Applicability Determination Index (ADI) Data System Recent Posting: Agency Applicability Determinations, Alternative Monitoring Decisions, and Regulatory Interpretations Pertaining to Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources, National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants, and the Stratospheric Ozone Protection Program, 36394-36400 [2017-16499]
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 149 / Friday, August 4, 2017 / Notices
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Dated: July 28, 2017.
Nathaniel J. Davis, Sr.,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2017–16462 Filed 8–3–17; 8:45 am]
Applicability Determination Index (ADI)
Data System Recent Posting: Agency
Applicability Determinations,
Alternative Monitoring Decisions, and
Regulatory Interpretations Pertaining
to Standards of Performance for New
Stationary Sources, National Emission
Standards for Hazardous Air
Pollutants, and the Stratospheric
Ozone Protection Program
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice of availability.
This action announces
applicability determinations, alternative
monitoring decisions, and regulatory
interpretations that EPA has made
under the New Source Performance
Standards (NSPS); the National
Emission Standards for Hazardous Air
Pollutants (NESHAP); and/or the
Stratospheric Ozone Protection
electronic copy of each complete
document posted on the Applicability
Determination Index (ADI) data system
is available on the Internet through the
Resources and Guidance Documents for
Compliance Assistance page of the
Clean Air Act Compliance Monitoring
Web site under ‘‘Air’’ at: https:// The letters and memoranda
on the ADI may be located by date,
office of issuance, subpart, citation,
control number, or by string word
searches. For questions about the ADI or
this notice, contact Maria Malave at EPA
by phone at: (202) 564–7027, or by
email at: For
technical questions about individual
applicability determinations or
monitoring decisions, refer to the
contact person identified in the
individual documents, or in the absence
of a contact person, refer to the author
of the document.
The General Provisions of the NSPS
in 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
part 60 and the General Provisions of
the NESHAP in 40 CFR part 61 provide
that a source owner or operator may
request a determination of whether
certain intended actions constitute the
commencement of construction,
reconstruction, or modification. The
EPA’s written responses to these
inquiries are commonly referred to as
applicability determinations. See 40
CFR 60.5 and 61.06. Although the
NESHAP part 63 regulations [which
include Maximum Achievable Control
Technology (MACT) standards and/or
Generally Available Control Technology
(GACT) standards] and Section 111(d) of
the Clean Air Act (CAA) contain no
specific regulatory provision providing
that sources may request applicability
determinations, the EPA also responds
to written inquiries regarding
applicability for the part 63 and Section
111(d) programs. The NSPS and
NESHAP also allow sources to seek
permission to use monitoring or
recordkeeping that is different from the
promulgated requirements. See 40 CFR
60.13(i), 61.14(g), 63.8(b)(1), 63.8(f), and
The EPA’s written responses to these
inquiries are commonly referred to as
alternative monitoring decisions.
Furthermore, the EPA responds to
written inquiries about the broad range
of NSPS and NESHAP regulatory
requirements as they pertain to a whole
source category.
These inquiries may pertain, for
example, to the type of sources to which
the regulation applies, or to the testing,
monitoring, recordkeeping, or reporting
requirements contained in the
regulation. The EPA’s written responses
to these inquiries are commonly referred
to as regulatory interpretations.
The EPA currently compiles EPAissued NSPS and NESHAP applicability
determinations, alternative monitoring
decisions, and regulatory
interpretations, and posts them to the
ADI on a regular basis. In addition, the
ADI contains EPA-issued responses to
requests pursuant to the stratospheric
ozone regulations, contained in 40 CFR
part 82. The ADI is a data system on the
Internet with over three thousand EPA
letters and memoranda pertaining to the
applicability, monitoring,
recordkeeping, and reporting
requirements of the NSPS, NESHAP,
and stratospheric ozone regulations.
Users can search for letters and
memoranda by date, office of issuance,
subpart, citation, control number, or by
string word searches.
Today’s action comprises a summary
of 31 such documents added to the ADI
on July 21, 2017. This action lists the
subject and header of each letter and
memorandum, as well as a brief abstract
of the letter or memorandum. Complete
copies of these documents may be
obtained from the ADI on the Internet
through the through the Resources and
Guidance Documents for Compliance
Assistance page of the Clean Air Act
Compliance Monitoring Web site under
‘‘Air’’ at:
Summary of Headers and Abstracts
The following table identifies the
database control number for each
document posted on the ADI data
system on July 21, 2017; the applicable
category; the section(s) and/or subpart(s)
of 40 CFR part 60, 61, or 63 (as
applicable) addressed in the document;
and the title of the document, which
provides a brief description of the
subject matter.
We have also included an abstract of
each document identified with its
control number after the table. These
abstracts are provided solely to alert the
public to possible items of interest and
are not intended as substitutes for the
full text of the documents. This action
does not change the status of any
document with respect to whether it is
‘‘of nationwide scope or effect’’ for
purposes of CAA section 307(b)(1). For
example, this document does not
convert an applicability determination
for a particular source into a nationwide
rule. Neither does it purport to make a
previously non-binding document
NSPS ...................
Ja ....................
Regulatory Interpretation on an Alternative Calibration Procedure for Hydrogen Sulfide Monitor at a Refinery.
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PO 00000
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 149 / Friday, August 4, 2017 / Notices
NSPS ...................
NSPS ...................
NSPS ...................
Ec ....................
EEEE ..............
J, Ja ................
NSPS ...................
J, Ja ................
NSPS ...................
NSPS ...................
NNN, RRR ......
A, Ja ...............
NSPS ...................
NSPS ...................
J ......................
A, Ec ...............
J ......................
J ......................
Ja ....................
Ja ....................
GG ..................
JJJJ ................
UUU ................
UUU ................
Ja ....................
UUU ................
UUU ................
NSPS ...................
MACT ...................
MACT ...................
MACT, NSPS .......
MACT ...................
JJJJ ................
M .....................
Alternate Monitoring Operating Parameter Limits for Two Waste Incinerators.
Alternative Operating Parameter Limits for Commercial Incinerator.
Alternative Monitoring Plan for Hydrogen Sulfide in Portable Temporary Thermal Oxidizer
Units at Refineries.
Alternative Monitoring Plan for Hydrogen Sulfide in Portable Temporary Thermal Oxidizer
Units at Refineries.
Regulatory Interpretation for a Biodiesel Manufacturing Facility.
Alternative Monitoring Plan for Span Gas Concentration and High Range Validation Standards
for H2S CEMS at a Refinery.
Alternative Monitoring Plan for Revised Process Parameter Limits at a Refinery.
Alternative Monitoring Operating Parameter Limits for Air Pollution Control System at a Medical Waste Incinerator.
Withdrawal of Alternative Monitoring Plan for Sulfur Loading Vent Stream at a Refinery.
Alternative Monitoring Plan Revision for Re-Routed Vent Gas Stream at a Refinery.
Alternative Monitoring Plan for Flares at a Refinery.
Alternative Monitoring Plan for a Flare at a Refinery.
Alternative Monitoring Plan for NOX Emissions during Startup from Stationary Gas Turbines.
Performance Test Waiver for Stationary Spark Ignition Internal Combustion Engines.
Alternative Monitoring Plan for Bag Leak Detection System In Lieu of COMS at a Sand Reclamation Unit.
Applicability Determination for Industrial Sand Dryer.
Alternative Calibration Methods for Total Reduced Sulfur Analyzers at a Refinery.
Alternative Monitoring Plan In Lieu of COMS at a Sand Reclamation Unit.
Request for Exemption to Opacity Monitoring Requirements for Thermal Sand Reclamation
Alternative Test Method for Spark Ignition Engines.
Waiver Request from Asbestos Testing for Bare Concrete Deck Bridges.
M .....................
Applicability Determination for Airport Taxiways.
XXXXXX .........
VVVVVV .........
JJJJ ................
J, UUU ............
JJJ ..................
Applicability Determination for a Steel Foundry.
Applicability Determination for Mica Sheets Manufacturing.
Applicability Determination for Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Facility.
Applicability Determination for Web Coating Manufacturing Facility.
Alternative Monitoring Plan for Wet Gas Scrubber at a Refinery.
Applicability Determination for a Steelmaking Facility.
Abstract for [1600009]
Q: Does the EPA approve the use of
the same calibration gas to perform
quality assurance checks on both the
low and the high ranges for a dual range
hydrogen sulfide (H2S) continuous
emission monitoring system subject to
40 CFR part 60 subpart Ja at the Ergon
Refinery in Vicksburg, Mississippi
A: Yes. Based on the information
provided by the Mississippi Department
of Environmental Quality (MDEQ), the
EPA believes that the Ergon’s proposed
monitoring alternative is acceptable to
satisfy the QA checks on the high
concentration range for the Sola II
analyzer. EPA’s guidance to MDEQ is
based upon the expectation that the
monitor’s higher range will rarely be
used to demonstrate compliance
because the H2S concentration at the
inlet of the Refinery Flare will need to
be below the monitor span value to meet
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Alternative Monitoring Method In Lieu of Continuous Flow Monitor for a Thermal Oxidizer.
Applicability Determination for Engine Testing and Emissions Laboratory.
the NSPS Ja limits, the highly linear
response of the monitor should yield
accurate results for the whole range of
operation, and the safety hazards to
plant employees associated with
keeping high concentration H2S
calibration gas cylinders onsite being
valid concerns due to H2S high toxicity.
Abstract for [1600010]
Q: Does the EPA approve site-specific
alternative monitoring operating
parameter limits (OPLs) under NSPS
subpart Ec for the operation of two
hospital/medical/infectious waste
incinerators (HMIWI) at the Stericycle
Springhill facility located in Sarepta,
Louisiana (Stericycle)?
A: Yes. The EPA conditionally
approves Stericycle’s alternative OPLs,
which are consistent with the permit
conditions, the equipment configuration
of the incinerators, and the operation of
the associated air pollution control
devices. EPA approval is contingent on
Stericycle’s successful completion of
PO 00000
Frm 00040
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performance testing on both HWIMI to
demonstrate compliance with NSPS
subpart Ec emission limits. Stericycle
shall conduct a performance test on
each HMIWI in accordance with 40 CFR
60.8 and consistent with the proposed
performance test plan included in the
EPA response letter. If performance
testing shows that the facility is not in
compliance with NSPS Ee emission
limits, retesting will be required, and
the OPLs established for this petition
approval may require modification, and
in the event that new or modified OPLs
must be established, a revised OPL
petition must be submitted prior to
retesting, along with a revised test plan
for review and approval.
