Medicine Bow National Forest, Wyoming, Landscape Vegetation Analysis (LaVA) Project, 33865-33867 [2017-15322]
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 139 / Friday, July 21, 2017 / Notices
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
Agriculture, Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs, Office of
Management and Budget (OMB), New
Executive Office Building, 725 17th
Street NW., Washington, DC 20502.
Commenters are encouraged to submit
their comments to OMB via email to:
OIRA_Submission@OMB.EOP.GOV or
fax (202) 395–5806 and to Departmental
Clearance Office, USDA, OCIO, Mail
Stop 7602, Washington, DC 20250–
7602. Copies of the submission(s) may
be obtained by calling (202) 720–8958.
An agency may not conduct or
sponsor a collection of information
unless the collection of information
displays a currently valid OMB control
number and the agency informs
potential persons who are to respond to
the collection of information that such
persons are not required to respond to
the collection of information unless it
displays a currently valid OMB control
Rural Housing Service
Title: 7 CFR 3575–A, Community
Programs Guaranteed Loans.
OMB Control Number: 0575–0137.
Summary of Collection: The Rural
Housing Service (RHS) is authorized by
Section 306 of the Consolidated Farm
and Rural Development Act (7 U.S.C.
1926) to make loans to public agencies,
nonprofit corporations, and Indian
tribes for the development of essential
community facilities primarily serving
rural residents. The Community
Facilities Division of the RHS is
considered Community Programs under
the 7 CFR, part 3575, subpart A.
Implementation of the Community
Programs guaranteed loan program was
affected to comply with the
Appropriations Act of 1990 when
Congress allocated funds for this
authority. The guaranteed loan program
encourages lender participation and
provides specific guidance in the
processing and servicing of guaranteed
Community Facilities loans.
Need and Use of the Information:
RHS will collect information in a
written format and using several forms.
RHS will use collected information to
determine applicant/borrower
eligibility, project feasibility, and to
ensure borrowers operate on a sound
basis and use loan funds for authorized
purposes. Failure to collect proper
information could result in improper
determination of eligibility, improper
use of funds, and/or unsound loans.
Description of Respondents: Not-forprofit institutions; State, Local or Tribal
Number of Respondents: 680.
Frequency of Responses: Reporting:
Quarterly; Annually.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Total Burden Hours: 12,401.
Charlene Parker,
Departmental Information Collection
Clearance Officer.
[FR Doc. 2017–15282 Filed 7–20–17; 8:45 am]
Forest Service
Medicine Bow National Forest,
Wyoming, Landscape Vegetation
Analysis (LaVA) Project
Forest Service, USDA.
Notice of intent to prepare an
environmental impact statement.
The Forest Service is
preparing an environmental impact
statement (EIS) on its proposed
treatment of 150,000 acres of insectinfested areas of the Medicine Bow
National Forest (MBNF). The Forest
Service believes this treatment is
necessary to ensure the future health of
the MBNF.
DATES: Comments concerning the scope
of the analysis must be received by
August 21, 2017. The Draft
Environmental Impact Statement is
expected in November 2017 and the
Final Environmental Impact Statement
is due in March 2018.
ADDRESSES: Send written comments to:
LaVA Project, Medicine Bow National
Forest, 2468 Jackson Street, Laramie,
WY 82070, or via facsimile to 307–745–
2467, c/o LaVA Project. Written
comments may also be hand-delivered
to the above address between 8:00 a.m.
and 4:30 p.m. Mountain Time, Monday
through Friday except federal holidays.
Comments may also be submitted
electronically at
Melissa Martin, Project Manager, at
307–745–2371. Individuals who use
telecommunication devices for the deaf
(TDD) may call the Federal Information
Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–800–811–8339
between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.,
Eastern Time, Monday through Friday.
Medicine Bow National Forest (MBNF)
has experienced epidemic levels of
mountain pine beetle and spruce bark
beetle infestations since the mid to late
1990s. Although the epidemic has
slowed in recent years, the infestation
has left behind a changed landscape
consisting primarily of regenerating
forests that have an overstory of large,
dead and dying trees. Action is needed
PO 00000
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to accelerate management response to
this major forest health event to
proactively and adaptively respond to
changing forest vegetation conditions.
