .................
2/1/2000 ...................
11/15/2000, 65 FR 68898
Statewide .................
3/15/2000 .................
11/15/2000, 65 FR 68898
Statewide .................
2/1/2000 ...................
11/15/2000, 65 FR 68898
Statewide .................
Statewide .................
3/15/2000 .................
11/19/1999 ...............
11/15/2000, 65 FR 68898
12/27/2000, 65 FR 81743
Statewide .................
7/1/1999 ...................
12/27/2000, 65 FR 81743
Statewide .................
9/1/1999 ...................
12/27/2000, 65 FR 81743
Statewide .................
Statewide .................
Statewide .................
9/1/1999 ...................
4/10/2002 .................
3/21/2002 .................
12/27/2000, 65 FR 81743
6/20/2003, 68 FR 36921
6/20/2003, 68 FR 36921
Statewide .................
7/15/1994 .................
10/27/2000, 65 FR 64360
Statewide .................
3/29/1995 .................
10/27/2000, 65 FR 64360
Statewide .................
6/17/1999 .................
10/4/2002, 67 FR 62179
Statewide .................
4/16/1999 .................
10/4/2002, 67 FR 62179
Statewide .................
7/24/2002 .................
10/4/2002, 67 FR 62179
Metropolitan Boston
12/8/2000 .................
3/12/2001, 66 FR 14318
PO 00000
Frm 00044
Fmt 4700
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EPA approved date 3
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 19 / Monday, January 29, 2018 / Rules and Regulations
geographic or
nonattainment area
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES
Name of non regulatory SIP provision
Letter from the MassDEP submitting the
final state certified copies of State regulations 310 CMR 7.30 ‘‘Massport/Logan
Airport Parking Freeze’’ and 310 CMR
7.31 ‘‘City of Boston/East Boston Parking
Letter from the MassDEP, in which it submitted the Low Emission Vehicle Program adopted on December 24, 1999.
Letter from the MassDEP which clarified
the August 9, 2002 submittal to exclude
certain sections of the Low Emission Vehicle Program from consideration.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting a revision to the SIP.
Massachusetts Regulation Filing amending
310 CMR 7.38 entitled ‘‘Certification of
Tunnel Ventilation Systems in the Metropolitan Boston Air Pollution Control District.’’.
Massachusetts Regulation Filing amending
310 CMR 7.28 entitled ‘‘NOx Allowance
Trading Program,’’ and adopting 310
CMR 7.32 entitled ‘‘Massachusetts Clean
Air Interstate Rule (Mass CAIR).’’.
Massachusetts Regulation Filing substantiating December 1, 2006, State effective
date for amended 310 CMR 7.00 entitled
‘‘Definition,’’ (addition of term ‘‘Boston
Metropolitan Planning Organization,’’
which appears on the replaced page 173
of the State’s Code of Massachusetts
Regulations,) and 310 CMR 7.36 entitled
‘‘Transit System Improvements.’’.
Letter from the MassDEP dated December
13, 2006 submitting a revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP submitting a revision to the SIP.
Letter from the Massachusetts Executive
Office of Transportation identifying its
commitment to the Green Line extension
and to make every effort to accelerate
the planning, design and environmental
review and permitting of the project in
order to work towards the 2014 completion date.
Letter from the Chair of the Boston Region
Metropolitan Planning Organization concurring in the finding that the transit system improvements projects will achieve
emission benefits equivalent to or greater
than the benefits from the original transit
system improvements projects being replaced.
Letter from EPA New England Regional
Administrator concurring in the finding
that the transit system improvements
projects will achieve emission benefits
equivalent to or greater than the benefits
from the original transit system improvements projects being replaced.
Letter from the MassDEP, dated June 1,
2009, submitting a revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP, dated November
30, 2009, amending the June 1, 2009
SIP submittal.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
16:12 Jan 26, 2018
Jkt 244001
State submittal date/
effective date
Metropolitan Boston
12/26/2000 ...............
3/12/2001, 66 FR 14318
Statewide .................
8/9/2002 ...................
12/23/2002, 67 FR 78179
Statewide .................
8/26/2002 .................
12/23/2002, 67 FR 78179
Metropolitan Boston
7/12/2006 .................
2/15/2008, 73 FR 8818
Metropolitan Boston
12/13/2005 ...............
2/15/2008, 73 FR 8818
Statewide .................
4/19/2007 .................
12/3/2007, 72 FR 67854
Metropolitan Boston
11/16/2006 ...............
7/31/2008, 73 FR 44654
Metropolitan Boston
12/13/2006 ...............
7/31/2008, 73 FR 44654
Metropolitan Boston
6/1/2007 ...................
7/31/2008, 73 FR 44654
Metropolitan Boston
9/4/2007 ...................
7/31/2008, 73 FR 44654
Metropolitan Boston
5/1/2008 ...................
7/31/2008, 73 FR 44654
Metropolitan Boston
7/5/2008 ...................
7/31/2008, 73 FR 44654
Statewide .................
6/1/2009 ...................
01/25/2013, 78 FR 5292
Statewide .................
11/30/2009 ...............
01/25/2013, 78 FR 5292
PO 00000
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EPA approved date 3
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 19 / Monday, January 29, 2018 / Rules and Regulations
geographic or
nonattainment area
State submittal date/
effective date
Statewide .................
6/1/2009 ...................
01/25/2013, 78 FR 5292
Statewide .................
8/9/2012 ...................
9/19/2013, 78 FR 57487
Statewide .................
8/9/2001 ...................
4/24/2014, 79 FR 22774
Statewide .................
9/14/2006 .................
4/24/2014, 79 FR 22774
Statewide .................
2/13/2008 .................
4/24/2014, 79 FR 22774
Statewide .................
1/18/2013 .................
4/24/2014, 79 FR 22774
Statewide .................
11/6/2013 .................
12/8/2015, 80 FR 76225
Statewide .................
5/5/2015 ...................
11/29/2016, 81 FR 85897
Name of non regulatory SIP provision
Massachusetts June 1, 2009 SIP Revision
Table of Contents Item 7, ‘‘Documentation of IM SIP Revision consistent with
42 USC Section 7511a and Section
182(c)(3)(A) of the Clean Air Act.’’.
‘‘Massachusetts Regional Haze State Implementation Plan’’ dated August 9, 2012.
A letter from the MassDEP dated August 9,
2001 submitting a revision to the SIP.
A letter from the MassDEP dated September 14, 2006 submitting a revision to
the SIP.
A letter from the MassDEP dated February
13, 2008 submitting a revision to the SIP.
A letter from the MassDEP dated January
18, 2013 withdrawing certain outdated
and obsolete regulation submittals and
replacing them with currently effective
versions of the regulation for approval
and inclusion into the SIP.
A letter from the MassDEP dated November 6, 2013 submitting a revision to the
A letter from the MassDEP dated May 5,
2015 submitting a revision to the SIP.
EPA approved date 3
3 To determine the EPA effective date for a specific provision listed in this table, consult the Federal Register notice cited in this column for
the particular provision.
40 CFR Part 52
[EPA–R03–OAR–2017–0398; FRL–9973–
37—Region 3]
Approval and Promulgation of Air
Quality Implementation Plans;
Maryland; Nonattainment New Source
Review Requirements for the 2008 8Hour Ozone Standard
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Final rule.
The Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) is approving a state
implementation plan (SIP) revision
submitted by the State of Maryland. The
revision is in response to EPA’s
February 3, 2017 Findings of Failure to
Submit for various requirements relating
to the 2008 8-hour ozone national
ambient air quality standards (NAAQS).
This SIP revision is specific to
nonattainment new source review
(NNSR) requirements. EPA is approving
this revision in accordance with the
requirements of the Clean Air Act
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES
VerDate Sep<11>2014
16:12 Jan 26, 2018
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This final rule is effective on
February 28, 2018.
ADDRESSES: EPA has established a
docket for this action under Docket ID
No. EPA–R03–OAR–2017–0398. All
documents in the docket are listed on
the website.
Although listed in the index, some
information is not publicly available,
e.g., confidential business information
(CBI) or other information whose
disclosure is restricted by statute.
Certain other material, such as
copyrighted material, is not placed on
the internet and will be publicly
available only in hard copy form.
Publicly available docket materials are
available through https://, or please contact
the person identified in the FOR FURTHER
additional availability information.
David Talley, (215) 814–2117, or by
email at
2008 8-hour ozone NAAQS Findings of
Failure to Submit for NNSR
requirements. See 82 FR 9158 (February
3, 2017). Specifically, Maryland is
certifying that its existing NNSR
program, covering the Baltimore
Nonattainment Area (which includes
Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Carroll,
Harford, and Howard Counties and the
city of Baltimore), the PhiladelphiaWilmington-Atlantic City
Nonattainment Area (which includes
Cecil County in Maryland), and the
Washington, DC Nonattainment Area
(which includes Calvert, Charles,
Frederick, Montgomery, and Prince
Georges Counties in Maryland) for the
2008 8-hour ozone NAAQS, is at least
as stringent as the requirements at 40
CFR 51.165, as amended by the final
rule titled ‘‘Implementation of the 2008
National Ambient Air Quality Standards
for Ozone: State Implementation Plan
Requirements’’ (SIP Requirements Rule),
for ozone and its precursors.1 See 80 FR
12264 (March 6, 2015).
I. Background
On May 8, 2017, the Maryland
Department of the Environment (MDE)
submitted on behalf of the State of
Maryland a formal revision, requesting
EPA’s approval for the SIP of its NNSR
Certification for the 2008 Ozone
Standard (Revision 17–01). The SIP
revision is in response to EPA’s final
1 The SIP Requirements Rule addresses a range of
nonattainment area SIP requirements for the 2008
8-hour ozone NAAQS, including requirements
pertaining to attainment demonstrations, reasonable
further progress (RFP), reasonably available control
technology, reasonably available control measures,
major new source review, emission inventories, and
the timing of SIP submissions and of compliance
with emission control measures in the SIP. The rule
also revokes the 1997 ozone NAAQS and
establishes anti-backsliding requirements.
[FR Doc. 2018–01513 Filed 1–26–18; 8:45 am]
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[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 19 (Monday, January 29, 2018)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 3965-3982]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2018-01513]
40 CFR Part 52
[EPA-R01-OAR-2017-0107; FRL-9972-53-Region 1]
Air Plan Approval; Massachusetts; Revised Format for Materials
Being Incorporated by Reference
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Final rule; administrative change.
SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is revising the
format for materials submitted by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
that are incorporated by reference (IBR) into the Massachusetts State
Implementation Plan (SIP). The regulations and other materials affected
by this format change have all been previously submitted by
Massachusetts and approved by EPA as part of the SIP.
DATES: Effective Date: This final rule is effective on January 29,
ADDRESSES: EPA has established a docket for this action under Docket ID
No. EPA-R01-OAR-2017-0107. SIP materials which are incorporated by
reference into 40 CFR part 52 are available for inspection at the
following locations: Environmental Protection Agency, Region 1, 5 Post
Office Square, Boston, Massachusetts 02109-3912; and the National
Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the
availability of this material at NARA, call (202) 741-6030, or go to:
Protection Agency, EPA New England Regional Office, Office of Ecosystem
Protection, Air Quality Planning Unit, 5 Post Office Square--Suite 100,
(Mail code OEP05-2), Boston, MA 02109-3912, telephone number (617) 918-
1660, fax number (617) 918-0660, email [email protected].
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Throughout this document whenever ``we,''
``us,'' or ``our'' is used, we mean EPA. This supplementary information
section is arranged as follows:
Table of Contents
I. Background
A. Description of a SIP
B. How EPA Enforces SIPs
C. How the State and EPA Update the SIP
D. How EPA Compiles the SIP
E. How EPA Organizes the SIP Compilation
F. Where You Can Find a Copy of the SIP Compilation
G. The Format of the New Identification of Plan Section
H. When a SIP Revision Becomes Part of the SIP and Federally
I. The Historical Record of SIP Revision Approvals
II. What is EPA doing in this action?
III. Incorporation by Reference
IV. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
I. Background
A. Description of a SIP
Each State has a SIP containing the control measures and strategies
to attain and maintain the National Ambient Air Quality Standards
(NAAQS). The SIP is extensive, containing such elements as air
pollution control regulations, emission inventories, monitoring
networks, attainment demonstrations, and enforcement mechanisms.
B. How EPA Enforces SIPs
Before formally adopting required control measures and strategies,
each State must provide the public with an opportunity to comment on
them. The States then submit these measures and strategies to EPA as
requested SIP revisions on which EPA must formally act.
When these control measures and strategies are approved by EPA,
after notice and comment rulemaking, they are incorporated into the
Federally-approved SIP and identified in title 40 of the Code of
Federal Regulations, part 52 (Approval and Promulgation of
Implementation Plans) (40 CFR part 52). The actual State regulations
approved by EPA are not reproduced in their entirety in 40 CFR part 52,
but are ``incorporated by reference,'' which means that EPA has
approved a given State regulation with a specific effective date. This
format allows both EPA and the public to know which measures are
contained in a given SIP and to help determine whether the State is
enforcing the regulations.
C. How the State and EPA Update the SIP
The SIP is periodically revised as necessary to address the unique
air pollution problems in the State. Therefore, EPA from time to time
takes action on State SIP submissions containing new and/or revised
regulations and other materials; if approved, they become part of the
SIP. On May 22, 1997 (62 FR 27968), EPA revised the procedures for
incorporating by reference federally approved SIPs, as a result of
consultations between EPA and the Office of the Federal Register (OFR).
As a result, EPA began the process of developing the following: (1)
A revised SIP document for each State that would be incorporated by
reference under the provisions of title 1 CFR part 51; (2) a revised
mechanism for announcing EPA approval of revisions to an applicable SIP
and updating both the IBR document and the CFR; and (3) a revised
format of the ``Identification of plan'' sections for each applicable
subpart to reflect these revised IBR procedures. The description of the
revised SIP document, IBR procedures, and ``Identification of plan''
format are discussed in further detail in the May 22, 1997, Federal
Register document.
D. How EPA Compiles the SIP
The Federally-approved regulations, source-specific requirements,
and nonregulatory provisions (entirely or portions of) submitted by
each State agency and approved by EPA have been organized into a ``SIP
compilation.'' The SIP compilation contains the updated regulations,
source-specific requirements, and nonregulatory provisions approved by
EPA through
[[Page 3966]]
previous rulemaking actions in the Federal Register.
E. How EPA Organizes the SIP Compilation
Each SIP compilation contains three parts approved by EPA: Part one
contains regulations; part two contains source-specific requirements;
and part three contains nonregulatory provisions. Each State's SIP
compilation contains a table of identifying information for each of
these three parts. In this action, EPA is publishing the tables
summarizing the applicable SIP requirements for Massachusetts. The
effective dates in the tables indicate the date of the most recent
revision of each regulation. The EPA Region 1 Office has the primary
responsibility for updating the compilation and ensuring its accuracy.
F. Where You Can Find a Copy of the SIP Compilation
EPA's Region 1 Office developed and will maintain the compilation
for Massachusetts. A copy of the full text of Massachusetts' regulatory
and source-specific compilations will also be maintained at NARA.
G. The Format of the New Identification of Plan Section
To better serve the public, EPA revised the organization of the
``Identification of plan'' section and included additional information
to clarify which provisions are the enforceable elements of the SIP.
The revised Identification of plan section contains five
subsections: (a) Purpose and scope; (b) Incorporation by reference; (c)
EPA-approved regulations; (d) EPA-approved source-specific
requirements; and (e) EPA-approved nonregulatory provisions such as
transportation control measures, statutory provisions, control
strategies, and monitoring networks.
H. When a State Submission Becomes Part of the SIP and Federally
All revisions to the applicable SIP become federally enforceable as
of the effective date of the revisions to paragraphs (c), (d), or (e)
of the applicable Identification of Plan section found in each subpart
of 40 CFR part 52.
I. The Historical Record of SIP Revision Approvals
To facilitate enforcement of previously-approved SIP provisions and
provide a smooth transition to the new SIP compilation, EPA has
retained the original Identification of plan section, previously
appearing in the CFR as the first or second section of part 52 for each
State subpart. After an initial two-year period, EPA will review its
experience with the new table format and will decide whether or not to
retain the Identification of plan appendices for some further period.
II. What is EPA doing in this action?
Today's rule constitutes a record keeping exercise to ensure that
all revisions to the State programs and accompanying SIP that have
already occurred are accurately reflected in 40 CFR part 52. State SIP
revisions are controlled by EPA regulations at 40 CFR part 51. When EPA
receives a formal SIP revision request, the Agency must publish
proposed rulemaking in the Federal Register and provide for public
comment before approval.
EPA has determined that today's rule falls under the ``good cause''
exemption in section 553(b)(3)(B) of the Administrative Procedures Act
(APA) which, upon finding ``good cause,'' authorizes agencies to
dispense with public participation and section 553(d)(3) which allows
an agency to make a rule effective immediately, thereby avoiding the
30-day delayed effective date otherwise provided for in the APA.
Today's rule simply codifies provisions which are already in effect as
a matter of law in Federal and approved State programs. Accordingly, we
find that public comment is ``unnecessary'' and ``contrary to the
public interest'' under section 553 of the APA, since the codification
of the revised format for denoting IBR of the State materials into the
SIP only reflects existing law and since immediate notice in the CFR
benefits the public by removing outdated citations from the CFR.
III. Incorporation by Reference
In this rule, EPA is finalizing regulatory text that includes
incorporation by reference. In accordance with requirements of 1 CFR
51.5, EPA is finalizing the incorporation by reference of the
Massachusetts Regulations described in amendments to 40 CFR part 52 set
forth below. EPA has made, and will continue to make, these documents
generally available electronically through and/or
in hard copy at the appropriate EPA office (see the ADDRESSES section
of this preamble for more information).
IV. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
A. General Requirements
Under Executive Order 12866 (58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993) and
13563 (76 FR 3821, January 21, 2011), this action is not a
``significant regulatory action'' and is therefore not subject to
review by the Office of Management and Budget. This rule is not subject
to Executive Order 13211, ``Actions Concerning Regulations That
Significantly Affect Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use'' (66 FR
28355, May 22, 2001) because it is not a significant regulatory action
under Executive Order 12866. Because the agency has made a ``good
cause'' finding that this action is not subject to notice-and-comment
requirements under the Administrative Procedure Act or any other
statute as indicated in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section above, it
is not subject to the regulatory flexibility provisions of the
Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C 601 et seq.), or to sections 202
and 205 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA) (Pub. L.
104-4). In addition, this action does not significantly or uniquely
affect small governments or impose a significant intergovernmental
mandate, as described in sections 203 and 204 of UMRA. This rule also
does not have a substantial direct effect on one or more Indian Tribes,
on the relationship between the Federal government and Indian Tribes,
or on the distribution of power and responsibilities between the
Federal government and Indian Tribes, as specified by Executive Order
13175 (65 FR 67249, November 9, 2000), nor will it have substantial
direct effects on the States, on the relationship between the national
government and the States, or on the distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various levels of government, as specified
in Executive Order 13132 (64 FR 43255, August 10, 1999). This rule also
is not subject to Executive Order 13045 (62 FR 19885, April 23, 1997),
because it is not economically significant. This rule does not involve
technical standards; thus the requirements of section 12(d) of the
National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995 (15 U.S.C. 272
note) do not apply. The rule also does not involve special
consideration of environmental justice related issues as required by
Executive Order 12898 (59 FR 7629, February 16, 1994). In issuing this
rule, EPA has taken the necessary steps to eliminate drafting errors
and ambiguity, minimize potential litigation, and provide a clear legal
standard for affected conduct, as required by section 3 of Executive
Order 12988 (61 FR 4729, February 7, 1996). EPA has complied with
Executive Order 12630 (53 FR 8859, March 15, 1998) by examining the
takings implications of the rule in accordance with the ``Attorney
General's Supplemental Guidelines for the Evaluation of Risk
[[Page 3967]]
and Avoidance of Unanticipated Takings'' issued under the executive
order. This rule does not impose an information collection burden under
the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). EPA's
compliance with these statutes and Executive Orders for the underlying
rules are discussed in previous actions taken on the State's rules.
B. Submission to Congress and the Comptroller General
The Congressional Review Act (5 U.S.C. 801 et seq.), as added by
the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996,
generally provides that before a rule may take effect, the agency
promulgating the rule must submit a rule report, which includes a copy
of the rule, to each House of the Congress and to the Comptroller
General of the United States. Section 808 allows the issuing agency to
make a rule effective sooner than otherwise provided by the CRA if the
agency makes a good cause finding that notice and public procedure is
impracticable, unnecessary or contrary to the public interest. Today's
action simply codifies provisions which are already in effect as a
matter of law in Federal and approved State programs. 5 U.S.C. 808(2).
