Health Services Research and Development Service, Scientific Merit Review Board; Notice of Meetings, 2493-2494 [2018-00650]
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ethrower on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 11 / Wednesday, January 17, 2018 / Notices
section 3 of the Investment Company
Act of 1940 but for section 3(c)(1) or
3(c)(7) of . . . [that] Act.’’ In
cooperation with the Bureau of
Economic Analysis (BEA), effective for
TIC reports beginning as of January 1,
2017 and afterwards, reporters of
investments in private funds that meet
the definition of direct investment (that
is, ownership by one person of 10
percent or more of the voting interest of
a business enterprise) but display
characteristics of portfolio investment
(specifically, investors who do not
intend to control or influence the
management of an operating company)
are required to report through the
Treasury International Capital (TIC)
reporting system, where other related
portfolio investments are already being
reported, and not to report on BEA’s
direct investment surveys. Specifically,
cross-border investments by or into
private funds are included in TIC
reports regardless of ownership share if
they meet BOTH of the following
criteria: (i) The private fund does not
own, directly or indirectly through
another business enterprise, an
‘‘operating company’’—i.e., a business
enterprise that is not a private fund or
a holding company—in which the U.S.
or foreign parent owns at least 10
percent of the voting interest, and (ii) If
the private fund is owned indirectly
(through one or more other business
enterprises), there are no ‘‘operating
companies’’ between the U.S. or foreign
parent and the indirectly-owned private
fund. Direct investment in operating
companies, including investment by
and through private funds, will
continue to be reported to BEA.
Guidance on the decision to report
investments in certain private funds or
between entities of certain private funds
in the TIC system or in BEA surveys can
be found at:
privatefunds; use the tools labeled ‘‘U.S.
Investments in Foreign Private Funds’’
and ‘‘Foreign Investments in U.S.
Private Funds.’’ This change aligns the
U.S. direct investment and portfolio
investment data more closely with the
intent of the investment with respect to
management control. In addition, it
reduces the burden for respondents,
many of whom previously reported both
to the TIC reporting system and to
BEA’s direct investment reporting
system. This change in reporting was
effective January 1, 2017; this update
will formalize the reporting
requirements. Note: This change applies
also to these other TIC forms if the
reporting requirements of the form are
met: BC, BL–1, BL–2, BQ–1, BQ–2, BQ–
3, D, S, SHC(A) and SHL(A).
VerDate Sep<11>2014
17:14 Jan 16, 2018
Jkt 244001
(2) The section II.A ‘‘Who Must
Report’’ of the instructions is updated to
list out separately ‘‘principal trading
firms’’ and ’’fund administrators.’’
(3) The section II.A ‘‘Who Must
Report’’ and section II.B ‘‘Consolidation
Rules’’ of the instructions are updated to
list out separately Intermediate Holding
Companies (IHCs), as defined by
Regulation YY, 12 CFR 252, and to
clarify that IHCs should follow the same
consolidation rules that are applicable
to Bank Holding Companies (BHCs),
Financial Holding Companies (FHCs),
and Savings and Loan Holding
Companies. Regulation YY was effective
by January 1, 2015, and IHCs are filing
TIC reports; this update will formalize
their reporting requirements.
(4) The section II.F.2 ‘‘What Must Be
Reported’’ of the instructions is updated
to clarify that, regarding securities
involved in security lending agreements
and repurchase/resale (reverse
repurchase) agreements, sales of the
underlying security collateral to other
parties and the purchases of such
securities from other parties, undertaken
in order to return the security collateral
to the lenders, must be reported.
(5) The section IV.C.1 columns 1 & 2
‘‘Column by Column Instructions’’ of
the instructions is updated to clarify
that the stripped securities ‘‘teddy
bears’’ (TBRs), ‘‘tigers’’ (TIGRs), ‘‘cats’’
(CATS) and ‘‘cougars’’ (COUGRs)
should also be classified as U.S.
Treasury securities.