On March 22, 2017, Forest Service
Chief Thomas L. Tidwell designated the
majority of the MBNF as a landscapescale insect and disease area under
Section 602(d) of the Healthy Forests
Restoration Action of 2003 (HFRA, 16
U.S.C. 6591 et seq.), as amended by
Section 8204 of the Agricultural Act of
2014. These authorities provide for
expedited environmental analysis and
treatments to address areas affected by
insect and disease infestations.
Accordingly, the Medicine Bow
Landscape Vegetation Analysis (LaVa)
Project will proceed according to
Section 104 of the HFRA and will be
subject to subparts A and C of the U.S.
Forest Service Project-Level Predecisional Administrative Review
Process. Intended goals of the project
include, but are not limited to, using
tree cutting and/or prescribed burning
to: make areas more resilient to future
disturbance; restore, and enhance forest
ecosystem components; supply forest
products to local industries; provide for
human safety; reduce wildfire risk to
communities, infrastructure, and
municipal water supplies; and improve,
protect, and restore wildlife habitat.
The LaVA analysis area encompasses
the Snowy Range and Sierra Madre
Mountain Ranges of the MBNF and
includes roughly 850,000 acres of
National Forest System (NFS) lands. Of
the 850,000 acres, the Forest Service has
identified roughly 575,000 acres
wherein treatment activities could be
proposed; these areas are termed
‘treatment opportunity areas’ (TOAs).
Actual treatments are proposed on a
subset of the TOAs (150,000–350,000
acres), as described in the Proposed
Purpose and Need for Action
The purpose of the project is to
respond to changed forest vegetation
conditions presented by the bark beetle
epidemics experienced on the MBNF.
The approach is to actively manage
forest vegetation using tree cutting and/
or prescribed burning, consistent with
the goals outlined in the Governor’s
Task Force on Forests (Final Report,
2015), the Western Bark Beetle Strategy
(July 2011), and the Wyoming Statewide
Forest Resource Strategy (2010). These
goals include promoting recovery from
the insect infestations, improving the
resiliency of green stands to future
disturbances, helping to protect forested
areas on adjacent private and state land,
and providing for human safety. These
general goals will be adapted to local
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 139 / Friday, July 21, 2017 / Notices
landscapes where treatments are needed
based on Forest Plan direction,
foreseeable conditions, and local
environmental, social and economic
concerns. The project is needed to:
Enhance Forest and Rangeland
Resiliency to Future Insect and Disease
• Increase age class, structural, and
vegetative diversity across the
• Promote forest and rangeland
conditions to improve forage and
wildlife habitat; and
• Actively accelerate recovery and
regeneration of forest ecosystems.
Provide for Recovery of Forest Products
• Promote vegetation management to
recover merchantable products; and
• Provide commercial forest products
to local industries at a level
commensurate with Forest Plan
direction and goals.
Provide for Human Safety
• Treat hazard trees in areas not
covered by the Forest-wide Hazard Tree
Decision Notice (August 12, 2008);
• Treat hazard trees within and
outside the wildland urban interface
• Increase the extent of defensible
space around resources at risk; and
• Create fuel breaks to slow or stop
the progress of wildfires.
Provide for Protection of Infrastructure,
Municipal Water Supplies, and
Threatened and Endangered Species
• Treat vegetation adjacent to
infrastructure and non-federally owned
• Treat vegetation to protect
municipal water supplies and
infrastructure; and
• Treat vegetation where fire is
identified as a threat to the habitat of a
threatened or endangered species.
Mitigate Hazardous Fuel Loading
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
• Treat hazardous fuels to minimize
the potential for large, high intensity/
high severity wildfires; and
• Treat hazardous fuels to reduce fire
behavior and the possibility of fires
spreading onto adjacent, non-federal
Proposed Action
The Forest Service proposes to
conduct vegetation management
activities on NFS lands, including
inventoried roadless areas, within the
Sierra Madre and Snowy Range
Mountain Ranges of the MBNF.
Vegetation management activities,
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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including prescribed fire, mechanical,
and hand treatment methods, could be
applied to 150,000–350,000 acres to
protect, restore and enhance forest
ecosystem components; reduce wildfire
risk to communities and municipal
water supplies; supply forest products
to local industries; and improve,
protect, and restore wildlife habitat.