As stated previously, EPA has made such a good cause finding, including
the reasons therefore, and established an effective date of January 29,
2018. EPA will submit a report containing this rule and other required
information to the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of Representatives, and
the Comptroller General of the United States prior to publication of
the rule in the Federal Register. This rule is not a ``major rule'' as
defined by 5 U.S.C. 804(2).
C. Petitions for Judicial Review
EPA has also determined that the provisions of section 307(b)(1) of
the Clean Air Act pertaining to petitions for judicial review are not
applicable to this action. Prior EPA rulemaking actions for each
individual component of the Massachusetts SIP compilation had
previously afforded interested parties the opportunity to file a
petition for judicial review in the United States Court of Appeals for
the appropriate circuit within 60 days of such rulemaking action. Thus,
EPA sees no need in this action to reopen the 60-day period for filing
such petitions for judicial review for these ``Identification of plan''
reorganization actions for Massachusetts.
List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 52
Environmental protection, Air pollution control, Carbon monoxide,
Incorporation by reference, Intergovernmental relations, Lead, Nitrogen
dioxide, Ozone, Particulate matter, Reporting and recordkeeping
requirements, Sulfur oxides, Volatile organic compounds.
Dated: October 24, 2017.
Deborah A. Szaro,
Acting Regional Administrator, EPA New England.
Part 52 of chapter I, title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, is
amended as follows:
1. The authority citation for Part 52 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401, et seq.
Subpart W--Massachusetts
Sec. 52.1120 [Redesignated as Sec. 52.1166 and Amended]
2. Redesignate Sec. 52.1120 as Sec. 52.1166, and revise the section
heading and paragraph (a) to read as follows:
Sec. 52.1166 Original identification of plan section.
(a) This section identifies the original ``Air Implementation Plan
for the State of Massachusetts'' and all revisions submitted by
Massachusetts that were federally approved prior to January 20, 2017.
* * * * *
3. A new Sec. 52.1120 is added to read as follows:
Sec. 52.1120 Identification of plan.
(a) Purpose and scope. This section sets forth the applicable State
Implementation Plan (SIP) for Massachusetts under section 110 of the
Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7401, and 40 CFR part 51 to meet National
Ambient Air Quality Standards.
(b) Incorporation by reference. (1) Material listed in paragraphs
(c) and (d) of this section with an EPA approval date prior to January
20, 2017, was approved for incorporation by reference by the Director
of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR
part 51. Entries in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with the EPA
approval date after January 20, 2017 have been approved by EPA for
inclusion in the State Implementation Plan and for incorporation by
reference into the plan as it is contained in this section, and will be
considered by the Director of the Federal Register for approval in the
next update to the SIP compilation.
(2) EPA Region 1 certifies that the materials provided by EPA at
the addresses in paragraph (b)(3) of this section are an exact
duplicate of the officially promulgated state rules/regulations which
have been approved as part of the SIP as of the dates referenced in
paragraph (b)(1).
(3) Copies of the materials incorporated by reference into the SIP
may be inspected at the EPA Region 1 Office, 5 Post Office Square,
Boston, Massachusetts 02109-3912. You may also inspect the material
with an EPA approval date prior to January 20, 2017 at the National
Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the
availability of this material at NARA, call 202-741-6030, or go to:
(c) EPA-approved regulations.
EPA Approved Massachusetts Regulations
State citation Title/subject State effective date EPA approval date \1\ Explanations
310 CMR 6.04...................... Standards............ 7/25/1990...................... 10/4/2002, 67 FR 62184................ Adopted PM10 as the
criteria pollutant
for particulates.
310 CMR 7.00...................... Definitions.......... 1/2/2015....................... 11/29/2016, 81 FR 85897............... Approved thirty-
three new or
310 CMR 7.00 Appendix A........... Emission Offsets and 7/15/1994 and 4/14/1995........ 10/27/2000, 65 FR 64360............... Approving 1990 CAAA
Nonattainment Review. revisions and
general NSR permit
310 CMR 7.00 Appendix B........... Emission Banking, 8/30/2013...................... 10/9/2015, 80 FR 61101................ Approved amended
Trading and language regarding
Averaging. emissions averaging
[[Page 3968]]
Regulations for the Control of Air Regulation 1 General 1/27/1972...................... 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10841................
Pollution. Regulations to
Prevent Air
Regulations for Prevention And/or Regulation 1 8/28/1972...................... 10/28/1972, 37 FR 23085...............
Abatement of Air Pollution Introduction.
Episode and Air Pollution
Incident Emergencies.
Regulations for the Control of Air Regulation 2 Plans 2/1/1978....................... 3/15/1979, 44 FR 15703................ Regulation 2 is now
Pollution. Approval and known as 310 CMR
Emission Limitations. 7.02.
Regulations for Prevention And/or Regulation 2 8/28/1972...................... 10/28/1972, 37 FR 23085...............
Abatement of Air Pollution Definitions.
Episode and Air Pollution
Incident Emergencies.
310 CMR 7.02...................... Plans Approval and 6/6/1994....................... 4/5/1995, 60 FR 17226.................
Emission Limitations.
Regulations for the Control of Air Regulation 3 Nuclear 6/1/1972....................... 10/28/1972, 37 FR 23085...............
Pollution. Energy Utilization
310 CMR 7.03...................... Plan Application 2/17/1993...................... 9/3/1999, 64 FR 48297.................
Requirements. Paint
Spray Booths 310 CMR
Regulations for the Control of Air Regulation 4 Fossil 1/27/1972...................... 10/28/1972, 37 FR 23085............... Regulation 4 is now
Pollution. Fuel Utilization known as 310 CMR
Facilities. 7.04.
310 CMR 7.04...................... U Fossil Fuel 12/28/2007..................... 4/24/2014, 79 FR 22774................ Only approved
Utilization 7.04(2) and
Facilities. 7.04(4)(a).
Regulations for the Control of Air Regulation 5 Fuels... 8/31/1978...................... 3/7/1979, 44 FR 12421................. Regulation 5 is now
Pollution. known as 310 CMR
Portions of
Regulation 5 have
been replaced with
the approval of 310
CMR 7.05.
310 CMR 7.05...................... Fuels All Districts.. 9/23/2005...................... 5/29/2014, 79 FR 30741................ Removed landfill gas
from requirements
of section.
Regulations for the Control of Air Regulation 6 Visible 8/28/1972...................... 10/28/1972, 37 FR 23085............... Regulation 6 is now
Pollution. Emissions. known as 310 CMR
310 CMR 7.07...................... Open Burning......... 9/28/1979...................... 6/17/1980, 45 FR 40987................
Regulations for the Control of Air Regulation 8 8/28/1972...................... 10/28/1972, 37 FR 23085............... Regulation 8 is now
Pollution. Incinerators. known as 310 CMR
310 CMR 7.08...................... Incinerators. 1/11/1999...................... 9/2/1999, 64 FR 48095.................
Municipal Waste
Combustors 310 CMR
Regulations for the Control of Air Regulation 9 Dust and 12/9/1977...................... 9/29/1978, 43 FR 44841................ Regulation 9 is now
Pollution. Odor. known as 310 CMR
Regulations for the Control of Air Regulation 10 Noise.. 6/1/1972....................... 10/28/1972, 37 FR 23085............... Regulation 10 is now
Pollution. known as 310 CMR
Regulations for the Control of Air Regulation 11 6/1/1972....................... 10/28/1972, 37 FR 23085............... Regulation 11 is now
Pollution. Transportation Media. known as 310 CMR
7.11. This
restricts idling.
310 CMR 7.12...................... U Source Registration 12/28/2007..................... 4/24/2014, 79 FR 22774................ Approved Section
7.12(1) through
7.12(4) with the
except of
7.12(2)(a)(3) which
was not approved.
Regulations for the Control of Air Regulation 13 Stack 6/1/1972....................... 10/28/1972, 37 FR 23085............... Regulation 13 is now
Pollution. Testing. known as 310 CMR
310 CMR 7.14...................... Monitoring Devices 11/21/1986 1/15/1987........... 3/10/1989, 54 FR 10147................
and Reports.
Regulations for Prevention And/or Regulation 15. 8/28/1972...................... 10/28/1972, 37 FR 23085............... Regulation 15 is now
Abatement of Air Pollution Asbestos. known as 310 CMR
Episode and Air Pollution 7.15.
Incident Emergencies.
310 CMR 7.16...................... Reduction of Single- 12/31/1978, 5/16/1979.......... 9/16/1980, 45 FR 61293................
Occupant Commuter
Vehicle Use.
310 CMR 7.17...................... Conversions to Coal.. 1/22/1982...................... 6/9/1982, 47 FR 25007.................
310 CMR 7.18...................... Volatile and 8/30/2013...................... 10/9/2015, 80 FR 61101................ Approved revisions
Halogenated Organic to 7.18(1)(d) and
Compounds. (f); 7.18(2)(b),
(e), and (f);
7.18(20)(a) and
(b); and 7.18(30).
[[Page 3969]]
310 CMR 7.19...................... Reasonably Available 8/30/2013...................... 10/9/2015, 80 FR 61101................ Approved revisions
Control Technology to 7.19(1)(c)(9).
(RACT) for Sources
of Oxides of
Nitrogen (NOX).
310 CMR 7.24...................... Organic Material 1/2/2015....................... 11/29/2016, 81 FR 85897............... Revised to require
Storage and the decommissioning
Distribution. of Stage II vapor
recovery systems
and require Stage I
Enhanced Vapor
Recovery systems
certified by the
California Air
Resources Board.
310 CMR 7.25...................... Best Available 10/19/2007..................... 10/9/2015, 80 FR 61101................ Approved amended
Controls for existing consumer
Consumer and products related
Commercial Products. requirements, added
concerning AIM
310 CMR 7.26...................... Industry Performance 12/28/2007..................... 4/24/2014, 79 FR 22774................ EPA did not approve
Standards. 310 CMR 7.26 (1)
through 7.26 (29),
or 310 CMR 7.26
(38) through 7.26
(49) into the
Massachusetts SIP.
310 CMR 7.27...................... NOX Allowance Program 11/19/1999..................... 12/27/2000, 65 FR 81743...............
310 CMR 7.28...................... NOX Allowance Trading 3/30/2007...................... 12/3/2007, 72 FR 67854................
