12-Month Finding and Proposed Rule To List the Chambered Nautilus as Threatened Under the Endangered Species Act, 48948-48967 [2017-22771]
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 203 / Monday, October 23, 2017 / Proposed Rules
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
50 CFR Part 223
[Docket No. 160614518–7999–02]
RIN 0648–XE685
12-Month Finding and Proposed Rule
To List the Chambered Nautilus as
Threatened Under the Endangered
Species Act
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Proposed rule; 12-month
petition finding; request for comments.
We, NMFS, announce a 12month finding on a petition to list the
chambered nautilus (Nautilus
pompilius) as a threatened species or an
endangered species under the
Endangered Species Act (ESA). We have
completed a comprehensive status
review of the species in response to this
petition. Based on the best scientific and
commercial information available,
including the status review report
(Miller 2017), and after taking into
account efforts being made to protect
the species, we have determined that
the chambered nautilus is likely to
become an endangered species within
the foreseeable future throughout its
range. Therefore, we propose to list the
chambered nautilus as a threatened
species under the ESA. Any protective
regulations determined to be necessary
and advisable for the conservation of the
proposed threatened chambered
nautilus under ESA section 4(d) will be
proposed in a separate Federal Register
announcement. Should the proposed
listing be finalized, we would also
designate critical habitat for the species,
to the maximum extent prudent and
determinable; however, we have
determined that critical habitat is not
determinable at this time. We solicit
information to inform our final listing
determination, the development of
potential protective regulations, and
potential designation of critical habitat
in the event the proposed threatened
listing for the chambered nautilus is
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Comments on the proposed rule
to list the chambered nautilus must be
received by December 22, 2017. Public
hearing requests must be made by
December 7, 2017.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
on this document, identified by NOAA–
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NMFS–2016–0098, by either of the
following methods:
• Electronic Submissions: Submit all
electronic public comments via the
Federal eRulemaking Portal. Go to
D=NOAA-NMFS-2016-0098. Click the
‘‘Comment Now’’ icon, complete the
required fields, and enter or attach your
• Mail: Submit written comments to
Maggie Miller, NMFS Office of
Protected Resources (F/PR3), 1315 East
West Highway, Silver Spring, MD
20910, USA.
Instructions: Comments sent by any
other method, to any other address or
individual, or received after the end of
the comment period, may not be
considered by NMFS. All comments
received are a part of the public record
and will generally be posted for public
viewing on www.regulations.gov
without change. All personally
identifying information (e.g., name,
address, etc.), confidential business
information, or otherwise sensitive
information submitted voluntarily by
the sender will be publicly accessible.
NMFS will accept anonymous
comments (enter ‘‘N/A’’ in the required
fields if you wish to remain
The petition, status review report,
Federal Register notices, and the list of
references can be accessed
electronically online at: https://www.
Maggie Miller, NMFS, Office of
Protected Resources, (301) 427–8403.
On May 31, 2016, we received a
petition from the Center for Biological
Diversity to list the chambered nautilus
(N. pompilius) as a threatened species or
an endangered species under the ESA.
On August 26, 2016, we published a
positive 90-day finding (81 FR 58895)
announcing that the petition presented
substantial scientific or commercial
information indicating that the
petitioned action may be warranted for
the chambered nautilus. We also
announced the initiation of a status
review of the species, as required by
section 4(b)(3)(a) of the ESA, and
requested information to inform the
agency’s decision on whether this
species warrants listing as endangered
or threatened under the ESA.
Listing Species Under the Endangered
Species Act
We are responsible for determining
whether the chambered nautilus is
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threatened or endangered under the
ESA (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.). To make
this determination, we first consider
whether a group of organisms
constitutes a ‘‘species’’ under section 3
of the ESA, then whether the status of
the species qualifies it for listing as
either threatened or endangered. Section
3 of the ESA defines species to include
subspecies and, for any vertebrate
species, any distinct population
segment (DPS) that interbreeds when
mature (16 U.S.C. 1532(16)). Because
the chambered nautilus is an
invertebrate, the ESA does not permit us
to consider listing individual
populations as DPSs.
Section 3 of the ESA defines an
endangered species as ‘‘any species
which is in danger of extinction
throughout all or a significant portion of
its range’’ and a threatened species as
one ‘‘which is likely to become an
endangered species within the
foreseeable future throughout all or a
significant portion of its range.’’ Thus,
in the context of the ESA, the Services
interpret an ‘‘endangered species’’ to be
one that is presently at risk of
extinction. A ‘‘threatened species’’ is
not currently at risk of extinction, but is
likely to become so in the foreseeable
future (that is, at a later time). The key
statutory difference between a
threatened and endangered species is
the timing of when a species is or is
likely to become in danger of extinction,
either presently (endangered) or in the
foreseeable future (threatened).
When we consider whether a species
qualifies as threatened under the ESA,
we must consider the meaning of the
term ‘‘foreseeable future.’’ It is
appropriate to interpret ‘‘foreseeable
future’’ as the horizon over which
predictions about the conservation
status of the species can be reasonably
relied upon. What constitutes the
foreseeable future for a particular
species depends on species-specific
factors such as the life history of the
species, habitat characteristics,
availability of data, particular threats,
ability to predict threats, and the
reliability to forecast the effects of these
threats and future events on the status
of the species under consideration.
Because a species may be susceptible to
a variety of threats for which different
data are available, or which operate
across different time scales, the
foreseeable future is not necessarily
reducible to a particular number of
The statute requires us to determine
whether any species is endangered or
threatened throughout all or a
significant portion of its range as a
result of any one or a combination of
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any of the following factors: The present
or threatened destruction, modification,
or curtailment of its habitat or range;
overutilization for commercial,
recreational, scientific, or educational
purposes; disease or predation; the
inadequacy of existing regulatory
mechanisms; or other natural or
manmade factors affecting its continued
existence. 16 U.S.C. 1533(a)(1). We are
also required to make listing
determinations based solely on the best
scientific and commercial data
available, after conducting a review of
the species’ status and after taking into
account efforts, if any, being made by
any state or foreign nation (or
subdivision thereof) to protect the
species. 16 U.S.C. 1533(b)(1)(A).
Status Review
A NMFS biologist in the Office of
Protected Resources conducted the
status review for the chambered
nautilus (Miller 2017). The status
review is a compilation of the best
available scientific and commercial
information on the species’ biology,
ecology, life history, threats, and status
from information contained in the
petition, our files, a comprehensive
literature search, and consultation with
nautilus experts. We also considered
information submitted by the public in
response to our petition finding. In
assessing the extinction risk of the
chambered nautilus, we considered the
demographic viability factors developed
by McElhany et al. (2000). The approach
of considering demographic risk factors
to help frame the consideration of
extinction risk is well accepted and has
been used in many of our status
reviews, including for Pacific
salmonids, Pacific hake, walleye
pollock, Pacific cod, Puget Sound
rockfishes, Pacific herring, scalloped,
great, and smooth hammerhead sharks,
and black abalone (see https://
www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/species/ for
links to these reviews). In this approach,
the collective condition of individual
populations is considered at the species
level according to four viable
population descriptors: abundance,
growth rate/productivity, spatial
structure/connectivity, and diversity.
These viable population descriptors
reflect concepts that are well-founded in
conservation biology and that
individually and collectively provide
strong indicators of extinction risk
(NMFS 2015).
The draft status review report was
subjected to independent peer review as
required by the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) Final Information
Quality Bulletin for Peer Review (M–
05–03; December 16, 2004). The draft
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status review report was peer reviewed
by independent specialists selected
from the academic and scientific
community, with expertise in nautilus
biology, conservation, and management.
The peer reviewers were asked to
evaluate the adequacy, appropriateness,
and application of data used in the
status review, including the extinction
risk analysis. All peer reviewer
comments were addressed prior to
dissemination and finalization of the
draft status review report and
publication of this finding.
We subsequently reviewed the status
review report, its cited references, and
peer review comments, and believe the
status review report, upon which this
12-month finding and proposed rule is
based, provides the best available
scientific and commercial information
on the chambered nautilus. Much of the
information discussed below on the
species’ biology, distribution,
abundance, threats, and extinction risk
is presented in the status review report.
However, in making the 12-month
finding determination and proposed
rule, we have independently applied the
statutory provisions of the ESA,
including evaluation of the factors set
forth in section 4(a)(1)(A)–(E) and our
regulations regarding listing
determinations at 50 CFR part 424. The
status review report is available on our
Web site (see ADDRESSES section) and
the peer review report is available at
Below is a summary of the information
from the status review report and our
analysis of the status of the chambered
nautilus. Further details can be found in
Miller (2017).
Description, Life History, and Ecology
of the Petitioned Species
Species Taxonomy and Description
Nautilus taxonomy is controversial.
Based on the Integrated Taxonomic
Information System (ITIS), which has a
disclaimer that states it ‘‘is based on the
latest scientific consensus available . . .
[but] is not a legal authority for statutory
or regulatory purposes,’’ two genera are
presently recognized within the family
of Nautilidae: Allonautilus and
Nautilus. The genus Allonautilus has
two recognized species: A. perforatus
and A. scrobiculatus. The genus
Nautilus has five recognized species: N.
belauensis (Saunders 1981), N.
macromphalus (Sowerby 1849), N.
pompilius (Linnaeus 1758), N. repertus
(Iredale 1944), and N. stenomphalus
(Sowerby 1849). However, a review and
analysis of recent genetic and
morphological data suggests that
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perhaps only two of these five species
are valid: N. pompilius and N.
macromphalus, with the other three
species more appropriately placed
within N. pompilius (Vandepas et al.
2016; Ward et al. 2016). Saunders et al.
(2017) suggested that consensus may be
trending towards treating N. pompilius
as a ‘‘superspecies’’ taxonomically, with
N. stenomphalus, N. belauensis, and N.
repertus as subspecies.
However, because the taxonomy of
the Nautilus genus is not fully resolved,
with ongoing debate as to the number of
species that exist, we follow the latest
scientific consensus of the taxonomy of
the Nautilus genus as acknowledged by
the ITIS, with N. pompilius identified as
one of five recognized species.
The chambered nautilus is an
externally-shelled cephalopod with a
distinctive coiled calcium-carbonate
shell that is divided into chambers. The
shell can range in color from white to
orange, and even purple, with unique
color patterns (Barord 2015). Its
distinctive coiled shell is what makes
the chambered nautilus a highly sought
after commodity in international trade
(Convention on International Trade in
Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
Flora (CITES) 2016). The body of the
chambered nautilus is housed in the
largest chamber within the shell, and
when the animal is attacked, it can seal
itself into this chamber, closing the
opening with a large, fleshy hood (Jereb
2005). The chambered nautilus also has
up to 90 tentacles, without suckers,
which they use to dig in substrate and
scavenge for food (Barord 2015) and to
grab on to reef surfaces for rest (CITES
Range, Distribution and Habitat Use
The chambered nautilus is found in
tropical, coastal reef, deep-water
habitats of the Indo-Pacific. Its known
range includes waters off American
Samoa, Australia, Fiji, India, Indonesia,
Malaysia, Papua New Guinea,
Philippines, Solomon Islands, and
Vanuatu, and it may also potentially
occur in waters off China, Myanmar,
Western Samoa, Thailand, and Vietnam
(CITES 2016). Additionally, Saunders et
al. (2017) notes that traps set at Nautilus
depths in Yap (Caroline Islands),
Pohnpei and Majuro (Marshall Islands),
Kosrae (Gilbert Islands), Western
Samoa, and Tonga failed to catch any
chambered nautiluses, providing
‘‘highly suggestive’’ evidence that the
geographic range of N. pompilius may
not extend out to these sites.
Within its range, the chambered
nautilus has a patchy distribution and is
unpredictable in its area of occupancy.
Based on multiple research studies, the
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 203 / Monday, October 23, 2017 / Proposed Rules
presence of suitable habitat on coral
reefs does not necessarily indicate the
likelihood of chambered nautilus
occurrence (CITES 2016). Additionally,
the chambered nautilus is limited in its
horizontal and vertical distribution
throughout its range due to
physiological constraints.
Physiologically, the chambered nautilus
cannot tolerate temperatures above
approximately 25°C or depths exceeding
around 750–800 meters (m) (Ward et al.
1980; Carlson 2010). At depths greater
than 800 m, the hydrostatic pressure
will cause the shell of the nautilus to
implode, thereby killing the animal
(Ward et al. 1980). Based on these
physiological constraints, the
chambered nautilus is considered to be
an extreme habitat specialist, found in
association with steep-sloped forereefs
with sandy, silty, or muddy-bottomed
substrates. Within these habitats, the
species ranges from around 100 m
depths (which may vary depending on
the water temperature) to around 500 m
depths (CITES 2016). The chambered
nautilus does not swim in the open
water column (likely due to its
vulnerability to predation), but rather
remains near the reef slopes and bottom
substrate, and thus can be best
characterized as a nektobenthic or
epibenthic species (Barord (Barord et al.
2014; CITES 2016).
Nautilus pompilius can travel
distances of up to 6 kilometers (km) in
a day facilitated by currents (Dunstan et
al. 2011c). However, at the depths
where these animals are generally active
(>200 m), currents are weak and
movements are primarily accomplished
through self-propulsion, with observed
N. pompilius distances of up to 3.2 km
per day and maximum speeds of up to
1.18 km/hour for short periods of time
(less than 6 hours) (Dunstan et al.
Despite the apparent temperature and
depth constraints of the species, largerscale migrations, although rare, have
occurred. For example, an N. pompilius
specimen was captured off southern
Japan in the 1970s and assumed to have
drifted 2,000 km in the Kuroshio
Current from the Philippines (Saunders
2010). Saunders (2010) notes that these
movements across large stretches of
either shallow, warm water (< 100
meters (m), > 25° C) or deep water (>
800m) would likely be accomplished
only by drifting or rafting (i.e., moving
passively with ocean currents) through
midwater or surface waters. However,
the author notes that these movement
events must have occurred ‘‘with
sufficient frequency’’ to account for the
species’ distribution across the IndoPacific (Saunders 2010).
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Diet and Feeding
Chambered nautiluses are described
as deep-sea scavenging generalists and
opportunistic predators. As previously
mentioned, the chambered nautilus uses
its 90 retractable tentacles to dig in the
substrate and feed on a variety of
organisms, including fish, crustaceans,
echinoids, nematodes, cephalopods,
other marine invertebrates, and detrital
matter (Saunders and Ward 2010;
Barord 2015). The chambered nautilus
also has an acute sense of olfaction and
can easily smell odors (such as prey) in
turbulent waters from significant
distances (of up to 10 m) (Basil et al.
Growth and Reproduction
The general life history characteristics
of the chambered nautilus are that of a
rare, long-lived, late-maturing, and
slow-growing marine invertebrate
species, with likely low reproductive
output. Circumferential growth rate for
the chambered nautilus is estimated to
range from 0.053 mm/day to 0.23 mm/
day and slows as the animal approaches
maturity (Dunstan et al. 2010; Dunstan
et al. 2011b). However, average size at
maturity of N. pompilius appears to vary
among regions, with smaller shell
diameters noted around the Philippines,
Fiji, and eastern Australia and larger
diameters off Indonesia (see Table 1 in
Miller 2017). Additionally, the species
exhibits sexual dimorphism, with males
consistently growing to larger sizes than
females (Saunders and Ward 2010).
Chambered nautilus longevity is at
least 20 years, with age to maturity
between 10 and 17 years (Dunstan et al.
2011b; Ward et al. 2016). Very little is
known regarding nautilus reproduction
in the wild. Observations of captive
animals suggest that nautiluses
reproduce sexually and have multiple
reproductive cycles over the course of
their lifetime. Based on data from
captive N. belauensis and N.
macromphalus individuals, female
nautiluses may lay up to 10 to 20 eggs
per year, which hatch after a lengthy
embryonic period of around 10 to 12
months (Uchiyama and Tanabe 1999;
Barord and Basil 2014; Carlson 2014).
There is no larval phase, with juveniles
hatching at sizes of 22 to 23 millimeters
(mm) in diameter, and potentially
migrating to deeper and cooler waters
(Barord and Basil 2014); however, live
hatchlings have rarely been observed in
the wild.
Population Demographics and Structure
Isolated Populations
Most of the recent genetic data suggest
that N. pompilius may actually be
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comprised of unrecognized sibling
species that are genetically distinct and
geographically isolated (CITES 2016).
For example, in a recent examination of
the genetic structure between an N.
pompilius population off Western
Australia and one off the Philippines,
Williams et al. (2015) concluded that
very little gene flow exists between
these two populations. The authors note
that the absence of migration between
the Philippines and Western Australia
indicates that recolonization would not
be possible if the Philippines
population were to be extirpated
(Williams et al. 2015).
On a smaller geographic/population
scale, Sinclair et al. (2007) analyzed
DNA sequence information from N.
pompilius collected from the Coral Sea
and the outer edges of the Great Barrier
Reef in northern Queensland (‘‘Northern
GBR’’) and found population-specific
genetic differentiation. Through use of
Random Amplification of Polymorphic
DNA (RAPD) analysis and partial
sequencing of the CoxI gene region, the
authors determined that there is genetic
divergence between the geographic
lineages of ‘‘Northern GBR’’ and ‘‘Coral
Sea,’’ indicating distinct groups of
populations and pointing to the
potential for larger-scale geographic
divergence of the species. In a follow-up
study, Sinclair et al. (2011) found an
even greater degree of genetic variation
between populations on the east coast of
Australia (using the ‘‘Northern GBR’’
and ‘‘Coral Sea’’ populations) and the
west coast of Australia (Scott Reef), with
phylogenetic analyses suggesting three
genetically divergent populations.
In addition to genetics, other studies
have looked at morphological
differences to examine isolation
between N. pompilius populations. For
example, based on biometric analysis of
N. pompilius from the Philippines and
Fiji, Tanabe and Tsukahara (2010)
concluded that the populations are
morphologically differentiated, finding
statistically significant differences in
weight, size at maturity, and slopes of
allometric relationships of
morphological characters between the
two populations.
While it is thought that deep water
largely serves as a barrier to movement
of N. pompilius, explaining the isolation
of the above populations, results from
Swan and Saunders (2010) suggest it is
more likely a combination of both depth
and geographic distance. In their study,
Swan and Saunders (2010) examined
the correlation between morphological
differences and distances between
populations in Papua New Guinea,
including some that were separated by
deep water (> 1000 m). Their findings
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showed that adaptive equilibrium had
not yet been attained, indicating that the
populations are not completely
genetically isolated (Swan and Saunders
2010). As such, the authors surmised
that there is at least some degree of
contact and gene flow between the
Papua New Guinea populations,
through potentially rafting or midwater
movements, with the amount inversely
related to the geographic distance
between the populations (Swan and
Saunders 2010).
Given the above information, it is
reasonable to assume that populations
separated by large geographic distances
and deep water are genetically
differentiated, with very little to no gene
In terms of genetic diversity, Williams
et al. (2015) estimated large ancestral
and current effective population sizes
for the Philippines (current median size
= 3,190,920) and Ashmore Reef
(Western Australia) (current median size
= 2,562,800) populations, indicating a
low likelihood of the fixation of alleles
and no evidence of significant genetic
drift impacts in either population.
Additionally, the authors found no
significant difference in the allelic
richness between the sampled locations
in the Philippines and Western
Australia. In other words, the data tend
to suggest that the species may have
high genetic diversity. However,
Williams et al. (2015) caution that due
to the low fecundity and long generation
time of the species, genetic responses to
current exploitation rates (such as
decreases in genetic diversity) may not
yet be detectable. In fact, using CoxI
sequences from N. pompilius across its
range and Tajima’s D test to examine
departures from population equilibrium,
Vandepas et al. (2016) found significant
negative Tajima’s D values for the
populations in Western Australia, New
Caledonia and Papua New Guinea.
These results indicate an excess of rare
alleles or high-frequency
polymorphisms within the populations,
suggesting they may be currently
recovering from possible bottleneck
events. While not statistically
significant, the Tajima’s D values for the
rest of the sampled populations, with
the exception of Palau and Eastern
Australia (i.e., Fiji, Indonesia, Vanuatu,
Philippines and American Samoa), were
also negative, suggesting that the species
potentially has low genetic diversity
across its range.
Overall, given the available and
somewhat conflicting information, the
level of genetic diversity needed to
maintain the survival of the species and
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the current level of genetic diversity
across the entire range of the species
remains highly uncertain. Further
morphological and genetic tests
examining differences within and
among populations are needed.
Sex-Ratios and Population Structure
Regarding population structure, the
available information indicates
chambered nautilus populations are
comprised mainly of male and mature
individuals. Based on trapping data,
including mark-recapture studies, male
N. pompilius appear to dominate the
chambered nautilus catch, with
proportions of 75 to 80 percent (CITES
2016). In addition, a large proportion of
those captured (around 75 percent) are
mature, with juvenile N. pompilius
individuals rarely caught (CITES 2016).
Saunders et al. (2017) state that the
male-female sex ratio and composition
of mature individuals in nautilus
populations provides clues to the
current stability of the population. In
the authors’ study, they compared 16
nautilus populations from ‘‘unfished’’
areas (in Papua New Guinea, Australia,
Indonesia, Fiji, Palau, American Samoa,
New Caledonia, and Vanuatu) to two
populations in the Philippines that have
been subject to decades of uncontrolled
exploitation and provided an estimate of
quantitative measures to illustrate
demographic disturbance, or
‘‘disequilibrium,’’ in a nautilus
population. Specifically, Saunders et al.
(2017) found that the mean percentage
of mature animals in the unfished
nautilus populations (n = 16) was 73.9
percent (standard deviation (SD): 21.8,
standard error (SE): 5.1) and the mean
percentage of males was 75.0 percent
(SD: 16.4, SE: 4.1). The authors
suggested that these proportions could
be used as a baseline for determining
whether a population (of n > 100
individuals) is at equilibrium (Saunders
et al. 2017). In contrast, the intensely
fished Philippine population from
Tanon Straits (n = 353 individuals) had
a male proportion of only 28 percent
and mature individuals comprised only
26.6 percent of the population, which
the authors suggest are levels that signal
pending collapse of the local fishery
(Saunders et al. 2017). Ultimately, the
authors indicate that the ratios obtained
by examining the sex and maturity
composition of a nautilus population
could be used as a basis for determining
whether management and conservation
measures are appropriate. However, a
caveat to this method is that it is unclear
if the male-biased sex ratio reflects the
natural equilibrium for chambered
nautilus populations. Because these
population studies tend to use baited
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traps to capture chambered nautiluses,
there may be an aspect of sampling bias
in terms of the size and sex of
individuals attracted to the traps. For
example, laboratory studies by Basil
(2014) suggest that female N. pompilius
may repel each other. Potentially, this
female avoidance of one another may
explain why fewer females are found in
the baited-trap field studies. In fact, in
a study of N. pompilius drift shells that
were collected between 1984 and 1987
in Papua New Guinea (n = 1,329), 54
percent were male, suggesting a much
different sex ratio than those
determined from baited studies
(Saunders et al. 1991). Given the
conflicting information, further research
on sex ratios in the wild, as well as a
better understanding of the population
structure of the species, is needed before
definitive conclusions can be drawn on
this particular point.
Population Abundance and Trends
The global abundance of N. pompilius
is unknown, with no available historical
baseline population data. In fact, the
first study to estimate baseline
population size and density for the
species in a given area was only recently
conducted by Dunstan et al. (2011a).
This study examined the N. pompilius
population at Osprey Reef, an isolated
coral seamount off Australia’s
northeastern coast with no history of
nautilus exploitation. Based on data
collected from 2000 to 2006, the authors
estimated that the population at Osprey
Reef consisted of between 844 and 4,467
individuals, with a density estimate of
14.6 to 77.4 individuals per square
kilometer (km2) (Dunstan et al. 2011a).
Subsequent research, conducted by
Barord et al. (2014), provided
abundance estimates of nautiluses
(species not identified) from four
locations in the Indo-Pacific: The
Panglao region of the Bohol Sea,
Philippines, with 0.03 individuals per
km2, Taena Bank near Pago Pago
Harbor, American Samoa, with 0.16
individuals per km2, the Beqa Passage
in Viti Levu, Fiji, with 0.21 individuals
per km2, and the Great Barrier Reef
along a transect from Cairns to Lizard
Island, Australia, with 0.34 individuals
per km2 (see Table 2 in Miller 2017).
With the exception of the Bohol Sea,
these populations are located in areas
where fishing for nautiluses does not
occur, suggesting that nautiluses may be
naturally rare, or that other unknown
factors, besides fishing, may be affecting
their abundance. The authors also
indicate that the population estimates
from this study may, in fact, be
overestimates as they used baited
remote underwater video systems to
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attract individuals to the observation
area (Barord et al. 2014). In either case,
these very low population estimates
suggest that chambered nautiluses are
especially vulnerable to exploitation,
with limited capacity to recover from
depletion. This theory is further
supported by the comparison between
the population density in the Panglao
region of the Bohol Sea, where nautilus
fishing is occurring, and the unfished
sites in American Samoa, Fiji, and
Australia, with the Bohol Sea density
less than 20 percent of the smallest
unfished population (Barord et al.
Recently, Williams et al. (2015) used
genetic modelling to estimate median
population sizes for N. pompilius from
locations in Australia and the
Philippines. Specifically, the authors
examined genetic markers and used
Bayesian clustering methods to estimate
a median population size for the
Australian Ashmore Reef population
(which the authors note may possibly
contain the entire Australian northwest
shelf nautilus population) at 2,562,800
individuals (Williams et al. 2015). Using
the same methods, Williams et al. (2015)
estimated a median size for the Palawan
region, Philippines, population at
3,190,920 individuals. The authors
recognize that the use of different
methods to generate population density
estimates (such as those used by Barord
et al. (2014)) will produce ‘‘predictably
dissimilar abundance data’’ (Williams et
al. 2015). Additionally, as mentioned
previously, the authors suggest that the
large estimates from the genetic
methods (with no evidence of
population reduction) may indicate that
the genetic response to exploitation
(e.g., a decrease in allelic richness) has
not had enough time to become
detectable yet, unlike the trapping data
from the above studies (Williams et al.
Overall, abundance information is
extremely spotty and limited to only a
select number of locations (see Table 3
in Miller 2017). Based on data from the
1980s, collected from sites off American
Samoa, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, and
Vanuatu, the average number of N.
pompilius individuals caught per trap
ranged from 1 to 30, depending on the
site (see Table 3 in Miller 2017). From
1998 to 2008, an average of 5.7 to 7.9
N. pompilius individuals were caught
per trap off Osprey Reef in Australia
(Dunstan et al. 2011a). However, it is
difficult to make comparisons between
these locations using the available
abundance and catch-per-unit-effort
(CPUE) information (e.g., number of
individuals caught per trap) because the
methods of collecting the data vary
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greatly by study. For example, most
studies examining abundance of
nautiluses are based on trapping data
where multiple traps can be set and left
over multiple nights, or one trap can be
set for one night, and the particulars of
the trapping methods are generally not
available from the anecdotal or study
descriptions. As such, the available
reported data are hard to standardize
across studies. It should also be noted
that the majority of the data are over two
decades old, with no available recent
trapping estimates. Furthermore,
although not yet confirmed by research,
many nautilus experts hypothesize that
chambered nautiluses likely occur in
locations where they are not currently
observed (NMFS 2014), suggesting
abundance may be underestimated.
However, these experts agree that
current abundance estimates cannot be
extrapolated across the species’ range
without considering suitable habitat and
likelihood of nautilus presence (NMFS
2014), which has yet to be done.
Regarding current trends in
abundance, N. pompilius populations
are generally considered stable in areas
where fisheries are absent (e.g.,
Australia) and declining in areas where
fisheries exist for the species; however,
recent CPUE data from Fiji indicate a
decline despite no active fishery (FAO
2016). In the unfished Australian
Osprey Reef population discussed
above, Dunstan et al. (2010) used markrecapture methods to examine the trend
in CPUE of individuals over a 12-year
period. Analysis of the CPUE data
showed a slight increase of 28 percent
from 1997 to 2008, and while this
increase was not statistically significant,
the results indicate a stable N.
pompilius population in this
unexploited area (Dunstan et al. 2010).
In locations where fisheries have
operated or currently operate, anecdotal
declines and observed decreases in
catches of nautilus species are reported
(see Table 4 in Miller 2017). Citing
multiple personal communications, the
CITES (2016) proposal (to include all
species of nautiluses in Appendix II of
CITES) noted declines of N. pompilius
in Indian waters, where commercial
harvest occurred in the past for several
decades, and in Indonesian waters,
where harvest is suspected to be
increasing. In fact, traders in Indonesia
have observed a significant decrease
(with estimates up to 97 percent) in the
number of nautiluses collected over the
past 10 years, which may be an
indication of a declining and depleted
population (Freitas and Krishnasamy
2016). In the Philippines, Dunstan et al.
