Nebraska, Kansas & Colorado Railway, L.L.C.-Discontinuance of Service Exemption-in Franklin, Harlan, Furnas and Red Willow Counties, Neb., and Decatur, Rawlins and Cheyenne Counties, Kan., 37159-37160 [2017-16701]
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 151 / Tuesday, August 8, 2017 / Notices
guarantors of the small business
applicant benefiting from such
assistance is used when analyzing the
applicant’s repayment abilities or
creditworthiness. The information is
also collected from applicants and
participants in SBA’s 8a/BD program to
determine whether they meet the
economic disadvantage requirements of
the program.
Solicitation of Public Comments
SBA is requesting comments on (a)
Whether the collection of information is
necessary for the agency to properly
perform its functions; (b) whether the
burden estimates are accurate; (c)
whether there are ways to minimize the
burden, including through the use of
automated techniques or other forms of
information technology; and (d) whether
there are ways to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information.
Summary of Information Collection
(1) Title: Personal Financial
Description of Respondents:
Applicants and Participants in SBA’s
7(a) loan programs, 504 loan programs,
Disasters, 8(a) BD programs and WOSB.
Form Number: SBA Forms 413 7(a),
413–504/SBG, 413 Disaster, 413 8(a) and
413 WOSB.
Total Estimated Annual Responses:
Total Estimated Annual Hour Burden:
Curtis B. Rich,
Management Analyst.
[Public Notice: 10078]
[FR Doc. 2017–16630 Filed 8–7–17; 8:45 am]
Notice is hereby given of the
following determinations: I hereby
determine that a certain object to be
included in the exhibition ‘‘Artist’s
Choice: David Hammons,’’ imported
from abroad for temporary exhibition
within the United States, is of cultural
significance. The object is imported
pursuant to a loan agreement with the
foreign owner or custodian. I also
determine that the exhibition or display
of the exhibit object at The Museum of
Modern Art, New York, New York, from
on or about October 7, 2017, until on or
about January 1, 2018, and at possible
additional exhibitions or venues yet to
Jkt 241001
further information, including a list of
the imported objects, contact Elliot Chiu
in the Office of the Legal Adviser, U.S.
Department of State (telephone: 202–
632–6471; email: section2459@ The mailing address is U.S.
Department of State, L/PD, SA–5, Suite
5H03, Washington, DC 20522–0505.
foregoing determinations were made
pursuant to the authority vested in me
by the Act of October 19, 1965 (79 Stat.
985; 22 U.S.C. 2459), E.O. 12047 of
March 27, 1978, the Foreign Affairs
Reform and Restructuring Act of 1998
(112 Stat. 2681, et seq.; 22 U.S.C. 6501
note, et seq.), Delegation of Authority
No. 234 of October 1, 1999, Delegation
of Authority No. 236–3 of August 28,
2000 (and, as appropriate, Delegation of
Authority No. 257–1 of December 11,
2015). I have ordered that Public Notice
of these Determinations be published in
the Federal Register.
Alyson Grunder,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy, Bureau
of Educational and Cultural Affairs,
Department of State.
[FR Doc. 2017–16670 Filed 8–7–17; 8:45 am]
[Docket No. AB 1032 (Sub-No. 1X)]
Notice is hereby given of the
following determinations: I hereby
determine that certain objects to be
included in the exhibition ‘‘Golden
Kingdoms: Luxury and Legacy in the
Ancient Americas,’’ imported from
abroad for temporary exhibition within
the United States, are of cultural
significance. The objects are imported
pursuant to loan agreements with the
foreign owners or custodians. I also
determine that the exhibition or display
of the exhibit objects at The J. Paul Getty
Museum, Los Angeles, California, from
on or about September 16, 2017, until
on or about January 28, 2018, at The
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York,
New York, from on or about February
26, 2018, until on or about May 28,
2018, and at possible additional
exhibitions or venues yet to be
determined, is in the national interest.
Notice of Determinations; Culturally
Significant Object Imported for
Exhibition Determinations: ‘‘Artist’s
Choice: David Hammons’’ Exhibition
asabaliauskas on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with NOTICES
Alyson Grunder,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy, Bureau
of Educational and Cultural Affairs,
Department of State.
