Notice of Availability of the 2019-2024 Draft Proposed Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program and Notice of Intent To Prepare a Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement, 829-834 [2018-00083]
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Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 5 / Monday, January 8, 2018 / Notices
collection was previously published in
the Federal Register (82 FR 48840) on
October 20, 2017, allowing for a 60-day
comment period. This notice allows for
an additional 30 days for public
comments. This process is conducted in
accordance with 5 CFR 1320.8. Written
comments and suggestions from the
public and affected agencies should
address one or more of the following
four points: (1) Whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the agency, including
whether the information will have
practical utility; (2) the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used; (3)
suggestions to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information to
be collected; and (4) suggestions to
minimize the burden of the collection of
information on those who are to
respond, including through the use of
appropriate automated, electronic,
mechanical, or other technological
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology, e.g., permitting
electronic submission of responses. The
comments that are submitted will be
summarized and included in the request
for approval. All comments will become
a matter of public record.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
Title: Application for Identification
OMB Number: 1651–0008.
Form Number: CBP Form 3078.
Action: CBP proposes to extend the
expiration date of this information
collection with no change to the
estimated burden hours or to CBP Form
Type of Review: Extension (without
Abstract: CBP Form 3078, Application
for Identification Card, is filled out in
order to obtain an Identification Card
which is used to gain access to CBP
security areas. This form collects
biographical information and is usually
completed by licensed Cartmen or
Lightermen whose duties require
receiving, transporting, or otherwise
handling imported merchandise which
has not been released from CBP custody.
This form is submitted to the local CBP
office at the port of entry that the
respondent will be requesting access to
the Federal Inspection Section. Form
3078 is authorized by 19 U.S.C. 66,
1551, 1555, 1565, 1624, 1641; and 19
CFR 112.42, 118, 122.182, and 146.6.
This form is accessible at: https://
16:29 Jan 05, 2018
Jkt 244001
Dated: January 2, 2018.
Seth Renkema,
Branch Chief, Economic Impact Analysis
Branch, U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
[FR Doc. 2018–00070 Filed 1–5–18; 8:45 am]
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
[BOEM–2017–0074; MMAA104000]
Notice of Availability of the 2019–2024
Draft Proposed Outer Continental Shelf
Oil and Gas Leasing Program and
Notice of Intent To Prepare a
Programmatic Environmental Impact
Bureau of Ocean Energy
Management (BOEM), Interior.
ACTION: Notice; request for comments.
BOEM is announcing the
availability of, and requests comments
on, the Draft Proposed Program (DPP)
for the 2019–2024 Outer Continental
Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program
(2019–2024 Program or Program). BOEM
is also announcing its decision to
prepare a Programmatic Environmental
Impact Statement for the 2019–2024
Program (Programmatic EIS) and the
initiation of the formal scoping process.
DATES: Comments should be submitted
by March 9, 2018 to the address
specified in the ADDRESSES section of
this notice. Dates of public meetings to
be held between now and March 9,
2018, will be posted on https://
ADDRESSES: Comments on the DPP or
Programmatic EIS may be submitted in
one of the following ways:
1. Mailed in an envelope labeled
‘‘Comments for the 2019–2024 Draft
Proposed National Oil and Gas Leasing
Program’’ and mailed (or hand
delivered) to Ms. Kelly Hammerle,
Chief, National Oil and Gas Leasing
Program Development and Coordination
Branch, Leasing Division, Office of
Strategic Resources, Bureau of Ocean
Energy Management (VAM–LD), 45600
Woodland Road, Sterling, VA 20166–
9216, telephone (703) 787–1613.
Overview of This Information
VerDate Sep<11>2014
Affected Public: Businesses.
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Number of Total Annual
Responses: 150,000.
Estimated Time per Response: 17
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 42,450.
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Written comments may also be hand
delivered at a public meeting to the
BOEM official in charge.
2. Through the web
portal: Navigate to https:// and under the
Search tab, in the space provided, type
in Docket ID: BOEM–2017–0074 to
submit comments and to view other
comments already submitted.
Information on using, including
instructions for accessing documents,
submitting comments, and viewing the
docket after the close of the comment
period, is available through the links
under the box entitled ‘‘Are you new to
this site?’’
information on the 2019–2024 Program
process or BOEM’s policies associated
with this notice, please contact Ms.
Kelly Hammerle, Chief, National Oil
and Gas Leasing Program Development
and Coordination Branch at (703) 787–
1613. For information on the 2019–2024
Programmatic EIS, submission of
comments related to potential
environmental impacts, or Cooperating
Agency status, please contact Dr. Jill
Lewandowski, Chief, Division of
Environmental Assessment, at (703)
28, 2017, Presidential Executive Order
13795: Implementing an America First
Offshore Energy Strategy (E.O. 13795),
directed the Secretary of the Interior
(Secretary) to give full consideration to
revising the schedule of proposed oil
and gas lease sales adopted in the 2017–
2022 Outer Continental Shelf Oil and
Gas Leasing Program, which was
approved on January 17, 2017. The
Secretary issued Secretarial Order 3350
on May 1, 2017, which further directed
BOEM to develop a new National Outer
Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing
Program. As directed by the Secretary,
BOEM initiated the development of the
2019–2024 Program by issuing a request
for information and comments (RFI) on
July 3, 2017 (82 FR 30886). The Program
development process required by
section 18 of the Outer Continental
Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA), 43 U.S.C.