(2010) estimated that the CPUE of
Nautilus from four main nautilus fishing
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locations in the Palawan region has
decreased by an estimated average of 80
percent in less than 30 years. Anecdotal
reports from fishermen that once fished
for N. pompilius in the Sulu Sea note
that the species is near commercial
extinction, forcing fishermen to move to
new areas in the South China Sea
(Freitas and Krishnasamy 2016).
Furthermore, in Tawi Tawi,
Cayangacillo, and Tanon Strait/Cebu,
Philippines, fisheries that once existed
for chambered nautiluses have since
been discontinued because of the rarity
of the species, with Alcala and Russ
(2002) noting the likely extirpation of N.
pompilius from Tanon Strait in the late
1980s. The fact that the species has not
yet recovered in the Tanon Strait,
despite an absence of nautilus fishing in
over two decades, further supports the
susceptibility of the species to
exploitation and its limited capability to
repopulate an area after depletion.
Species Finding
Based on the best available scientific
and commercial information described
above, we find that the latest scientific
consensus is that N. pompilius is
considered a taxonomically-distinct
species and, therefore, meets the
definition of ‘‘species’’ pursuant to
section 3 of the ESA. Below, we
evaluate whether this species warrants
listing as endangered or threatened
under the ESA throughout all or a
significant portion of its range.
Summary of Factors Affecting the
Chambered Nautilus
As described previously, section
4(a)(1) of the ESA and NMFS’
implementing regulations (50 CFR
424.11(c)) state that we must determine
whether a species is endangered or
threatened because of any one or a
combination of the following factors: the
present or threatened destruction,
modification, or curtailment of its
habitat or range; overutilization for
commercial, recreational, scientific, or
educational purposes; disease or
predation; inadequacy of existing
regulatory mechanisms; or other natural
or man-made factors affecting its
continued existence. We evaluated
whether and the extent to which each of
the foregoing factors contribute to the
overall extinction risk of the chambered
nautilus. We considered the impact of
all factors for which information is
available. For each relevant factor, we
also considered whether a particular
impact is having a minor or significant
influence on the species’ status. A
‘‘significant’’ contribution is defined, for
purposes of this evaluation, as
increasing the risk to such a degree that
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the factor affects the species’
demographics (i.e., abundance,
productivity, spatial structure, diversity)
either to the point where the species is
strongly influenced by stochastic or
depensatory processes or is on a
trajectory toward this point.
Demographic stochasticity refers to the
variability of annual population change
arising from random events such as
birth and death rates, sex ratios, and
dispersal at the individual level.
Depensatory processes refers to those
density-dependent processes that result
in increased mortality as density
decreases. For example, decreases in the
breeding population can lead to reduced
production and survival of offspring.
This section briefly summarizes our
findings and conclusions regarding
threats to the chambered nautilus and
their impact on the overall extinction
risk of the species. More details can be
found in the status review report (Miller
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The Present or Threatened Destruction,
Modification, or Curtailment of Its
Habitat or Range
Chambered nautilus habitat, and in
particular coral reefs, are impacted by a
number of human activities. These
activities include the harvest of coral
reef species through use of destructive
or unselective fishing practices, coastal
development and deep-sea mining that
can contribute to pollution and
sedimentation of habitat, and changes in
water temperature and pH caused by
climate change. Below we briefly
describe these various threats to the
habitat of N. pompilius and evaluate the
likely impact on the status of the
species. More details can be found in
the status review report (Miller 2017).
Harvest of Coral Reef Species and
Destructive and Unselective Fishing
Many coral reef species are harvested
for the aquarium trade and to satisfy the
high-end Asian food markets (CITES
2016). In addition to directly
contributing to the loss of biodiversity
on the reefs, some of the techniques
used to obtain coral reef species for
these industries can cause significant
destruction to coral reef communities.
For example, blast and poison fishing
are two types of destructive and
unselective fishing practices that are
used to harvest coral reef species
throughout much of the range of the
chambered nautilus (WRI 2011). Figure
3 in Miller (2017) depicts the extent and
severity of observed blast or poison
fishing areas, which are primarily
concentrated off the Philippines,
Indonesia, and Malaysia.
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Blast fishing is particularly
destructive as it not only destroys coral
reefs but also indiscriminately kills their
marine inhabitants. A ‘‘typical’’ blast
will shatter corals and turn them into
rubble within a 1 to 1.5 m diameter of
the blast site, and can kill marine
organisms, including invertebrates,
within a 20 m radius (Pet-Soede and
Erdmann 1998; Njoroge 2014). Although
blast fishing is largely illegal, the use of
this destructive practice still continues
in many areas. For example, in a
September 2016 article in the Jakarta
Post, Amnifu (2016) reports that blast
fishing, a common occurrence in East
Nusa Tenggara waters, and particularly
around Sumba Island, has recently
expanded to parts of the Sawu Sea
National Park’s conservation area.
Because blast fishing is generally
conducted in shallow reef waters (e.g.,
5 to 10 m depths) (Fox and Caldwell
2006), N. pompilius is unlikely to
experience direct mortality from these
destructive practices given that they
generally inhabit much deeper waters.
However, the indirect impact, such as
changes in coral reef community
structure and loss of fish biomass
(Raymundo et al. 2007), may decrease
the availability of food resources for the
scavenging chambered nautilus. Also,
depending on the extent of the coral reef
destruction, N. pompilius, because of its
physiological constraints, may be
incapable of finding and exploiting
other suitable habitat with greater prey
resources. Additional research is needed
as to the potential effects of blast fishing
on the deeper-water inhabitants of these
impacted coral reefs before definitive
conclusions can be drawn regarding this
particular factor.
Another primarily illegal fishing
practice that destroys coral reefs is the
use of cyanide, which is primarily
deployed to stun and capture live reef
fish. When exposed to cyanide, coral
respiration rates decrease and can cease
altogether, with corals observed
expelling their zooxanthellae, resulting
in bleaching and mortality events
(Rubec 1986; Jones 1997). The practice
of using cyanide to harvest reef fish
dates back to the 1960s, where it was
developed and commonly used in the
Philippines, before spreading to
Indonesia (CITES 2016). Similar to blast
fishing, cyanide fishing is unlikely to
result in direct mortality of N.
pompilius, given the species’ preferred
depth range; however, changes in coral
reef community structure and loss of
fish biomass (Raymundo et al. 2007)
might decrease the availability of food
resources for the chambered nautilus.
Additional research is needed before
definitive conclusions can be drawn as
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to the potential effects of cyanide on the
deeper-water reef habitats and
Overall, given the speculative effects
of blast and cyanide fishing on nautilus
populations, and the patchy and largely
unknown distribution of the species and
its habitat preferences, the best available
information does not indicate that
habitat degradation from the harvest of
coral reef species and destructive and
unselective fishing practices are likely
significant threats to the species.
Further research is needed before
definitive conclusions can be drawn
regarding the extent of nautilus habitat
degradation and the impacts on the
status of the species.
Pollution and Sedimentation
Evidence of the impacts of pollution
and sedimentation on chambered
nautilus habitat and the effects to the
species is speculative or largely
unavailable. For example, in their
review of the nautilus CITES (2016)
proposal, the fifth Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations
expert advisory panel (FAO panel)
hypothesized that an observed 60
percent decline in a local N. pompilius
population in Fiji was potentially
because of pollution of its habitat (FAO
2016). This assumption was largely
based on the fact that no known local
utilization of the species and no
commercial fishery exists in this area.
Therefore, the FAO panel speculated
that the decline was attributed to local
habitat degradation, as they noted the
population is in close proximity to a
major port (Suva) and its potentially
small and fragmented characteristics
made it especially vulnerable to habitat
destruction (FAO 2016).
Although deep sea mining may also
contribute to the pollution of chambered
nautilus habitat, it appears that the
extent of this pollution, and its
subsequent impacts on nautilus
populations, may be largely sitespecific. For example, in a study
comparing bioaccumulation rates of
trace elements between nautilus species
located in a heavily mined location (i.e.,
N. macromphalus in New Caledonia)
versus a location not subject to
significant mining (i.e., N. pompilius in
Vanuatu), Pernice et al. (2009) found no
significant difference between the
species for trace elements of Ag, Co, Mn,
Ni, Pb, Se, V, and Zn. The authors
concluded that the geographical origin
of the nautilus species was not a major
contributor to interspecific differences
in trace element concentrations (Pernice
et al. 2009). Additionally, the authors
noted that, based on the study results,
the heavy nickel mining conducted in
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New Caledonia does not appear to be a
significant source of contamination in
the oceanic habitat of the nautilus,
suggesting that the lagoons in New
Caledonia likely trap the majority of the
trace elements from the intense mining
activities (Pernice et al. 2009).
The biological impact of potential
toxin and heavy metal bioaccumulation
in chambered nautilus populations is
unknown. Many of the studies that have
evaluated metal concentrations in
cephalopods examined individuals
outside of the range of the chambered
nautilus, with results that show that
metal concentrations vary greatly
depending on geography (Rjeibi et al.
2014; Jereb et al. 2015). As such, to
evaluate the degree of the potential
threat of bioaccumulation of toxins in
chambered nautilus, information on
concentrations of these metals from N.
pompilius, or similar species that share
the same life history and inhabit the
same depth and geographic range of N.
pompilius, is necessary. For example,
the study by Pernice et al. (2009),
mentioned above, examined the
bioaccumulation rates of trace elements
between two nautilus species in similar
depths and geographic ranges. However,
the authors found no significant
difference between those nautiluses
located in areas of intensive mining
(and, therefore, high heavy metal
pollutants) compared to nautiluses in
areas without significant mining
(Pernice et al. 2009). With the exception
of this one study, we found no other
information on the bioaccumulation
rates of metals in the chambered
nautilus, including the lethal
concentration limits of toxins or metals
in N. pompilius or evidence to suggest
that current concentrations of
environmental pollutants are causing
detrimental physiological effects to the
point where the species may be at
increased risk of extinction. As such,
the best available information does not
indicate that present bioaccumulation
rates and concentrations of
environmental pollutants in N.
pompilius or their habitat are likely
significant threats to the species.
Climate Change and Ocean
Given the narrow range of
temperature tolerance of the chambered
nautilus, warming surface water
temperatures due to climate change may
further restrict the distribution of the
species, decreasing the amount of
suitable habitat (particularly in
shallower depths) available for the
species. Perhaps more concerning may
be the effects of ocean acidification. In
terms of ocean acidification, which will
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cause a reduction of pH levels and
concentration of carbonate ions in the
ocean, it is thought that shelled
mollusks are likely at elevated risk as
they rely on the uptake of calcium and
carbonate ions for shell growth and
calcification. However, based on
available studies, the effects of
increased ocean acidification on
juvenile and adult mollusk physiology
and shell growth are highly variable
(Gazeau et al. 2013). For example, after
exposure to severe CO2 levels (pCO2 =
33,000 matm) for 96 hours, the deep-sea
clam, Acesta excavata, exhibited an
initial drop in oxygen consumption and
intracellular pH but recovered with both
levels approaching control levels by the
end of the exposure duration (Hammer
et al. 2011). No mortality was observed
over the course of the study, with the
authors concluding that this species
may have a higher tolerance to elevated
CO2 levels compared to other deep-sea
species (Hammer et al. 2011). This is in
contrast to intertidal and subtidal
mollusk species, such as Ruditapes
decussatus, Mytilus galloprovincialis,
and M. edulis, which exhibited reduced
standard metabolic rates and protein
degradation when exposed to decreases
in pH levels (Gazeau et al. 2013).
Regarding the impact of ocean
acidification on calcification rates,
which is important for the growth of
chambered nautiluses, one relevant
study looked at cuttlebone development
in the cephalopod Sepia officinalis
(Gutowska et al. 2010). Similar to
nautiluses, cuttlefish also have a
chambered shell (cuttlebone) that is
used for skeletal support and for
buoyancy regulation. Results from the
study showed that after exposure to 615
Pa CO2 for 6 weeks, there was a sevenfold increase in cuttlebone mass
(Gutowska et al. 2010). However, it
should be noted that unlike N.
pompilius, Sepia officinalis is not a
deep-sea dwelling species but rather
found in 100 m depths, and their
cuttlebone is internal (not an external
While the above were only a few
examples of the variable impacts of
ocean acidification on mollusk species,
based on the available studies, such as
those described in Gazeau et al. (2013),
it is clear that the effects are largely
species-dependent (with differences
observed even within species). To date,
we are unaware of any studies that have
been conducted on N. pompilius and
the potential effects of increased water
temperatures or acidity on the health of
the species. Therefore, given the
species-specific sensitivities and
responses to climate change impacts,
and with no available information on
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chambered nautiluses, we cannot
conclude that the impacts from climate
change are currently or will in the
foreseeable future be significant threats
to the existence of the species in the
Overutilization for Commercial,
Recreational, Scientific or Educational
Based on the best available
information, the primary threat to the
chambered nautilus is overutilization
for commercial purposes—mainly,
harvest for the international nautilus
shell trade. Chambered nautilus shells,
which have a distinctive coiled interior,
are traded as souvenirs to tourists and
shell collectors and also used in jewelry
and home decor items (where either the
whole shell is sold as a decorative object
or parts are used to create shell-inlay
designs) (CITES 2016). The trade in the
species is largely driven by the
international demand for their shells
and shell products since fishing for
nautiluses has been found to have no
cultural or historical relevance (Dunstan
et al. 2010; De Angelis 2012; CITES
2016; Freitas and Krishnasamy 2016).
Nautilus meat is also not locally in
demand (or used for subsistence) but
rather sold or consumed as a by-product
of fishing for the nautilus shells (De
Angelis 2012; CITES 2016). While all
nautilus species are found in
international trade, N. pompilius, being
the most widely distributed, is the
species most commonly traded (CITES
Although most of the trade in
chambered nautiluses originates from
the range countries where fisheries exist
or have existed for the species,
particularly the Philippines and
Indonesia, commodities also come from
those areas with no known fisheries
(such as Fiji and Solomon Islands).
Other countries of origin for N.
pompilius products include Australia,
China, Chinese Taipei, India, Malaysia,
New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea,
Vanuatu, and Vietnam (Freitas and
Krishnasamy 2016). Known consumer
markets for chambered nautilus
products include the Middle East
(United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia),
Australia, Singapore, Malaysia,
Indonesia, Philippines, Hong Kong,
Russia, Korea, Japan, China, Chinese
Taipei and India, with major consumer
markets noted in the European Union
(Italy, France, Portugal), the United
Kingdom, and the United States (Freitas
and Krishnasamy 2016). In fact, between
2005 and 2014, the United States
imported more than 900,000 chambered
nautilus products (CITES 2016). The
vast majority of these U.S. imports
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originated from the Philippines (85
percent of the traded commodities),
followed by Indonesia (12 percent),
China (1.4 percent), and India (1.3
percent) (CITES 2016).
Because harvest of the chambered
nautilus is primarily demand-driven for
the international shell trade, the
intensive nautilus fisheries that develop
to meet this demand tend to follow a
boom-bust cycle that lasts around a
decade or two before becoming
commercially nonviable (Dunstan et al.
2010; De Angelis 2012; CITES 2016).
Fishing for nautiluses is fairly
inexpensive and not labor-intensive,
requiring a fish trap baited with locallyavailable meat (e.g., cow, duck, goat,
offal, chicken, pufferfish) (Freitas and
Krishnasamy 2016). These traps are
usually set at 150 to 300 m depths and
retrieved after a few hours or left
overnight (Freitas and Krishnasamy
2016). Given the fishing gear
requirements, and the fact that the
chambered nautilus exists as small,
isolated populations, harvest of the
species may continue for years within a
region, with the fisheries serially
depleting each population until the
species is essentially extirpated from
that region (CITES 2016).
Commercial harvest of the species is
presently occurring or has occurred in
the Philippines, Indonesia, India and
Papua New Guinea, and also potentially
in China, Thailand and Vanuatu (CITES
2016). However, based on the number of
commodities entering the international
trade, we find that the best available
information supports the conclusion
that the Philippines and Indonesia have
the largest commercial fisheries for
chambered nautilus, with multiple
harvesting sites throughout these
nations (CITES 2016). Although
information on specific harvest levels
and the status of chambered nautilus
populations within this portion of its
range is limited, the best available data,
discussed below, provide significant
evidence of the negative impact of these
fisheries and resulting overutilization of
the species.
Commercial Harvest
In the Philippines, the harvesting of
chambered nautiluses appears to have
no cultural or historical relevance other
than as a source of local income for the
shell trade, with meat either consumed
by the fishermen or sold in local
markets (del Norte-Campos 2005;
Dunstan et al. 2010). Yet, anecdotal
accounts of fishing for N. pompilius
indicate that trapping of the species has
occurred as early as 1900 (Saunders et
al. 2017). Specifically, these accounts
suggest trapping in 1900 and 1901
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would yield anywhere from 4–5
nautiluses per trap to up to 20 animals
(depending on the duration of the trap
set) (Saunders et al. 2017). In 1971,
Haven (1972, cited in Haven (1977))
found that Tanon Strait, Philippines,
was still an abundant source of N.
pompilius. From 1971 to 1972, around
3,200 individuals were captured for
study (Haven 1977). Prior to this time,
N. pompilius was, for the most part,
caught as bycatch in fish traps by
Filipino fishermen (Saunders et al.
2017). However, Haven (1977) notes that
it was during this time when more
fishermen began targeting Tanon Strait,
specifically for nautilus shells, with the
numbers of fishermen tripling during
subsequent years. Trap yields in 1972
were similar to those from the early
1900s, with fishermen reporting catches
of zero to 19 nautiluses, with an average
of 5 animals per trap (Saunders et al.
2017). However, by 1975, the impact of
this substantial increase in fishing
pressure on the species was already
evident (Haven 1977). Fishermen in
1975 reported having to move
operations to deeper water as catches
were now rare at shallower depths, and
the number of individuals per trap had
also decreased (Haven 1977).
Additionally, although the number of
fishermen had tripled in those 3 years,
and therefore fishing effort for the
species intensified, the catch did not see
an associated increase, indicating a
likely decrease in the abundance of the
species within the area (Haven 1977).
By 1979, trap yields had drastically
fallen, to around 2 nautiluses per trap,
and only a few fishermen remained
engaged in the fishery (Saunders et al.
2017). CITES (2016) reports that around
5,000 chambered nautiluses were
trapped per year in Tanon Strait in the
early 1980s and, by 1987, the
population was estimated to have
declined by 97 percent from 1971 levels,
with the species considered
commercially extinct and potentially
extirpated from the area (Alcala and
Russ 2002). Based on 2014 data from
baited remote underwater video station
footage in the region, nautilus activity
remains low, and the population density
still has yet to recover to pre-1970 levels
(Saunders et al. 2017).
Similarly, other nautilus fishing sites
that were established in the late 1980s,
including at Tawi Tawi (an island
province in southwestern Philippines),
Cagayancillo (an island in the Palawan
province) and Cebu Strait (east of Tanon
Strait), have also seen harvest crash in
recent decades (Dunstan et al. 2010).
More recently, in the Central Luzon
region, Bulacan and Pampanga
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Provinces were formerly collection and
trade sites for nautilus species; however,
collectors and traders noted that the last
shipments from these areas were in
2003 and 2007, respectively, indicating
they are likely no longer viable
harvesting sites (Freitas and
Krishnasamy 2016).
The level of historical harvest (5,000
chambered nautilus individuals/year)
that appeared to lead to local
extirpations in Tanon Strait is being
greatly exceeded in a number of other
areas throughout the chambered
nautilus’ range in the Philippines. In
Tibiao, Antique Province, in
northwestern Panay Island, del NorteCampos (2005) estimated annual yield
of the chambered nautilus at around
12,200 individuals for the entire fishery
(data from 2001 to 2002). In the Palawan
nautilus fishery, 9,091 nautiluses were
harvested in 2013 and 37,341 in 2014
(personal communication cited in
CITES (2016)). This level of harvest is
particularly concerning given the
significant declines already observed in
these fisheries. In fact, in four of the five
main nautilus fishing areas in this
province, Dunstan et al. (2010)
estimated a decline in CPUE of the
species ranging from 70 percent to 90
percent (depending on the fishing site)
over the course of only 6 to 24 years.
The one main fishing region in Palawan
that did not show a decline was the
municipality of Balabac; however, the
authors note that this fishery is
relatively new (active for less than 8
years), with fewer fishermen, and, as
such, may not yet have reached the
point where the population crashes or
declines become evident in catch rates
(Dunstan et al. 2010). Given that the
estimated annual catches in the Balabac
municipality ranged from 4,000 to
42,000 individuals in 2008 (Dunstan et
al. 2010), this level of annual harvest,
based on the trends from the other
Palawan fishing sites (Dunstan et al.
2010), will likely lead to similar
population declines and potential
extirpations of chambered nautiluses in
the near future.
In addition to the declines in harvest
and CPUE of the species from observed
fishing sites throughout the Philippines,
the overutilization of N. pompilius in
this area is also evident in the available
trade data. In a personal communication
cited in CITES (2016), it was stated that
over the past 5 years, shell traders in
Palawan Province have seen a decline in
the number of shells being offered to
them by local harvesters. Similarly,
harvesters and traders in the Visayan
regions have noted increasing difficulty
in obtaining shells, with this trend
beginning in 2003 (CITES (2016) citing
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Schroeder (2003)). Based on U.S. trade
data from the last decade, Philippine
export and re-export of nautilus
commodities to the United States has
decreased by 92 percent since 2005 (see
Figure 4 in Miller (2017)) (CITES 2016).
Despite the extensive evidence of
overutilization of the species throughout
the Philippines, including the serial
depletion and potential extirpation of
local populations, harvest and trade in
N. pompilius continues, with the
Philippines still the number one
supplier of nautilus commodities to the
United States (based on figures from
Off Indonesia, signs of decline and
overutilization of chambered nautilus
populations are also apparent. In fact,
based on the increasing number of
chambered nautilus commodities
originating from Indonesia, it is
suggested that nautilus fishing has
potentially shifted to Indonesian waters
because of depletion of the species in
the Philippines (CITES 2016).
According to trade data reported in De
Angelis (2012), the Philippines
accounted for 87 percent of the nautilus
commodities in U.S. trade from 2005 to
2010, whereas Indonesia accounted for
only 9 percent. However, with the
significant decline of nautilus exports
coming out of the Philippines in recent
years (2010 to 2014), Indonesia has
become a larger component of the trade,
accounting for 42 percent of the nautilus
commodities in 2014, while the
Philippines has seen a decrease in their
proportion, down to 52 percent (CITES
Similar to the trend observed in the
Philippines, a pattern of serial depletion
of nautiluses because of harvesting is
emerging in Indonesia. Both fishermen
and traders note a significant decline in
the numbers of chambered nautiluses
over the last 10 years, despite a
prohibition on the harvest and trade of
N. pompilius that has been in place
since 1999 (CITES 2016; Freitas and
Krishnasamy 2016). For example,
fishermen in North Lombok note that
they historically trapped around 10 to
15 nautiluses in one night, but currently
catch only 1 to 3 per night (Freitas and
Krishnasamy 2016). Similarly, in Bali,
fishermen reported nightly catches of
around 10 to 20 nautiluses until 2005,
after which yields have been much less
(Freitas and Krishnasamy 2016). While
fishing for chambered nautiluses has
essentially decreased in western
Indonesia (likely due to a depletion of
the local populations), the main trade
centers for nautilus commodities are
still located here (i.e., Java, Bali,
Sulawesi and Lombok). The sources of
nautilus shells for these centers now
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appear to originate from eastern
Indonesian waters (including
northeastern Central Java, East Java, and
West Nusa Tengarra eastward) where it
is thought that nautilus populations
may still be abundant enough to support
economically viable fisheries, and
where enforcement of the current N.
pompilius prohibition appears weaker
(Nijman et al. 2015; Freitas and
Krishnasamy 2016). For example, data
collected from two large open markets
in Indonesia (Pangandaran and Pasir
Putih) indicate that chambered
nautiluses were still being offered for
sale as of 2013. Over the course of three
different weekends, Nijman et al. (2015)
observed 168 N. pompilius shells for
sale from 50 different stalls in the
markets (average price was $17 USD/
shell). In addition to catering to tourists,
a wholesaler with a shop in
Pangandaran noted that he also exports
merchandise to Malaysia and Saudi
Arabia on a bimonthly basis (Nijman et
al. 2015). In total, Nijman et al. (2015)
found evidence of six Indonesian
wholesale companies that offered
protected marine mollusks (and mostly
nautilus shells) for sale on their
respective Web sites (with two based in
East Java, two in Bali, and one in
Sulawesi). The company in Sulawesi
even had a minimum order for
merchandise of 1 metric ton, and a
company in Java noted that they could
ship more than one container per
month, indicating access to a relatively
large supply of nautilus shells (Nijman
et al. 2015).
The available U.S. trade data provide
additional evidence of the
overutilization and potential serial
depletion of populations within
Indonesia, although not yet as severe as
what has been observed in the
Philippines. Overall, based on data from
the last decade, Indonesian export and
re-export of nautilus commodities to the
United States has decreased by 23
percent since 2005 (see Figure 5 in
Miller (2017)) (CITES 2016); however,
large declines were seen between 2006
and 2009 before smaller increases in the
following years. As noted above, these
trends likely reflect the depletion of
nautilus populations in western
Indonesian waters and a subsequent
shift of fishing effort to eastern
Indonesian waters in recent years to
support the nautilus trade industry.
In India, CITES (2016) states that the
chambered nautilus has been exploited
for decades and is also caught as
bycatch by deep sea trawlers. A 2007
survey aimed at assessing the status of
protected species in the curio trade in
Tamil Nadu confirmed the presence of
N. pompilius shells and found them
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highly valued in the retail domestic
markets (John et al. 2012). Out of 13
major coastal tourist curio markets
surveyed, N. pompilius shells were
found in 20 percent of the markets (n =
40 shops) (John et al. 2012). Based on
estimated sales from these markets, N.
pompilius was the fourth highest valued
species (n = 25 total species),
accounting for 7 percent of the annual
profit from the protected species curio
trade (John et al. 2012). During the
survey, chambered nautilus shells sold,
on average, for approximately 275 INR
each (7 USD in 2007 dollars) (John et al.
Interviews with the curio traders
indicate that the Gulf of Mannar and
Palk Bay, the island territories of
Andaman and Lakshadweep, and Kerala
are the main collection areas for the
protected species sold in the curio trade
(John et al. 2012). While the extent of
harvest of N. pompilius is unknown, the
fact that the nautilus shells sold in
markets are nearly half the size of the
reported common wild size (90 mm vs
170 mm) (John et al. 2012) suggests that
this curio trade may be contributing to
overfishing of the population, causing a
shift in the local population structure.
Compared to observed mature shell
sizes elsewhere throughout the range of
N. pompilius (average mature shell
length range: 114 to 200 mm; see Table
1 in Miller (2017)), the Indian market
nautilus shells are likely entirely from
immature individuals. The removal of
these nautilus individuals before they
have time to reproduce, particularly for
this long-lived and low fecundity
species, could have devastating impacts
on the viability of the local populations.
While the authors note that curio
vendors may strategically stock a larger
number of undersized shells rather than
fewer larger shells to meet the demand
of the tourists, given the relative rarity
of chambered nautilus shells in Indian
waters (with only 9 shells sold during
the 2007 survey) and the fact that larger
shells generally obtain higher prices, we
conclude it is at least equally likely that
curio vendors are stocking whatever is
Although trend data are not available,
the popularity of the species in the curio
trade as well as information suggesting
that the marketed shells are significantly
smaller than wild-caught and, hence,
likely belong to immature individuals,
indicate that this level of utilization
may have already negatively impacted
the local populations within India. The
continued and essentially unregulated
fishing and selling of N. pompilius
within southern Indian waters will lead
to overutilization of the species in the
future, as has been observed in other
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 203 / Monday, October 23, 2017 / Proposed Rules
parts of its range, and potential
extirpation of these small and isolated
In Papua New Guinea, most of the
available information indicates that
trade of chambered nautilus shells is
primarily supplied from incidental
collection of drift shells. CITES (2016)
states that the species may be caught as
bycatch in some deep-sea fisheries and
also notes that new nautilus fishing sites
may have recently become established
in 2008. The extent of harvest of the
species in these waters, however, is
Possible commercial harvest of the
species has also been identified in East
Asia (China, Hong Kong, and Chinese
Taipei), Thailand, Vanuatu, and
Vietnam. In East Asia, minimal numbers
of nautilus shells are sold in art markets,
home decor shops, small stores, and
airport gift shops, with meat found in
seafood markets (particularly in the
south of China on Hainan Island, the
large coastal cities of Fujian and
Guangdong Provinces, and Chinese
Taipei) (Freitas and Krishnasamy 2016).
There is also evidence of a small trade
in live specimens for aquaria in Hong
Kong; however, the origin of these live
specimens is unclear (Freitas and
Krishnasamy 2016). While the CITES
(2016) proposal suggests that nautilus
harvest may occur on Hainan Island, we
are aware of no information to confirm
that a fishery exists.
