Georgia-Alabama-South Carolina System, 41401-41414 [2017-18424]
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sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 168 / Thursday, August 31, 2017 / Notices
Docket Numbers: ER17–2357–000.
Applicants: Duke Energy Indiana,
Description: § 205(d) Rate Filing:
Letter Agreement with WVPA—RS 271
to be effective 8/28/2017.
Filed Date: 8/25/17.
Accession Number: 20170825–5134.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 9/15/17.
Docket Numbers: ER17–2358–000.
Applicants: Southern California
Edison Company.
Description: § 205(d) Rate Filing:
Amended GIA Edom Hills Project 1,
LLC—Edom Hills Wind Park
WDT1153QFC to be effective 8/25/2017.
Filed Date: 8/25/17.
Accession Number: 20170825–5138.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 9/15/17.
Docket Numbers: ER17–2359–000.
Applicants: Midcontinent
Independent System Operator, Inc.,
MDU Resources Group, Inc.
Description: § 205(d) Rate Filing:
2017–08–25_Rate Schedule 50—MDUBasin Revenue Sharing Agreement to be
effective 5/1/2017.
Filed Date: 8/25/17.
Accession Number: 20170825–5153.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 9/15/17.
Docket Numbers: ER17–2360–000.
Applicants: Appalachian Power
Company, PJM Interconnection, L.L.C.
Description: § 205(d) Rate Filing:
APCo submits 10th Revised ILDSA No.
1252, FA and LA with BRPA to be
effective 9/17/2010.
Filed Date: 8/25/17.
Accession Number: 20170825–5179.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 9/15/17.
Docket Numbers: ER17–2361–000.
Applicants: ITC Midwest LLC.
Description: § 205(d) Rate Filing:
Filing of a Master JUA for Distribution
Underbuild with MiEnergy to be
effective 10/24/2017.
Filed Date: 8/25/17.
Accession Number: 20170825–5184.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 9/15/17.
Docket Numbers: ER17–2362–000.
Applicants: PJM Interconnection,
Description: § 205(d) Rate Filing:
Revisions to OATT Sch. 12—Appdx A
re: RTEP Projects Approved by Board
July 2017 to be effective 11/23/2017.
Filed Date: 8/25/17.
Accession Number: 20170825–5228.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 9/15/17.
The filings are accessible in the
Commission’s eLibrary system by
clicking on the links or querying the
docket number.
Any person desiring to intervene or
protest in any of the above proceedings
must file in accordance with Rules 211
and 214 of the Commission’s
Regulations (18 CFR 385.211 and
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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385.214) on or before 5:00 p.m. Eastern
time on the specified comment date.
Protests may be considered, but
intervention is necessary to become a
party to the proceeding.
eFiling is encouraged. More detailed
information relating to filing
requirements, interventions, protests,
service, and qualifying facilities filings
can be found at:
docs-filing/efiling/filing-req.pdf. For
other information, call (866) 208–3676
(toll free). For TTY, call (202) 502–8659.
Dated: August 25, 2017.
Nathaniel J. Davis, Sr.,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2017–18466 Filed 8–30–17; 8:45 am]
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Docket No. ER17–2318–000]
Cuyama Solar, LLC; Supplemental
Notice That Initial Market-Based Rate
Filing Includes Request for Blanket
Section 204 Authorization
This is a supplemental notice in the
above-referenced proceeding of Cuyama
Solar, LLC’s application for marketbased rate authority, with an
accompanying rate tariff, noting that
such application includes a request for
blanket authorization, under 18 CFR
part 34, of future issuances of securities
and assumptions of liability.
Any person desiring to intervene or to
protest should file with the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission, 888
First Street NE., Washington, DC 20426,
in accordance with Rules 211 and 214
of the Commission’s Rules of Practice
and Procedure (18 CFR 385.211 and
385.214). Anyone filing a motion to
intervene or protest must serve a copy
of that document on the Applicant.
Notice is hereby given that the
deadline for filing protests with regard
to the applicant’s request for blanket
authorization, under 18 CFR part 34, of
future issuances of securities and
assumptions of liability, is September
14, 2017.
The Commission encourages
electronic submission of protests and
interventions in lieu of paper, using the
FERC Online links at https:// To facilitate electronic
service, persons with Internet access
who will eFile a document and/or be
listed as a contact for an intervenor
must create and validate an
eRegistration account using the
eRegistration link. Select the eFiling
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link to log on and submit the
intervention or protests.
Persons unable to file electronically
should submit an original and 5 copies
of the intervention or protest to the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
888 First Street NE., Washington, DC
The filings in the above-referenced
proceeding are accessible in the
Commission’s eLibrary system by
clicking on the appropriate link in the
above list. They are also available for
electronic review in the Commission’s
Public Reference Room in Washington,
DC. There is an eSubscription link on
the Web site that enables subscribers to
receive email notification when a
document is added to a subscribed
docket(s). For assistance with any FERC
Online service, please email, or call
(866) 208–3676 (toll free). For TTY, call
(202) 502–8659.
Dated: August 25, 2017.
Nathaniel J. Davis, Sr.,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2017–18467 Filed 8–30–17; 8:45 am]
Southeastern Power Administration
Georgia-Alabama-South Carolina
Southeastern Power
Administration, (Southeastern),
Department of Energy.
ACTION: Notice of interim approval.
The Deputy Secretary,
Department of Energy, confirmed and
approved, on an interim basis new rate
schedules SOCO–1–F, SOCO–2–F,
SOCO–3–F, SOCO–4–F, ALA–1–O,
Duke–1–F, Duke–2–F, Duke–3–F, Duke–
4–F, Santee–1–F, Santee–2–F, Santee–
3–F, Santee–4–F, SCE&G–1–F, SCE&G–
2–F, SCE&G–3–F, SCE&G–4–F, Pump–
1–A, and Replacement–1. These rate
schedules are applicable to
Southeastern power sold to existing
preference customers in Alabama,
Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North
Carolina, and South Carolina. The rate
schedules are approved on an interim
basis through September 30, 2022, and
are subject to confirmation and approval
by the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission (FERC) on a final basis.
DATES: Approval of rates on an interim
basis is effective October 1, 2017.
Virgil Hobbs, Assistant Administrator,
Finance and Marketing, Southeastern
Power Administration, Department of
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 168 / Thursday, August 31, 2017 / Notices
Energy, 1166 Athens Tech Road,
Elberton, Georgia 30635–4578, (706)
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
by Order issued April 2, 2013, in Docket
No. EF12–4–000 (143 FERC ¶ 62,002),
confirmed and approved Wholesale
Power Rate Schedules SOCO–1–E,
ALA–1–N, MISS–1–N, Duke–1–E,
Duke–2–E, Duke–3–E, Duke–4–E,
Santee–1–E, Santee–2–E, Santee–3–E,
Santee–4–E, SCE&G–1–E, SCE&G–2–E,
SCE&G–3–E, SCE&G–4–E, Pump–1–A,
Pump–2, Replacement–1, and
Regulation–1 through September 30,
2017. This order replaces these rate
schedules on an interim basis, subject to
final approval by FERC.
Dated: August 24, 2017
Dan R. Brouillette,
Deputy Secretary.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
In the Matter of:
Southeastern Power Administration
Georgia-Alabama-South Carolina
System Power Rates
Rate Order No. SEPA–62
Order Confirming and Approving
Power Rates on an Interim Basis
Pursuant to Sections 302(a) of the
Department of Energy Organization Act,
Public Law 95–91, the functions of the
Secretary of the Interior and the Federal
Power Commission under Section 5 of
the Flood Control Act of 1944, 16 U.S.C.
825s, relating to the Southeastern Power
Administration (Southeastern), were
transferred to and vested in the
Secretary of Energy. By Delegation
Order No. 00–037.00B, effective
November 19, 2016, the Secretary of
Energy delegated to Southeastern’s
Administrator the authority to develop
power and transmission rates, to the
Deputy Secretary of Energy the
authority to confirm, approve, and place
in effect such rates on interim basis, and
to the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission (FERC) the authority to
confirm, approve, and place into effect
on a final basis or to disapprove rates
developed by the Administrator under
the delegation. This rate order is issued
by the Deputy Secretary pursuant to
said delegation.
Power from the Georgia-AlabamaSouth Carolina Projects is presently sold
under Wholesale Power Rate Schedules
SOCO–4–E, ALA–1–N, MISS–1–N,
Duke–1–E, Duke–2–E, Duke–3–E, Duke–
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4–E, Santee–1–E, Santee–2–E, Santee–
3–E, Santee–4–E, SCE&G–1–E, SCE&G–
2–E, SCE&G–3–E, SCE&G–4–E, Pump–
1–A, Pump–2, Replacement–1, and
Regulation–1. These rate schedules were
approved by the FERC in docket number
EF12–4–000 on April 2, 2013, for a
period ending September 30, 2017 (143
FERC ¶ 62,002).
Public Notice and Comment
Notice of a proposed rate adjustment
was published in the Federal Register
April 6, 2017 (82 FR 16828). The notice
advised interested parties of a proposed
reduction in the capacity rates of about
fifteen percent (15%). The proposed
reduction in the revenue requirement
was about nine percent (9%). The
energy rate was to be extended. A public
information and comment forum was
held May 9, 2017, in Savannah, Georgia.
Written comments were accepted
through July 5, 2017. Comments were
received from two parties at the forum.
Written comments were received from
two interested parties.
Comments received from interested
parties are summarized below.
Southeastern’s response follows each
Comment 1: If the previous historical
rainfall patterns return during the term
of the proposed rates, SEPA will likely
over-recover. We encourage SEPA to
carefully monitor the results each year
to ensure [the conservative average
energy estimate] does not lead to
sustained over-recovery.
Response 1: Southeastern uses the
best available estimates to prepare a rate
study used to support a rate adjustment.
Southeastern updates the repayment
studies for each of its four systems
annually to monitor repayment. By law,
Southeastern is required to recover the
cost of each system. The term of the rate
schedules can be no more than five
years. Should the annual update of the
repayment study reveal cost recovery is
unduly accelerated, Southeastern may
file a rate adjustment before the term of
these rate schedules expire.
Comment 2: The SeFPC notes that the
implementation of newly adopted Water
Control Manuals (‘‘WCM’’) for the
(‘‘ACF’’) and Alabama-Coosa-Tallapoosa
(‘‘ACT’’) river basins may change
operations of the projects that provide
the power marketed to customers of the
GA-AL-SC system of projects. Because
of potential changes in the operation of
the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers
(‘‘Corps’’) projects, we encourage SEPA
to consider whether the anticipated
changes associated with the WCMs will
have an impact on the underlying
revenue requirement.
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Response 2: Southeastern will
monitor the potential changes in the
operations of the projects to ensure the
changes do not impact cost recovery
without appropriate adjustments to
protect power customers.
Comment 3: The SeFPC encourages
SEPA to continue conversations with
Corps representatives to review cost
allocations for the multi-purpose
projects which support the generation of
Response 3: Southeastern continues to
discuss with Corps representatives
appropriate review of cost allocations
for Southeastern’s projects.
Comment 4: The SeFPC asks SEPA to
re-examine the cost associated with the
installation of a secant wall at the
Walter F. George project. SEPA’s
jurisdiction and authority to set rates for
hydropower customers should be
exercised as appropriate to ensure that
the rates are as low as possible
consistent with sound business
Response 4: Southeastern is
continuing discussions with the Corps
regarding whether repairs to the Walter
F. George secant wall qualify as
modifications due to changes in state-ofthe-art design or construction criteria
deemed necessary for safety purposes. If
so, the costs associated with the secant
wall would be limited as to recovery
under the Dam Safety Act. 33 U.S.C.
467n. The General Accounting Office
(GAO) has recommended that the Corps
clarify policy guidance on the usage of
the state-of-the-art provision. (See Southeastern is awaiting the
Corps’ response to the GAO report
before taking further action.
System Repayment
An examination of Southeastern’s
revised system power repayment study,
prepared in July 2017, for the GeorgiaAlabama-South Carolina System shows
that with the proposed rates, all system
power costs are paid within the
appropriate repayment period required
by existing law and DOE Order RA
6120.2. The Administrator of
Southeastern Power Administration has
certified that the rates are consistent
with applicable law and that they are
the lowest possible rates to customers
consistent with sound business
Environmental Impact
Southeastern has reviewed the
possible environmental impacts of the
rate adjustment under consideration and
has concluded that, because the
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 168 / Thursday, August 31, 2017 / Notices
adjusted rates would not significantly
affect the quality of the human
environment within the meaning of the
National Environmental Policy Act of
1969, the proposed action is not a major
Federal action for which preparation of
an Environmental Impact Statement is
Availability of Information
Information regarding these rates,
including studies and other supporting
materials and transcripts of the public
information and comment forum, is
available for public review in the offices
of Southeastern Power Administration,
1166 Athens Tech Road, Elberton,
Georgia 30635, and in the Power
Marketing Liaison Office, James
Forrestal Building, 1000 Independence
Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20585.
In view of the foregoing and pursuant
to the authority delegated to me by the
Secretary of Energy, I hereby confirm
and approve on an interim basis,
effective October 1, 2017, attached
Wholesale Power Rate Schedules
SOCO–4–F, ALA–1–O, Duke–1–F,
Duke–2–F, Duke–3–F, Duke–4–F,
Santee–1–F, Santee–2–F, Santee–3–F,
Santee–4–F, SCE&G–1–F, SCE&G–2–F,
SCE&G–3–F, SCE&G–4–F, Pump–1–A,
and Replacement–1. The Rate Schedules
shall remain in effect on an interim
basis through September 30, 2022,
unless such period is extended or until
the FERC confirms and approves the
schedules or substitute Rate Schedules
on a final basis.
Dated: August 24, 1017
Dan R. Brouillette
Deputy Secretary
Wholesale Power Rate Schedule
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
This rate schedule shall be available
to public bodies and cooperatives (any
one of whom is hereinafter called the
Customer) in Georgia, Alabama,
Mississippi, and Florida to whom power
may be transmitted and scheduled
pursuant to contracts between the
Government and Southern Company
Services, Incorporated (hereinafter
called the Company) and the Customer.
Nothing in this rate schedule shall
preclude modifications to the
aforementioned contracts to allow an
eligible customer to elect service under
another rate schedule.
This rate schedule shall be applicable
to the sale at wholesale of power and
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accompanying energy generated at the
Allatoona, Buford, J. Strom Thurmond,
Walter F. George, Hartwell, Millers
Ferry, West Point, Robert F. Henry,
Carters and Richard B. Russell Projects
and sold under appropriate contracts
between the Government and the
Customer. This rate schedule does not
apply to energy from pumping
operations at the Carters and Richard B.
Russell Projects.
Character of Service:
The electric capacity and energy
supplied hereunder will be delivered at
the delivery points of the Customer on
the Company’s transmission and
distribution system.
Monthly Rate:
The monthly rate for capacity, energy,
and generation services provided under
this rate schedule for the period
specified shall be:
Capacity Charge:
$4.09 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month.
Energy Charge:
12.33 Mills per kilowatt-hour.
Generation Services:
$0.12 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month.
Additional rates for Transmission,
System Control, Reactive, and
Regulation Services provided under this
rate schedule shall be the rates charged
Southeastern Power Administration by
the Company. Future adjustments to
these rates will become effective upon
acceptance for filing by the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
of the Company’s rate.
$3.54 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month estimated as of
March 2017 is presented for illustrative
The initial transmission charge will
be the Customer’s ratable share of the
transmission and distribution charges
paid by the Government. The
transmission charges are governed by
and subject to refund based upon the
determination in proceedings before
FERC involving the Company’s Open
Access Transmission Tariff (OATT). The
distribution charges may be modified by
FERC pursuant to application by the
Company under Section 205 of the
Federal Power Act or the Government
under Section 206 of the Federal Power
Proceedings before FERC involving
the OATT or the distribution charges
may result in the separation of charges
currently included in the transmission
rate. In this event, the Government may
charge the Customer for any and all
separate transmission and distribution
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charges paid by the Government in
behalf of the Customer.
