Atomic Safety and Licensing Board; In the Matter of Nextera Energy Seabrook, LLC (Seabrook Station, Unit One), 27731-27732 [2017-12357]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 115 / Friday, June 16, 2017 / Notices must use Diagonal Road Entrance), Alexandria, VA 22314–3428. STATUS: NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Open. [Docket No. 50–443–LA2; ASLBP No. 17– 953–02–LA–BD01] MATTERS TO BE CONSIDERED: 1. NCUA’s Rules and Regulations, Statutory Inflation Adjustment of Civil Money Penalties. 2. NCUA’s Rules and Regulations, Freedom of Information Act. 3. NCUA’s Rules and Regulations, Safe Harbor. 4. NCUA’s Rules and Regulations, Corporate Credit Unions. 5. Request for Comment, Overhead Transfer Rate Methodology. 6. Board Briefing, Enterprise Solution Modernization Program. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Gerard Poliquin, Secretary of the Board, Telephone: 703–518–6304 Gerard Poliquin, Secretary of the Board. [FR Doc. 2017–12651 Filed 6–14–17; 4:15 pm] BILLING CODE 7535–01–P NATIONAL CREDIT UNION ADMINISTRATION Sunshine Act: Notice of Agency Meeting TIME AND DATE: 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, June 21, 2017. Board Room, 7th Floor, Room 7047, 1775 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314–3428. PLACE: STATUS: Closed. MATTERS TO BE CONSIDERED: 1. Appeal of Denial of Official. Closed pursuant to Exemptions (6), and (8). 2. Supervisory Action. Closed pursuant to Exemptions (8), (9)(i)(B), and (9)(ii). 3. Supervisory Action. Closed pursuant to Exemptions (8), (9)(i)(B), and (9)(ii). 4. Supervisory Action. Closed pursuant to Exemptions (8), (9)(i)(B), and (9)(ii). sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Gerard Poliquin, Secretary of the Board, Telephone: 703–518–6304. Gerard Poliquin, Secretary of the Board. [FR Doc. 2017–12650 Filed 6–14–17; 4:15 pm] BILLING CODE 7535–01–P VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:12 Jun 15, 2017 Jkt 241001 Atomic Safety and Licensing Board; In the Matter of Nextera Energy Seabrook, LLC (Seabrook Station, Unit One) June 5, 2017. Before Administrative Judges: Ronald M. Spritzer, Chairman, Nicholas G. Trikouros, Dr. Sekazi Mtingwa. Order (Scheduling Oral Argument and Providing Instructions) Before the Board is the petition of the C–10 Research and Education Foundation, Inc. (C–10) challenging a license amendment request submitted by NextEra Energy Seabrook LLC (NextEra) for Seabrook Station, Unit 1, located in Seabrook, New Hampshire. Oral argument on standing and contention admissibility will be held on Thursday, June 29, 2017, beginning at 10:00 a.m. EDT. The Board anticipates that oral argument will last approximately three hours. The argument will take place by online video conference. Citrix GoToMeeting will be used for the video component of oral argument and telephone access will be used for the audio component. The Board will conduct oral argument from the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel’s hearing room, located at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s headquarters at 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852. The designated representatives of C–10, NextEra, and the NRC Staff (collectively ‘‘participants’’) will participate remotely. Members of the public may observe oral argument from the hearing room, but listen-only telephone access will also be made available. Instructions On or before Tuesday, June 27, 2017, each participant shall provide the names of its representatives by email to the Board and the service list. Only designated representatives will be permitted to present oral argument. Each counsel or other representative for each participant in this proceeding who has not already done so must file and serve a notice of appearance on or before Tuesday, June 27, 2017, containing all of the information required by 10 CFR 2.314(b). While each participant should designate one primary spokesperson for the argument, limited response will be permitted from PO 00000 Frm 00057 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 27731 other representatives with a notice of appearance on file to the extent necessary to answer the Board’s questions. The Board’s law clerk, Julie Reynolds-Engel, will contact the participants’ designated representatives by email to provide the web address and telephone number required to participate in oral argument. On Tuesday, June 27, 2017, beginning at 11:00 a.m. EDT, the Board’s IT Specialist will conduct a 15- to 30minute technology test of the online video conferencing system with the participants. Each participant will need (1) a telephone line, (2) a computer or tablet with an embedded or attached web camera, (3) an internet connection with at least 1 Mbps connection speed, and (4) a compatible web browser or iOS or Android application.1 The Board’s law clerk will contact the participants by email to provide the web address 2 and telephone number required to participate in the technology test by Thursday, June 22. The primary purpose of this oral argument is for the Board to ask questions and receive answers concerning standing and contention admissibility issues presented by the pleadings. C–10 shall have 30 minutes to present its arguments on all issues, and the NRC Staff and NextEra shall each have 20 minutes. C–10 may reserve up to 5 minutes of its allotted time for rebuttal. No other rebuttal will be permitted. In general, the participants should not repeat arguments already presented in their written filings, but should focus on responding to the Board’s questions. The argument is not an evidentiary hearing, and the participants therefore should not attempt to introduce evidence during the argument. The participants should advise the Board and the other participants no later than Tuesday, June 27, 2017, if they plan to refer to any type of visual aid during the argument. No material that is not already cited in the record before the Board should be used as a visual aid. Although the designated representatives will participate remotely, the Board encourages all participants to conduct themselves as if present in-person and to participate from an office setting. 1 The participants should review the Citrix GoToMeeting frequently asked questions Web page ( for specific system requirements. For the purpose of this oral argument, there is no cost to the participants for using GoToMeeting. 2 A participant’s computer or tablet may require installation of a free plugin or free software from Citrix. Accessing the provided web address prior to the technology test will prompt a plugin or software download, if required. E:\FR\FM\16JNN1.SGM 16JNN1 27732 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 115 / Friday, June 16, 2017 / Notices Public Attendance The public is welcome to attend the argument at the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel’s hearing room. However, only the designated representatives will be permitted to participate in the argument. Neither signs nor any manner of demonstration will be permitted in the hearing room. Those people wishing to attend the oral argument in person should contact the Board’s law clerk, Julie Reynolds-Engel, at 301–415–5680 or no later than Tuesday, June 27, 2017, to provide their names for security purposes. All members of the public participating in person must present a valid photo ID and should arrive at least twenty minutes early so as to allow sufficient time to pass through security screening. Cell phones are not permitted in the hearing room. sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES Listen-Only Telephone Access The Board’s law clerk will contact the participants by email to provide the telephone number and pass code for listen-only access to oral argument. Members of the public who wish to listen to the conference may also contact the Board’s law clerk, Julie ReynoldsEngel, at 301–415–5680 or, for the necessary listen-only telephone access information by Tuesday, June 27, 2017. Transcript Availability After June 29, 2017, a transcript of the oral argument will be available for public inspection electronically on the NRC’s Electronic Hearing Docket (EHD). EHD is accessible from the NRC Web site at For additional information regarding EHD, please see Persons who do not have access to the internet or who encounter problems in accessing the documents located on the NRC’s Web site may contact the NRC Public Document Room reference staff by email to or by telephone at (800) 397–4209 or (301) 415–4737. Reference staff are available Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. ET, except federal holidays. For additional information regarding the NRC Public Document Room please see pdr.html. It is so ordered. For the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board, Rockville, Maryland. Dated: June 5, 2017. Ronald M. Spritzer, Chairman, Administrative Judge. SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION [Release No. 34–80903; File No. SR– NYSEArca-2017–66] Self-Regulatory Organizations; NYSE Arca, Inc.; Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change To Extend the Exchange’s Authority To Grant Exemptions From the OATS Requirements June 12, 2017. Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the ‘‘Act’’) 1 and Rule 19b–4 thereunder,2 notice is hereby given that, on June 2, 2017, NYSE Arca, Inc. (the ‘‘Exchange’’ or ‘‘NYSE Arca’’) filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the ‘‘Commission’’) the proposed rule change as described in Items I and II below, which Items have been prepared by the Exchange. The Commission is publishing this notice to solicit comments on the proposed rule change from interested persons. I. Self-Regulatory Organization’s Statement of the Terms of Substance of the Proposed Rule Change The Exchange proposes to amend NYSE Arca Equities Rule 7470 (Exemption to the Order Recording and Data Transmission Requirements) to extend until November 15, 2019 the ability to exempt certain members from the recording and order data transmission requirements of NYSE Arca Equities Rules 7440 and 7450, respectively, for manual orders. The proposed rule change is available on the Exchange’s Web site at, at the principal office of the Exchange, and at the Commission’s Public Reference Room. II. Self-Regulatory Organization’s Statement of the Purpose of, and Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule Change In its filing with the Commission, the self-regulatory organization included statements concerning the purpose of, and basis for, the proposed rule change and discussed any comments it received on the proposed rule change. The text of those statements may be examined at the places specified in Item IV below. The Exchange has prepared summaries, set forth in sections A, B, and C below, of the most significant parts of such statements. [FR Doc. 2017–12357 Filed 6–15–17; 8:45 am] 1 15 BILLING CODE 7590–01–P 2 17 VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:12 Jun 15, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1). CFR 240.19b–4. Frm 00058 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 A. Self-Regulatory Organization’s Statement of the Purpose of, and the Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule Change 1. Purpose The NYSE Arca Equities Rule 7400 Series consists of NYSE Arca Equities Rules 7410 through 7470 and sets forth the recording and reporting requirements of the Order Audit Trail System (‘‘OATS’’) Rules. The OATS Rules require all Exchange permit holders and associated persons to record in electronic form and report to the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. (‘‘FINRA’’), on a daily basis, certain information with respect to orders originated, received, transmitted, modified, canceled, or executed by permit holders in all NMS stocks, as that term is defined in Rule 600(b)(47) of Regulation NMS,3 traded on the Exchange. NYSE Arca Equities Rule 7470 provides the Exchange with the authority to exempt certain members from the recording and reporting requirements and from the recording and order data transmission requirements of NYSE Arca Equities Rules 7440 and 7450, respectively, for manual orders, if such exemption is consistent with the protection of investors and the public interest, and the ETP Holder meets the criteria set forth in paragraph (a) of the Rule.4 NYSE Arca Equities Rule 7470 contains a sunset provision, which was July 10, 2015. In June 2015, FINRA filed a proposed rule change to extend the sunset provision until July 10, 2019.5 The Exchange proposes to amend NYSE Arca Equities Rule 7470 to extend the provision until November 15, 2019. The proposed change would correct an oversight in not filing when the sunset provision expired in 2015. The Exchange believes it would be appropriate to extend the sunset provision in NYSE Arca Equities Rule 7470 to November 15, 2019 rather than the July 10, 2019 date in the FINRA Rule. At the time FINRA filed its proposed rule change, the National 3 17 CFR 242.600(b)(47). criteria are as follows: (1) The ETP Holder and current control affiliates and associated persons have not been subject within the last five years to any final disciplinary action, and within the last ten years to any disciplinary action involving fraud; (2) the ETP Holder has annual revenues of less than $2 million; (3) the ETP Holder does not conduct any market making activities in NMS stocks: (4) the ETP Holder does not execute principal transactions with its customers (with limited exception for principal transactions executed pursuant to error corrections); and (5) the ETP Holder does not conduct clearing or carrying activities for other firms. 5 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 75160 (June 11, 2015), 80 FR 34727 (June 17, 2015) (SR– FINRA–2015–016). 4 The E:\FR\FM\16JNN1.SGM 16JNN1