In Thailand, nautilus experts note that
targeted chambered nautilus fisheries
have occurred and are still operating
(NMFS 2014), with past observations of
shells found in gift shops (CITES 2016);
however, we are aware of no published
information on the current intensity or
duration of such harvest (or
confirmation that the fishery is still
occurring). Nautilus experts also note
that targeted chambered nautilus
fisheries have occurred and are
occurring in Vanuatu (NMFS 2014),
with shells sold to tourists and
collectors (Amos 2007). While we are
aware of no published information
regarding the current intensity or
duration of such harvest (or
confirmation that the fishery is still
occurring), available information
suggests the fishery may have begun in
the late 1980s. From March to June
1987, the Vanuatu Fisheries Department
conducted a deep sea fishing trial,
aimed at testing commercial fishing
traps on the outer-reef slope of north
Efate Island, Vanuatu (Blanc 1988).
Results showed the successful capture
of N. pompilius, with a CPUE of around
2.6 nautilus per trap per day, taken at
depths greater than 300 m (Blanc 1988).
In total, 94 traps were set and 114 N.
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pompilius were captured (Blanc 1988).
Those shells that were in good
condition (approximately two-thirds of
the total) were sold locally for around
300 to 500 VUV each ($2.89 to $4.81
U.S. dollars based on the 1987
conversion rate) (Blanc 1988). It was
noted in the report that the capture of
nautiluses can be a good supplementary
source of income (Blanc 1988).
In Vietnam, some of the nautilus
shells observed for sale may be sourced
from local harvest of the animal. For
example, an interview with a
Vietnamese seller revealed that his
nautilus shells come from islands in
Vietnam and that 1,000 shells a month
are able to be acquired (of 5 to 7 inches
in size; 127 to 178 mm) (Freitas and
Krishnasamy 2016). However, the
species was not identified, nor was it
clear whether the origin of the shells
was from Vietnam (indicating potential
harvest) or if the islands simply serve as
transit points for the trade.
In our review of the available
information, we also found no evidence
of known local utilization or
commercial harvest of the chambered
nautilus in the following portions of the
species’ range: American Samoa,
Australia, Fiji, or the Solomon Islands.
While products that incorporate
nautilus shells, such as jewelry and
wood inlays, are sold to tourists in these
locations, the nautilus parts appear to be
obtained solely from the incidental
collection of drift shells. In these areas,
where the species is not subject to
commercial harvest, populations appear
stable (with the exception of Fiji;
however, the threat in this case was not
identified as overutilization—see
Present or Threatened Destruction,
Modification, or Curtailment of Habitat
or Range section). Given that the species
exists as geographically isolated
populations, we conclude it is unlikely
that these local, unfished populations
will see significant declines as a result
of overutilization in other portions of its
Overall, out of the 10 nations in
which N. pompilius is known to occur,
potentially half historically or currently
have targeted nautilus fisheries. Given
that this harvest is largely unregulated,
and has led to the serial depletion and
extirpation of local N. pompilius
populations, with no evidence of a
decline in fishing effort or demand for
the species, the best available
information indicates that
overutilization of N. pompilius is the
most significant threat to the species
throughout its range.
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As mentioned previously, the
commercial harvest of the chambered
nautilus is primarily demand-driven for
the international shell trade. The
Philippines and Indonesia appear to
supply the majority of the nautilus
products in the trade. In Indonesia, most
of the networks that aid in the illegal
trade of marine mollusks originate in
Java and Bali, with the United States,
China, and New Caledonia as main
destinations (Nijman et al. 2015). While
the extent of export from the
Philippines and Indonesia is unknown,
data collected from Indonesia over the
past 10 years suggest the amounts are
likely substantial. For example, based
on seizure data from 2005 to 2013, over
42,000 marine mollusk shells protected
under Indonesian law, including over
3,000 chambered nautiluses, were
confiscated by Indonesian authorities
(Nijman et al. 2015). At least two-thirds
of the shells were meant to enter the
international trade, with the largest
volumes destined for China and the
United States (Nijman et al. 2015).
Between 2007 and 2010, De Angelis
(2012), citing a personal
communication, estimated that around
25,000 nautilus specimens were
exported from Indonesia to China for
the Asian meat market.
In addition to the United States and
China, other major consumer
destinations for nautilus commodities
include Europe, the Middle East, and
Australia, with suspected markets in
South Africa, South America
(Argentina), and Israel (Freitas and
Krishnasamy 2016). Freitas and
Krishnasamy (2016) indicate that, in
Europe, the trade and sale of nautiluses
occur at fairly low levels and mainly
involve whole nautilus shells. Their
internet research and consultations
indicate that the majority of Web sites
selling nautilus products are located in
France, Germany and the United
Kingdom; however, details regarding the
product, including species and origin of
the nautilus, are often not provided
(Freitas and Krishnasamy 2016). Based
on interviews with trade experts and
online sellers, it appears that the
Philippines is the main source of
nautilus shells for the European trade
(Freitas and Krishnasamy 2016). Some
German online sellers indicate that the
wholesalers also receive imports from
Thailand (Freitas and Krishnasamy
In the United States, the most recent
5 years of available trade data (2010 to
2014) reveal that around 6 percent of the
imported commodities were whole
shells (n = 9,076) and less than 1
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 203 / Monday, October 23, 2017 / Proposed Rules
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percent were live animals, with the
remaining products primarily
comprised of jewelry, shell products,
and trim pieces (CITES 2016). Based on
trade data from 2010–2013 and using
rough approximations of individual
nautilus counts for different commodity
labels, Freitas and Krishnasamy (2016)
estimated that between 20,000 and
100,000 nautilus individuals comprised
the commodities being imported into
the United States, representing between
6,000 and 33,000 individuals annually.
However, it is important to note that
even these figures likely underestimate
the actual trade volumes in the United
States, as additional nautilus imports
could have also been lumped under a
more general category, such as
‘‘mollusks’’ (De Angelis 2012). This is
likely true for other countries as well,
because specific custom codes are
lacking for nautilus products (with
nautilus commodities frequently
lumped as ‘‘coral and similar materials’’
and worked or unworked shell
products) (Freitas and Krishnasamy
2016). Therefore, estimating the number
of nautilus individuals traded annually
around the globe remains extremely
challenging. Despite these unknowns,
based on the available trade data from
the United States, and data garnered
from seizures and research, it is clear
that nautilus commodities are in high
demand and nautilus products are
globally traded likely in the hundreds of
thousands (De Angelis 2012). This
market demand is a significant threat
driving the commercial harvest and
overutilization of N. pompilius
throughout most of its range.
Disease or Predation
We are aware of no information to
indicate that disease is a factor that is
significantly and negatively affecting the
status of the chambered nautilus.
Diseases in nautiluses are not well
known, nor is there information to
indicate that disease is contributing to
population declines of the species.
However, shells of N. pompilius, like
other mollusks, are subject to marine
fouling from a variety of epizoans and
may also be hosts to parasites. In an
examination of 631 N. pompilius shells
from the Philippines and Papua New
Guinea, Landman et al. (2010) found the
incidence of encrustation by epizoans
varied by site. In the N. pompilius shells
from the Philippines, 12 percent were
encrusted whereas 49 percent of the
shells from the Papua New Guinea
sample showed signs of encrustation.
However, the encrusted area only
averaged around 0.5 percent of the shell
surface, with the maximum encrustation
at 2.2 percent (Landman et al. 2010).
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Additionally, the authors note that the
encrusted surface comprised less than 1
percent of the total shell weight in air,
which they deemed ‘‘a negligible factor
in the overall buoyancy of the animal’’
(Landman et al. 2010). As such, it is
likely that the species has some other
defense against epizoan settlement, with
encrustation not a significant threat to
the survival of N. pompilius
Regarding parasites, Carlson (2010)
notes that newly collected nautilus
individuals are usually heavily infested
with the copepod Anchicaligus nautili;
however, no information on the effect of
these infestations on the nautilus animal
is available. Therefore, based on the
available data, marine fouling and
parasitism do not appear to be
significant threats to the species.
Chambered nautiluses may serve as
prey to a number of teleost fish (such as
triggerfish), octopuses, and sharks;
however, predation rates appear to vary
across the species’ range (CITES 2016).
For example, octopod predation rates on
live nautiluses have been estimated at
1.1 percent in the Philippines, 4.5 to 11
percent in Indonesia, 2 to 8 percent in
Papua New Guinea, 5 percent in
American Samoa, and 3.2 percent on
Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, indicating
that predation by octopuses likely
occurs throughout the entire species’
range (Saunders et al. 1991).
Recently, Ward (2014) analyzed the
prevalence of shell breaks in nautiluses
as an indicator of predation and found
that those nautilus populations subject
to fishing had a statistically significant
higher number of major shell breaks
compared to unfished populations.
Specifically, Ward (2014) found that
over 80 percent of mature N. pompilius
shells had major shell breaks in the
fished Bohol, Philippines population (in
2012 and 2013) and calculated an over
40 percent rate in the fished New
Caledonia N. macromphalus population
in 1984. In contrast, only 30 percent of
mature shells had major shell breaks in
the unfished nautilus populations on
the Great Barrier Reef (based on 2012
data) (Ward 2014). In the unfished
Osprey Reef population, this rate was
around 20 percent (based on 2002 to
2006 data), and in Papua New Guinea
and Vanuatu in the 1980s, this rate was
less than 20 percent (Ward 2014).
Predation is clearly evident in all
sampled nautilus populations. It
appears that predation rates may be
substantially higher in those
populations compromised from other
threats (such as overutilization). This, in
turn, exacerbates the risk that predation
poses to those already vulnerable
chambered nautilus populations,
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contributing significantly to their
likelihood of decline and to the species’
overall risk of extinction.
The Inadequacy of Existing Regulatory
Based on the available data, N.
pompilius appears most at risk from
overutilization in those range states
supplying the large majority of nautilus
shells for the international trade.
Substantial commercial harvest of the
species in Indonesia, Philippines, and
India has led to observed declines in the
local N. pompilius populations. As we
discuss below, although there are some
national and international legal
protections, including a recent listing
under CITES, poor enforcement of these
laws and continued illegal fishing
demonstrate that the existing regulatory
mechanisms are inadequate to achieve
their purpose of protecting the
chambered nautilus from harvest and
trade. It is too early to conclude that the
CITES listing will be effective at
ameliorating the threat of
In Indonesia, N. pompilius was
provided full protection in the nation’s
waters in 1999 (Government Regulation
7/1999). While the species was first
added to Indonesia’s protected species
list in 1987 (SK MenHut No 12 Kptd/II/
1987), the implementing legislation in
1999 made it illegal to harvest,
transport, kill, or trade live or dead
specimens of N. pompilius (CITES
2016). Despite this prohibition, the
commercial harvest and trade in the
species continues (see Overutilization
for commercial, recreational, scientific,
or educational purposes). For example,
in a survey of 343 shops within 6
Provinces in Indonesia, Freitas and
Krishnasamy (2016) found that 10
percent were selling nautilus products,
with the majority located in East Java.
Interviews with local suppliers of
nautilus shells revealed that many are
aware of the prohibition and therefore
have found ways to conduct business
covertly, such as selling more products
online and purposely mislabeling N.
pompilius shells as A. perforatus (which
are not protected) (Freitas and
Krishnasamy 2016). Nijman et al. (2015)
observed the sale of chambered nautilus
shells in two of Indonesia’s largest open
markets (Pangandaran and Pasir Putih,
both on Java) and remarked that the
shells were prominently displayed. In
interviews with the traders, none
mentioned the protected status of the
species (Nijman et al. 2015).
Additionally, nautilus shells and
products (such as furniture) are often on
display by government officials and
offered for sale in airports (Freitas and
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 203 / Monday, October 23, 2017 / Proposed Rules
Krishnasamy 2016), indicating that
enforcement of the Indonesian
regulation protecting the species is very
weak. Therefore, given the apparent
disregard of the prohibition, with
substantial evidence of illegal harvest
and trade in the species, and issues with
enforcement, we conclude that existing
regulatory mechanisms are inadequate
to protect the species from further
declines in Indonesia from
In the Philippines, shelled mollusks
are protected from collection without a
permit under Fisheries Administrative
Order no. 168; however, it is unclear
how this is implemented or enforced for
particular species (CITES 2016). In
Palawan Province, a permit is also
required to harvest or trade the
chambered nautilus, as it is listed as
‘‘Vulnerable’’ under Palawan Council
for Sustainable Development Resolution
No. 15–521 (CITES 2016). Freitas and
Krishnasamy (2016) report that some
municipalities in Cebu Province and the
Panay Islands have local ordinances that
prohibit the harvest of N. pompilius;
however, even in these Provinces, there
is evidence of harvest and trade in the
species. For example, in a survey of 66
shops in Cebu, the Western Visayas
region, and Palawan, 83 percent of the
shops sold nautilus products. For the
most part, the harvest and trade of
nautilus is largely allowed and
essentially unregulated throughout the
Philippines (Freitas and Krishnasamy
2016). Given the significant declines in
the N. pompilius populations
throughout this portion of the species’
range, existing regulations to protect N.
pompilius from overutilization
throughout the Philippines are clearly
In India, N. pompilius has been
protected from harvest and trade since
2000 when it was listed under Schedule
I of the Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act
of 1972 (John et al. 2012). However, as
noted in the Overutilization for
commercial, recreational, scientific, or
educational purposes section, N.
pompilius shells were being collected in
Indian waters and sold in major coastal
tourist curio markets as recently as
2007. Interviews with retail vendors (n
= 180) indicated that a large majority
were aware of the Indian Wildlife
Protection Act and legal ramifications of
selling protected species yet continued
to sell large quantities of protected
marine mollusks and corals in the curio
shops (John et al. 2012). Because there
is no official licensing system for these
shops, the annual quantities sold remain
largely unrecorded and unknown (John
et al. 2012). The high demand for
nautilus shells and profits from this
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illegal curio trade, coupled with the lack
of enforcement of existing laws,
indicates that overutilization of N.
pompilius will continue to threaten
populations within Indian waters.
In China, N. pompilius is listed as a
‘‘Class I’’ species under the national
Law of the People’s Republic of China
on the Protection of Wildlife, which
means that harvest is allowed (under
Article 16) but only with special
permission (i.e., for purposes of
scientific research, ranching, breeding,
exhibition, or ‘‘other’’). Unfortunately,
enforcement of this law has proven
difficult, as many nautilus products for
sale have unknown origin or claim
origin from the Philippines (Freitas and
Krishnasamy 2016). While the extent of
harvest in East Asia remains unclear
based on the available data, the fact that
trade is allowed, and the difficulties
associated with enforcement and
identifying N. pompilius products and
origin in the trade, indicate that existing
regulatory measures are likely
inadequate to prevent the harvest of the
species within Chinese waters.
In areas where trade of N. pompilius
is prohibited, available data suggest
smugglers are using other locations as
transit points for the trafficking and
trade of the species to circumvent
prohibitions and evade customs (Freitas
and Krishnasamy 2016). For example,
New Caledonia, where only N.
macromphalus is protected, has become
a stop-over destination for smuggling
nautilus shells to Europe (CITES 2016;
Freitas and Krishnasamy 2016). In 2008,
officials confiscated at least 213 N.
pompilius shells that were being
smuggled into New Caledonia from Bali,
Indonesia (Freitas and Krishnasamy
2016). At this time, the extent of the
illegal trade, including transit points for
smugglers, remains largely unknown;
however, the impact of this illegal trade
on the species only contributes further
to its overutilization.
Overall, given the ongoing demand for
chambered nautilus products, the
apparent disregard of current
prohibition regulations by collectors
and traders, lack of enforcement, and
the observed declining trends in N.
pompilius populations and crashing of
associated fisheries, the best available
information strongly suggests that
existing regulatory mechanisms are
inadequate to control the harvest and
overutilization of N. pompilius
throughout most of its range,
significantly contributing to the species’
risk of extinction.
Recognizing that the international
trade is the clear driving force of the
intense exploitation of nautiluses, in
October 2016, the member nations to
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CITES agreed to add all nautilus species
to Appendix II of CITES (effective
January 2017). This listing means
increased protection for N. pompilius
and the other nautilus species, but still
allows legal and sustainable trade.
Export of nautilus products now
requires CITES permits or re-export
certificates that ensure the products
were legally acquired and that the
Scientific Authority of the State of
export has advised that such export will
not be detrimental to the survival of that
species in the wild (i.e., a ‘‘nondetriment finding’’). Given that the
international trade is the main driver of
the threat to the species (i.e.,
overutilization), the CITES listing
should provide N. pompilius with some
safeguards against future depletion of
populations and potential extinction of
the species. However, given the limited
information on the present abundance
of the species throughout its range, it
may prove difficult for State Authorities
to determine what level of trade is
sustainable. As the FAO panel notes,
based on previous cases for species
listed under Appendix II with similar
circumstances where the State
Authorities’ abilities to make nondetriment findings are limited due to an
absence of information, the following
outcomes are likely to occur: (1)
International trade in products from that
country ceases; (2) international trade
continues but without proper CITES
documentation (‘‘illegal trade’’); and/or
(3) international trade continues with
inadequate non-detriment findings
(FAO 2016). Because this listing only
recently went into effect (January 2017),
it is too soon to know which outcome(s)
will dominate in the various nautilusexporting countries. There is thus not
yet a body of information on which to
evaluate the adequacy of the CITES
listing to reduce the threat of
Other Natural or Man-Made Factors
Affecting Its Continued Existence
While the status review (Miller 2017)
discusses ecotourism operations as a
possible threat to nautilus species, the
examples of these activities come
entirely from Palau, where N. pompilius
does not occur. These ecotourism
activities tend to involve bringing
nautiluses to the surface for
photographic opportunities with
customers and subsequently releasing
them into shallow waters (CITES 2016).
In the daytime, nautiluses are especially
vulnerable to predation in shallow
waters, and observations of triggerfish
feeding on nautiluses as they are
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 203 / Monday, October 23, 2017 / Proposed Rules
released suggest that consistent release
of these animals in a certain location
may create feeding stations for nautilus
predators (Carlson 2015). Additionally,
nautiluses may suffer negative
physiological effects if released into
shallow water, including overheating
and the development of air bubbles that
can inhibit quick escape movements
(CITES 2016). We acknowledge the
potential risks that these ecotourism
operations may pose to nautilus species;
however, at this time, there is no
substantial evidence to indicate that
there are dive tour operators within the
N. pompilius range who practice this
same behavior (i.e., taking photographs
and releasing the species in shallow
waters). As such, the best available
information does not indicate that
ecotourism is presently a significant
threat to the species.
jstallworth on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with PROPOSALS
Natural Behavior
Because of their keen sense of smell
(Basil et al. 2000), chambered nautiluses
are easily attracted to baited traps.
Additionally, field studies indicate that
nautiluses may also habituate to baited
sites. For example, in a tag and release
study conducted in Palau, the
proportion of previously tagged animals
over the trapping period increased in
the baited traps, reaching around 58
percent in the last trap deployed
(Saunders et al. in press). Given this
behavior, nautilus populations,
including N. pompilius, are likely
highly susceptible to being caught by
fisheries. For isolated and small
populations, this could result in rapid
depletions of these populations in a
short amount of time, potentially just
months (Saunders et al. in press).
However, Saunders et al. (in press) note
that this vulnerability to depletion from
overfishing is likely lower in those
populations where barriers to movement
do not exist, such as Papua New Guinea
and Indonesia. These sites both have
large swaths of habitat (thousands of
km) within the optimal nautilus depth
range that are parallel to coastal areas
and could serve as natural refugia but
also allow for the restocking of depleted
populations (Saunders et al. in press).
Therefore, the best available information
suggests that these aspects of the
species’ natural behavior (i.e., attraction
and habituation to baited trap sites) are
likely significant threats to those N.
pompilius populations that are already
subject to other threats (e.g.,
overutilization) or demographic risks
(e.g., spatially isolated, small
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Assessment of Extinction Risk
The ESA (section 3) defines an
endangered species as ‘‘any species
which is in danger of extinction
throughout all or a significant portion of
its range.’’ A threatened species is
defined as ‘‘any species which is likely
to become an endangered species within
the foreseeable future throughout all or
a significant portion of its range.’’ We
define ‘‘foreseeable future’’ generally as
the time frame over which identified
threats can be reliably predicted to
impact the biological status of the
species. As mentioned previously,
because a species may be susceptible to
a variety of threats for which different
data are available, or which operate
across different time scales, the
foreseeable future is not necessarily
reducible to a particular number of
For the assessment of extinction risk
for the chambered nautilus, the
‘‘foreseeable future’’ was considered to
extend out several decades (> 40 years).
Given the species’ life history traits,
with longevity estimated to be at least
20 years, maturity ranges from 10 to 17
years, with very low fecundity
(potentially 10–20 eggs per year with a
1-year incubation period), it would
likely take more than a few decades (i.e.,
multiple generations) for any recent
management actions to be realized and
reflected in population abundance
indices. Similarly, the impact of present
threats to the species could be realized
in the form of noticeable population
declines within this time frame, as
demonstrated in the available survey
and fisheries data (see Table 4 in Miller
2017). As the main potential operative
threat to the species is overutilization,
this time frame would allow for reliable
predictions regarding the impact of
current levels of fishery-related
mortality on the biological status of the
species. Additionally, this time frame
allows for consideration of the
previously discussed impacts on
chambered nautilus habitat from climate
change and the potential effects on the
status of this species.
In determining the extinction risk of
a species, it is important to consider
both the demographic risks facing the
species as well as current and potential
impacts of external threats that may
affect the species’ status. To this end, a
demographic analysis was conducted
for the chambered nautilus. A
demographic risk analysis is essentially
an assessment of the manifestation of
past threats that have contributed to the
species’ current status and informs the
consideration of the biological response
of the species to present and future
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threats. This analysis evaluated the
population viability characteristics and
trends data available for the chambered
nautilus, such as abundance, growth
rate/productivity, spatial structure and
connectivity, and diversity, to
determine the potential risks these
demographic factors pose to the species.
The information from this demographic
risk analysis was considered alongside
the information previously presented on
threats to the species, including those
related to the factors specified by the
ESA section 4(a)(1)(A)–(E) (and
summarized in a separate Threats
Assessment section below) and used to
determine an overall risk of extinction
for N. pompilius.
Because the available data are
insufficient to conduct a reliable
quantitative population viability
assessment (because there is, for
example, sporadic abundance data, and
uncertain demographic characteristics),
the qualitative reference levels of ‘‘low
risk,’’ ‘‘moderate risk’’ and ‘‘high risk’’
were used to describe the overall
assessment of extinction risk in the
Status Review. A species at a ‘‘low risk’’
of extinction was defined as one that is
not at a moderate or high level of
extinction risk. A species may be at low
risk of extinction if it is not facing
threats that result in declining trends in
abundance, productivity, spatial
structure, or diversity. A species at low
risk of extinction is likely to show stable
or increasing trends in abundance and
productivity with connected, diverse
populations. A species is at a ‘‘moderate
risk’’ of extinction when it is on a
trajectory that puts it at a high level of
extinction risk in the foreseeable future.
A species may be at moderate risk of
extinction because of projected threats
or declining trends in abundance,
productivity, spatial structure, or
diversity. A species with a high risk of
extinction is at or near a level of
abundance, productivity, spatial
structure, and/or diversity that places its
continued persistence in question. The
demographics of a species at such a high
level of risk may be highly uncertain
and strongly influenced by stochastic or
depensatory processes. Similarly, a
species may be at high risk of extinction
if it faces clear and present threats (e.g.,
confinement to a small geographic area;
imminent destruction, modification, or
curtailment of its habitat; or disease
epidemic) that are likely to create
imminent and substantial demographic
Although the conclusions in the
status review report do not constitute
findings as to whether the species
should be listed under the ESA (because
that determination must be made by the
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 203 / Monday, October 23, 2017 / Proposed Rules
agency after considering all relevant
information and after evaluating
ongoing conservation efforts of any
state, foreign nation, or political
subdivision thereof. 16 U.S.C.
1533(b)(1)(A)), a finding of ‘‘moderate
risk’’ generally indicates that a species
may qualify for listing as a ‘‘threatened
species’’ and a finding of ‘‘high risk’’
generally indicates that a species may be
an ‘‘endangered species.’’
jstallworth on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with PROPOSALS
Demographic Risk Analysis
The global abundance of the
chambered nautilus is unknown, with
no available historical baseline
population data. The species likely
exists as small, isolated populations
distributed throughout its range.
However, abundance estimates of these
fragmented populations are largely
unavailable, as the species is difficult to
survey. Currently, population size has
been estimated for N. pompilius off
Osprey Reef in Australia using baited
trap techniques (n = 844 to 4,467
individuals) and for the Palawan region,
Philippines and Western Australia
populations using genetic markers
(median population size for Western
Australia = 2.6 million individuals; for
Philippines = 3.2 million individuals).
Population density estimates
(individuals/km2) are also available
from Osprey Reef (13.6 to 77.4), the
Great Barrier Reef (0.34), American
Samoa (0.16), Fiji (0.21) and the Panglao
region, Philippines (0.03). While there
may be some sampling bias in the baited
trap technique, we find that the
population size and density estimates
from these studies provide a useful
representation of the current abundance
of the species because they rely on the
best available field data.
If a population is critically small in
size, chance variations in the annual
number of births and deaths can put the
population at added risk of extinction.
Additionally, when populations are
very small, chance demographic events
can have a large impact on the
population. However, the threshold for
depensation in the chambered nautilus
is unknown.
Populations of N. pompilius are
assumed to be naturally small, and,
when not faced with outside threats,
appear stable (e.g., Osprey Reef
population increased by 28 percent over
the course of a decade). However, those
populations in areas where nautilus
fishing occurs have experienced
significant declines in less than a
generation time for the species,
indicating a greater risk of extirpation
because of depensatory processes.
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Saunders et al. (in press) suggest that
trapping data that result in < 1 to 2
nautiluses per trap likely reflect a
minimally viable population level. In
other words, further removal of
individuals from those populations
would likely result in population
crashes and potential extirpation. Based
on the available abundance trend data
(see Table 4 in Miller (2017)), many of
the populations surveyed in Indonesia
and the Philippines currently reflect
this minimally viable level, indicating
that abundance of these particular
populations may be close to levels that
place them at immediate risk of
inbreeding depression and demographic
stochasticity, particularly given their
reproductive isolation. Extirpations of
these populations would increase the
risk of extinction for the entire species
to some degree.
While overall abundance is highly
uncertain, the evidence indicates that
the species exists as small and isolated
populations throughout its range,
making them inherently vulnerable to
exploitation and depletion. Data suggest
that many of these populations are in
decline and may be extirpated in the
next several decades. Taken together,
this information indicates that N.
pompilius is not currently at risk of
extinction throughout its range but will
likely be at risk of extinction from
environmental variation or humancaused threats throughout its range
within the foreseeable future.
Growth Rate/Productivity
The current net productivity of N.
pompilius is unknown because of the
imprecision or lack of available
abundance estimates or indices.
Fecundity, however, is assumed to be
low (but note that no egg-laying has
been observed in the wild). Based on
estimates from other captive Nautilus
species (i.e., N. macromphalus and N.
belauensis), the chambered nautilus
may lay up to 10 to 20 eggs per year,
with a long incubation period (10 to 12
months). Given that the chambered
nautilus is a slow-growing and latematuring species (with maturity
estimated between 10 and 17 years, and
longevity at least 20 years), it likely has
very low productivity and, thus, is
extremely susceptible to decreases in its
In terms of demographic traits,
Saunders et al. (in press) suggest that a
nautilus population at equilibrium
would have a higher percentage of male
(75 percent) and mature (74 percent)
animals. Ratios that are significantly
lower than these estimates suggest the
population is in ‘‘disequilibrium’’ and
likely portend declines in per capita
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growth rate. Saunders et al. (in press)
further provides evidence that fished
nautilus populations tend to show
significant demographic differences in
relative age class (i.e., predominance of
immature individuals) and sex ratios
(i.e,, no longer male-biased) compared
to unfished populations. Under the
current assumption that males are the
critical sex for population growth, the
significant change in the population
demographics for these fished
populations may portend further
declines and potential extirpations of
these populations, inherently increasing
the risk of extinction for the entire
species in the foreseeable future.
However, with the exception of the
Osprey Reef (Australia), Lizard Island
(Great Barrier Reef; Australia), and
Sumbawa Island (Indonesia)
populations, which showed male
percentages of 82 to 91 percent and
mature percentages of 58 to 91 percent
based on data from the past decade
(Saunders et al. in press), we have no
available recent data to assess the
demographic traits of current N.
pompilius populations throughout the
species’ range.