Treatments would be authorized over a
10-year period beginning in 2018 and
would be completed within
approximately 15 years of the project
Due to ever-changing conditions, the
Proposed Action incorporates the
principles of adaptive management in
that it does not identify specific
treatment units. Instead, it proposes a
range of acres (150,000–350,000) that
could be treated within the preestablished TOAs (575,000 acres).
During project implementation, the
Forest Service would cooperate with
other agencies, local governments,
interested stakeholders, and
organizations to identify specific
treatment units. Specific objectives of
each treatment unit would be
determined prior to any grounddisturbing activities using existing
vegetation conditions and a series of
project-developed field checklists. The
sum of all treatments would not exceed
350,000 acres.
Specifically, the Proposed Action
would allow each of the following
activities to occur within the preestablished TOAs:
• Cutting trees or shrubs using a
variety of treatment methods including,
but not limited to, clearcutting/coppice;
group and individual tree selection;
salvage; mastication; sanitation; and
thinning. Treatments would be designed
to protect, restore, and enhance forest
ecosystem components; supply forest
products to local industries; provide for
human safety; reduce wildfire risk to
communities and municipal water
supplies; and improve, protect, and
restore wildlife habitat.
• Cutting trees that have encroached
on grass and shrub lands to maintain
desired species dominance and improve
wildlife habitat.
• Prescribed burning areas using
jackpot, pile burning, and broadcast
burning. Maintenance burns on
previously treated areas would occur to
maintain desired fuels or habitat
• Prescribed burning or tree/shrub
cutting on portions of inventoried
roadless areas (IRAs). Treatment
opportunity areas in IRAs were
proposed by Cooperating Agencies and
the Forest Service to protect
communities at risk; threatened,
PO 00000
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endangered, and sensitive wildlife
habitat; critical infrastructure; and
municipal water supplies. No new
permanent or temporary road
construction would occur in IRAs.
• Utilizing and/or reconstructing
existing open and closed NFS roads to
access treatment units. Reconstruction
may include road blading, culvert
installation or replacement, and
gravelling. Closed NFS roads would be
for administrative access only (i.e., they
will be managed as closed to the public)
and would be returned to a closed status
with the method of closure being
determined at implementation.
• Constructing approximately 25
miles of new, permanent NFS roads, as
necessary, to access treatment areas; the
final assessment of road needs has not
been determined and could be more or
less. All newly constructed system
roads would be physically closed to
public motorized vehicle use following
completion of treatment activities;
however, their templates would be
retained for future management entries.
• Constructing approximately 1,000
miles of temporary road, as necessary, to
access treatment areas; the final
assessment of road needs has not been
determined and could be more or less.
While open, the roads would be for
administrative use only (i.e., they would
be managed as closed to the public).
Temporary roads would be
decommissioned following treatment
activities to preclude future motorized
use and to restore ecological function;
decommissioning returns a road to a
natural state. Decommissioning methods
may include, but are not limited to, recontouring the road, ripping/scarifying
the roadbed, removing culverts,
installing drainage features, creating
physical barriers to preclude motorized
travel, scattering wood/rock debris onto
the road, applying seed and mulch to
the area, and posting signs.
• Conducting regeneration surveys,
noxious weed control, native grass
seeding, and road maintenance.
• Using a combination of commercial
timber sales, service contracts,
stewardship contracts, cooperative
authorities, partner capacity, and Forest
Service crews to implement the project.
Adaptive Management Process: Due
to the adaptive nature of the Proposed
Action (i.e., a range of treatment acres v.
identification of specific treatment
units), the Forest Service will develop
standards, protocols, and monitoring
requirements to guide project
implementation. Under this scenario,
the Forest Service would:
• Complete all required surveys for
each individual treatment area;
complete required layout and marking
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 139 / Friday, July 21, 2017 / Notices
of each treatment area; determine
appropriate design features to be
applied; and document compliance with
requirements of the environmental
impact statement using a set of preestablished field checklists.
• Perform monitoring during and
following implementation of individual
treatment activities to ensure treatments
are implemented as planned and that
project objectives are being attained.