1344, and its implementing regulations,
includes the development of a DPP, a
Proposed Program, a Proposed Final
Program (PFP), and Secretarial approval
of the 2019–2024 Program.
This notice serves as the NOA for the
DPP and the NOI for the preparation of
a Programmatic EIS. The DPP includes
the section 18 analysis for the OCS areas
of potential interest to the Secretary and
his initial proposed schedule of lease
sales for the 2019–2024 Program. The
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 5 / Monday, January 8, 2018 / Notices
DPP provides the basis for gathering
information and conducting analyses to
inform the Secretary on which areas to
include for further leasing consideration
in the 2019–2024 Program.
The DPP for the 2019–2024 Program
would make more than 98 percent of the
OCS resources available to consider for
oil and gas leasing during the 2019–
2024 period. Including at this stage
nearly the entire OCS for potential oil
and gas discovery is consistent with
advancing the goal of moving the United
States from simply aspiring to energy
independence to attaining energy
dominance. This DPP would allow for
unprecedented increases in access to
America’s extensive offshore oil and gas
resources, a critical component of the
Nation’s energy portfolio, and
emphasizes the importance of
producing American energy in America.
The DPP will enable the Secretary to
receive information necessary to
conduct a thorough consideration of the
Section 18(a)(2) factors in order to
perform the balancing analysis required
by Section 18(a)(3) of the OCS Lands
Act. Including areas in the 2019–2024
Program will incentivize industry to
employ their world-class geological and
technical expertise to assess and
evaluate America’s potential offshore oil
and gas resources. By not prematurely
restricting or narrowing OCS areas
under consideration, this DPP will
allow industry the opportunity to
further inform the Secretary of their
interest in leasing frontier areas and to
collect data in areas that have not been
explored in decades, if ever. This will,
in turn, further our understanding of the
resources available on the OCS to meet
national energy needs. The Secretary’s
approach to the DPP lease sale schedule
does not prematurely foreclose
exploration planning, but fosters it, to
allow for potential for the discovery of
oil and gas on the OCS.
Allowing for the potential discovery
of new oil and gas reserves on the OCS
is consistent with the Administration’s
America-First Energy Strategy, which
seeks to achieve energy security and
resilience by reducing U.S. reliance on
imported energy. Additionally, OCS oil
and gas production benefits the United
States by helping to reinvigorate
American manufacturing and job
growth, and contributes to the gross
domestic product. Many of the jobs in
the oil and gas industry earn a
significant wage premium; these
employees have more purchasing power
and can consume more goods and
services, increasing their standard of
living, and contributing more to the
Grounded in the above principles,
and after careful consideration of public
input and the OCS Lands Act Section
18(a)(2) factors, the DPP proposes a
lease sale schedule of 47 lease sales in
all four OCS regions and includes 25 of
the 26 planning areas: 19 lease sales in
the Alaska Region (3 in the Chukchi
Sea, 3 in the Beaufort Sea, 2 in Cook
Inlet, and 1 sale each in the 11 other
available planning areas in Alaska), 7
lease sales in the Pacific Region (2 each
for Northern California, Central
California, and Southern California, and
1 for Washington/Oregon), 12 lease sales
in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) Region (10
regionwide lease sales for the portions
of the Central, Western, and Eastern
GOM planning areas that are not
currently under moratorium, and 2 sales
for the portions of the Central and
Eastern GOM planning areas that will
no longer be under moratorium in
2022), and 9 lease sales in the Atlantic
Region (3 sales each for the Mid- and
South Atlantic, 2 for the North Atlantic,
and 1 for the Straits of Florida).
The DPP does not include a sale in
the North Aleutian Basin Planning Area.
This area was withdrawn on December
16, 2014, from consideration for any oil
and gas leasing for a time period
without specific expiration.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
Sale year
OCS Region
1. 2019 .......................
2. 2020 .......................
3. 2020 .......................
4. 2020 .......................
5. 2020 .......................
6. 2020 .......................
7. 2020 .......................
8. 2021 .......................
9. 2021 .......................
10. 2021 .....................
11. 2021 .....................
12. 2021 .....................
13. 2021 .....................
14. 2021 .....................
15. 2021 .....................
16. 2022 .....................
17. 2022 .....................
18. 2022 .....................
19. 2022 .....................
20. 2022 .....................
21. 2022 .....................
22. 2023 .....................
23. 2023 .....................
24. 2023 .....................
25. 2023 .....................
26. 2023 .....................
27. 2023 .....................
28. 2023 .....................
29. 2023 .....................
30. 2023 .....................
31. 2023 .....................
32. 2023 .....................
33. 2023 .....................
