Rules of Procedure Governing Cases Before the Office of Hearings and Appeals, 25503-25509 [2017-10471]
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Rules and Regulations
Federal Register
Vol. 82, No. 105
Friday, June 2, 2017
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER
contains regulatory documents having general
applicability and legal effect, most of which
are keyed to and codified in the Code of
Federal Regulations, which is published under
50 titles pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 1510.
The Code of Federal Regulations is sold by
the Superintendent of Documents.
13 CFR Parts 121 and 134
RIN 3245–AG82
Rules of Procedure Governing Cases
Before the Office of Hearings and
U.S. Small Business
ACTION: Final rule.
The U.S. Small Business
Administration (SBA) is amending the
rules of practice of its Office of Hearings
and Appeals (OHA) to implement
section 869 of the National Defense
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016
and section 1833 of the National
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal
Year 2017. This legislation authorizes
OHA to decide Petitions for
Reconsideration of Size Standards (Size
Standard Petitions or Petitions). This
rule also revises the rules of practice for
OHA appeals of agency employee
Effective Date: This rule is effective
on July 3, 2017.
Applicability Date: Size Standard
Petitions pertaining to size standards
revised, modified, or established in a
final rule published during the interval
between November 25, 2015, and July 3,
2017 shall be considered timely if filed
within 30 calendar days of the latter
Linda (Lin) DiGiandomenico, Attorney
Advisor, at (202) 401–8206 or OHA@
amends the rules of practice for the
SBA’s Office of Hearings and Appeals
(OHA) in order to implement section
869(b) of the National Defense
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016,
Public Law 114–92, 129 Stat. 726,
November 25, 2015 (NDAA 2016). This
legislation added new paragraph 3(a)(9)
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to the Small Business Act, 15 U.S.C.
632(a)(9), to authorize OHA to hear and
decide Petitions for Reconsideration of
Size Standards (Size Standard Petitions
or Petitions). A Size Standard Petition
may be filed at OHA after SBA
publishes a final rule in the Federal
Register to revise, modify, or establish
a size standard. This rule creates a new
subpart I in OHA’s regulations (13 CFR
part 134) to set out detailed rules of
practice for Size Standard Petitions,
revises OHA’s general rules of practice
in subparts A and B of part 134 as
required by the new legislation, and
amends SBA’s small business size
regulations (13 CFR part 121) to include
Size Standard Petitions as part of SBA’s
process for establishing size standards.
This rule also revises the rules of
practice for OHA appeals of agency
employee disputes in subpart H of part
134, to comport with SBA’s revisions of
its Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
37 71, The Employee Dispute
Resolution Process.
On October 7, 2016, SBA published in
the Federal Register (81 FR 69723), a
proposed rule to implement section
869(b) of NDAA 2016 and to revise
procedures for OHA appeals of agency
employee disputes. The proposed rule
provided a 60-day comment period,
with comments due on December 6,
2016. During the comment period SBA
received three comments, each of which
concerned the implementation of
section 869(b). No comments were
received concerning employee disputes.
On December 23, 2016, President
Obama signed into law the National
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal
Year 2017, Public Law 114–328 (NDAA
2017). Section 1833(b) of NDAA 2017
added new subparagraph 3(a)(9)(E) to
the Small Business Act, 15 U.S.C.
632(a)(9)(E). This provision authorizes
OHA to accept Size Standard Petitions
after SBA issues rules or guidance for
processing these cases; SBA is issuing
those procedural rules today, in this
final rule. Until this final rule, SBA had
no specific rules or guidance for
processing Size Standard Petitions, and
thus OHA dismissed without prejudice
the Size Standard Petitions that were
filed. This new statutory provision also
provides that Size Standard Petitions
pertaining to size standards revised,
modified, or established in a final rule
published during the interval between
November 25, 2015, and the effective
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date of this final rule will be considered
timely if filed within 30 calendar days
of that effective date.
Summary of Comments and SBA’s
A. Part 121
SBA proposed adding new paragraphs
(e), (f), and (g) to § 121.102 to include
Size Standard Petitions as part of SBA’s
process for establishing size standards.
New paragraph (e) requires SBA to
include instructions for filing a Size
Standard Petition in any final rule
revising, modifying, or establishing a
size standard. There were no comments
on it and SBA is adopting it exactly as
New paragraph (f) requires SBA to
publish a notice in the Federal Register
within 14 calendar days after a Size
Standard Petition is filed. SBA received
one comment on proposed new
§ 121.102(f). The commenter requested
that SBA also have an online tracking
system, preferably on the Web site, for Size Standard
Petitions filed at OHA. The same
commenter also suggested that SBA
include information on Size Standard
Petitions in the record for the applicable
revised, modified, or newly established
size standard.
In response, SBA notes that OHA has
no online tracking system as yet;
however, systems already in place will
enable the public to track Size Standard
Petition cases. First, notices for Federal
Register publication appear
automatically on,
and the public may use that site’s
advanced search feature to locate them.
Second, once issued, OHA’s decisions
are public and available at
decisions. Regarding the inclusion of
information on Size Standard Petitions
in the record for size standards
rulemakings, SBA declines to add this
requirement, leaving it up to SBA’s
Office of Size Standards to determine
what to include in the rulemaking
record for a particular rule. Thus, SBA
is adopting the proposed § 121.102(f) as
proposed, with one editorial change to
the first sentence, where ‘‘announcing a
size standard’’ is replaced with
‘‘announcing the size standard’’.
Proposed new paragraph (g) would
require SBA to publish a document in
the Federal Register where SBA grants
a Petition for Reconsideration of a Size
Standard that had been revised or
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 105 / Friday, June 2, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
modified. There were no public
comments on this provision. SBA is
changing this provision to clarify that
OHA will remand the case to SBA’s
Office of Size Standards for further
B. Part 134, Subparts A and B
SBA proposed to revise four sections
contained in subparts A and B of part
134. These are §§ 134.101 (Definitions)
and 134.102 (Jurisdiction of OHA) in
subpart A; and §§ 134.201 (Scope of the
rules in this subpart B) and 134.227
(Finality of decisions) in subpart B. SBA
received no comments on any of these
sections. SBA added a definition to
clarify that Step One and Step Two refer
to the Employee Dispute Resolution
Process described in SBA Standard
Operating Procedure, 37 71, as denoted
in § 134.801(a). All other revisions are
exactly as proposed.
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C. Part 134, Subpart H
SBA proposed to revise §§ 134.801,
134.803, 134.804, 134.805, 134.807,
134.808, and 134.809 of subpart H. All
of these sections concern OHA appeals
of SBA employee disputes. SBA
received no comments regarding the
proposed revision of any of these
sections, and is adopting these revisions
exactly as proposed, with three minor
changes. In § 134.805(d), the words ‘‘at
his or her home address’’ are being
removed as unnecessary since service is
by email. In § 134.807(a), the words ‘‘it
wishes’’ are being replaced with ‘‘SBA
wishes’’ for clarity. In § 134.809(a), an
official’s title is being corrected.
D. Part 134, Subpart I
SBA proposed to add subpart I setting
forth the rules of practice before OHA
for Petitions for Reconsideration of Size
Standards. SBA received no comments
regarding the proposed new §§ 134.901
(Scope of the rules in this subpart I),
134.905 (Notice and order), 134.907
(Filing and service), 134.908 (The
administrative record), 134.909
(Standard of review), 134.911 (Response
to the Size Standard Petition), 134.912
(Discovery and oral hearings), 134.913
(New evidence), 134.914 (The decision),
134.915 (Remand), 134.917 (Equal
Access to Justice Act), and 134.918
(Judicial review). SBA is adopting these
new sections as proposed, with one
minor change to the first sentence in
§ 134.914, where the second ‘‘the’’ is
being deleted.
Proposed § 134.902 provides that any
person ‘‘adversely affected’’ by a new,
revised, or modified size standard has
standing to file a Petition within 30 days
from the date of publication of the final
rule promulgating that size standard.
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Paragraph (b) provides that a business
entity is not ‘‘adversely affected’’ unless
it conducts business in the industry
associated with the size standard being
challenged, and it either qualified as a
small business concern before the size
standard was revised or modified, or it
would qualify as a small business
concern under the size standard as
revised or modified.
SBA received two comments. One
comment supported the proposed rule
because it precludes businesses that are
large under both the existing and the
modified or revised size standard from
filing Size Standard Petitions. The
second comment opposed the proposed
rule for that same reason, asserting that
the statute does not limit the availability
of an OHA review only to small or
would-be small businesses, but was
meant to include all adversely-affected
businesses, including large businesses.
The second commenter believes that it
is adversely affected by a change in a
size standard that favors its competitors,
and asserts that concerns also should be
able to request review on SBA’s
decision in a rulemaking not to modify
or revise a size standard, but to keep it
the same.
SBA disagrees with the second
comment. The statute provides that
SBA’s OHA, in deciding Size Standard
Petitions, ‘‘shall use the same process it
uses to decide challenges to the size of
a small business concern.’’ Small
Business Act section 3(a)(9)(C), 15
U.S.C. 632(a)(9)(C). A challenge to a
concern’s small business size status,
also called a size protest, occurs when
a competitive procurement or order has
been restricted to or reserved for small
businesses or a particular group of small
businesses. The size protest, filed by
either a disappointed offeror or the
Government, is initially decided by an
SBA Area Office in a size determination
which may be appealed to OHA. At both
the protest (Area Office) and the appeal
(OHA) stages, the process of deciding
challenges to a concern’s small business
size status requires a non-Government
person bringing the challenge to have
standing as a small business offeror
remaining in the competition and still
eligible for award. See 13 CFR
121.1001(a)(1) (‘‘Any offeror whom the
contracting officer has not eliminated
for reasons unrelated to size’’), 13 CFR
134.302(a) (‘‘Appeals from size
determinations . . . may be filed with
OHA by the following, as applicable:
Any person adversely affected by a size
determination . . . .’’); Size Appeal of
Straughan Environmental, Inc., SBA No.
