Wool Products Labeling; Fur Products Labeling; Textile Fiber Products Identification, 43690-43692 [2017-19868]
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 180 / Tuesday, September 19, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
asabaliauskas on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with RULES
(i) That the fuel economy or driving
range information is based on a nonEPA test;
(ii) The source of the non-EPA test;
(iii) The EPA fuel economy estimates
or EPA driving range estimates for the
vehicle; and
(iv) All driving conditions or vehicle
configurations simulated by the nonEPA test that are different from those
used in the EPA test. Such conditions
and variables may include, but are not
limited to, road or dynamometer test,
average speed, range of speed, hot or
cold start, temperature, and design or
equipment differences.
(2) Disclosure format. The
Commission regards the following as
constituting ‘‘substantially more
(i) For visual disclosures on television.
If the fuel economy claims appear only
in the visual portion, the EPA figures
should appear in numbers twice as large
as those used for any other estimate, and
should remain on the screen at least as
long as any other estimate. Each EPA
figure should be broadcast against a
solid color background that contrasts
easily with the color used for the
numbers when viewed on both color
and black and white television.
(ii) For audio disclosures. For radio
and television advertisements in which
any other estimate is used only in the
audio, equal prominence should be
given to the EPA figures. The
Commission will regard the following as
constituting equal prominence: The EPA
estimated city and/or highway MPG
should be stated, either before or after
each disclosure of such other estimate,
at least as audibly as such other
(iii) For print and Internet disclosures.
The EPA figures should appear in
clearly legible type at least twice as
large as that used for any other estimate.
The EPA figures should appear against
a solid color, and contrasting
background. They may not appear in a
footnote unless all references to fuel
economy appear in a footnote.
Example 1: An Internet advertisement
states: ‘‘Independent driving experts took the
QXT car for a weekend spin and managed to
get 55 miles-per-gallon under a variety of
driving conditions.’’ It does not disclose the
actual EPA fuel economy estimates, nor does
it explain how conditions during the
‘‘weekend spin’’ differed from those under
the EPA tests. This advertisement likely
conveys that the 55 MPG figure is the same
or comparable to an EPA fuel economy
estimate for the vehicle. This claim is
deceptive because it fails to disclose that fuel
economy information is based on a non-EPA
test, the source of the non-EPA test, the EPA
fuel economy estimates for the vehicle, and
all driving conditions or vehicle
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configurations simulated by the non-EPA test
that are different from those used in the EPA
Example 2: An advertisement states: ‘‘The
XZY electric car has a driving range of 110
miles per charge in summer conditions
according to our expert’s test.’’ It provides no
additional information regarding this driving
range claim. This advertisement likely
conveys that this 110-mile driving range
figure is comparable to an EPA driving range
estimate for the vehicle. The advertisement is
deceptive because it does not clearly state
that the test is a non-EPA test; it does not
provide the EPA estimated driving range; and
it does not explain how conditions referred
to in the advertisement differed from those
under the EPA tests. Without this
information, consumers are likely to confuse
the claims with range estimates derived from
the official EPA test procedures.
By direction of the Commission.
Donald S. Clark,
[FR Doc. 2017–19869 Filed 9–18–17; 8:45 am]
16 CFR Parts 300, 301, and 303
RIN 3084–AB29, 3084–AB27, 3084–AB30
Wool Products Labeling; Fur Products
Labeling; Textile Fiber Products
Federal Trade Commission.
Final rules.
The Federal Trade
Commission (‘‘Commission’’ or ‘‘FTC’’)
amends the Rules and Regulations
Under the Wool Products Labeling Act
of 1939 (‘‘Wool Rules’’), the Rules and
Regulations Under Fur Products
Labeling Act (‘‘Fur Rules’’), and the
Rules and Regulations Under the Textile
Fiber Products Identification Act
(‘‘Textile Rules’’) (collectively, ‘‘Rules’’)
to require the public to submit any
requests to obtain, update, or cancel
registered identification numbers via the
FTC’s Web site.
DATES: The amended Rules are effective
October 19, 2017.
Joshua S. Millard, (202) 326–2454,
Bureau of Consumer Protection, Federal
Trade Commission, 600 Pennsylvania
Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20580.