34. 2023 .....................
Alaska ........................................................................................
Alaska ........................................................................................
Pacific ........................................................................................
Gulf of Mexico ...........................................................................
Gulf of Mexico ...........................................................................
Atlantic .......................................................................................
Atlantic .......................................................................................
Alaska ........................................................................................
Alaska ........................................................................................
Pacific ........................................................................................
Pacific ........................................................................................
Pacific ........................................................................................
Atlantic .......................................................................................
Gulf of Mexico ...........................................................................
Gulf of Mexico ...........................................................................
Alaska ........................................................................................
Pacific ........................................................................................
Atlantic .......................................................................................
Atlantic .......................................................................................
Gulf of Mexico ...........................................................................
Gulf of Mexico ...........................................................................
Alaska ........................................................................................
Alaska ........................................................................................
Alaska ........................................................................................
Alaska ........................................................................................
Alaska ........................................................................................
Alaska ........................................................................................
Alaska ........................................................................................
Alaska ........................................................................................
Alaska ........................................................................................
Alaska ........................................................................................
Alaska ........................................................................................
Alaska ........................................................................................
Alaska ........................................................................................
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Program area
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Beaufort Sea.
Chukchi Sea.
Southern California.
Western, Central, and
Western, Central, and
South Atlantic.
Beaufort Sea.
Cook Inlet.
Northern California.
Central California.
North Atlantic.
Western, Central, and
Western, Central, and
Chukchi Sea.
Southern California.
South Atlantic.
Western, Central, and
Western, Central, and
Beaufort Sea.
Cook Inlet.
Hope Basin.
Norton Basin.
St. Matthew-Hall.
Navarin Basin.
Aleutian Basin.
St. George Basin.
Bowers Basin.
Aleutian Arc.
Gulf of Alaska.
Eastern Gulf of Mexico.*
Eastern Gulf of Mexico.*
Eastern Gulf of Mexico.*
Eastern Gulf of Mexico.*
Eastern Gulf of Mexico.*
Eastern Gulf of Mexico.*
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 5 / Monday, January 8, 2018 / Notices
Sale year
OCS Region
Program area
Pacific ........................................................................................
Pacific ........................................................................................
Gulf of Mexico ...........................................................................
Gulf of Mexico ...........................................................................
Gulf of Mexico ...........................................................................
Atlantic .......................................................................................
Atlantic .......................................................................................
Alaska ........................................................................................
Gulf of Mexico ...........................................................................
Gulf of Mexico ...........................................................................
Gulf of Mexico ...........................................................................
Atlantic .......................................................................................
Atlantic .......................................................................................
Central California.
Northern California.
Western, Central, and Eastern Gulf of
Western, Central, and Eastern Gulf of
Eastern and Central Gulf of Mexico.**
Straits of Florida.
North Atlantic.
Chukchi Sea.
Western, Central, and Eastern Gulf of
Western, Central, and Eastern Gulf of
Eastern and Central Gulf of Mexico.**
South Atlantic.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
* All available areas, not including those subject to the GOMESA moratorium through June 30, 2022.
** Those areas available following the expiration of the GOMESA moratorium.
Including 25 of the 26 planning areas
in the DPP allows for maximum
flexibility in the future stages of the
process, as well as the opportunity to
seek additional input and further
coordinate with key stakeholders on
those areas. The Secretary is committed
to enhancing coordination and
collaboration with other governmental
entities to discover solutions to multiple
use challenges so that oil and gas
resources can be extracted, critical
military and other ocean uses can
continue, and our sensitive physical and
biological resources can be protected.
The Secretary’s goal is to increase access
to America’s energy resources and to
provide environmental stewardship
based upon the most up to date
environmental information and
The DPP serves as the basis for the
proposed action to be evaluated in the
Programmatic EIS. This NOI starts the
formal scoping process for the
Programmatic EIS under 40 CFR 1501.7
of the Council on Environmental
Quality (CEQ) National Environmental
Policy Act (NEPA) regulations and
solicits input from the public regarding
alternatives, impacting factors, and
environmental resources and issues of
concern in the DPP areas that should be
evaluated in the Programmatic EIS. The
purpose of scoping for the Programmatic
EIS is to determine the appropriate
content and scope for a focused and
balanced programmatic environmental
analysis by ensuring significant issues
are identified early and properly studied
during development of the
Programmatic EIS. BOEM expects to
consider environmentally sensitive
areas in the Programmatic EIS that
could be considered for exclusion as
part of the Section 18 winnowing
Please go to
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Program-for-2019-2024/ for additional
information about the Programmatic EIS
and the 2019–2024 Program.
Public Comment: All interested
parties, including Federal, state, tribal,
and local governments and others, can
submit written comments on the DPP
and the scope of the Programmatic EIS,
significant issues that should be
addressed, and the types of oil and gas
activities of interest in OCS planning
areas included in the DPP (e.g., gas in
shallow water and industry interest in
leasing and/or exploring planning areas
not included in previous National OCS
Programs). Comments on individual
lease sale EIS documents should be
submitted separately through the unique
docket for each sale. Comments that
provide scientific information,
geospatial or other data, or anecdotal
evidence to support your input are most
useful and such information can be
provided as attachments to comments.