Spatial Structure/Connectivity
Chambered nautilus populations are
extreme habitat specialists. The species
is closely associated with steeply-sloped
forereefs and muddy bottoms and is
found in depths typically between 200
m and 500 m. Both temperature and
depth are barriers to movement for N.
pompilius, which cannot
physiologically withstand temperatures
above around 25 °C or depths greater
than 800 m. Chambered nautiluses are
bottom-dwelling scavengers and do not
swim in the open water column. While
larger-scale migrations have occurred
(across shallow, warm waters and/or
depths > 1000 m), these events are
believed to be extremely rare, with gene
flow thought to be inversely related to
the geographic distance between
populations (Swan and Saunders 2010).
As such, current chambered nautilus
populations, particularly those
separated by large geographic distances,
are believed to be largely isolated, with
a limited ability to find or exploit
available resources in the case of habitat
destruction. Collectively, this
information suggests that gene flow is
likely limited among populations of N.
pompilius, with available data
specifically indicating the isolation
between populations in Fiji and
Western Australia and those in the
Regarding destruction of habitat
patches, while anthropogenic threats,
such as climate change and destructive
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 203 / Monday, October 23, 2017 / Proposed Rules
fishing practices, have been identified
as potential sources that could
contribute to habitat modification for
the chambered nautilus, there is no
evidence that habitat patches used by N.
pompilius are being destroyed faster
than they are naturally created such that
the species is at an increased risk of
extinction. Additionally, there is no
information to indicate that N.
pompilius is composed of conspicuous
source-sink populations where loss of
one critical population or subpopulation
would pose a risk of extinction to the
entire species.
jstallworth on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with PROPOSALS
As noted above, N. pompilius appears
to exist as isolated populations with low
rates of dispersal and little gene flow
among populations, particularly those
that are separated by large geographic
distances and deep ocean expanses.
Given the physiological constraints and
limited mobility of the species, coupled
with the selective targeting of mature
males in the fisheries, connectivity
among breeding populations may be
disrupted. Additionally, while it is
unknown whether genetic variability
within the species is sufficient to permit
adaptation to environmental changes,
the best available information suggests
that genetic variability has likely been
reduced due to bottleneck events and
genetic drift in the small and isolated N.
pompilius populations throughout its
range. Because higher levels of genetic
diversity increase the likelihood of a
species’ persistence, the current,
presumably reduced level among
chambered nautiluses appears to pose a
risk to the species.
Threats Assessment
As discussed above, the most
significant and certain threat to the
chambered nautilus is overutilization
through commercial harvest to meet the
demand for the international nautilus
shell trade. Out of the 10 nations where
N. pompilius is known to occur,
potentially half have targeted nautilus
fisheries either historically or currently.
These waters comprise roughly threequarters of the species’ known range,
with only the most eastern portion (e.g.,
eastern Australia, American Samoa, Fiji)
afforded protection from harvest.
Fishing for nautiluses is fairly
inexpensive and easy, and the attraction
of N. pompilius to baited traps further
increases the likely success of these
fisheries (compounding the severity of
this threat on the species). The
estimated level of harvest from many of
these nautilus fisheries in the
Philippines (where harvest data are
available) has historically led to
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extirpations of local N. pompilius
populations. Given the evidence of
declines (of 70 to 94 percent) in the
CPUE from these Philippine nautilus
fisheries, and the fact that fished
populations tend to experience higher
predation rates (another compounding
factor that further increases the negative
impact of fishing on the species), these
populations are likely on the same trend
toward local extinction. Serial depletion
of populations based on anecdotal
trapping reports is also evident
throughout nautilus fishing sites in
Indonesia, with reported declines of 70
to 97 percent. In India, the
predominance of immature shells for
sale in the curio markets suggests
potential overfishing of these local
populations as well. Commercial
harvest of the species is also thought to
occur in Papua New Guinea, East Asia,
Thailand, Vanuatu, and Vietnam. Efforts
to address overutilization of the species
through regulatory measures appear
inadequate, with evidence of targeted
fishing of and trade in the species,
particularly in Indonesia, Philippines,
and China, despite prohibitions.
As fishing for the species has no
cultural or historical relevance, trade
appears to be the sole driving force
behind the commercial harvest and
subsequent decline in N. pompilius
populations, with significant consumer
markets in the United States, China,
Europe (Italy, France, Portugal, United
Kingdom), the Middle East, and
Australia. If international trade were to
be successfully managed to ensure
sustainable harvest of N. pompilius,
then the serial decline of local
populations could be halted and
partially depleted populations could
have time to recover. The CITES
Appendix II listing aims to achieve
these conservation outcomes; however,
given that the listing only recently went
into effect (i.e, January 2017), it is too
soon to evaluate the ability and capacity
of the affected countries (who are
parties to CITES) to implement the
required measures and ensure the
sustainability of their trade. Of concern
is the illegal selling and trade of the
species that already exists despite
domestic prohibitions. Therefore, it is
unclear whether and how the new
CITES requirements will be adequately
implemented and enforced in those
countries that are presently unable to
prevent the overutilization of the
species despite prohibitions (e.g.,
Indonesia, Philippines, China). We note
that the United States appears to be a
significant importer of nautilus products
and, therefore, this CITES listing could
potentially cut-off a large market (and
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associated demand) for the species if
adequate non-detriment findings are not
issued by the exporting countries.
However, the evidence of illegal trade
routes (see Figure 7 in Miller (2017))
and difficulty with tracking the amount
and origin of nautilus products suggests
that it may take some time before the
extent of the ‘‘ins and outs’’ of the
nautilus trade are fully understood.
Therefore, we find that the adequacy of
the CITES Appendix II listing in
reducing the threat of overutilization
(through ensuring sustainable trade) is
highly uncertain at this time.
Additional threats to N. pompilius
that were identified as potentially
contributing to long-term risk of the
species include unselective and
destructive fishing techniques (e.g.,
blast fishing and cyanide poisoning) and
ocean warming and acidification as a
result of climate change effects;
however, because of the significant data
gaps (such as the effects on nautilus
habitat and the species’ physiological
responses), the impact of these threats
on the status of the species is highly
Overall Extinction Risk Summary
Given the species’ low reproductive
output and overall productivity and
existence as small and isolated
populations, it is inherently vulnerable
to threats that would deplete its
abundance, with a very low likelihood
of recovery or repopulation. While there
is considerable uncertainty regarding
the species’ overall current abundance,
the best available information indicates
that N. pompilius has experienced
population declines of significant
magnitude, including evidence of
extirpations, throughout most of its
range, primarily because of fisheriesrelated mortality (i.e., overutilization).
While stable populations of the species
likely exist in those waters not subject
to nautilus fishing (e.g., Osprey Reef,
Australia and American Samoa), only a
few populations have actually been
found and studied. These populations
appear small (particularly when
compared to trade figures) and
genetically and geographically isolated,
and, therefore, if subject to
environmental variation or
anthropogenic perturbations in the
foreseeable future (such as through
illegal fishing or climate change), will
likely be unable to recover.
Currently, the best available
information, though not free from
uncertainties, does not indicate that the
species is currently at risk of extinction
throughout its range. The species is still
traded in considerable amounts
(upwards of thousands to hundreds of
jstallworth on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 203 / Monday, October 23, 2017 / Proposed Rules
thousands annually), with evidence of
new sites being established for nautilus
fishing (e.g., in Indonesia, Philippines,
Papua New Guinea), and areas of stable,
unfished populations (e.g., eastern
Australia, American Samoa). Although
this continued trading presents a
moderate threat as has been discussed,
current overall abundance throughout
its range is not so low that the species’
viability is presently at risk. However,
the continued harvesting of the species
for the international nautilus shell trade
and the subsequent serial depletion of
populations throughout its range are
placing the species on a trajectory to be
in danger of extinction within the
foreseeable future, likely within the next
couple of decades. The species’ current
demographic risks, including small and
isolated populations, low productivity,
habitat specificity, and physiological
limitations that restrict large-scale
migrations, mean that as populations are
depleted and extirpated, recovery of
those populations and/or repopulation
is unlikely. Many of the observed
populations of the species are already
on this path, with data indicating
significant declines in abundance and
even local extinctions. Further
exacerbating these declines is the
evidence of increased predation on
fished nautilus populations and the
disruption of population demographics
(through the attraction of predominantly
males and mature individuals to baited
traps). As the unsustainable harvesting
of nautiluses continues, with fisheries
that follow a boom-bust cycle, and
fishing efforts that serially exploit
populations and then move on to new
sites as the populations become
depleted (particularly evident in the
Philippines and Indonesia), this trend is
unlikely to reverse in the foreseeable
future. In fact, despite current domestic
prohibitions on the harvest and trade of
the species throughout most of the
species’ range (and particularly in the
large exporting range states), these
regulatory measures are ineffective
because they are largely ignored or
circumvented through illegal trade
networks. Further, although the species
was recently listed on CITES Appendix
II, there is as of yet no basis to conclude
whether that listing will be effective at
decreasing the threat of overutilization
to the species through the foreseeable
Given the best available information,
we find that N. pompilius is at a
moderate risk of extinction throughout
its range. Although the species is not
currently at risk of extinction
throughout its range, it will likely
become so within the foreseeable future.
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Without adequate measures controlling
the overutilization of the species, N.
pompilius is on a trajectory where its
overall abundance will likely see
significant declines within the
foreseeable future eventually reaching
the point where the species’ continued
persistence will be in jeopardy. We
therefore propose to list the species as
a ‘‘threatened species.’’
Protective Efforts
Having found that the chambered
nautilus is likely to become in danger of
extinction throughout its range within
the foreseeable future, we next
considered protective efforts as required
under Section 4(b)(1)(A) of the ESA. The
focus of this evaluation is to determine
whether these efforts are effective in
ameliorating the threats we have
identified to the species and thus
potentially avert the need for listing.
As we already considered the
effectiveness of existing regulatory
protective efforts, discussed above in
connection with the evaluation of the
adequacy of existing regulatory
mechanisms, we consider other, less
formal conservation efforts in this
section. We identified a non-profit Web
site devoted to raising the awareness of
threats to the chambered nautilus (e.g.,
including raising funds to support
research on the species. Additionally,
we note that chambered nautiluses are
found in a number of aquariums
worldwide where additional research is
being conducted on the reproductive
activity of the species. However,
survival of the species in captivity is
relatively low compared to its natural
longevity. Based on a 2014 survey of
102 U.S. aquariums with nautilus
species (with 52 responses), Carlson
(2014) reported that survival rates for
captive N. pompilius of more than 5
years was only 20 percent. The rates of
survival for less than 5 years were as
follows: 0 to 1 year = 33.3 percent, 1–
2 years 6.7 percent; 2 to 3 years = 20.0
percent, 3 to 5 years = 20.0 percent.
While some of these aquariums have
successfully bred nautilus species (e.g.,
Waikiki Aquarium (U.S.), Birch
Aquarium at Scripps (U.S.), Toba
Aquarium (Japan), Farglory Ocean Park
(Chinese Taipei) (Tai-lang 2012;
Blazenhoff 2013; Carlson 2014)), based
on the results from these efforts, it is
unlikely that aquaculture or artificial
propagation programs could
substantially improve the conservation
status of the species. On average,
survival rate after hatching is less than
1 in 1,000 (Tai-lang 2012) and, to date,
none of the captive-bred nautiluses have
obtained sexual maturity (NMFS 2014).
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The process is also costly and timeconsuming (given the year-long
incubation period of eggs). Therefore,
captive breeding would not be a feasible
alternative to help satisfy the trade
industry or restore wild populations
(NMFS 2014). Additionally, it should be
noted that the shells of nautiluses in
captivity tend to be smaller and
irregular, with black lines that mar the
outside of the shells (Moini et al. 2014).
Therefore, those shells would likely not
be acceptable as suitable alternatives to
wild-caught shells in the trade, given
the preference for large, unblemished
nautilus shells in the market.
While we find that these protective
efforts will help increase the scientific
knowledge about N. pompilius and
potentially promote public awareness
regarding declines in the species, none
has significantly altered the extinction
risk for the chambered nautilus to the
point where it would not be in danger
of extinction in the foreseeable future.
However, we seek additional
information on these and other
conservation efforts in our public
comment process (see below).
Section 4(b)(1)(A) of the ESA requires
that NMFS make listing determinations
based solely on the best scientific and
commercial data available after
conducting a review of the status of the
species and taking into account those
efforts, if any, being made by any state
or foreign nation, or political
subdivisions thereof, to protect and
conserve the species. We have
independently reviewed the best
available scientific and commercial
information including the petition,
public comments submitted on the 90day finding (81 FR 58895; August 26,
2016), the status review report (Miller
2017), and other published and
unpublished information, and have
consulted with species experts and
individuals familiar with the chambered
As summarized above and in Miller
(2017), we assessed the ESA section
4(a)(1) factors both individually and
collectively and conclude that the
species faces ongoing threats from
overutilization and that existing
regulatory mechanisms are inadequate
to ameliorate that threat. Evidence of the
continued substantial trade in the
species, establishment of new N.
pompilius fishing sites, and areas of
unfished populations indicate that the
species has not yet declined to
abundance levels that would trigger the
onset of depensatory processes.
However, the species’ demographic
risks (including small and isolated
jstallworth on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 203 / Monday, October 23, 2017 / Proposed Rules
populations, with substantial reductions
of 70 to 97 percent and extirpations of
local chambered nautilus populations
from waters comprising roughly threequarters of the species’ known range,
low productivity, habitat specificity,
and physiological limitations that
restrict large-scale migration), coupled
with the ongoing serial exploitation of
N. pompilius to supply the international
trade, and evidence of illegal harvest,
trade, and poorly enforced domestic
regulatory measures, significantly
increase the species’ vulnerability to
depletion and subsequent extinction
from environmental variation or
anthropogenic perturbations, placing it
on a trajectory indicating that it will
likely be in danger of extinction within
the foreseeable future throughout its
We found no evidence of protective
efforts for the conservation of the
chambered nautilus that would
eliminate or adequately reduce threats
to the species to the point where it
would no longer be in danger of
extinction in the foreseeable future.
Therefore, we conclude that the
chambered nautilus is not currently in
danger of extinction, but likely to
become so in the foreseeable future
throughout its range from threats of
overutilization and the inadequacy of
existing regulatory mechanisms. As
such, we have determined that the
chambered nautilus meets the definition
of a threatened species and propose to
list it is as such throughout its range
under the ESA.
Because we find that the chambered
nautilus is likely to become an
endangered species within the
foreseeable future throughout its range,
we find it unnecessary to consider
whether the species might be in danger
of extinction in a significant portion of
its range. We believe Congress intended
that, where the best available
information allows the Services to
determine a status for the species
rangewide, such listing determination
should be given conclusive weight. A
rangewide determination of status more
accurately reflects the species’ degree of
imperilment, and assigning such status
to the species (rather than potentially
assigning a different status based on a
review of only a portion of the range)
best implements the statutory
distinction between threatened and
endangered species. Maintaining this
fundamental distinction is important for
ensuring that conservation resources are
allocated toward species according to
their actual level of risk. We also note
that Congress placed the ‘‘all’’ language
before the ‘‘significant portion of its
range’’ phrase in the definitions of
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‘‘endangered species’’ and ‘‘threatened
species.’’ This suggests that Congress
intended that an analysis based on
consideration of the entire range should
receive primary focus, and thus that the
agencies should do a ‘‘significant
portion of its range’’ analysis as an
alternative to a rangewide analysis only
if necessary. Under this reading, we
should first consider whether listing is
appropriate based on a rangewide
analysis and proceed to conduct a
‘‘significant portion of its range’’
analysis if (and only if) a species does
not qualify for listing as either
endangered or threatened according to
the ‘‘all’’ language. We note that this
interpretation is also consistent with the
2014 Final Policy on Interpretation of
the Phrase ‘‘Significant Portion of its
Range’’ (79 FR 37578 (July 1, 2014)).
That policy is the subject of pending
litigation, including litigation against
the United States Fish and Wildlife
Service in the United States District
Court for the District of Arizona, which
ordered the policy vacated and is
currently considering a motion for
reconsideration. See Center for
Biological Diversity v. Jewell, No. CV–
14–02506–TUC–RM, 2017 WL 2438327
(D. Ariz. March 29, 2017). Our approach
in this proposed rule, explained above,
has been reached and applied
independently of the Final Policy.
Effects of Listing
Measures provided for species of fish
or wildlife listed as endangered or
threatened under the ESA include
development of recovery plans (16
U.S.C. 1533(f)); designation of critical
habitat, to the maximum extent prudent
and determinable (16 U.S.C.
1533(a)(3)(A)); the requirement that
Federal agencies consult with NMFS
under section 7 of the ESA to ensure
their actions are not likely to jeopardize
the species or result in adverse
modification or destruction of critical
habitat should it be designated (16
U.S.C. 1536(a)(2)). Certain prohibitions,
including prohibitions against ‘‘taking’’
and import, also apply with respect to
endangered species under Section 9 (16
U.S.C. 1538); at the discretion of the
Secretary, some or all of these
prohibitions may be applied with
respect to threatened species under the
authority of Section 4(d) (16 U.S.C.
1533(d)). Recognition of the species’
plight through listing also promotes
voluntary conservation actions by
Federal and state agencies, foreign
entities, private groups, and individuals.
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Identifying Section 7 Conference and
Consultation Requirements
Section 7(a)(4) (16 U.S.C. 1536(a)(4))
of the ESA and NMFS/USFWS
regulations require Federal agencies to
confer with us on actions likely to
jeopardize the continued existence of
species proposed for listing, or that
result in the destruction or adverse
modification of proposed critical
habitat. If a proposed species is
ultimately listed, Federal agencies must
consult under Section 7(a)(2) (16 U.S.C.
1536(a)(2)) on any action they authorize,
fund, or carry out if those actions may
affect the listed species or its critical
habitat and ensure that such actions are
not likely to jeopardize the species or
result in destruction or adverse
modification of critical habitat should it
be designated. At this time, based on the
currently available information, we
determine that examples of Federal
actions that may affect the chambered
nautilus include, but are not limited to:
alternative energy projects, discharge of
pollution from point and non-point
sources, deep-sea mining, contaminated
waste and plastic disposal, dredging,
pile-driving, development of water
quality standards, military activities,
and fisheries management practices.
Critical Habitat
Critical habitat is defined in section 3
of the ESA (16 U.S.C. 1532(5)) as: (1)
The specific areas within the
geographical area occupied by a species,
at the time it is listed in accordance
with the ESA, on which are found those
physical or biological features (a)
essential to the conservation of the
species and (b) that may require special
management considerations or
protection; and (2) specific areas outside
the geographical area occupied by a
species at the time it is listed upon a
determination that such areas are
essential for the conservation of the
species. ‘‘Conservation’’ means the use
of all methods and procedures needed
to bring the species to the point at
which listing under the ESA is no
longer necessary. 16 U.S.C. 1532(3).
Section 4(a)(3)(A) of the ESA (16 U.S.C.
1533(a)(3)(A)) requires that, to the
maximum extent prudent and
determinable, critical habitat be
designated concurrently with the listing
of a species. Designations of critical
habitat must be based on the best
scientific data available and must take
into consideration the economic,
national security, and other relevant
impacts of specifying any particular area
as critical habitat. At this time, we find
that critical habitat for the chambered
nautilus is not determinable because
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 203 / Monday, October 23, 2017 / Proposed Rules
data sufficient to perform the required
analyses are lacking. Therefore, public
input on features and areas in U.S.
waters that may meet the definition of
critical habitat for the chambered
nautilus is invited. If we determine that
designation of critical habitat is prudent
and determinable, we will publish a
proposed designation of critical habitat
for the chambered nautilus in a separate
rule. Such designation must be limited
to areas under United States
jurisdiction. 50 CFR 424.12(g).
jstallworth on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with PROPOSALS
Protective Regulations Under Section
4(d) of the ESA
We are proposing to list the
chambered nautilus as a threatened
species. In the case of threatened
species, ESA section 4(d) gives the
Secretary discretion to determine
whether, and to what extent, to extend
the prohibitions of Section 9 to the
species, and authorizes us to issue
regulations necessary and advisable for
the conservation of the species. Thus,
we have flexibility under section 4(d) to
tailor protective regulations, taking into
account the effectiveness of available
conservation measures. The 4(d)
protective regulations may prohibit,
with respect to threatened species, some
or all of the acts which section 9(a) of
the ESA prohibits with respect to
endangered species. We are not
proposing such regulations at this time,
but may consider potential protective
regulations pursuant to section 4(d) for
the chambered nautilus in a future
rulemaking. In order to inform our
consideration of appropriate protective
regulations for the species, we seek
information from the public on the
threats to the chambered nautilus and
possible measures for their
Role of Peer Review
The intent of peer review is to ensure
that listings are based on the best
scientific and commercial data
available. In December 2004, the Office
of Management and Budget (OMB)
issued a Final Information Quality
Bulletin for Peer Review establishing
minimum peer review standards, a
transparent process for public
disclosure of peer review planning, and
opportunities for public participation.
The OMB Bulletin, implemented under
the Information Quality Act (Public Law
106–554), is intended to enhance the
quality and credibility of the Federal
government’s scientific information, and
applies to influential or highly
influential scientific information
disseminated on or after June 16, 2005.
To satisfy our requirements under the
OMB Bulletin, we obtained independent
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peer review of the status review report.
Independent specialists were selected
from the academic and scientific
community for this review. All peer
reviewer comments were addressed
prior to dissemination of the status
review report and publication of this
proposed rule.
Public Comments Solicited on Listing
To ensure that the final action
resulting from this proposal will be as
accurate and effective as possible, we
solicit comments and suggestions from
the public, other governmental agencies,
the scientific community, industry,
environmental groups, and any other
interested parties. Comments are
encouraged on all aspects of this
proposal (See DATES and ADDRESSES).We
are particularly interested in: (1) New or
updated information regarding the
range, distribution, and abundance of
the chambered nautilus; (2) new or
updated information regarding the
genetics and population structure of the
chambered nautilus; (3) habitat within
the range of the chambered nautilus that
was present in the past but may have
been lost over time; (4) new or updated
biological or other relevant data
concerning any threats to the chambered
nautilus (e.g., landings of the species,
illegal taking of the species); (5)
information on the commercial trade of
the chambered nautilus; (6) recent
observations or sampling of the
chambered nautilus; (7) current or
planned activities within the range of
the chambered nautilus and their
possible impact on the species; and (8)
efforts being made to protect the
chambered nautilus.
Public Comments Solicited on Critical
As noted above, we have determined
that critical habitat is not currently
determinable for the chambered
nautilus. To facilitate our ongoing
review, we request information
describing the quality and extent of
habitat for the chambered nautilus, as
well as information on areas that may
qualify as critical habitat for the species
in waters under U.S. jurisdiction. We
note that based on the best available
scientific information regarding the
range of the chambered nautilus, waters
of American Samoa may contain the
only potential habitat for the species
that is currently under U.S. jurisdiction.
We request that specific areas that
include the physical and biological
features essential to the conservation of
the species, where such features may
require special management
considerations or protection, be
identified. Areas outside the occupied
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geographical area should also be
identified, if such areas themselves are
essential to the conservation of the
species and under U.S. jurisdiction.
ESA implementing regulations at 50
CFR 424.12(g) specify that critical
habitat shall not be designated within
foreign countries or in other areas
outside of U.S. jurisdiction. Therefore,
we request information only on
potential areas of critical habitat within
waters under U.S. jurisdiction.
Section 4(b)(2) of the ESA requires the
Secretary to consider the ‘‘economic
impact, impact on national security, and
any other relevant impact’’ of
designating a particular area as critical
habitat. 16 U.S.C. 1533(b)(2). Section
4(b)(2) also authorizes the Secretary to
exclude from a critical habitat
designation any particular area where
the Secretary finds that the benefits of
exclusion outweigh the benefits of
designation, unless excluding that area
will result in extinction of the species.
To facilitate our consideration under
Section 4(b)(2), we also request for any
area that may potentially qualify as
critical habitat information describing:
(1) Activities or other threats to the
essential features of occupied habitat or
activities that could be affected by
designating a particular area as critical
habitat; and (2) the positive and
negative economic, national security
and other relevant impacts, including
benefits to the recovery of the species,
likely to result if particular areas are
designated as critical habitat. We seek
information regarding the conservation
benefits of designating areas within
waters under U.S. jurisdiction as critical
habitat. See 50 CFR 424.12(g). In
keeping with the guidance provided by
OMB (2000; 2003), we seek information
that would allow the quantification of
these effects to the extent possible, as
well as information on qualitative
impacts to economic values.
Data reviewed may include, but are
not limited to: (1) Scientific or
commercial publications; (2)
administrative reports, maps or other
graphic materials; (3) information
received from experts; and (4)
comments from interested parties.
Comments and data particularly are
sought concerning: (1) Maps and
specific information describing the
amount, distribution, and use type (e.g.,
foraging) by the chambered nautilus, as
well as any additional information on
occupied and unoccupied habitat areas;
(2) the reasons why any specific area of
habitat should or should not be
determined to be critical habitat as
provided by sections 3(5)(A) and 4(b)(2)
of the ESA; (3) information regarding
the benefits of designating particular
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 203 / Monday, October 23, 2017 / Proposed Rules
areas as critical habitat; (4) current or
planned activities in the areas that
might qualify for designation and their
possible impacts; (5) any foreseeable
economic or other potential impacts
resulting from designation, and in
particular, any impacts on small
entities; (6) whether specific
unoccupied areas may be essential for
the conservation of the species; and (7)
individuals who could serve as peer
reviewers in connection with a
proposed critical habitat designation,
including persons with biological and
economic expertise relevant to the
species, region, and designation of
critical habitat.
A complete list of the references used
in this proposed rule is available within
the docket folder under ‘‘Supporting
Documents’’ (www.regulations.gov/
#!docketDetail;D=NOAA-NMFS-20160098) and upon request (see
National Environmental Policy Act
The 1982 amendments to the ESA, in
section 4(b)(1)(A), restrict the
information that may be considered
when assessing species for listing. Based
on this limitation of criteria for a listing
decision and the opinion in Pacific
Legal Foundation v. Andrus, 657 F. 2d
829 (6th Cir. 1981), NMFS has
concluded that ESA listing actions are
not subject to the environmental
assessment requirements of the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
formal contacts with the states, and
other affected local, regional, or foreign
entities, giving careful consideration to
all written and oral comments received.
Executive Order 12866, Regulatory
Flexibility Act, and Paperwork
Reduction Act
As noted in the Conference Report on
the 1982 amendments to the ESA,
economic impacts cannot be considered
when assessing the status of a species.
Therefore, the economic analysis
requirements of the Regulatory
Flexibility Act are not applicable to the
listing process. In addition, this
proposed rule is exempt from review
under Executive Order 12866. This
proposed rule does not contain a
collection-of-information requirement
for the purposes of the Paperwork
Reduction Act.
List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 223
Executive Order 13132, Federalism
In accordance with E.O. 13132, we
determined that this proposed rule does
not have significant federalism effects
and that a federalism assessment is not
required. In keeping with the intent of
the Administration and Congress to
provide continuing and meaningful
dialogue on issues of mutual state and
Federal interest, this proposed rule will
be given to the relevant governmental
agencies in the countries in which the
species occurs, and they will be invited
to comment. As we proceed, we intend
to continue engaging in informal and
Endangered and threatened species.
Dated: October 16, 2017.
Samuel D. Rauch, III,
Deputy Assistant Administrator for
Regulatory Programs, National Marine
Fisheries Service.
For the reasons set out in the
preamble, 50 CFR part 223 is proposed
to be amended as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 223
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1531–1543; subpart
B, § 223.201–202 also issued under 16 U.S.C.
1361 et seq.; 16 U.S.C. 5503(d) for
§ 223.206(d)(9).
2. In § 223.102, paragraph (e), add a
new table subheading for ‘‘Molluscs’’
before the ‘‘Corals’’ subheading and
adding a new entry for ‘‘nautilus,
chambered’’ under the ‘‘Molluscs’’ table
subheading to read as follows:
§ 223.102 Enumeration of threatened
marine and anadromous species.
(e) * * *
Species 1
Common name
Description of listed
Scientific name
Citation(s) for listing
ESA rules
Nautilus, chambered .......
Nautilus pompilius ...........
Entire species .................
[Insert Federal Register
citation and date when
published as a final
1 Species
jstallworth on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with PROPOSALS
includes taxonomic species, subspecies, distinct population segments (DPSs) (for a policy statement, see 61 FR 4722, February 7,
1996), and evolutionarily significant units (ESUs) (for a policy statement, see 56 FR 58612, November 20, 1991).
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 203 / Monday, October 23, 2017 / Proposed Rules
[FR Doc. 2017–22771 Filed 10–20–17; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
50 CFR Part 648
[Docket No. 160229159–7990–01]
RIN 0648–BF85
Fisheries of the Northeastern United
States; Framework 2 to the Tilefish
Fishery Management Plan
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Proposed rule; request for
NMFS proposes regulations to
implement Framework Adjustment 2 to
the Tilefish Fishery Management Plan.