310 CMR 7.29...................... Emissions Standards 1/25/2008, 6/29/2007........... 9/19/2013 78 FR 57487................. Only approving the
for Power Plants. SO2 and NOX
The following
exceptions which
are not applicable
to the
Alternative to BART
were not approved:
(1) In 310 CMR
7.29(1), the
reference to
mercury (Hg),
carbon monoxide
(CO), carbon
dioxide (CO2), and
fine particulate
matter (PM2.5) in
the first sentence
and the phrase `` .
. . and CO2 and
establishing a cap
on CO2 and Hg
emissions from
facilities. CO2
emissions standards
set forth in 310
CMR 7.29(5)(a)5.a.
and b. shall not
apply to emissions
that occur after
December 31, 2008''
in the second
(2) In 310 CMR
7.29(2), the
definitions of
Alternate Hg
Acquisition and
Handling System or
DAHS, Mercury (Hg)
Mercury Continuous
Emission Monitoring
System or Mercury
CEMS, Mercury
Monitoring System,
Sorbent Trap
Monitoring System,
and Total Mercury;
(3) 310 CMR
through (5)(a)(6);
[[Page 3970]]
(4) In 310 CMR
reference to
compliance with the
mercury emissions
standard in the
second sentence;
(5) 310 CMR
through (6)(a)(4);
(6) 310 CMR
(7) 310 CMR
(8) The third and
fourth sentences in
310 CMR 7.29(7)(a);
(9) In 310 CMR
7.29(7)(b)(1), the
reference to CO2
and mercury;
(10) In 310 CMR
the reference to
CO2 and mercury;
(11) 310 CMR
(12) In 310 CMR
7.29(7)(b)(3), the
reference to CO2
and mercury;
(13) In 310 CMR
the reference to
CO2 and mercury;
(14) 310 CMR
7.29(7)(e) through
310 CMR 7.30...................... Massport/Logan 12/26/2000..................... 3/12/2001, 66 FR 14318................ Applies to the
Airport Parking parking of motor
Freeze. vehicles on
Massport property.
310 CMR 7.31...................... City of Boston/East 12/26/2000..................... 3/12/2001, 66 FR 14318................ Applies to the
Boston Parking parking of motor
Freeze. vehicles within the
area of East
310 CMR 7.32...................... Massachusetts Clean 3/30/2007...................... 12/3/2007, 72 FR 67854................
Air Interstate Rule
(Mass CAIR).
310 CMR 7.33...................... City of Boston/South 7/30/1993...................... 10/15/1996, 61 FR 53628............... Applies to the
Boston Parking parking of motor
Freeze. vehicles within the
area of South
Boston, including
Massport property
in South Boston.
310 CMR 7.36...................... Transit System 10/25/2013..................... 12/8/2015, 80 FR 76225................ Removes from the SIP
Improvements. the commitment to
design the Red Line/
Blue Line Connector
310 CMR 7.37...................... High Occupancy 12/9/1991...................... 10/4/1994, 59 FR 50495................ High Occupancy
Vehicle Lanes. Vehicle Lanes
Regulation for
Boston Metropolitan
310 CMR 7.38...................... Certification of 12/30/2005..................... 2/15/2008, 73 FR 8818.................
Tunnel Ventilation
Systems in the
Metropolitan Boston
Air Pollution
Control District.
310 CMR 7.40...................... Low Emission Vehicle 12/24/1999..................... 12/23/2002, 67 FR 78179............... ``Low Emission
Program. Vehicle Program''
(LEV II) except for
310 CMR
7.40(2)(a)(5), 310
CMR 7.40(2)(a)(6),
310 CMR
7.40(2)(c)(3), 310
CMR 7.40(10), and
310 CMR 7.40(12).
Regulations for the Control of Air Regulation 50 9/14/1974...................... 2/4/1977, 42 FR 6812.................. Regulation 50 is now
Pollution. Variances. known as 310 CMR
Regulations for the Control of Air Regulation 51 8/28/1972...................... 10/28/1972, 37 FR 23085............... Regulation 51 is now
Pollution. Hearings Relative To known as 310 CMR
Orders and Approvals. 7.51.
[[Page 3971]]
Regulations for the Control of Air Regulation 52 8/28/1972...................... 10/28/1972, 37 FR 23085............... Regulation 52 is now
Pollution. Enforcement known as 310 CMR
Provisions. 7.52.
Regulations for Prevention And/or Regulation 8 Emission 2/22/1972...................... 10/28/1972, 37 FR 23085............... Regulation 8 is now
Abatement of Air Pollution Reduction Plans Known as 310 CMR
Episode and Air Pollution (ERP). 8.00.
Incident Emergencies.
310 CMR 8.02 and 8.03............. The Prevention and/or 7/25/1990...................... 10/4/2002, 67 FR 62184................ 8.02 Definitions;
Abatement of Air 8.03 Air Pollution
Pollution Episode Episode Criteria.
and Air Pollution
Incident Emergencies.
310 CMR 60.02..................... Regulations for the 9/5/2008....................... 1/25/2013, 78 FR 5292................. Revises enhanced I/M
Enhanced Motor test requirements
Vehicle Inspection to consist of
and Maintenance ``OBD2-only''
Program. testing program.
Approving submitted
regulation with the
exception of
subsection 310 CMR
540 CMR 4.00...................... Annual Safety and 9/5/2008....................... 1/25/2013, 78 FR 5292................. Revises Requirement
Combined Safety and for Inspection and
Emissions Inspection Enforcement of I/M
of all Motor Program.
Vehicles, Trailers,
Semi-trailers and
converter Dollies.
Massachusetts General Laws, Part Conduct of Public Amended by Statute in 1978 and 12/21/2016, 81 FR 93624............... Approved Section 6:
IV, Title I, Chapter 268A, Officials and 1984. Financial interest
Sections 6 and 6A. Employees. of state employee,
relative or
disclosure, and
Section 6A:
Conflict of
interest of public
official; reporting
\1\ To determine the EPA effective date for a specific provision listed in this table, consult the Federal Register notice cited in this column for the
particular provision.
(d) EPA-approved State Source specific requirements.
EPA-Approved Massachusetts Source Specific Requirements
Name of source Permit number State effective date EPA approval date \2\ Explanations
Cambridge Electric Light Company's Cambridge Electric Submitted 12/28/78.... 6/17/1980, 45 FR 40987................. Regulation 310 CMR
Kendall Station, First Street, Light Company 7.04(5), Fuel Oil
Cambridge, MA. Variance. Viscosity; Revision for
Cambridge Electric Light
Company's Kendall
Station, First Street,
Cambridge, MA.
Blackstone Station, Blackstone Cambridge Electric Submitted 12/28/1978.. 6/17/1980, 45 FR 40987................. Regulation 310 CMR
Street, Cambridge, MA. Light Company 7.04(5), Fuel Oil
Variance. Viscosity; Revision for
Cambridge Electric Light
Company's Blackstone
Station, Blackstone
Street, Cambridge, MA.
Holyoke Water Power Company, Mount Holyoke Water Power Submitted 1/22/1982... 6/9/1982, 47 FR 25007.................. A revision specifying the
Tom Plant, Holyoke, MA. Company Operations. conditions under which
coal may be burned at the
Holyoke Water Power
Company, Mount Tom Plant,
Holyoke, MA.
Esleeck Manufacturing Company, Esleek Manufacturing Submitted 2/8/1983.... 4/28/1983, 48 FR 19173................. Source specific emission
Inc., Montague, MA. Emission Limit. limit allowing the
Company to burn fuel oil
having a maximum sulfur
content of 1.21 pounds
per million Btu heat
release potential
provided the fuel firing
rate does not exceed
137.5 gallons per hour.
Erving Paper company, Erving, MA... Erving Paper Company Submitted 7/18/1984, 4/ 2/15/1990, 55 FR 5447.................. A revision approving
Operations. 17/1985, and sulfur-in-fuel
11/25/1987............ limitations.
Monsanto Chemical Company in Indian Monsanto Chemical 6/20/1989............. 2/21/1990, 55 FR 5986.................. Revisions which define and
Orchard, MA. Company Operations. impose reasonably
available control
technology to control
volatile organic compound
emissions from Monsanto
Chemical Company in
Indian Orchard, MA.
Including a final RACT
Compliance Plan.
[[Page 3972]]
Spalding Sports Worldwide in PV-85-IF-019.......... 7/12/1989 and 10/7/ 11/8/1989, 54 FR 46894................. Amendments to the
Chicopee, MA. 1985. Conditional Plans
imposing reasonably
available control
Duro Textile Printers, Incorporated SM-85-168-IF.......... 8/1/1989 and 8/8/1989. 11/8/1989, 54 FR 46896................. Amended Conditional Plan
in Fall River, MA. Approval (SM-85-168-IF)
dated and effective
August 1, 1989 and an
Amendment to the Amended
Conditional Plan Approval
(SM-85-168-IF Revision)
dated and effective
August 8, 1989 imposing
reasonably available
Acushnet Company, Titleist Golf SM-85-151-IF and 4-P- 6/1/1990.............. 2/27/1991, 56 FR 8130.................. An Amended Plan imposing
Division, Plant A in New Bedford, 90-104. reasonably available
MA. control technology.
General Motors Corporation in General Motors 6/8/1990.............. 2/19/1991, 56 FR 6568.................. An Amended Plan imposing
Framingham, MA. Operations. reasonably available
control technology.
Erving Paper Mills in Erving, MA... Erving Paper Company 10/16/1990............ 3/20/1991, 56 FR 11675................. Revisions which define and
Operations. impose RACT to control
volatile organic compound
emissions. Including a
conditional final plan
approval issued by the
Massachusetts Department
of Environmental
Protection (MassDEP).
Erving Paper Mills in Erving, MA... Erving Paper Company 4/16/1991............. 10/8/1991, 56 FR 50659................. Revisions which clarify
Operations. the requirements of RACT
to control volatile
organic compound
emissions. Including a
conditional final plan
approval amendment that
amends the October 16,
1990 conditional plan
Brittany Dyeing and Finishing of 4-P-92-012............ 3/16/1994............. 3/6/1995, 60 FR 12123.................. Final Plan Approval No.
New Bedford, MA. 4P92012, imposing
reasonably available
control technology.
