Transition Progress Report Form and Filing Requirements for Stations Not Eligible for Reimbursement From the TV Broadcast Relocation Fund, 29770-29772 [2017-13765]
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 125 / Friday, June 30, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
Number of Respondents and
Responses: 991 respondents; 991
Estimated Time per Response: 0.5–1
Frequency of Response:
Recordkeeping requirement, on
occasion reporting requirement and
periodic reporting requirement.
Obligation to Respond: Required to
obtain or retain benefits. Statutory
authority for this collection of
information is contained in 47 U.S.C.
154, 155, 158, 161, 301, 303(r), 308, 309,
310 and 332.
Total Annual Burden: 996 hours.
Total Annual Cost: $1,282,075.
Nature and Extent of Confidentiality:
In general there is no need for
confidentiality with this collection of
Privacy Act Impact Assessment: No
Needs and Uses: FCC Form 608 is a
multipurpose form. It is used to provide
notification or request approval for any
spectrum leasing arrangement
(‘‘Leases’’) entered into between an
existing licensee (‘‘Licensee’’) in certain
wireless services and a spectrum lessee
(‘‘Lessee’’). This form also is required to
notify or request approval for any
spectrum subleasing arrangement
(‘‘Sublease’’). The data collected on the
form is used by the FCC to determine
whether the public interest would be
served by the Lease or Sublease. The
form is also used to provide notification
for any Private Commons Arrangement
entered into between a Licensee, Lessee,
or Sublessee and a class of third-party
users (as defined in Section 1.9080 of
the Commission’s Rules).
The OMB approved revisions to the
previously approved collection of
information under OMB Control
Number 3060–1058 to permit the
collection of the additional information
for Commission licenses and permits,
pursuant to the rules and information
collection requirements adopted by the
Commission in the Part 1 R&O and the
Mobile Spectrum Holdings R&O. As part
of the collection, the Commission is
seeking approval for the information
collection and recordkeeping
requirements associated with FCC Form
In addition, OMB approved various
other, non-substantive editorial/
consistency edits and updates to FCC
Form 608 that corrected inconsistent
capitalization of words and other
typographical errors, and better align
the text on the form with the text in the
Commission rules both generally and in
connection with recent non-substantive,
organizational amendments to the
Commission’s rules. Also, in certain
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circumstances, the Commission requires
the applicant to provide copies of their
agreements. The Commission did not
anticipate that these revisions will
impact the collection filing burden.
OMB therefore approved the FCC
revision of its currently approved
information collection on FCC Form 608
to revise FCC Form 608 accordingly.
Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene H. Dortch,
Secretary, Office of the Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2017–12954 Filed 6–29–17; 8:45 am]
47 CFR Part 73
[MB Docket No. 16–306, GN Docket No. 12–
268; DA 17–484]
Transition Progress Report Form and
Filing Requirements for Stations Not
Eligible for Reimbursement From the
TV Broadcast Relocation Fund
Federal Communications
ACTION: Final rule.
In this document, the Federal
Communications Commission
(Commission) describes the information
that must be provided in periodic
progress reports (FCC Form 2100—
Schedule 387 (Transition Progress
Report)) by full power and Class A
television stations that are not eligible to
receive payment of relocation expenses
from the TV Broadcast Relocation Fund
in connection with their being assigned
to a new channel through the Incentive
DATES: Effective June 30, 2017.
ADDRESSES: Federal Communications
Commission, 445 12th Street SW.,
Washington, DC 20554.
Joyce Bernstein, Joyce.Bernstein@, (202) 418–1647, or Kevin
Harding,, (202)
summary of the Commission’s
document, DA 17–484, MB Docket No.
16–306, GN Docket No. 12–268, adopted
and released May 18, 2017. The
complete text of this document is
available for inspection and copying
during normal business hours in the
FCC Reference Information Center,
Portals II, 445 12th Street SW., Room
CY–A257, Washington, DC 20554. The
complete text of this document is also
available for download at https://
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The Incentive Auction Task Force and
Media Bureau (collectively, the
Commission) previously determined
that stations that are eligible for
reimbursement from the TV Broadcast
Relocation Fund in connection with
their being assigned to a new channel
through the Incentive Auction must file
reports showing how the disbursed
funds have been spent and what portion
of the stations’ construction in
complete, and sought comment on
whether non-reimbursable stations
should also file reports to show what
portion of the stations’ construction is
complete. These Transition Progress
Reports will help the Commission,
broadcasters, those involved in
construction of broadcast facilities,
other interested parties, and the public
to monitor the construction of stations.