Framework Adjustment 2 was
developed by the Mid-Atlantic Fishery
Management Council to improve and
simplify the administration of the
golden tilefish fishery. These changes
include removing an outdated reporting
requirement, proscribing allowed gear
for the recreational fishery, modifying
the commercial incidental possession
limit, requiring commercial golden
tilefish be landed with the head and fins
attached, and revising how assumed
discards are accounted for when setting
harvest limits.
DATES: Comments must be received on
or before November 7, 2017.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
identified by NOAA–NMFS–2016–0024,
by either of the following methods:
• Electronic Submissions: Submit all
electronic public comments via the
Federal e-Rulemaking Portal. Go to
#!docketDetail;D=NOAA-NMFS-20160024, click the ‘‘Comment Now!’’ icon,
complete the required fields, and enter
or attach your comments.
• Mail: John K. Bullard, Regional
Administrator, NMFS, Greater Atlantic
Regional Fisheries Office, 55 Great
Republic Drive, Gloucester, MA 01930.
Mark the outside of the envelope:
‘‘Comments on Tilefish Framework 2.’’
Instructions: Comments sent by any
other method, to any other address or
individual, or received after the end of
the comment period, may not be
considered by NMFS. All comments
received are part of the public record
and will generally be posted to
www.regulations.gov without change.
jstallworth on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with PROPOSALS
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All personal identifying information
(e.g., name, address, etc.) voluntarily
submitted by the commenter may be
publicly accessible. Do not submit
confidential business information or
otherwise sensitive or protected
information. NMFS will accept
anonymous comments. Attachments to
electronic comments will be accepted
via Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel,
WordPerfect, or Adobe PDF file formats
Written comments regarding the
burden-hour estimates or other aspects
of the collection-of-information
requirements contained in this proposed
rule may be submitted to the Greater
Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office and
by email to OIRA_Submission@
omb.eop.gov, or fax to (202) 395–7285.
Copies of Framework 2, and of the
draft Environmental Assessment and
preliminary Regulatory Impact Review
(EA/RIR), are available from the MidAtlantic Fishery Management Council,
800 North State Street, Suite 201, Dover,
DE 19901. The EA/RIR is also accessible
via the Internet at:
Douglas Potts, Fishery Policy Analyst,
978–281–9341, Douglas.Potts@noaa.gov.
This action proposes regulations to
implement Framework Adjustment 2 to
the Tilefish Fishery Management Plan
(FMP). The Mid-Atlantic Fishery
Management Council developed this
framework to improve and simplify
management measures for the golden
tilefish fishery in Federal waters north
of the Virginia/North Carolina border,
consistent with the requirements of the
Magnuson-Stevens Fishery
Conservation and Management Act
(Magnuson-Stevens Act). The proposed
management measures contained in
Framework 2 are summarized below,
with additional information and
analysis are provided in the EA (see
The Council’s original FMP for the
golden tilefish fishery became effective
in 2001 (66 FR 49136; September 26,
2001). The FMP established Total
Allowable Landings (TAL) as the
primary control on fishing mortality,
and implemented a limited entry
program with a tiered commercial quota
allocation of the TAL. Amendment 1 to
the FMP replaced the previous
management system with an individual
fishing quota (IFQ) system that allocated
the TAL to individual quota
shareholders rather than different
permit categories (74 FR 42580; August
PO 00000
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24, 2009). The Council developed this
action to address several minor issues
and inefficiencies that have been
identified since the implementation of
the IFQ system.
Proposed Framework Adjustment 2
Interactive Voice Response System (IVR)
Reporting Requirement Removal
Commercial fishing vessels that land
golden tilefish under the IFQ system are
currently required to report each trip
within 48 hours of landing through our
IVR system. The Council originally
created this reporting requirement when
the fishery was managed under three
permit categories, each with a sectorspecific annual landings limit. The IVR
system provided timely landing reports
to track quota use and allowed managers
to close a permit category if the annual
landings cap was reached. When the
Council changed the management of the
fishery to an IFQ system, it retained the
IVR system to allow additional
monitoring of landings. Improvements
in electronic dealer-reported landings
and other data streams have rendered
this IVR report redundant, and the data
are no longer used to monitor quotas.
We propose to eliminate this
unnecessary reporting requirement.
Recreational Fishing Gear Limit
In recent years, there have been
reports of recreational fishermen using
‘‘mini-longline’’ gear with a large
number of hooks to target tilefish. The
Council is concerned the use of this gear
could result in dead discards if
fishermen catch more than the eight-fish
per person bag limit using this type of
gear setup. The Magnuson-Stevens Act
list of authorized gear types at 50 CFR
600.75(v) already restricts the
recreational fishery to rod and reel and
spear gear. However, to avoid any
potential confusion and clarify the
amount of gear allowed, the Council has
recommended and we propose that rod
and reel with a maximum of five hooks
per rod should be the only authorized
recreational tilefish gear for use in the
Mid-Atlantic. Anglers could use either a
manual or electric reel.
Commercial Golden Tilefish Landing
The commercial tilefish fishery
typically lands fish in a head-on, gutted
condition. However, quotas and
possession limits are in whole (round)
weight. This requires the fishing
industry to use a conversion factor to
change landed weight to whole weight
to comply with incidental possession
limits and IFQ allocations. We proposed
[Federal Register Volume 82, Number 203 (Monday, October 23, 2017)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 48948-48967]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2017-22771]
[[Page 48948]]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
50 CFR Part 223
[Docket No. 160614518-7999-02]
RIN 0648-XE685
12-Month Finding and Proposed Rule To List the Chambered Nautilus
as Threatened Under the Endangered Species Act
AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
ACTION: Proposed rule; 12-month petition finding; request for comments.
SUMMARY: We, NMFS, announce a 12-month finding on a petition to list
the chambered nautilus (Nautilus pompilius) as a threatened species or
an endangered species under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). We have
completed a comprehensive status review of the species in response to
this petition. Based on the best scientific and commercial information
available, including the status review report (Miller 2017), and after
taking into account efforts being made to protect the species, we have
determined that the chambered nautilus is likely to become an
endangered species within the foreseeable future throughout its range.
Therefore, we propose to list the chambered nautilus as a threatened
species under the ESA. Any protective regulations determined to be
necessary and advisable for the conservation of the proposed threatened
chambered nautilus under ESA section 4(d) will be proposed in a
separate Federal Register announcement. Should the proposed listing be
finalized, we would also designate critical habitat for the species, to
the maximum extent prudent and determinable; however, we have
determined that critical habitat is not determinable at this time. We
solicit information to inform our final listing determination, the
development of potential protective regulations, and potential
designation of critical habitat in the event the proposed threatened
listing for the chambered nautilus is finalized.
DATES: Comments on the proposed rule to list the chambered nautilus
must be received by December 22, 2017. Public hearing requests must be
made by December 7, 2017.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments on this document, identified by
NOAA-NMFS-2016-0098, by either of the following methods:
Electronic Submissions: Submit all electronic public
comments via the Federal eRulemaking Portal. Go to www.regulations.gov/#&!docketDetail;D=NOAA-NMFS-2016-0098. Click the ``Comment Now'' icon,
complete the required fields, and enter or attach your comments.
Mail: Submit written comments to Maggie Miller, NMFS
Office of Protected Resources (F/PR3), 1315 East West Highway, Silver
Spring, MD 20910, USA.
Instructions: Comments sent by any other method, to any other
address or individual, or received after the end of the comment period,
may not be considered by NMFS. All comments received are a part of the
public record and will generally be posted for public viewing on
www.regulations.gov without change. All personally identifying
information (e.g., name, address, etc.), confidential business
information, or otherwise sensitive information submitted voluntarily
by the sender will be publicly accessible. NMFS will accept anonymous
comments (enter ``N/A'' in the required fields if you wish to remain
The petition, status review report, Federal Register notices, and
the list of references can be accessed electronically online at: https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/pr/species/invertebrates/chambered-nautilus.html.
Protected Resources, (301) 427-8403.
On May 31, 2016, we received a petition from the Center for
Biological Diversity to list the chambered nautilus (N. pompilius) as a
threatened species or an endangered species under the ESA. On August
26, 2016, we published a positive 90-day finding (81 FR 58895)
announcing that the petition presented substantial scientific or
commercial information indicating that the petitioned action may be
warranted for the chambered nautilus. We also announced the initiation
of a status review of the species, as required by section 4(b)(3)(a) of
the ESA, and requested information to inform the agency's decision on
whether this species warrants listing as endangered or threatened under
the ESA.
Listing Species Under the Endangered Species Act
We are responsible for determining whether the chambered nautilus
is threatened or endangered under the ESA (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.). To
make this determination, we first consider whether a group of organisms
constitutes a ``species'' under section 3 of the ESA, then whether the
status of the species qualifies it for listing as either threatened or
endangered. Section 3 of the ESA defines species to include subspecies
and, for any vertebrate species, any distinct population segment (DPS)
that interbreeds when mature (16 U.S.C. 1532(16)). Because the
chambered nautilus is an invertebrate, the ESA does not permit us to
consider listing individual populations as DPSs.
Section 3 of the ESA defines an endangered species as ``any species
which is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant
portion of its range'' and a threatened species as one ``which is
likely to become an endangered species within the foreseeable future
throughout all or a significant portion of its range.'' Thus, in the
context of the ESA, the Services interpret an ``endangered species'' to
be one that is presently at risk of extinction. A ``threatened
species'' is not currently at risk of extinction, but is likely to
become so in the foreseeable future (that is, at a later time). The key
statutory difference between a threatened and endangered species is the
timing of when a species is or is likely to become in danger of
extinction, either presently (endangered) or in the foreseeable future
When we consider whether a species qualifies as threatened under
the ESA, we must consider the meaning of the term ``foreseeable
future.'' It is appropriate to interpret ``foreseeable future'' as the
horizon over which predictions about the conservation status of the
species can be reasonably relied upon. What constitutes the foreseeable
future for a particular species depends on species-specific factors
such as the life history of the species, habitat characteristics,
availability of data, particular threats, ability to predict threats,
and the reliability to forecast the effects of these threats and future
events on the status of the species under consideration. Because a
species may be susceptible to a variety of threats for which different
data are available, or which operate across different time scales, the
foreseeable future is not necessarily reducible to a particular number
of years.
The statute requires us to determine whether any species is
endangered or threatened throughout all or a significant portion of its
range as a result of any one or a combination of
[[Page 48949]]
any of the following factors: The present or threatened destruction,
modification, or curtailment of its habitat or range; overutilization
for commercial, recreational, scientific, or educational purposes;
disease or predation; the inadequacy of existing regulatory mechanisms;
or other natural or manmade factors affecting its continued existence.
16 U.S.C. 1533(a)(1). We are also required to make listing
determinations based solely on the best scientific and commercial data
available, after conducting a review of the species' status and after
taking into account efforts, if any, being made by any state or foreign
nation (or subdivision thereof) to protect the species. 16 U.S.C.
Status Review
A NMFS biologist in the Office of Protected Resources conducted the
status review for the chambered nautilus (Miller 2017). The status
review is a compilation of the best available scientific and commercial
information on the species' biology, ecology, life history, threats,
and status from information contained in the petition, our files, a
comprehensive literature search, and consultation with nautilus
experts. We also considered information submitted by the public in
response to our petition finding. In assessing the extinction risk of
the chambered nautilus, we considered the demographic viability factors
developed by McElhany et al. (2000). The approach of considering
demographic risk factors to help frame the consideration of extinction
risk is well accepted and has been used in many of our status reviews,
including for Pacific salmonids, Pacific hake, walleye pollock, Pacific
cod, Puget Sound rockfishes, Pacific herring, scalloped, great, and
smooth hammerhead sharks, and black abalone (see https://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/species/ for links to these reviews). In this
approach, the collective condition of individual populations is
considered at the species level according to four viable population
descriptors: abundance, growth rate/productivity, spatial structure/
connectivity, and diversity. These viable population descriptors
reflect concepts that are well-founded in conservation biology and that
individually and collectively provide strong indicators of extinction
risk (NMFS 2015).
The draft status review report was subjected to independent peer
review as required by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Final
Information Quality Bulletin for Peer Review (M-05-03; December 16,
2004). The draft status review report was peer reviewed by independent
specialists selected from the academic and scientific community, with
expertise in nautilus biology, conservation, and management. The peer
reviewers were asked to evaluate the adequacy, appropriateness, and
application of data used in the status review, including the extinction
risk analysis. All peer reviewer comments were addressed prior to
dissemination and finalization of the draft status review report and
publication of this finding.
We subsequently reviewed the status review report, its cited
references, and peer review comments, and believe the status review
report, upon which this 12-month finding and proposed rule is based,
provides the best available scientific and commercial information on
the chambered nautilus. Much of the information discussed below on the
species' biology, distribution, abundance, threats, and extinction risk
is presented in the status review report. However, in making the 12-
month finding determination and proposed rule, we have independently
applied the statutory provisions of the ESA, including evaluation of
the factors set forth in section 4(a)(1)(A)-(E) and our regulations
regarding listing determinations at 50 CFR part 424. The status review
report is available on our Web site (see ADDRESSES section) and the
peer review report is available at https://www.cio.noaa.gov/services_programs/prplans/PRsummaries.html. Below is a summary of the
information from the status review report and our analysis of the
status of the chambered nautilus. Further details can be found in
Miller (2017).
Description, Life History, and Ecology of the Petitioned Species
Species Taxonomy and Description
Nautilus taxonomy is controversial. Based on the Integrated
Taxonomic Information System (ITIS), which has a disclaimer that states
it ``is based on the latest scientific consensus available . . . [but]
is not a legal authority for statutory or regulatory purposes,'' two
genera are presently recognized within the family of Nautilidae:
Allonautilus and Nautilus. The genus Allonautilus has two recognized
species: A. perforatus and A. scrobiculatus. The genus Nautilus has
five recognized species: N. belauensis (Saunders 1981), N. macromphalus
(Sowerby 1849), N. pompilius (Linnaeus 1758), N. repertus (Iredale
1944), and N. stenomphalus (Sowerby 1849). However, a review and
analysis of recent genetic and morphological data suggests that perhaps
only two of these five species are valid: N. pompilius and N.
macromphalus, with the other three species more appropriately placed
within N. pompilius (Vandepas et al. 2016; Ward et al. 2016). Saunders
et al. (2017) suggested that consensus may be trending towards treating
N. pompilius as a ``superspecies'' taxonomically, with N. stenomphalus,
N. belauensis, and N. repertus as subspecies.
However, because the taxonomy of the Nautilus genus is not fully
resolved, with ongoing debate as to the number of species that exist,
we follow the latest scientific consensus of the taxonomy of the
Nautilus genus as acknowledged by the ITIS, with N. pompilius
identified as one of five recognized species.
The chambered nautilus is an externally-shelled cephalopod with a
distinctive coiled calcium-carbonate shell that is divided into
chambers. The shell can range in color from white to orange, and even
purple, with unique color patterns (Barord 2015). Its distinctive
coiled shell is what makes the chambered nautilus a highly sought after
commodity in international trade (Convention on International Trade in
Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) 2016). The body of
the chambered nautilus is housed in the largest chamber within the
shell, and when the animal is attacked, it can seal itself into this
chamber, closing the opening with a large, fleshy hood (Jereb 2005).
The chambered nautilus also has up to 90 tentacles, without suckers,
which they use to dig in substrate and scavenge for food (Barord 2015)
and to grab on to reef surfaces for rest (CITES 2016).
Range, Distribution and Habitat Use
The chambered nautilus is found in tropical, coastal reef, deep-
water habitats of the Indo-Pacific. Its known range includes waters off
American Samoa, Australia, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New
Guinea, Philippines, Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu, and it may also
potentially occur in waters off China, Myanmar, Western Samoa,
Thailand, and Vietnam (CITES 2016). Additionally, Saunders et al.
(2017) notes that traps set at Nautilus depths in Yap (Caroline
Islands), Pohnpei and Majuro (Marshall Islands), Kosrae (Gilbert
Islands), Western Samoa, and Tonga failed to catch any chambered
nautiluses, providing ``highly suggestive'' evidence that the
geographic range of N. pompilius may not extend out to these sites.
Within its range, the chambered nautilus has a patchy distribution
and is unpredictable in its area of occupancy. Based on multiple
research studies, the
[[Page 48950]]
presence of suitable habitat on coral reefs does not necessarily
indicate the likelihood of chambered nautilus occurrence (CITES 2016).
Additionally, the chambered nautilus is limited in its horizontal and
vertical distribution throughout its range due to physiological
constraints. Physiologically, the chambered nautilus cannot tolerate
temperatures above approximately 25[deg]C or depths exceeding around
750-800 meters (m) (Ward et al. 1980; Carlson 2010). At depths greater
than 800 m, the hydrostatic pressure will cause the shell of the
nautilus to implode, thereby killing the animal (Ward et al. 1980).
Based on these physiological constraints, the chambered nautilus is
considered to be an extreme habitat specialist, found in association
with steep-sloped forereefs with sandy, silty, or muddy-bottomed
substrates. Within these habitats, the species ranges from around 100 m
depths (which may vary depending on the water temperature) to around
500 m depths (CITES 2016). The chambered nautilus does not swim in the
open water column (likely due to its vulnerability to predation), but
rather remains near the reef slopes and bottom substrate, and thus can
be best characterized as a nektobenthic or epibenthic species (Barord
(Barord et al. 2014; CITES 2016).
Nautilus pompilius can travel distances of up to 6 kilometers (km)
in a day facilitated by currents (Dunstan et al. 2011c). However, at
the depths where these animals are generally active (>200 m), currents
are weak and movements are primarily accomplished through self-
propulsion, with observed N. pompilius distances of up to 3.2 km per
day and maximum speeds of up to 1.18 km/hour for short periods of time
(less than 6 hours) (Dunstan et al. 2011a).
Despite the apparent temperature and depth constraints of the
species, larger-scale migrations, although rare, have occurred. For
example, an N. pompilius specimen was captured off southern Japan in
the 1970s and assumed to have drifted 2,000 km in the Kuroshio Current
from the Philippines (Saunders 2010). Saunders (2010) notes that these
movements across large stretches of either shallow, warm water (< 100
meters (m), > 25[deg] C) or deep water (> 800m) would likely be
accomplished only by drifting or rafting (i.e., moving passively with
ocean currents) through midwater or surface waters. However, the author
notes that these movement events must have occurred ``with sufficient
frequency'' to account for the species' distribution across the Indo-
Pacific (Saunders 2010).
Diet and Feeding
Chambered nautiluses are described as deep-sea scavenging
generalists and opportunistic predators. As previously mentioned, the
chambered nautilus uses its 90 retractable tentacles to dig in the
substrate and feed on a variety of organisms, including fish,
crustaceans, echinoids, nematodes, cephalopods, other marine
invertebrates, and detrital matter (Saunders and Ward 2010; Barord
2015). The chambered nautilus also has an acute sense of olfaction and
can easily smell odors (such as prey) in turbulent waters from
significant distances (of up to 10 m) (Basil et al. 2000).
Growth and Reproduction
The general life history characteristics of the chambered nautilus
are that of a rare, long-lived, late-maturing, and slow-growing marine
invertebrate species, with likely low reproductive output.
Circumferential growth rate for the chambered nautilus is estimated to
range from 0.053 mm/day to 0.23 mm/day and slows as the animal
approaches maturity (Dunstan et al. 2010; Dunstan et al. 2011b).
However, average size at maturity of N. pompilius appears to vary among
regions, with smaller shell diameters noted around the Philippines,
Fiji, and eastern Australia and larger diameters off Indonesia (see
Table 1 in Miller 2017). Additionally, the species exhibits sexual
dimorphism, with males consistently growing to larger sizes than
females (Saunders and Ward 2010).
Chambered nautilus longevity is at least 20 years, with age to
maturity between 10 and 17 years (Dunstan et al. 2011b; Ward et al.
2016). Very little is known regarding nautilus reproduction in the
wild. Observations of captive animals suggest that nautiluses reproduce
sexually and have multiple reproductive cycles over the course of their
lifetime. Based on data from captive N. belauensis and N. macromphalus
individuals, female nautiluses may lay up to 10 to 20 eggs per year,
which hatch after a lengthy embryonic period of around 10 to 12 months
(Uchiyama and Tanabe 1999; Barord and Basil 2014; Carlson 2014). There
is no larval phase, with juveniles hatching at sizes of 22 to 23
millimeters (mm) in diameter, and potentially migrating to deeper and
cooler waters (Barord and Basil 2014); however, live hatchlings have
rarely been observed in the wild.
Population Demographics and Structure
Isolated Populations
Most of the recent genetic data suggest that N. pompilius may
actually be comprised of unrecognized sibling species that are
genetically distinct and geographically isolated (CITES 2016). For
example, in a recent examination of the genetic structure between an N.
pompilius population off Western Australia and one off the Philippines,
Williams et al. (2015) concluded that very little gene flow exists
between these two populations. The authors note that the absence of
migration between the Philippines and Western Australia indicates that
recolonization would not be possible if the Philippines population were
to be extirpated (Williams et al. 2015).
On a smaller geographic/population scale, Sinclair et al. (2007)
analyzed DNA sequence information from N. pompilius collected from the
Coral Sea and the outer edges of the Great Barrier Reef in northern
Queensland (``Northern GBR'') and found population-specific genetic
differentiation. Through use of Random Amplification of Polymorphic DNA
(RAPD) analysis and partial sequencing of the CoxI gene region, the
authors determined that there is genetic divergence between the
geographic lineages of ``Northern GBR'' and ``Coral Sea,'' indicating
distinct groups of populations and pointing to the potential for
larger-scale geographic divergence of the species. In a follow-up
study, Sinclair et al. (2011) found an even greater degree of genetic
variation between populations on the east coast of Australia (using the
``Northern GBR'' and ``Coral Sea'' populations) and the west coast of
Australia (Scott Reef), with phylogenetic analyses suggesting three
genetically divergent populations.
In addition to genetics, other studies have looked at morphological
differences to examine isolation between N. pompilius populations. For
example, based on biometric analysis of N. pompilius from the
Philippines and Fiji, Tanabe and Tsukahara (2010) concluded that the
populations are morphologically differentiated, finding statistically
significant differences in weight, size at maturity, and slopes of
allometric relationships of morphological characters between the two
While it is thought that deep water largely serves as a barrier to
movement of N. pompilius, explaining the isolation of the above
populations, results from Swan and Saunders (2010) suggest it is more
likely a combination of both depth and geographic distance. In their
study, Swan and Saunders (2010) examined the correlation between
morphological differences and distances between populations in Papua
New Guinea, including some that were separated by deep water (> 1000
m). Their findings
[[Page 48951]]
showed that adaptive equilibrium had not yet been attained, indicating
that the populations are not completely genetically isolated (Swan and
Saunders 2010). As such, the authors surmised that there is at least
some degree of contact and gene flow between the Papua New Guinea
populations, through potentially rafting or midwater movements, with
the amount inversely related to the geographic distance between the
populations (Swan and Saunders 2010).
Given the above information, it is reasonable to assume that
populations separated by large geographic distances and deep water are
genetically differentiated, with very little to no gene flow.
In terms of genetic diversity, Williams et al. (2015) estimated
large ancestral and current effective population sizes for the
Philippines (current median size = 3,190,920) and Ashmore Reef (Western
Australia) (current median size = 2,562,800) populations, indicating a
low likelihood of the fixation of alleles and no evidence of
significant genetic drift impacts in either population. Additionally,
the authors found no significant difference in the allelic richness
between the sampled locations in the Philippines and Western Australia.
In other words, the data tend to suggest that the species may have high
genetic diversity. However, Williams et al. (2015) caution that due to
the low fecundity and long generation time of the species, genetic
responses to current exploitation rates (such as decreases in genetic
diversity) may not yet be detectable. In fact, using CoxI sequences
from N. pompilius across its range and Tajima's D test to examine
departures from population equilibrium, Vandepas et al. (2016) found
significant negative Tajima's D values for the populations in Western
Australia, New Caledonia and Papua New Guinea. These results indicate
an excess of rare alleles or high-frequency polymorphisms within the
populations, suggesting they may be currently recovering from possible
bottleneck events. While not statistically significant, the Tajima's D
values for the rest of the sampled populations, with the exception of
Palau and Eastern Australia (i.e., Fiji, Indonesia, Vanuatu,
Philippines and American Samoa), were also negative, suggesting that
the species potentially has low genetic diversity across its range.
Overall, given the available and somewhat conflicting information,
the level of genetic diversity needed to maintain the survival of the
species and the current level of genetic diversity across the entire
range of the species remains highly uncertain. Further morphological
and genetic tests examining differences within and among populations
are needed.
Sex-Ratios and Population Structure
Regarding population structure, the available information indicates
chambered nautilus populations are comprised mainly of male and mature
individuals. Based on trapping data, including mark-recapture studies,
male N. pompilius appear to dominate the chambered nautilus catch, with
proportions of 75 to 80 percent (CITES 2016). In addition, a large
proportion of those captured (around 75 percent) are mature, with
juvenile N. pompilius individuals rarely caught (CITES 2016). Saunders
et al. (2017) state that the male-female sex ratio and composition of
mature individuals in nautilus populations provides clues to the
current stability of the population. In the authors' study, they
compared 16 nautilus populations from ``unfished'' areas (in Papua New
Guinea, Australia, Indonesia, Fiji, Palau, American Samoa, New
Caledonia, and Vanuatu) to two populations in the Philippines that have
been subject to decades of uncontrolled exploitation and provided an
estimate of quantitative measures to illustrate demographic
disturbance, or ``disequilibrium,'' in a nautilus population.
Specifically, Saunders et al. (2017) found that the mean percentage of
mature animals in the unfished nautilus populations (n = 16) was 73.9
percent (standard deviation (SD): 21.8, standard error (SE): 5.1) and
the mean percentage of males was 75.0 percent (SD: 16.4, SE: 4.1). The
authors suggested that these proportions could be used as a baseline
for determining whether a population (of n > 100 individuals) is at
equilibrium (Saunders et al. 2017). In contrast, the intensely fished
Philippine population from Ta[ntilde]on Straits (n = 353 individuals)
had a male proportion of only 28 percent and mature individuals
comprised only 26.6 percent of the population, which the authors
suggest are levels that signal pending collapse of the local fishery
(Saunders et al. 2017). Ultimately, the authors indicate that the
ratios obtained by examining the sex and maturity composition of a
nautilus population could be used as a basis for determining whether
management and conservation measures are appropriate. However, a caveat
to this method is that it is unclear if the male-biased sex ratio
reflects the natural equilibrium for chambered nautilus populations.
Because these population studies tend to use baited traps to capture
chambered nautiluses, there may be an aspect of sampling bias in terms
of the size and sex of individuals attracted to the traps. For example,
laboratory studies by Basil (2014) suggest that female N. pompilius may
repel each other. Potentially, this female avoidance of one another may
explain why fewer females are found in the baited-trap field studies.
In fact, in a study of N. pompilius drift shells that were collected
between 1984 and 1987 in Papua New Guinea (n = 1,329), 54 percent were
male, suggesting a much different sex ratio than those determined from
baited studies (Saunders et al. 1991). Given the conflicting
information, further research on sex ratios in the wild, as well as a
better understanding of the population structure of the species, is
needed before definitive conclusions can be drawn on this particular
Population Abundance and Trends
The global abundance of N. pompilius is unknown, with no available
historical baseline population data. In fact, the first study to
estimate baseline population size and density for the species in a
given area was only recently conducted by Dunstan et al. (2011a). This
study examined the N. pompilius population at Osprey Reef, an isolated
coral seamount off Australia's northeastern coast with no history of
nautilus exploitation. Based on data collected from 2000 to 2006, the
authors estimated that the population at Osprey Reef consisted of
between 844 and 4,467 individuals, with a density estimate of 14.6 to
77.4 individuals per square kilometer (km\2\) (Dunstan et al. 2011a).
Subsequent research, conducted by Barord et al. (2014), provided
abundance estimates of nautiluses (species not identified) from four
locations in the Indo-Pacific: The Panglao region of the Bohol Sea,
Philippines, with 0.03 individuals per km\2\, Taena Bank near Pago Pago
Harbor, American Samoa, with 0.16 individuals per km\2\, the Beqa
Passage in Viti Levu, Fiji, with 0.21 individuals per km\2\, and the
Great Barrier Reef along a transect from Cairns to Lizard Island,
Australia, with 0.34 individuals per km\2\ (see Table 2 in Miller
2017). With the exception of the Bohol Sea, these populations are
located in areas where fishing for nautiluses does not occur,
suggesting that nautiluses may be naturally rare, or that other unknown
factors, besides fishing, may be affecting their abundance. The authors
also indicate that the population estimates from this study may, in
fact, be overestimates as they used baited remote underwater video
systems to
[[Page 48952]]
attract individuals to the observation area (Barord et al. 2014). In
either case, these very low population estimates suggest that chambered
nautiluses are especially vulnerable to exploitation, with limited
capacity to recover from depletion. This theory is further supported by
the comparison between the population density in the Panglao region of
the Bohol Sea, where nautilus fishing is occurring, and the unfished
sites in American Samoa, Fiji, and Australia, with the Bohol Sea
density less than 20 percent of the smallest unfished population
(Barord et al. 2014).