Abstract for [1600011]
Q: Does EPA approve the revision of
alternative Operating Parameter Limits
(OPLs) for additional control equipment
used in lieu of a wet scrubber at a
contraband incinerator operated by SW
Border Incineration LLC, in McAllen,
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 149 / Friday, August 4, 2017 / Notices
Texas, which meets the criteria of an
Other Solid Waste Incinerator (OSWI)
unit under NSPS subpart EEEE?
A: Yes. The EPA approves the
revision of alternative OPLs contingent
on the successful completion of
performance testing to demonstrate
compliance with NSPS subpart EEEE
emission limits. The previously
approved and additional OPLs are
consistent with the special conditions of
Texas Air Permit, which the Texas
Commission on Environmental Quality
approved the test plan, along with the
RATA protocols. If performance testing
shows that the facility is not in
compliance with NSPS EEEE emission
limits, retesting will be required, and
the OPLs established for this petition
approval may require modification. If
additional new or modified OPLs must
be established to achieve and maintain
compliance with NSPS EEEE, a revised
OPL petition must be submitted prior to
retesting, along with a revised test plan
for review and approval.
Abstract for [1600012]
Q: Does the EPA approve an
Alternative Monitoring Plan (AMP) in
lieu of using a continuous emission
monitoring system (CMS) for Event
Corporation to monitor Hydrogen
Sulfide (H2S) during tank degassing and
similar operations controlled by a
portable temporary thermal oxidizer
subject to NSPS subpart J and NSPS
subpart Ja at refineries located in the
EPA Region 3?
A: Yes. The EPA conditionally
approves the AMP since installing and
operating an H2S CMS would be
technically impractical due to the short
term nature of tank degassing and
similar operations performed by Event
at refineries located in EPA Region 3.
EPA included the detailed AMP
sampling steps and compliance
demonstration procedures and
conditions in the EPA final
determination letter.
Abstract for [1600013]
Q: Does the EPA approve an
Alternative Monitoring Plan (AMP) in
lieu of using continuous emission
monitoring system (CMS) for TriStar
Global Energy Solution (Tristar) to
monitor hydrogen sulfide (H2S) during
tank degassing and similar operations
controlled by portable temporary
thermal oxidizer units subject to NSPS
subpart J and NSPS subpart Ja, at
refineries located in EPA Region 3?
A: Yes. The EPA conditionally
approves the AMP since installing and
operating an H2S continuous emission
monitoring system would be technically
impractical due to the short term nature
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of tank degassing and similar operations
performed by Tristar at refineries in
EPA Region 3. The EPA included the
AMP detailed sampling steps, the
compliance demonstration procedures
and conditions in the final
determination letter.
Abstract for [1600018]
Q: Does the EPA determine that the
proposed addition of a biodiesel
manufacturing facility at a plant owned
by Patriot Renewable Fuels (Patriot) and
located in Annawan, Illinois is subject
to 40 CFR part 60 subpart RRR (VOC
Emissions from Synthetic Organic
Chemical Manufacturing Industry
(SOCMI) Reactor Processes)?
A: Yes. Based on the information
provided by the Illinois Environmental
Protection Agency (Illinois EPA), the
EPA believes that the proposed addition
to the biodiesel plant would meet the
applicability criteria of subpart RRR.
Glycerol, is a chemical listed in 40 CFR
60.707. The EPA considers either of the
following downstream uses as
indicative of the production of a listed
chemical as a ‘‘product’’: (1) Production
for sale of a listed chemical; or (2) use
in another process where that listed
chemical is needed. Glycerol is
produced from com oil via a hydrolysis
reaction during the manufacture of
biodiesel. When sent to the fermenters,
glycerol is used to increase the ethanol
yield (i.e., it is needed in the process)
and is, therefore, an intermediate (i.e., a
compound that is produced for the use
in the production of other compounds
or chemicals) under 40 CFR 60.700.
Because the glycerol sent to the
fermenters is an intermediate, the
glycerol is a product. Therefore, our
guidance to Illinois EPA is that the
Patriot facility would be considered an
affected facility subject to Subpart RRR
after the addition of the proposed
biodiesel plant.
Abstract for [1600027]
Q: Does the EPA approve an
alternative monitoring plan (AMP) to
use alternative concentrations of span
gases used to check daily calibration
drift, and as high range validation
standards used during cylinder gas
audits (CGAs) and relative accuracy test
audits (RATAs), under NSPS subpart A
for the No. 2 flare Continuous Emission
Monitoring System (CEMS) at the Delek
Refining (Delek) facility located in
Tyler, Texas and covered under NSPS
subpart Ja?
A: Yes. Based on the process data and
detector information submitted, the EPA
conditionally approves Delek’s AMP to
reduce the concentrations of the
calibration gas and validation standards
PO 00000
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to certain specified range values on the
No. 2 Flare CEMS. Delek must conduct
linearity analysis on the pulsed
ultraviolet fluorescence (PUVF) detector
once every three years to determine the
detector’s linearity across the entire
range of expected concentrations of gas
vent streams. The analysis must
demonstrate that linearity is maintained
for the specified vent gas stream
hydrogen sulfide (H2S) concentration
range. A report of each completed
linearity analysis must be submitted to
the EPA Region 6 and to the State, and
records must be maintained on-site.
Abstract for [1600028]
Q: Does the EPA approve revised
process parameter limits for a
previously approved Alternative
Monitoring Plan (AMP) for the Valero
Refining-Texas, LP facility (Valero)
located in Corpus Christi, Texas and
subject to NSPS subpart J?
A: Yes. The EPA conditionally
approves revised process parameter
limits that should not exceed the new
upper value for total sulfur and the
higher proposed temperature. Valero
must continue to follow the steps
outlined in the previously approved
AMP for monitoring the vent stream. If
refinery operations change such that the
sulfur content of the vent stream
changes from representations made for
the AMP, then Valero must document
the changes and follow the appropriate
steps outlined in 40 CFR 60.105(b)(3)(i)–
Abstract for [1600029]
Q: Does the EPA conditionally
approve revised alternative monitoring
Operating Parameter Limits (OPLs) for a
pollution control system on a new
medical waste incinerator subject to
NSPS subpart Ec, which consists of a
wet gas scrubber (WGS) followed by a
carbon adsorber and cartridge filter,
located at the University of Texas
Medical Branch (UTMBG) in Galveston,
A: Yes. Based on process-specific
information and data provided by
UTMBG, the EPA conditionally
approves the revised operating
parameters for the WGS, carbon
adsorber and cartridge filter. UTMBG
must conduct a second representative
performance test in order to establish
revised numerical limits for the
operating parameters conditionally
approved. The follow up performance
testing must be conducted in
accordance with 40 CFR 60.8 and State
requirements, with no deviations from
the EPA-approved test methods or
quality assurance protocols. Other OPLs
specified by Table 3 of NSPS subpart Ec
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 149 / Friday, August 4, 2017 / Notices
and the facility’s minor source air
permit also must be included in the
performance test if the changes affect
those pollutants or operating limits. If
performance testing shows that the
facility is not in compliance with NSPS
Ec emission limits, retesting will be
required, and the OPLs established for
this petition approval may require
modification. If additional new or
modified OPLs must be established to
achieve and maintain compliance with
NSPS Ee, a revised OPL petition must
be submitted prior to retesting, along
with a revised test plan for review and
Abstract for [1600030]
Q: Does the EPA approve the
withdrawal of a previously approved
Alternative Monitoring Plan (AMP) for a
sulfur loading vent stream at the Valero
Mckee Refinery located in Sunray,
Texas and covered under NSPS subpart
A: Yes. The EPA approves the AMP
withdrawal of a previously approved
AMP because emissions from the tail
gas incinerators are monitored for
compliance with the sulfur dioxide
(SO2) limit of 40 CFR 60. 104(a)(2)(i) via
a continuous emissions monitoring
system (CEMS), in accordance with
60.105(a)(3) of NSPS J, as modified on
June, 24, 2008, and is consistent with
the requirements of Paragraph 226 of the
consent decree.
Abstract for [1600031]
Q: Does the EPA approve revisions to
an Alternative Monitoring Plan (AMP)
that was previously conditionally
approved for re-routing a refinery fuel
gas vent stream to an alternate
combustion device at the Valero
Refining-Meraux LLC (Valero Meraux)
facility located in Meraux, Louisiana
subject to NSPS subpart J?
A: Yes. The EPA approves the
revisions to a previously conditionally
approved AMP. Valero Meraux
proposed re-routing the affected refinery
fuel gas vent gas stream to a reformer
recharge heater instead of combusting
the stream at a stripper reboiler heater.
Valero Meraux is required to continue
monitoring and controlling the relevant
process parameters as summarized in
the EPA’s previous conditional AMP
approval. If refinery operations change
such that the sulfur content of the vent
stream changes from representations
made for the AMP, then Valero must
document the changes and follow the
appropriate steps outlined in 40 CFR 60.
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Abstract for [1600032]
Abstract for [1600034]
Q: Does the EPA approve the
Alternative Monitoring Plan (AMP) to
use the data obtained from the total
sulfur (TS) continuous emissions
monitoring system (CEMS) for one flare
at plant 1 and one flare at plant 2 at the
Suncor Energy (USA) Inc. (Suncor)
Commerce City Refinery in Commerce
City, Colorado subject to NSPS subpart
A: Yes. The EPA approves Suncor’s
AMP for flares at plants 1 and 2,
pursuant to 40 CFR 60.13(i), to use the
data obtained from the TS CEMS low
range two-point daily calibration drift
and two-point quarterly audits, as well
as a one-point challenge in the high
range. Because Suncor is requesting this
AMP based on a significant safety
hazard to refinery personnel and
because this monitoring is being
performed to detect the threshold for a
root cause analysis, not to monitor for
compliance with an emission limit, the
EPA will allow for minimal use of high
concentration calibration gases. This
approach avoids routine use of higher
level calibration gases in the field;
higher level gases are only used for
quarterly audits and annual testing and
could be brought on-site by a testing
contractor and then removed after the
Q: Does the EPA approve an
Alternative Monitoring Plan (AMP)
under 40 CFR 60.13(i) for the
monitoring of emissions using an
emission factor to determine NOx
emissions from two stationary gas
combustion turbines located at the
Power House (Plant) operated by the
University of Colorado Boulder (UCB) in
Boulder, Colorado, in lieu of
determining emissions through
Continuous Emissions Monitoring
System (CEMS) installed on the bypass
stack, to demonstrate compliance with
the emission limit under NSPS subpart
A: Yes. Based on the most recent stack
testing for NOx emissions during startup
of turbine 1 and turbine 2, the EPA will
allow UCB use of the 0.32 lb/MMBtu
emission factor rather than determining
emissions through CEMS installed on
the bypass stack. The use of this
emission factor provides a conservative
emissions estimate and is consistent
with UCB permit issued by the Colorado
Department of Health and Environment
(CDPHE) Air Pollution Control Division
require UCB to conduct additional
testing of emissions at the bypass stack
to verify the NOx concentrations during
turbine startup.