Scheduling, System Control and
Dispatch Service:
$0.0806 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month.
Reactive Supply and Voltage Control
from Generation Sources Service:
$0.11 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month.
Regulation and Frequency Response
$0.0483 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month.
Transmission, System Control, Reactive,
and Regulation Services
The charges for Transmission, System
Control, Reactive, and Regulation
Services shall be governed by and
subject to refund based upon the
determination in the proceeding
involving Southern Companies’ OATT.
Contract Demand:
The contract demand is the amount of
capacity in kilowatts stated in the
contract which the Government is
obligated to supply and the Customer is
entitled to receive.
Energy to be Furnished by the
The Government will sell to the
Customer and the Customer will
purchase from the Government energy
each billing month equivalent to a
percentage specified by contract of the
energy made available to the company
(less applicable losses). The Customer’s
contract demand and accompanying
energy will be allocated proportionately
to its individual delivery points served
from the Company’s system. As of
March 2017, applicable energy losses
are as follows:
Transmission facilities 2.2%
Sub-transmission 2.0%
Distribution Substations 0.9%
Distribution Lines 2.25%
These losses shall be effective until
modified by FERC, pursuant to
application by Southern Companies
under Section 205 of the Federal Power
Act or SEPA under Section 206 of the
Federal Power Act or otherwise.
Billing Month:
The billing month for power sold
under this schedule shall end at 12:00
midnight on the last day of each
calendar month.
Wholesale Power Rate Schedule
This rate schedule shall be available
to public bodies and cooperatives (any
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 168 / Thursday, August 31, 2017 / Notices
one of whom is hereinafter called the
Customer) in Georgia, Alabama,
Mississippi, and Florida to whom power
may be transmitted pursuant to
contracts between the Government and
Southern Company Services,
Incorporated (hereinafter called the
Company) and the Customer. The
Customer is responsible for providing a
scheduling arrangement with the
Government. Nothing in this rate
schedule shall preclude modifications
to the aforementioned contracts to allow
an eligible customer to elect service
under another rate schedule.
This rate schedule shall be applicable
to the sale at wholesale of power and
accompanying energy generated at the
Allatoona, Buford, J. Strom Thurmond,
Walter F. George, Hartwell, Millers
Ferry, West Point, Robert F. Henry,
Carters and Richard B. Russell Projects
and sold under appropriate contracts
between the Government and the
Customer. This rate schedule does not
apply to energy from pumping
operations at the Carters and Richard B.
Russell Projects.
Character of Service:
The electric capacity and energy
supplied hereunder will be delivered at
the delivery points of the Customer on
the Company’s transmission and
distribution system.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
Monthly Rate:
The monthly rate for capacity, energy,
and generation services provided under
this rate schedule for the period
specified shall be:
Capacity Charge:
$4.09 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month.
Energy Charge:
12.33 Mills per kilowatt-hour.
Generation Services:
$0.12 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month.
Additional rates for Transmission,
System Control, Reactive, and
Regulation Services provided under this
rate schedule shall be the rates charged
Southeastern Power Administration by
the Company. Future adjustments to
these rates will become effective upon
acceptance for filing by the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
of the Company’s rate.
$3.54 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per estimated as of March 2017
is presented for illustrative purposes.
The initial transmission charge will
be the Customer’s ratable share of the
transmission and distribution charges
paid by the Government. The
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transmission charges are governed by
and subject to refund based upon the
determination in proceedings before
FERC involving the Company’s Open
Access Transmission Tariff (OATT). The
distribution charges may be modified by
FERC pursuant to application by the
Company under Section 205 of the
Federal Power Act or the Government
under Section 206 of the Federal Power
Proceedings before FERC involving
the OATT or the distribution charges
may result in the separation of charges
currently included in the transmission
rate. In this event, the Government may
charge the Customer for any and all
separate transmission and distribution
charges paid by the Government in
behalf of the Customer.
Reactive Supply and Voltage Control
from Generation Sources Service:
$0.11 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month.
Transmission, System Control, Reactive,
and Regulation Services:
The charges for Transmission, System
Control, Reactive, and Regulation
Services shall be governed by and
subject to refund based upon the
determination in the proceeding
involving Southern Companies’ OATT.
Contract Demand:
The contract demand is the amount of
capacity in kilowatts stated in the
contract which the Government is
obligated to supply and the Customer is
entitled to receive.
Energy to be Furnished by the
Transmission facilities 2.2%
Sub-Transmission 2.0%
Distribution Substations 0.9%
Distribution Lines 2.25%
These losses shall be effective until
modified by FERC, pursuant to
application by Southern Companies
under Section 205 of the Federal Power
Act or SEPA under Section 206 of the
Federal Power Act or otherwise.
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The billing month for power sold
under this schedule shall end at 12:00
midnight on the last day of each
calendar month.
Wholesale Power Rate Schedule
This rate schedule shall be available
to public bodies and cooperatives (any
one of whom is hereinafter called the
Customer) in Georgia, Alabama,
Mississippi, and Florida to whom power
may be scheduled pursuant to contracts
between the Government and Southern
Company Services, Incorporated
(hereinafter called the Company) and
the Customer. The Customer is
responsible for providing a transmission
arrangement. Nothing in this rate
schedule shall preclude modifications
to the aforementioned contracts to allow
an eligible customer to elect service
under another rate schedule.
This rate schedule shall be applicable
to the sale at wholesale of power and
accompanying energy generated at the
Allatoona, Buford, J. Strom Thurmond,
Walter F. George, Hartwell, Millers
Ferry, West Point, Robert F. Henry,
Carters and Richard B. Russell Projects
(hereinafter referred to collectively as
the Projects) and sold under appropriate
contracts between the Government and
the Customer. This rate schedule does
not apply to energy from pumping
operations at the Carters and Richard B.
Russell Projects.
Character of Service:
The Government will sell to the
Customer and the Customer will
purchase from the Government energy
each billing month equivalent to a
percentage specified by contract of the
energy made available to the company
(less applicable losses). The Customer’s
contract demand and accompanying
energy will be allocated proportionately
to its individual delivery points served
from the Company’s system. As of
March 2017, applicable energy losses
are as follows:
PO 00000
Billing Month:
The electric capacity and energy
supplied hereunder will be delivered at
the Projects.
Monthly Rate:
The monthly rate for capacity, energy,
and generation services provided under
this rate schedule for the period
specified shall be:
Capacity Charge:
$4.09 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month.
Energy Charge:
12.33 Mills per kilowatt-hour.
Generation Services:
$0.12 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month.
Additional rates for Transmission,
System Control, Reactive, and
Regulation Services provided under this
rate schedule shall be the rates charged
Southeastern Power Administration by
the Company. Future adjustments to
these rates will become effective upon
acceptance for filing by the Federal
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 168 / Thursday, August 31, 2017 / Notices
Energy Regulatory Commission of the
Company’s rate.
Scheduling, System Control and
Dispatch Service:
$0.0806 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month.
Regulation and Frequency Response
$0.0483 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month.
Transmission, System Control, Reactive,
and Regulation Services
The charges for Transmission, System
Control, Reactive, and Regulation
Services shall be governed by and
subject to refund based upon the
determination in the proceeding
involving Southern Companies’ Open
Access Transmission Tariff.
Contract Demand:
The contract demand is the amount of
capacity in kilowatts stated in the
contract which the Government is
obligated to supply and the Customer is
entitled to receive.
Energy to be Furnished by the
The Government will sell to the
Customer and the Customer will
purchase from the Government energy
each billing month equivalent to a
percentage specified by contract of the
energy made available to the company
(less applicable losses).
Billing Month:
The billing month for power sold
under this schedule shall end at 12:00
midnight on the last day of each
calendar month.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
This rate schedule shall be available
to public bodies and cooperatives (any
one of whom is hereinafter called the
Customer) in Georgia, Alabama,
Mississippi, and Florida served through
the transmission facilities of Southern
Company Services, Inc. (hereinafter
called the Company) or the Georgia
Integrated Transmission System. The
Customer is responsible for providing a
scheduling arrangement with the
Government and for providing a
transmission arrangement. Nothing in
this rate schedule shall preclude
modifications to the aforementioned
contracts to allow an eligible customer
to elect service under another rate
This rate schedule shall be applicable
to the sale at wholesale of power and
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Character of Service:
The electric capacity and energy
supplied hereunder will be delivered at
the Projects.
Monthly Rate:
The monthly rate for capacity, energy,
and generation services provided under
this rate schedule for the period
specified shall be:
Capacity Charge:
$4.09 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month.
Energy Charge:
12.33 Mills per kilowatt-hour.
Generation Services:
$0.12 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month.
Additional rates for Transmission,
System Control, Reactive, and
Regulation Services provided under this
rate schedule shall be the rates charged
Southeastern Power Administration by
the Company. Future adjustments to
these rates will become effective upon
acceptance for filing by the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission of the
Company’s rate.
Billing Month:
The billing month for power sold
under this schedule shall end at 12:00
midnight on the last day of each
calendar month.
Wholesale Power Rate Schedule
This rate schedule shall be available
to the PowerSouth Energy Cooperative
(hereinafter called the Cooperative).
This rate schedule shall be applicable
to power and accompanying energy
generated at the Allatoona, Buford, J.
Strom Thurmond, Walter F. George,
Hartwell, Millers Ferry, West Point,
Robert F. Henry, Carters, and Richard B.
Russell Projects and sold under contract
between the Cooperative and the
Government. This rate schedule does
not apply to energy from pumping
operations at the Carters and Richard B.
Russell Projects.
Character of Service:
The electric capacity and energy
supplied hereunder will be three-phase
alternating current at a nominal
frequency of 60 Hertz and shall be
delivered at the Walter F. George, West
Point, and Robert F. Henry Projects.
Monthly Rate:
The contract demand is the amount of
capacity in kilowatts stated in the
contract that the Government is
obligated to supply and the Customer is
entitled to receive.
The monthly rate for capacity, energy,
and generation services provided under
this rate schedule for the period
specified shall be:
Capacity Charge:
$4.09 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month.
Energy Charge:
12.33 Mills per kilowatt-hour.
Generation Services:
$0.12 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month.
Additional rates for Transmission,
System Control, Reactive, and
Regulation Services provided under this
rate schedule shall be the rates charged
Southeastern Power Administration by
the Southern Company. Future
adjustments to these rates will become
effective upon acceptance for filing by
the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission of the Company’s rate.
Energy to be Furnished by the
Transmission, System Control, Reactive,
and Regulation Services
The Government will sell to the
Customer and the Customer will
purchase from the Government energy
each billing month equivalent to a
percentage specified by contract of the
energy made available to the company
(less applicable losses).
The charges for Transmission, System
Control, Reactive, and Regulation
Services shall be governed by and
subject to refund based upon the
determination in the proceeding
involving Southern Companies’ Open
Access Transmission Tariff.
Transmission, System Control, Reactive,
and Regulation Services
Wholesale Power Rate Schedule
VerDate Sep<11>2014
accompanying energy generated at the
Allatoona, Buford, J. Strom Thurmond,
Walter F. George, Hartwell, Millers
Ferry, West Point, Robert F. Henry,
Carters and Richard B. Russell Projects
(hereinafter referred to collectively as
the Projects) and sold under appropriate
contracts between the Government and
the Customer. This rate schedule does
not apply to energy from pumping
operations at the Carters and Richard B.
Russell Projects.
The charges for Transmission, System
Control, Reactive, and Regulation
Services shall be governed by and
subject to refund based upon the
determination in the proceeding
involving Southern Companies’ Open
Access Transmission Tariff.
Contract Demand:
PO 00000
Frm 00015
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 168 / Thursday, August 31, 2017 / Notices
This rate schedule shall be available
to public bodies and cooperatives (any
one of whom is hereinafter called the
Customer) in North Carolina and South
Carolina to whom power may be
transmitted and scheduled pursuant to
contracts between the Government and
Duke Energy Carolinas (hereinafter
called the Company) and the Customer.
Nothing in this rate schedule shall
preclude modifications to the
aforementioned contracts to allow an
eligible customer to elect service under
another rate schedule.
Additional rates for Transmission,
System Control, Reactive, and
Regulation Services provided under this
rate schedule shall be the rates charged
Southeastern Power Administration by
the Company. Future adjustments to
these rates will become effective upon
acceptance for filing by the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
of the Company’s rate.
$1.32 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month is presented for
illustrative purposes.
The initial transmission charge will
be the Customer’s ratable share of the
transmission and distribution charges
paid by the Government. The
transmission charges are governed by
and subject to refund based upon the
determination in proceedings before
FERC involving the Company’s Open
Access Transmission Tariff (OATT).
Proceedings before FERC involving
the OATT may result in the separation
of charges currently included in the
transmission rate. In this event, the
Government may charge the Customer
for any and all separate transmission
and distribution charges paid by the
Government in behalf of the Customer.
Contract Demand:
Energy to be Furnished by the
The Government will sell to the
Cooperative and the Cooperative will
purchase from the Government those
quantities of energy specified by
contract as available to the Cooperative
for scheduling on a weekly basis.
Billing Month:
The billing month for power sold
under this schedule shall end at 12:00
midnight on the last day of each
calendar month.
Wholesale Power Rate Schedule
This rate schedule shall be applicable
to the sale at wholesale of power and
accompanying energy generated at the
Allatoona, Buford, J. Strom Thurmond,
Walter F. George, Hartwell, Millers
Ferry, West Point, Robert F. Henry,
Carters and Richard B. Russell Projects
and sold under appropriate contracts
between the Government and the
Customer. This rate schedule does not
apply to energy from pumping
operations at the Carters and Richard B.
Russell Projects.
Character of Service:
The electric capacity and energy
supplied hereunder will be delivered at
the delivery points of the Customer on
the Company’s transmission and
distribution system.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
Monthly Rate:
The monthly rate for capacity, energy,
and generation services provided under
this rate schedule for the period
specified shall be:
Capacity Charge:
$4.09 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month.
Energy Charge:
12.33 Mills per kilowatt-hour.
Generation Services:
$0.12 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
20:54 Aug 30, 2017
Jkt 241001
The contract demand is the amount of
capacity in kilowatts stated in the
contract which the Government is
obligated to supply and the Customer is
entitled to receive.
Energy to be Furnished by the
The Government will sell to the
Customer and the Customer will
purchase from the Government energy
each billing month equivalent to a
percentage specified by contract of the
energy made available to the company
(less applicable losses of three per cent
(3%) as of March 2017). The Customer’s
contract demand and accompanying
energy will be allocated proportionately
to its individual delivery points served
from the Company’s system. These
losses shall be effective until modified
by FERC, pursuant to application by the
Company under Section 205 of the
Federal Power Act or SEPA under
Section 206 of the Federal Power Act or
Billing Month:
The billing month for power sold
under this schedule shall end at 12:00
midnight on the last day of each
calendar month.
PO 00000
Frm 00016
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Wholesale Power Rate Schedule
This rate schedule shall be available
to public bodies and cooperatives (any
one of whom is hereinafter called the
Customer) in North Carolina and South
Carolina to whom power may be
transmitted pursuant to contracts
between the Government and Duke
Energy Carolinas (hereinafter called the
Company) and the Customer. The
Customer is responsible for providing a
scheduling arrangement with the
Government. Nothing in this rate
schedule shall preclude modifications
to the aforementioned contracts to allow
an eligible customer to elect service
under another rate schedule.
This rate schedule shall be applicable
to the sale at wholesale of power and
accompanying energy generated at the
Allatoona, Buford, J. Strom Thurmond,
Walter F. George, Hartwell, Millers
Ferry, West Point, Robert F. Henry,
Carters and Richard B. Russell Projects
and sold under appropriate contracts
between the Government and the
Customer. This rate schedule does not
apply to energy from pumping
operations at the Carters and Richard B.
