Blue Alert EAS Event Code, 2557-2563 [2018-00595]
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Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 12 / Thursday, January 18, 2018 / Rules and Regulations
(2) If no fee payment is submitted, the
request should be filed electronically
through the Commission’s Electronic
Comment Filing System or with the
Commission’s Secretary.
13. The authority citation for part 51
is revised to read as follows:
Authority: 47 U.S.C. 151–55, 201–05, 207–
09, 218, 220, 225–27, 251–54, 256, 271,
303(r), 332, 1302.
14. Amend § 51.329 by revising
paragraph (c)(2) as follows:
§ 51.329 Notice of network changes:
Methods for providing notice.
(c) * * *
(2) The incumbent LEC’s public
notice and any associated certifications
shall be filed through the Commission’s
Electronic Comment Filing System
(ECFS), using the ‘‘Submit a NonDocketed Filing’’ module. All
subsequent filings responsive to a notice
may be filed using the Commission’s
ECFS under the docket number set forth
in the Commission’s public notice for
the proceeding. If necessary, subsequent
filings responsive to a notice also may
be filed by sending one paper copy of
the filing to ‘‘Secretary, Federal
Communications Commission,
Washington, DC 20554’’ and one paper
copy of the filing to ‘‘Federal
Communications Commission, Wireline
Competition Bureau, Competition
Policy Division, Washington, DC
20554.’’ For notices filed using the
Commission’s ECFS, the date on which
the filing is received by that system will
be considered the official filing date. For
notices filed via paper copy, the date on
which the filing is received by the
Secretary or the FCC Mailroom is
considered the official filing date. All
subsequent filings responsive to a notice
shall refer to the ECFS docket number
assigned to the notice.
15. The authority citation for part 61
is revised to read as follows:
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES
Authority: Secs. 1, 4(i), 4(j), 201–205 and
403 of the Communications Act of 1934, as
amended; 47 U.S.C. 151, 154(i), 154(j), 201–
205 and 403, unless otherwise noted.
16. Revise § 61.13 to read as follows:
§ 61.13
(a) All issuing carriers that file tariffs
are required to file tariff publications
electronically, if practicable.
(b) All tariff publications shall be filed
in a manner that is compatible and
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consistent with the technical
requirements of the Electronic Tariff
Filing System.
(c) Tariff publications which must be
filed in hard copy format should be
submitted according to the procedures
set forth on the web page of the FCC’s
Office of the Secretary, https://
■ 17. Amend § 61.14 by revising
paragraphs (a) and (b) to read as follows:
§ 61.14
Method of filing publications.
(a) Publications filed electronically
must be captioned to ‘‘Secretary,
Federal Communications Commission,
Washington, DC 20554.’’ The Electronic
Tariff Filing System will accept filings
24 hours a day, seven days a week. The
official filing date of a publication
received by the Electronic Tariff Filing
System will be determined by the date
and time the transmission ends. If the
transmission ends after the close of a
business day, as that term is defined in
§ 1.4(e)(2) of this chapter, the filing will
be date and time stamped as of the
opening of the next business day.
(b) Carriers are strongly encouraged to
submit publications electronically if
practicable. Carriers need only transmit
one set of files to the Commission. No
other copies to any other party are
required. Publications which must be
filed in hard copy format should be
submitted according to the procedures
set forth on the web page of the FCC’s
Office of the Secretary, https://
■ 18. Amend § 61.17 by revising
paragraph (d) to read as follows:
§ 61.17 Applications for special
(d) In addition, for special permission
applications requiring fees as set forth
in part 1, subpart G of this chapter,
carriers shall submit the appropriate fee
and associated payment form
electronically through the process set
forth in § 1.1105 of this chapter and, if
practicable, the application and
associated documents electronically in
accordance with the procedures set
forth on the Commission’s website,
Applications which must be filed in
hard copy format should be submitted
according to the procedures set forth on
the web page of the FCC’s Office of the
■ 19. Amend § 61.20 by revising
paragraph (b) to read as follows:
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§ 61.20
Method of filing publications.
(b) In addition, all tariff publications
requiring fees as set forth in part 1,
subpart G of this chapter, shall be
submitted electronically if practicable in
accordance with § 1.1105 of this chapter
along with the electronic submission of
the payment online form. Petitions
which must be filed in hard copy format
should be submitted according to the
procedures set forth on the web page of
the FCC’s Office of the Secretary,
[FR Doc. 2018–00596 Filed 1–17–18; 8:45 am]
47 CFR Part 11
[PS Docket No. 15–94; FCC–17–170]
Blue Alert EAS Event Code
Federal Communications
ACTION: Final rule.
In this document, the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC or
Commission) amends its regulations
governing the Emergency Alert System
(EAS) and Wireless Emergency Alerts
(WEA) to add a new event code, B–L–
U, to allow alert originators to issue an
alert whenever a law enforcement
officer is injured or killed, missing in
connection with his or her official
duties, or there is an imminent and
credible threat to cause death or serious
injury to law enforcement officers.
DATES: This rule is effective January 18,
2018. Delivery of Blue Alerts over EAS
will be implemented January 18, 2019.
Delivery of Blue Alerts over WEA will
be implemented July 18, 2019. This
docket will remain open for comments
until March 19, 2018.
Gregory Cooke, Deputy Division Chief,
Policy and Licensing Division, Public
Safety and Homeland Security Bureau,
at (202) 418–2351, or by email at; or Linda Pintro,
Attorney Advisor, Policy and Licensing
Division, Public Safety and Homeland
Security Bureau, at (202) 418–7490, or
by email at
summary of the Commission’s Order in
PS Docket No. 15–94, FCC 17–170,
adopted and released on December 14,
2017. The full text of this document is
available for inspection and copying
during normal business hours in the
FCC Reference Center (Room CY–1257),
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 12 / Thursday, January 18, 2018 / Rules and Regulations
assigned the COPS Office within DOJ to
445 12th Street SW, Washington, DC
20554, or online at: be the National Blue Alert Coordinator.
4. The COPS Office filed two reports
document/fcc-adds-blue-alerts-nationswith Congress to demonstrate how it
was implementing the Blue Alert Act’s
mandate. In its 2016 Report to Congress,
the COPS Office identified ‘‘the need to
1. The Order adds to Part 11 EAS
promote formal communication
rules a new dedicated EAS event code,
mechanisms between law enforcement
to advance the important public policy
agencies for Blue Alert information, the
of protecting our nation’s law
need for a dedicated Emergency Alert
enforcement officials and the
System (EAS) event code, and the need
communities they serve. This Order
to increase public and law enforcement
adopts the three-character B–L–U to
awareness of the Blue Alert Act.’’ In its
enable the delivery of Blue Alerts over
2017 Report to Congress, the COPS
the EAS and WEA. This will promote
Office noted that it had commenced
the development of compatible and
outreach efforts with the FCC to pursue
integrated Blue Alert plans throughout
a dedicated Blue Alert EAS event code,
the United States, consistent with the
Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu National and asked the FCC to consider
conducting an expedited rulemaking to
Blue Alert Act of 2015 (Blue Alert Act),
the extent feasible.
and support the need for a dedicated
5. The COPS Office established
EAS event code for Blue Alerts
voluntary guidelines for the issuance of
identified by the Office of Community
Blue Alerts based on the criteria
Oriented Policing Services (COPS
contained in the Blue Alert Act (Blue
Office) of the United States Department
Alert Guidelines). The Blue Alert
of Justice (DOJ).
Guidelines identify who may request the
I. Background
issuance of a Blue Alert, when a Blue
Alert may be issued, and the requisite
2. The EAS is a national public
content thereof. Specifically, a Blue
warning system through which
Alert may be issued only when a request
broadcasters, cable systems, and other
is made by a law enforcement agency
service providers (EAS Participants)
having primary jurisdiction over the
deliver alerts to the public to warn them
incident, and one the following three
of impending emergencies and dangers
threshold criteria has been met: (1)
to life and property. Although the
Death or serious injury of a law
primary purpose of the EAS is to equip
enforcement officer in the line of duty;
the President with the ability to provide (2) threat to cause death or serious
immediate information to the public
injury to a law enforcement officer; or
during periods of national emergency,
(3) a law enforcement officer is missing
the EAS is also used by the National
in connection with official duties. If a
Weather Service (NWS) and state and
Blue Alert is based upon the first of the
local governments to distribute
criteria, the law enforcement agency
voluntary alerts such as weather-related must confirm that a law enforcement
and child abduction (AMBER) alerts.
officer has been killed, seriously
EAS uses three-character event codes to injured, or attacked, and there are
identify the various elements, so that
indications of death or serious injury. If
each can deliver accurate, secure, and
a Blue Alert is based upon the second
geographically-targeted messages to the
of the criteria, the law enforcement
public, in text crawls and in the audio
agency must confirm that the threat is
portion of EAS alerts (e.g., TOR for
‘‘imminent and credible,’’ and at the
time of receipt of the threat, any suspect
3. In 2015, Congress enacted the Blue
involved is wanted by a law
Alert Act to ‘‘encourage, enhance, and
enforcement agency. Finally, if a Blue
integrate Blue Alert plans throughout
Alert is based upon the third criteria,
the United States,’’ thus facilitating the
the agency must have concluded that
dissemination of information in a
there is indication of serious injury to,
consistent manner nationwide when a
or death of the missing law enforcement
law enforcement officer is seriously
officer. In all cases, the agency must
injured, killed or missing in the line of
confirm that any suspect involved has
duty. The Blue Alert Act directs the
not been apprehended and there is
Attorney General to establish a national sufficient descriptive information of the
Blue Alert communications network
suspect, including any relevant vehicle
within DOJ to issue Blue Alerts, using
and license tag information. The COPS
plans that would be adopted in
Office also recommends that Blue Alerts
coordination with ‘‘States, units of local be focused on the geographic areas most
likely to facilitate the apprehension of
government, law enforcement agencies,
the suspect, and the message include
and other appropriate entities.’’ In
the suspect’s last known location,
September 2016, the Attorney General
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direction of travel, and possible
6. On June 22, 2017, the FCC released
the Blue Alert NPRM, proposing to
revise the EAS rules to adopt BLU to
allow the transmission of Blue Alerts to
the public over the EAS, satisfying the
need articulated by the COPS Office for
a dedicated EAS event code to facilitate
broader dissemination of the requisite
II. Discussion
7. The EAS is an Effective Mechanism
to Deliver Blue Alerts. The Order finds—
as supported by most commenters—that
the EAS is an effective mechanism for
the delivery of Blue Alerts. The City of
New York (NYC) and the National
Association of Broadcasters (NAB)
observe that issuing a Blue Alert via the
EAS will provide the public with the
opportunity to protect themselves and
their families and to report relevant
information to law enforcement, thus
facilitating the apprehension of suspects
who are alleged to pose an imminent
threat to law enforcement officers.
