National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program; List of Petitions Received, 28864-28866 [2017-13314]
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 121 / Monday, June 26, 2017 / Notices
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
Secretary annually publish lists of the
designated geographic areas, population
groups, and facilities. The lists of
HPSAs are to be reviewed at least
annually and revised as necessary.
Final regulations (42 CFR part 5) were
published in 1980 that include the
criteria for designating HPSAs. Criteria
were defined for seven health
professional types: Primary medical
care, dental, psychiatric, vision care,
podiatric, pharmacy, and veterinary
care. The criteria for correctional facility
HPSAs were revised and published on
March 2, 1989 (54 FR 8735). The criteria
for psychiatric HPSAs were expanded to
mental health HPSAs on January 22,
1992 (57 FR 2473). Currently-funded
PHS Act programs use only the primary
medical care, mental health, or dental
HPSA designations.
HPSA designation offers access to
potential federal assistance. Public or
private nonprofit entities are eligible to
apply for assignment of National Health
Service Corps (NHSC) personnel to
provide primary medical care, mental
health, or dental health services in or to
these HPSAs. NHSC health
professionals enter into service
agreements to serve in federallydesignated HPSAs. Entities with clinical
training sites located in HPSAs are
eligible to receive priority for certain
residency training program grants
administered by HRSA’s Bureau of
Health Workforce (BHW). Other federal
programs also utilize HPSA
designations. For example, under
authorities administered by the Centers
for Medicare & Medicaid Services,
certain qualified providers in
geographic area HPSAs are eligible for
increased levels of Medicare
Content and Format of Lists
The three lists of designated HPSAs
are available on the HPSAFind Web site
and include a snapshot of all geographic
areas, population groups, and facilities
that were designated HPSAs as of May
1, 2017. This notice incorporates the
most recent annual reviews of
designated HPSAs and supersedes the
HPSA lists published in the Federal
Register on July 1, 2016 (81 FR 43214).
In addition, all Indian Tribes that
meet the definition of such Tribes in the
Indian Health Care Improvement Act of
1976, 25 U.S.C. 1603(d), are
automatically designated as population
groups with primary medical care and
dental health professional shortages.
Further, the Health Care Safety Net
Amendments of 2002 provides
eligibility for automatic facility HPSA
designations for all federally qualified
health centers (FQHCs) and rural health
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clinics that offer services regardless of
ability to pay. Specifically, these entities
include FQHCs funded under section
330 of the PHS Act, FQHC Look-Alikes,
and Tribal and urban Indian clinics
operating under the Indian SelfDetermination and Education Act of
1975 (25 U.S.C. 450) or the Indian
Health Care Improvement Act. Many,
but not all, of these entities are included
on this listing. Absence from this list
does not exclude them from HPSA
designation; facilities eligible for
automatic designation are included in
the database when they are identified.
Each list of designated HPSAs is
arranged by state. Within each state, a
list is presented by county. If only a
portion (or portions) of a county is (are)
designated, a county is part of a larger
designated service area, or a population
group residing in a county or a facility
located in a county has been designated,
the name of the service area, population
group, or facility involved is listed
under the county name. A county that
has a whole county geographic HPSA is
indicated by the phrase ‘‘Entire county
HPSA’’ following the county name.
Development of the Designation and
Withdrawal Lists
Requests for designation or
withdrawal of a particular geographic
area, population group, or a facility as
a HPSA are received continuously by
BHW. Under a Cooperative Agreement
between HRSA and the 54 state and
territorial Primary Care Offices (PCOs),
PCOs conduct needs assessments and
submit the majority of the applications
to HRSA to designate areas as HPSAs.
Requests that come from other sources
are referred by BHW to PCOs for review.
In addition, interested parties, including
Governors, state Primary Care
Associations, and state professional
associations, are notified of requests so
that they may submit comments and
BHW reviews each recommendation
for possible addition, continuation,
revision, or withdrawal. Following
review, BHW notifies the appropriate
agency, individuals, and interested
organizations of each designation of a
HPSA, rejection of recommendation for
HPSA designation, revision of a HPSA
designation, and/or advance notice of
pending withdrawal from the HPSA list.
Designations (or revisions of
designations) are effective as of the date
on the notification from BHW and are
updated daily on the HPSAFind Web
site. The effective date of a withdrawal
will be the next publication of a notice
regarding the lists in the Federal
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Dated: June 16, 2017.
George Sigounas,
[FR Doc. 2017–13313 Filed 6–23–17; 8:45 am]
Health Resources and Services
National Vaccine Injury Compensation
Program; List of Petitions Received
Health Resources and Services
Administration (HRSA), Department of
Health and Human Services (HHS).
