60-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Supplemental Questions for Visa Applicants, 36180-36182 [2017-16343]

Download as PDF 36180 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 148 / Thursday, August 3, 2017 / Notices systems, programs, and operations), the Federal Government, or national security, resulting from a suspected or confirmed breach. 10. To the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission when requested in connection with investigation into alleged or possible discriminatory practices in the Federal sector, examination of Federal afimative employment programs, compliance by Federal agencies with the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures, or other functions vested in the Commission. 11. To the Merit Systems Protection Board or the Office of Special Counsel in connection with appeals, special studies of the civil service and other merit systems, review of rules and regulations, investigations of alleged or possible prohibited personnel practices, and other such functions promulgated in 5 U.S.C. Chapter 12, or as may be required by law. 12. To the Federal Labor Relations Authority, the Office of the Special Counsel, the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, the Federal Service Impasses Panel, or an arbitrator requesting information in connection with the investigations of allegations of unfair practices, matters before an arbitrator or the Federal Service Impasses Panel. POLICIES AND PRACTICES FOR STORAGE OF RECORDS: We will maintain records in this system in paper and electronic form. POLICIES AND PRACTICES FOR RETRIEVAL OF RECORDS: We may retrieve records by the individual’s name, the individual’s SSN, topic of chat, date of communication, an employee’s name, or an employee’s personal identification number (PIN). mstockstill on DSK30JT082PROD with NOTICES POLICIES AND PRACTICES FOR RETENTION AND DISPOSAL OF RECORDS: These records are currently unscheduled. We retain records in accordance with NARA approved records schedules. In accordance with NARA rules codified at 36 CFR 1225.16, we maintain unscheduled records until NARA approves an agency-specific records schedule or publishes a corresponding General Records Schedule. ADMINISTRATIVE, TECHNICAL, AND PHYSICAL SAFEGUARDS: We retain electronic and paper files with personal identifiers in secure storage areas accessible only by our authorized employees and contractors who have a need for the information VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:35 Aug 02, 2017 Jkt 241001 when performing their official duties. Security measures include, but are not limited to, the use of codes and profiles, PIN and password, and personal identification verification cards. We keep paper records in locked cabinets within secure areas, with access limited to only those employees who have an official need for access in order to perform their duties. We annually provide our employees and contractors with appropriate security awareness training that includes reminders about the need to protect PII and the criminal penalties that apply to unauthorized access to, or disclosure of, PII (5 U.S.C. 552a(i)(1)). Furthermore, employees and contractors with access to databases maintaining PII must sign a sanctions document annually, acknowledging their accountability for inappropriately accessing or disclosing such information. RECORD ACCESS PROCEDURES: CONTESTING RECORD PROCEDURES: Same as record access procedures. Individuals should also reasonably identify the record, specify the Frm 00067 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES: Same as record access procedures. These procedures are in accordance with our regulations at 20 CFR 401.40 and 401.45. EXEMPTIONS PROMULGATED FOR THE SYSTEM: None. HISTORY: None. [FR Doc. 2017–16331 Filed 8–2–17; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4191–02–P DEPARTMENT OF STATE [Public Notice: 10065] Individuals may submit requests for information about whether this system contains a record about them by submitting a written request to the system manager at the above address, which includes their name, SSN, or other information that may be in this system of records that will identify them. Individuals requesting notification of, or access to, a record by mail must include (1) a notarized statement to us to verify their identity or (2) must certify in the request that they are the individual they claim to be and that they understand that the knowing and willful request for, or acquisition of, a record pertaining to another individual under false pretenses is a criminal offense. Individuals requesting notification of, or access to, records in person must provide their name, SSN, or other information that may be in this system of records that will identify them, as well as provide an identity document, preferably with a photograph, such as a driver’s license. Individuals lacking identification documents sufficient to establish their identity must certify in writing that they are the individual they claim to be and that they understand that the knowing and willful request for, or acquisition of, a record pertaining to another individual under false pretenses is a criminal offense. These procedures are in accordance with our regulations at 20 CFR 401.40 and 401.45. PO 00000 information they are contesting, and state the corrective action sought and the reasons for the correction with supporting justification showing how the record is incomplete, untimely, inaccurate, or irrelevant. These procedures are in accordance with our regulations at 20 CFR 401.65(a). 