Patriot Woods Railroad, LLC-Abandonment Exemption-in Cowlitz County, Wash.; Columbia & Cowlitz Railway, LLC-Discontinuance of Service Exemption-in Cowlitz County, Wash, 41462-41463 [2017-18494]
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 168 / Thursday, August 31, 2017 / Notices
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
in Cowlitz County, Wash. (the Line).1
The Line traverses United States Postal
Service Zip Codes 98632 and 98636 and
includes the Milco station at milepost
4.25 and the Rocky Point station at
milepost 6.0.
CLC has certified that: (1) No local
traffic has moved over the Line for at
least two years; (2) any overhead traffic
can be rerouted over other lines; (3) no
formal complaint filed by a user of rail
service on the Line (or by a state or local
government entity acting on behalf of
such user) regarding cessation of service
over the Line either is pending with the
Surface Transportation Board (Board) or
with any U.S. District Court or has been
decided in favor of a complainant
within the two-year period; and (4) the
requirements at 49 CFR 1105.7(c)
(environmental report), 49 CFR 1105.11
(transmittal letter), 49 CFR 1105.12
(newspaper publication), and 49 CFR
1152.50(d)(1) (notice to governmental
agencies) have been met.
As a condition to this exemption, any
employee adversely affected by the
abandonment shall be protected under
Oregon Short Line Railroad—
Abandonment Portion Goshen Branch
Between Firth & Ammon, in Bingham &
Bonneville Counties, Idaho, 360 I.C.C.
91 (1979). To address whether this
condition adequately protects affected
employees, a petition for partial
revocation under 49 U.S.C. 10502(d)
must be filed.
Provided no formal expression of
intent to file an offer of financial
assistance (OFA) has been received, this
exemption will be effective on
September 30, 2017, unless stayed
pending reconsideration. Petitions to
stay that do not involve environmental
issues,2 formal expressions of intent to
file an OFA under 49 CFR
1152.27(c)(2),3 and interim trail use/rail
1 In a concurrently filed joint verified notice of
exemption, CLC seeks to discontinue service over,
and Patriot Woods Railroad, LLC, seeks to abandon,
approximately 21.50-miles of connecting rail line
between milepost 8.5 at Ostrander Junction and the
end of the line at milepost 30, in Cowlitz County,
Wash. See Columbia & Cowlitz Ry.—
Discontinuance of Serv. Exemption—in Cowlitz
Cty., Wash., Docket No. AB 1244 (Sub-No. 1X) and
Patriot Woods R.R.—Aban. Exemption—in Cowlitz
Cty., Wash., Docket No. AB 1243X.
2 The Board will grant a stay if an informed
decision on environmental issues (whether raised
by a party or by the Board’s Office of Environmental
Analysis (OEA) in its independent investigation)
cannot be made before the exemption’s effective
date. See Exemption of Out-of-Serv. Rail Lines, 5
I.C.C.2d 377 (1989). Any request for a stay should
be filed as soon as possible so that the Board may
take appropriate action before the exemption’s
effective date.
3 Each OFA must be accompanied by the filing
fee, which is currently set at $1,700. See 49 CFR
1002.2(f)(25). Effective September 1, 2017, the fee
will become $1,800. See Regulations Governing
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20:54 Aug 30, 2017
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banking requests under 49 CFR 1152.29
must be filed by September 8, 2017.
Petitions to reopen or requests for
public use conditions under 49 CFR
1152.28 must be filed by September 20,
2017, with the Surface Transportation
Board, 395 E Street SW., Washington,
DC 20423–0001.
A copy of any petition filed with the
Board should be sent to Melanie B.
Yasbin, Law Offices of Louis E. Gitomer,
LLC, 600 Baltimore Avenue, Suite 301,
Towson, MD 21204.
If the verified notice contains false or
misleading information, the exemption
is void ab initio.