Abstract for [1600035]
Abstract for [1600033]
Q: Does the EPA approve the
Alternative Monitoring Plan (AMP) to
use the data obtained from the total
sulfur (TS) continuous emissions
monitoring system (CEMS) for a flare at
plant 3 of the Suncor Energy (USA) Inc.
(Suncor) Commerce City Refinery in
Commerce City, Colorado subject to
NSPS subpart Ja?
A: Yes. The EPA approves Suncor’s
AMP for a flare at plant 3, pursuant to
40 CFR. 40 CFR 60.13(i), to use the data
obtained from the TS CEMS low range
two-point daily calibration drift and
two-point quarterly audits, as well as a
one-point challenge in the high range.
Because Suncor is requesting this AMP
based on a significant safety hazard to
refinery personnel and because this
monitoring is being performed to detect
the threshold for a root cause analysis,
not to monitor for compliance with an
emission limit, the EPA will allow for
minimal use of high concentration
calibration gases. This approach avoids
routine use of higher level calibration
gases in the field; higher level gases are
only used for quarterly audits and
annual testing and could be brought onsite by a testing contractor and then
removed after the test/audit.
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Q: Does the EPA approve waiver of a
performance testing requirement for six
identical stationary engines subject to
40 CFR part 60 subpart JJJJ at the Bio
Town Ag facility in Reynolds, Indiana
(Bio Town)?
A: Yes. Based on the information Bio
Town provided, the EPA approves the
performance test waiver request for six
identical stationary engines operated in
the same manner, pursuant to 40 CFR
60.8(b)(4). Specifically, EPA approves
conducting a performance test every
8,760 hours or 3 years, whichever comes
first, for the three engines that were
constructed in 2011, and a performance
test for the three engines that were
constructed in 2014, in a staggered
schedule as provided in the
determination letter. Bio Town must
meet Section VII. 2 of the April 27,
2009, Clean Air Act National Stack
Testing Guidance, which lists the
conditions that must be met for
approval of a performance test waiver
for identical emissions units.
Abstract for [1600036]
Q: Does the EPA approve the use of
a bag leak detection system (BLDS) as an
alternative monitoring method in lieu of
a continuous opacity monitoring system
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 149 / Friday, August 4, 2017 / Notices
(COMS) for purposes of meeting the
monitoring requirements under 40 CFR
part 60 subpart UUU, Standards of
Performance for Calciners and Dryers in
Mineral Industries, at the Waupaca
Foundry, Inc. plant (Waupaca) located
in Tell City, Indiana?
A: Yes. The EPA conditionally
approves the Waupaca alternative
monitoring method to use BLDS in lieu
of a COMS or conducting daily Method
9 readings for the mechanical and
thermal sand reclamation unit (P27)
being installed at Waupaca’s Plant 5.
Waupaca will need to develop and
prepare a site-specific monitoring plan
for the BLDS installed under this
alternative monitoring method and meet
the conditions specified in the EPA
response letter. In addition, Waupaca
will need to revise its current major
source construction permit for the sand
reclamation project, as well as its Title
V permit, to incorporate this alternative
monitoring method. The approval of the
proposed alternative monitoring method
does not alter Waupaca’s legal
obligation to comply with all other
applicable requirements associated with
Subparts A and UUU, including meeting
the opacity limit.
Abstract for [1600037]
Q1: Does the EPA determine the startup date of Northern Industrial Sand’s
(NIS) sand dryer located in Auburn,
Wisconsin and subject to 40 CFR part 60
subpart UUU is the date the
construction permit was issued (June
18, 2015), or the date the sand dryer first
processed sand (July 17, 2015)?
A1: The EPA determines that the
initial start-up of NIS’s sand dryer in
question is July 17, 2015. ‘‘Start-up’’ is
defined at 40 CFR 60. 2 as the setting
in operation of an ‘‘affected facility’’ for
any purpose. Based on the information
provided in your letter, the sand dryer
at NIS first processed sand on July 17,
Q2: For purposes of initial
performance testing, does the EPA
determine that the ‘‘180 days after startup’’ requirement is based on
consecutive days (including nonoperational days) or operating days?
A2: The EPA determines that the 180
days after start-up requirement is based
on calendar days, not operating days.
The General Provisions, at 40 CFR 60.
19(a), state ‘‘For the purposes of this
part, time periods specified in days
shall be measured in calendar days,
even if the word ‘calendar’ is absent,
unless otherwise specified in an
applicable requirement.’’ Neither the
General Provisions, at 40 CFR60. 8, nor
the requirements of performance testing
under subpart UUU, at 40 CFR 60.732
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and 60.736, define the time periods for
performance testing as anything other
than ‘‘days’’.
Q3: Does the EPA recommend any
other options for NIS to consider for
initial performance testing under
subpart UUU before the 180-day
deadline expires?
A3: Yes. The EPA suggests two testing
options. Option 1: NIS may conduct
initial performance testing of the sand
dryer at its desired maximum
throughput and store the processed sand
until needed. Based on the information
provided, NIS has more than adequate
storage capacity for the processed sand
to test under this option. Option 2: NIS
may conduct performance testing of the
sand dryer at less than its desired
maximum throughput. However, if this
option is selected, NIS will need to take
operational restrictions to the reduced
throughput at which it tested to show
compliance with subpart UUU. The
operational restrictions will need to be
incorporated into a federally enforceable
document (typically a federally
enforceable construction or operating
permit). If, at a later date, NIS is able to
operate at an increased throughput and
desires to operate at that increased
throughput, it will need to revise its
underlying federally enforceable
document to accommodate the
increased throughput. NIS will also be
required to conduct another
performance test at that increased rate
and demonstrate compliance with
applicable limits.
Q4: What does the EPA determine are
the monitoring requirements following
initial performance testing for the sand
A4: Based on the information NIS
provided, the EPA determines that the
sand dryer is an industrial sand fluid
bed dryer. The monitoring requirements
are therefore either: (a) Installation and
operation of a continuous opacity
monitoring system (COMS), or (b) daily
visible emission readings using U. S.
EPA Reference Method 9 (for no less
than 18 minutes each day). The
monitoring requirements of subpart
UUU are found at 40 CFR 60.734(a-d).
Abstract for [1600038]
Q1: Does EPA approve three
alternative calibration methods for the
total reduced sulfur (TRS) analyzers
associated with three flares that are
affected facilities under 40 CFR part 60
subpart Ja at the Lima Refining
Company (Lima Refining) refinery in
Lima, Ohio?
A1: Based on the information
provided by Lima Refining, EPA
approves two of the three alternative
calibration methods requested for the
PO 00000
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TRS monitors to address safety concerns
involving storage, handling, and life
expectancy (short expiration dates) of
high hydrogen sulfide (H2S)
concentration gas cylinders on site. The
two conditional approved calibration
methods are: (1) The use of low H2S
concentration cylinders to calibrate TRS
monitors provided that laboratory
analyses demonstrate the linearity of the
instruments for the target compound
used across the entire sulfur
concentration range expected; and (2)
the use of a sample dilution system in
conjunction with the TRS monitoring
systems being installed provided that
the dilution system can be challenged at
the ratio Lima Refining intends to use,
and the capability of the analyzer to
detect the lowest expected
concentrations of the target
compound(s) under typical operating
conditions when the gas is diluted at the
dilution ratio selected. EPA is
disapproving the use of a surrogate gas
to calibrate the TRS monitoring systems.
This disapproval is based on the fact
that the monitoring requirements of
subpart Ja are TRS specific. Approvable
calibration methodologies should be
based on pollutant specific monitoring,
when such options are available, rather
than a surrogate gas. Since there are
feasible pollutant specific options, EPA
disapproves the use of a surrogate gas to
calibrate the TRS monitors.
Q2: Does EPA approve single point
calibrations for each of the TRS
analyzers associated with three flares
that are affected facilities under subpart
A2: Yes. EPA approves Lima
Refining’s request to use single point
calibrations for the daily calibration
requirements (zero and one other target
compound(s) concentration). However,
Lima Refining must conduct multi-point
calibrations on at least a quarterly basis.
Other conditions and requirements of
this approval are included in the EPA
response letter.
Q3: Does EPA approve a reduced span
to that required by subpart Ja for the
TRS analyzer associated with the
aromatics flare that is an affected facility
under subpart Ja?
A3: Yes. EPA conditionally approves
Lima Refining’s request to reduce the
instrument span from 5,000 ppm to
1,000 ppm for the aromatics flare (LIU
flare) TRS monitoring system. This
approval is based on the low expected
TRS concentration from the aromatics
flare. However, if readings associated
with the aromatics flare exceed 1,000
ppm, then Lima Refining will need to
re-span the TRS monitor to a higher
value which includes the higher
concentration measured.
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 149 / Friday, August 4, 2017 / Notices
Abstract for [1600039]
Q: Does EPA approve the use of daily
visible emission observations and
baghouse pressure drop readings
associated with the thermal sand
reclamation unit in lieu of a continuous
opacity monitoring system (COMS) to
meet the monitoring requirements of 40
CFR subpart UUU (Standards of
Performance for Calciners and Dryers in
Mineral Industries) at the Urschel
Laboratories, Inc. (Urschel) in
Valparaiso, IN?
A: Yes. EPA conditionally approves
the alternative monitoring method to
meet the monitoring requirements of
subpart UUU at 40 CFR 60.734. Urschel
will need to evaluate and establish an
appropriate range for the pressure drop
across the baghouse based on a
performance test at the thermal sand
reclamation unit to ensure compliance
with subpart UUU. The alternative
monitoring program and associated
recordkeeping and reporting approved
through this letter must be incorporated
into its federal enforceable state
operating permit. Additional conditions
and requirements of this approval are
included in the EPA response letter.
Abstract for [1600040]
Q: Does EPA determine that the
Urschel Laboratories, Inc. (Urschel)
thermal sand reclamation unit located
in Valparaiso, Indiana is exempt from
the opacity monitoring requirements of
40 CFR part 60 subpart UUU (Standards
of Performance for Calciners and Dryers
in Mineral Industries) since its
particulate emissions are well below 11
tons per year?