ACTION: Notice.
HRSA is publishing this
notice of petitions received under the
National Vaccine Injury Compensation
Program (the program), as required by
the Public Health Service (PHS) Act, as
amended. While the Secretary of HHS is
named as the respondent in all
proceedings brought by the filing of
petitions for compensation under the
program, the United States Court of
Federal Claims is charged by statute
with responsibility for considering and
acting upon the petitions.
information about requirements for
filing petitions, and the program in
general, contact Lisa L. Reyes, Acting
Clerk, United States Court of Federal
Claims, 717 Madison Place NW.,
Washington, DC 20005, (202) 357–6400.
For information on HRSA’s role in the
program, contact the Director, National
Vaccine Injury Compensation Program,
5600 Fishers Lane, Room 08N146B,
Rockville, MD 20857; (301) 443–6593,
or visit our Web site at: https://
program provides a system of no-fault
compensation for certain individuals
who have been injured by specified
childhood vaccines. Subtitle 2 of Title
XXI of the PHS Act, 42 U.S.C. 300aa–
10 et seq., provides that those seeking
compensation are to file a petition with
the U.S. Court of Federal Claims and to
serve a copy of the petition on the
Secretary of HHS, who is named as the
respondent in each proceeding. The
Secretary has delegated this
responsibility under the program to
HRSA. The Court is directed by statute
to appoint special masters who take
evidence, conduct hearings as
appropriate, and make initial decisions
as to eligibility for, and amount of,
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 121 / Monday, June 26, 2017 / Notices
A petition may be filed with respect
to injuries, disabilities, illnesses,
conditions, and deaths resulting from
vaccines described in the Vaccine Injury
Table (the Table) set forth at 42 CFR
100.3. This Table lists for each covered
childhood vaccine the conditions that
may lead to compensation and, for each
condition, the time period for
occurrence of the first symptom or
manifestation of onset or of significant
aggravation after vaccine
administration. Compensation may also
be awarded for conditions not listed in
the Table and for conditions that are
manifested outside the time periods
specified in the Table, but only if the
petitioner shows that the condition was
caused by one of the listed vaccines.
Section 2112(b)(2) of the PHS Act, 42
U.S.C. 300aa–12(b)(2), requires that
‘‘[w]ithin 30 days after the Secretary
receives service of any petition filed
under section 2111 the Secretary shall
publish notice of such petition in the
Federal Register.’’ Set forth below is a
list of petitions received by HRSA on
May 1, 2017, through May 31, 2017.
This list provides the name of
petitioner, city and state of vaccination
(if unknown then city and state of
person or attorney filing claim), and
case number. In cases where the Court
has redacted the name of a petitioner
and/or the case number, the list reflects
such redaction.
Section 2112(b)(2) also provides that
the special master ‘‘shall afford all
interested persons an opportunity to
submit relevant, written information’’
relating to the following:
1. The existence of evidence ‘‘that
there is not a preponderance of the
evidence that the illness, disability,
injury, condition, or death described in
the petition is due to factors unrelated
to the administration of the vaccine
described in the petition,’’ and
2. Any allegation in a petition that the
petitioner either:
a. ‘‘[S]ustained, or had significantly
aggravated, any illness, disability,
injury, or condition not set forth in the
Vaccine Injury Table but which was
caused by’’ one of the vaccines referred
to in the Table, or
b. ‘‘[S]ustained, or had significantly
aggravated, any illness, disability,
injury, or condition set forth in the
Vaccine Injury Table the first symptom
or manifestation of the onset or
significant aggravation of which did not
occur within the time period set forth in
the Table but which was caused by a
vaccine’’ referred to in the Table.
In accordance with Section
2112(b)(2), all interested persons may
submit written information relevant to
the issues described above in the case of
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the petitions listed below. Any person
choosing to do so should file an original
and three (3) copies of the information
with the Clerk of the U.S. Court of
Federal Claims at the address listed
above (under the heading FOR FURTHER
INFORMATION CONTACT), with a copy to
HRSA addressed to Director, Division of
Injury Compensation Programs,
Healthcare Systems Bureau, 5600
Fishers Lane, 08N146B, Rockville, MD
20857. The Court’s caption (Petitioner’s
Name v. Secretary of HHS) and the
docket number assigned to the petition
should be used as the caption for the
written submission. Chapter 35 of title
44, United States Code, related to
paperwork reduction, does not apply to
information required for purposes of
carrying out the program.
Dated: June 16, 2017.