NCTA—The internet & Television
Association (NCTA) and the American
Cable Association (ACA) agree that
adding Blue Alerts to EAS will advance
the important public policy of
protecting our nation’s law enforcement
officials, as does the National Public
Safety Telecommunications Council
(NPSTC), which states that both the EAS
and WEA should be available tools to
help provide Blue Alerts to the public.
8. The Order also finds that it is
technically feasible to send Blue Alerts
using the EAS. As NYC and broadcaster
engineer Sean Donelan (Donelan)
observe, the information required by the
Blue Alert Guidelines can be
successfully communicated within the
two-minute period to which EAS alerts
are limited. Similarly, the Commission
agrees with the Association of PublicSafety Communications OfficialsInternational, Inc. (APCO) and NYC that
EAS Blue Alerts should be focused to an
appropriately narrow geographic area,
and find that the transmission of EAS
alerts satisfies the requirement that a
Blue Alert be ‘‘limited to the geographic
areas most likely to facilitate the
apprehension of the suspect involved or
which the suspect could reasonably
reach’’ and ‘‘[is] not . . . limited to state
lines.’’ The Order disagrees with the
assertion of McCarthy Radio
Enterprises, Inc. to the contrary. EAS
alerts are issued using county-based
Federal Information Processing
Standards (FIPS) codes, and may be
issued to include multiple counties
within a state or across state borders,
depending on the geographic scope of
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Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 12 / Thursday, January 18, 2018 / Rules and Regulations
the emergency prompting the alert. The
Commission believes that this level of
geographic targeting is consistent with
effective delivery of Blue Alerts, given
the type of potentially mobile suspect
that would be the subject of many Blue
Alerts. The Order agrees with Donelan
that a suspect’s movements in the
circumstances that would give rise to a
Blue Alert likely would be similar to
that of a suspect in AMBER Alert
circumstances, where suspects may
travel hundreds of miles within a few
9. The Order also agrees with
commenters such as NYC that EAS Blue
Alerts sent via the Integrated Public
Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) can
support transmission of the detailed
information required by the Blue Alert
Guidelines. As the Commission
acknowledged in the Blue Alerts NPRM,
EAS alerts delivered over IPAWS use
the IP-based Common Alerting Protocol
(CAP) to deliver alerts with detailed text
files, non-English alerts, or other
content-rich data that would not be
available to EAS alerts delivered via the
broadcast-based daisy chain. As NYC
and NPSTC note, EAS-based Blue Alerts
that provide such detailed information
will greatly improve the ability of the
public to recognize and avoid an unsafe
situation. The Order accordingly urges
alert originators to initiate Blue Alerts
via IPAWS and recommends that alert
originators include detailed information
as part of each Blue Alert for which it
is available. The Order notes that EAS
Participants are required to create video
crawls based upon the enhanced text
contained within the CAP message. The
Order agrees with the COPS Office’s
recommendation that the last known
location, direction of travel, and
possible destinations of the suspect be
included as part of the alert message.
The Commission believes that these
steps, in combination with training, will
allow Blue Alert originators to address
the concerns raised by the Boulder
Regional Emergency Telephone Service
Authority (BRETSA) and other
commenters that frequent, repeated,
misused, or overly long alerts can result
in recipients ‘‘tuning out’’ alerts and
even disabling alerts on their devices.
10. The Commission believes that
Blue Alerts delivered via the broadcast
EAS continues to be an effective
mechanism for the delivery of Blue
Alerts. Concerns about the relative value
of IPAWS-based, as opposed to daisy
chain-based, EAS alerts are not unique
to Blue Alerts. For example, AMBER
Alerts are subject to the same technical
limitations, potentially providing the
public with an alert from the daisy
chain that lacks the descriptive
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information about the victim that an
IPAWS-based alert would provide. The
Order agrees with commenters that
concerns that arise from these technical
limitations are mitigated because the
public is likely to learn adequate
information about an emergency and, as
needed, check other media for
additional information after receiving an
alert. Further, EAS messages delivered
via the broadcast daisy chain can supply
life-saving information and may act as a
source of redundancy for portions of the
EAS that draw on the advanced
capability of CAP. Accordingly, the
Order concludes that the mere fact of
any discrepancy between the
information provided by an IPAWSbased EAS Blue Alert and a broadcastbased EAS Blue Alert is not sufficient
reason to deny potentially life-saving
information to all members of the
11. Nonetheless, the Order encourages
EAS manufacturers and EAS
Participants to take technical steps to
facilitate the delivery of IPAWS-based
EAS Blue Alerts to the public where an
alert is first delivered to an EAS
Participant via broadcast. The Order
notes that Monroe Electronics, Inc.
(Monroe) and other commenters
propose that the Commission permit
‘‘triggered CAP polling,’’ by which the
EAS device would automatically poll
IPAWS upon receipt of a broadcast EAS
message to verify whether a
corresponding CAP message exists, and
if it does, use the CAP message instead
of the broadcast EAS message. The part
11 EAS rules do not bar EAS
Participants from triggered CAP
polling.1 Because triggered CAP polling
is estimated to require a ‘‘few seconds’’
to complete, the Order finds that its use
in these instances is consistent with
Section 11.51(n) of the EAS rules, which
allows EAS Participants to employ a
delay of up to 15 minutes before
interrupting their programming and
retransmitting EAS voluntary event
12. A Dedicated Blue Alert EAS Event
Code is in the Public Interest. The
Commission determined that it would
serve the public interest and promote
the purpose of the Blue Alert Act to
adopt a dedicated EAS event code for
Blue Alerts. Accordingly, the Order
amends Section 11.31(e) of the EAS
rules to create and add the dedicated
BLU event code to the EAS Protocol for
Blue Alerts. The Commission agrees
with the COPS Office that a dedicated
EAS event code would ‘‘convey the
appropriate sense of urgency’’ and
‘‘galvanize the public awareness
necessary to protect law enforcement
officers and the public from extremely
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dangerous offenders.’’ The Commission
also agrees with the COPS Office that no
existing EAS event code is adequate or
acceptable to accomplish the objectives
of the Blue Alert Act.
13. The conclusion in the Order is
supported by the NPSTC and others that
agree that a dedicated BLU event code
is well suited to serve as the central
organizing element for Blue Alert plans
nationally. As APCO notes, a dedicated
code would facilitate consistent
operations and terminology within the
National Blue Alert Network, as called
for by the Blue Alert Act. Similarly,
NYC and NAB agree that establishing
this dedicated EAS event code to deliver
Blue Alerts would help facilitate the
delivery of Blue Alerts to the public in
a uniform and consistent manner. The
Commission also agrees with NYC that
a dedicated code would lead state and
local alert originators to engage relevant
stakeholders to operationalize the steps
necessary to issue a Blue Alert.
14. Further, the Commission is
persuaded by the COPS Office that an
EAS event code solely dedicated to Blue
Alerts would ‘‘facilitate and streamline
the adoption of new Blue Alert plans
throughout the nation and would help
to integrate existing plans into a
coordinated national framework.’’ The
recommendation by the COPS Office is
supported by its extensive outreach to
U.S. States and territories. According to
the COPS Office, twenty-eight states
operate Blue Alert systems, and twentyeight states and territories do not. In its
2017 Report to Congress, the COPS
Office noted the inconsistency of plans
from state to state and the negative
consequences that have arisen as a
result. Specifically, according to the
2017 Report to Congress, ‘‘the lack of
such a resource [i.e., a dedicated EAS
event code] affected jurisdictions’
ability to communicate within states
and across the country. Even in states
with established Blue Alert plans, it was
often difficult to identify important
points of contact necessary for alert
activation or interstate coordination.’’
The Commission thus agrees with the
COPS Office that implementation of a
dedicated Blue Alert EAS code could
ease the burden of designing a
consistent model for Blue Alert plans,
and thus encourage states that do not
have Blue Alert plans to establish one.
