Vermont; Major Disaster and Related Determinations, 43033-43034 [2017-19428]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 176 / Wednesday, September 13, 2017 / Notices (STEP) Survey—Electronic; FEMA Form 519–0–50, Shelter and Temporary Essential Power (STEP) Survey—Phone. Abstract: Federal agencies are required to survey their customers to determine the kind and quality of services customers want and their level of satisfaction with those services. Analysis from the survey is used to measure FEMA’s survivor-centric mission of being accessible, simple, timely and effective in meeting the needs of survivors. Affected Public: Individuals and households. Estimated Number of Respondents: 8,896. Estimated Number of Responses: 8,896. Estimated Total Annual Burden Hours: 5,548. Estimated Total Annual Respondent Cost: The estimated annual burden hour cost to respondents is $193,292. The estimated annual non-labor cost to respondents participating and traveling to focus groups is $30,816. Estimated Respondents’ Operation and Maintenance Costs: There are no annual costs to respondents’ operations and maintenance costs for technical services. Estimated Respondents’ Capital and Start-Up Costs: There are no annual start-up or capital costs. Estimated Total Annual Cost to the Federal Government: The cost to the Federal Government is $716,338. sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES Comments Comments may be submitted as indicated in the ADDRESSES caption above. Comments are solicited to (a) evaluate whether the proposed data collection is necessary for the proper performance of the agency, including whether the information shall have practical utility; (b) evaluate the accuracy of the agency’s estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used; (c) enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and (d) minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology, e.g., permitting electronic submission of responses. VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:34 Sep 12, 2017 Jkt 241001 Dated: September 8, 2017. William H. Holzerland, Senior Director for Information Management, Mission Support, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of Homeland Security. [FR Doc. 2017–19413 Filed 9–12–17; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 9111–23–P DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Federal Emergency Management Agency [Internal Agency Docket No. FEMA–4332– DR; Docket ID FEMA–2017–0001] Texas; Amendment No. 3 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration Federal Emergency Management Agency, DHS. AGENCY: ACTION: Notice. This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Texas (FEMA–4332–DR), dated August 25, 2017, and related determinations. This amendment was issued September 1, 2017. DATES: FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dean Webster, Office of Response and Recovery, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 500 C Street SW., Washington, DC 20472, (202) 646–2833. The notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Texas is hereby amended to include the following areas among those areas determined to have been adversely affected by the event declared a major disaster by the President in his declaration of August 25, 2017. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Polk, Tyler, and Walker Counties for Individual Assistance and assistance for debris removal and emergency protective measures [Categories A and B], including direct federal assistance, under the Public Assistance program. The following Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Numbers (CFDA) are to be used for reporting and drawing funds: 97.030, Community Disaster Loans; 97.031, Cora Brown Fund; 97.032, Crisis Counseling; 97.033, Disaster Legal Services; 97.034, Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA); 97.046, Fire Management Assistance Grant; 97.048, Disaster Housing Assistance to Individuals and Households In Presidentially Declared Disaster Areas; 97.049, Presidentially Declared Disaster Assistance— Disaster Housing Operations for Individuals and Households; 97.050 Presidentially Declared Disaster Assistance to Individuals and Households—Other Needs; 97.036, Disaster Grants—Public Assistance Frm 00065 Fmt 4703 (Presidentially Declared Disasters); 97.039, Hazard Mitigation Grant. Brock Long, Administrator, Federal Emergency Management Agency. [FR Doc. 2017–19372 Filed 9–12–17; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 9111–23–P DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Federal Emergency Management Agency [Internal Agency Docket No. FEMA–4330– DR; Docket ID FEMA–2017–0001] Vermont; Major Disaster and Related Determinations Federal Emergency Management Agency, DHS. ACTION: Notice. AGENCY: This is a notice of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for the State of Vermont (FEMA–4330–DR), dated August 16, 2017, and related determinations. DATES: The declaration was issued August 16, 2017. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dean Webster, Office of Response and Recovery, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 500 C Street SW., Washington, DC 20472, (202) 646–2833. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Notice is hereby given that, in a letter dated August 16, 2017, the President issued a major disaster declaration under the authority of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq. (the ‘‘Stafford Act’’), as follows: SUMMARY: SUMMARY: PO 00000 43033 Sfmt 4703 I have determined that the damage in certain areas of the State of Vermont resulting from severe storms and flooding during the period of June 29 to July 1, 2017, is of sufficient severity and magnitude to warrant a major disaster declaration under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq. (the ‘‘Stafford Act’’). Therefore, I declare that such a major disaster exists in the State of Vermont. In order to provide Federal assistance, you are hereby authorized to allocate from funds available for these purposes such amounts as you find necessary for Federal disaster assistance and administrative expenses. You are authorized to provide Public Assistance in the designated areas and Hazard Mitigation throughout the State. Consistent with the requirement that Federal assistance be supplemental, any Federal funds provided under the Stafford Act for Hazard Mitigation will be limited to 75 percent of the total eligible costs. Federal funds provided under the Stafford Act for Public Assistance also will be limited to 75 E:\FR\FM\13SEN1.SGM 13SEN1 43034 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 176 / Wednesday, September 13, 2017 / Notices percent of the total eligible costs, with the exception of projects that meet the eligibility criteria for a higher Federal cost-sharing percentage under the Public Assistance Alternative Procedures Pilot Program for Debris Removal implemented pursuant to section 428 of the Stafford Act. Further, you are authorized to make changes to this declaration for the approved assistance to the extent allowable under the Stafford Act. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) hereby gives notice that pursuant to the authority vested in the Administrator, under Executive Order 12148, as amended, Mark H. Landry, of FEMA is appointed to act as the Federal Coordinating Officer for this major disaster. The following areas of the State of Vermont have been designated as adversely affected by this major disaster: Addison, Bennington, Caledonia, Orange, Rutland, Washington, and Windsor Counties for Public Assistance. All areas within the State of Vermont are eligible for assistance under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. The following Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Numbers (CFDA) are to be used for reporting and drawing funds: 97.030, Community Disaster Loans; 97.031, Cora Brown Fund; 97.032, Crisis Counseling; 97.033, Disaster Legal Services; 97.034, Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA); 97.046, Fire Management Assistance Grant; 97.048, Disaster Housing Assistance to Individuals and Households In Presidentially Declared Disaster Areas; 97.049, Presidentially Declared Disaster Assistance— Disaster Housing Operations for Individuals and Households; 97.050, Presidentially Declared Disaster Assistance to Individuals and Households—Other Needs; 97.036, Disaster Grants—Public Assistance (Presidentially Declared Disasters); 97.039, Hazard Mitigation Grant. Brock Long, Administrator, Federal Emergency Management Agency. State of Wyoming (FEMA–4327–DR), dated August 5, 2017, and related determinations. This amendment was issued September 1, 2017. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dean Webster, Office of Response and Recovery, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 500 C Street SW., Washington, DC 20472, (202) 646–2833. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Wyoming is hereby amended to include the following area among those areas determined to have been adversely affected by the event declared a major disaster by the President in his declaration of August 5, 2017. Washakie County for Public Assistance. DATES: The following Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Numbers (CFDA) are to be used for reporting and drawing funds: 97.030, Community Disaster Loans; 97.031, Cora Brown Fund; 97.032, Crisis Counseling; 97.033, Disaster Legal Services; 97.034, Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA); 97.046, Fire Management Assistance Grant; 97.048, Disaster Housing Assistance to Individuals and Households In Presidentially Declared Disaster Areas; 97.049, Presidentially Declared Disaster Assistance— Disaster Housing Operations for Individuals and Households; 97.050 Presidentially Declared Disaster Assistance to Individuals and Households—Other Needs; 97.036, Disaster Grants—Public Assistance (Presidentially Declared Disasters); 97.039, Hazard Mitigation Grant. Brock Long, Administrator, Federal Emergency Management Agency. [FR Doc. 2017–19382 Filed 9–12–17; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 9111–23–P DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY [FR Doc. 2017–19428 Filed 9–12–17; 8:45 am] FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dean Webster, Office of Response and Recovery, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 500 C Street SW., Washington, DC 20472, (202) 646–2833. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Texas is hereby amended to include the following areas among those areas determined to have been adversely affected by the event declared a major disaster by the President in his declaration of August 25, 2017. Austin, Bastrop, DeWitt, Gonzales, Karnes, Lavaca, and Lee Counties for Individual Assistance and assistance for debris removal and emergency protective measures [Categories A and B], including direct federal assistance, under the Public Assistance program. Aransas, Brazoria, Calhoun, Chambers, Colorado, Fayette, Fort Bend, Galveston, Goliad, Hardin, Harris, Jackson, Jasper, Jefferson, Liberty, Matagorda, Montgomery, Newton, Nueces, Orange, Polk, San Jacinto, San Patricio, Tyler, Victoria, Walker, Waller, and Wharton Counties for Public Assistance [Categories C–G] (already designated for Individual Assistance and assistance for debris removal and emergency protective measures [Categories A and B], including direct federal assistance, under the Public Assistance program). The following Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Numbers (CFDA) are to be used for reporting and drawing funds: 97.030, Community Disaster Loans; 97.031, Cora Brown Fund; 97.032, Crisis Counseling; 97.033, Disaster Legal Services; 97.034, Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA); 97.046, Fire Management Assistance Grant; 97.048, Disaster Housing Assistance to Individuals and Households In Presidentially Declared Disaster Areas; 97.049, Presidentially Declared Disaster Assistance— Disaster Housing Operations for Individuals and Households; 97.050 Presidentially Declared Disaster Assistance to Individuals and Households—Other Needs; 97.036, Disaster Grants—Public Assistance (Presidentially Declared Disasters); 97.039, Hazard Mitigation Grant. Federal Emergency Management Agency Brock Long, Administrator, Federal Emergency Management Agency. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY [Internal Agency Docket No. FEMA–4332– DR; Docket ID FEMA–2017–0001] [FR Doc. 2017–19383 Filed 9–12–17; 8:45 am] Federal Emergency Management Agency Texas; Amendment No. 5 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration BILLING CODE 9111–23–P sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES [Internal Agency Docket No. FEMA–4327– DR; Docket ID FEMA–2017–0001] Wyoming; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration Federal Emergency Management Agency, DHS. ACTION: Notice. AGENCY: This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the SUMMARY: VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:34 Sep 12, 2017 Jkt 241001 Federal Emergency Management Agency, DHS. ACTION: Notice. AGENCY: BILLING CODE 9111–23–P DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Federal Emergency Management Agency This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Texas (FEMA–4332–DR), dated August 25, 2017, and related determinations. [Internal Agency Docket No. FEMA–4331– DR; Docket ID FEMA–2017–0001] This amendment was issued September 4, 2017. AGENCY: SUMMARY: DATES: PO 00000 Frm 00066 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 West Virginia; Major Disaster and Related Determinations Federal Emergency Management Agency, DHS. E:\FR\FM\13SEN1.SGM 13SEN1