George Sigounas,
List of Petitions Filed
1. Carlo Smith, Phoenix, Arizona, Court of
Federal Claims No: 17–0580V
2. Deeki Sinha, Robertsdale, Alabama, Court
of Federal Claims No: 17–0582V
3. Carolyn Wall and Stephen Wall on behalf
of G.W., Aiken, South Carolina, Court of
Federal Claims No: 17–0583V
4. John Price, Epping, New Hampshire, Court
of Federal Claims No: 17–0586V
5. Julie A. Galpin, Asheville, North Carolina,
Court of Federal Claims No: 17–0588V
6. Joseph Orlando, Erie, Pennsylvania, Court
of Federal Claims No: 17–0589V
7. Eric Raymer, Lake Jackson, Texas, Court of
Federal Claims No: 17–0590V
8. Aimee Nichols, Charlestown,
Massachusetts, Court of Federal Claims
No: 17–0591V
9. Janelle Peacock, Washington, District of
Columbia, Court of Federal Claims No:
10. Mary Grammer, Arlington, Virginia, Court
of Federal Claims No: 17–0593V
11. Brian Kelly, Canton, Ohio, Court of
Federal Claims No: 17–0594V
12. Olivia Jeffers on behalf of X.J., Augusta,
Georgia, Court of Federal Claims No: 17–
13. Shawnta Gillespie, Baltimore, Maryland,
Court of Federal Claims No: 17–0597V
14. Ross Vinocur, Avon, Connecticut, Court
of Federal Claims No: 17–0598V
15. Kathleen Colbath on behalf of M.C.,
Phoenix, Arizona, Court of Federal
Claims No: 17–0599V
16. Lacey Hauck, Johnstown, Pennsylvania,
Court of Federal Claims No: 17–0602V
17. Hanane M. Seid, Oakland, California,
Court of Federal Claims No: 17–0604V
18. Yvonne Salmon, Wellington, Florida,
Court of Federal Claims No: 17–0605V
19. David Robin Curtis, West Des Moines,
Iowa, Court of Federal Claims No: 17–
20. Amy Shahbaz and Philip Shahbaz on
behalf of J.S., Glendora, California, Court
of Federal Claims No: 17–0608V
21. Evangelina Salinas, Greensboro, North
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Carolina, Court of Federal Claims No:
22. Joy Pleasant, Wellesley Hills,
Massachusetts, Court of Federal Claims
No: 17–0610V
23. Cynthia Pittman, Alexandria, Louisiana,
Court of Federal Claims No: 17–0611V
24. Alethea Agee, Dublin, California, Court of
Federal Claims No: 17–0615V
25. Kesha M. Story, Chalmette, Louisiana,
Court of Federal Claims No: 17–0616V
26. Crystal Martin, Midland, Texas, Court of
Federal Claims No: 17–0619V
27. Judith Dunn, Calera, Alabama, Court of
Federal Claims No: 17–0620V
28. Russell Kilde on behalf of K.K.,
Ortonville, Minnesota, Court of Federal
Claims No: 17–0621V
29. Donald R. Izard, Tonawanda, New York,
Court of Federal Claims No: 17–0623V
30. Janine King, Dublin, Ohio, Court of
Federal Claims No: 17–0625V
31. Mary Havener, Columbus, Ohio, Court of
Federal Claims No: 17–0626V
32. Cameron Sharp, Vienna, Virginia, Court
of Federal Claims No: 17–0628V
33. Elizabeth Hiebert, Dallas, Texas, Court of
Federal Claims No: 17–0630V
34. Harold D. O’Dell, Alloy, West Virginia,
Court of Federal Claims No: 17–0631V
35. Mark Prazoff, Washington, District of
Columbia, Court of Federal Claims No:
36. Robert William Van Keuren, Maryville,
Tennessee, Court of Federal Claims No:
37. Danielle Dotson on behalf of B.M., New
Albany, Indiana, Court of Federal Claims
No: 17–0637V
38. Diana Bell, Meridian, Idaho, Court of
Federal Claims No: 17–0638V
39. Fay Munoz, Austell, Georgia, Court of
Federal Claims No: 17–0640V
40. Sheila English, Chicago, Illinois, Court of
Federal Claims No: 17–0641V
41. Elizabeth Doles, Trenton, New Jersey,
Court of Federal Claims No: 17–0642V
42. Muna Allaham, Ypsilanti, Michigan,
Court of Federal Claims No: 17–0644V
43. Emily McIntosh, Fremont, Nebraska,
Court of Federal Claims No: 17–0645V
44. Susan Chatriand, Butte, Montana, Court
of Federal Claims No: 17–0646V
45. Richard Pastella, Camp Hill,
Pennsylvania, Court of Federal Claims
No: 17–0647V
46. Elena Trujillo, Phoenix, Arizona, Court of
Federal Claims No: 17–0648V
47. Donna T. Hyatt, Greenville, South
Carolina, Court of Federal Claims No:
48. Gina Kidwell, New Port Richey, Florida,
Court of Federal Claims No: 17–0651V
49. Rebecca Tell, New Milford, New Jersey,
Court of Federal Claims No: 17–0652V
50. Ardena White, Chicago, Illinois, Court of
Federal Claims No: 17–0655V
51. Misty Titus, Flagstaff, Arizona, Court of
Federal Claims No: 17–0656V
52. John Berchielli, Washington, District of
