Migratory Bird Hunting; Seasons and Bag and Possession Limits for Certain Migratory Game Birds, 34752-34789 [2017-15472]

Download as PDF 34752 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 142 / Wednesday, July 26, 2017 / Rules DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Fish and Wildlife Service 50 CFR Part 20 [Docket No. FWS–HQ–MB–2016–0051; FF09M21200–178–FXMB1231099BPP0] RIN 1018–BB40 Migratory Bird Hunting; Seasons and Bag and Possession Limits for Certain Migratory Game Birds Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior. ACTION: Final rule. AGENCY: This rule prescribes the hunting seasons, hours, areas, and daily bag and possession limits for migratory game birds. Taking of migratory birds is prohibited unless specifically provided for by annual regulations. This rule permits the taking of designated species during the 2017–18 season. DATES: This rule takes effect on July 26, 2017. ADDRESSES: You may inspect comments received on the migratory bird hunting regulations during normal business hours at the Service’s office at 5275 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, Virginia. You may obtain copies of referenced reports from the street address above, or from the Division of Migratory Bird Management’s Web site at https:// www.fws.gov/migratorybirds/, or at https://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS–HQ–MB–2016–0051. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ron W. Kokel, Division of Migratory Bird Management, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, (703) 358–1714. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: sradovich on DSKBCFCHB2PROD with RULES2 SUMMARY: Regulations Schedule for 2017 On June 10, 2016, we published a proposal to amend title 50 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) at part 20 (81 FR 38050). The proposal provided a background and overview of the migratory bird hunting regulations process, and addressed the establishment of seasons, limits, and other regulations for hunting migratory game birds under §§ 20.101 through 20.107, 20.109, and 20.110 of subpart K. Major steps in the 2017–18 regulatory cycle relating to open public meetings and Federal Register notifications were also identified in the June 10, 2016, proposed rule. The June 10, 2016, proposed rule also provided detailed information on the proposed 2017–18 regulatory schedule and announced the Service Regulations Committee (SRC) and Flyway Council meetings. VerDate Sep<11>2014 20:13 Jul 25, 2017 Jkt 241001 On August 12, 2016, we published in the Federal Register (81 FR 53391) a second document providing supplemental proposals for migratory bird hunting regulations. The August 12 supplement also provided detailed information on the 2017–18 regulatory schedule and re-announced the SRC and Flyway Council meetings. On October 25–26, 2016, we held open meetings with the Flyway Council Consultants, at which the participants reviewed information on the current status of migratory game birds and developed recommendations for the 2017–18 regulations for these species. On February 9, 2017, we published in the Federal Register (82 FR 10222) the proposed frameworks for the 2017–18 season migratory bird hunting regulations. On May 30, 2017, we published in the Federal Register (82 FR 24786) final season frameworks for migratory game bird hunting regulations, from which State wildlife conservation agency officials selected season hunting dates, hours, areas, and limits for 2017–18 seasons. The final rule described here is the final in the series of proposed, supplemental, and final rulemaking documents for migratory game bird hunting regulations for 2017–18, and deals specifically with amending subpart K of 50 CFR part 20. It sets hunting seasons, hours, areas, and limits for migratory game bird species. This final rule is the culmination of the rulemaking process for the migratory game bird hunting seasons, which started with the June 10, 2016, proposed rule. As discussed elsewhere in this document, we supplemented that proposal on August 12, 2016, and February 9, 2017, and published final season frameworks on May 30, 2017, that provided the season selection criteria from which the States selected these seasons. This final rule sets the migratory game bird hunting seasons based on that input from the States. We previously addressed all comments in the May 30 Federal Register. Required Determinations Executive Order 13771—Reducing Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs This final rule is not subject to the requirements of Executive Order (EO) 13771 (82 FR 9339, February 3, 2017) because this final rule establishes annual harvest limits related to routine hunting or fishing. PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Consideration The programmatic document, ‘‘Second Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement: Issuance of Annual Regulations Permitting the Sport Hunting of Migratory Birds (EIS 20130139),’’ filed with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on May 24, 2013, addresses NEPA compliance by the Service for issuance of the annual framework regulations for hunting of migratory game bird species. We published a notice of availability in the Federal Register on May 31, 2013 (78 FR 32686), and our Record of Decision on July 26, 2013 (78 FR 45376). We also address NEPA compliance for waterfowl hunting frameworks through the annual preparation of separate environmental assessments, the most recent being ‘‘Duck Hunting Regulations for 2017– 18,’’ with its corresponding April 7, 2017, finding of no significant impact. The programmatic document as well the separate environmental assessments are available on our Web site at https:// www.fws.gov/birds/index.php or from the address indicated under the caption FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT. Endangered Species Act Consideration Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.), provides that, ‘‘The Secretary shall review other programs administered by him and utilize such programs in furtherance of the purposes of this Act’’ (and) shall ‘‘insure that any action authorized, funded, or carried out * * * is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of any endangered species or threatened species or result in the destruction or adverse modification of [critical] habitat. * * *.’’ Consequently, we conducted formal consultations to ensure that actions resulting from these regulations would not likely jeopardize the continued existence of endangered or threatened species or result in the destruction or adverse modification of their critical habitat. Findings from these consultations are included in a biological opinion, which concluded that the regulations are not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of any endangered or threatened species. Additionally, these findings may have caused modification of some regulatory measures previously proposed, and the final frameworks reflected any such modifications. Our biological opinions resulting from this section 7 consultation are public documents available for public inspection at the address indicated under ADDRESSES. E:\FR\FM\26JYR2.SGM 26JYR2 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 142 / Wednesday, July 26, 2017 / Rules sradovich on DSKBCFCHB2PROD with RULES2 Regulatory Planning and Review (Executive Orders 12866 and 13563) E.O. 12866 provides that the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) will review all significant rules. OIRA has reviewed this rule and has determined that this rule is significant because it would have an annual effect of $100 million or more on the economy. E.O. 13563 reaffirms the principles of E.O. 12866 while calling for improvements in the nation’s regulatory system to promote predictability, to reduce uncertainty, and to use the best, most innovative, and least burdensome tools for achieving regulatory ends. The executive order directs agencies to consider regulatory approaches that reduce burdens and maintain flexibility and freedom of choice for the public where these approaches are relevant, feasible, and consistent with regulatory objectives. E.O. 13563 emphasizes further that regulations must be based on the best available science and that the rulemaking process must allow for public participation and an open exchange of ideas. We have developed this rule in a manner consistent with these requirements. An economic analysis was prepared for the 2013–14 season. This analysis was based on data from the 2011 National Hunting and Fishing Survey, the most recent year for which data are available (see discussion in Regulatory Flexibility Act section, below). We used this analysis again for the 2017–18 season. This analysis estimated consumer surplus for three alternatives for duck hunting (estimates for other species are not quantified due to lack of data). The alternatives are (1) issue restrictive regulations allowing fewer days than those issued during the 2012– 13 season, (2) issue moderate regulations allowing more days than those in alternative 1, and (3) issue liberal regulations identical to the regulations in the 2012–13 season. For the 2013–14 season, we chose Alternative 3, with an estimated consumer surplus across all flyways of $317.8–$416.8 million. We also chose alternative 3 for the 2009–10, the 2010– 11, the 2011–12, the 2012–13, the 2014– 15, the 2015–16, the 2016–17, and the 2017–18 seasons. The 2013–14 analysis is part of the record for this rule and is available at https://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS–HQ–MB–2016– 0051. Regulatory Flexibility Act The annual migratory bird hunting regulations have a significant economic impact on substantial numbers of small VerDate Sep<11>2014 20:13 Jul 25, 2017 Jkt 241001 entities under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.). We analyzed the economic impacts of the annual hunting regulations on small business entities in detail as part of the 1981 costbenefit analysis. This analysis was revised annually from 1990–95. In 1995, the Service issued a Small Entity Flexibility Analysis (Analysis), which was subsequently updated in 1996, 1998, 2004, 2008, and 2013. The primary source of information about hunter expenditures for migratory game bird hunting is the National Hunting and Fishing Survey, which is conducted at 5-year intervals. The 2013 Analysis was based on the 2011 National Hunting and Fishing Survey and the U.S. Department of Commerce’s County Business Patterns, from which it was estimated that migratory bird hunters would spend approximately $1.5 billion at small businesses in 2013. Copies of the Analysis are available upon request from the Division of Migratory Bird Management (see FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT) or from https:// www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS–HQ–MB–2016–0051. Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act This final rule is a major rule under 5 U.S.C. 804(2), the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act. For the reasons outlined above, this rule will have an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or more. However, because this rule establishes hunting seasons, we do not plan to defer the effective date under the exemption contained in 5 U.S.C. 808(1). Paperwork Reduction Act This rule does not contain any new information collection that requires approval under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). We may not conduct or sponsor and you are not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. OMB has reviewed and approved the information collection requirements associated with migratory bird surveys and assigned the following OMB control numbers: • 1018–0019—North American Woodcock Singing Ground Survey (expires 5/31/2018). • 1018–0023—Migratory Bird Surveys (expires 6/30/2017; in accordance with 5 CFR 1320.10, the agency may continue to conduct or sponsor this collection of information while the submission is pending at OMB). Includes Migratory Bird Harvest Information Program, Migratory Bird PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 34753 Hunter Surveys, Sandhill Crane Survey, and Parts Collection Survey. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act We have determined and certify, in compliance with the requirements of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act, 2 U.S.C. 1502 et seq., that this rulemaking will not impose a cost of $100 million or more in any given year on local or State government or private entities. Therefore, this rule is not a ‘‘significant regulatory action’’ under the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act. Civil Justice Reform—Executive Order 12988 The Department, in promulgating this rule, has determined that this rule will not unduly burden the judicial system and that it meets the requirements of sections 3(a) and 3(b)(2) of E.O. 12988. Takings Implication Assessment In accordance with E.O. 12630, this rule, authorized by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, does not have significant takings implications and does not affect any constitutionally protected property rights. This rule will not result in the physical occupancy of property, the physical invasion of property, or the regulatory taking of any property. In fact, this rule allows hunters to exercise otherwise unavailable privileges and, therefore, reduce restrictions on the use of private and public property. Energy Effects—Executive Order 13211 E.O. 13211 requires agencies to prepare Statements of Energy Effects when undertaking certain actions. While this rule is a significant regulatory action under E.O. 12866, it is not expected to adversely affect energy supplies, distribution, or use. Therefore, this action is not a significant energy action and no Statement of Energy Effects is required. Government-to-Government Relationship With Tribes In accordance with the President’s memorandum of April 29, 1994, ‘‘Government-to-Government Relations with Native American Tribal Governments’’ (59 FR 22951), Executive Order 13175, and 512 DM 2, we have evaluated possible effects on Federally recognized Indian tribes and have determined that there are no effects on Indian trust resources. However, in the June 10, 2016, Federal Register (81 FR 38050), we solicited proposals for special migratory bird hunting regulations for certain Tribes on Federal Indian reservations, off-reservation trust lands, and ceded lands for the 2017–18 migratory bird hunting season. The E:\FR\FM\26JYR2.SGM 26JYR2 34754 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 142 / Wednesday, July 26, 2017 / Rules resulting proposals will be contained in a separate proposed rule. By virtue of these actions, we have consulted with affected Tribes. Federalism Effects Due to the migratory nature of certain species of birds, the Federal Government has been given responsibility over these species by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. We annually prescribe frameworks from which the States make selections regarding the hunting of migratory birds, and we employ guidelines to establish special regulations on Federal Indian reservations and ceded lands. This process preserves the ability of the States and tribes to determine which seasons meet their individual needs. Any State or Indian tribe may be more restrictive than the Federal frameworks at any time. The frameworks are developed in a cooperative process with the States through the Flyway Councils. This process allows States to participate in the development of frameworks from which they will make selections, thereby having an influence on their own regulations. These rules do not have a substantial direct effect on fiscal capacity, change the roles or responsibilities of Federal or State governments, or intrude on State policy or administration. Therefore, in accordance with Executive Order 13132, these regulations do not have significant federalism effects and do not have sufficient federalism implications to warrant the preparation of a federalism summary impact statement. Review of Public Comments The preliminary proposed rulemaking (June 10 Federal Register) opened the public comment period for 2017–18 migratory game bird hunting regulations. We previously addressed all comments in a May 30, 2017, Federal Register publication (82 FR 24786). Regulations Promulgation The rulemaking process for migratory game bird hunting, by its nature, operates under a time constraint as seasons must be established each year or hunting seasons remain closed. However, we intend that the public be provided extensive opportunity for public input and involvement in compliance with Administrative Procedure Act requirements. Thus, when the preliminary proposed rulemaking was published, we established what we believed were the longest periods possible for public comment and the most opportunities for public involvement. We also provided notification of our participation in multiple Flyway Council meetings, opportunities for additional public review and comment on all Flyway Council proposals for regulatory change, and opportunities for additional public review during the Service Regulations Committee meeting. Therefore, we believe that sufficient public notice and opportunity for involvement have been given to affected persons. Further, States need sufficient time to communicate these season selections to their affected publics, and to establish and publicize the necessary regulations and procedures to implement these seasons. Thus, we find that ‘‘good cause’’ exists, within the terms of 5 U.S.C. 553(d)(3) of the Administrative Procedure Act, and therefore, under authority of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (July 3, 1918), as amended (16 U.S.C. 703–711), these regulations will take effect less than 30 days after publication. Accordingly, with each conservation agency having had an opportunity to participate in selecting the hunting seasons desired for its State or Territory on those species of migratory birds for which open seasons are now prescribed, and consideration having been given to all other relevant matters presented, certain sections of title 50, chapter I, subchapter B, part 20, subpart K, are hereby amended as set forth below. List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 20 Exports, Hunting, Imports, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Transportation, Wildlife. Dated: June 13, 2017. Virginia H. Johnson, Acting Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks. For the reasons set out in the preamble, title 50, chapter I, subchapter B, part 20, subpart K of the Code of Federal Regulations is amended as follows: PART 20—MIGRATORY BIRD HUNTING 1. The authority citation for part 20 continues to read as follows: ■ Authority: Migratory Bird Treaty Act, 40 Stat. 755, 16 U.S.C. 703–712; Fish and Wildlife Act of 1956, 16 U.S.C. 742 a–j; Public Law 106–108, 113 Stat. 1491, Note Following 16 U.S.C. 703. Note— The following annual hunting regulations provided for by §§ 20.101 through 20.106 and 20.109 of 50 CFR part 20 will not appear in the Code of Federal Regulations because of their seasonal nature. 2. Section 20.101 is revised to read as follows: ■ § 20.101 Seasons, limits, and shooting hours for Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Subject to the applicable provisions of the preceding sections of this part, areas open to hunting, respective open seasons (dates inclusive), shooting and hawking hours, and daily bag and possession limits for the species designated in this section are prescribed as follows: Shooting and hawking hours are onehalf hour before sunrise until sunset. CHECK COMMONWEALTH REGULATIONS FOR AREA DESCRIPTIONS AND ANY ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS. (a) Puerto Rico. Limits Season dates sradovich on DSKBCFCHB2PROD with RULES2 Bag Doves and Pigeons: Zenaida, white-winged, and mourning doves (1) .. Scaly-naped pigeons ............................................. Ducks ............................................................................ Sept. 2–Oct. 31 ............................................................ Sept. 2–Oct. 31 ............................................................ Nov. 11–Dec. 18 & Jan. 13–Jan. 29 ............................ Common Moorhens ...................................................... Nov. 11–Dec. 18 & Jan. 13–Jan. 29 ............................ Common Snipe ............................................................. Nov. 11–Dec. 18 & Jan. 13–Jan. 29 ............................ (1) Not more than 10 Zenaida and 3 mourning doves in the aggregate. VerDate Sep<11>2014 20:13 Jul 25, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\26JYR2.SGM 26JYR2 Possession 20 5 6 6 6 6 8 8 20 5 12 12 12 12 16 16 34755 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 142 / Wednesday, July 26, 2017 / Rules Restrictions: In Puerto Rico, the season is closed on the ruddy duck, white-cheeked pintail, West Indian whistling duck, fulvous whistling duck, masked duck, purple gallinule, American coot, Caribbean coot, whitecrowned pigeon, and plain pigeon. Closed Areas: Closed areas are described in the May 30, 2017, Federal Register (82 FR 24786). (b) Virgin Islands. Limits Season dates Bag Zenaida doves .............................................................. Ducks ............................................................................ Restrictions: In the Virgin Islands, the seasons are closed for ground or quail doves, pigeons, ruddy duck, whitecheeked pintail, West Indian whistling duck, fulvous whistling duck, masked duck, and all other ducks, and purple gallinule. Closed Areas: Ruth Cay, just south of St. Croix, is closed to the hunting of migratory game birds. All Offshore Cays under jurisdiction of the Virgin Islands Sept. 1–Sept. 30 ........................................................... CLOSED ....................................................................... Government are closed to the hunting of migratory game birds. ■ 3. Section 20.102 is revised to read as follows: § 20.102 Seasons, limits, and shooting hours for Alaska. Subject to the applicable provisions of the preceding sections of this part, areas open to hunting, respective open seasons (dates inclusive), shooting and hawking hours, and daily bag and Possession 10 ........................ 10 ........................ possession limits for the species designated in this section are prescribed as follows: Shooting and hawking hours are onehalf hour before sunrise until sunset. Area descriptions were published in the May 30, 2017, Federal Register (82 FR 24786). CHECK STATE REGULATIONS FOR AREA DESCRIPTIONS AND ANY ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS. Area seasons Dates North Zone ............................................................................................................................................................................... Gulf Coast Zone ...................................................................................................................................................................... Southeast Zone ....................................................................................................................................................................... Pribilof & Aleutian Islands Zone .............................................................................................................................................. Kodiak Zone ............................................................................................................................................................................. Sept. 1–Dec. 16. Sept. 1–Dec. 16. Sept. 16–Dec. 31. Oct. 8–Jan. 22. Oct. 8–Jan. 22. DAILY BAG AND POSSESSION LIMITS Area Ducks (1) sradovich on DSKBCFCHB2PROD with RULES2 North Zone ....................................................... Gulf Coast Zone ............................................... Southeast Zone ................................................ Pribilof and Aleutian Islands Zone ................... Kodiak Zone ..................................................... 10–30 8–24 7–21 7–21 7–21 Canada geese (2)(3) 4–12 4–12 4–12 4–12 4–12 White fronted geese (4)(5) 4–12 4–12 4–12 4–12 4–12 Light geese (6) Brant 6–18 6–18 6–18 6–18 6–18 3–9 3–9 3–9 3–9 3–9 Emperor geese (7)(8) 1–1 1–1 1–1 1–1 1–1 Snipe 8–24 8–24 8–24 8–24 8–24 Sandhill cranes (9) 3–9 2–6 2–6 2–6 2–6 (1) The basic duck bag limits may include no more than 2 canvasbacks daily, and may not include sea ducks. In addition to the basic duck limits, the sea duck limit is 10 daily (singly or in the aggregate), including no more than 6 each of either harlequin or long-tailed ducks. Sea ducks include scoters, common and king eiders, harlequin ducks, long-tailed ducks, and common and red-breasted mergansers. The season for Steller’s and spectacled eiders is closed. (2) In Units 5 and 6, the taking of Canada geese is only permitted from September 28 through December 16. In the Middleton Island portion of Unit 6, the taking of Canada geese is by special permit only. The maximum number of Canada goose permits is 10 for the season. A mandatory goose-identification class is required. Hunters must check in and out. The daily bag and possession limit is 1. The season will close if incidental harvest includes 5 dusky Canada geese. A dusky Canada goose is any dark-breasted Canada goose (Munsell 10 YR color value five or less) with a bill length between 40 and 50 millimeters. (3) In Units 9, 10, 17, and 18, for Canada geese, the daily bag limit is 6 and the possession limit is 18. (4) In Units 9, 10, and 17, for white-fronted geese, the daily bag limit is 6 and the possession limit is 18. (5) In Unit 18, for white-fronted geese, the daily bag limit is 10 and the possession limit is 30. (6) Light geese include snow geese and Ross’s geese. (7) In Unit 8, the Kodiak Island Roaded Area is closed to emperor goose hunting. The Kodiak Island Roaded Area consists of all lands and water (including exposed tidelands) east of a line extending from Crag Point in the north to the west end of Saltery Cove in the south and all lands and water south of a line extending from Termination Point along the north side of Cascade Lake extending to Anton Larsen Bay. Marine waters adjacent to the closed area are closed to harvest within 500 feet from the water’s edge. The offshore islands are open to harvest, for example: Woody, Long, Gull and Puffin Islands. (8) Emperor goose hunting is by State permit only; no more than 1 emperor goose may be authorized per permit, and no more than 1 permit may be issued per hunter per season. Hunters will be required to file a harvest report with the State after harvesting an emperor goose. Total emperor goose harvest may not exceed 1,000 birds. See State regulations for specific dates, times, and conditions of permit hunts and closures. (9) In Unit 17 of the North Zone, for sandhill cranes, the daily bag limit is 2 and the possession limit is 6. Falconry: The total combined bag and possession limit for migratory game birds taken with the use of a raptor under a falconry permit is 3 per day, 9 VerDate Sep<11>2014 20:13 Jul 25, 2017 Jkt 241001 in possession, and may not exceed a more restrictive limit for any species listed in this subsection. PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 Special Tundra Swan Season: In Units 17, 18, 22, and 23, there will be a tundra swan season from September 1 through October 31 with a season limit E:\FR\FM\26JYR2.SGM 26JYR2 34756 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 142 / Wednesday, July 26, 2017 / Rules of 3 tundra swans per hunter. This season is by State permit only; hunters will be issued 1 permit allowing the take of up to 3 tundra swans. Hunters will be required to file a harvest report with the State after the season is completed. Up to 500 permits may be issued in Unit 18; 300 permits each in Units 22 and 23; and 200 permits in Unit 17. ■ 4. Section 20.103 is revised to read as follows: § 20.103 Seasons, limits, and shooting hours for doves and pigeons. Subject to the applicable provisions of the preceding sections of this part, areas open to hunting, respective open seasons (dates inclusive), shooting and hawking hours, and daily bag and possession limits for the species designated in this section are prescribed as follows: Shooting and hawking hours are onehalf hour before sunrise until sunset except as otherwise noted. Area descriptions were published in the May 30, 2017, Federal Register (82 FR 24786). CHECK STATE REGULATIONS FOR AREA DESCRIPTIONS AND ANY ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS. (a) Doves. Note: Unless otherwise noted, the seasons listed below are for mourning and whitewinged doves. Daily bag and possession limits are in the aggregate for the two species. Limits Season dates Bag EASTERN MANAGEMENT UNIT Alabama: North Zone. 12 noon to sunset .......................................... 1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset .................. South Zone. 12 noon to sunset .......................................... 1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset .................. Delaware ....................................................................... Florida: 12 noon to sunset ................................................. 1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset ......................... Georgia: 12 noon to sunset ................................................. 1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset ......................... Illinois (1) ...................................................................... Indiana .......................................................................... Kentucky: 11 a.m. to sunset .................................................. 1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset ......................... Louisiana: North Zone:. 1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset .................. South Zone:. 1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset .................. Maryland: 12 noon to sunset ................................................. 1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset ......................... sradovich on DSKBCFCHB2PROD with RULES2 Mississippi: North Zone ............................................................ South Zone ............................................................ North Carolina .............................................................. Ohio .............................................................................. VerDate Sep<11>2014 20:13 Jul 25, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Poss. Sept. 9 only .................................................................. Sept. 10–Oct. 29 & ....................................................... Dec. 8–Jan. 15 ............................................................. 15 15 15 15 45 45 Sept. 16 only ................................................................ Sept. 17–Sept. 24 & ..................................................... Oct. 7–Oct. 28 & ........................................................... Nov. 18–Jan. 15 ........................................................... Sept. 1–Sept. 30 & Oct. 17–Oct. 21 & ......................... Nov. 20–Jan. 13 ........................................................... 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 45 45 45 45 45 45 Sept. 23–Oct. 23 .......................................................... Nov. 11–Dec. 4 & ......................................................... Dec. 12–Jan. 15 ........................................................... 15 15 15 45 45 45 Sept. 2 only .................................................................. Sept. 3–Sept. 17 & ....................................................... Oct. 14–Nov. 2 & .......................................................... Nov. 23–Jan. 15 ........................................................... Sept. 1–Nov. 14 & ........................................................ Dec. 26–Jan. 9 ............................................................. Sept. 1–Oct. 15 & ......................................................... Nov. 1–Nov. 12 & ......................................................... Dec. 9–Jan. 10 ............................................................. 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 Sept. 1 only .................................................................. Sept. 2–Oct. 26 & ......................................................... Nov. 23–Dec. 3 & ......................................................... Dec. 23–Jan. 14 ........................................................... 15 15 15 15 15 45 45 45 Sept. 2–Sept. 24 & ....................................................... Oct. 7–Nov. 12 & .......................................................... Dec. 17–Jan. 15 ........................................................... 15 15 15 45 45 45 Sept. 2–Sept. 10 & ....................................................... Oct. 7–Nov. 26 & .......................................................... Dec. 17–Jan. 15 ........................................................... 15 15 15 45 45 45 Sept. 1–Oct. 14 ............................................................ Oct. 26–Nov. 18 & ........................................................ Dec. 16–Jan. 6 ............................................................. 15 15 15 45 45 45 Sept. 2–Oct. 8 & ........................................................... Oct. 21–Nov. 4 & .......................................................... Dec. 9–Jan. 15 ............................................................. Sept. 2–Sept. 10 & ....................................................... Oct. 7–Nov. 11 & .......................................................... Dec. 2–Jan. 15 ............................................................. Sept. 2–Oct. 7 & ........................................................... Nov. 22–Nov. 25 & ....................................................... Nov. 27–Jan. 15 ........................................................... Sept. 1–Nov. 5 & .......................................................... Dec. 16–Jan. 8 ............................................................. 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 Frm 00006 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\26JYR2.SGM 26JYR2 34757 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 142 / Wednesday, July 26, 2017 / Rules Limits Season dates Bag Pennsylvania: 12 noon to sunset ................................................. 1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset ......................... Rhode Island: 12 noon to sunset ................................................. 1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset ......................... South Carolina: 12 noon to sunset ................................................. 1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset ......................... Tennessee: 12 noon to sunset ................................................. 1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset ......................... Virginia: 12 noon to sunset ................................................. 1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset ......................... West Virginia: 12 noon to sunset ................................................. 1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset ......................... Wisconsin ..................................................................... CENTRAL MANAGEMENT UNIT Arkansas ....................................................................... Colorado ....................................................................... Iowa .............................................................................. Kansas .......................................................................... Minnesota ..................................................................... Missouri ........................................................................ Montana ........................................................................ Nebraska ...................................................................... New Mexico: North Zone ............................................................ South Zone ............................................................ North Dakota ................................................................ Oklahoma ..................................................................... South Dakota ................................................................ Texas (2): North Zone ............................................................ Central Zone .......................................................... South Zone ............................................................ (Special Season) 12 noon to sunset ............. Wyoming ....................................................................... WESTERN MANAGEMENT UNIT Arizona (3) .................................................................... sradovich on DSKBCFCHB2PROD with RULES2 California (4) ................................................................. Idaho ............................................................................. Nevada ......................................................................... Oregon .......................................................................... Utah .............................................................................. Washington ................................................................... OTHER POPULATIONS Hawaii (5) ..................................................................... Sept. 1–Oct. 7 .............................................................. Oct. 14–Nov. 25 & ........................................................ Dec. 23–Jan. 1 ............................................................. 15 15 15 45 45 45 Sept. 9–Oct. 8 .............................................................. Oct. 21–Dec. 3 & .......................................................... Dec. 9–Dec. 24 ............................................................. 15 15 15 45 45 45 Sept. 2–Sept. 4 ............................................................. Sept. 5–Oct. 14 & ......................................................... Nov. 11–Nov. 25 & ....................................................... Dec. 15–Jan. 15 ........................................................... 15 15 15 15 45 45 45 45 Sept. 1 only .................................................................. Sept. 2–Sept. 28 & ....................................................... Oct. 14–Nov. 5 & .......................................................... Dec. 8–Jan. 15 ............................................................. 15 15 15 15 15 45 45 45 Sept. 2–Sept. 8 ............................................................. Sept. 9–Oct. 29 & ......................................................... Nov. 22–Nov. 29 & ....................................................... Dec. 23–Jan. 15 ........................................................... 15 15 15 15 45 45 45 45 Sept. 1 only .................................................................. Sept. 2–Oct. 14 & ......................................................... Oct. 30–Nov. 18 & ........................................................ Dec. 18–Jan. 12 ........................................................... Sept. 1–Nov. 29 ............................................................ 15 15 15 15 15 15 45 45 45 45 Sept. 2–Oct. 22 & ......................................................... Dec. 8–Jan. 15 ............................................................. Sept. 1–Nov. 29 ............................................................ Sept. 1–Nov. 29 ............................................................ Sept. 1–Nov. 29 ............................................................ Sept. 1–Nov. 29 ............................................................ Sept. 1–Nov. 29 ............................................................ Sept. 1–Oct. 30 ............................................................ Sept. 1–Oct. 30 ............................................................ 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 Sept. 1–Nov. 29 ............................................................ Sept. 1–Oct. 29 & ......................................................... Dec. 2–Jan. 1 ............................................................... Sept. 1–Nov. 29 ............................................................ Sept. 1–Oct. 31 & ......................................................... Dec. 1–Dec. 29 ............................................................. Sept. 1–Nov. 9 .............................................................. 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 Sept. 1–Nov. 12 & ........................................................ Dec. 15–Dec. 31 ........................................................... Sept. 1–Nov. 5 & .......................................................... Dec. 15–Jan. 7 ............................................................. Sept. 22–Nov. 8 & ........................................................ Dec. 15–Jan. 21 ........................................................... Sept. 2–Sept. 3 & ......................................................... Sept. 9–Sept. 10 ........................................................... Sept. 1–Nov. 29 ............................................................ 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 Sept. 1–Sept. 15 & ....................................................... Nov. 24–Jan. 7 ............................................................. Sept. 1–Sept. 15 & ....................................................... Nov. 11–Dec. 25 ........................................................... Sept. 1–Oct. 30 ............................................................ Sept. 1–Oct. 30 ............................................................ Sept. 1–Oct. 30 ............................................................ Sept. 1–Oct. 30 ............................................................ Sept. 1–Oct. 30 ............................................................ 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 Nov. 4–Jan. 28 ............................................................. 10 30 (1) In Illinois, shooting hours are sunrise to sunset. VerDate Sep<11>2014 20:13 Jul 25, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Poss. Frm 00007 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\26JYR2.SGM 26JYR2 34758 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 142 / Wednesday, July 26, 2017 / Rules (2) In Texas, the daily bag limit is 15 mourning, white-winged, and white-tipped doves in the aggregate, of which no more than 2 may be whitetipped doves with a maximum 90-day season. Possession limits are three times the daily bag limit. During the special season in the Special White-winged Dove Area of the South Zone, the daily bag limit is 15 mourning, white-winged, and white-tipped doves in the aggregate, of which no more than 2 may be mourning doves and 2 may be white-tipped doves. Possession limits are three times the daily bag limit. (3) In Arizona, during September 1 through 15, the daily bag limit is 15 mourning and white-winged doves in the aggregate, of which no more than 10 may be white-winged doves. During November 24 through January 7, the daily bag limit is 15 mourning doves. (4) In California, the daily bag limit is 15 mourning and white-winged doves in the aggregate, of which no more than 10 may be white-wing doves. (5) In Hawaii, the season is only open on the islands of Hawaii and Maui. On the island of Hawaii, the daily bag limit is 10 mourning doves, spotted doves, and chestnut-bellied sandgrouse in the aggregate. On the island of Maui, the daily bag limit is 10 mourning doves. Shooting hours are from one-half hour before sunrise through one-half hour after sunset. See State regulations for additional restrictions on hunting dates and areas. (b) Band-Tailed Pigeons. Limits Season dates Bag Arizona .......................................................................... California: North Zone ............................................................ South Zone ............................................................ Colorado (1) .................................................................. New Mexico (1): North Zone ............................................................ South Zone ............................................................ Oregon .......................................................................... Utah (1) ......................................................................... Washington ................................................................... Possession Oct. 7–Oct. 20 .............................................................. 2 6 Sept. 16–Sept. 24 ......................................................... Dec. 16–Dec. 24 ........................................................... Sept. 1–Sept. 14 ........................................................... 2 2 2 6 6 6 Sept. 1–Sept. 14 ........................................................... Oct. 1–Oct. 14 .............................................................. Sept. 15–Sept. 23 ......................................................... Sept. 1–Sept. 14 ........................................................... Sept. 15–Sept. 23 ......................................................... 2 2 2 2 2 6 6 6 6 6 (1) Each band-tailed pigeon hunter must have a band-tailed pigeon hunting permit issued by the State. 5. Section 20.104 is revised to read as follows: ■ § 20.104 Seasons, limits, and shooting hours for rails, woodcock, and snipe. Subject to the applicable provisions of the preceding sections of this part, areas open to hunting, respective open seasons (dates inclusive), shooting and hawking hours, and daily bag and possession limits for the species designated in this section are prescribed as follows: Shooting and hawking hours are onehalf hour before sunrise until sunset except as otherwise noted. Area descriptions were published in the May 30, 2017, Federal Register (82 FR 24786). CHECK STATE REGULATIONS FOR AREA DESCRIPTIONS AND ANY ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS. Clapper and King rails Woodcock Daily bag limit ............................... Possession limit ............................ 25 (1) ............................... 75 (1) ............................... 15 (2) ............................... 45 (2) ............................... 3 ...................................... 9 ...................................... 8 24 ATLANTIC FLYWAY Connecticut (3) ............................. Sept. 1–Nov. 9 ................ Sept. 1–Nov. 9 ................ Delaware ....................................... Sept. 1–Nov. 9 ................ Sept. 1–Nov. 9 ................ Florida ........................................... Georgia ......................................... Sept. 1–Nov. 9 ................ Sept. 15–Nov. 5 & ........... Nov. 23–Dec. 10 ............. Sept. 1–Nov. 9 ................ Sept. 1–Nov. 9 ................ Sept. 15–Nov. 5 & ........... Nov. 23–Dec. 10 ............. Closed ............................. Oct. 25–Nov. 18 & .......... Nov. 20–Dec. 9 ............... Nov. 20–Dec. 2 & ............ Dec. 13–Jan. 13 .............. Dec. 18–Jan. 31 .............. Dec. 9–Jan. 22 ................ Oct. 25–Nov. 18 & Nov. 20–Dec. 9 Sept. 19–Dec. 2 & Dec. 13–Jan. 13 Nov. 1–Feb. 15 Nov. 15–Feb. 28 Maine (4) ...................................... Sept. 1–Nov. 9 ................ Sept. 1–Nov. 9 ................ Massachusetts (6) ........................ Sept. 1–Nov. 7 ................ Closed ............................. New Hampshire ............................ New Jersey (7): North Zone ............................ South Zone ............................ Closed ............................. Closed ............................. Oct. 2–Oct. 28 & ............. Oct. 30–Nov. 16 .............. Oct. 27–Nov. 24 & .......... Jan. 12–Jan. 27 .............. Oct. 4–Oct. 28 & ............. Oct. 30–Nov. 18 .............. Oct. 1–Nov. 14 ................ Sept. 1–Dec. 16 Maryland (5) ................................. sradovich on DSKBCFCHB2PROD with RULES2 Sora and Virginia rails Sept. 1–Nov. 9 ................ Sept. 1–Nov. 9 ................ Sept. 1–Nov. 9 ................ Sept. 1–Nov. 9 ................ New York (8) ................................ North Carolina .............................. Sept. 1–Nov. 9 ................ Sept. 2–Oct. 21 & ........... Nov. 3–Nov. 22 ............... Sept. 1–Nov. 9 ................ Sept. 1–Nov. 9 ................ Oct. 6–Oct. 10 &Nov. 3– Jan. 6. Closed ............................. Closed ............................. Sept. 2–Oct. 21 & ........... Nov. 3–Nov. 22 ............... Closed ............................. Sept. 1–Nov. 9 ................ Oct. 6–Oct. 10 &Nov. 3– Jan. 6. Closed ............................. Pennsylvania (9) ........................... Rhode Island (10) ......................... South Carolina .............................. Vermont ........................................ VerDate Sep<11>2014 20:13 Jul 25, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 Snipe Sept. 26–Nov. 24 & Dec. 12–Jan. 27 Sept. 1–Dec. 16 Sept. 15–Nov. 14 Oct. 21–Nov. 25 .............. Nov. 11–Dec. 2 & ............ Dec. 16–Dec. 29 ............. Oct. 1–Nov. 14 ................ Dec. 14–Jan. 27 .............. Sept. 16–Dec. 30 Sept. 16–Dec. 30 Oct. 14–Nov. 25 .............. Oct. 21–Dec. 4 ................ Dec. 18–Jan. 31 .............. Oct. 14–Nov. 25 Sept. 1–Nov. 9 Nov. 14–Feb. 28 Oct. 1–Nov. 14 ................ Oct. 1–Nov. 14 E:\FR\FM\26JYR2.SGM 26JYR2 Sept. 1–Nov. 9 Nov. 14–Feb. 28 34759 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 142 / Wednesday, July 26, 2017 / Rules Sora and Virginia rails Clapper and King rails Woodcock Virginia .......................................... Sept. 9–Nov. 17 .............. Sept. 9–Nov. 17 .............. West Virginia (11) ......................... Sept. 1–Nov. 9 ................ Closed ............................. Nov. 20–Dec. 8 & ............ Dec. 21–Jan. 15 .............. Oct. 14–Nov. 18 & .......... Nov. 27–Dec. 5 ............... Oct. 6–Oct. 9 & Oct. 21–Jan. 31 Sept. 1–Dec. 16 Sept. 9–Sept. 24 & .......... Nov. 24–Jan. 16 .............. Sept. 9–Nov. 17 .............. Sept. 9–Nov. 17 .............. Sept. 1–Nov. 9 ................ Sept. 2–Nov. 10 .............. Sept. 1–Nov. 9 ................ Sept. 9–Sept. 24 & .......... Nov. 24–Jan. 16 .............. Closed ............................. Closed ............................. Closed ............................. Closed ............................. Closed ............................. Dec. 15–Jan. 28 .............. Nov. 11–Feb. 25 Nov. 4–Dec. 18 ............... Oct. 21–Dec. 4 ................ Oct. 15–Nov. 28 .............. Oct. 7–Nov. 20 ................ Oct. 28–Nov. 10 & .......... Nov. 13–Dec. 13 ............. Nov. 1–Feb. 15 Sept. 9–Dec. 24 Sept. 1–Dec. 16 Sept. 2–Nov. 30 Sept. 20–Oct. 29 & Nov. 23–Jan. 28 Sept. 15–Sept. 30 & ........ Nov. 11–Jan. 3 ................ Sept. 15–Sept. 30 & ........ Nov. 11–Jan. 3 ................ Sept. 15–Sept. 30 & ........ Nov. 11–Jan. 3 ................ Sept. 1–Nov. 9 ................ Sept. 1–Nov. 6 ................ Sept. 2–Nov. 10 .............. Sept. 1–Nov. 9 ................ Sept. 1–Nov. 9 ................ Sept. 15–Sept. 30 & ........ Nov. 11–Jan. 3 ................ Sept. 15–Sept. 30 & ........ Nov. 11–Jan. 3 ................ Sept. 15–Sept. 30 & ........ Nov. 11–Jan. 3 ................ Closed ............................. Closed ............................. Sept. 2–Nov. 10 .............. Closed ............................. Closed ............................. Dec. 18–Jan. 31 .............. Sept. 23–Nov. 6 Sept. 23–Nov. 6 Dec. 18–Jan. 31 Oct. 15–Nov. 28 Oct. 13–Nov. 26 Nov. 2–Dec. 3 & Dec. 16–Feb. 28 Nov. 2–Dec. 3 & Dec. 16–Feb. 28 Nov. 2–Dec. 3 & Dec. 16–Feb. 28 Sept. 1–Nov. 9 Sept. 1–Nov. 6 Nov. 14–Feb. 28 Sept. 1–Dec. 16 Sept. 1–Nov. 26 & Dec. 16–Jan. 4 Sept. 1–Nov. 9 ................ Sept. 1–Nov. 9 ................ Closed ............................. Closed ............................. Nov. 11–Dec. 25 ............. Nov. 11–Dec. 25 ............. Nov. 14–Feb. 28 Nov. 14–Feb. 28 Sept. 23–Nov. 21 ............ Sept. 30–Oct. 8 & Oct. 14–Dec. 3 ................ Sept. 30–Oct. 6 & Oct. 14–Dec. 5 ................ Closed ............................. Closed ............................. Sept. 23–Nov. 6 .............. Sept. 23–Nov. 6 .............. Closed ............................. Sept. 23–Nov. 6 .............. Sept. 23–Nov. 21 Sept. 30–Oct. 8 & Oct. 14–Dec. 3 Sept. 30–Oct. 6 & Oct. 14–Dec. 5 Sept. 1–Nov. 9 ................ Sept. 1–Nov. 9 ................ Closed ............................. Sept. 1–Nov. 9 ................ Sept. 16–Nov. 24 ............ Closed ............................. Sept. 1–Nov. 9 ................ Closed ............................. Sept. 9–Sept. 24 & .......... Nov. 4–Dec. 27 ............... Sept. 1–Nov. 9 ................ Closed ............................. Closed ............................. Closed ............................. Closed ............................. Closed ............................. Closed ............................. Closed ............................. Closed ............................. Sept. 9–Sept. 24 & .......... Nov. 4–Dec. 27 ............... Closed ............................. Closed ............................. Oct. 14–Nov. 27 .............. Closed ............................. Sept. 23–Nov. 6 .............. Closed ............................. Sept. 23–Nov. 6 .............. Nov. 1–Dec. 15 ............... Closed ............................. Dec. 18–Jan. 31 .............. Sept. 1–Dec. 16 Sept. 1–Dec. 16 Sept. 1–Dec. 16 Sept. 1–Dec. 16 Oct. 14–Jan. 28 Sept. 16–Dec. 3 Oct. 1–Jan. 15 Sept. 1–Oct. 31 Oct. 28–Feb. 11 Closed ............................. Sept. 1–Dec. 16 Closed ............................. Closed ............................. Closed ............................. Sept. 1–Nov. 9 ................ Closed Closed Closed Closed ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. Closed Closed Closed Closed ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. Oct. 6–Jan. 14 Oct. 20–Jan. 28 Oct. 14–Jan. 28 Sept. 1–Dec. 16 Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. Oct. 7–Jan. 19 Oct. 7–Jan. 19 Oct. 14–Jan. 26 Oct. 7–Jan. 19 Sept. 1–Dec. 16 MISSISSIPPI FLYWAY Alabama ........................................ Arkansas ....................................... Illinois (12) .................................... Indiana (13) .................................. Iowa (14) ....................................... Kentucky ....................................... Louisiana: West Zone ............................. East Zone .............................. Coastal Zone ......................... Michigan ....................................... Minnesota ..................................... Mississippi .................................... Missouri ........................................ Ohio .............................................. Tennessee: Reelfoot Zone ........................ State Zone ............................. Wisconsin: North Zone ............................ South Zone ............................ Miss. River Zone ................... CENTRAL FLYWAY Colorado ....................................... Kansas .......................................... Montana ........................................ Nebraska (15) ............................... New Mexico (16) .......................... North Dakota ................................ Oklahoma ..................................... South Dakota (17) ........................ Texas ............................................ Wyoming ....................................... PACIFIC FLYWAY Arizona (18): North Zone ............................ South Zone ............................ California ....................................... Colorado ....................................... Idaho: Zone 1 ................................... Zone 2 ................................... Zone 3 ................................... Zone 4 .......................................... Montana ........................................ Nevada: Northeast Zone ...................... ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. Dec. 18–Jan. 31 .............. Dec. 18–Jan. 31 .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. Snipe Closed ............................. Closed ............................. Northwest Zone ..................... Closed ............................. Closed ............................. Closed ............................. South Zone (19) .................... sradovich on DSKBCFCHB2PROD with RULES2 Closed ............................. Closed ............................. Closed ............................. Closed ............................. New Mexico .................................. Oregon: Zone 1 ................................... Zone 2 ................................... Sept. 16–Nov. 24 ............ Closed ............................. Closed ............................. Closed ............................. Closed ............................. Closed ............................. Closed ............................. Closed ............................. Closed ............................. Nov. 4–Feb. 18 Oct. 7–Nov. 26 & Nov. 29–Jan. 21 Utah Zone 1 ................................... Zone 2 ................................... Closed ............................. Closed ............................. Closed ............................. Closed ............................. Closed ............................. Closed ............................. Oct. 7–Jan. 20 Oct. 14–Jan. 27 VerDate Sep<11>2014 20:13 Jul 25, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\26JYR2.SGM 26JYR2 Sept. 23–Oct. 22 &Oct. 25–Jan. 7 Oct. 7–Oct. 22 & Oct. 25–Jan. 21 Oct. 14–Oct. 22 & Oct. 25–Jan. 28 Oct. 16–Jan. 30 34760 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 142 / Wednesday, July 26, 2017 / Rules Sora and Virginia rails Clapper and King rails Woodcock Snipe Washington: East Zone .............................. Closed ............................. Closed ............................. Closed ............................. West Zone ............................. Closed ............................. Closed ............................. Closed ............................. Wyoming ....................................... Sept. 1–Nov. 9 ................ Closed ............................. Closed ............................. Oct. 14–Oct. 18 & Oct. 21–Jan. 28 Oct. 14–Oct. 18 & Oct. 21–Jan. 28 Sept. 1–Dec. 16 (1) The daily bag and possession limits for sora and Virginia rails apply singly or in the aggregate of the two species. (2) All daily bag and possession limits for clapper and king rails apply singly or in the aggregate of the two species and, unless otherwise specified, the limits are in addition to the limits on sora and Virginia rails in all States. In Delaware, Maryland, and New Jersey, the limits for clapper and king rails are 10 daily and 30 in possession. (3) In Connecticut, the limits for clapper and king rails apply singly or in the aggregate of the two species. Limits for clapper and king rail are 10 daily and 30 in possession and may include no more than 1 king rail per day. (4) In Maine, the daily bag and possession limit for sora and Virginia rails is 25. (5) In Maryland, no more than 1 king rail may be taken per day. (6) In Massachusetts, the sora rail limits are 5 daily and 15 in possession; the Virginia rail limits are 10 daily and 30 in possession. (7) In New Jersey, the season for king rail is closed by State regulation. (8) In New York, the rail daily bag and possession limits are 8 and 24, respectively. Seasons for sora and Virginia rails and snipe are closed on Long Island. (9) In Pennsylvania, the daily bag and possession limits for sora and Virginia rails, singly or in the aggregate, are 3 and 9, respectively. (10) In Rhode Island, the sora and Virginia rails limits are 3 daily and 9 in possession, singly or in the aggregate; the clapper and king rail limits are 1 daily and 3 in possession, singly or in the aggregate; the snipe limits are 5 daily and 15 in possession. (11) In West Virginia, the daily bag and possession limit for sora and Virginia rails is 25; the possession limit for snipe is 16. (12) In Illinois, shooting hours are from sunrise to sunset. (13) In Indiana, the season on Virginia rails is closed. (14) In Iowa, the limits for sora and Virginia rails are 12 daily and 36 in possession. (15) In Nebraska, the rail limits are 10 daily and 30 in possession. (16) In New Mexico, in the Central Flyway portion of the State, the rail limits are 10 daily and 20 in possession. (17) In South Dakota, the snipe limits are 5 daily and 15 in possession. (18) In Arizona, Ashurst Lake in Unit 5B is closed to snipe hunting. (19) In Nevada, the snipe season in that portion of the South Zone including the Moapa Valley to the confluence of the Muddy and Virgin rivers is only open November 1 through January 25. 6. Section 20.105 is revised to read as follows: ■ § 20.105 Seasons, limits, and shooting hours for waterfowl, coots, and gallinules. Subject to the applicable provisions of the preceding sections of this part, areas open to hunting, respective open seasons (dates inclusive), shooting and hawking hours, and daily bag and possession limits for the species designated in this section are prescribed as follows: Shooting and hawking hours are onehalf hour before sunrise until sunset, except as otherwise noted. Area descriptions were published in the May 30, 2017, Federal Register (82 FR 24786). CHECK STATE REGULATIONS FOR AREA DESCRIPTIONS AND ANY ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS. (a) Common Moorhens and Purple Gallinules. Limits Season dates Bag ATLANTIC FLYWAY Delaware ....................................................................... Florida (1) ..................................................................... Georgia ......................................................................... New Jersey ................................................................... New York: Long Island ............................................................ Remainder of State ............................................... North Carolina .............................................................. Pennsylvania ................................................................ South Carolina .............................................................. Virginia .......................................................................... West Virginia ................................................................ sradovich on DSKBCFCHB2PROD with RULES2 MISSISSIPPI FLYWAY Alabama ........................................................................ Arkansas ....................................................................... Kentucky ....................................................................... Louisiana ...................................................................... Michigan ....................................................................... Minnesota (2): North Zone ............................................................ Central Zone .......................................................... VerDate Sep<11>2014 20:13 Jul 25, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Possession Sept. 1–Nov. 9 .............................................................. Sept. 1–Nov.9 ............................................................... Nov. 18–Nov. 26 & ....................................................... Dec. 9–Jan. 28 ............................................................. Sept. 1–Nov. 9 .............................................................. 15 15 15 15 10 45 45 45 45 30 Closed ........................................................................... Sept. 1–Nov. 9 .............................................................. Sept. 2–Oct. 21 & ......................................................... Nov. 3–Nov. 22 ............................................................. Sept. 1–Nov. 9 .............................................................. Oct. 6–Oct. 10 & ........................................................... Nov. 3–Jan. 6 ............................................................... Sept. 9–Nov. 17 ............................................................ Oct. 2–Oct. 14 & ........................................................... Dec. 2–Jan. 27 ............................................................. ........................ 8 15 15 3 15 15 15 15 15 ........................ 24 45 45 9 45 45 45 30 30 Sept. 9–Sept. 24 & ....................................................... Nov. 24–Jan. 16 ........................................................... Sept. 1–Nov. 9 .............................................................. Sept. 1–Nov. 9 .............................................................. Sept. 15–Sept. 30 & ..................................................... Nov. 11–Jan. 3 ............................................................. Sept. 1–Nov. 9 .............................................................. 15 15 15 3 15 15 1 45 45 45 9 45 45 3 Sept. 23–Nov. 21 .......................................................... Sept. 23–Oct. 1 & ......................................................... Oct. 7–Nov. 26 ............................................................. 15 15 15 45 45 45 Frm 00010 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\26JYR2.SGM 26JYR2 34761 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 142 / Wednesday, July 26, 2017 / Rules Limits Season dates Bag South Zone ............................................................ Mississippi .................................................................... Ohio .............................................................................. Tennessee .................................................................... Wisconsin: North Zone ............................................................ South Zone ............................................................ Mississippi River Zone .......................................... CENTRAL FLYWAY New Mexico: Zone 1 ................................................................... Zone 2 ................................................................... Oklahoma ..................................................................... Texas ............................................................................ Possession Sept. 23–Oct. 1 & ......................................................... Oct. 14–Dec. 3 ............................................................. Sept. 2–Nov. 10 ............................................................ Sept. 1–Nov. 9 .............................................................. Sept. 1–Nov. 9 .............................................................. 15 15 15 15 15 45 45 45 45 45 Sept. 23–Nov. 21 .......................................................... Sept. 30–Oct. 8 & ......................................................... Oct. 14–Dec. 3 ............................................................. Sept. 30–Oct. 6 & ......................................................... Oct. 14–Dec. 5 ............................................................. 15 15 15 15 15 30 30 30 30 30 Sept. 16–Nov. 24 .......................................................... Sept. 16–Nov. 24 .......................................................... Sept. 1–Nov. 9 .............................................................. Sept. 9–Sept. 24 & ....................................................... Nov. 4–Dec. 27 ............................................................. 1 1 15 15 15 3 3 45 45 45 PACIFIC FLYWAY All States ...................................................................... Seasons are in aggregate with coots and listed in paragraph (e). (1) The season applies to common moorhens only. (2) In Minnesota, the daily bag limit is 15 and the possession limit is 45 coots and moorhens in the aggregate. (b) Special Sea Duck Seasons (scoters, eiders, and long-tailed ducks in Atlantic Flyway). Within the special sea duck areas, the daily bag limit is 5 scoters, eiders, and long-tailed ducks in the aggregate, including no more than 4 scoters, 4 eiders, and 4 long-tailed ducks. Possession limits are three times the daily bag limit. These limits may be in addition to regular duck bag limits only during the regular duck season in the special sea duck hunting areas. Limits Season dates Bag Connecticut ................................................................... Delaware ....................................................................... Georgia ......................................................................... Maine ............................................................................ Maryland ....................................................................... Massachusetts (1) ........................................................ New Hampshire ............................................................ New Jersey ................................................................... North Carolina .............................................................. Rhode Island ................................................................ South Carolina .............................................................. Virginia .......................................................................... Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Nov. 13–Jan. 20 ........................................................... 20–Jan. 27 ........................................................... 18–Nov. 26 & ....................................................... 9–Jan. 28 ............................................................. 10–Jan. 18 ........................................................... 4–Jan. 12 ............................................................. 20–Jan. 27 ........................................................... 15–Jan. 13 ........................................................... 4–Jan. 12 ............................................................. 20–Jan. 27 ........................................................... 23–Jan. 21 ........................................................... 18–Nov. 25 & ....................................................... 9–Jan. 28 ............................................................. 10–Jan. 8 ............................................................. Possession 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Note: Notwithstanding the provisions of this Part 20, the shooting of crippled waterfowl from a motorboat under power will be permitted in Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Rhode Island, South Carolina, and Virginia in those areas described, delineated, and designated in their respective hunting regulations as special sea duck hunting areas. (1) In Massachusetts, the daily bag limit may not include more than 1 hen eider. Possession limits are three times the daily bag limit. (c) Early (September) Duck Seasons. Note: Unless otherwise specified, the seasons listed below are for teal only. Limits Season dates sradovich on DSKBCFCHB2PROD with RULES2 Bag ATLANTIC FLYWAY Delaware (1) ................................................................. Florida (2) ..................................................................... Georgia ......................................................................... Maryland (1) ................................................................. North Carolina (1) ......................................................... South Carolina (3) ........................................................ Virginia (1) .................................................................... MISSISSIPPI FLYWAY VerDate Sep<11>2014 20:13 Jul 25, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Frm 00011 8–Sept. 26 ........................................................... 16–Sept. 24 ......................................................... 9–Sept. 24 ........................................................... 16–Sept. 30 ......................................................... 13–Sept. 30 ......................................................... 15–Sept. 30 ......................................................... 16–Sept. 30 ......................................................... Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\26JYR2.SGM 26JYR2 Possession 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 34762 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 142 / Wednesday, July 26, 2017 / Rules Limits Season dates Bag Alabama ........................................................................ Arkansas (3) ................................................................. Illinois (3) ...................................................................... Indiana (3) .................................................................... Iowa (3): North Zone ............................................................ South Zone ............................................................ Missouri River Zone .............................................. Kentucky (2) ................................................................. Louisiana ...................................................................... Michigan ....................................................................... Mississippi .................................................................... Missouri (3) ................................................................... Ohio (3) ......................................................................... Tennessee (2) .............................................................. Wisconsin ..................................................................... CENTRAL FLYWAY Colorado (1) .................................................................. Kansas: Low Plains ............................................................. High Plains ............................................................ Nebraska (1): Low Plains ............................................................. High Plains ............................................................ New Mexico .................................................................. Oklahoma ..................................................................... Texas: High Plains ............................................................ Rest of State ......................................................... Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Possession 9–Sept. 24 ........................................................... 15–Sept. 30 ......................................................... 9–Sept. 24 ........................................................... 9–Sept. 24 ........................................................... 6 6 6 6 18 18 18 18 Sept. 2–Sept. 10 ........................................................... Sept. 2–Sept. 10 ........................................................... Sept. 2–Sept. 17 ........................................................... Sept. 16–Sept. 24 ......................................................... Sept. 15–Sept. 30 ......................................................... Sept. 1–Sept. 10 ........................................................... Sept. 9–Sept. 24 ........................................................... Sept. 9–Sept. 24 ........................................................... Sept. 2–Sept. 17 ........................................................... Sept. 9–Sept. 17 ........................................................... Sept.1–Sept. 7 .............................................................. 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Sept. 9–Sept. 17 ........................................................... 6 18 Sept. 9–Sept. 24 ........................................................... Sept. 16–Sept. 24 ......................................................... 6 6 18 18 Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 2–Sept. 17 ........................................................... 2–Sept. 10 ........................................................... 16–Sept. 24 ......................................................... 9–Sept. 24 ........................................................... 6 6 6 6 18 18 18 18 Sept. 9–Sept. 24 ........................................................... Sept. 9–Sept. 24 ........................................................... 6 6 18 18 (1) Area restrictions. See State regulations. (2) In Florida, Kentucky, and Tennessee, the daily bag limit for the first 5 days of the season is 6 wood ducks and teal in the aggregate, of which no more than 2 may be wood ducks. During the last 4 days of the season, the daily bag limit is 6 teal only. The possession limit is three times the daily bag limit. (3) Shooting hours are from sunrise to sunset. (d) Special Early Canada Goose Seasons. Limits Season dates sradovich on DSKBCFCHB2PROD with RULES2 Bag ATLANTIC FLYWAY Connecticut (1): North Zone ................................................................................... South Zone .................................................................................. Delaware ............................................................................................. Florida ................................................................................................. Georgia ............................................................................................... Maine: Northern Zone .............................................................................. Southern Zone ............................................................................. Coastal Zone ............................................................................... Maryland (1)(2): Eastern Unit ................................................................................. Western Unit ................................................................................ Massachusetts: Central Zone ................................................................................ Coastal Zone ............................................................................... Western Zone .............................................................................. New Hampshire .................................................................................. New Jersey (1)(2)(3) ........................................................................... New York (4): Lake Champlain Zone ................................................................. Northeastern Zone ....................................................................... East Central Zone ........................................................................ Hudson Valley Zone .................................................................... West Central Zone ....................................................................... South Zone .................................................................................. Western Long Island Zone .......................................................... Central Long Island Zone ............................................................ VerDate Sep<11>2014 20:13 Jul 25, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Possession 1–Sept. 30 ............................................ 15–Sept. 30 .......................................... 1–Sept. 25 ............................................ 2–Sept. 24 ............................................ 2–Sept. 24 ............................................ 15 15 15 5 5 45 45 45 15 15 Sept. 1–Sept. 25 ............................................ Sept. 1–Sept. 25 ............................................ Sept. 1–Sept. 25 ............................................ 6 10 10 18 30 30 Sept. 1–Sept. 15 ............................................ Sept. 1–Sept. 25 ............................................ 8 8 24 24 Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 5–Sept. 5–Sept. 5–Sept. 1–Sept. 1–Sept. 22 22 22 25 30 ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ 7 7 7 5 15 21 21 21 15 45 Sept. 1–Sept. Sept. 1–Sept. Sept. 1–Sept. Sept. 1–Sept. Sept. 1–Sept. Sept. 1–Sept. Closed. Sept. 5–Sept. 25 25 25 25 25 25 ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ 8 15 15 15 15 15 24 45 45 45 45 45 30 ............................................ 15 45 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\26JYR2.SGM 26JYR2 34763 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 142 / Wednesday, July 26, 2017 / Rules Limits Season dates Bag sradovich on DSKBCFCHB2PROD with RULES2 Eastern Long Island Zone ........................................................... North Carolina (5)(6) ........................................................................... Pennsylvania (7): SJBP Zone (8) ............................................................................. Rest of State (9) .......................................................................... Rhode Island (1) ................................................................................. South Carolina .................................................................................... Vermont: Lake Champlain Zone ................................................................. Interior Vermont Zone .................................................................. Connecticut River Zone (10) ....................................................... Virginia (11) ......................................................................................... West Virginia ....................................................................................... CENTRAL FLYWAY North Dakota: Missouri River Zone ..................................................................... Remainder of State ...................................................................... Oklahoma ............................................................................................ South Dakota (12) ............................................................................... Texas: East Zone .................................................................................... PACIFIC FLYWAY Colorado .............................................................................................. Idaho: Zone 4 .......................................................................................... Oregon: Northwest Permit Zone ................................................................ Southwest Zone ........................................................................... Eastern Zone ............................................................................... Klamath County Zone .................................................................. Harney and Lake County Zone ................................................... Malheur County Zone .................................................................. Washington: Areas 1 & 3 .................................................................................. Areas 2A & 2B (13) ..................................................................... Area 4 & 5 ................................................................................... Wyoming: Teton County Zone ...................................................................... Balance of State Zone ................................................................. Possession Sept. 5–Sept. 30 ............................................ Sept. 1–Sept. 30 ............................................ 15 15 45 45 Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 1–Sept. 1–Sept. 1–Sept. 1–Sept. 25 25 30 30 ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ 1 8 15 15 3 24 45 45 Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 1–Sept. 1–Sept. 1–Sept. 1–Sept. 1–Sept. 25 ............................................ 25 ............................................ 25 ............................................ 25 ............................................ 9 .............................................. 8 8 5 10 5 24 24 15 30 15 Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 1–Sept. 1–Sept. 9–Sept. 2–Sept. 7 .............................................. 15 ............................................ 18 ............................................ 30 ............................................ 15 15 8 15 45 45 24 45 Sept. 9–Sept. 24 ............................................ 5 15 Sept. 1–Sept. 9 .............................................. 4 12 Sept. 1–Sept. 15 ............................................ 5 15 Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ 5 5 5 5 5 5 15 15 15 15 15 15 Sept. 9–Sept. 14 ............................................ Sept. 2–Sept. 10 ............................................ Sept. 9–Sept. 10 ............................................ 5 5 5 15 15 10 Sept. 1–Sept. 8 .............................................. Sept. 1–Sept. 8 .............................................. 4 4 12 12 9–Sept. 9–Sept. 9–Sept. 9–Sept. 9–Sept. 9–Sept. 17 13 13 13 13 13 (1) Shooting hours are one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset. (2) The use of shotguns capable of holding more than 3 shotshells is allowed. (3) The use of electronic calls is allowed. (4) In New York, shooting hours are one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset, the use of shotguns capable of holding more than 3 shotshells is allowed, and the use of electronic calls is allowed, except during Youth Waterfowl Hunting Days in Lake Champlain, Northeastern, and Southeastern Goose Hunting Areas. During the designated Youth Waterfolw Hunting Days in these areas, shooting hours are onehalf hour before sunrise to sunset, shotguns must be capable of holding no more than 3 shotshells, and electronic calls are not allowed. See State regulations for further details. (5) In North Carolina, the use of unplugged guns and electronic calls is allowed in that area west of U.S. Highway 17 only. (6) In North Carolina, shooting hours are one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset in that area west of U.S. Highway 17 only. (7) In Pennsylvania, shooting hours are one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset from September 1 to September 15 and September 18 to September 25. On September 16, shooting hours are one-half hour before sunrise to sunset. (8) In Pennsylvania, in the area south of SR 198 from the Ohio State line to intersection of SR 18, SR 18 south to SR 618, SR 618 south to U.S. Route 6, U.S. Route 6 east to U.S. Route 322/SR 18, U.S. Route 322/SR 18 west to intersection of SR 3013, SR 3013 south to the Crawford/Mercer County line, not including the Pymatuning State Park Reservoir and an area to extend 100 yards inland from the shoreline of the reservoir, excluding the area east of SR 3011 (Hartstown Road), the daily bag limit is 1 goose with a possession limit of 3 geese. The season is closed on State Game Lands 214. However, during youth waterfowl hunting days, regular season regulations apply. (9) In Pennsylvania, in the area of Lancaster and Lebanon Counties north of the Pennsylvania Turnpike, east of SR 501 to SR 419, south of SR 419 to the Lebanon-Berks County line, west of the Lebanon-Berks County line and the Lancaster-Berks County line to SR 1053, west of SR 1053 to the Pennsylvania Turnpike I–76, the daily bag limit is 1 goose with a possession limit of 3 geese. On State Game Lands No. 46 (Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area), the season is closed. However, during youth waterfowl hunting days, regular season regulations apply. (10) In Vermont, the season in the Connecticut River Zone is the same as the New Hampshire Inland Zone season, set by New Hampshire. (11) In Virginia, shooting hours are one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset from September 1 to September 15 in the area east of I–95. Shooting hours are one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset from September 1 to September 20 in the area west of I–95. (12) See State regulations for additional information and restrictions. (13) In Washington, in Pacific County, the daily bag and possession limits are 15 and 45 Canada geese, respectively. (e) Waterfowl, Coots, and PacificFlyway Seasons for Common Moorhens. VerDate Sep<11>2014 20:13 Jul 25, 2017 Jkt 241001 Definitions The Atlantic Flyway: Includes Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia. The Mississippi Flyway: Includes Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, E:\FR\FM\26JYR2.SGM 26JYR2 34764 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 142 / Wednesday, July 26, 2017 / Rules Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio, Tennessee, and Wisconsin. The Central Flyway: Includes Colorado (east of the Continental Divide), Kansas, Montana (Blaine, Carbon, Fergus, Judith Basin, Stillwater, Sweetgrass, Wheatland, and all counties east thereof), Nebraska, New Mexico (east of the Continental Divide except that the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation is in the Pacific Flyway), North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming (east of the Continental Divide). The Pacific Flyway: Includes the States of Arizona, California, Colorado (west of the Continental Divide), Idaho, Montana (including and to the west of Hill, Chouteau, Cascade, Meagher, and Park Counties), Nevada, New Mexico (the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation and west of the Continental Divide), Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming (west of the Continental Divide including the Great Divide Basin). Light Geese: Includes lesser snow (including blue) geese, greater snow geese, and Ross’s geese. Dark Geese: Includes Canada geese, white-fronted geese, emperor geese, brant (except in California, Oregon, Washington, and the Atlantic Flyway), and all other geese except light geese. ATLANTIC FLYWAY Flyway-Wide Restrictions Duck Limits: The daily bag limit of 6 ducks may include no more than 4 mallards (2 female mallards), 2 scaup, 2 black ducks, 1 pintail, 2 canvasbacks, 1 mottled duck, 3 wood ducks, 2 redheads, 4 scoters, 4 eiders, 4 longtailed ducks, and 1 fulvous tree duck. The possession limit is three times the daily bag limit. Harlequin Ducks: All areas of the Flyway are closed to harlequin duck hunting. Merganser Limits: The daily bag limit is 5 mergansers and may include no more than 2 hooded mergansers. In States that include mergansers in the duck bag limit, the daily limit is the same as the duck bag limit, of which only 2 may be hooded mergansers. The possession limit is three times the daily bag limit. Limits Season dates Bag Connecticut Ducks and Mergansers: ............................................... North Zone ............................................................ South Zone ............................................................ Coots ............................................................................ Canada Geese: AFRP Unit North ................................................... AFRP Unit South ................................................... NAP H–Unit ........................................................... AP Unit .................................................................. Special Season ..................................................... Light Geese: North Zone ............................................................ South Zone ............................................................ Brant: North Zone ............................................................ South Zone ............................................................ Delaware Ducks ............................................................................ Mergansers ................................................................... Coots ............................................................................ Canada Geese ............................................................. Light Geese (1) ............................................................. Brant ............................................................................. sradovich on DSKBCFCHB2PROD with RULES2 Florida Ducks ............................................................................ Mergansers ................................................................... Coots ............................................................................ Canada Geese ............................................................. Light Geese .................................................................. Georgia Ducks ............................................................................ VerDate Sep<11>2014 20:13 Jul 25, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Possession ....................................................................................... Oct. 14–Oct. 21 & ......................................................... Nov. 10–Jan. 10 ........................................................... Oct. 14–Oct. 17 & ......................................................... Nov. 16–Jan. 20 ........................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... 6 ........................ 18 ........................ ........................ ........................ 15 45 Oct. 14–Oct. 21 & ......................................................... Nov. 11–Dec. 2 & ......................................................... Dec. 16–Feb. 15 ........................................................... Oct. 14–Oct. 21 & ......................................................... Nov. 11–Dec. 2 & ......................................................... Dec. 15–Feb. 15 ........................................................... Oct. 12–Oct. 21 & ......................................................... Nov. 11–Jan. 20 ........................................................... Oct. 14–Oct. 21 & ......................................................... Nov. 18–Jan. 6 ............................................................. Jan. 25–Feb. 15 ........................................................... 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 5 15 15 15 15 15 15 9 9 9 9 15 Oct. 2–Jan. 15 & .......................................................... Feb. 21–Mar. 10 ........................................................... Oct. 2–Dec. 2 & ............................................................ Jan. 9–Mar. 10 ............................................................. 25 25 25 25 ........................ Nov. 2–Jan. 10 ............................................................. Nov. 13–Jan. 20 ........................................................... 2 2 6 6 Oct. 27–Nov. 7 & .......................................................... Nov. 20–Nov. 25 & ....................................................... Dec. 8–Jan. 27 ............................................................. Same as for Ducks ....................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... Nov. 20–Nov. 25 & ....................................................... Dec. 15–Feb. 3 ............................................................. Oct. 10–Feb. 10 ............................................................ Nov. 20–Nov. 25 & ....................................................... Dec. 2–Jan. 31 ............................................................. 6 6 6 5 15 2 2 25 2 2 18 18 18 15 45 6 6 ........................ 6 6 Nov. 18–Nov. 26 & ....................................................... Dec. 9–Jan. 28 ............................................................. Same as for Ducks ....................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... Nov. 18–Nov. 26 & ....................................................... Dec. 1–Jan. 30 ............................................................. Same as for Ducks ....................................................... 6 6 5 15 5 5 15 18 18 15 45 15 15 ........................ Nov. 18–Nov. 26 & ....................................................... Dec. 9–Jan. 28 ............................................................. 6 6 18 18 Frm 00014 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\26JYR2.SGM 26JYR2 ........................ 34765 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 142 / Wednesday, July 26, 2017 / Rules Limits Season dates Bag Mergansers ................................................................... Coots ............................................................................ Canada Geese ............................................................. Light Geese .................................................................. Brant ............................................................................. Maine Ducks (2): ..................................................................... North Zone ............................................................ South Zone ............................................................ Coastal Zone ......................................................... Mergansers ................................................................... Coots ............................................................................ Canada Geese: North Zone ............................................................ South Zone ............................................................ Coastal Zone ......................................................... Light Geese .................................................................. Brant: North Zone ............................................................ South Zone ............................................................ Coastal Zone ......................................................... Maryland Ducks and Mergansers (3) ........................................... Coots ............................................................................ Canada Geese: RP Zone ................................................................ AP Zone ................................................................ Light Geese .................................................................. Brant ............................................................................. Massachusetts Ducks (4): Western Zone ........................................................ Central Zone .......................................................... Coastal Zone ......................................................... Mergansers ................................................................... Coots ............................................................................ Canada Geese: NAP Zone: Central Zone .......................................................... sradovich on DSKBCFCHB2PROD with RULES2 (Special season) .................................................... Coastal Zone ......................................................... (Special season) (5) .............................................. AP Zone ................................................................ Light Geese: Western Zone ........................................................ Central Zone .......................................................... VerDate Sep<11>2014 20:13 Jul 25, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Possession Same as for Ducks ....................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... Oct. 14–Oct. 29 & ......................................................... Nov. 18–Nov. 26 & ....................................................... Dec. 9–Jan. 28 ............................................................. Same as for Canada Geese ........................................ Closed ........................................................................... 5 15 5 5 5 5 ........................ 15 45 15 15 15 15 ........................ ....................................................................................... Sept. 25–Dec. 2 ............................................................ Oct. 2–Oct. 14 & ........................................................... Nov. 1–Dec. 26 ............................................................. Oct. 2–Oct. 14 & ........................................................... Nov. 10–Jan. 4 ............................................................. Same as for Ducks ....................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... 6 ........................ ........................ 18 ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ 5 5 15 15 Oct. 2–Dec. 21 ............................................................. Oct. 2–Oct. 26 & ........................................................... Nov. 1–Dec. 26 ............................................................. Oct. 2–Oct. 26 & ........................................................... Nov. 10–Jan. 4 ............................................................. Oct. 2–Jan. 31 .............................................................. 3 3 3 3 3 25 9 9 9 9 9 ........................ Sept. 25–Dec. 2 ............................................................ Oct. 2–Oct. 14 & ........................................................... Nov. 1–Dec. 26 ............................................................. Oct. 2–Oct. 14 & ........................................................... Nov. 10–Jan. 4 ............................................................. 2 2 2 2 2 6 6 6 6 6 Oct. 14–Oct. 21 & ......................................................... Nov. 11–Nov. 24 & ....................................................... Dec. 12–Jan. 27 ........................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... 6 6 6 15 18 18 18 45 Nov. 18–Nov. 24 & ....................................................... Dec. 15–Mar. 10 ........................................................... Nov. 18–Nov. 24 & ....................................................... Dec. 15–Feb. 3 ............................................................. Oct. 2–Nov. 24 & .......................................................... Dec. 11–Feb. 3 ............................................................. Feb. 10 ......................................................................... Nov. 8–Nov. 24 & ......................................................... Dec. 11–Jan. 31 ........................................................... 5 5 2 2 25 25 25 2 2 15 15 6 6 ........................ ....................................................................................... Oct. 10–Nov. 25 & ........................................................ Dec. 4–Dec. 25 ............................................................. Oct. 9–Nov. 25 & .......................................................... Dec. 11–Dec. 30 ........................................................... Oct. 13–Oct. 21 & ......................................................... Nov. 16–Jan. 15 ........................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... 6 ........................ 18 ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ 5 15 15 45 Oct. 9–Nov. 25 & .......................................................... Dec. 11–Jan. 11 ........................................................... Jan. 20–Feb. 10 ........................................................... Oct. 13–Oct. 21 & ......................................................... Nov. 16–Jan. 26 ........................................................... Jan. 27–Feb. 15 ........................................................... Oct. 10–Nov. 25 & ........................................................ Dec. 4–Dec. 13 ............................................................. 3 3 5 3 3 5 3 3 9 9 15 9 9 15 9 9 Oct. 10–Nov. 25 & ........................................................ Dec. 4–Dec. 25 ............................................................. Oct. 9–Nov. 25 & .......................................................... Dec. 11–Dec. 30 ........................................................... Jan. 16–Feb. 4 ............................................................. 15 15 15 15 15 45 45 45 45 45 Frm 00015 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\26JYR2.SGM 26JYR2 6 6 34766 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 142 / Wednesday, July 26, 2017 / Rules Limits Season dates Bag Coastal Zone (5) ................................................... Brant: Western & Central Zone ....................................... Coastal Zone ......................................................... New Hampshire Ducks: ........................................................................... Northern Zone ....................................................... Inland Zone ........................................................... Coastal Zone ......................................................... Mergansers ................................................................... Coots ............................................................................ Canada Geese: Northern Zone ....................................................... Inland Zone ........................................................... Coastal Zone ......................................................... Light Geese: Northern Zone ....................................................... Inland Zone ........................................................... Coastal Zone ......................................................... Brant: Northern Zone ....................................................... Inland Zone ........................................................... Coastal Zone ......................................................... New Jersey Ducks: ........................................................................... North Zone ............................................................ South Zone ............................................................ Coastal Zone ......................................................... Mergansers ................................................................... Coots ............................................................................ Canada and White-fronted Geese: North Zone ............................................................ South Zone ............................................................ Coastal Zone ......................................................... Special Season Zone ............................................ Light Geese: North Zone ............................................................ South Zone ............................................................ Coastal Zone ......................................................... Brant: North Zone ............................................................ South Zone ............................................................ Coastal Zone ......................................................... sradovich on DSKBCFCHB2PROD with RULES2 New York Ducks and Mergansers: ............................................... Long Island Zone .................................................. Lake Champlain Zone ........................................... Northeastern Zone ................................................ Southeastern Zone ................................................ Western Zone ........................................................ VerDate Sep<11>2014 20:13 Jul 25, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Possession Oct. 13–Oct. 21 & ......................................................... Nov. 16–Jan. 15 ........................................................... Jan. 28–Feb. 15 ........................................................... 15 15 15 45 45 45 Closed ........................................................................... Nov. 20–Jan. 27 ........................................................... ........................ 2 ........................ 6 ....................................................................................... Oct. 3–Dec. 1 ............................................................... Oct. 3–Nov. 5 & ............................................................ Nov. 21–Dec. 17 ........................................................... Oct. 4–Oct. 15 & ........................................................... Nov. 22–Jan. 8 ............................................................. Same as for Ducks ....................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... 6 ........................ ........................ 18 ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ 5 15 15 45 Oct. 3–Dec. 11 ............................................................. Oct. 3–Nov. 5 & ............................................................ Nov. 22–Dec. 27 ........................................................... Oct. 4–Oct. 15 & ........................................................... Nov. 22–Jan. 18 ........................................................... 3 3 3 3 3 9 9 9 9 9 Oct. 3–Dec. 11 ............................................................. Oct. 3–Dec. 27 ............................................................. Oct. 4–Jan. 18 .............................................................. 25 25 25 ........................ ........................ ........................ Oct. 3–Dec. 1 ............................................................... Oct. 3–Nov. 5 & ............................................................ Nov. 22–Dec. 17 ........................................................... Oct. 4–Oct. 15 & ........................................................... Nov. 22–Jan. 8 ............................................................. 2 2 2 2 2 6 6 6 6 6 ....................................................................................... Oct. 14–Oct. 21 & ......................................................... Nov. 11–Jan. 11 ........................................................... Oct. 21–Oct. 28 & ......................................................... Nov. 18–Jan. 18 ........................................................... Nov. 9–Nov. 11 & ......................................................... Nov. 23–Jan. 27 ........................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... 6 ........................ 18 ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ 5 15 15 45 Nov. 11–Nov. 25 & ....................................................... Dec. 9–Jan. 20 ............................................................. Nov. 18–Dec. 2 & ......................................................... Dec. 9–Jan. 20 ............................................................. Nov. 9–Nov. 11 & ......................................................... Nov. 18–Feb. 15 ........................................................... Jan. 22–Feb. 15 ........................................................... 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 9 9 9 9 15 15 15 Oct. 17–Feb. 15 ............................................................ Oct. 17–Feb. 15 ............................................................ Oct. 17–Feb. 15 ............................................................ 25 25 25 ........................ ........................ ........................ Oct. 14–Oct. 21 & ......................................................... Nov. 11–Jan. 11 ........................................................... Oct. 21–Oct. 28 & ......................................................... Nov. 18–Jan. 18 ........................................................... Nov. 9–Nov. 11 & ......................................................... Nov. 23–Jan. 27 ........................................................... 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 6 6 6 6 6 ....................................................................................... Nov. 23–Nov. 26 & ....................................................... Dec. 4–Jan. 28 ............................................................. Oct. 11–Oct. 15 & ......................................................... Nov. 7–Dec. 31 ............................................................. Oct. 7–Oct. 29 & ........................................................... Nov. 4–Dec. 10 ............................................................. Oct. 7–Oct. 15 & ........................................................... Nov. 11–Dec. 31 ........................................................... Oct. 28–Dec. 6 & .......................................................... Dec. 26–Jan. 14 ........................................................... 6 ........................ 18 ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ Frm 00016 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\26JYR2.SGM 26JYR2 34767 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 142 / Wednesday, July 26, 2017 / Rules Limits Season dates Bag Coots ............................................................................ Canada Geese: Western Long Island (AFRP) ................................ Central Long Island (NAP–L) ................................ Eastern Long Island (NAP–H) ............................... Lake Champlain (AP) Zone ................................... Northeast (AP) Zone ............................................. East Central (AP) Zone ......................................... Hudson Valley (AP) Zone ..................................... West Central (AP) Zone ........................................ South (AFRP) ........................................................ Light Geese (6): Long Island Zone .................................................. Lake Champlain Zone ........................................... Northeastern Zone ................................................ Southeastern Zone ................................................ Western Zone ........................................................ Brant: Long Island Zone .................................................. Lake Champlain Zone ........................................... Northeastern Zone ................................................ Southeastern Zone ................................................ Western Zone ........................................................ North Carolina Ducks (7) ...................................................................... Mergansers ................................................................... Coots ............................................................................ Canada Geese: RP Hunt Zone ....................................................... SJBP Hunt Zone ................................................... Northeast Hunt Zone (8) ....................................... Light Geese .................................................................. Brant ............................................................................. Pennsylvania Ducks: ........................................................................... North Zone ............................................................ South Zone ............................................................ Northwest Zone ..................................................... sradovich on DSKBCFCHB2PROD with RULES2 Lake Erie Zone ...................................................... Mergansers ................................................................... Coots ............................................................................ Canada Geese: Eastern (AP) Zone ................................................ SJBP Zone ............................................................ Resident (RP) Zone .............................................. Light Geese: Eastern (AP) Zone ................................................ SJBP Zone ............................................................ Resident (RP) Zone .............................................. VerDate Sep<11>2014 20:13 Jul 25, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Possession Same as for Ducks ....................................................... 15 45 Oct. 14–Oct. 29 & ......................................................... Nov. 23–Nov. 26 & ....................................................... Dec. 4–Feb. 26 ............................................................. Nov. 23–Nov. 26 & ....................................................... Dec. 4–Feb. 7 ............................................................... Nov. 23–Nov. 26 & ....................................................... Dec. 4–Feb. 7 ............................................................... Oct. 11–Nov. 29 ........................................................... Oct. 28–Dec. 10 & ........................................................ Dec. 26–Dec. 31 ........................................................... Oct. 28–Nov. 17 & ........................................................ Nov. 23–Dec. 21 ........................................................... Nov. 4–Nov. 17 & ......................................................... Dec. 2–Jan. 6 ............................................................... Oct. 28–Nov. 26 & ........................................................ Dec. 26–Jan. 14 ........................................................... Oct. 28–Dec. 17 & ........................................................ Dec. 26–Jan. 14 & ........................................................ Mar. 2–Mar. 10 ............................................................. 8 8 8 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 24 24 24 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 15 15 15 Nov. 23–Mar. 9 ............................................................. Oct. 1–Dec. 31 ............................................................. Oct. 1–Jan. 15 .............................................................. Oct. 1–Jan. 15 .............................................................. Oct. 1–Jan. 15 .............................................................. 25 25 25 25 25 ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ Nov. 23–Nov. 26 & ....................................................... Dec. 4–Jan. 28 ............................................................. Oct. 7–Dec. 5 ............................................................... Oct. 1–Nov. 29 ............................................................. Oct. 1–Nov. 29 ............................................................. Oct. 1–Nov. 29 ............................................................. 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 6 6 6 6 6 Oct. 4–Oct. 7 & ............................................................. Nov. 11–Dec. 2 & ......................................................... Dec. 16–Jan. 27 ........................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... 6 6 6 5 15 18 18 18 15 45 Oct. 4–Oct. 14 & ........................................................... Nov. 11–Dec. 2 & ......................................................... Dec. 16–Feb. 10 ........................................................... Oct. 4–Nov. 3 & ............................................................ Nov. 11–Dec. 30 ........................................................... Jan. 12–Jan. 27 ............................................................ Oct. 10–Feb. 10 ............................................................ Dec. 16–Jan. 27 ........................................................... 5 5 5 5 5 1 25 1 15 15 15 15 15 3 ........................ 3 ....................................................................................... Oct. 7–Nov. 18 & .......................................................... Dec. 19–Jan. 13 ........................................................... Oct. 14–Oct. 21 & ......................................................... Nov. 21–Jan. 20 ........................................................... Oct. 7–Dec. 9 ............................................................... Dec. 26–Dec. 30 ........................................................... Oct. 30–Jan. 6 .............................................................. Same as for Ducks ....................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... 6 ........................ 18 ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ 5 15 ........................ ........................ ........................ 15 45 Nov. 15–Nov. 25 & ....................................................... Dec. 16–Jan. 31 ........................................................... Oct. 7–Nov. 25 & .......................................................... Dec. 12–Jan. 20 ........................................................... Oct. 28–Nov. 25 & ........................................................ Dec. 18–Jan. 20 & ........................................................ Jan. 27–Feb. 24 ........................................................... 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 9 9 9 9 15 15 15 Oct. 2–Jan. 31 .............................................................. Oct. 2–Jan. 20 .............................................................. Oct. 24–Feb. 24 ............................................................ 25 25 25 ........................ ........................ ........................ Frm 00017 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\26JYR2.SGM 26JYR2 34768 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 142 / Wednesday, July 26, 2017 / Rules Limits Season dates Bag Brant ............................................................................. Rhode Island Ducks ............................................................................ Mergansers ................................................................... Coots ............................................................................ Canada Geese ............................................................. Special season ...................................................... Light Geese .................................................................. Brant ............................................................................. South Carolina Ducks (9)(10) ................................................................ Mergansers (11) ........................................................... Coots ............................................................................ Canada and White-fronted Geese (12) ........................ Light Geese .................................................................. Brant ............................................................................. Vermont Ducks: ........................................................................... Lake Champlain Zone ........................................... Interior Zone .......................................................... Connecticut River Zone ......................................... Mergansers ................................................................... Coots ............................................................................ Canada Geese: Lake Champlain Zone ........................................... Interior Zone .......................................................... Connecticut River Zone ......................................... Light Geese: Lake Champlain Zone ........................................... Interior Zone .......................................................... Connecticut River Zone ......................................... Brant: Lake Champlain Zone ........................................... Interior Zone .......................................................... Connecticut River Zone ......................................... Virginia Ducks (13) .................................................................... Mergansers ................................................................... Coots ............................................................................ Canada Geese: Eastern (AP) Zone ................................................ sradovich on DSKBCFCHB2PROD with RULES2 Western (SJBP) Zone ........................................... (Special season) .................................................... Western (RP) Zone ............................................... Light Geese .................................................................. Brant ............................................................................. West Virginia Ducks (14) .................................................................... VerDate Sep<11>2014 20:13 Jul 25, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Possession Oct. 14–Dec. 22 ........................................................... 2 6 Oct. 13–Oct. 16 & ......................................................... Nov. 22–Nov. 26 & ....................................................... Dec. 2–Jan. 21 ............................................................. Same as for Ducks ....................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... Nov. 18–Nov. 26 & ....................................................... Dec. 2–Jan. 29 ............................................................. Feb. 3–Feb. 9 ............................................................... Oct. 15–Jan. 29 ............................................................ Nov. 23–Jan. 21 ........................................................... 6 6 6 5 15 3 3 5 25 2 18 18 18 15 45 9 9 15 ........................ 6 Nov. 11 & ...................................................................... Nov. 18–Nov. 25 & ....................................................... Dec. 9–Jan. 28 ............................................................. Same as for Ducks ....................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... Nov. 18–Nov. 25 & ....................................................... Dec. 9–Jan. 28 & .......................................................... Feb. 13–Feb. 28 ........................................................... Nov. 18–Nov. 25 & ....................................................... Dec. 9–Jan. 28 & .......................................................... Feb. 13–Feb. 28 ........................................................... Nov. 18–Nov. 25 & ....................................................... Dec. 9–Jan. 28 ............................................................. 6 6 6 5 15 5 5 5 25 25 25 2 2 18 18 18 15 45 15 15 15 ........................ ....................................................................................... Oct. 11–Oct 15 & .......................................................... Nov. 7–Dec. 31 ............................................................. Oct. 11–Dec. 9 ............................................................. Oct. 3–Nov. 5 & ............................................................ Nov. 22–Dec. 17 ........................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... 6 ........................ 18 ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ 5 15 15 45 Oct. 11–Nov. 29 ........................................................... Oct. 11–Nov. 29 ........................................................... Oct. 3–Nov. 5 & ............................................................ Nov. 22–Dec. 27 ........................................................... 3 3 3 3 9 9 9 9 Oct. 1–Dec. 31 & .......................................................... Feb. 26–Mar. 10 ........................................................... Oct. 1–Dec. 31 & .......................................................... Feb. 26–Mar. 10 ........................................................... Oct. 3–Dec. 27 ............................................................. 25 25 25 25 25 ........................ ........................ Oct. 7–Dec. 5 ............................................................... Oct. 7–Dec. 5 ............................................................... Oct. 3–Nov. 5 & ............................................................ Nov. 22–Dec. 17 ........................................................... 2 2 2 2 6 6 6 6 Oct. 6–Oct. 9 & ............................................................. Nov. 15–Nov. 26 & ....................................................... Dec. 16–Jan. 28 ........................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... 6 6 6 5 15 18 18 18 15 45 Nov. 15–Nov. 26 & ....................................................... Dec. 22–Jan. 28 ........................................................... Nov. 15–Nov. 26 & ....................................................... Dec. 18–Jan. 14 & ........................................................ Jan. 15–Feb. 15 ........................................................... Nov. 15–Nov. 26 & ....................................................... Dec. 16–Feb. 21 ........................................................... Oct. 17–Jan. 31 ............................................................ Nov. 15–Nov. 26 & ....................................................... Dec. 16–Jan. 31 ........................................................... 2 2 3 3 5 5 5 25 2 2 6 6 9 9 15 15 15 ........................ 6 6 Oct. 2–Oct. 14 & ........................................................... Nov. 6–Nov. 11 & ......................................................... Dec. 18–Jan. 27 ........................................................... 6 6 6 18 18 18 Frm 00018 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\26JYR2.SGM 26JYR2 6 6 ........................ 34769 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 142 / Wednesday, July 26, 2017 / Rules Limits Season dates Bag Mergansers ................................................................... Coots ............................................................................ Canada Geese ............................................................. Light Geese .................................................................. Brant ............................................................................. Same as for Ducks ....................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... Oct. 2–Oct. 21 & ........................................................... Nov. 6–Nov. 11 & ......................................................... Dec. 5–Jan. 27 ............................................................. Oct. 2–Oct. 14 & ........................................................... Nov. 6–Nov. 11 & ......................................................... Dec. 5–Jan. 27 ............................................................. Nov. 29–Jan. 27 ........................................................... Possession 5 15 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 15 30 15 15 15 15 15 15 3 (1) In Delaware, the Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) snow goose season is open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays only. (2) In Maine, the daily bag limit may include no more than 4 of any species, with no more than 12 of any one species in possession. The season for Barrow’s goldeneye is closed. (3) In Maryland, the black duck season is closed October 14 through October 21. Additionally, the daily bag limit of 6 ducks may include no more than 5 sea ducks, of which no more than 4 may be scoters, eiders, or long-tailed ducks. (4) In Massachusetts, the daily bag limit may include no more than 4 of any single species in addition to the flyway-wide bag restrictions. (5) In Massachusetts, the January 27 to February 15 portion of the season in the Coastal Zone is restricted to that portion of the Coastal Zone north of the Cape Cod Canal. (6) In New York, the use of electronic calls and shotguns capable of holding more than 3 shotshells are allowed for hunting of light geese on any day when all other waterfowl hunting seasons are closed. (7) In North Carolina, the season is closed for black ducks October 4 through October 7 and November 11 through November 17. (8) In North Carolina, a permit is required to hunt Canada geese in the Northeast Hunt Zone. (9) In South Carolina, the daily bag limit of 6 may not exceed 1 black-bellied whistling duck or hooded merganser in the aggregate. Further, the black duck/mottled duck limit is as follows: (1) For areas east and south of Interstate 95, either 1 black or 1 mottled duck in the daily bag in the aggregate; (2) for areas west and north of Interstate 95, either 2 black ducks, or 1 black duck and 1 mottled duck in the daily bag. (10) In South Carolina, on November 11, only hunters 17 years of age or younger can hunt ducks, coots, and mergansers. The youth must be accompanied by a person at least 21 years of age who is properly licensed, including State and Federal waterfowl stamps. Youth who are 16 or 17 years of age who hunt on this day are not required to have a State license or State waterfowl stamp but must possess a Federal waterfowl stamp and migratory bird permit. (11) In South Carolina, the daily bag limit for mergansers may include no more than 1 hooded merganser. (12) In South Carolina, the daily bag limit may include no more than 2 white-fronted geese. (13) In Virginia, the season is closed for black ducks October 6 through October 9. (14) In West Virginia, the season is closed for eiders, whistling ducks, and mottled ducks. MISSISSIPPI FLYWAY Flyway-Wide Restrictions Duck Limits: The daily bag limit of 6 ducks may include no more than 4 mallards (no more than 2 of which may be females), 1 mottled duck, 2 black ducks, 1 pintail, 2 canvasbacks, 2 redheads, 3 scaup, and 3 wood ducks. The possession limit is three times the daily bag limit. Merganser Limits: The daily bag limit is 5 mergansers and may include no more than 2 hooded mergansers. In States that include mergansers in the duck bag limit, the daily limit is the same as the duck bag limit, of which only 2 may be hooded mergansers. The possession limit is three times the daily bag limit. Limits Season dates Bag Alabama Ducks: North Zone ............................................................ sradovich on DSKBCFCHB2PROD with RULES2 South Zone ............................................................ Mergansers ................................................................... Coots ............................................................................ Dark Geese (1)(2): SJBP Zone ............................................................ North Zone ............................................................ South Zone ............................................................ Light Geese: SJBP Zone ............................................................ North Zone ............................................................ South Zone ............................................................ Arkansas Ducks ............................................................................ Mergansers ................................................................... Coots ............................................................................ Canada Geese ............................................................. VerDate Sep<11>2014 20:13 Jul 25, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Nov. 24–Nov. 25 & ....................................................... Dec. 2–Jan. 28. Same as North Zone. Same as for Ducks ....................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... Possession 6 ........................ 18 ........................ 5 15 15 45 Sept. 1–Sept 30 & ........................................................ Oct. 7–Oct. 21 & ........................................................... Nov. 24–Nov. 25 & ....................................................... Dec. 2–Jan. 28 ............................................................. Same as SJBP Zone .................................................... Same as SJBP Zone .................................................... 5 5 5 15 15 15 5 5 15 15 Same as for Dark Geese ............................................. Same as for Dark Geese ............................................. Same as for Dark Geese ............................................. 5 5 5 15 15 15 Nov. 18–Nov. 26 & ....................................................... Dec. 7–Dec. 23 & ......................................................... Dec. 26–Jan. 28 ........................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... Sept. 1–Sept. 30 & ....................................................... Nov. 15–Dec. 1 & ......................................................... Dec. 3–Jan. 28 ............................................................. 6 6 6 5 5 5 3 3 18 18 18 10 10 15 9 9 Frm 00019 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\26JYR2.SGM 26JYR2 34770 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 142 / Wednesday, July 26, 2017 / Rules Limits Season dates Bag White–fronted Geese .................................................... Brant ............................................................................. Light Geese .................................................................. Illinois Ducks: North Zone ............................................................ Central Zone .......................................................... South Central Zone ............................................... South Zone ............................................................ Mergansers ................................................................... Coots ............................................................................ Canada Geese: North Zone ............................................................ Central Zone .......................................................... South Central Zone ............................................... South Zone ............................................................ White–fronted Geese: North Zone ............................................................ Central Zone .......................................................... South Central Zone ............................................... South Zone ............................................................ Light Geese: North Zone ............................................................ Central Zone .......................................................... South Central Zone ............................................... South Zone ............................................................ Brant ............................................................................. Indiana Ducks: North Zone ............................................................ Central Zone .......................................................... South Zone ............................................................ Mergansers ................................................................... Coots ............................................................................ Dark Geese (1)(3): North Zone ............................................................ Central Zone .......................................................... South Zone ............................................................ Light Geese: North Zone ............................................................ Central Zone .......................................................... South Zone ............................................................ Iowa Ducks: North Zone ............................................................ sradovich on DSKBCFCHB2PROD with RULES2 Missouri River Zone .............................................. South Zone ............................................................ Mergansers ................................................................... Coots ............................................................................ Dark Geese (1): Cedar Falls/Waterloo ............................................. Des Moines ........................................................... Cedar Rapids/Iowa City ........................................ VerDate Sep<11>2014 20:13 Jul 25, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Possession Nov. 15–Dec. 1 & ......................................................... Dec. 3–Jan. 28 ............................................................. Closed. Same as for White-fronted Geese ............................... 2 2 4 4 20 ........................ Oct. 21–Dec. 19 ........................................................... Oct. 28–Dec. 26 ........................................................... Nov. 11–Jan. 9 ............................................................. Nov. 23–Jan. 21 ........................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... 6 ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ 5 15 18 ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ 15 45 Sept. 1–Sept. 15 & ....................................................... Oct. 21–Jan. 18 ............................................................ Sept. 1–Sept. 15 & ....................................................... Oct. 28–Nov. 5 & .......................................................... Nov. 12–Jan. 31 ........................................................... Sept. 1–Sept. 15 & ....................................................... Nov. 11–Jan. 31 ........................................................... Sept. 1–Sept. 15 & ....................................................... Nov. 23–Jan. 31 ........................................................... 5 2 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 15 6 15 6 6 6 6 6 6 Oct. 23–Jan. 18 ............................................................ Nov. 5–Jan. 31 ............................................................. Nov. 11–Jan. 31 ........................................................... Nov. 23–Jan. 31 ........................................................... 2 2 2 2 6 6 6 6 Oct. 21–Jan. 18 ............................................................ Oct. 28–Jan. 31 ............................................................ Nov. 11–Jan. 31 ........................................................... Nov. 23–Jan. 31 ........................................................... Same as for Light Geese ............................................. 20 20 20 20 1 ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ 3 Oct. 21–Dec. 10 & ........................................................ Dec. 23–Dec. 31 ........................................................... Oct. 28–Nov. 5 & .......................................................... Nov. 25–Jan. 14 ........................................................... Nov. 4–Nov. 12 & ......................................................... Dec. 2–Jan. 21 ............................................................. Same as for Ducks ....................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... 6 ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ 5 15 18 ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ 15 45 Sept. 9–Sept. 17 & ....................................................... Oct. 21–Nov. 26 & ........................................................ Dec. 16–Feb. 11 ........................................................... Sept. 9–Sept. 17 & ....................................................... Oct. 28–Nov. 12 & ........................................................ Nov. 25–Feb. 11 ........................................................... Sept. 9–Sept. 17 & ....................................................... Nov. 4–Nov. 26 & ......................................................... Dec. 2–Feb. 11 ............................................................. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Same as for Dark Geese ............................................. Same as for Dark Geese ............................................. Same as for Dark Geese ............................................. 20 20 20 ........................ ........................ ........................ Sept. 23–Oct. 1 & ......................................................... Oct. 14–Dec. 3 ............................................................. Oct. 7–Oct. 8 & ............................................................. Oct. 21–Dec 17 ............................................................ Sept. 30–Oct. 4 & ......................................................... Oct. 21–Dec 14 ............................................................ Same as for Ducks ....................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... 6 ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ 5 15 18 ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ 15 45 Sept. 2–Sept. 10 ........................................................... Sept. 2–Sept. 10 ........................................................... Sept. 2–Sept. 10 ........................................................... 5 5 5 15 15 15 Frm 00020 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\26JYR2.SGM 26JYR2 34771 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 142 / Wednesday, July 26, 2017 / Rules Limits Season dates Bag North Zone (4) ....................................................... Missouri River Zone (4) ......................................... South Zone (4) ...................................................... Light Geese: North Zone ............................................................ Missouri River Zone .............................................. South Zone ............................................................ Kentucky Ducks: West Zone ............................................................. East Zone .............................................................. Mergansers ................................................................... Coots ............................................................................ Canada Geese: Northeast Zone ...................................................... Rest of State ......................................................... White–fronted Geese .................................................... Brant ............................................................................. Light Geese .................................................................. Louisiana Ducks: West Zone ............................................................. East Zone (including Catahoula Lake) .................. Coastal Zone ......................................................... Mergansers ................................................................... Coots ............................................................................ Canada Geese ............................................................. White–fronted Geese .................................................... Brant ............................................................................. Light Geese .................................................................. Michigan Ducks: North Zone ............................................................ Middle Zone ........................................................... South Zone ............................................................ Mergansers ................................................................... Coots ............................................................................ Dark Geese (1)(2): North Zone ............................................................ Middle Zone ........................................................... sradovich on DSKBCFCHB2PROD with RULES2 South Zone: Muskegon Wastewater GMU ......................... Allegan County GMU ..................................... Remainder of South Zone ..................................... Light Geese: North Zone ............................................................ VerDate Sep<11>2014 20:13 Jul 25, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Possession Sept. 23–Oct. 8 & ......................................................... Oct. 14–Oct. 31 & ......................................................... Nov. 1–Jan. 1 ............................................................... Oct. 7–Oct. 15 & ........................................................... Oct. 21–Oct. 31 & ......................................................... Nov. 1–Jan. 15 ............................................................. Sept. 30–Oct. 8 & ......................................................... Oct. 21–Oct. 31 & ......................................................... Nov. 1–Jan. 15 ............................................................. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Sept. 23–Oct. 8 & ......................................................... Oct. 14–Jan. 10 ............................................................ Oct. 7–Oct. 15 & ........................................................... Oct. 21–Jan. 24 ............................................................ Sept. 30–Oct. 8 & ......................................................... Oct. 21–Jan. 24 ............................................................ 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ....................................................................................... Nov. 23–Nov. 26 & ....................................................... Dec. 4–Jan. 28 ............................................................. Same as West Zone ..................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... 6 ........................ ........................ ........................ 5 15 18 ........................ ........................ ........................ 15 45 Dec. 16–Jan. 31 ........................................................... Sept. 16–Sept. 30 & ..................................................... Nov. 23–Feb. 15 ........................................................... Nov. 23–Feb. 15 ........................................................... Nov. 23–Feb. 15 ........................................................... Nov. 23–Feb. 15 ........................................................... 3 5 3 2 1 20 9 15 9 6 3 60 ....................................................................................... Nov. 11–Dec. 3 & ......................................................... Dec. 16–Jan. 21 ........................................................... Nov. 18–Dec. 3 & ......................................................... Dec. 16–Jan. 28 ........................................................... Nov. 11–Dec. 3 & ......................................................... Dec. 16–Jan. 21 ........................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... Nov. 4–Dec. 3 & ........................................................... Dec. 16–Jan. 31 ........................................................... Nov. 4–Dec. 3 & ........................................................... Dec. 16–Feb. 11 ........................................................... Closed. Same as for White-fronted Geese ............................... 6 ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ 5 15 3 3 2 2 18 ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ 15 45 9 9 6 6 ....................................................................................... Sept. 30–Nov. 26 & ...................................................... Dec. 2–Dec. 3 ............................................................... Oct. 7–Dec. 3 & ............................................................ Dec. 16–Dec. 17 ........................................................... Oct. 14–Dec. 10 & ........................................................ Dec. 30–Dec. 31 ........................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... 6 ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ 5 15 18 ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ 15 45 Sept. 1–Sept. 30 & ....................................................... Oct. 1–Dec. 16 ............................................................. Sept. 1–Sept. 30 & ....................................................... Oct. 7–Dec. 22 ............................................................. 5 5 5 5 15 15 15 15 Oct. 17–Nov. 14 & ........................................................ Dec. 2–Dec. 19 ............................................................. Sept. 1–Sept. 10 & ....................................................... Nov. 11–Feb. 15 ........................................................... Sept. 1–Sept. 30 & ....................................................... Oct. 14–Dec. 10 & ........................................................ Dec. 30–Dec. 31 & ....................................................... Jan. 27–Feb. 12 ........................................................... 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Same as for Dark Geese ............................................. 20 ........................ Frm 00021 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\26JYR2.SGM 26JYR2 20 34772 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 142 / Wednesday, July 26, 2017 / Rules Limits Season dates Bag Middle Zone ........................................................... South Zone: Muskegon Wastewater GMU ......................... Allegan County GMU ..................................... Remainder of South Zone .............................. Minnesota Ducks: North Zone ............................................................ Central Zone .......................................................... South Zone ............................................................ Mergansers ................................................................... Coots (5) ....................................................................... Dark Geese (1): North Zone ............................................................ Central Zone .......................................................... South Zone ............................................................ Light Geese: North Zone ............................................................ Central Zone .......................................................... South Zone ............................................................ Mississippi Ducks ............................................................................ Mergansers ................................................................... Coots ............................................................................ Canada Geese ............................................................. White-fronted Geese .................................................... Brant ............................................................................. Light Geese .................................................................. Missouri Ducks and Mergansers: North Zone ............................................................ Middle Zone ........................................................... South Zone ............................................................ sradovich on DSKBCFCHB2PROD with RULES2 Coots ............................................................................ Canada Geese and Brant: North Zone ............................................................ Middle Zone ........................................................... South Zone ............................................................ White-fronted Geese: North Zone ............................................................ Middle Zone ........................................................... South Zone ............................................................ Light Geese: North Zone ............................................................ Middle Zone ........................................................... South Zone ............................................................ Ohio Ducks (6): Lake Erie Marsh Zone ........................................... North Zone ............................................................ South Zone ............................................................ Mergansers ................................................................... VerDate Sep<11>2014 20:13 Jul 25, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Possession Same as for Dark Geese ............................................. 20 ........................ Same as for Dark Geese ............................................. Same as for Dark Geese ............................................. Same as for Dark Geese ............................................. 20 20 20 ........................ ........................ ........................ ....................................................................................... Sept. 23–Nov. 21 .......................................................... Sept. 23–Oct. 1 & ......................................................... Oct. 7–Nov. 26 ............................................................. Sept. 23–Oct. 1 & ......................................................... Oct. 14–Dec. 3 ............................................................. Same as for Ducks ....................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... 6 ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ 5 15 18 ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ 15 45 Sept. 2–Sept. 17 & ....................................................... Sept. 23–Dec. 22 .......................................................... Sept. 2–Sept. 17 & ....................................................... Sept. 23–Oct. 1 & ......................................................... Oct. 7–Dec. 27 ............................................................. Sept. 2–Sept. 17 & ....................................................... Sept. 23–Oct. 1 & ......................................................... Oct. 14–Jan. 3 .............................................................. 5 3 5 3 3 5 3 3 15 9 15 9 9 15 9 9 Same as for Dark Geese ............................................. Same as for Dark Geese ............................................. Same as for Dark Geese ............................................. 20 20 20 60 60 60 Nov. 24–Nov. 26 & ....................................................... Dec. 1–Dec. 3 & ........................................................... Dec. 6–Jan. 28 ............................................................. Same as for Ducks ....................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... Sept. 1–Sept 30 & ........................................................ Nov. 10–Nov. 26 & ....................................................... Dec. 1–Dec. 3 & ........................................................... Dec. 6–Jan. 28 ............................................................. Nov. 10–Nov. 26 & ....................................................... Dec. 1–Dec. 3 & ........................................................... Dec. 6–Jan. 28 ............................................................. Same as for White-fronted Geese ............................... Same as for White-fronted Geese ............................... 6 6 6 5 15 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 20 18 18 18 15 45 15 9 9 9 9 9 9 3 ........................ ....................................................................................... Nov. 4–Jan. 2 ............................................................... Nov. 4–Nov. 10 & ......................................................... Nov. 16–Jan. 7 ............................................................. Nov. 23–Nov. 26 & ....................................................... Dec. 4–Jan. 28 ............................................................. Same as for Ducks ....................................................... 6 ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ 15 18 ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ 45 Oct. 7–Oct. 15 & ........................................................... Nov. 11–Feb. 6 ............................................................. Same as North Zone .................................................... Same as North Zone .................................................... 3 3 3 3 9 9 9 9 Nov. 11–Feb. 6 ............................................................. Same as North Zone .................................................... Same as North Zone .................................................... 2 2 2 6 6 6 Nov. 11–Feb. 6 ............................................................. Same as North Zone .................................................... Same as North Zone .................................................... 20 20 20 ........................ ........................ ........................ ....................................................................................... Oct. 14–Oct. 29 & ......................................................... Nov. 11–Dec. 24 ........................................................... Oct. 21–Nov. 5 & .......................................................... Nov. 18–Dec. 31 ........................................................... Oct. 21–Nov. 5 & .......................................................... Dec. 16–Jan. 28 ........................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... 6 ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ 5 18 ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ 15 Frm 00022 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\26JYR2.SGM 26JYR2 34773 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 142 / Wednesday, July 26, 2017 / Rules Limits Season dates Bag Coots ............................................................................ Dark Geese (1)(7): Lake Erie Goose Zone .......................................... North Zone ............................................................ Pymatuning ............................................................ South Zone ............................................................ Light Geese: Lake Erie Goose Zone .......................................... North Zone ............................................................ Pymatuning ............................................................ South Zone ............................................................ Tennessee Ducks: Reelfoot Zone ........................................................ Rest of State ......................................................... Mergansers ................................................................... Coots ............................................................................ Canada Geese: Northwest Zone ..................................................... Rest of State ......................................................... White-fronted Geese: Northwest Zone ..................................................... Rest of State ......................................................... Brant: Northwest Zone ..................................................... Rest of State ......................................................... Light Geese .................................................................. Wisconsin Ducks (6): North Zone ............................................................ South Zone ............................................................ sradovich on DSKBCFCHB2PROD with RULES2 Mississippi River Zone .......................................... Mergansers ................................................................... Coots ............................................................................ Canada Geese: North Zone (8) ....................................................... South Zone (8) ...................................................... Horicon Zone (8)(9) ............................................... VerDate Sep<11>2014 20:51 Jul 25, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Possession Same as for Ducks ....................................................... 15 45 Sept. 2–Sept. 10 & ....................................................... Oct. 14–Oct. 29 & ......................................................... Nov. 11–Dec. 24 & ....................................................... Jan. 6–Feb. 10 ............................................................. Sept. 2–Sept. 10 & ....................................................... Oct. 21–Nov. 5 & .......................................................... Nov. 18–Dec. 31 & ....................................................... Jan. 6–Feb. 10 ............................................................. Sept. 2–Sept. 10 & ....................................................... Oct. 21–Nov. 5 & .......................................................... Nov. 18–Dec. 31 & ....................................................... Jan. 6–Jan. 28 .............................................................. Sept. 2–Sept. 10 & ....................................................... Oct. 21–Nov. 5 & .......................................................... Nov. 23–Feb. 10 ........................................................... 5 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 5 3 3 15 9 9 9 15 9 9 9 15 9 9 9 15 9 9 Oct. 14–Oct. 29 & ......................................................... Nov. 11–Dec. 24 & ....................................................... Jan. 6–Feb. 10 ............................................................. Oct. 21–Nov. 5 & .......................................................... Nov. 18–Dec. 31 & ....................................................... Jan. 6–Feb. 10 ............................................................. Oct. 21–Nov. 5 & .......................................................... Nov. 18–Dec. 31 & ....................................................... Jan. 6–Jan. 28 .............................................................. Oct. 21–Nov. 5 & .......................................................... Nov. 23–Feb. 10 ........................................................... 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 ....................................................................................... Nov. 11–Nov. 12 & ....................................................... Dec. 2–Jan. 28 ............................................................. Nov. 25–Nov. 26 & ....................................................... Dec. 2–Jan. 28 ............................................................. Same as for Ducks ....................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... 6 ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ 5 15 18 ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ 15 45 Sept. 1–Sept. 15 & ....................................................... Oct. 14–Oct. 18 & ......................................................... Nov. 11–Nov. 12 & ....................................................... Dec. 2–Feb. 10 ............................................................. Sept. 1–Sept. 15 & ....................................................... Oct. 14–Oct. 31 & ......................................................... Nov. 25–Nov. 26 & ....................................................... Dec. 2–Jan. 28 ............................................................. 5 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 15 9 9 9 15 9 9 9 Nov. 25–Nov. 26 & ....................................................... Dec. 2–Feb. 10 ............................................................. Same as Northwest Zone ............................................. 2 2 2 6 6 6 Nov. 25–Nov. 26 & ....................................................... Dec. 2–Jan. 28 ............................................................. Same as Northwest Zone ............................................. Same as White-fronted Geese ..................................... 2 2 2 20 6 6 6 ........................ ....................................................................................... Sept. 23–Nov. 21 .......................................................... Sept. 30–Oct. 8 & ......................................................... Oct. 14–Dec. 3 ............................................................. Sept. 30–Oct. 6 & ......................................................... Oct. 14–Dec. 5 ............................................................. Same as for Ducks ....................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... 6 ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ 5 15 18 ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ 15 45 Sept. 1–Sept. 15 ........................................................... Sept. 16–Dec. 16 .......................................................... Sept. 1–Sept. 15 ........................................................... Sept. 16–Oct. 8 & ......................................................... Oct. 14–Dec. 21 ........................................................... Sept. 1–Sept. 15 ........................................................... Sept. 16–Dec. 16 .......................................................... 5 2 5 2 2 5 2 15 6 15 6 6 15 6 Frm 00023 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\26JYR2.SGM 26JYR2 34774 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 142 / Wednesday, July 26, 2017 / Rules Limits Season dates Bag Mississippi River Zone (8) ..................................... White-fronted Geese: North Zone ............................................................ South Zone ............................................................ Horicon Zone ......................................................... Mississippi River Zone .......................................... Brant ............................................................................. Light Geese .................................................................. Possession Sept. 1–Sept. 15 ........................................................... Sept. 30–Oct. 6 & ......................................................... Oct. 14–Jan. 4 .............................................................. 5 2 2 15 6 6 Sept. 16–Dec. 16 .......................................................... Sept. 16–Oct. 8 & ......................................................... Oct. 14–Dec. 21 ........................................................... Sept. 16–Dec. 16 .......................................................... Sept. 30–Oct. 6 & ......................................................... Oct. 14–Jan. 4 .............................................................. Same as for White-fronted Geese ............................... Same as for White-fronted Geese ............................... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 20 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ........................ (1) The dark goose daily bag limit is an aggregate daily bag limit for Canada geese, white-fronted geese, and brant. (2) In Alabama and Michigan, the dark goose daily bag limit may not include more than 1 brant. Additionally, after September 30, the daily bag may not include more than 3 Canada geese. (3) In Indiana, the dark goose daily bag limit of 5 may include 5 Canada geese during September 9 through September 17. During all other open season segments, the dark goose daily bag limit may not include more than 3 Canada geese. The possession limit is three times the daily bag limit. (4) In Iowa, in the North Zone, the Missouri River Zone, and the South Zone, the dark goose daily bag limit may not include more than 2 Canada geese until November 1. After such time, the daily bag limit may not include more than 3 Canada geese. The possession limit is three times the daily bag limit. (5) In Minnesota, the daily bag limit is 15 and the possession limit is 45 coots and moorhens in the aggregate. (6) In Ohio and Wisconsin, the daily bag limit may include no more than one female mallard. (7) In Ohio, only Canada geese may be taken during the September 2 to September 10 portion of the dark goose season. (8) In Wisconsin, a special Early Canada goose season permit is required for September 1 through 15. (9) In Wisconsin, a state tag is required for Canada goose harvest. See State regulations for further information. Central Flyway Flyway-Wide Restrictions Duck Limits: The daily bag limit is 6 ducks, which may include no more than 5 mallards (2 female mallards), 1 pintail, 2 canvasbacks, 2 redheads, 3 scaup, and 3 wood ducks. The possession limit is three times the daily bag limit. Merganser Limits: The daily bag limit is 5 mergansers and may include no more than 2 hooded mergansers. In States that include mergansers in the duck bag limit, the daily limit is the same as the duck bag limit, of which only 2 may be hooded mergansers. The possession limit is three times the daily bag limit. Limits Season dates Bag sradovich on DSKBCFCHB2PROD with RULES2 Colorado: Ducks ..................................................................... Southeast Zone .............................................. Northeast Zone .............................................. Mountain/Foothills Zone ................................. Coots ..................................................................... Mergansers ............................................................ Dark Geese: Northern Front Range Unit ............................ South Park/San Luis Valley Unit .................... North Park Unit .............................................. Rest of State in Central Flyway ..................... Light Geese: Northern Front Range Unit ............................ South Park/San Luis Valley Unit .................... North Park Unit .............................................. Rest of State in Central Flyway ..................... Kansas: Ducks ..................................................................... High Plains ..................................................... Low Plains. Early Zone ............................................... Late Zone ................................................ Southeast Zone ....................................... Mergansers ............................................................ Coots ..................................................................... Dark Geese (1) ...................................................... White-fronted Geese ............................................. Light Geese ........................................................... VerDate Sep<11>2014 20:13 Jul 25, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Possession ....................................................................................... Oct. 25–Jan. 28 ............................................................ Oct. 7–Nov. 27 & Dec. 16–Jan. 28 Sept. 30–Nov. 27 & Dec. 23–Jan. 28 Same as for Ducks ....................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... 6 ........................ ........................ ........................ 15 5 18 ........................ ........................ ........................ 45 15 Sept. 30–Oct. 11 & ....................................................... Nov. 18–Feb. 18 ........................................................... Same as N. Front Range Unit ...................................... Same as N. Front Range Unit ...................................... Nov. 6–Feb. 18 ............................................................. 5 5 5 5 5 15 15 15 15 15 Nov. 4–Feb. 18 ............................................................. Same as N. Front Range Unit ...................................... Same as N. Front Range Unit ...................................... Same as N. Front Range Unit ...................................... 50 50 50 50 ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ....................................................................................... Oct. 7–Jan. 1 & Jan. 20–Jan. 28 6 ........................ 18 ........................ Oct. 7–Dec. 3 & Dec. 16–Dec. 31 Oct. 28–Dec. 31 & Jan. 20–Jan. 28 Nov. 11–Dec. 31 & Jan. 6–Jan. 28 .............................. Same as for Ducks ....................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... Oct. 28–Oct. 29 & ......................................................... Nov. 8–Feb. 18 ............................................................. Oct. 28–Dec. 31 & ........................................................ Jan. 27–Feb. 18 ........................................................... Oct. 28–Oct. 29 & ......................................................... Nov. 8–Feb. 18 ............................................................. ........................ ........................ ........................ 5 15 6 6 2 2 50 50 ........................ ........................ ........................ 15 45 18 18 6 6 ........................ ........................ Frm 00024 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\26JYR2.SGM 26JYR2 34775 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 142 / Wednesday, July 26, 2017 / Rules Limits Season dates Bag Montana: Ducks and Mergansers (2) .................................... Zone 1 ............................................................ Zone 2 ............................................................ Coots ..................................................................... Dark Geese: Zone 1 ............................................................ Zone 2 ............................................................ Light Geese: Zone 1 ............................................................ Zone 2 ............................................................ Nebraska: Ducks ..................................................................... Zone 1 ............................................................ Zone 2: Low Plains ............................................... High Plains .............................................. Zone 3: Low Plains ............................................... High Plains .............................................. Zone 4 ............................................................ Mergansers ............................................................ Coots ..................................................................... Canada Geese: Niobrara Unit .................................................. East Unit ......................................................... North Central Unit .......................................... Platte River Unit ............................................. Panhandle Unit ............................................... White-fronted Geese ............................................. sradovich on DSKBCFCHB2PROD with RULES2 Light Geese ........................................................... New Mexico: Ducks and Mergansers (3) .................................... North Zone ..................................................... South Zone ..................................................... Coots ..................................................................... Dark Geese: Middle Rio Grande Valley Unit ...................... Rest of State .................................................. Light Geese ........................................................... North Dakota: Ducks (2) ............................................................... High Plains ..................................................... Remainder of State ........................................ Mergansers ............................................................ Coots ..................................................................... Canada Geese (4): Missouri River Zone ....................................... Rest of State .................................................. White-fronted Geese ............................................. Light Geese ........................................................... Oklahoma: Ducks ..................................................................... High Plains ..................................................... Low Plains: Zone 1 ..................................................... Zone 2 ..................................................... Mergansers ............................................................ Coots ..................................................................... Dark Geese (1) ...................................................... White-fronted Geese ............................................. Light Geese ........................................................... South Dakota: Ducks (2) ............................................................... VerDate Sep<11>2014 20:51 Jul 25, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Possession ....................................................................................... Sept. 30–Jan. 4 Sept. 30–Oct. 8 & Oct. 21–Jan. 16 Same as for Ducks ....................................................... 6 ........................ ........................ 15 18 ........................ ........................ 45 Sept. 30–Jan. 7 & ......................................................... Jan. 13–Jan. 17 ............................................................ Sept. 30–Oct. 8 & ......................................................... Oct. 21–Jan. 24 ............................................................ 5 5 5 5 15 15 15 15 Same as for Dark Geese ............................................. Same as for Dark Geese ............................................. 20 20 60 60 ....................................................................................... Oct. 14–Dec. 26 ........................................................... 6 ........................ 18 ........................ Oct. 7–Dec. 19 ............................................................. Oct. 7–Dec. 19 & Jan. 8–Jan. 28 ................................. ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ Oct. 26–Jan. 7 .............................................................. Oct. 26–Jan. 7 & .......................................................... Jan. 8–Jan. 28 .............................................................. Oct. 7–Dec. 19 ............................................................. Same as for Ducks ....................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ 5 15 ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ 15 45 Oct. 30–Feb. 11 ............................................................ Oct. 30–Feb. 11 ............................................................ Oct. 7–Jan. 19 .............................................................. Oct. 30–Feb. 11 ............................................................ Oct. 30–Feb. 11 ............................................................ Oct. 7–Dec. 10 & .......................................................... Feb. 3–Feb. 11 ............................................................. Oct. 7–Dec. 31 & .......................................................... Jan. 24–Feb. 11 ........................................................... 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 50 50 15 15 15 15 15 9 9 ........................ ........................ ....................................................................................... Oct. 14–Jan. 17 ............................................................ Oct. 25–Jan. 28 ............................................................ Same as for Ducks ....................................................... 6 ........................ ........................ 15 18 ........................ ........................ 45 Dec. 23–Jan. 16 ........................................................... Oct. 14–Jan. 28 ............................................................ Oct. 14–Jan. 28 ............................................................ 2 5 50 2 15 ........................ ....................................................................................... Sept. 23–Dec. 3 & Dec. 9–Dec. 31 .............................. Sept. 23–Dec. 3 ............................................................ Same as for Ducks ....................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... 6 ........................ ........................ 5 15 18 ........................ ........................ 15 45 29 .......................................................... 21 .......................................................... 3 ............................................................ 31 .......................................................... 5 8 3 50 15 24 9 ........................ ....................................................................................... Oct. 14–Jan. 10 6 ........................ 18 ........................ Oct. 28–Nov. 26 & Dec. 9–Jan. 21 Nov. 4–Nov. 26 & Dec. 9–Jan. 28 Same as for Ducks ....................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... Nov. 4–Nov. 26 & ......................................................... Dec. 9–Feb. 18 ............................................................. Nov. 4–Nov. 26 & ......................................................... Dec. 9–Feb. 11 ............................................................. Nov. 4–Nov. 26 & ......................................................... Dec. 9–Feb. 18 ............................................................. ........................ ........................ 5 15 8 8 2 2 50 50 ........................ ........................ 15 45 24 24 6 6 ........................ ........................ ....................................................................................... 6 18 Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Frm 00025 23–Dec. 23–Dec. 23–Dec. 23–Dec. Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\26JYR2.SGM 26JYR2 34776 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 142 / Wednesday, July 26, 2017 / Rules Limits Season dates Bag High Plains ..................................................... Low Plains: North Zone .............................................. Middle Zone ............................................ South Zone ............................................. Mergansers ............................................................ Coots ..................................................................... Canada Geese: Unit 1 .............................................................. Unit 2 .............................................................. Unit 3 .............................................................. White-fronted Geese ............................................. Light Geese ........................................................... Texas: Ducks (5) ............................................................... High Plains ..................................................... Low Plains: North Zone .............................................. South Zone ............................................. Mergansers ............................................................ Coots ..................................................................... Dark Geese (6): East Tier: South Zone ............................................. North Zone .............................................. West Tier ........................................................ Light Geese: East Tier: South Zone ............................................. North Zone .............................................. West Tier ........................................................ Wyoming: Ducks (2)(7) ........................................................... Zone C1 ......................................................... Zone C2 ......................................................... Zone C3 ......................................................... Mergansers ............................................................ Coots ..................................................................... Dark Geese: Zone G1A (7) ................................................. Zone G1 ......................................................... Zone G2 ......................................................... Zone G3 ......................................................... Light Geese ........................................................... Possession Oct. 14–Dec. 26 & Dec. 27–Jan. 18 ........................ ........................ Sept. 30–Dec. 12 .......................................................... Sept. 30–Dec. 12 .......................................................... Oct. 14–Dec. 26 ........................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... ........................ ........................ ........................ 5 15 ........................ ........................ ........................ 15 45 Oct. 1–Dec. 17 ............................................................. Nov. 6–Feb. 18 ............................................................. Oct. 21–Dec. 24 & ........................................................ Jan. 13–Jan. 21 ............................................................ Sept. 30–Dec. 24 .......................................................... Sept. 30–Jan. 12 .......................................................... 8 4 4 4 2 50 24 12 12 12 6 ....................................................................................... Oct. 28–Oct. 29 & Nov. 3–Jan. 28 6 ........................ 18 ........................ Nov. 11–Nov. 26 & Dec. 2–Jan. 28 Nov. 4–Nov. 26 & Dec. 9–Jan. 28 Same as for Ducks ....................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... ........................ ........................ 5 15 ........................ ........................ 15 45 Nov. 4–Jan. 28 ............................................................. Nov. 4–Jan. 28 ............................................................. Nov. 4–Feb. 4 ............................................................... 5 5 5 15 15 15 Nov. 4–Jan. 28 ............................................................. Nov. 4–Jan. 28 ............................................................. Nov. 4–Feb. 4 ............................................................... 20 20 20 ........................ ........................ ........................ ....................................................................................... Sept. 30–Oct. 17 & Oct. 28–Jan. 14 Sept. 23–Dec. 3 & Dec. 9–Jan. 2 Same as Zone C2 ........................................................ Same as for Ducks ....................................................... Same as for Ducks ....................................................... 6 ........................ ........................ ........................ 5 15 18 ........................ ........................ ........................ 15 45 Sept. 30–Oct. 11 & ....................................................... Nov. 18–Feb. 18 ........................................................... Sept. 30–Oct. 17 & ....................................................... Oct. 28–Nov. 26 & ........................................................ Dec. 2–Jan. 27 ............................................................. Sept. 23–Dec. 3 & ........................................................ Dec. 9–Jan. 10 ............................................................. Same as Zone G2 ........................................................ Sept. 30–Dec. 31 & ...................................................... Feb. 7–Feb. 18 ............................................................. 2 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 6 12 15 15 15 15 15 15 30 30 sradovich on DSKBCFCHB2PROD with RULES2 (1) In Kansas and Oklahoma, the dark geese daily bag limit includes Canada geese, brant, and all other geese except white-fronted geese and light geese. (2) In Montana, during the first 9 days of the duck season, and in North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming, during the first 16 days of the duck season, the daily bag and possession limit may include 2 and 6 additional blue-winged teal, respectively. (3) In New Mexico, Mexican-like ducks are included in the aggregate with mallards. (4) In North Dakota, see State regulations for additional shooting hour restrictions. (5) In Texas, the daily bag limit is 6 ducks, which may include no more than 5 mallards (only 2 of which may be females), 2 redheads, 3 wood ducks, 3 scaup, 2 canvasbacks, 1 pintail, and 1 dusky duck (mottled duck, Mexican-like duck, black duck and their hybrids). The season for dusky ducks is closed the first 5 days of the season in all zones. The possession limit is three times the daily bag limit. (6) In Texas, the daily bag limit for dark geese is 5 in the aggregate and may include no more than 2 white-fronted geese. Possession limits are three times the daily bag limits. (7) See State regulations for additional restrictions. PACIFIC FLYWAY Flyway-wide Restrictions Duck and Merganser Limits: The daily bag limit of 7 ducks (including VerDate Sep<11>2014 20:13 Jul 25, 2017 Jkt 241001 mergansers) may include no more than 2 female mallards, 1 pintail, 2 redheads, 3 scaup, and 2 canvasbacks. The possession limit is three times the daily bag limit. PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 Coot and Common Moorhen Limits: Daily bag and possession limits are in the aggregate for the two species. E:\FR\FM\26JYR2.SGM 26JYR2 34777 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 142 / Wednesday, July 26, 2017 / Rules Limits Season dates Bag Arizona Ducks (1): North Zone: Scaup ............................................................. Other Ducks ................................................... South Zone: Scaup ............................................................. Other Ducks ................................................... Coots and Moorhens .................................................... Dark Geese: North Zone ............................................................ South Zone ............................................................ Light Geese .................................................................. California Ducks: Northeastern Zone: Scaup ............................................................. Other Ducks ................................................... Colorado River Zone: Scaup ............................................................. Other Ducks ................................................... Southern Zone: Scaup ............................................................. Other Ducks ................................................... Southern San Joaquin Valley Zone: Scaup ............................................................. Other Ducks ................................................... Balance of State Zone: Scaup ............................................................. Other Ducks ................................................... Coots and Moorhens .................................................... Canada Geese (2) (3): Northeastern Zone (4) ........................................... Colorado River Zone ............................................. Southern Zone ....................................................... Balance of State Zone .......................................... North Coast Special Management Area ............... White-fronted Geese (2): Northeastern Zone ................................................ Colorado River Zone ............................................. Southern Zone ....................................................... Balance of State Zone .......................................... Sacramento Valley Special Management Area .... Light Geese: Northeastern Zone ................................................ Colorado River Zone ............................................. Southern Zone ....................................................... Imperial County Special Management Area ......... sradovich on DSKBCFCHB2PROD with RULES2 Balance of State Zone .......................................... Brant: Northern Zone ....................................................... Balance of State Zone .......................................... Colorado Ducks: East Zone: Scaup ............................................................. Other Ducks ................................................... West Zone: Scaup ............................................................. Other Ducks ................................................... Coots ............................................................................ VerDate Sep<11>2014 20:13 Jul 25, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Possession 7 21 Oct. 21–Jan. 14 ............................................................ Oct. 6–Jan. 14 .............................................................. 3 7 9 21 Nov. 4–Jan. 28 ............................................................. Oct. 20–Jan. 28 ............................................................ Same as for Other Ducks ............................................. 3 7 25 9 21 75 Oct. 6–Jan. 14 .............................................................. Oct. 20–Jan. 28 ............................................................ Same as for Dark Geese ............................................. 4 4 10 12 12 30 7 21 Oct. 7–Dec. 3 & ............................................................ Dec. 23–Jan. 19 ........................................................... Oct. 7–Jan. 19 .............................................................. 3 3 7 9 9 21 Nov. 4–Jan. 28 ............................................................. Oct. 20–Jan. 28 ............................................................ 3 7 9 21 Nov. 4–Jan. 28 ............................................................. Oct. 21–Jan. 28 ............................................................ 3 7 9 21 Nov. 4–Jan. 28 ............................................................. Oct. 21–Jan. 28 ............................................................ 3 7 9 21 Nov. 4–Jan. 28 ............................................................. Oct. 21–Jan. 28 ............................................................ Same as for Other Ducks ............................................. 3 7 25 9 21 25 Oct. 7–Jan. 14 .............................................................. Oct. 20–Jan. 28 ............................................................ Oct. 21–Jan. 28 ............................................................ Sept. 30–Oct. 4 & ......................................................... Oct. 21–Jan. 28 ............................................................ Nov. 7–Jan. 28 & .......................................................... Feb. 17–Mar. 10 ........................................................... 10 4 3 10 10 10 10 30 12 9 30 30 30 30 Oct. 7–Jan. 14 & .......................................................... Mar. 3–Mar. 7 ............................................................... Oct. 20–Jan. 28 ............................................................ Oct. 21–Jan. 28 ............................................................ Oct. 21–Jan. 28 & ........................................................ Feb. 10–Feb. 14 ........................................................... Oct. 21–Dec. 21 ........................................................... 10 10 4 3 10 10 3 30 30 12 9 30 30 9 Oct. 7–Dec. 3 & ............................................................ Jan. 6–Jan. 19 & .......................................................... Feb. 6–Mar. 10 ............................................................. Oct. 20–Jan. 28 ............................................................ Oct. 21–Jan. 28 ............................................................ Nov. 4–Jan. 28 & .......................................................... Feb. 3–Feb. 19 ............................................................. Oct. 21–Jan. 28 & ........................................................ Feb. 10–Feb. 14 ........................................................... 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 Nov. 8–Dec. 14 ............................................................. Nov. 9–Dec. 15 ............................................................. 2 2 6 6 7 21 Sept. 30–Dec. 24 .......................................................... Sept. 30–Jan. 12 .......................................................... 3 7 9 21 Sept. 30–Oct. 18 & ....................................................... Nov. 4–Jan. 9 ............................................................... Sept. 30–Oct. 18 & ....................................................... Nov. 4–Jan. 28 ............................................................. Same as for Other Ducks ............................................. 3 3 7 7 25 9 9 21 21 75 Frm 00027 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\26JYR2.SGM 26JYR2 34778 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 142 / Wednesday, July 26, 2017 / Rules Limits Season dates Bag Dark Geese: East Zone .............................................................. West Zone ............................................................. Light Geese: Idaho Ducks: Zone 1: Scaup ............................................................. Other Ducks ................................................... Zone 2: Scaup ............................................................. Other Ducks ................................................... Zone 3: Scaup ............................................................. Other Ducks ................................................... Zone 4: Scaup ............................................................. Other Ducks ................................................... Coots ............................................................................ Canada Geese and Brant: Zone 1 ................................................................... Zone 2 ................................................................... Zone 3 ................................................................... Zone 4 ................................................................... Zone 5 ................................................................... White-fronted Geese: Zone 1 ................................................................... Zone 2 ................................................................... Zone 3 ................................................................... Zone 4 ................................................................... Zone 5 ................................................................... Light Geese: Zone 1 ................................................................... Zone 2 ................................................................... Zone 3 ................................................................... Zone 4 ................................................................... Zone 5 (5) .............................................................. Zone 6 ................................................................... Montana Ducks: Scaup .................................................................... Other Ducks .......................................................... Coots ............................................................................ Dark Geese (6) ............................................................. Light Geese (6) ............................................................. Nevada Ducks: Northeast Zone: Scaup ............................................................. Other Ducks ................................................... Northwest Zone: Scaup ............................................................. Other Ducks ................................................... sradovich on DSKBCFCHB2PROD with RULES2 South Zone: Scaup ............................................................. Other Ducks ................................................... Moapa Valley Special Management Area (7): Scaup ............................................................. Other Ducks ................................................... Coots and Moorhens .................................................... Canada Geese and Brant: Northeast Zone ...................................................... Northwest Zone ..................................................... South Zone ............................................................ VerDate Sep<11>2014 20:13 Jul 25, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Sept. 30–Jan. 3 ............................................................ Sept. 30–Oct. 9 & ......................................................... Nov. 4–Jan. 28 ............................................................. Same as for Dark Geese ............................................. Possession 4 4 4 10 12 12 12 30 7 21 Oct. 7–Dec. 31 ............................................................. Oct. 7–Jan. 19 .............................................................. 3 7 9 21 Oct. 7–Dec. 31 ............................................................. Oct. 7–Jan. 19 .............................................................. 3 7 9 21 Nov. 2–Jan. 26 ............................................................. Oct. 14–Jan. 26 ............................................................ 3 7 9 21 Oct. 7–Dec. 31 ............................................................. Oct. 7–Jan. 19 .............................................................. Same as for Other Ducks ............................................. 3 7 25 9 21 75 7–Jan. 19 .............................................................. 7–Jan. 19 .............................................................. 14–Jan. 26 ............................................................ 7–Jan. 4 ................................................................ 7–Jan. 4 ................................................................ 4 4 4 4 4 12 12 12 12 12 Oct. 7–Jan. 19 .............................................................. Oct. 7–Jan. 19 .............................................................. Oct. 14–Jan. 26 ............................................................ Nov. 6–Feb. 18 ............................................................. Oct. 7–Jan. 4 ................................................................ 10 10 10 10 10 30 30 30 30 30 Oct. 7–Jan. 19 .............................................................. Nov. 5–Jan. 19 & .......................................................... Feb. 10–Mar. 10 ........................................................... Nov. 26–Mar. 10 ........................................................... Oct. 14–Jan. 26 ............................................................ Oct. 7–Jan. 19 .............................................................. Oct. 7–Jan. 19 .............................................................. 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 Sept. 30–Dec. 24 .......................................................... Sept. 30–Jan. 7 & ......................................................... Jan. 13–Jan. 17 ............................................................ Same as for Other Ducks ............................................. Sept. 30–Jan. 7 & ......................................................... Jan. 13–Jan. 17 ............................................................ Same as for Dark Geese ............................................. 7 3 7 7 25 4 4 20 21 9 21 21 25 12 12 60 7 21 Sept. 23–Oct. 22 & ....................................................... Oct. 25–Dec. 19 ........................................................... Sept. 23–Oct. 22 & ....................................................... Oct. 25–Jan. 7 .............................................................. 3 3 7 7 9 0 21 21 Oct. 28–Jan. 21 ............................................................ Oct. 7–Oct. 22 & ........................................................... Oct. 25–Jan. 21 ............................................................ 3 7 7 9 21 21 Nov. 4–Jan. 28 ............................................................. Oct. 14–Oct. 22 & ......................................................... Oct. 25–Jan. 28 ............................................................ 3 7 7 9 21 21 Nov. 4–Jan. 28 ............................................................. Oct. 28–Jan. 28 ............................................................ Same as for Other Ducks ............................................. 3 7 25 9 21 75 Same as for Other Ducks ............................................. Same as for Other Ducks ............................................. Same as for Other Ducks ............................................. 4 4 4 12 12 12 Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Frm 00028 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\26JYR2.SGM 26JYR2 34779 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 142 / Wednesday, July 26, 2017 / Rules Limits Season dates Bag Moapa Valley Special Management Area (7): White-fronted Geese: Northeast Zone ...................................................... Northwest Zone ..................................................... South Zone ............................................................ Moapa Valley Special Management Area (7): Light Geese (8): Northeast Zone ...................................................... Northwest Zone ..................................................... South Zone ............................................................ Moapa Valley Special Management Area (7): New Mexico Ducks: Scaup .................................................................... Other Ducks .......................................................... Coots and Moorhens .................................................... Canada Geese and Brant: North Zone ............................................................ South Zone ............................................................ White-fronted Geese: North Zone ............................................................ South Zone ............................................................ Light Geese: North Zone ............................................................ South Zone ............................................................ Oregon Ducks: Zone 1: Columbia Basin Unit: Scaup ............................................................. Other Ducks ................................................... Rest of Zone 1 ...................................................... Zone 2: Scaup ............................................................. Other Ducks ................................................... Coots ............................................................................ Canada Geese: Northwest Permit Zone (9) (10) ............................ Tillamook County Management Area .................... Southwest Zone .................................................... South Coast Zone ................................................. Eastern Zone ......................................................... Klamath County Zone ........................................... Harney and Lake County Zone ............................. sradovich on DSKBCFCHB2PROD with RULES2 Malheur County Zone ............................................ White-fronted Geese: Northwest Permit Zone (9) .................................... Tillamook County Management Area .................... Southwest Zone .................................................... South Coast Zone ................................................. Eastern Zone ......................................................... Klamath County Zone ........................................... Harney and Lake County Zone (11) ..................... VerDate Sep<11>2014 20:13 Jul 25, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Same as for Other Ducks ............................................. Possession 4 12 ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ 10 10 10 10 30 30 30 30 Oct. 25–Jan. 7 & .......................................................... Feb. 24–Mar. 10 ........................................................... Oct. 25–Jan. 21 & ........................................................ Feb. 24–Mar. 10 ........................................................... Oct. 14–Oct. 22 & ......................................................... Oct. 25–Jan. 28 ............................................................ Oct. 28–Jan. 28 ............................................................ 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 Oct. 16–Jan. 9 .............................................................. Oct. 16–Jan. 28 ............................................................ Same as for Other Ducks ............................................. 7 3 7 25 21 9 21 75 Sept. 23–Oct. 8 & ......................................................... Oct. 30–Jan. 28 ............................................................ Oct. 14–Jan. 28 ............................................................ 4 4 4 12 12 12 Same as for Canada Geese ........................................ Same as for Canada Geese ........................................ 10 10 30 30 Same as for Canada Geese ........................................ Same as for Canada Geese ........................................ 20 20 60 60 7 21 Nov. 4–Jan. 28 ............................................................. Oct. 14–Oct. 29 & ......................................................... Nov. 1–Jan. 28 ............................................................. Same as Columbia Basin Unit. 3 7 7 9 21 21 Oct. 7–Nov. 26 & .......................................................... Nov. 29–Jan. 2 ............................................................. Oct. 7–Nov. 26 & .......................................................... Nov. 29–Jan. 21 ........................................................... Same as for Other Ducks ............................................. 3 3 7 7 25 9 9 21 21 75 Oct. 21–Oct. 29 & ......................................................... Nov. 18–Jan. 7 & .......................................................... Feb. 3–Mar. 10 ............................................................. Closed. Oct. 14–Oct. 29 & ......................................................... Nov. 6–Jan. 28 ............................................................. Sept. 30–Nov. 26 & ...................................................... Dec. 16–Jan. 9 & .......................................................... Feb. 17–Mar. 10 ........................................................... Oct. 14–Oct. 29 & ......................................................... Nov. 6–Jan. 28 ............................................................. Oct. 7–Nov. 26 & .......................................................... Dec. 11–Jan. 28 ........................................................... Oct. 7–Nov. 26 & .......................................................... Dec. 11–Jan. 28 ........................................................... Oct. 7–Nov. 26 & .......................................................... Dec. 11–Jan. 28 ........................................................... 4 4 4 12 12 12 4 4 6 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 12 12 18 18 18 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 10 30 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Same Same Same Same as as as as for for for for Canada Canada Canada Canada Geese Geese Geese Geese Same as for Canada Geese ........................................ Closed. Same as for Canada Geese ........................................ Same as for Canada Geese ........................................ Same as for Canada Geese ........................................ Oct. 7–Nov. 26 & .......................................................... Jan. 16–Mar. 10 ........................................................... Oct. 7–Nov. 26 & .......................................................... Jan. 16–Mar. 10 ........................................................... Frm 00029 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\26JYR2.SGM 26JYR2 34780 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 142 / Wednesday, July 26, 2017 / Rules Limits Season dates Bag Malheur County Zone ............................................ Light Geese: Northwest Permit Zone (9) .................................... Tillamook County Management Area .................... Southwest Zone .................................................... South Coast Zone ................................................. Eastern Zone ......................................................... Klamath County Zone (12) .................................... Harney and Lake County Zone (12) ..................... Malheur County Zone (12) .................................... Brant ............................................................................. Utah Ducks: Zone 1: Scaup ............................................................. Other Ducks ................................................... Zone 2: Scaup ............................................................. Other Ducks ................................................... Coots ............................................................................ Canada Geese and Brant: Northern Zone ....................................................... Wasatch Front Zone .............................................. East Box Elder County Zone ................................ Southern Zone ....................................................... White-fronted Geese: Northern Zone ....................................................... Wasatch Front Zone .............................................. East Box Elder County Zone ................................ Southern Zone ....................................................... Light Geese: Northern Zone ....................................................... Wasatch Front Zone .............................................. East Box Elder County Zone ................................ Southern Zone ....................................................... Washington Ducks: East Zone: Scaup ............................................................. Other Ducks ................................................... West Zone (13) ..................................................... Coots ............................................................................ Canada Geese: Area 1 (14) ............................................................ Area 2A (15) (16) .................................................. Area 2B (15) (16) .................................................. Area 3 (14) ............................................................ sradovich on DSKBCFCHB2PROD with RULES2 Area 4 (14) ............................................................ Area 5 (14) ............................................................ White-fronted Geese: Area 1 (14) ............................................................ Area 2A (15) .......................................................... Area 2B (15) .......................................................... Area 3 (14) ............................................................ Area 4 (14) ............................................................ VerDate Sep<11>2014 20:13 Jul 25, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Possession Oct. 7–Nov. 26 & .......................................................... Jan. 16–Mar. 10 ........................................................... 10 10 30 30 Same as for Canada Geese ........................................ Closed. Same as for Canada Geese ........................................ Same as for Canada Geese ........................................ Same as for Canada Geese ........................................ Oct. 7–Nov. 26 & .......................................................... Jan. 16–Mar. 10 ........................................................... Oct. 7–Nov. 26 & .......................................................... Jan. 16–Mar. 10 ........................................................... Oct. 7–Nov. 26 & .......................................................... Jan. 16–Mar. 10 ........................................................... Nov. 25–Dec. 10 ........................................................... 6 18 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 2 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 6 7 21 Oct. 7–Dec. 31 ............................................................. Oct. 7–Jan. 20 .............................................................. 3 7 9 21 Nov. 3–Jan. 27 ............................................................. Oct. 14–Jan. 27 ............................................................ Same as for Other Ducks ............................................. 3 7 25 9 21 75 Oct. 7–Oct. 19 & ........................................................... Oct. 28–Jan. 28 ............................................................ Oct. 7–Oct. 19 & ........................................................... Nov. 4–Feb. 4 ............................................................... Oct. 7–Jan. 20 .............................................................. Oct. 14–Jan. 27 ............................................................ 4 4 4 4 4 4 12 12 12 12 12 12 ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ 10 10 10 10 30 30 30 30 Oct. 25–Nov. 30 & ........................................................ Jan. 1–Mar. 10 ............................................................. Same as for Northern Zone ......................................... Same as for Northern Zone ......................................... Same as for Northern Zone ......................................... 20 20 20 20 20 60 60 60 60 60 7 21 Same Same Same Same as as as as for for for for Canada Canada Canada Canada Geese Geese Geese Geese Nov. 4–Jan. 28 ............................................................. Oct. 14–Oct 18 & .......................................................... Oct. 21–Jan. 28 ............................................................ Same as East Zone. Same as for Other Ducks ............................................. 3 7 7 9 21 21 25 75 Oct. 14–Oct. 26 & ......................................................... Nov. 4–Jan. 28 ............................................................. Oct. 14–Oct. 29 & ......................................................... Nov. 25–Jan. 14 & ........................................................ Feb. 10–Mar. 10 ........................................................... Oct. 14–Oct. 29 & ......................................................... Nov. 25–Jan. 14 & ........................................................ Feb. 10–Mar. 10 ........................................................... Oct. 14–Oct. 26 & ......................................................... Nov. 4–Jan. 28 ............................................................. Oct. 14–Oct. 15 & ......................................................... Oct. 18 & ...................................................................... Oct. 21–Jan. 28 ............................................................ Oct. 14–Oct. 16 & ......................................................... Oct. 21–Jan. 28 ............................................................ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Oct. 14–Jan. 28 ............................................................ Same as for Canada Geese ........................................ Same as for Canada Geese ........................................ Same as for Canada Geese ........................................ Same as for Canada Geese ........................................ 10 10 10 10 10 30 30 30 30 30 Frm 00030 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\26JYR2.SGM 26JYR2 34781 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 142 / Wednesday, July 26, 2017 / Rules Limits Season dates Bag Area 5 (14) ............................................................ Light Geese: Area 1 (14) ............................................................ Area 2A (15) .......................................................... Area 2B (15) .......................................................... Area 3 (14) ............................................................ Area 4 (14) ............................................................ Area 5 (14) ............................................................ Brant (18): Coastal Zone ......................................................... Puget Sound Zone ................................................ Wyoming Ducks: Snake River Zone: Scaup ............................................................. Other Ducks ................................................... Balance of State Zone Scaup ............................................................. Other Ducks ................................................... Coots ............................................................................ Dark Geese .................................................................. Light Geese .................................................................. Possession Same as for Canada Geese ........................................ 10 30 Oct. 14–Jan. 28 ............................................................ Same as for Canada Geese ........................................ Same as for Canada Geese ........................................ Same as for Canada Geese ........................................ Same as for Canada Geese ........................................ Same as for Canada Geese ........................................ 6 6 6 6 6 6 18 18 18 18 18 18 Jan. 6–Jan. 21 .............................................................. Jan. 6–Jan. 21 .............................................................. 2 2 6 6 7 21 Sept. 23–Dec. 17 .......................................................... Sept. 23–Jan. 5 ............................................................ 3 7 9 21 Sept. 23–Dec. 17 .......................................................... Sept. 23–Jan. 5 ............................................................ Same as for Other Ducks ............................................. Sept. 23–Dec. 28 .......................................................... Sept. 23–Dec. 28 .......................................................... 3 7 25 4 10 9 21 75 12 30 (1) In Arizona, the daily bag limit may include no more than either 2 female mallards or 2 Mexican-like ducks, or 1 of each; and not more than 6 female mallards and Mexican-like ducks, in the aggregate, may be in possession. (2) In California, the daily bag and possession limits for Canada geese and white–fronted geese are in the aggregate. (3) In California, small Canada geese are Cackling and Aleutian Canada geese, and large Canada geese are Western and Lesser Canada geese. (4) In California, in the Northeastern Zone, the daily bag limit may include no more than 2 large Canada geese. (5) In Idaho, the season on light geese is closed in Fremont and Teton Counties. (6) In Montana, check State regulations for special seasons and exceptions in Freezeout Lake WMA; Canyon Ferry; Flathead; and Deer Lodge County. (7) In Nevada, youth 17 years of age or younger are allowed to hunt on October 14 on the Moapa Valley portion of Overton Wildlife Management Area. Youth must be accompanied by an adult who is at least 18 years of age. (8) In Nevada, there is no open season on light geese in Ruby Valley within Elko and White Pine Counties. In addition, the season is closed in Alkali Lake, Fernley, Humboldt, Kirch, Mason Valley, Scripps, and Steptoe Valley Wildlife Management Areas and Washoe State Park from February 24 to March 10. (9) In Oregon, in the Northwest Permit Zone, see State regulations for specific dates, times, and conditions of permit hunts and closures. (10) In Oregon, in the Northwest Permit Zone, the season for dusky Canada geese is closed. (11) In Oregon, in Lake County, the daily bag and possession limits for white-fronted geese are 1 and 3, respectively. (12) In Oregon, in Klamath County, Harney and Lake County, and Malheur County Zones, during January 29 through March 10, the daily bag and possession limits are 20 and 60, respectively. (13) In Washington, the daily bag limit in the West Zone may include no more than 2 scoters, 2 long-tailed ducks, and 2 goldeneyes, with the possession limit three times the daily bag limit. The daily bag and possession limit, and the season limit, for harlequins is 1. (14) In Washington, in Areas 1, 3, and 5, hunting is allowed every day. In Area 4, hunting is allowed only on Saturdays, Sundays, Wednesdays, and certain holidays. See State regulations for details, including shooting hours. (15) In Washington, in Areas 2A and 2B, see State regulations for specific dates, times, and conditions of permit hunts and closures. (16) In Washington, in Areas 2A and 2B, the season for dusky Canada geese is closed. (17) In Washington, brant may be hunted in Clallam, Pacific, Skagit, and Watcom Counties only; see State regulations for specific dates. (f) Youth Waterfowl Hunting Days. The following seasons are open only to youth hunters. Youth hunters must be accompanied into the field by an adult at least 18 years of age. This adult cannot duck hunt but may participate in other open seasons. Definition Youth Hunters: States may use their established definition of age for youth hunters. However, youth hunters may not be over the age of 17. Youth hunters 16 years of age and older must possess a Federal Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp (also known as Federal Duck Stamp). Season dates sradovich on DSKBCFCHB2PROD with RULES2 ATLANTIC FLYWAY: Connecticut ............................................................................ Delaware ............................................................................... Florida .................................................................................... Georgia .................................................................................. Maine ..................................................................................... Maryland (1)(2) ...................................................................... Massachusetts ....................................................................... New Hampshire ..................................................................... VerDate Sep<11>2014 20:13 Jul 25, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Ducks, geese, mergansers, and coots ................................ Ducks, geese, brant, mergansers, and coots ..................... Ducks, mergansers, coots, moorhens, and geese .............. Ducks, geese, mergansers, coots, moorhens, and gallinules. Ducks, geese, mergansers, and coots: North Zone ........................................................................... South Zone .......................................................................... Coastal Zone ....................................................................... Ducks, coots, light geese, Canada geese, sea ducks, and brant. Ducks, mergansers, coots, and geese ................................ Ducks, geese, mergansers, and coots ................................ Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\26JYR2.SGM 26JYR2 Oct. 7 & Nov. 4. Oct. 21 & Feb. 10. Feb. 3 & 4. Nov. 11 & 12. Sept. 16 & Dec. 9. Sept. 23 & Oct. 21. Sept. 23 & Nov. 4. Nov. 4 & Feb. 10. Sept. 23 & Oct. 7. Sept. 23 & 24. 34782 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 142 / Wednesday, July 26, 2017 / Rules Season dates New Jersey ............................................................................ New York (3) ......................................................................... North Carolina ....................................................................... Pennsylvania ......................................................................... Rhode Island ......................................................................... South Carolina ....................................................................... Vermont ................................................................................. Virginia ................................................................................... West Virginia ......................................................................... MISSISSIPPI FLYWAY Alabama ................................................................................ Arkansas ................................................................................ Illinois ..................................................................................... Indiana ................................................................................... Iowa ....................................................................................... Kentucky ................................................................................ Louisiana ............................................................................... Michigan ................................................................................ Minnesota .............................................................................. Mississippi ............................................................................. sradovich on DSKBCFCHB2PROD with RULES2 Missouri ................................................................................. Ohio ....................................................................................... Tennessee ............................................................................. VerDate Sep<11>2014 20:13 Jul 25, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Ducks, geese, mergansers, coots, moorhens, and gallinules: North Zone ........................................................................... South Zone .......................................................................... Coastal Zone ....................................................................... Ducks, mergansers, coots, brant, and Canada geese: Long Island Zone ................................................................. Lake Champlain Zone ......................................................... Northeastern Zone ............................................................... Southeastern Zone .............................................................. Western Zone ...................................................................... Ducks, mergansers, geese (4), brant, tundra swans (5), and coots. Ducks, mergansers, Canada geese, coots, moorhens, brant, and gallinules: North Zone ........................................................................... South Zone .......................................................................... Northwest Zone ................................................................... Lake Erie Zone .................................................................... Ducks, mergansers, geese, and coots ................................ Ducks, geese, mergansers, and coots ................................ Ducks, geese, mergansers and coots ................................. Ducks, mergansers, coots, tundra swans (5), and Canada geese (6). Ducks, geese, mergansers, coots, and gallinules ............... Ducks, mergansers, coots, geese, moorhens, and gallinules. Ducks, geese, mergansers, coots, moorhens, and gallinules. Ducks, geese, mergansers, and coots ................................ North Zone ........................................................................... Central Zone ........................................................................ South Central Zone ............................................................. South Zone .......................................................................... Ducks, mergansers, coots, moorhens, gallinules, and geese: North Zone ........................................................................... Central Zone ........................................................................ South Zone .......................................................................... Ducks, mergansers, and coots: North Zone ........................................................................... Missouri River Zone ............................................................. South Zone .......................................................................... Ducks, geese, mergansers, coots, moorhens, and gallinules: West Zone ........................................................................... East Zone ............................................................................ Ducks, mergansers, coots, moorhens, gallinules, and geese: West Zone ........................................................................... East Zone ............................................................................ Coastal Zone ....................................................................... Ducks, geese, mergansers, coots, moorhens, and gallinules. Ducks, geese, mergansers, coots, moorhens, and gallinules. Ducks, mergansers, coots, moorhens, gallinules, and geese. Ducks, coots, mergansers, moorhens, gallinules, and geese: North Zone ........................................................................... Middle Zone ......................................................................... South Zone .......................................................................... Ducks, mergansers, coots, moorhens, gallinules, and geese: Lake Erie Marsh .................................................................. North Zone ........................................................................... South Zone .......................................................................... Ducks, mergansers, coots, moorhens, gallinules, and geese: Reelfoot Zone ...................................................................... Remainder of State .............................................................. Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\26JYR2.SGM 26JYR2 Oct. 7 & Feb. 3. Oct. 14 & Feb. 3. Nov. 4 & Feb. 10. Nov. 11 & 12. Sept. 23 & 24. Sept. 23 & 24. Sept. 16 & 17. Oct. 14 & 15. Feb. 3 & Feb. 10. Sept. 16 & Jan. 20. Sept. 16 & Jan. 27. Sept. 16 & Dec. 16. Sept. 16 & Oct. 21. Oct. 28 & 29. Feb. 3 & 10. Sept. 23 & 24. Oct. 21 & Feb. 3. Sept. 16 & Nov. 4. Nov. 18 & Feb. 3. Dec. 2 & Feb. 3. Oct. 14 & 15. Oct. 21 & 22. Nov. 4 & 5. Nov. 11 & 12. Oct. 14 & 15. Oct. 21 & 22. Oct. 28 & 29. Sept. 16 & 17. Sept. 30 & Oct. 1. Sept. 23 & 24. Feb. 3 & 4. Nov. 4 & 5. Nov. 4 & Jan. 27. Nov. 11 & Feb. 3. Nov. 4 & Nov. 5. Sept. 9 & 10. Sept. 9. Nov. 18 & Feb. 3. Oct. 28 & 29. Oct. 28 & 29. Nov. 18 & 19. Oct. 7 & 8. Oct. 7 & 8. Oct. 7 & 8. Feb. 3 & 10. Feb. 3 & 10. 34783 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 142 / Wednesday, July 26, 2017 / Rules Season dates Wisconsin .............................................................................. CENTRAL FLYWAY Colorado ................................................................................ Kansas (7) ............................................................................. Montana ................................................................................. Nebraska ............................................................................... New Mexico ........................................................................... North Dakota ......................................................................... Oklahoma .............................................................................. South Dakota ......................................................................... Texas ..................................................................................... Wyoming ................................................................................ PACIFIC FLYWAY Arizona .................................................................................. California ............................................................................... Colorado ................................................................................ Idaho ...................................................................................... Montana ................................................................................. Nevada .................................................................................. New Mexico ........................................................................... Oregon ................................................................................... Utah ....................................................................................... sradovich on DSKBCFCHB2PROD with RULES2 Washington ............................................................................ Wyoming ................................................................................ (1) In Maryland, youth hunter(s) must be accompanied by an adult at least 21 years old and who possesses a current Maryland hunting license or is exempt from the hunting license requirement. VerDate Sep<11>2014 20:13 Jul 25, 2017 Jkt 241001 Ducks, geese, mergansers, coots, moorhens, and gallinules. Ducks, dark geese, mergansers, and coots: Mountain/Foothills Zone ...................................................... Northeast Zone .................................................................... Southeast Zone ................................................................... Ducks, geese, mergansers, and coots: High Plains ........................................................................... Low Plains: Early Zone ........................................................................... Late Zone ............................................................................. Southeast Zone ................................................................... Ducks, geese, mergansers, and coots ................................ Ducks, geese, mergansers, and coots: Zone 1 .................................................................................. Zone 2 .................................................................................. Zone 3 .................................................................................. Zone 4 .................................................................................. Ducks, mergansers, coots, and moorhens: North Zone ........................................................................... South Zone .......................................................................... Ducks, geese, mergansers, and coots ................................ Ducks, geese mergansers, and coots: High Plains ........................................................................... Low Plains: Zone 1 .................................................................................. Zone 2 .................................................................................. Ducks, Canada geese, mergansers, and coots .................. Ducks, geese, mergansers, moorhens, gallinules, and coots: High Plains ........................................................................... Low Plains: North Zone ........................................................................... South Zone .......................................................................... Ducks, geese, mergansers, and coots: Zone C1 ............................................................................... Zone C2 ............................................................................... Zone C3 ............................................................................... Ducks, geese, mergansers, coots, and moorhens: North Zone ........................................................................... South Zone .......................................................................... Ducks, geese, brant, mergansers, coots, and moorhens: Northeastern Zone ............................................................... Colorado River Zone ........................................................... Southern Zone ..................................................................... Southern San Joaquin Valley Zone ..................................... Balance of State Zone ......................................................... Ducks, geese, mergansers, and coots: East Zone ............................................................................ West Zone ........................................................................... Ducks, geese, mergansers, and coots Ducks, geese, mergansers, and coots Ducks, geese, mergansers, coots, and moorhens: Northeast Zone .................................................................... Northwest Zone ................................................................... South Zone .......................................................................... Ducks, mergansers, coots, and moorhens .......................... Ducks, geese, mergansers, and coots ................................ Ducks, dark geese, mergansers, and coots: Zone 1 .................................................................................. Zone 2 .................................................................................. Ducks, Canada geese, mergansers, and coots .................. Ducks, geese, mergansers, and coots ................................ The adult accompanying the youth hunter(s) may not possess a hunting weapon and may not participate in other seasons that are open on the youth days. PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 Sept. 16 & 17. Sept. 23 & 24. Sept. 30 & Oct. 1. Oct. 21 & 22. Sept. 30 & Oct. 1. Sept. 30 & Oct. 1. Oct. 21 & 22. Nov. 4 & 5. Sept. 23 & 24. Oct. 7 & 8. Sept. 30 & Oct. 1. Oct. 21 & 22. Sept. 30 & Oct. 1. Sept. 30 & Oct. 1. Oct. 7 & 8. Sept. 16 & 17. Sept. 30 & Feb. 3. Sept. 30 & Feb. 3. Sept. 30 & Feb. 3. Sept. 23 & 24. Oct. 21 & 22. Nov. 4 & 5. Oct. 28 & 29. Sept. 23 & 24. Sept. 16 & 17. Sept. 16 & 17. Sept. 30 & Oct. 1. Feb. 3 & 4. Sept. 23 & 24. Feb. 3 & 4. Feb. 3 & 4. Feb. 3 & 4. Feb. 3 & 4. Sept. 23 & 24. Oct. 28 & 29. Sept. 30 & Oct. 1. Sept. 23 & 24. Sept. 9 & 10. Sept. 23 & Feb. 3. Feb. 10 & 11. Oct. 7 & 8. Sept. 23 & 24. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 23. 30. 16 & 17. 16 & 17. (2) In Maryland, the bag limit for Canada geese is 2 in the AP Zone and 5 in the RP Zone. (3) In New York, the daily bag limit for Canada geese is 3. E:\FR\FM\26JYR2.SGM 26JYR2 34784 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 142 / Wednesday, July 26, 2017 / Rules (4) In North Carolina, the daily bag limit in the Northeast Hunt Zone may not include dark geese except by permit. (5) In North Carolina and Virginia, the daily bag limit may not include tundra swans except by permit. (6) In Virginia, the daily bag limit for Canada geese is 2. (7) In Kansas, the adult accompanying the youth must possess any licenses and/or stamps required by law for that individual to hunt waterfowl. ■ 7. Section 20.106 is revised to read as follows: § 20.106 Seasons, limits, and shooting hours for sandhill cranes. Subject to the applicable provisions of the preceding sections of this part, areas open to hunting, respective open seasons (dates inclusive), shooting and hawking hours, and daily bag and possession limits on the species designated in this section are as follows: Shooting and hawking hours are onehalf hour before sunrise until sunset, except as otherwise noted. Area descriptions were published in the May 30, 2017, Federal Register (82 FR 24786). Federally authorized, State-issued permits are issued to individuals, and only the individual whose name and address appears on the permit at the time of issuance is authorized to take sandhill cranes at the level allowed by the permit, in accordance with provisions of both Federal and State regulations governing the hunting season. The permit must be carried by the permittee when exercising its provisions and must be presented to any law enforcement officer upon request. The permit is not transferable or assignable to another individual, and may not be sold, bartered, traded, or otherwise provided to another person. If the permit is altered or defaced in any way, the permit becomes invalid. CHECK STATE REGULATIONS FOR AREA DESCRIPTIONS AND ANY ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS. Limits Season dates Bag MISSISSIPPI FLYWAY Kentucky (1) ............................................................... Minnesota (1): NW Goose Zone ................................................. Tennessee (1)(2): Southeast Zone (3) ............................................. Rest of State ....................................................... CENTRAL FLYWAY Colorado (1) ............................................................... Kansas (1)(4)(5) ......................................................... Montana: Regular Season Area (1) ................................... Special Season Area (6) .................................... New Mexico: Regular Season Area (1) ................................... Middle Rio Grande Valley Area (6)(7) ................ sradovich on DSKBCFCHB2PROD with RULES2 Southwest Area (6) ............................................. Estancia Valley (6)(8) ......................................... North Dakota (1): Area 1 ................................................................. Area 2 ................................................................. Oklahoma (1) ............................................................. South Dakota (1) ....................................................... Texas (1): Zone A ................................................................ Zone B ................................................................ Zone C ................................................................ Wyoming: Regular Season (Area 7) (1) .............................. Riverton-Boysen Unit (Area 4) (6) ...................... Big Horn, Hot Springs, Park, and Washakie Counties (Area 6) (6). Johnson, Natrona, and Sheridan Counties (Area 8) (6). PACIFIC FLYWAY Arizona (6): Zone 1 (9) ........................................................... Zone 2 (10) ......................................................... Idaho (6): Areas 1, 3, & 4 ................................................... Areas 2 & 5 ........................................................ Montana (6)(11): Zone 1 ................................................................ Zone 2 ................................................................ Zone 3 ................................................................ VerDate Sep<11>2014 20:13 Jul 25, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Possession Dec. 16–Jan. 14 ........................................................ 2 ....................... 2 per season. Sept. 16–Oct. 22 ....................................................... 1 ....................... 3. Dec. 2–Jan. 28 .......................................................... Dec. 2–Jan. 28 .......................................................... 3 ....................... 3 ....................... 3 per season. 3 per season. Sept. 30–Nov. 26 ...................................................... Nov. 8–Jan. 4 ............................................................ 3 ....................... 3 ....................... 9. 9. Sept. 30–Nov. 26 ...................................................... Sept. 9–Oct. 8 ........................................................... 3 ....................... ........................... 9. 2 per season Oct. 28–Jan. 28 ......................................................... Nov. 11–Nov. 12 & .................................................... Nov. 4 & .................................................................... Nov. 25–Nov. 26 & .................................................... Dec. 16–Dec. 17 & .................................................... Jan. 6–Jan. 7 & ......................................................... Jan. 13–Jan. 14 ......................................................... Oct. 28–Nov. 5 & ....................................................... Jan. 6–Jan. 7 ............................................................. Oct. 28–Nov. 5 .......................................................... 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... 6. 6 per 3 per 6 per 6 per 6 per 6 per 6 per 6 per 6. Sept. 16–Nov. 12 ...................................................... Sept. 16–Nov. 12 ...................................................... Oct. 21–Jan. 21 ......................................................... Sept. 23–Nov. 19 ...................................................... 3 2 3 3 ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... 9. 6. 9. 9. Oct. 28–Jan. 28 ......................................................... Nov. 24–Jan. 28 ........................................................ Dec. 16–Jan. 21 ........................................................ 3 ....................... 3 ....................... 2 ....................... 9. 9. 6. Sept. 16–Nov. 12 ...................................................... Sept. 16–Oct. 8 ......................................................... Sept. 16–Oct. 8 ......................................................... 3 ....................... ........................... ........................... 9. 1 per season. 1 per season. Sept. 1–Sept. 30 ....................................................... ........................... 1 per season Nov. 17–Dec. 10 ....................................................... Nov. 25–Dec. 13 ....................................................... ........................... ........................... 3 per season. 3 per season. Sept. 1–Sept. 30 ....................................................... Sept. 1–Sept. 15 ....................................................... ........................... ........................... 2 per season. 2 per season. Sept. 9–Oct. 8 ........................................................... Sept. 9–Oct. 8 ........................................................... Sept. 9–Oct. 8 ........................................................... 1 ....................... 2 ....................... 2 ....................... 1. 2. 2. Frm 00034 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\26JYR2.SGM 26JYR2 season. season. season. season. season. season. season. season. 34785 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 142 / Wednesday, July 26, 2017 / Rules Limits Season dates Bag Zone 4 ................................................................ Utah (6): Rich County ........................................................ Cache County ..................................................... East Box Elder County ....................................... Uintah County ..................................................... Wyoming (6): Areas 1, 2, 3, & 5 ............................................... Possession Sept. 9–Oct. 8 ........................................................... 1 ....................... 1. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. ....................................................... ....................................................... ....................................................... ....................................................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... 1 1 1 1 Sept. 1–Sept. 8 ......................................................... ........................... 1 per season. 2–Sept. 10 2–Sept. 10 2–Sept. 10 30–Oct. 29 per per per per season. season. season. season. (1) Each person participating in the regular sandhill crane seasons must have a valid sandhill crane hunting permit in their possession while hunting. (2) In Tennessee, the shooting hours are from sunrise to 3 p.m. (3) In Tennessee, in the Southeast Zone, the season is also closed from January 12 through January 14, 2018. (4) In Kansas, shooting hours are from sunrise until sunset. (5) In Kansas, each person desiring to hunt sandhill cranes is required to pass an annual, online sandhill crane identification examination. (6) Hunting is by State permit only. See State regulations for further information. (7) In New Mexico, in the Middle Rio Grande Valley Area (Bernardo WMA and Casa Colorado WMA), the season is only open for youth hunters on November 4. See State regulations for further details. (8) In New Mexico, in the Estancia Valley Area, the season will be closed to crane hunting on November 1. (9) In Arizona, in Zone 1, season dates are November 17 to 19, November 21 to 23, November 25 to 27, November 29 to December 1, December 3 to 5, and December 8 to 10. December 8 to 10 is restricted to youth hunters only. (10) In Arizona, in Zone 2, season dates are November 25 to 27, November 29 to December 1, December 3 to 5, December 7 to 9, and December 11 to 13. (11) In Montana, the possession limit is 2 per season. 8. Section 20.107 is revised to read as follows: ■ § 20.107 Seasons, limits, and shooting hours for swans. Subject to the applicable provisions of the preceding sections of this part, areas open to hunting, respective open seasons (dates inclusive), shooting and hawking hours, and daily bag and possession limits on the species designated in this section are as follows: Shooting hours are one-half hour before sunrise until sunset, except as otherwise restricted by State regulations. Hunting is by State permit only. Federally authorized, State-issued permits are issued to individuals, and only the individual whose name and address appears on the permit at the time of issuance is authorized to take swans at the level allowed by the permit, in accordance with provisions of both Federal and State regulations governing the hunting season. The permit must be carried by the permittee when exercising its provisions and must be presented to any law enforcement officer upon request. The permit is not transferable or assignable to another individual, and may not be sold, bartered, traded, or otherwise provided to another person. If the permit is altered or defaced in any way, the permit becomes invalid. CHECK STATE REGULATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS AND DELINEATIONS OF GEOGRAPHICAL AREAS. SPECIAL RESTRICTIONS MAY APPLY ON FEDERAL AND STATE PUBLIC HUNTING AREAS AND FEDERAL INDIAN RESERVATIONS. Note: Successful permittees must immediately validate their harvest by that method required in State regulations. Season dates sradovich on DSKBCFCHB2PROD with RULES2 ATLANTIC FLYWAY North Carolina ........................................................................................... Virginia ...................................................................................................... CENTRAL FLYWAY (1) Montana .................................................................................................... North Dakota ............................................................................................. South Dakota ............................................................................................ PACIFIC FLYWAY (1) Montana (2) .............................................................................................. Nevada (3)(4) ............................................................................................ Utah (4)(5) ................................................................................................ Limits Nov. 11–Jan. 31 ............................. Nov. 15–Jan. 31 ............................. 1 tundra swan per permit. 1 tundra swan per permit. Sept. 30–Jan. 4 .............................. Sept. 30–Dec. 31 ........................... Sept. 30–Jan. 12 ............................ 1 tundra swan per permit. 1 tundra swan per permit. 1 tundra swan per permit. Oct. 7–Dec. 1 ................................. Oct. 7–Jan. 7 .................................. Oct. 7–Dec. 10 ............................... 1 swan per season. 2 swans per season. 1 swan per season. (1) See State regulations for description of area open to swan hunting. (2) In Montana, all harvested swans must be reported by way of a bill measurement card within 3 days of harvest. (3) In Nevada, all harvested swans and tags must be checked or registered within 5 days of harvest. (4) Harvests of trumpeter swans are limited to 5 in Nevada and 10 in Utah. When it has been determined that the quota of trumpeter swans allotted to Nevada and Utah have been filled, the season for taking of any swan species in the respective State will be closed by either the Director upon giving public notice through local information media at least 48 hours in advance of the time and date of closing, or by the State through State regulations with such notice and time (not less than 48 hours) as they deem necessary. (5) In Utah, all harvested swans and tags must be checked or registered within 3 days of harvest. 9. Section 20.109 is revised to read as follows: ■ § 20.109 Extended seasons, limits, and hours for taking migratory game birds by falconry. Subject to the applicable provisions of the preceding sections of this part, areas VerDate Sep<11>2014 20:13 Jul 25, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 open to hunting, respective open seasons (dates inclusive), hawking hours, and daily bag and possession limits for the species designated in this section are prescribed as follows: E:\FR\FM\26JYR2.SGM 26JYR2 34786 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 142 / Wednesday, July 26, 2017 / Rules Hawking hours are one-half hour before sunrise until sunset except as otherwise restricted by State regulations. Area descriptions were published in the May 30, 2017, Federal Register (82 FR 24786). CHECK STATE REGULATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS AND DELINEATIONS OF GEOGRAPHICAL AREAS. SPECIAL RESTRICTIONS MAY APPLY ON FEDERAL AND STATE PUBLIC HUNTING AREAS AND FEDERAL INDIAN RESERVATIONS. Limits: The daily bag limit may include no more than 3 migratory game birds, singly or in the aggregate. The possession limit is three times the daily bag limit. These limits apply to falconry during both regular hunting seasons and extended falconry seasons, unless further restricted by State regulations. The falconry bag and possession limits are not in addition to regular season limits. Unless otherwise specified, extended falconry for ducks does not include sea ducks within the special sea duck areas. Although many States permit falconry during the gun seasons, only extended falconry seasons are shown below. Please consult State regulations for details. Extended falconry dates ATLANTIC FLYWAY Delaware: Doves ....................................................................................................................................................................... Rails ......................................................................................................................................................................... Woodcock ................................................................................................................................................................ Ducks, mergansers, and coots ................................................................................................................................ Brant ........................................................................................................................................................................ Florida: Doves ....................................................................................................................................................................... Rails ......................................................................................................................................................................... Woodcock ................................................................................................................................................................ Common moorhens ................................................................................................................................................. Ducks, mergansers, light geese, and coots ............................................................................................................ Jan. 15–Jan. 31. Nov. 9–Dec. 15. Oct. 14–Oct. 21 & Jan. 15–Mar. 9. Jan. 29–Mar. 3. Nov. 20–Dec. 2 & Jan. 29–Mar. 10. Jan. 16–Feb. 1. Nov. 10–Dec. 16. Nov. 24–Dec. 17 & Feb. 1–Mar. 10. Nov. 10–Dec. 14. Nov. 3–Nov. 12 & Feb. 5–Mar. 2. Georgia: Ducks, geese, mergansers, coots, moorhens, gallinules, and sea ducks .............................................................. Maine: Ducks, mergansers, and coots (1): North Zone ....................................................................................................................................................... South & Coastal Zones .................................................................................................................................... Maryland: Doves ....................................................................................................................................................................... Rails ......................................................................................................................................................................... Woodcock ................................................................................................................................................................ Dec. 22–Feb. 12. Jan. 8–Feb. 28. Ducks ....................................................................................................................................................................... Brant ........................................................................................................................................................................ Light Geese ............................................................................................................................................................. Massachusetts: Ducks, mergansers, sea ducks, and coots ............................................................................................................. New Hampshire: Ducks, mergansers, and coots: Northern Zone .................................................................................................................................................. Inland Zone ...................................................................................................................................................... Jan. 28–Feb. 9. Coastal Zone .................................................................................................................................................... New Jersey: Woodcock: North Zone ....................................................................................................................................................... South Zone ....................................................................................................................................................... Ducks, mergansers, coots, and brant: North Zone ....................................................................................................................................................... South Zone ....................................................................................................................................................... Coastal Zone .................................................................................................................................................... New York: Ducks, mergansers and coots: Long Island Zone ............................................................................................................................................. sradovich on DSKBCFCHB2PROD with RULES2 Northeastern Zone ........................................................................................................................................... Southeastern Zone ........................................................................................................................................... Western Zone ................................................................................................................................................... North Carolina: Doves ....................................................................................................................................................................... Rails, moorhens, and gallinules .............................................................................................................................. Woodcock ................................................................................................................................................................ VerDate Sep<11>2014 20:13 Jul 25, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\26JYR2.SGM 26JYR2 Nov. 27–Dec. 4. Jan. 8–Jan. 24. Nov. 10–Dec. 16. Oct. 1–Oct. 26 & Feb. 7–Mar. 10. Feb. 2–Mar. 10. Feb. 1–Mar. 10. Feb. 27–Mar. 10 Dec. 12–Jan. 25. Nov. 6–Nov. 21 & Dec. 28–Jan. 25. Jan. 25–Mar. 10. Oct. 2–Oct. 20 & Nov. 27–Jan. 17. Oct. 2–Nov. 10 & Dec. 4–Dec. 15 & Dec. 30–Jan. 17. Jan. 17–Mar. 10. Jan. 17–Mar. 10. Jan. 28–Mar. 10. Nov. 1–Nov. 22 & Nov. 27–Dec. 3 & Jan. 29–Feb. 13. Oct. 1–Oct. 6 & Oct. 30–Nov. 3 & Dec. 11–Jan. 13. Oct. 1–Oct. 6 & Oct. 16–Nov. 10 & Jan. 1–Jan. 13. Oct. 1–Oct. 27 & Dec. 7–Dec. 25. Oct. 14–Oct. 28. Dec. 2–Jan. 6. Nov. 4–Dec. 2 & Feb. 1–Feb. 28. 34787 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 142 / Wednesday, July 26, 2017 / Rules Extended falconry dates Ducks, mergansers and coots Oct. 24–Nov. 4 & Jan. 29–Feb. 17. Pennsylvania: Doves ....................................................................................................................................................................... Rails ......................................................................................................................................................................... Woodcock and snipe ............................................................................................................................................... Moorhens and gallinules ......................................................................................................................................... Ducks, mergansers, and coots: North Zone ....................................................................................................................................................... South Zone ....................................................................................................................................................... Northwest Zone ................................................................................................................................................ Lake Erie Zone ................................................................................................................................................. Canada Geese: SJBP Zone ....................................................................................................................................................... AP Zone ........................................................................................................................................................... RP Zone ........................................................................................................................................................... South Carolina: Ducks, mergansers, and coots ................................................................................................................................ Virginia: Doves ....................................................................................................................................................................... Woodcock ................................................................................................................................................................ Rails, moorhens, and gallinules .............................................................................................................................. Ducks, mergansers, and coots ................................................................................................................................ Canada Geese: Eastern (AP) Zone ........................................................................................................................................... Western (SJBP) Zone ...................................................................................................................................... Brant ........................................................................................................................................................................ MISSISSIPPI FLYWAY Arkansas: Ducks, mergansers, and coots ................................................................................................................................ Illinois: Doves ....................................................................................................................................................................... Rails ......................................................................................................................................................................... Woodcock ................................................................................................................................................................ Ducks, mergansers, and coots ................................................................................................................................ Indiana: Doves ....................................................................................................................................................................... Woodcock ................................................................................................................................................................ Ducks, mergansers, and coots: North Zone ....................................................................................................................................................... Central Zone ..................................................................................................................................................... South Zone ....................................................................................................................................................... Oct. 9–Oct. 13 & Nov. 27–Dec. 8. Nov. 10–Dec. 16. Sept. 1–Oct. 13 & Nov. 27–Dec. 16. Nov. 10–Dec. 13. Nov. 20–Dec. 18 & Feb. 16–Mar. 10. Oct. 23–Nov. 20 & Feb. 16–Mar. 10. Dec. 11–Dec. 23 & Jan. 31–Mar. 10. Jan. 18–Mar. 10. Mar. 2–Mar. 10. Feb. 1–Mar. 10. Mar. 6–Mar. 10. Nov. 1–Nov. 17 & Nov. 26–Dec. 8. Jan. 16–Jan. 31. Oct. 17–Nov. 19 & Dec. 9–Dec. 20 & Jan. 16–Jan. 31. Nov. 18–Dec. 24. Nov. 27–Dec. 15 & Jan. 29–Feb. 9. Dec. 16–Dec. 21 & Jan. 29–Feb. 21. Dec. 16–Dec. 17 & Feb. 16–Feb. 21. Oct. 17–Nov. 14 & Nov. 27–Dec. 15. Feb. 1–Feb. 15. Nov. 15–Dec. 1. Sept. 1–Sept. 8 & Nov. 18–Dec. 16. Sept. 1–Oct. 20 & Dec. 5–Dec. 16. Feb. 10–Mar. 10. Oct. 16–Oct. 31. Sept. 20–Oct. 14 & Nov. 29–Jan. 4. Sept. 27–Sept. 30 & Feb. 14–Mar. 10. Oct. 21–Oct. 27 & Feb. 17–Mar. 10. Oct. 28–Nov. 3 & Feb. 17–Mar. 10. Iowa: Ducks, mergansers, and coots ................................................................................................................................ Kentucky: Ducks, mergansers, and coots ................................................................................................................................ Jan. 6–Feb. 3. Louisiana: Doves ....................................................................................................................................................................... Woodcock ................................................................................................................................................................ Rails and moorhens: West Zone ........................................................................................................................................................ Sept. 15–Oct. 1. Nov. 2–Dec. 17. sradovich on DSKBCFCHB2PROD with RULES2 East Zone ......................................................................................................................................................... Coastal Zone .................................................................................................................................................... Ducks: West Zone ........................................................................................................................................................ East Zone ......................................................................................................................................................... VerDate Sep<11>2014 20:13 Jul 25, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\26JYR2.SGM 26JYR2 Nov. 27–Dec. 3 & Jan. 29–Feb. 15. Nov. 3–Nov. 10 & Jan. 4–Jan. 31. Nov. 3–Nov. 10 & Jan. 4–Jan. 31. Nov. 3–Nov. 10 & Jan. 4–Jan. 31. Nov. 3–Nov. 10 & Dec. 4–Dec. 15 & Jan. 22–Jan. 31. Nov. 3–Nov. 17 & Dec. 4–Dec. 15 & Jan. 29–Jan. 31. 34788 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 142 / Wednesday, July 26, 2017 / Rules Extended falconry dates Coastal Zone .................................................................................................................................................... Michigan: Ducks, mergansers, coots, and moorhens ............................................................................................................. Minnesota: Woodcock ................................................................................................................................................................ Rails and snipe ........................................................................................................................................................ Doves ....................................................................................................................................................................... Ducks, mergansers, coots, moorhens, and gallinules ............................................................................................ Mississippi: Doves ....................................................................................................................................................................... Ducks, mergansers and coots ................................................................................................................................. Missouri: Doves ....................................................................................................................................................................... Ducks, mergansers, and coots ................................................................................................................................ Tennessee: Doves ....................................................................................................................................................................... Ducks, mergansers, and coots ................................................................................................................................ Wisconsin: Rails, snipe, moorhens, and gallinules: North Zone ....................................................................................................................................................... South Zone ....................................................................................................................................................... Mississippi River Zone ..................................................................................................................................... Woodcock ................................................................................................................................................................ Ducks, mergansers, and coots ................................................................................................................................ CENTRAL FLYWAY Kansas: Ducks, mergansers, and coots: Low Plains ........................................................................................................................................................ Montana (2): Ducks, mergansers, and coots ................................................................................................................................ Nebraska: Ducks, mergansers, and coots: Zone 1 .............................................................................................................................................................. Zone 2 .............................................................................................................................................................. Zone 3 .............................................................................................................................................................. Zone 4 .............................................................................................................................................................. New Mexico: Doves: North Zone ....................................................................................................................................................... South Zone ....................................................................................................................................................... sradovich on DSKBCFCHB2PROD with RULES2 Ducks and coots ...................................................................................................................................................... Sandhill cranes: Regular Season Area ....................................................................................................................................... Estancia Valley Area (3) .................................................................................................................................. Common moorhens ................................................................................................................................................. Sora and Virginia rails ............................................................................................................................................. North Dakota: Ducks, mergansers, coots, and snipe ..................................................................................................................... Oklahoma: Doves ....................................................................................................................................................................... Ducks, mergansers, and coots: Low Plains ........................................................................................................................................................ Gallinules and rails .................................................................................................................................................. Woodcock ................................................................................................................................................................ Sandhill cranes ........................................................................................................................................................ South Dakota: Ducks, mergansers, and coots: High Plains ....................................................................................................................................................... Low Plains: North Zone ................................................................................................................................................ Middle Zone .............................................................................................................................................. South Zone ................................................................................................................................................ Texas: VerDate Sep<11>2014 20:13 Jul 25, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\26JYR2.SGM 26JYR2 Nov. 3–Nov. 10 & Dec. 4–Dec. 15 & Jan. 22–Jan. 31. Jan. 1–Jan. 15 & Feb. 19–Mar. 10. Sept. 1–Sept. 22 & Nov. 7–Dec. 16. Nov. 7–Dec. 16. Nov. 30–Dec. 16. Dec. 16–Jan. 30. Nov. 12–Nov. 20 & Jan. 16–Jan. 23. Feb. 4–Mar. 4. Nov. 30–Dec. 16. Sept. 9–Sept. 24 & Feb. 10–Mar. 10. Sept. 29–Oct. 13 & Nov. 6–Nov. 7. Sept. 18–Oct. 20. Sept. 1–Sept. 22 & Nov. 22–Dec. 16. Sept. 1–Sept. 29 & Oct. 9–Oct. 13 & Dec. 4–Dec. 16. Sept. 1–Sept. 29 & Oct. 7–Oct. 13 & Dec. 6–Dec. 16. Sept. 1–Sept. 22 & Nov. 7–Dec. 16. Sept. 16–Sept. 17 & Jan. 12–Feb. 18. Feb. 24–Mar. 10. Sept. 20–Sept. 29. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 25–Mar. 25–Mar. 25–Mar. 25–Mar. 10. 10. 10. 10. Nov. 30–Dec. 4 & Dec. 23–Jan. 3. Oct. 30–Nov. 6 & Nov. 23–Dec. 1. Sept. 16–Sept. 24. Oct. 14–Oct. 27. Nov. 6–Dec. 26. Nov. 25–Dec. 31. Nov. 25–Dec. 31. Sept. 4–Sept. 8 & Sept. 11–Sept. 15. Feb. 22–Mar. 10. Feb. 19–Mar. 5. Feb. 2–Mar. 10. Dec. 16–Feb. 15. Jan. 22–Feb. 4. Sept. 1–Sept. 8. Sept. 1–Sept. 29 & Dec. 13–Dec. 16. Sept. 1–Sept. 29 & Dec. 13–Dec. 16. Sept. 22–Oct. 13 & Dec. 27–Jan. 6. 34789 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 142 / Wednesday, July 26, 2017 / Rules Extended falconry dates Doves ....................................................................................................................................................................... Rails, gallinules, and woodcock .............................................................................................................................. Ducks, mergansers, and coots: Low Plains ........................................................................................................................................................ Wyoming: Doves ....................................................................................................................................................................... Rails ......................................................................................................................................................................... Ducks, mergansers, and coots: Zone C1 ............................................................................................................................................................ Zone C2 & C3 .................................................................................................................................................. PACIFIC FLYWAY Arizona: Doves ....................................................................................................................................................................... Ducks, mergansers, coots, and moorhens: North Zone ....................................................................................................................................................... South Zone ....................................................................................................................................................... California: Ducks, mergansers, coots, and moorhens: Colorado River Zone ........................................................................................................................................ Southern Zone .................................................................................................................................................. Southern San Joaquin Valley Zone ................................................................................................................. Geese: Southern Zone (4) ............................................................................................................................................ New Mexico: Doves: North Zone ....................................................................................................................................................... South Zone ....................................................................................................................................................... Oregon: Doves ....................................................................................................................................................................... Band–tailed pigeons (5) .......................................................................................................................................... Utah: Doves ....................................................................................................................................................................... Band–tailed pigeons ................................................................................................................................................ Washington: Doves ....................................................................................................................................................................... Wyoming: Doves ....................................................................................................................................................................... Sora and Virginia rails ............................................................................................................................................. Ducks, mergansers, and coots ................................................................................................................................ (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) In In In In In Jan. 29–Feb. 12. Nov. 30–Dec. 16. Nov. 10–Dec. 16. Sept. 23–Sept. 24 & Oct. 18–Oct. 25. Sept. 16–Sept. 22 & Dec. 4–Dec. 6. Sept. 16–Nov. 1. Oct. 2–Oct. 5. Jan. 29–Feb. 1. Jan. 29–Feb. 1. Jan. 29–Feb. 2. Jan. 29–Jan. 31. Jan. 29–Feb. 2. Nov. 30–Dec. 4 & Dec. 23–Jan. 3. Oct. 30–Nov. 6 & Nov. 23–Dec. 1. Oct. 31–Dec. 16. Sept. 1–Sept. 14 & Sept. 24–Dec. 16. Oct. 31–Dec. 16. Sept. 15–Dec. 16. Oct. 31–Dec. 16. Nov. 30–Dec. 16. Nov. 10–Dec. 16. Sept. 16–Sept. 17. Maine, the daily bag and possession limits for black ducks are 1 and 3, respectively. Montana, the bag limit is 2 and the possession limit is 6. New Mexico, the bag limit for sandhill cranes in the Estancia Valley Area is 2 per day and the possession limit is 2 per season. California, in the Imperial County Special Management Area, there is no extended falconry season. Oregon, no more than 1 pigeon daily in bag or possession. [FR Doc. 2017–15472 Filed 7–25–17; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4333–15–P sradovich on DSKBCFCHB2PROD with RULES2 Nov. 18–Dec. 4. Jan. 29–Feb. 12. VerDate Sep<11>2014 20:13 Jul 25, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 9990 E:\FR\FM\26JYR2.SGM 26JYR2


