Privacy of Information, 47115-47122 [2017-21850]
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 195 / Wednesday, October 11, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
principles and preemption requirements
described in Executive Order 13132.
Also, this rule does not have tribal
implications under Executive Order
13175, Consultation and Coordination
with Indian Tribal Governments,
because it does not have a substantial
direct effect on one or more Indian
tribes, on the relationship between the
Federal Government and Indian tribes,
or on the distribution of power and
responsibilities between the Federal
Government and Indian tribes. If you
believe this rule has implications for
federalism or Indian tribes, please
contact the person listed in the FOR
E. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
The Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
of 1995 (2 U.S.C. 1531–1538) requires
Federal agencies to assess the effects of
their discretionary regulatory actions. In
particular, the Act addresses actions
that may result in the expenditure by a
State, local, or tribal government, in the
aggregate, or by the private sector of
$100,000,000 (adjusted for inflation) or
more in any one year. Though this rule
will not result in such an expenditure,
we do discuss the effects of this rule
elsewhere in this preamble.
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F. Environment
We have analyzed this rule under
Department of Homeland Security
Management Directive 023–01 and
Commandant Instruction M16475.lD,
which guide the Coast Guard in
complying with the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42
U.S.C. 4321–4370f), and have
determined that this action is one of a
category of actions that do not
individually or cumulatively have a
significant effect on the human
environment. This rule involves an
intermittent safety zone that will
prohibit persons and vessels from
entering, transiting through, anchoring
in, or remaining within a limited area
surrounding the SC–31 Bridge on the
Atlantic Intracoastal Water Way. This
rule is categorically excluded from
further review under paragraph 34(g) of
Figure 2–1 of the Commandant
Instruction. A Record of Environmental
Consideration supporting this
determination is available in the docket
where indicated under ADDRESSES.
G. Protest Activities
The Coast Guard respects the First
Amendment rights of protesters.
Protesters are asked to contact the
person listed in the FOR FURTHER
coordinate protest activities so that your
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message can be received without
jeopardizing the safety or security of
people, places or vessels.
List of Subjects in 33 CFR Part 165
Harbors, Marine safety, Navigation
(water), Reporting and recordkeeping
requirements, Security measures,
For the reasons discussed in the
preamble, the Coast Guard amends 33
CFR part 165 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 165
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 33 U.S.C. 1231; 50 U.S.C. 191,
33 CFR 1.05–1, 6.04–1, 6.04–6, 160.5; and
Department of Homeland Security Delegation
No. 0170.
Notice to Mariners, Broadcast Notice to
Mariners, and on-scene designated
(d) Enforcement period. This rule will
be enforced one day per week from
October 16, 2017 through March 19,
2018, during construction activities.
Details for specific dates and times will
be relayed via Sector Charleston Marine
Safety Information Bulletin and Seventh
District Local Notice to Mariners.
Dated: October 3, 2017.
John W. Reed,
Captain, U.S. Coast Guard, Captain of the
Port Charleston.
[FR Doc. 2017–21868 Filed 10–10–17; 8:45 am]
2. Add § 165.T07–0801 to read as
39 CFR Part 266
§ 165.T07–0801 Safety Zone; Atlantic
Intracoastal Waterway, Socastee, SC
(a) Location. All waters of the Atlantic
Intracoastal Waterway encompassed
within a 200-yard radius of South
Carolina Highway 31 (SC–31) Bridge
located in Socastee, SC on the Atlantic
Intracoastal Waterway at mile marker
372.3, and vessels or machinery
associated with the construction.
(b) Definition. The term ‘‘designated
representative’’ means Coast Guard
Patrol Commanders, including Coast
Guard coxswains, petty officers, and
other officers operating Coast Guard
vessels, and Federal, state, and local
officers designated by or assisting the
Captain of the Port Charleston in the
enforcement of the regulated areas.
(c) Regulations. (1) All persons and
vessels are prohibited from entering,
transiting through, anchoring in, or
remaining within the regulated area
unless authorized by the Captain of the
Port Charleston or a designated
(2) Persons and vessels desiring to
enter, transit through, anchor in, or
remain within the regulated area may
contact the Captain of the Port
Charleston by telephone at (843) 740–
7050, or a designated representative via
VHF radio on channel 16, to request
authorization. If authorization to enter,
transit through, anchor in, or remain
within the regulated area is granted by
the Captain of the Port Charleston or a
designated representative, all persons
and vessels receiving such authorization
must comply with the instructions of
the Captain of the Port Charleston or a
designated representative.
(3) The Coast Guard will provide
notice of the regulated area by Local
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Privacy of Information
Postal ServiceTM.
Final rule.
The Postal Service is revising
and restating its privacy regulations to
implement numerous non-substantive
editorial changes. These include
renaming certain offices with privacyrelated duties, modification of the roles
of employees tasked with implementing
aspects of the privacy regulations, and
minor editorial changes to postal
privacy policy to improve its
consistency and clarity. These rules
contain procedures by which
individuals may request notification of
and access to records about themselves,
request amendments to those records, or
request an accounting of disclosures of
those records by the Postal Service.
DATES: Effective October 11, 2017.
Natalie A. Bonanno, Chief Counsel,
Federal Compliance,, 202–268–
As revised
and restated, 39 CFR part 266 is
designed to carry forward the
substantive content of former §§ 266.1–
266.10 in an updated, accessible format.
Purpose and Scope
The Postal Service has revised § 266.1
to align with the purpose and scope of
the Privacy Act of 1974, which provides
the authority for these regulations. (The
Postal Service has deleted former
§ 266.2 Policy because it did not add any
significant provisions, instructions, or
guidance to these regulations, and has
redesignated former §§ 266.3–266.10 as
§§ 266.2–266.9, respectively.)
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 195 / Wednesday, October 11, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
In revised § 266.2 and throughout
these regulations, the Postal Service has
updated office names to reflect its
current administrative structure. Thus,
‘‘Records Office’’ has been changed to
‘‘Privacy and Records Management
Office’’ to reflect the new name of this
office. Similarly, ‘‘Custodian’’ has been
changed to ‘‘Records Custodian’’ for
clarity, and the ‘‘Information System
Executive’’ has become the ‘‘Corporate
Information Security Office’’ to reflect
the new name and role of this functional
Similarly, in revised § 266.2 and
throughout these regulations, the Postal
Service has revised the titles of certain
employees to reflect their new titles.
Specifically, ‘‘Chief Privacy Officer’’
was changed to ‘‘Chief Privacy and
Records Management Officer,’’ ‘‘Senior
Vice President, Human Resources’’ was
changed to ‘‘Chief Human Resources
Officer and Executive Vice President’’
and ‘‘Vice President, General Counsel’’
was changed to ‘‘General Counsel and
Executive Vice President.’’
266.3 Collection and Disclosure of
Information About Individuals
No substantive changes have been
made to revised § 266.4. Minor editorial
changes have been made to ensure
clarity and consistency of format.
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266.5 Procedures for Requesting
Notification, Inspection, Copying, or
Amendment of Records
In revised § 266.5(b)(2), the Postal
Service has added a list of the
acceptable identity verification methods
that a requester may use to satisfy a
records custodian as to the requester’s
identity before review or other access to
a record containing personal
information is granted. The Postal
Service has also added a new paragraph
266.5(c) entitled Compliance with
notification request to ensure custodians
understand their responsibilities and
requesters are aware of their rights in
this regard.
Appeal Procedure
In revised § 266.6(a)(2), the Postal
Service has extended the period in
which a requester may file an appeal
from 30 days to 90 days.
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List of Subjects in 39 CFR Part 266
■ For the reasons stated in the preamble,
the Postal Service amends 39 CFR
chapter I by revising part 266 to read as
266.1 Purpose and scope.
266.2 Responsibility.
266.3 Collection and disclosure of
information about individuals.
266.4 Notification.
266.5 Procedures for requesting inspection,
copying, or amendment of records.
266.6 Appeal procedure.
266.7 Schedule of fees.
266.8 Exemptions.
266.9 Computer matching.
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552a; 39 U.S.C. 401.
In revised § 266.3(b)(3), the Postal
Service has defined the limited
circumstances in which a mailing list
may be disclosed. The Postal Service
has also replaced the word ‘‘correction’’
with ‘‘amendment’’ in this section and
throughout these regulations.
266.7 Schedule of Fees; 266.8
Exemptions; and 266.9 Computer
No substantive changes have been
made to revised §§ 266.7–266.9. Minor
editorial changes have been made to
ensure clarity and consistency of format.
§ 266.1
Purpose and scope.
This part contains the rules that the
Postal Service follows under the Privacy
Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. 552a. These rules
should be read together with the Privacy
Act, which provides additional
information about records maintained
on individuals. The rules in this part
apply to all records in systems of
records maintained by the Postal
Service that are retrieved by an
individual’s name or personal identifier.
They describe the procedures by which
individuals may request notification of
or access to records about themselves,
request amendment of those records,
and request an accounting of disclosures
of those records by the Postal Service.
In addition, the Postal Service processes
all Privacy Act requests for access to
records under the Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. 552,
following the rules contained in 39 CFR
265, as necessary, which provides the
requester with the greatest access to his
or her personal records.
§ 266.2
(a) Privacy and Records Management
Office. The Privacy and Records
Management Office will ensure Postal
Service-wide compliance with this part.
(b) Records Custodian. Records
Custodians are responsible for
adherence to this part within their
respective units, and in particular for
affording individuals their rights to
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inspect and obtain copies of records
concerning them.
(c) Corporate Information Security
Office. This office is responsible for
ensuring compliance with information
security policies, including protection
of information resources containing
customer, employee, or other
individuals’ information; developing
policy for safeguarding and disposing of
electronic records (including emails)
that are maintained in information
systems (including those that are subject
to legal holds); serving as the central
contact for information security issues;
preventing and engaging in some
investigation of cybercrime and misuse
of Postal Service information technology
resources; and providing security
consultation as requested.
(d) Data Integrity Board—(1)
Responsibilities. The Data Integrity
Board oversees Postal Service computer
matching activities. The Board’s
principal function is to review, approve,
and maintain all written agreements for
use of Postal Service records in
matching programs to ensure
compliance with the Privacy Act and all
relevant statutes, regulations, and
guidelines. In addition, the Board
annually: Reviews matching programs
and other matching activities in which
the Postal Service has participated
during the preceding year to determine
compliance with applicable laws,
regulations, and agreements; compiles a
biennial matching report of matching
activities; and performs review and
advice functions relating to record
accuracy, recordkeeping and disposal
practices, and other computer matching
(2) Composition. The Privacy Act
requires that the senior official
responsible for implementation of
agency Privacy Act policy and the
Inspector General serve on the Board.