Columbia, Court of Federal Claims No:
53. Beth Bieranowski, McKees Rocks,
Pennsylvania, Court of Federal Claims
No: 17–0659V
54. Amy Lynn Smith, Brookfield, Wisconsin,
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 121 / Monday, June 26, 2017 / Notices
Court of Federal Claims No: 17–0660V
55. Ethel Lynn Munn, Norfolk, Virginia,
Court of Federal Claims No: 17–0662V
56. Robert Meli, Ocean City, New Jersey,
Court of Federal Claims No: 17–0666V
57. John Sheridan, Phoenix, Arizona, Court
of Federal Claims No: 17–0669V
58. Christine Pearson, Warrenton, Virginia,
Court of Federal Claims No: 17–0670V
59. Shannon Finch, Riverside, California,
Court of Federal Claims No: 17–0675V
60. Elizabeth Turner, Sacramento, California,
Court of Federal Claims No: 17–0678V
61. Cynthia A. Marcinik, Latrobe,
Pennsylvania, Court of Federal Claims
No: 17–0680V
62. Kimberly R. Koebler, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, Court of Federal Claims
No: 17–0681V
63. Tanitha Jackson on behalf of D.E.,
Albany, Georgia, Court of Federal Claims
No: 17–0682V
64. Kimberly Roberts, Torrance, California,
Court of Federal Claims No: 17–0683V
65. Billy Dean Peel, Martinez, Georgia, Court
of Federal Claims No: 17–0684V
66. Kristie McClure, Murphy, North Carolina,
Court of Federal Claims No: 17–0687V
67. Anita Burgess, Denton, Texas, Court of
Federal Claims No: 17–0688V
68. Victor Walker, Juneau, Alaska, Court of
Federal Claims No: 17–0689V
69. Mona Ibrahim, Fargo, North Dakota,
Court of Federal Claims No: 17–0690V
70. Darlene Dinkel, Salina, Kansas, Court of
Federal Claims No: 17–0691V
71. Todd Rosenthal, Ft. Mill, South Carolina,
Court of Federal Claims No: 17–0693V
72. Victor Morales, Pembroke Pines, Florida,
Court of Federal Claims No: 17–0694V
73. Valerie Mulholland, Florence, Oregon,
Court of Federal Claims No: 17–0696V
74. Joseph L. Wheatley, Louisville, Kentucky,
Court of Federal Claims No: 17–0697V
75. Julius Vine, Glendale, California, Court of
Federal Claims No: 17–0698V
76. Nico Herron and Patience Turner on
behalf of Xavier Herron, Deceased, Palo
Alto, California, Court of Federal Claims
No: 17–0700V
77. Jeffery Graves, Dresher, Pennsylvania,
Court of Federal Claims No: 17–0701V
78. Christy Lynn Day on behalf of Reid
Thomas Englehart, Deceased, Baton
Rouge, Louisiana, Court of Federal
Claims No: 17–0702V
79. Jamie L. Pinelli, San Clemente, California,
Court of Federal Claims No: 17–0704V
80. Samuel Schrecengost, Clarion,
Pennsylvania, Court of Federal Claims
No: 17–0705V
81. Linda McDonald, Voorhees, New Jersey,
Court of Federal Claims No: 17–0706V
82. Willie Griffin, Dallas, Texas, Court of
Federal Claims No: 17–0707V
83. Carolyn Curtis, Waldorf, Maryland, Court
of Federal Claims No: 17–0708V
84. Jannie Owens, Knoxville, Tennessee,
Court of Federal Claims No: 17–0709V
85. Marc Dudash, Greensboro, North
Carolina, Court of Federal Claims No:
86. Jennifer Butterworth Lyons, Chicago,
Illinois, Court of Federal Claims No: 17–
87. Lynn Farag on behalf of Z.F., Roseland,
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New Jersey, Court of Federal Claims No:
88. Catherine W. Viega, Rochester, New York,
Court of Federal Claims No: 17–0715V
89. Iola Sykes, Sarasota, Florida, Court of
Federal Claims No: 17–0716V
90. Dennis Smalley, Washington, District of
Columbia, Court of Federal Claims No:
91. Lauren Jankowski on behalf of L.J.,
Englewood, New Jersey, Court of Federal
Claims No: 17–0718V
92. Marci Talley Banks, Greensboro, North
Carolina, Court of Federal Claims No:
93. Paula Burcham, Mankato, Minnesota,
Court of Federal Claims No: 17–0720V
94. Darlene Headding, Rancho Santa
Margarita, California, Court of Federal
Claims No: 17–0721V
95. Linda Chen on behalf of K.N., Boston,
Massachusetts, Court of Federal Claims
No: 17–0722V
96. Tina Reynolds, Beverly Hills, California,
Court of Federal Claims No: 17–0723V
[FR Doc. 2017–13314 Filed 6–23–17; 8:45 am]
National Institutes of Health
National Institute of Diabetes and
Digestive and Kidney Diseases; Notice
of Closed Meetings
Pursuant to section 10(d) of the
Federal Advisory Committee Act, as
amended (5 U.S.C. App.), notice is
hereby given of the following meetings.