Notice of Determinations; Culturally
Significant Objects Imported for
Exhibition Determinations: ‘‘Golden
Kingdoms: Luxury and Legacy in the
Ancient Americas’’ Exhibition
21:16 Aug 07, 2017
further information, including a
description of the imported object,
contact Elliot Chiu in the Office of the
Legal Adviser, U.S. Department of State
(telephone: 202–632–6471; email: The mailing
address is U.S. Department of State,
L/PD, SA–5, Suite 5H03, Washington,
DC 20522–0505.
foregoing determinations were made
pursuant to the authority vested in me
by the Act of October 19, 1965 (79 Stat.
985; 22 U.S.C. 2459), E.O. 12047 of
March 27, 1978, the Foreign Affairs
Reform and Restructuring Act of 1998
(112 Stat. 2681, et seq.; 22 U.S.C. 6501
note, et seq.), Delegation of Authority
No. 234 of October 1, 1999, Delegation
of Authority No. 236–3 of August 28,
2000 (and, as appropriate, Delegation of
Authority No. 257–1 of December 11,
2015). I have ordered that Public Notice
of these Determinations be published in
the Federal Register.
[Public Notice: 10063]
[FR Doc. 2017–16652 Filed 8–7–17; 8:45 am]
VerDate Sep<11>2014
be determined, is in the national
PO 00000
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Nebraska, Kansas & Colorado Railway,
L.L.C.—Discontinuance of Service
Exemption—in Franklin, Harlan,
Furnas and Red Willow Counties, Neb.,
and Decatur, Rawlins and Cheyenne
Counties, Kan.
Nebraska, Kansas & Colorado Railway,
L.L.C. (NKCR) has filed a verified notice
of exemption under 49 CFR pt. 1152
subpart F—Exempt Abandonments and
Discontinuances of Service to
discontinue service over 174.2 miles of
rail line located between: (1) Milepost
216.9, at Franklin, Neb., and milepost
257.4, at Oxford Jct., Neb.; and (2)
milepost 0.2, at Orleans Jct., Neb., and
milepost 133.9, at St. Francis, Kan, in
Franklin, Harlan, Furnas, and Red
Willow Counties, Neb., and Decatur,
Rawlings, and Cheyenne Counties, Kan.
(the Line). The Line traverses United
States Postal Service Zip Codes 67756,
67745, 67730, 67731, 67739, 67744,
67749, 69026, 69036, 69046, 68926,
68920, 68977, 68967, 68966, 68971,
68960, 68929, 68939, 68946, 68972, and
NKCR has certified that: (1) No local
traffic has moved over the Line for at
least two years; (2) no overhead traffic
has moved over the Line for at least two
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 151 / Tuesday, August 8, 2017 / Notices
years; (3) no formal complaint filed by
a user of rail service on the Line (or by
a state or local government entity acting
on behalf of such user) regarding
cessation of service over the Line is
pending either with the Surface
Transportation Board (Board) or which
any U.S. District Court or has been
decided in favor of a complainant
within the two-year period; and (4) the
requirements at 49 CFR 1105.12
(newspaper publication) and 49 CFR
1152.50(d)(1) (notice to governmental
agencies) have been met.
As a condition to this exemption, any
employee adversely affected by the
discontinuance of service shall be
protected under Oregon Short Line
Railroad—Abandonment Portion
Goshen Branch Between Firth &
Ammon, in Bingham & Bonneville
Counties, Idaho, 360 I.C.C. 91 (1979). To
address whether this condition
adequately protects affected employees,
a petition for partial revocation under
49 U.S.C. 10502(d) must be filed.
Provided no formal expression of
intent to file an offer of financial
assistance (OFA) to subsidize continued
rail service has been received, this
exemption will be effective on
September 7, 2017, unless stayed
pending reconsideration. Petitions to
stay that do not involve environmental
issues and formal expressions of intent
to file an OFA to subsidize continued
rail service under 49 CFR 1152.27(c)(2),1
must be filed by August 18, 2017.2
Petitions for reconsideration must be
filed by August 28, 2017, with the
Surface Transportation Board, 395 E
Street SW., Washington, DC 20423–
A copy of any petition filed with the
Board should be sent to NKCR’s
representative: Karl Morell, 440 1st
Street NW., Suite 440, Washington, DC
If the verified notice contains false or
misleading information, the exemption
is void ab initio.