The Chief Privacy and Records
Management Officer, as administrator of
Postal Service Privacy Act policy, serves
as Secretary of the Board and performs
the administrative functions of the
Board. The Board is composed of these
and other members designated by the
Postmaster General, as follows:
(i) General Counsel and Executive
Vice President (Chairman).
(ii) Chief Postal Inspector.
(iii) Inspector General.
(iv) Chief Human Resources Officer
and Executive Vice President.
(v) Chief Privacy and Records
Management Officer.
§ 266.3 Collection and disclosure of
information about individuals.
(a) This section governs the collection
of information about individuals, as
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 195 / Wednesday, October 11, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
defined in the Privacy Act of 1974,
throughout Postal Service operations;
(1) The Postal Service will:
(i) Collect, solicit and maintain only
such information about an individual as
is relevant and necessary to accomplish
a purpose authorized by statute or
Executive Order.
(ii) Collect information, to the greatest
extent practicable, directly from the
subject individual when such
information may result in adverse
determinations about an individual’s
rights, benefits, or privileges.
(iii) Inform any individuals who have
been asked to furnish information about
themselves, whether that disclosure is
mandatory or voluntary, by what
authority it is being solicited, the
principal purposes for which it is
intended to be used, the routine uses
which may be made of it, and any
consequences for the individual, which
are known to the Postal Service, which
will result from refusal to furnish it.
(2) The Postal Service will not
disfavor any individual who fails or
refuses to provide personal information
unless that information is required or
necessary for the conduct of the system
or program in which the individual
desires to participate.
(3) No information will be collected
(or maintained) describing how an
individual exercises rights guaranteed
by the First Amendment unless
expressly authorized by statute or by the
individual about whom the information
is maintained or unless pertinent to and
within the scope of an authorized law
enforcement activity.
(4) The Postal Service will not require
an individual to furnish a Social
Security number or deny a right,
privilege or benefit because of that
individual’s refusal to furnish the
number unless required by Federal law.
(b) Disclosures—(1) Limitations. The
Postal Service will not disseminate
information about an individual unless
reasonable efforts have been made to
assure that the information is accurate,
complete, timely and relevant to the
extent provided by the Privacy Act and
(i) The individual to whom the record
pertains has requested in writing that
the information be disseminated, unless
the individual would not be entitled to
access to the record under the Postal
Reorganization Act, the Privacy Act, or
other law;
(ii) The requester has obtained the
prior written consent of the individual
to whom the record pertains, unless the
individual would not be entitled to
access to the record under the Postal
Reorganization Act, the Privacy Act, or
other law; or
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(iii) The dissemination is in
accordance with paragraph (b)(2) of this
(2) Dissemination. Dissemination of
personal information may be made:
(i) To a person pursuant to a
requirement of the Freedom of
Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552);
(ii) To those officers and employees of
the Postal Service or employees of a
Postal Service contractor who have a
need for such information in the
performance of their Postal Service
(iii) For a routine use as contained in
the system notices published in the
Federal Register;
(iv) To a recipient who has provided
advance adequate written assurance that
the information will be used solely as a
statistical reporting or research record,
and to whom the information is
transferred in a form that is not
individually identifiable;
(v) To the Bureau of the Census for
purposes of planning or carrying out a
census or survey or related activity
pursuant to the provisions of title 13 of
the U.S. Code;
(vi) To the National Archives and
Records Administration as a record
which has sufficient historical or other
value to warrant its continued
preservation by the U.S. Government, or
for evaluation by the Archivist of the
United States or an authorized designee
to determine whether the record has
such value;
(vii) To a person pursuant to a
showing of compelling circumstances
affecting the health or safety of an
individual, if upon such disclosure
notification is transmitted to the last
known address of such individual;
(viii) To a Federal agency or to an
instrumentality of any governmental
jurisdiction within or under the control
of the United States for a civil or
criminal law enforcement activity, if
such activity is authorized by law and
if the head of the agency or
instrumentality has made a written
request to the Postal Service specifying
the particular portion of the record
desired and the law enforcement
activity for which the record is sought;
(ix) To either House of Congress or its
committees or subcommittees to the
extent of matter within their
(x) To the Comptroller General or any
of that officer’s authorized
representatives in the course of the
performance of the duties of the
Government Accountability Office; or
(xi) Pursuant to the order of a court
of competent jurisdiction.
(3) Under 39 U.S.C. 412(a), the Postal
Service may make a mailing or other list
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of names and addresses of past or
present postal patrons or other persons
available to the public only to the extent
that such action is authorized by law.
Consistent with this provision, the
Postal Service may make such a list
available as follows:
(i) In accordance with 39 U.S.C.
412(b), to the Secretary of Commerce for
use by the Bureau of the Census;
(ii) As required by the terms of a
legally enforceable contract entered into
by the Postal Service under its authority
contained in 39 U.S.C. 401(3) and when
subject to a valid non-disclosure
(iii) As required by the terms of a
legally enforceable interagency
agreement entered into by the Postal
Service under its authority contained in
39 U.S.C. 411 and when subject to a
valid non-disclosure agreement;
(iv) In accordance with 5 U.S.C.
552a(b), the Postal Service may disclose
a list of names and addresses of
individuals pursuant to a written
request by, or with the prior written
consent of, each individual whose name
and address is contained in such list,
provided that such names and addresses
are derived from records maintained by
the Postal Service in a system of records
as defined by 5 U.S.C. 552a(a); or
(v) As otherwise expressly authorized
by federal law.
(4) Employee credit references. A
credit bureau or other commercial firm
from which a current or former postal
employee is seeking credit may be given
the following past or present
information upon request: Grade, duty
station, dates of employment, job title,
and salary. If additional information is
desired, the requester must submit the
written consent of the employee and an
accounting of the disclosure must be
(5) Employee job references. Upon
request, prospective employers of a
current or former postal employee may
be furnished with the information in
paragraph (b)(4) of this section, in
addition to the date and the reason for
separation, if applicable. The reason for
separation must be limited to one of the
following terms: Retired, resigned, or
separated. Other terms or variations of
these terms (e.g., retired-disability) may
not be used. If additional information is
desired, the requester must submit the
written consent of the employee, and an
accounting of the disclosure must be
(6) Computer matching purposes.
Records from a Postal Service system of
records may be disclosed to another
agency for the purpose of conducting a
computer matching program or other
matching activity as defined in
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 195 / Wednesday, October 11, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
§ 262.5(c) and (d), but only after a
determination by the Data Integrity
Board that the procedural requirements
of the Privacy Act, the guidelines issued
by the Office of Management and
Budget, and these regulations as may be
applicable are met. These requirements
(i) Routine use. Disclosure is made
only when permitted as a routine use of
the system of records. The Chief Privacy
and Records Management Officer
determines the applicability of a
particular routine use and the necessity
for adoption of a new routine use.
(ii) Computer matching agreement.
The participants in a computer
matching program must enter into a
written agreement specifying the terms
under which the matching program is to
be conducted (see § 266.9). The Privacy
and Records Management Office may
require that other matching activities be
conducted in accordance with a written
(iii) Data Integrity Board approval. No
record from a Postal Service system of
records may be disclosed for use in a
computer matching program unless the
matching agreement has received
approval by the Postal Service Data
Integrity Board (see § 266.9). Other
matching activities may, at the
discretion of the Privacy and Records
Management Office, be submitted for
Board approval.
(c) Amendment or dispute disclosure.
If a personal record contains any
amendments or notations of dispute
relating to the accuracy, timeliness or
relevance of the record, any person or
other agency to which the record has
been or is to be disclosed must be
informed of the amendments or
notations within 30 days of the
(d) Recording of disclosure. (1) An
accurate accounting of each disclosure
will be kept in all instances except those
in which disclosure is made to the
subject of the record, to Postal Service
employees or employees of Postal
Service contractors in the performance
of their Postal Service duties, when the
record is publicly available, or as
required by the Freedom of Information
Act (5 U.S.C. 552).
(2) The accounting will be maintained
for at least 5 years or the life of the
record, whichever is longer.
(3) The accounting will be made
available to the individual named in the
record upon inquiry, except for
disclosures made pursuant to paragraph
(b)(2)(viii) of this section relating to law
enforcement activities.
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§ 266.4
(a) Notification of systems. Upon
written request, the Postal Service will
notify any individual whether a specific
system named by the individual
contains a record pertaining to that
individual, unless exempt from
notification under the Privacy Act or
other law. See § 266.5 for the suggested
form of a request.
(b) Notification of disclosure. The
Postal Service will make reasonable
efforts to serve notice on an individual
before any personal information on such
individual is made available to any
person under compulsory legal process
when such process becomes a matter of
public record.
(c) Notification of amendment. See
§ 266.5(c)(1) relating to amendment of
records upon request.
(d) Notification of new use. Any new
intended use of personal information
maintained by the Postal Service will be
published in the Federal Register 30
days before such use becomes
operational. Public views may then be
submitted to the Privacy and Records
Management Office.
(e) Notification of exemptions. The
Postal Service will publish in the
Federal Register its intent to exempt
any system of records and will specify
the nature and purpose of that system.
(f) Notification of computer matching
program. The Postal Service publishes
in the Federal Register and forwards to
Congress and to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB)
advance notice of its intent to establish,
substantially revise, or renew a
matching program, unless such notice is
published by another participant
agency. In those instances in which the
Postal Service is the ‘‘recipient’’ agency,
as defined in the Act, but another
participant agency sponsors and derives
the principal benefit from the matching
program, the other agency is expected to
publish the notice. The notice must be
sent to Congress and OMB, and
published at least 30 days prior to:
(1) The initiation of any matching
activity under a new or substantially
revised program; or
(2) The expiration of the existing
matching agreement in the case of a
renewal of a continuing program.
§ 266.5 Procedures for requesting
notification, inspection, copying, or
amendment of records.
The purpose of this section is to
provide procedures by which an
individual may request notification of,
access to, or amendment of personal
information within a Privacy Act
System of Records.
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(a) Submission of requests—(1)
Manner of submission. Inquiries
regarding the contents of records
systems or access or amendment to
personal information should be
submitted in writing in accordance with
the procedures described in the
applicable system of records notice, or
to the Privacy and Records Management
Office, U.S. Postal Service, 475 L’Enfant
Plaza SW., Washington, DC 20260–
1101. Requests to the U.S. Postal
Inspection Service should be submitted
to the Chief Postal Inspector, U.S. Postal
Inspection Service, 475 L’Enfant Plaza
SW., Washington, DC 20260. Requests
to the Office of Inspector General should
be submitted to the Freedom of
Information Act/Privacy Officer, U.S.