60-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Supplemental Questions for Visa Applicants Notice of request for public comment. ACTION: The Department of State is seeking Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, we are requesting comments on this collection from all interested individuals and organizations. The purpose of this notice is to allow 60 days for public comment preceding submission of the collection to OMB. DATES: The Department will accept comments from the public up to October 2, 2017. ADDRESSES: You may submit comments by any of the following methods: • Web: Persons with access to the Internet may comment on this notice by going to www.Regulations.gov. You can search for the document by entering ‘‘Docket Number: DOS–2017–0032’’ in the Search field. Then click the ‘‘Comment Now’’ button and complete the comment form. • Email: PRA_BurdenComments@ state.gov. You must include the DS form number (if applicable), information collection title, and the OMB control number in any correspondence. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Direct requests for additional information regarding the collection listed in this notice, including requests SUMMARY: E:\FR\FM\03AUN1.SGM 03AUN1 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 148 / Thursday, August 3, 2017 / Notices mstockstill on DSK30JT082PROD with NOTICES for copies of the proposed collection instrument and supporting documents to PRA_BurdenComments@state.gov. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: • Title of Information Collection: Supplemental Questions for Visa Applicants. • OMB Control Number: 1405–0226. • Type of Request: Extension of a Currently Approved Collection. • Originating Office: Bureau of Consular Affairs, Visa Office (CA/VO). • Form Number: DS–5535. • Respondents: Certain immigrant and nonimmigrant visa applicants worldwide who have been determined to warrant additional scrutiny in connection with terrorism, national security-related, or other visa ineligibilities. • Estimated Number of Respondents: 65,000. • Estimated Number of Responses: 65,000. • Average Time per Response: 60 minutes. • Total Estimated Burden Time: 65,000 annual hours. • Frequency: Once per respondent’s application. • Obligation To Respond: Required to Obtain or Retain a Benefit. We are soliciting public comments to permit the Department to: • Evaluate whether the proposed information collection is necessary for the proper functions of the Department. • Evaluate the accuracy of our estimate of the time and cost burden for this proposed collection, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used. • Enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected. • Minimize the reporting burden on those who are to respond, including the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. Please note that comments submitted in response to this Notice are public record. Before including any detailed personal information, you should be aware that your comments as submitted, including your personal information, will be available for public review. Abstract of Proposed Collection The Department proposes requesting the following information, if not already included in an application, from a subset of visa applicants worldwide, in order to more rigorously evaluate applicants for terrorism, national security-related, or other visa ineligibilities: • Travel history during the last fifteen years, including source of funding for travel; VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:35 Aug 02, 2017 Jkt 241001 • Address history during the last fifteen years; • Employment history during the last fifteen years; • All passport numbers and country of issuance held by the applicant; • Names and dates of birth for all siblings; • Name and dates of birth for all children; • Names and dates of birth for all current and former spouses, or civil or domestic partners; • Social media platforms and identifiers, also known as handles, used during the last five years; and • Phone numbers and email addresses used during the last five years. Regarding travel history, applicants may be requested to provide details of their international or domestic (within their country of nationality) travel, if it appears to the consular officer that the applicant has been in an area while the area was under the operational control of a terrorist organization as defined in section 212(a)(3)(B)(vi) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, 8 U.S.C. 1182(a)(3)(B)(vi). Applicants may be asked to recount or explain the details of their travel, and when possible, provide supporting documentation. This information collection continues implementation of the directive of the President, in the Memorandum for the Secretary of State, the Attorney General, the Secretary of Homeland Security of March 6, 2017, to implement additional protocols and procedures focused on ‘‘ensur[ing] the proper collection of all information necessary to rigorously evaluate all grounds of inadmissibility or deportability, or grounds for the denial of other immigration benefits.’’ Consular posts worldwide regularly engage with U.S. law enforcement and partners in the U.S. intelligence community to identify characteristics of applicant populations warranting increased scrutiny. The additional information collected will facilitate consular officer efforts to apply more rigorous evaluation of these applicants for visa ineligibilities. In accordance with existing authorities, visas may not be denied on the basis of race, religion, ethnicity, national origin, political views, gender, or sexual orientation. In our emergency information collection request, we stated that relevant State Department officials estimate that 0.5% of U.S. visa applicants worldwide, or in the range of 65,000 individuals per annum, will present a threat profile, based on individual circumstances and information they provide, that will lead PO 00000 Frm 00068 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 36181 U.S. consular officers at posts around the world to conclude the applicant warrants enhanced screening for visa ineligibilities. At this time, this continues to represent the Department’s best estimate. Given the short period since the collection’s implementation, the data from consular posts at this time would not represent an accurate estimate of how many applicants might be subject to this collection annually. A lengthier period of post implementation will better inform this estimate, and the Department will update the estimate accordingly. An updated estimate that reflects post experience will be provided in the Department’s 30 day notice. Failure to provide requested information will not necessarily result in visa denial, if the consular officer determines the applicant has provided a credible explanation why he or she cannot answer a question or provide requested supporting documentation, such that the consular officer is able to conclude that the applicant has provided adequate information to determine the applicant’s eligibility to receive the visa. The collection of social media platforms and identifiers will not be used to deny visas based on applicants’ race, religion, ethnicity, national origin, political views, gender, or sexual orientation. Methodology Department of State consular officers at visa-adjudicating posts worldwide will ask the proposed additional questions to resolve an applicant’s identity or to vet for terrorism, national security-related, or other visa ineligibilities when the consular officer determines that the circumstances of a visa applicant, a review of a visa application, or responses in a visa interview indicate a need for greater scrutiny. The additional questions may be sent electronically to the applicant or be presented orally or in writing at the time of the interview. In furtherance of this collection, consular officers are directed not to request user passwords; engage or interact with individual visa applicants on or through social media when conducting assessments of visa eligibility; not to violate or attempt to violate individual privacy settings or controls; and not to use social media or assess an individual’s social media presence beyond established Department guidance. Consular staff are also directed in connection with this collection to take particular care to E:\FR\FM\03AUN1.SGM 03AUN1 36182 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 148 / Thursday, August 3, 2017 / Notices avoid collection of third-party information. Edward Ramotowski, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Consular Affairs, Department of State. [FR Doc. 2017–16343 Filed 8–2–17; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4710–06–P SURFACE TRANSPORTATION BOARD [Docket No. AB 290 (Sub–No. 388X)] Norfolk Southern Railway Company— Abandonment Exemption—in Atlanta, Ga. mstockstill on DSK30JT082PROD with NOTICES Norfolk Southern Railway Company (NSR) has filed a verified notice of exemption 1 under 49 CFR part 1152 subpart F—Exempt Abandonments to abandon approximately 1.0 mile of rail line between milepost DF 632.10 and milepost DF 633.10 in Atlanta, Ga. (the Line).2 The Line traverses United States Postal Service Zip Codes 30324 and 30309. NSR has certified that: (1) No local traffic has moved over the Line for at least two years; (2) no overhead traffic has moved over the Line for at least two years and overhead traffic, if there were any, could be rerouted over other lines; (3) no formal complaint filed by a user of rail service on the Line (or by a state or local government entity acting on behalf of such user) regarding cessation of service over the Line either is pending with the Surface Transportation Board (Board) or with any U.S. District Court or has been decided in favor of a complainant within the two-year period; and (4) the requirements at 49 CFR 1105.7(c) (environmental report), 49 CFR 1105.11 (transmittal letter), 49 CFR 1105.12 (newspaper publication), and 49 CFR 1152.50(d)(1) (notice to governmental agencies) have been met. 1 NSR initially filed its verified notice on March 27, 2017. After submitting the filing, NSR discovered that its combined Environmental and Historic Reports (E&HR) contained an incorrect milepost designation which, when changed, impacted the E&HR. At the request of NSR, the proceeding was held in abeyance by a decision served on April 5, 2017. NSR now has corrected and reissued its E&HR. NSR filed its revised verified notice on July 14, 2017, which therefore is the official filing date. 2 NSR states that the Line