I. Introduction
The Commission is revising the Fur,
Textile, and Wool Rules to require
electronic filing of requests to obtain,
update, or cancel registered
identification numbers used on fur,
textile, and wool product labels through
PO 00000
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the FTC’s Web site, unless the
Commission or its designee instructs
otherwise as specified below. The
revisions facilitate the use of the
Commission’s web-based registered
identification number (‘‘RN’’) system,
which will streamline the application
and update process for participating
businesses, and greatly increase the
efficiency with which the FTC delivers
RN services to the public. This
document describes the background of
the RN program and the grounds for
revising the relevant parts of the Fur,
Textile, and Wool Rules, and sets forth
the amended Rules provisions.
II. Background
Federal labeling requirements
mandate that most fur, textile, and wool
products have a label identifying the
manufacturer or other business
responsible for marketing or handling
the item.1 To comply with this mandate,
a person or firm residing in the United
States that imports, manufactures,
markets, distributes, or otherwise
handles fur, textile, or wool products
may apply for an RN to display on
product labels in lieu of the person or
firm’s full name.2 RNs are not
mandatory, but they occupy less space
on a label and help buyers identify the
person or firm responsible for a product.
The public can find contact information
for each RN registrant by searching the
FTC’s public Web page dedicated to the
RN program, https://rn.ftc.gov.
For over 50 years, to obtain or update
an RN, one had to complete and submit
a paper form published in the Federal
Register, or in more recent years,
transmit the information requested on
that form by electronic means.3 The FTC
receives thousands of new RN
applications every year in various
formats, thus complicating and slowing
the review process.4
1 See 15 U.S.C. 68b(a)(2)(C) (Wool Products
Labeling Act of 1939) (‘‘Wool Act’’); 15 U.S.C.
69b(2)(E) (Fur Products Labeling Act) (‘‘Fur Act’’);
15 U.S.C. 70b(b)(3) (Textile Fiber Products
Identification Act) (‘‘Textile Act’’); 16 CFR part 300
(Wool Rules); 16 CFR part 301 (Fur Rules); 16 CFR
part 303 (Textile Rules). The FTC’s public Web site
offers a detailed description of products that are
subject to, or exempt from, these labeling
requirements. See Federal Trade Commission,
Threading Your Way Through the Labeling
Requirements Under the Textile and Wool Acts,
2 See 16 CFR 300.4 (Wool Rules provision); 16
CFR 301.26 (Fur Rules provision); 16 CFR 303.30
(Textile Rules provision).
3 See 17 FR 6075, 6077 (July 8, 1952) (Fur Rule
provision 16 CFR 301.26); 24 FR 4480, 4484 (June
2, 1959) (Textile Rule provision 16 CFR 303.20); 29
FR 6622 (May 21, 1964) (Wool Rule provision 16
CFR 300.4).
4 In recent years, the FTC has issued
approximately 3,000 RNs per year.
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 180 / Tuesday, September 19, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
asabaliauskas on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with RULES
Recently, the FTC upgraded its RN
Web page at https://rn.ftc.gov to make it
easier for the public to obtain, update,
and cancel RNs. As part of this
initiative, and to further improve and
streamline its handling of RN requests,
the FTC is retiring the paper forms
previously published in the Federal
Register and discontinuing the handling
of RN requests submitted by mail, hand
delivery, or facsimile.
The FTC’s upgraded Web site allows
the public to create a passwordprotected user account to obtain or
update an RN without requiring more
company information than before. To
process a new RN application, the Web
site asks the applicant in pertinent part
to identify its legal name, the name
under which it does business, the
business’ street address, the type of
business it conducts (e.g.,
manufacturing or importing), the
product line(s) it handles that are
subject to the Fur, Textile, or Wool Acts,
and additional contact information (e.g.,
phone number and email address). The
upgraded Web site validates data as
applicants enter it, and can immediately
advise an applicant in numerous
instances if the data is erroneous (e.g.,
a truncated phone number) or does not
appear to meet the requirements for
issuance of an RN (e.g., the applicant
does not provide a street address in the
United States). Users can also visit the
Web site and login to request the
cancellation of their RNs. Because the
information requested to process RN
requests has not changed, the FTC is not
changing the requirements for RN
requests, only specifying the method by
which requests must be submitted.