CLC has filed a combined
environmental and historic report that
addresses the effects, if any, of the
abandonment on the environment and
historic resources. OEA will issue an
environmental assessment (EA) by
September 5, 2017. Interested persons
may obtain a copy of the EA by writing
to OEA (Room 1100, Surface
Transportation Board, Washington, DC
20423–0001) or by calling OEA at (202)
245–0305. Assistance for the hearing
impaired is available through the
Federal Information Relay Service at
(800) 877–8339. Comments on
environmental and historic preservation
matters must be filed within 15 days
after the EA becomes available to the
Environmental, historic preservation,
public use, or trail use/rail banking
conditions will be imposed, where
appropriate, in a subsequent decision.
Pursuant to the provisions of 49 CFR
1152.29(e)(2), CLC shall file a notice of
consummation with the Board to signify
that it has exercised the authority
granted and fully abandoned the Line. If
consummation has not been effected by
CLC’s filing of a notice of
consummation by August 31, 2018, and
there are no legal or regulatory barriers
to consummation, the authority to
abandon will automatically expire.
Board decisions and notices are
available on our Web site at
Decided: August 28, 2017.
By the Board, Rachel D. Campbell,
Director, Office of Proceedings.
Marline Simeon,
Clearance Clerk.
[Docket No. AB 1243X; Docket No. AB 1244
(Sub-No. 1X]
Patriot Woods Railroad, LLC—
Abandonment Exemption—in Cowlitz
County, Wash.; Columbia & Cowlitz
Railway, LLC—Discontinuance of
Service Exemption—in Cowlitz County,
Patriot Woods Railroad, LLC (PW) and
Columbia & Cowlitz Railway, LLC (CLC)
(collectively, Applicants), have jointly
filed a verified notice of exemption
under 49 CFR pt. 1152 subpart F—
Exempt Abandonments and
Discontinuances of Service for PW to
abandon, and for CLC to discontinue
service over, an approximately 21.50mile rail line between milepost 8.5 at
Ostrander Junction and the end of the
line at milepost 30 in Cowlitz County,
Wash. (the Line).1 The Line traverses
United States Postal Service Zip Codes
98611, 98626, and 98649 and includes
the Headquarters station at milepost
14.2 and the Landfill station at milepost
Applicants have certified that: (1) No
local or overhead traffic has moved over
the Line for at least two years; (2) there
is no overhead traffic to be rerouted; (3)
no formal complaint filed by a user of
rail service on the Line (or by a state or
local government entity acting on behalf
of such user) regarding cessation of
service over the Line either is pending
with the Surface Transportation Board
(Board) or with any U.S. District Court
or has been decided in favor of
complainant within the two-year period;
and (4) the requirements at 49 CFR
1105.7(c) (environmental report), 49
CFR 1105.11 (transmittal letter), 49 CFR
1105.12 (newspaper publication), and
49 CFR 1152.50(d)(1) (notice to
governmental agencies) have been met.
Where, as here, the carrier is
abandoning its entire line, the Board
does not normally impose labor
protection under 49 U.S.C. 10502(g),
unless the evidence indicates the
existence of: (1) A corporate affiliate
that will continue substantially similar
rail operations; or (2) A corporate parent
that will realize substantial financial
benefits over and above relief from the
burden of deficit operations by its
subsidiary railroad. See Honey Creek
R.R.—Aban. Exemption—in Henry Cty.,
Ind., AB 865X (STB served Aug. 20,
[FR Doc. 2017–18484 Filed 8–30–17; 8:45 am]
Fees for Servs. Performed in Connection with
Licensing & Related Servs.—2017 Update, EP 542
(Sub-No. 25), slip op. App. C at 20 (STB served July
28, 2017).
PO 00000
Frm 00072
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1 In a concurrently filed verified notice of
exemption, CLC seeks to abandon approximately 7
miles of connecting rail line between milepost 1.5
at Longview and milepost 8.5 at Ostrander Junction,
in Cowlitz County, Wash. See Columbia & Cowlitz
Ry.—Aban. Exemption—in Cowlitz Cty., Wash.,
Docket No. AB 1244X.
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 168 / Thursday, August 31, 2017 / Notices
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
2004); Wellsville, Addison & Galeton
R.R.—Aban., 354 I.C.C. 744 (1978); and
Northampton & Bath R.R.—Aban., 354
I.C.C. 784 (1978). According to PW, after
abandonment PW’s parent company and
corporate affiliate will not continue
similar operations, nor will PW’s parent
company realize substantial financial
benefits over and above relief from the
burden of its subsidiary railroad.