[Federal Register Volume 82, Number 142 (Wednesday, July 26, 2017)]
[Unknown Section]
[Pages 34752-34789]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2017-15472]

[[Page 34751]]

Vol. 82


No. 142

July 26, 2017

Part II

Department of the Interior


Fish and Wildlife Service


50 CFR Part 20

Migratory Bird Hunting; Seasons and Bag and Possession Limits for 
Certain Migratory Game Birds; Final Rule

Federal Register / Vol. 82 , No. 142 / Wednesday, July 26, 2017 / 

[[Page 34752]]



Fish and Wildlife Service

50 CFR Part 20

[Docket No. FWS-HQ-MB-2016-0051; FF09M21200-178-FXMB1231099BPP0]
RIN 1018-BB40

Migratory Bird Hunting; Seasons and Bag and Possession Limits for 
Certain Migratory Game Birds

AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: This rule prescribes the hunting seasons, hours, areas, and 
daily bag and possession limits for migratory game birds. Taking of 
migratory birds is prohibited unless specifically provided for by 
annual regulations. This rule permits the taking of designated species 
during the 2017-18 season.

DATES: This rule takes effect on July 26, 2017.

ADDRESSES: You may inspect comments received on the migratory bird 
hunting regulations during normal business hours at the Service's 
office at 5275 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, Virginia. You may obtain 
copies of referenced reports from the street address above, or from the 
Division of Migratory Bird Management's Web site at https://www.fws.gov/migratorybirds/, or at https://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-HQ-

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ron W. Kokel, Division of Migratory 
Bird Management, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, (703) 358-1714.


Regulations Schedule for 2017

    On June 10, 2016, we published a proposal to amend title 50 of the 
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) at part 20 (81 FR 38050). The 
proposal provided a background and overview of the migratory bird 
hunting regulations process, and addressed the establishment of 
seasons, limits, and other regulations for hunting migratory game birds 
under Sec. Sec.  20.101 through 20.107, 20.109, and 20.110 of subpart 
K. Major steps in the 2017-18 regulatory cycle relating to open public 
meetings and Federal Register notifications were also identified in the 
June 10, 2016, proposed rule.
    The June 10, 2016, proposed rule also provided detailed information 
on the proposed 2017-18 regulatory schedule and announced the Service 
Regulations Committee (SRC) and Flyway Council meetings.
    On August 12, 2016, we published in the Federal Register (81 FR 
53391) a second document providing supplemental proposals for migratory 
bird hunting regulations. The August 12 supplement also provided 
detailed information on the 2017-18 regulatory schedule and re-
announced the SRC and Flyway Council meetings.
    On October 25-26, 2016, we held open meetings with the Flyway 
Council Consultants, at which the participants reviewed information on 
the current status of migratory game birds and developed 
recommendations for the 2017-18 regulations for these species.
    On February 9, 2017, we published in the Federal Register (82 FR 
10222) the proposed frameworks for the 2017-18 season migratory bird 
hunting regulations. On May 30, 2017, we published in the Federal 
Register (82 FR 24786) final season frameworks for migratory game bird 
hunting regulations, from which State wildlife conservation agency 
officials selected season hunting dates, hours, areas, and limits for 
2017-18 seasons.
    The final rule described here is the final in the series of 
proposed, supplemental, and final rulemaking documents for migratory 
game bird hunting regulations for 2017-18, and deals specifically with 
amending subpart K of 50 CFR part 20. It sets hunting seasons, hours, 
areas, and limits for migratory game bird species. This final rule is 
the culmination of the rulemaking process for the migratory game bird 
hunting seasons, which started with the June 10, 2016, proposed rule. 
As discussed elsewhere in this document, we supplemented that proposal 
on August 12, 2016, and February 9, 2017, and published final season 
frameworks on May 30, 2017, that provided the season selection criteria 
from which the States selected these seasons. This final rule sets the 
migratory game bird hunting seasons based on that input from the 
States. We previously addressed all comments in the May 30 Federal 

Required Determinations

Executive Order 13771--Reducing Regulation and Controlling Regulatory 

    This final rule is not subject to the requirements of Executive 
Order (EO) 13771 (82 FR 9339, February 3, 2017) because this final rule 
establishes annual harvest limits related to routine hunting or 

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Consideration

    The programmatic document, ``Second Final Supplemental 
Environmental Impact Statement: Issuance of Annual Regulations 
Permitting the Sport Hunting of Migratory Birds (EIS 20130139),'' filed 
with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on May 24, 2013, 
addresses NEPA compliance by the Service for issuance of the annual 
framework regulations for hunting of migratory game bird species. We 
published a notice of availability in the Federal Register on May 31, 
2013 (78 FR 32686), and our Record of Decision on July 26, 2013 (78 FR 
45376). We also address NEPA compliance for waterfowl hunting 
frameworks through the annual preparation of separate environmental 
assessments, the most recent being ``Duck Hunting Regulations for 2017-
18,'' with its corresponding April 7, 2017, finding of no significant 
impact. The programmatic document as well the separate environmental 
assessments are available on our Web site at https://www.fws.gov/birds/index.php or from the address indicated under the caption FOR FURTHER 

Endangered Species Act Consideration

    Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (16 
U.S.C. 1531 et seq.), provides that, ``The Secretary shall review other 
programs administered by him and utilize such programs in furtherance 
of the purposes of this Act'' (and) shall ``insure that any action 
authorized, funded, or carried out * * * is not likely to jeopardize 
the continued existence of any endangered species or threatened species 
or result in the destruction or adverse modification of [critical] 
habitat. * * *.'' Consequently, we conducted formal consultations to 
ensure that actions resulting from these regulations would not likely 
jeopardize the continued existence of endangered or threatened species 
or result in the destruction or adverse modification of their critical 
habitat. Findings from these consultations are included in a biological 
opinion, which concluded that the regulations are not likely to 
jeopardize the continued existence of any endangered or threatened 
species. Additionally, these findings may have caused modification of 
some regulatory measures previously proposed, and the final frameworks 
reflected any such modifications. Our biological opinions resulting 
from this section 7 consultation are public documents available for 
public inspection at the address indicated under ADDRESSES.

[[Page 34753]]

Regulatory Planning and Review (Executive Orders 12866 and 13563)

    E.O. 12866 provides that the Office of Information and Regulatory 
Affairs (OIRA) will review all significant rules. OIRA has reviewed 
this rule and has determined that this rule is significant because it 
would have an annual effect of $100 million or more on the economy.
    E.O. 13563 reaffirms the principles of E.O. 12866 while calling for 
improvements in the nation's regulatory system to promote 
predictability, to reduce uncertainty, and to use the best, most 
innovative, and least burdensome tools for achieving regulatory ends. 
The executive order directs agencies to consider regulatory approaches 
that reduce burdens and maintain flexibility and freedom of choice for 
the public where these approaches are relevant, feasible, and 
consistent with regulatory objectives. E.O. 13563 emphasizes further 
that regulations must be based on the best available science and that 
the rulemaking process must allow for public participation and an open 
exchange of ideas. We have developed this rule in a manner consistent 
with these requirements.
    An economic analysis was prepared for the 2013-14 season. This 
analysis was based on data from the 2011 National Hunting and Fishing 
Survey, the most recent year for which data are available (see 
discussion in Regulatory Flexibility Act section, below). We used this 
analysis again for the 2017-18 season. This analysis estimated consumer 
surplus for three alternatives for duck hunting (estimates for other 
species are not quantified due to lack of data). The alternatives are 
(1) issue restrictive regulations allowing fewer days than those issued 
during the 2012-13 season, (2) issue moderate regulations allowing more 
days than those in alternative 1, and (3) issue liberal regulations 
identical to the regulations in the 2012-13 season. For the 2013-14 
season, we chose Alternative 3, with an estimated consumer surplus 
across all flyways of $317.8-$416.8 million. We also chose alternative 
3 for the 2009-10, the 2010-11, the 2011-12, the 2012-13, the 2014-15, 
the 2015-16, the 2016-17, and the 2017-18 seasons. The 2013-14 analysis 
is part of the record for this rule and is available at https://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-HQ-MB-2016-0051.

Regulatory Flexibility Act

    The annual migratory bird hunting regulations have a significant 
economic impact on substantial numbers of small entities under the 
Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.). We analyzed the 
economic impacts of the annual hunting regulations on small business 
entities in detail as part of the 1981 cost-benefit analysis. This 
analysis was revised annually from 1990-95. In 1995, the Service issued 
a Small Entity Flexibility Analysis (Analysis), which was subsequently 
updated in 1996, 1998, 2004, 2008, and 2013. The primary source of 
information about hunter expenditures for migratory game bird hunting 
is the National Hunting and Fishing Survey, which is conducted at 5-
year intervals. The 2013 Analysis was based on the 2011 National 
Hunting and Fishing Survey and the U.S. Department of Commerce's County 
Business Patterns, from which it was estimated that migratory bird 
hunters would spend approximately $1.5 billion at small businesses in 
2013. Copies of the Analysis are available upon request from the 
Division of Migratory Bird Management (see FOR FURTHER INFORMATION 
CONTACT) or from https://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-HQ-MB-

Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act

    This final rule is a major rule under 5 U.S.C. 804(2), the Small 
Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act. For the reasons outlined 
above, this rule will have an annual effect on the economy of $100 
million or more. However, because this rule establishes hunting 
seasons, we do not plan to defer the effective date under the exemption 
contained in 5 U.S.C. 808(1).

Paperwork Reduction Act

    This rule does not contain any new information collection that 
requires approval under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 
3501 et seq.). We may not conduct or sponsor and you are not required 
to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a 
currently valid OMB control number. OMB has reviewed and approved the 
information collection requirements associated with migratory bird 
surveys and assigned the following OMB control numbers:
     1018-0019--North American Woodcock Singing Ground Survey 
(expires 5/31/2018).
     1018-0023--Migratory Bird Surveys (expires 6/30/2017; in 
accordance with 5 CFR 1320.10, the agency may continue to conduct or 
sponsor this collection of information while the submission is pending 
at OMB). Includes Migratory Bird Harvest Information Program, Migratory 
Bird Hunter Surveys, Sandhill Crane Survey, and Parts Collection 

Unfunded Mandates Reform Act

    We have determined and certify, in compliance with the requirements 
of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act, 2 U.S.C. 1502 et seq., that this 
rulemaking will not impose a cost of $100 million or more in any given 
year on local or State government or private entities. Therefore, this 
rule is not a ``significant regulatory action'' under the Unfunded 
Mandates Reform Act.

Civil Justice Reform--Executive Order 12988

    The Department, in promulgating this rule, has determined that this 
rule will not unduly burden the judicial system and that it meets the 
requirements of sections 3(a) and 3(b)(2) of E.O. 12988.

Takings Implication Assessment

    In accordance with E.O. 12630, this rule, authorized by the 
Migratory Bird Treaty Act, does not have significant takings 
implications and does not affect any constitutionally protected 
property rights. This rule will not result in the physical occupancy of 
property, the physical invasion of property, or the regulatory taking 
of any property. In fact, this rule allows hunters to exercise 
otherwise unavailable privileges and, therefore, reduce restrictions on 
the use of private and public property.

Energy Effects--Executive Order 13211

    E.O. 13211 requires agencies to prepare Statements of Energy 
Effects when undertaking certain actions. While this rule is a 
significant regulatory action under E.O. 12866, it is not expected to 
adversely affect energy supplies, distribution, or use. Therefore, this 
action is not a significant energy action and no Statement of Energy 
Effects is required.

Government-to-Government Relationship With Tribes

    In accordance with the President's memorandum of April 29, 1994, 
``Government-to-Government Relations with Native American Tribal 
Governments'' (59 FR 22951), Executive Order 13175, and 512 DM 2, we 
have evaluated possible effects on Federally recognized Indian tribes 
and have determined that there are no effects on Indian trust 
resources. However, in the June 10, 2016, Federal Register (81 FR 
38050), we solicited proposals for special migratory bird hunting 
regulations for certain Tribes on Federal Indian reservations, off-
reservation trust lands, and ceded lands for the 2017-18 migratory bird 
hunting season. The

[[Page 34754]]

resulting proposals will be contained in a separate proposed rule. By 
virtue of these actions, we have consulted with affected Tribes.

Federalism Effects

    Due to the migratory nature of certain species of birds, the 
Federal Government has been given responsibility over these species by 
the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. We annually prescribe frameworks from 
which the States make selections regarding the hunting of migratory 
birds, and we employ guidelines to establish special regulations on 
Federal Indian reservations and ceded lands. This process preserves the 
ability of the States and tribes to determine which seasons meet their 
individual needs. Any State or Indian tribe may be more restrictive 
than the Federal frameworks at any time. The frameworks are developed 
in a cooperative process with the States through the Flyway Councils. 
This process allows States to participate in the development of 
frameworks from which they will make selections, thereby having an 
influence on their own regulations. These rules do not have a 
substantial direct effect on fiscal capacity, change the roles or 
responsibilities of Federal or State governments, or intrude on State 
policy or administration. Therefore, in accordance with Executive Order 
13132, these regulations do not have significant federalism effects and 
do not have sufficient federalism implications to warrant the 
preparation of a federalism summary impact statement.

Review of Public Comments

    The preliminary proposed rulemaking (June 10 Federal Register) 
opened the public comment period for 2017-18 migratory game bird 
hunting regulations. We previously addressed all comments in a May 30, 
2017, Federal Register publication (82 FR 24786).

Regulations Promulgation

    The rulemaking process for migratory game bird hunting, by its 
nature, operates under a time constraint as seasons must be established 
each year or hunting seasons remain closed. However, we intend that the 
public be provided extensive opportunity for public input and 
involvement in compliance with Administrative Procedure Act 
requirements. Thus, when the preliminary proposed rulemaking was 
published, we established what we believed were the longest periods 
possible for public comment and the most opportunities for public 
involvement. We also provided notification of our participation in 
multiple Flyway Council meetings, opportunities for additional public 
review and comment on all Flyway Council proposals for regulatory 
change, and opportunities for additional public review during the 
Service Regulations Committee meeting. Therefore, we believe that 
sufficient public notice and opportunity for involvement have been 
given to affected persons.
    Further, States need sufficient time to communicate these season 
selections to their affected publics, and to establish and publicize 
the necessary regulations and procedures to implement these seasons. 
Thus, we find that ``good cause'' exists, within the terms of 5 U.S.C. 
553(d)(3) of the Administrative Procedure Act, and therefore, under 
authority of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (July 3, 1918), as amended 
(16 U.S.C. 703-711), these regulations will take effect less than 30 
days after publication. Accordingly, with each conservation agency 
having had an opportunity to participate in selecting the hunting 
seasons desired for its State or Territory on those species of 
migratory birds for which open seasons are now prescribed, and 
consideration having been given to all other relevant matters 
presented, certain sections of title 50, chapter I, subchapter B, part 
20, subpart K, are hereby amended as set forth below.

List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 20

    Exports, Hunting, Imports, Reporting and recordkeeping 
requirements, Transportation, Wildlife.

    Dated: June 13, 2017.
Virginia H. Johnson,
Acting Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks.

    For the reasons set out in the preamble, title 50, chapter I, 
subchapter B, part 20, subpart K of the Code of Federal Regulations is 
amended as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 20 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: Migratory Bird Treaty Act, 40 Stat. 755, 16 U.S.C. 
703-712; Fish and Wildlife Act of 1956, 16 U.S.C. 742 a-j; Public 
Law 106-108, 113 Stat. 1491, Note Following 16 U.S.C. 703.

    Note-- The following annual hunting regulations provided for by 
Sec. Sec.  20.101 through 20.106 and 20.109 of 50 CFR part 20 will 
not appear in the Code of Federal Regulations because of their 
seasonal nature.

2. Section 20.101 is revised to read as follows:

Sec.  20.101  Seasons, limits, and shooting hours for Puerto Rico and 
the Virgin Islands.

    Subject to the applicable provisions of the preceding sections of 
this part, areas open to hunting, respective open seasons (dates 
inclusive), shooting and hawking hours, and daily bag and possession 
limits for the species designated in this section are prescribed as 
    Shooting and hawking hours are one-half hour before sunrise until 
    (a) Puerto Rico.

                                                          Season dates           -------------------------------
                                                                                        Bag         Possession
Doves and Pigeons:
    Zenaida, white-winged, and mourning doves   Sept. 2-Oct. 31.................              20              20
    Scaly-naped pigeons.......................  Sept. 2-Oct. 31.................               5               5
Ducks.........................................  Nov. 11-Dec. 18 & Jan. 13-Jan.                 6              12
                                                 29.                                           6              12
Common Moorhens...............................  Nov. 11-Dec. 18 & Jan. 13-Jan.                 6              12
                                                 29.                                           6              12
Common Snipe..................................  Nov. 11-Dec. 18 & Jan. 13-Jan.                 8              16
                                                 29.                                           8              16
(1) Not more than 10 Zenaida and 3 mourning doves in the aggregate.

[[Page 34755]]

    Restrictions: In Puerto Rico, the season is closed on the ruddy 
duck, white-cheeked pintail, West Indian whistling duck, fulvous 
whistling duck, masked duck, purple gallinule, American coot, Caribbean 
coot, white-crowned pigeon, and plain pigeon.
    Closed Areas: Closed areas are described in the May 30, 2017, 
Federal Register (82 FR 24786).
    (b) Virgin Islands.

                                                          Season dates           -------------------------------
                                                                                        Bag         Possession
Zenaida doves.................................  Sept. 1-Sept. 30................              10              10
Ducks.........................................  CLOSED..........................  ..............  ..............

    Restrictions: In the Virgin Islands, the seasons are closed for 
ground or quail doves, pigeons, ruddy duck, white-cheeked pintail, West 
Indian whistling duck, fulvous whistling duck, masked duck, and all 
other ducks, and purple gallinule.
    Closed Areas: Ruth Cay, just south of St. Croix, is closed to the 
hunting of migratory game birds. All Offshore Cays under jurisdiction 
of the Virgin Islands Government are closed to the hunting of migratory 
game birds.

3. Section 20.102 is revised to read as follows:

Sec.  20.102  Seasons, limits, and shooting hours for Alaska.

    Subject to the applicable provisions of the preceding sections of 
this part, areas open to hunting, respective open seasons (dates 
inclusive), shooting and hawking hours, and daily bag and possession 
limits for the species designated in this section are prescribed as 
    Shooting and hawking hours are one-half hour before sunrise until 
sunset. Area descriptions were published in the May 30, 2017, Federal 
Register (82 FR 24786).

               Area seasons                             Dates
North Zone................................  Sept. 1-Dec. 16.
Gulf Coast Zone...........................  Sept. 1-Dec. 16.
Southeast Zone............................  Sept. 16-Dec. 31.
Pribilof & Aleutian Islands Zone..........  Oct. 8-Jan. 22.
Kodiak Zone...............................  Oct. 8-Jan. 22.

                                                             Daily Bag and Possession Limits
                                                                               Canada    fronted     Light                Emperor               Sandhill
                              Area                                Ducks (1)    geese      geese    geese (6)    Brant      geese      Snipe      cranes
                                                                               (2)(3)     (4)(5)                           (7)(8)                 (9)
North Zone......................................................      10-30       4-12       4-12       6-18        3-9        1-1       8-24        3-9
Gulf Coast Zone.................................................       8-24       4-12       4-12       6-18        3-9        1-1       8-24        2-6
Southeast Zone..................................................       7-21       4-12       4-12       6-18        3-9        1-1       8-24        2-6
Pribilof and Aleutian Islands Zone..............................       7-21       4-12       4-12       6-18        3-9        1-1       8-24        2-6
Kodiak Zone.....................................................       7-21       4-12       4-12       6-18        3-9        1-1       8-24        2-6
(1) The basic duck bag limits may include no more than 2 canvasbacks daily, and may not include sea ducks. In addition to the basic duck limits, the sea
  duck limit is 10 daily (singly or in the aggregate), including no more than 6 each of either harlequin or long-tailed ducks. Sea ducks include
  scoters, common and king eiders, harlequin ducks, long-tailed ducks, and common and red-breasted mergansers. The season for Steller's and spectacled
  eiders is closed.
(2) In Units 5 and 6, the taking of Canada geese is only permitted from September 28 through December 16. In the Middleton Island portion of Unit 6, the
  taking of Canada geese is by special permit only. The maximum number of Canada goose permits is 10 for the season. A mandatory goose-identification
  class is required. Hunters must check in and out. The daily bag and possession limit is 1. The season will close if incidental harvest includes 5
  dusky Canada geese. A dusky Canada goose is any dark-breasted Canada goose (Munsell 10 YR color value five or less) with a bill length between 40 and
  50 millimeters.
(3) In Units 9, 10, 17, and 18, for Canada geese, the daily bag limit is 6 and the possession limit is 18.
(4) In Units 9, 10, and 17, for white-fronted geese, the daily bag limit is 6 and the possession limit is 18.
(5) In Unit 18, for white-fronted geese, the daily bag limit is 10 and the possession limit is 30.
(6) Light geese include snow geese and Ross's geese.
(7) In Unit 8, the Kodiak Island Roaded Area is closed to emperor goose hunting. The Kodiak Island Roaded Area consists of all lands and water
  (including exposed tidelands) east of a line extending from Crag Point in the north to the west end of Saltery Cove in the south and all lands and
  water south of a line extending from Termination Point along the north side of Cascade Lake extending to Anton Larsen Bay. Marine waters adjacent to
  the closed area are closed to harvest within 500 feet from the water's edge. The offshore islands are open to harvest, for example: Woody, Long, Gull
  and Puffin Islands.
(8) Emperor goose hunting is by State permit only; no more than 1 emperor goose may be authorized per permit, and no more than 1 permit may be issued
  per hunter per season. Hunters will be required to file a harvest report with the State after harvesting an emperor goose. Total emperor goose harvest
  may not exceed 1,000 birds. See State regulations for specific dates, times, and conditions of permit hunts and closures.
(9) In Unit 17 of the North Zone, for sandhill cranes, the daily bag limit is 2 and the possession limit is 6.

    Falconry: The total combined bag and possession limit for migratory 
game birds taken with the use of a raptor under a falconry permit is 3 
per day, 9 in possession, and may not exceed a more restrictive limit 
for any species listed in this subsection.
    Special Tundra Swan Season: In Units 17, 18, 22, and 23, there will 
be a tundra swan season from September 1 through October 31 with a 
season limit

[[Page 34756]]

of 3 tundra swans per hunter. This season is by State permit only; 
hunters will be issued 1 permit allowing the take of up to 3 tundra 
swans. Hunters will be required to file a harvest report with the State 
after the season is completed. Up to 500 permits may be issued in Unit 
18; 300 permits each in Units 22 and 23; and 200 permits in Unit 17.

4. Section 20.103 is revised to read as follows:

Sec.  20.103  Seasons, limits, and shooting hours for doves and 

    Subject to the applicable provisions of the preceding sections of 
this part, areas open to hunting, respective open seasons (dates 
inclusive), shooting and hawking hours, and daily bag and possession 
limits for the species designated in this section are prescribed as 
    Shooting and hawking hours are one-half hour before sunrise until 
sunset except as otherwise noted. Area descriptions were published in 
the May 30, 2017, Federal Register (82 FR 24786).
    (a) Doves.

    Note: Unless otherwise noted, the seasons listed below are for 
mourning and white-winged doves. Daily bag and possession limits are 
in the aggregate for the two species.

                                                          Season dates           -------------------------------
                                                                                        Bag            Poss.
    North Zone................................
        12 noon to sunset.....................  Sept. 9 only....................              15              15
        1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset.....  Sept. 10-Oct. 29 &..............              15              45
                                                Dec. 8-Jan. 15..................              15              45
    South Zone................................
        12 noon to sunset.....................  Sept. 16 only...................              15              15
        1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset.....  Sept. 17-Sept. 24 &.............              15              45
                                                Oct. 7-Oct. 28 &................              15              45
                                                Nov. 18-Jan. 15.................              15              45
Delaware......................................  Sept. 1-Sept. 30 & Oct. 17-Oct.               15              45
                                                 21 &.                                        15              45
                                                Nov. 20-Jan. 13.................              15              45
    12 noon to sunset.........................  Sept. 23-Oct. 23................              15              45
    1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset.........  Nov. 11-Dec. 4 &................              15              45
                                                Dec. 12-Jan. 15.................              15              45
    12 noon to sunset.........................  Sept. 2 only....................              15              15
    1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset.........  Sept. 3-Sept. 17 &..............              15              45
                                                Oct. 14-Nov. 2 &................              15              45
                                                Nov. 23-Jan. 15.................              15              45
Illinois (1)..................................  Sept. 1-Nov. 14 &...............              15              45
                                                Dec. 26-Jan. 9..................              15              45
Indiana.......................................  Sept. 1-Oct. 15 &...............              15              45
                                                Nov. 1-Nov. 12 &................              15              45
                                                Dec. 9-Jan. 10..................              15              45
    11 a.m. to sunset.........................  Sept. 1 only....................              15              15
    1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset.........  Sept. 2-Oct. 26 &...............              15              45
                                                Nov. 23-Dec. 3 &................              15              45
                                                Dec. 23-Jan. 14.................              15              45
    North Zone:...............................
        1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset.....  Sept. 2-Sept. 24 &..............              15              45
                                                Oct. 7-Nov. 12 &................              15              45
                                                Dec. 17-Jan. 15.................              15              45
    South Zone:...............................
        1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset.....  Sept. 2-Sept. 10 &..............              15              45
                                                Oct. 7-Nov. 26 &................              15              45
                                                Dec. 17-Jan. 15.................              15              45
    12 noon to sunset.........................  Sept. 1-Oct. 14.................              15              45
    1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset.........  Oct. 26-Nov. 18 &...............              15              45
                                                Dec. 16-Jan. 6..................              15              45
    North Zone................................  Sept. 2-Oct. 8 &................              15              45
                                                Oct. 21-Nov. 4 &................              15              45
                                                Dec. 9-Jan. 15..................              15              45
    South Zone................................  Sept. 2-Sept. 10 &..............              15              45
                                                Oct. 7-Nov. 11 &................              15              45
                                                Dec. 2-Jan. 15..................              15              45
North Carolina................................  Sept. 2-Oct. 7 &................              15              45
                                                Nov. 22-Nov. 25 &...............              15              45
                                                Nov. 27-Jan. 15.................              15              45
Ohio..........................................  Sept. 1-Nov. 5 &................              15              45
                                                Dec. 16-Jan. 8..................              15              45

[[Page 34757]]

    12 noon to sunset.........................  Sept. 1-Oct. 7..................              15              45
    1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset.........  Oct. 14-Nov. 25 &...............              15              45
                                                Dec. 23-Jan. 1..................              15              45
Rhode Island:
    12 noon to sunset.........................  Sept. 9-Oct. 8..................              15              45
    1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset.........  Oct. 21-Dec. 3 &................              15              45
                                                Dec. 9-Dec. 24..................              15              45
South Carolina:
    12 noon to sunset.........................  Sept. 2-Sept. 4.................              15              45
    1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset.........  Sept. 5-Oct. 14 &...............              15              45
                                                Nov. 11-Nov. 25 &...............              15              45
                                                Dec. 15-Jan. 15.................              15              45
    12 noon to sunset.........................  Sept. 1 only....................              15              15
    1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset.........  Sept. 2-Sept. 28 &..............              15              45
                                                Oct. 14-Nov. 5 &................              15              45
                                                Dec. 8-Jan. 15..................              15              45
    12 noon to sunset.........................  Sept. 2-Sept. 8.................              15              45
    1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset.........  Sept. 9-Oct. 29 &...............              15              45
                                                Nov. 22-Nov. 29 &...............              15              45
                                                Dec. 23-Jan. 15.................              15              45
West Virginia:
    12 noon to sunset.........................  Sept. 1 only....................              15              15
    1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset.........  Sept. 2-Oct. 14 &...............              15              45
                                                Oct. 30-Nov. 18 &...............              15              45
                                                Dec. 18-Jan. 12.................              15              45
Wisconsin.....................................  Sept. 1-Nov. 29.................              15              45
Arkansas......................................  Sept. 2-Oct. 22 &...............              15              45
                                                Dec. 8-Jan. 15..................              15              45
Colorado......................................  Sept. 1-Nov. 29.................              15              45
Iowa..........................................  Sept. 1-Nov. 29.................              15              45
Kansas........................................  Sept. 1-Nov. 29.................              15              45
Minnesota.....................................  Sept. 1-Nov. 29.................              15              45
Missouri......................................  Sept. 1-Nov. 29.................              15              45
Montana.......................................  Sept. 1-Oct. 30.................              15              45
Nebraska......................................  Sept. 1-Oct. 30.................              15              45
New Mexico:
    North Zone................................  Sept. 1-Nov. 29.................              15              45
    South Zone................................  Sept. 1-Oct. 29 &...............              15              45
                                                Dec. 2-Jan. 1...................              15              45
North Dakota..................................  Sept. 1-Nov. 29.................              15              45
Oklahoma......................................  Sept. 1-Oct. 31 &...............              15              45
                                                Dec. 1-Dec. 29..................              15              45
South Dakota..................................  Sept. 1-Nov. 9..................              15              45
Texas (2):
    North Zone................................  Sept. 1-Nov. 12 &...............              15              45
                                                Dec. 15-Dec. 31.................              15              45
    Central Zone..............................  Sept. 1-Nov. 5 &................              15              45
                                                Dec. 15-Jan. 7..................              15              45
    South Zone................................  Sept. 22-Nov. 8 &...............              15              45
                                                Dec. 15-Jan. 21.................              15              45
        (Special Season) 12 noon to sunset....  Sept. 2-Sept. 3 &...............              15              45
                                                Sept. 9-Sept. 10................              15              45
Wyoming.......................................  Sept. 1-Nov. 29.................              15              45
Arizona (3)...................................  Sept. 1-Sept. 15 &..............              15              45
                                                Nov. 24-Jan. 7..................              15              45
California (4)................................  Sept. 1-Sept. 15 &..............              15              45
                                                Nov. 11-Dec. 25.................              15              45
Idaho.........................................  Sept. 1-Oct. 30.................              15              45
Nevada........................................  Sept. 1-Oct. 30.................              15              45
Oregon........................................  Sept. 1-Oct. 30.................              15              45
Utah..........................................  Sept. 1-Oct. 30.................              15              45
Washington....................................  Sept. 1-Oct. 30.................              15              45
Hawaii (5)....................................  Nov. 4-Jan. 28..................              10              30
(1) In Illinois, shooting hours are sunrise to sunset.

[[Page 34758]]

(2) In Texas, the daily bag limit is 15 mourning, white-winged, and white-tipped doves in the aggregate, of
  which no more than 2 may be white-tipped doves with a maximum 90-day season. Possession limits are three times
  the daily bag limit. During the special season in the Special White-winged Dove Area of the South Zone, the
  daily bag limit is 15 mourning, white-winged, and white-tipped doves in the aggregate, of which no more than 2
  may be mourning doves and 2 may be white-tipped doves. Possession limits are three times the daily bag limit.
(3) In Arizona, during September 1 through 15, the daily bag limit is 15 mourning and white-winged doves in the
  aggregate, of which no more than 10 may be white-winged doves. During November 24 through January 7, the daily
  bag limit is 15 mourning doves.
(4) In California, the daily bag limit is 15 mourning and white-winged doves in the aggregate, of which no more
  than 10 may be white-wing doves.
(5) In Hawaii, the season is only open on the islands of Hawaii and Maui. On the island of Hawaii, the daily bag
  limit is 10 mourning doves, spotted doves, and chestnut-bellied sandgrouse in the aggregate. On the island of
  Maui, the daily bag limit is 10 mourning doves. Shooting hours are from one-half hour before sunrise through
  one-half hour after sunset. See State regulations for additional restrictions on hunting dates and areas.

    (b) Band-Tailed Pigeons.

                                                          Season dates           -------------------------------
                                                                                        Bag         Possession
Arizona.......................................  Oct. 7-Oct. 20..................               2               6
    North Zone................................  Sept. 16-Sept. 24...............               2               6
    South Zone................................  Dec. 16-Dec. 24.................               2               6
Colorado (1)..................................  Sept. 1-Sept. 14................               2               6
New Mexico (1):
    North Zone................................  Sept. 1-Sept. 14................               2               6
    South Zone................................  Oct. 1-Oct. 14..................               2               6
Oregon........................................  Sept. 15-Sept. 23...............               2               6
Utah (1)......................................  Sept. 1-Sept. 14................               2               6
Washington....................................  Sept. 15-Sept. 23...............               2               6
(1) Each band-tailed pigeon hunter must have a band-tailed pigeon hunting permit issued by the State.

5. Section 20.104 is revised to read as follows:

Sec.  20.104  Seasons, limits, and shooting hours for rails, woodcock, 
and snipe.

    Subject to the applicable provisions of the preceding sections of 
this part, areas open to hunting, respective open seasons (dates 
inclusive), shooting and hawking hours, and daily bag and possession 
limits for the species designated in this section are prescribed as 
    Shooting and hawking hours are one-half hour before sunrise until 
sunset except as otherwise noted. Area descriptions were published in 
the May 30, 2017, Federal Register (82 FR 24786).