SIZ–5767, at 3 (2016), available at Because the statute
requires OHA to follow the process used
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in size challenges, and under the
process used in size challenges only a
small business has standing to file either
a size protest or a size appeal, SBA
believes it was the intent of Congress to
allow only a small business to file a Size
Standard Petition. Therefore, SBA is
adopting new § 134.902 exactly as
Section 134.903(a) reiterates the
statutory 30-day deadline for filing a
Petition, requires dismissal of an
untimely Petition, and clarifies that the
days counted are calendar days. Section
134.903(b) requires dismissal as
premature a Petition filed in response to
a proposed rule. The retention of an
existing size standard is not considered
to be the revision, modification, or
establishment of a size standard and is
not subject to these procedures, and so
§ 134.903(c) requires OHA to dismiss a
petition challenging the retention of an
existing size standard.
There were two comments. One
comment expressed support for the 30day deadline and summary dismissal
provisions. The second comment
requested a process whereby one may
comment on and request a review of a
size standard change at any time, not
just within 30 days of the change, so
long as the change has produced a
negative financial impact on businesses.
SBA notes, with respect to the second
comment, that the 30-day deadline for
filing a Petition is statutory and thus
SBA may not change it. As for
opportunities to comment on size
standards, there is a public comment
period each time SBA publishes a
proposed rule, and during this public
comment period any person may submit
a comment for SBA to consider and
address in formulating the final rule.
During the public comment period,
commenters need not demonstrate
standing, and may comment on any size
standard being proposed, regardless of
whether the proposed rule would
modify or revise that size standard.
Outside of public comment periods,
persons may address their concerns
about any size standard at any time to
SBA’s Size Standards Office pursuant to
§ 121.102(d). SBA is adopting new
§ 134.903 exactly as proposed.
Section 134.904 sets out the
requirements for a Size Standard
Petition. Among these, the Petition must
include any public comments the
Petitioner had submitted during the
rulemaking on the challenged size
standard, and the Petitioner also must
demonstrate standing for each
challenged size standard. One
commenter suggested an additional
requirement, that the Petitioner must
actually have submitted a public
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 105 / Friday, June 2, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
comment during the rulemaking. The
same commenter also noted its support
for the requirement to demonstrate
standing for each challenged size
standard. SBA disagrees with the
suggestion to require the Petitioner to
have submitted a public comment
during the rulemaking, because this
additional requirement would be overly
restrictive. Thus, SBA is adopting new
§ 134.904 as proposed, with the deletion
of the unnecessary mail code in
§ 134.904(d)(1).
Section 134.906 permits interested
persons with a direct stake in the
outcome of the case to intervene and
obtain a copy of the Petition, under a
protective order if necessary. One
commenter requested SBA to change
this provision to require potential
intervenors to meet the same standing
requirement as petitioners, in order to
prevent large businesses from having a
‘‘back door’’ into the size standard
review process. SBA disagrees with this
comment. The proposed rule requires
only ‘‘a direct stake in the outcome’’ and
the OHA Judge will make that
determination on a case-by-case basis.
SBA is adopting new § 134.906 exactly
as proposed.
Section 134.910 requires OHA to
dismiss a Petition under four scenarios.
One commenter stated support for
dismissal under those scenarios. SBA is
adopting new § 134.910 exactly as
Section 134.916 sets out the effects of
OHA’s decision in a Size Standard
Petition case. Paragraph (a) provides
that if the challenged size standard is a
modified or revised size standard, and
OHA grants the Size Standard Petition,
SBA will rescind the challenged size
standard and restore the prior size
standard, which will remain in effect
until SBA issues a new size standard. If
the challenged size standard is newly
established, and OHA grants the Size
Standard Petition, the challenged size
standard remains in effect. Paragraph (b)
provides that if OHA denies a Size
Standard Petition, the challenged size
standard remains in effect.
One commenter requested
clarification of the effect that OHA’s
grant of a Size Standard Petition would
have on procurement actions. The
commenter posed the hypothetical of a
concern that is a small business under
the revised size standard but is not a
small business under the prior size
standard. The concern self-certifies as
small under the revised size standard
with its initial offer including price.
Later, OHA grants a Size Standard
Petition and SBA rescinds the revised
size standard, restoring the prior size
standard, under which that concern is
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not a small business. Would contract
award to that concern as a small
business be valid even though the prior
size standard has been restored?
SBA responds to this comment by
stating that the contract award to that
concern as a small business is valid
despite SBA’s rescission of the revised,
higher size standard. This result is
consistent with the general rule, stated
in § 121.404(a), that a concern’s small
business eligibility is determined on the
self-certification date and is based on
the size standard in effect at that time.
Thus, the procuring agency may count
the award toward its small business
goals. On the other hand, if the
procuring agency amends the
solicitation and requires new selfcertifications, those self-certifications
will be based on the size standard in
effect on the day they are made. SBA is
revising the text of § 134.916(a) to
clarify the intended effect of an OHA
decision granting a Size Standard
Petition in light of this public comment,
and also to provide that, on remand,
SBA may take any appropriate action to
rescind the challenged revised or
modified size standard.
Compliance With Executive Orders
12866, 12988, 13175 and 13132, the
Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C.
Ch. 35), and the Regulatory Flexibility
Act (5 U.S.C. 601–612)
Executive Order 12866
OMB has determined that this rule
does not constitute a ‘‘significant
regulatory action’’ under Executive
Order 12866. This rule is also not a
major rule under the Congressional
Review Act, 5 U.S.C. 800. This rule
establishes the procedures for Petitions
for Reconsideration of Size Standards at
SBA’s Office of Hearings and Appeals
(OHA) and revises procedural rules at
OHA for agency employee disputes. As
such, the rule has no effect on the
amount or dollar value of any Federal
contract requirements or of any
financial assistance provided through
SBA. Therefore, the rule is not likely to
have an annual economic effect of $100
million or more, result in a major
increase in costs or prices, or have a
significant adverse effect on competition
or the United States economy. In
addition, this rule does not create a
serious inconsistency or otherwise
interfere with an action taken or
planned by another agency, materially
alter the budgetary impact of
entitlements, grants, user fees, loan
programs or the rights and obligations of
such recipients, nor raise novel legal or
policy issues arising out of legal
mandates, the President’s priorities, or
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the principles set forth in the Executive
Executive Order 12988
This action meets applicable
standards set forth in section 3(a) and
3(b)(2) of Executive Order 12988, Civil
Justice Reform, to minimize litigation,
eliminate ambiguity, and reduce
burden. The action does not have
retroactive or preemptive effect.
Executive Order 13175
For the purposes of Executive Order
13175, Consultation and Coordination
with Indian Tribal Governments, SBA
has determined that this final rule will
not have substantial direct effects on
one or more Indian Tribes, on the
relationship between the Federal
Government and Indian Tribes, or on
the distribution of power and
responsibilities between the Federal
Government and Indian Tribes.
Therefore, SBA determines that this
final rule does not require consultations
with tribal officials or warrant the
publication of a Tribal Summary Impact
Executive Order 13132
This rule does not have Federalism
implications as defined in Executive
Order 13132. It will not have substantial
direct effects on the States, on the
relationship between the national
government and the States, or on the
distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of government, as specified in the
Executive Order. As such it does not
warrant the preparation of a Federalism
Paperwork Reduction Act
The SBA has determined that this rule
does not impose additional reporting or
recordkeeping requirements under the
Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C.
Chapter 35.
Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980
(RFA), 5 U.S.C. 601–612, as amended,
requires Federal agencies to consider
the potential impact of regulations on
small entities during rulemaking. Small
entities include small businesses, small
not-for-profit organizations, and small
governmental jurisdictions. Section 605
of the RFA allows an agency to certify
a rule, in lieu of preparing an analysis,
if the rulemaking is not expected to
have a significant economic impact on
a substantial number of small entities.
This final rule revises the regulations
governing cases before SBA’s Office of
Hearings and Appeals (OHA), SBA’s
administrative tribunal. These
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 105 / Friday, June 2, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
regulations are procedural by nature.
Specifically, the final rule establishes
rules of practice for Petitions for
Reconsideration of Size Standards (Size
Standard Petitions), a new type of
administrative litigation mandated by
869(b) of the National Defense
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016.
This legislation provides a new
statutory right to challenge a size
standard revised, modified, or
established by the SBA through a final
rule. Further, this legislation requires
OHA to hear any Size Standard
Petitions that are filed. This final rule
merely provides the rules of practice for
the orderly hearing and disposition of
Size Standard Petitions at OHA. While
SBA did not anticipate that this final
rule would have a significant economic
impact on any small business, we did
request comments from any small
business setting out how and to what
degree this final rule would affect it
economically. No comments were
received regarding RFA issues.
The Small Business Size Regulations
provide that persons requesting to
change existing size standards or to
establish new size standards may
address these requests to SBA’s Office of
Size Standards. 13 CFR 121.102(d). Over
the past five years, fewer than ten letters
concerning size standards have been
submitted per year, supporting SBA’s
belief that this final rule will not affect
a substantial number of small entities.
Further, a business adversely affected by
a final rule revising a size standard has
always had (and would continue to
have) the option of judicial review in
Federal court, yet the SBA knows of no
such lawsuit ever having been filed.