A: No. EPA determines that Urschel’s
thermal sand reclamation unit is an
affected facility subject to subpart UUU
and is therefore subject to the
monitoring requirements at 40 CFR
60.734. Since the thermal sand
reclamation unit is not one of the listed
facilities under 40 CFR 60.734(b) or (c)
and does not use a wet control device
(40 CFR 60.734(d)), Urschel must install
and operate a continuous opacity
monitoring system (COMS). However,
the General Provisions at 40 CFR
60.13(i) provides an owner or operator
of an affected facility the ability to
request, among other things, alternative
monitoring to that required by an
applicable subpart.
Abstract for [1600041]
Q: Does the EPA approve using an
alternative test method ASTM D–6348–
12 in lieu of ASTM D–6348–03 for
measuring pollutants in the engine
exhaust per NSPS subpart JJJJ at Samson
Resources Company’s facilities on the
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Southern Ute Indian Reservation in La
Plata County, Colorado?
A: Yes. The EPA approves the use of
the updated ASTM method, D–6348–12
in lieu of D–6348–03 as prescribed in
Table 2 to NSPS JJJJ for performance
testing of engines at the requested
facilities, pursuant to 40 CFR 60.8(b)(2).
Abstract for [A160001]
Q1: Does the EPA approve a waiver
from asbestos testing requirements for
bare concrete deck bridges under 40
CFR part 61, subpart M (Asbestos
NESHAP), for the Kansas Department of
A1: No. Under the Asbestos NESHAP,
there is no regulatory provision that
allows the EPA to issue a waiver.
Q2: Does the EPA determine that bare
concrete deck bridges are subject to the
Asbestos NESHAP regulation?
A2: Yes. The EPA determines that
concrete is considered a building
material and needs to be evaluated for
asbestos-content. At a minimum, it must
be thoroughly inspected.
Abstract for [A160002]
Q1: Does the EPA determine that
airport taxiways are subject to 40 CFR
part 61, subpart M (Asbestos NESHAP)?
A1: Yes. The EPA indicated to the
Missouri Department of Natural
Resources (MO DNR) that airport
taxiways are a ‘‘facility component’’ as
defined in 40 CFR 61.141 and therefore
subject to the regulation. At a minimum,
the taxiway is subject to the thorough
inspection requirement of the
regulation. Further, MO DNR asks that
EPA reconsider a previous applicability
determination which stated airport
runways were not subject to the
Asbestos NESHAP. This applicability
determination supersedes the June 20,
1997 applicability determination with
ADI Control No. A970006.
Q2: Does the EPA determine that
repair operations on a taxiway are
considered a renovation or demolition
operation under the Asbestos NESHAP
A2: Yes. The EPA determines if work
is to be done on an airport taxiway, it
is considered a renovation operation as
there is no load-supporting structural
member being wrecked or taken out as
defined under the demolition definition.
Abstract for [M160005]
Q: Does EPA determine that
McConway and Torley’s Lawrenceville
Foundry in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is
subject to 40 CFR part 63 subpart
XXXXXX (subpart 6X), NESHAP for
Nine Metal Fabrication and Finishing
Source Categories?
PO 00000
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A: No. EPA has determined that
subpart 6X does not apply to the
Lawrenceville Foundry based on not
meeting rule applicability requirements
due to current operations, an evaluation
of the SIC/NAICS codes associated with
the facility, and the corresponding
activities in which the facility is
primarily engaged in that involves
manufacturing of railroad car couplings.
Abstract for [M160007]
Q1: Does EPA determine that the raw
material used by Mica Company of
Canada Incorporated (Mica Co.) at their
Newport News, Virginia facility meets
the definition of a ‘‘web’’ and that both
manufacturing lines are subject to 40
CFR part 63 subpart JJJJ?
A1: Based on the description
provided by Mica Co., EPA determines
that the raw material used by Mica Co.
processing line 2 meets the definition of
a ‘‘web’’ at 40 CFR 63.3300 since the
mica paper is fed from a roll to the web
coating line. Therefore, this processing
line is subject to MACT subpart JJJJ.
Processing line 1 does not meet the
definition of web and is therefore not
subject to MACT subpart JJJJ.
Q2: Does EPA determine that the end
products manufactured by Mica Co.
meet the definition of a ‘‘refractory
product’’ and that both processing lines
are therefore subject to 40 CFR part 63
subpart SSSSS?
A2: No. Based on the description
provided by Mica Co., EPA determines
that the mica sheet insulating products
manufactured by Mica Co. do not meet
the definition of a ‘‘refractory product’’
at 40 CFR 63.9824; therefore, the
manufacturing lines are not subject to
MACT subpart SSSSS.
Abstract for [M160009]
Q: Does EPA determine that the Teva
Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc. Women’s
Health pharmaceutical manufacturing
facility in Cincinnati, Ohio (Teva) is
subject to the NESHAP subpart
VVVVVV Title V Permit requirement if
the facility took operational limits on
organic compounds to become an area
source before the effective date of the
rule and now operate control devices,
but would still be an area source
without the controls?
A: No. EPA determines that the Teva
pharmaceutical manufacturing
operations at the Cincinnati facility are
not currently subject to the Title V
requirement in NESHAP subpart
VVVVVV. Since the facility took
operational limits to obtain area source
status prior to the effective date of the
rule, the Title V NESHAP subpart
VVVVVV requirement does not apply,
even if it now operates controls. The
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 149 / Friday, August 4, 2017 / Notices
facility does not rely on a control device
to maintain HAP emissions below major
source thresholds as was demonstrated
with the potential to emit analysis.
Abstract for [M160017]
Q: Does EPA determine that the
Owens Corning Insulating Systems, LLC
(OC) a wool fiberglass products
manufacturing plant located in Delmar,
NY (Delmar), is subject to 40 CFR part
63 subpart JJJJ, NESHAP for Paper and
Other Web Coating Manufacturing?
A: Yes. Based on the information
provided by OC, EPA determines that
the Delmar plant still operates web
coating lines after switching from a
phenol-formaldehyde binder to a starch
binder and thus remains subject to 40
CFR part 63 subpart JJJJ, and that the
subsequent non applicability
determination for 40 CFR part 63
subpart NNN, the NESHAP for Wool
Fiberglass Manufacturing due to the
binder switch is irrelevant to the
applicability status of 40 CFR part 63
subpart JJJJ. This determination is
consistent with the ‘‘Once-In-AlwaysIn’’ policy. The Delmar plant has been
required to comply with subpart JJJJ
provisions (including emissions
standards) since December 5, 2005, the
first substantive compliance date of
rule, based on 40 CFR 63.320(a) of the
rule. The fact that OC chooses to comply
with the subpart JJJJ emission standards
at the Delmar plant using a method it
was already using (i.e., the ‘‘[u]se of ‘aspurchased’ compliant coating
materials’’) prior to the first substantive
compliance date is irrelevant to the
applicability analysis.
Abstract for [M160019]
Q: Does EPA approve an Alternative
Monitoring Plan (AMP) for a Wet Gas
Scrubber (WGS) on a Fluidized Catalytic
Cracking Unit (FCCU) subject to NSPS
part 60 subpart J, and also NESHAP
subpart UUU, for parametric monitoring
of opacity at the WGS in lieu of a
Continuous Opacity Monitoring System,
due to moisture interference on opacity
readings in the stack at the Valero
Refining Company (Valero) facility in
Ardmore, Oklahoma (Valero)?
A: Yes. Based upon the design of the
WGS unit and the process specific
information and performance test
results provided by Valero, EPA
approves the AMP request and its
operating parameter limits (OPLs) for
demonstrating compliance under
NESHAP subpart UUU, which included
minimum Liquid-to-Gas Ratio,
minimum water pressure to the quench/
spray tower nozzles, and minimum
pressure drop across the Agglo-filtering
module. Valero shall incorporate the
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terms of this AMP approval into the
facility’s New Source Review (NSR) and
Title V permits for federal
enforceability. If refinery operations
change, Valero shall conduct another
performance test to establish new limits
for the OPLs listed in the EPA response
Abstract for [M160020]
Q: Does EPA determine that the Ervin
Amasteel facility in Adrian, Michigan
should be classified as a steel foundry
subject to requirements of the NESHAP
for Iron and Steel Foundries Area
Source, at 40 CFR part 63 subpart
ZZZZZ, and not the requirements under
the NESHAP for Area Sources for
Electric Arc Furnace Steelmaking
Facilities, at 40 CFR part 63 subpart
YYYYY, and the Standards of
Performance for Steel Plants: Electric
Arc Furnaces and Argon-Oxygen
Decarburization Vessels Constructed
After August 17, 1983, at 40 CFR part
60 Subpart AAa (NSPS AAa)?
A: No. EPA determines that the Ervin
Amasteel facility is not subject to the
requirements of NESHAP subpart
ZZZZZ because the facility is not an
iron and steel foundry as defined in 40
CFR 63.10906 of the rule. Therefore, the
Ervin Amasteel facility remains subject
to the applicable provisions of NESHAP
subpart YYYYY and NSPS subpart AAa.
Abstract for [M160021]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternative
monitoring method for the bypass valve
line associated with the thermal
oxidizer in lieu of a continuous flow
monitor or securing the bypass valve
with a car seal or lock-and-key type
system to meet the monitoring
requirements of 40 CFR part 63 subpart
JJJ at the INEOS Barex USA LLC
(INEOS) plant in Lima, Ohio?
A: Yes. Based on the information
provided by INEOS, including concerns
about installation of a flow monitor on
this particular bypass stream due to
location and corrosion possibilities,
EPA conditionally approves the
alternative monitoring method that
requires continuous monitoring of the
bypass valve position associated with
the thermal oxidizer in accordance with
40 CFR 63.8(f)(2) and (4). The
recordkeeping and reporting conditions
for approval are specified in the EPA
response letter.
Abstract for [Z160005]
Q1: Does EPA determine that
stationary engines being tested in a test
cell at Maine Maritime Academy (MMA)
in Castine, Maine would be subject to
the NESHAP for Reciprocating Internal
PO 00000
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Combustion Engines (RICE), 40 CFR part
63 subpart ZZZZ?
A1: No. EPA determines that because
the engines in question will be tested at
a stationary RICE test cell as defined in
Subpart PPPPP, they are not subject to
subpart ZZZZ consistent with 40 CFR
63.6675 of subpart ZZZZ.
Q2: Does EPA determine that the
proposed engine test cell at MMA,
which is an area source of hazardous air
pollutants, would be subject to the
NESHAP for Engine Test Cell/Stands, 40
CFR part 63 subpart PPPPP?
A2: No. EPA determines that as long
as MMA remains an area source of
hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), it is
not subject to subpart PPPPP, which
applies to owners or operators of engine
test cells/stands at a major source of
Dated: July 20, 2017.