Russell Projects.
Character of Service:
The electric capacity and energy
supplied hereunder will be delivered at
the delivery points of the Customer on
the Company’s transmission and
distribution system.
Monthly Rate:
The monthly rate for capacity, energy,
and generation services provided under
this rate schedule for the period
specified shall be:
Capacity Charge:
$4.09 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month.
Energy Charge:
12.33 Mills per kilowatt-hour.
Generation Services:
$0.12 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month.
Additional rates for Transmission,
System Control, Reactive, and
Regulation Services provided under this
rate schedule shall be the rates charged
Southeastern Power Administration by
the Company. Future adjustments to
these rates will become effective upon
acceptance for filing by the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
of the Company’s rate.
$1.32 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month is presented for
illustrative purposes.
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 168 / Thursday, August 31, 2017 / Notices
The initial transmission charge will
be the Customer’s ratable share of the
transmission and distribution charges
paid by the Government. The
transmission charges are governed by
and subject to refund based upon the
determination in proceedings before
FERC involving the Company’s Open
Access Transmission Tariff (OATT).
Proceedings before FERC involving
the OATT may result in the separation
of charges currently included in the
transmission rate. In this event, the
Government may charge the Customer
for any and all separate transmission
and distribution charges paid by the
Government in behalf of the Customer.
Contract Demand:
The contract demand is the amount of
capacity in kilowatts stated in the
contract which the Government is
obligated to supply and the Customer is
entitled to receive.
Energy to be Furnished by the
The Government will sell to the
Customer and the Customer will
purchase from the Government energy
each billing month equivalent to a
percentage specified by contract of the
energy made available to the company
(less applicable losses of three per cent
(3%) as of March 2017). The Customer’s
contract demand and accompanying
energy will be allocated proportionately
to its individual delivery points served
from the Company’s system. These
losses shall be effective until modified
by the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, pursuant to application by
the Company under Section 205 of the
Federal Power Act or SEPA under
Section 206 of the Federal Power Act or
Billing Month:
The billing month for power sold
under this schedule shall end at 12:00
midnight on the last day of each
calendar month.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
This rate schedule shall be available
to public bodies and cooperatives (any
one of whom is hereinafter called the
Customer) in North Carolina and South
Carolina to whom power may be
scheduled pursuant to contracts
between the Government and Duke
Energy Carolinas (hereinafter called the
Company) and the Customer. The
Customer is responsible for providing a
transmission arrangement. Nothing in
this rate schedule shall preclude
modifications to the aforementioned
VerDate Sep<11>2014
20:54 Aug 30, 2017
Jkt 241001
contracts to allow an eligible customer
to elect service under another rate
Wholesale Power Rate Schedule
This rate schedule shall be applicable
to the sale at wholesale of power and
accompanying energy generated at the
Allatoona, Buford, J. Strom Thurmond,
Walter F. George, Hartwell, Millers
Ferry, West Point, Robert F. Henry,
Carters and Richard B. Russell Projects
and sold under appropriate contracts
between the Government and the
Customer. This rate schedule does not
apply to energy from pumping
operations at the Carters and Richard B.
Russell Projects.
This rate schedule shall be available
to public bodies and cooperatives (any
one of whom is hereinafter called the
Customer) in North Carolina and South
Carolina served through the
transmission facilities of Duke Energy
Carolinas (hereinafter called the
Company) and the Customer. The
Customer is responsible for providing a
scheduling arrangement with the
Government and for providing a
transmission arrangement with the
Company. Nothing in this rate schedule
shall preclude modifications to the
aforementioned contracts to allow an
eligible customer to elect service under
another rate schedule.
Character of Service:
The electric capacity and energy
supplied hereunder will be delivered at
the Savannah River Projects.
Monthly Rate:
The monthly rate for capacity, energy,
and generation services provided under
this rate schedule for the period
specified shall be:
Capacity Charge:
$4.09 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month.
Energy Charge:
12.33 Mills per kilowatt-hour.
Generation Services:
$0.12 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month.
Additional rates for Transmission,
System Control, Reactive, and
Regulation Services provided under this
rate schedule shall be the rates charged
Southeastern Power Administration by
the Company. Future adjustments to
these rates will become effective upon
acceptance for filing by the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission of the
Company’s rate.
Contract Demand:
The contract demand is the amount of
capacity in kilowatts stated in the
contract which the Government is
obligated to supply and the Customer is
entitled to receive.
Wholesale Power Rate Schedule
Energy to be Furnished by the
The Government will sell to the
Customer and the Customer will
purchase from the Government energy
each billing month equivalent to a
percentage specified by contract of the
energy made available to the company
(less applicable losses).
Billing Month:
The billing month for power sold
under this schedule shall end at 12:00
midnight on the last day of each
calendar month.
PO 00000
Frm 00017
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
This rate schedule shall be applicable
to the sale at wholesale of power and
accompanying energy generated at the
Allatoona, Buford, J. Strom Thurmond,
Walter F. George, Hartwell, Millers
Ferry, West Point, Robert F. Henry,
Carters and Richard B. Russell Projects
and sold under appropriate contracts
between the Government and the
Customer. This rate schedule does not
apply to energy from pumping
operations at the Carters and Richard B.
Russell Projects.
Character of Service:
The electric capacity and energy
supplied hereunder will be delivered at
the Savannah River Projects.
Monthly Rate:
The monthly rate for capacity, energy,
and generation services provided under
this rate schedule for the period
specified shall be:
Capacity Charge:
$4.09 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month.
Energy Charge:
12.33 Mills per kilowatt-hour.
Generation Services:
$0.12 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month.
Additional rates for Transmission,
System Control, Reactive, and
Regulation Services provided under this
rate schedule shall be the rates charged
Southeastern Power Administration by
the Company. Future adjustments to
these rates will become effective upon
acceptance for filing by the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission of the
Company’s rate.
Contract Demand:
The contract demand is the amount of
capacity in kilowatts stated in the
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 168 / Thursday, August 31, 2017 / Notices
contract which the Government is
obligated to supply and the Customer is
entitled to receive.
apply to energy from pumping
operations at the Carters and Richard B.
Russell Projects.
Energy to be Furnished by the
The Government will sell to the
Customer and the Customer will
purchase from the Government energy
each billing month equivalent to a
percentage specified by contract of the
energy made available to the company
(less applicable losses).
Character of Service:
The electric capacity and energy
supplied hereunder will be delivered at
the delivery points of the Customer on
the Authority’s transmission and
distribution system.
Billing Month:
The billing month for power sold
under this schedule shall end at 12:00
midnight on the last day of each
calendar month.
Wholesale Power Rate Schedule
This rate schedule shall be available
to public bodies and cooperatives (any
one of whom is hereinafter call the
Customer) in South Carolina to whom
power may be wheeled and scheduled
pursuant to contracts between the
Government and South Carolina Public
Service Authority (hereinafter called the
Authority). Nothing in this rate
schedule shall preclude an eligible
customer from electing service under
another rate schedule.
This rate schedule shall be applicable
to the sale at wholesale of power and
accompanying energy generated at the
Allatoona, Buford, J. Strom Thurmond,
Walter F. George, Hartwell, Millers
Ferry, West Point, Robert F. Henry,
Carters and Richard B. Russell Projects
and sold under appropriate contracts
between the Government and the
Customer. This rate schedule does not
Wholesale Power Rate Schedule
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
This rate schedule shall be available
to public bodies and cooperatives (any
one of whom is hereinafter call the
Customer) in South Carolina to whom
power may be wheeled pursuant to
contracts between the Government and
South Carolina Public Service Authority
(hereinafter called the Authority). The
customer is responsible for providing a
VerDate Sep<11>2014
20:54 Aug 30, 2017
Jkt 241001
Monthly Rate:
The monthly rate for capacity, energy,
and generation services provided under
this rate schedule for the period
specified shall be:
Capacity Charge:
$4.09 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month.
Energy Charge:
12.33 Mills per kilowatt-hour.
Generation Services:
$0.12 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month.
Additional rates for Transmission,
System Control, Reactive, and
Regulation Services provided under this
rate schedule shall be the rates charged
Southeastern Power Administration by
the Authority. Future adjustments to
these rates will become effective upon
acceptance for filing by the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
of the Authority’s rate.
$1.86 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month as of March 2017 is
presented for illustrative purposes.
The initial transmission rate is subject
to annual adjustment on July 1 of each
year, and will be computed subject to
the formula contained in Appendix A to
the Government-Authority Contract.
Proceedings before FERC involving
the Authority’s Open Access
Transmission Tariff may result in the
separation of charges currently included
in the transmission rate. In this event,
scheduling arrangement with the
Government. Nothing in this rate
schedule shall preclude an eligible
customer from electing service under
another rate schedule.
This rate schedule shall be applicable
to the sale at wholesale of power and
accompanying energy generated at the
Allatoona, Buford, J. Strom Thurmond,
Walter F. George, Hartwell, Millers
Ferry, West Point, Robert F. Henry,
PO 00000
Frm 00018
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
the Government may charge the
Customer for any and all separate
transmission and distribution charges
paid by the Government in behalf of the
Contract Demand:
The contract demand is the amount of
capacity in kilowatts stated in the
contract which the Government is
obligated to supply and the Customer is
entitled to receive.
Energy to be Furnished by the
The Government will sell to the
Customer and the Customer will
purchase from the Government energy
each billing month equivalent to a
percentage specified by contract of the
energy made available to the Authority
(less applicable losses of two per cent
(2%) as of March 2017). The Customer’s
contract demand and accompanying
energy will be allocated proportionately
to its individual delivery points served
from the Authority’s system.
Billing Month:
The billing month for power sold
under this schedule shall end at 12:00
midnight on the last day of each
calendar month.
Service Interruption:
When energy delivery to the
Customer’s system for the account of the
Government is reduced or interrupted,
and such reduction or interruption is
not due to conditions on the Customer’s
system, the demand charge for the
month shall be appropriately reduced as
to kilowatts of such capacity which
have been interrupted or reduced for
each day in accordance with the
following formula:
Carters and Richard B. Russell Projects
and sold under appropriate contracts
between the Government and the
Customer. This rate schedule does not
apply to energy from pumping
operations at the Carters and Richard B.
Russell Projects.
Character of Service:
The electric capacity and energy
supplied hereunder will be delivered at
the delivery points of the Customer on
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 168 / Thursday, August 31, 2017 / Notices
Monthly Rate:
The monthly rate for capacity, energy,
and generation services provided under
this rate schedule for the period
specified shall be:
Capacity Charge:
$4.09 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month.
Energy Charge:
12.33 Mills per kilowatt-hour.
Generation Services:
$0.12 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month.
Additional rates for Transmission,
System Control, Reactive, and
Regulation Services provided under this
rate schedule shall be the rates charged
Southeastern Power Administration by
the Authority. Future adjustments to
these rates will become effective upon
acceptance for filing by the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
of the Authority’s rate.
$1.86 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month as of March 2017 is
presented for illustrative purposes.
The initial transmission rate is subject
to annual adjustment on July 1 of each
year, and will be computed subject to
the formula contained in Appendix A to
the Government-Authority Contract.
Proceedings before FERC involving
the Authority’s Open Access
Transmission Tariff may result in the
separation of charges currently included
in the transmission rate. In this event,
the Government may charge the
Customer for any and all separate
transmission and distribution charges
paid by the Government in behalf of the
percentage specified by contract of the
energy made available to the Authority
(less applicable losses of two per cent
(2%) as of March 2017). The Customer’s
contract demand and accompanying
energy will be allocated proportionately
to its individual delivery points served
from the Authority’s system.
Contract Demand:
Service Interruption:
The contract demand is the amount of
capacity in kilowatts stated in the
contract that the Government is
obligated to supply and the Customer is
entitled to receive.
When energy delivery to the
Customer’s system for the account of the
Government is reduced or interrupted,
and such reduction or interruption is
not due to conditions on the Customer’s
system, the demand charge for the
month shall be appropriately reduced as
to kilowatts of such capacity which
have been interrupted or reduced for
each day in accordance with the
following formula:
Energy to be Furnished by the
The Government will sell to the
Customer and the Customer will
purchase from the Government energy
each billing month equivalent to a
Wholesale Power Rate Schedule
operations at the Carters and Richard B.
Russell Projects.
Character of Service:
This rate schedule shall be available
to public bodies and cooperatives (any
one of whom is hereinafter call the
Customer) in South Carolina to whom
power may be scheduled pursuant to
contracts between the Government and
South Carolina Public Service Authority
(hereinafter called the Authority). The
customer is responsible for providing a
transmission arrangement. Nothing in
this rate schedule shall preclude an
eligible customer from electing service
under another rate schedule.
The electric capacity and energy
supplied hereunder will be delivered at
the Projects.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
This rate schedule shall be applicable
to the sale at wholesale of power and
accompanying energy generated at the
Allatoona, Buford, J. Strom Thurmond,
Walter F. George, Hartwell, Millers
Ferry, West Point, Robert F. Henry,
Carters and Richard B. Russell Projects
and sold under appropriate contracts
between the Government and the
Customer. This rate schedule does not
apply to energy from pumping
VerDate Sep<11>2014
20:54 Aug 30, 2017
Jkt 241001
Monthly Rate:
The monthly rate for capacity, energy,
and generation services provided under
this rate schedule for the period
specified shall be:
Capacity Charge:
$4.09 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month.
Energy Charge:
12.33 Mills per kilowatt-hour.
Generation Services:
$0.12 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month.
Additional rates for Transmission,
System Control, Reactive, and
Regulation Services provided under this
rate schedule shall be the rates charged
Southeastern Power Administration by
the Authority. Future adjustments to
these rates will become effective upon
acceptance for filing by the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission of the
Authority’s rate.
PO 00000
Frm 00019
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Billing Month:
The billing month for power sold
under this schedule shall end at 12:00
midnight on the last day of each
calendar month.
Contract Demand:
The contract demand is the amount of
capacity in kilowatts stated in the
contract that the Government is
obligated to supply and the Customer is
entitled to receive.
Energy to be Furnished by the
The Government will sell to the
Customer and the Customer will
purchase from the Government energy
each billing month equivalent to a
percentage specified by contract of the
energy made available to the Authority
(less applicable losses).
Billing Month:
The billing month for power sold
under this schedule shall end at 12:00
midnight on the last day of each
calendar month.
Service Interruption:
When energy delivery to the
Customer’s system for the account of the
Government is reduced or interrupted,
and such reduction or interruption is
not due to conditions on the Customer’s
system, the demand charge for the
month shall be appropriately reduced as
the Authority’s transmission and
distribution system.
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 168 / Thursday, August 31, 2017 / Notices
each day in accordance with the
following formula:
Character of Service:
The electric capacity and energy
supplied hereunder will be delivered at
the Projects.
This rate schedule shall be available
to public bodies and cooperatives (any
one of whom is hereinafter call the
Customer) in South Carolina served
through the transmission facilities of
South Carolina Public Service Authority
(hereinafter called the Authority). The
customer is responsible for providing a
scheduling arrangement with the
Government and for providing a
transmission arrangement. Nothing in
this rate schedule shall preclude an
eligible customer from electing service
under another rate schedule.
This rate schedule shall be applicable
to the sale at wholesale of power and
accompanying energy generated at the
Allatoona, Buford, J. Strom Thurmond,
Walter F. George, Hartwell, Millers
Ferry, West Point, Robert F. Henry,
Carters and Richard B. Russell Projects
and sold under appropriate contracts
between the Government and the
Customer. This rate schedule does not
apply to energy from pumping
operations at the Carters and Richard B.
Russell Projects.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
This rate schedule shall be available
public bodies and cooperatives (any one
of which is hereinafter called the
Customer) in South Carolina to whom
power may be wheeled and scheduled
pursuant to contracts between the
Government and the South Carolina
Electric & Gas Company (hereinafter
called the Company). Nothing in this
rate schedule shall preclude an eligible
customer from electing service under
another rate schedule.
