Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement and Notice of Public Meeting on a Federal Coal Lease-by-Application in the Decertified Powder River Federal Coal Production Region, Wyoming, 35237-35238 [2017-15856]
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 144 / Friday, July 28, 2017 / Notices
accepted September 24, 2009, for group
80 OK; and Township 5 South Range 15
West, of the Indian Meridian—
Oklahoma, accepted September 24,
2009, for Group 82 OK. Both were
officially filed on July 19, 2010.
Both plats are hereby suspended to
allow for investigation of the survey
methodology used to identify the
gradient boundary.
As explained by the Glossaries of
BLM Surveying and Mapping Terms
(2nd ed.), the BLM may suspend a plat
of survey when a question or doubt
arises concerning its correctness. Once
suspended, the BLM may correct,
reinstate, or cancel the survey, either in
whole or in part; however, the BLM may
not initiate or complete an action based
on the survey while it is suspended.
Amy Lueders,
State Director.
[FR Doc. 2017–15957 Filed 7–27–17; 8:45 am]
Bureau of Land Management
LVEMK16CY810 17X; WYW184599]
Notice of Intent To Prepare an
Environmental Impact Statement and
Notice of Public Meeting on a Federal
Coal Lease-by-Application in the
Decertified Powder River Federal Coal
Production Region, Wyoming
Bureau of Land Management,
ACTION: Notice of intent and notice of
public meeting.
Pursuant to the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969
(NEPA), as amended, the Bureau of
Land Management (BLM), High Plains
District Office announces its intent to
prepare an Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS) on the potential impacts
of leasing a tract of Federal coal. The
EIS will be called the West Antelope 3
Coal Lease by Application EIS. Antelope
Coal, LLC (Antelope) applied for a coal
lease for approximately 3,508.31 acres
(containing approximately 441 million
tons of in-place coal) in a maintenance
tract of Federal coal adjacent to the
Antelope Mine in Campbell and
Converse Counties, Wyoming.
DATES: Comments may be submitted in
writing until September 26, 2017. The
BLM will host a public scoping meeting
on September 20, 2017, at 7 p.m. to
provide the public with an opportunity
to review the proposal and gain an
understanding of the coal leasing
asabaliauskas on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with NOTICES
VerDate Sep<11>2014
18:50 Jul 27, 2017
Jkt 241001
Please submit written
comments or concerns to the BLM High
Plains District Office, Attn: Teresa
Johnson, 2987 Prospector Drive, Casper,
Wyoming 82604.
Written comments or resource
information may also be hand-delivered
to the BLM High Plains District Office,
or sent by facsimile to the attention of
Teresa Johnson at (307) 261–7587.
Comments may be sent electronically to
Please put ‘‘West Antelope 3 Coal EIS
Scoping Comment’’ in the subject line.
The September 20 public scoping
meeting will be held at the Wright
Community Center, 201 Wright Blvd.,
Wright, Wyoming.
The BLM will announce future public
meetings and other opportunities to
submit comments on this project at least
15 days prior to the event through local
news media and the BLM Wyoming
Coal ePlanning Public Interface Site at: Project
information is available at the West
Antelope 3 Web site located at: https://
Members of the public may examine
documents pertinent to this proposal by
visiting the BLM High Plains District
Office during its business hours (7:45
a.m. to 4:30 p.m.), Monday through
Friday, except Federal holidays.
Teresa Johnson or Steve Wright, BLM
High Plains District Office, 2987
Prospector Drive, Casper, Wyoming
82604. Ms. Johnson or Mr. Wright may
also be reached at (307) 261–7600.
Persons who use a telecommunications
device for the deaf (TDD) may call the
Federal Relay Service (FRS) at (800)
877–8339 to contact Ms. Johnson or Mr.
Wright during normal business hours.
The FRS is available 24 hours a day, 7
days a week, to leave a message or
question with the above individuals.
You will receive a reply during normal
business hours. You may call either of
these numbers to have your name added
to the project mailing list.
Coal, LLC submitted an application on
August 24, 2015, to lease a maintenance
tract of Federal coal adjacent to the
company’s Antelope Mine in Campbell
and Converse Counties, Wyoming. A
maintenance tract is a parcel of land
containing Federal coal reserves that
can be leased to maintain production at
an existing mine. The tract, referred to
as the West Antelope 3 Tract, has been
assigned case number WYW–184599.
The West Antelope 3 Tract includes
approximately 441 million tons of inplace Federal coal underlying the
PO 00000
Frm 00066
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
following lands in Campbell and
Converse Counties, Wyoming:
Sixth Principal Meridian, Wyoming
T. 41 N., R. 71 W.,
Sec. 8;
Sec. 9, lots 1 thru 8;
Sec. 10, lot 5;
Secs. 17 and 19;
Sec. 20, lots 1 thru 13;
Sec. 29, lots 4, 5, 12, and 13;
Sec. 30, lots 5 thru 16.