BOEM will protect privileged or
proprietary information that you submit
in accordance with the Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA) and OCSLA
requirements. To avoid inadvertent
release of such information, interested
parties should mark all documents and
every page containing such information
with ‘‘Confidential—Contains
Proprietary Information.’’ To the extent
a document contains a mix of
proprietary and nonproprietary
information, interested parties should
mark clearly which portion of the
document is proprietary and which is
not. Exemption 4 of FOIA applies to
trade secrets and commercial or
financial information that you submit
that is privileged or confidential. The
OCSLA states that the ‘‘Secretary shall
maintain the confidentiality of all
privileged or proprietary data or
information for such period of time as
is provided for in this subchapter,
established by regulation, or agreed to
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by the parties’’ (43 U.S.C. 1344(g)).
BOEM considers each interested party’s
nominations of specific blocks to be
proprietary, and therefore BOEM will
not release information that identifies
any particular nomination, so as not to
compromise the competitive position of
any participants in the process of
indicating interest.
However, please be aware that
BOEM’s practice is to make all other
public comments, including the names
and addresses of individuals, available
for public inspection. Before including
your address, phone number, email
address, or other personal identifying
information in your comment, please be
advised that your entire comment,
including your personal identifying
information, may be made publicly
available at any time. While you can ask
us in your comment to withhold from
public review your personal identifying
information, we cannot guarantee that
we will be able to do so. In order for
BOEM to consider withholding from
disclosure your personal identifying
information, you must identify any
information contained in the submittal
of your comments that, if released,
would constitute a clearly unwarranted
invasion of your personal privacy. You
must also briefly describe any possible
harmful consequence(s) of the
disclosure of information, such as
embarrassment, injury or other harm.
Note that BOEM will make available for
public inspection, in their entirety, all
comments submitted by organizations
and businesses, or by individuals
identifying themselves as
representatives of organizations or
Public Meetings: BOEM will hold a
series of public meetings to provide
information and the opportunity for
public comment on the 2019–2024
Program and the Programmatic EIS.
BOEM’s public meetings will be held
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 5 / Monday, January 8, 2018 / Notices
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
using an open house format. The open
house format allows members of the
public to come to a meeting any time
during meeting hours to view
information, provide comments, and
discuss the 2019–2024 Program and the
Programmatic EIS with BOEM staff.
Public meetings will be held between
now and March 9, 2018 to receive
scoping comments on the Programmatic
EIS. Meetings are being planned for, but
are not necessarily limited to the
following cities:
• Washington, DC;
• Augusta, ME;
• Concord, NH;
• Boston, MA;
• Providence, RI;
• Hartford, CT;
• Albany, NY;
• Trenton, NJ;
• Dover, DE;
• Annapolis, MD;
• Richmond, VA;
• Raleigh, NC;
• Columbia, SC;
• Atlanta, GA;
• Tallahassee, FL;
• Montgomery, AL;
• Jackson, MS;
• Baton Rouge, LA;
• Austin, TX;
• Sacramento, CA;
• Salem, OR;
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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• Olympia, WA;
• Anchorage, AK.
Specific dates, times, and venues will
be posted on
Cooperating Agencies: BOEM invites
other Federal agencies and state, tribal,
and local governments to consider
becoming cooperating agencies in the
preparation of the Programmatic EIS.
Pursuant to CEQ regulations and
guidelines, qualified agencies and
governments are those with
‘‘jurisdiction by law or special
expertise.’’ Potential cooperating
agencies and governments should
consider their authority and capacity to
assume the responsibilities of a
cooperating agency and remember that
an agency’s role as a cooperating agency
in the environmental analysis neither
enlarges nor diminishes its authority in
the NEPA process. BOEM will provide
potential cooperating agencies with a
written summary of expectations for
cooperating agencies, including
schedules, milestones, responsibilities,
scope and expected detail of
cooperating agencies’ contributions, and
availability of predecisional
information. BOEM anticipates this
summary will form the basis for a
Cooperating Agency Agreement between
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BOEM and any cooperating agency.
Agencies should also consider the
‘‘Factors for Determining Cooperating
Agency Status’’ in CEQ’s January 30,
2002, Memorandum for the Heads of
Federal Agencies: Cooperating Agencies
in Implementing the Procedural
Requirements of the National
Environmental Policy Act. This
document is available on the website,
guidance.html. BOEM, as lead agency,
does not plan to provide financial
assistance to cooperating agencies. Even
if an organization is not a cooperating
agency, opportunities will exist to
provide information and comments to
BOEM during the normal public input
stages of the NEPA process.
Authority: This NOA for the DPP for the
2019–2024 Program is published in
accordance with section 18 of OCSLA and its
implementing regulations (30 CFR part 556).