The meetings will be closed to the
public in accordance with the
provisions set forth in sections
552b(c)(4) and 552b(c)(6), Title 5 U.S.C.,
as amended. The grant applications and
the discussions could disclose
confidential trade secrets or commercial
property such as patentable material,
and personal information concerning
individuals associated with the grant
applications, the disclosure of which
would constitute a clearly unwarranted
invasion of personal privacy.
Name of Committee: National Institute of
Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
Special Emphasis Panel; Pancreas-Related
Date: July 14, 2017.
Time: 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Agenda: To review and evaluate grant
Place: National Institutes of Health, Two
Democracy Plaza, 6707 Democracy
Boulevard, Bethesda, MD 20892 (Telephone
Conference Call).
Contact Person: Paul A. Rushing, Ph.D.,
Scientific Review Officer, Review Branch,
DEA, NIDDK, National Institutes of Health,
Room 7345, 6707 Democracy Boulevard,
Bethesda, MD 20892–5452, (301) 594–8895,
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Name of Committee: National Institute of
Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
Special Emphasis Panel; Digestive Disease
Research Core Centers.
Date: July 19, 2017.
Time: 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Agenda: To review and evaluate grant
Place: National Institutes of Health, Two
Democracy Plaza, 6707 Democracy
Boulevard, Bethesda, MD 20892 (Telephone
Conference Call).
Contact Person: Paul A. Rushing, Ph.D.,
Scientific Review Officer, Review Branch,
DEA, NIDDK, National Institutes of Health,
Room 7345, 6707 Democracy Boulevard,
Bethesda, MD 20892–5452, (301) 594–8895,
Name of Committee: National Institute of
Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
Special Emphasis Panel; Bladder Function
Date: July 21, 2017.
Time: 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Agenda: To review and evaluate grant
Place: National Institutes of Health, Two
Democracy Plaza, 6707 Democracy
Boulevard, Bethesda, MD 20892 (Telephone
Conference Call).
Contact Person: Ryan G. Morris, Ph.D.,
Scientific Review Officer, Review Branch,
DEA, NIDDK, National Institutes of Health,
Room 7015, 6707 Democracy Boulevard,
Bethesda, MD 20892–2542, 301–594–4721,
Name of Committee: National Institute of
Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
Special Emphasis Panel; RFA DK17–501
Limited Competition: Revision Application
for the Human Islet Research Network
Coordinating Center (U01).
Date: July 24, 2017.
Time: 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Agenda: To review and evaluate
cooperative agreement applications.
Place: National Institutes of Health, Two
Democracy Plaza, 6707 Democracy
Boulevard, Bethesda, MD 20892 (Telephone
Conference Call).
Contact Person: Ann A. Jerkins, Ph.D.,
Scientific Review Officer, Review Branch,
DEA, NIDDK, National Institutes of Health,
Room 7119, 6707 Democracy Boulevard,
Bethesda, MD 20892–5452, 301–594–2242,
Name of Committee: National Institute of
Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
Special Emphasis Panel; RFA DK16–005
Identification of Mechanisms Mediating the
Effects of Sleep on Diabetes-Related
Metabolism in Humans (R01).
Date: July 25, 2017.
Time: 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Agenda: To review and evaluate grant
Place: National Institutes of Health, Two
Democracy Plaza, 6707 Democracy
Boulevard, Bethesda, MD 20892 (Telephone
Conference Call).