[Federal Register Volume 82, Number 115 (Friday, June 16, 2017)]
[Pages 27731-27732]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2017-12357]



[Docket No. 50-443-LA2; ASLBP No. 17-953-02-LA-BD01]

Atomic Safety and Licensing Board; In the Matter of Nextera 
Energy Seabrook, LLC (Seabrook Station, Unit One)

 June 5, 2017.
Before Administrative Judges: Ronald M. Spritzer, Chairman, Nicholas 
G. Trikouros, Dr. Sekazi Mtingwa.


(Scheduling Oral Argument and Providing Instructions)

    Before the Board is the petition of the C-10 Research and Education 
Foundation, Inc. (C-10) challenging a license amendment request 
submitted by NextEra Energy Seabrook LLC (NextEra) for Seabrook 
Station, Unit 1, located in Seabrook, New Hampshire. Oral argument on 
standing and contention admissibility will be held on Thursday, June 
29, 2017, beginning at 10:00 a.m. EDT. The Board anticipates that oral 
argument will last approximately three hours.
    The argument will take place by online video conference. Citrix 
GoToMeeting will be used for the video component of oral argument and 
telephone access will be used for the audio component. The Board will 
conduct oral argument from the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board 
Panel's hearing room, located at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's 
headquarters at 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852. The 
designated representatives of C-10, NextEra, and the NRC Staff 
(collectively ``participants'') will participate remotely. Members of 
the public may observe oral argument from the hearing room, but listen-
only telephone access will also be made available.
    On or before Tuesday, June 27, 2017, each participant shall provide 
the names of its representatives by email to the Board and the service 
list. Only designated representatives will be permitted to present oral 
argument. Each counsel or other representative for each participant in 
this proceeding who has not already done so must file and serve a 
notice of appearance on or before Tuesday, June 27, 2017, containing 
all of the information required by 10 CFR 2.314(b). While each 
participant should designate one primary spokesperson for the argument, 
limited response will be permitted from other representatives with a 
notice of appearance on file to the extent necessary to answer the 
Board's questions. The Board's law clerk, Julie Reynolds-Engel, will 
contact the participants' designated representatives by email to 
provide the web address and telephone number required to participate in 
oral argument.
    On Tuesday, June 27, 2017, beginning at 11:00 a.m. EDT, the Board's 
IT Specialist will conduct a 15- to 30-minute technology test of the 
online video conferencing system with the participants. Each 
participant will need (1) a telephone line, (2) a computer or tablet 
with an embedded or attached web camera, (3) an internet connection 
with at least 1 Mbps connection speed, and (4) a compatible web browser 
or iOS or Android application.\1\ The Board's law clerk will contact 
the participants by email to provide the web address \2\ and telephone 
number required to participate in the technology test by Thursday, June 

    \1\ The participants should review the Citrix GoToMeeting 
frequently asked questions Web page ( for specific system requirements. 
For the purpose of this oral argument, there is no cost to the 
participants for using GoToMeeting.
    \2\ A participant's computer or tablet may require installation 
of a free plugin or free software from Citrix. Accessing the 
provided web address prior to the technology test will prompt a 
plugin or software download, if required.

    The primary purpose of this oral argument is for the Board to ask 
questions and receive answers concerning standing and contention 
admissibility issues presented by the pleadings. C-10 shall have 30 
minutes to present its arguments on all issues, and the NRC Staff and 
NextEra shall each have 20 minutes. C-10 may reserve up to 5 minutes of 
its allotted time for rebuttal. No other rebuttal will be permitted.
    In general, the participants should not repeat arguments already 
presented in their written filings, but should focus on responding to 
the Board's questions. The argument is not an evidentiary hearing, and 
the participants therefore should not attempt to introduce evidence 
during the argument. The participants should advise the Board and the 
other participants no later than Tuesday, June 27, 2017, if they plan 
to refer to any type of visual aid during the argument. No material 
that is not already cited in the record before the Board should be used 
as a visual aid.
    Although the designated representatives will participate remotely, 
the Board encourages all participants to conduct themselves as if 
present in-person and to participate from an office setting.

[[Page 27732]]

Public Attendance
    The public is welcome to attend the argument at the Atomic Safety 
and Licensing Board Panel's hearing room. However, only the designated 
representatives will be permitted to participate in the argument. 
Neither signs nor any manner of demonstration will be permitted in the 
hearing room. Those people wishing to attend the oral argument in 
person should contact the Board's law clerk, Julie Reynolds-Engel, at 
301-415-5680 or no later than Tuesday, 
June 27, 2017, to provide their names for security purposes. All 
members of the public participating in person must present a valid 
photo ID and should arrive at least twenty minutes early so as to allow 
sufficient time to pass through security screening. Cell phones are not 
permitted in the hearing room.
Listen-Only Telephone Access
    The Board's law clerk will contact the participants by email to 
provide the telephone number and pass code for listen-only access to 
oral argument. Members of the public who wish to listen to the 
conference may also contact the Board's law clerk, Julie Reynolds-
Engel, at 301-415-5680 or, for the 
necessary listen-only telephone access information by Tuesday, June 27, 
Transcript Availability
    After June 29, 2017, a transcript of the oral argument will be 
available for public inspection electronically on the NRC's Electronic 
Hearing Docket (EHD). EHD is accessible from the NRC Web site at For additional information regarding EHD, 
please see Persons who do not have access to the internet 
or who encounter problems in accessing the documents located on the 
NRC's Web site may contact the NRC Public Document Room reference staff 
by email to or by telephone at (800) 397-4209 or (301) 415-
4737. Reference staff are available Monday through Friday between 8:00 
a.m. and 4:00 p.m. ET, except federal holidays. For additional 
information regarding the NRC Public Document Room please see
    It is so ordered.

    For the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board, Rockville, Maryland.

    Dated: June 5, 2017.
Ronald M. Spritzer,
Chairman, Administrative Judge.
[FR Doc. 2017-12357 Filed 6-15-17; 8:45 am]
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