Therefore, employee protection
conditions will not be imposed.
Any employee of CLC adversely
affected by the discontinuance shall be
protected under Oregon Short Line
Railroad—Abandonment Portion
Goshen Branch Between Firth &
Ammon, in Bingham & Bonneville
Counties, Idaho, 360 I.C.C. 91 (1979). To
address whether this condition
adequately protects affected employees,
a petition for partial revocation under
49 U.S.C. 10502(d) must be filed.
Provided no formal expression of
intent to file an offer of financial
assistance (OFA) has been received,
these exemptions will be effective on
September 30, 2017, unless stayed
pending reconsideration. Petitions to
stay that do not involve environmental
issues,2 formal expressions of intent to
file an OFA under 49 CFR
1152.27(c)(2),3 and trail use/rail banking
requests under 49 CFR 1152.29 must be
filed by September 8, 2017. Petitions to
reopen or requests for public use
conditions under 49 CFR 1152.28 must
be filed by September 20, 2017, with the
Surface Transportation Board, 395 E
Street SW., Washington, DC 20423–
A copy of any petition filed with the
Board should be sent to Melanie B.
Yasbin, Law Offices of Louis E. Gitomer,
LLC, 600 Baltimore Avenue, Suite 301,
Towson, MD 21204.
If the verified notice contains false or
misleading information, the exemptions
are void ab initio.
Applicants have filed a combined
environmental and historic report that
addresses the effects, if any, of the
abandonment on the environment and
2 The Board will grant a stay if an informed
decision on environmental issues (whether raised
by a party or by the Board’s Office of Environmental
Analysis (OEA) in its independent investigation)
cannot be made before the exemptions’ effective
date. See Exemption of Out-of-Serv. Rail Lines, 5
I.C.C.2d 377 (1989). Any request for a stay should
be filed as soon as possible so that the Board may
take appropriate action before the exemptions’
effective date.
3 Each OFA must be accompanied by the filing
fee, which is currently set at $1,700. See 49 CFR
1002.2(f)(25). Effective September 1, 2017, the fee
will become $1,800. See Regulations Governing
Fees for Servs. Performed in Connection with
Licensing & Related Servs.—2017 Update, EP 542
(Sub-No. 25), slip op. App. C at 20 (STB served July
28, 2017).
VerDate Sep<11>2014
20:54 Aug 30, 2017
Jkt 241001
historic resources. OEA will issue an
environmental assessment (EA) by
September 5, 2017. Interested persons
may obtain a copy of the EA by writing
to OEA (Room 1100, Surface
Transportation Board, Washington, DC
20423–0001) or by calling OEA at (202)
245–0305. Assistance for the hearing
impaired is available through the
Federal Information Relay Service
(FIRS) at 1–800–877–8339. Comments
on environmental and historic
preservation matters must be filed
within 15 days after the EA becomes
available to the public.
Environmental, historic preservation,
public use, or trail use/rail banking
conditions will be imposed, where
appropriate, in a subsequent decision.
Pursuant to the provisions of 49 CFR
1152.29(e)(2), PW shall file a notice of
consummation with the Board to signify
that it has exercised the authority
granted and fully abandoned the Line. If
consummation has not been effected by
PW’s filing of a notice of consummation
by August 31, 2018, and there are no
legal or regulatory barriers to
consummation, the authority to
abandon will automatically expire.
Board decisions and notices are
available on our Web site at
Decided: August 28, 2017.
By the Board, Rachel D. Campbell,
Director, Office of Proceedings.
Marline Simeon,
Clearance Clerk.
[FR Doc. 2017–18494 Filed 8–30–17; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Requests for Comments;
Clearance of Reinstatement Approval
of Information Collection: Notice of
Proposed Outdoor Laser Operations
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice and request for
In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, FAA
invites public comments about our
intention to request the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB)
approval to reinstate a previously
approved information collection. In
order for the FAA to ensure safety it
proposes to collect information from
potential outdoor laser operators. The
FAA will review the proposed laser
activity against air traffic operations and
PO 00000
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verify that the laser operation will not
interfere with air traffic operations.