The Commission announces that each
full power and Class A television station
that will be changing channels during
the post-incentive auction transition
and is not eligible for reimbursement of
its relocation costs from the TV
Broadcast Relocation Fund established
by the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job
Creation Act of 2012 must follow the
same progress reporting requirements as
reimbursable stations and periodically
file an FCC Form 2100—Schedule 387
(Transition Progress Report) that is
attached as Appendix A to the Public
Notice DA 17–34. The appendix is
available at
Non-Reimbursable stations must file
Transition Progress Reports using the
Commission’s electronic filing system
starting with first full calendar quarter
after close of the Incentive Auction,
which occurred on April 13, 2017, and
on a quarterly basis thereafter. In
addition to these quarterly reports, NonReimbursable stations must file the
reports: (1) 10 weeks before the end of
their assigned construction deadline; (2)
10 days after they complete all work
related to construction of their postauction facilities; and (3) five days after
they cease broadcasting on their preauction channel. Once a station has
filed a Transition Progress Report
certifying that it has completed all work
related to construction of its postauction facilities and has ceased
operating on its pre-auction channel, it
will no longer be required to file reports.
The Commission will automatically line
the Transition Progress Reports to nonreimbursable stations’ online local
public inspection file on the
Commission’s Web site.
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 125 / Friday, June 30, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
mstockstill on DSK30JT082PROD with RULES
Some commenters proposed changes
to questions in the Transition Progress
Report Form adopted for reimbursable
stations and certain filing procedures,
which the Commission treated as
requests for reconsideration and
declined to adopt. The Commission
declined to incorporate the response of
‘‘unknown at this time’’ into the form
for each question, to change the wording
of a question dealing with auxiliary
antenna systems, to require a more
detailed level of reporting with respect
to a number of questions, to require
reports to be filed on a less frequent
basis, or to allow group owners to file
a single report for all of their stations.
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
Analysis: This document contains new
or modified information collection
requirements. The Commission, as part
of its continuing effort to reduce
paperwork burdens, has invited the
general public and the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) to
comment on the information collection
requirements contained in this
document in a separate Federal Register
Notice, as required by the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law 104–
13, see 44 U.S.C. 3507.
The Commission will send a copy of
the document, DA 17–484, in a report to
be sent to Congress and the Government
Accountability Office pursuant to the
Congressional Review Act, see 5 U.S.C.
Appendix B: Final Regulatory
Flexibility Act Analysis
As required by the Regulatory
Flexibility Act of 1980, as amended
(‘‘RFA’’), an Initial Regulatory
Flexibility Analysis (‘‘IRFA’’) was
incorporated in the Transition Progress
Report Public Notice. The Incentive
Auction Task Force and Media Bureau
sought written public comments on the
proposals in the Transition Progress
Report Public Notice, including
comment on the IRFA. Because we
adopt filing requirements for stations in
the Public Notice, we have included this
Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
(‘‘FRFA’’), which conforms to the RFA.
Need for, and Objectives of, the Rule
Changes. The Federal Communications
Commission (Commission) adopted a
39-month transition period during
which television stations that are
assigned to new channels in the
incentive auction must construct their
new facilities. The Commission
determined that reassigned television
stations that are eligible for
reimbursement from the TV Broadcast
Relocation Fund are required, on a
regular basis, to provide progress reports
to the Commission showing how the
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disbursed funds have been spent and
what portion of construction is
complete. In the Transition Progress
Report Public Notice, the Media Bureau
adopted a form for such progress reports
and set the filing deadlines for such
reports. The Public Notice requires that
that reassigned television stations that
are not eligible for reimbursement from
the TV Broadcast Relocation Fund (NonReimbursable Stations) provide the
same progress reports to the
Commission on the same schedule as
that specified for stations eligible for
reimbursement. The Transition Progress
Report Form requires all reassigned
stations to certify that certain steps
toward construction of their postauction channel either have been
completed or are not required, and to
identify potential problems which they
believe may make it difficult for them to
meet their construction deadlines. The
information in the progress reports will
be used by the Commission, stations,
and other interested parties to monitor
the status of reassigned stations’
construction during the 39-month
transition period.