Specialty Minerals, Incorporated, 1-P-94-022............ 6/16/1995............. 9/2/1999, 64 FR 48095.................. Emission Control Plan
Adams, MA. (Reasonably Available
Control Technology for
Sources of Oxides of
Monsanto Company's Indian Orchard 1-E-94-106............ 10/28/1996............ 9/2/1999, 64 FR 48095.................. Emission Control Plan
facility, Springfield, MA. (Reasonably Available
Control Technology for
Sources of Oxides of
Medusa Minerals Company in Lee, MA. 1-E-94-110............ 4/17/1998............. 9/2/1999, 64 FR 48095.................. Emission Control Plan
(Reasonably Available
Control Technology for
Sources of Oxides of
Gillette Company Andover MBR-92-IND-053........ Submitted 2/17/1993, 4/ 10/4/2002, 67 FR 62179................. Reasonably Available
Manufacturing Plant. 16/1999, and Control Technology Plan
10/7/1999............. Approval issued on June
17, 1999.
Norton Company..................... C-P-90-083............ Submitted 2/17/1993, 4/ 10/4/2002, 67 FR 62179................. Reasonably Available
16/1999, and Control Technology Plan
10/7/1999............. Approval issued on August
5, 1999.
Barnet Corporation................. Barnet Corporation Submitted 2/17/1993, 4/ 10/4/2002, 67 FR 62179................. Reasonably Available
Operations. 16/1999, and Control Technology Plan
10/7/1999............. Approval issued on May
14, 1991.
Solutia............................ 1-P-92-006............ Submitted 2/17/1993, 4/ 10/4/2002, 67 FR 62179................. 310 CMR 7.02 BACT plan
16/1999, and approvals issued by the
10/7/1999............. MassDEP.
Saloom Furniture................... Saloom Winchendon Submitted 2/17/1993, 4/ 10/4/2002, 67 FR 62179................. 310 CMR 7.02 BACT plan
Operations. 16/1999, and approvals issued by the
10/7/1999............. MassDEP.
Eureka Manufacturing............... 4-P-95-094............ Submitted 2/17/1993, 4/ 10/4/2002, 67 FR 62179................. 310 CMR 7.02 BACT plan
16/1999, and approvals issued by the
10/7/1999............. MassDEP.
Moduform........................... Moduform Operations... Submitted 2/17/1993, 4/ 10/4/2002, 67 FR 62179................. 310 CMR 7.02 BACT plan
16/1999, and approvals issued by the
10/7/1999............. MassDEP.
Polaroid........................... MBR-99-IND-001........ Submitted 2/17/1993, 4/ 10/4/2002, 67 FR 62179................. 310 CMR 7.02 BACT plan
16/1999, and approvals issued by the
10/7/1999............. MassDEP.
Globe.............................. 4-P-96-151............ Submitted 2/17/1993, 4/ 10/4/2002, 67 FR 62179................. 310 CMR 7.02 BACT plan
16/1999, and approvals issued by the
10/7/1999............. MassDEP.
[[Page 3973]]
Wheelabrator Saugus, Inc........... MBR-98-ECP-006........ Submitted 12/30/2011, 9/19/2013, 78 FR 57487................. The sulfur dioxide (SO2),
8/9/2012, and 8/28/ oxides of nitrogen (NOX),
2012. and PM2.5 provisions of
the MassDEP Emission
Control Plan ``Saugus--
Metropolitan, Boston/
Northeast Region, 310 CMR
7.08(2)--Municipal Waste
Combustors, Application
No. MBR-98-ECP-006,
Transmittal No. W003302,
Emission Control Plan
Modified Final Approval''
dated March 14, 2012 to
Mr. Jairaj Gosine,
Wheelabrator Saugus, Inc.
and signed by Cosmo
Buttaro and James E.
Belsky, with the
following exceptions
which are not applicable
to the Massachusetts
Alternative to BART.
General Electric Aviation.......... MBR-94-COM-008........ Submitted 12/30/2011, 9/19/2013, 78 FR 57487................. The MassDEP Emission
8/9/2012, and 8/28/ Control Plan ``Lynn--
2012. Metropolitan, Boston/
Northeast Region, 310 CMR
7.19, Application No. MBR-
94-COM-008, Transmittal
No. X235617, Modified
Emission Control Plan
Final Approval'' dated
March 24, 2011 to Ms.
Jolanta Wojas, General
Electric Aviation and
signed by Marc Altobelli
and James E. Belsky.
Note, this document
contains two section V;
Mt. Tom Generating Company, LLC 1-E-01-072............ Submitted 12/30/2011, 9/19/2013, 78 FR 57487................. The MassDEP Emission
8/9/2012, and 8/28/ Control Plan, ``Holyoke
2012. Western Region 310 CMR
7.29 Power Plant Emission
Standards, Application
No. 1-E-01-072,
Transmittal No. W025214,
Amended Emission Control
Plan'' dated May 15, 2009
to Mr. John S. Murry, Mt.
Tom Generating Company,
LLC and signed by Marc
Simpson, with the
following exceptions
which are not applicable
to the Massachusetts
Alternative to BART.
Dominion Energy Salem Harbor, LLC NE-12-003............. Submitted 12/30/2011, 9/19/2013, 78 FR 57487................. The MassDEP Emission
8/9/2012, and 8/28/ Control Plan ``Salem--
2012. Metropolitan Boston/
Northeast Region, 310 CMR
7.29 Power Plant Emission
Standards, Application
No. NE-12-003,
Transmittal No. X241756,
Final Amended Emission
Control Plan Approval''
dated March 27, 2012 to
Mr. Lamont W. Beaudette,
Dominion Energy Salem
Harbor, LLC and signed by
Edward J. Braczyk, Cosmo
Buttaro, and James E.
Belsky with the following
exceptions which are not
applicable to the
Massachusetts Alternative
to BART.
Dominion Energy Brayton Point, LLC SE-12-003............. Submitted 12/30/2011, 9/19/2013, 78 FR 57487................. MassDEP Emission Control
8/9/2012, and 8/28/ Plan ``Amended Emission
2012. Control Plan Final
Approval Application for:
BWP AQ 25, 310 CMR 7.29
Power Plant Emission
Standards, Transmittal
Number X241755,
Application Number SE-12-
003, Source Number:
1200061'' dated April 12,
2012 to Peter Balkus,
Dominion Energy Brayton
Point, LLC and signed by
John K. Winkler, with the
following exceptions
which are not applicable
to the Massachusetts
Alternative to BART.
Somerset Power LLC................. Facility Shutdown..... Submitted 12/30/2011, 9/19/2013 78 FR 57487.................. MassDEP letter ``Facility
8/9/2012, and 8/28/ Shutdown, FMF Facility
2012. No. 316744'' dated June
22, 2011 to Jeff Araujo,
Somerset Power LLC and
signed by John K.
\2\ To determine the EPA effective date for a specific provision listed in this table, consult the Federal Register notice cited in this column for the
particular provision.
[[Page 3974]]
(e) Nonregulatory.
Massachusetts Non Regulatory
Name of non regulatory SIP geographic or State submittal EPA approved date
provision nonattainment date/effective \3\ Explanations
area date
Miscellaneous non-regulatory ................. 4/27/72.......... 10/28/72, 37 FR ......................
changes to the plan submitted 23085
by the Division of
Environmental Health,
Massachusetts Department of
Public Health.
Miscellaneous non-regulatory ................. 5/5/72........... 10/28/72, 37 FR ......................
additions to the plan 23085
submitted by the Bureau of Air
Quality Control, Massachusetts
Department of Public Health.
Letter of concurrence on AQMA ................. 7/23/74.......... 6/2/75, 40 FR ......................
identifications submitted on 23746
July 23, 1974, by the Governor.
Letter dated February 8, 1979 ................. 2/8/79........... 5/14/79, 44 FR ......................
from Kenneth Hagg of the 27991
Massachusetts Department of
Environmental Quality
Engineering (DEQE) to Frank
Ciavattieri of the
Environmental Protection
Non-attainment area plan for ................. 3/30/1979 and 4/ 1/10/1980, 45 FR ......................
Total Suspended Particulates 23/1979. 2036
(TSP) in Worcester.
Miscellaneous statewide ................. 3/30/1979 and 4/ 1/10/1980, 45 FR ......................
regulation changes. 23/1979. 2036
An extension request for the ................. 3/30/1979 and 4/ 1/10/1980, 45 FR ......................
attainment of TSP secondary 23/1979. 2036
standards for areas designated
non-attainment as of March 3,
Revision entitled ................. 5/3/1979, 8/7/ 1/10/1980, 45 FR ......................
``Massachusetts Implementation 1979, and 5/17/ 2036
Plan, Amended Regulation--All 1980.
Districts, New Source Review
Element,'' relating to
construction and operation of
major new or modified sources
in non-attainment areas.
Revision to the state ozone ................. 8/21/79.......... 6/17/1980, 45 FR ......................
standard and adoption of an 40987
ambient lead standard.
Attainment plans to meet the ................. 12/31/1978 and 5/ 9/16/1980, 45 FR ......................
requirements of Part D for 16/1979. 61293
carbon monoxide and ozone and
other miscellaneous provisions.
Supplemental information to the ................. 9/19/1979, 11/13/ 9/16/1980, 45 FR ......................
Attainment plans to meet the 1979, and 3/20/ 61293
requirements of Part D for 1980.
carbon monoxide and ozone and
other miscellaneous provisions.
Supplemental information to the ................. 12/7/1979 and 4/7/ 8/27/1981, 46 FR ......................
Attainment plans to meet the 1980. 43147
requirements of Part D for
carbon monoxide and ozone and
other miscellaneous provisions.
A revision entitled ``Appendix ................. 1/5/1981......... 9/3/1981, 46 FR ......................
J Transportation Project Level 44186
Guidelines'' relating to
policy guidance on the
preparation of air quality
analysis for transportation
A comprehensive air quality ................. 1/28/1980........ 3/4/1981, 46 FR ......................
monitoring plan, intended to 15137
meet requirements of 40 CFR
part 58.
Revisions to meet the ................. 7/9/1981 and 7/30/ 9/28/1981, 46 FR ......................
requirements of Part D and 1981. 47450
certain other sections of the
Clean Air Act, as amended, for
making a commitment to public
transportation in the Boston
urban region.
Letter clarifying State ................. 11/12/1981....... 3/29/82, 47 FR ......................
procedures. 13143
The Massachusetts DEQE ................. 9/3/1981......... 1/25/1982, 47 FR ......................
submitted an updated VOC 3352
emissions inventory.
Procedures to annually update ................. 11/4/1981........ 1/25/1982, 47 FR ......................
the VOC emission inventory on 3352
November 4, 1981.
Massachusetts Department of Statewide........ 9/9/1982......... 11/09/1983, 48 FR ......................
Environmental Protection 51480
(MassDEP) submittal for
attainment plans for carbon
monoxide and ozone.