In addition to establishing rules of
practice for Size Standard Petitions, this
rule revises OHA’s rules of practice for
SBA Employee Disputes. This
rulemaking is procedural, would impose
no significant additional requirements
on small entities, and would have
minimal, if any, effect on small entities.
Therefore, the Administrator of SBA
certifies under 5 U.S.C. 605(b) that this
final rule does not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities.
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List of Subjects
13 CFR Part 121
Administrative practice and
procedure, Government procurement,
Government property, Grant programs—
business, Individuals with disabilities,
Loan programs—business, Small
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13 CFR Part 134
Administrative practice and
procedure, Claims, Equal access to
justice, Lawyers, Organization and
functions (government agencies).
For the reasons stated in the
preamble, the U.S. Small Business
Administration amends 13 CFR parts
121 and 134 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 121
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 15 U.S.C. 632, 634(b)(6), 662,
and 694a(9).
2. Amend § 121.102 by adding
paragraphs (e), (f), and (g) to read as
§ 121.102 How does SBA establish size
(e) When SBA publishes a final rule
in the Federal Register revising,
modifying, or establishing a size
standard, SBA will include in the final
rule, an instruction that interested
persons may file a petition for
reconsideration of a revised, modified,
or established size standard at SBA’s
Office of Hearings and Appeals (OHA)
within 30 calendar days after
publication of the final rule in
accordance with 15 U.S.C. 632(a)(9) and
part 134, subpart I of this chapter. The
instruction will provide the mailing
address, facsimile number, and email
address of OHA.
(f) Within 14 calendar days after a
petition for reconsideration of a size
standard is filed, unless it appears OHA
will dismiss the petition for
reconsideration, SBA will publish a
document in the Federal Register
announcing the size standard or
standards that have been challenged, the
Federal Register citation of the final
rule, the assigned OHA docket number,
and the date of the close of record. The
document will further state that
interested parties may contact OHA to
intervene in the dispute pursuant to
§ 134.906 of this chapter.
(g) Where OHA grants a petition for
reconsideration of a size standard that
had been revised or modified, OHA will
remand the case to SBA’s Office of Size
Standards for further action in
accordance with § 134.916(a) of this
3. The authority citation for part 134
is revised to read as follows:
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Authority: 5 U.S.C. 504; 15 U.S.C. 632,
634(b)(6), 634(i), 637(a), 648(l), 656(i), and
687(c); E.O. 12549, 51 FR 6370, 3 CFR, 1986
Comp., p. 189.
4. Amend § 134.101 by revising the
definitions of ‘‘AA/OHA’’ and ‘‘Judge’’
and adding definitions for
‘‘Administrative Judge’’, ‘‘Petitioner’’,
‘‘Size Standard Petition’’, and ‘‘Step
One and Step Two’’ in alphabetical
order to read as follows:
§ 134.101
AA/OHA means the Assistant
Administrator for OHA, who is also the
Chief Hearing Officer.
Administrative Judge means a Hearing
Officer, as described at 15 U.S.C. 634(i),
appointed by OHA to adjudicate cases.
Judge means the Administrative Judge
or Administrative Law Judge who
decides an appeal or petition brought
before OHA, or the AA/OHA when he
or she acts as an Administrative Judge.
Petitioner means the person who
initially files a petition before OHA.
Size Standard Petition means a
petition for reconsideration of a revised,
modified, or established size standard
filed with OHA pursuant to 15 U.S.C.
632(a)(9) and subpart I of this part.
Step One and Step Two refer to the
steps of the Employee Dispute
Resolution Process, see § 134.801(a) for
more information.
■ 5. Amend § 134.102 by revising
paragraphs (r) and (t) to read as follows:
§ 134.102
Jurisdiction of OHA.
(r) Appeals from SBA Employee
Dispute Resolution Process cases
(Employee Disputes) under Standard
Operating Procedure (SOP) 37 71
(available at
resourcelibrary/sops/ or
through OHA’s Web site https:// and subpart H of this
(t) Petitions for reconsideration of
revised, modified, or established size
standards pursuant to 15 U.S.C.
■ 6. Amend § 134.201 by:
■ a. Removing the word ‘‘and’’ in
paragraph (b)(6);
■ b. Redesignating paragraph (b)(7) as
paragraph (b)(8); and
■ c. Adding a new paragraph (b)(7).
The addition reads as follows:
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 105 / Friday, June 2, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
§ 134.201 Scope of the rules in this
subpart B.
(3) Statement of why the Step Two
decision (or Step One decision, if no
Step Two decision was received), is
alleged to be in error;
(b) * * *
(1) The Step Two Official;
(b) * * *
(7) For Size Standard Petitions, in
subpart I of this part (§§ 134.901
through 134.918); and
■ 7. Amend § 134.227 by:
■ a. Removing the word ‘‘and’’ in
paragraph (b)(3);
■ b. Redesignating paragraph (b)(4) as
paragraph (b)(5); and
■ c. Adding a new paragraph (b)(4).
The addition reads as follows:
§ 134.227
§ 134.805
Finality of decisions.
§ 134.807
(b) * * *
(4) Size Standard Petitions; and
§ 134.801
8. Amend § 134.801 by:
a. Adding the word ‘‘and’’ at the end
of paragraph (b)(9);
■ b. Removing ‘‘; and’’ at the end of
paragraph (b)(10) and adding a period in
its place; and
■ c. Removing paragraph (b)(11).
■ 9. Amend § 134.803 by revising the
section heading and paragraphs (a) and
(b) to read as follows:
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§ 134.803 Commencement of appeals from
SBA Employee Dispute Resolution Process
cases (Employee Disputes).
(a) An appeal from a Step Two
decision must be commenced by filing
an appeal petition within 15 calendar
days from the date the Employee
receives the Step Two decision.
(b) If the Step Two Official does not
issue a decision within 15 calendar days
of receiving the SBA Dispute Form from
the Employee, the Employee must file
his/her appeal petition at OHA no later
than 15 calendar days from the date the
Step Two decision was due.
■ 10. Amend § 134.804 by:
■ a. Revising paragraphs (a)(1), (2), and
■ b. Adding the word ‘‘and’’ after the
semicolon in paragraph (a)(5);
■ c. Removing paragraph (a)(6);
■ d. Redesignating paragraph (a)(7) as
paragraph (a)(6);
■ e. Revising paragraph (b)(1);
■ f. Removing paragraph (c); and
■ g. Redesignating paragraphs (d) and
(e) as paragraphs (c) and (d).
The revisions read as follows:
The appeal petition.
(a) * * *
(1) The completed SBA Dispute Form;
(2) A copy of the Step One and Step
Two decisions, if any;
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12. Amend § 134.807 as follows:
a. By removing from paragraph (a), the
words ‘‘a copy of the Dispute File’’ and
adding in their place the words ‘‘any
documentation, not already filed by the
Employee, that SBA wishes OHA to
■ b. By removing from paragraph (b),
the words ‘‘15 days’’ and ‘‘45 days’’ and
adding in both their places the words
‘‘15 calendar days’’; and
■ c. By removing from paragraph (c), the
words ‘‘and the Dispute File are
normally the last submissions’’ and by
adding in their place the words ‘‘is
normally the last submission’’.
§ 134.804
11. Amend § 134.805 in paragraph (d)
by removing the words ‘‘U.S. Mail’’ and
adding in their place the word ‘‘email’’
and removing the words ‘‘at his or her
home address’’.
§ 134.808
13. Amend § 134.808(a) by removing
the word ‘‘AMO’s’’ and adding in its
place the words ‘‘Step One or Step
■ 14. Revise § 134.809 to read as
§ 134.809
Review of initial decision.
(a) If the Chief Human Capital Officer,
General Counsel for SBA, or Counsel to
the Inspector General (IG) believes
OHA’s decision is contrary to law, rule,
regulation, or SBA policy, that official
may file a Petition for Review (PFR) of
the decision with the Deputy
Administrator (or IG for disputes by OIG
employees) for a final SBA Decision.
Only the Chief Human Capital Officer,
General Counsel, or Counsel to the IG
may file a PFR of an OHA decision; the
Employee may not.
(b) To file a PFR, the official must
request a complete copy of the dispute
file from the Assistant Administrator for
OHA (AA/OHA) within five calendar
days of receiving the decision. The AA/
OHA will provide a copy of the dispute
file to the official, the Employee, and
the Employee’s representative within
five calendar days of the official’s
request. The official’s PFR is due no
later than 15 calendar days from the
date the official receives the dispute file.
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The PFR must specify the objections to
OHA’s decision.
■ 15. Add subpart I to read as follows:
Subpart I—Rules of Practice for Petitions
for Reconsideration of Size Standards
134.901 Scope of the rules in this subpart.
134.902 Standing.
134.903 Commencement of cases.
134.904 Requirements for the Size Standard
134.905 Notice and order.
134.906 Intervention.
134.907 Filing and service.
134.908 The administrative record.
134.909 Standard of review.
134.910 Dismissal.
134.911 Response to the Size Standard
134.912 Discovery and oral hearings.
134.913 New evidence.
134.914 The decision.
134.915 Remand.
134.916 Effects of OHA’s decision.
134.917 Equal Access to Justice Act.
134.918 Judicial review.
Subpart I—Rules of Practice for
Petitions for Reconsideration of Size
§ 134.901
Scope of the rules in this
(a) The rules of practice in this
subpart apply to Size Standard
(b) Except where inconsistent with
this subpart, the provisions of subparts
A and B of this part apply to Size
Standard Petitions listed in paragraph
(a) of this section.