DATES: Written comments should be
submitted by October 30, 2017.
ADDRESSES: Send comments to the FAA
at the following address: Barbara Hall,
Federal Aviation Administration, ASP–
110, 10101 Hillwood Parkway, Fort
Worth, TX 76177.
Public Comments Invited: You are
asked to comment on any aspect of this
information collection, including (a)
Whether the proposed collection of
information is necessary for FAA’s
performance; (b) the accuracy of the
estimated burden; (c) ways for FAA to
enhance the quality, utility and clarity
of the information collection; and (d)
ways that the burden could be
minimized without reducing the quality
of the collected information. The agency
will summarize and/or include your
comments in the request for OMB’s
clearance of this information collection.
Barbara Hall by email at:; phone 940–
OMB Control Number: 2120–0662.
Title: Notice of Proposed Outdoor
Laser Operations.
Form Numbers: FAA Form AC 7140–
Type of Review: Reinstatement of an
information collection.
Background: The FAA will use the
information gathered from laser
operators planning to conduct outdoor
laser operations to evaluate potential
hazards to aircraft operating in the
National Airspace System (NAS).
Ultimately, the goal is to prevent an
aircraft from being hit by the laser
operation. The information will be
reviewed by one of the three FAAs
service centers and sent to the facility,
which can be a Tower, TRACON or
Center, that is being impacted by the
operation. The faculty will review the
proposed operation and state no
objection or list an objection to the
operation. If the facility lists an
objection, then the service center will
contact the proponent and see if
adjustments can be made to the
proposed operation.
Respondents: Approximately 405
laser operations.
Frequency: One time per laser
Estimated Average Burden per
Response: Approximately 4 hours per
Estimated Total Annual Burden: An
estimated 1,620 hours.
[Federal Register Volume 82, Number 168 (Thursday, August 31, 2017)]
[Pages 41462-41463]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2017-18494]
[Docket No. AB 1243X; Docket No. AB 1244 (Sub-No. 1X]
Patriot Woods Railroad, LLC--Abandonment Exemption--in Cowlitz
County, Wash.; Columbia & Cowlitz Railway, LLC--Discontinuance of
Service Exemption--in Cowlitz County, Wash
Patriot Woods Railroad, LLC (PW) and Columbia & Cowlitz Railway,
LLC (CLC) (collectively, Applicants), have jointly filed a verified
notice of exemption under 49 CFR pt. 1152 subpart F--Exempt
Abandonments and Discontinuances of Service for PW to abandon, and for
CLC to discontinue service over, an approximately 21.50-mile rail line
between milepost 8.5 at Ostrander Junction and the end of the line at
milepost 30 in Cowlitz County, Wash. (the Line).\1\ The Line traverses
United States Postal Service Zip Codes 98611, 98626, and 98649 and
includes the Headquarters station at milepost 14.2 and the Landfill
station at milepost 16.2.
\1\ In a concurrently filed verified notice of exemption, CLC
seeks to abandon approximately 7 miles of connecting rail line
between milepost 1.5 at Longview and milepost 8.5 at Ostrander
Junction, in Cowlitz County, Wash. See Columbia & Cowlitz Ry.--Aban.
Exemption--in Cowlitz Cty., Wash., Docket No. AB 1244X.
Applicants have certified that: (1) No local or overhead traffic
has moved over the Line for at least two years; (2) there is no
overhead traffic to be rerouted; (3) no formal complaint filed by a
user of rail service on the Line (or by a state or local government
entity acting on behalf of such user) regarding cessation of service
over the Line either is pending with the Surface Transportation Board
(Board) or with any U.S. District Court or has been decided in favor of
complainant within the two-year period; and (4) the requirements at 49
CFR 1105.7(c) (environmental report), 49 CFR 1105.11 (transmittal
letter), 49 CFR 1105.12 (newspaper publication), and 49 CFR
1152.50(d)(1) (notice to governmental agencies) have been met.
Where, as here, the carrier is abandoning its entire line, the
Board does not normally impose labor protection under 49 U.S.C.