20:54 Aug 30, 2017
Jkt 241001
Contract Demand:
The contract demand is the amount of
capacity in kilowatts stated in the
contract that the Government is
Wholesale Power Rate Schedule
VerDate Sep<11>2014
Monthly Rate:
The monthly rate for capacity, energy,
and generation services provided under
this rate schedule for the period
specified shall be:
Capacity Charge:
$4.09 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month.
Energy Charge:
12.33 Mills per kilowatt-hour.
Generation Services:
$0.12 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month.
Additional rates for Transmission,
System Control, Reactive, and
Regulation Services provided under this
rate schedule shall be the rates charged
Southeastern Power Administration by
the Authority. Future adjustments to
these rates will become effective upon
acceptance for filing by the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission of the
Authority’s rate.
This rate schedule shall be applicable
to the sale at wholesale of power and
accompanying energy generated at the
Allatoona, Buford, J. Strom Thurmond,
Walter F. George, Hartwell, Millers
Ferry, West Point, Robert F. Henry,
Carters and Richard B. Russell Projects
and sold under appropriate contracts
between the Government and the
Customer. This rate schedule does not
apply to energy from pumping
operations at the Carters and Richard B.
Russell Projects.
PO 00000
Frm 00020
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
obligated to supply and the Customer is
entitled to receive.
Energy to be Furnished by the
The Government will sell to the
Customer and the Customer will
purchase from the Government energy
each billing month equivalent to a
percentage specified by contract of the
energy made available to the Authority
(less applicable losses).
Billing Month;
The billing month for power sold
under this schedule shall end at 12:00
midnight on the last day of each
calendar month.
Service Interruption:
When energy delivery to the
Customer’s system for the account of the
Government is reduced or interrupted,
and such reduction or interruption is
not due to conditions on the Customer’s
system, the demand charge for the
month shall be appropriately reduced as
to kilowatts of such capacity which
have been interrupted or reduced for
each day in accordance with the
following formula:
Character of Service:
The electric capacity and energy
supplied hereunder will be delivered at
the delivery points of the Customer on
the Company’s transmission and
distribution system.
Monthly Rate:
The monthly rate for capacity, energy,
and generation services provided under
this rate schedule for the period
specified shall be:
Capacity Charge:
$4.09 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month.
Energy Charge:
12.33 Mills per kilowatt-hour.
Wholesale Power Rate Schedule
to kilowatts of such capacity which
have been interrupted or reduced for
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 168 / Thursday, August 31, 2017 / Notices
Generation Services:
$0.12 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month.
Additional rates for Transmission,
System Control, Reactive, and
Regulation Services provided under this
rate schedule shall be the rates charged
Southeastern Power Administration by
the Company. Future adjustments to
these rates will become effective upon
acceptance for filing by the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
of the Company’s rate.
$2.86 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month as of March 2017 is
presented for illustrative purposes.
The initial transmission charge will
be the Customer’s ratable share of the
transmission and distribution charges
paid by the Government. The
transmission charges are governed by
and subject to refund based upon the
determination in proceedings before
FERC involving the Company’s Open
Access Transmission Tariff (OATT).
Proceedings before FERC involving
the OATT may result in the separation
of charges currently included in the
transmission rate. In this event, the
Government may charge the Customer
for any and all separate transmission
and distribution charges paid by the
Government in behalf of the Customer.
Contract Demand:
The contract demand is the amount of
capacity in kilowatts stated in the
contract which the Government is
obligated to supply and the Customer is
entitled to receive.
Energy to be Furnished by the
The Government will sell to the
Customer and the Customer will
purchase from the Government energy
each billing month equivalent to a
percentage specified by contract of the
energy made available to the company
(less applicable losses). The Customer’s
contract demand and accompanying
energy will be allocated proportionately
to its individual delivery points served
from the Company’s system.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
Billing Month:
The billing month for power sold
under this schedule shall end at 12:00
midnight on the last day of each
calendar month.
Conditions of Service:
The Customer shall at its own
expense provide, install, and maintain
on its side of each delivery point the
equipment necessary to protect and
control its own system. In so doing, the
installation, adjustment, and setting of
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 241001
all such control and protective
equipment at or near the point of
delivery shall be coordinated with that
which is installed by and at the expense
of the Company on its side of the
delivery point.
Wholesale Power Rate Schedule
This rate schedule shall be available
public bodies and cooperatives (any one
of which is hereinafter called the
Customer) in South Carolina to whom
power may be wheeled pursuant to
contracts between the Government and
the South Carolina Electric & Gas
Company (hereinafter called the
Company). The customer is responsible
for providing a scheduling arrangement
with the Government. Nothing in this
rate schedule shall preclude an eligible
customer from electing service under
another rate schedule.
This rate schedule shall be applicable
to the sale at wholesale of power and
accompanying energy generated at the
Allatoona, Buford, J. Strom Thurmond,
Walter F. George, Hartwell, Millers
Ferry, West Point, Robert F. Henry,
Carters and Richard B. Russell Projects
and sold under appropriate contracts
between the Government and the
Customer. This rate schedule does not
apply to energy from pumping
operations at the Carters and Richard B.
Russell Projects.
Character of Service:
The electric capacity and energy
supplied hereunder will be delivered at
the delivery points of the Customer on
the Company’s transmission and
distribution system.
Monthly Rate:
The monthly rate for capacity, energy,
and generation services provided under
this rate schedule for the period
specified shall be:
Capacity Charge:
$4.09 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month.
Energy Charge:
12.33 Mills per kilowatt-hour.
Generation Services:
$0.12 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month.
Additional rates for Transmission,
System Control, Reactive, and
Regulation Services provided under this
rate schedule shall be the rates charged
Southeastern Power Administration by
the Company. Future adjustments to
these rates will become effective upon
acceptance for filing by the Federal
PO 00000
Frm 00021
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
of the Company’s rate.
$2.86 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month as of March 2017 is
presented for illustrative purposes.
The initial transmission charge will
be the Customer’s ratable share of the
transmission and distribution charges
paid by the Government. The
transmission charges are governed by
and subject to refund based upon the
determination in proceedings before
FERC involving the Company’s Open
Access Transmission Tariff (OATT).
Proceedings before FERC involving
the OATT may result in the separation
of charges currently included in the
transmission rate. In this event, the
Government may charge the Customer
for any and all separate transmission
and distribution charges paid by the
Government in behalf of the Customer.
Contract Demand:
The contract demand is the amount of
capacity in kilowatts stated in the
contract that the Government is
obligated to supply and the Customer is
entitled to receive.
Energy to be Furnished by the
The Government will sell to the
Customer and the Customer will
purchase from the Government energy
each billing month equivalent to a
percentage specified by contract of the
energy made available to the company
(less applicable losses). The Customer’s
contract demand and accompanying
energy will be allocated proportionately
to its individual delivery points served
from the Company’s system.
Billing Month:
The billing month for power sold
under this schedule shall end at 12:00
midnight on the last day of each
calendar month.
Conditions of Service:
The Customer shall at its own
expense provide, install, and maintain
on its side of each delivery point the
equipment necessary to protect and
control its own system. In so doing, the
installation, adjustment, and setting of
all such control and protective
equipment at or near the point of
delivery shall be coordinated with that
which is installed by and at the expense
of the Company on its side of the
delivery point.
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 168 / Thursday, August 31, 2017 / Notices
Wholesale Power Rate Schedule
This rate schedule shall be available
public bodies and cooperatives (any one
of which is hereinafter called the
Customer) in South Carolina to whom
power may be wheeled pursuant to
contracts between the Government and
the South Carolina Electric & Gas
Company (hereinafter called the
Company). The customer is responsible
for providing a scheduling arrangement
with the Government. Nothing in this
rate schedule shall preclude an eligible
customer from electing service under
another rate schedule.
This rate schedule shall be applicable
to the sale at wholesale of power and
accompanying energy generated at the
Allatoona, Buford, J. Strom Thurmond,
Walter F. George, Hartwell, Millers
Ferry, West Point, Robert F. Henry,
Carters and Richard B. Russell Projects
and sold under appropriate contracts
between the Government and the
Customer. This rate schedule does not
apply to energy from pumping
operations at the Carters and Richard B.
Russell Projects.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
Character of Service:
The electric capacity and energy
supplied hereunder will be delivered at
the delivery points of the Customer on
the Company’s transmission and
distribution system.
Monthly Rate:
The monthly rate for capacity, energy,
and generation services provided under
this rate schedule for the period
specified shall be:
Capacity Charge:
$4.09 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month.
Energy Charge:
12.33 Mills per kilowatt-hour.
Generation Services:
$0.12 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month.
Additional rates for Transmission,
System Control, Reactive, and
Regulation Services provided under this
rate schedule shall be the rates charged
Southeastern Power Administration by
the Company. Future adjustments to
these rates will become effective upon
acceptance for filing by the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
of the Company’s rate.
$2.86 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month as of March 2017 is
presented for illustrative purposes.
The initial transmission charge will
be the Customer’s ratable share of the
VerDate Sep<11>2014
20:54 Aug 30, 2017
Jkt 241001
transmission and distribution charges
paid by the Government. The
transmission charges are governed by
and subject to refund based upon the
determination in proceedings before
FERC involving the Company’s Open
Access Transmission Tariff (OATT).
Proceedings before FERC involving
the OATT may result in the separation
of charges currently included in the
transmission rate. In this event, the
Government may charge the Customer
for any and all separate transmission
and distribution charges paid by the
Government in behalf of the Customer.
Contract Demand:
The contract demand is the amount of
capacity in kilowatts stated in the
contract that the Government is
obligated to supply and the Customer is
entitled to receive.
Energy to be Furnished by the
The Government will sell to the
Customer and the Customer will
purchase from the Government energy
each billing month equivalent to a
percentage specified by contract of the
energy made available to the company
(less applicable losses). The Customer’s
contract demand and accompanying
energy will be allocated proportionately
to its individual delivery points served
from the Company’s system.
Billing Month:
The billing month for power sold
under this schedule shall end at 12:00
midnight on the last day of each
calendar month.
Conditions of Service:
The Customer shall at its own
expense provide, install, and maintain
on its side of each delivery point the
equipment necessary to protect and
control its own system. In so doing, the
installation, adjustment, and setting of
all such control and protective
equipment at or near the point of
delivery shall be coordinated with that
which is installed by and at the expense
of the Company on its side of the
delivery point.
Wholesale Power Rate Schedule
This rate schedule shall be available
public bodies and cooperatives (any one
of which is hereinafter called the
Customer) in South Carolina served
through the transmission facilities of
South Carolina Electric & Gas Company
(hereinafter called the Company). The
customer is responsible for providing a
scheduling arrangement with the
PO 00000
Frm 00022
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Government and for providing a
transmission arrangement. Nothing in
this rate schedule shall preclude an
eligible customer from electing service
under another rate schedule.
This rate schedule shall be applicable
to the sale at wholesale of power and
accompanying energy generated at the
Allatoona, Buford, J. Strom Thurmond,
Walter F. George, Hartwell, Millers
Ferry, West Point, Robert F. Henry,
Carters and Richard B. Russell Projects
and sold under appropriate contracts
between the Government and the
Customer. This rate schedule does not
apply to energy from pumping
operations at the Carters and Richard B.
Russell Projects.
Character of Service:
The electric capacity and energy
supplied hereunder will be delivered at
the Projects.
Monthly Rate:
The monthly rate for capacity, energy,
and generation services provided under
this rate schedule for the period
specified shall be:
Capacity Charge:
$4.09 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month.
Energy Charge:
12.33 Mills per kilowatt-hour.
Generation Services:
$0.12 per kilowatt of total contract
demand per month.
Additional rates for Transmission,
System Control, Reactive, and
Regulation Services provided under this
rate schedule shall be the rates charged
Southeastern Power Administration by
the Company. Future adjustments to
these rates will become effective upon
acceptance for filing by the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission of the
Company’s rate.
Contract Demand:
The contract demand is the amount of
capacity in kilowatts stated in the
contract that the Government is
obligated to supply and the Customer is
entitled to receive.
Energy to be Furnished by the
The Government will sell to the
Customer and the Customer will
purchase from the Government energy
each billing month equivalent to a
percentage specified by contract of the
energy made available to the company
(less applicable losses).
Billing Month:
The billing month for power sold
under this schedule shall end at 12:00
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 168 / Thursday, August 31, 2017 / Notices
This rate schedule shall be applicable
to the sale at wholesale energy
generated from pumping operations at
the Carters and Richard B. Russell
Projects and sold under appropriate
contracts between the Government and
the Customer. The energy will be
segregated from energy from other
pumping operations.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
Character of Service:
The energy supplied hereunder will
be delivered at the delivery points
provided for under appropriate
contracts between the Government and
the Customer.
Monthly Rate:
The rate for energy sold under this
rate schedule for the months specified
shall be:
EnergyRate = (Cwav ÷ Fwav) ÷ (l ¥ Ld)
[computed to the nearest $.00001
(1/100 mill) per kWh]
(The weighted average cost of energy for
pumping divided by the energy
conversion factor, quantity divided by
one minus losses for delivery.)
Cwav = CT1 ÷ ET1
(The weighted average cost of energy for
pumping for this rate schedule is
equal to the cost of energy
purchased or supplied for the
benefit of the customer for pumping
divided by the total energy for
CT1 = Cp + Cs
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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= Kilowatt-hours of energy in storage as
of the end of the month immediately
preceding the specified month
= Weighted average cost of energy for
pumping for the month immediately
preceding the specified month.
Fwav = EG ÷ ET
(Weighted average energy conversion
factor is equal to the energy generated
from pumping divided by the total
energy for pumping.)
= Energy generated from pumping.
= Weighted average energy loss factor
on energy delivered by the facilitator to
the customer.
Energy to be Furnished by the
The Government will sell to the
Customer and the Customer will
PO 00000
Frm 00023
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
The billing month for power sold
under this schedule shall end at 12:00
midnight on the last day of each
calendar month.
Wholesale Power Rate Schedule
This rate schedule shall be available
to public bodies and cooperatives (any
one of whom is hereinafter called the
Customer) in Georgia, Alabama,
Mississippi, Florida, South Carolina, or
North Carolina to whom power is
provided pursuant to contracts between
the Government and the Customer.
This rate schedule shall be applicable
to the sale at wholesale energy
purchased to meet contract minimum
energy and sold under appropriate
contracts between the Government and
the Customer.
Character of Service:
The energy supplied hereunder will
be delivered at the delivery points
provided for under appropriate
contracts between the Government and
the Customer.
Monthly Rate:
The rate for energy sold under this
rate schedule for the months specified
shall be:
EnergyRate = Cwav ÷ (l ¥ Ld) [computed
to the nearest $.00001 (1/100 mill)
per kWh]
(The weighted average cost of energy for
replacement energy divided by one
minus losses for delivery.)
Cwav = Cp ÷ (Epx(l ¥ Lp))
(The weighted average cost of energy for
replacement energy is equal to the cost
of replacement energy purchased
divided by the replacement energy
purchased, net losses.)
= Dollars cost of energy purchased for
replacement energy during the specified
month, including all direct costs to
deliver energy to the project.
This rate schedule shall be available
to public bodies and cooperatives (any
one of whom is hereinafter called the
Customer) in Georgia, Alabama,
Mississippi, Florida, South Carolina, or
North Carolina to whom power is
provided pursuant to contracts between
the Government and the Customer.
(Cost of energy in storage is equal to the
weighted average cost of energy for
pumping for the month preceding the
specified month times the energy for
pumping in storage at the end of the
month preceding the specified month.)
= Dollars cost of energy purchased or
supplied for the benefit of the customer
for pumping during the specified
month, including all direct costs to
deliver energy to the project.
= Kilowatt-hours of energy purchased or
supplied for the benefit of the customer
for pumping during the specified
= Energy loss factor for transmission on
energy purchased or supplied for the
benefit of the customer for pumping
(Expected to be .03 or three percent.)