Containing 3,508.31 acres.
Antelope Coal proposes to mine the
tract as a part of the Antelope Mine. At
the 2015 mining rate of approximately
35.2 million tons per year, the coal
included in the West Antelope 3 Tract
would extend the life of the Antelope
Mine by as many as 10 years. Lands in
the West Antelope 3 Tract contain
private surface estate overlying the
Federal coal. The Antelope Mine is
operating under approved mining
permits from the Land Quality and Air
Quality Divisions of the Wyoming
Department of Environmental Quality.
Consistent with Federal regulations
under NEPA and the Mineral Leasing
Act of 1920 (MLA), as amended, the
BLM must prepare an environmental
analysis prior to holding a competitive
Federal coal lease sale. The Powder
River Regional Coal Team
recommended that the BLM process this
coal lease application after they
reviewed the West Antelope 3 Tract at
a public meeting held on January 27,
2016, in Casper, Wyoming.
The Office of Surface Mining
Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE)
will be a cooperating agency in the
preparation of the EIS. If the tract is
leased to the applicant, the new lease
must be incorporated into the existing
mining and reclamation plans for the
adjacent mine. Before the Federal coal
in the tract can be mined, the Assistant
Secretary for Land and Minerals
Management must approve the revised
mining plan for the mine in which the
tract will be included. The OSMRE is
the Federal agency that is responsible
for recommending approval, approval
with conditions, or disapproval of the
revised mining plan to the Assistant
Secretary for Land and Minerals
Management. Other cooperating
agencies may be identified during the
scoping process.
The BLM will provide interested
parties the opportunity to submit
comments relating to the scope of the
EIS or relevant information or both. This
information will help the BLM identify
issues to be considered in preparing the
West Antelope 3 Coal Lease by
Application EIS. Issues that have been
identified in analyzing the impacts of
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 144 / Friday, July 28, 2017 / Notices
asabaliauskas on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with NOTICES
previous Federal coal leasing actions in
the Wyoming Powder River Basin (PRB)
include: The need for resolution of
conflicts between existing and proposed
oil and gas development and coal
mining on the tracts proposed for coal
leasing; potential impacts to big-game
herds and hunting; potential impacts to
sage grouse; potential impacts to listed
threatened and endangered species;
potential health impacts related to
blasting operations conducted by the
mines to remove overburden and coal;
the need to consider the cumulative
impacts of coal leasing decisions
combined with other existing and
proposed development in the Wyoming
PRB; potential impacts to climate
change through greenhouse gas
emissions; and potential site-specific
and cumulative impacts on air and
water quality.
Public response is important, and will
be considered in the EIS process. At the
scoping meeting, the public is invited to
submit comments and resource
information, and identify issues or
concerns to be considered in the NEPA
analysis for the coal leasing process.
The BLM can best use public input if
written comments and resource
information are submitted by the end of
the 60-day scoping period. Please note
that comments and information
submitted regarding this project,
including names, electronic mail
addresses and street addresses of the
respondents, will be available for public
review and disclosure at the BLM High
Plains District Office, and may be
published in the West Antelope 3 Coal
Lease by Application EIS.
Before including your address, phone
number, email address, or other
personal identifying information in your
comment, you should be aware that
your entire comment—including your
personal identifying information—may
be made publicly available at any time.
While you can ask us in your comment
to withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so.
Authority: 40 CFR 1501.7 and 1506.6, and
43 CFR 3425.3.
Mary Jo Rugwell,
Wyoming State Director, Bureau of Land
[FR Doc. 2017–15856 Filed 7–27–17; 8:45 am]
industry in the United States within a
reasonably foreseeable time.
[USITC SE–17–032]
Government in the Sunshine Act
Meeting Notice
States International Trade Commission.
DATE AND TIME: August 4, 2017 at 11:00
PLACE: Room 101, 500 E Street SW.,
Washington, DC 20436, Telephone:
(202) 205–2000.
STATUS: Open to the public.
Matters To Be Considered
1. Agendas for future meetings: None
2. Minutes
3. Ratification List
4. Vote in Inv. Nos. 701–TA–582 and
731–TA–1377 (Preliminary) (Ripe
Olives from Spain). The
Commission is currently scheduled
to complete and file its
determinations on August 7, 2017;
views of the Commission are
currently scheduled to be
completed and filed on August 14,
5. Outstanding action jackets: None
In accordance with Commission
policy, subject matter listed above, not
disposed of at the scheduled meeting,
may be carried over to the agenda of the
following meeting.
By order of the Commission.