Recently, Williams et al. (2015) used genetic modelling to estimate
median population sizes for N. pompilius from locations in Australia
and the Philippines. Specifically, the authors examined genetic markers
and used Bayesian clustering methods to estimate a median population
size for the Australian Ashmore Reef population (which the authors note
may possibly contain the entire Australian northwest shelf nautilus
population) at 2,562,800 individuals (Williams et al. 2015). Using the
same methods, Williams et al. (2015) estimated a median size for the
Palawan region, Philippines, population at 3,190,920 individuals. The
authors recognize that the use of different methods to generate
population density estimates (such as those used by Barord et al.
(2014)) will produce ``predictably dissimilar abundance data''
(Williams et al. 2015). Additionally, as mentioned previously, the
authors suggest that the large estimates from the genetic methods (with
no evidence of population reduction) may indicate that the genetic
response to exploitation (e.g., a decrease in allelic richness) has not
had enough time to become detectable yet, unlike the trapping data from
the above studies (Williams et al. 2015).
Overall, abundance information is extremely spotty and limited to
only a select number of locations (see Table 3 in Miller 2017). Based
on data from the 1980s, collected from sites off American Samoa, Fiji,
Papua New Guinea, and Vanuatu, the average number of N. pompilius
individuals caught per trap ranged from 1 to 30, depending on the site
(see Table 3 in Miller 2017). From 1998 to 2008, an average of 5.7 to
7.9 N. pompilius individuals were caught per trap off Osprey Reef in
Australia (Dunstan et al. 2011a). However, it is difficult to make
comparisons between these locations using the available abundance and
catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) information (e.g., number of individuals
caught per trap) because the methods of collecting the data vary
greatly by study. For example, most studies examining abundance of
nautiluses are based on trapping data where multiple traps can be set
and left over multiple nights, or one trap can be set for one night,
and the particulars of the trapping methods are generally not available
from the anecdotal or study descriptions. As such, the available
reported data are hard to standardize across studies. It should also be
noted that the majority of the data are over two decades old, with no
available recent trapping estimates. Furthermore, although not yet
confirmed by research, many nautilus experts hypothesize that chambered
nautiluses likely occur in locations where they are not currently
observed (NMFS 2014), suggesting abundance may be underestimated.
However, these experts agree that current abundance estimates cannot be
extrapolated across the species' range without considering suitable
habitat and likelihood of nautilus presence (NMFS 2014), which has yet
to be done.
Regarding current trends in abundance, N. pompilius populations are
generally considered stable in areas where fisheries are absent (e.g.,
Australia) and declining in areas where fisheries exist for the
species; however, recent CPUE data from Fiji indicate a decline despite
no active fishery (FAO 2016). In the unfished Australian Osprey Reef
population discussed above, Dunstan et al. (2010) used mark-recapture
methods to examine the trend in CPUE of individuals over a 12-year
period. Analysis of the CPUE data showed a slight increase of 28
percent from 1997 to 2008, and while this increase was not
statistically significant, the results indicate a stable N. pompilius
population in this unexploited area (Dunstan et al. 2010).
In locations where fisheries have operated or currently operate,
anecdotal declines and observed decreases in catches of nautilus
species are reported (see Table 4 in Miller 2017). Citing multiple
personal communications, the CITES (2016) proposal (to include all
species of nautiluses in Appendix II of CITES) noted declines of N.
pompilius in Indian waters, where commercial harvest occurred in the
past for several decades, and in Indonesian waters, where harvest is
suspected to be increasing. In fact, traders in Indonesia have observed
a significant decrease (with estimates up to 97 percent) in the number
of nautiluses collected over the past 10 years, which may be an
indication of a declining and depleted population (Freitas and
Krishnasamy 2016). In the Philippines, Dunstan et al. (2010) estimated
that the CPUE of Nautilus from four main nautilus fishing locations in
the Palawan region has decreased by an estimated average of 80 percent
in less than 30 years. Anecdotal reports from fishermen that once
fished for N. pompilius in the Sulu Sea note that the species is near
commercial extinction, forcing fishermen to move to new areas in the
South China Sea (Freitas and Krishnasamy 2016). Furthermore, in Tawi
Tawi, Cayangacillo, and Ta[ntilde]on Strait/Cebu, Philippines,
fisheries that once existed for chambered nautiluses have since been
discontinued because of the rarity of the species, with Alcala and Russ
(2002) noting the likely extirpation of N. pompilius from Ta[ntilde]on
Strait in the late 1980s. The fact that the species has not yet
recovered in the Ta[ntilde]on Strait, despite an absence of nautilus
fishing in over two decades, further supports the susceptibility of the
species to exploitation and its limited capability to repopulate an
area after depletion.
Species Finding
Based on the best available scientific and commercial information
described above, we find that the latest scientific consensus is that
N. pompilius is considered a taxonomically-distinct species and,
therefore, meets the definition of ``species'' pursuant to section 3 of
the ESA. Below, we evaluate whether this species warrants listing as
endangered or threatened under the ESA throughout all or a significant
portion of its range.
Summary of Factors Affecting the Chambered Nautilus
As described previously, section 4(a)(1) of the ESA and NMFS'
implementing regulations (50 CFR 424.11(c)) state that we must
determine whether a species is endangered or threatened because of any
one or a combination of the following factors: the present or
threatened destruction, modification, or curtailment of its habitat or
range; overutilization for commercial, recreational, scientific, or
educational purposes; disease or predation; inadequacy of existing
regulatory mechanisms; or other natural or man-made factors affecting
its continued existence. We evaluated whether and the extent to which
each of the foregoing factors contribute to the overall extinction risk
of the chambered nautilus. We considered the impact of all factors for
which information is available. For each relevant factor, we also
considered whether a particular impact is having a minor or significant
influence on the species' status. A ``significant'' contribution is
defined, for purposes of this evaluation, as increasing the risk to
such a degree that
[[Page 48953]]
the factor affects the species' demographics (i.e., abundance,
productivity, spatial structure, diversity) either to the point where
the species is strongly influenced by stochastic or depensatory
processes or is on a trajectory toward this point. Demographic
stochasticity refers to the variability of annual population change
arising from random events such as birth and death rates, sex ratios,
and dispersal at the individual level. Depensatory processes refers to
those density-dependent processes that result in increased mortality as
density decreases. For example, decreases in the breeding population
can lead to reduced production and survival of offspring. This section
briefly summarizes our findings and conclusions regarding threats to
the chambered nautilus and their impact on the overall extinction risk
of the species. More details can be found in the status review report
(Miller 2017).
The Present or Threatened Destruction, Modification, or Curtailment of
Its Habitat or Range
Chambered nautilus habitat, and in particular coral reefs, are
impacted by a number of human activities. These activities include the
harvest of coral reef species through use of destructive or unselective
fishing practices, coastal development and deep-sea mining that can
contribute to pollution and sedimentation of habitat, and changes in
water temperature and pH caused by climate change. Below we briefly
describe these various threats to the habitat of N. pompilius and
evaluate the likely impact on the status of the species. More details
can be found in the status review report (Miller 2017).
Harvest of Coral Reef Species and Destructive and Unselective Fishing
Many coral reef species are harvested for the aquarium trade and to
satisfy the high-end Asian food markets (CITES 2016). In addition to
directly contributing to the loss of biodiversity on the reefs, some of
the techniques used to obtain coral reef species for these industries
can cause significant destruction to coral reef communities. For
example, blast and poison fishing are two types of destructive and
unselective fishing practices that are used to harvest coral reef
species throughout much of the range of the chambered nautilus (WRI
2011). Figure 3 in Miller (2017) depicts the extent and severity of
observed blast or poison fishing areas, which are primarily
concentrated off the Philippines, Indonesia, and Malaysia.
Blast fishing is particularly destructive as it not only destroys
coral reefs but also indiscriminately kills their marine inhabitants. A
``typical'' blast will shatter corals and turn them into rubble within
a 1 to 1.5 m diameter of the blast site, and can kill marine organisms,
including invertebrates, within a 20 m radius (Pet-Soede and Erdmann
1998; Njoroge 2014). Although blast fishing is largely illegal, the use
of this destructive practice still continues in many areas. For
example, in a September 2016 article in the Jakarta Post, Amnifu (2016)
reports that blast fishing, a common occurrence in East Nusa Tenggara
waters, and particularly around Sumba Island, has recently expanded to
parts of the Sawu Sea National Park's conservation area.
Because blast fishing is generally conducted in shallow reef waters
(e.g., 5 to 10 m depths) (Fox and Caldwell 2006), N. pompilius is
unlikely to experience direct mortality from these destructive
practices given that they generally inhabit much deeper waters.
However, the indirect impact, such as changes in coral reef community
structure and loss of fish biomass (Raymundo et al. 2007), may decrease
the availability of food resources for the scavenging chambered
nautilus. Also, depending on the extent of the coral reef destruction,
N. pompilius, because of its physiological constraints, may be
incapable of finding and exploiting other suitable habitat with greater
prey resources. Additional research is needed as to the potential
effects of blast fishing on the deeper-water inhabitants of these
impacted coral reefs before definitive conclusions can be drawn
regarding this particular factor.
Another primarily illegal fishing practice that destroys coral
reefs is the use of cyanide, which is primarily deployed to stun and
capture live reef fish. When exposed to cyanide, coral respiration
rates decrease and can cease altogether, with corals observed expelling
their zooxanthellae, resulting in bleaching and mortality events (Rubec
1986; Jones 1997). The practice of using cyanide to harvest reef fish
dates back to the 1960s, where it was developed and commonly used in
the Philippines, before spreading to Indonesia (CITES 2016). Similar to
blast fishing, cyanide fishing is unlikely to result in direct
mortality of N. pompilius, given the species' preferred depth range;
however, changes in coral reef community structure and loss of fish
biomass (Raymundo et al. 2007) might decrease the availability of food
resources for the chambered nautilus. Additional research is needed
before definitive conclusions can be drawn as to the potential effects
of cyanide on the deeper-water reef habitats and inhabitants.
Overall, given the speculative effects of blast and cyanide fishing
on nautilus populations, and the patchy and largely unknown
distribution of the species and its habitat preferences, the best
available information does not indicate that habitat degradation from
the harvest of coral reef species and destructive and unselective
fishing practices are likely significant threats to the species.
Further research is needed before definitive conclusions can be drawn
regarding the extent of nautilus habitat degradation and the impacts on
the status of the species.
Pollution and Sedimentation
Evidence of the impacts of pollution and sedimentation on chambered
nautilus habitat and the effects to the species is speculative or
largely unavailable. For example, in their review of the nautilus CITES
(2016) proposal, the fifth Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations expert advisory panel (FAO panel) hypothesized that an
observed 60 percent decline in a local N. pompilius population in Fiji
was potentially because of pollution of its habitat (FAO 2016). This
assumption was largely based on the fact that no known local
utilization of the species and no commercial fishery exists in this
area. Therefore, the FAO panel speculated that the decline was
attributed to local habitat degradation, as they noted the population
is in close proximity to a major port (Suva) and its potentially small
and fragmented characteristics made it especially vulnerable to habitat
destruction (FAO 2016).
Although deep sea mining may also contribute to the pollution of
chambered nautilus habitat, it appears that the extent of this
pollution, and its subsequent impacts on nautilus populations, may be
largely site-specific. For example, in a study comparing
bioaccumulation rates of trace elements between nautilus species
located in a heavily mined location (i.e., N. macromphalus in New
Caledonia) versus a location not subject to significant mining (i.e.,
N. pompilius in Vanuatu), Pernice et al. (2009) found no significant
difference between the species for trace elements of Ag, Co, Mn, Ni,
Pb, Se, V, and Zn. The authors concluded that the geographical origin
of the nautilus species was not a major contributor to interspecific
differences in trace element concentrations (Pernice et al. 2009).
Additionally, the authors noted that, based on the study results, the
heavy nickel mining conducted in
[[Page 48954]]
New Caledonia does not appear to be a significant source of
contamination in the oceanic habitat of the nautilus, suggesting that
the lagoons in New Caledonia likely trap the majority of the trace
elements from the intense mining activities (Pernice et al. 2009).
The biological impact of potential toxin and heavy metal
bioaccumulation in chambered nautilus populations is unknown. Many of
the studies that have evaluated metal concentrations in cephalopods
examined individuals outside of the range of the chambered nautilus,
with results that show that metal concentrations vary greatly depending
on geography (Rjeibi et al. 2014; Jereb et al. 2015). As such, to
evaluate the degree of the potential threat of bioaccumulation of
toxins in chambered nautilus, information on concentrations of these
metals from N. pompilius, or similar species that share the same life
history and inhabit the same depth and geographic range of N.
pompilius, is necessary. For example, the study by Pernice et al.
(2009), mentioned above, examined the bioaccumulation rates of trace
elements between two nautilus species in similar depths and geographic
ranges. However, the authors found no significant difference between
those nautiluses located in areas of intensive mining (and, therefore,
high heavy metal pollutants) compared to nautiluses in areas without
significant mining (Pernice et al. 2009). With the exception of this
one study, we found no other information on the bioaccumulation rates
of metals in the chambered nautilus, including the lethal concentration
limits of toxins or metals in N. pompilius or evidence to suggest that
current concentrations of environmental pollutants are causing
detrimental physiological effects to the point where the species may be
at increased risk of extinction. As such, the best available
information does not indicate that present bioaccumulation rates and
concentrations of environmental pollutants in N. pompilius or their
habitat are likely significant threats to the species.
Climate Change and Ocean Acidification
Given the narrow range of temperature tolerance of the chambered
nautilus, warming surface water temperatures due to climate change may
further restrict the distribution of the species, decreasing the amount
of suitable habitat (particularly in shallower depths) available for
the species. Perhaps more concerning may be the effects of ocean
acidification. In terms of ocean acidification, which will cause a
reduction of pH levels and concentration of carbonate ions in the
ocean, it is thought that shelled mollusks are likely at elevated risk
as they rely on the uptake of calcium and carbonate ions for shell
growth and calcification. However, based on available studies, the
effects of increased ocean acidification on juvenile and adult mollusk
physiology and shell growth are highly variable (Gazeau et al. 2013).
For example, after exposure to severe CO2 levels
(pCO2 = 33,000 [micro]atm) for 96 hours, the deep-sea clam,
Acesta excavata, exhibited an initial drop in oxygen consumption and
intracellular pH but recovered with both levels approaching control
levels by the end of the exposure duration (Hammer et al. 2011). No
mortality was observed over the course of the study, with the authors
concluding that this species may have a higher tolerance to elevated
CO2 levels compared to other deep-sea species (Hammer et al. 2011).
This is in contrast to intertidal and subtidal mollusk species, such as
Ruditapes decussatus, Mytilus galloprovincialis, and M. edulis, which
exhibited reduced standard metabolic rates and protein degradation when
exposed to decreases in pH levels (Gazeau et al. 2013).
Regarding the impact of ocean acidification on calcification rates,
which is important for the growth of chambered nautiluses, one relevant
study looked at cuttlebone development in the cephalopod Sepia
officinalis (Gutowska et al. 2010). Similar to nautiluses, cuttlefish
also have a chambered shell (cuttlebone) that is used for skeletal
support and for buoyancy regulation. Results from the study showed that
after exposure to 615 Pa CO2 for 6 weeks, there was a seven-
fold increase in cuttlebone mass (Gutowska et al. 2010). However, it
should be noted that unlike N. pompilius, Sepia officinalis is not a
deep-sea dwelling species but rather found in 100 m depths, and their
cuttlebone is internal (not an external shell).
While the above were only a few examples of the variable impacts of
ocean acidification on mollusk species, based on the available studies,
such as those described in Gazeau et al. (2013), it is clear that the
effects are largely species-dependent (with differences observed even
within species). To date, we are unaware of any studies that have been
conducted on N. pompilius and the potential effects of increased water
temperatures or acidity on the health of the species. Therefore, given
the species-specific sensitivities and responses to climate change
impacts, and with no available information on chambered nautiluses, we
cannot conclude that the impacts from climate change are currently or
will in the foreseeable future be significant threats to the existence
of the species in the future.
Overutilization for Commercial, Recreational, Scientific or Educational
Based on the best available information, the primary threat to the
chambered nautilus is overutilization for commercial purposes--mainly,
harvest for the international nautilus shell trade. Chambered nautilus
shells, which have a distinctive coiled interior, are traded as
souvenirs to tourists and shell collectors and also used in jewelry and
home d[eacute]cor items (where either the whole shell is sold as a
decorative object or parts are used to create shell-inlay designs)
(CITES 2016). The trade in the species is largely driven by the
international demand for their shells and shell products since fishing
for nautiluses has been found to have no cultural or historical
relevance (Dunstan et al. 2010; De Angelis 2012; CITES 2016; Freitas
and Krishnasamy 2016). Nautilus meat is also not locally in demand (or
used for subsistence) but rather sold or consumed as a by-product of
fishing for the nautilus shells (De Angelis 2012; CITES 2016). While
all nautilus species are found in international trade, N. pompilius,
being the most widely distributed, is the species most commonly traded
(CITES 2016).
Although most of the trade in chambered nautiluses originates from
the range countries where fisheries exist or have existed for the
species, particularly the Philippines and Indonesia, commodities also
come from those areas with no known fisheries (such as Fiji and Solomon
Islands). Other countries of origin for N. pompilius products include
Australia, China, Chinese Taipei, India, Malaysia, New Caledonia, Papua
New Guinea, Vanuatu, and Vietnam (Freitas and Krishnasamy 2016). Known
consumer markets for chambered nautilus products include the Middle
East (United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia), Australia, Singapore,
Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Hong Kong, Russia, Korea, Japan,
China, Chinese Taipei and India, with major consumer markets noted in
the European Union (Italy, France, Portugal), the United Kingdom, and
the United States (Freitas and Krishnasamy 2016). In fact, between 2005
and 2014, the United States imported more than 900,000 chambered
nautilus products (CITES 2016). The vast majority of these U.S. imports
[[Page 48955]]
originated from the Philippines (85 percent of the traded commodities),
followed by Indonesia (12 percent), China (1.4 percent), and India (1.3
percent) (CITES 2016).
Because harvest of the chambered nautilus is primarily demand-
driven for the international shell trade, the intensive nautilus
fisheries that develop to meet this demand tend to follow a boom-bust
cycle that lasts around a decade or two before becoming commercially
nonviable (Dunstan et al. 2010; De Angelis 2012; CITES 2016). Fishing
for nautiluses is fairly inexpensive and not labor-intensive, requiring
a fish trap baited with locally-available meat (e.g., cow, duck, goat,
offal, chicken, pufferfish) (Freitas and Krishnasamy 2016). These traps
are usually set at 150 to 300 m depths and retrieved after a few hours
or left overnight (Freitas and Krishnasamy 2016). Given the fishing
gear requirements, and the fact that the chambered nautilus exists as
small, isolated populations, harvest of the species may continue for
years within a region, with the fisheries serially depleting each
population until the species is essentially extirpated from that region
(CITES 2016).
Commercial harvest of the species is presently occurring or has
occurred in the Philippines, Indonesia, India and Papua New Guinea, and
also potentially in China, Thailand and Vanuatu (CITES 2016). However,
based on the number of commodities entering the international trade, we
find that the best available information supports the conclusion that
the Philippines and Indonesia have the largest commercial fisheries for
chambered nautilus, with multiple harvesting sites throughout these
nations (CITES 2016). Although information on specific harvest levels
and the status of chambered nautilus populations within this portion of
its range is limited, the best available data, discussed below, provide
significant evidence of the negative impact of these fisheries and
resulting overutilization of the species.
Commercial Harvest
In the Philippines, the harvesting of chambered nautiluses appears
to have no cultural or historical relevance other than as a source of
local income for the shell trade, with meat either consumed by the
fishermen or sold in local markets (del Norte-Campos 2005; Dunstan et
al. 2010). Yet, anecdotal accounts of fishing for N. pompilius indicate
that trapping of the species has occurred as early as 1900 (Saunders et
al. 2017). Specifically, these accounts suggest trapping in 1900 and
1901 would yield anywhere from 4-5 nautiluses per trap to up to 20
animals (depending on the duration of the trap set) (Saunders et al.
2017). In 1971, Haven (1972, cited in Haven (1977)) found that
Ta[ntilde]on Strait, Philippines, was still an abundant source of N.
pompilius. From 1971 to 1972, around 3,200 individuals were captured
for study (Haven 1977). Prior to this time, N. pompilius was, for the
most part, caught as bycatch in fish traps by Filipino fishermen
(Saunders et al. 2017). However, Haven (1977) notes that it was during
this time when more fishermen began targeting Ta[ntilde]on Strait,
specifically for nautilus shells, with the numbers of fishermen
tripling during subsequent years. Trap yields in 1972 were similar to
those from the early 1900s, with fishermen reporting catches of zero to
19 nautiluses, with an average of 5 animals per trap (Saunders et al.
2017). However, by 1975, the impact of this substantial increase in
fishing pressure on the species was already evident (Haven 1977).
Fishermen in 1975 reported having to move operations to deeper water as
catches were now rare at shallower depths, and the number of
individuals per trap had also decreased (Haven 1977). Additionally,
although the number of fishermen had tripled in those 3 years, and
therefore fishing effort for the species intensified, the catch did not
see an associated increase, indicating a likely decrease in the
abundance of the species within the area (Haven 1977). By 1979, trap
yields had drastically fallen, to around 2 nautiluses per trap, and
only a few fishermen remained engaged in the fishery (Saunders et al.
2017). CITES (2016) reports that around 5,000 chambered nautiluses were
trapped per year in Ta[ntilde]on Strait in the early 1980s and, by
1987, the population was estimated to have declined by 97 percent from
1971 levels, with the species considered commercially extinct and
potentially extirpated from the area (Alcala and Russ 2002). Based on
2014 data from baited remote underwater video station footage in the
region, nautilus activity remains low, and the population density still
has yet to recover to pre-1970 levels (Saunders et al. 2017).
Similarly, other nautilus fishing sites that were established in
the late 1980s, including at Tawi Tawi (an island province in
southwestern Philippines), Cagayancillo (an island in the Palawan
province) and Cebu Strait (east of Ta[ntilde]on Strait), have also seen
harvest crash in recent decades (Dunstan et al. 2010). More recently,
in the Central Luzon region, Bulacan and Pampanga Provinces were
formerly collection and trade sites for nautilus species; however,
collectors and traders noted that the last shipments from these areas
were in 2003 and 2007, respectively, indicating they are likely no
longer viable harvesting sites (Freitas and Krishnasamy 2016).
The level of historical harvest (5,000 chambered nautilus
individuals/year) that appeared to lead to local extirpations in
Ta[ntilde]on Strait is being greatly exceeded in a number of other
areas throughout the chambered nautilus' range in the Philippines. In
Tibiao, Antique Province, in northwestern Panay Island, del Norte-
Campos (2005) estimated annual yield of the chambered nautilus at
around 12,200 individuals for the entire fishery (data from 2001 to
2002). In the Palawan nautilus fishery, 9,091 nautiluses were harvested
in 2013 and 37,341 in 2014 (personal communication cited in CITES
(2016)). This level of harvest is particularly concerning given the
significant declines already observed in these fisheries. In fact, in
four of the five main nautilus fishing areas in this province, Dunstan
et al. (2010) estimated a decline in CPUE of the species ranging from
70 percent to 90 percent (depending on the fishing site) over the
course of only 6 to 24 years. The one main fishing region in Palawan
that did not show a decline was the municipality of Balabac; however,
the authors note that this fishery is relatively new (active for less
than 8 years), with fewer fishermen, and, as such, may not yet have
reached the point where the population crashes or declines become
evident in catch rates (Dunstan et al. 2010). Given that the estimated
annual catches in the Balabac municipality ranged from 4,000 to 42,000
individuals in 2008 (Dunstan et al. 2010), this level of annual
harvest, based on the trends from the other Palawan fishing sites
(Dunstan et al. 2010), will likely lead to similar population declines
and potential extirpations of chambered nautiluses in the near future.
In addition to the declines in harvest and CPUE of the species from
observed fishing sites throughout the Philippines, the overutilization
of N. pompilius in this area is also evident in the available trade
data. In a personal communication cited in CITES (2016), it was stated
that over the past 5 years, shell traders in Palawan Province have seen
a decline in the number of shells being offered to them by local
harvesters. Similarly, harvesters and traders in the Visayan regions
have noted increasing difficulty in obtaining shells, with this trend
beginning in 2003 (CITES (2016) citing
[[Page 48956]]
Schroeder (2003)). Based on U.S. trade data from the last decade,
Philippine export and re-export of nautilus commodities to the United
States has decreased by 92 percent since 2005 (see Figure 4 in Miller
(2017)) (CITES 2016). Despite the extensive evidence of overutilization
of the species throughout the Philippines, including the serial
depletion and potential extirpation of local populations, harvest and
trade in N. pompilius continues, with the Philippines still the number
one supplier of nautilus commodities to the United States (based on
figures from 2014).
Off Indonesia, signs of decline and overutilization of chambered
nautilus populations are also apparent. In fact, based on the
increasing number of chambered nautilus commodities originating from
Indonesia, it is suggested that nautilus fishing has potentially
shifted to Indonesian waters because of depletion of the species in the
Philippines (CITES 2016). According to trade data reported in De
Angelis (2012), the Philippines accounted for 87 percent of the
nautilus commodities in U.S. trade from 2005 to 2010, whereas Indonesia
accounted for only 9 percent. However, with the significant decline of
nautilus exports coming out of the Philippines in recent years (2010 to
2014), Indonesia has become a larger component of the trade, accounting
for 42 percent of the nautilus commodities in 2014, while the
Philippines has seen a decrease in their proportion, down to 52 percent
(CITES 2016).
Similar to the trend observed in the Philippines, a pattern of
serial depletion of nautiluses because of harvesting is emerging in
Indonesia. Both fishermen and traders note a significant decline in the
numbers of chambered nautiluses over the last 10 years, despite a
prohibition on the harvest and trade of N. pompilius that has been in
place since 1999 (CITES 2016; Freitas and Krishnasamy 2016). For
example, fishermen in North Lombok note that they historically trapped
around 10 to 15 nautiluses in one night, but currently catch only 1 to
3 per night (Freitas and Krishnasamy 2016). Similarly, in Bali,
fishermen reported nightly catches of around 10 to 20 nautiluses until
2005, after which yields have been much less (Freitas and Krishnasamy
2016). While fishing for chambered nautiluses has essentially decreased
in western Indonesia (likely due to a depletion of the local
populations), the main trade centers for nautilus commodities are still
located here (i.e., Java, Bali, Sulawesi and Lombok). The sources of
nautilus shells for these centers now appear to originate from eastern
Indonesian waters (including northeastern Central Java, East Java, and
West Nusa Tengarra eastward) where it is thought that nautilus
populations may still be abundant enough to support economically viable
fisheries, and where enforcement of the current N. pompilius
prohibition appears weaker (Nijman et al. 2015; Freitas and Krishnasamy
2016). For example, data collected from two large open markets in
Indonesia (Pangandaran and Pasir Putih) indicate that chambered
nautiluses were still being offered for sale as of 2013. Over the
course of three different weekends, Nijman et al. (2015) observed 168
N. pompilius shells for sale from 50 different stalls in the markets
(average price was $17 USD/shell). In addition to catering to tourists,
a wholesaler with a shop in Pangandaran noted that he also exports
merchandise to Malaysia and Saudi Arabia on a bimonthly basis (Nijman
et al. 2015). In total, Nijman et al. (2015) found evidence of six
Indonesian wholesale companies that offered protected marine mollusks
(and mostly nautilus shells) for sale on their respective Web sites
(with two based in East Java, two in Bali, and one in Sulawesi). The
company in Sulawesi even had a minimum order for merchandise of 1
metric ton, and a company in Java noted that they could ship more than
one container per month, indicating access to a relatively large supply
of nautilus shells (Nijman et al. 2015).