Contact Person: Ann A. Jerkins, Ph.D.,
Scientific Review Officer, Review Branch,
DEA, NIDDK, National Institutes of Health,
Room 7119, 6707 Democracy Boulevard,
Bethesda, MD 20892–5452, 301–594–2242,
[Federal Register Volume 82, Number 121 (Monday, June 26, 2017)]
[Pages 28864-28866]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2017-13314]
Health Resources and Services Administration
National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program; List of Petitions
AGENCY: Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Department
of Health and Human Services (HHS).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: HRSA is publishing this notice of petitions received under the
National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (the program), as required
by the Public Health Service (PHS) Act, as amended. While the Secretary
of HHS is named as the respondent in all proceedings brought by the
filing of petitions for compensation under the program, the United
States Court of Federal Claims is charged by statute with
responsibility for considering and acting upon the petitions.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For information about requirements for
filing petitions, and the program in general, contact Lisa L. Reyes,
Acting Clerk, United States Court of Federal Claims, 717 Madison Place
NW., Washington, DC 20005, (202) 357-6400. For information on HRSA's
role in the program, contact the Director, National Vaccine Injury
Compensation Program, 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 08N146B, Rockville, MD
20857; (301) 443-6593, or visit our Web site at:
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The program provides a system of no-fault
compensation for certain individuals who have been injured by specified
childhood vaccines. Subtitle 2 of Title XXI of the PHS Act, 42 U.S.C.
300aa-10 et seq., provides that those seeking compensation are to file
a petition with the U.S. Court of Federal Claims and to serve a copy of
the petition on the Secretary of HHS, who is named as the respondent in
each proceeding. The Secretary has delegated this responsibility under
the program to HRSA. The Court is directed by statute to appoint
special masters who take evidence, conduct hearings as appropriate, and
make initial decisions as to eligibility for, and amount of,
[[Page 28865]]
A petition may be filed with respect to injuries, disabilities,
illnesses, conditions, and deaths resulting from vaccines described in
the Vaccine Injury Table (the Table) set forth at 42 CFR 100.3. This
Table lists for each covered childhood vaccine the conditions that may
lead to compensation and, for each condition, the time period for
occurrence of the first symptom or manifestation of onset or of
significant aggravation after vaccine administration. Compensation may
also be awarded for conditions not listed in the Table and for
conditions that are manifested outside the time periods specified in
the Table, but only if the petitioner shows that the condition was
caused by one of the listed vaccines.
Section 2112(b)(2) of the PHS Act, 42 U.S.C. 300aa-12(b)(2),
requires that ``[w]ithin 30 days after the Secretary receives service
of any petition filed under section 2111 the Secretary shall publish
notice of such petition in the Federal Register.'' Set forth below is a
list of petitions received by HRSA on May 1, 2017, through May 31,
2017. This list provides the name of petitioner, city and state of
vaccination (if unknown then city and state of person or attorney
filing claim), and case number. In cases where the Court has redacted
the name of a petitioner and/or the case number, the list reflects such
Section 2112(b)(2) also provides that the special master ``shall
afford all interested persons an opportunity to submit relevant,
written information'' relating to the following:
1. The existence of evidence ``that there is not a preponderance of
the evidence that the illness, disability, injury, condition, or death
described in the petition is due to factors unrelated to the
administration of the vaccine described in the petition,'' and
2. Any allegation in a petition that the petitioner either:
a. ``[S]ustained, or had significantly aggravated, any illness,
disability, injury, or condition not set forth in the Vaccine Injury
Table but which was caused by'' one of the vaccines referred to in the
Table, or
b. ``[S]ustained, or had significantly aggravated, any illness,
disability, injury, or condition set forth in the Vaccine Injury Table
the first symptom or manifestation of the onset or significant
aggravation of which did not occur within the time period set forth in
the Table but which was caused by a vaccine'' referred to in the Table.
In accordance with Section 2112(b)(2), all interested persons may
submit written information relevant to the issues described above in
the case of the petitions listed below. Any person choosing to do so
should file an original and three (3) copies of the information with
the Clerk of the U.S. Court of Federal Claims at the address listed
above (under the heading FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT), with a copy
to HRSA addressed to Director, Division of Injury Compensation
Programs, Healthcare Systems Bureau, 5600 Fishers Lane, 08N146B,
Rockville, MD 20857. The Court's caption (Petitioner's Name v.
Secretary of HHS) and the docket number assigned to the petition should
be used as the caption for the written submission. Chapter 35 of title
44, United States Code, related to paperwork reduction, does not apply
to information required for purposes of carrying out the program.
Dated: June 16, 2017.