MassDEP submittal for Statewide........ 11/2/1982........ 11/09/1983, 48 FR ......................
attainment plans for carbon 51480
monoxide and ozone.
[[Page 3975]]
MassDEP submittal for Statewide........ 11/17/1982....... 11/09/1983, 48 FR ......................
attainment plans for carbon 51480
monoxide and ozone.
MassDEP submittal for Statewide........ 2/2/1983......... 11/09/1983, 48 FR ......................
attainment plans for carbon 51480
monoxide and ozone.
MassDEP submittal for Statewide........ 3/21/1983........ 11/09/1983, 48 FR ......................
attainment plans for carbon 51480
monoxide and ozone.
MassDEP submittal for Statewide........ 4/7/1983......... 11/09/1983, 48 FR ......................
attainment plans for carbon 51480
monoxide and ozone.
MassDEP submittal for Statewide........ 4/26/1983........ 11/09/1983, 48 FR ......................
attainment plans for carbon 51480
monoxide and ozone.
MassDEP submittal for Statewide........ 5/16/1983........ 11/09/1983, 48 FR ......................
attainment plans for carbon 51480
monoxide and ozone.
A revision to exempt the Berkshire........ 3/25/1983........ 7/7/1983, 48 FR ......................
Berkshire Air Pollution 31200
Control District from
Regulation 310 CMR
Revisions to the State's Statewide........ 9/9/1982......... 7/7/1983, 48 FR ......................
narrative, entitled New Source 31197
Regulations on page 117 and
Letter from the MassDEP dated Statewide........ 6/7/1991......... 6/30/1993, 58 FR ......................
June 7, 1991, submitting 34908
revisions to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP dated Statewide........ 11/13/1992....... 6/30/1993, 58 FR ......................
November 13, 1992 submitting 34908
revisions to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP dated Statewide........ 2/17/1993........ 6/30/1993, 58 FR ......................
February 17, 1993 submitting 34908
revisions to the SIP.
Nonregulatory portions of the Statewide........ 11/13/1992....... 6/30/1993, 58 FR ......................
state submittal. 34908
Letter from Massachusetts DEQE. Statewide........ 2/14/1985........ 9/25/1985, 50 FR ......................
Letter from Massachusetts DEQE. Statewide........ 5/22/1985........ 9/25/1985, 50 FR ......................
Enforcement manual including Statewide........ 5/22/1985........ 9/25/1985, 50 FR ......................
Method 27, record form, 38804
potential leak points, major
tank truck leak sources, test
procedure for gasoline vapor
leak detection procedure by
combustible gas detector,
instruction manual for Sentox
2 and Notice of Violation.
Letter from Massachusetts DEQE Statewide........ 8/17/1984........ 10/30/1984, 49 FR ......................
stating authority to undertake 43546
preconstruction review of new
stationary sources of air
pollution with potential to
emit 5 tons or more of lead.
Letter from Massachusetts DEQE Statewide........ 7/13/1984........ 10/30/1984, 49 FR ......................
submitting the Massachusetts 43546
Lead Implementation Plan.
Massachusetts attainment and Statewide........ 7/13/1984........ 10/30/1984, 49 FR ......................
maintenance plans for lead. 43546
Memorandum from Donald C. Merrimack Valley. 10/4/1985........ 4/1/1986, 51 FR ......................
Squires to Bruce K. Maillet, 11019
subject: Response to EPA
questions regarding Phillips
Academy, outlines the
permanent energy conservation
measures to be used.
Letter from the Massachusetts Statewide........ 12/3/1985........ 11/25/1986, 51 FR ......................
DEQE dated December 3, 1985. 42563
Letter from the Massachusetts Statewide........ 1/31/1986........ 11/25/1986, 51 FR ......................
DEQE dated January 31, 1986. 42563
Letter from the Massachusetts Statewide........ 2/11/1986........ 11/25/1986, 51 FR ......................
DEQE dated February 11, 1986. 42563
The nonregulatory portions of
the state submittals.
Letter from the Massachusetts Statewide........ 11/21/1986....... 3/10/1989, 54 FR ......................
DEQE dated November 21, 1986. 10147
The Commonwealth of Statewide........ 1/15/1987........ 3/10/1989, 54 FR ......................
Massachusetts Regulation 10147
Filing document dated January
15, 1987 states that these
regulatory changes became
effective on February 6, 1987.
Letter from the Massachusetts Statewide........ 2/21/1986........ 8/31/1987, 52 FR ......................
Massachusetts DEQE dated 32791
February 21, 1986.
A Regulation Filing and Statewide........ 2/25/1986........ 8/31/1987, 52 FR ......................
Publication document from the 32791
Massachusetts DEQE, dated
February 25, 1986.
[[Page 3976]]
A letter from the Massachusetts Statewide........ 6/23/1986........ 8/31/1987, 52 FR ......................
DEQE, dated June 23, 1986. 32791
Implementation Guidance, 310 Statewide........ 2/01/1986........ 8/31/1987, 52 FR ......................
CMR 7.18(18), Polystyrene 32791
Resin Manufacturing, dated
February 1986.
Massachusetts DEQE Statewide........ 11/8/1985........ 8/31/1987, 52 FR ......................
certification that there are 32791
no polypropylene and
polyethylene manufacturing
sources located in the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts,
dated November 8, 1985.
Letter dated November 5, 1986 Statewide........ 11/5/1986........ 11/19/1987, 52 FR ......................
from the Massachusetts DEQE 44394
submitting revisions to the
Letter from the Massachusetts Statewide........ 11/28/1986....... 11/19/1987, 52 FR ......................
DEQE dated December 10, 1986. 44394
Letter states that the
effective date of Regulations
310 CMR 7.00, ``Definitions''
and 310 CMR 7.18(19),
``Synthetic Organic Chemical
Manufacture,'' is November 28,
Letter from the Massachusetts Statewide........ 7/5/1988......... 3/6/1989, 54 FR ......................
DEQE dated September 20, 1988 9212
for a SIP revision involving
regulations 310 CMR 7.18(2)(e)
and 7.18(17).
A Regulation Filing and Statewide........ 7/5/1988......... 3/6/1989, 54 FR ......................
Publication document from the 9212
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
dated July 5, 1988 which
states that the effective date
of the regulatory amendments
to 310 CMR 7.18(2)(e) and 310
CMR 7.18(17)(d), is July 22,
Letter dated October 14, 1987 Pioneer Valley... 10/14/1987....... 2/15/1990, 55 FR ......................
for the American Fiber and 5447
Finishing Company facility
from Stephen F. Joyce, Deputy
Regional Environmental
Engineer, Massachusetts DEQE.
Letter dated October 14, 1987 Pioneer Valley... 10/14/1987....... 2/15/1990, 55 FR ......................
for the Erving Paper Company 5447
facility from Stephen F.
Joyce, Deputy Regional
Environmental Engineer,
Massachusetts DEQE.
Letter dated October 14, 1987 Pioneer Valley... 10/14/1987....... 2/15/1990, 55 FR ......................
for the Westfield River Paper 5447
Company facility from Stephen
F. Joyce, Deputy Regional
Environmental Engineer,
Massachusetts DEQE.
Statement of agreement signed Pioneer Valley... 5/29/1987........ 2/15/1990, 55 FR ......................
May 29, 1987 by Schuyler D. 5447
Bush, Vice President of Erving
Paper Company.
Statement of agreement signed Pioneer Valley... 5/27/1987........ 2/15/1990, 55 FR ......................
May 27, 1987 by Francis J. 5447
Fitzpatrick, President of
Westfield River Paper Company.
Statement of agreement signed Pioneer Valley... 5/22/1987........ 2/15/1990, 55 FR ......................
May 22, 1987 by Robert Young, 5447
Vice President of American
Fiber and Finishing Company.
Letter dated April 22, 1987 for Pioneer Valley... 5/22/1987........ 2/15/1990, 55 FR ......................
the Erving Paper Company 5447
facility from Stephen F.
Joyce, Deputy Regional
Environmental Engineer,
Massachusetts DEQE.
Letter from the MassDEP dated Pioneer Valley... 7/18/1987........ 2/21/1990, 55 FR ......................
July 18, 1989 submitting a 5986
revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP Pioneer Valley... 7/18/1989........ 11/8/1989, 54 FR ......................
submitting a revision to the 46894
Letter from the Massachusetts Central 7/18/1989........ 11/3/1989, 54 FR ......................
DEQE submitting a revision to Massachusetts. 46386
the SIP.
Nonregulatory portions of the Central 2/4/1988......... 11/3/1989, 54 FR ......................
State submittal. Letter from Massachusetts. 46386
the MassDEP submitting a
revision to the SIP.
Nonregulatory portions of the Central 2/10/88.......... 11/3/1989, 54 FR ......................
State submittal. List of Massachusetts. 46386
documents in the February 4,
1988 RACT SIP submittal to
Letter from the MassDEP Southeastern 8/8/1989......... 11/8/1989, 54 FR ......................
submitting a revision to the Massachusetts. 46896
[[Page 3977]]
Letter from the MassDEP Statewide........ 8/24/1989........ 4/19/1990, 55 FR ......................
submitting a revision to the 14831
Letter from the MassDEP Statewide........ 10/16/1989....... 4/19/1990, 55 FR ......................
submitting a revision to the 14831
Letter from the MassDEP Statewide........ 8/27/1982........ 2/23/1993, 58 FR ......................
submitting a revision to the 10964
Letter from the MassDEP Statewide........ 6/22/1987........ 2/23/1993, 58 FR ......................
certifying that it did not 10964
rely on a dual definition in
its attainment demonstration.
Letter from the MassDEP Statewide........ 12/27/1989....... 2/23/1993, 58 FR ......................
submitting additional 10964
assurances that it is making
reasonable efforts to develop
a complete and approve SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP Metropolitan 11/28/1989....... 8/3/1990, 55 FR ......................
submitting a revision to the Boston. 31587
Letter from the MassDEP Metropolitan 11/28/1989....... 8/3/1990, 55 FR ......................
submitting a revision to the Boston. 31590
Letter from the Massachusetts Metropolitan 11/20/1989....... 8/27/1990, 55 FR ......................