Postal Service Office of Inspector
General, 1735 North Lynn Street,
Arlington, VA 22209–2020. Inquiries
should be clearly marked, ‘‘Privacy Act
Request.’’ Any inquiry concerning a
specific system of records should
include the information contained
under ‘‘Notification Procedure’’ for that
system as published in the Federal
Register or within USPS Handbook AS–
353, Guide to Privacy, the Freedom of
Information Act, and Records
Management, Appendix. If the
information supplied is insufficient to
locate or identify the record, if any, the
requester will be notified promptly and,
if possible, informed of additional
information required. Amendment
requests that contest the relevance,
accuracy, timeliness or completeness of
the record should include a statement of
the amendment requested.
(2) Period for response by custodian.
Upon receipt of an inquiry, the
custodian will respond with an
acknowledgement of receipt within 10
(b) Compliance with request for
access—(1) Notification to requester.
When a requested record has been
identified and is to be made available to
the requester for inspection and
copying, the custodian must ensure that
the record is made available promptly
and must immediately notify the
requester where and when the record
will be available for inspection and
copying. Postal Service records will
normally be available for inspection and
copying during regular business hours
at the postal facilities at which they are
maintained. The custodian may,
however, designate other reasonable
locations and times for inspection and
copying of some or all of the records
that are in the custodian’s possession. If
the requested record has been identified
and a copy is to be provided to the
requester, the copy must be promptly
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(2) Identification of requester. The
requester must present identification
sufficient to satisfy the custodian as to
the requester’s identity prior to record
review or other access. As appropriate
under the circumstances of the access
request, the requester may be required
to comply with one of the following
identification verification methods:
(i) Provision of a completed
Certification of Identity if the records
pertain to the requester available at
(ii) Provision of official photo
identification if the records pertain to
the requester, examples of which are a
valid driver’s license, unexpired
passport, and unexpired federal
government-issued employee
identification card; or
(iii) Provision of a completed Privacy
Waiver if the records pertain to another
individual available at https://
(3) Responsibilities of requester. The
requester assumes the following
responsibilities regarding the review of
official personal records:
(i) The requester must agree not to
leave Postal Service premises with
official records unless specifically given
a copy for that purpose by the custodian
or the custodian’s representative.
(ii) At the conclusion of the
inspection, the requester must sign a
statement indicating the requester has
reviewed specific records or categories
of records. If the requester indicates at
the beginning of the inspection that he
or she will not sign the statement,
records may still be reviewed, and the
time and date of review will be noted in
the file.
(iii) The requester may be
accompanied by a person of the
requester’s choice to aid in the
inspection of information and, if
applicable, the manual recording or
copying of the records if the requester
submits a signed statement authorizing
the person to do so, and discussion of
the records in the accompanying
person’s presence.
(4) Special restrictions for medical
and psychological records. A medical or
psychological record must be disclosed
to the requester to whom it pertains
unless, in the judgment of the medical
officer, access to such record could have
an adverse effect upon such individual.
When the medical officer determines
that the disclosure of medical
information could have an adverse
effect upon the individual to whom it
pertains, the medical officer will
transmit such information to a medical
doctor named by the requesting
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individual. In such cases, an accounting
of the disclosure must be kept.
(5) Limitations on access. Nothing in
this section shall allow an individual
access to any information compiled in
reasonable anticipation of a civil action
or proceeding. Other limitations on
access are specifically addressed in
paragraph (b)(4) of this section and
§ 266.8.
(6) Response when compliance is not
possible. A reply denying a written
request to review or otherwise access a
record must be in writing, signed by the
custodian or other appropriate official
and must be made only if such a record
does not exist or does not contain
personal information relating to the
requester, or is exempt from disclosure.
This reply must include a statement
regarding the determining factors of
denial, and the right to appeal the
denial to the General Counsel.
(c) Compliance with notification
request. The custodian must promptly
notify a requester if a record has been
located in response to a request for
notification as to whether a specific
system of records contains a record
pertaining to the requester, unless
exempt from notification.
(d) Compliance with request for
amendment. The custodian must:
(1) Correct or eliminate any
information that is found to be
incomplete, inaccurate, not relevant to a
statutory purpose of the Postal Service,
or not timely, and notify the requester
when this action is complete; or
(2) Not later than 30 working days
after receipt of a request to amend,
notify the requester of a determination
not to amend, the reason for the refusal,
and of the requester’s right to appeal, or
to submit, in lieu of an appeal, a
statement of reasonable length setting
forth a position regarding the disputed
information to be attached to the
contested personal record.
(e) Availability of assistance in
exercising rights. The Privacy and
Records Management Office is available
to provide an individual with assistance
in exercising rights pursuant to this
§ 266.6
Appeal procedure.
(a) Appeal procedure. (1) If a request
for notification of or to inspect, copy, or
amend a record is denied, in whole or
in part, or if no determination is made
within the period prescribed by this
part, the requester may appeal to the
General Counsel, U.S. Postal Service,
475 L’Enfant Plaza SW., Washington,
DC 20260–1101.
(2) The requester must submit an
appeal in writing within 90 days of the
date of denial, or within 90 days of such
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request if the appeal is from a failure of
the custodian to make a determination.
The letter of appeal should include, as
(i) Reasonable identification of the
record to which the requester sought
notification, access, or amendment;
(ii) A statement of the Postal Service
action or failure to act, and of the relief
sought; and
(iii) A copy of the request, of the
notification of denial, and of any other
related correspondence, if any.
(3) Any record found on appeal to be
incomplete, inaccurate, not relevant, or
not timely, must be appropriately
amended within 30 working days of the
date of such findings.
(4) The decision of the General
Counsel constitutes the final decision of
the Postal Service on the right of the
requester to be notified of; inspect,
copy, or otherwise have access to; or
change or update a record. The decision
on the appeal must be in writing and,
in the event of a denial, must set forth
the reasons for such denial and state the
individual’s right to obtain judicial
review in a district court. An indexed
file of decisions on appeals must be
maintained by the General Counsel.
(b) Submission of statement of
disagreement. If the final decision
concerning a request for the amendment
of a record does not satisfy the
requester, any statement of reasonable
length provided by that individual
setting forth a position regarding the
disputed information will be accepted
and attached to the relevant personal
§ 266.7
Schedule of fees.
(a) Policy. The purpose of this section
is to establish fair and equitable fees to
permit duplication of records for subject
individuals (or authorized
representatives) while recovering the
full allowable direct costs incurred by
the Postal Service.
(b) Duplication. (1) For duplicating
any paper or micrographic record or
publication or computer report, the fee
is $.15 per page, except that the first 100
pages furnished in response to a
particular request must be furnished
without charge. See paragraph (c) of this
section for fee limitations.
(2) The Postal Service may at its
discretion make user-paid copy
machines available at any location. In
that event, requesters will be given the
opportunity to make copies at their own
(3) The Postal Service normally will
not furnish more than one copy of any
record. If duplicate copies are furnished
at the request of the requester; a fee of
$0.15 per page is charged for each copy
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 195 / Wednesday, October 11, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
of each duplicate page without regard to
whether the requester is eligible for free
copies pursuant to § 266.7(b)(1).
(c) Limitations. No fee will be charged
to an individual for the process of
retrieving, reviewing, or amending a
record pertaining to that individual.
(d) Reimbursement. The Postal
Service may, at its discretion, require
reimbursement of its costs as a
condition of participation in a computer
matching program or activity with
another agency. The agency to be
charged is notified in writing of the
approximate costs before they are
incurred. Costs are calculated in
accordance with the schedule of fees set
forth at § 265.9.
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§ 266.8
(a) The Postal Reorganization Act, 39
U.S.C. 410(c), provides that certain
categories of information are exempt
from disclosure under the Privacy Act.
In addition, the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C.
552a(j) and (k), authorizes the
Postmaster General to exempt systems
of records meeting certain criteria from
various other subsections of 5 U.S.C.
552a. With respect to systems of records
so exempted, nothing in this part shall
require compliance with provisions
hereof implementing any subsections of
5 U.S.C. 552a from which those systems
have been exempted.
(b) Paragraph (b)(1) of this section
summarizes the provisions of 5 U.S.C.
552a for which exemption is claimed for
some systems of records pursuant to,
and to the extent permitted by, 5 U.S.C.
552a(j) and (k). Paragraphs (b)(2)
through (5) of this section identify the
exempted systems of records, the
exemptions applied to each, and the
reasons for the exemptions:
(1) Explanation of provisions of 5
U.S.C. 552a for which an exemption is
claimed in the systems discussed in this
section. (i) Subsection (c)(3) of 5 U.S.C.
552a requires an agency to make
available to the individual named in the
records an accounting of each disclosure
of records at the individual’s request.
(ii) Subsection (c)(4) requires an
agency to inform any person or other
agency to which a record has been
disclosed of any correction or notation
of dispute the agency has made to the
record in accordance with 5 U.S.C.
(iii) Subsections (d)(1) through (4)
require an agency to permit an
individual to gain access to records
about the individual, to request
amendment of such records, to request
a review of an agency decision not to
amend such records, and to provide a
statement of disagreement about a
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disputed record to be filed and
disclosed with the disputed record.
(iv) Subsection (e)(1) requires an
agency to maintain in its records only
such information about an individual
that is relevant and necessary to
accomplish a purpose required by
statute or executive order of the
(v) Subsection (e)(2) requires an
agency to collect information to the
greatest extent practicable directly from
the subject individual when the
information may result in adverse
determinations about an individual’s
rights, benefits, and privileges under
Federal programs.
(vi) Subsection (e)(3) requires an
agency to inform each person whom it
asks to supply information of the
authority under which the information
is sought, the purposes for which the
information will be used, the routine
uses that may be made of the
information, whether disclosure is
mandatory or voluntary, and the effects
of not providing the information.
(vii) Subsections (e)(4)(G) and (H)
requires an agency to publish a Federal
Register notice of its procedures
whereby an individual can be notified
upon request whether the system of
records contains information about the
individual, how to gain access to any
record about the individual contained in
the system, and how to contest its
(viii) Subsection (e)(5) requires an
agency to maintain its records with such
accuracy, relevance, timeliness, and
completeness as is reasonably necessary
to ensure fairness to the individual in
making any determination about the
(ix) Subsection (e)(8) requires an
agency to make reasonable efforts to
serve notice on an individual when any
record on such individual is made
available to any person under
compulsory legal process when such
process becomes a matter of public
(x) Subsection (f) requires an agency
to establish procedures whereby an
individual can be notified upon request
if any system of records named by the
individual contains a record pertaining
to the individual, obtain access to the
record, and request amendment.
(xi) Subsection (g) provides for civil
remedies if an agency fails to comply
with the access and amendment
provisions of subsections (d)(1) and (3),
and with other provisions of 5 U.S.C.
552a, or any rule promulgated
thereunder, in such a way as to have an
adverse effect on an individual.
(xii) Subsection (m) requires an
agency to apply the requirements of 5
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U.S.C. 552a to a contractor operating a
system of records to accomplish an
agency function.