                                   Sora and      Clapper and King
                                Virginia rails         rails           Woodcock                 Snipe
Daily bag limit..............  25 (1)..........  15 (2)..........  3..............  8
Possession limit.............  75 (1)..........  45 (2)..........  9..............  24
Connecticut (3)..............  Sept. 1-Nov. 9..  Sept. 1-Nov. 9..  Oct. 25-Nov. 18  Oct. 25-Nov. 18 &
                                                                    &.              Nov. 20-Dec. 9
                                                                   Nov. 20-Dec. 9.
Delaware.....................  Sept. 1-Nov. 9..  Sept. 1-Nov. 9..  Nov. 20-Dec. 2   Sept. 19-Dec. 2 &
                                                                    &.              Dec. 13-Jan. 13
                                                                   Dec. 13-Jan. 13
Florida......................  Sept. 1-Nov. 9..  Sept. 1-Nov. 9..  Dec. 18-Jan. 31  Nov. 1-Feb. 15
Georgia......................  Sept. 15-Nov. 5   Sept. 15-Nov. 5   Dec. 9-Jan. 22.  Nov. 15-Feb. 28
                                &.                &.
                               Nov. 23-Dec. 10.  Nov. 23-Dec. 10.
Maine (4)....................  Sept. 1-Nov. 9..  Closed..........  Oct. 2-Oct. 28   Sept. 1-Dec. 16
                                                                   Oct. 30-Nov. 16
Maryland (5).................  Sept. 1-Nov. 9..  Sept. 1-Nov. 9..  Oct. 27-Nov. 24  Sept. 26-Nov. 24 &
                                                                    &.              Dec. 12-Jan. 27
                                                                   Jan. 12-Jan. 27
Massachusetts (6)............  Sept. 1-Nov. 7..  Closed..........  Oct. 4-Oct. 28   Sept. 1-Dec. 16
                                                                   Oct. 30-Nov. 18
New Hampshire................  Closed..........  Closed..........  Oct. 1-Nov. 14.  Sept. 15-Nov. 14
New Jersey (7):
    North Zone...............  Sept. 1-Nov. 9..  Sept. 1-Nov. 9..  Oct. 21-Nov. 25  Sept. 16-Dec. 30
    South Zone...............  Sept. 1-Nov. 9..  Sept. 1-Nov. 9..  Nov. 11-Dec. 2   Sept. 16-Dec. 30
                                                                   Dec. 16-Dec. 29
New York (8).................  Sept. 1-Nov. 9..  Closed..........  Oct. 1-Nov. 14.  Sept. 1-Nov. 9
North Carolina...............  Sept. 2-Oct. 21   Sept. 2-Oct. 21   Dec. 14-Jan. 27  Nov. 14-Feb. 28
                                &.                &.
                               Nov. 3-Nov. 22..  Nov. 3-Nov. 22..
Pennsylvania (9).............  Sept. 1-Nov. 9..  Closed..........  Oct. 14-Nov. 25  Oct. 14-Nov. 25
Rhode Island (10)............  Sept. 1-Nov. 9..  Sept. 1-Nov. 9..  Oct. 21-Dec. 4.  Sept. 1-Nov. 9
South Carolina...............  Oct. 6-Oct. 10    Oct. 6-Oct. 10    Dec. 18-Jan. 31  Nov. 14-Feb. 28
                                &Nov. 3-Jan. 6.   &Nov. 3-Jan. 6.
Vermont......................  Closed..........  Closed..........  Oct. 1-Nov. 14.  Oct. 1-Nov. 14

[[Page 34759]]

Virginia.....................  Sept. 9-Nov. 17.  Sept. 9-Nov. 17.  Nov. 20-Dec. 8   Oct. 6-Oct. 9 &
                                                                    &.              Oct. 21-Jan. 31
                                                                   Dec. 21-Jan. 15
West Virginia (11)...........  Sept. 1-Nov. 9..  Closed..........  Oct. 14-Nov. 18  Sept. 1-Dec. 16
                                                                   Nov. 27-Dec. 5.
Alabama......................  Sept. 9-Sept. 24  Sept. 9-Sept. 24  Dec. 15-Jan. 28  Nov. 11-Feb. 25
                                &.                &.
                               Nov. 24-Jan. 16.  Nov. 24-Jan. 16.
Arkansas.....................  Sept. 9-Nov. 17.  Closed..........  Nov. 4-Dec. 18.  Nov. 1-Feb. 15
Illinois (12)................  Sept. 9-Nov. 17.  Closed..........  Oct. 21-Dec. 4.  Sept. 9-Dec. 24
Indiana (13).................  Sept. 1-Nov. 9..  Closed..........  Oct. 15-Nov. 28  Sept. 1-Dec. 16
Iowa (14)....................  Sept. 2-Nov. 10.  Closed..........  Oct. 7-Nov. 20.  Sept. 2-Nov. 30
Kentucky.....................  Sept. 1-Nov. 9..  Closed..........  Oct. 28-Nov. 10  Sept. 20-Oct. 29 &
                                                                    &.              Nov. 23-Jan. 28
                                                                   Nov. 13-Dec. 13
    West Zone................  Sept. 15-Sept.    Sept. 15-Sept.    Dec. 18-Jan. 31  Nov. 2-Dec. 3 &
                                30 &.             30 &.                             Dec. 16-Feb. 28
                               Nov. 11-Jan. 3..  Nov. 11-Jan. 3..
    East Zone................  Sept. 15-Sept.    Sept. 15-Sept.    Dec. 18-Jan. 31  Nov. 2-Dec. 3 &
                                30 &.             30 &.                             Dec. 16-Feb. 28
                               Nov. 11-Jan. 3..  Nov. 11-Jan. 3..
    Coastal Zone.............  Sept. 15-Sept.    Sept. 15-Sept.    Dec. 18-Jan. 31  Nov. 2-Dec. 3 &
                                30 &.             30 &.                             Dec. 16-Feb. 28
                               Nov. 11-Jan. 3..  Nov. 11-Jan. 3..
Michigan.....................  Sept. 1-Nov. 9..  Closed..........  Sept. 23-Nov. 6  Sept. 1-Nov. 9
Minnesota....................  Sept. 1-Nov. 6..  Closed..........  Sept. 23-Nov. 6  Sept. 1-Nov. 6
Mississippi..................  Sept. 2-Nov. 10.  Sept. 2-Nov. 10.  Dec. 18-Jan. 31  Nov. 14-Feb. 28
Missouri.....................  Sept. 1-Nov. 9..  Closed..........  Oct. 15-Nov. 28  Sept. 1-Dec. 16
Ohio.........................  Sept. 1-Nov. 9..  Closed..........  Oct. 13-Nov. 26  Sept. 1-Nov. 26 &
                                                                                    Dec. 16-Jan. 4
    Reelfoot Zone............  Sept. 1-Nov. 9..  Closed..........  Nov. 11-Dec. 25  Nov. 14-Feb. 28
    State Zone...............  Sept. 1-Nov. 9..  Closed..........  Nov. 11-Dec. 25  Nov. 14-Feb. 28
    North Zone...............  Sept. 23-Nov. 21  Closed..........  Sept. 23-Nov. 6  Sept. 23-Nov. 21
    South Zone...............  Sept. 30-Oct. 8   Closed..........  Sept. 23-Nov. 6  Sept. 30-Oct. 8 &
                                &                                                   Oct. 14-Dec. 3
                               Oct. 14-Dec. 3..
    Miss. River Zone.........  Sept. 30-Oct. 6   Closed..........  Sept. 23-Nov. 6  Sept. 30-Oct. 6 &
                                &                                                   Oct. 14-Dec. 5
                               Oct. 14-Dec. 5..
Colorado.....................  Sept. 1-Nov. 9..  Closed..........  Closed.........  Sept. 1-Dec. 16
Kansas.......................  Sept. 1-Nov. 9..  Closed..........  Oct. 14-Nov. 27  Sept. 1-Dec. 16
Montana......................  Closed..........  Closed..........  Closed.........  Sept. 1-Dec. 16
Nebraska (15)................  Sept. 1-Nov. 9..  Closed..........  Sept. 23-Nov. 6  Sept. 1-Dec. 16
New Mexico (16)..............  Sept. 16-Nov. 24  Closed..........  Closed.........  Oct. 14-Jan. 28
North Dakota.................  Closed..........  Closed..........  Sept. 23-Nov. 6  Sept. 16-Dec. 3
Oklahoma.....................  Sept. 1-Nov. 9..  Closed..........  Nov. 1-Dec. 15.  Oct. 1-Jan. 15
South Dakota (17)............  Closed..........  Closed..........  Closed.........  Sept. 1-Oct. 31
Texas........................  Sept. 9-Sept. 24  Sept. 9-Sept. 24  Dec. 18-Jan. 31  Oct. 28-Feb. 11
                                &.                &.
                               Nov. 4-Dec. 27..  Nov. 4-Dec. 27..
Wyoming......................  Sept. 1-Nov. 9..  Closed..........  Closed.........  Sept. 1-Dec. 16
Arizona (18):
    North Zone...............  Closed..........  Closed..........  Closed.........  Oct. 6-Jan. 14
    South Zone...............  Closed..........  Closed..........  Closed.........  Oct. 20-Jan. 28
California...................  Closed..........  Closed..........  Closed.........  Oct. 14-Jan. 28
Colorado.....................  Sept. 1-Nov. 9..  Closed..........  Closed.........  Sept. 1-Dec. 16
    Zone 1...................  Closed..........  Closed..........  Closed.........  Oct. 7-Jan. 19
    Zone 2...................  Closed..........  Closed..........  Closed.........  Oct. 7-Jan. 19
    Zone 3...................  Closed..........  Closed..........  Closed.........  Oct. 14-Jan. 26
Zone 4.......................  Closed..........  Closed..........  Closed.........  Oct. 7-Jan. 19
Montana......................  Closed..........  Closed..........  Closed.........  Sept. 1-Dec. 16
    Northeast Zone...........  Closed..........  Closed..........  Closed.........  Sept. 23-Oct. 22 &Oct. 25-
                                                                                     Jan. 7
    Northwest Zone...........  Closed..........  Closed..........  Closed.........  Oct. 7-Oct. 22 &
                                                                                    Oct. 25-Jan. 21
    South Zone (19)..........  Closed..........  Closed..........  Closed.........  Oct. 14-Oct. 22 &
                                                                                    Oct. 25-Jan. 28
New Mexico...................  Sept. 16-Nov. 24  Closed..........  Closed.........  Oct. 16-Jan. 30
    Zone 1...................  Closed..........  Closed..........  Closed.........  Nov. 4-Feb. 18
    Zone 2...................  Closed..........  Closed..........  Closed.........  Oct. 7-Nov. 26 &
                                                                                    Nov. 29-Jan. 21
    Zone 1...................  Closed..........  Closed..........  Closed.........  Oct. 7-Jan. 20
    Zone 2...................  Closed..........  Closed..........  Closed.........  Oct. 14-Jan. 27

[[Page 34760]]

    East Zone................  Closed..........  Closed..........  Closed.........  Oct. 14-Oct. 18 &
                                                                                    Oct. 21-Jan. 28
    West Zone................  Closed..........  Closed..........  Closed.........  Oct. 14-Oct. 18 &
                                                                                    Oct. 21-Jan. 28
Wyoming......................  Sept. 1-Nov. 9..  Closed..........  Closed.........  Sept. 1-Dec. 16
(1) The daily bag and possession limits for sora and Virginia rails apply singly or in the aggregate of the two
(2) All daily bag and possession limits for clapper and king rails apply singly or in the aggregate of the two
  species and, unless otherwise specified, the limits are in addition to the limits on sora and Virginia rails
  in all States. In Delaware, Maryland, and New Jersey, the limits for clapper and king rails are 10 daily and
  30 in possession.
(3) In Connecticut, the limits for clapper and king rails apply singly or in the aggregate of the two species.
  Limits for clapper and king rail are 10 daily and 30 in possession and may include no more than 1 king rail
  per day.
(4) In Maine, the daily bag and possession limit for sora and Virginia rails is 25.
(5) In Maryland, no more than 1 king rail may be taken per day.
(6) In Massachusetts, the sora rail limits are 5 daily and 15 in possession; the Virginia rail limits are 10
  daily and 30 in possession.
(7) In New Jersey, the season for king rail is closed by State regulation.
(8) In New York, the rail daily bag and possession limits are 8 and 24, respectively. Seasons for sora and
  Virginia rails and snipe are closed on Long Island.
(9) In Pennsylvania, the daily bag and possession limits for sora and Virginia rails, singly or in the
  aggregate, are 3 and 9, respectively.
(10) In Rhode Island, the sora and Virginia rails limits are 3 daily and 9 in possession, singly or in the
  aggregate; the clapper and king rail limits are 1 daily and 3 in possession, singly or in the aggregate; the
  snipe limits are 5 daily and 15 in possession.
(11) In West Virginia, the daily bag and possession limit for sora and Virginia rails is 25; the possession
  limit for snipe is 16.
(12) In Illinois, shooting hours are from sunrise to sunset.
(13) In Indiana, the season on Virginia rails is closed.
(14) In Iowa, the limits for sora and Virginia rails are 12 daily and 36 in possession.
(15) In Nebraska, the rail limits are 10 daily and 30 in possession.
(16) In New Mexico, in the Central Flyway portion of the State, the rail limits are 10 daily and 20 in
(17) In South Dakota, the snipe limits are 5 daily and 15 in possession.
(18) In Arizona, Ashurst Lake in Unit 5B is closed to snipe hunting.
(19) In Nevada, the snipe season in that portion of the South Zone including the Moapa Valley to the confluence
  of the Muddy and Virgin rivers is only open November 1 through January 25.

6. Section 20.105 is revised to read as follows:

Sec.  20.105  Seasons, limits, and shooting hours for waterfowl, coots, 
and gallinules.

    Subject to the applicable provisions of the preceding sections of 
this part, areas open to hunting, respective open seasons (dates 
inclusive), shooting and hawking hours, and daily bag and possession 
limits for the species designated in this section are prescribed as 
    Shooting and hawking hours are one-half hour before sunrise until 
sunset, except as otherwise noted. Area descriptions were published in 
the May 30, 2017, Federal Register (82 FR 24786).
    (a) Common Moorhens and Purple Gallinules.

                                                          Season dates           -------------------------------
                                                                                        Bag         Possession
Delaware......................................  Sept. 1-Nov. 9..................              15              45
Florida (1)...................................  Sept. 1-Nov.9...................              15              45
Georgia.......................................  Nov. 18-Nov. 26 &...............              15              45
                                                Dec. 9-Jan. 28..................              15              45
New Jersey....................................  Sept. 1-Nov. 9..................              10              30
New York:
    Long Island...............................  Closed..........................  ..............  ..............
    Remainder of State........................  Sept. 1-Nov. 9..................               8              24
North Carolina................................  Sept. 2-Oct. 21 &...............              15              45
                                                Nov. 3-Nov. 22..................              15              45
Pennsylvania..................................  Sept. 1-Nov. 9..................               3               9
South Carolina................................  Oct. 6-Oct. 10 &................              15              45
                                                Nov. 3-Jan. 6...................              15              45
Virginia......................................  Sept. 9-Nov. 17.................              15              45
West Virginia.................................  Oct. 2-Oct. 14 &................              15              30
                                                Dec. 2-Jan. 27..................              15              30
Alabama.......................................  Sept. 9-Sept. 24 &..............              15              45
                                                Nov. 24-Jan. 16.................              15              45
Arkansas......................................  Sept. 1-Nov. 9..................              15              45
Kentucky......................................  Sept. 1-Nov. 9..................               3               9
Louisiana.....................................  Sept. 15-Sept. 30 &.............              15              45
                                                Nov. 11-Jan. 3..................              15              45
Michigan......................................  Sept. 1-Nov. 9..................               1               3
Minnesota (2):
    North Zone................................  Sept. 23-Nov. 21................              15              45
    Central Zone..............................  Sept. 23-Oct. 1 &...............              15              45
                                                Oct. 7-Nov. 26..................              15              45

[[Page 34761]]

    South Zone................................  Sept. 23-Oct. 1 &...............              15              45
                                                Oct. 14-Dec. 3..................              15              45
Mississippi...................................  Sept. 2-Nov. 10.................              15              45
Ohio..........................................  Sept. 1-Nov. 9..................              15              45
Tennessee.....................................  Sept. 1-Nov. 9..................              15              45
    North Zone................................  Sept. 23-Nov. 21................              15              30
    South Zone................................  Sept. 30-Oct. 8 &...............              15              30
                                                Oct. 14-Dec. 3..................              15              30
    Mississippi River Zone....................  Sept. 30-Oct. 6 &...............              15              30
                                                Oct. 14-Dec. 5..................              15              30
New Mexico:
    Zone 1....................................  Sept. 16-Nov. 24................               1               3
    Zone 2....................................  Sept. 16-Nov. 24................               1               3
Oklahoma......................................  Sept. 1-Nov. 9..................              15              45
Texas.........................................  Sept. 9-Sept. 24 &..............              15              45
                                                Nov. 4-Dec. 27..................              15              45
All States....................................  Seasons are in aggregate with coots and listed in paragraph (e).
(1) The season applies to common moorhens only.
(2) In Minnesota, the daily bag limit is 15 and the possession limit is 45 coots and moorhens in the aggregate.

    (b) Special Sea Duck Seasons (scoters, eiders, and long-tailed 
ducks in Atlantic Flyway).
    Within the special sea duck areas, the daily bag limit is 5 
scoters, eiders, and long-tailed ducks in the aggregate, including no 
more than 4 scoters, 4 eiders, and 4 long-tailed ducks. Possession 
limits are three times the daily bag limit. These limits may be in 
addition to regular duck bag limits only during the regular duck season 
in the special sea duck hunting areas.

                                                          Season dates           -------------------------------
                                                                                        Bag         Possession
Connecticut...................................  Nov. 13-Jan. 20.................               5              15
Delaware......................................  Nov. 20-Jan. 27.................               5              15
Georgia.......................................  Nov. 18-Nov. 26 &...............               5              15
                                                Dec. 9-Jan. 28..................               5              15
Maine.........................................  Nov. 10-Jan. 18.................               5              15
Maryland......................................  Nov. 4-Jan. 12..................               5              15
Massachusetts (1).............................  Nov. 20-Jan. 27.................               5              15
New Hampshire.................................  Nov. 15-Jan. 13.................               5              15
New Jersey....................................  Nov. 4-Jan. 12..................               5              15
North Carolina................................  Nov. 20-Jan. 27.................               5              15
Rhode Island..................................  Nov. 23-Jan. 21.................               5              15
South Carolina................................  Nov. 18-Nov. 25 &...............               5              15
                                                Dec. 9-Jan. 28..................               5              15
Virginia......................................  Nov. 10-Jan. 8..................               5              15
Note: Notwithstanding the provisions of this Part 20, the shooting of crippled waterfowl from a motorboat under
  power will be permitted in Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New
  Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Rhode Island, South Carolina, and Virginia in those areas described,
  delineated, and designated in their respective hunting regulations as special sea duck hunting areas.
 (1) In Massachusetts, the daily bag limit may not include more than 1 hen eider. Possession limits are three
  times the daily bag limit.

    (c) Early (September) Duck Seasons.

    Unless otherwise specified, the seasons listed below are for 
teal only.

                                                          Season dates           -------------------------------
                                                                                        Bag         Possession
Delaware (1)..................................  Sept. 8-Sept. 26................               6              18
Florida (2)...................................  Sept. 16-Sept. 24...............               6              18
Georgia.......................................  Sept. 9-Sept. 24................               6              18
Maryland (1)..................................  Sept. 16-Sept. 30...............               6              18
North Carolina (1)............................  Sept. 13-Sept. 30...............               6              18
South Carolina (3)............................  Sept. 15-Sept. 30...............               6              18
Virginia (1)..................................  Sept. 16-Sept. 30...............               6              18

[[Page 34762]]

Alabama.......................................  Sept. 9-Sept. 24................               6              18
Arkansas (3)..................................  Sept. 15-Sept. 30...............               6              18
Illinois (3)..................................  Sept. 9-Sept. 24................               6              18
Indiana (3)...................................  Sept. 9-Sept. 24................               6              18
Iowa (3):
    North Zone................................  Sept. 2-Sept. 10................               6              18
    South Zone................................  Sept. 2-Sept. 10................               6              18
    Missouri River Zone.......................  Sept. 2-Sept. 17................               6              18
Kentucky (2)..................................  Sept. 16-Sept. 24...............               6              18
Louisiana.....................................  Sept. 15-Sept. 30...............               6              18
Michigan......................................  Sept. 1-Sept. 10................               6              18
Mississippi...................................  Sept. 9-Sept. 24................               6              18
Missouri (3)..................................  Sept. 9-Sept. 24................               6              18
Ohio (3)......................................  Sept. 2-Sept. 17................               6              18
Tennessee (2).................................  Sept. 9-Sept. 17................               6              18
Wisconsin.....................................  Sept.1-Sept. 7..................               6              18
Colorado (1)..................................  Sept. 9-Sept. 17................               6              18
    Low Plains................................  Sept. 9-Sept. 24................               6              18
    High Plains...............................  Sept. 16-Sept. 24...............               6              18
Nebraska (1):
    Low Plains................................  Sept. 2-Sept. 17................               6              18
    High Plains...............................  Sept. 2-Sept. 10................               6              18
New Mexico....................................  Sept. 16-Sept. 24...............               6              18
Oklahoma......................................  Sept. 9-Sept. 24................               6              18
    High Plains...............................  Sept. 9-Sept. 24................               6              18
    Rest of State.............................  Sept. 9-Sept. 24................               6              18
(1) Area restrictions. See State regulations.
(2) In Florida, Kentucky, and Tennessee, the daily bag limit for the first 5 days of the season is 6 wood ducks
  and teal in the aggregate, of which no more than 2 may be wood ducks. During the last 4 days of the season,
  the daily bag limit is 6 teal only. The possession limit is three times the daily bag limit.
(3) Shooting hours are from sunrise to sunset.

    (d) Special Early Canada Goose Seasons.

                                 Season dates  -------------------------
                                                    Bag       Possession
Connecticut (1):
    North Zone...............  Sept. 1-Sept.             15           45
    South Zone...............  Sept. 15-Sept.            15           45
Delaware.....................  Sept. 1-Sept.             15           45
Florida......................  Sept. 2-Sept.              5           15
Georgia......................  Sept. 2-Sept.              5           15
    Northern Zone............  Sept. 1-Sept.              6           18
    Southern Zone............  Sept. 1-Sept.             10           30
    Coastal Zone.............  Sept. 1-Sept.             10           30
Maryland (1)(2):
    Eastern Unit.............  Sept. 1-Sept.              8           24
    Western Unit.............  Sept. 1-Sept.              8           24
    Central Zone.............  Sept. 5-Sept.              7           21
    Coastal Zone.............  Sept. 5-Sept.              7           21
    Western Zone.............  Sept. 5-Sept.              7           21
New Hampshire................  Sept. 1-Sept.              5           15
New Jersey (1)(2)(3).........  Sept. 1-Sept.             15           45
New York (4):
    Lake Champlain Zone......  Sept. 1-Sept.              8           24
    Northeastern Zone........  Sept. 1-Sept.             15           45
    East Central Zone........  Sept. 1-Sept.             15           45
    Hudson Valley Zone.......  Sept. 1-Sept.             15           45
    West Central Zone........  Sept. 1-Sept.             15           45
    South Zone...............  Sept. 1-Sept.             15           45
    Western Long Island Zone.  Closed.........
    Central Long Island Zone.  Sept. 5-Sept.             15           45

[[Page 34763]]

    Eastern Long Island Zone.  Sept. 5-Sept.             15           45
North Carolina (5)(6)........  Sept. 1-Sept.             15           45
Pennsylvania (7):
    SJBP Zone (8)............  Sept. 1-Sept.              1            3
    Rest of State (9)........  Sept. 1-Sept.              8           24
Rhode Island (1).............  Sept. 1-Sept.             15           45
South Carolina...............  Sept. 1-Sept.             15           45
    Lake Champlain Zone......  Sept. 1-Sept.              8           24
    Interior Vermont Zone....  Sept. 1-Sept.              8           24
    Connecticut River Zone     Sept. 1-Sept.              5           15
     (10).                      25.
Virginia (11)................  Sept. 1-Sept.             10           30
West Virginia................  Sept. 1-Sept. 9            5           15
North Dakota:
    Missouri River Zone......  Sept. 1-Sept. 7           15           45
    Remainder of State.......  Sept. 1-Sept.             15           45
Oklahoma.....................  Sept. 9-Sept.              8           24
South Dakota (12)............  Sept. 2-Sept.             15           45
    East Zone................  Sept. 9-Sept.              5           15
Colorado.....................  Sept. 1-Sept. 9            4           12
    Zone 4...................  Sept. 1-Sept.              5           15
    Northwest Permit Zone....  Sept. 9-Sept.              5           15
    Southwest Zone...........  Sept. 9-Sept.              5           15
    Eastern Zone.............  Sept. 9-Sept.              5           15
    Klamath County Zone......  Sept. 9-Sept.              5           15
    Harney and Lake County     Sept. 9-Sept.              5           15
     Zone.                      13.
    Malheur County Zone......  Sept. 9-Sept.              5           15
    Areas 1 & 3..............  Sept. 9-Sept.              5           15
    Areas 2A & 2B (13).......  Sept. 2-Sept.              5           15
    Area 4 & 5...............  Sept. 9-Sept.              5           10
    Teton County Zone........  Sept. 1-Sept. 8            4           12
    Balance of State Zone....  Sept. 1-Sept. 8            4           12
(1) Shooting hours are one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour
  after sunset.
(2) The use of shotguns capable of holding more than 3 shotshells is
(3) The use of electronic calls is allowed.
(4) In New York, shooting hours are one-half hour before sunrise to one-
  half hour after sunset, the use of shotguns capable of holding more
  than 3 shotshells is allowed, and the use of electronic calls is
  allowed, except during Youth Waterfowl Hunting Days in Lake Champlain,
  Northeastern, and Southeastern Goose Hunting Areas. During the
  designated Youth Waterfolw Hunting Days in these areas, shooting hours
  are one-half hour before sunrise to sunset, shotguns must be capable
  of holding no more than 3 shotshells, and electronic calls are not
  allowed. See State regulations for further details.
(5) In North Carolina, the use of unplugged guns and electronic calls is
  allowed in that area west of U.S. Highway 17 only.
(6) In North Carolina, shooting hours are one-half hour before sunrise
  to one-half hour after sunset in that area west of U.S. Highway 17
(7) In Pennsylvania, shooting hours are one-half hour before sunrise to
  one-half hour after sunset from September 1 to September 15 and
  September 18 to September 25. On September 16, shooting hours are one-
  half hour before sunrise to sunset.
(8) In Pennsylvania, in the area south of SR 198 from the Ohio State
  line to intersection of SR 18, SR 18 south to SR 618, SR 618 south to
  U.S. Route 6, U.S. Route 6 east to U.S. Route 322/SR 18, U.S. Route
  322/SR 18 west to intersection of SR 3013, SR 3013 south to the
  Crawford/Mercer County line, not including the Pymatuning State Park
  Reservoir and an area to extend 100 yards inland from the shoreline of
  the reservoir, excluding the area east of SR 3011 (Hartstown Road),
  the daily bag limit is 1 goose with a possession limit of 3 geese. The
  season is closed on State Game Lands 214. However, during youth
  waterfowl hunting days, regular season regulations apply.
(9) In Pennsylvania, in the area of Lancaster and Lebanon Counties north
  of the Pennsylvania Turnpike, east of SR 501 to SR 419, south of SR
  419 to the Lebanon-Berks County line, west of the Lebanon-Berks County
  line and the Lancaster-Berks County line to SR 1053, west of SR 1053
  to the Pennsylvania Turnpike I-76, the daily bag limit is 1 goose with
  a possession limit of 3 geese. On State Game Lands No. 46 (Middle
  Creek Wildlife Management Area), the season is closed. However, during
  youth waterfowl hunting days, regular season regulations apply.
(10) In Vermont, the season in the Connecticut River Zone is the same as
  the New Hampshire Inland Zone season, set by New Hampshire.
(11) In Virginia, shooting hours are one-half hour before sunrise to one-
  half hour after sunset from September 1 to September 15 in the area
  east of I-95. Shooting hours are one-half hour before sunrise to one-
  half hour after sunset from September 1 to September 20 in the area
  west of I-95.
(12) See State regulations for additional information and restrictions.
(13) In Washington, in Pacific County, the daily bag and possession
  limits are 15 and 45 Canada geese, respectively.

    (e) Waterfowl, Coots, and Pacific-Flyway Seasons for Common 


    The Atlantic Flyway: Includes Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, 
Georgia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New 
York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, 
Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia.
    The Mississippi Flyway: Includes Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, 

[[Page 34764]]

Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, 
Ohio, Tennessee, and Wisconsin.
    The Central Flyway: Includes Colorado (east of the Continental 
Divide), Kansas, Montana (Blaine, Carbon, Fergus, Judith Basin, 
Stillwater, Sweetgrass, Wheatland, and all counties east thereof), 
Nebraska, New Mexico (east of the Continental Divide except that the 
Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation is in the Pacific Flyway), North 
Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming (east of the 
Continental Divide).
    The Pacific Flyway: Includes the States of Arizona, California, 
Colorado (west of the Continental Divide), Idaho, Montana (including 
and to the west of Hill, Chouteau, Cascade, Meagher, and Park 
Counties), Nevada, New Mexico (the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation 
and west of the Continental Divide), Oregon, Utah, Washington, and 
Wyoming (west of the Continental Divide including the Great Divide 
    Light Geese: Includes lesser snow (including blue) geese, greater 
snow geese, and Ross's geese.
    Dark Geese: Includes Canada geese, white-fronted geese, emperor 
geese, brant (except in California, Oregon, Washington, and the 
Atlantic Flyway), and all other geese except light geese.


Flyway-Wide Restrictions

    Duck Limits: The daily bag limit of 6 ducks may include no more 
than 4 mallards (2 female mallards), 2 scaup, 2 black ducks, 1 pintail, 
2 canvasbacks, 1 mottled duck, 3 wood ducks, 2 redheads, 4 scoters, 4 
eiders, 4 long-tailed ducks, and 1 fulvous tree duck. The possession 
limit is three times the daily bag limit.
    Harlequin Ducks: All areas of the Flyway are closed to harlequin 
duck hunting.
    Merganser Limits: The daily bag limit is 5 mergansers and may 
include no more than 2 hooded mergansers. In States that include 
mergansers in the duck bag limit, the daily limit is the same as the 
duck bag limit, of which only 2 may be hooded mergansers. The 
possession limit is three times the daily bag limit.

                                                          Season dates           -------------------------------
                                                                                        Bag         Possession
Ducks and Mergansers:.........................  ................................               6              18
    North Zone................................  Oct. 14-Oct. 21 &...............  ..............  ..............
                                                Nov. 10-Jan. 10.................
    South Zone................................  Oct. 14-Oct. 17 &...............  ..............  ..............
                                                Nov. 16-Jan. 20.................
Coots.........................................  Same as for Ducks...............              15              45
Canada Geese:
    AFRP Unit North...........................  Oct. 14-Oct. 21 &...............               5              15
                                                Nov. 11-Dec. 2 &................               5              15
                                                Dec. 16-Feb. 15.................               5              15
    AFRP Unit South...........................  Oct. 14-Oct. 21 &...............               5              15
                                                Nov. 11-Dec. 2 &................               5              15
                                                Dec. 15-Feb. 15.................               5              15
    NAP H-Unit................................  Oct. 12-Oct. 21 &...............               3               9
                                                Nov. 11-Jan. 20.................               3               9
    AP Unit...................................  Oct. 14-Oct. 21 &...............               3               9
                                                Nov. 18-Jan. 6..................               3               9
    Special Season............................  Jan. 25-Feb. 15.................               5              15
Light Geese:
    North Zone................................  Oct. 2-Jan. 15 &................              25  ..............
                                                Feb. 21-Mar. 10.................              25
    South Zone................................  Oct. 2-Dec. 2 &.................              25  ..............
                                                Jan. 9-Mar. 10..................              25
    North Zone................................  Nov. 2-Jan. 10..................               2               6
    South Zone................................  Nov. 13-Jan. 20.................               2               6
Ducks.........................................  Oct. 27-Nov. 7 &................               6              18
                                                Nov. 20-Nov. 25 &...............               6              18
                                                Dec. 8-Jan. 27..................               6              18
Mergansers....................................  Same as for Ducks...............               5              15
Coots.........................................  Same as for Ducks...............              15              45
Canada Geese..................................  Nov. 20-Nov. 25 &...............               2               6
                                                Dec. 15-Feb. 3..................               2               6
Light Geese (1)...............................  Oct. 10-Feb. 10.................              25  ..............
Brant.........................................  Nov. 20-Nov. 25 &...............               2               6
                                                Dec. 2-Jan. 31..................               2               6
Ducks.........................................  Nov. 18-Nov. 26 &...............               6              18
                                                Dec. 9-Jan. 28..................               6              18
Mergansers....................................  Same as for Ducks...............               5              15
Coots.........................................  Same as for Ducks...............              15              45
Canada Geese..................................  Nov. 18-Nov. 26 &...............               5              15
                                                Dec. 1-Jan. 30..................               5              15
Light Geese...................................  Same as for Ducks...............              15  ..............
Ducks.........................................  Nov. 18-Nov. 26 &...............               6              18
                                                Dec. 9-Jan. 28..................               6              18

[[Page 34765]]

Mergansers....................................  Same as for Ducks...............               5              15
Coots.........................................  Same as for Ducks...............              15              45
Canada Geese..................................  Oct. 14-Oct. 29 &...............               5              15
                                                Nov. 18-Nov. 26 &...............               5              15
                                                Dec. 9-Jan. 28..................               5              15
Light Geese...................................  Same as for Canada Geese........               5              15
Brant.........................................  Closed..........................  ..............  ..............
Ducks (2):....................................  ................................               6              18
    North Zone................................  Sept. 25-Dec. 2.................  ..............  ..............
    South Zone................................  Oct. 2-Oct. 14 &................  ..............  ..............
                                                Nov. 1-Dec. 26..................
    Coastal Zone..............................  Oct. 2-Oct. 14 &................  ..............  ..............
                                                Nov. 10-Jan. 4..................
Mergansers....................................  Same as for Ducks...............               5              15
Coots.........................................  Same as for Ducks...............               5              15
Canada Geese:
    North Zone................................  Oct. 2-Dec. 21..................               3               9
    South Zone................................  Oct. 2-Oct. 26 &................               3               9
                                                Nov. 1-Dec. 26..................               3               9
    Coastal Zone..............................  Oct. 2-Oct. 26 &................               3               9
                                                Nov. 10-Jan. 4..................               3               9
Light Geese...................................  Oct. 2-Jan. 31..................              25  ..............
    North Zone................................  Sept. 25-Dec. 2.................               2               6
    South Zone................................  Oct. 2-Oct. 14 &................               2               6
                                                Nov. 1-Dec. 26..................               2               6
    Coastal Zone..............................  Oct. 2-Oct. 14 &................               2               6
                                                Nov. 10-Jan. 4..................               2               6
Ducks and Mergansers (3)......................  Oct. 14-Oct. 21 &...............               6              18
                                                Nov. 11-Nov. 24 &...............               6              18
                                                Dec. 12-Jan. 27.................               6              18
Coots.........................................  Same as for Ducks...............              15              45
Canada Geese:
    RP Zone...................................  Nov. 18-Nov. 24 &...............               5              15
                                                Dec. 15-Mar. 10.................               5              15
    AP Zone...................................  Nov. 18-Nov. 24 &...............               2               6
                                                Dec. 15-Feb. 3..................               2               6
Light Geese...................................  Oct. 2-Nov. 24 &................              25  ..............
                                                Dec. 11-Feb. 3..................              25
                                                Feb. 10.........................              25
Brant.........................................  Nov. 8-Nov. 24 &................               2               6
                                                Dec. 11-Jan. 31.................               2               6
Ducks (4):                                      ................................               6              18
    Western Zone..............................  Oct. 10-Nov. 25 &...............  ..............  ..............
                                                Dec. 4-Dec. 25..................
    Central Zone..............................  Oct. 9-Nov. 25 &................  ..............  ..............
                                                Dec. 11-Dec. 30.................
    Coastal Zone..............................  Oct. 13-Oct. 21 &...............  ..............  ..............
                                                Nov. 16-Jan. 15.................
Mergansers....................................  Same as for Ducks...............               5              15
Coots.........................................  Same as for Ducks...............              15              45
Canada Geese:
NAP Zone:
    Central Zone..............................  Oct. 9-Nov. 25 &................               3               9
                                                Dec. 11-Jan. 11.................               3               9
    (Special season)..........................  Jan. 20-Feb. 10.................               5              15
    Coastal Zone..............................  Oct. 13-Oct. 21 &...............               3               9
                                                Nov. 16-Jan. 26.................               3               9
    (Special season) (5)......................  Jan. 27-Feb. 15.................               5              15
    AP Zone...................................  Oct. 10-Nov. 25 &...............               3               9
                                                Dec. 4-Dec. 13..................               3               9
Light Geese:
    Western Zone..............................  Oct. 10-Nov. 25 &...............              15              45
                                                Dec. 4-Dec. 25..................              15              45
    Central Zone..............................  Oct. 9-Nov. 25 &................              15              45
                                                Dec. 11-Dec. 30.................              15              45
                                                Jan. 16-Feb. 4..................              15              45

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    Coastal Zone (5)..........................  Oct. 13-Oct. 21 &...............              15              45
                                                Nov. 16-Jan. 15.................              15              45
                                                Jan. 28-Feb. 15.................              15              45
    Western & Central Zone....................  Closed..........................  ..............  ..............
    Coastal Zone..............................  Nov. 20-Jan. 27.................               2               6
New Hampshire
Ducks:........................................  ................................               6              18
    Northern Zone.............................  Oct. 3-Dec. 1...................  ..............  ..............
    Inland Zone...............................  Oct. 3-Nov. 5 &.................  ..............  ..............
                                                Nov. 21-Dec. 17.................
    Coastal Zone..............................  Oct. 4-Oct. 15 &................  ..............  ..............
                                                Nov. 22-Jan. 8..................
Mergansers....................................  Same as for Ducks...............               5              15
Coots.........................................  Same as for Ducks...............              15              45
Canada Geese:
    Northern Zone.............................  Oct. 3-Dec. 11..................               3               9
    Inland Zone...............................  Oct. 3-Nov. 5 &.................               3               9
                                                Nov. 22-Dec. 27.................               3               9
    Coastal Zone..............................  Oct. 4-Oct. 15 &................               3               9
                                                Nov. 22-Jan. 18.................               3               9
Light Geese:
    Northern Zone.............................  Oct. 3-Dec. 11..................              25  ..............
    Inland Zone...............................  Oct. 3-Dec. 27..................              25  ..............
    Coastal Zone..............................  Oct. 4-Jan. 18..................              25  ..............
    Northern Zone.............................  Oct. 3-Dec. 1...................               2               6
    Inland Zone...............................  Oct. 3-Nov. 5 &.................               2               6
                                                Nov. 22-Dec. 17.................               2               6
    Coastal Zone..............................  Oct. 4-Oct. 15 &................               2               6
                                                Nov. 22-Jan. 8..................               2               6
New Jersey
Ducks:........................................  ................................               6              18
    North Zone................................  Oct. 14-Oct. 21 &...............  ..............  ..............
                                                Nov. 11-Jan. 11.................
    South Zone................................  Oct. 21-Oct. 28 &...............  ..............  ..............
                                                Nov. 18-Jan. 18.................
    Coastal Zone..............................  Nov. 9-Nov. 11 &................  ..............  ..............
                                                Nov. 23-Jan. 27.................
Mergansers....................................  Same as for Ducks...............               5              15
Coots.........................................  Same as for Ducks...............              15              45
Canada and White-fronted Geese:
    North Zone................................  Nov. 11-Nov. 25 &...............               3               9
                                                Dec. 9-Jan. 20..................               3               9
    South Zone................................  Nov. 18-Dec. 2 &................               3               9
                                                Dec. 9-Jan. 20..................               3               9
    Coastal Zone..............................  Nov. 9-Nov. 11 &................               5              15
                                                Nov. 18-Feb. 15.................               5              15
    Special Season Zone.......................  Jan. 22-Feb. 15.................               5              15
Light Geese:
    North Zone................................  Oct. 17-Feb. 15.................              25  ..............
    South Zone................................  Oct. 17-Feb. 15.................              25  ..............
    Coastal Zone..............................  Oct. 17-Feb. 15.................              25  ..............
    North Zone................................  Oct. 14-Oct. 21 &...............               2               6
                                                Nov. 11-Jan. 11.................               2               6
    South Zone................................  Oct. 21-Oct. 28 &...............               2               6
                                                Nov. 18-Jan. 18.................               2               6
    Coastal Zone..............................  Nov. 9-Nov. 11 &................               2               6
                                                Nov. 23-Jan. 27.................               2               6
New York
Ducks and Mergansers:.........................  ................................               6              18
    Long Island Zone..........................  Nov. 23-Nov. 26 &...............  ..............  ..............
                                                Dec. 4-Jan. 28..................
    Lake Champlain Zone.......................  Oct. 11-Oct. 15 &...............  ..............  ..............
                                                Nov. 7-Dec. 31..................
    Northeastern Zone.........................  Oct. 7-Oct. 29 &................  ..............  ..............
                                                Nov. 4-Dec. 10..................
    Southeastern Zone.........................  Oct. 7-Oct. 15 &................  ..............  ..............
                                                Nov. 11-Dec. 31.................
    Western Zone..............................  Oct. 28-Dec. 6 &................  ..............  ..............
                                                Dec. 26-Jan. 14.................

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Coots.........................................  Same as for Ducks...............              15              45
Canada Geese:
    Western Long Island (AFRP)................  Oct. 14-Oct. 29 &...............               8              24
                                                Nov. 23-Nov. 26 &...............               8              24
                                                Dec. 4-Feb. 26..................               8              24
    Central Long Island (NAP-L)...............  Nov. 23-Nov. 26 &...............               3               9
                                                Dec. 4-Feb. 7...................               3               9
    Eastern Long Island (NAP-H)...............  Nov. 23-Nov. 26 &...............               3               9
                                                Dec. 4-Feb. 7...................               3               9
    Lake Champlain (AP) Zone..................  Oct. 11-Nov. 29.................               3               9
    Northeast (AP) Zone.......................  Oct. 28-Dec. 10 &...............               3               9
                                                Dec. 26-Dec. 31.................               3               9
    East Central (AP) Zone....................  Oct. 28-Nov. 17 &...............               3               9
                                                Nov. 23-Dec. 21.................               3               9
    Hudson Valley (AP) Zone...................  Nov. 4-Nov. 17 &................               3               9
                                                Dec. 2-Jan. 6...................               3               9
    West Central (AP) Zone....................  Oct. 28-Nov. 26 &...............               3               9
                                                Dec. 26-Jan. 14.................               3               9
    South (AFRP)..............................  Oct. 28-Dec. 17 &...............               5              15
                                                Dec. 26-Jan. 14 &...............               5              15
                                                Mar. 2-Mar. 10..................               5              15
Light Geese (6):
    Long Island Zone..........................  Nov. 23-Mar. 9..................              25  ..............
    Lake Champlain Zone.......................  Oct. 1-Dec. 31..................              25  ..............
    Northeastern Zone.........................  Oct. 1-Jan. 15..................              25  ..............
    Southeastern Zone.........................  Oct. 1-Jan. 15..................              25  ..............
    Western Zone..............................  Oct. 1-Jan. 15..................              25  ..............
    Long Island Zone..........................  Nov. 23-Nov. 26 &...............               2               6
                                                Dec. 4-Jan. 28..................               2               6
    Lake Champlain Zone.......................  Oct. 7-Dec. 5...................               2               6
    Northeastern Zone.........................  Oct. 1-Nov. 29..................               2               6
    Southeastern Zone.........................  Oct. 1-Nov. 29..................               2               6
    Western Zone..............................  Oct. 1-Nov. 29..................               2               6
North Carolina
Ducks (7).....................................  Oct. 4-Oct. 7 &.................               6              18
                                                Nov. 11-Dec. 2 &................               6              18
                                                Dec. 16-Jan. 27.................               6              18
Mergansers....................................  Same as for Ducks...............               5              15
Coots.........................................  Same as for Ducks...............              15              45
Canada Geese:
    RP Hunt Zone..............................  Oct. 4-Oct. 14 &................               5              15
                                                Nov. 11-Dec. 2 &................               5              15
                                                Dec. 16-Feb. 10.................               5              15
    SJBP Hunt Zone............................  Oct. 4-Nov. 3 &.................               5              15
                                                Nov. 11-Dec. 30.................               5              15
    Northeast Hunt Zone (8)...................  Jan. 12-Jan. 27.................               1               3
Light Geese...................................  Oct. 10-Feb. 10.................              25  ..............
Brant.........................................  Dec. 16-Jan. 27.................               1               3
Ducks:........................................  ................................               6              18
    North Zone................................  Oct. 7-Nov. 18 &................  ..............  ..............
                                                Dec. 19-Jan. 13.................
    South Zone................................  Oct. 14-Oct. 21 &...............  ..............  ..............
                                                Nov. 21-Jan. 20.................
    Northwest Zone............................  Oct. 7-Dec. 9...................  ..............  ..............
                                                Dec. 26-Dec. 30.................  ..............  ..............
    Lake Erie Zone............................  Oct. 30-Jan. 6..................  ..............  ..............
Mergansers....................................  Same as for Ducks...............               5              15
Coots.........................................  Same as for Ducks...............              15              45
Canada Geese:
    Eastern (AP) Zone.........................  Nov. 15-Nov. 25 &...............               3               9
                                                Dec. 16-Jan. 31.................               3               9
    SJBP Zone.................................  Oct. 7-Nov. 25 &................               3               9
                                                Dec. 12-Jan. 20.................               3               9
    Resident (RP) Zone........................  Oct. 28-Nov. 25 &...............               5              15
                                                Dec. 18-Jan. 20 &...............               5              15
                                                Jan. 27-Feb. 24.................               5              15
Light Geese:
    Eastern (AP) Zone.........................  Oct. 2-Jan. 31..................              25  ..............
    SJBP Zone.................................  Oct. 2-Jan. 20..................              25  ..............
    Resident (RP) Zone........................  Oct. 24-Feb. 24.................              25  ..............

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Brant.........................................  Oct. 14-Dec. 22.................               2               6
Rhode Island
Ducks.........................................  Oct. 13-Oct. 16 &...............               6              18
                                                Nov. 22-Nov. 26 &...............               6              18
                                                Dec. 2-Jan. 21..................               6              18
Mergansers....................................  Same as for Ducks...............               5              15
Coots.........................................  Same as for Ducks...............              15              45
Canada Geese..................................  Nov. 18-Nov. 26 &...............               3               9
                                                Dec. 2-Jan. 29..................               3               9
    Special season............................  Feb. 3-Feb. 9...................               5              15
Light Geese...................................  Oct. 15-Jan. 29.................              25  ..............
Brant.........................................  Nov. 23-Jan. 21.................               2               6
South Carolina
Ducks (9)(10).................................  Nov. 11 &.......................               6              18
                                                Nov. 18-Nov. 25 &...............               6              18
                                                Dec. 9-Jan. 28..................               6              18
Mergansers (11)...............................  Same as for Ducks...............               5              15
Coots.........................................  Same as for Ducks...............              15              45
Canada and White-fronted Geese (12)...........  Nov. 18-Nov. 25 &...............               5              15
                                                Dec. 9-Jan. 28 &................               5              15
                                                Feb. 13-Feb. 28.................               5              15
Light Geese...................................  Nov. 18-Nov. 25 &...............              25  ..............
                                                Dec. 9-Jan. 28 &................              25
                                                Feb. 13-Feb. 28.................              25
Brant.........................................  Nov. 18-Nov. 25 &...............               2               6
                                                Dec. 9-Jan. 28..................               2               6
Ducks:........................................  ................................               6              18
    Lake Champlain Zone.......................  Oct. 11-Oct 15 &................  ..............  ..............
                                                Nov. 7-Dec. 31..................
    Interior Zone.............................  Oct. 11-Dec. 9..................  ..............  ..............
    Connecticut River Zone....................  Oct. 3-Nov. 5 &.................  ..............  ..............
                                                Nov. 22-Dec. 17.................
Mergansers....................................  Same as for Ducks...............               5              15
Coots.........................................  Same as for Ducks...............              15              45
Canada Geese:
    Lake Champlain Zone.......................  Oct. 11-Nov. 29.................               3               9
    Interior Zone.............................  Oct. 11-Nov. 29.................               3               9
    Connecticut River Zone....................  Oct. 3-Nov. 5 &.................               3               9
                                                Nov. 22-Dec. 27.................               3               9
Light Geese:
    Lake Champlain Zone.......................  Oct. 1-Dec. 31 &................              25  ..............
                                                Feb. 26-Mar. 10.................              25
    Interior Zone.............................  Oct. 1-Dec. 31 &................              25  ..............
                                                Feb. 26-Mar. 10.................              25
    Connecticut River Zone....................  Oct. 3-Dec. 27..................              25  ..............
    Lake Champlain Zone.......................  Oct. 7-Dec. 5...................               2               6
    Interior Zone.............................  Oct. 7-Dec. 5...................               2               6
    Connecticut River Zone....................  Oct. 3-Nov. 5 &.................               2               6
                                                Nov. 22-Dec. 17.................               2               6
Ducks (13)....................................  Oct. 6-Oct. 9 &.................               6              18
                                                Nov. 15-Nov. 26 &...............               6              18
                                                Dec. 16-Jan. 28.................               6              18
Mergansers....................................  Same as for Ducks...............               5              15
Coots.........................................  Same as for Ducks...............              15              45
Canada Geese:
    Eastern (AP) Zone.........................  Nov. 15-Nov. 26 &...............               2               6
                                                Dec. 22-Jan. 28.................               2               6
    Western (SJBP) Zone.......................  Nov. 15-Nov. 26 &...............               3               9
                                                Dec. 18-Jan. 14 &...............               3               9
    (Special season)..........................  Jan. 15-Feb. 15.................               5              15
    Western (RP) Zone.........................  Nov. 15-Nov. 26 &...............               5              15
                                                Dec. 16-Feb. 21.................               5              15
Light Geese...................................  Oct. 17-Jan. 31.................              25  ..............
Brant.........................................  Nov. 15-Nov. 26 &...............               2               6
                                                Dec. 16-Jan. 31.................               2               6
West Virginia
Ducks (14)....................................  Oct. 2-Oct. 14 &................               6              18
                                                Nov. 6-Nov. 11 &................               6              18
                                                Dec. 18-Jan. 27.................               6              18

[[Page 34769]]

Mergansers....................................  Same as for Ducks...............               5              15
Coots.........................................  Same as for Ducks...............              15              30
Canada Geese..................................  Oct. 2-Oct. 21 &................               5              15
                                                Nov. 6-Nov. 11 &................               5              15
                                                Dec. 5-Jan. 27..................               5              15
Light Geese...................................  Oct. 2-Oct. 14 &................               5              15
                                                Nov. 6-Nov. 11 &................               5              15
                                                Dec. 5-Jan. 27..................               5              15
Brant.........................................  Nov. 29-Jan. 27.................               1               3
(1) In Delaware, the Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) snow goose season is open Mondays, Wednesdays,
  and Fridays only.
(2) In Maine, the daily bag limit may include no more than 4 of any species, with no more than 12 of any one
  species in possession. The season for Barrow's goldeneye is closed.
(3) In Maryland, the black duck season is closed October 14 through October 21. Additionally, the daily bag
  limit of 6 ducks may include no more than 5 sea ducks, of which no more than 4 may be scoters, eiders, or long-
  tailed ducks.
(4) In Massachusetts, the daily bag limit may include no more than 4 of any single species in addition to the
  flyway-wide bag restrictions.
(5) In Massachusetts, the January 27 to February 15 portion of the season in the Coastal Zone is restricted to
  that portion of the Coastal Zone north of the Cape Cod Canal.
(6) In New York, the use of electronic calls and shotguns capable of holding more than 3 shotshells are allowed
  for hunting of light geese on any day when all other waterfowl hunting seasons are closed.
(7) In North Carolina, the season is closed for black ducks October 4 through October 7 and November 11 through
  November 17.
(8) In North Carolina, a permit is required to hunt Canada geese in the Northeast Hunt Zone.
(9) In South Carolina, the daily bag limit of 6 may not exceed 1 black-bellied whistling duck or hooded
  merganser in the aggregate. Further, the black duck/mottled duck limit is as follows: (1) For areas east and
  south of Interstate 95, either 1 black or 1 mottled duck in the daily bag in the aggregate; (2) for areas west
  and north of Interstate 95, either 2 black ducks, or 1 black duck and 1 mottled duck in the daily bag.
(10) In South Carolina, on November 11, only hunters 17 years of age or younger can hunt ducks, coots, and
  mergansers. The youth must be accompanied by a person at least 21 years of age who is properly licensed,
  including State and Federal waterfowl stamps. Youth who are 16 or 17 years of age who hunt on this day are not
  required to have a State license or State waterfowl stamp but must possess a Federal waterfowl stamp and
  migratory bird permit.
(11) In South Carolina, the daily bag limit for mergansers may include no more than 1 hooded merganser.
(12) In South Carolina, the daily bag limit may include no more than 2 white-fronted geese.
(13) In Virginia, the season is closed for black ducks October 6 through October 9.
(14) In West Virginia, the season is closed for eiders, whistling ducks, and mottled ducks.