This NOI to prepare the 2019–2024
Programmatic EIS is published pursuant to
the regulations (40 CFR 1501.7 and 43 CFR
46.235) implementing the provisions of
Dated: December 11, 2018.
Walter Cruickshank,
Acting Director, Bureau of Ocean Energy
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 5 / Monday, January 8, 2018 / Notices
Figure 1: DPP Map - Contiguous United States
2019-2024 Outer Continental Shelf Oil and
Gas Leasing Draft Proposed Program Areas:
Lower 48 States
Planning Area Boundary
Congressional Moratorium (expires June 30, 2022)
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sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
[FR Doc. 2018–00083 Filed 1–5–18; 8:45 am]
[Investigation No. 337–TA–1093]
Certain Mobile Electronic Devices and
Radio Frequency and Processing
Components Thereof (II); Institution of
U.S. International Trade
ACTION: Notice.
Notice is hereby given that a
complaint was filed with the U.S.
International Trade Commission on
November 30, 2017, under section 337
of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended,
on behalf of Qualcomm Incorporated of
San Diego, California. The complaint
alleges violations of section 337 based
upon the importation into the United
States, the sale for importation, and the
sale within the United States after
importation of certain mobile electronic
devices and radio frequency and
processing components thereof by
reason of infringement of certain claims
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 244001
of U.S. Patent No. 9,154,356 (‘‘the ’356
patent’’); U.S. Patent No. 9,473,336 (‘‘the
’336 patent’’); U.S. Patent No. 8,063,674
(‘‘the ’674 patent’’); U.S. Patent No.
7,693,002 (‘‘the ’002 patent’’); and U.S.
Patent No. 9,552,633 (‘‘the ’633 patent’’).
The complaint further alleges that an
industry in the United States exists as
required by the applicable Federal
The complainant requests that the
Commission institute an investigation
and, after the investigation, issue a
limited exclusion order and a cease and
desist order.
ADDRESSES: The complaint, except for
any confidential information contained
therein, is available for inspection
during official business hours (8:45 a.m.
to 5:15 p.m.) in the Office of the
Secretary, U.S. International Trade
Commission, 500 E Street SW, Room
112, Washington, DC 20436, telephone
(202) 205–2000. Hearing impaired
individuals are advised that information
on this matter can be obtained by
contacting the Commission’s TDD
terminal on (202) 205–1810. Persons
with mobility impairments who will
need special assistance in gaining access
to the Commission should contact the
Office of the Secretary at (202) 205–
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2000. General information concerning
the Commission may also be obtained
by accessing its internet server at The public
record for this investigation may be
viewed on the Commission’s electronic
docket (EDIS) at
Pathenia M. Proctor, The Office of
Unfair Import Investigations, U.S.
International Trade Commission,
telephone (202) 205–2560.
Authority: The authority for
institution of this investigation is
contained in section 337 of the Tariff
Act of 1930, as amended, 19 U.S.C. 1337
and in section 210.10 of the
Commission’s Rules of Practice and
Procedure, 19 CFR 210.10 (2017).
Scope of Investigation: Having
considered the complaint, the U.S.
International Trade Commission, on
January 2, 2018, ordered that—
(1) Pursuant to subsection (b) of
section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as
amended, an investigation be instituted
to determine whether there is a
violation of subsection (a)(1)(B) of
section 337 in the importation into the
United States, the sale for importation,
or the sale within the United States after
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 5 / Monday, January 8, 2018 / Notices
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 5 (Monday, January 8, 2018)]
[Pages 829-834]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2018-00083]
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
[BOEM-2017-0074; MMAA104000]
Notice of Availability of the 2019-2024 Draft Proposed Outer
Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program and Notice of Intent To
Prepare a Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement
AGENCY: Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), Interior.
ACTION: Notice; request for comments.
SUMMARY: BOEM is announcing the availability of, and requests comments
on, the Draft Proposed Program (DPP) for the 2019-2024 Outer
Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program (2019-2024 Program or
Program). BOEM is also announcing its decision to prepare a
Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for the 2019-2024 Program
(Programmatic EIS) and the initiation of the formal scoping process.
DATES: Comments should be submitted by March 9, 2018 to the address
specified in the ADDRESSES section of this notice. Dates of public
meetings to be held between now and March 9, 2018, will be posted on
ADDRESSES: Comments on the DPP or Programmatic EIS may be submitted in
one of the following ways:
1. Mailed in an envelope labeled ``Comments for the 2019-2024 Draft
Proposed National Oil and Gas Leasing Program'' and mailed (or hand
delivered) to Ms. Kelly Hammerle, Chief, National Oil and Gas Leasing
Program Development and Coordination Branch, Leasing Division, Office
of Strategic Resources, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (VAM-LD),
45600 Woodland Road, Sterling, VA 20166-9216, telephone (703) 787-1613.
Written comments may also be hand delivered at a public meeting to the
BOEM official in charge.
2. Through the web portal: Navigate to and under the Search tab, in the space provided,
type in Docket ID: BOEM-2017-0074 to submit comments and to view other
comments already submitted. Information on using,
including instructions for accessing documents, submitting comments,
and viewing the docket after the close of the comment period, is
available through the links under the box entitled ``Are you new to
this site?''