• Establish an annual monitoring
review with interested stakeholders,
partners, and collaborative groups to
ensure treatments are implemented as
planned and that project objectives are
being attained.
Possible Alternatives
At a minimum, the environmental
impact statement will disclose the
effects of the Proposed Action and a No
Action alternative. The No Action
alternative represents no change from
current conditions and serves as the
baseline for the comparison among
alternatives. An alternative to the
Proposed Action may be developed in
response to public comments.
Nature of Decision To Be Made
The Forest Supervisor of the MBNF is
the deciding official for the LaVA
Project. Once the NEPA analysis is
completed, he will decide: Whether or
not to implement, in part or full, the
proposed actions or other alternatives;
rationale for the decision; and design
criteria, mitigation and monitoring
requirements necessary for project
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
Scoping Process
This notice of intent initiates the
scoping process, which guides the
development of the environmental
impact statement. It is important that
reviewers provide comments at such
times and in such a manner that they
are useful to the agency’s preparation of
the environmental impact statement.
Therefore, comments should be
provided prior to the close of the
comment period and should clearly
articulate the reviewer’s concerns and
contentions. A more detailed scoping
document may be accessed at https://
Comments received in response to
this solicitation, including names and
addresses of those who comment, will
be part of the public record for this
proposed action. Comments submitted
anonymously will be accepted and
considered; however, they will not
become part of the public record.
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Objection Process
Dated: June 23, 2017.
Jeanne M. Higgins,
Acting Associate Deputy Chief, National
Forest System.
[FR Doc. 2017–15322 Filed 7–20–17; 8:45 am]
Rural Housing Service
Notice for Request for Revision of a
Currently Approved Information
Rural Housing Service, USDA.
Proposed collection; comments
In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this
notice announces the Rural Housing
Service’s (RHS) intent to reinstate a
previously approved information
collection in support of the Single
Family Housing Guaranteed Loan
PO 00000
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Comments on this notice must be
received by [60 days] to be assured of
Jensen, Finance and Loan Analyst,
Single Family Housing Guaranteed Loan
Division, Stop 0784, Room 2250, USDA
Rural Development, South Agriculture
Building, 1400 Independence Avenue
SW., Washington, DC 20250–0784,
telephone (503) 894–2382, Email
Title: Single Family Housing
Guaranteed Loan Program.
OMB Number: 0575–0179.
Type of Request: Reinstatement of a
Previously Approved Information
Abstract: Under this program, loan
guarantees are provided to participating
lenders who make loans to income
eligible borrowers in rural areas. The
purpose of this program is to promote
affordable housing for low- and
moderate-income borrowers in rural
Estimate of Burden: Public reporting
burden for this collection of information
is estimated to average 49 minutes per
Respondents: Private sector lenders
participating in the Rural Development
Single Family Housing Guaranteed Loan
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Number of Responses per
Respondent: 737.
Estimated Number of Responses:
Estimated Total Annual Burden on
Respondents: 821,112.
Copies of this information collection
can be obtained from Jeanne Jacobs,
Regulations and Paperwork
Management Branch, Support Services
Division, at (202) 692–0040.
Comments: Comments are invited on:
(a) Whether the proposed collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of USDA,
including whether the information will
have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of
USDA’s estimate of the burden of the
collection of information on those who
are to respond, including through the
use of appropriate automated,
electronic, mechanical, or other
technological collection techniques or
other forms of information technology.
Comments may be sent to Jeanne Jacobs,
Regulations and Paperwork
Management Branch, Support Services
Division, U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Rural Development, Stop
0742–1400 Independence Avenue SW.,
Washington, DC 20250–0742. All
The Forest Service is operating under
Part 218—Project-level Pre-decisional
Administrative Review Process
(hereinafter referred to as ‘objection’), 36
CFR. 218 Subparts A and C, for this
analysis. Per these regulations,
individuals and entities who submit
timely, specific written comments
regarding a proposed project or activity
during any designated opportunity for
public comment will have standing to
file an objection. This includes requests
for comments during this initial scoping
period as well as comments submitted
during the 45-day comment period for
the draft environmental impact
It is the responsibility of persons
providing comments to submit them by
the close of established comment
periods. Only those who submit timely
and specific written comments will
have eligibility (36 CFR 218.5) to file an
objection under 36 CFR 218.8. For
objection eligibility, each individual or
representative from each entity
submitting timely and specific written
comments must either sign the comment
or verify identity upon request.