15. The Order also concludes that the
three-character BLU EAS event code,
rather than a currently existing EAS
code, would help ensure that both Blue
Alerts and related outreach and training
are undertaken in a consistent manner
nationally. The Commission agrees with
NYC that using the BLU code would
allow for pre-scripted, standardized on-
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Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 12 / Thursday, January 18, 2018 / Rules and Regulations
screen text that is more descriptive than
the existing categories, and would serve
to socialize the Blue Alert concept with
the public, much like the AMBER Alerts
have done for years. The Commission is
also persuaded that a dedicated event
code with consistent national standards
would allow Federal, state, and local
authorities to create consistent training
programs for alert originators, as well as
public service announcements, ad
campaigns, and informational material
that would serve to educate the public
ahead of time.
16. The Order disagrees with
commenters that Blue Alerts should
extend beyond law enforcement officers
to include all uniformed first
responders, including firefighters and
paramedics. The stated purpose of the
Blue Alert Act is to ‘‘encourage,
enhance, and integrate Blue Alert plans
throughout the United States to
disseminate information when a law
enforcement officer is seriously injured
or killed in the line of duty, is missing
in connection with the officer’s official
duties, or an imminent and credible
threat that an individual intends to
cause the serious injury or death of a
law enforcement officer is received.’’
The Commission agrees with the COPS
Office that Commission action should
not extend beyond the Congressional
mandate by including parties other than
law enforcement officers. Such action
would fall outside the scope of the Blue
Alert Act, which limits Blue Alerts to a
‘‘law enforcement officer.’’
17. Similarly, the Order finds that
existing EAS codes LEW (Law
Enforcement Warning), LAE (Local Area
Emergency), and CEM (Civil Emergency
Message) would not be as effective as a
BLU event code. The Commission
agrees with the COPS Office that the
absence of a dedicated BLU event code
requires states and local law
enforcement agencies to use one of the
existing generic event codes in an ad
hoc manner and that existing event
codes such as LEW are inadequate. NAB
also notes that there is confusion about
the true nature or severity of an
emergency when LEW is used. The
record supports the conclusion by the
COPS Office that there is a lack of
urgency associated with the existing
LEW, LAE and CEM event codes
because they are sometimes used for
matters that do not suggest the need for
immediate action. For example, the
COPS Office observes that LEW alerts
address a broad array of matters
including police activity, weatherrelated incidents, road hazards, missing
persons, and other miscellaneous alerts.
Similarly, LAE and CEM alerts are more
varied than LEW, as they additionally
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include alerts addressing utility issues
and fire hazards. The Order does not
address the efficacy of such multiple
uses for LEW, LAE, and CEM, but do
agree with the COPS Office that the
broad use of these event codes make
them inappropriate for use as the Blue
Alert event code. The Commission
agrees with the COPS Office that using
LEW, LAE, or CEM for Blue Alerts
would create confusion, as instructions
for different situations can be
contradictory and the public would not
know what kind of action to take based
on the event code alone. As the
Commission found in the NWS Report
and Order proceeding, the public
interest is not served by relying on
inadequate warnings that might provide
incorrect or even opposite remedial
advice to the public. The Order finds
that Blue Alerts have a purpose that is
sufficiently unique and well defined (as
compared to the circumstances that
have prompted the use of other codes)
to warrant a unique dedicated BLU
event code, which could serve as a vital
tool’’ for ‘‘protect[ing] law enforcement
officers and the communities they
18. WEA Delivery of Blue Alerts.
Although the COPS Office limited its
request to an EAS event code for Blue
Alerts, Blue Alerts are also capable of
delivery over WEA as that system is
currently configured. Moreover,
incidents that qualify for the initiation
of a Blue Alert under the Blue Alert
Guidelines would also satisfy the
minimum requirements for initiation of
an ‘‘Imminent Threat’’ Alert via WEA.
Accordingly, the Order permits Blue
Alerts to be deployed via WEA using
existing alerting methodologies and
consistent with our WEA rules.
19. NYC suggests that Blue Alerts use
the Imminent Threat Alert classification
only as a temporary measure until such
time that a dedicated WEA message
classification for Blue Alerts can be
developed and deployed. NYC is
concerned that the existing pre-scripted
text for Imminent Threat Alert is
‘‘overly vague,’’ lacks capabilities for
‘‘alert originators entering free form
text’’ or ‘‘Blue Alert-specific prescripted text,’’ and ‘‘can lead to public
confusion and/or panic.’’ Although
NYC’s concerns are somewhat mitigated
by the evidence in the record that alert
originators can use message ‘‘templates’’
that could be used for different Blue
Alert scenarios, the Commission
believes the issue merits further study.
The Commission sought comment in the
Blue Alert NPRM on the extent to which
additional guidance or direction would
be helpful regarding how Blue Alerts
should be classified for purposes of
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WEA. Although the Commission
declines to adopt a separate
classification for WEA Blue Alerts at
this time, the Order leaves this aspect of
the issue teed up in the Blue Alert
NPRM pending, and keeps the abovecaptioned docket open, to help gather
additional information on this issue
beyond what the record currently
contains, including further comment
from those interested on potential
implementation steps, time frame, and
costs, until sixty days after the date of
publication of this Order in the Federal
Register. In the meantime, the Order
finds that issuance of Blue Alerts using
WEA’s existing standards and structures
at least as a temporary measure will be
effective, will reduce the necessary time
for Blue Alerts to become available on
WEA, and will reduce the costs to WEA
20. Implementation Schedule. In the
Blue Alert NPRM, the Commission
sought comment on the proposal that
EAS equipment manufacturers should
integrate the Blue Alert event code into
equipment yet to be manufactured or
sold, and make necessary software
upgrades available to EAS Participants,
no later than six months from the
effective date of the final rule. This
proposal was based on the
Commission’s experience with the NWS
Report and Order proceeding, in which
the Commission required a similar
schedule for implementation of severe
weather-related EAS event codes. In the
Blue Alert NPRM, the Commission
likewise noted that adding a BLU EAS
event code would trigger technical and
public safety requirements regarding
equipment readiness that were similar
to those discussed in the NWS Report
and Order proceeding.
21. The Order encourages
stakeholders to work together
voluntarily to implement Blue Alerts as
swiftly as possible in light of the
important public safety objectives
involved. The Commission recognizes,
however, the record reflects that some
time is necessary for equipment
manufacturers and Participating
Commercial Mobile Service (CMS)
Providers to prepare their equipment
and networks to be able to process any
Blue Alerts that are sent over EAS and
WEA, as well as for alert originators,
EAS Participants, and other
stakeholders to have the necessary
training and resources to deliver Blue
Alerts to the public if they choose to do
so. Accordingly, the Order allows a
period of 12 months from the effective
date of this rule to enable the delivery
of Blue Alerts over EAS, and a period
of 18 months from the effective date of
this rule to enable the delivery of Blue
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Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 12 / Thursday, January 18, 2018 / Rules and Regulations
Alerts over WEA. This implementation
schedule will ensure all stakeholders
have sufficient time to address any
technical, resource, and training needs
they may require to ensure the
successful delivery of Blue Alerts.
22. Although NYC states that six
months is sufficient time for EAS
equipment manufacturers to release the
necessary software upgrades for a
dedicated Blue Alert event code, other
commenters suggest more time is
warranted for implementation of Blue
Alerts for both EAS and WEA. NCTA
states that the Commission should work
with EAS manufacturers to determine
the adequacy of the time allocated for
software upgrades to equipment. EAS
equipment manufacturers Monroe and
Sage Alerting Systems (Sage) state that
12 months is sufficient to allow for the
new event code to be deployed within
a scheduled in-version equipment
software update, resulting in no
incremental cost to EAS Participants,
rather than as a scheduled major version
upgrade that would have to be
separately purchased. Broadcaster
Adrienne Abbott (Abbott) states that
EAS stakeholders have additional needs
that must be met to ensure the
successful delivery of Blue Alerts (e.g.,
the updating of EAS Plans to
accommodate the use of the new code,
time for Councils of Governments
(COGs) to add the Blue Alert Event Code
to their list of approved codes, and
public awareness campaigns to be
conducted to raise awareness and
understanding of Blue Alerts). The
record, however, does not support
Abbott’s contention that this entire
process will require two years to
complete. For the reasons described in
this Order and the earlier NWS Report
and Order, the Commission’s
experience tells us that this process can
occur in parallel with the development
and deployment of EAS equipment
software updates and can be
accommodated within a 12-month
period. Participating CMS Providers
have requested 18 months to complete
the incorporation of pending standards
into their networks and devices that will
enable the delivery of Blue Alerts as
Imminent Threats over WEA, such as
modification of the ‘‘C-interface,’’ the
secure interface that exists between
IPAWS and commercial mobile service
provider gateways. In connection, NYC
acknowledges that ‘‘a longer
implementation timeframe is likely
necessary for the wireless industry.’’
Based on the record, the Commission
believes that a 12-month
implementation period for EAS and an
18-month implementation period for
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WEA will provide all stakeholders
adequate time to ensure that the
necessary equipment upgrades, software
updates, development, and testing are
completed to enable the delivery of Blue
Alerts over EAS and WEA as
contemplated by this Order.
23. The Blue Alert NPRM proposed to
allow EAS Participants to upgrade their
equipment to add a designated Blue
Alert event code on a voluntary basis
until their equipment is replaced, which
is the same approach the Commission
has taken when it has adopted other
new EAS event codes in the past. The
Order adopts a modified version of this
proposal and permit EAS Participants to
update their software to add the BLU
event code on a voluntary basis. All
EAS Participants should be able to add
the BLU event code using a software
upgrade because, as of July 30, 2016, all
EAS Participants should have
equipment in place that is capable, at
the minimum, of being upgraded by
software to accommodate EAS
modifications, and thus, the need to
upgrade existing equipment no longer
appears to be necessary. The Order also
agrees with NCTA that permitting
software upgrades on a voluntary basis
is a ‘‘sensible and effective’’ approach to
adopting a new event code, and with
ACA, which notes that this approach
‘‘appropriately balances the public’s
interest in the safety and well-being of
law enforcement officials against the
costs of implementing new EAS codes.’’