Department of Environmental Boston. 34914
submitting a revision to the
Letter from the MassDEP Southeastern 6/13/1990........ 2/27/1991, 56 FR ......................
submitting a revision to the Massachusetts. 8130
Letter from the MassDEP Metropolitan 7/9/1990......... 2/19/1991, 56 FR ......................
submitting a revision to the Boston. 6568
Letter from the MassDEP Pioneer Valley... 10/25/1990....... 3/20/1991, 56 FR ......................
submitting a revision to the 11675
Letter from the MassDEP Pioneer Valley... 4/22/1991........ 10/8/1991, 56 FR ......................
submitting a revision to the 50659
Letter from the MassDEP Statewide........ 8/17/1989........ 10/8/1992, 57 FR ......................
submitting a revision to the 46313
Letter from the MassDEP Statewide........ 6/7/1991......... 10/8/1992, 57 FR ......................
submitting a revision to the 46313
Letter from the MassDEP Statewide........ 12/17/1991....... 10/8/1992, 57 FR ......................
withdrawing the emission limit 46313
for the Primer-surfacer
application from the June 7,
1991 submittal.
Nonregulatory portions of state Statewide........ 5/24/1991........ 10/8/1992, 57 FR ......................
submittal. MassDEP's Decision 46313
Memorandum for Proposed
amendments to 310 CMR 7.00.
Nonregulatory portions of state Statewide........ 2/25/1991........ 10/8/1992, 57 FR ......................
submittal. MassDEP's Decision 46313
Memorandum for Proposed
amendments to 310 CMR 7.00,
7.18 and 7.24.
Letter from the MassDEP Statewide........ 8/27/1982........ 1/11/1993, 58 FR ......................
submitting revisions to the 3492
Letter from the MassDEP Statewide........ 4/12/1985........ 1/11/1993, 58 FR ......................
submitting revisions to the 3492
Letter from the MassDEP Statewide........ 8/17/1989........ 1/11/1993, 58 FR ......................
submitting revisions to the 3492
Letter from the MassDEP Statewide........ 6/7/1991......... 1/11/1993, 58 FR ......................
submitting revisions to the 3492
Letter from the Massachusetts Statewide........ 6/27/1984........ 1/11/1993, 58 FR ......................
DEQE submitting 310 CMR 7.00: 3492
Appendix B.
Letter from the Massachusetts Statewide........ 3/6/1985......... 1/11/1993, 58 FR ......................
DEQE submitting additional 3492
information on 310 CMR 7.00:
Appendix B and referencing 310
CMR 7.18(2)(b).
Letter from the MassDEP Statewide........ 12/17/1991....... 1/11/1993, 58 FR ......................
withdrawing the emission limit 3492
for the Primer-surfacer
application in 310 CMR
7.18(7)(b) from the June 7,
1991 submittal.
Letter from the MassDEP Metropolitan 8/4/1989......... 3/16/1993, 58 FR ......................
submitting a revision to the Boston. 14153
Letter from the MassDEP Metropolitan 12/6/1989........ 3/16/1993, 58 FR ......................
submitting a revision to the Boston. 14153
Letter from the MassDEP Metropolitan 3/23/1990........ 3/16/1993, 58 FR ......................
submitting a revision to the Boston. 14153
Technical amendments to Metropolitan 3/30/1990........ 3/16/1993, 58 FR ......................
regulation (310 CMR 7.31) Boston. 14153
submitted by the MassDEP.
[[Page 3978]]
Appendix 5D, Baseline and Metropolitan 6/1/1986......... 3/16/1993, 58 FR ......................
Future Case CO Compliance Boston. 14153
Modeling, dated June 1986.
Policy Statement Regarding the Metropolitan 11/14/1988....... 3/16/1993, 58 FR ......................
Proposed Amendment to the Boston. 14153
Logan Airport Parking Freeze.
Letter from the MassDEP dated Metropolitan 5/15/1991........ 12/14/1992, 57 FR ......................
May 15, 1992 submitting a Boston. 58991
revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP dated Metropolitan 1/30/1991........ 10/8/1992, 57 FR ......................
January 30, 1991 submitting a Boston. 46310
revision to the SIP.
Certification of Tunnel
Ventilation Systems in Boston.
Letter from the MassDEP, dated Statewide........ 5/17/1990........ 12/14/1992, 57 FR ......................
May 17, 1990 submitting a 58993
revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP, dated Statewide........ 6/7/1991......... 12/14/1992, 57 FR ......................
June 7, 1991, submitting a 58993
revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP, dated Statewide........ 7/5/1990......... 12/14/1992, 57 FR ......................
July 5, 1990, requesting the 58993
withdrawal of amendments to
subsection 310 CMR 7.24(2)(c)
which require Stage I vapor
recovery in Berkshire County
from the SIP revision package
submitted on May 17, 1990.
Letter from the MassDEP, dated Statewide........ 4/21/1992........ 12/14/1992, 57 FR ......................
April 21, 1992, submitting an 58993
implementation policy
statement regarding its Stage
II program.
Nonregulatory portions of the Statewide........ 4/21/1992........ 12/14/1992, 57 FR ......................
SIP submittal. March 2, 1992 58993
Division of Air Quality
Control Policy certified vapor
collection and control system
for Stage II Vapor Recovery
Letter from the MassDEP Statewide........ 11/13/1992....... 9/15/1993, 58 FR ......................
submitting a revision to the 48315
Letter from the MassDEP Statewide........ 1/15/1993........ 9/15/1993, 58 FR ......................
submitting a revision to the 48315
Letter from the MassDEP Statewide........ 2/17/1993........ 9/15/1993, 58 FR ......................
submitting a revision to the 48315
Nonregulatory portions of the Statewide........ 2/17/1993........ 9/15/1993, 58 FR ......................
SIP submittal. MassDEP's 48315
Listing of Response to
Comments dated January 1993.
Nonregulatory portions of the Statewide........ 2/17/1993........ 9/15/1993, 58 FR ......................
SIP submittal. MassDEP's 48315
Background Document for
Proposed Amendments to 310
CCMR 7.00, et. al. ``50 Ton
VOC RACT Regulations'' dated
September 1992.
Letter from the MassDEP Statewide........ 8/26/1992........ 7/28/1994, 59 FR ......................
submitting a revision to the 38372
Letter from the MassDEP Statewide........ 11/2/1990........ 7/28/1994, 59 FR ......................
submitting a revision to the 38372
Letter from the MassDEP ................. 7/19/1993........ 1/6/1995, 60 FR ......................
submitting a revision to the 2016
Letter dated October 27, 1993 ................. 10/27/1993....... 1/6/1995, 60 FR ......................
from MassDEP submitting 2016
certification of a public
Letter from the MassDEP Metropolitan 12/9/1991........ 10/4/1994, 59 FR ......................
submitting a revision to the Boston. 50495
Letter from the MassDEP Statewide........ 11/15/1993....... 2/1/1995, 60 FR ......................
submitting a revision to the 6027
SIP which substitutes the
California Low Emission
Vehicle program for the Clean
Fuel Fleet program.
Letter from the MassDEP Statewide........ 5/11/1994........ 2/1/1995, 60 FR ......................
submitting a revision to the 6027
SIP which substitutes the
California Low Emission
Vehicle program for the Clean
Fuel Fleet program.
Letter from the MassDEP Statewide........ 3/31/1994........ 3/6/1995, 60 FR ......................
submitting a revision to the 12123
Letter from the MassDEP dated Statewide........ 6/6/1994......... 4/1/1995, 60 FR ......................
June 6, 1994 submitting a 17226
revision to the Massachusetts
[[Page 3979]]
Letter from the MassDEP dated Statewide........ 12/9/1994........ 4/1/1995, 60 FR ......................
December 9, 1994. 17226
Letter from the MassDEP, Statewide........ 6/28/1990........ 3/21/1996, 61 FR ......................
submitting a revision to the 11556
Letter from the MassDEP Statewide........ 9/30/1992........ 3/21/1996, 61 FR ......................
submitting a revision to the 11556
Letter from the MassDEP, dated Statewide........ 7/15/1994........ 3/21/1996, 61 FR ......................
July 15, 1994, submitting a 11556
revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP Statewide........ 12/30/1994....... 3/21/1996, 61 FR ......................
assuring EPA that the data 11556
elements noted in EPA's
December 13, 1994 letter were
being incorporated into the
source registration forms used
by Massachusetts emission
statement program.
Letter which included the Statewide........ 10/29/1993....... 1/30/1996, 61 FR ......................
oxygenated gasoline program, 2918
amendments to the
Massachusetts Air Pollution
Control Regulations, 310 CMR
7.00, with an effective date
of March 1, 1994, requesting
that the submittal be approved
and adopted as part of the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP Metropolitan 12/12/1994....... 1/30/1996, 61 FR ......................
submitting a revision to the Boston. 2918
The Technical Support Document Metropolitan 12/12/1994....... 1/30/1996, 61 FR ......................
for the Redesignation of the Boston. 2918
Boston Area as Attainment for
Carbon Monoxide.
Letter from the MassDEP dated Statewide........ 1/9/1995......... 12/19/1995, 60 FR ......................
January 9, 1995 submitting a 65240
revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP, dated Statewide........ 1/9/1995......... 2/14/1996, 61 FR ......................
January 9, 1995, submitting a 5696
revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP Statewide........ 3/29/1995........ 7/5/2000, 65 FR ......................
submitting a revision to the 41344
Letter from the MassDEP Metropolitan 7/30/1993........ 10/15/1996, 61 FR ......................
submitting a revision to the Boston. 53628
SIP (City of Boston/South
Boston Parking Freeze).
Letter from the MassDEP Statewide........ 2/9/1994......... 8/8/1996, 61 FR ......................
submitting revisions to the 41335
Letter from the MassDEP Statewide........ 3/29/1995........ 8/8/1996, 61 FR ......................
submitting revisions to the 41335
Letter and attachments from the Statewide........ 2/8/1996......... 8/8/1996, 61 FR ......................
MassDEP submitting 41335
supplemental information
concerning the demonstration
of balance between credit
creation and credit use.
Massachusetts PAMS Network Statewide........ 11/15/1993....... 7/14/1997, 62 FR ......................
Plan, which incorporates PAMS 37510
into the ambient air quality
monitoring network of State or
Local Air Monitoring Stations
(SLAMS) and National Air
Monitoring Stations (NAMS).
Letter from the MassDEP dated Statewide........ 12/30/1993....... 7/14/1997, 62 FR ......................
December 30, 1993 submitting a 37510
revision to the SIP.
The Commonwealth, committed in Statewide........ 3/3/1997......... 7/14/1997, 62 FR ......................
a letter dated March 3, 1997 37510
to correct deficiencies for an
enhanced motor vehicle
inspection and maintenance (I/
M) program within one year of
conditional interim approval
by EPA.