Summary of Significant Issues Raised
by Public Comments in Response to the
IRFA. No formal comments were filed
on the IRFA.
Response to Comments by the Chief
Counsel for Advocacy of the Small
Business Administration. No comments
were filed on the IRFA by the Small
Business Administration.
Description and Estimate of the
Number of Small Entities to Which the
Rules Will Apply. The RFA directs
agencies to provide a description of, and
where feasible, an estimate of the
number of small entities that may be
affected by the proposed rules, if
adopted. The RFA generally defines the
term ‘‘small entity’’ as having the same
meaning as the terms ‘‘small business,’’
‘‘small organization,’’ and ‘‘small
governmental jurisdiction.’’ In addition,
the term ‘‘small business’’ has the same
meaning as the term ‘‘small business
concern’’ under the Small Business Act.
A small business concern is one which:
(1) Is independently owned and
operated; (2) is not dominant in its field
of operation; and (3) satisfies any
additional criteria established by the
SBA. Below, we provide a description of
such small entities, as well as an
estimate of the number of such small
entities, where feasible.
Television Broadcasting. This
Economic Census category ‘‘comprises
establishments primarily engaged in
broadcasting images together with
sound.’’ These establishments also
produce or transmit visual programming
to affiliated broadcast television
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stations, which in turn broadcast the
programs to the public on a
predetermined schedule. Programming
may originate in their own studio, from
an affiliated network, or from external
sources. The SBA has created the
following small business size standard
for such businesses: those having $38.5
million or less in annual receipts. The
2012 Economic Census reports that 751
firms in this category operated in that
year. Of that number, 656 had annual
receipts of $25,000,000 or less, 25 had
annual receipts between $25,000,000
and $49,999,999 and 70 had annual
receipts of $50,000,000 or more. Based
on this data we therefore estimate that
the majority of commercial television
broadcasters are small entities under the
applicable SBA size standard.
The Commission has estimated the
number of licensed commercial
television stations to be 1,384. Of this
total, 1,264 stations (or about 91
percent) had revenues of $38.5 million
or less, according to Commission staff
review of the BIA Kelsey Inc. Media
Access Pro Television Database (BIA) on
February 24, 2017, and therefore these
licensees qualify as small entities under
the SBA definition. In addition, the
Commission has estimated the number
of licensed noncommercial educational
(NCE) television stations to be 394.
Notwithstanding, the Commission does
not compile and otherwise does not
have access to information on the
revenue of NCE stations that would
permit it to determine how many such
stations would qualify as small entities.
We note, however, that in assessing
whether a business concern qualifies as
small under the above definition,
business (control) affiliations must be
included. Our estimate, therefore, likely
overstates the number of small entities
that might be affected by our action,
because the revenue figure on which it
is based does not include or aggregate
revenues from affiliated companies. In
addition, an element of the definition of
‘‘small business’’ is that the entity not
be dominant in its field of operation. We
are unable at this time to define or
quantify the criteria that would
establish whether a specific television
station is dominant in its field of
operation. Accordingly, the estimate of
small businesses to which rules may
apply does not exclude any television
station from the definition of a small
business on this basis and is therefore
possibly over-inclusive to that extent.
Class A TV Stations. The same SBA
definition that applies to television
broadcast stations would apply to
licensees of Class A television stations.
As noted above, the SBA has created the
following small business size standard
mstockstill on DSK30JT082PROD with RULES
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 125 / Friday, June 30, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
for this category: Those having $38.5
million or less in annual receipts. The
Commission has estimated the number
of licensed Class A television stations to
be 417. Given the nature of these
services, we will presume that these
licensees qualify as small entities under
the SBA definition.