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For information on the 2019-2024
Program process or BOEM's policies associated with this notice, please
contact Ms. Kelly Hammerle, Chief, National Oil and Gas Leasing Program
Development and Coordination Branch at (703) 787-1613. For information
on the 2019-2024 Programmatic EIS, submission of comments related to
potential environmental impacts, or Cooperating Agency status, please
contact Dr. Jill Lewandowski, Chief, Division of Environmental
Assessment, at (703) 787-1703.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On April 28, 2017, Presidential Executive
Order 13795: Implementing an America First Offshore Energy Strategy
(E.O. 13795), directed the Secretary of the Interior (Secretary) to
give full consideration to revising the schedule of proposed oil and
gas lease sales adopted in the 2017-2022 Outer Continental Shelf Oil
and Gas Leasing Program, which was approved on January 17, 2017. The
Secretary issued Secretarial Order 3350 on May 1, 2017, which further
directed BOEM to develop a new National Outer Continental Shelf Oil and
Gas Leasing Program. As directed by the Secretary, BOEM initiated the
development of the 2019-2024 Program by issuing a request for
information and comments (RFI) on July 3, 2017 (82 FR 30886). The
Program development process required by section 18 of the Outer
Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA), 43 U.S.C. 1344, and its
implementing regulations, includes the development of a DPP, a Proposed
Program, a Proposed Final Program (PFP), and Secretarial approval of
the 2019-2024 Program.
This notice serves as the NOA for the DPP and the NOI for the
preparation of a Programmatic EIS. The DPP includes the section 18
analysis for the OCS areas of potential interest to the Secretary and
his initial proposed schedule of lease sales for the 2019-2024 Program.
[[Page 830]]
DPP provides the basis for gathering information and conducting
analyses to inform the Secretary on which areas to include for further
leasing consideration in the 2019-2024 Program.
The DPP for the 2019-2024 Program would make more than 98 percent
of the OCS resources available to consider for oil and gas leasing
during the 2019-2024 period. Including at this stage nearly the entire
OCS for potential oil and gas discovery is consistent with advancing
the goal of moving the United States from simply aspiring to energy
independence to attaining energy dominance. This DPP would allow for
unprecedented increases in access to America's extensive offshore oil
and gas resources, a critical component of the Nation's energy
portfolio, and emphasizes the importance of producing American energy
in America.
The DPP will enable the Secretary to receive information necessary
to conduct a thorough consideration of the Section 18(a)(2) factors in
order to perform the balancing analysis required by Section 18(a)(3) of
the OCS Lands Act. Including areas in the 2019-2024 Program will
incentivize industry to employ their world-class geological and
technical expertise to assess and evaluate America's potential offshore
oil and gas resources. By not prematurely restricting or narrowing OCS
areas under consideration, this DPP will allow industry the opportunity
to further inform the Secretary of their interest in leasing frontier
areas and to collect data in areas that have not been explored in
decades, if ever. This will, in turn, further our understanding of the
resources available on the OCS to meet national energy needs. The
Secretary's approach to the DPP lease sale schedule does not
prematurely foreclose exploration planning, but fosters it, to allow
for potential for the discovery of oil and gas on the OCS.
Allowing for the potential discovery of new oil and gas reserves on
the OCS is consistent with the Administration's America-First Energy
Strategy, which seeks to achieve energy security and resilience by
reducing U.S. reliance on imported energy. Additionally, OCS oil and
gas production benefits the United States by helping to reinvigorate
American manufacturing and job growth, and contributes to the gross
domestic product. Many of the jobs in the oil and gas industry earn a
significant wage premium; these employees have more purchasing power
and can consume more goods and services, increasing their standard of
living, and contributing more to the economy.
Grounded in the above principles, and after careful consideration
of public input and the OCS Lands Act Section 18(a)(2) factors, the DPP
proposes a lease sale schedule of 47 lease sales in all four OCS
regions and includes 25 of the 26 planning areas: 19 lease sales in the
Alaska Region (3 in the Chukchi Sea, 3 in the Beaufort Sea, 2 in Cook
Inlet, and 1 sale each in the 11 other available planning areas in
Alaska), 7 lease sales in the Pacific Region (2 each for Northern
California, Central California, and Southern California, and 1 for
Washington/Oregon), 12 lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) Region
(10 regionwide lease sales for the portions of the Central, Western,
and Eastern GOM planning areas that are not currently under moratorium,
and 2 sales for the portions of the Central and Eastern GOM planning
areas that will no longer be under moratorium in 2022), and 9 lease
sales in the Atlantic Region (3 sales each for the Mid- and South
Atlantic, 2 for the North Atlantic, and 1 for the Straits of Florida).
The DPP does not include a sale in the North Aleutian Basin
Planning Area. This area was withdrawn on December 16, 2014, from
consideration for any oil and gas leasing for a time period without
specific expiration.