The Order disagrees with the NYC
argument that allowing EAS
Participants to upgrade their software
on a voluntary basis undermines the
creation of a cohesive national Blue
Alert system. As the Commission
observed in the NWS Report and Order,
the use by EAS Participants of these
codes is and has always been voluntary,
and ‘‘it would be contrary to the
voluntary nature of state and local EAS
to mandate upgrades to existing EAS
equipment to incorporate new optional
event codes.’’ As the Order discusses
below, the Commission also finds that
this approach will significantly reduce
the costs to EAS Participants.
24. Cost and Benefit Analysis. The
Order concludes that the benefits of
implementing BLU outweigh its cost.
The Commission acknowledges as it did
in the Blue Alert NPRM, the COPS
Office’s guidance and expertise
regarding the potential benefits of Blue
Alerts. The Order also draws on the
Commission’s experience with the
implementation of new EAS codes. The
Order finds that most of the potential
costs of implementation arise from
software updates made outside of the
normal course of planned upgrades. The
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Order allows sufficient time and
flexibility to allow manufacturers and
EAS Participants make upgrades, and to
conduct associated testing in tandem
with general software upgrades installed
during the regular course of business,
thus minimizing costs. The rule adopted
in the Order presents many potential
benefits by keeping the public informed,
out of harm’s way, and enlisting their
aid to more quickly apprehend
dangerous suspects as well as reducing
the cost for 911 call centers and
emergency responders.
25. Costs. The Order finds, as
suggested in the Blue Alert NPRM, that
the main cost to EAS Participants that
elect to install BLU will be the cost
involved in downloading the software
updates into their devices, and
conducting associated testing. The Blue
Alert NPRM found that adopting a Blue
Alert EAS event code presents similar
technical issues to those raised in the
NWS Report and Order, and,
accordingly, tentatively concluded that
the costs for adding a dedicated Blue
Alert EAS event code would not exceed
a one-time $3.5 million implementation
ceiling. In the NWS Report and Order
proceeding, Monroe Electronics
indicated that the new event codes
could be implemented through a
software update downloaded from its
website, while Sage Alerting Systems
indicated that end users could
implement event codes in 10 minutes or
less, at no cost other than labor. The
NWS Report and Order used a worstcase cost figure of $125.00 per device,
allowing five hours of labor to be spent
by each of the 28,058 broadcasters and
cable companies, resulting in a cost
ceiling of $3.5 million. The Order
adopts the Commission’s tentative
conclusion in the Blue Alert NPRM, and
find that a dedicated Blue Alert EAS
event code would not exceed a one-time
$3.5 million implementation cost. The
Order notes that EAS Participants can
avoid most incremental implementation
costs by downloading the new Blue
Alert code in conjunction with a
scheduled software update. Although
the Order recognizes that EAS
equipment manufacturers will incur
some costs in making the new event
code available to all EAS Participants,
the Commission believes that 12 months
will provide sufficient time to dovetail
the BLU upgrade with other scheduled
upgrades, posing minimal expense to
equipment manufacturers. The
Commission believes that the costs for
implementation of WEA will be
similarly low, because Blue Alerts will
be delivered over the existing Imminent
Threat WEA classification, using WEA
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 12 / Thursday, January 18, 2018 / Rules and Regulations
in its current configuration. As such, the
Commission believes there will be no
incremental costs associated with the
delivery of Blue Alerts over WEA, and
that the 18 months granted in the Order
to Participating CMS Providers is
sufficient to allow providers to
minimize the costs of deployment.
26. Benefits. The Order anticipate that
establishing the BLU event code will
improve emergency alerting during
events described in the Blue Alert
Guidelines, thereby helping to keep
people safe from harm. The Order agrees
with the COPS Office that existing
codes, such as LEW, cannot effectively
identify Blue Alerts to the public. While
precise numerical estimation is not
possible, the Commission expects that
the BLU event code will improve public
safety by saving lives and preventing
injuries. One way of measuring the
value of lives saved is the value of a
statistical life (VSL), currently estimated
at $9.6 million. Accordingly, if the BLU
code is expected to save at least one life,
its value would be at least $9.6 million,
which far exceeds the one-time $3.5
million implementation cost ceiling.
This expected benefit is consistent with
statistics from the Federal Bureau of
Investigation’s Uniform Crime Reporting
Program, which state that 66 officers
were killed in the line of duty in 2016.
The Commission believes that at least
some portion of these crimes would
have qualified for a Blue Alert and
could have led to lives saved, quicker
apprehension of the suspect, or both.
The Order notes the success of AMBER
Alerts, where 43 out of the 179 abducted
children reported in 2017 were saved as
a direct result of AMBER Alerts. It is
reasonable to expect that the life of at
least one police officer or other member
of the public will be saved due to the
issuance of an EAS Blue Alert that uses
the BLU event code. Injury prevention
is another benefit of the BLU event
code. The value of injury prevention
provides an independent, quantitative
metric to express the minimum benefit
our rules could produce. Like fatalities,
it is difficult to predict the specific
number of injuries that the BLU event
code will prevent. However, according
to the Department of Transportation,
nonfatal injuries are far more common
than fatalities, and vary widely in
severity, as well as probability.
Accordingly, the Commission reasons
that the public benefit of the rule
adopted in this Order is heightened by
its role in preventing injuries.
27. The establishment of a dedicated
Blue Alert code will also provide the
benefit of generating assistance from the
public and cost savings for emergency
responders. According to NYC, threats
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and/or violent crimes, including those
covered by Blue Alerts, have an
economic impact on jurisdictions that
should be counted among the benefits of
Blue Alerts. Blue Alerts can provide an
immediate warning to the public in an
area where an extremely dangerous
suspect is thought to be. As the
Commission noted in the WEA Report
and Order and FNPRM, when people
can avert situations where they need
emergency assistance and therefore do
not need to call 911, Public Safety
Answering Points are able to avert the
cost of resource deployment. NYC also
argues that Blue Alerts will help major
visitor destinations like NYC provide
information to and elicit support from
non-residents. The Commission agrees
with the COPS Office, that the public
has repeatedly played a critical role in
assisting law enforcement in
maintaining safety; but to assist and
avoid danger, the public must be
informed. According to the COPS
Office, there are clear and significant
differences between states’ handling of
Blue Alerts, which could limit or
complicate coordination efforts when a
suspect flees, or is thought to have fled,
to another jurisdiction. The Commission
agrees with the COPS Office that
widespread, uniform adoption of the
BLU event code, would arm law
enforcement officers with the
information necessary to rapidly
apprehend those who remain a threat to
law enforcement and our communities.
The Commission concludes that the
minor burdens associated with adopting
the BLU code will be more than offset
by its benefits.
III. Procedural Matters
A. Accessible Formats
28. To request materials in accessible
formats for people with disabilities
(Braille, large print, electronic files,
audio format), send an email to fcc504@ or call the Consumer &
Governmental Affairs Bureau at 202–
418–0530 (voice), 202–418–0432 (TTY).
B. Final Regulatory Flexibility Act
29. Pursuant to the Regulatory
Flexibility Act of 1980, as amended
(RFA), see 5 U.S.C. 603, an Initial
Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (IRFA)
was included in the NPRM in PS Docket
No. 15–94. The Commission sought
written comment on the proposals in
this docket, including comment on the
IRFA. This Final Regulatory Flexibility
Analysis conforms to the RFA.
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C. Paperwork Reduction Analysis
30. This document does not contain
proposed information collection(s)
subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act
of 1995 (PRA), Public Law 104–13.
Therefore, it also does not contain any
new or modified information collection
burden for small business concerns with
fewer than 25 employees, pursuant to
the Small Business Paperwork Relief
Act of 2002, Public Law 107–198, see 44
U.S.C. 3506(c)(4).
D. Congressional Review Act
31. The Commission will send a copy
of this Order in a report to be sent to
Congress and the Government
Accountability Office pursuant to the
Congressional Review Act, see 5 U.S.C.
IV. Ordering Clauses
32. Accordingly, it is ordered that
pursuant to sections 1, 4(i), 4(o), 303(r),
624(g), and 706 of the Communications
Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 151,
154(i), 154(o), 303(r), 544(g), 606, as
well as by sections 602(a),(b),(c), (f),
603, 604 and 606 of the Warning, Alert
and Response Network Act, 47 U.S.C.
1202(a),(b),(c), (f), 1203, 1204 and 1206,
that this Order is adopted.
33. It is further ordered that the
Commission’s rules are hereby amended
as set forth in Appendix A of the full
34. It is further ordered that the rules
and requirements adopted herein,
including at Appendix A of the full
Order, to enable the delivery of Blue
Alerts over EAS will be implemented
January 18, 2019.
35. It is further ordered that the rules
and requirements adopted herein,
including at Appendix A of the full
Order, to enable the delivery of Blue
Alerts over WEA will be implemented
July 18, 2019.
List of Subjects in 47 CFR Part 11
Radio, Television.
Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene H. Dortch,
Secretary, Office of the Secretary.
Final Rules
For the reasons discussed in the
preamble, the Federal Communications
Commission amends 47 CFR part 11 as
1. The authority citation for part 11
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 47 U.S.C. 151, 154 (i) and (o),
303(r), 544(g) and 606.