Description of Projected Reporting,
Recordkeeping, and Other Compliance
Requirements. The Public Notice
adopted the following new reporting
requirements. Non-Reimbursable
Stations must file the Transition
Progress Report on a quarterly basis,
with the first Report being filed
beginning for the first full quarter after
the release of a public notice
announcing the completion of the
incentive auction. The deadline for
filing the first Report is October 10,
2017. We further require that NonReimbursable Stations file Transition
Progress Reports: (1) 10 weeks before
the end of their assigned construction
deadline; (2) 10 days after they complete
all work related to construction of their
post-auction facilities; and (3) five days
after they cease broadcasting on their
pre-auction channel. The Transition
Progress Reports will be filed
electronically using the Commission’s
electronic filing system, and the
Commission will make the filings
viewable in stations’ online public
inspection files. All reassigned stations
are assigned to one of 10 Post-Auction
Transition Plan Phase with construction
deadline requirements ranging from
November 30, 2018 to July 3, 2020.
Once a station has ceased operating on
its pre-auction channel, it no longer
needs to file reports.
Steps Taken to Minimize Significant
Impact on Small Entities, and
Significant Alternatives Considered. The
RFA requires an agency to describe any
significant alternatives that it has
considered in reaching its proposed
approach, which may include the
following four alternatives (among
others): (1) The establishment of
differing compliance or reporting
requirements or timetables that take into
account the resources available to small
entities; (2) the clarification,
consolidation, or simplification of
compliance or reporting requirements
under the rule for small entities; (3) the
use of performance, rather than design,
standard; and (4) an exemption from
coverage of the rule, or any part thereof,
for small entities.
The reporting requirement adopted in
the Public Notice will allow the
Commission, broadcasters (including
those filing the Reports), and other
interested parties to more closely
monitor the status of construction
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during the transition, and focus
resources on ensuring successful
completion of the transition by all
reassigned stations and continuity of
over-the-air television service. In
addition, the burdens of the reporting
requirements are minimal and we
believe the benefits of the reporting
requirements, which will facilitate the
successful post-incentive auction
transition, outweigh any burdens
associated with compliance.
Federal Rules that May Duplicate,
Overlap, or Conflict With the Proposed
Rule. None.
Report to Congress. The Commission
will send a copy of the Public Notice,
including this FRFA, in a report to be
sent to Congress and the Government
Accountability Office pursuant to the
Congressional Review Act. A copy (or
summary thereof) will also be published
in the Federal Register.
Report to Small Business
Administration. The Commission will
send a copy of the Public Notice,
including this FRFA, to the Chief
Counsel for Advocacy of the Small
Business Administration.
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Final rule.
framework process; establishes
spawning SMZs off North Carolina,
South Carolina, and Florida; establishes
transit and anchoring provisions in the
spawning SMZs; and establishes a
sunset provision for most of the
spawning SMZs. This final rule also
moves the boundary of the existing
Charleston Deep Artificial Reef Marine
Protected Area (MPA). The purpose of
this final rule is to protect spawning
snapper-grouper species and the habitat
where they spawn, and to reduce
bycatch and bycatch mortality for
snapper-grouper species, including
speckled hind and warsaw grouper.
DATES: This final rule is effective July
31, 2017.
ADDRESSES: Electronic copies of
Amendment 36 may be obtained from or the Southeast
Regional Office Web site at https:// Amendment 36
includes an environmental assessment,
Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
analysis, regulatory impact review, and
fishery impact statement.
Frank Helies, NMFS Southeast Regional
Office, telephone: 727–824–5305, or
snapper-grouper fishery in the South
Atlantic region is managed under the
FMP and includes speckled hind and
warsaw grouper, along with other
snapper-grouper species. The FMP was
prepared by the Council and is
implemented by NMFS through
regulations at 50 CFR part 622 under the
authority of the Magnuson-Stevens
Fishery Conservation and Management
Act (Magnuson-Stevens Act).
On January 4, 2017, NMFS published
a notice of availability of Amendment
36 and requested public comment (82
FR 810). On January 18, 2017, NMFS
published the proposed rule to
implement Amendment 36 and
requested public comment (82 FR 5512).
The proposed rule and Amendment 36
outline the rationale for the actions
contained in this final rule. A summary
of the actions implemented by
Amendment 36 and this final rule is
provided below.