(6) The section II.F.2 ‘‘What Must Be
Reported’’ clarifies that long-term
Treasury securities are
Bonds, Notes, TIPS, FRNs and
Savings Bonds.
(7) Some other clarifications and
format changes may be made to improve
the instructions.
Type of Review: Revision of a
currently approved collection.
Affected Public: Business or other forprofit organizations. Form SLT (1505–
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Average Time per
Respondent: Average 8.8 hours per
respondent per filing. The estimated
average burden per respondent varies
widely, from about 17 hours per filing
for a U.S.-resident custodian filing Part
A and Part B to about 6.5 hours for a
U.S.-resident issuer or U.S.-resident
end-investor filing Part B.
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 42,912 hours, based on 12
reporting periods per year.
Request for Comments: Comments
submitted in response to this notice will
be summarized and/or included in the
request for Office of Management and
PO 00000
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Budget approval. All comments will
become a matter of public record. The
public is invited to submit written
comments concerning: (a) Whether
Form SLT is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
Office, including whether the
information will have practical uses; (b)
the accuracy of the above estimate of the
burdens; (c) ways to enhance the
quality, usefulness and clarity of the
information to be collected; (d) ways to
minimize the reporting and/or record
keeping burdens on respondents,
including the use of information
technologies to automate the collection
of the data; and (e) estimates of capital
or start-up costs of operation,
maintenance and purchase of services to
provide information.
Dwight Wolkow,
Administrator, International Portfolio
Investment Data Reporting Systems.
[FR Doc. 2018–00674 Filed 1–16–18; 8:45 am]
Health Services Research and
Development Service, Scientific Merit
Review Board; Notice of Meetings
The Department of Veterans Affairs
(VA) gives notice under the Federal
Advisory Committee Act the Health
Services Research and Development
Service Scientific Merit Review Board
will conduct in-person and
teleconference meetings of its eleven
Health Services Research (HSR)
subcommittees on the dates below from
8:00 a.m. to approximately 4:30 p.m.
(unless otherwise listed) at the FHI 360,
1825 Connecticut Ave. NW,
Washington, DC 20009 (unless
otherwise listed):
• HSR 0—Community Care on March
13, 2018;
• HSR 1—Health Care and Clinical
Management on March 13–14, 2018;
• HSR 2—Behavioral, Social, and
Cultural Determinants of Health and
Care on March 13–14, 2018;
• HSR 3—Healthcare Informatics on
March 16, 2018;
• HSR 4—Mental and Behavioral
Health on March 15–16, 2018;
• HSR 5—Health Care System
Organization and Delivery on March
15–16, 2018;
• HSR 6—Post-acute and Long-term
Care on March 14, 2018;
• MRA 0—Mentored Research on
March 16, 2018;
• HSR 8—Implementation Research
Project on March 13, 2018;
ethrower on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 11 / Wednesday, January 17, 2018 / Notices
• HS8 A—Randomized Program
Evaluations on March 13, 2018; and
• HSR 9—Learning Health Initiative
on March 15, 2018.
The purpose of the Board is to review
health services research and
development applications involving:
The measurement and evaluation of
health care services; the testing of new
methods of health care delivery and
management; and mentored research.
Applications are reviewed for scientific
and technical merit, mission relevance,
and the protection of human and animal
subjects. Recommendations regarding
funding are submitted to the Chief
Research and Development Officer.
Each subcommittee meeting of the
Board will be open to the public the first
day for approximately one half-hour
from 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. at the start
of the meeting on March 13 (HSR 0, 1,
2, 8, and HS8A), March 14 (HSR 1, 2,
6), March 15 (HSR 4, 5, 9), and March
16 (HSR 3, 4, 5, and MRA 0) to cover
administrative matters and to discuss
the general status of the program.
Members of the public who wish to
attend the open portion of the
subcommittee meetings may dial 1 (800)
767–1750, participant code 10443#.