Issued: July 25, 2017.
William R. Bishop,
Supervisory Hearings and Information
[FR Doc. 2017–16031 Filed 7–26–17; 11:15 am]
Jkt 241001
[FR Doc. 2017–15936 Filed 7–27–17; 8:45 am]
[USITC SE–17–031]
Government in the Sunshine Act
Meeting Notice
States International Trade Commission.
[Investigation No. 731–TA–410 (Fourth
Light-Walled Rectangular Pipe and
Tube From Taiwan; Determination
On the basis of the record 1 developed
in the subject five-year review, the
United States International Trade
Commission (‘‘Commission’’)
determines, pursuant to the Tariff Act of
1930 (‘‘the Act’’), that revocation of the
antidumping duty order on light-walled
rectangular pipe and tube from Taiwan
would be likely to lead to continuation
or recurrence of material injury to an
PO 00000
Frm 00067
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
August 3, 2017 at 9:30
500 E Street SW., Room 101,
Washington, DC 20436, Telephone:
(202) 205–2000.
Open to the public.
Matters To Be Considered
1 The record is defined in sec. 207.2(f) of the
Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure (19
CFR 207.2(f)).
18:50 Jul 27, 2017
By order of the Commission.
Issued: July 25, 2017.
Lisa R. Barton,
Secretary to the Commission.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
The Commission, pursuant to section
751(c) of the Act (19 U.S.C. 1675(c)),
instituted this review on January 3, 2017
(82 FR 137) and determined on April 10,
2017 that it would conduct an expedited
review (82 FR 21406, May 8, 2017).
The Commission made this
determination pursuant to section
751(c) of the Act (19 U.S.C. 1675(c)). It
completed and filed its determination in
this review on July 25, 2017. The views
of the Commission are contained in
USITC Publication 4707 (July 2017),
entitled Light-Walled Rectangular Pipe
and Tube from Taiwan: Investigation
No. 701–TA 410 (Fourth Review).
1. Agendas for future meetings: None
2. Minutes
3. Ratification List
4. Vote in Inv. Nos. 731–TA–1334–1337
(Final)(Emulsion Styrene-Butadiene
Rubber from Brazil, Korea, Mexico,
and Poland). The Commission is
currently scheduled to complete
and file its determinations and
views of the Commission by August
23, 2017.
5. Outstanding action jackets: None
In accordance with Commission
policy, subject matter listed above, not
disposed of at the scheduled meeting,
may be carried over to the agenda of the
following meeting.
By order of the Commission.
[Federal Register Volume 82, Number 144 (Friday, July 28, 2017)]
[Pages 35237-35238]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2017-15856]
Bureau of Land Management
[LLWYP00000-L51100000-GA0000-LVEMK16CY810 17X; WYW184599]
Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement and
Notice of Public Meeting on a Federal Coal Lease-by-Application in the
Decertified Powder River Federal Coal Production Region, Wyoming
AGENCY: Bureau of Land Management, Interior.
ACTION: Notice of intent and notice of public meeting.
SUMMARY: Pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969
(NEPA), as amended, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), High Plains
District Office announces its intent to prepare an Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS) on the potential impacts of leasing a tract of Federal
coal. The EIS will be called the West Antelope 3 Coal Lease by
Application EIS. Antelope Coal, LLC (Antelope) applied for a coal lease
for approximately 3,508.31 acres (containing approximately 441 million
tons of in-place coal) in a maintenance tract of Federal coal adjacent
to the Antelope Mine in Campbell and Converse Counties, Wyoming.
DATES: Comments may be submitted in writing until September 26, 2017.
The BLM will host a public scoping meeting on September 20, 2017, at 7
p.m. to provide the public with an opportunity to review the proposal
and gain an understanding of the coal leasing process.
ADDRESSES: Please submit written comments or concerns to the BLM High
Plains District Office, Attn: Teresa Johnson, 2987 Prospector Drive,
Casper, Wyoming 82604.
Written comments or resource information may also be hand-delivered
to the BLM High Plains District Office, or sent by facsimile to the
attention of Teresa Johnson at (307) 261-7587. Comments may be sent
electronically to Please put ``West
Antelope 3 Coal EIS Scoping Comment'' in the subject line.
The September 20 public scoping meeting will be held at the Wright
Community Center, 201 Wright Blvd., Wright, Wyoming.
The BLM will announce future public meetings and other
opportunities to submit comments on this project at least 15 days prior
to the event through local news media and the BLM Wyoming Coal
ePlanning Public Interface Site at: Project
information is available at the West Antelope 3 Web site located at:
Members of the public may examine documents pertinent to this
proposal by visiting the BLM High Plains District Office during its
business hours (7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.), Monday through Friday, except
Federal holidays.