The amended Rules provide that
requests made by means other than the
FTC’s Web site will not be accepted
unless otherwise indicated by the
Commission or its designee. This
provision affords the Commission or its
designee the discretion to act on
requests submitted by other means
when appropriate (e.g., if the FTC’s Web
site is temporarily unavailable). At this
time, the Commission’s designee is the
Associate Director of the Bureau of
Consumer Protection’s Division of
III. Procedural Requirements
Under the Administrative Procedure
Act, notice and comment requirements
do not apply ‘‘to interpretive rules,
general statements of policy, or rules of
agency organization, procedure, or
practice.’’ 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(A). The final
Rules do not change the substantive
responsibilities of any entity under the
Rules. The revisions merely modify the
procedural mechanism for submitting
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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requests relating to RNs. Accordingly,
the Commission finds that advance
public notice and comment is
unnecessary. For this reason, the
requirements of the Regulatory
Flexibility Act (‘‘RFA’’) also do not
IV. Paperwork Reduction Act
The amendments to the Rules do not
constitute a new ‘‘collection of
information’’ under the Paperwork
Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501–3521
(‘‘PRA’’). The Rules contain various
existing information collection
requirements for which the Commission
has obtained clearance under the PRA
from the Office of Management and
Budget. Because these amendments do
not trigger additional recordkeeping,
disclosure, or reporting requirements,
there is no incremental burden under
the PRA. See 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.
List of Subjects
16 CFR Part 300
Labeling, Trade practices, Wool.
16 CFR Part 301
Fur, Labeling, Trade practices.
16 CFR Part 303
Labeling, Textiles, Trade practices.
For the reasons set forth in the
preamble, the Federal Trade
Commission amends Title 16, Chapter I,
Subchapter C of the Code of Federal
Regulations, parts 300, 301, and 303 as
1. The authority citation for part 300
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 15 U.S.C. 68–68j.
2. In § 300.4, revise paragraphs (c) and
(e) to read as follows:
Registered identification numbers.
(c) Registered identification numbers
shall be used only by the person or firm
to whom they are issued, and such
numbers are not transferable or
assignable. Registered identification
numbers shall be subject to cancellation
whenever any such number was
procured or has been used improperly
or contrary to the requirements of the
Acts administered by the Federal Trade
5 A regulatory flexibility analysis under the RFA
is required only when an agency must publish a
notice of proposed rulemaking for comment. See 5
U.S.C. 603.
PO 00000
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Commission, and regulations in this
part, or when otherwise deemed
necessary in the public interest.
Registered identification numbers shall
be subject to cancellation if the
Commission fails to receive prompt
notification of any change in name,
business address, or legal business
status of a person or firm to whom a
registered identification number has
been assigned, by application duly
executed in the form and manner set out
in paragraph (e) of this section,
reflecting the current name, business
address, and legal business status of the
person or firm.
(e) Requests for a registered
identification number, to update
information pertaining to an existing
number, or to cancel an existing number
shall be made through the Commission’s
Web site at https://rn.ftc.gov. Unless
otherwise directed by the Commission
or its designee, requests made by other
means (including but not limited to
email) will not be accepted and
3. The authority citation for part 301
continues to read as follows:
Final Rule Revisions
§ 300.4
Sfmt 4700
Authority: 15 U.S.C. 69 et seq.
4. In § 301.26, revise paragraphs (a),
(b)(2), and (d) to read as follows:
§ 301.26 Registered identification
(a) Registered numbers for use as the
required identification in lieu of the
name on fur product labels as provided
in section 4(2)(E) of the Act will be
issued by the Commission to qualified
persons residing in the United States
upon receipt of an application duly
executed on the Commission’s Web site
at https://rn.ftc.gov or by such means as
the Commission or its designee may
(b) * * *
(2) Registered identification numbers
shall be subject to cancellation if the
Federal Trade Commission fails to
receive prompt notification of any
change in name, business address, or
legal business status of a person or firm
to whom a registered identification
number has been assigned, by
application duly executed in the form
and manner set out in paragraph (d) of
this section, reflecting the current name,
business address, and legal business
status of the person or firm.