The remaining portion of each
subcommittee meeting will be closed for
the discussion, examination, reference
to, and oral review of the intramural
research proposals and critiques. During
the closed portion of each subcommittee
meeting, discussion and
recommendations will include
qualifications of the personnel
conducting the studies (the disclosure of
which would constitute a clearly
unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy), as well as research information
(the premature disclosure of which
would likely compromise significantly
the implementation of proposed agency
action regarding such research projects).
As provided by subsection 10(d) of
Public Law 92–463, as amended by
Public Law 94–409, closing the meeting
is in accordance with 5 U.S.C.
552b(c)(6) and (9)(B).
No oral or written comments will be
accepted from the public for either
portion of the meetings. Those who plan
to participate during the open portion of
a subcommittee meeting should contact
Ms. Liza Catucci, Administrative
Officer, Department of Veterans Affairs,
Health Services Research and
Development Service (10P9H), 810
Vermont Avenue NW, Washington, DC
20420, or by email at Liza.Catucci@ For further information, please
call Ms. Catucci at (202) 443–5797.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
17:14 Jan 16, 2018
Jkt 244001
Dated: January 11, 2018.
LaTonya L. Small,
Federal Advisory Committee Management
[FR Doc. 2018–00650 Filed 1–16–18; 8:45 am]
[OMB Control No. 2900–0712]
Agency Information Collection
Activity: Survey of Healthcare
Experiences of Patients (SHEP)
Veterans Health
Administration, Department of Veterans
ACTION: Notice.
In compliance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of
1995, this notice announces that the
Veterans Health Administration,
Department of Veterans Affairs, will
submit the collection of information
abstracted below to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) for
review and comment. The PRA
submission describes the nature of the
information collection and its expected
cost and burden and it includes the
actual data collection instrument.
DATES: Comments must be submitted on
or before February 16, 2018.
ADDRESSES: Submit written comments
on the collection of information through, or to Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs,
Office of Management and Budget, Attn:
VA Desk Officer; 725 17th St. NW,
Washington, DC 20503 or sent through
electronic mail to oira_submission@ Please refer to ‘‘OMB
Control No. 2900–0712’’ in any
Cynthia Harvey-Pryor, Office of Quality,
Privacy and Risk (OQPR), Department of
Veterans Affairs, 810 Vermont Avenue
NW, Washington, DC 20420, (202) 461–
5870 or email cynthia.harvey-pryor@ Please refer to ‘‘OMB Control
No. 2900–0712’’ in any correspondence.
Authority: E.O. 12862—Setting
Customer Service Standards.
Title: Survey of Healthcare
Experiences of Patients (SHEP).
SHEP Inpatient Long Form: 10–1465–1
SHEP Inpatient Short Form: 10–1465–2
Ambulatory Care Long Form:
Ambulatory Care Short Form:
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4703
Clinician and Group CAHPS 3.0 Patient
Centered Medical Home Short Form:
Clinician and Group CAHPS 3.0 Patient
Centered Medical Home Long Form:
Home Healthcare CAHPS Long Form:
In-Center Hemodialysis CAHPS Long
Form: 10–1465–8
Clinician & Group CAHPS 3.0: 10–
SHEP Community Care survey: 10–
OMB Control Number: 2900–0712.
Type of Review: Reinstatement of a
currently approved collection.
Abstract: The Survey of Health
Experience of Patients (SHEP) has been
developed to measure patient
satisfaction in the Veterans Health
Administration, and has been in use in
its present form since 2008. The mission
of the Veterans Health Administration
(VHA) is to provide high quality
medical care to eligible veterans.
Executive Order 12862, dated
September 11, 1993, calls for the
establishment and implementation of
customer service standards, and for
agencies to ‘‘survey customers to
determine the kind and quality of
services they want and their level of
satisfaction with current services’’.
Further emphasized by the Executive
Order 13571, on ‘‘Streamlining Service
Delivery and Improving Customer
Service,’’ issued on April 27, 2011, VA
must work continuously to ensure that
their programs are effective and meet
their customers’ needs. To this end, VA
is always seeking new and innovative
ways to ensure the highest levels of
customer satisfaction.
An agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to a collection of information
unless it displays a currently valid OMB
control number. The Federal Register
Notice with a 60-day comment period
soliciting comments on this collection
of information was published at 82 FR
50488 on October 31, 2017, pages
Affected Public: Individuals or
Estimated Annual Burden:
10–1465–1—160 hours.
10–1465–2—18,000 hours.
10–1465–3—160 hours.
10–1465–4—120 hours.
10–1465–5—48,000 hours.
10–1465–6—8,000 hours.
10–1465–7—80 hours.
10–1465–8—120 hours.
10–1465–9—30,000 hours.
10–1465–10—72,000 hours.
Estimated Average Burden per
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 11 (Wednesday, January 17, 2018)]
[Pages 2493-2494]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2018-00650]
Health Services Research and Development Service, Scientific
Merit Review Board; Notice of Meetings
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) gives notice under the
Federal Advisory Committee Act the Health Services Research and
Development Service Scientific Merit Review Board will conduct in-
person and teleconference meetings of its eleven Health Services
Research (HSR) subcommittees on the dates below from 8:00 a.m. to
approximately 4:30 p.m. (unless otherwise listed) at the FHI 360, 1825
Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20009 (unless otherwise listed):
HSR 0--Community Care on March 13, 2018;
HSR 1--Health Care and Clinical Management on March 13-14,
HSR 2--Behavioral, Social, and Cultural Determinants of
Health and Care on March 13-14, 2018;
HSR 3--Healthcare Informatics on March 16, 2018;
HSR 4--Mental and Behavioral Health on March 15-16, 2018;
HSR 5--Health Care System Organization and Delivery on
March 15-16, 2018;
HSR 6--Post-acute and Long-term Care on March 14, 2018;
MRA 0--Mentored Research on March 16, 2018;
HSR 8--Implementation Research Project on March 13, 2018;
[[Page 2494]]
HS8 A--Randomized Program Evaluations on March 13, 2018;
HSR 9--Learning Health Initiative on March 15, 2018.
The purpose of the Board is to review health services research and
development applications involving: The measurement and evaluation of
health care services; the testing of new methods of health care
delivery and management; and mentored research. Applications are
reviewed for scientific and technical merit, mission relevance, and the
protection of human and animal subjects. Recommendations regarding
funding are submitted to the Chief Research and Development Officer.
Each subcommittee meeting of the Board will be open to the public
the first day for approximately one half-hour from 8:00 a.m. to 8:30
a.m. at the start of the meeting on March 13 (HSR 0, 1, 2, 8, and
HS8A), March 14 (HSR 1, 2, 6), March 15 (HSR 4, 5, 9), and March 16
(HSR 3, 4, 5, and MRA 0) to cover administrative matters and to discuss
the general status of the program. Members of the public who wish to
attend the open portion of the subcommittee meetings may dial 1 (800)
767-1750, participant code 10443#.
The remaining portion of each subcommittee meeting will be closed
for the discussion, examination, reference to, and oral review of the
intramural research proposals and critiques. During the closed portion
of each subcommittee meeting, discussion and recommendations will
include qualifications of the personnel conducting the studies (the
disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of
personal privacy), as well as research information (the premature
disclosure of which would likely compromise significantly the
implementation of proposed agency action regarding such research
projects). As provided by subsection 10(d) of Public Law 92-463, as
amended by Public Law 94-409, closing the meeting is in accordance with
5 U.S.C. 552b(c)(6) and (9)(B).
No oral or written comments will be accepted from the public for
either portion of the meetings. Those who plan to participate during
the open portion of a subcommittee meeting should contact Ms. Liza
Catucci, Administrative Officer, Department of Veterans Affairs, Health
Services Research and Development Service (10P9H), 810 Vermont Avenue
NW, Washington, DC 20420, or by email at [email protected]. For
further information, please call Ms. Catucci at (202) 443-5797.
Dated: January 11, 2018.
LaTonya L. Small,
Federal Advisory Committee Management Officer.
[FR Doc. 2018-00650 Filed 1-16-18; 8:45 am]