(2) Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a(j)(2),
Postal Service record systems;
Inspection Service Investigative File
System, USPS 700.000; Mail Cover
Program Records, USPS 700.100;
Inspector General Investigative Records,
USPS 700.300 are exempt from
subsections 552a (c)(3), (c)(4), (d)(1)–(4),
(e)(1)–(3), (e)(4)(G) and (H), (e)(5), (e)(8),
(f), (g), and (m) because the systems
contain information pertaining to the
enforcement of criminal laws. The
reasons for exemption follow:
(i) Disclosure to the record subject
pursuant to subsections (c)(3), (c)(4), or
(d)(1)–(4) could:
(A) Alert subjects that they are targets
of an investigation or mail cover by the
Postal Inspection Service or an
investigation by the Office of Inspector
(B) Alert subjects of the nature and
scope of the investigation and of
evidence obtained;
(C) Enable the subject of an
investigation to avoid detection or
(D) Subject confidential sources,
witnesses, and law enforcement
personnel to harassment or intimidation
if their identities were released to the
target of an investigation;
(E) Constitute unwarranted invasions
of the personal privacy of third parties
who are involved in a certain
(F) Intimidate potential witnesses and
make them reluctant to offer
(G) Lead to the improper influencing
of witnesses, the destruction or
alteration of evidence yet to be
discovered, the fabrication of testimony,
or the compromising of classified
material; or
(H) Seriously impede or compromise
law enforcement, mail cover, or
background investigations that might
involve law enforcement aspects as a
result of the above.
(ii) Application of subsections (e)(1)
and (5) is impractical because the
relevance, necessity, or correctness of
specific information might be
established only after considerable
analysis and as the investigation
progresses. As to relevance (subsection
(e)(1)), effective law enforcement
requires the keeping of information not
relevant to a specific Postal Inspection
Service investigation or Office of
Inspector General investigation. Such
information may be kept to provide
leads for appropriate law enforcement
and to establish patterns of activity that
might relate to the jurisdiction of the
ethrower on DSK3G9T082PROD with RULES
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 195 / Wednesday, October 11, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
Office of Inspector General, Postal
Inspection Service, and other agencies.
As to accuracy (subsection (e)(5)), the
correctness of records sometimes can be
established only in a court of law.
(iii) Application of subsections (e)(2)
and (3) would require collection of
information directly from the subject of
a potential or ongoing investigation. The
subject would be put on alert that he or
she is a target of an investigation by the
Office of Inspector General, or an
investigation or mail cover by the Postal
Inspection Service, enabling avoidance
of detection or apprehension, thereby
seriously compromising law
enforcement, mail cover, or background
investigations involving law
enforcement aspects. Moreover, in
certain circumstances the subject of an
investigation is not required to provide
information to investigators, and
information must be collected from
other sources.
(iv) The requirements of subsections
(e)(4)(G) and (H), and (f) do not apply
because these systems are exempt from
the provisions of subsection (d).
Nevertheless, the Postal Service has
published notice of its notification,
access, and contest procedures because
access is appropriate in some cases.
(v) Application of subsection (e)(8)
could prematurely reveal an ongoing
criminal investigation to the subject of
the investigation.
(vi) The provisions of subsection (g)
do not apply because exemption from
the provisions of subsection (d) renders
the provisions on suits to enforce
subsection (d) inapplicable.
(vii) If one of these systems of records
is operated in whole or in part by a
contractor, the exemptions claimed
herein will remain applicable to it
(subsection (m)).
(3) Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a(k)(2),
Postal Service record systems Labor
Relations Records, USPS 200.000;
Employee Inquiry, Complaint and
Investigative Records, USPS 100.900;
Inspection Service Investigative File
System, USPS 700.000; Mail Cover
Program Records, USPS 700.100;
Inspector General Investigative Records,
USPS 700.300; and Financial
Transactions, USPS 860.000, are exempt
from certain subsections of 5 U.S.C.
552a because the systems contain
investigatory material compiled for law
enforcement purposes other than
material within the scope of subsection
(i) Inspection Service Investigative
File System, USPS 700.000; Mail Cover
Program Records, USPS 700.100; and
Inspector General Investigative Records,
USPS 700.300, are exempt from
subsections 552a(c)(3), (d)(1)–(4), (e)(1),
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(e)(4) (G) and (H), and (f) for the same
reasons as stated in paragraph (b)(2) of
this section.
(ii) Labor Relations Records, USPS
200.000, is exempt from subsections
552a(d)(1)–(4), (e)(4)(G) and (H), and (f)
for the following reasons:
(A) Application of the requirements at
subsections (d)(1)–(4) would cause
disruption of the enforcement of the
laws relating to equal employment
opportunity (EEO). It is essential to the
integrity of the EEO complaint system
that information collected in the
investigative process not be prematurely
(B) The requirements of subsections
(e)(4)(G) and (H), and (f) do not apply
for the same reasons described in
paragraph (b)(2)(iv) of this section.
(iii) Financial Transactions, USPS
860.000, is exempt from subsections
552a(c)(3), (d)(1)–(4), (e)(1), (e)(4)(G) and
(H), and (f) for the following reasons:
(A) Disclosure of the record subject
pursuant to subsections (c)(3) and
(d)(1)–(4) would violate the nonnotification provision of the Bank
Secrecy Act, 31 U.S.C. 5318(g)(2), under
which the Postal Service is prohibited
from notifying a transaction participant
that a suspicious transaction report has
been made. In addition, the access
provisions of subsections (c)(3) and
(d)(1)–(4) would alert individuals that
they have been identified as suspects or
possible subjects of investigation and
thus seriously hinder the law
enforcement purposes underlying the
suspicious transaction reports.
(B) This system is in compliance with
subsection (e)(1) because maintenance
of the records is required by law. Strict
application of the relevance and
necessity requirements of subsection
(e)(1) to suspicious transactions would
be impractical, however, because the
relevance or necessity of specific
information can often be established
only after considerable analysis and as
an investigation progresses.
(C) The requirements of subsections
(e)(4)(G) and (H) and (f) do not apply
because this system is exempt from the
provisions of subsection (d).
Nevertheless, the Postal Service has
published notice of its notification,
access, and contest procedures because
access is appropriate in some cases.
(4) Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a(k)(5),
Postal Service record systems
Recruiting, Examining, and Placement
Records, USPS 100.100; Inspection
Service Investigative File System, USPS
700.000; and Inspector General
Investigative Records, USPS 700.300 are
exempt from certain subsections of 5
U.S.C. 552a because the systems contain
investigatory material compiled for the
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purpose of determining suitability,
eligibility, or qualifications for
employment, contracts, or access to
classified information.
(i) Recruiting, Examining, and
Placement Records, USPS 100.100, is
exempt from subsections 552a(d)(1)(4)
and (e)(1) for the following reasons:
(A) During its investigation and
evaluation of an applicant for a position,
the Postal Service contacts individuals
who, without an assurance of
anonymity, would refuse to provide
information concerning the subject of
the investigation. If a record subject
were given access pursuant to
subsection (d)(1)–(4), the promised
confidentiality would be breached and
the confidential source would be
identified. The result would be
restriction of the free flow of
information vital to a determination of
an individual’s qualifications and
suitability for appointment to or
continued occupancy of his or her
(B) In collecting information for
investigative and evaluative purposes, it
is impossible to determine in advance
what information might be of assistance
in determining the qualifications and
suitability of an individual for
appointment. Information that seems
irrelevant, when linked with other
information, can sometimes provide a
composite picture of an individual that
assists in determining whether that
individual should be appointed to or
retained in a position. For this reason,
exemption from subsection (e)(1) is
(C) The requirements of subsections
(e)(4)(G) and (H), and (f) do not apply
because this system is exempt from the
provisions of subsection (d).
Nevertheless, the Postal Service has
published notice of its notification,
access, and contest procedures because
access is appropriate in some cases.
(ii) Inspection Service Investigative
File System, USPS 700.000; and
Inspector General Investigative Records,
USPS 700.300, are exempt from
subsections 552a(c)(3), (d)(1)–(4), (e)(1),
(e)(4) (G) and (H), and (f) for the same
reasons as stated in paragraph (b)(2) of
this section.
(5) Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a(k)(6),
Postal Service record systems Employee
Development and Training Records,
USPS 100.300; Personnel Research
Records, 100.600; and Emergency
Management Records, USPS 500.300 are
exempt from subsections 552a(d)(1)–(4),
(e)(4)(G) and (H), and (f) because the
systems contain testing or examination
material the disclosure of which would
compromise the objectivity or fairness
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 195 / Wednesday, October 11, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
of the material. The reasons for
exemption follow:
(i) These systems contain questions
and answers to standard testing
materials, the disclosure of which
would compromise the fairness of the
future use of these materials. It is not
feasible to develop entirely new
examinations after each administration
as would be necessary if questions or
answers were available for inspection
and copying. Consequently, exemption
from subsection (d) is claimed.
(ii) The requirements of subsections
(e)(4)(G) and (H), and (f) do not apply
because these systems are exempt from
the provisions of subsection (d).
Nevertheless, the Postal Service has
published notice of its notification,
access, and contest procedures because
access is appropriate in some cases.
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§ 266.9
Computer matching.
(a) General. Any agency or Postal
Service component that wishes to use
records from a Postal Service automated
system of records in a computerized
comparison with other postal or nonpostal records must submit its proposal
to the Postal Service Privacy and
Records Management Office. Computer
matching programs as defined in
§ 262.5(c) must be conducted in
accordance with the Privacy Act, as
amended by the Computer Matching
and Privacy Protection Act of 1988.
Records may not be exchanged for a
matching program until all procedural
requirements of the Act and these
regulations have been met. Other
matching activities must be conducted
in accordance with the Privacy Act and
with the approval of the Privacy and
Records Management Office. See
§ 266.3(b)(6).
(b) Procedure for submission of
matching proposals. A proposal must
include information required for the
matching agreement discussed in
paragraph (d)(1) of this section. The
Inspection Service must submit its
proposals for matching programs and
other matching activities to the Privacy
and Records Management Office
through: Counsel, Inspection Service,
U.S. Postal Service, 475 L’Enfant Plaza
SW., Washington, DC 20260. All other
matching proposals, whether from
postal organizations or other
government agencies, must be mailed
directly to: Privacy and Records
Management Office, U.S. Postal Service,
475 L’Enfant Plaza SW., Washington,
DC 20260–1101.
(c) Lead time. Proposals must be
submitted to the Postal Service Privacy
and Records Management Office at least
three months in advance of the
anticipated starting date to allow time to
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meet Privacy Act publication and
review requirements.