Billing Month:
Wholesale Power Rate Schedule
(Energy for pumping for this rate
schedule is equal to the energy
purchased or supplied for the benefit of
the customer, after losses, plus the
energy for pumping in storage as of the
end of the month preceding the
specified month.)
purchase from the Government energy
each billing month equivalent to a
percentage specified by contract of the
energy made available to the Facilitator
(less any losses required by the
Facilitator). The Customer’s contract
demand and accompanying energy will
be allocated proportionately to its
individual delivery points served from
the Facilitator’s system.
Conditions of Service:
The Customer shall at its own
expense provide, install, and maintain
on its side of each delivery point the
equipment necessary to protect and
control its own system. In so doing, the
installation, adjustment, and setting of
all such control and protective
equipment at or near the point of
delivery shall be coordinated with that
which is installed by and at the expense
of the Company on its side of the
delivery point.
(Cost of energy for pumping for this rate
schedule is equal to the cost of energy
purchased or supplied for the benefit of
the customer plus the cost of energy in
storage carried over from the month
preceding the specified month.)
midnight on the last day of each
calendar month.
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 168 / Thursday, August 31, 2017 / Notices
= Kilowatt-hours of energy purchased
for replacement energy during the
specified month.
= Energy loss factor for transmission on
replacement energy purchased
(Expected to be 0 or zero percent.)
= Weighted average energy loss factor
on energy delivered by the facilitator to
the customer.
Energy to be Furnished by the
The Government will sell to the
Customer and the Customer will
purchase from the Government energy
each billing month equivalent to a
percentage specified by contract of the
energy made available to the Facilitator
(less any losses required by the
Facilitator). The Customer’s contract
demand and accompanying energy will
be allocated proportionately to its
individual delivery points served from
the Facilitator’s system.
Billing Month:
The billing month for power sold
under this schedule shall end at 12:00
midnight on the last day of each
calendar month.
[FR Doc. 2017–18424 Filed 8–30–17; 8:45 am]
[FRL–9966–88–Region 2]
Proposed CERCLA Cost Recovery
Settlement for the Wolff-Alport
Superfund Site, Queens County, New
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice; request for public
In accordance with the
Comprehensive Environmental
Response, Compensation, and Liability
Act of 1980, as amended (‘‘CERCLA’’),
notice is hereby given by the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency
(‘‘EPA’’), Region 2, of a proposed cost
recovery settlement agreement pursuant
to CERCLA, with the City of New York
(‘‘Settling Party’’) concerning the WolffAlport Superfund Site (‘‘Site’’), located
in Queens County, New York.
The Site includes portions of the
former Wolff-Alport Chemical Company
facility and nearby areas, including
businesses, public sidewalks, city
sewers, and nearby streets, where
hazardous substances including
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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radioactive contamination were
disposed or have migrated. Settling
Party is the owner of property which
constitutes a portion of the Site.
DATES: Comments must be submitted on
or before October 2, 2017.
ADDRESSES: The proposed settlement is
available for public inspection at EPA
Region 2 offices at 290 Broadway, New
York, New York 10007–1866. Comments
should reference the Wolff-Alport
Superfund Site, Queens County, New
York, Index No. CERCLA–02–2017–
2009. To request a copy of the proposed
settlement agreement, please contact the
EPA employee identified below.
Regna, Assistant Regional Counsel, New
York/Caribbean Superfund Branch,
Office of Regional Counsel, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, 290
Broadway, 17th Floor, New York, NY
10007–1866. Email:;
Telephone: 212–637–3164.
Settling Party agrees to pay EPA
$659,037.00 in reimbursement of EPA’s
past response costs paid at or in
connection with the Site. The settlement
includes a covenant by EPA not to sue
or to take administrative action against
the Settling Party pursuant to Section
107(a) of CERCLA, 42 U.S.C. 9607(a),
with regard to the response costs related
to the work at the Site enumerated in
the settlement agreement. For thirty (30)
days following the date of publication of
this notice, EPA will receive written
comments relating to the proposed
settlement. EPA will consider all
comments received and may modify or
withdraw its consent to the settlement
if comments received disclose facts or
considerations that indicate that the
proposed settlement is inappropriate,
improper, or inadequate. EPA’s
response to any comments received will
be available for public inspection at
EPA Region 2, 290 Broadway, New
York, New York 10007–1866.
Dated: August 23, 2017.
John Prince,
Acting Director, Emergency and Remedial
Response Division, U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, Region 2.
The Federal Labor Relations
Authority (FLRA) publishes the names
of the persons selected to serve on its
SES Performance Review Board (PRB).
This notice supersedes all previous
notices of the PRB membership.
DATES: Upon publication.
ADDRESSES: Written comments about
this final rule can be emailed to or sent to the
Case Intake and Publication Office,
Federal Labor Relations Authority, 1400
K Street NW., Washington, DC 20424.
All written comments will be available
for public inspection during normal
business hours at the Case Intake and
Publication Office.
K. Grippando, Counsel for Regulatory
and Public Affairs, Federal Labor
Relations Authority, Washington, DC
20424, (202) 218–7776.
4314(c) of Title 5, U.S.C. requires each
agency to establish, in accordance with
regulations prescribed by the Office of
Personnel Management, one or more
PRBs. The PRB shall review and
evaluate the initial appraisal of a senior
executive’s performance by the
supervisor, along with any response by
the senior executive, and make
recommendations to the final rating
authority relative to the performance of
the senior executive.
The persons named below have been
selected to serve on the FLRA’s PRB.
PRB Chairman:
James T. Abbott, Chief Counsel to the
Acting Chairman
PRB Members:
Richard S. Jones, Regional Director,
Atlanta Regional Office; Kimberly
D. Moseley, Executive Director,
Federal Service Impasses Panel;
Peter A. Sutton, Acting General
Counsel; William R. Tobey, Chief
Counsel to Member DuBester.
Dated: August 28, 2017.
Michael W. Jeffries,
Acting Executive Director.
[FR Doc. 2017–18513 Filed 8–30–17; 8:45 am]
[FR Doc. 2017–18504 Filed 8–30–17; 8:45 am]
Senior Executive Service Performance
Review Board
Federal Labor Relations
PO 00000
Frm 00024
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Change in Bank Control Notices;
Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or
Bank Holding Company
The notificants listed below have
applied under the Change in Bank
Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and
§ 225.41 of the Board’s Regulation Y (12
CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank
[Federal Register Volume 82, Number 168 (Thursday, August 31, 2017)]
[Pages 41401-41414]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2017-18424]
Southeastern Power Administration
Georgia-Alabama-South Carolina System
AGENCY: Southeastern Power Administration, (Southeastern), Department
of Energy.
ACTION: Notice of interim approval.
SUMMARY: The Deputy Secretary, Department of Energy, confirmed and
approved, on an interim basis new rate schedules SOCO-1-F, SOCO-2-F,
SOCO-3-F, SOCO-4-F, ALA-1-O, Duke-1-F, Duke-2-F, Duke-3-F, Duke-4-F,
Santee-1-F, Santee-2-F, Santee-3-F, Santee-4-F, SCE&G-1-F, SCE&G-2-F,
SCE&G-3-F, SCE&G-4-F, Pump-1-A, and Replacement-1. These rate schedules
are applicable to Southeastern power sold to existing preference
customers in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina,
and South Carolina. The rate schedules are approved on an interim basis
through September 30, 2022, and are subject to confirmation and
approval by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) on a final
DATES: Approval of rates on an interim basis is effective October 1,
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Virgil Hobbs, Assistant Administrator,
Finance and Marketing, Southeastern Power Administration, Department of
[[Page 41402]]
Energy, 1166 Athens Tech Road, Elberton, Georgia 30635-4578, (706) 213-
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, by
Order issued April 2, 2013, in Docket No. EF12-4-000 (143 FERC ]
62,002), confirmed and approved Wholesale Power Rate Schedules SOCO-1-
E, SOCO-2-E, SOCO-3-E, SOCO-4-E, ALA-1-N, MISS-1-N, Duke-1-E, Duke-2-E,
Duke-3-E, Duke-4-E, Santee-1-E, Santee-2-E, Santee-3-E, Santee-4-E,
SCE&G-1-E, SCE&G-2-E, SCE&G-3-E, SCE&G-4-E, Pump-1-A, Pump-2,
Replacement-1, and Regulation-1 through September 30, 2017. This order
replaces these rate schedules on an interim basis, subject to final
approval by FERC.
Dated: August 24, 2017
Dan R. Brouillette,
Deputy Secretary.
In the Matter of:
Southeastern Power Administration
Georgia-Alabama-South Carolina System Power Rates
Rate Order No. SEPA-62
Order Confirming and Approving Power Rates on an Interim Basis
Pursuant to Sections 302(a) of the Department of Energy
Organization Act, Public Law 95-91, the functions of the Secretary of
the Interior and the Federal Power Commission under Section 5 of the
Flood Control Act of 1944, 16 U.S.C. 825s, relating to the Southeastern
Power Administration (Southeastern), were transferred to and vested in
the Secretary of Energy. By Delegation Order No. 00-037.00B, effective
November 19, 2016, the Secretary of Energy delegated to Southeastern's
Administrator the authority to develop power and transmission rates, to
the Deputy Secretary of Energy the authority to confirm, approve, and
place in effect such rates on interim basis, and to the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (FERC) the authority to confirm, approve, and
place into effect on a final basis or to disapprove rates developed by
the Administrator under the delegation. This rate order is issued by
the Deputy Secretary pursuant to said delegation.
Power from the Georgia-Alabama-South Carolina Projects is presently
sold under Wholesale Power Rate Schedules SOCO-1-E, SOCO-2-E, SOCO-3-E,
SOCO-4-E, ALA-1-N, MISS-1-N, Duke-1-E, Duke-2-E, Duke-3-E, Duke-4-E,
Santee-1-E, Santee-2-E, Santee-3-E, Santee-4-E, SCE&G-1-E, SCE&G-2-E,
SCE&G-3-E, SCE&G-4-E, Pump-1-A, Pump-2, Replacement-1, and Regulation-
1. These rate schedules were approved by the FERC in docket number
EF12-4-000 on April 2, 2013, for a period ending September 30, 2017
(143 FERC ] 62,002).
Public Notice and Comment
Notice of a proposed rate adjustment was published in the Federal
Register April 6, 2017 (82 FR 16828). The notice advised interested
parties of a proposed reduction in the capacity rates of about fifteen
percent (15%). The proposed reduction in the revenue requirement was
about nine percent (9%). The energy rate was to be extended. A public
information and comment forum was held May 9, 2017, in Savannah,
Georgia. Written comments were accepted through July 5, 2017. Comments
were received from two parties at the forum. Written comments were
received from two interested parties.
Comments received from interested parties are summarized below.
Southeastern's response follows each comment.
Comment 1: If the previous historical rainfall patterns return
during the term of the proposed rates, SEPA will likely over-recover.
We encourage SEPA to carefully monitor the results each year to ensure
[the conservative average energy estimate] does not lead to sustained
Response 1: Southeastern uses the best available estimates to
prepare a rate study used to support a rate adjustment. Southeastern
updates the repayment studies for each of its four systems annually to
monitor repayment. By law, Southeastern is required to recover the cost
of each system. The term of the rate schedules can be no more than five
years. Should the annual update of the repayment study reveal cost
recovery is unduly accelerated, Southeastern may file a rate adjustment
before the term of these rate schedules expire.
Comment 2: The SeFPC notes that the implementation of newly adopted
Water Control Manuals (``WCM'') for the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-
Flint (``ACF'') and Alabama-Coosa-Tallapoosa (``ACT'') river basins may
change operations of the projects that provide the power marketed to
customers of the GA-AL-SC system of projects. Because of potential
changes in the operation of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers
(``Corps'') projects, we encourage SEPA to consider whether the
anticipated changes associated with the WCMs will have an impact on the
underlying revenue requirement.
Response 2: Southeastern will monitor the potential changes in the
operations of the projects to ensure the changes do not impact cost
recovery without appropriate adjustments to protect power customers.
Comment 3: The SeFPC encourages SEPA to continue conversations with
Corps representatives to review cost allocations for the multi-purpose
projects which support the generation of power.
Response 3: Southeastern continues to discuss with Corps
representatives appropriate review of cost allocations for
Southeastern's projects.
Comment 4: The SeFPC asks SEPA to re-examine the cost associated
with the installation of a secant wall at the Walter F. George project.
SEPA's jurisdiction and authority to set rates for hydropower customers
should be exercised as appropriate to ensure that the rates are as low
as possible consistent with sound business principles.
Response 4: Southeastern is continuing discussions with the Corps
regarding whether repairs to the Walter F. George secant wall qualify
as modifications due to changes in state-of-the-art design or
construction criteria deemed necessary for safety purposes. If so, the
costs associated with the secant wall would be limited as to recovery
under the Dam Safety Act. 33 U.S.C. 467n. The General Accounting Office
(GAO) has recommended that the Corps clarify policy guidance on the
usage of the state-of-the-art provision. (See Southeastern is awaiting the Corps' response to
the GAO report before taking further action.
System Repayment
An examination of Southeastern's revised system power repayment
study, prepared in July 2017, for the Georgia-Alabama-South Carolina
System shows that with the proposed rates, all system power costs are
paid within the appropriate repayment period required by existing law
and DOE Order RA 6120.2. The Administrator of Southeastern Power
Administration has certified that the rates are consistent with
applicable law and that they are the lowest possible rates to customers
consistent with sound business principles.
Environmental Impact
Southeastern has reviewed the possible environmental impacts of the
rate adjustment under consideration and has concluded that, because the
[[Page 41403]]
adjusted rates would not significantly affect the quality of the human
environment within the meaning of the National Environmental Policy Act
of 1969, the proposed action is not a major Federal action for which
preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement is required.
Availability of Information
Information regarding these rates, including studies and other
supporting materials and transcripts of the public information and
comment forum, is available for public review in the offices of
Southeastern Power Administration, 1166 Athens Tech Road, Elberton,
Georgia 30635, and in the Power Marketing Liaison Office, James
Forrestal Building, 1000 Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20585.
In view of the foregoing and pursuant to the authority delegated to
me by the Secretary of Energy, I hereby confirm and approve on an
interim basis, effective October 1, 2017, attached Wholesale Power Rate
Schedules SOCO-1-F, SOCO-2-F, SOCO-3-F, SOCO-4-F, ALA-1-O, Duke-1-F,
Duke-2-F, Duke-3-F, Duke-4-F, Santee-1-F, Santee-2-F, Santee-3-F,
Santee-4-F, SCE&G-1-F, SCE&G-2-F, SCE&G-3-F, SCE&G-4-F, Pump-1-A, and
Replacement-1. The Rate Schedules shall remain in effect on an interim
basis through September 30, 2022, unless such period is extended or
until the FERC confirms and approves the schedules or substitute Rate
Schedules on a final basis.
Dated: August 24, 1017
Dan R. Brouillette
Deputy Secretary
Wholesale Power Rate Schedule SOCO-1-F
This rate schedule shall be available to public bodies and
cooperatives (any one of whom is hereinafter called the Customer) in
Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida to whom power may be
transmitted and scheduled pursuant to contracts between the Government
and Southern Company Services, Incorporated (hereinafter called the
Company) and the Customer. Nothing in this rate schedule shall preclude
modifications to the aforementioned contracts to allow an eligible
customer to elect service under another rate schedule.
This rate schedule shall be applicable to the sale at wholesale of
power and accompanying energy generated at the Allatoona, Buford, J.
Strom Thurmond, Walter F. George, Hartwell, Millers Ferry, West Point,
Robert F. Henry, Carters and Richard B. Russell Projects and sold under
appropriate contracts between the Government and the Customer. This
rate schedule does not apply to energy from pumping operations at the
Carters and Richard B. Russell Projects.
Character of Service:
The electric capacity and energy supplied hereunder will be
delivered at the delivery points of the Customer on the Company's
transmission and distribution system.