Individuals and organizations wishing
to be eligible to object must meet the
information requirements in
§ 218.25(a)(3). Names and contact
information submitted with comments
will become part of the public record
and may be released under the Freedom
of Information Act.
Sfmt 4703
[Federal Register Volume 82, Number 139 (Friday, July 21, 2017)]
[Pages 33865-33867]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2017-15322]
Forest Service
Medicine Bow National Forest, Wyoming, Landscape Vegetation
Analysis (LaVA) Project
AGENCY: Forest Service, USDA.
ACTION: Notice of intent to prepare an environmental impact statement.
SUMMARY: The Forest Service is preparing an environmental impact
statement (EIS) on its proposed treatment of 150,000 acres of insect-
infested areas of the Medicine Bow National Forest (MBNF). The Forest
Service believes this treatment is necessary to ensure the future
health of the MBNF.
DATES: Comments concerning the scope of the analysis must be received
by August 21, 2017. The Draft Environmental Impact Statement is
expected in November 2017 and the Final Environmental Impact Statement
is due in March 2018.
ADDRESSES: Send written comments to: LaVA Project, Medicine Bow
National Forest, 2468 Jackson Street, Laramie, WY 82070, or via
facsimile to 307-745-2467, c/o LaVA Project. Written comments may also
be hand-delivered to the above address between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
Mountain Time, Monday through Friday except federal holidays. Comments
may also be submitted electronically at
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Melissa Martin, Project Manager, at
307-745-2371. Individuals who use telecommunication devices for the
deaf (TDD) may call the Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1-
800-811-8339 between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., Eastern Time, Monday
through Friday.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Medicine Bow National Forest (MBNF) has
experienced epidemic levels of mountain pine beetle and spruce bark
beetle infestations since the mid to late 1990s. Although the epidemic
has slowed in recent years, the infestation has left behind a changed
landscape consisting primarily of regenerating forests that have an
overstory of large, dead and dying trees. Action is needed to
accelerate management response to this major forest health event to
proactively and adaptively respond to changing forest vegetation
On March 22, 2017, Forest Service Chief Thomas L. Tidwell
designated the majority of the MBNF as a landscape-scale insect and
disease area under Section 602(d) of the Healthy Forests Restoration
Action of 2003 (HFRA, 16 U.S.C. 6591 et seq.), as amended by Section
8204 of the Agricultural Act of 2014. These authorities provide for
expedited environmental analysis and treatments to address areas
affected by insect and disease infestations. Accordingly, the Medicine
Bow Landscape Vegetation Analysis (LaVa) Project will proceed according
to Section 104 of the HFRA and will be subject to subparts A and C of
the U.S. Forest Service Project-Level Pre-decisional Administrative
Review Process. Intended goals of the project include, but are not
limited to, using tree cutting and/or prescribed burning to: make areas
more resilient to future disturbance; restore, and enhance forest
ecosystem components; supply forest products to local industries;
provide for human safety; reduce wildfire risk to communities,
infrastructure, and municipal water supplies; and improve, protect, and
restore wildlife habitat.
The LaVA analysis area encompasses the Snowy Range and Sierra Madre
Mountain Ranges of the MBNF and includes roughly 850,000 acres of
National Forest System (NFS) lands. Of the 850,000 acres, the Forest
Service has identified roughly 575,000 acres wherein treatment
activities could be proposed; these areas are termed `treatment
opportunity areas' (TOAs). Actual treatments are proposed on a subset
of the TOAs (150,000-350,000 acres), as described in the Proposed
Purpose and Need for Action
The purpose of the project is to respond to changed forest
vegetation conditions presented by the bark beetle epidemics
experienced on the MBNF. The approach is to actively manage forest
vegetation using tree cutting and/or prescribed burning, consistent
with the goals outlined in the Governor's Task Force on Forests (Final
Report, 2015), the Western Bark Beetle Strategy (July 2011), and the
Wyoming Statewide Forest Resource Strategy (2010). These goals include
promoting recovery from the insect infestations, improving the
resiliency of green stands to future disturbances, helping to protect
forested areas on adjacent private and state land, and providing for
human safety. These general goals will be adapted to local
[[Page 33866]]
landscapes where treatments are needed based on Forest Plan direction,
foreseeable conditions, and local environmental, social and economic
concerns. The project is needed to:
Enhance Forest and Rangeland Resiliency to Future Insect and Disease
Increase age class, structural, and vegetative diversity
across the landscape;
Promote forest and rangeland conditions to improve forage
and wildlife habitat; and
Actively accelerate recovery and regeneration of forest
Provide for Recovery of Forest Products
Promote vegetation management to recover merchantable
products; and
Provide commercial forest products to local industries at
a level commensurate with Forest Plan direction and goals.