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 180 / Tuesday, September 19, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
(d) Requests for a registered
identification number, to update
information pertaining to an existing
number, or to cancel an existing number
shall be made through the Commission’s
Web site at https://rn.ftc.gov. Unless
otherwise directed by the Commission
or its designee, requests made by other
means (including but not limited to
email) will not be accepted and
5. The authority citation for part 303
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 15 U.S.C. 70 et seq.
6. Revise § 303.20 to read as follows:
By direction of the Commission.
Donald S. Clark,
asabaliauskas on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with RULES
§ 303.20 Registered identification
(a) Registered numbers for use as the
required identification in lieu of the
name on textile fiber product labels, as
provided in section 4(b)(3) of the Act,
will be issued by the Commission to
qualified persons residing in the United
States upon receipt of an application
duly executed on the Commission’s
Web site at https://rn.ftc.gov or by such
means as the Commission or its
designee may direct.
(b)(1) Registered identification
numbers shall be used only by the
person or concern to whom they are
issued, and such numbers are not
transferable or assignable.
(2) Registered identification numbers
shall be subject to cancellation
whenever any such number was
procured or has been used improperly
or contrary to the requirements of the
Acts administered by the Federal Trade
Commission, and regulations
promulgated thereunder, or when
otherwise deemed necessary in the
public interest.
(3) Registered identification numbers
shall be subject to cancellation if the
Commission fails to receive prompt
notification of any change in name,
business address, or legal business
status of a person or firm to whom a
registered identification number has
been assigned, by application duly
executed on the Commission’s Web site
at https://rn.ftc.gov or by such means as
the Commission or its designee may
(c) Registered identification numbers
assigned under this section may be used
on labels required in labeling products
subject to the provisions of the Wool
Products Labeling Act and Fur Products
Labeling Act, and numbers previously
assigned by the Commission under such
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Acts may be used as and for the
required name in labeling under this
Act. When so used by the person or firm
to whom assigned, the use of the
numbers shall be construed as
identifying and binding the applicant as
fully and in all respects as though
assigned under the specific Act for
which it is used.
(d) Requests for a registered
identification number, to update
information pertaining to an existing
number, or to cancel an existing number
shall be made through the Commission’s
Web site at https://rn.ftc.gov. Unless
otherwise directed by the Commission
or its designee, requests made by other
means (including but not limited to
email) will not be accepted and
[FR Doc. 2017–19868 Filed 9–18–17; 8:45 am]
U.S. Customs and Border Protection
19 CFR Part 12
[CBP Dec. 17–12]
RIN 1515–AE32
Extension of Import Restrictions
Imposed on Archaeological and
Ethnological Materials From the
Republic of Mali
U.S. Customs and Border
Protection, Department of Homeland
Security; Department of the Treasury.
ACTION: Final rule.
This final rule amends the
U.S. Customs and Border Protection
(CBP) regulations to reflect an extension
of import restrictions on certain
archaeological materials from Mali.
These restrictions, which were
originally imposed by Treasury Decision
(T.D.) 93–74, and last extended by CBP
Decision (Dec.) 12–14, are due to expire
on September 19, 2017. The Acting
Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy
and Public Affairs, United States
Department of State, has determined
that conditions warrant the continued
imposition of import restrictions on
certain archaeological materials and the
addition of import restrictions on
certain ethnological materials from
Mali. The Designated List of cultural
PO 00000
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property described in CBP Dec. 07–77 is
revised in this document to reflect the
addition of ethnological materials to
include manuscripts dating between the
twelfth and twentieth centuries in
paper. The import restrictions imposed
on the archaeological and ethnological
materials from Mali will be in effect for
a five-year period, and the CBP
regulations are being amended
accordingly to reflect this extension
through September 19, 2022. These
restrictions are being imposed pursuant
to determinations of the United States
Department of State made under the
terms of the Convention on Cultural
Property Implementation Act, which
implements the 1970 United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization (UNESCO) Convention on
the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing
the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of
Ownership of Cultural Property.
DATES: Effective September 19, 2017.
regulatory aspects, Lisa L. Burley, Chief,
Cargo Security, Carriers and Restricted
Merchandise Branch, Regulations and
Rulings, Office of Trade, (202) 325–
0215, lisa.burley@cbp.dhs.gov. For
operational aspects, William R. Scopa,
Branch Chief, Partner Government
Agencies Branch, Trade Policy and
Programs, Office of Trade, (202) 863–
6554, William.R.Scopa@cbp.dhs.gov.