The available U.S. trade data provide additional evidence of the
overutilization and potential serial depletion of populations within
Indonesia, although not yet as severe as what has been observed in the
Philippines. Overall, based on data from the last decade, Indonesian
export and re-export of nautilus commodities to the United States has
decreased by 23 percent since 2005 (see Figure 5 in Miller (2017))
(CITES 2016); however, large declines were seen between 2006 and 2009
before smaller increases in the following years. As noted above, these
trends likely reflect the depletion of nautilus populations in western
Indonesian waters and a subsequent shift of fishing effort to eastern
Indonesian waters in recent years to support the nautilus trade
In India, CITES (2016) states that the chambered nautilus has been
exploited for decades and is also caught as bycatch by deep sea
trawlers. A 2007 survey aimed at assessing the status of protected
species in the curio trade in Tamil Nadu confirmed the presence of N.
pompilius shells and found them highly valued in the retail domestic
markets (John et al. 2012). Out of 13 major coastal tourist curio
markets surveyed, N. pompilius shells were found in 20 percent of the
markets (n = 40 shops) (John et al. 2012). Based on estimated sales
from these markets, N. pompilius was the fourth highest valued species
(n = 25 total species), accounting for 7 percent of the annual profit
from the protected species curio trade (John et al. 2012). During the
survey, chambered nautilus shells sold, on average, for approximately
275 INR each (7 USD in 2007 dollars) (John et al. 2012).
Interviews with the curio traders indicate that the Gulf of Mannar
and Palk Bay, the island territories of Andaman and Lakshadweep, and
Kerala are the main collection areas for the protected species sold in
the curio trade (John et al. 2012). While the extent of harvest of N.
pompilius is unknown, the fact that the nautilus shells sold in markets
are nearly half the size of the reported common wild size (90 mm vs 170
mm) (John et al. 2012) suggests that this curio trade may be
contributing to overfishing of the population, causing a shift in the
local population structure. Compared to observed mature shell sizes
elsewhere throughout the range of N. pompilius (average mature shell
length range: 114 to 200 mm; see Table 1 in Miller (2017)), the Indian
market nautilus shells are likely entirely from immature individuals.
The removal of these nautilus individuals before they have time to
reproduce, particularly for this long-lived and low fecundity species,
could have devastating impacts on the viability of the local
populations. While the authors note that curio vendors may
strategically stock a larger number of undersized shells rather than
fewer larger shells to meet the demand of the tourists, given the
relative rarity of chambered nautilus shells in Indian waters (with
only 9 shells sold during the 2007 survey) and the fact that larger
shells generally obtain higher prices, we conclude it is at least
equally likely that curio vendors are stocking whatever is available.
Although trend data are not available, the popularity of the
species in the curio trade as well as information suggesting that the
marketed shells are significantly smaller than wild-caught and, hence,
likely belong to immature individuals, indicate that this level of
utilization may have already negatively impacted the local populations
within India. The continued and essentially unregulated fishing and
selling of N. pompilius within southern Indian waters will lead to
overutilization of the species in the future, as has been observed in
[[Page 48957]]
parts of its range, and potential extirpation of these small and
isolated populations.
In Papua New Guinea, most of the available information indicates
that trade of chambered nautilus shells is primarily supplied from
incidental collection of drift shells. CITES (2016) states that the
species may be caught as bycatch in some deep-sea fisheries and also
notes that new nautilus fishing sites may have recently become
established in 2008. The extent of harvest of the species in these
waters, however, is unknown.
Possible commercial harvest of the species has also been identified
in East Asia (China, Hong Kong, and Chinese Taipei), Thailand, Vanuatu,
and Vietnam. In East Asia, minimal numbers of nautilus shells are sold
in art markets, home d[eacute]cor shops, small stores, and airport gift
shops, with meat found in seafood markets (particularly in the south of
China on Hainan Island, the large coastal cities of Fujian and
Guangdong Provinces, and Chinese Taipei) (Freitas and Krishnasamy
2016). There is also evidence of a small trade in live specimens for
aquaria in Hong Kong; however, the origin of these live specimens is
unclear (Freitas and Krishnasamy 2016). While the CITES (2016) proposal
suggests that nautilus harvest may occur on Hainan Island, we are aware
of no information to confirm that a fishery exists.
In Thailand, nautilus experts note that targeted chambered nautilus
fisheries have occurred and are still operating (NMFS 2014), with past
observations of shells found in gift shops (CITES 2016); however, we
are aware of no published information on the current intensity or
duration of such harvest (or confirmation that the fishery is still
occurring). Nautilus experts also note that targeted chambered nautilus
fisheries have occurred and are occurring in Vanuatu (NMFS 2014), with
shells sold to tourists and collectors (Amos 2007). While we are aware
of no published information regarding the current intensity or duration
of such harvest (or confirmation that the fishery is still occurring),
available information suggests the fishery may have begun in the late
1980s. From March to June 1987, the Vanuatu Fisheries Department
conducted a deep sea fishing trial, aimed at testing commercial fishing
traps on the outer-reef slope of north Efate Island, Vanuatu (Blanc
1988). Results showed the successful capture of N. pompilius, with a
CPUE of around 2.6 nautilus per trap per day, taken at depths greater
than 300 m (Blanc 1988). In total, 94 traps were set and 114 N.
pompilius were captured (Blanc 1988). Those shells that were in good
condition (approximately two-thirds of the total) were sold locally for
around 300 to 500 VUV each ($2.89 to $4.81 U.S. dollars based on the
1987 conversion rate) (Blanc 1988). It was noted in the report that the
capture of nautiluses can be a good supplementary source of income
(Blanc 1988).
In Vietnam, some of the nautilus shells observed for sale may be
sourced from local harvest of the animal. For example, an interview
with a Vietnamese seller revealed that his nautilus shells come from
islands in Vietnam and that 1,000 shells a month are able to be
acquired (of 5 to 7 inches in size; 127 to 178 mm) (Freitas and
Krishnasamy 2016). However, the species was not identified, nor was it
clear whether the origin of the shells was from Vietnam (indicating
potential harvest) or if the islands simply serve as transit points for
the trade.
In our review of the available information, we also found no
evidence of known local utilization or commercial harvest of the
chambered nautilus in the following portions of the species' range:
American Samoa, Australia, Fiji, or the Solomon Islands. While products
that incorporate nautilus shells, such as jewelry and wood inlays, are
sold to tourists in these locations, the nautilus parts appear to be
obtained solely from the incidental collection of drift shells. In
these areas, where the species is not subject to commercial harvest,
populations appear stable (with the exception of Fiji; however, the
threat in this case was not identified as overutilization--see Present
or Threatened Destruction, Modification, or Curtailment of Habitat or
Range section). Given that the species exists as geographically
isolated populations, we conclude it is unlikely that these local,
unfished populations will see significant declines as a result of
overutilization in other portions of its range.
Overall, out of the 10 nations in which N. pompilius is known to
occur, potentially half historically or currently have targeted
nautilus fisheries. Given that this harvest is largely unregulated, and
has led to the serial depletion and extirpation of local N. pompilius
populations, with no evidence of a decline in fishing effort or demand
for the species, the best available information indicates that
overutilization of N. pompilius is the most significant threat to the
species throughout its range.
As mentioned previously, the commercial harvest of the chambered
nautilus is primarily demand-driven for the international shell trade.
The Philippines and Indonesia appear to supply the majority of the
nautilus products in the trade. In Indonesia, most of the networks that
aid in the illegal trade of marine mollusks originate in Java and Bali,
with the United States, China, and New Caledonia as main destinations
(Nijman et al. 2015). While the extent of export from the Philippines
and Indonesia is unknown, data collected from Indonesia over the past
10 years suggest the amounts are likely substantial. For example, based
on seizure data from 2005 to 2013, over 42,000 marine mollusk shells
protected under Indonesian law, including over 3,000 chambered
nautiluses, were confiscated by Indonesian authorities (Nijman et al.
2015). At least two-thirds of the shells were meant to enter the
international trade, with the largest volumes destined for China and
the United States (Nijman et al. 2015). Between 2007 and 2010, De
Angelis (2012), citing a personal communication, estimated that around
25,000 nautilus specimens were exported from Indonesia to China for the
Asian meat market.
In addition to the United States and China, other major consumer
destinations for nautilus commodities include Europe, the Middle East,
and Australia, with suspected markets in South Africa, South America
(Argentina), and Israel (Freitas and Krishnasamy 2016). Freitas and
Krishnasamy (2016) indicate that, in Europe, the trade and sale of
nautiluses occur at fairly low levels and mainly involve whole nautilus
shells. Their internet research and consultations indicate that the
majority of Web sites selling nautilus products are located in France,
Germany and the United Kingdom; however, details regarding the product,
including species and origin of the nautilus, are often not provided
(Freitas and Krishnasamy 2016). Based on interviews with trade experts
and online sellers, it appears that the Philippines is the main source
of nautilus shells for the European trade (Freitas and Krishnasamy
2016). Some German online sellers indicate that the wholesalers also
receive imports from Thailand (Freitas and Krishnasamy 2016).
In the United States, the most recent 5 years of available trade
data (2010 to 2014) reveal that around 6 percent of the imported
commodities were whole shells (n = 9,076) and less than 1
[[Page 48958]]
percent were live animals, with the remaining products primarily
comprised of jewelry, shell products, and trim pieces (CITES 2016).
Based on trade data from 2010-2013 and using rough approximations of
individual nautilus counts for different commodity labels, Freitas and
Krishnasamy (2016) estimated that between 20,000 and 100,000 nautilus
individuals comprised the commodities being imported into the United
States, representing between 6,000 and 33,000 individuals annually.
However, it is important to note that even these figures likely
underestimate the actual trade volumes in the United States, as
additional nautilus imports could have also been lumped under a more
general category, such as ``mollusks'' (De Angelis 2012). This is
likely true for other countries as well, because specific custom codes
are lacking for nautilus products (with nautilus commodities frequently
lumped as ``coral and similar materials'' and worked or unworked shell
products) (Freitas and Krishnasamy 2016). Therefore, estimating the
number of nautilus individuals traded annually around the globe remains
extremely challenging. Despite these unknowns, based on the available
trade data from the United States, and data garnered from seizures and
research, it is clear that nautilus commodities are in high demand and
nautilus products are globally traded likely in the hundreds of
thousands (De Angelis 2012). This market demand is a significant threat
driving the commercial harvest and overutilization of N. pompilius
throughout most of its range.
Disease or Predation
We are aware of no information to indicate that disease is a factor
that is significantly and negatively affecting the status of the
chambered nautilus. Diseases in nautiluses are not well known, nor is
there information to indicate that disease is contributing to
population declines of the species. However, shells of N. pompilius,
like other mollusks, are subject to marine fouling from a variety of
epizoans and may also be hosts to parasites. In an examination of 631
N. pompilius shells from the Philippines and Papua New Guinea, Landman
et al. (2010) found the incidence of encrustation by epizoans varied by
site. In the N. pompilius shells from the Philippines, 12 percent were
encrusted whereas 49 percent of the shells from the Papua New Guinea
sample showed signs of encrustation. However, the encrusted area only
averaged around 0.5 percent of the shell surface, with the maximum
encrustation at 2.2 percent (Landman et al. 2010). Additionally, the
authors note that the encrusted surface comprised less than 1 percent
of the total shell weight in air, which they deemed ``a negligible
factor in the overall buoyancy of the animal'' (Landman et al. 2010).
As such, it is likely that the species has some other defense against
epizoan settlement, with encrustation not a significant threat to the
survival of N. pompilius individuals.
Regarding parasites, Carlson (2010) notes that newly collected
nautilus individuals are usually heavily infested with the copepod
Anchicaligus nautili; however, no information on the effect of these
infestations on the nautilus animal is available. Therefore, based on
the available data, marine fouling and parasitism do not appear to be
significant threats to the species.
Chambered nautiluses may serve as prey to a number of teleost fish
(such as triggerfish), octopuses, and sharks; however, predation rates
appear to vary across the species' range (CITES 2016). For example,
octopod predation rates on live nautiluses have been estimated at 1.1
percent in the Philippines, 4.5 to 11 percent in Indonesia, 2 to 8
percent in Papua New Guinea, 5 percent in American Samoa, and 3.2
percent on Australia's Great Barrier Reef, indicating that predation by
octopuses likely occurs throughout the entire species' range (Saunders
et al. 1991).
Recently, Ward (2014) analyzed the prevalence of shell breaks in
nautiluses as an indicator of predation and found that those nautilus
populations subject to fishing had a statistically significant higher
number of major shell breaks compared to unfished populations.
Specifically, Ward (2014) found that over 80 percent of mature N.
pompilius shells had major shell breaks in the fished Bohol,
Philippines population (in 2012 and 2013) and calculated an over 40
percent rate in the fished New Caledonia N. macromphalus population in
1984. In contrast, only 30 percent of mature shells had major shell
breaks in the unfished nautilus populations on the Great Barrier Reef
(based on 2012 data) (Ward 2014). In the unfished Osprey Reef
population, this rate was around 20 percent (based on 2002 to 2006
data), and in Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu in the 1980s, this rate was
less than 20 percent (Ward 2014).
Predation is clearly evident in all sampled nautilus populations.
It appears that predation rates may be substantially higher in those
populations compromised from other threats (such as overutilization).
This, in turn, exacerbates the risk that predation poses to those
already vulnerable chambered nautilus populations, contributing
significantly to their likelihood of decline and to the species'
overall risk of extinction.
The Inadequacy of Existing Regulatory Mechanisms
Based on the available data, N. pompilius appears most at risk from
overutilization in those range states supplying the large majority of
nautilus shells for the international trade. Substantial commercial
harvest of the species in Indonesia, Philippines, and India has led to
observed declines in the local N. pompilius populations. As we discuss
below, although there are some national and international legal
protections, including a recent listing under CITES, poor enforcement
of these laws and continued illegal fishing demonstrate that the
existing regulatory mechanisms are inadequate to achieve their purpose
of protecting the chambered nautilus from harvest and trade. It is too
early to conclude that the CITES listing will be effective at
ameliorating the threat of overutilization.
In Indonesia, N. pompilius was provided full protection in the
nation's waters in 1999 (Government Regulation 7/1999). While the
species was first added to Indonesia's protected species list in 1987
(SK MenHut No 12 Kptd/II/1987), the implementing legislation in 1999
made it illegal to harvest, transport, kill, or trade live or dead
specimens of N. pompilius (CITES 2016). Despite this prohibition, the
commercial harvest and trade in the species continues (see
Overutilization for commercial, recreational, scientific, or
educational purposes). For example, in a survey of 343 shops within 6
Provinces in Indonesia, Freitas and Krishnasamy (2016) found that 10
percent were selling nautilus products, with the majority located in
East Java. Interviews with local suppliers of nautilus shells revealed
that many are aware of the prohibition and therefore have found ways to
conduct business covertly, such as selling more products online and
purposely mislabeling N. pompilius shells as A. perforatus (which are
not protected) (Freitas and Krishnasamy 2016). Nijman et al. (2015)
observed the sale of chambered nautilus shells in two of Indonesia's
largest open markets (Pangandaran and Pasir Putih, both on Java) and
remarked that the shells were prominently displayed. In interviews with
the traders, none mentioned the protected status of the species (Nijman
et al. 2015). Additionally, nautilus shells and products (such as
furniture) are often on display by government officials and offered for
sale in airports (Freitas and
[[Page 48959]]
Krishnasamy 2016), indicating that enforcement of the Indonesian
regulation protecting the species is very weak. Therefore, given the
apparent disregard of the prohibition, with substantial evidence of
illegal harvest and trade in the species, and issues with enforcement,
we conclude that existing regulatory mechanisms are inadequate to
protect the species from further declines in Indonesia from
In the Philippines, shelled mollusks are protected from collection
without a permit under Fisheries Administrative Order no. 168; however,
it is unclear how this is implemented or enforced for particular
species (CITES 2016). In Palawan Province, a permit is also required to
harvest or trade the chambered nautilus, as it is listed as
``Vulnerable'' under Palawan Council for Sustainable Development
Resolution No. 15-521 (CITES 2016). Freitas and Krishnasamy (2016)
report that some municipalities in Cebu Province and the Panay Islands
have local ordinances that prohibit the harvest of N. pompilius;
however, even in these Provinces, there is evidence of harvest and
trade in the species. For example, in a survey of 66 shops in Cebu, the
Western Visayas region, and Palawan, 83 percent of the shops sold
nautilus products. For the most part, the harvest and trade of nautilus
is largely allowed and essentially unregulated throughout the
Philippines (Freitas and Krishnasamy 2016). Given the significant
declines in the N. pompilius populations throughout this portion of the
species' range, existing regulations to protect N. pompilius from
overutilization throughout the Philippines are clearly inadequate.
In India, N. pompilius has been protected from harvest and trade
since 2000 when it was listed under Schedule I of the Indian Wildlife
(Protection) Act of 1972 (John et al. 2012). However, as noted in the
Overutilization for commercial, recreational, scientific, or
educational purposes section, N. pompilius shells were being collected
in Indian waters and sold in major coastal tourist curio markets as
recently as 2007. Interviews with retail vendors (n = 180) indicated
that a large majority were aware of the Indian Wildlife Protection Act
and legal ramifications of selling protected species yet continued to
sell large quantities of protected marine mollusks and corals in the
curio shops (John et al. 2012). Because there is no official licensing
system for these shops, the annual quantities sold remain largely
unrecorded and unknown (John et al. 2012). The high demand for nautilus
shells and profits from this illegal curio trade, coupled with the lack
of enforcement of existing laws, indicates that overutilization of N.
pompilius will continue to threaten populations within Indian waters.
In China, N. pompilius is listed as a ``Class I'' species under the
national Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of
Wildlife, which means that harvest is allowed (under Article 16) but
only with special permission (i.e., for purposes of scientific
research, ranching, breeding, exhibition, or ``other''). Unfortunately,
enforcement of this law has proven difficult, as many nautilus products
for sale have unknown origin or claim origin from the Philippines
(Freitas and Krishnasamy 2016). While the extent of harvest in East
Asia remains unclear based on the available data, the fact that trade
is allowed, and the difficulties associated with enforcement and
identifying N. pompilius products and origin in the trade, indicate
that existing regulatory measures are likely inadequate to prevent the
harvest of the species within Chinese waters.
In areas where trade of N. pompilius is prohibited, available data
suggest smugglers are using other locations as transit points for the
trafficking and trade of the species to circumvent prohibitions and
evade customs (Freitas and Krishnasamy 2016). For example, New
Caledonia, where only N. macromphalus is protected, has become a stop-
over destination for smuggling nautilus shells to Europe (CITES 2016;
Freitas and Krishnasamy 2016). In 2008, officials confiscated at least
213 N. pompilius shells that were being smuggled into New Caledonia
from Bali, Indonesia (Freitas and Krishnasamy 2016). At this time, the
extent of the illegal trade, including transit points for smugglers,
remains largely unknown; however, the impact of this illegal trade on
the species only contributes further to its overutilization.
Overall, given the ongoing demand for chambered nautilus products,
the apparent disregard of current prohibition regulations by collectors
and traders, lack of enforcement, and the observed declining trends in
N. pompilius populations and crashing of associated fisheries, the best
available information strongly suggests that existing regulatory
mechanisms are inadequate to control the harvest and overutilization of
N. pompilius throughout most of its range, significantly contributing
to the species' risk of extinction.
Recognizing that the international trade is the clear driving force
of the intense exploitation of nautiluses, in October 2016, the member
nations to CITES agreed to add all nautilus species to Appendix II of
CITES (effective January 2017). This listing means increased protection
for N. pompilius and the other nautilus species, but still allows legal
and sustainable trade. Export of nautilus products now requires CITES
permits or re-export certificates that ensure the products were legally
acquired and that the Scientific Authority of the State of export has
advised that such export will not be detrimental to the survival of
that species in the wild (i.e., a ``non-detriment finding''). Given
that the international trade is the main driver of the threat to the
species (i.e., overutilization), the CITES listing should provide N.
pompilius with some safeguards against future depletion of populations
and potential extinction of the species. However, given the limited
information on the present abundance of the species throughout its
range, it may prove difficult for State Authorities to determine what
level of trade is sustainable. As the FAO panel notes, based on
previous cases for species listed under Appendix II with similar
circumstances where the State Authorities' abilities to make non-
detriment findings are limited due to an absence of information, the
following outcomes are likely to occur: (1) International trade in
products from that country ceases; (2) international trade continues
but without proper CITES documentation (``illegal trade''); and/or (3)
international trade continues with inadequate non-detriment findings
(FAO 2016). Because this listing only recently went into effect
(January 2017), it is too soon to know which outcome(s) will dominate
in the various nautilus-exporting countries. There is thus not yet a
body of information on which to evaluate the adequacy of the CITES
listing to reduce the threat of overutilization.
Other Natural or Man-Made Factors Affecting Its Continued Existence
While the status review (Miller 2017) discusses ecotourism
operations as a possible threat to nautilus species, the examples of
these activities come entirely from Palau, where N. pompilius does not
occur. These ecotourism activities tend to involve bringing nautiluses
to the surface for photographic opportunities with customers and
subsequently releasing them into shallow waters (CITES 2016). In the
daytime, nautiluses are especially vulnerable to predation in shallow
waters, and observations of triggerfish feeding on nautiluses as they
[[Page 48960]]
released suggest that consistent release of these animals in a certain
location may create feeding stations for nautilus predators (Carlson
2015). Additionally, nautiluses may suffer negative physiological
effects if released into shallow water, including overheating and the
development of air bubbles that can inhibit quick escape movements
(CITES 2016). We acknowledge the potential risks that these ecotourism
operations may pose to nautilus species; however, at this time, there
is no substantial evidence to indicate that there are dive tour
operators within the N. pompilius range who practice this same behavior
(i.e., taking photographs and releasing the species in shallow waters).
As such, the best available information does not indicate that
ecotourism is presently a significant threat to the species.
Natural Behavior
Because of their keen sense of smell (Basil et al. 2000), chambered
nautiluses are easily attracted to baited traps. Additionally, field
studies indicate that nautiluses may also habituate to baited sites.
For example, in a tag and release study conducted in Palau, the
proportion of previously tagged animals over the trapping period
increased in the baited traps, reaching around 58 percent in the last
trap deployed (Saunders et al. in press). Given this behavior, nautilus
populations, including N. pompilius, are likely highly susceptible to
being caught by fisheries. For isolated and small populations, this
could result in rapid depletions of these populations in a short amount
of time, potentially just months (Saunders et al. in press). However,
Saunders et al. (in press) note that this vulnerability to depletion
from overfishing is likely lower in those populations where barriers to
movement do not exist, such as Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. These
sites both have large swaths of habitat (thousands of km) within the
optimal nautilus depth range that are parallel to coastal areas and
could serve as natural refugia but also allow for the restocking of
depleted populations (Saunders et al. in press). Therefore, the best
available information suggests that these aspects of the species'
natural behavior (i.e., attraction and habituation to baited trap
sites) are likely significant threats to those N. pompilius populations
that are already subject to other threats (e.g., overutilization) or
demographic risks (e.g., spatially isolated, small populations).
Assessment of Extinction Risk
The ESA (section 3) defines an endangered species as ``any species
which is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant
portion of its range.'' A threatened species is defined as ``any
species which is likely to become an endangered species within the
foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its
range.'' We define ``foreseeable future'' generally as the time frame
over which identified threats can be reliably predicted to impact the
biological status of the species. As mentioned previously, because a
species may be susceptible to a variety of threats for which different
data are available, or which operate across different time scales, the
foreseeable future is not necessarily reducible to a particular number
of years.
For the assessment of extinction risk for the chambered nautilus,
the ``foreseeable future'' was considered to extend out several decades
(> 40 years). Given the species' life history traits, with longevity
estimated to be at least 20 years, maturity ranges from 10 to 17 years,
with very low fecundity (potentially 10-20 eggs per year with a 1-year
incubation period), it would likely take more than a few decades (i.e.,
multiple generations) for any recent management actions to be realized
and reflected in population abundance indices. Similarly, the impact of
present threats to the species could be realized in the form of
noticeable population declines within this time frame, as demonstrated
in the available survey and fisheries data (see Table 4 in Miller
2017). As the main potential operative threat to the species is
overutilization, this time frame would allow for reliable predictions
regarding the impact of current levels of fishery-related mortality on
the biological status of the species. Additionally, this time frame
allows for consideration of the previously discussed impacts on
chambered nautilus habitat from climate change and the potential
effects on the status of this species.
In determining the extinction risk of a species, it is important to
consider both the demographic risks facing the species as well as
current and potential impacts of external threats that may affect the
species' status. To this end, a demographic analysis was conducted for
the chambered nautilus. A demographic risk analysis is essentially an
assessment of the manifestation of past threats that have contributed
to the species' current status and informs the consideration of the
biological response of the species to present and future threats. This
analysis evaluated the population viability characteristics and trends
data available for the chambered nautilus, such as abundance, growth
rate/productivity, spatial structure and connectivity, and diversity,
to determine the potential risks these demographic factors pose to the
species. The information from this demographic risk analysis was
considered alongside the information previously presented on threats to
the species, including those related to the factors specified by the
ESA section 4(a)(1)(A)-(E) (and summarized in a separate Threats
Assessment section below) and used to determine an overall risk of
extinction for N. pompilius.
Because the available data are insufficient to conduct a reliable
quantitative population viability assessment (because there is, for
example, sporadic abundance data, and uncertain demographic
characteristics), the qualitative reference levels of ``low risk,''
``moderate risk'' and ``high risk'' were used to describe the overall
assessment of extinction risk in the Status Review. A species at a
``low risk'' of extinction was defined as one that is not at a moderate
or high level of extinction risk. A species may be at low risk of
extinction if it is not facing threats that result in declining trends
in abundance, productivity, spatial structure, or diversity. A species
at low risk of extinction is likely to show stable or increasing trends
in abundance and productivity with connected, diverse populations. A
species is at a ``moderate risk'' of extinction when it is on a
trajectory that puts it at a high level of extinction risk in the
foreseeable future. A species may be at moderate risk of extinction
because of projected threats or declining trends in abundance,
productivity, spatial structure, or diversity. A species with a high
risk of extinction is at or near a level of abundance, productivity,
spatial structure, and/or diversity that places its continued
persistence in question. The demographics of a species at such a high
level of risk may be highly uncertain and strongly influenced by
stochastic or depensatory processes. Similarly, a species may be at
high risk of extinction if it faces clear and present threats (e.g.,
confinement to a small geographic area; imminent destruction,
modification, or curtailment of its habitat; or disease epidemic) that
are likely to create imminent and substantial demographic risks.
Although the conclusions in the status review report do not
constitute findings as to whether the species should be listed under
the ESA (because that determination must be made by the
[[Page 48961]]
agency after considering all relevant information and after evaluating
ongoing conservation efforts of any state, foreign nation, or political
subdivision thereof. 16 U.S.C. 1533(b)(1)(A)), a finding of ``moderate
risk'' generally indicates that a species may qualify for listing as a
``threatened species'' and a finding of ``high risk'' generally
indicates that a species may be an ``endangered species.''
Demographic Risk Analysis
The global abundance of the chambered nautilus is unknown, with no
available historical baseline population data. The species likely
exists as small, isolated populations distributed throughout its range.
However, abundance estimates of these fragmented populations are
largely unavailable, as the species is difficult to survey. Currently,
population size has been estimated for N. pompilius off Osprey Reef in
Australia using baited trap techniques (n = 844 to 4,467 individuals)
and for the Palawan region, Philippines and Western Australia
populations using genetic markers (median population size for Western
Australia = 2.6 million individuals; for Philippines = 3.2 million
individuals). Population density estimates (individuals/km\2\) are also
available from Osprey Reef (13.6 to 77.4), the Great Barrier Reef
(0.34), American Samoa (0.16), Fiji (0.21) and the Panglao region,
Philippines (0.03). While there may be some sampling bias in the baited
trap technique, we find that the population size and density estimates
from these studies provide a useful representation of the current
abundance of the species because they rely on the best available field
If a population is critically small in size, chance variations in
the annual number of births and deaths can put the population at added
risk of extinction. Additionally, when populations are very small,
chance demographic events can have a large impact on the population.
However, the threshold for depensation in the chambered nautilus is
Populations of N. pompilius are assumed to be naturally small, and,
when not faced with outside threats, appear stable (e.g., Osprey Reef
population increased by 28 percent over the course of a decade).
However, those populations in areas where nautilus fishing occurs have
experienced significant declines in less than a generation time for the
species, indicating a greater risk of extirpation because of
depensatory processes. Saunders et al. (in press) suggest that trapping
data that result in < 1 to 2 nautiluses per trap likely reflect a
minimally viable population level. In other words, further removal of
individuals from those populations would likely result in population
crashes and potential extirpation. Based on the available abundance
trend data (see Table 4 in Miller (2017)), many of the populations
surveyed in Indonesia and the Philippines currently reflect this
minimally viable level, indicating that abundance of these particular
populations may be close to levels that place them at immediate risk of
inbreeding depression and demographic stochasticity, particularly given
their reproductive isolation. Extirpations of these populations would
increase the risk of extinction for the entire species to some degree.
While overall abundance is highly uncertain, the evidence indicates
that the species exists as small and isolated populations throughout
its range, making them inherently vulnerable to exploitation and
depletion. Data suggest that many of these populations are in decline
and may be extirpated in the next several decades. Taken together, this
information indicates that N. pompilius is not currently at risk of
extinction throughout its range but will likely be at risk of
extinction from environmental variation or human-caused threats
throughout its range within the foreseeable future.
Growth Rate/Productivity
The current net productivity of N. pompilius is unknown because of
the imprecision or lack of available abundance estimates or indices.