Board decisions and notices are
available on our Web site at
Decided: August 3, 2017.
asabaliauskas on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with NOTICES
1 Each
OFA must be accompanied by the filing
fee, which currently is set at $1,700. See 49 CFR
1002.2(f)(25). Effective on September 1, 2017, the
fee will increase to $1,800. See Regulations
Governing Fees for Servs. Performed in Connection
with Licensing & Related Servs.—2017 Update, EP
542 (Sub-No. 25) (STB served July 28, 2017).
2 Because this is a discontinuance proceeding and
not an abandonment, trail use/rail banking and
public use conditions are not appropriate. Because
there will be an environmental review during
abandonment, this discontinuance does not require
environmental review.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
21:16 Aug 07, 2017
Jkt 241001
By the Board, Rachel D. Campbell,
Director, Office of Proceedings.
Rena Laws-Byrum,
Clearance Clerk.
[FR Doc. 2017–16701 Filed 8–7–17; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
[Summary Notice No. PE–2017–67]
Notice: Extension
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice: Extension.
This notice contains a
summary of a petition seeking relief
from specified requirements of Federal
Aviation Regulations. The purpose of
this notice is to extend the comment
period to improve the public’s
awareness of, and participation in, the
FAA’s exemption process. Neither
publication of this notice nor the
inclusion or omission of information in
the summary is intended to affect the
legal status of the petition or its final
DATES: Comments on this petition must
identify the petition docket number
involved and must be received on or
before September 22, 2017.
ADDRESSES: Send comments identified
by docket number FAA–2017–0613
using any of the following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to and follow
the online instructions for sending your
comments electronically.
• Mail: Send comments to Docket
Operations, M–30; U.S. Department of
Transportation (DOT), 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE., Room W12–140, West
Building Ground Floor, Washington, DC
• Hand Delivery or Courier: Take
comments to Docket Operations in
Room W12–140 of the West Building
Ground Floor at 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE., Washington, DC,
between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday
through Friday, except Federal holidays.
• Fax: Fax comments to Docket
Operations at 202–493–2251.
Privacy: In accordance with 5 U.S.C.
553(c), DOT solicits comments from the
public to better inform its rulemaking
process. DOT posts these comments,
without edit, including any personal
information the commenter provides, to, as
described in the system of records
notice (DOT/ALL–14 FDMS), which can
be reviewed at
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4703
Docket: Background documents or
comments received may be read at at any time.
Follow the online instructions for
accessing the docket or go to the Docket
Operations in Room W12–140 of the
West Building Ground Floor at 1200
New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington,
DC between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday
through Friday, except Federal holidays.
Lynette Mitterer, AIR673, Federal
Aviation Administration, 1601 Lind
Avenue SW., Renton, WA 98057–3356,
email, phone
(425) 227–1047; or Alphonso
Pendergrass, ARM–200, Office of
Rulemaking, Federal Aviation
Administration, 800 Independence
Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591,
phone (202) 267–4713.
This notice is published pursuant to
14 CFR 11.85.
Issued in Renton, Washington.
Victor Wicklund,
Manager, Transport Standards Branch.
Docket No.: FAA–2017–0613.
Petitioner: The Boeing Company.
Section of 14 CFR Affected:
§ 25.807(g)(7).
Description of Relief Sought: Allow
up to 200 passenger seats when a third
pair of Type III exits are installed on the
Boeing Model 737–8200, 737–9, and
737–900ER airplanes.
[FR Doc. 2017–16642 Filed 8–7–17; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
[Summary Notice No. 2017–65]
Petition for Exemption; Summary of
Petition Received; Southwest Airlines
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice.
This notice contains a
summary of a petition seeking relief
from specified requirements of Title 14
of the Code of Federal Regulations. The
purpose of this notice is to improve the
public’s awareness of, and participation
in, the FAA’s exemption process.