Pursuant to the provisions of the
Convention on Cultural Property
Implementation Act (hereafter, ‘‘the
Cultural Property Implementation Act’’
or ‘‘the Act’’ (Pub. L. 97–446, 19 U.S.C.
2601 et seq.)), which implements the
1970 United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO) Convention on the Means of
Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit
Import, Export and Transfer of
Ownership of Cultural Property
(hereinafter, the Convention) in U.S.
law, the United States may enter into
international agreements with another
State Party to the Convention to impose
import restrictions on eligible
archaeological and ethnological
materials under procedures and
requirements prescribed by the Act.
In certain limited circumstances, the
Cultural Property Implementation Act
authorizes the imposition of restrictions
on an emergency basis (19 U.S.C.
2603(c)(1)). Under the Act and the
applicable CBP regulations (19 CFR
12.104g(b)), emergency restrictions are
effective for no more than five years
from the date of the State Party’s request
and may be extended for three years
[Federal Register Volume 82, Number 180 (Tuesday, September 19, 2017)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 43690-43692]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2017-19868]
16 CFR Parts 300, 301, and 303
RIN 3084-AB29, 3084-AB27, 3084-AB30
Wool Products Labeling; Fur Products Labeling; Textile Fiber
Products Identification
AGENCY: Federal Trade Commission.
ACTION: Final rules.
SUMMARY: The Federal Trade Commission (``Commission'' or ``FTC'')
amends the Rules and Regulations Under the Wool Products Labeling Act
of 1939 (``Wool Rules''), the Rules and Regulations Under Fur Products
Labeling Act (``Fur Rules''), and the Rules and Regulations Under the
Textile Fiber Products Identification Act (``Textile Rules'')
(collectively, ``Rules'') to require the public to submit any requests
to obtain, update, or cancel registered identification numbers via the
FTC's Web site.
DATES: The amended Rules are effective October 19, 2017.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Joshua S. Millard, (202) 326-2454,
Bureau of Consumer Protection, Federal Trade Commission, 600
Pennsylvania Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20580.
I. Introduction
The Commission is revising the Fur, Textile, and Wool Rules to
require electronic filing of requests to obtain, update, or cancel
registered identification numbers used on fur, textile, and wool
product labels through the FTC's Web site, unless the Commission or its
designee instructs otherwise as specified below. The revisions
facilitate the use of the Commission's web-based registered
identification number (``RN'') system, which will streamline the
application and update process for participating businesses, and
greatly increase the efficiency with which the FTC delivers RN services
to the public. This document describes the background of the RN program
and the grounds for revising the relevant parts of the Fur, Textile,
and Wool Rules, and sets forth the amended Rules provisions.
II. Background
Federal labeling requirements mandate that most fur, textile, and
wool products have a label identifying the manufacturer or other
business responsible for marketing or handling the item.\1\ To comply
with this mandate, a person or firm residing in the United States that
imports, manufactures, markets, distributes, or otherwise handles fur,
textile, or wool products may apply for an RN to display on product
labels in lieu of the person or firm's full name.\2\ RNs are not
mandatory, but they occupy less space on a label and help buyers
identify the person or firm responsible for a product. The public can
find contact information for each RN registrant by searching the FTC's
public Web page dedicated to the RN program, https://rn.ftc.gov.
\1\ See 15 U.S.C. 68b(a)(2)(C) (Wool Products Labeling Act of
1939) (``Wool Act''); 15 U.S.C. 69b(2)(E) (Fur Products Labeling
Act) (``Fur Act''); 15 U.S.C. 70b(b)(3) (Textile Fiber Products
Identification Act) (``Textile Act''); 16 CFR part 300 (Wool Rules);
16 CFR part 301 (Fur Rules); 16 CFR part 303 (Textile Rules). The
FTC's public Web site offers a detailed description of products that
are subject to, or exempt from, these labeling requirements. See
Federal Trade Commission, Threading Your Way Through the Labeling
Requirements Under the Textile and Wool Acts, https://www.ftc.gov/tips-advice/business-center/guidance/threading-your-way-through-labeling-requirements-under-textile.