High Plains District Office, 2987 Prospector Drive, Casper, Wyoming
82604. Ms. Johnson or Mr. Wright may also be reached at (307) 261-7600.
Persons who use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) may call
the Federal Relay Service (FRS) at (800) 877-8339 to contact Ms.
Johnson or Mr. Wright during normal business hours. The FRS is
available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to leave a message or question
with the above individuals. You will receive a reply during normal
business hours. You may call either of these numbers to have your name
added to the project mailing list.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Antelope Coal, LLC submitted an application
on August 24, 2015, to lease a maintenance tract of Federal coal
adjacent to the company's Antelope Mine in Campbell and Converse
Counties, Wyoming. A maintenance tract is a parcel of land containing
Federal coal reserves that can be leased to maintain production at an
existing mine. The tract, referred to as the West Antelope 3 Tract, has
been assigned case number WYW-184599.
The West Antelope 3 Tract includes approximately 441 million tons
of in-place Federal coal underlying the following lands in Campbell and
Converse Counties, Wyoming:
Sixth Principal Meridian, Wyoming
T. 41 N., R. 71 W.,
Sec. 8;
Sec. 9, lots 1 thru 8;
Sec. 10, lot 5;
Secs. 17 and 19;
Sec. 20, lots 1 thru 13;
Sec. 29, lots 4, 5, 12, and 13;
Sec. 30, lots 5 thru 16.
Containing 3,508.31 acres.
Antelope Coal proposes to mine the tract as a part of the Antelope
Mine. At the 2015 mining rate of approximately 35.2 million tons per
year, the coal included in the West Antelope 3 Tract would extend the
life of the Antelope Mine by as many as 10 years. Lands in the West
Antelope 3 Tract contain private surface estate overlying the Federal
coal. The Antelope Mine is operating under approved mining permits from
the Land Quality and Air Quality Divisions of the Wyoming Department of
Environmental Quality.
Consistent with Federal regulations under NEPA and the Mineral
Leasing Act of 1920 (MLA), as amended, the BLM must prepare an
environmental analysis prior to holding a competitive Federal coal
lease sale. The Powder River Regional Coal Team recommended that the
BLM process this coal lease application after they reviewed the West
Antelope 3 Tract at a public meeting held on January 27, 2016, in
Casper, Wyoming.
The Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE)
will be a cooperating agency in the preparation of the EIS. If the
tract is leased to the applicant, the new lease must be incorporated
into the existing mining and reclamation plans for the adjacent mine.
Before the Federal coal in the tract can be mined, the Assistant
Secretary for Land and Minerals Management must approve the revised
mining plan for the mine in which the tract will be included. The OSMRE
is the Federal agency that is responsible for recommending approval,
approval with conditions, or disapproval of the revised mining plan to
the Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management. Other
cooperating agencies may be identified during the scoping process.
The BLM will provide interested parties the opportunity to submit
comments relating to the scope of the EIS or relevant information or
both. This information will help the BLM identify issues to be
considered in preparing the West Antelope 3 Coal Lease by Application
EIS. Issues that have been identified in analyzing the impacts of
[[Page 35238]]
previous Federal coal leasing actions in the Wyoming Powder River Basin
(PRB) include: The need for resolution of conflicts between existing
and proposed oil and gas development and coal mining on the tracts
proposed for coal leasing; potential impacts to big-game herds and
hunting; potential impacts to sage grouse; potential impacts to listed
threatened and endangered species; potential health impacts related to
blasting operations conducted by the mines to remove overburden and
coal; the need to consider the cumulative impacts of coal leasing
decisions combined with other existing and proposed development in the
Wyoming PRB; potential impacts to climate change through greenhouse gas
emissions; and potential site-specific and cumulative impacts on air
and water quality.
Public response is important, and will be considered in the EIS
process. At the scoping meeting, the public is invited to submit
comments and resource information, and identify issues or concerns to
be considered in the NEPA analysis for the coal leasing process.
The BLM can best use public input if written comments and resource
information are submitted by the end of the 60-day scoping period.
Please note that comments and information submitted regarding this
project, including names, electronic mail addresses and street
addresses of the respondents, will be available for public review and
disclosure at the BLM High Plains District Office, and may be published
in the West Antelope 3 Coal Lease by Application EIS.
Before including your address, phone number, email address, or
other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be
aware that your entire comment--including your personal identifying
information--may be made publicly available at any time. While you can
ask us in your comment to withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be
able to do so.
Authority: 40 CFR 1501.7 and 1506.6, and 43 CFR 3425.3.
Mary Jo Rugwell,
Wyoming State Director, Bureau of Land Management.
[FR Doc. 2017-15856 Filed 7-27-17; 8:45 am]