§ 134.902
(a) A Size Standard Petition may be
filed with OHA by any person that is
adversely affected by the
Administrator’s decision to revise,
modify, or establish a size standard.
(b) A business entity is not adversely
affected unless it conducts business in
the industry associated with the size
standard that is being challenged and:
(1) The business entity qualified as a
small business concern before the size
standard was revised or modified; or
(2) The business entity qualifies as a
small business under the size standard
as revised or modified.
§ 134.903
Commencement of cases.
(a) A Size Standard Petition must be
filed at OHA not later than 30 calendar
days after the publication in the Federal
Register of the final rule that revises,
modifies, or establishes the challenged
size standard. An untimely Size
Standard Petition will be dismissed.
(b) A Size Standard Petition filed in
response to a notice of proposed
rulemaking is premature and will be
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 105 / Friday, June 2, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
(c) A Size Standard Petition
challenging a size standard that has not
been revised, modified, or established
through publication in the Federal
Register will be dismissed.
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§ 134.904 Requirements for the Size
Standard Petition.
(a) Form. There is no required form
for a Size Standard Petition. However, it
must include the following information:
(1) A copy of the final rule published
in the Federal Register to revise,
modify, or establish a size standard, or
an electronic link to the final rule;
(2) A full and specific statement as to
which size standard(s) in the final rule
the Petitioner is challenging and why
the process that was used to revise,
modify, or establish each challenged
size standard is alleged to be arbitrary,
capricious, an abuse of discretion, or
otherwise not in accordance with the
law, together with argument supporting
such allegation;
(3) A copy of any comments the
Petitioner submitted in response to the
proposed notice of rulemaking that
pertained to the size standard(s) in
question, or a statement that no such
comments were submitted; and
(4) The name, mailing address,
telephone number, facsimile number,
email address, and signature of the
Petitioner or its attorney.
(b) Multiple size standards. A
Petitioner may challenge multiple size
standards that were revised, modified,
or established in the same final rule in
a single Size Standard Petition,
provided that the Petitioner
demonstrates standing for each of the
challenged size standards.
(c) Format. The formatting provisions
of § 134.203(d) apply to Size Standard
(d) Service. In addition to filing the
Size Standard Petition at OHA, the
Petitioner must serve a copy of the Size
Standard Petition upon each of the
(1) SBA’s Office of Size Standards,
U.S. Small Business Administration,
409 3rd Street SW., Washington, DC
20416; facsimile number (202) 205–
6390; or; and
(2) SBA’s Office of General Counsel,
Associate General Counsel for
Procurement Law, U.S. Small Business
Administration, 409 3rd Street SW.,
Washington, DC 20416; facsimile
number (202) 205–6873; or
(e) Certificate of service. The
Petitioner must attach to the Size
Standard Petition a signed certificate of
service meeting the requirements of
§ 134.204(d).
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§ 134.905
Notice and order.
Upon receipt of a Size Standard
Petition, OHA will assign the matter to
a Judge in accordance with § 134.218.
Unless it appears that the Size Standard
Petition will be dismissed under
§ 134.910, the presiding Judge will issue
a notice and order initiating the
publication required by § 121.102(f) of
this chapter; specifying a date for the
Office of Size Standards to transmit to
OHA a copy of the administrative record
supporting the revision, modification, or
establishment of the challenged size
standard(s); and establishing a date for
the close of record. Typically, the
administrative record will be due seven
calendar days after issuance of the
notice and order, and the record will
close 45 calendar days from the date of
OHA’s receipt of the Size Standard
§ 134.906
In accordance with § 134.210(b),
interested persons with a direct stake in
the outcome of the case may contact
OHA to intervene in the proceeding and
obtain a copy of the Size Standard
Petition. In the event that the Size
Standard Petition contains confidential
information and the intervener is not a
governmental entity, the Judge may
require that the intervener’s attorney be
admitted to a protective order before
obtaining a complete copy of the Size
Standard Petition.
§ 134.907
Filing and service.
The provisions of § 134.204 apply to
the filing and service of all pleadings
and other submissions permitted under
this subpart unless otherwise indicated
in this subpart.
§ 134.908
The administrative record.
The Office of Size Standards will
transmit to OHA a copy of the
documentation and analysis supporting
the revision, modification, or
establishment of the challenged size
standard by the date specified in the
notice and order. The Chief, Office of
Size Standards, will certify and
authenticate that the administrative
record, to the best of his or her
knowledge, is complete and correct. The
Petitioner and any interveners may,
upon request, review the administrative
record submitted to OHA. The
administrative record will include the
documentation and analysis supporting
the revision, modification, or
establishment of the challenged size
§ 134.909
Standard of review.
The standard of review for deciding a
Size Standard Petition is whether the
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process employed by the Administrator
to revise, modify, or establish the size
standard was arbitrary, capricious, an
abuse of discretion, or otherwise not in
accordance with the law. OHA will not
adjudicate arguments that a different
size standard should have been selected.
The Petitioner bears the burden of proof.
§ 134.910
The Judge must dismiss the Size
Standard Petition if:
(a) The Size Standard Petition does
not, on its face, allege specific facts that
if proven to be true, warrant remand of
the size standard;
(b) The Petitioner is not adversely
affected by the final rule revising,
modifying, or establishing a size
(c) The Size Standard Petition is
untimely or premature pursuant to
§ 134.903 or is not otherwise filed in
accordance with the requirements in
subparts A and B of this part; or
(d) The matter has been decided or is
the subject of adjudication before a
court of competent jurisdiction over
such matters.
§ 134.911
Response to the Size Standard
Although not required, any intervener
may file and serve a response
supporting or opposing the Size
Standard Petition at any time prior to
the close of record. SBA may intervene
as of right at any time in any case until
15 days after the close of record, or the
issuance of a decision, whichever comes
first. The response must present
§ 134.912
Discovery and oral hearings.
Discovery will not be permitted. Oral
hearings will not be held unless the
Judge determines that the dispute
cannot be resolved except by the taking
of live testimony and the confrontation
of witnesses.
§ 134.913
New evidence.
Disputes under this subpart ordinarily
will be decided based on the pleadings
and the administrative record. The
Judge may admit additional evidence
upon a motion establishing good cause.
§ 134.914
The decision.
The Judge will issue his or her
decision within 45 calendar days after
close of record, as practicable. The
Judge’s decision is final and will not be
§ 134.915
If OHA grants a Size Standard
Petition, OHA will remand the matter to
the Office of Size Standards for further
analysis. Once remanded, OHA no
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 105 / Friday, June 2, 2017 / Rules and Regulations
longer has jurisdiction over the matter
unless a new Size Standard Petition is
filed as a result of a new final rule
published in the Federal Register.
§ 134.916
Effects of OHA’s decision.
(a) If OHA grants a Size Standard
Petition of a modified or revised size
standard, SBA will take appropriate
action to rescind that size standard and
to restore the one that was in effect
before the one challenged in the Size
Standard Petition. The restored size
standard will remain in effect until SBA
issues a new size standard. The OHA
decision does not affect the validity of
a concern’s size representation made
under the challenged size standard prior
to the effective date of the SBA action
rescinding that challenged size
standard. Such a concern remains
eligible for award as a small business,
and the procuring agency may count the
award towards its small business goals.
If the procuring agency amends the
solicitation and requires new selfcertifications, those self-certifications
will be based on the size standard in
effect on the day those self-certifications
are made. If the size standard in
question was newly established, the
challenged size standard remains in
effect while SBA conducts its further
analysis on remand.
(b) If OHA denies a Size Standard
Petition, the size standard remains as
published in the Code of Federal
§ 134.917
Equal Access to Justice Act.
A prevailing Petitioner is not entitled
to recover attorney’s fees. Size Standard
Petitions are not proceedings that are
required to be conducted by an
Administrative Law Judge under
§ 134.603.
§ 134.918
Judicial review.
The publication of a final rule in the
Federal Register is considered the final
agency action for purposes of seeking
judicial review.
Dated: May 11, 2017.
Linda E. McMahon,
[FR Doc. 2017–10471 Filed 6–1–17; 8:45 am]
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Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 23
[Docket No. FAA–2017–0290; Special
Conditions No. 23–281–SC]
Special Conditions: Pilatus Aircraft
Limited Models PC–12, PC–12/45, PC–
12/47; Autothrust System
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Final special condition.
This special condition is for
the Pilatus Aircraft Limited PC–12, PC–
12/45, and PC–12/47 airplanes. These
airplanes, as modified by Innovative
Solutions & Support, Inc., will have a
novel or unusual design feature
associated with the use of an autothrust
system. The applicable airworthiness
regulations do not contain adequate or
appropriate safety standards for this
design feature. This special condition
contains the additional safety standards
the Administrator considers necessary
to establish a level of safety equivalent
to that established by the existing
airworthiness standards.
DATES: This special condition is
effective June 2, 2017 and is applicable
beginning May 24, 2017.