David A. Hindin,
Director, Office of Compliance, Office of
Enforcement and Compliance Assurance.
[FR Doc. 2017–16499 Filed 8–3–17; 8:45 am]
Environmental Impact Statements;
Notice of Availability
Responsible Agency: Office of Federal
Activities, General Information (202)
564–7146 or
Weekly receipt of Environmental Impact
Statements (EISs)
Filed 07/24/2017 Through 07/28/2017
Pursuant to 40 CFR 1506.9.
Section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act
requires that EPA make public its
comments on EISs issued by other
Federal agencies. EPA’s comment letters
on EISs are available at: https://
EIS No. 20170143, Final, FHWA, UT, I–
80 and State Street Interchange,
Contact: Brandon Weston, 801–965–
Under MAP–21 Section 1319, FHWA
has issued a single FEIS and ROD.
Therefore, the 30-day wait/review
period under NEPA does not apply to
this action.
EIS No. 20170144, Final Supplement,
BOEM, MA, Cape Wind Energy
Project, Review Period Ends: 09/05/
2017, Contact: Michelle Morin 703–
EIS No. 20170145, Final, NSF, PR,
Arecibo Observatory, Review Period
[Federal Register Volume 82, Number 149 (Friday, August 4, 2017)]
[Pages 36394-36400]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2017-16499]
Applicability Determination Index (ADI) Data System Recent
Posting: Agency Applicability Determinations, Alternative Monitoring
Decisions, and Regulatory Interpretations Pertaining to Standards of
Performance for New Stationary Sources, National Emission Standards for
Hazardous Air Pollutants, and the Stratospheric Ozone Protection
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice of availability.
SUMMARY: This action announces applicability determinations,
alternative monitoring decisions, and regulatory interpretations that
EPA has made under the New Source Performance Standards (NSPS); the
National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP); and/
or the Stratospheric Ozone Protection Program.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: An electronic copy of each complete
document posted on the Applicability Determination Index (ADI) data
system is available on the Internet through the Resources and Guidance
Documents for Compliance Assistance page of the Clean Air Act
Compliance Monitoring Web site under ``Air'' at: The
letters and memoranda on the ADI may be located by date, office of
issuance, subpart, citation, control number, or by string word
searches. For questions about the ADI or this notice, contact Maria
Malave at EPA by phone at: (202) 564-7027, or by email at: For technical questions about individual
applicability determinations or monitoring decisions, refer to the
contact person identified in the individual documents, or in the
absence of a contact person, refer to the author of the document.
The General Provisions of the NSPS in 40 Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR) part 60 and the General Provisions of the NESHAP in
40 CFR part 61 provide that a source owner or operator may request a
determination of whether certain intended actions constitute the
commencement of construction, reconstruction, or modification. The
EPA's written responses to these inquiries are commonly referred to as
applicability determinations. See 40 CFR 60.5 and 61.06. Although the
NESHAP part 63 regulations [which include Maximum Achievable Control
Technology (MACT) standards and/or Generally Available Control
Technology (GACT) standards] and Section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act
(CAA) contain no specific regulatory provision providing that sources
may request applicability determinations, the EPA also responds to
written inquiries regarding applicability for the part 63 and Section
111(d) programs. The NSPS and NESHAP also allow sources to seek
permission to use monitoring or recordkeeping that is different from
the promulgated requirements. See 40 CFR 60.13(i), 61.14(g),
63.8(b)(1), 63.8(f), and 63.10(f).
The EPA's written responses to these inquiries are commonly
referred to as alternative monitoring decisions. Furthermore, the EPA
responds to written inquiries about the broad range of NSPS and NESHAP
regulatory requirements as they pertain to a whole source category.
These inquiries may pertain, for example, to the type of sources to
which the regulation applies, or to the testing, monitoring,
recordkeeping, or reporting requirements contained in the regulation.
The EPA's written responses to these inquiries are commonly referred to
as regulatory interpretations.
The EPA currently compiles EPA-issued NSPS and NESHAP applicability
determinations, alternative monitoring decisions, and regulatory
interpretations, and posts them to the ADI on a regular basis. In
addition, the ADI contains EPA-issued responses to requests pursuant to
the stratospheric ozone regulations, contained in 40 CFR part 82. The
ADI is a data system on the Internet with over three thousand EPA
letters and memoranda pertaining to the applicability, monitoring,
recordkeeping, and reporting requirements of the NSPS, NESHAP, and
stratospheric ozone regulations. Users can search for letters and
memoranda by date, office of issuance, subpart, citation, control
number, or by string word searches.
Today's action comprises a summary of 31 such documents added to
the ADI on July 21, 2017. This action lists the subject and header of
each letter and memorandum, as well as a brief abstract of the letter
or memorandum. Complete copies of these documents may be obtained from
the ADI on the Internet through the through the Resources and Guidance
Documents for Compliance Assistance page of the Clean Air Act
Compliance Monitoring Web site under ``Air'' at:
Summary of Headers and Abstracts
The following table identifies the database control number for each
document posted on the ADI data system on July 21, 2017; the applicable
category; the section(s) and/or subpart(s) of 40 CFR part 60, 61, or 63
(as applicable) addressed in the document; and the title of the
document, which provides a brief description of the subject matter.
We have also included an abstract of each document identified with
its control number after the table. These abstracts are provided solely
to alert the public to possible items of interest and are not intended
as substitutes for the full text of the documents. This action does not
change the status of any document with respect to whether it is ``of
nationwide scope or effect'' for purposes of CAA section 307(b)(1). For
example, this document does not convert an applicability determination
for a particular source into a nationwide rule. Neither does it purport
to make a previously non-binding document binding.
ADI Determinations Uploaded on July 21, 2017
Control No. Categories Subparts Title
1600009............. NSPS..................... Ja......................... Regulatory Interpretation on an
Alternative Calibration Procedure
for Hydrogen Sulfide Monitor at a
[[Page 36395]]
1600010............. NSPS..................... Ec......................... Alternate Monitoring Operating
Parameter Limits for Two Waste
1600011............. NSPS..................... EEEE....................... Alternative Operating Parameter
Limits for Commercial
1600012............. NSPS..................... J, Ja...................... Alternative Monitoring Plan for
Hydrogen Sulfide in Portable
Temporary Thermal Oxidizer Units
at Refineries.
1600013............. NSPS..................... J, Ja...................... Alternative Monitoring Plan for
Hydrogen Sulfide in Portable
Temporary Thermal Oxidizer Units
at Refineries.
1600018............. NSPS..................... NNN, RRR................... Regulatory Interpretation for a
Biodiesel Manufacturing Facility.
1600027............. NSPS..................... A, Ja...................... Alternative Monitoring Plan for
Span Gas Concentration and High
Range Validation Standards for
H2S CEMS at a Refinery.
1600028............. NSPS..................... J.......................... Alternative Monitoring Plan for
Revised Process Parameter Limits
at a Refinery.
1600029............. NSPS..................... A, Ec...................... Alternative Monitoring Operating
Parameter Limits for Air
Pollution Control System at a
Medical Waste Incinerator.
1600030............. NSPS..................... J.......................... Withdrawal of Alternative
Monitoring Plan for Sulfur
Loading Vent Stream at a
1600031............. NSPS..................... J.......................... Alternative Monitoring Plan
Revision for Re-Routed Vent Gas
Stream at a Refinery.
1600032............. NSPS..................... Ja......................... Alternative Monitoring Plan for
Flares at a Refinery.
1600033............. NSPS..................... Ja......................... Alternative Monitoring Plan for a
Flare at a Refinery.
1600034............. NSPS..................... GG......................... Alternative Monitoring Plan for
NOX Emissions during Startup from
Stationary Gas Turbines.
1600035............. NSPS..................... JJJJ....................... Performance Test Waiver for
Stationary Spark Ignition
Internal Combustion Engines.
1600036............. NSPS..................... UUU........................ Alternative Monitoring Plan for
Bag Leak Detection System In Lieu
of COMS at a Sand Reclamation
1600037............. NSPS..................... UUU........................ Applicability Determination for
Industrial Sand Dryer.
1600038............. NSPS..................... Ja......................... Alternative Calibration Methods
for Total Reduced Sulfur
Analyzers at a Refinery.
1600039............. NSPS..................... UUU........................ Alternative Monitoring Plan In
Lieu of COMS at a Sand
Reclamation Unit.
1600040............. NSPS..................... UUU........................ Request for Exemption to Opacity
Monitoring Requirements for
Thermal Sand Reclamation Units.
1600041............. NSPS..................... JJJJ....................... Alternative Test Method for Spark
Ignition Engines.
A160001............. Asbestos, NESHAP......... M.......................... Waiver Request from Asbestos
Testing for Bare Concrete Deck
A160002............. Asbestos, NESHAP......... M.......................... Applicability Determination for
Airport Taxiways.
M160005............. MACT..................... XXXXXX..................... Applicability Determination for a
Steel Foundry.
M160007............. MACT, NESHAP............. JJJJ, SSSSS................ Applicability Determination for
Mica Sheets Manufacturing.
M160009............. MACT, NESHAP............. VVVVVV..................... Applicability Determination for
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
M160017............. MACT..................... JJJJ....................... Applicability Determination for
Web Coating Manufacturing
M160019............. MACT, NSPS............... J, UUU..................... Alternative Monitoring Plan for
Wet Gas Scrubber at a Refinery.
M160020............. MACT, GACT, NESHAP, NSPS. AAa, YYYYY, ZZZZZ.......... Applicability Determination for a
Steelmaking Facility.
M160021............. MACT..................... JJJ........................ Alternative Monitoring Method In
Lieu of Continuous Flow Monitor
for a Thermal Oxidizer.
Z160005............. MACT, NESHAP............. PPPPP, ZZZZ................ Applicability Determination for
Engine Testing and Emissions
Abstract for [1600009]
Q: Does the EPA approve the use of the same calibration gas to
perform quality assurance checks on both the low and the high ranges
for a dual range hydrogen sulfide (H2S) continuous emission monitoring
system subject to 40 CFR part 60 subpart Ja at the Ergon Refinery in
Vicksburg, Mississippi (Ergon)?
A: Yes. Based on the information provided by the Mississippi
Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ), the EPA believes that the
Ergon's proposed monitoring alternative is acceptable to satisfy the QA
checks on the high concentration range for the Sola II analyzer. EPA's
guidance to MDEQ is based upon the expectation that the monitor's
higher range will rarely be used to demonstrate compliance because the
H2S concentration at the inlet of the Refinery Flare will need to be
below the monitor span value to meet the NSPS Ja limits, the highly
linear response of the monitor should yield accurate results for the
whole range of operation, and the safety hazards to plant employees
associated with keeping high concentration H2S calibration gas
cylinders onsite being valid concerns due to H2S high toxicity.
