Surveys of Marine Recreational Fishing Effort on the U.S. Atlantic Coast and in the Gulf of Mexico; Marine Recreational Information Program (MRIP); Center for Independent Experts; Public Meeting, 28303-28304 [2017-12962]
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 118 / Wednesday, June 21, 2017 / Notices
undertaking is in everyone’s best
interest to avoid having problems
emerge later as a project develops. If
effects are identified, the Forest must
reduce or eliminate those effects
through avoidance, data recovery, or
other forms of mitigation and in
consultation with the State Historic
Preservation Office, Native American
tribes, and interested parties. In order
for you to be considered as a consulting
party, you must submit a written request
to me in response to this letter. Each
request will be reviewed in consultation
with the State Historic Preservation
Office, Tribal Historic Preservation
Office and Native American tribes to
determine which should be consulting
A draft EIS will be filed with the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
and available for public review by June,
2018. The EPA will publish a Notice of
Availability (NOA) of the draft EIS in
the Federal Register. The final EIS is
scheduled to be available September,
The comment period on the draft EIS
will be 45 days from the date the EPA
publishes the notice of availability in
the Federal Register.
The Forest Service believes, at this
early stage, it is important to give
reviewers notice of several court rulings
related to public participation in the
environmental review process. First,
reviewers of a draft EIS must structure
their participation in the environmental
review of the proposal so that it is
meaningful and alerts an agency to the
reviewer’s position and contentions
[Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp.
v. NRDC, 435 U.S. 519, 553 (1978)].
Also, environmental objections that
could be raised at the draft EIS stage,
but that are not raised until after
completion of the final EIS, may be
waived or dismissed by the courts [City
of Angoon v. Harris, 490 F. Supp. 1334,
1338 (E.D. Wis. 1980)]. It is very
important that those interested in this
proposed action participate by the close
of the 45-day comment period, so that
substantive comments and objections
are made available to the Forest Service
at a time when it can meaningfully
consider them and respond to them in
the final EIS.
To assist the Forest Service in
identifying and considering issues and
concerns on the proposed action,
comments on the draft EIS should be as
specific as possible. It is also helpful if
comments refer to specific pages or
chapters of the draft statement.
Comments may also address the
adequacy of the draft EIS of the merits
of the alternatives formulated and
discussed in the statement. Reviewers
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may wish to refer to the Council on
Environmental Quality Regulations for
implementing the procedural provisions
of the National Environmental Policy
Act at 40 CFR 1503.3 in addressing
these points.
In the final EIS, the Forest Service is
required to respond to substantive
comments received during the comment
period for the draft EIS. The Forest
Service is the lead agency and the
responsible official is the Forest
Supervisor, Ochoco National Forest.
The responsible official will decide
whether and how to revise the Ochoco
Wild Horse Herd Management Plan.
The Ochoco Wild Horse Herd
Management Plan decision and the
reasons for the decision will be
documented in the record of decision.
That decision will be subject to the
Forest Service Project-level
Predecisional Administrative Review
Process (‘‘Objection Process’’ at 36 CFR
Dated: June 7, 2017.
Jeanne M. Higgins,
Associate Deputy Chief, National Forest
[FR Doc. 2017–12951 Filed 6–20–17; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
RIN 0648–XF490
Surveys of Marine Recreational
Fishing Effort on the U.S. Atlantic
Coast and in the Gulf of Mexico;
Marine Recreational Information
Program (MRIP); Center for
Independent Experts; Public Meeting
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice of public meeting.
NMFS is convening a peer
review of a Calibration Model proposed
by the Marine Recreational Information
Program (MRIP) to support its planned
transition from a legacy telephone
survey to a new mail survey for
collecting data needed to estimate
marine recreational fishing effort by
shore and private/rental boat anglers on
the Atlantic coast and in the Gulf of
Mexico. The peer review includes
reviewers appointed by the Center for
Independent Experts (CIE), as well as
reviewers selected by the Atlantic States
Marine Fisheries Commission and the
New England, Mid-Atlantic, South
PO 00000
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Atlantic, and Gulf of Mexico Fishery
Management Councils. This notice lists
the time and place of the Peer Review
DATES: The Workshop will be held from
9 a.m. on June 27, 2017 until 12 p.m. on
June 29, 2017.
ADDRESSES: The Workshop will be held
at the Sheraton Hotel, 8777 Georgia
Avenue, Silver Spring, MD, 20910;
Phone: 301/589–0800.
David Van Voorhees, Chief of Fisheries
Statistics Division of NMFS Office of
Science and Technology; phone 301/
427–8189; FAX 301/427–4520; email:
Marine Recreational Information
Program formed a Transition Team in
2015 to plan transitions from legacy
survey designs to new, or improved,
survey designs for monitoring marine
recreational fishing effort and catch. The
Transition Team consists of
representatives from NOAA Fisheries,
the regional fishery management
councils, the interstate fisheries
commissions, and several state marine
fisheries agencies. The team prepared a
transition plan for implementing a new
mail survey called the ‘‘Fishing Effort
Survey’’ to replace the legacy telephone
survey called the ‘‘Coastal Household
Telephone Survey’’. The plan requires
development of a calibration model to
account for consistent differences
between the surveys in their statistical
estimates of fishing effort.