Pretz, Federal Aviation Administration,
Small Airplane Directorate, Aircraft
Certification Service, 901 Locust, Room
301, Kansas City, MO 64106; telephone
(816) 329–3239; facsimile (816) 329–
On April 4, 2016, Innovative
Solutions & Support applied for a
supplemental type certificate for
installation of an autothrust system in
the PC–12, PC–12/45, and PC–12/47
airplanes. The autothrust system is
capable of setting forward thrust based
on operation in either a pilot selectable
torque or airspeed mode. Operation is
limited to use only when above 400 feet
above ground level (AGL) after takeoff,
and requires disengagement at decision
height (DH) or minimum decision
altitude (MDA) on approach. The PC–
12, PC–12/45, and PC–12/47 airplanes
are nine-passenger, two-crewmember,
single-engine turbo-propeller airplanes
with a 30,000-foot service ceiling and a
maximum takeoff weight of 9,039 to
10,450 pounds—depending on airplane
model. These airplanes are powered by
a single Pratt & Whitney PT6A–67
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The Innovative Solutions & Support,
Inc., modification installs an autothrust
system in the PC–12, PC–12/45, and
PC–12/47 airplanes to reduce pilot
workload. The autothrust system is
useable in all phases of flight from 400
feet AGL after takeoff down to the
decision height on approach. The
system includes a torque and airspeed
mode along with monitors to prevent
the system from exceeding critical
engine or airspeed limits. A stepper
motor provides throttle movement by
acting through a linear actuator, which
acts as a link between the stepper motor
and throttle. The pilot can override the
linear actuator by moving the throttle,
which automatically disengages the
autothrust system upon disagreement in
the expected throttle position versus the
actual position.
Type Certification Basis
Under the provisions of 14 CFR
21.101, Innovative Solutions & Support
must show that the PC–12, PC–12/45,
and PC–12/47 airplanes, as changed,
continues to meet the applicable
provisions of the regulations
incorporated by reference in Type
Certificate No. A78EU. The regulations
incorporated by reference in the type
certificate are commonly referred to as
the ‘‘original type certification basis.’’
The regulations incorporated by
reference in A78EU are as follows: 14
CFR part 23, amendments 23–1 through
If the Administrator finds the
applicable airworthiness regulations
(i.e., 14 CFR part 23) do not contain
adequate or appropriate safety standards
for the PC–12, PC–12/45, and PC–12/47
airplanes because of a novel or unusual
design feature(s), special conditions are
prescribed under the provisions of
§ 21.16.
In addition to the applicable
airworthiness regulations and special
conditions, the PC–12, PC–12/45, and
PC–12/47 airplanes must comply with
the fuel vent and exhaust emission
requirements of 14 CFR part 34 and the
noise certification requirements of 14
CFR part 36.
The FAA issues special conditions, as
defined in 14 CFR 11.19, in accordance
with § 11.38 and they become part of the
type certification basis under § 21.101.
Special conditions are initially
applicable to the model for which they
are issued. Should the applicant apply
for a supplemental type certificate to
modify any other model included on the
1 See Type Certification Data Sheet A78EU,
revision 25, ‘‘Certification Basis’’ section for the
PC–12, PC–12/45, and PC–12/47 full certification
basis. (
[Federal Register Volume 82, Number 105 (Friday, June 2, 2017)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 25503-25509]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2017-10471]
Rules and Regulations
Federal Register
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains regulatory documents
having general applicability and legal effect, most of which are keyed
to and codified in the Code of Federal Regulations, which is published
under 50 titles pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 1510.
The Code of Federal Regulations is sold by the Superintendent of Documents.
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 105 / Friday, June 2, 2017 / Rules
and Regulations
[[Page 25503]]
13 CFR Parts 121 and 134
RIN 3245-AG82
Rules of Procedure Governing Cases Before the Office of Hearings
and Appeals
AGENCY: U.S. Small Business Administration.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is amending the
rules of practice of its Office of Hearings and Appeals (OHA) to
implement section 869 of the National Defense Authorization Act for
Fiscal Year 2016 and section 1833 of the National Defense Authorization
Act for Fiscal Year 2017. This legislation authorizes OHA to decide
Petitions for Reconsideration of Size Standards (Size Standard
Petitions or Petitions). This rule also revises the rules of practice
for OHA appeals of agency employee disputes.
Effective Date: This rule is effective on July 3, 2017.
Applicability Date: Size Standard Petitions pertaining to size
standards revised, modified, or established in a final rule published
during the interval between November 25, 2015, and July 3, 2017 shall
be considered timely if filed within 30 calendar days of the latter
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Linda (Lin) DiGiandomenico, Attorney
Advisor, at (202) 401-8206 or
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This rule amends the rules of practice for
the SBA's Office of Hearings and Appeals (OHA) in order to implement
section 869(b) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal
Year 2016, Public Law 114-92, 129 Stat. 726, November 25, 2015 (NDAA
2016). This legislation added new paragraph 3(a)(9) to the Small
Business Act, 15 U.S.C. 632(a)(9), to authorize OHA to hear and decide
Petitions for Reconsideration of Size Standards (Size Standard
Petitions or Petitions). A Size Standard Petition may be filed at OHA
after SBA publishes a final rule in the Federal Register to revise,
modify, or establish a size standard. This rule creates a new subpart I
in OHA's regulations (13 CFR part 134) to set out detailed rules of
practice for Size Standard Petitions, revises OHA's general rules of
practice in subparts A and B of part 134 as required by the new
legislation, and amends SBA's small business size regulations (13 CFR
part 121) to include Size Standard Petitions as part of SBA's process
for establishing size standards.
This rule also revises the rules of practice for OHA appeals of
agency employee disputes in subpart H of part 134, to comport with
SBA's revisions of its Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) 37 71, The
Employee Dispute Resolution Process.
On October 7, 2016, SBA published in the Federal Register (81 FR
69723), a proposed rule to implement section 869(b) of NDAA 2016 and to
revise procedures for OHA appeals of agency employee disputes. The
proposed rule provided a 60-day comment period, with comments due on
December 6, 2016. During the comment period SBA received three
comments, each of which concerned the implementation of section 869(b).
No comments were received concerning employee disputes.
On December 23, 2016, President Obama signed into law the National
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017, Public Law 114-328
(NDAA 2017). Section 1833(b) of NDAA 2017 added new subparagraph
3(a)(9)(E) to the Small Business Act, 15 U.S.C. 632(a)(9)(E). This
provision authorizes OHA to accept Size Standard Petitions after SBA
issues rules or guidance for processing these cases; SBA is issuing
those procedural rules today, in this final rule. Until this final
rule, SBA had no specific rules or guidance for processing Size
Standard Petitions, and thus OHA dismissed without prejudice the Size
Standard Petitions that were filed. This new statutory provision also
provides that Size Standard Petitions pertaining to size standards
revised, modified, or established in a final rule published during the
interval between November 25, 2015, and the effective date of this
final rule will be considered timely if filed within 30 calendar days
of that effective date.
Summary of Comments and SBA's Response
A. Part 121
SBA proposed adding new paragraphs (e), (f), and (g) to Sec.
121.102 to include Size Standard Petitions as part of SBA's process for
establishing size standards. New paragraph (e) requires SBA to include
instructions for filing a Size Standard Petition in any final rule
revising, modifying, or establishing a size standard. There were no
comments on it and SBA is adopting it exactly as proposed.
New paragraph (f) requires SBA to publish a notice in the Federal
Register within 14 calendar days after a Size Standard Petition is
filed. SBA received one comment on proposed new Sec. 121.102(f). The
commenter requested that SBA also have an online tracking system,
preferably on the Web site, for Size Standard Petitions
filed at OHA. The same commenter also suggested that SBA include
information on Size Standard Petitions in the record for the applicable
revised, modified, or newly established size standard.
In response, SBA notes that OHA has no online tracking system as
yet; however, systems already in place will enable the public to track
Size Standard Petition cases. First, notices for Federal Register
publication appear automatically on, and the public
may use that site's advanced search feature to locate them. Second,
once issued, OHA's decisions are public and available at Regarding the inclusion of information on Size Standard
Petitions in the record for size standards rulemakings, SBA declines to
add this requirement, leaving it up to SBA's Office of Size Standards
to determine what to include in the rulemaking record for a particular
rule. Thus, SBA is adopting the proposed Sec. 121.102(f) as proposed,
with one editorial change to the first sentence, where ``announcing a
size standard'' is replaced with ``announcing the size standard''.
Proposed new paragraph (g) would require SBA to publish a document
in the Federal Register where SBA grants a Petition for Reconsideration
of a Size Standard that had been revised or
[[Page 25504]]
modified. There were no public comments on this provision. SBA is
changing this provision to clarify that OHA will remand the case to
SBA's Office of Size Standards for further action.
B. Part 134, Subparts A and B
SBA proposed to revise four sections contained in subparts A and B
of part 134. These are Sec. Sec. 134.101 (Definitions) and 134.102
(Jurisdiction of OHA) in subpart A; and Sec. Sec. 134.201 (Scope of
the rules in this subpart B) and 134.227 (Finality of decisions) in
subpart B. SBA received no comments on any of these sections. SBA added
a definition to clarify that Step One and Step Two refer to the
Employee Dispute Resolution Process described in SBA Standard Operating
Procedure, 37 71, as denoted in Sec. 134.801(a). All other revisions
are exactly as proposed.
C. Part 134, Subpart H
SBA proposed to revise Sec. Sec. 134.801, 134.803, 134.804,
134.805, 134.807, 134.808, and 134.809 of subpart H. All of these
sections concern OHA appeals of SBA employee disputes. SBA received no
comments regarding the proposed revision of any of these sections, and
is adopting these revisions exactly as proposed, with three minor
changes. In Sec. 134.805(d), the words ``at his or her home address''
are being removed as unnecessary since service is by email. In Sec.
134.807(a), the words ``it wishes'' are being replaced with ``SBA
wishes'' for clarity. In Sec. 134.809(a), an official's title is being
D. Part 134, Subpart I
SBA proposed to add subpart I setting forth the rules of practice
before OHA for Petitions for Reconsideration of Size Standards. SBA
received no comments regarding the proposed new Sec. Sec. 134.901
(Scope of the rules in this subpart I), 134.905 (Notice and order),
134.907 (Filing and service), 134.908 (The administrative record),
134.909 (Standard of review), 134.911 (Response to the Size Standard
Petition), 134.912 (Discovery and oral hearings), 134.913 (New
evidence), 134.914 (The decision), 134.915 (Remand), 134.917 (Equal
Access to Justice Act), and 134.918 (Judicial review). SBA is adopting
these new sections as proposed, with one minor change to the first
sentence in Sec. 134.914, where the second ``the'' is being deleted.