Letter from the MassDEP Statewide........ 10/17/1997....... 4/11/2000, 65 FR ......................
submitting a revision to the 19323
Letter from the MassDEP Statewide........ 7/30/1996........ 4/11/2000, 65 FR ......................
submitting a revision to the 19323
Letter from the MassDEP Statewide........ 8/9/2000......... 12/18/2000, 65 FR ......................
submitting a revision to the 78974
Letter from the MassDEP Statewide........ 9/11/2000........ 12/18/2000, 65 FR ......................
submitting a revision to the 78974
Letter from the MassDEP dated Statewide........ 7/25/1995........ 12/18/2000, 65 FR ......................
submitting a revision to the 78974
Letter from the MassDEP Statewide........ 2/17/1993........ 9/2/1999, 64 FR ......................
submitting a revision to the 48297
[[Page 3980]]
Letter from the MassDEP Statewide........ 12/19/1997....... 6/2/1999, 64 FR ......................
submitting a revision to the 29567
Letter from the MassDEP Statewide........ 3/9/1998......... 6/2/1999, 64 FR ......................
clarifying the program 29567
implementation process.
Letter from the MassDEP Statewide........ 7/15/1994........ 9/2/1999, 64 FR ......................
submitting revisions to the 48095
Letter from the MassDEP Statewide........ 10/4/1996........ 9/2/1999, 64 FR ......................
submitting revisions to the 48095
Letter from the MassDEP Statewide........ 12/2/1996........ 9/2/1999, 64 FR ......................
submitting revisions to the 48095
Letter from the MassDEP Statewide........ 1/11/1999........ 9/2/1999, 64 FR ......................
submitting revisions to the 48095
Letter from the MassDEP Statewide........ 4/16/1999........ 9/2/1999, 64 FR ......................
submitting revisions to the 48095
Nonregulatory portions of the Statewide........ 1/11/1995........ 4/11/2000, 65 FR ......................
SIP submittal. 19323
Nonregulatory portions of the Statewide........ 3/29/1995........ 4/11/2000, 65 FR ......................
SIP submittal. 19323
A September 17, 1999, Notice of Statewide........ 9/17/1999........ 11/15/2000, 65 FR ......................
Correction submitted by the 68898
Secretary of State indicating
the effective date of the
Letter from the MassDEP Statewide........ 5/14/1999........ 11/15/2000, 65 FR ......................
submitting a revision to the 68898
Letter from the MassDEP Statewide........ 2/1/2000......... 11/15/2000, 65 FR ......................
submitting a revision to the 68898
Letter from the MassDEP Statewide........ 3/15/2000........ 11/15/2000, 65 FR ......................
submitting a revision to the 68898
Test Procedures and Equipment Statewide........ 2/1/2000......... 11/15/2000, 65 FR ......................
Specifications. 68898
Acceptance Test Protocol....... Statewide........ 3/15/2000........ 11/15/2000, 65 FR ......................
Letter from the Commonwealth of Statewide........ 11/19/1999....... 12/27/2000, 65 FR ......................
Massachusetts, Executive 81743
Office of Environmental
Affairs, Department of
Environmental Protection
submitting an amendment to SIP.
Background Document and Statewide........ 7/1/1999......... 12/27/2000, 65 FR ......................
Technical Support for Public 81743
Hearings on the Proposed
Revisions to the SIP for
Ozone, July, 1999.
Supplemental Background Statewide........ 9/1/1999......... 12/27/2000, 65 FR ......................
Document and Technical Support 81743
for Public Hearings on
Modifications to the July 1999
Proposal to Revise the SIP for
Ozone, September, 1999.
Table of Unit Allocations...... Statewide........ 9/1/1999......... 12/27/2000, 65 FR ......................
Letter from the MassDEP........ Statewide........ 4/10/2002........ 6/20/2003, 68 FR ......................
The SIP narrative ``Technical Statewide........ 3/21/2002........ 6/20/2003, 68 FR ......................
Support Document for Public 36921
Hearings on Revisions to the
State Implementation Plan for
Ozone for Massachusetts,
Amendments to Statewide
Projected Inventory for
Nitrogen Oxides,'' dated March
Letter from the MassDEP Statewide........ 7/15/1994........ 10/27/2000, 65 FR ......................
submitting revisions to the 64360
Letter from the MassDEP Statewide........ 3/29/1995........ 10/27/2000, 65 FR ......................
submitting revisions to the 64360
Plan Approval issued by the Statewide........ 6/17/1999........ 10/4/2002, 67 FR ......................
MassDEP to the Gillette 62179
Company Andover Manufacturing
Letter from the MassDEP Statewide........ 4/16/1999........ 10/4/2002, 67 FR ......................
submitting negative 62179
declarations for certain VOC
source categories.
Letter from the MassDEP Statewide........ 7/24/2002........ 10/4/2002, 67 FR ......................
discussing wood furniture 62179
manufacturing and aerospace
coating requirements in
Letter from the MassDEP Metropolitan 12/8/2000........ 3/12/2001, 66 FR ......................
submitting a revision to the Boston. 14318
[[Page 3981]]
Letter from the MassDEP Metropolitan 12/26/2000....... 3/12/2001, 66 FR ......................
submitting the final state Boston. 14318
certified copies of State
regulations 310 CMR 7.30
``Massport/Logan Airport
Parking Freeze'' and 310 CMR
7.31 ``City of Boston/East
Boston Parking Freeze.''.
Letter from the MassDEP, in Statewide........ 8/9/2002......... 12/23/2002, 67 FR ......................
which it submitted the Low 78179
Emission Vehicle Program
adopted on December 24, 1999.
Letter from the MassDEP which Statewide........ 8/26/2002........ 12/23/2002, 67 FR ......................
clarified the August 9, 2002 78179
submittal to exclude certain
sections of the Low Emission
Vehicle Program from
Letter from the MassDEP Metropolitan 7/12/2006........ 2/15/2008, 73 FR ......................
submitting a revision to the Boston. 8818
Massachusetts Regulation Filing Metropolitan 12/13/2005....... 2/15/2008, 73 FR ......................
amending 310 CMR 7.38 entitled Boston. 8818
``Certification of Tunnel
Ventilation Systems in the
Metropolitan Boston Air
Pollution Control District.''.
Massachusetts Regulation Filing Statewide........ 4/19/2007........ 12/3/2007, 72 FR ......................
amending 310 CMR 7.28 entitled 67854
``NOx Allowance Trading
Program,'' and adopting 310
CMR 7.32 entitled
``Massachusetts Clean Air
Interstate Rule (Mass CAIR).''.
Massachusetts Regulation Filing Metropolitan 11/16/2006....... 7/31/2008, 73 FR ......................
substantiating December 1, Boston. 44654
2006, State effective date for
amended 310 CMR 7.00 entitled
``Definition,'' (addition of
term ``Boston Metropolitan
Planning Organization,'' which
appears on the replaced page
173 of the State's Code of
Massachusetts Regulations,)
and 310 CMR 7.36 entitled
``Transit System
Letter from the MassDEP dated Metropolitan 12/13/2006....... 7/31/2008, 73 FR ......................
December 13, 2006 submitting a Boston. 44654
revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP Metropolitan 6/1/2007......... 7/31/2008, 73 FR ......................
submitting a revision to the Boston. 44654
Letter from the Massachusetts Metropolitan 9/4/2007......... 7/31/2008, 73 FR ......................
Executive Office of Boston. 44654
Transportation identifying its
commitment to the Green Line
extension and to make every
effort to accelerate the
planning, design and
environmental review and
permitting of the project in
order to work towards the 2014
completion date.
Letter from the Chair of the Metropolitan 5/1/2008......... 7/31/2008, 73 FR ......................
Boston Region Metropolitan Boston. 44654
Planning Organization
concurring in the finding that
the transit system
improvements projects will
achieve emission benefits
equivalent to or greater than
the benefits from the original
transit system improvements
projects being replaced.
Letter from EPA New England Metropolitan 7/5/2008......... 7/31/2008, 73 FR ......................
Regional Administrator Boston. 44654
concurring in the finding that
the transit system
improvements projects will
achieve emission benefits
equivalent to or greater than
the benefits from the original
transit system improvements
projects being replaced.
Letter from the MassDEP, dated Statewide........ 6/1/2009......... 01/25/2013, 78 FR ......................
June 1, 2009, submitting a 5292
revision to the SIP.
Letter from the MassDEP, dated Statewide........ 11/30/2009....... 01/25/2013, 78 FR ......................
November 30, 2009, amending 5292
the June 1, 2009 SIP submittal.
[[Page 3982]]
Massachusetts June 1, 2009 SIP Statewide........ 6/1/2009......... 01/25/2013, 78 FR ......................
Revision Table of Contents 5292
Item 7, ``Documentation of IM
SIP Revision consistent with
42 USC Section 7511a and
Section 182(c)(3)(A) of the
Clean Air Act.''.
``Massachusetts Regional Haze Statewide........ 8/9/2012......... 9/19/2013, 78 FR ......................
State Implementation Plan'' 57487
dated August 9, 2012.
A letter from the MassDEP dated Statewide........ 8/9/2001......... 4/24/2014, 79 FR ......................
August 9, 2001 submitting a 22774
revision to the SIP.
A letter from the MassDEP dated Statewide........ 9/14/2006........ 4/24/2014, 79 FR ......................
September 14, 2006 submitting 22774
a revision to the SIP.
A letter from the MassDEP dated Statewide........ 2/13/2008........ 4/24/2014, 79 FR ......................
February 13, 2008 submitting a 22774
revision to the SIP.
A letter from the MassDEP dated Statewide........ 1/18/2013........ 4/24/2014, 79 FR ......................
January 18, 2013 withdrawing 22774
certain outdated and obsolete
regulation submittals and
replacing them with currently
effective versions of the
regulation for approval and
inclusion into the SIP.
A letter from the MassDEP dated Statewide........ 11/6/2013........ 12/8/2015, 80 FR ......................
November 6, 2013 submitting a 76225
revision to the SIP.
A letter from the MassDEP dated Statewide........ 5/5/2015......... 11/29/2016, 81 FR ......................
May 5, 2015 submitting a 85897
revision to the SIP.
\3\ To determine the EPA effective date for a specific provision listed in this table, consult the Federal
Register notice cited in this column for the particular provision.
[FR Doc. 2018-01513 Filed 1-26-18; 8:45 am]