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 12 / Thursday, January 18, 2018 / Rules and Regulations
2. Amend § 11.31 by:
a. In the table in paragraph (e), adding
an entry under ‘‘State and Local Codes
(Optional)’’ for ‘‘Blue Alert’’, and
■ b. Removing the first paragraph (f).
The addition reads as follows:
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES
Michele Levy Berlove, Attorney
Advisor, Wireline Competition Bureau,
at (202) 418–1477, or by email at
document announces that, on January 5,
§ 11.31 EAS protocol.
2018, OMB approved, for a period of
three years, the information collection
(e) The following Event (EEE) codes
requirements relating to certain of the
are presently authorized:
discontinuance rules contained in the
Commission’s Technology Transitions
Nature of activation
Declaratory Ruling, Second Report and
Order, and Order on Reconsideration,
FCC 16–90, published at 81 FR 62632,
September 12, 2016, as specified above.
State and Local Codes (OpThe OMB Control Number is 3060–
tional): ..................................... ..................
0149. The Commission publishes this
document as an announcement of the
Blue Alert ....................................
BLU. effective date of the rules. If you have
any comments on the burden estimates
listed below, or how the Commission
can improve the collections and reduce
any burdens caused thereby, please
contact Nicole Ongele, Federal
[FR Doc. 2018–00595 Filed 1–17–18; 8:45 am]
Communications Commission, Room A–
C620, 445 12th Street SW, Washington,
DC 20554. Please include the OMB
Control Number, 3060–0149, in your
correspondence. The Commission will
also accept your comments via email at
47 CFR Part 63
To request materials in accessible
[GN Docket No. 13–5, RM–11358; WC
formats for people with disabilities
Docket No. 13–3; FCC 16–90]
(Braille, large print, electronic files,
audio format), send an email to fcc504@
Technology Transitions, USTelecom or call the Consumer and
Petition for Declaratory Ruling That
Governmental Affairs Bureau at (202)
Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers
418–0530 (voice), (202) 418–0432
Are Non-Dominant in the Provision of
Switched Access Services, Policies
and Rules Governing Retirement of
Copper Loops by Incumbent Local
As required by the Paperwork
Exchange Carriers and Special Access
for Price Cap Local Exchange Carriers Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3507),
the FCC is notifying the public that it
AGENCY: Federal Communications
received final OMB approval on January
5, 2018, for the information collection
ACTION: Final rule; announcement of
requirements contained in the
effective date.
modifications to the Commission’s rules
in 47 CFR part 63. Under 5 CFR part
SUMMARY: In this document, the
1320, an agency may not conduct or
Commission announces that the Office
sponsor a collection of information
of Management and Budget (OMB) has
unless it displays a current, valid OMB
approved, for a period of three years, the
Control Number.
information collection associated with
No person shall be subject to any
the Commission’s discontinuance rules. penalty for failing to comply with a
This document is consistent with the
collection of information subject to the
Technology Transitions Declaratory
Paperwork Reduction Act that does not
Ruling, Second Report and Order, and
display a current, valid OMB Control
Order on Reconsideration, FCC 16–90,
Number. The OMB Control Number is
which stated that the Commission
would publish a document in the
The foregoing notice is required by
Federal Register announcing the
the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995,
effective date of those rules.
Public Law 104–13, October 1, 1995,
DATES: The amendments to 47 CFR
and 44 U.S.C. 3507.
63.71(a) introductory text, (b), (g), and
The total annual reporting burdens
(i) published at 81 FR 62632, September and costs for the respondents are as
12, 2016, are effective on January 18,
OMB Control Number: 3060–0149.
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PO 00000
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OMB Approval Date: January 5, 2018.
OMB Expiration Date: January 31,
Title: Part 63, Application and
Supplemental Information
Requirements; Technology Transitions
et al., GN Docket No. 13–5 et al.
Form Number: N/A.
Respondents: Business or other forprofit entities.
Number of Respondents and
Responses: 60 respondents; 60
Estimated Time per Response: 6
Frequency of Response: One-time
reporting requirement and third-party
disclosure requirements.
Obligation to Respond: Required to
obtain or retain benefits. Statutory
authority for this collection of
information is contained in 47 U.S.C.
214 and 402 of the Communications Act
of 1934, as amended.
Total Annual Burden: 360 hours.
Total Annual Cost: No cost(s).
Nature and Extent of Confidentiality:
The Commission is not requesting that
the respondents submit confidential
information to the FCC. Respondents
may, however, request confidential
treatment for information they believe to
be confidential under 47 CFR 0.459 of
the Commission’s rules.
Privacy Act: No impact(s).
Needs and Uses: The Commission is
seeking Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) approval for a revision to
a currently approved collection. Section
214 of the Communications Act of 1934,
as amended, requires that a carrier first
obtain FCC authorization either to (1)
construct, operate, or engage in
transmission over a line of
communications, or (2) discontinue,
reduce or impair service over a line of
communications. Part 63 of title 47 of
the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
implements Section 214. Part 63 also
implements provisions of the Cable
Communications Policy Act of 1984
pertaining to video which was approved
under this OMB Control Number 3060–
0149. In 2009, the Commission modified
Part 63 to extend to providers of
interconnected Voice of internet
Protocol (VoIP) service the
discontinuance obligations that apply to
domestic non-dominant
telecommunications carriers under
Section 214 of the Communications Act
of 1934, as amended. In 2014, the
Commission adopted improved
administrative filing procedures for
domestic transfers of control, domestic
discontinuances and notices of network
changes, and among other adjustments,
modified Part 63 to require electronic
filing for applications for authorization
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 12 (Thursday, January 18, 2018)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 2557-2563]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2018-00595]
47 CFR Part 11
[PS Docket No. 15-94; FCC-17-170]
Blue Alert EAS Event Code
AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: In this document, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC
or Commission) amends its regulations governing the Emergency Alert
System (EAS) and Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) to add a new event
code, B-L-U, to allow alert originators to issue an alert whenever a
law enforcement officer is injured or killed, missing in connection
with his or her official duties, or there is an imminent and credible
threat to cause death or serious injury to law enforcement officers.
DATES: This rule is effective January 18, 2018. Delivery of Blue Alerts
over EAS will be implemented January 18, 2019. Delivery of Blue Alerts
over WEA will be implemented July 18, 2019. This docket will remain
open for comments until March 19, 2018.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Gregory Cooke, Deputy Division Chief,
Policy and Licensing Division, Public Safety and Homeland Security
Bureau, at (202) 418-2351, or by email at [email protected]; or
Linda Pintro, Attorney Advisor, Policy and Licensing Division, Public
Safety and Homeland Security Bureau, at (202) 418-7490, or by email at
[email protected].
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a summary of the Commission's Order
in PS Docket No. 15-94, FCC 17-170, adopted and released on December
14, 2017. The full text of this document is available for inspection
and copying during normal business hours in the FCC Reference Center
(Room CY-1257),
[[Page 2558]]
445 12th Street SW, Washington, DC 20554, or online at:
1. The Order adds to Part 11 EAS rules a new dedicated EAS event
code, to advance the important public policy of protecting our nation's
law enforcement officials and the communities they serve. This Order
adopts the three-character B-L-U to enable the delivery of Blue Alerts
over the EAS and WEA. This will promote the development of compatible
and integrated Blue Alert plans throughout the United States,
consistent with the Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu National Blue Alert
Act of 2015 (Blue Alert Act), and support the need for a dedicated EAS
event code for Blue Alerts identified by the Office of Community
Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office) of the United States
Department of Justice (DOJ).
I. Background
2. The EAS is a national public warning system through which
broadcasters, cable systems, and other service providers (EAS
Participants) deliver alerts to the public to warn them of impending
emergencies and dangers to life and property. Although the primary
purpose of the EAS is to equip the President with the ability to
provide immediate information to the public during periods of national
emergency, the EAS is also used by the National Weather Service (NWS)
and state and local governments to distribute voluntary alerts such as
weather-related and child abduction (AMBER) alerts. EAS uses three-
character event codes to identify the various elements, so that each
can deliver accurate, secure, and geographically-targeted messages to
the public, in text crawls and in the audio portion of EAS alerts
(e.g., TOR for Tornado).
3. In 2015, Congress enacted the Blue Alert Act to ``encourage,
enhance, and integrate Blue Alert plans throughout the United States,''
thus facilitating the dissemination of information in a consistent
manner nationwide when a law enforcement officer is seriously injured,
killed or missing in the line of duty. The Blue Alert Act directs the
Attorney General to establish a national Blue Alert communications
network within DOJ to issue Blue Alerts, using plans that would be
adopted in coordination with ``States, units of local government, law
enforcement agencies, and other appropriate entities.'' In September
2016, the Attorney General assigned the COPS Office within DOJ to be
the National Blue Alert Coordinator.
4. The COPS Office filed two reports with Congress to demonstrate
how it was implementing the Blue Alert Act's mandate. In its 2016
Report to Congress, the COPS Office identified ``the need to promote
formal communication mechanisms between law enforcement agencies for
Blue Alert information, the need for a dedicated Emergency Alert System
(EAS) event code, and the need to increase public and law enforcement
awareness of the Blue Alert Act.'' In its 2017 Report to Congress, the
COPS Office noted that it had commenced outreach efforts with the FCC
to pursue a dedicated Blue Alert EAS event code, and asked the FCC to
consider conducting an expedited rulemaking to the extent feasible.