NMFS issues regulations to
implement Amendment 36 to the
Fishery Management Plan (FMP) for the
Snapper-Grouper Fishery of the South
Atlantic Region as prepared and
submitted by the South Atlantic Fishery
Management Council (Council). This
final rule modifies the FMP framework
procedures to allow spawning special
management zones (SMZs) to be
established or modified through the
Management Measures Contained in
This Final Rule
This final rule modifies the FMP
framework procedures to allow
spawning SMZs to be established or
modified through the framework
process; establishes spawning SMZs off
North Carolina, South Carolina, and
Florida; establishes transit and
anchoring provisions in the spawning
SMZs; establishes a sunset provision for
Federal Communications Commission.
Thomas Horan,
Chief of Staff.
[FR Doc. 2017–13765 Filed 6–29–17; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
50 CFR Part 622
[Docket No. 161020986–7352–02]
RIN 0648–BG38
Fisheries of the Caribbean, Gulf of
Mexico, and South Atlantic; SnapperGrouper Fishery of the South Atlantic
Region; Amendment 36
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[Federal Register Volume 82, Number 125 (Friday, June 30, 2017)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 29770-29772]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2017-13765]
47 CFR Part 73
[MB Docket No. 16-306, GN Docket No. 12-268; DA 17-484]
Transition Progress Report Form and Filing Requirements for
Stations Not Eligible for Reimbursement From the TV Broadcast
Relocation Fund
AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: In this document, the Federal Communications Commission
(Commission) describes the information that must be provided in
periodic progress reports (FCC Form 2100--Schedule 387 (Transition
Progress Report)) by full power and Class A television stations that
are not eligible to receive payment of relocation expenses from the TV
Broadcast Relocation Fund in connection with their being assigned to a
new channel through the Incentive Auction.
DATES: Effective June 30, 2017.
ADDRESSES: Federal Communications Commission, 445 12th Street SW.,
Washington, DC 20554.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Joyce Bernstein,, (202) 418-1647, or Kevin Harding,, (202) 418-7077.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a summary of the Commission's
document, DA 17-484, MB Docket No. 16-306, GN Docket No. 12-268,
adopted and released May 18, 2017. The complete text of this document
is available for inspection and copying during normal business hours in
the FCC Reference Information Center, Portals II, 445 12th Street SW.,
Room CY-A257, Washington, DC 20554. The complete text of this document
is also available for download at
The Incentive Auction Task Force and Media Bureau (collectively,
the Commission) previously determined that stations that are eligible
for reimbursement from the TV Broadcast Relocation Fund in connection
with their being assigned to a new channel through the Incentive
Auction must file reports showing how the disbursed funds have been
spent and what portion of the stations' construction in complete, and
sought comment on whether non-reimbursable stations should also file
reports to show what portion of the stations' construction is complete.
These Transition Progress Reports will help the Commission,
broadcasters, those involved in construction of broadcast facilities,
other interested parties, and the public to monitor the construction of
The Commission announces that each full power and Class A
television station that will be changing channels during the post-
incentive auction transition and is not eligible for reimbursement of
its relocation costs from the TV Broadcast Relocation Fund established
by the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 must follow
the same progress reporting requirements as reimbursable stations and
periodically file an FCC Form 2100--Schedule 387 (Transition Progress
Report) that is attached as Appendix A to the Public Notice DA 17-34.
The appendix is available at Non-Reimbursable stations must file
Transition Progress Reports using the Commission's electronic filing
system starting with first full calendar quarter after close of the
Incentive Auction, which occurred on April 13, 2017, and on a quarterly
basis thereafter. In addition to these quarterly reports, Non-
Reimbursable stations must file the reports: (1) 10 weeks before the
end of their assigned construction deadline; (2) 10 days after they
complete all work related to construction of their post-auction
facilities; and (3) five days after they cease broadcasting on their
pre-auction channel. Once a station has filed a Transition Progress
Report certifying that it has completed all work related to
construction of its post-auction facilities and has ceased operating on
its pre-auction channel, it will no longer be required to file reports.
The Commission will automatically line the Transition Progress Reports
to non-reimbursable stations' online local public inspection file on
the Commission's Web site.