The Peer Review Workshop will
provide an assessment of the model
developed by MRIP for this purpose.
The product of the Workshop will be a
Summary documenting panel opinions
regarding the strengths and weaknesses
of the proposed calibration model. The
panel of reviewers will consist of three
persons selected by the Center of
Independent Experts, and four persons
selected by the regional fishery
management councils and ASMFC. The
Panel will be chaired by an individual
also selected by the councils and
ASMFC. The Agenda is subject to
change, and the latest version will be
posted at https:// The
workshop will also be accessible by
webinar in listen-only mode. Requests
for webinar access should be directed to
CONTACT) three days prior to the
Special Accommodations
This workshop will be physically
accessible to people with disabilities.
Requests for auxiliary aids should be
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 118 / Wednesday, June 21, 2017 / Notices
directed to NMFS (see FOR FURTHER
INFORMATION CONTACT) three days prior
to the meeting.
Note: The times and sequence
specified in the agenda are subject to
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
Dated: June 16, 2017.
Ned Cyr,
Director, Office of Science and Technology,
National Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2017–12962 Filed 6–20–17; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
RIN 0648–XF474
Endangered and Threatened Species;
Initiation of 5-Year Reviews for the
Endangered Baiji/Chinese River
Dolphin/Yangtze River Dolphin and
Endangered Saimaa Subspecies of
Ringed Seal
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice of initiation of 5-year
reviews; request for information.
NMFS announces its intent to
conduct 5-year reviews for the
endangered Baiji/Chinese River
Dolphin/Yangtze River Dolphin (Lipotes
vexillifer), and the endangered Saimaa
subspecies of ringed seal (Phoca hispida
saimensis). NMFS is required by the
ESA to conduct 5-year reviews to ensure
that the listing classifications of the
species are accurate. The 5-year reviews
must be based on the best scientific and
commercial data available at the time.
We request submission of any such
information on Baiji/Chinese River
Dolphin/Yangtze River Dolphin and
Saimaa ringed seal, particularly
information on the status, threats, and
recovery of the species that has become
available since the previous status
review for Baiji/Chinese River Dolphin/
Yangtze River Dolphin in February 2012
and Saimaa seal in December 2010.
DATES: To allow us adequate time to
conduct this review, we must receive
your information no later than August
21, 2017. However, we will continue to
accept new information about any listed
species at any time.
ADDRESSES: You may submit
information on this document identified
by NOAA–NMFS–2017–0057 by either
of the following methods:
asabaliauskas on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with NOTICES
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• Electronic Submission: Submit
electronic information via the Federal eRulemaking Portal. Go to To submit
information via the e-Rulemaking
Portal, first click the ‘‘submit a
comment’’ icon, then enter NOAA–
NMFS–2017–0057 in the keyword
search. Locate the document you wish
to respond to from the resulting list and
click on the ‘‘Submit a Comment’’ icon
on the right of that line.
• Mail or Hand-Deliver: Submit
written comments to Endangered
Species Conservation Division, Office of
Protected Resources, NMFS, 1315 EastWest Highway, Room 13535, Silver
Spring, MD 20910; Attn: Ron Dean.
Instructions: Information must be
submitted by one of the above methods
to ensure that the information is
received, documented, and considered
by NMFS. Information sent by any other
method, to any other address or
individual, or received after the end of
the specified period, may not be
considered. All information received is
a part of the public record and will
generally be posted for public viewing
on without change.
All personal identifying information
(e.g., name, address, etc.), confidential
business information, or otherwise
sensitive or protected information
submitted voluntarily by the sender will
be publicly accessible. NMFS will
accept anonymous submissions (enter
‘‘N/A’’ in the required fields if you wish
to remain anonymous).