\2\ See 16 CFR 300.4 (Wool Rules provision); 16 CFR 301.26 (Fur
Rules provision); 16 CFR 303.30 (Textile Rules provision).
For over 50 years, to obtain or update an RN, one had to complete
and submit a paper form published in the Federal Register, or in more
recent years, transmit the information requested on that form by
electronic means.\3\ The FTC receives thousands of new RN applications
every year in various formats, thus complicating and slowing the review
\3\ See 17 FR 6075, 6077 (July 8, 1952) (Fur Rule provision 16
CFR 301.26); 24 FR 4480, 4484 (June 2, 1959) (Textile Rule provision
16 CFR 303.20); 29 FR 6622 (May 21, 1964) (Wool Rule provision 16
CFR 300.4).
\4\ In recent years, the FTC has issued approximately 3,000 RNs
per year.
[[Page 43691]]
Recently, the FTC upgraded its RN Web page at https://rn.ftc.gov to
make it easier for the public to obtain, update, and cancel RNs. As
part of this initiative, and to further improve and streamline its
handling of RN requests, the FTC is retiring the paper forms previously
published in the Federal Register and discontinuing the handling of RN
requests submitted by mail, hand delivery, or facsimile.
The FTC's upgraded Web site allows the public to create a password-
protected user account to obtain or update an RN without requiring more
company information than before. To process a new RN application, the
Web site asks the applicant in pertinent part to identify its legal
name, the name under which it does business, the business' street
address, the type of business it conducts (e.g., manufacturing or
importing), the product line(s) it handles that are subject to the Fur,
Textile, or Wool Acts, and additional contact information (e.g., phone
number and email address). The upgraded Web site validates data as
applicants enter it, and can immediately advise an applicant in
numerous instances if the data is erroneous (e.g., a truncated phone
number) or does not appear to meet the requirements for issuance of an
RN (e.g., the applicant does not provide a street address in the United
States). Users can also visit the Web site and login to request the
cancellation of their RNs. Because the information requested to process
RN requests has not changed, the FTC is not changing the requirements
for RN requests, only specifying the method by which requests must be
The amended Rules provide that requests made by means other than
the FTC's Web site will not be accepted unless otherwise indicated by
the Commission or its designee. This provision affords the Commission
or its designee the discretion to act on requests submitted by other
means when appropriate (e.g., if the FTC's Web site is temporarily
unavailable). At this time, the Commission's designee is the Associate
Director of the Bureau of Consumer Protection's Division of
III. Procedural Requirements
Under the Administrative Procedure Act, notice and comment
requirements do not apply ``to interpretive rules, general statements
of policy, or rules of agency organization, procedure, or practice.'' 5
U.S.C. 553(b)(A). The final Rules do not change the substantive
responsibilities of any entity under the Rules. The revisions merely
modify the procedural mechanism for submitting requests relating to
RNs. Accordingly, the Commission finds that advance public notice and
comment is unnecessary. For this reason, the requirements of the
Regulatory Flexibility Act (``RFA'') also do not apply.\5\
\5\ A regulatory flexibility analysis under the RFA is required
only when an agency must publish a notice of proposed rulemaking for
comment. See 5 U.S.C. 603.
IV. Paperwork Reduction Act
The amendments to the Rules do not constitute a new ``collection of
information'' under the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501-3521
(``PRA''). The Rules contain various existing information collection
requirements for which the Commission has obtained clearance under the
PRA from the Office of Management and Budget. Because these amendments
do not trigger additional recordkeeping, disclosure, or reporting
requirements, there is no incremental burden under the PRA. See 44
U.S.C. 3501 et seq.
List of Subjects
16 CFR Part 300
Labeling, Trade practices, Wool.
16 CFR Part 301
Fur, Labeling, Trade practices.
16 CFR Part 303
Labeling, Textiles, Trade practices.
Final Rule Revisions
For the reasons set forth in the preamble, the Federal Trade
Commission amends Title 16, Chapter I, Subchapter C of the Code of
Federal Regulations, parts 300, 301, and 303 as follows:
ACT OF 1939
1. The authority citation for part 300 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 15 U.S.C. 68-68j.
2. In Sec. 300.4, revise paragraphs (c) and (e) to read as follows:
Sec. 300.4 Registered identification numbers.