[[Page 29771]]
Some commenters proposed changes to questions in the Transition
Progress Report Form adopted for reimbursable stations and certain
filing procedures, which the Commission treated as requests for
reconsideration and declined to adopt. The Commission declined to
incorporate the response of ``unknown at this time'' into the form for
each question, to change the wording of a question dealing with
auxiliary antenna systems, to require a more detailed level of
reporting with respect to a number of questions, to require reports to
be filed on a less frequent basis, or to allow group owners to file a
single report for all of their stations.
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 Analysis: This document contains
new or modified information collection requirements. The Commission, as
part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork burdens, has invited
the general public and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to
comment on the information collection requirements contained in this
document in a separate Federal Register Notice, as required by the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law 104-13, see 44 U.S.C. 3507.
The Commission will send a copy of the document, DA 17-484, in a
report to be sent to Congress and the Government Accountability Office
pursuant to the Congressional Review Act, see 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A).
Appendix B: Final Regulatory Flexibility Act Analysis
As required by the Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980, as amended
(``RFA''), an Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (``IRFA'') was
incorporated in the Transition Progress Report Public Notice. The
Incentive Auction Task Force and Media Bureau sought written public
comments on the proposals in the Transition Progress Report Public
Notice, including comment on the IRFA. Because we adopt filing
requirements for stations in the Public Notice, we have included this
Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (``FRFA''), which conforms to the
Need for, and Objectives of, the Rule Changes. The Federal
Communications Commission (Commission) adopted a 39-month transition
period during which television stations that are assigned to new
channels in the incentive auction must construct their new facilities.
The Commission determined that reassigned television stations that are
eligible for reimbursement from the TV Broadcast Relocation Fund are
required, on a regular basis, to provide progress reports to the
Commission showing how the disbursed funds have been spent and what
portion of construction is complete. In the Transition Progress Report
Public Notice, the Media Bureau adopted a form for such progress
reports and set the filing deadlines for such reports. The Public
Notice requires that that reassigned television stations that are not
eligible for reimbursement from the TV Broadcast Relocation Fund (Non-
Reimbursable Stations) provide the same progress reports to the
Commission on the same schedule as that specified for stations eligible
for reimbursement. The Transition Progress Report Form requires all
reassigned stations to certify that certain steps toward construction
of their post-auction channel either have been completed or are not
required, and to identify potential problems which they believe may
make it difficult for them to meet their construction deadlines. The
information in the progress reports will be used by the Commission,
stations, and other interested parties to monitor the status of
reassigned stations' construction during the 39-month transition
Summary of Significant Issues Raised by Public Comments in Response
to the IRFA. No formal comments were filed on the IRFA.
Response to Comments by the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small
Business Administration. No comments were filed on the IRFA by the
Small Business Administration.
Description and Estimate of the Number of Small Entities to Which
the Rules Will Apply. The RFA directs agencies to provide a description
of, and where feasible, an estimate of the number of small entities
that may be affected by the proposed rules, if adopted. The RFA
generally defines the term ``small entity'' as having the same meaning
as the terms ``small business,'' ``small organization,'' and ``small
governmental jurisdiction.'' In addition, the term ``small business''
has the same meaning as the term ``small business concern'' under the
Small Business Act. A small business concern is one which: (1) Is
independently owned and operated; (2) is not dominant in its field of
operation; and (3) satisfies any additional criteria established by the
SBA. Below, we provide a description of such small entities, as well as
an estimate of the number of such small entities, where feasible.
Television Broadcasting. This Economic Census category ``comprises
establishments primarily engaged in broadcasting images together with
sound.'' These establishments also produce or transmit visual
programming to affiliated broadcast television stations, which in turn
broadcast the programs to the public on a predetermined schedule.
Programming may originate in their own studio, from an affiliated
network, or from external sources. The SBA has created the following
small business size standard for such businesses: those having $38.5
million or less in annual receipts. The 2012 Economic Census reports
that 751 firms in this category operated in that year. Of that number,
656 had annual receipts of $25,000,000 or less, 25 had annual receipts
between $25,000,000 and $49,999,999 and 70 had annual receipts of
$50,000,000 or more. Based on this data we therefore estimate that the
majority of commercial television broadcasters are small entities under
the applicable SBA size standard.