Abstract for [1600010]
Q: Does the EPA approve site-specific alternative monitoring
operating parameter limits (OPLs) under NSPS subpart Ec for the
operation of two hospital/medical/infectious waste incinerators (HMIWI)
at the Stericycle Springhill facility located in Sarepta, Louisiana
A: Yes. The EPA conditionally approves Stericycle's alternative
OPLs, which are consistent with the permit conditions, the equipment
configuration of the incinerators, and the operation of the associated
air pollution control devices. EPA approval is contingent on
Stericycle's successful completion of performance testing on both HWIMI
to demonstrate compliance with NSPS subpart Ec emission limits.
Stericycle shall conduct a performance test on each HMIWI in accordance
with 40 CFR 60.8 and consistent with the proposed performance test plan
included in the EPA response letter. If performance testing shows that
the facility is not in compliance with NSPS Ee emission limits,
retesting will be required, and the OPLs established for this petition
approval may require modification, and in the event that new or
modified OPLs must be established, a revised OPL petition must be
submitted prior to retesting, along with a revised test plan for review
and approval.
Abstract for [1600011]
Q: Does EPA approve the revision of alternative Operating Parameter
Limits (OPLs) for additional control equipment used in lieu of a wet
scrubber at a contraband incinerator operated by SW Border Incineration
LLC, in McAllen,
[[Page 36396]]
Texas, which meets the criteria of an Other Solid Waste Incinerator
(OSWI) unit under NSPS subpart EEEE?
A: Yes. The EPA approves the revision of alternative OPLs
contingent on the successful completion of performance testing to
demonstrate compliance with NSPS subpart EEEE emission limits. The
previously approved and additional OPLs are consistent with the special
conditions of Texas Air Permit, which the Texas Commission on
Environmental Quality approved the test plan, along with the RATA
protocols. If performance testing shows that the facility is not in
compliance with NSPS EEEE emission limits, retesting will be required,
and the OPLs established for this petition approval may require
modification. If additional new or modified OPLs must be established to
achieve and maintain compliance with NSPS EEEE, a revised OPL petition
must be submitted prior to retesting, along with a revised test plan
for review and approval.
Abstract for [1600012]
Q: Does the EPA approve an Alternative Monitoring Plan (AMP) in
lieu of using a continuous emission monitoring system (CMS) for Event
Corporation to monitor Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) during tank
degassing and similar operations controlled by a portable temporary
thermal oxidizer subject to NSPS subpart J and NSPS subpart Ja at
refineries located in the EPA Region 3?
A: Yes. The EPA conditionally approves the AMP since installing and
operating an H2S CMS would be technically impractical due to
the short term nature of tank degassing and similar operations
performed by Event at refineries located in EPA Region 3. EPA included
the detailed AMP sampling steps and compliance demonstration procedures
and conditions in the EPA final determination letter.
Abstract for [1600013]
Q: Does the EPA approve an Alternative Monitoring Plan (AMP) in
lieu of using continuous emission monitoring system (CMS) for TriStar
Global Energy Solution (Tristar) to monitor hydrogen sulfide
(H2S) during tank degassing and similar operations
controlled by portable temporary thermal oxidizer units subject to NSPS
subpart J and NSPS subpart Ja, at refineries located in EPA Region 3?
A: Yes. The EPA conditionally approves the AMP since installing and
operating an H2S continuous emission monitoring system would be
technically impractical due to the short term nature of tank degassing
and similar operations performed by Tristar at refineries in EPA Region
3. The EPA included the AMP detailed sampling steps, the compliance
demonstration procedures and conditions in the final determination
Abstract for [1600018]
Q: Does the EPA determine that the proposed addition of a biodiesel
manufacturing facility at a plant owned by Patriot Renewable Fuels
(Patriot) and located in Annawan, Illinois is subject to 40 CFR part 60
subpart RRR (VOC Emissions from Synthetic Organic Chemical
Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI) Reactor Processes)?
A: Yes. Based on the information provided by the Illinois
Environmental Protection Agency (Illinois EPA), the EPA believes that
the proposed addition to the biodiesel plant would meet the
applicability criteria of subpart RRR. Glycerol, is a chemical listed
in 40 CFR 60.707. The EPA considers either of the following downstream
uses as indicative of the production of a listed chemical as a
``product'': (1) Production for sale of a listed chemical; or (2) use
in another process where that listed chemical is needed. Glycerol is
produced from com oil via a hydrolysis reaction during the manufacture
of biodiesel. When sent to the fermenters, glycerol is used to increase
the ethanol yield (i.e., it is needed in the process) and is,
therefore, an intermediate (i.e., a compound that is produced for the
use in the production of other compounds or chemicals) under 40 CFR
60.700. Because the glycerol sent to the fermenters is an intermediate,
the glycerol is a product. Therefore, our guidance to Illinois EPA is
that the Patriot facility would be considered an affected facility
subject to Subpart RRR after the addition of the proposed biodiesel
Abstract for [1600027]
Q: Does the EPA approve an alternative monitoring plan (AMP) to use
alternative concentrations of span gases used to check daily
calibration drift, and as high range validation standards used during
cylinder gas audits (CGAs) and relative accuracy test audits (RATAs),
under NSPS subpart A for the No. 2 flare Continuous Emission Monitoring
System (CEMS) at the Delek Refining (Delek) facility located in Tyler,
Texas and covered under NSPS subpart Ja?
A: Yes. Based on the process data and detector information
submitted, the EPA conditionally approves Delek's AMP to reduce the
concentrations of the calibration gas and validation standards to
certain specified range values on the No. 2 Flare CEMS. Delek must
conduct linearity analysis on the pulsed ultraviolet fluorescence
(PUVF) detector once every three years to determine the detector's
linearity across the entire range of expected concentrations of gas
vent streams. The analysis must demonstrate that linearity is
maintained for the specified vent gas stream hydrogen sulfide (H2S)
concentration range. A report of each completed linearity analysis must
be submitted to the EPA Region 6 and to the State, and records must be
maintained on-site.
Abstract for [1600028]
Q: Does the EPA approve revised process parameter limits for a
previously approved Alternative Monitoring Plan (AMP) for the Valero
Refining-Texas, LP facility (Valero) located in Corpus Christi, Texas
and subject to NSPS subpart J?
A: Yes. The EPA conditionally approves revised process parameter
limits that should not exceed the new upper value for total sulfur and
the higher proposed temperature. Valero must continue to follow the
steps outlined in the previously approved AMP for monitoring the vent
stream. If refinery operations change such that the sulfur content of
the vent stream changes from representations made for the AMP, then
Valero must document the changes and follow the appropriate steps
outlined in 40 CFR 60.105(b)(3)(i)-(iii).
Abstract for [1600029]
Q: Does the EPA conditionally approve revised alternative
monitoring Operating Parameter Limits (OPLs) for a pollution control
system on a new medical waste incinerator subject to NSPS subpart Ec,
which consists of a wet gas scrubber (WGS) followed by a carbon
adsorber and cartridge filter, located at the University of Texas
Medical Branch (UTMBG) in Galveston, Texas?
A: Yes. Based on process-specific information and data provided by
UTMBG, the EPA conditionally approves the revised operating parameters
for the WGS, carbon adsorber and cartridge filter. UTMBG must conduct a
second representative performance test in order to establish revised
numerical limits for the operating parameters conditionally approved.
The follow up performance testing must be conducted in accordance with
40 CFR 60.8 and State requirements, with no deviations from the EPA-
approved test methods or quality assurance protocols. Other OPLs
specified by Table 3 of NSPS subpart Ec
[[Page 36397]]
and the facility's minor source air permit also must be included in the
performance test if the changes affect those pollutants or operating
limits. If performance testing shows that the facility is not in
compliance with NSPS Ec emission limits, retesting will be required,
and the OPLs established for this petition approval may require
modification. If additional new or modified OPLs must be established to
achieve and maintain compliance with NSPS Ee, a revised OPL petition
must be submitted prior to retesting, along with a revised test plan
for review and approval.
Abstract for [1600030]
Q: Does the EPA approve the withdrawal of a previously approved
Alternative Monitoring Plan (AMP) for a sulfur loading vent stream at
the Valero Mckee Refinery located in Sunray, Texas and covered under
NSPS subpart J?
A: Yes. The EPA approves the AMP withdrawal of a previously
approved AMP because emissions from the tail gas incinerators are
monitored for compliance with the sulfur dioxide (SO2) limit
of 40 CFR 60. 104(a)(2)(i) via a continuous emissions monitoring system
(CEMS), in accordance with 60.105(a)(3) of NSPS J, as modified on June,
24, 2008, and is consistent with the requirements of Paragraph 226 of
the consent decree.
Abstract for [1600031]
Q: Does the EPA approve revisions to an Alternative Monitoring Plan
(AMP) that was previously conditionally approved for re-routing a
refinery fuel gas vent stream to an alternate combustion device at the
Valero Refining-Meraux LLC (Valero Meraux) facility located in Meraux,
Louisiana subject to NSPS subpart J?
A: Yes. The EPA approves the revisions to a previously
conditionally approved AMP. Valero Meraux proposed re-routing the
affected refinery fuel gas vent gas stream to a reformer recharge
heater instead of combusting the stream at a stripper reboiler heater.
Valero Meraux is required to continue monitoring and controlling the
relevant process parameters as summarized in the EPA's previous
conditional AMP approval. If refinery operations change such that the
sulfur content of the vent stream changes from representations made for
the AMP, then Valero must document the changes and follow the
appropriate steps outlined in 40 CFR 60. 105(b)(3)(i)-(iii).
Abstract for [1600032]
Q: Does the EPA approve the Alternative Monitoring Plan (AMP) to
use the data obtained from the total sulfur (TS) continuous emissions
monitoring system (CEMS) for one flare at plant 1 and one flare at
plant 2 at the Suncor Energy (USA) Inc. (Suncor) Commerce City Refinery
in Commerce City, Colorado subject to NSPS subpart Ja?
A: Yes. The EPA approves Suncor's AMP for flares at plants 1 and 2,
pursuant to 40 CFR 60.13(i), to use the data obtained from the TS CEMS
low range two-point daily calibration drift and two-point quarterly
audits, as well as a one-point challenge in the high range. Because
Suncor is requesting this AMP based on a significant safety hazard to
refinery personnel and because this monitoring is being performed to
detect the threshold for a root cause analysis, not to monitor for
compliance with an emission limit, the EPA will allow for minimal use
of high concentration calibration gases. This approach avoids routine
use of higher level calibration gases in the field; higher level gases
are only used for quarterly audits and annual testing and could be
brought on-site by a testing contractor and then removed after the
Abstract for [1600033]
Q: Does the EPA approve the Alternative Monitoring Plan (AMP) to
use the data obtained from the total sulfur (TS) continuous emissions
monitoring system (CEMS) for a flare at plant 3 of the Suncor Energy
(USA) Inc. (Suncor) Commerce City Refinery in Commerce City, Colorado
subject to NSPS subpart Ja?