Table 1--2019-2024 Draft Proposed Program Lease Sale Schedule
Sale year OCS Region Program area
1. 2019.................... Alaska......... Beaufort Sea.
2. 2020.................... Alaska......... Chukchi Sea.
3. 2020.................... Pacific........ Southern California.
4. 2020.................... Gulf of Mexico. Western, Central, and Eastern Gulf of Mexico.*
5. 2020.................... Gulf of Mexico. Western, Central, and Eastern Gulf of Mexico.*
6. 2020.................... Atlantic....... South Atlantic.
7. 2020.................... Atlantic....... Mid-Atlantic.
8. 2021.................... Alaska......... Beaufort Sea.
9. 2021.................... Alaska......... Cook Inlet.
10. 2021................... Pacific........ Washington/Oregon.
11. 2021................... Pacific........ Northern California.
12. 2021................... Pacific........ Central California.
13. 2021................... Atlantic....... North Atlantic.
14. 2021................... Gulf of Mexico. Western, Central, and Eastern Gulf of Mexico.*
15. 2021................... Gulf of Mexico. Western, Central, and Eastern Gulf of Mexico.*
16. 2022................... Alaska......... Chukchi Sea.
17. 2022................... Pacific........ Southern California.
18. 2022................... Atlantic....... Mid-Atlantic.
19. 2022................... Atlantic....... South Atlantic.
20. 2022................... Gulf of Mexico. Western, Central, and Eastern Gulf of Mexico.*
21. 2022................... Gulf of Mexico. Western, Central, and Eastern Gulf of Mexico.*
22. 2023................... Alaska......... Beaufort Sea.
23. 2023................... Alaska......... Cook Inlet.
24. 2023................... Alaska......... Hope Basin.
25. 2023................... Alaska......... Norton Basin.
26. 2023................... Alaska......... St. Matthew-Hall.
27. 2023................... Alaska......... Navarin Basin.
28. 2023................... Alaska......... Aleutian Basin.
29. 2023................... Alaska......... St. George Basin.
30. 2023................... Alaska......... Bowers Basin.
31. 2023................... Alaska......... Aleutian Arc.
32. 2023................... Alaska......... Shumagin.
33. 2023................... Alaska......... Kodiak.
34. 2023................... Alaska......... Gulf of Alaska.
[[Page 831]]
35. 2023................... Pacific........ Central California.
36. 2023................... Pacific........ Northern California.
37. 2023................... Gulf of Mexico. Western, Central, and Eastern Gulf of Mexico.*
38. 2023................... Gulf of Mexico. Western, Central, and Eastern Gulf of Mexico.*
39. 2023................... Gulf of Mexico. Eastern and Central Gulf of Mexico.**
40. 2023................... Atlantic....... Straits of Florida.
41. 2023................... Atlantic....... North Atlantic.
42. 2024................... Alaska......... Chukchi Sea.
43. 2024................... Gulf of Mexico. Western, Central, and Eastern Gulf of Mexico.*
44. 2024................... Gulf of Mexico. Western, Central, and Eastern Gulf of Mexico.*
45. 2024................... Gulf of Mexico. Eastern and Central Gulf of Mexico.**
46. 2024................... Atlantic....... South Atlantic.
47. 2024................... Atlantic....... Mid-Atlantic.
* All available areas, not including those subject to the GOMESA moratorium through June 30, 2022.
** Those areas available following the expiration of the GOMESA moratorium.
Including 25 of the 26 planning areas in the DPP allows for maximum
flexibility in the future stages of the process, as well as the
opportunity to seek additional input and further coordinate with key
stakeholders on those areas. The Secretary is committed to enhancing
coordination and collaboration with other governmental entities to
discover solutions to multiple use challenges so that oil and gas
resources can be extracted, critical military and other ocean uses can
continue, and our sensitive physical and biological resources can be
protected. The Secretary's goal is to increase access to America's
energy resources and to provide environmental stewardship based upon
the most up to date environmental information and analysis.
The DPP serves as the basis for the proposed action to be evaluated
in the Programmatic EIS. This NOI starts the formal scoping process for
the Programmatic EIS under 40 CFR 1501.7 of the Council on
Environmental Quality (CEQ) National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
regulations and solicits input from the public regarding alternatives,
impacting factors, and environmental resources and issues of concern in
the DPP areas that should be evaluated in the Programmatic EIS. The
purpose of scoping for the Programmatic EIS is to determine the
appropriate content and scope for a focused and balanced programmatic
environmental analysis by ensuring significant issues are identified
early and properly studied during development of the Programmatic EIS.
BOEM expects to consider environmentally sensitive areas in the
Programmatic EIS that could be considered for exclusion as part of the
Section 18 winnowing process.
Please go to for additional information about the
Programmatic EIS and the 2019-2024 Program.
Public Comment: All interested parties, including Federal, state,
tribal, and local governments and others, can submit written comments
on the DPP and the scope of the Programmatic EIS, significant issues
that should be addressed, and the types of oil and gas activities of
interest in OCS planning areas included in the DPP (e.g., gas in
shallow water and industry interest in leasing and/or exploring
planning areas not included in previous National OCS Programs).