(d) Matching agreements. The
participants in a computer matching
program must enter into a written
agreement specifying the terms under
which the matching program is to be
conducted. The Privacy and Records
Management Office may require similar
written agreements for other matching
(1) Content. Agreements must specify:
(i) The purpose and legal authority for
conducting the matching program;
(ii) The justification for the program
and the anticipated results, including,
when appropriate, a specific estimate of
any savings in terms of expected costs
and benefits, in sufficient detail for the
Data Integrity Board to make an
informed decision;
(iii) A description of the records that
are to be matched, including the data
elements to be used, the number of
records, and the approximate dates of
the matching program;
(iv) Procedures for providing notice to
individuals who supply information
that the information may be subject to
verification through computer matching
(v) Procedures for verifying
information produced in a matching
program and for providing individuals
an opportunity to contest the findings in
accordance with the requirement that an
agency may not take adverse action
against an individual as a result of
information produced by a matching
program until the agency has
independently verified the information
and provided the individual with due
(vi) Procedures for ensuring the
administrative, technical, and physical
security of the records matched; for the
retention and timely destruction of
records created by the matching
program; and for the use and return or
destruction of records used in the
(vii) Prohibitions concerning
duplication and redisclosure of records
exchanged, except where required by
law or essential to the conduct of the
matching program;
(viii) Assessments of the accuracy of
the records to be used in the matching
program; and
(ix) A statement that the Comptroller
General may have access to all records
of the participant agencies in order to
monitor compliance with the agreement.
(2) Approval. Before the Postal
Service may participate in a computer
matching program or other computer
matching activity that involves both
USPS and non-USPS records, the Data
Integrity Board must have evaluated the
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proposed match and unanimously
approved the terms of the matching
agreement. Agreements are executed by
the Chairman of the Board. If a matching
agreement is disapproved by the Board,
any party may appeal the disapproval in
writing to the Director, Office of
Management and Budget, Washington,
DC 20503, within 30 days following the
Board’s written disapproval.
(3) Effective dates. The agreement will
become effective in accordance with the
date in the matching agreement and as
provided to Congress and the Office of
Management and Budget and published
in the Federal Register. The agreement
remains in effect only as long as
necessary to accomplish the specific
matching purpose, but no longer than 18
months, at which time the agreement
expires unless extended. The Data
Integrity Board may extend an
agreement for one additional year,
without further review, if within three
months prior to expiration of the 18month period it finds that the matching
program is to be conducted without
change, and each party to the agreement
certifies that the program has been
conducted in compliance with the
matching agreement. Renewal of a
continuing matching program that has
run for the full 30-month period
requires a new agreement that has
received Data Integrity Board approval.
Stanley F. Mires,
Attorney, Federal Compliance.
[FR Doc. 2017–21850 Filed 10–10–17; 8:45 am]
40 CFR Part 52
[EPA–R10–OAR–2015–0333, FRL– 9968–
98—Region 10]
Approval and Promulgation of
Implementation Plans; Oregon:
Permitting and General Rule Revisions
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Final rule.
The Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) is approving, and
incorporating by reference, changes to
Oregon’s State Implementation Plan
(SIP) submitted on April 22, 2015. The
changes relate to the criteria pollutants
for which the EPA has established
national ambient air quality standards—
carbon monoxide, lead, nitrogen
dioxide, ozone, particulate matter, and
sulfur dioxide. Specifically, the changes
account for new federal requirements
[Federal Register Volume 82, Number 195 (Wednesday, October 11, 2017)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 47115-47122]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2017-21850]
39 CFR Part 266
Privacy of Information
AGENCY: Postal ServiceTM.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The Postal Service is revising and restating its privacy
regulations to implement numerous non-substantive editorial changes.
These include renaming certain offices with privacy-related duties,
modification of the roles of employees tasked with implementing aspects
of the privacy regulations, and minor editorial changes to postal
privacy policy to improve its consistency and clarity. These rules
contain procedures by which individuals may request notification of and
access to records about themselves, request amendments to those
records, or request an accounting of disclosures of those records by
the Postal Service.
DATES: Effective October 11, 2017.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Natalie A. Bonanno, Chief Counsel,
Federal Compliance,, 202-268-2944.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: As revised and restated, 39 CFR part 266 is
designed to carry forward the substantive content of former Sec. Sec.
266.1-266.10 in an updated, accessible format.
266.1 Purpose and Scope
The Postal Service has revised Sec. 266.1 to align with the
purpose and scope of the Privacy Act of 1974, which provides the
authority for these regulations. (The Postal Service has deleted former
Sec. 266.2 Policy because it did not add any significant provisions,
instructions, or guidance to these regulations, and has redesignated
former Sec. Sec. 266.3-266.10 as Sec. Sec. 266.2-266.9,
[[Page 47116]]
266.2 Responsibility
In revised Sec. 266.2 and throughout these regulations, the Postal
Service has updated office names to reflect its current administrative
structure. Thus, ``Records Office'' has been changed to ``Privacy and
Records Management Office'' to reflect the new name of this office.
Similarly, ``Custodian'' has been changed to ``Records Custodian'' for
clarity, and the ``Information System Executive'' has become the
``Corporate Information Security Office'' to reflect the new name and
role of this functional organization.
Similarly, in revised Sec. 266.2 and throughout these regulations,
the Postal Service has revised the titles of certain employees to
reflect their new titles. Specifically, ``Chief Privacy Officer'' was
changed to ``Chief Privacy and Records Management Officer,'' ``Senior
Vice President, Human Resources'' was changed to ``Chief Human
Resources Officer and Executive Vice President'' and ``Vice President,
General Counsel'' was changed to ``General Counsel and Executive Vice
266.3 Collection and Disclosure of Information About Individuals
In revised Sec. 266.3(b)(3), the Postal Service has defined the
limited circumstances in which a mailing list may be disclosed. The
Postal Service has also replaced the word ``correction'' with
``amendment'' in this section and throughout these regulations.
266.4 Notification
No substantive changes have been made to revised Sec. 266.4. Minor
editorial changes have been made to ensure clarity and consistency of
266.5 Procedures for Requesting Notification, Inspection, Copying, or
Amendment of Records
In revised Sec. 266.5(b)(2), the Postal Service has added a list
of the acceptable identity verification methods that a requester may
use to satisfy a records custodian as to the requester's identity
before review or other access to a record containing personal
information is granted. The Postal Service has also added a new
paragraph 266.5(c) entitled Compliance with notification request to
ensure custodians understand their responsibilities and requesters are
aware of their rights in this regard.
266.6 Appeal Procedure
In revised Sec. 266.6(a)(2), the Postal Service has extended the
period in which a requester may file an appeal from 30 days to 90 days.
266.7 Schedule of Fees; 266.8 Exemptions; and 266.9 Computer Matching
No substantive changes have been made to revised Sec. Sec. 266.7-
266.9. Minor editorial changes have been made to ensure clarity and
consistency of format.
List of Subjects in 39 CFR Part 266
For the reasons stated in the preamble, the Postal Service amends 39
CFR chapter I by revising part 266 to read as follows:
266.1 Purpose and scope.
266.2 Responsibility.
266.3 Collection and disclosure of information about individuals.
266.4 Notification.
266.5 Procedures for requesting inspection, copying, or amendment of
266.6 Appeal procedure.
266.7 Schedule of fees.
266.8 Exemptions.
266.9 Computer matching.
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552a; 39 U.S.C. 401.
Sec. 266.1 Purpose and scope.
This part contains the rules that the Postal Service follows under
the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. 552a. These rules should be read
together with the Privacy Act, which provides additional information
about records maintained on individuals. The rules in this part apply
to all records in systems of records maintained by the Postal Service
that are retrieved by an individual's name or personal identifier. They
describe the procedures by which individuals may request notification
of or access to records about themselves, request amendment of those
records, and request an accounting of disclosures of those records by
the Postal Service. In addition, the Postal Service processes all
Privacy Act requests for access to records under the Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. 552, following the rules contained in
39 CFR 265, as necessary, which provides the requester with the
greatest access to his or her personal records.
Sec. 266.2 Responsibility.
(a) Privacy and Records Management Office. The Privacy and Records
Management Office will ensure Postal Service-wide compliance with this
(b) Records Custodian. Records Custodians are responsible for
adherence to this part within their respective units, and in particular
for affording individuals their rights to inspect and obtain copies of
records concerning them.
(c) Corporate Information Security Office. This office is
responsible for ensuring compliance with information security policies,
including protection of information resources containing customer,
employee, or other individuals' information; developing policy for
safeguarding and disposing of electronic records (including emails)
that are maintained in information systems (including those that are
subject to legal holds); serving as the central contact for information
security issues; preventing and engaging in some investigation of
cybercrime and misuse of Postal Service information technology
resources; and providing security consultation as requested.
(d) Data Integrity Board--(1) Responsibilities. The Data Integrity
Board oversees Postal Service computer matching activities. The Board's
principal function is to review, approve, and maintain all written
agreements for use of Postal Service records in matching programs to
ensure compliance with the Privacy Act and all relevant statutes,
regulations, and guidelines. In addition, the Board annually: Reviews
matching programs and other matching activities in which the Postal
Service has participated during the preceding year to determine
compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and agreements; compiles
a biennial matching report of matching activities; and performs review
and advice functions relating to record accuracy, recordkeeping and
disposal practices, and other computer matching activities.
(2) Composition. The Privacy Act requires that the senior official
responsible for implementation of agency Privacy Act policy and the
Inspector General serve on the Board. The Chief Privacy and Records
Management Officer, as administrator of Postal Service Privacy Act
policy, serves as Secretary of the Board and performs the
administrative functions of the Board. The Board is composed of these
and other members designated by the Postmaster General, as follows:
(i) General Counsel and Executive Vice President (Chairman).
(ii) Chief Postal Inspector.
(iii) Inspector General.
(iv) Chief Human Resources Officer and Executive Vice President.
(v) Chief Privacy and Records Management Officer.
Sec. 266.3 Collection and disclosure of information about
(a) This section governs the collection of information about
individuals, as
[[Page 47117]]
defined in the Privacy Act of 1974, throughout Postal Service
(1) The Postal Service will:
(i) Collect, solicit and maintain only such information about an
individual as is relevant and necessary to accomplish a purpose
authorized by statute or Executive Order.
(ii) Collect information, to the greatest extent practicable,
directly from the subject individual when such information may result
in adverse determinations about an individual's rights, benefits, or
(iii) Inform any individuals who have been asked to furnish
information about themselves, whether that disclosure is mandatory or
voluntary, by what authority it is being solicited, the principal
purposes for which it is intended to be used, the routine uses which
may be made of it, and any consequences for the individual, which are
known to the Postal Service, which will result from refusal to furnish
(2) The Postal Service will not disfavor any individual who fails
or refuses to provide personal information unless that information is
required or necessary for the conduct of the system or program in which
the individual desires to participate.