A: Yes. The EPA approves Suncor's AMP for a flare at plant 3,
pursuant to 40 CFR. 40 CFR 60.13(i), to use the data obtained from the
TS CEMS low range two-point daily calibration drift and two-point
quarterly audits, as well as a one-point challenge in the high range.
Because Suncor is requesting this AMP based on a significant safety
hazard to refinery personnel and because this monitoring is being
performed to detect the threshold for a root cause analysis, not to
monitor for compliance with an emission limit, the EPA will allow for
minimal use of high concentration calibration gases. This approach
avoids routine use of higher level calibration gases in the field;
higher level gases are only used for quarterly audits and annual
testing and could be brought on-site by a testing contractor and then
removed after the test/audit.
Abstract for [1600034]
Q: Does the EPA approve an Alternative Monitoring Plan (AMP) under
40 CFR 60.13(i) for the monitoring of emissions using an emission
factor to determine NOx emissions from two stationary gas combustion
turbines located at the Power House (Plant) operated by the University
of Colorado Boulder (UCB) in Boulder, Colorado, in lieu of determining
emissions through Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS)
installed on the bypass stack, to demonstrate compliance with the
emission limit under NSPS subpart GG?
A: Yes. Based on the most recent stack testing for NOx emissions
during startup of turbine 1 and turbine 2, the EPA will allow UCB use
of the 0.32 lb/MMBtu emission factor rather than determining emissions
through CEMS installed on the bypass stack. The use of this emission
factor provides a conservative emissions estimate and is consistent
with UCB permit issued by the Colorado Department of Health and
Environment (CDPHE) Air Pollution Control Division (APCD). The EPA or
CDPHE APCD may require UCB to conduct additional testing of emissions
at the bypass stack to verify the NOx concentrations during turbine
Abstract for [1600035]
Q: Does the EPA approve waiver of a performance testing requirement
for six identical stationary engines subject to 40 CFR part 60 subpart
JJJJ at the Bio Town Ag facility in Reynolds, Indiana (Bio Town)?
A: Yes. Based on the information Bio Town provided, the EPA
approves the performance test waiver request for six identical
stationary engines operated in the same manner, pursuant to 40 CFR
60.8(b)(4). Specifically, EPA approves conducting a performance test
every 8,760 hours or 3 years, whichever comes first, for the three
engines that were constructed in 2011, and a performance test for the
three engines that were constructed in 2014, in a staggered schedule as
provided in the determination letter. Bio Town must meet Section VII. 2
of the April 27, 2009, Clean Air Act National Stack Testing Guidance,
which lists the conditions that must be met for approval of a
performance test waiver for identical emissions units.
Abstract for [1600036]
Q: Does the EPA approve the use of a bag leak detection system
(BLDS) as an alternative monitoring method in lieu of a continuous
opacity monitoring system
[[Page 36398]]
(COMS) for purposes of meeting the monitoring requirements under 40 CFR
part 60 subpart UUU, Standards of Performance for Calciners and Dryers
in Mineral Industries, at the Waupaca Foundry, Inc. plant (Waupaca)
located in Tell City, Indiana?
A: Yes. The EPA conditionally approves the Waupaca alternative
monitoring method to use BLDS in lieu of a COMS or conducting daily
Method 9 readings for the mechanical and thermal sand reclamation unit
(P27) being installed at Waupaca's Plant 5. Waupaca will need to
develop and prepare a site-specific monitoring plan for the BLDS
installed under this alternative monitoring method and meet the
conditions specified in the EPA response letter. In addition, Waupaca
will need to revise its current major source construction permit for
the sand reclamation project, as well as its Title V permit, to
incorporate this alternative monitoring method. The approval of the
proposed alternative monitoring method does not alter Waupaca's legal
obligation to comply with all other applicable requirements associated
with Subparts A and UUU, including meeting the opacity limit.
Abstract for [1600037]
Q1: Does the EPA determine the start-up date of Northern Industrial
Sand's (NIS) sand dryer located in Auburn, Wisconsin and subject to 40
CFR part 60 subpart UUU is the date the construction permit was issued
(June 18, 2015), or the date the sand dryer first processed sand (July
17, 2015)?
A1: The EPA determines that the initial start-up of NIS's sand
dryer in question is July 17, 2015. ``Start-up'' is defined at 40 CFR
60. 2 as the setting in operation of an ``affected facility'' for any
purpose. Based on the information provided in your letter, the sand
dryer at NIS first processed sand on July 17, 2015.
Q2: For purposes of initial performance testing, does the EPA
determine that the ``180 days after start-up'' requirement is based on
consecutive days (including non-operational days) or operating days?
A2: The EPA determines that the 180 days after start-up requirement
is based on calendar days, not operating days. The General Provisions,
at 40 CFR 60. 19(a), state ``For the purposes of this part, time
periods specified in days shall be measured in calendar days, even if
the word `calendar' is absent, unless otherwise specified in an
applicable requirement.'' Neither the General Provisions, at 40 CFR60.
8, nor the requirements of performance testing under subpart UUU, at 40
CFR 60.732 and 60.736, define the time periods for performance testing
as anything other than ``days''.
Q3: Does the EPA recommend any other options for NIS to consider
for initial performance testing under subpart UUU before the 180-day
deadline expires?
A3: Yes. The EPA suggests two testing options. Option 1: NIS may
conduct initial performance testing of the sand dryer at its desired
maximum throughput and store the processed sand until needed. Based on
the information provided, NIS has more than adequate storage capacity
for the processed sand to test under this option. Option 2: NIS may
conduct performance testing of the sand dryer at less than its desired
maximum throughput. However, if this option is selected, NIS will need
to take operational restrictions to the reduced throughput at which it
tested to show compliance with subpart UUU. The operational
restrictions will need to be incorporated into a federally enforceable
document (typically a federally enforceable construction or operating
permit). If, at a later date, NIS is able to operate at an increased
throughput and desires to operate at that increased throughput, it will
need to revise its underlying federally enforceable document to
accommodate the increased throughput. NIS will also be required to
conduct another performance test at that increased rate and demonstrate
compliance with applicable limits.
Q4: What does the EPA determine are the monitoring requirements
following initial performance testing for the sand dryer?
A4: Based on the information NIS provided, the EPA determines that
the sand dryer is an industrial sand fluid bed dryer. The monitoring
requirements are therefore either: (a) Installation and operation of a
continuous opacity monitoring system (COMS), or (b) daily visible
emission readings using U. S. EPA Reference Method 9 (for no less than
18 minutes each day). The monitoring requirements of subpart UUU are
found at 40 CFR 60.734(a-d).
Abstract for [1600038]
Q1: Does EPA approve three alternative calibration methods for the
total reduced sulfur (TRS) analyzers associated with three flares that
are affected facilities under 40 CFR part 60 subpart Ja at the Lima
Refining Company (Lima Refining) refinery in Lima, Ohio?
A1: Based on the information provided by Lima Refining, EPA
approves two of the three alternative calibration methods requested for
the TRS monitors to address safety concerns involving storage,
handling, and life expectancy (short expiration dates) of high hydrogen
sulfide (H2S) concentration gas cylinders on site. The two
conditional approved calibration methods are: (1) The use of low H2S
concentration cylinders to calibrate TRS monitors provided that
laboratory analyses demonstrate the linearity of the instruments for
the target compound used across the entire sulfur concentration range
expected; and (2) the use of a sample dilution system in conjunction
with the TRS monitoring systems being installed provided that the
dilution system can be challenged at the ratio Lima Refining intends to
use, and the capability of the analyzer to detect the lowest expected
concentrations of the target compound(s) under typical operating
conditions when the gas is diluted at the dilution ratio selected. EPA
is disapproving the use of a surrogate gas to calibrate the TRS
monitoring systems. This disapproval is based on the fact that the
monitoring requirements of subpart Ja are TRS specific. Approvable
calibration methodologies should be based on pollutant specific
monitoring, when such options are available, rather than a surrogate
gas. Since there are feasible pollutant specific options, EPA
disapproves the use of a surrogate gas to calibrate the TRS monitors.
Q2: Does EPA approve single point calibrations for each of the TRS
analyzers associated with three flares that are affected facilities
under subpart Ja?
A2: Yes. EPA approves Lima Refining's request to use single point
calibrations for the daily calibration requirements (zero and one other
target compound(s) concentration). However, Lima Refining must conduct
multi-point calibrations on at least a quarterly basis. Other
conditions and requirements of this approval are included in the EPA
response letter.
Q3: Does EPA approve a reduced span to that required by subpart Ja
for the TRS analyzer associated with the aromatics flare that is an
affected facility under subpart Ja?
A3: Yes. EPA conditionally approves Lima Refining's request to
reduce the instrument span from 5,000 ppm to 1,000 ppm for the
aromatics flare (LIU flare) TRS monitoring system. This approval is
based on the low expected TRS concentration from the aromatics flare.
However, if readings associated with the aromatics flare exceed 1,000
ppm, then Lima Refining will need to re-span the TRS monitor to a
higher value which includes the higher concentration measured.
[[Page 36399]]
Abstract for [1600039]
Q: Does EPA approve the use of daily visible emission observations
and baghouse pressure drop readings associated with the thermal sand
reclamation unit in lieu of a continuous opacity monitoring system
(COMS) to meet the monitoring requirements of 40 CFR subpart UUU
(Standards of Performance for Calciners and Dryers in Mineral
Industries) at the Urschel Laboratories, Inc. (Urschel) in Valparaiso,
A: Yes. EPA conditionally approves the alternative monitoring
method to meet the monitoring requirements of subpart UUU at 40 CFR
60.734. Urschel will need to evaluate and establish an appropriate
range for the pressure drop across the baghouse based on a performance
test at the thermal sand reclamation unit to ensure compliance with
subpart UUU. The alternative monitoring program and associated
recordkeeping and reporting approved through this letter must be
incorporated into its federal enforceable state operating permit.
Additional conditions and requirements of this approval are included in
the EPA response letter.