[Federal Register Volume 82, Number 176 (Wednesday, September 13, 2017)]
[Pages 43033-43034]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2017-19428]



Federal Emergency Management Agency

[Internal Agency Docket No. FEMA-4330-DR; Docket ID FEMA-2017-0001]

Vermont; Major Disaster and Related Determinations

AGENCY: Federal Emergency Management Agency, DHS.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: This is a notice of the Presidential declaration of a major 
disaster for the State of Vermont (FEMA-4330-DR), dated August 16, 
2017, and related determinations.

DATES: The declaration was issued August 16, 2017.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dean Webster, Office of Response and 
Recovery, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 500 C Street SW., 
Washington, DC 20472, (202) 646-2833.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Notice is hereby given that, in a letter 
dated August 16, 2017, the President issued a major disaster 
declaration under the authority of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster 
Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq. (the 
``Stafford Act''), as follows:

    I have determined that the damage in certain areas of the State 
of Vermont resulting from severe storms and flooding during the 
period of June 29 to July 1, 2017, is of sufficient severity and 
magnitude to warrant a major disaster declaration under the Robert 
T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. 
5121 et seq. (the ``Stafford Act''). Therefore, I declare that such 
a major disaster exists in the State of Vermont.
    In order to provide Federal assistance, you are hereby 
authorized to allocate from funds available for these purposes such 
amounts as you find necessary for Federal disaster assistance and 
administrative expenses.
    You are authorized to provide Public Assistance in the 
designated areas and Hazard Mitigation throughout the State. 
Consistent with the requirement that Federal assistance be 
supplemental, any Federal funds provided under the Stafford Act for 
Hazard Mitigation will be limited to 75 percent of the total 
eligible costs. Federal funds provided under the Stafford Act for 
Public Assistance also will be limited to 75

[[Page 43034]]

percent of the total eligible costs, with the exception of projects 
that meet the eligibility criteria for a higher Federal cost-sharing 
percentage under the Public Assistance Alternative Procedures Pilot 
Program for Debris Removal implemented pursuant to section 428 of 
the Stafford Act.
    Further, you are authorized to make changes to this declaration 
for the approved assistance to the extent allowable under the 
Stafford Act.

    The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) hereby gives notice 
that pursuant to the authority vested in the Administrator, under 
Executive Order 12148, as amended, Mark H. Landry, of FEMA is appointed 
to act as the Federal Coordinating Officer for this major disaster.
    The following areas of the State of Vermont have been designated as 
adversely affected by this major disaster:

    Addison, Bennington, Caledonia, Orange, Rutland, Washington, and 
Windsor Counties for Public Assistance.
    All areas within the State of Vermont are eligible for 
assistance under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program.

    The following Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Numbers 
(CFDA) are to be used for reporting and drawing funds: 97.030, 
Community Disaster Loans; 97.031, Cora Brown Fund; 97.032, Crisis 
Counseling; 97.033, Disaster Legal Services; 97.034, Disaster 
Unemployment Assistance (DUA); 97.046, Fire Management Assistance 
Grant; 97.048, Disaster Housing Assistance to Individuals and 
Households In Presidentially Declared Disaster Areas; 97.049, 
Presidentially Declared Disaster Assistance--Disaster Housing 
Operations for Individuals and Households; 97.050, Presidentially 
Declared Disaster Assistance to Individuals and Households--Other 
Needs; 97.036, Disaster Grants--Public Assistance (Presidentially 
Declared Disasters); 97.039, Hazard Mitigation Grant.

Brock Long,
Administrator, Federal Emergency Management Agency.
[FR Doc. 2017-19428 Filed 9-12-17; 8:45 am]
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