* * * * *
(c) Registered identification numbers shall be used only by the
person or firm to whom they are issued, and such numbers are not
transferable or assignable. Registered identification numbers shall be
subject to cancellation whenever any such number was procured or has
been used improperly or contrary to the requirements of the Acts
administered by the Federal Trade Commission, and regulations in this
part, or when otherwise deemed necessary in the public interest.
Registered identification numbers shall be subject to cancellation if
the Commission fails to receive prompt notification of any change in
name, business address, or legal business status of a person or firm to
whom a registered identification number has been assigned, by
application duly executed in the form and manner set out in paragraph
(e) of this section, reflecting the current name, business address, and
legal business status of the person or firm.
* * * * *
(e) Requests for a registered identification number, to update
information pertaining to an existing number, or to cancel an existing
number shall be made through the Commission's Web site at https://rn.ftc.gov. Unless otherwise directed by the Commission or its
designee, requests made by other means (including but not limited to
email) will not be accepted and approved.
3. The authority citation for part 301 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 15 U.S.C. 69 et seq.
4. In Sec. 301.26, revise paragraphs (a), (b)(2), and (d) to read as
Sec. 301.26 Registered identification numbers.
(a) Registered numbers for use as the required identification in
lieu of the name on fur product labels as provided in section 4(2)(E)
of the Act will be issued by the Commission to qualified persons
residing in the United States upon receipt of an application duly
executed on the Commission's Web site at https://rn.ftc.gov or by such
means as the Commission or its designee may direct.
(b) * * *
(2) Registered identification numbers shall be subject to
cancellation if the Federal Trade Commission fails to receive prompt
notification of any change in name, business address, or legal business
status of a person or firm to whom a registered identification number
has been assigned, by application duly executed in the form and manner
set out in paragraph (d) of this section, reflecting the current name,
business address, and legal business status of the person or firm.
* * * * *
[[Page 43692]]
(d) Requests for a registered identification number, to update
information pertaining to an existing number, or to cancel an existing
number shall be made through the Commission's Web site at https://rn.ftc.gov. Unless otherwise directed by the Commission or its
designee, requests made by other means (including but not limited to
email) will not be accepted and approved.
5. The authority citation for part 303 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 15 U.S.C. 70 et seq.
6. Revise Sec. 303.20 to read as follows:
Sec. 303.20 Registered identification numbers.
(a) Registered numbers for use as the required identification in
lieu of the name on textile fiber product labels, as provided in
section 4(b)(3) of the Act, will be issued by the Commission to
qualified persons residing in the United States upon receipt of an
application duly executed on the Commission's Web site at https://rn.ftc.gov or by such means as the Commission or its designee may
(b)(1) Registered identification numbers shall be used only by the
person or concern to whom they are issued, and such numbers are not
transferable or assignable.
(2) Registered identification numbers shall be subject to
cancellation whenever any such number was procured or has been used
improperly or contrary to the requirements of the Acts administered by
the Federal Trade Commission, and regulations promulgated thereunder,
or when otherwise deemed necessary in the public interest.
(3) Registered identification numbers shall be subject to
cancellation if the Commission fails to receive prompt notification of
any change in name, business address, or legal business status of a
person or firm to whom a registered identification number has been
assigned, by application duly executed on the Commission's Web site at
https://rn.ftc.gov or by such means as the Commission or its designee
may direct.
(c) Registered identification numbers assigned under this section
may be used on labels required in labeling products subject to the
provisions of the Wool Products Labeling Act and Fur Products Labeling
Act, and numbers previously assigned by the Commission under such Acts
may be used as and for the required name in labeling under this Act.
When so used by the person or firm to whom assigned, the use of the
numbers shall be construed as identifying and binding the applicant as
fully and in all respects as though assigned under the specific Act for
which it is used.
(d) Requests for a registered identification number, to update
information pertaining to an existing number, or to cancel an existing
number shall be made through the Commission's Web site at https://rn.ftc.gov. Unless otherwise directed by the Commission or its
designee, requests made by other means (including but not limited to
email) will not be accepted and approved.
By direction of the Commission.
Donald S. Clark,
[FR Doc. 2017-19868 Filed 9-18-17; 8:45 am]