Provide for Human Safety
Treat hazard trees in areas not covered by the Forest-wide
Hazard Tree Decision Notice (August 12, 2008);
Treat hazard trees within and outside the wildland urban
interface (WUI);
Increase the extent of defensible space around resources
at risk; and
Create fuel breaks to slow or stop the progress of
Provide for Protection of Infrastructure, Municipal Water Supplies, and
Threatened and Endangered Species Habitat
Treat vegetation adjacent to infrastructure and non-
federally owned lands;
Treat vegetation to protect municipal water supplies and
infrastructure; and
Treat vegetation where fire is identified as a threat to
the habitat of a threatened or endangered species.
Mitigate Hazardous Fuel Loading
Treat hazardous fuels to minimize the potential for large,
high intensity/high severity wildfires; and
Treat hazardous fuels to reduce fire behavior and the
possibility of fires spreading onto adjacent, non-federal lands.
Proposed Action
The Forest Service proposes to conduct vegetation management
activities on NFS lands, including inventoried roadless areas, within
the Sierra Madre and Snowy Range Mountain Ranges of the MBNF.
Vegetation management activities, including prescribed fire,
mechanical, and hand treatment methods, could be applied to 150,000-
350,000 acres to protect, restore and enhance forest ecosystem
components; reduce wildfire risk to communities and municipal water
supplies; supply forest products to local industries; and improve,
protect, and restore wildlife habitat. Treatments would be authorized
over a 10-year period beginning in 2018 and would be completed within
approximately 15 years of the project decision.
Due to ever-changing conditions, the Proposed Action incorporates
the principles of adaptive management in that it does not identify
specific treatment units. Instead, it proposes a range of acres
(150,000-350,000) that could be treated within the pre-established TOAs
(575,000 acres). During project implementation, the Forest Service
would cooperate with other agencies, local governments, interested
stakeholders, and organizations to identify specific treatment units.
Specific objectives of each treatment unit would be determined prior to
any ground-disturbing activities using existing vegetation conditions
and a series of project-developed field checklists. The sum of all
treatments would not exceed 350,000 acres.
Specifically, the Proposed Action would allow each of the following
activities to occur within the pre-established TOAs:
Cutting trees or shrubs using a variety of treatment
methods including, but not limited to, clearcutting/coppice; group and
individual tree selection; salvage; mastication; sanitation; and
thinning. Treatments would be designed to protect, restore, and enhance
forest ecosystem components; supply forest products to local
industries; provide for human safety; reduce wildfire risk to
communities and municipal water supplies; and improve, protect, and
restore wildlife habitat.
Cutting trees that have encroached on grass and shrub
lands to maintain desired species dominance and improve wildlife
Prescribed burning areas using jackpot, pile burning, and
broadcast burning. Maintenance burns on previously treated areas would
occur to maintain desired fuels or habitat conditions.
Prescribed burning or tree/shrub cutting on portions of
inventoried roadless areas (IRAs). Treatment opportunity areas in IRAs
were proposed by Cooperating Agencies and the Forest Service to protect
communities at risk; threatened, endangered, and sensitive wildlife
habitat; critical infrastructure; and municipal water supplies. No new
permanent or temporary road construction would occur in IRAs.
Utilizing and/or reconstructing existing open and closed
NFS roads to access treatment units. Reconstruction may include road
blading, culvert installation or replacement, and gravelling. Closed
NFS roads would be for administrative access only (i.e., they will be
managed as closed to the public) and would be returned to a closed
status with the method of closure being determined at implementation.