includes the portion of NSR’s right-of-way that the Board found not to have been abandoned in Atlanta Development Authority—Verified Petition for a Declaratory Order, FD 35991, slip op. at 9 (STB served Dec. 15, 2016), reconsideration denied, FD 35591 (STB served May 26, 1017). NSR states that it plans to convey the easement and wye right-of-way to Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. for urban development and to improve the City’s infrastructure upon consummation of the proposed abandonment. VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:35 Aug 02, 2017 Jkt 241001 As a condition to this exemption, any employee adversely affected by the abandonment shall be protected under Oregon Short Line Railroad— Abandonment Portion Goshen Branch Between Firth & Ammon, in Bingham & Bonneville Counties, Idaho, 360 I.C.C. 91 (1979). To address whether this condition adequately protects affected employees, a petition for partial revocation under 49 U.S.C. 10502(d) must be filed. Provided no formal expression of intent to file an offer of financial assistance (OFA) has been received, this exemption will be effective on September 2, 2017, unless stayed pending reconsideration. Petitions to stay that do not involve environmental issues,3 formal expressions of intent to file an OFA under 49 CFR 1152.27(c)(2),4 and interim trail use/rail banking requests under 49 CFR 1152.29 must be filed by August 11, 2017. Petitions to reopen or requests for public use conditions under 49 CFR 1152.28 must be filed by August 23, 2017, with the Surface Transportation Board, 395 E Street SW., Washington, DC 20423–0001. A copy of any petition filed with the Board should be sent to William A. Mullins, Baker & Miller PLLC, 2401 Pennsylvania Ave. NW., Suite 300, Washington, DC 20037. If the verified notice contains false or misleading information, the exemption is void ab initio. NSR has filed a combined environmental and historic report that addresses the effects, if any, of the abandonment on the environment and historic resources. OEA will issue an environmental assessment (EA) by August 8, 2017. Interested persons may obtain a copy of the EA by writing to OEA (Room 1100, Surface Transportation Board, Washington, DC 20423–0001) or by calling OEA at (202) 245–0305. Assistance for the hearing impaired is available through the Federal Information Relay Service at (800) 877–8339. Comments on environmental and historic preservation 3 The Board will grant a stay if an informed decision on environmental issues (whether raised by a party or by the Board’s Office of Environmental Analysis (OEA) in its independent investigation) cannot be made before the exemption’s effective date. See Exemption of Out-of-Serv. Rail Lines, 5 I.C.C.2d 377 (1989). Any request for a stay should be filed as soon as possible so that the Board may take appropriate action before the exemption’s effective date. 4 Each OFA must be accompanied by the filing fee, which is currently set at $1,700. See 49 CFR 1002.2(f)(25). Effective September 1, 2017, the filing fee will be $1,800. See Regulations Governing Fees for Servs. Performed in Connection with Licensing & Related Servs.—2017 Update, EP 542 (Sub-No. 25) (STB served July 28, 2017). PO 00000 Frm 00069 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 matters must be filed within 15 days after the EA becomes available to the public. Environmental, historic preservation, public use, or trail use/rail banking conditions will be imposed, where appropriate, in a subsequent decision. Pursuant to the provisions of 49 CFR 1152.29(e)(2), NSR shall file a notice of consummation with the Board to signify that it has exercised the authority granted and fully abandoned the Line. If consummation has not been effected by NSR’s filing of a notice of consummation by August 3, 2018, and there are no legal or regulatory barriers to consummation, the authority to abandon will automatically expire. Board decisions and notices are available on our Web site at ‘‘WWW.STB.GOV.’’ Decided: July 31, 2017. By the Board, Rachel D. Campbell, Director, Office of Proceedings. Marline Simeon, Clearance Clerk. [FR Doc. 2017–16356 Filed 8–2–17; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4915–01–P DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration [Docket No. FMCSA–2015–0239] Parts and Accessories Necessary for Safe Operation; Hino Motors Manufacturing U.S.A., Inc. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), DOT. ACTION: Notice of final disposition. AGENCY: The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) announces its decision to grant Hino Motors Manufacturing U.S.A., Inc.’s (Hino) application for a limited 5-year exemption allowing motor carriers operating commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) manufactured by the company to use an Automated Emergency Braking (AEB) system and a Lane Departure Warning (LDW) system camera mounted in the windshield area at a height lower than currently allowed. The Agency has determined that lower placement of the AEB/LDW system camera would not have an adverse impact on safety and that adherence to the terms and conditions of the exemption would achieve a level of safety equivalent to or greater than the level of safety provided by the regulation. DATES: This exemption is effective August 3, 2017 and ending August 3, 2022. SUMMARY: E:\FR\FM\03AUN1.SGM 03AUN1