The Commission has estimated the number of licensed commercial
television stations to be 1,384. Of this total, 1,264 stations (or
about 91 percent) had revenues of $38.5 million or less, according to
Commission staff review of the BIA Kelsey Inc. Media Access Pro
Television Database (BIA) on February 24, 2017, and therefore these
licensees qualify as small entities under the SBA definition. In
addition, the Commission has estimated the number of licensed
noncommercial educational (NCE) television stations to be 394.
Notwithstanding, the Commission does not compile and otherwise does not
have access to information on the revenue of NCE stations that would
permit it to determine how many such stations would qualify as small
We note, however, that in assessing whether a business concern
qualifies as small under the above definition, business (control)
affiliations must be included. Our estimate, therefore, likely
overstates the number of small entities that might be affected by our
action, because the revenue figure on which it is based does not
include or aggregate revenues from affiliated companies. In addition,
an element of the definition of ``small business'' is that the entity
not be dominant in its field of operation. We are unable at this time
to define or quantify the criteria that would establish whether a
specific television station is dominant in its field of operation.
Accordingly, the estimate of small businesses to which rules may apply
does not exclude any television station from the definition of a small
business on this basis and is therefore possibly over-inclusive to that
Class A TV Stations. The same SBA definition that applies to
television broadcast stations would apply to licensees of Class A
television stations. As noted above, the SBA has created the following
small business size standard
[[Page 29772]]
for this category: Those having $38.5 million or less in annual
receipts. The Commission has estimated the number of licensed Class A
television stations to be 417. Given the nature of these services, we
will presume that these licensees qualify as small entities under the
SBA definition.
Description of Projected Reporting, Recordkeeping, and Other
Compliance Requirements. The Public Notice adopted the following new
reporting requirements. Non-Reimbursable Stations must file the
Transition Progress Report on a quarterly basis, with the first Report
being filed beginning for the first full quarter after the release of a
public notice announcing the completion of the incentive auction. The
deadline for filing the first Report is October 10, 2017. We further
require that Non-Reimbursable Stations file Transition Progress
Reports: (1) 10 weeks before the end of their assigned construction
deadline; (2) 10 days after they complete all work related to
construction of their post-auction facilities; and (3) five days after
they cease broadcasting on their pre-auction channel. The Transition
Progress Reports will be filed electronically using the Commission's
electronic filing system, and the Commission will make the filings
viewable in stations' online public inspection files. All reassigned
stations are assigned to one of 10 Post-Auction Transition Plan Phase
with construction deadline requirements ranging from November 30, 2018
to July 3, 2020. Once a station has ceased operating on its pre-auction
channel, it no longer needs to file reports.
Steps Taken to Minimize Significant Impact on Small Entities, and
Significant Alternatives Considered. The RFA requires an agency to
describe any significant alternatives that it has considered in
reaching its proposed approach, which may include the following four
alternatives (among others): (1) The establishment of differing
compliance or reporting requirements or timetables that take into
account the resources available to small entities; (2) the
clarification, consolidation, or simplification of compliance or
reporting requirements under the rule for small entities; (3) the use
of performance, rather than design, standard; and (4) an exemption from
coverage of the rule, or any part thereof, for small entities.
The reporting requirement adopted in the Public Notice will allow
the Commission, broadcasters (including those filing the Reports), and
other interested parties to more closely monitor the status of
construction during the transition, and focus resources on ensuring
successful completion of the transition by all reassigned stations and
continuity of over-the-air television service. In addition, the burdens
of the reporting requirements are minimal and we believe the benefits
of the reporting requirements, which will facilitate the successful
post-incentive auction transition, outweigh any burdens associated with
Federal Rules that May Duplicate, Overlap, or Conflict With the
Proposed Rule. None.
Report to Congress. The Commission will send a copy of the Public
Notice, including this FRFA, in a report to be sent to Congress and the
Government Accountability Office pursuant to the Congressional Review
Act. A copy (or summary thereof) will also be published in the Federal
Report to Small Business Administration. The Commission will send a
copy of the Public Notice, including this FRFA, to the Chief Counsel
for Advocacy of the Small Business Administration.
Federal Communications Commission.
Thomas Horan,
Chief of Staff.
[FR Doc. 2017-13765 Filed 6-29-17; 8:45 am]