Proposed Sec. 134.902 provides that any person ``adversely
affected'' by a new, revised, or modified size standard has standing to
file a Petition within 30 days from the date of publication of the
final rule promulgating that size standard. Paragraph (b) provides that
a business entity is not ``adversely affected'' unless it conducts
business in the industry associated with the size standard being
challenged, and it either qualified as a small business concern before
the size standard was revised or modified, or it would qualify as a
small business concern under the size standard as revised or modified.
SBA received two comments. One comment supported the proposed rule
because it precludes businesses that are large under both the existing
and the modified or revised size standard from filing Size Standard
Petitions. The second comment opposed the proposed rule for that same
reason, asserting that the statute does not limit the availability of
an OHA review only to small or would-be small businesses, but was meant
to include all adversely-affected businesses, including large
businesses. The second commenter believes that it is adversely affected
by a change in a size standard that favors its competitors, and asserts
that concerns also should be able to request review on SBA's decision
in a rulemaking not to modify or revise a size standard, but to keep it
the same.
SBA disagrees with the second comment. The statute provides that
SBA's OHA, in deciding Size Standard Petitions, ``shall use the same
process it uses to decide challenges to the size of a small business
concern.'' Small Business Act section 3(a)(9)(C), 15 U.S.C.
632(a)(9)(C). A challenge to a concern's small business size status,
also called a size protest, occurs when a competitive procurement or
order has been restricted to or reserved for small businesses or a
particular group of small businesses. The size protest, filed by either
a disappointed offeror or the Government, is initially decided by an
SBA Area Office in a size determination which may be appealed to OHA.
At both the protest (Area Office) and the appeal (OHA) stages, the
process of deciding challenges to a concern's small business size
status requires a non-Government person bringing the challenge to have
standing as a small business offeror remaining in the competition and
still eligible for award. See 13 CFR 121.1001(a)(1) (``Any offeror whom
the contracting officer has not eliminated for reasons unrelated to
size''), 13 CFR 134.302(a) (``Appeals from size determinations . . .
may be filed with OHA by the following, as applicable: Any person
adversely affected by a size determination . . . .''); Size Appeal of
Straughan Environmental, Inc., SBA No. SIZ-5767, at 3 (2016), available
at Because the statute requires OHA to follow the
process used in size challenges, and under the process used in size
challenges only a small business has standing to file either a size
protest or a size appeal, SBA believes it was the intent of Congress to
allow only a small business to file a Size Standard Petition.
Therefore, SBA is adopting new Sec. 134.902 exactly as proposed.
Section 134.903(a) reiterates the statutory 30-day deadline for
filing a Petition, requires dismissal of an untimely Petition, and
clarifies that the days counted are calendar days. Section 134.903(b)
requires dismissal as premature a Petition filed in response to a
proposed rule. The retention of an existing size standard is not
considered to be the revision, modification, or establishment of a size
standard and is not subject to these procedures, and so Sec.
134.903(c) requires OHA to dismiss a petition challenging the retention
of an existing size standard.
There were two comments. One comment expressed support for the 30-
day deadline and summary dismissal provisions. The second comment
requested a process whereby one may comment on and request a review of
a size standard change at any time, not just within 30 days of the
change, so long as the change has produced a negative financial impact
on businesses. SBA notes, with respect to the second comment, that the
30-day deadline for filing a Petition is statutory and thus SBA may not
change it. As for opportunities to comment on size standards, there is
a public comment period each time SBA publishes a proposed rule, and
during this public comment period any person may submit a comment for
SBA to consider and address in formulating the final rule. During the
public comment period, commenters need not demonstrate standing, and
may comment on any size standard being proposed, regardless of whether
the proposed rule would modify or revise that size standard. Outside of
public comment periods, persons may address their concerns about any
size standard at any time to SBA's Size Standards Office pursuant to
Sec. 121.102(d). SBA is adopting new Sec. 134.903 exactly as
Section 134.904 sets out the requirements for a Size Standard
Petition. Among these, the Petition must include any public comments
the Petitioner had submitted during the rulemaking on the challenged
size standard, and the Petitioner also must demonstrate standing for
each challenged size standard. One commenter suggested an additional
requirement, that the Petitioner must actually have submitted a public
[[Page 25505]]
comment during the rulemaking. The same commenter also noted its
support for the requirement to demonstrate standing for each challenged
size standard. SBA disagrees with the suggestion to require the
Petitioner to have submitted a public comment during the rulemaking,
because this additional requirement would be overly restrictive. Thus,
SBA is adopting new Sec. 134.904 as proposed, with the deletion of the
unnecessary mail code in Sec. 134.904(d)(1).
Section 134.906 permits interested persons with a direct stake in
the outcome of the case to intervene and obtain a copy of the Petition,
under a protective order if necessary. One commenter requested SBA to
change this provision to require potential intervenors to meet the same
standing requirement as petitioners, in order to prevent large
businesses from having a ``back door'' into the size standard review
process. SBA disagrees with this comment. The proposed rule requires
only ``a direct stake in the outcome'' and the OHA Judge will make that
determination on a case-by-case basis. SBA is adopting new Sec.
134.906 exactly as proposed.
Section 134.910 requires OHA to dismiss a Petition under four
scenarios. One commenter stated support for dismissal under those
scenarios. SBA is adopting new Sec. 134.910 exactly as proposed.
Section 134.916 sets out the effects of OHA's decision in a Size
Standard Petition case. Paragraph (a) provides that if the challenged
size standard is a modified or revised size standard, and OHA grants
the Size Standard Petition, SBA will rescind the challenged size
standard and restore the prior size standard, which will remain in
effect until SBA issues a new size standard. If the challenged size
standard is newly established, and OHA grants the Size Standard
Petition, the challenged size standard remains in effect. Paragraph (b)
provides that if OHA denies a Size Standard Petition, the challenged
size standard remains in effect.
One commenter requested clarification of the effect that OHA's
grant of a Size Standard Petition would have on procurement actions.
The commenter posed the hypothetical of a concern that is a small
business under the revised size standard but is not a small business
under the prior size standard. The concern self-certifies as small
under the revised size standard with its initial offer including price.
Later, OHA grants a Size Standard Petition and SBA rescinds the revised
size standard, restoring the prior size standard, under which that
concern is not a small business. Would contract award to that concern
as a small business be valid even though the prior size standard has
been restored?
SBA responds to this comment by stating that the contract award to
that concern as a small business is valid despite SBA's rescission of
the revised, higher size standard. This result is consistent with the
general rule, stated in Sec. 121.404(a), that a concern's small
business eligibility is determined on the self-certification date and
is based on the size standard in effect at that time. Thus, the
procuring agency may count the award toward its small business goals.
On the other hand, if the procuring agency amends the solicitation and
requires new self-certifications, those self-certifications will be
based on the size standard in effect on the day they are made. SBA is
revising the text of Sec. 134.916(a) to clarify the intended effect of
an OHA decision granting a Size Standard Petition in light of this
public comment, and also to provide that, on remand, SBA may take any
appropriate action to rescind the challenged revised or modified size
Compliance With Executive Orders 12866, 12988, 13175 and 13132, the
Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. Ch. 35), and the Regulatory
Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601-612)
Executive Order 12866
OMB has determined that this rule does not constitute a
``significant regulatory action'' under Executive Order 12866. This
rule is also not a major rule under the Congressional Review Act, 5
U.S.C. 800. This rule establishes the procedures for Petitions for
Reconsideration of Size Standards at SBA's Office of Hearings and
Appeals (OHA) and revises procedural rules at OHA for agency employee
disputes. As such, the rule has no effect on the amount or dollar value
of any Federal contract requirements or of any financial assistance
provided through SBA. Therefore, the rule is not likely to have an
annual economic effect of $100 million or more, result in a major
increase in costs or prices, or have a significant adverse effect on
competition or the United States economy. In addition, this rule does
not create a serious inconsistency or otherwise interfere with an
action taken or planned by another agency, materially alter the
budgetary impact of entitlements, grants, user fees, loan programs or
the rights and obligations of such recipients, nor raise novel legal or
policy issues arising out of legal mandates, the President's
priorities, or the principles set forth in the Executive Order.
Executive Order 12988
This action meets applicable standards set forth in section 3(a)
and 3(b)(2) of Executive Order 12988, Civil Justice Reform, to minimize
litigation, eliminate ambiguity, and reduce burden. The action does not
have retroactive or preemptive effect.
Executive Order 13175
For the purposes of Executive Order 13175, Consultation and
Coordination with Indian Tribal Governments, SBA has determined that
this final rule will not have substantial direct effects on one or more
Indian Tribes, on the relationship between the Federal Government and
Indian Tribes, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities
between the Federal Government and Indian Tribes. Therefore, SBA
determines that this final rule does not require consultations with
tribal officials or warrant the publication of a Tribal Summary Impact
Executive Order 13132
This rule does not have Federalism implications as defined in
Executive Order 13132. It will not have substantial direct effects on
the States, on the relationship between the national government and the
States, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities among the
various levels of government, as specified in the Executive Order. As
such it does not warrant the preparation of a Federalism Assessment.