[Federal Register Volume 82, Number 148 (Thursday, August 3, 2017)]
[Pages 36180-36182]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2017-16343]



[Public Notice: 10065]

60-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Supplemental 
Questions for Visa Applicants

ACTION: Notice of request for public comment.


SUMMARY: The Department of State is seeking Office of Management and 
Budget (OMB) approval for the information collection described below. 
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, we are 
requesting comments on this collection from all interested individuals 
and organizations. The purpose of this notice is to allow 60 days for 
public comment preceding submission of the collection to OMB.

DATES: The Department will accept comments from the public up to 
October 2, 2017.

ADDRESSES: You may submit comments by any of the following methods:
     Web: Persons with access to the Internet may comment on 
this notice by going to www.Regulations.gov. You can search for the 
document by entering ``Docket Number: DOS-2017-0032'' in the Search 
field. Then click the ``Comment Now'' button and complete the comment 
     Email: PRA_BurdenComments@state.gov.
    You must include the DS form number (if applicable), information 
collection title, and the OMB control number in any correspondence.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Direct requests for additional 
information regarding the collection listed in this notice, including 

[[Page 36181]]

for copies of the proposed collection instrument and supporting 
documents to PRA_BurdenComments@state.gov.

     Title of Information Collection: Supplemental Questions 
for Visa Applicants.
     OMB Control Number: 1405-0226.
     Type of Request: Extension of a Currently Approved 
     Originating Office: Bureau of Consular Affairs, Visa 
Office (CA/VO).
     Form Number: DS-5535.
     Respondents: Certain immigrant and nonimmigrant visa 
applicants worldwide who have been determined to warrant additional 
scrutiny in connection with terrorism, national security-related, or 
other visa ineligibilities.
     Estimated Number of Respondents: 65,000.
     Estimated Number of Responses: 65,000.
     Average Time per Response: 60 minutes.
     Total Estimated Burden Time: 65,000 annual hours.
     Frequency: Once per respondent's application.
     Obligation To Respond: Required to Obtain or Retain a 
    We are soliciting public comments to permit the Department to:
     Evaluate whether the proposed information collection is 
necessary for the proper functions of the Department.
     Evaluate the accuracy of our estimate of the time and cost 
burden for this proposed collection, including the validity of the 
methodology and assumptions used.
     Enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the 
information to be collected.
     Minimize the reporting burden on those who are to respond, 
including the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of 
information technology.
    Please note that comments submitted in response to this Notice are 
public record. Before including any detailed personal information, you 
should be aware that your comments as submitted, including your 
personal information, will be available for public review.