10502(g), unless the evidence indicates the existence of: (1) A
corporate affiliate that will continue substantially similar rail
operations; or (2) A corporate parent that will realize substantial
financial benefits over and above relief from the burden of deficit
operations by its subsidiary railroad. See Honey Creek R.R.--Aban.
Exemption--in Henry Cty., Ind., AB 865X (STB served Aug. 20,
[[Page 41463]]
2004); Wellsville, Addison & Galeton R.R.--Aban., 354 I.C.C. 744
(1978); and Northampton & Bath R.R.--Aban., 354 I.C.C. 784 (1978).
According to PW, after abandonment PW's parent company and corporate
affiliate will not continue similar operations, nor will PW's parent
company realize substantial financial benefits over and above relief
from the burden of its subsidiary railroad. Therefore, employee
protection conditions will not be imposed.
Any employee of CLC adversely affected by the discontinuance shall
be protected under Oregon Short Line Railroad--Abandonment Portion
Goshen Branch Between Firth & Ammon, in Bingham & Bonneville Counties,
Idaho, 360 I.C.C. 91 (1979). To address whether this condition
adequately protects affected employees, a petition for partial
revocation under 49 U.S.C. 10502(d) must be filed.
Provided no formal expression of intent to file an offer of
financial assistance (OFA) has been received, these exemptions will be
effective on September 30, 2017, unless stayed pending reconsideration.
Petitions to stay that do not involve environmental issues,\2\ formal
expressions of intent to file an OFA under 49 CFR 1152.27(c)(2),\3\ and
trail use/rail banking requests under 49 CFR 1152.29 must be filed by
September 8, 2017. Petitions to reopen or requests for public use
conditions under 49 CFR 1152.28 must be filed by September 20, 2017,
with the Surface Transportation Board, 395 E Street SW., Washington, DC
\2\ The Board will grant a stay if an informed decision on
environmental issues (whether raised by a party or by the Board's
Office of Environmental Analysis (OEA) in its independent
investigation) cannot be made before the exemptions' effective date.
See Exemption of Out-of-Serv. Rail Lines, 5 I.C.C.2d 377 (1989). Any
request for a stay should be filed as soon as possible so that the
Board may take appropriate action before the exemptions' effective
\3\ Each OFA must be accompanied by the filing fee, which is
currently set at $1,700. See 49 CFR 1002.2(f)(25). Effective
September 1, 2017, the fee will become $1,800. See Regulations
Governing Fees for Servs. Performed in Connection with Licensing &
Related Servs.--2017 Update, EP 542 (Sub-No. 25), slip op. App. C at
20 (STB served July 28, 2017).
A copy of any petition filed with the Board should be sent to
Melanie B. Yasbin, Law Offices of Louis E. Gitomer, LLC, 600 Baltimore
Avenue, Suite 301, Towson, MD 21204.
If the verified notice contains false or misleading information,
the exemptions are void ab initio.
Applicants have filed a combined environmental and historic report
that addresses the effects, if any, of the abandonment on the
environment and historic resources. OEA will issue an environmental
assessment (EA) by September 5, 2017. Interested persons may obtain a
copy of the EA by writing to OEA (Room 1100, Surface Transportation
Board, Washington, DC 20423-0001) or by calling OEA at (202) 245-0305.
Assistance for the hearing impaired is available through the Federal
Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1-800-877-8339. Comments on
environmental and historic preservation matters must be filed within 15
days after the EA becomes available to the public.
Environmental, historic preservation, public use, or trail use/rail
banking conditions will be imposed, where appropriate, in a subsequent
Pursuant to the provisions of 49 CFR 1152.29(e)(2), PW shall file a
notice of consummation with the Board to signify that it has exercised
the authority granted and fully abandoned the Line. If consummation has
not been effected by PW's filing of a notice of consummation by August
31, 2018, and there are no legal or regulatory barriers to
consummation, the authority to abandon will automatically expire.
Board decisions and notices are available on our Web site at
Decided: August 28, 2017.
By the Board, Rachel D. Campbell, Director, Office of
Marline Simeon,
Clearance Clerk.
[FR Doc. 2017-18494 Filed 8-30-17; 8:45 am]