Monthly Rate:
The monthly rate for capacity, energy, and generation services
provided under this rate schedule for the period specified shall be:
Capacity Charge:
$4.09 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month.
Energy Charge:
12.33 Mills per kilowatt-hour.
Generation Services:
$0.12 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month.
Additional rates for Transmission, System Control, Reactive, and
Regulation Services provided under this rate schedule shall be the
rates charged Southeastern Power Administration by the Company. Future
adjustments to these rates will become effective upon acceptance for
filing by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) of the
Company's rate.
$3.54 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month estimated as
of March 2017 is presented for illustrative purposes.
The initial transmission charge will be the Customer's ratable
share of the transmission and distribution charges paid by the
Government. The transmission charges are governed by and subject to
refund based upon the determination in proceedings before FERC
involving the Company's Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT). The
distribution charges may be modified by FERC pursuant to application by
the Company under Section 205 of the Federal Power Act or the
Government under Section 206 of the Federal Power Act.
Proceedings before FERC involving the OATT or the distribution
charges may result in the separation of charges currently included in
the transmission rate. In this event, the Government may charge the
Customer for any and all separate transmission and distribution charges
paid by the Government in behalf of the Customer.
Scheduling, System Control and Dispatch Service:
$0.0806 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month.
Reactive Supply and Voltage Control from Generation Sources
$0.11 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month.
Regulation and Frequency Response Service:
$0.0483 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month.
Transmission, System Control, Reactive, and Regulation Services
The charges for Transmission, System Control, Reactive, and
Regulation Services shall be governed by and subject to refund based
upon the determination in the proceeding involving Southern Companies'
Contract Demand:
The contract demand is the amount of capacity in kilowatts stated
in the contract which the Government is obligated to supply and the
Customer is entitled to receive.
Energy to be Furnished by the Government:
The Government will sell to the Customer and the Customer will
purchase from the Government energy each billing month equivalent to a
percentage specified by contract of the energy made available to the
company (less applicable losses). The Customer's contract demand and
accompanying energy will be allocated proportionately to its individual
delivery points served from the Company's system. As of March 2017,
applicable energy losses are as follows:
Transmission facilities 2.2%
Sub-transmission 2.0%
Distribution Substations 0.9%
Distribution Lines 2.25%
These losses shall be effective until modified by FERC, pursuant to
application by Southern Companies under Section 205 of the Federal
Power Act or SEPA under Section 206 of the Federal Power Act or
Billing Month:
The billing month for power sold under this schedule shall end at
12:00 midnight on the last day of each calendar month.
Wholesale Power Rate Schedule SOCO-2-F
This rate schedule shall be available to public bodies and
cooperatives (any
[[Page 41404]]
one of whom is hereinafter called the Customer) in Georgia, Alabama,
Mississippi, and Florida to whom power may be transmitted pursuant to
contracts between the Government and Southern Company Services,
Incorporated (hereinafter called the Company) and the Customer. The
Customer is responsible for providing a scheduling arrangement with the
Government. Nothing in this rate schedule shall preclude modifications
to the aforementioned contracts to allow an eligible customer to elect
service under another rate schedule.
This rate schedule shall be applicable to the sale at wholesale of
power and accompanying energy generated at the Allatoona, Buford, J.
Strom Thurmond, Walter F. George, Hartwell, Millers Ferry, West Point,
Robert F. Henry, Carters and Richard B. Russell Projects and sold under
appropriate contracts between the Government and the Customer. This
rate schedule does not apply to energy from pumping operations at the
Carters and Richard B. Russell Projects.
Character of Service:
The electric capacity and energy supplied hereunder will be
delivered at the delivery points of the Customer on the Company's
transmission and distribution system.
Monthly Rate:
The monthly rate for capacity, energy, and generation services
provided under this rate schedule for the period specified shall be:
Capacity Charge:
$4.09 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month.
Energy Charge:
12.33 Mills per kilowatt-hour.
Generation Services:
$0.12 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month.
Additional rates for Transmission, System Control, Reactive, and
Regulation Services provided under this rate schedule shall be the
rates charged Southeastern Power Administration by the Company. Future
adjustments to these rates will become effective upon acceptance for
filing by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) of the
Company's rate.
$3.54 per kilowatt of total contract demand per estimated as of
March 2017 is presented for illustrative purposes.
The initial transmission charge will be the Customer's ratable
share of the transmission and distribution charges paid by the
Government. The transmission charges are governed by and subject to
refund based upon the determination in proceedings before FERC
involving the Company's Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT). The
distribution charges may be modified by FERC pursuant to application by
the Company under Section 205 of the Federal Power Act or the
Government under Section 206 of the Federal Power Act.
Proceedings before FERC involving the OATT or the distribution
charges may result in the separation of charges currently included in
the transmission rate. In this event, the Government may charge the
Customer for any and all separate transmission and distribution charges
paid by the Government in behalf of the Customer.
Reactive Supply and Voltage Control from Generation Sources
$0.11 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month.
Transmission, System Control, Reactive, and Regulation Services:
The charges for Transmission, System Control, Reactive, and
Regulation Services shall be governed by and subject to refund based
upon the determination in the proceeding involving Southern Companies'
Contract Demand:
The contract demand is the amount of capacity in kilowatts stated
in the contract which the Government is obligated to supply and the
Customer is entitled to receive.
Energy to be Furnished by the Government:
The Government will sell to the Customer and the Customer will
purchase from the Government energy each billing month equivalent to a
percentage specified by contract of the energy made available to the
company (less applicable losses). The Customer's contract demand and
accompanying energy will be allocated proportionately to its individual
delivery points served from the Company's system. As of March 2017,
applicable energy losses are as follows:
Transmission facilities 2.2%
Sub-Transmission 2.0%
Distribution Substations 0.9%
Distribution Lines 2.25%
These losses shall be effective until modified by FERC, pursuant to
application by Southern Companies under Section 205 of the Federal
Power Act or SEPA under Section 206 of the Federal Power Act or
Billing Month:
The billing month for power sold under this schedule shall end at
12:00 midnight on the last day of each calendar month.
Wholesale Power Rate Schedule SOCO-3-F
This rate schedule shall be available to public bodies and
cooperatives (any one of whom is hereinafter called the Customer) in
Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida to whom power may be
scheduled pursuant to contracts between the Government and Southern
Company Services, Incorporated (hereinafter called the Company) and the
Customer. The Customer is responsible for providing a transmission
arrangement. Nothing in this rate schedule shall preclude modifications
to the aforementioned contracts to allow an eligible customer to elect
service under another rate schedule.
This rate schedule shall be applicable to the sale at wholesale of
power and accompanying energy generated at the Allatoona, Buford, J.
Strom Thurmond, Walter F. George, Hartwell, Millers Ferry, West Point,
Robert F. Henry, Carters and Richard B. Russell Projects (hereinafter
referred to collectively as the Projects) and sold under appropriate
contracts between the Government and the Customer. This rate schedule
does not apply to energy from pumping operations at the Carters and
Richard B. Russell Projects.
Character of Service:
The electric capacity and energy supplied hereunder will be
delivered at the Projects.
Monthly Rate:
The monthly rate for capacity, energy, and generation services
provided under this rate schedule for the period specified shall be:
Capacity Charge:
$4.09 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month.
Energy Charge:
12.33 Mills per kilowatt-hour.
Generation Services:
$0.12 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month.
Additional rates for Transmission, System Control, Reactive, and
Regulation Services provided under this rate schedule shall be the
rates charged Southeastern Power Administration by the Company. Future
adjustments to these rates will become effective upon acceptance for
filing by the Federal
[[Page 41405]]
Energy Regulatory Commission of the Company's rate.
Scheduling, System Control and Dispatch Service:
$0.0806 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month.
Regulation and Frequency Response Service:
$0.0483 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month.
Transmission, System Control, Reactive, and Regulation Services
The charges for Transmission, System Control, Reactive, and
Regulation Services shall be governed by and subject to refund based
upon the determination in the proceeding involving Southern Companies'
Open Access Transmission Tariff.
Contract Demand:
The contract demand is the amount of capacity in kilowatts stated
in the contract which the Government is obligated to supply and the
Customer is entitled to receive.
Energy to be Furnished by the Government:
The Government will sell to the Customer and the Customer will
purchase from the Government energy each billing month equivalent to a
percentage specified by contract of the energy made available to the
company (less applicable losses).
Billing Month:
The billing month for power sold under this schedule shall end at
12:00 midnight on the last day of each calendar month.
Wholesale Power Rate Schedule SOCO-4-F
This rate schedule shall be available to public bodies and
cooperatives (any one of whom is hereinafter called the Customer) in
Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida served through the
transmission facilities of Southern Company Services, Inc. (hereinafter
called the Company) or the Georgia Integrated Transmission System. The
Customer is responsible for providing a scheduling arrangement with the
Government and for providing a transmission arrangement. Nothing in
this rate schedule shall preclude modifications to the aforementioned
contracts to allow an eligible customer to elect service under another
rate schedule.
This rate schedule shall be applicable to the sale at wholesale of
power and accompanying energy generated at the Allatoona, Buford, J.
Strom Thurmond, Walter F. George, Hartwell, Millers Ferry, West Point,
Robert F. Henry, Carters and Richard B. Russell Projects (hereinafter
referred to collectively as the Projects) and sold under appropriate
contracts between the Government and the Customer. This rate schedule
does not apply to energy from pumping operations at the Carters and
Richard B. Russell Projects.
Character of Service:
The electric capacity and energy supplied hereunder will be
delivered at the Projects.
Monthly Rate:
The monthly rate for capacity, energy, and generation services
provided under this rate schedule for the period specified shall be:
Capacity Charge:
$4.09 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month.
Energy Charge:
12.33 Mills per kilowatt-hour.
Generation Services:
$0.12 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month.
Additional rates for Transmission, System Control, Reactive, and
Regulation Services provided under this rate schedule shall be the
rates charged Southeastern Power Administration by the Company. Future
adjustments to these rates will become effective upon acceptance for
filing by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission of the Company's
Transmission, System Control, Reactive, and Regulation Services
The charges for Transmission, System Control, Reactive, and
Regulation Services shall be governed by and subject to refund based
upon the determination in the proceeding involving Southern Companies'
Open Access Transmission Tariff.
Contract Demand:
The contract demand is the amount of capacity in kilowatts stated
in the contract that the Government is obligated to supply and the
Customer is entitled to receive.
Energy to be Furnished by the Government:
The Government will sell to the Customer and the Customer will
purchase from the Government energy each billing month equivalent to a
percentage specified by contract of the energy made available to the
company (less applicable losses).
Billing Month:
The billing month for power sold under this schedule shall end at
12:00 midnight on the last day of each calendar month.
Wholesale Power Rate Schedule ALA-1-O
This rate schedule shall be available to the PowerSouth Energy
Cooperative (hereinafter called the Cooperative).
This rate schedule shall be applicable to power and accompanying
energy generated at the Allatoona, Buford, J. Strom Thurmond, Walter F.
George, Hartwell, Millers Ferry, West Point, Robert F. Henry, Carters,
and Richard B. Russell Projects and sold under contract between the
Cooperative and the Government. This rate schedule does not apply to
energy from pumping operations at the Carters and Richard B. Russell
Character of Service:
The electric capacity and energy supplied hereunder will be
three[dash]phase alternating current at a nominal frequency of 60 Hertz
and shall be delivered at the Walter F. George, West Point, and Robert
F. Henry Projects.
Monthly Rate:
The monthly rate for capacity, energy, and generation services
provided under this rate schedule for the period specified shall be:
Capacity Charge:
$4.09 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month.
Energy Charge:
12.33 Mills per kilowatt-hour.
Generation Services:
$0.12 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month.
Additional rates for Transmission, System Control, Reactive, and
Regulation Services provided under this rate schedule shall be the
rates charged Southeastern Power Administration by the Southern
Company. Future adjustments to these rates will become effective upon
acceptance for filing by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission of
the Company's rate.
Transmission, System Control, Reactive, and Regulation Services
The charges for Transmission, System Control, Reactive, and
Regulation Services shall be governed by and subject to refund based
upon the determination in the proceeding involving Southern Companies'
Open Access Transmission Tariff.
[[Page 41406]]
Energy to be Furnished by the Government:
The Government will sell to the Cooperative and the Cooperative
will purchase from the Government those quantities of energy specified
by contract as available to the Cooperative for scheduling on a weekly
Billing Month:
The billing month for power sold under this schedule shall end at
12:00 midnight on the last day of each calendar month.
Wholesale Power Rate Schedule Duke-1-F
This rate schedule shall be available to public bodies and
cooperatives (any one of whom is hereinafter called the Customer) in
North Carolina and South Carolina to whom power may be transmitted and
scheduled pursuant to contracts between the Government and Duke Energy
Carolinas (hereinafter called the Company) and the Customer. Nothing in
this rate schedule shall preclude modifications to the aforementioned
contracts to allow an eligible customer to elect service under another
rate schedule.
This rate schedule shall be applicable to the sale at wholesale of
power and accompanying energy generated at the Allatoona, Buford, J.
Strom Thurmond, Walter F. George, Hartwell, Millers Ferry, West Point,
Robert F. Henry, Carters and Richard B. Russell Projects and sold under
appropriate contracts between the Government and the Customer. This
rate schedule does not apply to energy from pumping operations at the
Carters and Richard B. Russell Projects.
Character of Service:
The electric capacity and energy supplied hereunder will be
delivered at the delivery points of the Customer on the Company's
transmission and distribution system.
Monthly Rate:
The monthly rate for capacity, energy, and generation services
provided under this rate schedule for the period specified shall be:
Capacity Charge:
$4.09 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month.
Energy Charge:
12.33 Mills per kilowatt-hour.
Generation Services:
$0.12 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month.
Additional rates for Transmission, System Control, Reactive, and
Regulation Services provided under this rate schedule shall be the
rates charged Southeastern Power Administration by the Company. Future
adjustments to these rates will become effective upon acceptance for
filing by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) of the
Company's rate.
$1.32 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month is presented
for illustrative purposes.
The initial transmission charge will be the Customer's ratable
share of the transmission and distribution charges paid by the
Government. The transmission charges are governed by and subject to
refund based upon the determination in proceedings before FERC
involving the Company's Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT).
Proceedings before FERC involving the OATT may result in the
separation of charges currently included in the transmission rate. In
this event, the Government may charge the Customer for any and all
separate transmission and distribution charges paid by the Government
in behalf of the Customer.
Contract Demand:
The contract demand is the amount of capacity in kilowatts stated
in the contract which the Government is obligated to supply and the
Customer is entitled to receive.
Energy to be Furnished by the Government:
The Government will sell to the Customer and the Customer will
purchase from the Government energy each billing month equivalent to a
percentage specified by contract of the energy made available to the
company (less applicable losses of three per cent (3%) as of March
2017). The Customer's contract demand and accompanying energy will be
allocated proportionately to its individual delivery points served from
the Company's system. These losses shall be effective until modified by
FERC, pursuant to application by the Company under Section 205 of the
Federal Power Act or SEPA under Section 206 of the Federal Power Act or
Billing Month:
The billing month for power sold under this schedule shall end at
12:00 midnight on the last day of each calendar month.
Wholesale Power Rate Schedule Duke-2-F
This rate schedule shall be available to public bodies and
cooperatives (any one of whom is hereinafter called the Customer) in
North Carolina and South Carolina to whom power may be transmitted
pursuant to contracts between the Government and Duke Energy Carolinas
(hereinafter called the Company) and the Customer. The Customer is
responsible for providing a scheduling arrangement with the Government.
Nothing in this rate schedule shall preclude modifications to the
aforementioned contracts to allow an eligible customer to elect service
under another rate schedule.
This rate schedule shall be applicable to the sale at wholesale of
power and accompanying energy generated at the Allatoona, Buford, J.