George Sigounas,
List of Petitions Filed
1. Carlo Smith, Phoenix, Arizona, Court of Federal Claims No: 17-
2. Deeki Sinha, Robertsdale, Alabama, Court of Federal Claims No:
3. Carolyn Wall and Stephen Wall on behalf of G.W., Aiken, South
Carolina, Court of Federal Claims No: 17-0583V
4. John Price, Epping, New Hampshire, Court of Federal Claims No:
5. Julie A. Galpin, Asheville, North Carolina, Court of Federal
Claims No: 17-0588V
6. Joseph Orlando, Erie, Pennsylvania, Court of Federal Claims No:
7. Eric Raymer, Lake Jackson, Texas, Court of Federal Claims No: 17-
8. Aimee Nichols, Charlestown, Massachusetts, Court of Federal
Claims No: 17-0591V
9. Janelle Peacock, Washington, District of Columbia, Court of
Federal Claims No: 17-0592V
10. Mary Grammer, Arlington, Virginia, Court of Federal Claims No:
11. Brian Kelly, Canton, Ohio, Court of Federal Claims No: 17-0594V
12. Olivia Jeffers on behalf of X.J., Augusta, Georgia, Court of
Federal Claims No: 17-0596V
13. Shawnta Gillespie, Baltimore, Maryland, Court of Federal Claims
No: 17-0597V
14. Ross Vinocur, Avon, Connecticut, Court of Federal Claims No: 17-
15. Kathleen Colbath on behalf of M.C., Phoenix, Arizona, Court of
Federal Claims No: 17-0599V
16. Lacey Hauck, Johnstown, Pennsylvania, Court of Federal Claims
No: 17-0602V
17. Hanane M. Seid, Oakland, California, Court of Federal Claims No:
18. Yvonne Salmon, Wellington, Florida, Court of Federal Claims No:
19. David Robin Curtis, West Des Moines, Iowa, Court of Federal
Claims No: 17-0607V
20. Amy Shahbaz and Philip Shahbaz on behalf of J.S., Glendora,
California, Court of Federal Claims No: 17-0608V
21. Evangelina Salinas, Greensboro, North Carolina, Court of Federal
Claims No: 17-0609V
22. Joy Pleasant, Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts, Court of Federal
Claims No: 17-0610V
23. Cynthia Pittman, Alexandria, Louisiana, Court of Federal Claims
No: 17-0611V
24. Alethea Agee, Dublin, California, Court of Federal Claims No:
25. Kesha M. Story, Chalmette, Louisiana, Court of Federal Claims
No: 17-0616V
26. Crystal Martin, Midland, Texas, Court of Federal Claims No: 17-
27. Judith Dunn, Calera, Alabama, Court of Federal Claims No: 17-
28. Russell Kilde on behalf of K.K., Ortonville, Minnesota, Court of
Federal Claims No: 17-0621V
29. Donald R. Izard, Tonawanda, New York, Court of Federal Claims
No: 17-0623V
30. Janine King, Dublin, Ohio, Court of Federal Claims No: 17-0625V
31. Mary Havener, Columbus, Ohio, Court of Federal Claims No: 17-
32. Cameron Sharp, Vienna, Virginia, Court of Federal Claims No: 17-
33. Elizabeth Hiebert, Dallas, Texas, Court of Federal Claims No:
34. Harold D. O'Dell, Alloy, West Virginia, Court of Federal Claims
No: 17-0631V
35. Mark Prazoff, Washington, District of Columbia, Court of Federal
Claims No: 17-0634V
36. Robert William Van Keuren, Maryville, Tennessee, Court of
Federal Claims No: 17-0636V
37. Danielle Dotson on behalf of B.M., New Albany, Indiana, Court of
Federal Claims No: 17-0637V
38. Diana Bell, Meridian, Idaho, Court of Federal Claims No: 17-
39. Fay Munoz, Austell, Georgia, Court of Federal Claims No: 17-
40. Sheila English, Chicago, Illinois, Court of Federal Claims No:
41. Elizabeth Doles, Trenton, New Jersey, Court of Federal Claims
No: 17-0642V
42. Muna Allaham, Ypsilanti, Michigan, Court of Federal Claims No:
43. Emily McIntosh, Fremont, Nebraska, Court of Federal Claims No:
44. Susan Chatriand, Butte, Montana, Court of Federal Claims No: 17-
45. Richard Pastella, Camp Hill, Pennsylvania, Court of Federal
Claims No: 17-0647V
46. Elena Trujillo, Phoenix, Arizona, Court of Federal Claims No:
47. Donna T. Hyatt, Greenville, South Carolina, Court of Federal
Claims No: 17-0650V
48. Gina Kidwell, New Port Richey, Florida, Court of Federal Claims
No: 17-0651V
49. Rebecca Tell, New Milford, New Jersey, Court of Federal Claims
No: 17-0652V