Paperwork Reduction Act
The SBA has determined that this rule does not impose additional
reporting or recordkeeping requirements under the Paperwork Reduction
Act, 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35.
Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980 (RFA), 5 U.S.C. 601-612, as
amended, requires Federal agencies to consider the potential impact of
regulations on small entities during rulemaking. Small entities include
small businesses, small not-for-profit organizations, and small
governmental jurisdictions. Section 605 of the RFA allows an agency to
certify a rule, in lieu of preparing an analysis, if the rulemaking is
not expected to have a significant economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities.
This final rule revises the regulations governing cases before
SBA's Office of Hearings and Appeals (OHA), SBA's administrative
tribunal. These
[[Page 25506]]
regulations are procedural by nature. Specifically, the final rule
establishes rules of practice for Petitions for Reconsideration of Size
Standards (Size Standard Petitions), a new type of administrative
litigation mandated by 869(b) of the National Defense Authorization Act
for Fiscal Year 2016. This legislation provides a new statutory right
to challenge a size standard revised, modified, or established by the
SBA through a final rule. Further, this legislation requires OHA to
hear any Size Standard Petitions that are filed. This final rule merely
provides the rules of practice for the orderly hearing and disposition
of Size Standard Petitions at OHA. While SBA did not anticipate that
this final rule would have a significant economic impact on any small
business, we did request comments from any small business setting out
how and to what degree this final rule would affect it economically. No
comments were received regarding RFA issues.
The Small Business Size Regulations provide that persons requesting
to change existing size standards or to establish new size standards
may address these requests to SBA's Office of Size Standards. 13 CFR
121.102(d). Over the past five years, fewer than ten letters concerning
size standards have been submitted per year, supporting SBA's belief
that this final rule will not affect a substantial number of small
entities. Further, a business adversely affected by a final rule
revising a size standard has always had (and would continue to have)
the option of judicial review in Federal court, yet the SBA knows of no
such lawsuit ever having been filed.
In addition to establishing rules of practice for Size Standard
Petitions, this rule revises OHA's rules of practice for SBA Employee
Disputes. This rulemaking is procedural, would impose no significant
additional requirements on small entities, and would have minimal, if
any, effect on small entities.
Therefore, the Administrator of SBA certifies under 5 U.S.C. 605(b)
that this final rule does not have a significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities.
List of Subjects
13 CFR Part 121
Administrative practice and procedure, Government procurement,
Government property, Grant programs--business, Individuals with
disabilities, Loan programs--business, Small businesses.
13 CFR Part 134
Administrative practice and procedure, Claims, Equal access to
justice, Lawyers, Organization and functions (government agencies).
For the reasons stated in the preamble, the U.S. Small Business
Administration amends 13 CFR parts 121 and 134 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 121 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 15 U.S.C. 632, 634(b)(6), 662, and 694a(9).
2. Amend Sec. 121.102 by adding paragraphs (e), (f), and (g) to read
as follows:
Sec. 121.102 How does SBA establish size standards?
* * * * *
(e) When SBA publishes a final rule in the Federal Register
revising, modifying, or establishing a size standard, SBA will include
in the final rule, an instruction that interested persons may file a
petition for reconsideration of a revised, modified, or established
size standard at SBA's Office of Hearings and Appeals (OHA) within 30
calendar days after publication of the final rule in accordance with 15
U.S.C. 632(a)(9) and part 134, subpart I of this chapter. The
instruction will provide the mailing address, facsimile number, and
email address of OHA.
(f) Within 14 calendar days after a petition for reconsideration of
a size standard is filed, unless it appears OHA will dismiss the
petition for reconsideration, SBA will publish a document in the
Federal Register announcing the size standard or standards that have
been challenged, the Federal Register citation of the final rule, the
assigned OHA docket number, and the date of the close of record. The
document will further state that interested parties may contact OHA to
intervene in the dispute pursuant to Sec. 134.906 of this chapter.
(g) Where OHA grants a petition for reconsideration of a size
standard that had been revised or modified, OHA will remand the case to
SBA's Office of Size Standards for further action in accordance with
Sec. 134.916(a) of this chapter.
3. The authority citation for part 134 is revised to read as follows:
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 504; 15 U.S.C. 632, 634(b)(6), 634(i),
637(a), 648(l), 656(i), and 687(c); E.O. 12549, 51 FR 6370, 3 CFR,
1986 Comp., p. 189.
4. Amend Sec. 134.101 by revising the definitions of ``AA/OHA'' and
``Judge'' and adding definitions for ``Administrative Judge'',
``Petitioner'', ``Size Standard Petition'', and ``Step One and Step
Two'' in alphabetical order to read as follows:
Sec. 134.101 Definitions.
* * * * *
AA/OHA means the Assistant Administrator for OHA, who is also the
Chief Hearing Officer.
* * * * *
Administrative Judge means a Hearing Officer, as described at 15
U.S.C. 634(i), appointed by OHA to adjudicate cases.
* * * * *
Judge means the Administrative Judge or Administrative Law Judge
who decides an appeal or petition brought before OHA, or the AA/OHA
when he or she acts as an Administrative Judge.
* * * * *
Petitioner means the person who initially files a petition before
* * * * *
Size Standard Petition means a petition for reconsideration of a
revised, modified, or established size standard filed with OHA pursuant
to 15 U.S.C. 632(a)(9) and subpart I of this part.
Step One and Step Two refer to the steps of the Employee Dispute
Resolution Process, see Sec. 134.801(a) for more information.
5. Amend Sec. 134.102 by revising paragraphs (r) and (t) to read as
Sec. 134.102 Jurisdiction of OHA.
* * * * *
(r) Appeals from SBA Employee Dispute Resolution Process cases
(Employee Disputes) under Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) 37 71
(available at
or through OHA's Web site and subpart H of this
* * * * *
(t) Petitions for reconsideration of revised, modified, or
established size standards pursuant to 15 U.S.C. 632(a)(9).
6. Amend Sec. 134.201 by:
a. Removing the word ``and'' in paragraph (b)(6);
b. Redesignating paragraph (b)(7) as paragraph (b)(8); and
c. Adding a new paragraph (b)(7).
The addition reads as follows:
[[Page 25507]]
Sec. 134.201 Scope of the rules in this subpart B.
* * * * *
(b) * * *
(7) For Size Standard Petitions, in subpart I of this part
(Sec. Sec. 134.901 through 134.918); and
* * * * *
7. Amend Sec. 134.227 by:
a. Removing the word ``and'' in paragraph (b)(3);
b. Redesignating paragraph (b)(4) as paragraph (b)(5); and
c. Adding a new paragraph (b)(4).
The addition reads as follows:
Sec. 134.227 Finality of decisions.
* * * * *
(b) * * *
(4) Size Standard Petitions; and
* * * * *
Sec. 134.801 [Amended]
8. Amend Sec. 134.801 by:
a. Adding the word ``and'' at the end of paragraph (b)(9);
b. Removing ``; and'' at the end of paragraph (b)(10) and adding a
period in its place; and
c. Removing paragraph (b)(11).
9. Amend Sec. 134.803 by revising the section heading and paragraphs
(a) and (b) to read as follows:
Sec. 134.803 Commencement of appeals from SBA Employee Dispute
Resolution Process cases (Employee Disputes).
(a) An appeal from a Step Two decision must be commenced by filing
an appeal petition within 15 calendar days from the date the Employee
receives the Step Two decision.
(b) If the Step Two Official does not issue a decision within 15
calendar days of receiving the SBA Dispute Form from the Employee, the
Employee must file his/her appeal petition at OHA no later than 15
calendar days from the date the Step Two decision was due.
* * * * *
10. Amend Sec. 134.804 by:
a. Revising paragraphs (a)(1), (2), and (3);
b. Adding the word ``and'' after the semicolon in paragraph (a)(5);
c. Removing paragraph (a)(6);
d. Redesignating paragraph (a)(7) as paragraph (a)(6);
e. Revising paragraph (b)(1);
f. Removing paragraph (c); and
g. Redesignating paragraphs (d) and (e) as paragraphs (c) and (d).
The revisions read as follows:
Sec. 134.804 The appeal petition.
(a) * * *
(1) The completed SBA Dispute Form;
(2) A copy of the Step One and Step Two decisions, if any;
(3) Statement of why the Step Two decision (or Step One decision,
if no Step Two decision was received), is alleged to be in error;
* * * * *
(b) * * *
(1) The Step Two Official;
* * * * *
Sec. 134.805 [Amended]
11. Amend Sec. 134.805 in paragraph (d) by removing the words ``U.S.
Mail'' and adding in their place the word ``email'' and removing the
words ``at his or her home address''.
Sec. 134.807 [Amended]
12. Amend Sec. 134.807 as follows:
a. By removing from paragraph (a), the words ``a copy of the Dispute
File'' and adding in their place the words ``any documentation, not
already filed by the Employee, that SBA wishes OHA to consider'';
b. By removing from paragraph (b), the words ``15 days'' and ``45
days'' and adding in both their places the words ``15 calendar days'';
c. By removing from paragraph (c), the words ``and the Dispute File are
normally the last submissions'' and by adding in their place the words
``is normally the last submission''.
Sec. 134.808 [Amended]
13. Amend Sec. 134.808(a) by removing the word ``AMO's'' and adding in
its place the words ``Step One or Step Two''.
14. Revise Sec. 134.809 to read as follows:
Sec. 134.809 Review of initial decision.