Flyway-Wide Restrictions

    Duck Limits: The daily bag limit of 6 ducks may include no more 
than 4 mallards (no more than 2 of which may be females), 1 mottled 
duck, 2 black ducks, 1 pintail, 2 canvasbacks, 2 redheads, 3 scaup, and 
3 wood ducks. The possession limit is three times the daily bag limit.
    Merganser Limits: The daily bag limit is 5 mergansers and may 
include no more than 2 hooded mergansers. In States that include 
mergansers in the duck bag limit, the daily limit is the same as the 
duck bag limit, of which only 2 may be hooded mergansers. The 
possession limit is three times the daily bag limit.

                                                          Season dates           -------------------------------
                                                                                        Bag         Possession
Ducks:                                                                                         6              18
    North Zone................................  Nov. 24-Nov. 25 &...............  ..............  ..............
                                                Dec. 2-Jan. 28..................
    South Zone................................  Same as North Zone..............
Mergansers....................................  Same as for Ducks...............               5              15
Coots.........................................  Same as for Ducks...............              15              45
Dark Geese (1)(2):
    SJBP Zone.................................  Sept. 1-Sept 30 &...............               5              15
                                                Oct. 7-Oct. 21 &................               5              15
                                                Nov. 24-Nov. 25 &...............               5              15
                                                Dec. 2-Jan. 28..................
    North Zone................................  Same as SJBP Zone...............               5              15
    South Zone................................  Same as SJBP Zone...............               5              15
Light Geese:
    SJBP Zone.................................  Same as for Dark Geese..........               5              15
    North Zone................................  Same as for Dark Geese..........               5              15
    South Zone................................  Same as for Dark Geese..........               5              15
Ducks.........................................  Nov. 18-Nov. 26 &...............               6              18
                                                Dec. 7-Dec. 23 &................               6              18
                                                Dec. 26-Jan. 28.................               6              18
Mergansers....................................  Same as for Ducks...............               5              10
Coots.........................................  Same as for Ducks...............               5              10
Canada Geese..................................  Sept. 1-Sept. 30 &..............               5              15
                                                Nov. 15-Dec. 1 &................               3               9
                                                Dec. 3-Jan. 28..................               3               9

[[Page 34770]]

White-fronted Geese...........................  Nov. 15-Dec. 1 &................               2               4
                                                Dec. 3-Jan. 28..................               2               4
Brant.........................................  Closed..........................
Light Geese...................................  Same as for White-fronted Geese.              20  ..............
Ducks:                                                                                         6              18
    North Zone................................  Oct. 21-Dec. 19.................  ..............  ..............
    Central Zone..............................  Oct. 28-Dec. 26.................  ..............  ..............
    South Central Zone........................  Nov. 11-Jan. 9..................  ..............  ..............
    South Zone................................  Nov. 23-Jan. 21.................  ..............  ..............
Mergansers....................................  Same as for Ducks...............               5              15
Coots.........................................  Same as for Ducks...............              15              45
Canada Geese:
    North Zone................................  Sept. 1-Sept. 15 &..............               5              15
                                                Oct. 21-Jan. 18.................               2               6
    Central Zone..............................  Sept. 1-Sept. 15 &..............               5              15
                                                Oct. 28-Nov. 5 &................               2               6
                                                Nov. 12-Jan. 31.................               2               6
    South Central Zone........................  Sept. 1-Sept. 15 &..............               2               6
                                                Nov. 11-Jan. 31.................               2               6
    South Zone................................  Sept. 1-Sept. 15 &..............               2               6
                                                Nov. 23-Jan. 31.................               2               6
White-fronted Geese:
    North Zone................................  Oct. 23-Jan. 18.................               2               6
    Central Zone..............................  Nov. 5-Jan. 31..................               2               6
    South Central Zone........................  Nov. 11-Jan. 31.................               2               6
    South Zone................................  Nov. 23-Jan. 31.................               2               6
Light Geese:
    North Zone................................  Oct. 21-Jan. 18.................              20  ..............
    Central Zone..............................  Oct. 28-Jan. 31.................              20  ..............
    South Central Zone........................  Nov. 11-Jan. 31.................              20  ..............
    South Zone................................  Nov. 23-Jan. 31.................              20  ..............
Brant.........................................  Same as for Light Geese.........               1               3
Ducks:                                                                                         6              18
    North Zone................................  Oct. 21-Dec. 10 &...............  ..............  ..............
                                                Dec. 23-Dec. 31.................  ..............  ..............
    Central Zone..............................  Oct. 28-Nov. 5 &................  ..............  ..............
                                                Nov. 25-Jan. 14.................  ..............  ..............
    South Zone................................  Nov. 4-Nov. 12 &................  ..............  ..............
                                                Dec. 2-Jan. 21..................  ..............  ..............
Mergansers....................................  Same as for Ducks...............               5              15
Coots.........................................  Same as for Ducks...............              15              45
Dark Geese (1)(3):
    North Zone................................  Sept. 9-Sept. 17 &..............               5              15
                                                Oct. 21-Nov. 26 &...............               5              15
                                                Dec. 16-Feb. 11.................               5              15
    Central Zone..............................  Sept. 9-Sept. 17 &..............               5              15
                                                Oct. 28-Nov. 12 &...............               5              15
                                                Nov. 25-Feb. 11.................               5              15
    South Zone................................  Sept. 9-Sept. 17 &..............               5              15
                                                Nov. 4-Nov. 26 &................               5              15
                                                Dec. 2-Feb. 11..................               5              15
Light Geese:
    North Zone................................  Same as for Dark Geese..........              20  ..............
    Central Zone..............................  Same as for Dark Geese..........              20  ..............
    South Zone................................  Same as for Dark Geese..........              20  ..............
Ducks:                                                                                         6              18
    North Zone................................  Sept. 23-Oct. 1 &...............  ..............  ..............
                                                Oct. 14-Dec. 3..................  ..............  ..............
    Missouri River Zone.......................  Oct. 7-Oct. 8 &.................  ..............  ..............
                                                Oct. 21-Dec 17..................  ..............  ..............
    South Zone................................  Sept. 30-Oct. 4 &...............  ..............  ..............
                                                Oct. 21-Dec 14..................  ..............  ..............
Mergansers....................................  Same as for Ducks...............               5              15
Coots.........................................  Same as for Ducks...............              15              45
Dark Geese (1):
    Cedar Falls/Waterloo......................  Sept. 2-Sept. 10................               5              15
    Des Moines................................  Sept. 2-Sept. 10................               5              15
    Cedar Rapids/Iowa City....................  Sept. 2-Sept. 10................               5              15

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    North Zone (4)............................  Sept. 23-Oct. 8 &...............               5              15
                                                Oct. 14-Oct. 31 &...............               5              15
                                                Nov. 1-Jan. 1...................               5              15
    Missouri River Zone (4)...................  Oct. 7-Oct. 15 &................               5              15
                                                Oct. 21-Oct. 31 &...............               5              15
                                                Nov. 1-Jan. 15..................               5              15
    South Zone (4)............................  Sept. 30-Oct. 8 &...............               5              15
                                                Oct. 21-Oct. 31 &...............               5              15
                                                Nov. 1-Jan. 15..................               5              15
Light Geese:
    North Zone................................  Sept. 23-Oct. 8 &...............              20  ..............
                                                Oct. 14-Jan. 10.................              20  ..............
    Missouri River Zone.......................  Oct. 7-Oct. 15 &................              20  ..............
                                                Oct. 21-Jan. 24.................              20  ..............
    South Zone................................  Sept. 30-Oct. 8 &...............              20  ..............
                                                Oct. 21-Jan. 24.................              20  ..............
Ducks:                                          ................................               6              18
    West Zone.................................  Nov. 23-Nov. 26 &...............  ..............  ..............
                                                Dec. 4-Jan. 28..................  ..............  ..............
    East Zone.................................  Same as West Zone...............  ..............  ..............
Mergansers....................................  Same as for Ducks...............               5              15
Coots.........................................  Same as for Ducks...............              15              45
Canada Geese:
    Northeast Zone............................  Dec. 16-Jan. 31.................               3               9
    Rest of State.............................  Sept. 16-Sept. 30 &.............               5              15
                                                Nov. 23-Feb. 15.................               3               9
White-fronted Geese...........................  Nov. 23-Feb. 15.................               2               6
Brant.........................................  Nov. 23-Feb. 15.................               1               3
Light Geese...................................  Nov. 23-Feb. 15.................              20              60
Ducks:                                          ................................               6              18
    West Zone.................................  Nov. 11-Dec. 3 &................  ..............  ..............
                                                Dec. 16-Jan. 21.................  ..............  ..............
    East Zone (including Catahoula Lake)......  Nov. 18-Dec. 3 &................  ..............  ..............
                                                Dec. 16-Jan. 28.................  ..............  ..............
    Coastal Zone..............................  Nov. 11-Dec. 3 &................  ..............  ..............
                                                Dec. 16-Jan. 21.................  ..............  ..............
Mergansers....................................  Same as for Ducks...............               5              15
Coots.........................................  Same as for Ducks...............              15              45
Canada Geese..................................  Nov. 4-Dec. 3 &.................               3               9
                                                Dec. 16-Jan. 31.................               3               9
White-fronted Geese...........................  Nov. 4-Dec. 3 &.................               2               6
                                                Dec. 16-Feb. 11.................               2               6
Brant.........................................  Closed..........................
Light Geese...................................  Same as for White-fronted Geese.              20
Ducks:                                          ................................               6              18
    North Zone................................  Sept. 30-Nov. 26 &..............  ..............  ..............
                                                Dec. 2-Dec. 3...................  ..............  ..............
    Middle Zone...............................  Oct. 7-Dec. 3 &.................  ..............  ..............
                                                Dec. 16-Dec. 17.................  ..............  ..............
    South Zone................................  Oct. 14-Dec. 10 &...............  ..............  ..............
                                                Dec. 30-Dec. 31.................  ..............  ..............
Mergansers....................................  Same as for Ducks...............               5              15
Coots.........................................  Same as for Ducks...............              15              45
Dark Geese (1)(2):
    North Zone................................  Sept. 1-Sept. 30 &..............               5              15
                                                Oct. 1-Dec. 16..................               5              15
    Middle Zone...............................  Sept. 1-Sept. 30 &..............               5              15
                                                Oct. 7-Dec. 22..................               5              15
    South Zone:
        Muskegon Wastewater GMU...............  Oct. 17-Nov. 14 &...............               5              15
                                                Dec. 2-Dec. 19..................               5              15
        Allegan County GMU....................  Sept. 1-Sept. 10 &..............               5              15
                                                Nov. 11-Feb. 15.................               5              15
    Remainder of South Zone...................  Sept. 1-Sept. 30 &..............               5              15
                                                Oct. 14-Dec. 10 &...............               5              15
                                                Dec. 30-Dec. 31 &...............               5              15
                                                Jan. 27-Feb. 12.................               5              15
Light Geese:
    North Zone................................  Same as for Dark Geese..........              20  ..............

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    Middle Zone...............................  Same as for Dark Geese..........              20  ..............
    South Zone:
        Muskegon Wastewater GMU...............  Same as for Dark Geese..........              20  ..............
        Allegan County GMU....................  Same as for Dark Geese..........              20  ..............
        Remainder of South Zone...............  Same as for Dark Geese..........              20  ..............
Ducks:                                          ................................               6              18
    North Zone................................  Sept. 23-Nov. 21................  ..............  ..............
    Central Zone..............................  Sept. 23-Oct. 1 &...............  ..............  ..............
                                                Oct. 7-Nov. 26..................  ..............  ..............
    South Zone................................  Sept. 23-Oct. 1 &...............  ..............  ..............
                                                Oct. 14-Dec. 3..................  ..............  ..............
Mergansers....................................  Same as for Ducks...............               5              15
Coots (5).....................................  Same as for Ducks...............              15              45
Dark Geese (1):
    North Zone................................  Sept. 2-Sept. 17 &..............               5              15
                                                Sept. 23-Dec. 22................               3               9
    Central Zone..............................  Sept. 2-Sept. 17 &..............               5              15
                                                Sept. 23-Oct. 1 &...............               3               9
                                                Oct. 7-Dec. 27..................               3               9
    South Zone................................  Sept. 2-Sept. 17 &..............               5              15
                                                Sept. 23-Oct. 1 &...............               3               9
                                                Oct. 14-Jan. 3..................               3               9
Light Geese:
    North Zone................................  Same as for Dark Geese..........              20              60
    Central Zone..............................  Same as for Dark Geese..........              20              60
    South Zone................................  Same as for Dark Geese..........              20              60
Ducks.........................................  Nov. 24-Nov. 26 &...............               6              18
                                                Dec. 1-Dec. 3 &.................               6              18
                                                Dec. 6-Jan. 28..................               6              18
Mergansers....................................  Same as for Ducks...............               5              15
Coots.........................................  Same as for Ducks...............              15              45
Canada Geese..................................  Sept. 1-Sept 30 &...............               5              15
                                                Nov. 10-Nov. 26 &...............               3               9
                                                Dec. 1-Dec. 3 &.................               3               9
                                                Dec. 6-Jan. 28..................               3               9
White-fronted Geese...........................  Nov. 10-Nov. 26 &...............               3               9
                                                Dec. 1-Dec. 3 &.................               3               9
                                                Dec. 6-Jan. 28..................               3               9
Brant.........................................  Same as for White-fronted Geese.               1               3
Light Geese...................................  Same as for White-fronted Geese.              20  ..............
Ducks and Mergansers:                           ................................               6              18
    North Zone................................  Nov. 4-Jan. 2...................  ..............  ..............
    Middle Zone...............................  Nov. 4-Nov. 10 &................  ..............  ..............
                                                Nov. 16-Jan. 7..................  ..............  ..............
    South Zone................................  Nov. 23-Nov. 26 &...............  ..............  ..............
                                                Dec. 4-Jan. 28..................  ..............  ..............
Coots.........................................  Same as for Ducks...............              15              45
Canada Geese and Brant:
    North Zone................................  Oct. 7-Oct. 15 &................               3               9
                                                Nov. 11-Feb. 6..................               3               9
    Middle Zone...............................  Same as North Zone..............               3               9
    South Zone................................  Same as North Zone..............               3               9
White-fronted Geese:
    North Zone................................  Nov. 11-Feb. 6..................               2               6
    Middle Zone...............................  Same as North Zone..............               2               6
    South Zone................................  Same as North Zone..............               2               6
Light Geese:
    North Zone................................  Nov. 11-Feb. 6..................              20  ..............
    Middle Zone...............................  Same as North Zone..............              20  ..............
    South Zone................................  Same as North Zone..............              20  ..............
Ducks (6):                                      ................................               6              18
    Lake Erie Marsh Zone......................  Oct. 14-Oct. 29 &...............  ..............  ..............
                                                Nov. 11-Dec. 24.................  ..............  ..............
    North Zone................................  Oct. 21-Nov. 5 &................  ..............  ..............
                                                Nov. 18-Dec. 31.................  ..............  ..............
    South Zone................................  Oct. 21-Nov. 5 &................  ..............  ..............
                                                Dec. 16-Jan. 28.................  ..............  ..............
Mergansers....................................  Same as for Ducks...............               5              15

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Coots.........................................  Same as for Ducks...............              15              45
Dark Geese (1)(7):
    Lake Erie Goose Zone......................  Sept. 2-Sept. 10 &..............               5              15
                                                Oct. 14-Oct. 29 &...............               3               9
                                                Nov. 11-Dec. 24 &...............               3               9
                                                Jan. 6-Feb. 10..................               3               9
    North Zone................................  Sept. 2-Sept. 10 &..............               5              15
                                                Oct. 21-Nov. 5 &................               3               9
                                                Nov. 18-Dec. 31 &...............               3               9
                                                Jan. 6-Feb. 10..................               3               9
    Pymatuning................................  Sept. 2-Sept. 10 &..............               5              15
                                                Oct. 21-Nov. 5 &................               3               9
                                                Nov. 18-Dec. 31 &...............               3               9
                                                Jan. 6-Jan. 28..................               3               9
    South Zone................................  Sept. 2-Sept. 10 &..............               5              15
                                                Oct. 21-Nov. 5 &................               3               9
                                                Nov. 23-Feb. 10.................               3               9
Light Geese:
    Lake Erie Goose Zone......................  Oct. 14-Oct. 29 &...............              10              30
                                                Nov. 11-Dec. 24 &...............              10              30
                                                Jan. 6-Feb. 10..................              10              30
    North Zone................................  Oct. 21-Nov. 5 &................              10              30
                                                Nov. 18-Dec. 31 &...............              10              30
                                                Jan. 6-Feb. 10..................              10              30
    Pymatuning................................  Oct. 21-Nov. 5 &................              10              30
                                                Nov. 18-Dec. 31 &...............              10              30
                                                Jan. 6-Jan. 28..................              10              30
    South Zone................................  Oct. 21-Nov. 5 &................              10              30
                                                Nov. 23-Feb. 10.................              10              30
Ducks:                                          ................................               6              18
    Reelfoot Zone.............................  Nov. 11-Nov. 12 &...............  ..............  ..............
                                                Dec. 2-Jan. 28..................  ..............  ..............
    Rest of State.............................  Nov. 25-Nov. 26 &...............  ..............  ..............
                                                Dec. 2-Jan. 28..................  ..............  ..............
Mergansers....................................  Same as for Ducks...............               5              15
Coots.........................................  Same as for Ducks...............              15              45
Canada Geese:
    Northwest Zone............................  Sept. 1-Sept. 15 &..............               5              15
                                                Oct. 14-Oct. 18 &...............               3               9
                                                Nov. 11-Nov. 12 &...............               3               9
                                                Dec. 2-Feb. 10..................               3               9
    Rest of State.............................  Sept. 1-Sept. 15 &..............               5              15
                                                Oct. 14-Oct. 31 &...............               3               9
                                                Nov. 25-Nov. 26 &...............               3               9
                                                Dec. 2-Jan. 28..................               3               9
White-fronted Geese:
    Northwest Zone............................  Nov. 25-Nov. 26 &...............               2               6
                                                Dec. 2-Feb. 10..................               2               6
    Rest of State.............................  Same as Northwest Zone..........               2               6
    Northwest Zone............................  Nov. 25-Nov. 26 &...............               2               6
                                                Dec. 2-Jan. 28..................               2               6
    Rest of State.............................  Same as Northwest Zone..........               2               6
Light Geese...................................  Same as White-fronted Geese.....              20  ..............
Ducks (6):                                      ................................               6              18
    North Zone................................  Sept. 23-Nov. 21................  ..............  ..............
    South Zone................................  Sept. 30-Oct. 8 &...............  ..............  ..............
                                                Oct. 14-Dec. 3..................  ..............  ..............
    Mississippi River Zone....................  Sept. 30-Oct. 6 &...............  ..............  ..............
                                                Oct. 14-Dec. 5..................  ..............  ..............
Mergansers....................................  Same as for Ducks...............               5              15
Coots.........................................  Same as for Ducks...............              15              45
Canada Geese:
    North Zone (8)............................  Sept. 1-Sept. 15................               5              15
                                                Sept. 16-Dec. 16................               2               6
    South Zone (8)............................  Sept. 1-Sept. 15................               5              15
                                                Sept. 16-Oct. 8 &...............               2               6
                                                Oct. 14-Dec. 21.................               2               6
    Horicon Zone (8)(9).......................  Sept. 1-Sept. 15................               5              15
                                                Sept. 16-Dec. 16................               2               6

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    Mississippi River Zone (8)................  Sept. 1-Sept. 15................               5              15
                                                Sept. 30-Oct. 6 &...............               2               6
                                                Oct. 14-Jan. 4..................               2               6
White-fronted Geese:
    North Zone................................  Sept. 16-Dec. 16................               1               3
    South Zone................................  Sept. 16-Oct. 8 &...............               1               3
                                                Oct. 14-Dec. 21.................               1               3
    Horicon Zone..............................  Sept. 16-Dec. 16................               1               3
    Mississippi River Zone....................  Sept. 30-Oct. 6 &...............               1               3
                                                Oct. 14-Jan. 4..................               1               3
Brant.........................................  Same as for White-fronted Geese.               1               3
Light Geese...................................  Same as for White-fronted Geese.              20  ..............
(1) The dark goose daily bag limit is an aggregate daily bag limit for Canada geese, white-fronted geese, and
(2) In Alabama and Michigan, the dark goose daily bag limit may not include more than 1 brant. Additionally,
  after September 30, the daily bag may not include more than 3 Canada geese.
(3) In Indiana, the dark goose daily bag limit of 5 may include 5 Canada geese during September 9 through
  September 17. During all other open season segments, the dark goose daily bag limit may not include more than
  3 Canada geese. The possession limit is three times the daily bag limit.
(4) In Iowa, in the North Zone, the Missouri River Zone, and the South Zone, the dark goose daily bag limit may
  not include more than 2 Canada geese until November 1. After such time, the daily bag limit may not include
  more than 3 Canada geese. The possession limit is three times the daily bag limit.
(5) In Minnesota, the daily bag limit is 15 and the possession limit is 45 coots and moorhens in the aggregate.
(6) In Ohio and Wisconsin, the daily bag limit may include no more than one female mallard.
(7) In Ohio, only Canada geese may be taken during the September 2 to September 10 portion of the dark goose
(8) In Wisconsin, a special Early Canada goose season permit is required for September 1 through 15.
(9) In Wisconsin, a state tag is required for Canada goose harvest. See State regulations for further

Central Flyway

Flyway-Wide Restrictions

    Duck Limits: The daily bag limit is 6 ducks, which may include no 
more than 5 mallards (2 female mallards), 1 pintail, 2 canvasbacks, 2 
redheads, 3 scaup, and 3 wood ducks. The possession limit is three 
times the daily bag limit.
    Merganser Limits: The daily bag limit is 5 mergansers and may 
include no more than 2 hooded mergansers. In States that include 
mergansers in the duck bag limit, the daily limit is the same as the 
duck bag limit, of which only 2 may be hooded mergansers. The 
possession limit is three times the daily bag limit.

                                                          Season dates           -------------------------------
                                                                                        Bag         Possession
    Ducks.....................................  ................................               6              18
        Southeast Zone........................  Oct. 25-Jan. 28.................  ..............  ..............
        Northeast Zone........................  Oct. 7-Nov. 27 & Dec. 16-Jan. 28  ..............  ..............
        Mountain/Foothills Zone...............  Sept. 30-Nov. 27 & Dec. 23-Jan.   ..............  ..............
    Coots.....................................  Same as for Ducks...............              15              45
    Mergansers................................  Same as for Ducks...............               5              15
    Dark Geese:
        Northern Front Range Unit.............  Sept. 30-Oct. 11 &..............               5              15
                                                Nov. 18-Feb. 18.................               5              15
        South Park/San Luis Valley Unit.......  Same as N. Front Range Unit.....               5              15
        North Park Unit.......................  Same as N. Front Range Unit.....               5              15
        Rest of State in Central Flyway.......  Nov. 6-Feb. 18..................               5              15
    Light Geese:
        Northern Front Range Unit.............  Nov. 4-Feb. 18..................              50  ..............
        South Park/San Luis Valley Unit.......  Same as N. Front Range Unit.....              50  ..............
        North Park Unit.......................  Same as N. Front Range Unit.....              50  ..............
        Rest of State in Central Flyway.......  Same as N. Front Range Unit.....              50  ..............
    Ducks.....................................  ................................               6              18
        High Plains...........................  Oct. 7-Jan. 1 & Jan. 20-Jan. 28   ..............  ..............
        Low Plains............................
            Early Zone........................  Oct. 7-Dec. 3 & Dec. 16-Dec. 31   ..............  ..............
            Late Zone.........................  Oct. 28-Dec. 31 & Jan. 20-Jan.    ..............  ..............
            Southeast Zone....................  Nov. 11-Dec. 31 & Jan. 6-Jan. 28  ..............  ..............
    Mergansers................................  Same as for Ducks...............               5              15
    Coots.....................................  Same as for Ducks...............              15              45
    Dark Geese (1)............................  Oct. 28-Oct. 29 &...............               6              18
                                                Nov. 8-Feb. 18..................               6              18
    White-fronted Geese.......................  Oct. 28-Dec. 31 &...............               2               6
                                                Jan. 27-Feb. 18.................               2               6
    Light Geese...............................  Oct. 28-Oct. 29 &...............              50  ..............
                                                Nov. 8-Feb. 18..................              50  ..............

[[Page 34775]]

    Ducks and Mergansers (2)..................  ................................               6              18
        Zone 1................................  Sept. 30-Jan. 4                   ..............  ..............
        Zone 2................................  Sept. 30-Oct. 8 & Oct. 21-Jan.    ..............  ..............
    Coots.....................................  Same as for Ducks...............              15              45
    Dark Geese:
        Zone 1................................  Sept. 30-Jan. 7 &...............               5              15
                                                Jan. 13-Jan. 17.................               5              15
        Zone 2................................  Sept. 30-Oct. 8 &...............               5              15
                                                Oct. 21-Jan. 24.................               5              15
    Light Geese:
        Zone 1................................  Same as for Dark Geese..........              20              60
        Zone 2................................  Same as for Dark Geese..........              20              60
    Ducks.....................................  ................................               6              18
        Zone 1................................  Oct. 14-Dec. 26.................  ..............  ..............
        Zone 2:
            Low Plains........................  Oct. 7-Dec. 19..................  ..............  ..............
            High Plains.......................  Oct. 7-Dec. 19 & Jan. 8-Jan. 28.  ..............  ..............
        Zone 3:
            Low Plains........................  Oct. 26-Jan. 7..................  ..............  ..............
            High Plains.......................  Oct. 26-Jan. 7 &................  ..............  ..............
                                                Jan. 8-Jan. 28..................  ..............  ..............
        Zone 4................................  Oct. 7-Dec. 19..................  ..............  ..............
    Mergansers................................  Same as for Ducks...............               5              15
    Coots.....................................  Same as for Ducks...............              15              45
    Canada Geese:
        Niobrara Unit.........................  Oct. 30-Feb. 11.................               5              15
        East Unit.............................  Oct. 30-Feb. 11.................               5              15
        North Central Unit....................  Oct. 7-Jan. 19..................               5              15
        Platte River Unit.....................  Oct. 30-Feb. 11.................               5              15
        Panhandle Unit........................  Oct. 30-Feb. 11.................               5              15
    White-fronted Geese.......................  Oct. 7-Dec. 10 &................               3               9
                                                Feb. 3-Feb. 11..................               3               9
    Light Geese...............................  Oct. 7-Dec. 31 &................              50  ..............
                                                Jan. 24-Feb. 11.................              50  ..............
New Mexico:
    Ducks and Mergansers (3)..................  ................................               6              18
        North Zone............................  Oct. 14-Jan. 17.................  ..............  ..............
        South Zone............................  Oct. 25-Jan. 28.................  ..............  ..............
    Coots.....................................  Same as for Ducks...............              15              45
    Dark Geese:
        Middle Rio Grande Valley Unit.........  Dec. 23-Jan. 16.................               2               2
        Rest of State.........................  Oct. 14-Jan. 28.................               5              15
    Light Geese...............................  Oct. 14-Jan. 28.................              50  ..............
North Dakota:
    Ducks (2).................................  ................................               6              18
        High Plains...........................  Sept. 23-Dec. 3 & Dec. 9-Dec. 31  ..............  ..............
        Remainder of State....................  Sept. 23-Dec. 3.................  ..............  ..............
    Mergansers................................  Same as for Ducks...............               5              15
    Coots.....................................  Same as for Ducks...............              15              45
    Canada Geese (4):
        Missouri River Zone...................  Sept. 23-Dec. 29................               5              15
        Rest of State.........................  Sept. 23-Dec. 21................               8              24
    White-fronted Geese.......................  Sept. 23-Dec. 3.................               3               9
    Light Geese...............................  Sept. 23-Dec. 31................              50  ..............
    Ducks.....................................  ................................               6              18
        High Plains...........................  Oct. 14-Jan. 10                   ..............  ..............
        Low Plains:
            Zone 1............................  Oct. 28-Nov. 26 & Dec. 9-Jan. 21  ..............  ..............
            Zone 2............................  Nov. 4-Nov. 26 & Dec. 9-Jan. 28   ..............  ..............
    Mergansers................................  Same as for Ducks...............               5              15
    Coots.....................................  Same as for Ducks...............              15              45
    Dark Geese (1)............................  Nov. 4-Nov. 26 &................               8              24
                                                Dec. 9-Feb. 18..................               8              24
    White-fronted Geese.......................  Nov. 4-Nov. 26 &................               2               6
                                                Dec. 9-Feb. 11..................               2               6
    Light Geese...............................  Nov. 4-Nov. 26 &................              50  ..............
                                                Dec. 9-Feb. 18..................              50  ..............
South Dakota:
    Ducks (2).................................  ................................               6              18

[[Page 34776]]

        High Plains...........................  Oct. 14-Dec. 26 & Dec. 27-Jan.    ..............  ..............
        Low Plains:
            North Zone........................  Sept. 30-Dec. 12................  ..............  ..............
            Middle Zone.......................  Sept. 30-Dec. 12................  ..............  ..............
            South Zone........................  Oct. 14-Dec. 26.................  ..............  ..............
    Mergansers................................  Same as for Ducks...............               5              15
    Coots.....................................  Same as for Ducks...............              15              45
    Canada Geese:
        Unit 1................................  Oct. 1-Dec. 17..................               8              24
        Unit 2................................  Nov. 6-Feb. 18..................               4              12
        Unit 3................................  Oct. 21-Dec. 24 &...............               4              12
                                                Jan. 13-Jan. 21.................               4              12
    White-fronted Geese.......................  Sept. 30-Dec. 24................               2               6
    Light Geese...............................  Sept. 30-Jan. 12................              50
    Ducks (5).................................  ................................               6              18
        High Plains...........................  Oct. 28-Oct. 29 & Nov. 3-Jan. 28  ..............  ..............
        Low Plains:
            North Zone........................  Nov. 11-Nov. 26 & Dec. 2-Jan. 28  ..............  ..............
            South Zone........................  Nov. 4-Nov. 26 & Dec. 9-Jan. 28   ..............  ..............
    Mergansers................................  Same as for Ducks...............               5              15
    Coots.....................................  Same as for Ducks...............              15              45
    Dark Geese (6):
        East Tier:
            South Zone........................  Nov. 4-Jan. 28..................               5              15
            North Zone........................  Nov. 4-Jan. 28..................               5              15
        West Tier.............................  Nov. 4-Feb. 4...................               5              15
    Light Geese:
        East Tier:
            South Zone........................  Nov. 4-Jan. 28..................              20  ..............
            North Zone........................  Nov. 4-Jan. 28..................              20  ..............
        West Tier.............................  Nov. 4-Feb. 4...................              20  ..............
    Ducks (2)(7)..............................  ................................               6              18
        Zone C1...............................  Sept. 30-Oct. 17 & Oct. 28-Jan.   ..............  ..............
        Zone C2...............................  Sept. 23-Dec. 3 & Dec. 9-Jan. 2   ..............  ..............
        Zone C3...............................  Same as Zone C2.................  ..............  ..............
    Mergansers................................  Same as for Ducks...............               5              15
    Coots.....................................  Same as for Ducks...............              15              45
    Dark Geese:
        Zone G1A (7)..........................  Sept. 30-Oct. 11 &..............               2               6
                                                Nov. 18-Feb. 18.................               4              12
        Zone G1...............................  Sept. 30-Oct. 17 &..............               5              15
                                                Oct. 28-Nov. 26 &...............               5              15
                                                Dec. 2-Jan. 27..................               5              15
        Zone G2...............................  Sept. 23-Dec. 3 &...............               5              15
                                                Dec. 9-Jan. 10..................               5              15
        Zone G3...............................  Same as Zone G2.................               5              15
    Light Geese...............................  Sept. 30-Dec. 31 &..............              10              30
                                                Feb. 7-Feb. 18..................              10              30
(1) In Kansas and Oklahoma, the dark geese daily bag limit includes Canada geese, brant, and all other geese
  except white-fronted geese and light geese.
(2) In Montana, during the first 9 days of the duck season, and in North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming,
  during the first 16 days of the duck season, the daily bag and possession limit may include 2 and 6 additional
  blue-winged teal, respectively.
(3) In New Mexico, Mexican-like ducks are included in the aggregate with mallards.
(4) In North Dakota, see State regulations for additional shooting hour restrictions.
(5) In Texas, the daily bag limit is 6 ducks, which may include no more than 5 mallards (only 2 of which may be
  females), 2 redheads, 3 wood ducks, 3 scaup, 2 canvasbacks, 1 pintail, and 1 dusky duck (mottled duck, Mexican-
  like duck, black duck and their hybrids). The season for dusky ducks is closed the first 5 days of the season
  in all zones. The possession limit is three times the daily bag limit.
(6) In Texas, the daily bag limit for dark geese is 5 in the aggregate and may include no more than 2 white-
  fronted geese. Possession limits are three times the daily bag limits.
(7) See State regulations for additional restrictions.


Flyway-wide Restrictions

    Duck and Merganser Limits: The daily bag limit of 7 ducks 
(including mergansers) may include no more than 2 female mallards, 1 
pintail, 2 redheads, 3 scaup, and 2 canvasbacks. The possession limit 
is three times the daily bag limit.
    Coot and Common Moorhen Limits: Daily bag and possession limits are 
in the aggregate for the two species.

[[Page 34777]]

                                                          Season dates           -------------------------------
                                                                                        Bag         Possession
Ducks (1):                                                                                     7              21
    North Zone:
        Scaup.................................  Oct. 21-Jan. 14.................               3               9
        Other Ducks...........................  Oct. 6-Jan. 14..................               7              21
    South Zone:
        Scaup.................................  Nov. 4-Jan. 28..................               3               9
        Other Ducks...........................  Oct. 20-Jan. 28.................               7              21
Coots and Moorhens............................  Same as for Other Ducks.........              25              75
Dark Geese:
    North Zone................................  Oct. 6-Jan. 14..................               4              12
    South Zone................................  Oct. 20-Jan. 28.................               4              12
Light Geese...................................  Same as for Dark Geese..........              10              30
Ducks:                                                                                         7              21
    Northeastern Zone:
        Scaup.................................  Oct. 7-Dec. 3 &.................               3               9
                                                Dec. 23-Jan. 19.................               3               9
        Other Ducks...........................  Oct. 7-Jan. 19..................               7              21
    Colorado River Zone:
        Scaup.................................  Nov. 4-Jan. 28..................               3               9
        Other Ducks...........................  Oct. 20-Jan. 28.................               7              21
    Southern Zone:
        Scaup.................................  Nov. 4-Jan. 28..................               3               9
        Other Ducks...........................  Oct. 21-Jan. 28.................               7              21
    Southern San Joaquin Valley Zone:
        Scaup.................................  Nov. 4-Jan. 28..................               3               9
        Other Ducks...........................  Oct. 21-Jan. 28.................               7              21
    Balance of State Zone:
        Scaup.................................  Nov. 4-Jan. 28..................               3               9
        Other Ducks...........................  Oct. 21-Jan. 28.................               7              21
Coots and Moorhens............................  Same as for Other Ducks.........              25              25
Canada Geese (2) (3):
    Northeastern Zone (4).....................  Oct. 7-Jan. 14..................              10              30
    Colorado River Zone.......................  Oct. 20-Jan. 28.................               4              12
    Southern Zone.............................  Oct. 21-Jan. 28.................               3               9
    1Balance of State Zone....................  Sept. 30-Oct. 4 &...............              10              30
                                                Oct. 21-Jan. 28.................              10              30
    North Coast Special Management Area.......  Nov. 7-Jan. 28 &................              10              30
                                                Feb. 17-Mar. 10.................              10              30
White-fronted Geese (2):
    Northeastern Zone.........................  Oct. 7-Jan. 14 &................              10              30
                                                Mar. 3-Mar. 7...................              10              30
    Colorado River Zone.......................  Oct. 20-Jan. 28.................               4              12
    Southern Zone.............................  Oct. 21-Jan. 28.................               3               9
    Balance of State Zone.....................  Oct. 21-Jan. 28 &...............              10              30
                                                Feb. 10-Feb. 14.................              10              30
    Sacramento Valley Special Management Area.  Oct. 21-Dec. 21.................               3               9
Light Geese:
    Northeastern Zone.........................  Oct. 7-Dec. 3 &.................              20              60
                                                Jan. 6-Jan. 19 &................              20              60
                                                 Feb. 6-Mar. 10.................              20              60
    Colorado River Zone.......................  Oct. 20-Jan. 28.................              20              60
    Southern Zone.............................  Oct. 21-Jan. 28.................              20              60
    Imperial County Special Management Area...  Nov. 4-Jan. 28 &................              20              60
                                                Feb. 3-Feb. 19..................              20              60
    Balance of State Zone.....................  Oct. 21-Jan. 28 &...............              20              60
                                                Feb. 10-Feb. 14.................              20              60
    Northern Zone.............................  Nov. 8-Dec. 14..................               2               6
    Balance of State Zone.....................  Nov. 9-Dec. 15..................               2               6
Ducks:                                                                                         7              21
    East Zone:
        Scaup.................................  Sept. 30-Dec. 24................               3               9
        Other Ducks...........................  Sept. 30-Jan. 12................               7              21
    West Zone:
        Scaup.................................  Sept. 30-Oct. 18 &..............               3               9
                                                Nov. 4-Jan. 9...................               3               9
        Other Ducks...........................  Sept. 30-Oct. 18 &..............               7              21
                                                Nov. 4-Jan. 28..................               7              21
Coots.........................................  Same as for Other Ducks.........              25              75

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Dark Geese:
    East Zone.................................  Sept. 30-Jan. 3.................               4              12
    West Zone.................................  Sept. 30-Oct. 9 &...............               4              12
                                                Nov. 4-Jan. 28..................               4              12
Light Geese:                                    Same as for Dark Geese..........              10              30
Ducks:                                                                                         7              21
    Zone 1:
        Scaup.................................  Oct. 7-Dec. 31..................               3               9
        Other Ducks...........................  Oct. 7-Jan. 19..................               7              21
    Zone 2:
        Scaup.................................  Oct. 7-Dec. 31..................               3               9
        Other Ducks...........................  Oct. 7-Jan. 19..................               7              21
    Zone 3:
        Scaup.................................  Nov. 2-Jan. 26..................               3               9
        Other Ducks...........................  Oct. 14-Jan. 26.................               7              21
    Zone 4:
        Scaup.................................  Oct. 7-Dec. 31..................               3               9
        Other Ducks...........................  Oct. 7-Jan. 19..................               7              21
Coots.........................................  Same as for Other Ducks.........              25              75
Canada Geese and Brant:
    Zone 1....................................  Oct. 7-Jan. 19..................               4              12
    Zone 2....................................  Oct. 7-Jan. 19..................               4              12
    Zone 3....................................  Oct. 14-Jan. 26.................               4              12
    Zone 4....................................  Oct. 7-Jan. 4...................               4              12
    Zone 5....................................  Oct. 7-Jan. 4...................               4              12
White-fronted Geese:
    Zone 1....................................  Oct. 7-Jan. 19..................              10              30
    Zone 2....................................  Oct. 7-Jan. 19..................              10              30
    Zone 3....................................  Oct. 14-Jan. 26.................              10              30
    Zone 4....................................  Nov. 6-Feb. 18..................              10              30
    Zone 5....................................  Oct. 7-Jan. 4...................              10              30
Light Geese:
    Zone 1....................................  Oct. 7-Jan. 19..................              20              60
    Zone 2....................................  Nov. 5-Jan. 19 &................              20              60
                                                Feb. 10-Mar. 10.................              20              60
    Zone 3....................................  Nov. 26-Mar. 10.................              20              60
    Zone 4....................................  Oct. 14-Jan. 26.................              20              60
    Zone 5 (5)................................  Oct. 7-Jan. 19..................              20              60
    Zone 6....................................  Oct. 7-Jan. 19..................              20              60
Ducks:                                                                                         7              21
    Scaup.....................................  Sept. 30-Dec. 24................               3               9
    Other Ducks...............................  Sept. 30-Jan. 7 &...............               7              21
                                                Jan. 13-Jan. 17.................               7              21
Coots.........................................  Same as for Other Ducks.........              25              25
Dark Geese (6)................................  Sept. 30-Jan. 7 &...............               4              12
                                                Jan. 13-Jan. 17.................               4              12
Light Geese (6)...............................  Same as for Dark Geese..........              20              60
Ducks:                                                                                         7              21
    Northeast Zone:
        Scaup.................................  Sept. 23-Oct. 22 &..............               3               9
                                                Oct. 25-Dec. 19.................               3               0
        Other Ducks...........................  Sept. 23-Oct. 22 &..............               7              21
                                                Oct. 25-Jan. 7..................               7              21
    Northwest Zone:
        Scaup.................................  Oct. 28-Jan. 21.................               3               9
        Other Ducks...........................  Oct. 7-Oct. 22 &................               7              21
                                                Oct. 25-Jan. 21.................               7              21
    South Zone:
        Scaup.................................  Nov. 4-Jan. 28..................               3               9
        Other Ducks...........................  Oct. 14-Oct. 22 &...............               7              21
                                                Oct. 25-Jan. 28.................               7              21
    Moapa Valley Special Management Area (7):
        Scaup.................................  Nov. 4-Jan. 28..................               3               9
        Other Ducks...........................  Oct. 28-Jan. 28.................               7              21
Coots and Moorhens............................  Same as for Other Ducks.........              25              75
Canada Geese and Brant:
    Northeast Zone............................  Same as for Other Ducks.........               4              12
    Northwest Zone............................  Same as for Other Ducks.........               4              12
    South Zone................................  Same as for Other Ducks.........               4              12