Strom Thurmond, Walter F. George, Hartwell, Millers Ferry, West Point,
Robert F. Henry, Carters and Richard B. Russell Projects and sold under
appropriate contracts between the Government and the Customer. This
rate schedule does not apply to energy from pumping operations at the
Carters and Richard B. Russell Projects.
Character of Service:
The electric capacity and energy supplied hereunder will be
delivered at the delivery points of the Customer on the Company's
transmission and distribution system.
Monthly Rate:
The monthly rate for capacity, energy, and generation services
provided under this rate schedule for the period specified shall be:
Capacity Charge:
$4.09 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month.
Energy Charge:
12.33 Mills per kilowatt-hour.
Generation Services:
$0.12 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month.
Additional rates for Transmission, System Control, Reactive, and
Regulation Services provided under this rate schedule shall be the
rates charged Southeastern Power Administration by the Company. Future
adjustments to these rates will become effective upon acceptance for
filing by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) of the
Company's rate.
$1.32 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month is presented
for illustrative purposes.
[[Page 41407]]
The initial transmission charge will be the Customer's ratable
share of the transmission and distribution charges paid by the
Government. The transmission charges are governed by and subject to
refund based upon the determination in proceedings before FERC
involving the Company's Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT).
Proceedings before FERC involving the OATT may result in the
separation of charges currently included in the transmission rate. In
this event, the Government may charge the Customer for any and all
separate transmission and distribution charges paid by the Government
in behalf of the Customer.
Contract Demand:
The contract demand is the amount of capacity in kilowatts stated
in the contract which the Government is obligated to supply and the
Customer is entitled to receive.
Energy to be Furnished by the Government:
The Government will sell to the Customer and the Customer will
purchase from the Government energy each billing month equivalent to a
percentage specified by contract of the energy made available to the
company (less applicable losses of three per cent (3%) as of March
2017). The Customer's contract demand and accompanying energy will be
allocated proportionately to its individual delivery points served from
the Company's system. These losses shall be effective until modified by
the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, pursuant to application by
the Company under Section 205 of the Federal Power Act or SEPA under
Section 206 of the Federal Power Act or otherwise.
Billing Month:
The billing month for power sold under this schedule shall end at
12:00 midnight on the last day of each calendar month.
Wholesale Power Rate Schedule Duke-3-F
This rate schedule shall be available to public bodies and
cooperatives (any one of whom is hereinafter called the Customer) in
North Carolina and South Carolina to whom power may be scheduled
pursuant to contracts between the Government and Duke Energy Carolinas
(hereinafter called the Company) and the Customer. The Customer is
responsible for providing a transmission arrangement. Nothing in this
rate schedule shall preclude modifications to the aforementioned
contracts to allow an eligible customer to elect service under another
rate schedule.
This rate schedule shall be applicable to the sale at wholesale of
power and accompanying energy generated at the Allatoona, Buford, J.
Strom Thurmond, Walter F. George, Hartwell, Millers Ferry, West Point,
Robert F. Henry, Carters and Richard B. Russell Projects and sold under
appropriate contracts between the Government and the Customer. This
rate schedule does not apply to energy from pumping operations at the
Carters and Richard B. Russell Projects.
Character of Service:
The electric capacity and energy supplied hereunder will be
delivered at the Savannah River Projects.
Monthly Rate:
The monthly rate for capacity, energy, and generation services
provided under this rate schedule for the period specified shall be:
Capacity Charge:
$4.09 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month.
Energy Charge:
12.33 Mills per kilowatt-hour.
Generation Services:
$0.12 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month.
Additional rates for Transmission, System Control, Reactive, and
Regulation Services provided under this rate schedule shall be the
rates charged Southeastern Power Administration by the Company. Future
adjustments to these rates will become effective upon acceptance for
filing by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission of the Company's
Contract Demand:
The contract demand is the amount of capacity in kilowatts stated
in the contract which the Government is obligated to supply and the
Customer is entitled to receive.
Energy to be Furnished by the Government:
The Government will sell to the Customer and the Customer will
purchase from the Government energy each billing month equivalent to a
percentage specified by contract of the energy made available to the
company (less applicable losses).
Billing Month:
The billing month for power sold under this schedule shall end at
12:00 midnight on the last day of each calendar month.
Wholesale Power Rate Schedule Duke-4-F
This rate schedule shall be available to public bodies and
cooperatives (any one of whom is hereinafter called the Customer) in
North Carolina and South Carolina served through the transmission
facilities of Duke Energy Carolinas (hereinafter called the Company)
and the Customer. The Customer is responsible for providing a
scheduling arrangement with the Government and for providing a
transmission arrangement with the Company. Nothing in this rate
schedule shall preclude modifications to the aforementioned contracts
to allow an eligible customer to elect service under another rate
This rate schedule shall be applicable to the sale at wholesale of
power and accompanying energy generated at the Allatoona, Buford, J.
Strom Thurmond, Walter F. George, Hartwell, Millers Ferry, West Point,
Robert F. Henry, Carters and Richard B. Russell Projects and sold under
appropriate contracts between the Government and the Customer. This
rate schedule does not apply to energy from pumping operations at the
Carters and Richard B. Russell Projects.
Character of Service:
The electric capacity and energy supplied hereunder will be
delivered at the Savannah River Projects.
Monthly Rate:
The monthly rate for capacity, energy, and generation services
provided under this rate schedule for the period specified shall be:
Capacity Charge:
$4.09 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month.
Energy Charge:
12.33 Mills per kilowatt-hour.
Generation Services:
$0.12 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month.
Additional rates for Transmission, System Control, Reactive, and
Regulation Services provided under this rate schedule shall be the
rates charged Southeastern Power Administration by the Company. Future
adjustments to these rates will become effective upon acceptance for
filing by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission of the Company's
Contract Demand:
The contract demand is the amount of capacity in kilowatts stated
in the
[[Page 41408]]
contract which the Government is obligated to supply and the Customer
is entitled to receive.
Energy to be Furnished by the Government:
The Government will sell to the Customer and the Customer will
purchase from the Government energy each billing month equivalent to a
percentage specified by contract of the energy made available to the
company (less applicable losses).
Billing Month:
The billing month for power sold under this schedule shall end at
12:00 midnight on the last day of each calendar month.
Wholesale Power Rate Schedule Santee-1-F
This rate schedule shall be available to public bodies and
cooperatives (any one of whom is hereinafter call the Customer) in
South Carolina to whom power may be wheeled and scheduled pursuant to
contracts between the Government and South Carolina Public Service
Authority (hereinafter called the Authority). Nothing in this rate
schedule shall preclude an eligible customer from electing service
under another rate schedule.
This rate schedule shall be applicable to the sale at wholesale of
power and accompanying energy generated at the Allatoona, Buford, J.
Strom Thurmond, Walter F. George, Hartwell, Millers Ferry, West Point,
Robert F. Henry, Carters and Richard B. Russell Projects and sold under
appropriate contracts between the Government and the Customer. This
rate schedule does not apply to energy from pumping operations at the
Carters and Richard B. Russell Projects.
Character of Service:
The electric capacity and energy supplied hereunder will be
delivered at the delivery points of the Customer on the Authority's
transmission and distribution system.
Monthly Rate:
The monthly rate for capacity, energy, and generation services
provided under this rate schedule for the period specified shall be:
Capacity Charge:
$4.09 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month.
Energy Charge:
12.33 Mills per kilowatt-hour.
Generation Services:
$0.12 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month.
Additional rates for Transmission, System Control, Reactive, and
Regulation Services provided under this rate schedule shall be the
rates charged Southeastern Power Administration by the Authority.
Future adjustments to these rates will become effective upon acceptance
for filing by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) of the
Authority's rate.
$1.86 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month as of March
2017 is presented for illustrative purposes.
The initial transmission rate is subject to annual adjustment on
July 1 of each year, and will be computed subject to the formula
contained in Appendix A to the Government-Authority Contract.
Proceedings before FERC involving the Authority's Open Access
Transmission Tariff may result in the separation of charges currently
included in the transmission rate. In this event, the Government may
charge the Customer for any and all separate transmission and
distribution charges paid by the Government in behalf of the Customer.
Contract Demand:
The contract demand is the amount of capacity in kilowatts stated
in the contract which the Government is obligated to supply and the
Customer is entitled to receive.
Energy to be Furnished by the Government:
The Government will sell to the Customer and the Customer will
purchase from the Government energy each billing month equivalent to a
percentage specified by contract of the energy made available to the
Authority (less applicable losses of two per cent (2%) as of March
2017). The Customer's contract demand and accompanying energy will be
allocated proportionately to its individual delivery points served from
the Authority's system.
Billing Month:
The billing month for power sold under this schedule shall end at
12:00 midnight on the last day of each calendar month.
Service Interruption:
When energy delivery to the Customer's system for the account of
the Government is reduced or interrupted, and such reduction or
interruption is not due to conditions on the Customer's system, the
demand charge for the month shall be appropriately reduced as to
kilowatts of such capacity which have been interrupted or reduced for
each day in accordance with the following formula:
Wholesale Power Rate Schedule Santee-2-F
This rate schedule shall be available to public bodies and
cooperatives (any one of whom is hereinafter call the Customer) in
South Carolina to whom power may be wheeled pursuant to contracts
between the Government and South Carolina Public Service Authority
(hereinafter called the Authority). The customer is responsible for
providing a scheduling arrangement with the Government. Nothing in this
rate schedule shall preclude an eligible customer from electing service
under another rate schedule.
This rate schedule shall be applicable to the sale at wholesale of
power and accompanying energy generated at the Allatoona, Buford, J.
Strom Thurmond, Walter F. George, Hartwell, Millers Ferry, West Point,
Robert F. Henry, Carters and Richard B. Russell Projects and sold under
appropriate contracts between the Government and the Customer. This
rate schedule does not apply to energy from pumping operations at the
Carters and Richard B. Russell Projects.
Character of Service:
The electric capacity and energy supplied hereunder will be
delivered at the delivery points of the Customer on
[[Page 41409]]
the Authority's transmission and distribution system.
Monthly Rate:
The monthly rate for capacity, energy, and generation services
provided under this rate schedule for the period specified shall be:
Capacity Charge:
$4.09 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month.
Energy Charge:
12.33 Mills per kilowatt-hour.
Generation Services:
$0.12 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month.
Additional rates for Transmission, System Control, Reactive, and
Regulation Services provided under this rate schedule shall be the
rates charged Southeastern Power Administration by the Authority.
Future adjustments to these rates will become effective upon acceptance
for filing by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) of the
Authority's rate.
$1.86 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month as of March
2017 is presented for illustrative purposes.
The initial transmission rate is subject to annual adjustment on
July 1 of each year, and will be computed subject to the formula
contained in Appendix A to the Government-Authority Contract.
Proceedings before FERC involving the Authority's Open Access
Transmission Tariff may result in the separation of charges currently
included in the transmission rate. In this event, the Government may
charge the Customer for any and all separate transmission and
distribution charges paid by the Government in behalf of the Customer.
Contract Demand:
The contract demand is the amount of capacity in kilowatts stated
in the contract that the Government is obligated to supply and the
Customer is entitled to receive.
Energy to be Furnished by the Government:
The Government will sell to the Customer and the Customer will
purchase from the Government energy each billing month equivalent to a
percentage specified by contract of the energy made available to the
Authority (less applicable losses of two per cent (2%) as of March
2017). The Customer's contract demand and accompanying energy will be
allocated proportionately to its individual delivery points served from
the Authority's system.
Billing Month:
The billing month for power sold under this schedule shall end at
12:00 midnight on the last day of each calendar month.
Service Interruption:
When energy delivery to the Customer's system for the account of
the Government is reduced or interrupted, and such reduction or
interruption is not due to conditions on the Customer's system, the
demand charge for the month shall be appropriately reduced as to
kilowatts of such capacity which have been interrupted or reduced for
each day in accordance with the following formula:
Wholesale Power Rate Schedule Santee-3-F
This rate schedule shall be available to public bodies and
cooperatives (any one of whom is hereinafter call the Customer) in
South Carolina to whom power may be scheduled pursuant to contracts
between the Government and South Carolina Public Service Authority
(hereinafter called the Authority). The customer is responsible for
providing a transmission arrangement. Nothing in this rate schedule
shall preclude an eligible customer from electing service under another
rate schedule.
This rate schedule shall be applicable to the sale at wholesale of
power and accompanying energy generated at the Allatoona, Buford, J.
Strom Thurmond, Walter F. George, Hartwell, Millers Ferry, West Point,
Robert F. Henry, Carters and Richard B. Russell Projects and sold under
appropriate contracts between the Government and the Customer. This
rate schedule does not apply to energy from pumping operations at the
Carters and Richard B. Russell Projects.
Character of Service:
The electric capacity and energy supplied hereunder will be
delivered at the Projects.
Monthly Rate:
The monthly rate for capacity, energy, and generation services
provided under this rate schedule for the period specified shall be:
Capacity Charge:
$4.09 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month.
Energy Charge:
12.33 Mills per kilowatt-hour.
Generation Services:
$0.12 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month.
Additional rates for Transmission, System Control, Reactive, and
Regulation Services provided under this rate schedule shall be the
rates charged Southeastern Power Administration by the Authority.
Future adjustments to these rates will become effective upon acceptance
for filing by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission of the
Authority's rate.
Contract Demand:
The contract demand is the amount of capacity in kilowatts stated
in the contract that the Government is obligated to supply and the
Customer is entitled to receive.
Energy to be Furnished by the Government:
The Government will sell to the Customer and the Customer will
purchase from the Government energy each billing month equivalent to a
percentage specified by contract of the energy made available to the
Authority (less applicable losses).
Billing Month:
The billing month for power sold under this schedule shall end at
12:00 midnight on the last day of each calendar month.
Service Interruption:
When energy delivery to the Customer's system for the account of
the Government is reduced or interrupted, and such reduction or
interruption is not due to conditions on the Customer's system, the
demand charge for the month shall be appropriately reduced as
[[Page 41410]]
to kilowatts of such capacity which have been interrupted or reduced
for each day in accordance with the following formula:
Wholesale Power Rate Schedule Santee-4-F
This rate schedule shall be available to public bodies and
cooperatives (any one of whom is hereinafter call the Customer) in
South Carolina served through the transmission facilities of South
Carolina Public Service Authority (hereinafter called the Authority).
The customer is responsible for providing a scheduling arrangement with
the Government and for providing a transmission arrangement. Nothing in
this rate schedule shall preclude an eligible customer from electing
service under another rate schedule.
This rate schedule shall be applicable to the sale at wholesale of
power and accompanying energy generated at the Allatoona, Buford, J.
Strom Thurmond, Walter F. George, Hartwell, Millers Ferry, West Point,
Robert F. Henry, Carters and Richard B. Russell Projects and sold under
appropriate contracts between the Government and the Customer. This
rate schedule does not apply to energy from pumping operations at the
Carters and Richard B. Russell Projects.
Character of Service:
The electric capacity and energy supplied hereunder will be
delivered at the Projects.
Monthly Rate:
The monthly rate for capacity, energy, and generation services
provided under this rate schedule for the period specified shall be:
Capacity Charge:
$4.09 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month.
Energy Charge:
12.33 Mills per kilowatt-hour.
Generation Services:
$0.12 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month.
Additional rates for Transmission, System Control, Reactive, and
Regulation Services provided under this rate schedule shall be the
rates charged Southeastern Power Administration by the Authority.
Future adjustments to these rates will become effective upon acceptance
for filing by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission of the
Authority's rate.
Contract Demand:
The contract demand is the amount of capacity in kilowatts stated
in the contract that the Government is obligated to supply and the
Customer is entitled to receive.
Energy to be Furnished by the Government:
The Government will sell to the Customer and the Customer will
purchase from the Government energy each billing month equivalent to a
percentage specified by contract of the energy made available to the
Authority (less applicable losses).
Billing Month;
The billing month for power sold under this schedule shall end at
12:00 midnight on the last day of each calendar month.