5. The COPS Office established voluntary guidelines for the
issuance of Blue Alerts based on the criteria contained in the Blue
Alert Act (Blue Alert Guidelines). The Blue Alert Guidelines identify
who may request the issuance of a Blue Alert, when a Blue Alert may be
issued, and the requisite content thereof. Specifically, a Blue Alert
may be issued only when a request is made by a law enforcement agency
having primary jurisdiction over the incident, and one the following
three threshold criteria has been met: (1) Death or serious injury of a
law enforcement officer in the line of duty; (2) threat to cause death
or serious injury to a law enforcement officer; or (3) a law
enforcement officer is missing in connection with official duties. If a
Blue Alert is based upon the first of the criteria, the law enforcement
agency must confirm that a law enforcement officer has been killed,
seriously injured, or attacked, and there are indications of death or
serious injury. If a Blue Alert is based upon the second of the
criteria, the law enforcement agency must confirm that the threat is
``imminent and credible,'' and at the time of receipt of the threat,
any suspect involved is wanted by a law enforcement agency. Finally, if
a Blue Alert is based upon the third criteria, the agency must have
concluded that there is indication of serious injury to, or death of
the missing law enforcement officer. In all cases, the agency must
confirm that any suspect involved has not been apprehended and there is
sufficient descriptive information of the suspect, including any
relevant vehicle and license tag information. The COPS Office also
recommends that Blue Alerts be focused on the geographic areas most
likely to facilitate the apprehension of the suspect, and the message
include the suspect's last known location, direction of travel, and
possible destination.
6. On June 22, 2017, the FCC released the Blue Alert NPRM,
proposing to revise the EAS rules to adopt BLU to allow the
transmission of Blue Alerts to the public over the EAS, satisfying the
need articulated by the COPS Office for a dedicated EAS event code to
facilitate broader dissemination of the requisite information.
II. Discussion
7. The EAS is an Effective Mechanism to Deliver Blue Alerts. The
Order finds--as supported by most commenters--that the EAS is an
effective mechanism for the delivery of Blue Alerts. The City of New
York (NYC) and the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) observe
that issuing a Blue Alert via the EAS will provide the public with the
opportunity to protect themselves and their families and to report
relevant information to law enforcement, thus facilitating the
apprehension of suspects who are alleged to pose an imminent threat to
law enforcement officers. NCTA--The internet & Television Association
(NCTA) and the American Cable Association (ACA) agree that adding Blue
Alerts to EAS will advance the important public policy of protecting
our nation's law enforcement officials, as does the National Public
Safety Telecommunications Council (NPSTC), which states that both the
EAS and WEA should be available tools to help provide Blue Alerts to
the public.
8. The Order also finds that it is technically feasible to send
Blue Alerts using the EAS. As NYC and broadcaster engineer Sean Donelan
(Donelan) observe, the information required by the Blue Alert
Guidelines can be successfully communicated within the two-minute
period to which EAS alerts are limited. Similarly, the Commission
agrees with the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials-
International, Inc. (APCO) and NYC that EAS Blue Alerts should be
focused to an appropriately narrow geographic area, and find that the
transmission of EAS alerts satisfies the requirement that a Blue Alert
be ``limited to the geographic areas most likely to facilitate the
apprehension of the suspect involved or which the suspect could
reasonably reach'' and ``[is] not . . . limited to state lines.'' The
Order disagrees with the assertion of McCarthy Radio Enterprises, Inc.
to the contrary. EAS alerts are issued using county-based Federal
Information Processing Standards (FIPS) codes, and may be issued to
include multiple counties within a state or across state borders,
depending on the geographic scope of
[[Page 2559]]
the emergency prompting the alert. The Commission believes that this
level of geographic targeting is consistent with effective delivery of
Blue Alerts, given the type of potentially mobile suspect that would be
the subject of many Blue Alerts. The Order agrees with Donelan that a
suspect's movements in the circumstances that would give rise to a Blue
Alert likely would be similar to that of a suspect in AMBER Alert
circumstances, where suspects may travel hundreds of miles within a few
9. The Order also agrees with commenters such as NYC that EAS Blue
Alerts sent via the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS)
can support transmission of the detailed information required by the
Blue Alert Guidelines. As the Commission acknowledged in the Blue
Alerts NPRM, EAS alerts delivered over IPAWS use the IP-based Common
Alerting Protocol (CAP) to deliver alerts with detailed text files,
non-English alerts, or other content-rich data that would not be
available to EAS alerts delivered via the broadcast-based daisy chain.
As NYC and NPSTC note, EAS-based Blue Alerts that provide such detailed
information will greatly improve the ability of the public to recognize
and avoid an unsafe situation. The Order accordingly urges alert
originators to initiate Blue Alerts via IPAWS and recommends that alert
originators include detailed information as part of each Blue Alert for
which it is available. The Order notes that EAS Participants are
required to create video crawls based upon the enhanced text contained
within the CAP message. The Order agrees with the COPS Office's
recommendation that the last known location, direction of travel, and
possible destinations of the suspect be included as part of the alert
message. The Commission believes that these steps, in combination with
training, will allow Blue Alert originators to address the concerns
raised by the Boulder Regional Emergency Telephone Service Authority
(BRETSA) and other commenters that frequent, repeated, misused, or
overly long alerts can result in recipients ``tuning out'' alerts and
even disabling alerts on their devices.
10. The Commission believes that Blue Alerts delivered via the
broadcast EAS continues to be an effective mechanism for the delivery
of Blue Alerts. Concerns about the relative value of IPAWS-based, as
opposed to daisy chain-based, EAS alerts are not unique to Blue Alerts.
For example, AMBER Alerts are subject to the same technical
limitations, potentially providing the public with an alert from the
daisy chain that lacks the descriptive information about the victim
that an IPAWS-based alert would provide. The Order agrees with
commenters that concerns that arise from these technical limitations
are mitigated because the public is likely to learn adequate
information about an emergency and, as needed, check other media for
additional information after receiving an alert. Further, EAS messages
delivered via the broadcast daisy chain can supply life-saving
information and may act as a source of redundancy for portions of the
EAS that draw on the advanced capability of CAP. Accordingly, the Order
concludes that the mere fact of any discrepancy between the information
provided by an IPAWS-based EAS Blue Alert and a broadcast-based EAS
Blue Alert is not sufficient reason to deny potentially life-saving
information to all members of the public.
11. Nonetheless, the Order encourages EAS manufacturers and EAS
Participants to take technical steps to facilitate the delivery of
IPAWS-based EAS Blue Alerts to the public where an alert is first
delivered to an EAS Participant via broadcast. The Order notes that
Monroe Electronics, Inc. (Monroe) and other commenters propose that the
Commission permit ``triggered CAP polling,'' by which the EAS device
would automatically poll IPAWS upon receipt of a broadcast EAS message
to verify whether a corresponding CAP message exists, and if it does,
use the CAP message instead of the broadcast EAS message. The part 11
EAS rules do not bar EAS Participants from triggered CAP polling.\1\
Because triggered CAP polling is estimated to require a ``few seconds''
to complete, the Order finds that its use in these instances is
consistent with Section 11.51(n) of the EAS rules, which allows EAS
Participants to employ a delay of up to 15 minutes before interrupting
their programming and retransmitting EAS voluntary event codes.
12. A Dedicated Blue Alert EAS Event Code is in the Public
Interest. The Commission determined that it would serve the public
interest and promote the purpose of the Blue Alert Act to adopt a
dedicated EAS event code for Blue Alerts. Accordingly, the Order amends
Section 11.31(e) of the EAS rules to create and add the dedicated BLU
event code to the EAS Protocol for Blue Alerts. The Commission agrees
with the COPS Office that a dedicated EAS event code would ``convey the
appropriate sense of urgency'' and ``galvanize the public awareness
necessary to protect law enforcement officers and the public from
extremely dangerous offenders.'' The Commission also agrees with the
COPS Office that no existing EAS event code is adequate or acceptable
to accomplish the objectives of the Blue Alert Act.
13. The conclusion in the Order is supported by the NPSTC and
others that agree that a dedicated BLU event code is well suited to
serve as the central organizing element for Blue Alert plans
nationally. As APCO notes, a dedicated code would facilitate consistent
operations and terminology within the National Blue Alert Network, as
called for by the Blue Alert Act. Similarly, NYC and NAB agree that
establishing this dedicated EAS event code to deliver Blue Alerts would
help facilitate the delivery of Blue Alerts to the public in a uniform
and consistent manner. The Commission also agrees with NYC that a
dedicated code would lead state and local alert originators to engage
relevant stakeholders to operationalize the steps necessary to issue a
Blue Alert.
14. Further, the Commission is persuaded by the COPS Office that an
EAS event code solely dedicated to Blue Alerts would ``facilitate and
streamline the adoption of new Blue Alert plans throughout the nation
and would help to integrate existing plans into a coordinated national
framework.'' The recommendation by the COPS Office is supported by its
extensive outreach to U.S. States and territories. According to the
COPS Office, twenty-eight states operate Blue Alert systems, and
twenty-eight states and territories do not. In its 2017 Report to
Congress, the COPS Office noted the inconsistency of plans from state
to state and the negative consequences that have arisen as a result.
Specifically, according to the 2017 Report to Congress, ``the lack of
such a resource [i.e., a dedicated EAS event code] affected
jurisdictions' ability to communicate within states and across the
country. Even in states with established Blue Alert plans, it was often
difficult to identify important points of contact necessary for alert
activation or interstate coordination.'' The Commission thus agrees
with the COPS Office that implementation of a dedicated Blue Alert EAS
code could ease the burden of designing a consistent model for Blue
Alert plans, and thus encourage states that do not have Blue Alert
plans to establish one.