Comments on individual lease sale EIS documents should be submitted
separately through the unique docket for each sale. Comments that
provide scientific information, geospatial or other data, or anecdotal
evidence to support your input are most useful and such information can
be provided as attachments to comments.
BOEM will protect privileged or proprietary information that you
submit in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and
OCSLA requirements. To avoid inadvertent release of such information,
interested parties should mark all documents and every page containing
such information with ``Confidential--Contains Proprietary
Information.'' To the extent a document contains a mix of proprietary
and nonproprietary information, interested parties should mark clearly
which portion of the document is proprietary and which is not.
Exemption 4 of FOIA applies to trade secrets and commercial or
financial information that you submit that is privileged or
confidential. The OCSLA states that the ``Secretary shall maintain the
confidentiality of all privileged or proprietary data or information
for such period of time as is provided for in this subchapter,
established by regulation, or agreed to by the parties'' (43 U.S.C.
1344(g)). BOEM considers each interested party's nominations of
specific blocks to be proprietary, and therefore BOEM will not release
information that identifies any particular nomination, so as not to
compromise the competitive position of any participants in the process
of indicating interest.
However, please be aware that BOEM's practice is to make all other
public comments, including the names and addresses of individuals,
available for public inspection. Before including your address, phone
number, email address, or other personal identifying information in
your comment, please be advised that your entire comment, including
your personal identifying information, may be made publicly available
at any time. While you can ask us in your comment to withhold from
public review your personal identifying information, we cannot
guarantee that we will be able to do so. In order for BOEM to consider
withholding from disclosure your personal identifying information, you
must identify any information contained in the submittal of your
comments that, if released, would constitute a clearly unwarranted
invasion of your personal privacy. You must also briefly describe any
possible harmful consequence(s) of the disclosure of information, such
as embarrassment, injury or other harm. Note that BOEM will make
available for public inspection, in their entirety, all comments
submitted by organizations and businesses, or by individuals
identifying themselves as representatives of organizations or
Public Meetings: BOEM will hold a series of public meetings to
provide information and the opportunity for public comment on the 2019-
2024 Program and the Programmatic EIS. BOEM's public meetings will be
[[Page 832]]
using an open house format. The open house format allows members of the
public to come to a meeting any time during meeting hours to view
information, provide comments, and discuss the 2019-2024 Program and
the Programmatic EIS with BOEM staff.
Public meetings will be held between now and March 9, 2018 to
receive scoping comments on the Programmatic EIS. Meetings are being
planned for, but are not necessarily limited to the following cities:
Washington, DC;
Augusta, ME;
Concord, NH;
Boston, MA;
Providence, RI;
Hartford, CT;
Albany, NY;
Trenton, NJ;
Dover, DE;
Annapolis, MD;
Richmond, VA;
Raleigh, NC;
Columbia, SC;
Atlanta, GA;
Tallahassee, FL;
Montgomery, AL;
Jackson, MS;
Baton Rouge, LA;
Austin, TX;
Sacramento, CA;
Salem, OR;
Olympia, WA;
Anchorage, AK.
Specific dates, times, and venues will be posted on https://
Cooperating Agencies: BOEM invites other Federal agencies and
state, tribal, and local governments to consider becoming cooperating
agencies in the preparation of the Programmatic EIS. Pursuant to CEQ
regulations and guidelines, qualified agencies and governments are
those with ``jurisdiction by law or special expertise.'' Potential
cooperating agencies and governments should consider their authority
and capacity to assume the responsibilities of a cooperating agency and
remember that an agency's role as a cooperating agency in the
environmental analysis neither enlarges nor diminishes its authority in
the NEPA process. BOEM will provide potential cooperating agencies with
a written summary of expectations for cooperating agencies, including
schedules, milestones, responsibilities, scope and expected detail of
cooperating agencies' contributions, and availability of predecisional
information. BOEM anticipates this summary will form the basis for a
Cooperating Agency Agreement between BOEM and any cooperating agency.
Agencies should also consider the ``Factors for Determining Cooperating
Agency Status'' in CEQ's January 30, 2002, Memorandum for the Heads of
Federal Agencies: Cooperating Agencies in Implementing the Procedural
Requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act. This document is
available on the website,
BOEM, as lead agency, does not plan to provide financial assistance to
cooperating agencies. Even if an organization is not a cooperating
agency, opportunities will exist to provide information and comments to
BOEM during the normal public input stages of the NEPA process.
Authority: This NOA for the DPP for the 2019-2024 Program is
published in accordance with section 18 of OCSLA and its
implementing regulations (30 CFR part 556). This NOI to prepare the
2019-2024 Programmatic EIS is published pursuant to the regulations
(40 CFR 1501.7 and 43 CFR 46.235) implementing the provisions of
Dated: December 11, 2018.
Walter Cruickshank,
Acting Director, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management.
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[FR Doc. 2018-00083 Filed 1-5-18; 8:45 am]