Service Interruption:
When energy delivery to the Customer's system for the account of
the Government is reduced or interrupted, and such reduction or
interruption is not due to conditions on the Customer's system, the
demand charge for the month shall be appropriately reduced as to
kilowatts of such capacity which have been interrupted or reduced for
each day in accordance with the following formula:
Wholesale Power Rate Schedule SCE&G-1-F
This rate schedule shall be available public bodies and
cooperatives (any one of which is hereinafter called the Customer) in
South Carolina to whom power may be wheeled and scheduled pursuant to
contracts between the Government and the South Carolina Electric & Gas
Company (hereinafter called the Company). Nothing in this rate schedule
shall preclude an eligible customer from electing service under another
rate schedule.
This rate schedule shall be applicable to the sale at wholesale of
power and accompanying energy generated at the Allatoona, Buford, J.
Strom Thurmond, Walter F. George, Hartwell, Millers Ferry, West Point,
Robert F. Henry, Carters and Richard B. Russell Projects and sold under
appropriate contracts between the Government and the Customer. This
rate schedule does not apply to energy from pumping operations at the
Carters and Richard B. Russell Projects.
Character of Service:
The electric capacity and energy supplied hereunder will be
delivered at the delivery points of the Customer on the Company's
transmission and distribution system.
Monthly Rate:
The monthly rate for capacity, energy, and generation services
provided under this rate schedule for the period specified shall be:
Capacity Charge:
$4.09 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month.
Energy Charge:
12.33 Mills per kilowatt-hour.
[[Page 41411]]
Generation Services:
$0.12 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month.
Additional rates for Transmission, System Control, Reactive, and
Regulation Services provided under this rate schedule shall be the
rates charged Southeastern Power Administration by the Company. Future
adjustments to these rates will become effective upon acceptance for
filing by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) of the
Company's rate.
$2.86 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month as of March
2017 is presented for illustrative purposes.
The initial transmission charge will be the Customer's ratable
share of the transmission and distribution charges paid by the
Government. The transmission charges are governed by and subject to
refund based upon the determination in proceedings before FERC
involving the Company's Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT).
Proceedings before FERC involving the OATT may result in the
separation of charges currently included in the transmission rate. In
this event, the Government may charge the Customer for any and all
separate transmission and distribution charges paid by the Government
in behalf of the Customer.
Contract Demand:
The contract demand is the amount of capacity in kilowatts stated
in the contract which the Government is obligated to supply and the
Customer is entitled to receive.
Energy to be Furnished by the Government:
The Government will sell to the Customer and the Customer will
purchase from the Government energy each billing month equivalent to a
percentage specified by contract of the energy made available to the
company (less applicable losses). The Customer's contract demand and
accompanying energy will be allocated proportionately to its individual
delivery points served from the Company's system.
Billing Month:
The billing month for power sold under this schedule shall end at
12:00 midnight on the last day of each calendar month.
Conditions of Service:
The Customer shall at its own expense provide, install, and
maintain on its side of each delivery point the equipment necessary to
protect and control its own system. In so doing, the installation,
adjustment, and setting of all such control and protective equipment at
or near the point of delivery shall be coordinated with that which is
installed by and at the expense of the Company on its side of the
delivery point.
Wholesale Power Rate Schedule SCE&G-2-F
This rate schedule shall be available public bodies and
cooperatives (any one of which is hereinafter called the Customer) in
South Carolina to whom power may be wheeled pursuant to contracts
between the Government and the South Carolina Electric & Gas Company
(hereinafter called the Company). The customer is responsible for
providing a scheduling arrangement with the Government. Nothing in this
rate schedule shall preclude an eligible customer from electing service
under another rate schedule.
This rate schedule shall be applicable to the sale at wholesale of
power and accompanying energy generated at the Allatoona, Buford, J.
Strom Thurmond, Walter F. George, Hartwell, Millers Ferry, West Point,
Robert F. Henry, Carters and Richard B. Russell Projects and sold under
appropriate contracts between the Government and the Customer. This
rate schedule does not apply to energy from pumping operations at the
Carters and Richard B. Russell Projects.
Character of Service:
The electric capacity and energy supplied hereunder will be
delivered at the delivery points of the Customer on the Company's
transmission and distribution system.
Monthly Rate:
The monthly rate for capacity, energy, and generation services
provided under this rate schedule for the period specified shall be:
Capacity Charge:
$4.09 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month.
Energy Charge:
12.33 Mills per kilowatt-hour.
Generation Services:
$0.12 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month.
Additional rates for Transmission, System Control, Reactive, and
Regulation Services provided under this rate schedule shall be the
rates charged Southeastern Power Administration by the Company. Future
adjustments to these rates will become effective upon acceptance for
filing by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) of the
Company's rate.
$2.86 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month as of March
2017 is presented for illustrative purposes.
The initial transmission charge will be the Customer's ratable
share of the transmission and distribution charges paid by the
Government. The transmission charges are governed by and subject to
refund based upon the determination in proceedings before FERC
involving the Company's Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT).
Proceedings before FERC involving the OATT may result in the
separation of charges currently included in the transmission rate. In
this event, the Government may charge the Customer for any and all
separate transmission and distribution charges paid by the Government
in behalf of the Customer.
Contract Demand:
The contract demand is the amount of capacity in kilowatts stated
in the contract that the Government is obligated to supply and the
Customer is entitled to receive.
Energy to be Furnished by the Government:
The Government will sell to the Customer and the Customer will
purchase from the Government energy each billing month equivalent to a
percentage specified by contract of the energy made available to the
company (less applicable losses). The Customer's contract demand and
accompanying energy will be allocated proportionately to its individual
delivery points served from the Company's system.
Billing Month:
The billing month for power sold under this schedule shall end at
12:00 midnight on the last day of each calendar month.
Conditions of Service:
The Customer shall at its own expense provide, install, and
maintain on its side of each delivery point the equipment necessary to
protect and control its own system. In so doing, the installation,
adjustment, and setting of all such control and protective equipment at
or near the point of delivery shall be coordinated with that which is
installed by and at the expense of the Company on its side of the
delivery point.
[[Page 41412]]
Wholesale Power Rate Schedule SCE&G-2-F
This rate schedule shall be available public bodies and
cooperatives (any one of which is hereinafter called the Customer) in
South Carolina to whom power may be wheeled pursuant to contracts
between the Government and the South Carolina Electric & Gas Company
(hereinafter called the Company). The customer is responsible for
providing a scheduling arrangement with the Government. Nothing in this
rate schedule shall preclude an eligible customer from electing service
under another rate schedule.
This rate schedule shall be applicable to the sale at wholesale of
power and accompanying energy generated at the Allatoona, Buford, J.
Strom Thurmond, Walter F. George, Hartwell, Millers Ferry, West Point,
Robert F. Henry, Carters and Richard B. Russell Projects and sold under
appropriate contracts between the Government and the Customer. This
rate schedule does not apply to energy from pumping operations at the
Carters and Richard B. Russell Projects.
Character of Service:
The electric capacity and energy supplied hereunder will be
delivered at the delivery points of the Customer on the Company's
transmission and distribution system.
Monthly Rate:
The monthly rate for capacity, energy, and generation services
provided under this rate schedule for the period specified shall be:
Capacity Charge:
$4.09 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month.
Energy Charge:
12.33 Mills per kilowatt-hour.
Generation Services:
$0.12 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month.
Additional rates for Transmission, System Control, Reactive, and
Regulation Services provided under this rate schedule shall be the
rates charged Southeastern Power Administration by the Company. Future
adjustments to these rates will become effective upon acceptance for
filing by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) of the
Company's rate.
$2.86 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month as of March
2017 is presented for illustrative purposes.
The initial transmission charge will be the Customer's ratable
share of the transmission and distribution charges paid by the
Government. The transmission charges are governed by and subject to
refund based upon the determination in proceedings before FERC
involving the Company's Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT).
Proceedings before FERC involving the OATT may result in the
separation of charges currently included in the transmission rate. In
this event, the Government may charge the Customer for any and all
separate transmission and distribution charges paid by the Government
in behalf of the Customer.
Contract Demand:
The contract demand is the amount of capacity in kilowatts stated
in the contract that the Government is obligated to supply and the
Customer is entitled to receive.
Energy to be Furnished by the Government:
The Government will sell to the Customer and the Customer will
purchase from the Government energy each billing month equivalent to a
percentage specified by contract of the energy made available to the
company (less applicable losses). The Customer's contract demand and
accompanying energy will be allocated proportionately to its individual
delivery points served from the Company's system.
Billing Month:
The billing month for power sold under this schedule shall end at
12:00 midnight on the last day of each calendar month.
Conditions of Service:
The Customer shall at its own expense provide, install, and
maintain on its side of each delivery point the equipment necessary to
protect and control its own system. In so doing, the installation,
adjustment, and setting of all such control and protective equipment at
or near the point of delivery shall be coordinated with that which is
installed by and at the expense of the Company on its side of the
delivery point.
Wholesale Power Rate Schedule SCE&G-4-F
This rate schedule shall be available public bodies and
cooperatives (any one of which is hereinafter called the Customer) in
South Carolina served through the transmission facilities of South
Carolina Electric & Gas Company (hereinafter called the Company). The
customer is responsible for providing a scheduling arrangement with the
Government and for providing a transmission arrangement. Nothing in
this rate schedule shall preclude an eligible customer from electing
service under another rate schedule.
This rate schedule shall be applicable to the sale at wholesale of
power and accompanying energy generated at the Allatoona, Buford, J.
Strom Thurmond, Walter F. George, Hartwell, Millers Ferry, West Point,
Robert F. Henry, Carters and Richard B. Russell Projects and sold under
appropriate contracts between the Government and the Customer. This
rate schedule does not apply to energy from pumping operations at the
Carters and Richard B. Russell Projects.
Character of Service:
The electric capacity and energy supplied hereunder will be
delivered at the Projects.
Monthly Rate:
The monthly rate for capacity, energy, and generation services
provided under this rate schedule for the period specified shall be:
Capacity Charge:
$4.09 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month.
Energy Charge:
12.33 Mills per kilowatt-hour.
Generation Services:
$0.12 per kilowatt of total contract demand per month.
Additional rates for Transmission, System Control, Reactive, and
Regulation Services provided under this rate schedule shall be the
rates charged Southeastern Power Administration by the Company. Future
adjustments to these rates will become effective upon acceptance for
filing by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission of the Company's
Contract Demand:
The contract demand is the amount of capacity in kilowatts stated
in the contract that the Government is obligated to supply and the
Customer is entitled to receive.
Energy to be Furnished by the Government:
The Government will sell to the Customer and the Customer will
purchase from the Government energy each billing month equivalent to a
percentage specified by contract of the energy made available to the
company (less applicable losses).
Billing Month:
The billing month for power sold under this schedule shall end at
[[Page 41413]]
midnight on the last day of each calendar month.
Conditions of Service:
The Customer shall at its own expense provide, install, and
maintain on its side of each delivery point the equipment necessary to
protect and control its own system. In so doing, the installation,
adjustment, and setting of all such control and protective equipment at
or near the point of delivery shall be coordinated with that which is
installed by and at the expense of the Company on its side of the
delivery point.
Wholesale Power Rate Schedule Pump-1-A
This rate schedule shall be available to public bodies and
cooperatives (any one of whom is hereinafter called the Customer) in
Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, South Carolina, or North
Carolina to whom power is provided pursuant to contracts between the
Government and the Customer.
This rate schedule shall be applicable to the sale at wholesale
energy generated from pumping operations at the Carters and Richard B.
Russell Projects and sold under appropriate contracts between the
Government and the Customer. The energy will be segregated from energy
from other pumping operations.
Character of Service:
The energy supplied hereunder will be delivered at the delivery
points provided for under appropriate contracts between the Government
and the Customer.
Monthly Rate:
The rate for energy sold under this rate schedule for the months
specified shall be:
EnergyRate = (Cwav / Fwav) / (l - Ld) [computed to the nearest $.00001
(1/100 mill) per kWh]
(The weighted average cost of energy for pumping divided by the energy
conversion factor, quantity divided by one minus losses for delivery.)
Cwav = CT1 / ET1
(The weighted average cost of energy for pumping for this rate schedule
is equal to the cost of energy purchased or supplied for the benefit of
the customer for pumping divided by the total energy for pumping.)
CT1 = Cp + Cs
(Cost of energy for pumping for this rate schedule is equal to the cost
of energy purchased or supplied for the benefit of the customer plus
the cost of energy in storage carried over from the month preceding the
specified month.)
(Energy for pumping for this rate schedule is equal to the energy
purchased or supplied for the benefit of the customer, after losses,
plus the energy for pumping in storage as of the end of the month
preceding the specified month.)
(Cost of energy in storage is equal to the weighted average cost of
energy for pumping for the month preceding the specified month times
the energy for pumping in storage at the end of the month preceding the
specified month.)
= Dollars cost of energy purchased or supplied for the benefit of the
customer for pumping during the specified month, including all direct
costs to deliver energy to the project.
= Kilowatt-hours of energy purchased or supplied for the benefit of the
customer for pumping during the specified month.
= Energy loss factor for transmission on energy purchased or supplied
for the benefit of the customer for pumping (Expected to be .03 or
three percent.)
= Kilowatt-hours of energy in storage as of the end of the month
immediately preceding the specified month
= Weighted average cost of energy for pumping for the month immediately
preceding the specified month.
Fwav = EG / ET
(Weighted average energy conversion factor is equal to the energy
generated from pumping divided by the total energy for pumping.)
= Energy generated from pumping.
= Weighted average energy loss factor on energy delivered by the
facilitator to the customer.
Energy to be Furnished by the Government:
The Government will sell to the Customer and the Customer will
purchase from the Government energy each billing month equivalent to a
percentage specified by contract of the energy made available to the
Facilitator (less any losses required by the Facilitator). The
Customer's contract demand and accompanying energy will be allocated
proportionately to its individual delivery points served from the
Facilitator's system.
Billing Month:
The billing month for power sold under this schedule shall end at
12:00 midnight on the last day of each calendar month.
Wholesale Power Rate Schedule Replacement-1
This rate schedule shall be available to public bodies and
cooperatives (any one of whom is hereinafter called the Customer) in
Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, South Carolina, or North
Carolina to whom power is provided pursuant to contracts between the
Government and the Customer.
This rate schedule shall be applicable to the sale at wholesale
energy purchased to meet contract minimum energy and sold under
appropriate contracts between the Government and the Customer.
Character of Service:
The energy supplied hereunder will be delivered at the delivery
points provided for under appropriate contracts between the Government
and the Customer.
Monthly Rate:
The rate for energy sold under this rate schedule for the months
specified shall be:
EnergyRate = Cwav / (l - Ld) [computed to the nearest $.00001 (1/100
mill) per kWh]
(The weighted average cost of energy for replacement energy divided by
one minus losses for delivery.)
Cwav = Cp / (Epx(l - Lp))
(The weighted average cost of energy for replacement energy is equal to
the cost of replacement energy purchased divided by the replacement
energy purchased, net losses.)
= Dollars cost of energy purchased for replacement energy during the
specified month, including all direct costs to deliver energy to the
[[Page 41414]]
= Kilowatt-hours of energy purchased for replacement energy during the
specified month.
= Energy loss factor for transmission on replacement energy purchased
(Expected to be 0 or zero percent.)
= Weighted average energy loss factor on energy delivered by the
facilitator to the customer.
Energy to be Furnished by the Government:
The Government will sell to the Customer and the Customer will
purchase from the Government energy each billing month equivalent to a
percentage specified by contract of the energy made available to the
Facilitator (less any losses required by the Facilitator). The
Customer's contract demand and accompanying energy will be allocated
proportionately to its individual delivery points served from the
Facilitator's system.
Billing Month:
The billing month for power sold under this schedule shall end at
12:00 midnight on the last day of each calendar month.
[FR Doc. 2017-18424 Filed 8-30-17; 8:45 am]