15. The Order also concludes that the three-character BLU EAS event
code, rather than a currently existing EAS code, would help ensure that
both Blue Alerts and related outreach and training are undertaken in a
consistent manner nationally. The Commission agrees with NYC that using
the BLU code would allow for pre-scripted, standardized on-
[[Page 2560]]
screen text that is more descriptive than the existing categories, and
would serve to socialize the Blue Alert concept with the public, much
like the AMBER Alerts have done for years. The Commission is also
persuaded that a dedicated event code with consistent national
standards would allow Federal, state, and local authorities to create
consistent training programs for alert originators, as well as public
service announcements, ad campaigns, and informational material that
would serve to educate the public ahead of time.
16. The Order disagrees with commenters that Blue Alerts should
extend beyond law enforcement officers to include all uniformed first
responders, including firefighters and paramedics. The stated purpose
of the Blue Alert Act is to ``encourage, enhance, and integrate Blue
Alert plans throughout the United States to disseminate information
when a law enforcement officer is seriously injured or killed in the
line of duty, is missing in connection with the officer's official
duties, or an imminent and credible threat that an individual intends
to cause the serious injury or death of a law enforcement officer is
received.'' The Commission agrees with the COPS Office that Commission
action should not extend beyond the Congressional mandate by including
parties other than law enforcement officers. Such action would fall
outside the scope of the Blue Alert Act, which limits Blue Alerts to a
``law enforcement officer.''
17. Similarly, the Order finds that existing EAS codes LEW (Law
Enforcement Warning), LAE (Local Area Emergency), and CEM (Civil
Emergency Message) would not be as effective as a BLU event code. The
Commission agrees with the COPS Office that the absence of a dedicated
BLU event code requires states and local law enforcement agencies to
use one of the existing generic event codes in an ad hoc manner and
that existing event codes such as LEW are inadequate. NAB also notes
that there is confusion about the true nature or severity of an
emergency when LEW is used. The record supports the conclusion by the
COPS Office that there is a lack of urgency associated with the
existing LEW, LAE and CEM event codes because they are sometimes used
for matters that do not suggest the need for immediate action. For
example, the COPS Office observes that LEW alerts address a broad array
of matters including police activity, weather-related incidents, road
hazards, missing persons, and other miscellaneous alerts. Similarly,
LAE and CEM alerts are more varied than LEW, as they additionally
include alerts addressing utility issues and fire hazards. The Order
does not address the efficacy of such multiple uses for LEW, LAE, and
CEM, but do agree with the COPS Office that the broad use of these
event codes make them inappropriate for use as the Blue Alert event
code. The Commission agrees with the COPS Office that using LEW, LAE,
or CEM for Blue Alerts would create confusion, as instructions for
different situations can be contradictory and the public would not know
what kind of action to take based on the event code alone. As the
Commission found in the NWS Report and Order proceeding, the public
interest is not served by relying on inadequate warnings that might
provide incorrect or even opposite remedial advice to the public. The
Order finds that Blue Alerts have a purpose that is sufficiently unique
and well defined (as compared to the circumstances that have prompted
the use of other codes) to warrant a unique dedicated BLU event code,
which could serve as a vital tool'' for ``protect[ing] law enforcement
officers and the communities they serve.''
18. WEA Delivery of Blue Alerts. Although the COPS Office limited
its request to an EAS event code for Blue Alerts, Blue Alerts are also
capable of delivery over WEA as that system is currently configured.
Moreover, incidents that qualify for the initiation of a Blue Alert
under the Blue Alert Guidelines would also satisfy the minimum
requirements for initiation of an ``Imminent Threat'' Alert via WEA.
Accordingly, the Order permits Blue Alerts to be deployed via WEA using
existing alerting methodologies and consistent with our WEA rules.
19. NYC suggests that Blue Alerts use the Imminent Threat Alert
classification only as a temporary measure until such time that a
dedicated WEA message classification for Blue Alerts can be developed
and deployed. NYC is concerned that the existing pre-scripted text for
Imminent Threat Alert is ``overly vague,'' lacks capabilities for
``alert originators entering free form text'' or ``Blue Alert-specific
pre-scripted text,'' and ``can lead to public confusion and/or panic.''
Although NYC's concerns are somewhat mitigated by the evidence in the
record that alert originators can use message ``templates'' that could
be used for different Blue Alert scenarios, the Commission believes the
issue merits further study. The Commission sought comment in the Blue
Alert NPRM on the extent to which additional guidance or direction
would be helpful regarding how Blue Alerts should be classified for
purposes of WEA. Although the Commission declines to adopt a separate
classification for WEA Blue Alerts at this time, the Order leaves this
aspect of the issue teed up in the Blue Alert NPRM pending, and keeps
the above-captioned docket open, to help gather additional information
on this issue beyond what the record currently contains, including
further comment from those interested on potential implementation
steps, time frame, and costs, until sixty days after the date of
publication of this Order in the Federal Register. In the meantime, the
Order finds that issuance of Blue Alerts using WEA's existing standards
and structures at least as a temporary measure will be effective, will
reduce the necessary time for Blue Alerts to become available on WEA,
and will reduce the costs to WEA stakeholders.
20. Implementation Schedule. In the Blue Alert NPRM, the Commission
sought comment on the proposal that EAS equipment manufacturers should
integrate the Blue Alert event code into equipment yet to be
manufactured or sold, and make necessary software upgrades available to
EAS Participants, no later than six months from the effective date of
the final rule. This proposal was based on the Commission's experience
with the NWS Report and Order proceeding, in which the Commission
required a similar schedule for implementation of severe weather-
related EAS event codes. In the Blue Alert NPRM, the Commission
likewise noted that adding a BLU EAS event code would trigger technical
and public safety requirements regarding equipment readiness that were
similar to those discussed in the NWS Report and Order proceeding.
21. The Order encourages stakeholders to work together voluntarily
to implement Blue Alerts as swiftly as possible in light of the
important public safety objectives involved. The Commission recognizes,
however, the record reflects that some time is necessary for equipment
manufacturers and Participating Commercial Mobile Service (CMS)
Providers to prepare their equipment and networks to be able to process
any Blue Alerts that are sent over EAS and WEA, as well as for alert
originators, EAS Participants, and other stakeholders to have the
necessary training and resources to deliver Blue Alerts to the public
if they choose to do so. Accordingly, the Order allows a period of 12
months from the effective date of this rule to enable the delivery of
Blue Alerts over EAS, and a period of 18 months from the effective date
of this rule to enable the delivery of Blue
[[Page 2561]]
Alerts over WEA. This implementation schedule will ensure all
stakeholders have sufficient time to address any technical, resource,
and training needs they may require to ensure the successful delivery
of Blue Alerts.
22. Although NYC states that six months is sufficient time for EAS
equipment manufacturers to release the necessary software upgrades for
a dedicated Blue Alert event code, other commenters suggest more time
is warranted for implementation of Blue Alerts for both EAS and WEA.
NCTA states that the Commission should work with EAS manufacturers to
determine the adequacy of the time allocated for software upgrades to
equipment. EAS equipment manufacturers Monroe and Sage Alerting Systems
(Sage) state that 12 months is sufficient to allow for the new event
code to be deployed within a scheduled in-version equipment software
update, resulting in no incremental cost to EAS Participants, rather
than as a scheduled major version upgrade that would have to be
separately purchased. Broadcaster Adrienne Abbott (Abbott) states that
EAS stakeholders have additional needs that must be met to ensure the
successful delivery of Blue Alerts (e.g., the updating of EAS Plans to
accommodate the use of the new code, time for Councils of Governments
(COGs) to add the Blue Alert Event Code to their list of approved
codes, and public awareness campaigns to be conducted to raise
awareness and understanding of Blue Alerts). The record, however, does
not support Abbott's contention that this entire process will require
two years to complete. For the reasons described in this Order and the
earlier NWS Report and Order, the Commission's experience tells us that
this process can occur in parallel with the development and deployment
of EAS equipment software updates and can be accommodated within a 12-
month period. Participating CMS Providers have requested 18 months to
complete the incorporation of pending standards into their networks and
devices that will enable the delivery of Blue Alerts as Imminent
Threats over WEA, such as modification of the ``C-interface,'' the
secure interface that exists between IPAWS and commercial mobile
service provider gateways. In connection, NYC acknowledges that ``a
longer implementation timeframe is likely necessary for the wireless
industry.'' Based on the record, the Commission believes that a 12-
month implementation period for EAS and an 18-month implementation
period for WEA will provide all stakeholders adequate time to ensure
that the necessary equipment upgrades, software updates, development,
and testing are completed to enable the delivery of Blue Alerts over
EAS and WEA as contemplated by this Order.
23. The Blue Alert NPRM proposed to allow EAS Participants to
upgrade their equipment to add a designated Blue Alert event code on a
voluntary basis until their equipment is replaced, which is the same
approach the Commission has taken when it has adopted other new EAS
event codes in the past. The Order adopts a modified version of this
proposal and permit EAS Participants to update their software to add
the BLU event code on a voluntary basis. All EAS Participants should be
able to add the BLU event code using a software upgrade because, as of
July 30, 2016, all EAS Participants should have equipment in place that
is capable, at the minimum, of being upgraded by software to
accommodate EAS modifications, and thus, the need to upgrade existing
equipment no longer appears to be necessary. The Order also agrees with
NCTA that permitting software upgrades on a voluntary basis is a
``sensible and effective'' approach to adopting a new event code, and
with ACA, which notes that this approach ``appropriately balances the
public's interest in the safety and well-being of law enforcement
officials against the costs of implementing new EAS codes.'' The Order
disagrees with the NYC argument that allowing EAS Participants to
upgrade their software on a voluntary basis undermines the creation of
a cohesive national Blue Alert system. As the Commission observed in
the NWS Report and Order, the use by EAS Participants of these codes is
and has always been voluntary, and ``it would be contrary to the
voluntary nature of state and local EAS to mandate upgrades to existing
EAS equipment to incorporate new optional event codes.'' As the Order
discusses below, the Commission also finds that this approach will
significantly reduce the costs to EAS Participants.