(3) No information will be collected (or maintained) describing how
an individual exercises rights guaranteed by the First Amendment unless
expressly authorized by statute or by the individual about whom the
information is maintained or unless pertinent to and within the scope
of an authorized law enforcement activity.
(4) The Postal Service will not require an individual to furnish a
Social Security number or deny a right, privilege or benefit because of
that individual's refusal to furnish the number unless required by
Federal law.
(b) Disclosures--(1) Limitations. The Postal Service will not
disseminate information about an individual unless reasonable efforts
have been made to assure that the information is accurate, complete,
timely and relevant to the extent provided by the Privacy Act and
(i) The individual to whom the record pertains has requested in
writing that the information be disseminated, unless the individual
would not be entitled to access to the record under the Postal
Reorganization Act, the Privacy Act, or other law;
(ii) The requester has obtained the prior written consent of the
individual to whom the record pertains, unless the individual would not
be entitled to access to the record under the Postal Reorganization
Act, the Privacy Act, or other law; or
(iii) The dissemination is in accordance with paragraph (b)(2) of
this section.
(2) Dissemination. Dissemination of personal information may be
(i) To a person pursuant to a requirement of the Freedom of
Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552);
(ii) To those officers and employees of the Postal Service or
employees of a Postal Service contractor who have a need for such
information in the performance of their Postal Service duties;
(iii) For a routine use as contained in the system notices
published in the Federal Register;
(iv) To a recipient who has provided advance adequate written
assurance that the information will be used solely as a statistical
reporting or research record, and to whom the information is
transferred in a form that is not individually identifiable;
(v) To the Bureau of the Census for purposes of planning or
carrying out a census or survey or related activity pursuant to the
provisions of title 13 of the U.S. Code;
(vi) To the National Archives and Records Administration as a
record which has sufficient historical or other value to warrant its
continued preservation by the U.S. Government, or for evaluation by the
Archivist of the United States or an authorized designee to determine
whether the record has such value;
(vii) To a person pursuant to a showing of compelling circumstances
affecting the health or safety of an individual, if upon such
disclosure notification is transmitted to the last known address of
such individual;
(viii) To a Federal agency or to an instrumentality of any
governmental jurisdiction within or under the control of the United
States for a civil or criminal law enforcement activity, if such
activity is authorized by law and if the head of the agency or
instrumentality has made a written request to the Postal Service
specifying the particular portion of the record desired and the law
enforcement activity for which the record is sought;
(ix) To either House of Congress or its committees or subcommittees
to the extent of matter within their jurisdiction;
(x) To the Comptroller General or any of that officer's authorized
representatives in the course of the performance of the duties of the
Government Accountability Office; or
(xi) Pursuant to the order of a court of competent jurisdiction.
(3) Under 39 U.S.C. 412(a), the Postal Service may make a mailing
or other list of names and addresses of past or present postal patrons
or other persons available to the public only to the extent that such
action is authorized by law. Consistent with this provision, the Postal
Service may make such a list available as follows:
(i) In accordance with 39 U.S.C. 412(b), to the Secretary of
Commerce for use by the Bureau of the Census;
(ii) As required by the terms of a legally enforceable contract
entered into by the Postal Service under its authority contained in 39
U.S.C. 401(3) and when subject to a valid non-disclosure agreement;
(iii) As required by the terms of a legally enforceable interagency
agreement entered into by the Postal Service under its authority
contained in 39 U.S.C. 411 and when subject to a valid non-disclosure
(iv) In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552a(b), the Postal Service may
disclose a list of names and addresses of individuals pursuant to a
written request by, or with the prior written consent of, each
individual whose name and address is contained in such list, provided
that such names and addresses are derived from records maintained by
the Postal Service in a system of records as defined by 5 U.S.C.
552a(a); or
(v) As otherwise expressly authorized by federal law.
(4) Employee credit references. A credit bureau or other commercial
firm from which a current or former postal employee is seeking credit
may be given the following past or present information upon request:
Grade, duty station, dates of employment, job title, and salary. If
additional information is desired, the requester must submit the
written consent of the employee and an accounting of the disclosure
must be kept.
(5) Employee job references. Upon request, prospective employers of
a current or former postal employee may be furnished with the
information in paragraph (b)(4) of this section, in addition to the
date and the reason for separation, if applicable. The reason for
separation must be limited to one of the following terms: Retired,
resigned, or separated. Other terms or variations of these terms (e.g.,
retired-disability) may not be used. If additional information is
desired, the requester must submit the written consent of the employee,
and an accounting of the disclosure must be kept.
(6) Computer matching purposes. Records from a Postal Service
system of records may be disclosed to another agency for the purpose of
conducting a computer matching program or other matching activity as
defined in
[[Page 47118]]
Sec. 262.5(c) and (d), but only after a determination by the Data
Integrity Board that the procedural requirements of the Privacy Act,
the guidelines issued by the Office of Management and Budget, and these
regulations as may be applicable are met. These requirements include:
(i) Routine use. Disclosure is made only when permitted as a
routine use of the system of records. The Chief Privacy and Records
Management Officer determines the applicability of a particular routine
use and the necessity for adoption of a new routine use.
(ii) Computer matching agreement. The participants in a computer
matching program must enter into a written agreement specifying the
terms under which the matching program is to be conducted (see Sec.
266.9). The Privacy and Records Management Office may require that
other matching activities be conducted in accordance with a written
(iii) Data Integrity Board approval. No record from a Postal
Service system of records may be disclosed for use in a computer
matching program unless the matching agreement has received approval by
the Postal Service Data Integrity Board (see Sec. 266.9). Other
matching activities may, at the discretion of the Privacy and Records
Management Office, be submitted for Board approval.
(c) Amendment or dispute disclosure. If a personal record contains
any amendments or notations of dispute relating to the accuracy,
timeliness or relevance of the record, any person or other agency to
which the record has been or is to be disclosed must be informed of the
amendments or notations within 30 days of the modification.
(d) Recording of disclosure. (1) An accurate accounting of each
disclosure will be kept in all instances except those in which
disclosure is made to the subject of the record, to Postal Service
employees or employees of Postal Service contractors in the performance
of their Postal Service duties, when the record is publicly available,
or as required by the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552).
(2) The accounting will be maintained for at least 5 years or the
life of the record, whichever is longer.
(3) The accounting will be made available to the individual named
in the record upon inquiry, except for disclosures made pursuant to
paragraph (b)(2)(viii) of this section relating to law enforcement
Sec. 266.4 Notification.
(a) Notification of systems. Upon written request, the Postal
Service will notify any individual whether a specific system named by
the individual contains a record pertaining to that individual, unless
exempt from notification under the Privacy Act or other law. See Sec.
266.5 for the suggested form of a request.
(b) Notification of disclosure. The Postal Service will make
reasonable efforts to serve notice on an individual before any personal
information on such individual is made available to any person under
compulsory legal process when such process becomes a matter of public
(c) Notification of amendment. See Sec. 266.5(c)(1) relating to
amendment of records upon request.
(d) Notification of new use. Any new intended use of personal
information maintained by the Postal Service will be published in the
Federal Register 30 days before such use becomes operational. Public
views may then be submitted to the Privacy and Records Management
(e) Notification of exemptions. The Postal Service will publish in
the Federal Register its intent to exempt any system of records and
will specify the nature and purpose of that system.
(f) Notification of computer matching program. The Postal Service
publishes in the Federal Register and forwards to Congress and to the
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) advance notice of its intent to
establish, substantially revise, or renew a matching program, unless
such notice is published by another participant agency. In those
instances in which the Postal Service is the ``recipient'' agency, as
defined in the Act, but another participant agency sponsors and derives
the principal benefit from the matching program, the other agency is
expected to publish the notice. The notice must be sent to Congress and
OMB, and published at least 30 days prior to:
(1) The initiation of any matching activity under a new or
substantially revised program; or
(2) The expiration of the existing matching agreement in the case
of a renewal of a continuing program.
Sec. 266.5 Procedures for requesting notification, inspection,
copying, or amendment of records.
The purpose of this section is to provide procedures by which an
individual may request notification of, access to, or amendment of
personal information within a Privacy Act System of Records.
(a) Submission of requests--(1) Manner of submission. Inquiries
regarding the contents of records systems or access or amendment to
personal information should be submitted in writing in accordance with
the procedures described in the applicable system of records notice, or
to the Privacy and Records Management Office, U.S. Postal Service, 475
L'Enfant Plaza SW., Washington, DC 20260-1101. Requests to the U.S.
Postal Inspection Service should be submitted to the Chief Postal
Inspector, U.S. Postal Inspection Service, 475 L'Enfant Plaza SW.,
Washington, DC 20260. Requests to the Office of Inspector General
should be submitted to the Freedom of Information Act/Privacy Officer,
U.S. Postal Service Office of Inspector General, 1735 North Lynn
Street, Arlington, VA 22209-2020. Inquiries should be clearly marked,
``Privacy Act Request.'' Any inquiry concerning a specific system of
records should include the information contained under ``Notification
Procedure'' for that system as published in the Federal Register or
within USPS Handbook AS-353, Guide to Privacy, the Freedom of
Information Act, and Records Management, Appendix. If the information
supplied is insufficient to locate or identify the record, if any, the
requester will be notified promptly and, if possible, informed of
additional information required. Amendment requests that contest the
relevance, accuracy, timeliness or completeness of the record should
include a statement of the amendment requested.
(2) Period for response by custodian. Upon receipt of an inquiry,
the custodian will respond with an acknowledgement of receipt within 10
(b) Compliance with request for access--(1) Notification to
requester. When a requested record has been identified and is to be
made available to the requester for inspection and copying, the
custodian must ensure that the record is made available promptly and
must immediately notify the requester where and when the record will be
available for inspection and copying. Postal Service records will
normally be available for inspection and copying during regular
business hours at the postal facilities at which they are maintained.
The custodian may, however, designate other reasonable locations and
times for inspection and copying of some or all of the records that are
in the custodian's possession. If the requested record has been
identified and a copy is to be provided to the requester, the copy must
be promptly provided.
[[Page 47119]]
(2) Identification of requester. The requester must present
identification sufficient to satisfy the custodian as to the
requester's identity prior to record review or other access. As
appropriate under the circumstances of the access request, the
requester may be required to comply with one of the following
identification verification methods:
(i) Provision of a completed Certification of Identity if the
records pertain to the requester available at;
(ii) Provision of official photo identification if the records
pertain to the requester, examples of which are a valid driver's
license, unexpired passport, and unexpired federal government-issued
employee identification card; or
(iii) Provision of a completed Privacy Waiver if the records
pertain to another individual available at
(3) Responsibilities of requester. The requester assumes the
following responsibilities regarding the review of official personal
(i) The requester must agree not to leave Postal Service premises
with official records unless specifically given a copy for that purpose
by the custodian or the custodian's representative.