Constructing approximately 25 miles of new, permanent NFS
roads, as necessary, to access treatment areas; the final assessment of
road needs has not been determined and could be more or less. All newly
constructed system roads would be physically closed to public motorized
vehicle use following completion of treatment activities; however,
their templates would be retained for future management entries.
Constructing approximately 1,000 miles of temporary road,
as necessary, to access treatment areas; the final assessment of road
needs has not been determined and could be more or less. While open,
the roads would be for administrative use only (i.e., they would be
managed as closed to the public). Temporary roads would be
decommissioned following treatment activities to preclude future
motorized use and to restore ecological function; decommissioning
returns a road to a natural state. Decommissioning methods may include,
but are not limited to, re-contouring the road, ripping/scarifying the
roadbed, removing culverts, installing drainage features, creating
physical barriers to preclude motorized travel, scattering wood/rock
debris onto the road, applying seed and mulch to the area, and posting
Conducting regeneration surveys, noxious weed control,
native grass seeding, and road maintenance.
Using a combination of commercial timber sales, service
contracts, stewardship contracts, cooperative authorities, partner
capacity, and Forest Service crews to implement the project.
Adaptive Management Process: Due to the adaptive nature of the
Proposed Action (i.e., a range of treatment acres v. identification of
specific treatment units), the Forest Service will develop standards,
protocols, and monitoring requirements to guide project implementation.
Under this scenario, the Forest Service would:
Complete all required surveys for each individual
treatment area; complete required layout and marking
[[Page 33867]]
of each treatment area; determine appropriate design features to be
applied; and document compliance with requirements of the environmental
impact statement using a set of pre-established field checklists.
Perform monitoring during and following implementation of
individual treatment activities to ensure treatments are implemented as
planned and that project objectives are being attained.
Establish an annual monitoring review with interested
stakeholders, partners, and collaborative groups to ensure treatments
are implemented as planned and that project objectives are being
Possible Alternatives
At a minimum, the environmental impact statement will disclose the
effects of the Proposed Action and a No Action alternative. The No
Action alternative represents no change from current conditions and
serves as the baseline for the comparison among alternatives. An
alternative to the Proposed Action may be developed in response to
public comments.
Nature of Decision To Be Made
The Forest Supervisor of the MBNF is the deciding official for the
LaVA Project. Once the NEPA analysis is completed, he will decide:
Whether or not to implement, in part or full, the proposed actions or
other alternatives; rationale for the decision; and design criteria,
mitigation and monitoring requirements necessary for project
Scoping Process
This notice of intent initiates the scoping process, which guides
the development of the environmental impact statement. It is important
that reviewers provide comments at such times and in such a manner that
they are useful to the agency's preparation of the environmental impact
statement. Therefore, comments should be provided prior to the close of
the comment period and should clearly articulate the reviewer's
concerns and contentions. A more detailed scoping document may be
accessed at
Comments received in response to this solicitation, including names
and addresses of those who comment, will be part of the public record
for this proposed action. Comments submitted anonymously will be
accepted and considered; however, they will not become part of the
public record.
Objection Process
The Forest Service is operating under Part 218--Project-level Pre-
decisional Administrative Review Process (hereinafter referred to as
`objection'), 36 CFR. 218 Subparts A and C, for this analysis. Per
these regulations, individuals and entities who submit timely, specific
written comments regarding a proposed project or activity during any
designated opportunity for public comment will have standing to file an
objection. This includes requests for comments during this initial
scoping period as well as comments submitted during the 45-day comment
period for the draft environmental impact statement.
It is the responsibility of persons providing comments to submit
them by the close of established comment periods. Only those who submit
timely and specific written comments will have eligibility (36 CFR
218.5) to file an objection under 36 CFR 218.8. For objection
eligibility, each individual or representative from each entity
submitting timely and specific written comments must either sign the
comment or verify identity upon request. Individuals and organizations
wishing to be eligible to object must meet the information requirements
in Sec. 218.25(a)(3). Names and contact information submitted with
comments will become part of the public record and may be released
under the Freedom of Information Act.
Dated: June 23, 2017.
Jeanne M. Higgins,
Acting Associate Deputy Chief, National Forest System.
[FR Doc. 2017-15322 Filed 7-20-17; 8:45 am]