Dean at the above address, by phone at
(301) 427–8403 or
notice announces our active review of
the Baiji/Chinese River Dolphin/
Yangtze River Dolphin and the Saimaa
seal. Section 4(c)(2)(A) of the ESA
requires that we conduct a review of
listed species at least once every five
years. The regulations in 50 CFR 424.21
require that we publish a notice in the
Federal Register announcing species
currently under active review. On the
basis of such reviews under section
4(c)(2)(B), we determine whether a
species should be delisted or
reclassified from endangered to
threatened or from threatened to
endangered. As described by the
regulations in 50 CFR 424.11(d),
delisting a species must be supported by
the best scientific and commercial data
available and only considered if such
data substantiates that the species is
neither endangered nor threatened for
one or more of the following reasons: (1)
The species is considered extinct; (2)
the species is considered to be
PO 00000
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recovered; or (3) the original data
available when the species was listed, or
the interpretation of such data, were in
error. Any change in Federal
classification would require a separate
rulemaking process. The Baiji/Chinese
River Dolphin/Yangtze River Dolphin
was listed as endangered under the ESA
on May 30, 1989 (54 FR 22906) and the
Saimaa seal was listed as endangered
under the ESA on May 6, 1993 (58 FR
Background information on Baiji/
Chinese River Dolphin/Yangtze River
Dolphin, including the endangered
listing, is available on the NMFS Office
of Protected Species Web site at: https://
mammals/dolphins/chinese-riverdolphin.html. Background information
on Saimaa seal, including the
endangered listing, is available on the
NMFS Office of Protected Species Web
site at:
Determining if a Species Is Threatened
or Endangered
Section 4(a)(1) of the ESA requires
that we determine whether a species is
endangered or threatened based on one
or more of the five following factors: (1)
The present or threatened destruction,
modification, or curtailment of its
habitat or range; (2) overutilization for
commercial, recreational, scientific, or
educational purposes; (3) disease or
predation; (4) the inadequacy of existing
regulatory mechanisms; or (5) other
natural or manmade factors affecting its
continued existence. Section 4(b) also
requires that our determination be made
on the basis of the best scientific and
commercial data available after
conducting a review of the status of the
species and after taking into account
those efforts, if any, being made by any
State or foreign nation, to protect such
Public Solicitation of New Information
To ensure that the 5-year reviews are
complete and based on the best
available scientific and commercial
data, we are soliciting new information
from the public, governmental agencies,
Tribes, the scientific community,
industry, environmental entities, and
any other interested parties concerning
the status of Baiji/Chinese River
Dolphin/Yangtze River Dolphin, and the
Saimaa seal. Categories of requested
information include: (1) Species biology
including, but not limited to, population
trends, distribution, abundance,
demographics, and genetics; (2) habitat
conditions including, but not limited to,
amount, distribution, and important
[Federal Register Volume 82, Number 118 (Wednesday, June 21, 2017)]
[Pages 28303-28304]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2017-12962]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
RIN 0648-XF490
Surveys of Marine Recreational Fishing Effort on the U.S.
Atlantic Coast and in the Gulf of Mexico; Marine Recreational
Information Program (MRIP); Center for Independent Experts; Public
AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
ACTION: Notice of public meeting.
SUMMARY: NMFS is convening a peer review of a Calibration Model
proposed by the Marine Recreational Information Program (MRIP) to
support its planned transition from a legacy telephone survey to a new
mail survey for collecting data needed to estimate marine recreational
fishing effort by shore and private/rental boat anglers on the Atlantic
coast and in the Gulf of Mexico. The peer review includes reviewers
appointed by the Center for Independent Experts (CIE), as well as
reviewers selected by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission
and the New England, Mid-Atlantic, South Atlantic, and Gulf of Mexico
Fishery Management Councils. This notice lists the time and place of
the Peer Review Workshop.
DATES: The Workshop will be held from 9 a.m. on June 27, 2017 until 12
p.m. on June 29, 2017.
ADDRESSES: The Workshop will be held at the Sheraton Hotel, 8777
Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring, MD, 20910; Phone: 301/589-0800.
Fisheries Statistics Division of NMFS Office of Science and Technology;
phone 301/427-8189; FAX 301/427-4520; email:
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Marine Recreational Information Program
formed a Transition Team in 2015 to plan transitions from legacy survey
designs to new, or improved, survey designs for monitoring marine
recreational fishing effort and catch. The Transition Team consists of
representatives from NOAA Fisheries, the regional fishery management
councils, the interstate fisheries commissions, and several state
marine fisheries agencies. The team prepared a transition plan for
implementing a new mail survey called the ``Fishing Effort Survey'' to
replace the legacy telephone survey called the ``Coastal Household
Telephone Survey''. The plan requires development of a calibration
model to account for consistent differences between the surveys in
their statistical estimates of fishing effort.
The Peer Review Workshop will provide an assessment of the model
developed by MRIP for this purpose. The product of the Workshop will be
a Summary documenting panel opinions regarding the strengths and
weaknesses of the proposed calibration model. The panel of reviewers
will consist of three persons selected by the Center of Independent
Experts, and four persons selected by the regional fishery management
councils and ASMFC. The Panel will be chaired by an individual also
selected by the councils and ASMFC. The Agenda is subject to change,
and the latest version will be posted at The workshop will also be accessible by
webinar in listen-only mode. Requests for webinar access should be
directed to NMFS (see FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT) three days prior
to the workshop.
Special Accommodations
This workshop will be physically accessible to people with
disabilities. Requests for auxiliary aids should be
[[Page 28304]]
directed to NMFS (see FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT) three days prior
to the meeting.
Note: The times and sequence specified in the agenda are subject to
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
Dated: June 16, 2017.
Ned Cyr,
Director, Office of Science and Technology, National Marine Fisheries
[FR Doc. 2017-12962 Filed 6-20-17; 8:45 am]