(ii) At the conclusion of the inspection, the requester must sign a
statement indicating the requester has reviewed specific records or
categories of records. If the requester indicates at the beginning of
the inspection that he or she will not sign the statement, records may
still be reviewed, and the time and date of review will be noted in the
(iii) The requester may be accompanied by a person of the
requester's choice to aid in the inspection of information and, if
applicable, the manual recording or copying of the records if the
requester submits a signed statement authorizing the person to do so,
and discussion of the records in the accompanying person's presence.
(4) Special restrictions for medical and psychological records. A
medical or psychological record must be disclosed to the requester to
whom it pertains unless, in the judgment of the medical officer, access
to such record could have an adverse effect upon such individual. When
the medical officer determines that the disclosure of medical
information could have an adverse effect upon the individual to whom it
pertains, the medical officer will transmit such information to a
medical doctor named by the requesting individual. In such cases, an
accounting of the disclosure must be kept.
(5) Limitations on access. Nothing in this section shall allow an
individual access to any information compiled in reasonable
anticipation of a civil action or proceeding. Other limitations on
access are specifically addressed in paragraph (b)(4) of this section
and Sec. 266.8.
(6) Response when compliance is not possible. A reply denying a
written request to review or otherwise access a record must be in
writing, signed by the custodian or other appropriate official and must
be made only if such a record does not exist or does not contain
personal information relating to the requester, or is exempt from
disclosure. This reply must include a statement regarding the
determining factors of denial, and the right to appeal the denial to
the General Counsel.
(c) Compliance with notification request. The custodian must
promptly notify a requester if a record has been located in response to
a request for notification as to whether a specific system of records
contains a record pertaining to the requester, unless exempt from
(d) Compliance with request for amendment. The custodian must:
(1) Correct or eliminate any information that is found to be
incomplete, inaccurate, not relevant to a statutory purpose of the
Postal Service, or not timely, and notify the requester when this
action is complete; or
(2) Not later than 30 working days after receipt of a request to
amend, notify the requester of a determination not to amend, the reason
for the refusal, and of the requester's right to appeal, or to submit,
in lieu of an appeal, a statement of reasonable length setting forth a
position regarding the disputed information to be attached to the
contested personal record.
(e) Availability of assistance in exercising rights. The Privacy
and Records Management Office is available to provide an individual
with assistance in exercising rights pursuant to this part.
Sec. 266.6 Appeal procedure.
(a) Appeal procedure. (1) If a request for notification of or to
inspect, copy, or amend a record is denied, in whole or in part, or if
no determination is made within the period prescribed by this part, the
requester may appeal to the General Counsel, U.S. Postal Service, 475
L'Enfant Plaza SW., Washington, DC 20260-1101.
(2) The requester must submit an appeal in writing within 90 days
of the date of denial, or within 90 days of such request if the appeal
is from a failure of the custodian to make a determination. The letter
of appeal should include, as applicable:
(i) Reasonable identification of the record to which the requester
sought notification, access, or amendment;
(ii) A statement of the Postal Service action or failure to act,
and of the relief sought; and
(iii) A copy of the request, of the notification of denial, and of
any other related correspondence, if any.
(3) Any record found on appeal to be incomplete, inaccurate, not
relevant, or not timely, must be appropriately amended within 30
working days of the date of such findings.
(4) The decision of the General Counsel constitutes the final
decision of the Postal Service on the right of the requester to be
notified of; inspect, copy, or otherwise have access to; or change or
update a record. The decision on the appeal must be in writing and, in
the event of a denial, must set forth the reasons for such denial and
state the individual's right to obtain judicial review in a district
court. An indexed file of decisions on appeals must be maintained by
the General Counsel.
(b) Submission of statement of disagreement. If the final decision
concerning a request for the amendment of a record does not satisfy the
requester, any statement of reasonable length provided by that
individual setting forth a position regarding the disputed information
will be accepted and attached to the relevant personal record.
Sec. 266.7 Schedule of fees.
(a) Policy. The purpose of this section is to establish fair and
equitable fees to permit duplication of records for subject individuals
(or authorized representatives) while recovering the full allowable
direct costs incurred by the Postal Service.
(b) Duplication. (1) For duplicating any paper or micrographic
record or publication or computer report, the fee is $.15 per page,
except that the first 100 pages furnished in response to a particular
request must be furnished without charge. See paragraph (c) of this
section for fee limitations.
(2) The Postal Service may at its discretion make user-paid copy
machines available at any location. In that event, requesters will be
given the opportunity to make copies at their own expense.
(3) The Postal Service normally will not furnish more than one copy
of any record. If duplicate copies are furnished at the request of the
requester; a fee of $0.15 per page is charged for each copy
[[Page 47120]]
of each duplicate page without regard to whether the requester is
eligible for free copies pursuant to Sec. 266.7(b)(1).
(c) Limitations. No fee will be charged to an individual for the
process of retrieving, reviewing, or amending a record pertaining to
that individual.
(d) Reimbursement. The Postal Service may, at its discretion,
require reimbursement of its costs as a condition of participation in a
computer matching program or activity with another agency. The agency
to be charged is notified in writing of the approximate costs before
they are incurred. Costs are calculated in accordance with the schedule
of fees set forth at Sec. 265.9.
Sec. 266.8 Exemptions.
(a) The Postal Reorganization Act, 39 U.S.C. 410(c), provides that
certain categories of information are exempt from disclosure under the
Privacy Act. In addition, the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. 552a(j) and (k),
authorizes the Postmaster General to exempt systems of records meeting
certain criteria from various other subsections of 5 U.S.C. 552a. With
respect to systems of records so exempted, nothing in this part shall
require compliance with provisions hereof implementing any subsections
of 5 U.S.C. 552a from which those systems have been exempted.
(b) Paragraph (b)(1) of this section summarizes the provisions of 5
U.S.C. 552a for which exemption is claimed for some systems of records
pursuant to, and to the extent permitted by, 5 U.S.C. 552a(j) and (k).
Paragraphs (b)(2) through (5) of this section identify the exempted
systems of records, the exemptions applied to each, and the reasons for
the exemptions:
(1) Explanation of provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552a for which an
exemption is claimed in the systems discussed in this section. (i)
Subsection (c)(3) of 5 U.S.C. 552a requires an agency to make available
to the individual named in the records an accounting of each disclosure
of records at the individual's request.
(ii) Subsection (c)(4) requires an agency to inform any person or
other agency to which a record has been disclosed of any correction or
notation of dispute the agency has made to the record in accordance
with 5 U.S.C. 552a(d).
(iii) Subsections (d)(1) through (4) require an agency to permit an
individual to gain access to records about the individual, to request
amendment of such records, to request a review of an agency decision
not to amend such records, and to provide a statement of disagreement
about a disputed record to be filed and disclosed with the disputed
(iv) Subsection (e)(1) requires an agency to maintain in its
records only such information about an individual that is relevant and
necessary to accomplish a purpose required by statute or executive
order of the President.
(v) Subsection (e)(2) requires an agency to collect information to
the greatest extent practicable directly from the subject individual
when the information may result in adverse determinations about an
individual's rights, benefits, and privileges under Federal programs.
(vi) Subsection (e)(3) requires an agency to inform each person
whom it asks to supply information of the authority under which the
information is sought, the purposes for which the information will be
used, the routine uses that may be made of the information, whether
disclosure is mandatory or voluntary, and the effects of not providing
the information.
(vii) Subsections (e)(4)(G) and (H) requires an agency to publish a
Federal Register notice of its procedures whereby an individual can be
notified upon request whether the system of records contains
information about the individual, how to gain access to any record
about the individual contained in the system, and how to contest its
(viii) Subsection (e)(5) requires an agency to maintain its records
with such accuracy, relevance, timeliness, and completeness as is
reasonably necessary to ensure fairness to the individual in making any
determination about the individual.
(ix) Subsection (e)(8) requires an agency to make reasonable
efforts to serve notice on an individual when any record on such
individual is made available to any person under compulsory legal
process when such process becomes a matter of public record.
(x) Subsection (f) requires an agency to establish procedures
whereby an individual can be notified upon request if any system of
records named by the individual contains a record pertaining to the
individual, obtain access to the record, and request amendment.
(xi) Subsection (g) provides for civil remedies if an agency fails
to comply with the access and amendment provisions of subsections
(d)(1) and (3), and with other provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552a, or any rule
promulgated thereunder, in such a way as to have an adverse effect on
an individual.
(xii) Subsection (m) requires an agency to apply the requirements
of 5 U.S.C. 552a to a contractor operating a system of records to
accomplish an agency function.
(2) Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a(j)(2), Postal Service record systems;
Inspection Service Investigative File System, USPS 700.000; Mail Cover
Program Records, USPS 700.100; Inspector General Investigative Records,
USPS 700.300 are exempt from subsections 552a (c)(3), (c)(4), (d)(1)-
(4), (e)(1)-(3), (e)(4)(G) and (H), (e)(5), (e)(8), (f), (g), and (m)
because the systems contain information pertaining to the enforcement
of criminal laws. The reasons for exemption follow:
(i) Disclosure to the record subject pursuant to subsections
(c)(3), (c)(4), or (d)(1)-(4) could:
(A) Alert subjects that they are targets of an investigation or
mail cover by the Postal Inspection Service or an investigation by the
Office of Inspector General;
(B) Alert subjects of the nature and scope of the investigation and
of evidence obtained;
(C) Enable the subject of an investigation to avoid detection or
(D) Subject confidential sources, witnesses, and law enforcement
personnel to harassment or intimidation if their identities were
released to the target of an investigation;
(E) Constitute unwarranted invasions of the personal privacy of
third parties who are involved in a certain investigation;
(F) Intimidate potential witnesses and make them reluctant to offer
(G) Lead to the improper influencing of witnesses, the destruction
or alteration of evidence yet to be discovered, the fabrication of
testimony, or the compromising of classified material; or
(H) Seriously impede or compromise law enforcement, mail cover, or
background investigations that might involve law enforcement aspects as
a result of the above.
(ii) Application of subsections (e)(1) and (5) is impractical
because the relevance, necessity, or correctness of specific
information might be established only after considerable analysis and
as the investigation progresses. As to relevance (subsection (e)(1)),
effective law enforcement requires the keeping of information not
relevant to a specific Postal Inspection Service investigation or
Office of Inspector General investigation. Such information may be kept
to provide leads for appropriate law enforcement and to establish
patterns of activity that might relate to the jurisdiction of the
[[Page 47121]]
Office of Inspector General, Postal Inspection Service, and other
agencies. As to accuracy (subsection (e)(5)), the correctness of
records sometimes can be established only in a court of law.