(a) If the Chief Human Capital Officer, General Counsel for SBA, or
Counsel to the Inspector General (IG) believes OHA's decision is
contrary to law, rule, regulation, or SBA policy, that official may
file a Petition for Review (PFR) of the decision with the Deputy
Administrator (or IG for disputes by OIG employees) for a final SBA
Decision. Only the Chief Human Capital Officer, General Counsel, or
Counsel to the IG may file a PFR of an OHA decision; the Employee may
(b) To file a PFR, the official must request a complete copy of the
dispute file from the Assistant Administrator for OHA (AA/OHA) within
five calendar days of receiving the decision. The AA/OHA will provide a
copy of the dispute file to the official, the Employee, and the
Employee's representative within five calendar days of the official's
request. The official's PFR is due no later than 15 calendar days from
the date the official receives the dispute file. The PFR must specify
the objections to OHA's decision.
15. Add subpart I to read as follows:
Subpart I--Rules of Practice for Petitions for Reconsideration of Size
134.901 Scope of the rules in this subpart.
134.902 Standing.
134.903 Commencement of cases.
134.904 Requirements for the Size Standard Petition.
134.905 Notice and order.
134.906 Intervention.
134.907 Filing and service.
134.908 The administrative record.
134.909 Standard of review.
134.910 Dismissal.
134.911 Response to the Size Standard Petition.
134.912 Discovery and oral hearings.
134.913 New evidence.
134.914 The decision.
134.915 Remand.
134.916 Effects of OHA's decision.
134.917 Equal Access to Justice Act.
134.918 Judicial review.
Subpart I--Rules of Practice for Petitions for Reconsideration of
Size Standards
Sec. 134.901 Scope of the rules in this subpart.
(a) The rules of practice in this subpart apply to Size Standard
(b) Except where inconsistent with this subpart, the provisions of
subparts A and B of this part apply to Size Standard Petitions listed
in paragraph (a) of this section.
Sec. 134.902 Standing.
(a) A Size Standard Petition may be filed with OHA by any person
that is adversely affected by the Administrator's decision to revise,
modify, or establish a size standard.
(b) A business entity is not adversely affected unless it conducts
business in the industry associated with the size standard that is
being challenged and:
(1) The business entity qualified as a small business concern
before the size standard was revised or modified; or
(2) The business entity qualifies as a small business under the
size standard as revised or modified.
Sec. 134.903 Commencement of cases.
(a) A Size Standard Petition must be filed at OHA not later than 30
calendar days after the publication in the Federal Register of the
final rule that revises, modifies, or establishes the challenged size
standard. An untimely Size Standard Petition will be dismissed.
(b) A Size Standard Petition filed in response to a notice of
proposed rulemaking is premature and will be dismissed.
[[Page 25508]]
(c) A Size Standard Petition challenging a size standard that has
not been revised, modified, or established through publication in the
Federal Register will be dismissed.
Sec. 134.904 Requirements for the Size Standard Petition.
(a) Form. There is no required form for a Size Standard Petition.
However, it must include the following information:
(1) A copy of the final rule published in the Federal Register to
revise, modify, or establish a size standard, or an electronic link to
the final rule;
(2) A full and specific statement as to which size standard(s) in
the final rule the Petitioner is challenging and why the process that
was used to revise, modify, or establish each challenged size standard
is alleged to be arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion, or
otherwise not in accordance with the law, together with argument
supporting such allegation;
(3) A copy of any comments the Petitioner submitted in response to
the proposed notice of rulemaking that pertained to the size
standard(s) in question, or a statement that no such comments were
submitted; and
(4) The name, mailing address, telephone number, facsimile number,
email address, and signature of the Petitioner or its attorney.
(b) Multiple size standards. A Petitioner may challenge multiple
size standards that were revised, modified, or established in the same
final rule in a single Size Standard Petition, provided that the
Petitioner demonstrates standing for each of the challenged size
(c) Format. The formatting provisions of Sec. 134.203(d) apply to
Size Standard Petitions.
(d) Service. In addition to filing the Size Standard Petition at
OHA, the Petitioner must serve a copy of the Size Standard Petition
upon each of the following:
(1) SBA's Office of Size Standards, U.S. Small Business
Administration, 409 3rd Street SW., Washington, DC 20416; facsimile
number (202) 205-6390; or; and
(2) SBA's Office of General Counsel, Associate General Counsel for
Procurement Law, U.S. Small Business Administration, 409 3rd Street
SW., Washington, DC 20416; facsimile number (202) 205-6873; or
(e) Certificate of service. The Petitioner must attach to the Size
Standard Petition a signed certificate of service meeting the
requirements of Sec. 134.204(d).
Sec. 134.905 Notice and order.
Upon receipt of a Size Standard Petition, OHA will assign the
matter to a Judge in accordance with Sec. 134.218. Unless it appears
that the Size Standard Petition will be dismissed under Sec. 134.910,
the presiding Judge will issue a notice and order initiating the
publication required by Sec. 121.102(f) of this chapter; specifying a
date for the Office of Size Standards to transmit to OHA a copy of the
administrative record supporting the revision, modification, or
establishment of the challenged size standard(s); and establishing a
date for the close of record. Typically, the administrative record will
be due seven calendar days after issuance of the notice and order, and
the record will close 45 calendar days from the date of OHA's receipt
of the Size Standard Petition.
Sec. 134.906 Intervention.
In accordance with Sec. 134.210(b), interested persons with a
direct stake in the outcome of the case may contact OHA to intervene in
the proceeding and obtain a copy of the Size Standard Petition. In the
event that the Size Standard Petition contains confidential information
and the intervener is not a governmental entity, the Judge may require
that the intervener's attorney be admitted to a protective order before
obtaining a complete copy of the Size Standard Petition.
Sec. 134.907 Filing and service.
The provisions of Sec. 134.204 apply to the filing and service of
all pleadings and other submissions permitted under this subpart unless
otherwise indicated in this subpart.
Sec. 134.908 The administrative record.
The Office of Size Standards will transmit to OHA a copy of the
documentation and analysis supporting the revision, modification, or
establishment of the challenged size standard by the date specified in
the notice and order. The Chief, Office of Size Standards, will certify
and authenticate that the administrative record, to the best of his or
her knowledge, is complete and correct. The Petitioner and any
interveners may, upon request, review the administrative record
submitted to OHA. The administrative record will include the
documentation and analysis supporting the revision, modification, or
establishment of the challenged size standard.
Sec. 134.909 Standard of review.
The standard of review for deciding a Size Standard Petition is
whether the process employed by the Administrator to revise, modify, or
establish the size standard was arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of
discretion, or otherwise not in accordance with the law. OHA will not
adjudicate arguments that a different size standard should have been
selected. The Petitioner bears the burden of proof.
Sec. 134.910 Dismissal.
The Judge must dismiss the Size Standard Petition if:
(a) The Size Standard Petition does not, on its face, allege
specific facts that if proven to be true, warrant remand of the size
(b) The Petitioner is not adversely affected by the final rule
revising, modifying, or establishing a size standard;
(c) The Size Standard Petition is untimely or premature pursuant to
Sec. 134.903 or is not otherwise filed in accordance with the
requirements in subparts A and B of this part; or
(d) The matter has been decided or is the subject of adjudication
before a court of competent jurisdiction over such matters.
Sec. 134.911 Response to the Size Standard Petition.
Although not required, any intervener may file and serve a response
supporting or opposing the Size Standard Petition at any time prior to
the close of record. SBA may intervene as of right at any time in any
case until 15 days after the close of record, or the issuance of a
decision, whichever comes first. The response must present argument.
Sec. 134.912 Discovery and oral hearings.
Discovery will not be permitted. Oral hearings will not be held
unless the Judge determines that the dispute cannot be resolved except
by the taking of live testimony and the confrontation of witnesses.
Sec. 134.913 New evidence.
Disputes under this subpart ordinarily will be decided based on the
pleadings and the administrative record. The Judge may admit additional
evidence upon a motion establishing good cause.
Sec. 134.914 The decision.
The Judge will issue his or her decision within 45 calendar days
after close of record, as practicable. The Judge's decision is final
and will not be reconsidered.
Sec. 134.915 Remand.
If OHA grants a Size Standard Petition, OHA will remand the matter
to the Office of Size Standards for further analysis. Once remanded,
OHA no
[[Page 25509]]
longer has jurisdiction over the matter unless a new Size Standard
Petition is filed as a result of a new final rule published in the
Federal Register.
Sec. 134.916 Effects of OHA's decision.
(a) If OHA grants a Size Standard Petition of a modified or revised
size standard, SBA will take appropriate action to rescind that size
standard and to restore the one that was in effect before the one
challenged in the Size Standard Petition. The restored size standard
will remain in effect until SBA issues a new size standard. The OHA
decision does not affect the validity of a concern's size
representation made under the challenged size standard prior to the
effective date of the SBA action rescinding that challenged size
standard. Such a concern remains eligible for award as a small
business, and the procuring agency may count the award towards its
small business goals. If the procuring agency amends the solicitation
and requires new self-certifications, those self-certifications will be
based on the size standard in effect on the day those self-
certifications are made. If the size standard in question was newly
established, the challenged size standard remains in effect while SBA
conducts its further analysis on remand.
(b) If OHA denies a Size Standard Petition, the size standard
remains as published in the Code of Federal Regulations.
Sec. 134.917 Equal Access to Justice Act.
A prevailing Petitioner is not entitled to recover attorney's fees.
Size Standard Petitions are not proceedings that are required to be
conducted by an Administrative Law Judge under Sec. 134.603.
Sec. 134.918 Judicial review.
The publication of a final rule in the Federal Register is
considered the final agency action for purposes of seeking judicial
Dated: May 11, 2017.
Linda E. McMahon,
[FR Doc. 2017-10471 Filed 6-1-17; 8:45 am]