Abstract for [1600040]
Q: Does EPA determine that the Urschel Laboratories, Inc. (Urschel)
thermal sand reclamation unit located in Valparaiso, Indiana is exempt
from the opacity monitoring requirements of 40 CFR part 60 subpart UUU
(Standards of Performance for Calciners and Dryers in Mineral
Industries) since its particulate emissions are well below 11 tons per
A: No. EPA determines that Urschel's thermal sand reclamation unit
is an affected facility subject to subpart UUU and is therefore subject
to the monitoring requirements at 40 CFR 60.734. Since the thermal sand
reclamation unit is not one of the listed facilities under 40 CFR
60.734(b) or (c) and does not use a wet control device (40 CFR
60.734(d)), Urschel must install and operate a continuous opacity
monitoring system (COMS). However, the General Provisions at 40 CFR
60.13(i) provides an owner or operator of an affected facility the
ability to request, among other things, alternative monitoring to that
required by an applicable subpart.
Abstract for [1600041]
Q: Does the EPA approve using an alternative test method ASTM D-
6348-12 in lieu of ASTM D-6348-03 for measuring pollutants in the
engine exhaust per NSPS subpart JJJJ at Samson Resources Company's
facilities on the Southern Ute Indian Reservation in La Plata County,
A: Yes. The EPA approves the use of the updated ASTM method, D-
6348-12 in lieu of D-6348-03 as prescribed in Table 2 to NSPS JJJJ for
performance testing of engines at the requested facilities, pursuant to
40 CFR 60.8(b)(2).
Abstract for [A160001]
Q1: Does the EPA approve a waiver from asbestos testing
requirements for bare concrete deck bridges under 40 CFR part 61,
subpart M (Asbestos NESHAP), for the Kansas Department of
A1: No. Under the Asbestos NESHAP, there is no regulatory provision
that allows the EPA to issue a waiver.
Q2: Does the EPA determine that bare concrete deck bridges are
subject to the Asbestos NESHAP regulation?
A2: Yes. The EPA determines that concrete is considered a building
material and needs to be evaluated for asbestos-content. At a minimum,
it must be thoroughly inspected.
Abstract for [A160002]
Q1: Does the EPA determine that airport taxiways are subject to 40
CFR part 61, subpart M (Asbestos NESHAP)?
A1: Yes. The EPA indicated to the Missouri Department of Natural
Resources (MO DNR) that airport taxiways are a ``facility component''
as defined in 40 CFR 61.141 and therefore subject to the regulation. At
a minimum, the taxiway is subject to the thorough inspection
requirement of the regulation. Further, MO DNR asks that EPA reconsider
a previous applicability determination which stated airport runways
were not subject to the Asbestos NESHAP. This applicability
determination supersedes the June 20, 1997 applicability determination
with ADI Control No. A970006.
Q2: Does the EPA determine that repair operations on a taxiway are
considered a renovation or demolition operation under the Asbestos
NESHAP regulation?
A2: Yes. The EPA determines if work is to be done on an airport
taxiway, it is considered a renovation operation as there is no load-
supporting structural member being wrecked or taken out as defined
under the demolition definition.
Abstract for [M160005]
Q: Does EPA determine that McConway and Torley's Lawrenceville
Foundry in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is subject to 40 CFR part 63
subpart XXXXXX (subpart 6X), NESHAP for Nine Metal Fabrication and
Finishing Source Categories?
A: No. EPA has determined that subpart 6X does not apply to the
Lawrenceville Foundry based on not meeting rule applicability
requirements due to current operations, an evaluation of the SIC/NAICS
codes associated with the facility, and the corresponding activities in
which the facility is primarily engaged in that involves manufacturing
of railroad car couplings.
Abstract for [M160007]
Q1: Does EPA determine that the raw material used by Mica Company
of Canada Incorporated (Mica Co.) at their Newport News, Virginia
facility meets the definition of a ``web'' and that both manufacturing
lines are subject to 40 CFR part 63 subpart JJJJ?
A1: Based on the description provided by Mica Co., EPA determines
that the raw material used by Mica Co. processing line 2 meets the
definition of a ``web'' at 40 CFR 63.3300 since the mica paper is fed
from a roll to the web coating line. Therefore, this processing line is
subject to MACT subpart JJJJ. Processing line 1 does not meet the
definition of web and is therefore not subject to MACT subpart JJJJ.
Q2: Does EPA determine that the end products manufactured by Mica
Co. meet the definition of a ``refractory product'' and that both
processing lines are therefore subject to 40 CFR part 63 subpart SSSSS?
A2: No. Based on the description provided by Mica Co., EPA
determines that the mica sheet insulating products manufactured by Mica
Co. do not meet the definition of a ``refractory product'' at 40 CFR
63.9824; therefore, the manufacturing lines are not subject to MACT
subpart SSSSS.
Abstract for [M160009]
Q: Does EPA determine that the Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc.
Women's Health pharmaceutical manufacturing facility in Cincinnati,
Ohio (Teva) is subject to the NESHAP subpart VVVVVV Title V Permit
requirement if the facility took operational limits on organic
compounds to become an area source before the effective date of the
rule and now operate control devices, but would still be an area source
without the controls?
A: No. EPA determines that the Teva pharmaceutical manufacturing
operations at the Cincinnati facility are not currently subject to the
Title V requirement in NESHAP subpart VVVVVV. Since the facility took
operational limits to obtain area source status prior to the effective
date of the rule, the Title V NESHAP subpart VVVVVV requirement does
not apply, even if it now operates controls. The
[[Page 36400]]
facility does not rely on a control device to maintain HAP emissions
below major source thresholds as was demonstrated with the potential to
emit analysis.
Abstract for [M160017]
Q: Does EPA determine that the Owens Corning Insulating Systems,
LLC (OC) a wool fiberglass products manufacturing plant located in
Delmar, NY (Delmar), is subject to 40 CFR part 63 subpart JJJJ, NESHAP
for Paper and Other Web Coating Manufacturing?
A: Yes. Based on the information provided by OC, EPA determines
that the Delmar plant still operates web coating lines after switching
from a phenol-formaldehyde binder to a starch binder and thus remains
subject to 40 CFR part 63 subpart JJJJ, and that the subsequent non
applicability determination for 40 CFR part 63 subpart NNN, the NESHAP
for Wool Fiberglass Manufacturing due to the binder switch is
irrelevant to the applicability status of 40 CFR part 63 subpart JJJJ.
This determination is consistent with the ``Once-In-Always-In'' policy.
The Delmar plant has been required to comply with subpart JJJJ
provisions (including emissions standards) since December 5, 2005, the
first substantive compliance date of rule, based on 40 CFR 63.320(a) of
the rule. The fact that OC chooses to comply with the subpart JJJJ
emission standards at the Delmar plant using a method it was already
using (i.e., the ``[u]se of `as-purchased' compliant coating
materials'') prior to the first substantive compliance date is
irrelevant to the applicability analysis.
Abstract for [M160019]
Q: Does EPA approve an Alternative Monitoring Plan (AMP) for a Wet
Gas Scrubber (WGS) on a Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Unit (FCCU)
subject to NSPS part 60 subpart J, and also NESHAP subpart UUU, for
parametric monitoring of opacity at the WGS in lieu of a Continuous
Opacity Monitoring System, due to moisture interference on opacity
readings in the stack at the Valero Refining Company (Valero) facility
in Ardmore, Oklahoma (Valero)?
A: Yes. Based upon the design of the WGS unit and the process
specific information and performance test results provided by Valero,
EPA approves the AMP request and its operating parameter limits (OPLs)
for demonstrating compliance under NESHAP subpart UUU, which included
minimum Liquid-to-Gas Ratio, minimum water pressure to the quench/spray
tower nozzles, and minimum pressure drop across the Agglo-filtering
module. Valero shall incorporate the terms of this AMP approval into
the facility's New Source Review (NSR) and Title V permits for federal
enforceability. If refinery operations change, Valero shall conduct
another performance test to establish new limits for the OPLs listed in
the EPA response letter.
Abstract for [M160020]
Q: Does EPA determine that the Ervin Amasteel facility in Adrian,
Michigan should be classified as a steel foundry subject to
requirements of the NESHAP for Iron and Steel Foundries Area Source, at
40 CFR part 63 subpart ZZZZZ, and not the requirements under the NESHAP
for Area Sources for Electric Arc Furnace Steelmaking Facilities, at 40
CFR part 63 subpart YYYYY, and the Standards of Performance for Steel
Plants: Electric Arc Furnaces and Argon-Oxygen Decarburization Vessels
Constructed After August 17, 1983, at 40 CFR part 60 Subpart AAa (NSPS
A: No. EPA determines that the Ervin Amasteel facility is not
subject to the requirements of NESHAP subpart ZZZZZ because the
facility is not an iron and steel foundry as defined in 40 CFR 63.10906
of the rule. Therefore, the Ervin Amasteel facility remains subject to
the applicable provisions of NESHAP subpart YYYYY and NSPS subpart AAa.
Abstract for [M160021]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternative monitoring method for the bypass
valve line associated with the thermal oxidizer in lieu of a continuous
flow monitor or securing the bypass valve with a car seal or lock-and-
key type system to meet the monitoring requirements of 40 CFR part 63
subpart JJJ at the INEOS Barex USA LLC (INEOS) plant in Lima, Ohio?
A: Yes. Based on the information provided by INEOS, including
concerns about installation of a flow monitor on this particular bypass
stream due to location and corrosion possibilities, EPA conditionally
approves the alternative monitoring method that requires continuous
monitoring of the bypass valve position associated with the thermal
oxidizer in accordance with 40 CFR 63.8(f)(2) and (4). The
recordkeeping and reporting conditions for approval are specified in
the EPA response letter.
Abstract for [Z160005]
Q1: Does EPA determine that stationary engines being tested in a
test cell at Maine Maritime Academy (MMA) in Castine, Maine would be
subject to the NESHAP for Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines
(RICE), 40 CFR part 63 subpart ZZZZ?
A1: No. EPA determines that because the engines in question will be
tested at a stationary RICE test cell as defined in Subpart PPPPP, they
are not subject to subpart ZZZZ consistent with 40 CFR 63.6675 of
subpart ZZZZ.
Q2: Does EPA determine that the proposed engine test cell at MMA,
which is an area source of hazardous air pollutants, would be subject
to the NESHAP for Engine Test Cell/Stands, 40 CFR part 63 subpart
A2: No. EPA determines that as long as MMA remains an area source
of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), it is not subject to subpart PPPPP,
which applies to owners or operators of engine test cells/stands at a
major source of HAPs.
Dated: July 20, 2017.
David A. Hindin,
Director, Office of Compliance, Office of Enforcement and Compliance
[FR Doc. 2017-16499 Filed 8-3-17; 8:45 am]