Abstract of Proposed Collection

    The Department proposes requesting the following information, if 
not already included in an application, from a subset of visa 
applicants worldwide, in order to more rigorously evaluate applicants 
for terrorism, national security-related, or other visa 
     Travel history during the last fifteen years, including 
source of funding for travel;
     Address history during the last fifteen years;
     Employment history during the last fifteen years;
     All passport numbers and country of issuance held by the 
     Names and dates of birth for all siblings;
     Name and dates of birth for all children;
     Names and dates of birth for all current and former 
spouses, or civil or domestic partners;
     Social media platforms and identifiers, also known as 
handles, used during the last five years; and
     Phone numbers and email addresses used during the last 
five years.
    Regarding travel history, applicants may be requested to provide 
details of their international or domestic (within their country of 
nationality) travel, if it appears to the consular officer that the 
applicant has been in an area while the area was under the operational 
control of a terrorist organization as defined in section 
212(a)(3)(B)(vi) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, 8 U.S.C. 
1182(a)(3)(B)(vi). Applicants may be asked to recount or explain the 
details of their travel, and when possible, provide supporting 
    This information collection continues implementation of the 
directive of the President, in the Memorandum for the Secretary of 
State, the Attorney General, the Secretary of Homeland Security of 
March 6, 2017, to implement additional protocols and procedures focused 
on ``ensur[ing] the proper collection of all information necessary to 
rigorously evaluate all grounds of inadmissibility or deportability, or 
grounds for the denial of other immigration benefits.'' Consular posts 
worldwide regularly engage with U.S. law enforcement and partners in 
the U.S. intelligence community to identify characteristics of 
applicant populations warranting increased scrutiny. The additional 
information collected will facilitate consular officer efforts to apply 
more rigorous evaluation of these applicants for visa ineligibilities. 
In accordance with existing authorities, visas may not be denied on the 
basis of race, religion, ethnicity, national origin, political views, 
gender, or sexual orientation.
    In our emergency information collection request, we stated that 
relevant State Department officials estimate that 0.5% of U.S. visa 
applicants worldwide, or in the range of 65,000 individuals per annum, 
will present a threat profile, based on individual circumstances and 
information they provide, that will lead U.S. consular officers at 
posts around the world to conclude the applicant warrants enhanced 
screening for visa ineligibilities. At this time, this continues to 
represent the Department's best estimate. Given the short period since 
the collection's implementation, the data from consular posts at this 
time would not represent an accurate estimate of how many applicants 
might be subject to this collection annually. A lengthier period of 
post implementation will better inform this estimate, and the 
Department will update the estimate accordingly. An updated estimate 
that reflects post experience will be provided in the Department's 30 
day notice.
    Failure to provide requested information will not necessarily 
result in visa denial, if the consular officer determines the applicant 
has provided a credible explanation why he or she cannot answer a 
question or provide requested supporting documentation, such that the 
consular officer is able to conclude that the applicant has provided 
adequate information to determine the applicant's eligibility to 
receive the visa. The collection of social media platforms and 
identifiers will not be used to deny visas based on applicants' race, 
religion, ethnicity, national origin, political views, gender, or 
sexual orientation.


    Department of State consular officers at visa-adjudicating posts 
worldwide will ask the proposed additional questions to resolve an 
applicant's identity or to vet for terrorism, national security-
related, or other visa ineligibilities when the consular officer 
determines that the circumstances of a visa applicant, a review of a 
visa application, or responses in a visa interview indicate a need for 
greater scrutiny. The additional questions may be sent electronically 
to the applicant or be presented orally or in writing at the time of 
the interview. In furtherance of this collection, consular officers are 
directed not to request user passwords; engage or interact with 
individual visa applicants on or through social media when conducting 
assessments of visa eligibility; not to violate or attempt to violate 
individual privacy settings or controls; and not to use social media or 
assess an individual's social media presence beyond established 
Department guidance. Consular staff are also directed in connection 
with this collection to take particular care to

[[Page 36182]]

avoid collection of third-party information.

Edward Ramotowski,
Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Consular Affairs, Department of 
[FR Doc. 2017-16343 Filed 8-2-17; 8:45 am]
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