Fecundity, however, is assumed to be low (but note that no egg-laying
has been observed in the wild). Based on estimates from other captive
Nautilus species (i.e., N. macromphalus and N. belauensis), the
chambered nautilus may lay up to 10 to 20 eggs per year, with a long
incubation period (10 to 12 months). Given that the chambered nautilus
is a slow-growing and late-maturing species (with maturity estimated
between 10 and 17 years, and longevity at least 20 years), it likely
has very low productivity and, thus, is extremely susceptible to
decreases in its abundance.
In terms of demographic traits, Saunders et al. (in press) suggest
that a nautilus population at equilibrium would have a higher
percentage of male (75 percent) and mature (74 percent) animals. Ratios
that are significantly lower than these estimates suggest the
population is in ``disequilibrium'' and likely portend declines in per
capita growth rate. Saunders et al. (in press) further provides
evidence that fished nautilus populations tend to show significant
demographic differences in relative age class (i.e., predominance of
immature individuals) and sex ratios (i.e,, no longer male-biased)
compared to unfished populations. Under the current assumption that
males are the critical sex for population growth, the significant
change in the population demographics for these fished populations may
portend further declines and potential extirpations of these
populations, inherently increasing the risk of extinction for the
entire species in the foreseeable future. However, with the exception
of the Osprey Reef (Australia), Lizard Island (Great Barrier Reef;
Australia), and Sumbawa Island (Indonesia) populations, which showed
male percentages of 82 to 91 percent and mature percentages of 58 to 91
percent based on data from the past decade (Saunders et al. in press),
we have no available recent data to assess the demographic traits of
current N. pompilius populations throughout the species' range.
Spatial Structure/Connectivity
Chambered nautilus populations are extreme habitat specialists. The
species is closely associated with steeply-sloped forereefs and muddy
bottoms and is found in depths typically between 200 m and 500 m. Both
temperature and depth are barriers to movement for N. pompilius, which
cannot physiologically withstand temperatures above around 25 [deg]C or
depths greater than 800 m. Chambered nautiluses are bottom-dwelling
scavengers and do not swim in the open water column. While larger-scale
migrations have occurred (across shallow, warm waters and/or depths >
1000 m), these events are believed to be extremely rare, with gene flow
thought to be inversely related to the geographic distance between
populations (Swan and Saunders 2010). As such, current chambered
nautilus populations, particularly those separated by large geographic
distances, are believed to be largely isolated, with a limited ability
to find or exploit available resources in the case of habitat
destruction. Collectively, this information suggests that gene flow is
likely limited among populations of N. pompilius, with available data
specifically indicating the isolation between populations in Fiji and
Western Australia and those in the Philippines.
Regarding destruction of habitat patches, while anthropogenic
threats, such as climate change and destructive
[[Page 48962]]
fishing practices, have been identified as potential sources that could
contribute to habitat modification for the chambered nautilus, there is
no evidence that habitat patches used by N. pompilius are being
destroyed faster than they are naturally created such that the species
is at an increased risk of extinction. Additionally, there is no
information to indicate that N. pompilius is composed of conspicuous
source[hyphen]sink populations where loss of one critical population or
subpopulation would pose a risk of extinction to the entire species.
As noted above, N. pompilius appears to exist as isolated
populations with low rates of dispersal and little gene flow among
populations, particularly those that are separated by large geographic
distances and deep ocean expanses. Given the physiological constraints
and limited mobility of the species, coupled with the selective
targeting of mature males in the fisheries, connectivity among breeding
populations may be disrupted. Additionally, while it is unknown whether
genetic variability within the species is sufficient to permit
adaptation to environmental changes, the best available information
suggests that genetic variability has likely been reduced due to
bottleneck events and genetic drift in the small and isolated N.
pompilius populations throughout its range. Because higher levels of
genetic diversity increase the likelihood of a species' persistence,
the current, presumably reduced level among chambered nautiluses
appears to pose a risk to the species.
Threats Assessment
As discussed above, the most significant and certain threat to the
chambered nautilus is overutilization through commercial harvest to
meet the demand for the international nautilus shell trade. Out of the
10 nations where N. pompilius is known to occur, potentially half have
targeted nautilus fisheries either historically or currently. These
waters comprise roughly three-quarters of the species' known range,
with only the most eastern portion (e.g., eastern Australia, American
Samoa, Fiji) afforded protection from harvest. Fishing for nautiluses
is fairly inexpensive and easy, and the attraction of N. pompilius to
baited traps further increases the likely success of these fisheries
(compounding the severity of this threat on the species). The estimated
level of harvest from many of these nautilus fisheries in the
Philippines (where harvest data are available) has historically led to
extirpations of local N. pompilius populations. Given the evidence of
declines (of 70 to 94 percent) in the CPUE from these Philippine
nautilus fisheries, and the fact that fished populations tend to
experience higher predation rates (another compounding factor that
further increases the negative impact of fishing on the species), these
populations are likely on the same trend toward local extinction.
Serial depletion of populations based on anecdotal trapping reports is
also evident throughout nautilus fishing sites in Indonesia, with
reported declines of 70 to 97 percent. In India, the predominance of
immature shells for sale in the curio markets suggests potential
overfishing of these local populations as well. Commercial harvest of
the species is also thought to occur in Papua New Guinea, East Asia,
Thailand, Vanuatu, and Vietnam. Efforts to address overutilization of
the species through regulatory measures appear inadequate, with
evidence of targeted fishing of and trade in the species, particularly
in Indonesia, Philippines, and China, despite prohibitions.
As fishing for the species has no cultural or historical relevance,
trade appears to be the sole driving force behind the commercial
harvest and subsequent decline in N. pompilius populations, with
significant consumer markets in the United States, China, Europe
(Italy, France, Portugal, United Kingdom), the Middle East, and
Australia. If international trade were to be successfully managed to
ensure sustainable harvest of N. pompilius, then the serial decline of
local populations could be halted and partially depleted populations
could have time to recover. The CITES Appendix II listing aims to
achieve these conservation outcomes; however, given that the listing
only recently went into effect (i.e, January 2017), it is too soon to
evaluate the ability and capacity of the affected countries (who are
parties to CITES) to implement the required measures and ensure the
sustainability of their trade. Of concern is the illegal selling and
trade of the species that already exists despite domestic prohibitions.
Therefore, it is unclear whether and how the new CITES requirements
will be adequately implemented and enforced in those countries that are
presently unable to prevent the overutilization of the species despite
prohibitions (e.g., Indonesia, Philippines, China). We note that the
United States appears to be a significant importer of nautilus products
and, therefore, this CITES listing could potentially cut-off a large
market (and associated demand) for the species if adequate non-
detriment findings are not issued by the exporting countries. However,
the evidence of illegal trade routes (see Figure 7 in Miller (2017))
and difficulty with tracking the amount and origin of nautilus products
suggests that it may take some time before the extent of the ``ins and
outs'' of the nautilus trade are fully understood. Therefore, we find
that the adequacy of the CITES Appendix II listing in reducing the
threat of overutilization (through ensuring sustainable trade) is
highly uncertain at this time.
Additional threats to N. pompilius that were identified as
potentially contributing to long-term risk of the species include
unselective and destructive fishing techniques (e.g., blast fishing and
cyanide poisoning) and ocean warming and acidification as a result of
climate change effects; however, because of the significant data gaps
(such as the effects on nautilus habitat and the species' physiological
responses), the impact of these threats on the status of the species is
highly uncertain.
Overall Extinction Risk Summary
Given the species' low reproductive output and overall productivity
and existence as small and isolated populations, it is inherently
vulnerable to threats that would deplete its abundance, with a very low
likelihood of recovery or repopulation. While there is considerable
uncertainty regarding the species' overall current abundance, the best
available information indicates that N. pompilius has experienced
population declines of significant magnitude, including evidence of
extirpations, throughout most of its range, primarily because of
fisheries-related mortality (i.e., overutilization). While stable
populations of the species likely exist in those waters not subject to
nautilus fishing (e.g., Osprey Reef, Australia and American Samoa),
only a few populations have actually been found and studied. These
populations appear small (particularly when compared to trade figures)
and genetically and geographically isolated, and, therefore, if subject
to environmental variation or anthropogenic perturbations in the
foreseeable future (such as through illegal fishing or climate change),
will likely be unable to recover.
Currently, the best available information, though not free from
uncertainties, does not indicate that the species is currently at risk
of extinction throughout its range. The species is still traded in
considerable amounts (upwards of thousands to hundreds of
[[Page 48963]]
thousands annually), with evidence of new sites being established for
nautilus fishing (e.g., in Indonesia, Philippines, Papua New Guinea),
and areas of stable, unfished populations (e.g., eastern Australia,
American Samoa). Although this continued trading presents a moderate
threat as has been discussed, current overall abundance throughout its
range is not so low that the species' viability is presently at risk.
However, the continued harvesting of the species for the international
nautilus shell trade and the subsequent serial depletion of populations
throughout its range are placing the species on a trajectory to be in
danger of extinction within the foreseeable future, likely within the
next couple of decades. The species' current demographic risks,
including small and isolated populations, low productivity, habitat
specificity, and physiological limitations that restrict large-scale
migrations, mean that as populations are depleted and extirpated,
recovery of those populations and/or repopulation is unlikely. Many of
the observed populations of the species are already on this path, with
data indicating significant declines in abundance and even local
extinctions. Further exacerbating these declines is the evidence of
increased predation on fished nautilus populations and the disruption
of population demographics (through the attraction of predominantly
males and mature individuals to baited traps). As the unsustainable
harvesting of nautiluses continues, with fisheries that follow a boom-
bust cycle, and fishing efforts that serially exploit populations and
then move on to new sites as the populations become depleted
(particularly evident in the Philippines and Indonesia), this trend is
unlikely to reverse in the foreseeable future. In fact, despite current
domestic prohibitions on the harvest and trade of the species
throughout most of the species' range (and particularly in the large
exporting range states), these regulatory measures are ineffective
because they are largely ignored or circumvented through illegal trade
networks. Further, although the species was recently listed on CITES
Appendix II, there is as of yet no basis to conclude whether that
listing will be effective at decreasing the threat of overutilization
to the species through the foreseeable future.
Given the best available information, we find that N. pompilius is
at a moderate risk of extinction throughout its range. Although the
species is not currently at risk of extinction throughout its range, it
will likely become so within the foreseeable future. Without adequate
measures controlling the overutilization of the species, N. pompilius
is on a trajectory where its overall abundance will likely see
significant declines within the foreseeable future eventually reaching
the point where the species' continued persistence will be in jeopardy.
We therefore propose to list the species as a ``threatened species.''
Protective Efforts
Having found that the chambered nautilus is likely to become in
danger of extinction throughout its range within the foreseeable
future, we next considered protective efforts as required under Section
4(b)(1)(A) of the ESA. The focus of this evaluation is to determine
whether these efforts are effective in ameliorating the threats we have
identified to the species and thus potentially avert the need for
As we already considered the effectiveness of existing regulatory
protective efforts, discussed above in connection with the evaluation
of the adequacy of existing regulatory mechanisms, we consider other,
less formal conservation efforts in this section. We identified a non-
profit Web site devoted to raising the awareness of threats to the
chambered nautilus (e.g., https://savethenautilus.com/about-us/),
including raising funds to support research on the species.
Additionally, we note that chambered nautiluses are found in a number
of aquariums worldwide where additional research is being conducted on
the reproductive activity of the species. However, survival of the
species in captivity is relatively low compared to its natural
longevity. Based on a 2014 survey of 102 U.S. aquariums with nautilus
species (with 52 responses), Carlson (2014) reported that survival
rates for captive N. pompilius of more than 5 years was only 20
percent. The rates of survival for less than 5 years were as follows: 0
to 1 year = 33.3 percent, 1-2 years 6.7 percent; 2 to 3 years = 20.0
percent, 3 to 5 years = 20.0 percent. While some of these aquariums
have successfully bred nautilus species (e.g., Waikiki Aquarium (U.S.),
Birch Aquarium at Scripps (U.S.), Toba Aquarium (Japan), Farglory Ocean
Park (Chinese Taipei) (Tai-lang 2012; Blazenhoff 2013; Carlson 2014)),
based on the results from these efforts, it is unlikely that
aquaculture or artificial propagation programs could substantially
improve the conservation status of the species. On average, survival
rate after hatching is less than 1 in 1,000 (Tai-lang 2012) and, to
date, none of the captive-bred nautiluses have obtained sexual maturity
(NMFS 2014). The process is also costly and time-consuming (given the
year-long incubation period of eggs). Therefore, captive breeding would
not be a feasible alternative to help satisfy the trade industry or
restore wild populations (NMFS 2014). Additionally, it should be noted
that the shells of nautiluses in captivity tend to be smaller and
irregular, with black lines that mar the outside of the shells (Moini
et al. 2014). Therefore, those shells would likely not be acceptable as
suitable alternatives to wild-caught shells in the trade, given the
preference for large, unblemished nautilus shells in the market.
While we find that these protective efforts will help increase the
scientific knowledge about N. pompilius and potentially promote public
awareness regarding declines in the species, none has significantly
altered the extinction risk for the chambered nautilus to the point
where it would not be in danger of extinction in the foreseeable
future. However, we seek additional information on these and other
conservation efforts in our public comment process (see below).
Section 4(b)(1)(A) of the ESA requires that NMFS make listing
determinations based solely on the best scientific and commercial data
available after conducting a review of the status of the species and
taking into account those efforts, if any, being made by any state or
foreign nation, or political subdivisions thereof, to protect and
conserve the species. We have independently reviewed the best available
scientific and commercial information including the petition, public
comments submitted on the 90-day finding (81 FR 58895; August 26,
2016), the status review report (Miller 2017), and other published and
unpublished information, and have consulted with species experts and
individuals familiar with the chambered nautilus.
As summarized above and in Miller (2017), we assessed the ESA
section 4(a)(1) factors both individually and collectively and conclude
that the species faces ongoing threats from overutilization and that
existing regulatory mechanisms are inadequate to ameliorate that
threat. Evidence of the continued substantial trade in the species,
establishment of new N. pompilius fishing sites, and areas of unfished
populations indicate that the species has not yet declined to abundance
levels that would trigger the onset of depensatory processes. However,
the species' demographic risks (including small and isolated
[[Page 48964]]
populations, with substantial reductions of 70 to 97 percent and
extirpations of local chambered nautilus populations from waters
comprising roughly three-quarters of the species' known range, low
productivity, habitat specificity, and physiological limitations that
restrict large-scale migration), coupled with the ongoing serial
exploitation of N. pompilius to supply the international trade, and
evidence of illegal harvest, trade, and poorly enforced domestic
regulatory measures, significantly increase the species' vulnerability
to depletion and subsequent extinction from environmental variation or
anthropogenic perturbations, placing it on a trajectory indicating that
it will likely be in danger of extinction within the foreseeable future
throughout its range.
We found no evidence of protective efforts for the conservation of
the chambered nautilus that would eliminate or adequately reduce
threats to the species to the point where it would no longer be in
danger of extinction in the foreseeable future. Therefore, we conclude
that the chambered nautilus is not currently in danger of extinction,
but likely to become so in the foreseeable future throughout its range
from threats of overutilization and the inadequacy of existing
regulatory mechanisms. As such, we have determined that the chambered
nautilus meets the definition of a threatened species and propose to
list it is as such throughout its range under the ESA.
Because we find that the chambered nautilus is likely to become an
endangered species within the foreseeable future throughout its range,
we find it unnecessary to consider whether the species might be in
danger of extinction in a significant portion of its range. We believe
Congress intended that, where the best available information allows the
Services to determine a status for the species rangewide, such listing
determination should be given conclusive weight. A rangewide
determination of status more accurately reflects the species' degree of
imperilment, and assigning such status to the species (rather than
potentially assigning a different status based on a review of only a
portion of the range) best implements the statutory distinction between
threatened and endangered species. Maintaining this fundamental
distinction is important for ensuring that conservation resources are
allocated toward species according to their actual level of risk. We
also note that Congress placed the ``all'' language before the
``significant portion of its range'' phrase in the definitions of
``endangered species'' and ``threatened species.'' This suggests that
Congress intended that an analysis based on consideration of the entire
range should receive primary focus, and thus that the agencies should
do a ``significant portion of its range'' analysis as an alternative to
a rangewide analysis only if necessary. Under this reading, we should
first consider whether listing is appropriate based on a rangewide
analysis and proceed to conduct a ``significant portion of its range''
analysis if (and only if) a species does not qualify for listing as
either endangered or threatened according to the ``all'' language. We
note that this interpretation is also consistent with the 2014 Final
Policy on Interpretation of the Phrase ``Significant Portion of its
Range'' (79 FR 37578 (July 1, 2014)). That policy is the subject of
pending litigation, including litigation against the United States Fish
and Wildlife Service in the United States District Court for the
District of Arizona, which ordered the policy vacated and is currently
considering a motion for reconsideration. See Center for Biological
Diversity v. Jewell, No. CV-14-02506-TUC-RM, 2017 WL 2438327 (D. Ariz.
March 29, 2017). Our approach in this proposed rule, explained above,
has been reached and applied independently of the Final Policy.
Effects of Listing
Measures provided for species of fish or wildlife listed as
endangered or threatened under the ESA include development of recovery
plans (16 U.S.C. 1533(f)); designation of critical habitat, to the
maximum extent prudent and determinable (16 U.S.C. 1533(a)(3)(A)); the
requirement that Federal agencies consult with NMFS under section 7 of
the ESA to ensure their actions are not likely to jeopardize the
species or result in adverse modification or destruction of critical
habitat should it be designated (16 U.S.C. 1536(a)(2)). Certain
prohibitions, including prohibitions against ``taking'' and import,
also apply with respect to endangered species under Section 9 (16
U.S.C. 1538); at the discretion of the Secretary, some or all of these
prohibitions may be applied with respect to threatened species under
the authority of Section 4(d) (16 U.S.C. 1533(d)). Recognition of the
species' plight through listing also promotes voluntary conservation
actions by Federal and state agencies, foreign entities, private
groups, and individuals.
Identifying Section 7 Conference and Consultation Requirements
Section 7(a)(4) (16 U.S.C. 1536(a)(4)) of the ESA and NMFS/USFWS
regulations require Federal agencies to confer with us on actions
likely to jeopardize the continued existence of species proposed for
listing, or that result in the destruction or adverse modification of
proposed critical habitat. If a proposed species is ultimately listed,
Federal agencies must consult under Section 7(a)(2) (16 U.S.C.
1536(a)(2)) on any action they authorize, fund, or carry out if those
actions may affect the listed species or its critical habitat and
ensure that such actions are not likely to jeopardize the species or
result in destruction or adverse modification of critical habitat
should it be designated. At this time, based on the currently available
information, we determine that examples of Federal actions that may
affect the chambered nautilus include, but are not limited to:
alternative energy projects, discharge of pollution from point and non-
point sources, deep-sea mining, contaminated waste and plastic
disposal, dredging, pile-driving, development of water quality
standards, military activities, and fisheries management practices.
Critical Habitat
Critical habitat is defined in section 3 of the ESA (16 U.S.C.
1532(5)) as: (1) The specific areas within the geographical area
occupied by a species, at the time it is listed in accordance with the
ESA, on which are found those physical or biological features (a)
essential to the conservation of the species and (b) that may require
special management considerations or protection; and (2) specific areas
outside the geographical area occupied by a species at the time it is
listed upon a determination that such areas are essential for the
conservation of the species. ``Conservation'' means the use of all
methods and procedures needed to bring the species to the point at
which listing under the ESA is no longer necessary. 16 U.S.C. 1532(3).
Section 4(a)(3)(A) of the ESA (16 U.S.C. 1533(a)(3)(A)) requires that,
to the maximum extent prudent and determinable, critical habitat be
designated concurrently with the listing of a species. Designations of
critical habitat must be based on the best scientific data available
and must take into consideration the economic, national security, and
other relevant impacts of specifying any particular area as critical
habitat. At this time, we find that critical habitat for the chambered
nautilus is not determinable because
[[Page 48965]]
data sufficient to perform the required analyses are lacking.
Therefore, public input on features and areas in U.S. waters that may
meet the definition of critical habitat for the chambered nautilus is
invited. If we determine that designation of critical habitat is
prudent and determinable, we will publish a proposed designation of
critical habitat for the chambered nautilus in a separate rule. Such
designation must be limited to areas under United States jurisdiction.
50 CFR 424.12(g).
Protective Regulations Under Section 4(d) of the ESA
We are proposing to list the chambered nautilus as a threatened
species. In the case of threatened species, ESA section 4(d) gives the
Secretary discretion to determine whether, and to what extent, to
extend the prohibitions of Section 9 to the species, and authorizes us
to issue regulations necessary and advisable for the conservation of
the species. Thus, we have flexibility under section 4(d) to tailor
protective regulations, taking into account the effectiveness of
available conservation measures. The 4(d) protective regulations may
prohibit, with respect to threatened species, some or all of the acts
which section 9(a) of the ESA prohibits with respect to endangered
species. We are not proposing such regulations at this time, but may
consider potential protective regulations pursuant to section 4(d) for
the chambered nautilus in a future rulemaking. In order to inform our
consideration of appropriate protective regulations for the species, we
seek information from the public on the threats to the chambered
nautilus and possible measures for their conservation.
Role of Peer Review
The intent of peer review is to ensure that listings are based on
the best scientific and commercial data available. In December 2004,
the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued a Final Information
Quality Bulletin for Peer Review establishing minimum peer review
standards, a transparent process for public disclosure of peer review
planning, and opportunities for public participation. The OMB Bulletin,
implemented under the Information Quality Act (Public Law 106-554), is
intended to enhance the quality and credibility of the Federal
government's scientific information, and applies to influential or
highly influential scientific information disseminated on or after June
16, 2005. To satisfy our requirements under the OMB Bulletin, we
obtained independent peer review of the status review report.
Independent specialists were selected from the academic and scientific
community for this review. All peer reviewer comments were addressed
prior to dissemination of the status review report and publication of
this proposed rule.
Public Comments Solicited on Listing
To ensure that the final action resulting from this proposal will
be as accurate and effective as possible, we solicit comments and
suggestions from the public, other governmental agencies, the
scientific community, industry, environmental groups, and any other
interested parties. Comments are encouraged on all aspects of this
proposal (See DATES and ADDRESSES).We are particularly interested in:
(1) New or updated information regarding the range, distribution, and
abundance of the chambered nautilus; (2) new or updated information
regarding the genetics and population structure of the chambered
nautilus; (3) habitat within the range of the chambered nautilus that
was present in the past but may have been lost over time; (4) new or
updated biological or other relevant data concerning any threats to the
chambered nautilus (e.g., landings of the species, illegal taking of
the species); (5) information on the commercial trade of the chambered
nautilus; (6) recent observations or sampling of the chambered
nautilus; (7) current or planned activities within the range of the
chambered nautilus and their possible impact on the species; and (8)
efforts being made to protect the chambered nautilus.
Public Comments Solicited on Critical Habitat
As noted above, we have determined that critical habitat is not
currently determinable for the chambered nautilus. To facilitate our
ongoing review, we request information describing the quality and
extent of habitat for the chambered nautilus, as well as information on
areas that may qualify as critical habitat for the species in waters
under U.S. jurisdiction. We note that based on the best available
scientific information regarding the range of the chambered nautilus,
waters of American Samoa may contain the only potential habitat for the
species that is currently under U.S. jurisdiction. We request that
specific areas that include the physical and biological features
essential to the conservation of the species, where such features may
require special management considerations or protection, be identified.
Areas outside the occupied geographical area should also be identified,
if such areas themselves are essential to the conservation of the
species and under U.S. jurisdiction. ESA implementing regulations at 50
CFR 424.12(g) specify that critical habitat shall not be designated
within foreign countries or in other areas outside of U.S.
jurisdiction. Therefore, we request information only on potential areas
of critical habitat within waters under U.S. jurisdiction.
Section 4(b)(2) of the ESA requires the Secretary to consider the
``economic impact, impact on national security, and any other relevant
impact'' of designating a particular area as critical habitat. 16
U.S.C. 1533(b)(2). Section 4(b)(2) also authorizes the Secretary to
exclude from a critical habitat designation any particular area where
the Secretary finds that the benefits of exclusion outweigh the
benefits of designation, unless excluding that area will result in
extinction of the species. To facilitate our consideration under
Section 4(b)(2), we also request for any area that may potentially
qualify as critical habitat information describing: (1) Activities or
other threats to the essential features of occupied habitat or
activities that could be affected by designating a particular area as
critical habitat; and (2) the positive and negative economic, national
security and other relevant impacts, including benefits to the recovery
of the species, likely to result if particular areas are designated as
critical habitat. We seek information regarding the conservation
benefits of designating areas within waters under U.S. jurisdiction as
critical habitat. See 50 CFR 424.12(g). In keeping with the guidance
provided by OMB (2000; 2003), we seek information that would allow the
quantification of these effects to the extent possible, as well as
information on qualitative impacts to economic values.
Data reviewed may include, but are not limited to: (1) Scientific
or commercial publications; (2) administrative reports, maps or other
graphic materials; (3) information received from experts; and (4)
comments from interested parties.
Comments and data particularly are sought concerning: (1) Maps and
specific information describing the amount, distribution, and use type
(e.g., foraging) by the chambered nautilus, as well as any additional
information on occupied and unoccupied habitat areas; (2) the reasons
why any specific area of habitat should or should not be determined to
be critical habitat as provided by sections 3(5)(A) and 4(b)(2) of the
ESA; (3) information regarding the benefits of designating particular
[[Page 48966]]
areas as critical habitat; (4) current or planned activities in the
areas that might qualify for designation and their possible impacts;
(5) any foreseeable economic or other potential impacts resulting from
designation, and in particular, any impacts on small entities; (6)
whether specific unoccupied areas may be essential for the conservation
of the species; and (7) individuals who could serve as peer reviewers
in connection with a proposed critical habitat designation, including
persons with biological and economic expertise relevant to the species,
region, and designation of critical habitat.
A complete list of the references used in this proposed rule is
available within the docket folder under ``Supporting Documents''
(www.regulations.gov/#!docketDetail;D=NOAA-NMFS-2016-0098) and upon
request (see ADDRESSES).
National Environmental Policy Act
The 1982 amendments to the ESA, in section 4(b)(1)(A), restrict the
information that may be considered when assessing species for listing.
Based on this limitation of criteria for a listing decision and the
opinion in Pacific Legal Foundation v. Andrus, 657 F. 2d 829 (6th Cir.
1981), NMFS has concluded that ESA listing actions are not subject to
the environmental assessment requirements of the National Environmental
Policy Act (NEPA).
Executive Order 12866, Regulatory Flexibility Act, and Paperwork
Reduction Act
As noted in the Conference Report on the 1982 amendments to the
ESA, economic impacts cannot be considered when assessing the status of
a species. Therefore, the economic analysis requirements of the
Regulatory Flexibility Act are not applicable to the listing process.
In addition, this proposed rule is exempt from review under Executive
Order 12866. This proposed rule does not contain a collection-of-
information requirement for the purposes of the Paperwork Reduction
Executive Order 13132, Federalism
In accordance with E.O. 13132, we determined that this proposed
rule does not have significant federalism effects and that a federalism
assessment is not required. In keeping with the intent of the
Administration and Congress to provide continuing and meaningful
dialogue on issues of mutual state and Federal interest, this proposed
rule will be given to the relevant governmental agencies in the
countries in which the species occurs, and they will be invited to
comment. As we proceed, we intend to continue engaging in informal and
formal contacts with the states, and other affected local, regional, or
foreign entities, giving careful consideration to all written and oral
comments received.
List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 223
Endangered and threatened species.
Dated: October 16, 2017.
Samuel D. Rauch, III,
Deputy Assistant Administrator for Regulatory Programs, National Marine
Fisheries Service.
For the reasons set out in the preamble, 50 CFR part 223 is
proposed to be amended as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 223 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1531-1543; subpart B, Sec. 223.201-202
also issued under 16 U.S.C. 1361 et seq.; 16 U.S.C. 5503(d) for
Sec. 223.206(d)(9).
2. In Sec. 223.102, paragraph (e), add a new table subheading for
``Molluscs'' before the ``Corals'' subheading and adding a new entry
for ``nautilus, chambered'' under the ``Molluscs'' table subheading to
read as follows:
Sec. 223.102 Enumeration of threatened marine and anadromous species.
* * * * *
(e) * * *
Species \1\
--------------------------------------------------------------- Citation(s) for Critical
Description of listing habitat ESA rules
Common name Scientific name listed entity determination(s)
* * * * * * *
Nautilus, chambered......... Nautilus Entire species. [Insert Federal NA NA
pompilius. Register
citation and
date when
published as a
final rule].
* * * * * * *
\1\ Species includes taxonomic species, subspecies, distinct population segments (DPSs) (for a policy statement,
see 61 FR 4722, February 7, 1996), and evolutionarily significant units (ESUs) (for a policy statement, see 56
FR 58612, November 20, 1991).
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[FR Doc. 2017-22771 Filed 10-20-17; 8:45 am]