50. Ardena White, Chicago, Illinois, Court of Federal Claims No: 17-
51. Misty Titus, Flagstaff, Arizona, Court of Federal Claims No: 17-
52. John Berchielli, Washington, District of Columbia, Court of
Federal Claims No: 17-0658V
53. Beth Bieranowski, McKees Rocks, Pennsylvania, Court of Federal
Claims No: 17-0659V
54. Amy Lynn Smith, Brookfield, Wisconsin,
[[Page 28866]]
Court of Federal Claims No: 17-0660V
55. Ethel Lynn Munn, Norfolk, Virginia, Court of Federal Claims No:
56. Robert Meli, Ocean City, New Jersey, Court of Federal Claims No:
57. John Sheridan, Phoenix, Arizona, Court of Federal Claims No: 17-
58. Christine Pearson, Warrenton, Virginia, Court of Federal Claims
No: 17-0670V
59. Shannon Finch, Riverside, California, Court of Federal Claims
No: 17-0675V
60. Elizabeth Turner, Sacramento, California, Court of Federal
Claims No: 17-0678V
61. Cynthia A. Marcinik, Latrobe, Pennsylvania, Court of Federal
Claims No: 17-0680V
62. Kimberly R. Koebler, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Court of Federal
Claims No: 17-0681V
63. Tanitha Jackson on behalf of D.E., Albany, Georgia, Court of
Federal Claims No: 17-0682V
64. Kimberly Roberts, Torrance, California, Court of Federal Claims
No: 17-0683V
65. Billy Dean Peel, Martinez, Georgia, Court of Federal Claims No:
66. Kristie McClure, Murphy, North Carolina, Court of Federal Claims
No: 17-0687V
67. Anita Burgess, Denton, Texas, Court of Federal Claims No: 17-
68. Victor Walker, Juneau, Alaska, Court of Federal Claims No: 17-
69. Mona Ibrahim, Fargo, North Dakota, Court of Federal Claims No:
70. Darlene Dinkel, Salina, Kansas, Court of Federal Claims No: 17-
71. Todd Rosenthal, Ft. Mill, South Carolina, Court of Federal
Claims No: 17-0693V
72. Victor Morales, Pembroke Pines, Florida, Court of Federal Claims
No: 17-0694V
73. Valerie Mulholland, Florence, Oregon, Court of Federal Claims
No: 17-0696V
74. Joseph L. Wheatley, Louisville, Kentucky, Court of Federal
Claims No: 17-0697V
75. Julius Vine, Glendale, California, Court of Federal Claims No:
76. Nico Herron and Patience Turner on behalf of Xavier Herron,
Deceased, Palo Alto, California, Court of Federal Claims No: 17-
77. Jeffery Graves, Dresher, Pennsylvania, Court of Federal Claims
No: 17-0701V
78. Christy Lynn Day on behalf of Reid Thomas Englehart, Deceased,
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Court of Federal Claims No: 17-0702V
79. Jamie L. Pinelli, San Clemente, California, Court of Federal
Claims No: 17-0704V
80. Samuel Schrecengost, Clarion, Pennsylvania, Court of Federal
Claims No: 17-0705V
81. Linda McDonald, Voorhees, New Jersey, Court of Federal Claims
No: 17-0706V
82. Willie Griffin, Dallas, Texas, Court of Federal Claims No: 17-
83. Carolyn Curtis, Waldorf, Maryland, Court of Federal Claims No:
84. Jannie Owens, Knoxville, Tennessee, Court of Federal Claims No:
85. Marc Dudash, Greensboro, North Carolina, Court of Federal Claims
No: 17-0710V
86. Jennifer Butterworth Lyons, Chicago, Illinois, Court of Federal
Claims No: 17-0713V
87. Lynn Farag on behalf of Z.F., Roseland, New Jersey, Court of
Federal Claims No: 17-0714V
88. Catherine W. Viega, Rochester, New York, Court of Federal Claims
No: 17-0715V
89. Iola Sykes, Sarasota, Florida, Court of Federal Claims No: 17-
90. Dennis Smalley, Washington, District of Columbia, Court of
Federal Claims No: 17-0717V
91. Lauren Jankowski on behalf of L.J., Englewood, New Jersey, Court
of Federal Claims No: 17-0718V
92. Marci Talley Banks, Greensboro, North Carolina, Court of Federal
Claims No: 17-0719V
93. Paula Burcham, Mankato, Minnesota, Court of Federal Claims No:
94. Darlene Headding, Rancho Santa Margarita, California, Court of
Federal Claims No: 17-0721V
95. Linda Chen on behalf of K.N., Boston, Massachusetts, Court of
Federal Claims No: 17-0722V
96. Tina Reynolds, Beverly Hills, California, Court of Federal
Claims No: 17-0723V
[FR Doc. 2017-13314 Filed 6-23-17; 8:45 am]