Neither publication of this notice nor
the inclusion or omission of information
in the summary is intended to affect the
legal status of the petition or its final
[Federal Register Volume 82, Number 151 (Tuesday, August 8, 2017)]
[Pages 37159-37160]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2017-16701]
[Docket No. AB 1032 (Sub-No. 1X)]
Nebraska, Kansas & Colorado Railway, L.L.C.--Discontinuance of
Service Exemption--in Franklin, Harlan, Furnas and Red Willow Counties,
Neb., and Decatur, Rawlins and Cheyenne Counties, Kan.
Nebraska, Kansas & Colorado Railway, L.L.C. (NKCR) has filed a
verified notice of exemption under 49 CFR pt. 1152 subpart F--Exempt
Abandonments and Discontinuances of Service to discontinue service over
174.2 miles of rail line located between: (1) Milepost 216.9, at
Franklin, Neb., and milepost 257.4, at Oxford Jct., Neb.; and (2)
milepost 0.2, at Orleans Jct., Neb., and milepost 133.9, at St.
Francis, Kan, in Franklin, Harlan, Furnas, and Red Willow Counties,
Neb., and Decatur, Rawlings, and Cheyenne Counties, Kan. (the Line).
The Line traverses United States Postal Service Zip Codes 67756, 67745,
67730, 67731, 67739, 67744, 67749, 69026, 69036, 69046, 68926, 68920,
68977, 68967, 68966, 68971, 68960, 68929, 68939, 68946, 68972, and
NKCR has certified that: (1) No local traffic has moved over the
Line for at least two years; (2) no overhead traffic has moved over the
Line for at least two
[[Page 37160]]
years; (3) no formal complaint filed by a user of rail service on the
Line (or by a state or local government entity acting on behalf of such
user) regarding cessation of service over the Line is pending either
with the Surface Transportation Board (Board) or which any U.S.
District Court or has been decided in favor of a complainant within the
two-year period; and (4) the requirements at 49 CFR 1105.12 (newspaper
publication) and 49 CFR 1152.50(d)(1) (notice to governmental agencies)
have been met.
As a condition to this exemption, any employee adversely affected
by the discontinuance of service shall be protected under Oregon Short
Line Railroad--Abandonment Portion Goshen Branch Between Firth & Ammon,
in Bingham & Bonneville Counties, Idaho, 360 I.C.C. 91 (1979). To
address whether this condition adequately protects affected employees,
a petition for partial revocation under 49 U.S.C. 10502(d) must be
Provided no formal expression of intent to file an offer of
financial assistance (OFA) to subsidize continued rail service has been
received, this exemption will be effective on September 7, 2017, unless
stayed pending reconsideration. Petitions to stay that do not involve
environmental issues and formal expressions of intent to file an OFA to
subsidize continued rail service under 49 CFR 1152.27(c)(2),\1\ must be
filed by August 18, 2017.\2\ Petitions for reconsideration must be
filed by August 28, 2017, with the Surface Transportation Board, 395 E
Street SW., Washington, DC 20423-0001.
\1\ Each OFA must be accompanied by the filing fee, which
currently is set at $1,700. See 49 CFR 1002.2(f)(25). Effective on
September 1, 2017, the fee will increase to $1,800. See Regulations
Governing Fees for Servs. Performed in Connection with Licensing &
Related Servs.--2017 Update, EP 542 (Sub-No. 25) (STB served July
28, 2017).
\2\ Because this is a discontinuance proceeding and not an
abandonment, trail use/rail banking and public use conditions are
not appropriate. Because there will be an environmental review
during abandonment, this discontinuance does not require
environmental review.
A copy of any petition filed with the Board should be sent to
NKCR's representative: Karl Morell, 440 1st Street NW., Suite 440,
Washington, DC 20001.
If the verified notice contains false or misleading information,
the exemption is void ab initio.
Board decisions and notices are available on our Web site at
Decided: August 3, 2017.
By the Board, Rachel D. Campbell, Director, Office of
Rena Laws-Byrum,
Clearance Clerk.
[FR Doc. 2017-16701 Filed 8-7-17; 8:45 am]