(iii) Application of subsections (e)(2) and (3) would require
collection of information directly from the subject of a potential or
ongoing investigation. The subject would be put on alert that he or she
is a target of an investigation by the Office of Inspector General, or
an investigation or mail cover by the Postal Inspection Service,
enabling avoidance of detection or apprehension, thereby seriously
compromising law enforcement, mail cover, or background investigations
involving law enforcement aspects. Moreover, in certain circumstances
the subject of an investigation is not required to provide information
to investigators, and information must be collected from other sources.
(iv) The requirements of subsections (e)(4)(G) and (H), and (f) do
not apply because these systems are exempt from the provisions of
subsection (d). Nevertheless, the Postal Service has published notice
of its notification, access, and contest procedures because access is
appropriate in some cases.
(v) Application of subsection (e)(8) could prematurely reveal an
ongoing criminal investigation to the subject of the investigation.
(vi) The provisions of subsection (g) do not apply because
exemption from the provisions of subsection (d) renders the provisions
on suits to enforce subsection (d) inapplicable.
(vii) If one of these systems of records is operated in whole or in
part by a contractor, the exemptions claimed herein will remain
applicable to it (subsection (m)).
(3) Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a(k)(2), Postal Service record systems
Labor Relations Records, USPS 200.000; Employee Inquiry, Complaint and
Investigative Records, USPS 100.900; Inspection Service Investigative
File System, USPS 700.000; Mail Cover Program Records, USPS 700.100;
Inspector General Investigative Records, USPS 700.300; and Financial
Transactions, USPS 860.000, are exempt from certain subsections of 5
U.S.C. 552a because the systems contain investigatory material compiled
for law enforcement purposes other than material within the scope of
subsection 552a(j)(2).
(i) Inspection Service Investigative File System, USPS 700.000;
Mail Cover Program Records, USPS 700.100; and Inspector General
Investigative Records, USPS 700.300, are exempt from subsections
552a(c)(3), (d)(1)-(4), (e)(1), (e)(4) (G) and (H), and (f) for the
same reasons as stated in paragraph (b)(2) of this section.
(ii) Labor Relations Records, USPS 200.000, is exempt from
subsections 552a(d)(1)-(4), (e)(4)(G) and (H), and (f) for the
following reasons:
(A) Application of the requirements at subsections (d)(1)-(4) would
cause disruption of the enforcement of the laws relating to equal
employment opportunity (EEO). It is essential to the integrity of the
EEO complaint system that information collected in the investigative
process not be prematurely disclosed.
(B) The requirements of subsections (e)(4)(G) and (H), and (f) do
not apply for the same reasons described in paragraph (b)(2)(iv) of
this section.
(iii) Financial Transactions, USPS 860.000, is exempt from
subsections 552a(c)(3), (d)(1)-(4), (e)(1), (e)(4)(G) and (H), and (f)
for the following reasons:
(A) Disclosure of the record subject pursuant to subsections (c)(3)
and (d)(1)-(4) would violate the non-notification provision of the Bank
Secrecy Act, 31 U.S.C. 5318(g)(2), under which the Postal Service is
prohibited from notifying a transaction participant that a suspicious
transaction report has been made. In addition, the access provisions of
subsections (c)(3) and (d)(1)-(4) would alert individuals that they
have been identified as suspects or possible subjects of investigation
and thus seriously hinder the law enforcement purposes underlying the
suspicious transaction reports.
(B) This system is in compliance with subsection (e)(1) because
maintenance of the records is required by law. Strict application of
the relevance and necessity requirements of subsection (e)(1) to
suspicious transactions would be impractical, however, because the
relevance or necessity of specific information can often be established
only after considerable analysis and as an investigation progresses.
(C) The requirements of subsections (e)(4)(G) and (H) and (f) do
not apply because this system is exempt from the provisions of
subsection (d). Nevertheless, the Postal Service has published notice
of its notification, access, and contest procedures because access is
appropriate in some cases.
(4) Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a(k)(5), Postal Service record systems
Recruiting, Examining, and Placement Records, USPS 100.100; Inspection
Service Investigative File System, USPS 700.000; and Inspector General
Investigative Records, USPS 700.300 are exempt from certain subsections
of 5 U.S.C. 552a because the systems contain investigatory material
compiled for the purpose of determining suitability, eligibility, or
qualifications for employment, contracts, or access to classified
(i) Recruiting, Examining, and Placement Records, USPS 100.100, is
exempt from subsections 552a(d)(1)(4) and (e)(1) for the following
(A) During its investigation and evaluation of an applicant for a
position, the Postal Service contacts individuals who, without an
assurance of anonymity, would refuse to provide information concerning
the subject of the investigation. If a record subject were given access
pursuant to subsection (d)(1)-(4), the promised confidentiality would
be breached and the confidential source would be identified. The result
would be restriction of the free flow of information vital to a
determination of an individual's qualifications and suitability for
appointment to or continued occupancy of his or her position.
(B) In collecting information for investigative and evaluative
purposes, it is impossible to determine in advance what information
might be of assistance in determining the qualifications and
suitability of an individual for appointment. Information that seems
irrelevant, when linked with other information, can sometimes provide a
composite picture of an individual that assists in determining whether
that individual should be appointed to or retained in a position. For
this reason, exemption from subsection (e)(1) is claimed.
(C) The requirements of subsections (e)(4)(G) and (H), and (f) do
not apply because this system is exempt from the provisions of
subsection (d). Nevertheless, the Postal Service has published notice
of its notification, access, and contest procedures because access is
appropriate in some cases.
(ii) Inspection Service Investigative File System, USPS 700.000;
and Inspector General Investigative Records, USPS 700.300, are exempt
from subsections 552a(c)(3), (d)(1)-(4), (e)(1), (e)(4) (G) and (H),
and (f) for the same reasons as stated in paragraph (b)(2) of this
(5) Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a(k)(6), Postal Service record systems
Employee Development and Training Records, USPS 100.300; Personnel
Research Records, 100.600; and Emergency Management Records, USPS
500.300 are exempt from subsections 552a(d)(1)-(4), (e)(4)(G) and (H),
and (f) because the systems contain testing or examination material the
disclosure of which would compromise the objectivity or fairness
[[Page 47122]]
of the material. The reasons for exemption follow:
(i) These systems contain questions and answers to standard testing
materials, the disclosure of which would compromise the fairness of the
future use of these materials. It is not feasible to develop entirely
new examinations after each administration as would be necessary if
questions or answers were available for inspection and copying.
Consequently, exemption from subsection (d) is claimed.
(ii) The requirements of subsections (e)(4)(G) and (H), and (f) do
not apply because these systems are exempt from the provisions of
subsection (d). Nevertheless, the Postal Service has published notice
of its notification, access, and contest procedures because access is
appropriate in some cases.
Sec. 266.9 Computer matching.
(a) General. Any agency or Postal Service component that wishes to
use records from a Postal Service automated system of records in a
computerized comparison with other postal or non-postal records must
submit its proposal to the Postal Service Privacy and Records
Management Office. Computer matching programs as defined in Sec.
262.5(c) must be conducted in accordance with the Privacy Act, as
amended by the Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act of 1988.
Records may not be exchanged for a matching program until all
procedural requirements of the Act and these regulations have been met.
Other matching activities must be conducted in accordance with the
Privacy Act and with the approval of the Privacy and Records Management
Office. See Sec. 266.3(b)(6).
(b) Procedure for submission of matching proposals. A proposal must
include information required for the matching agreement discussed in
paragraph (d)(1) of this section. The Inspection Service must submit
its proposals for matching programs and other matching activities to
the Privacy and Records Management Office through: Counsel, Inspection
Service, U.S. Postal Service, 475 L'Enfant Plaza SW., Washington, DC
20260. All other matching proposals, whether from postal organizations
or other government agencies, must be mailed directly to: Privacy and
Records Management Office, U.S. Postal Service, 475 L'Enfant Plaza SW.,
Washington, DC 20260-1101.
(c) Lead time. Proposals must be submitted to the Postal Service
Privacy and Records Management Office at least three months in advance
of the anticipated starting date to allow time to meet Privacy Act
publication and review requirements.
(d) Matching agreements. The participants in a computer matching
program must enter into a written agreement specifying the terms under
which the matching program is to be conducted. The Privacy and Records
Management Office may require similar written agreements for other
matching activities.
(1) Content. Agreements must specify:
(i) The purpose and legal authority for conducting the matching
(ii) The justification for the program and the anticipated results,
including, when appropriate, a specific estimate of any savings in
terms of expected costs and benefits, in sufficient detail for the Data
Integrity Board to make an informed decision;
(iii) A description of the records that are to be matched,
including the data elements to be used, the number of records, and the
approximate dates of the matching program;
(iv) Procedures for providing notice to individuals who supply
information that the information may be subject to verification through
computer matching programs;
(v) Procedures for verifying information produced in a matching
program and for providing individuals an opportunity to contest the
findings in accordance with the requirement that an agency may not take
adverse action against an individual as a result of information
produced by a matching program until the agency has independently
verified the information and provided the individual with due process;
(vi) Procedures for ensuring the administrative, technical, and
physical security of the records matched; for the retention and timely
destruction of records created by the matching program; and for the use
and return or destruction of records used in the program;
(vii) Prohibitions concerning duplication and redisclosure of
records exchanged, except where required by law or essential to the
conduct of the matching program;
(viii) Assessments of the accuracy of the records to be used in the
matching program; and
(ix) A statement that the Comptroller General may have access to
all records of the participant agencies in order to monitor compliance
with the agreement.
(2) Approval. Before the Postal Service may participate in a
computer matching program or other computer matching activity that
involves both USPS and non-USPS records, the Data Integrity Board must
have evaluated the proposed match and unanimously approved the terms of
the matching agreement. Agreements are executed by the Chairman of the
Board. If a matching agreement is disapproved by the Board, any party
may appeal the disapproval in writing to the Director, Office of
Management and Budget, Washington, DC 20503, within 30 days following
the Board's written disapproval.
(3) Effective dates. The agreement will become effective in
accordance with the date in the matching agreement and as provided to
Congress and the Office of Management and Budget and published in the
Federal Register. The agreement remains in effect only as long as
necessary to accomplish the specific matching purpose, but no longer
than 18 months, at which time the agreement expires unless extended.
The Data Integrity Board may extend an agreement for one additional
year, without further review, if within three months prior to
expiration of the 18-month period it finds that the matching program is
to be conducted without change, and each party to the agreement
certifies that the program has been conducted in compliance with the
matching agreement. Renewal of a continuing matching program that has
run for the full 30-month period requires a new agreement that has
received Data Integrity Board approval.
Stanley F. Mires,
Attorney, Federal Compliance.
[FR Doc. 2017-21850 Filed 10-10-17; 8:45 am]