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    Moapa Valley Special Management Area (7):   Same as for Other Ducks.........               4              12
White-fronted Geese:
    Northeast Zone............................  Same as for Canada Geese........              10              30
    Northwest Zone............................  Same as for Canada Geese........              10              30
    South Zone................................  Same as for Canada Geese........              10              30
    Moapa Valley Special Management Area (7):   Same as for Canada Geese........              10              30
Light Geese (8):
    Northeast Zone............................  Oct. 25-Jan. 7 &................              20              60
                                                Feb. 24-Mar. 10.................              20              60
    Northwest Zone............................  Oct. 25-Jan. 21 &...............              20              60
                                                Feb. 24-Mar. 10.................              20              60
    South Zone................................  Oct. 14-Oct. 22 &...............              20              60
                                                Oct. 25-Jan. 28.................              20              60
    Moapa Valley Special Management Area (7):   Oct. 28-Jan. 28.................              20              60
New Mexico
Ducks:                                                                                         7              21
    Scaup.....................................  Oct. 16-Jan. 9..................               3               9
    Other Ducks...............................  Oct. 16-Jan. 28.................               7              21
Coots and Moorhens............................  Same as for Other Ducks.........              25              75
Canada Geese and Brant:
    North Zone................................  Sept. 23-Oct. 8 &...............               4              12
                                                Oct. 30-Jan. 28.................               4              12
    South Zone................................  Oct. 14-Jan. 28.................               4              12
White-fronted Geese:
    North Zone................................  Same as for Canada Geese........              10              30
    South Zone................................  Same as for Canada Geese........              10              30
Light Geese:
    North Zone................................  Same as for Canada Geese........              20              60
    South Zone................................  Same as for Canada Geese........              20              60
Ducks:                                                                                         7              21
    Zone 1:
    Columbia Basin Unit:
        Scaup.................................  Nov. 4-Jan. 28..................               3               9
        Other Ducks...........................  Oct. 14-Oct. 29 &...............               7              21
                                                Nov. 1-Jan. 28..................               7              21
    Rest of Zone 1............................  Same as Columbia Basin Unit.....
    Zone 2:
        Scaup.................................  Oct. 7-Nov. 26 &................               3               9
                                                Nov. 29-Jan. 2..................               3               9
        Other Ducks...........................  Oct. 7-Nov. 26 &................               7              21
                                                Nov. 29-Jan. 21.................               7              21
Coots.........................................  Same as for Other Ducks.........              25              75
Canada Geese:
    Northwest Permit Zone (9) (10)............  Oct. 21-Oct. 29 &...............               4              12
                                                Nov. 18-Jan. 7 &................               4              12
                                                Feb. 3-Mar. 10..................               4              12
    Tillamook County Management Area..........  Closed..........................
    Southwest Zone............................  Oct. 14-Oct. 29 &...............               4              12
                                                Nov. 6-Jan. 28..................               4              12
    South Coast Zone..........................  Sept. 30-Nov. 26 &..............               6              18
                                                Dec. 16-Jan. 9 &................               6              18
                                                Feb. 17-Mar. 10.................               6              18
    Eastern Zone..............................  Oct. 14-Oct. 29 &...............               4              12
                                                Nov. 6-Jan. 28..................               4              12
    Klamath County Zone.......................  Oct. 7-Nov. 26 &................               4              12
                                                Dec. 11-Jan. 28.................               4              12
    Harney and Lake County Zone...............  Oct. 7-Nov. 26 &................               4              12
                                                Dec. 11-Jan. 28.................               4              12
    Malheur County Zone.......................  Oct. 7-Nov. 26 &................               4              12
                                                Dec. 11-Jan. 28.................               4              12
White-fronted Geese:
    Northwest Permit Zone (9).................  Same as for Canada Geese........              10              30
    Tillamook County Management Area..........  Closed..........................
    Southwest Zone............................  Same as for Canada Geese........              10              30
    South Coast Zone..........................  Same as for Canada Geese........              10              30
    Eastern Zone..............................  Same as for Canada Geese........              10              30
    Klamath County Zone.......................  Oct. 7-Nov. 26 &................              10              30
                                                Jan. 16-Mar. 10.................              10              30
    Harney and Lake County Zone (11)..........  Oct. 7-Nov. 26 &................              10              30
                                                Jan. 16-Mar. 10.................              10              30

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    Malheur County Zone.......................  Oct. 7-Nov. 26 &................              10              30
                                                Jan. 16-Mar. 10.................              10              30
Light Geese:
    Northwest Permit Zone (9).................  Same as for Canada Geese........               6              18
    Tillamook County Management Area..........  Closed..........................
    Southwest Zone............................  Same as for Canada Geese........               6              18
    South Coast Zone..........................  Same as for Canada Geese........               6              18
    Eastern Zone..............................  Same as for Canada Geese........               6              18
    Klamath County Zone (12)..................  Oct. 7-Nov. 26 &................               6              18
                                                Jan. 16-Mar. 10.................               6              18
    Harney and Lake County Zone (12)..........  Oct. 7-Nov. 26 &................               6              18
                                                Jan. 16-Mar. 10.................               6              18
    Malheur County Zone (12)..................  Oct. 7-Nov. 26 &................               6              18
                                                Jan. 16-Mar. 10.................               6              18
Brant.........................................  Nov. 25-Dec. 10.................               2               6
Ducks:                                                                                         7              21
    Zone 1:
        Scaup.................................  Oct. 7-Dec. 31..................               3               9
        Other Ducks...........................  Oct. 7-Jan. 20..................               7              21
    Zone 2:
        Scaup.................................  Nov. 3-Jan. 27..................               3               9
        Other Ducks...........................  Oct. 14-Jan. 27.................               7              21
Coots.........................................  Same as for Other Ducks.........              25              75
Canada Geese and Brant:
    Northern Zone.............................  Oct. 7-Oct. 19 &................               4              12
                                                Oct. 28-Jan. 28.................               4              12
    Wasatch Front Zone........................  Oct. 7-Oct. 19 &................               4              12
                                                Nov. 4-Feb. 4...................               4              12
    East Box Elder County Zone................  Oct. 7-Jan. 20..................               4              12
    Southern Zone.............................  Oct. 14-Jan. 27.................               4              12
White-fronted Geese:
    Northern Zone.............................  Same as for Canada Geese........              10              30
    Wasatch Front Zone........................  Same as for Canada Geese........              10              30
    East Box Elder County Zone................  Same as for Canada Geese........              10              30
    Southern Zone.............................  Same as for Canada Geese........              10              30
Light Geese:
    Northern Zone.............................  Oct. 25-Nov. 30 &...............              20              60
                                                Jan. 1-Mar. 10..................              20              60
    Wasatch Front Zone........................  Same as for Northern Zone.......              20              60
    East Box Elder County Zone................  Same as for Northern Zone.......              20              60
    Southern Zone.............................  Same as for Northern Zone.......              20              60
Ducks:                                                                                         7              21
    East Zone:
        Scaup.................................  Nov. 4-Jan. 28..................               3               9
        Other Ducks...........................  Oct. 14-Oct 18 &................               7              21
                                                Oct. 21-Jan. 28.................               7              21
    West Zone (13)............................  Same as East Zone...............
Coots.........................................  Same as for Other Ducks.........              25              75
Canada Geese:
    Area 1 (14)...............................  Oct. 14-Oct. 26 &...............               4              12
                                                Nov. 4-Jan. 28..................               4              12
    Area 2A (15) (16).........................  Oct. 14-Oct. 29 &...............               4              12
                                                Nov. 25-Jan. 14 &...............               4              12
                                                Feb. 10-Mar. 10.................               4              12
    Area 2B (15) (16).........................  Oct. 14-Oct. 29 &...............               4              12
                                                Nov. 25-Jan. 14 &...............               4              12
                                                Feb. 10-Mar. 10.................               4              12
    Area 3 (14)...............................  Oct. 14-Oct. 26 &...............               4              12
                                                Nov. 4-Jan. 28..................               4              12
    Area 4 (14)...............................  Oct. 14-Oct. 15 &...............               4              12
                                                Oct. 18 &.......................               4              12
                                                Oct. 21-Jan. 28.................               4              12
    Area 5 (14)...............................  Oct. 14-Oct. 16 &...............               4              12
                                                Oct. 21-Jan. 28.................               4              12
White-fronted Geese:
    Area 1 (14)...............................  Oct. 14-Jan. 28.................              10              30
    Area 2A (15)..............................  Same as for Canada Geese........              10              30
    Area 2B (15)..............................  Same as for Canada Geese........              10              30
    Area 3 (14)...............................  Same as for Canada Geese........              10              30
    Area 4 (14)...............................  Same as for Canada Geese........              10              30

[[Page 34781]]

    Area 5 (14)...............................  Same as for Canada Geese........              10              30
Light Geese:
    Area 1 (14)...............................  Oct. 14-Jan. 28.................               6              18
    Area 2A (15)..............................  Same as for Canada Geese........               6              18
    Area 2B (15)..............................  Same as for Canada Geese........               6              18
    Area 3 (14)...............................  Same as for Canada Geese........               6              18
    Area 4 (14)...............................  Same as for Canada Geese........               6              18
    Area 5 (14)...............................  Same as for Canada Geese........               6              18
Brant (18):
    Coastal Zone..............................  Jan. 6-Jan. 21..................               2               6
    Puget Sound Zone..........................  Jan. 6-Jan. 21..................               2               6
Ducks:                                                                                         7              21
    Snake River Zone:
        Scaup.................................  Sept. 23-Dec. 17................               3               9
        Other Ducks...........................  Sept. 23-Jan. 5.................               7              21
    Balance of State Zone
        Scaup.................................  Sept. 23-Dec. 17................               3               9
        Other Ducks...........................  Sept. 23-Jan. 5.................               7              21
Coots.........................................  Same as for Other Ducks.........              25              75
Dark Geese....................................  Sept. 23-Dec. 28................               4              12
Light Geese...................................  Sept. 23-Dec. 28................              10              30
(1) In Arizona, the daily bag limit may include no more than either 2 female mallards or 2 Mexican-like ducks,
  or 1 of each; and not more than 6 female mallards and Mexican-like ducks, in the aggregate, may be in
(2) In California, the daily bag and possession limits for Canada geese and white-fronted geese are in the
(3) In California, small Canada geese are Cackling and Aleutian Canada geese, and large Canada geese are Western
  and Lesser Canada geese.
(4) In California, in the Northeastern Zone, the daily bag limit may include no more than 2 large Canada geese.
(5) In Idaho, the season on light geese is closed in Fremont and Teton Counties.
(6) In Montana, check State regulations for special seasons and exceptions in Freezeout Lake WMA; Canyon Ferry;
  Flathead; and Deer Lodge County.
(7) In Nevada, youth 17 years of age or younger are allowed to hunt on October 14 on the Moapa Valley portion of
  Overton Wildlife Management Area. Youth must be accompanied by an adult who is at least 18 years of age.
(8) In Nevada, there is no open season on light geese in Ruby Valley within Elko and White Pine Counties. In
  addition, the season is closed in Alkali Lake, Fernley, Humboldt, Kirch, Mason Valley, Scripps, and Steptoe
  Valley Wildlife Management Areas and Washoe State Park from February 24 to March 10.
(9) In Oregon, in the Northwest Permit Zone, see State regulations for specific dates, times, and conditions of
  permit hunts and closures.
(10) In Oregon, in the Northwest Permit Zone, the season for dusky Canada geese is closed.
(11) In Oregon, in Lake County, the daily bag and possession limits for white-fronted geese are 1 and 3,
(12) In Oregon, in Klamath County, Harney and Lake County, and Malheur County Zones, during January 29 through
  March 10, the daily bag and possession limits are 20 and 60, respectively.
(13) In Washington, the daily bag limit in the West Zone may include no more than 2 scoters, 2 long-tailed
  ducks, and 2 goldeneyes, with the possession limit three times the daily bag limit. The daily bag and
  possession limit, and the season limit, for harlequins is 1.
(14) In Washington, in Areas 1, 3, and 5, hunting is allowed every day. In Area 4, hunting is allowed only on
  Saturdays, Sundays, Wednesdays, and certain holidays. See State regulations for details, including shooting
(15) In Washington, in Areas 2A and 2B, see State regulations for specific dates, times, and conditions of
  permit hunts and closures.
(16) In Washington, in Areas 2A and 2B, the season for dusky Canada geese is closed.
(17) In Washington, brant may be hunted in Clallam, Pacific, Skagit, and Watcom Counties only; see State
  regulations for specific dates.

    (f) Youth Waterfowl Hunting Days.
    The following seasons are open only to youth hunters. Youth hunters 
must be accompanied into the field by an adult at least 18 years of 
age. This adult cannot duck hunt but may participate in other open 


    Youth Hunters: States may use their established definition of age 
for youth hunters. However, youth hunters may not be over the age of 
17. Youth hunters 16 years of age and older must possess a Federal 
Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp (also known as Federal 
Duck Stamp).

                                                                                        Season dates
Connecticut.............................  Ducks, geese, mergansers, and    Oct. 7 & Nov. 4.
Delaware................................  Ducks, geese, brant,             Oct. 21 & Feb. 10.
                                           mergansers, and coots.
Florida.................................  Ducks, mergansers, coots,        Feb. 3 & 4.
                                           moorhens, and geese.
Georgia.................................  Ducks, geese, mergansers,        Nov. 11 & 12.
                                           coots, moorhens, and
Maine...................................  Ducks, geese, mergansers, and    .....................................
                                          North Zone.....................  Sept. 16 & Dec. 9.
                                          South Zone.....................  Sept. 23 & Oct. 21.
                                          Coastal Zone...................  Sept. 23 & Nov. 4.
Maryland (1)(2).........................  Ducks, coots, light geese,       Nov. 4 & Feb. 10.
                                           Canada geese, sea ducks, and
Massachusetts...........................  Ducks, mergansers, coots, and    Sept. 23 & Oct. 7.
New Hampshire...........................  Ducks, geese, mergansers, and    Sept. 23 & 24.

[[Page 34782]]

New Jersey..............................  Ducks, geese, mergansers,        .....................................
                                           coots, moorhens, and
                                          North Zone.....................  Oct. 7 & Feb. 3.
                                          South Zone.....................  Oct. 14 & Feb. 3.
                                          Coastal Zone...................  Nov. 4 & Feb. 10.
New York (3)............................  Ducks, mergansers, coots,        .....................................
                                           brant, and Canada geese:
                                          Long Island Zone...............  Nov. 11 & 12.
                                          Lake Champlain Zone............  Sept. 23 & 24.
                                          Northeastern Zone..............  Sept. 23 & 24.
                                          Southeastern Zone..............  Sept. 16 & 17.
                                          Western Zone...................  Oct. 14 & 15.
North Carolina..........................  Ducks, mergansers, geese (4),    Feb. 3 & Feb. 10.
                                           brant, tundra swans (5), and
Pennsylvania............................  Ducks, mergansers, Canada        .....................................
                                           geese, coots, moorhens, brant,
                                           and gallinules:
                                          North Zone.....................  Sept. 16 & Jan. 20.
                                          South Zone.....................  Sept. 16 & Jan. 27.
                                          Northwest Zone.................  Sept. 16 & Dec. 16.
                                          Lake Erie Zone.................  Sept. 16 & Oct. 21.
Rhode Island............................  Ducks, mergansers, geese, and    Oct. 28 & 29.
South Carolina..........................  Ducks, geese, mergansers, and    Feb. 3 & 10.
Vermont.................................  Ducks, geese, mergansers and     Sept. 23 & 24.
Virginia................................  Ducks, mergansers, coots,        Oct. 21 & Feb. 3.
                                           tundra swans (5), and Canada
                                           geese (6).
West Virginia...........................  Ducks, geese, mergansers,        Sept. 16 & Nov. 4.
                                           coots, and gallinules.
Alabama.................................  Ducks, mergansers, coots,        Nov. 18 & Feb. 3.
                                           geese, moorhens, and
Arkansas................................  Ducks, geese, mergansers,        Dec. 2 & Feb. 3.
                                           coots, moorhens, and
Illinois................................  Ducks, geese, mergansers, and    .....................................
                                          North Zone.....................  Oct. 14 & 15.
                                          Central Zone...................  Oct. 21 & 22.
                                          South Central Zone.............  Nov. 4 & 5.
                                          South Zone.....................  Nov. 11 & 12.
Indiana.................................  Ducks, mergansers, coots,        .....................................
                                           moorhens, gallinules, and
                                          North Zone.....................  Oct. 14 & 15.
                                          Central Zone...................  Oct. 21 & 22.
                                          South Zone.....................  Oct. 28 & 29.
Iowa....................................  Ducks, mergansers, and coots:    .....................................
                                          North Zone.....................  Sept. 16 & 17.
                                          Missouri River Zone............  Sept. 30 & Oct. 1.
                                          South Zone.....................  Sept. 23 & 24.
Kentucky................................  Ducks, geese, mergansers,        .....................................
                                           coots, moorhens, and
                                          West Zone......................  Feb. 3 & 4.
                                          East Zone......................  Nov. 4 & 5.
Louisiana...............................  Ducks, mergansers, coots,        .....................................
                                           moorhens, gallinules, and
                                          West Zone......................  Nov. 4 & Jan. 27.
                                          East Zone......................  Nov. 11 & Feb. 3.
                                          Coastal Zone...................  Nov. 4 & Nov. 5.
Michigan................................  Ducks, geese, mergansers,        Sept. 9 & 10.
                                           coots, moorhens, and
Minnesota...............................  Ducks, geese, mergansers,        Sept. 9.
                                           coots, moorhens, and
Mississippi.............................  Ducks, mergansers, coots,        Nov. 18 & Feb. 3.
                                           moorhens, gallinules, and
Missouri................................  Ducks, coots, mergansers,        .....................................
                                           moorhens, gallinules, and
                                          North Zone.....................  Oct. 28 & 29.
                                          Middle Zone....................  Oct. 28 & 29.
                                          South Zone.....................  Nov. 18 & 19.
Ohio....................................  Ducks, mergansers, coots,        .....................................
                                           moorhens, gallinules, and
                                          Lake Erie Marsh................  Oct. 7 & 8.
                                          North Zone.....................  Oct. 7 & 8.
                                          South Zone.....................  Oct. 7 & 8.
Tennessee...............................  Ducks, mergansers, coots,        .....................................
                                           moorhens, gallinules, and
                                          Reelfoot Zone..................  Feb. 3 & 10.
                                          Remainder of State.............  Feb. 3 & 10.

[[Page 34783]]

Wisconsin...............................  Ducks, geese, mergansers,        Sept. 16 & 17.
                                           coots, moorhens, and
Colorado................................  Ducks, dark geese, mergansers,   .....................................
                                           and coots:
                                          Mountain/Foothills Zone........  Sept. 23 & 24.
                                          Northeast Zone.................  Sept. 30 & Oct. 1.
                                          Southeast Zone.................  Oct. 21 & 22.
Kansas (7)..............................  Ducks, geese, mergansers, and    .....................................
                                          High Plains....................  Sept. 30 & Oct. 1.
                                          Low Plains:                      .....................................
                                          Early Zone.....................  Sept. 30 & Oct. 1.
                                          Late Zone......................  Oct. 21 & 22.
                                          Southeast Zone.................  Nov. 4 & 5.
Montana.................................  Ducks, geese, mergansers, and    Sept. 23 & 24.
Nebraska................................  Ducks, geese, mergansers, and    .....................................
                                          Zone 1.........................  Oct. 7 & 8.
                                          Zone 2.........................  Sept. 30 & Oct. 1.
                                          Zone 3.........................  Oct. 21 & 22.
                                          Zone 4.........................  Sept. 30 & Oct. 1.
New Mexico..............................  Ducks, mergansers, coots, and    .....................................
                                          North Zone.....................  Sept. 30 & Oct. 1.
                                          South Zone.....................  Oct. 7 & 8.
North Dakota............................  Ducks, geese, mergansers, and    Sept. 16 & 17.
Oklahoma................................  Ducks, geese mergansers, and     .....................................
                                          High Plains....................  Sept. 30 & Feb. 3.
                                          Low Plains:                      .....................................
                                          Zone 1.........................  Sept. 30 & Feb. 3.
                                          Zone 2.........................  Sept. 30 & Feb. 3.
South Dakota............................  Ducks, Canada geese,             Sept. 23 & 24.
                                           mergansers, and coots.
Texas...................................  Ducks, geese, mergansers,        .....................................
                                           moorhens, gallinules, and
                                          High Plains....................  Oct. 21 & 22.
                                          Low Plains:                      .....................................
                                          North Zone.....................  Nov. 4 & 5.
                                          South Zone.....................  Oct. 28 & 29.
Wyoming.................................  Ducks, geese, mergansers, and    .....................................
                                          Zone C1........................  Sept. 23 & 24.
                                          Zone C2........................  Sept. 16 & 17.
                                          Zone C3........................  Sept. 16 & 17.
Arizona.................................  Ducks, geese, mergansers,        .....................................
                                           coots, and moorhens:
                                          North Zone.....................  Sept. 30 & Oct. 1.
                                          South Zone.....................  Feb. 3 & 4.
California..............................  Ducks, geese, brant,             .....................................
                                           mergansers, coots, and
                                          Northeastern Zone..............  Sept. 23 & 24.
                                          Colorado River Zone............  Feb. 3 & 4.
                                          Southern Zone..................  Feb. 3 & 4.
                                          Southern San Joaquin Valley      Feb. 3 & 4.
                                          Balance of State Zone..........  Feb. 3 & 4.
Colorado................................  Ducks, geese, mergansers, and    .....................................
                                          East Zone......................  Sept. 23 & 24.
                                          West Zone......................  Oct. 28 & 29.
Idaho...................................  Ducks, geese, mergansers, and    Sept. 30 & Oct. 1.
Montana.................................  Ducks, geese, mergansers, and    Sept. 23 & 24.
Nevada..................................  Ducks, geese, mergansers,        .....................................
                                           coots, and moorhens:
                                          Northeast Zone.................  Sept. 9 & 10.
                                          Northwest Zone.................  Sept. 23 & Feb. 3.
                                          South Zone.....................  Feb. 10 & 11.
New Mexico..............................  Ducks, mergansers, coots, and    Oct. 7 & 8.
Oregon..................................  Ducks, geese, mergansers, and    Sept. 23 & 24.
Utah....................................  Ducks, dark geese, mergansers,   .....................................
                                           and coots:
                                          Zone 1.........................  Sept. 23.
                                          Zone 2.........................  Sept. 30.
Washington..............................  Ducks, Canada geese,             Sept. 16 & 17.
                                           mergansers, and coots.
Wyoming.................................  Ducks, geese, mergansers, and    Sept. 16 & 17.

    (1) In Maryland, youth hunter(s) must be accompanied by an adult at 
least 21 years old and who possesses a current Maryland hunting license 
or is exempt from the hunting license requirement. The adult 
accompanying the youth hunter(s) may not possess a hunting weapon and 
may not participate in other seasons that are open on the youth days.
    (2) In Maryland, the bag limit for Canada geese is 2 in the AP Zone 
and 5 in the RP Zone.
    (3) In New York, the daily bag limit for Canada geese is 3.

[[Page 34784]]

    (4) In North Carolina, the daily bag limit in the Northeast Hunt 
Zone may not include dark geese except by permit.
    (5) In North Carolina and Virginia, the daily bag limit may not 
include tundra swans except by permit.
    (6) In Virginia, the daily bag limit for Canada geese is 2.
    (7) In Kansas, the adult accompanying the youth must possess any 
licenses and/or stamps required by law for that individual to hunt 

7. Section 20.106 is revised to read as follows:

Sec.  20.106  Seasons, limits, and shooting hours for sandhill cranes.

    Subject to the applicable provisions of the preceding sections of 
this part, areas open to hunting, respective open seasons (dates 
inclusive), shooting and hawking hours, and daily bag and possession 
limits on the species designated in this section are as follows:
    Shooting and hawking hours are one-half hour before sunrise until 
sunset, except as otherwise noted. Area descriptions were published in 
the May 30, 2017, Federal Register (82 FR 24786).
    Federally authorized, State-issued permits are issued to 
individuals, and only the individual whose name and address appears on 
the permit at the time of issuance is authorized to take sandhill 
cranes at the level allowed by the permit, in accordance with 
provisions of both Federal and State regulations governing the hunting 
season. The permit must be carried by the permittee when exercising its 
provisions and must be presented to any law enforcement officer upon 
request. The permit is not transferable or assignable to another 
individual, and may not be sold, bartered, traded, or otherwise 
provided to another person. If the permit is altered or defaced in any 
way, the permit becomes invalid.

                                         Season dates     ------------------------------------------------------
                                                                       Bag                     Possession
Kentucky (1)......................  Dec. 16-Jan. 14......  2.........................  2 per season.
Minnesota (1):
    NW Goose Zone.................  Sept. 16-Oct. 22.....  1.........................  3.
Tennessee (1)(2):
    Southeast Zone (3)............  Dec. 2-Jan. 28.......  3.........................  3 per season.
    Rest of State.................  Dec. 2-Jan. 28.......  3.........................  3 per season.
Colorado (1)......................  Sept. 30-Nov. 26.....  3.........................  9.
Kansas (1)(4)(5)..................  Nov. 8-Jan. 4........  3.........................  9.
    Regular Season Area (1).......  Sept. 30-Nov. 26.....  3.........................  9.
    Special Season Area (6).......  Sept. 9-Oct. 8.......  ..........................  2 per season
New Mexico:
    Regular Season Area (1).......  Oct. 28-Jan. 28......  3.........................  6.
    Middle Rio Grande Valley Area   Nov. 11-Nov. 12 &....  3.........................  6 per season.
                                    Nov. 4 &.............  3.........................  3 per season.
                                    Nov. 25-Nov. 26 &....  3.........................  6 per season.
                                    Dec. 16-Dec. 17 &....  3.........................  6 per season.
                                    Jan. 6-Jan. 7 &......  3.........................  6 per season.
                                    Jan. 13-Jan. 14......  3.........................  6 per season.
    Southwest Area (6)............  Oct. 28-Nov. 5 &.....  3.........................  6 per season.
                                    Jan. 6-Jan. 7........  3.........................  6 per season.
    Estancia Valley (6)(8)........  Oct. 28-Nov. 5.......  3.........................  6.
North Dakota (1):
    Area 1........................  Sept. 16-Nov. 12.....  3.........................  9.
    Area 2........................  Sept. 16-Nov. 12.....  2.........................  6.
Oklahoma (1)......................  Oct. 21-Jan. 21......  3.........................  9.
South Dakota (1)..................  Sept. 23-Nov. 19.....  3.........................  9.
Texas (1):
    Zone A........................  Oct. 28-Jan. 28......  3.........................  9.
    Zone B........................  Nov. 24-Jan. 28......  3.........................  9.
    Zone C........................  Dec. 16-Jan. 21......  2.........................  6.
    Regular Season (Area 7) (1)...  Sept. 16-Nov. 12.....  3.........................  9.
    Riverton-Boysen Unit (Area 4)   Sept. 16-Oct. 8......  ..........................  1 per season.
    Big Horn, Hot Springs, Park,    Sept. 16-Oct. 8......  ..........................  1 per season.
     and Washakie Counties (Area
     6) (6).
    Johnson, Natrona, and Sheridan  Sept. 1-Sept. 30.....  ..........................  1 per season
     Counties (Area 8) (6).
Arizona (6):
    1Zone 1 (9)...................  Nov. 17-Dec. 10......  ..........................  3 per season.
    Zone 2 (10)...................  Nov. 25-Dec. 13......  ..........................  3 per season.
Idaho (6):
    Areas 1, 3, & 4...............  Sept. 1-Sept. 30.....  ..........................  2 per season.
    Areas 2 & 5...................  Sept. 1-Sept. 15.....  ..........................  2 per season.
Montana (6)(11):
    Zone 1........................  Sept. 9-Oct. 8.......  1.........................  1.
    Zone 2........................  Sept. 9-Oct. 8.......  2.........................  2.
    Zone 3........................  Sept. 9-Oct. 8.......  2.........................  2.

[[Page 34785]]

    Zone 4........................  Sept. 9-Oct. 8.......  1.........................  1.
Utah (6):
    Rich County...................  Sept. 2-Sept. 10.....  ..........................  1 per season.
    Cache County..................  Sept. 2-Sept. 10.....  ..........................  1 per season.
    East Box Elder County.........  Sept. 2-Sept. 10.....  ..........................  1 per season.
    Uintah County.................  Sept. 30-Oct. 29.....  ..........................  1 per season.
Wyoming (6):
    Areas 1, 2, 3, & 5............  Sept. 1-Sept. 8......  ..........................  1 per season.
(1) Each person participating in the regular sandhill crane seasons must have a valid sandhill crane hunting
  permit in their possession while hunting.
(2) In Tennessee, the shooting hours are from sunrise to 3 p.m.
(3) In Tennessee, in the Southeast Zone, the season is also closed from January 12 through January 14, 2018.
(4) In Kansas, shooting hours are from sunrise until sunset.
(5) In Kansas, each person desiring to hunt sandhill cranes is required to pass an annual, online sandhill crane
  identification examination.
(6) Hunting is by State permit only. See State regulations for further information.
(7) In New Mexico, in the Middle Rio Grande Valley Area (Bernardo WMA and Casa Colorado WMA), the season is only
  open for youth hunters on November 4. See State regulations for further details.
(8) In New Mexico, in the Estancia Valley Area, the season will be closed to crane hunting on November 1.
(9) In Arizona, in Zone 1, season dates are November 17 to 19, November 21 to 23, November 25 to 27, November 29
  to December 1, December 3 to 5, and December 8 to 10. December 8 to 10 is restricted to youth hunters only.
(10) In Arizona, in Zone 2, season dates are November 25 to 27, November 29 to December 1, December 3 to 5,
  December 7 to 9, and December 11 to 13.
(11) In Montana, the possession limit is 2 per season.

8. Section 20.107 is revised to read as follows:

Sec.  20.107  Seasons, limits, and shooting hours for swans.

    Subject to the applicable provisions of the preceding sections of 
this part, areas open to hunting, respective open seasons (dates 
inclusive), shooting and hawking hours, and daily bag and possession 
limits on the species designated in this section are as follows:
    Shooting hours are one-half hour before sunrise until sunset, 
except as otherwise restricted by State regulations. Hunting is by 
State permit only.
    Federally authorized, State-issued permits are issued to 
individuals, and only the individual whose name and address appears on 
the permit at the time of issuance is authorized to take swans at the 
level allowed by the permit, in accordance with provisions of both 
Federal and State regulations governing the hunting season. The permit 
must be carried by the permittee when exercising its provisions and 
must be presented to any law enforcement officer upon request. The 
permit is not transferable or assignable to another individual, and may 
not be sold, bartered, traded, or otherwise provided to another person. 
If the permit is altered or defaced in any way, the permit becomes 

    Note: Successful permittees must immediately validate their 
harvest by that method required in State regulations.

                                             Season dates                            Limits
North Carolina.......................  Nov. 11-Jan. 31........  1 tundra swan per permit.
Virginia.............................  Nov. 15-Jan. 31........  1 tundra swan per permit.
Montana..............................  Sept. 30-Jan. 4........  1 tundra swan per permit.
North Dakota.........................  Sept. 30-Dec. 31.......  1 tundra swan per permit.
South Dakota.........................  Sept. 30-Jan. 12.......  1 tundra swan per permit.
Montana (2)..........................  Oct. 7-Dec. 1..........  1 swan per season.
Nevada (3)(4)........................  Oct. 7-Jan. 7..........  2 swans per season.
Utah (4)(5)..........................  Oct. 7-Dec. 10.........  1 swan per season.
(1) See State regulations for description of area open to swan hunting.
(2) In Montana, all harvested swans must be reported by way of a bill measurement card within 3 days of harvest.
(3) In Nevada, all harvested swans and tags must be checked or registered within 5 days of harvest.
(4) Harvests of trumpeter swans are limited to 5 in Nevada and 10 in Utah. When it has been determined that the
  quota of trumpeter swans allotted to Nevada and Utah have been filled, the season for taking of any swan
  species in the respective State will be closed by either the Director upon giving public notice through local
  information media at least 48 hours in advance of the time and date of closing, or by the State through State
  regulations with such notice and time (not less than 48 hours) as they deem necessary.
(5) In Utah, all harvested swans and tags must be checked or registered within 3 days of harvest.

9. Section 20.109 is revised to read as follows:

Sec.  20.109  Extended seasons, limits, and hours for taking migratory 
game birds by falconry.

    Subject to the applicable provisions of the preceding sections of 
this part, areas open to hunting, respective open seasons (dates 
inclusive), hawking hours, and daily bag and possession limits for the 
species designated in this section are prescribed as follows:

[[Page 34786]]

    Hawking hours are one-half hour before sunrise until sunset except 
as otherwise restricted by State regulations.
    Area descriptions were published in the May 30, 2017, Federal 
Register (82 FR 24786).
    Limits: The daily bag limit may include no more than 3 migratory 
game birds, singly or in the aggregate. The possession limit is three 
times the daily bag limit. These limits apply to falconry during both 
regular hunting seasons and extended falconry seasons, unless further 
restricted by State regulations. The falconry bag and possession limits 
are not in addition to regular season limits. Unless otherwise 
specified, extended falconry for ducks does not include sea ducks 
within the special sea duck areas.
    Although many States permit falconry during the gun seasons, only 
extended falconry seasons are shown below. Please consult State 
regulations for details.

                                          Extended falconry dates
    Doves........................  Jan. 15-Jan. 31.
    Rails........................  Nov. 9-Dec. 15.
    Woodcock.....................  Oct. 14-Oct. 21 &
                                   Jan. 15-Mar. 9.
    Ducks, mergansers, and coots.  Jan. 29-Mar. 3.
    Brant........................  Nov. 20-Dec. 2 &
                                   Jan. 29-Mar. 10.
    Doves........................  Jan. 16-Feb. 1.
    Rails........................  Nov. 10-Dec. 16.
    Woodcock.....................  Nov. 24-Dec. 17 &
                                   Feb. 1-Mar. 10.
    Common moorhens..............  Nov. 10-Dec. 14.
    Ducks, mergansers, light       Nov. 3-Nov. 12 &
     geese, and coots.             Feb. 5-Mar. 2.
    Ducks, geese, mergansers,      Nov. 27-Dec. 4.
     coots, moorhens, gallinules,
     and sea ducks.
    Ducks, mergansers, and coots
        North Zone...............  Dec. 22-Feb. 12.
        South & Coastal Zones....  Jan. 8-Feb. 28.
    Doves........................  Jan. 8-Jan. 24.
    Rails........................  Nov. 10-Dec. 16.
    Woodcock.....................  Oct. 1-Oct. 26 &
                                   Feb. 7-Mar. 10.
    Ducks........................  Feb. 2-Mar. 10.
    Brant........................  Feb. 1-Mar. 10.
    Light Geese..................  Feb. 27-Mar. 10
    Ducks, mergansers, sea ducks,  Jan. 28-Feb. 9.
     and coots.
New Hampshire:
    Ducks, mergansers, and coots:
        Northern Zone............  Dec. 12-Jan. 25.
        Inland Zone..............  Nov. 6-Nov. 21 &
                                   Dec. 28-Jan. 25.
        Coastal Zone.............  Jan. 25-Mar. 10.
New Jersey:
        North Zone...............  Oct. 2-Oct. 20 &
                                   Nov. 27-Jan. 17.
        South Zone...............  Oct. 2-Nov. 10 &
                                   Dec. 4-Dec. 15 &
                                   Dec. 30-Jan. 17.
    Ducks, mergansers, coots, and
        North Zone...............  Jan. 17-Mar. 10.
        South Zone...............  Jan. 17-Mar. 10.
        Coastal Zone.............  Jan. 28-Mar. 10.
New York:
    Ducks, mergansers and coots:
        Long Island Zone.........  Nov. 1-Nov. 22 &
                                   Nov. 27-Dec. 3 &
                                   Jan. 29-Feb. 13.
        Northeastern Zone........  Oct. 1-Oct. 6 &
                                   Oct. 30-Nov. 3 &
                                   Dec. 11-Jan. 13.
        Southeastern Zone........  Oct. 1-Oct. 6 &
                                   Oct. 16-Nov. 10 &
                                   Jan. 1-Jan. 13.
        Western Zone.............  Oct. 1-Oct. 27 &
                                   Dec. 7-Dec. 25.
North Carolina:
    Doves........................  Oct. 14-Oct. 28.
    Rails, moorhens, and           Dec. 2-Jan. 6.
    Woodcock.....................  Nov. 4-Dec. 2 &
                                   Feb. 1-Feb. 28.

[[Page 34787]]

    Ducks, mergansers and coots    Oct. 24-Nov. 4 &
                                   Jan. 29-Feb. 17.
    Doves........................  Oct. 9-Oct. 13 &
                                   Nov. 27-Dec. 8.
    Rails........................  Nov. 10-Dec. 16.
    Woodcock and snipe...........  Sept. 1-Oct. 13 &
                                   Nov. 27-Dec. 16.
    Moorhens and gallinules......  Nov. 10-Dec. 13.
    Ducks, mergansers, and coots:
        North Zone...............  Nov. 20-Dec. 18 &
                                   Feb. 16-Mar. 10.
        South Zone...............  Oct. 23-Nov. 20 &
                                   Feb. 16-Mar. 10.
        Northwest Zone...........  Dec. 11-Dec. 23 &
                                   Jan. 31-Mar. 10.
        Lake Erie Zone...........  Jan. 18-Mar. 10.
    Canada Geese:
        SJBP Zone................  Mar. 2-Mar. 10.
        AP Zone..................  Feb. 1-Mar. 10.
        RP Zone..................  Mar. 6-Mar. 10.
South Carolina:
    Ducks, mergansers, and coots.  Nov. 1-Nov. 17 &
                                   Nov. 26-Dec. 8.
    Doves........................  Jan. 16-Jan. 31.
    Woodcock.....................  Oct. 17-Nov. 19 &
                                   Dec. 9-Dec. 20 &
                                   Jan. 16-Jan. 31.
    Rails, moorhens, and           Nov. 18-Dec. 24.
    Ducks, mergansers, and coots.  Nov. 27-Dec. 15 &
                                   Jan. 29-Feb. 9.
    Canada Geese:
        Eastern (AP) Zone........  Dec. 16-Dec. 21 &
                                   Jan. 29-Feb. 21.
        Western (SJBP) Zone......  Dec. 16-Dec. 17 &
                                   Feb. 16-Feb. 21.
    Brant........................  Oct. 17-Nov. 14 &
                                   Nov. 27-Dec. 15.
    Ducks, mergansers, and coots.  Feb. 1-Feb. 15.
    Doves........................  Nov. 15-Dec. 1.
    Rails........................  Sept. 1-Sept. 8 &
                                   Nov. 18-Dec. 16.
    Woodcock.....................  Sept. 1-Oct. 20 &
                                   Dec. 5-Dec. 16.
    Ducks, mergansers, and coots.  Feb. 10-Mar. 10.
    Doves........................  Oct. 16-Oct. 31.
    Woodcock.....................  Sept. 20-Oct. 14 &
                                   Nov. 29-Jan. 4.
    Ducks, mergansers, and coots:
        North Zone...............  Sept. 27-Sept. 30 &
                                   Feb. 14-Mar. 10.
        Central Zone.............  Oct. 21-Oct. 27 &
                                   Feb. 17-Mar. 10.
        South Zone...............  Oct. 28-Nov. 3 &
                                   Feb. 17-Mar. 10.
    Ducks, mergansers, and coots.  Jan. 6-Feb. 3.
    Ducks, mergansers, and coots.  Nov. 27-Dec. 3 &
                                   Jan. 29-Feb. 15.
    Doves........................  Sept. 15-Oct. 1.
    Woodcock.....................  Nov. 2-Dec. 17.
    Rails and moorhens:
        West Zone................  Nov. 3-Nov. 10 &
                                   Jan. 4-Jan. 31.
        East Zone................  Nov. 3-Nov. 10 &
                                   Jan. 4-Jan. 31.
        Coastal Zone.............  Nov. 3-Nov. 10 &
                                   Jan. 4-Jan. 31.
        West Zone................  Nov. 3-Nov. 10 &
                                   Dec. 4-Dec. 15 &
                                   Jan. 22-Jan. 31.
        East Zone................  Nov. 3-Nov. 17 &
                                   Dec. 4-Dec. 15 &
                                   Jan. 29-Jan. 31.

[[Page 34788]]

        Coastal Zone.............  Nov. 3-Nov. 10 &
                                   Dec. 4-Dec. 15 &
                                   Jan. 22-Jan. 31.
    Ducks, mergansers, coots, and  Jan. 1-Jan. 15 &
     moorhens.                     Feb. 19-Mar. 10.
    Woodcock.....................  Sept. 1-Sept. 22 &
                                   Nov. 7-Dec. 16.
    Rails and snipe..............  Nov. 7-Dec. 16.
    Doves........................  Nov. 30-Dec. 16.
    Ducks, mergansers, coots,      Dec. 16-Jan. 30.
     moorhens, and gallinules.
    Doves........................  Nov. 12-Nov. 20 &
                                   Jan. 16-Jan. 23.
    Ducks, mergansers and coots..  Feb. 4-Mar. 4.
    Doves........................  Nov. 30-Dec. 16.
    Ducks, mergansers, and coots.  Sept. 9-Sept. 24 &
                                   Feb. 10-Mar. 10.
    Doves........................  Sept. 29-Oct. 13 &
                                   Nov. 6-Nov. 7.
    Ducks, mergansers, and coots.  Sept. 18-Oct. 20.
    Rails, snipe, moorhens, and
        North Zone...............  Sept. 1-Sept. 22 &
                                   Nov. 22-Dec. 16.
        South Zone...............  Sept. 1-Sept. 29 &
                                   Oct. 9-Oct. 13 &
                                   Dec. 4-Dec. 16.
        Mississippi River Zone...  Sept. 1-Sept. 29 &
                                   Oct. 7-Oct. 13 &
                                   Dec. 6-Dec. 16.
    Woodcock.....................  Sept. 1-Sept. 22 &
                                   Nov. 7-Dec. 16.
    Ducks, mergansers, and coots.  Sept. 16-Sept. 17 &
                                   Jan. 12-Feb. 18.
    Ducks, mergansers, and coots:
        Low Plains...............  Feb. 24-Mar. 10.
Montana (2):
    Ducks, mergansers, and coots.  Sept. 20-Sept. 29.
    Ducks, mergansers, and coots:
        Zone 1...................  Feb. 25-Mar. 10.
        Zone 2...................  Feb. 25-Mar. 10.
        Zone 3...................  Feb. 25-Mar. 10.
        Zone 4...................  Feb. 25-Mar. 10.
New Mexico:
        North Zone...............  Nov. 30-Dec. 4 &
                                   Dec. 23-Jan. 3.
        South Zone...............  Oct. 30-Nov. 6 &
                                   Nov. 23-Dec. 1.
    Ducks and coots..............  Sept. 16-Sept. 24.
    Sandhill cranes:
        Regular Season Area......  Oct. 14-Oct. 27.
        Estancia Valley Area (3).  Nov. 6-Dec. 26.
    Common moorhens..............  Nov. 25-Dec. 31.
    Sora and Virginia rails......  Nov. 25-Dec. 31.
North Dakota:
    Ducks, mergansers, coots, and  Sept. 4-Sept. 8 &
     snipe.                        Sept. 11-Sept. 15.
    Doves........................  Feb. 22-Mar. 10.
    Ducks, mergansers, and coots:
        Low Plains...............  Feb. 19-Mar. 5.
    Gallinules and rails.........  Feb. 2-Mar. 10.
    Woodcock.....................  Dec. 16-Feb. 15.
    Sandhill cranes..............  Jan. 22-Feb. 4.
South Dakota:
    Ducks, mergansers, and coots:
        High Plains..............  Sept. 1-Sept. 8.
        Low Plains:
            North Zone...........  Sept. 1-Sept. 29 &
                                   Dec. 13-Dec. 16.
            Middle Zone..........  Sept. 1-Sept. 29 &
                                   Dec. 13-Dec. 16.
            South Zone...........  Sept. 22-Oct. 13 &
                                   Dec. 27-Jan. 6.

[[Page 34789]]

    Doves........................  Nov. 18-Dec. 4.
    Rails, gallinules, and         Jan. 29-Feb. 12.
    Ducks, mergansers, and coots:
        Low Plains...............  Jan. 29-Feb. 12.
    Doves........................  Nov. 30-Dec. 16.
    Rails........................  Nov. 10-Dec. 16.
    Ducks, mergansers, and coots:
        Zone C1..................  Sept. 23-Sept. 24 &
                                   Oct. 18-Oct. 25.
        Zone C2 & C3.............  Sept. 16-Sept. 22 &
                                   Dec. 4-Dec. 6.
    Doves........................  Sept. 16-Nov. 1.
    Ducks, mergansers, coots, and
        North Zone...............  Oct. 2-Oct. 5.
        South Zone...............  Jan. 29-Feb. 1.
    Ducks, mergansers, coots, and
        Colorado River Zone......  Jan. 29-Feb. 1.
        Southern Zone............  Jan. 29-Feb. 2.
        Southern San Joaquin       Jan. 29-Jan. 31.
         Valley Zone.
        Southern Zone (4)........  Jan. 29-Feb. 2.
New Mexico:
        North Zone...............  Nov. 30-Dec. 4 &
                                   Dec. 23-Jan. 3.
        South Zone...............  Oct. 30-Nov. 6 &
                                   Nov. 23-Dec. 1.
    Doves........................  Oct. 31-Dec. 16.
    Band-tailed pigeons (5)......  Sept. 1-Sept. 14 &
                                   Sept. 24-Dec. 16.
    Doves........................  Oct. 31-Dec. 16.
    Band-tailed pigeons..........  Sept. 15-Dec. 16.
    Doves........................  Oct. 31-Dec. 16.
    Doves........................  Nov. 30-Dec. 16.
    Sora and Virginia rails......  Nov. 10-Dec. 16.
    Ducks, mergansers, and coots.  Sept. 16-Sept. 17.
(1) In Maine, the daily bag and possession limits for black ducks are 1
  and 3, respectively.
(2) In Montana, the bag limit is 2 and the possession limit is 6.
(3) In New Mexico, the bag limit for sandhill cranes in the Estancia
  Valley Area is 2 per day and the possession limit is 2 per season.
(4) In California, in the Imperial County Special Management Area, there
  is no extended falconry season.
(5) In Oregon, no more than 1 pigeon daily in bag or possession.

[FR Doc. 2017-15472 Filed 7-25-17; 8:45 am]
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