24. Cost and Benefit Analysis. The Order concludes that the
benefits of implementing BLU outweigh its cost. The Commission
acknowledges as it did in the Blue Alert NPRM, the COPS Office's
guidance and expertise regarding the potential benefits of Blue Alerts.
The Order also draws on the Commission's experience with the
implementation of new EAS codes. The Order finds that most of the
potential costs of implementation arise from software updates made
outside of the normal course of planned upgrades. The Order allows
sufficient time and flexibility to allow manufacturers and EAS
Participants make upgrades, and to conduct associated testing in tandem
with general software upgrades installed during the regular course of
business, thus minimizing costs. The rule adopted in the Order presents
many potential benefits by keeping the public informed, out of harm's
way, and enlisting their aid to more quickly apprehend dangerous
suspects as well as reducing the cost for 911 call centers and
emergency responders.
25. Costs. The Order finds, as suggested in the Blue Alert NPRM,
that the main cost to EAS Participants that elect to install BLU will
be the cost involved in downloading the software updates into their
devices, and conducting associated testing. The Blue Alert NPRM found
that adopting a Blue Alert EAS event code presents similar technical
issues to those raised in the NWS Report and Order, and, accordingly,
tentatively concluded that the costs for adding a dedicated Blue Alert
EAS event code would not exceed a one-time $3.5 million implementation
ceiling. In the NWS Report and Order proceeding, Monroe Electronics
indicated that the new event codes could be implemented through a
software update downloaded from its website, while Sage Alerting
Systems indicated that end users could implement event codes in 10
minutes or less, at no cost other than labor. The NWS Report and Order
used a worst-case cost figure of $125.00 per device, allowing five
hours of labor to be spent by each of the 28,058 broadcasters and cable
companies, resulting in a cost ceiling of $3.5 million. The Order
adopts the Commission's tentative conclusion in the Blue Alert NPRM,
and find that a dedicated Blue Alert EAS event code would not exceed a
one-time $3.5 million implementation cost. The Order notes that EAS
Participants can avoid most incremental implementation costs by
downloading the new Blue Alert code in conjunction with a scheduled
software update. Although the Order recognizes that EAS equipment
manufacturers will incur some costs in making the new event code
available to all EAS Participants, the Commission believes that 12
months will provide sufficient time to dovetail the BLU upgrade with
other scheduled upgrades, posing minimal expense to equipment
manufacturers. The Commission believes that the costs for
implementation of WEA will be similarly low, because Blue Alerts will
be delivered over the existing Imminent Threat WEA classification,
using WEA
[[Page 2562]]
in its current configuration. As such, the Commission believes there
will be no incremental costs associated with the delivery of Blue
Alerts over WEA, and that the 18 months granted in the Order to
Participating CMS Providers is sufficient to allow providers to
minimize the costs of deployment.
26. Benefits. The Order anticipate that establishing the BLU event
code will improve emergency alerting during events described in the
Blue Alert Guidelines, thereby helping to keep people safe from harm.
The Order agrees with the COPS Office that existing codes, such as LEW,
cannot effectively identify Blue Alerts to the public. While precise
numerical estimation is not possible, the Commission expects that the
BLU event code will improve public safety by saving lives and
preventing injuries. One way of measuring the value of lives saved is
the value of a statistical life (VSL), currently estimated at $9.6
million. Accordingly, if the BLU code is expected to save at least one
life, its value would be at least $9.6 million, which far exceeds the
one-time $3.5 million implementation cost ceiling. This expected
benefit is consistent with statistics from the Federal Bureau of
Investigation's Uniform Crime Reporting Program, which state that 66
officers were killed in the line of duty in 2016. The Commission
believes that at least some portion of these crimes would have
qualified for a Blue Alert and could have led to lives saved, quicker
apprehension of the suspect, or both. The Order notes the success of
AMBER Alerts, where 43 out of the 179 abducted children reported in
2017 were saved as a direct result of AMBER Alerts. It is reasonable to
expect that the life of at least one police officer or other member of
the public will be saved due to the issuance of an EAS Blue Alert that
uses the BLU event code. Injury prevention is another benefit of the
BLU event code. The value of injury prevention provides an independent,
quantitative metric to express the minimum benefit our rules could
produce. Like fatalities, it is difficult to predict the specific
number of injuries that the BLU event code will prevent. However,
according to the Department of Transportation, nonfatal injuries are
far more common than fatalities, and vary widely in severity, as well
as probability. Accordingly, the Commission reasons that the public
benefit of the rule adopted in this Order is heightened by its role in
preventing injuries.
27. The establishment of a dedicated Blue Alert code will also
provide the benefit of generating assistance from the public and cost
savings for emergency responders. According to NYC, threats and/or
violent crimes, including those covered by Blue Alerts, have an
economic impact on jurisdictions that should be counted among the
benefits of Blue Alerts. Blue Alerts can provide an immediate warning
to the public in an area where an extremely dangerous suspect is
thought to be. As the Commission noted in the WEA Report and Order and
FNPRM, when people can avert situations where they need emergency
assistance and therefore do not need to call 911, Public Safety
Answering Points are able to avert the cost of resource deployment. NYC
also argues that Blue Alerts will help major visitor destinations like
NYC provide information to and elicit support from non-residents. The
Commission agrees with the COPS Office, that the public has repeatedly
played a critical role in assisting law enforcement in maintaining
safety; but to assist and avoid danger, the public must be informed.
According to the COPS Office, there are clear and significant
differences between states' handling of Blue Alerts, which could limit
or complicate coordination efforts when a suspect flees, or is thought
to have fled, to another jurisdiction. The Commission agrees with the
COPS Office that widespread, uniform adoption of the BLU event code,
would arm law enforcement officers with the information necessary to
rapidly apprehend those who remain a threat to law enforcement and our
communities. The Commission concludes that the minor burdens associated
with adopting the BLU code will be more than offset by its benefits.
III. Procedural Matters
A. Accessible Formats
28. To request materials in accessible formats for people with
disabilities (Braille, large print, electronic files, audio format),
send an email to [email protected] or call the Consumer & Governmental
Affairs Bureau at 202-418-0530 (voice), 202-418-0432 (TTY).
B. Final Regulatory Flexibility Act Analysis
29. Pursuant to the Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980, as amended
(RFA), see 5 U.S.C. 603, an Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
(IRFA) was included in the NPRM in PS Docket No. 15-94. The Commission
sought written comment on the proposals in this docket, including
comment on the IRFA. This Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
conforms to the RFA.
C. Paperwork Reduction Analysis
30. This document does not contain proposed information
collection(s) subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA),
Public Law 104-13. Therefore, it also does not contain any new or
modified information collection burden for small business concerns with
fewer than 25 employees, pursuant to the Small Business Paperwork
Relief Act of 2002, Public Law 107-198, see 44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(4).
D. Congressional Review Act
31. The Commission will send a copy of this Order in a report to be
sent to Congress and the Government Accountability Office pursuant to
the Congressional Review Act, see 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A).
IV. Ordering Clauses
32. Accordingly, it is ordered that pursuant to sections 1, 4(i),
4(o), 303(r), 624(g), and 706 of the Communications Act of 1934, as
amended, 47 U.S.C. 151, 154(i), 154(o), 303(r), 544(g), 606, as well as
by sections 602(a),(b),(c), (f), 603, 604 and 606 of the Warning, Alert
and Response Network Act, 47 U.S.C. 1202(a),(b),(c), (f), 1203, 1204
and 1206, that this Order is adopted.
33. It is further ordered that the Commission's rules are hereby
amended as set forth in Appendix A of the full Order.
34. It is further ordered that the rules and requirements adopted
herein, including at Appendix A of the full Order, to enable the
delivery of Blue Alerts over EAS will be implemented January 18, 2019.
35. It is further ordered that the rules and requirements adopted
herein, including at Appendix A of the full Order, to enable the
delivery of Blue Alerts over WEA will be implemented July 18, 2019.
List of Subjects in 47 CFR Part 11
Radio, Television.
Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene H. Dortch,
Secretary, Office of the Secretary.
Final Rules
For the reasons discussed in the preamble, the Federal
Communications Commission amends 47 CFR part 11 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 11 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 47 U.S.C. 151, 154 (i) and (o), 303(r), 544(g) and
[[Page 2563]]
2. Amend Sec. 11.31 by:
a. In the table in paragraph (e), adding an entry under ``State and
Local Codes (Optional)'' for ``Blue Alert'', and
b. Removing the first paragraph (f).
The addition reads as follows:
Sec. 11.31 EAS protocol.
* * * * *
(e) The following Event (EEE) codes are presently authorized:
Nature of activation codes
* * * * *
State and Local Codes (Optional):........................... ..........
* * * * *
Blue Alert.................................................. BLU.
* * * * *
* * * * *
[FR Doc. 2018-00595 Filed 1-17-18; 8:45 am]