Hartwell First United Methodist Church-Adverse Abandonment and Discontinuance-Hartwell Railroad Company and the Great Walton Railroad Company, Inc., in Hart County, GA, 20958-20959 [2017-09135]
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 85 / Thursday, May 4, 2017 / Notices
[Public Notice 9981]
60-Day Notice of Proposed Information
Collection: Refugee Biographic Data
Notice of request for public
The Department of State is
seeking Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) approval for the
information collection described below.
In accordance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, we are
requesting comments on this collection
from all interested individuals and
organizations. The purpose of this
notice is to allow 60 days for public
comment preceding submission of the
collection to OMB.
DATES: The Department will accept
comments from the public up to July 3,
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
by any of the following methods:
• Web: Persons with access to the
Internet may comment on this notice by
going to www.Regulations.gov. You can
search for the document by entering
‘‘Docket Number: DOS–2017–0018’’ in
the Search field. Then click the
‘‘Comment Now’’ button and complete
the comment form.
• Email: PRM-Comments@state.gov.
• Regular Mail: Send written
comments to: Delicia Spruell, PRM/
Admissions, 2025 E Street NW., SA–9,
8th Floor, Washington, DC 20522–0908.
• Fax: (202) 453–9393.
You must include the DS form
number (if applicable), information
collection title, and the OMB control
number in any correspondence.
Direct requests for additional
information regarding the collection
listed in this notice, including requests
for supporting documents, to Delicia
Spruell, PRM/Admissions, 2025 E Street
NW., SA–9, 8th Floor, Washington, DC
• Title of Information Collection:
Refugee Biographic Data.
• OMB Control Number: 1405–0102.
• Type of Request: Extension of a
Currently Approved Collection.
• Originating Office: Bureau of
Population, Refugees, and Migration,
Office of Admissions, PRM/A.
• Form Number: None.
• Respondents: Refugee applicants for
the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program.
• Estimated Number of Respondents:
• Estimated Number of Responses:
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• Average Time per Response: 30
• Total Estimated Burden Time:
25,000 hours.
• Frequency: Once per respondent.
• Obligation to Respond: Required to
Obtain a Benefit.
We are soliciting public comments to
permit the Department to:
• Evaluate whether the proposed
information collection is necessary for
the proper functions of the Department.
• Evaluate the accuracy of our
estimate of the time and cost burden for
this proposed collection, including the
validity of the methodology and
assumptions used.
• Enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
• Minimize the reporting burden on
those who are to respond, including the
use of automated collection techniques
or other forms of information
Please note that comments submitted
in response to this Notice are public
record. Before including any detailed
personal information, you should be
aware that your comments as submitted,
including your personal information,
will be available for public review.
Abstract of Proposed Collection
The Refugee Biographic Data Sheet
describes a refugee applicant’s personal
characteristics and is needed to match
the refugee with a sponsoring voluntary
agency for initial reception and
placement in the U.S. under the United
States Refugee Admissions Program
administered by the Bureau of
Population, Refugees, and Migration, as
cited in the Immigration and Nationality
Act and the Refugee Act of 1980.
Biographic information is collected in
a face-to-face intake process with the
applicant overseas. An employee of a
Resettlement Support Center, under
cooperative agreement with PRM,
collects the information and enters it
into the Worldwide Refugee Admissions
Processing System.
Lawrence Bartlett,
Director, Office of Admissions, Bureau of
Population, Refugees, and Migration,
Department of State.
[FR Doc. 2017–08994 Filed 5–3–17; 8:45 am]
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[Docket No. AB 1242]
Hartwell First United Methodist
Church—Adverse Abandonment and
Discontinuance—Hartwell Railroad
Company and the Great Walton
Railroad Company, Inc., in Hart
County, GA
On April 14, 2017, Hartwell First
United Methodist Church (Hartwell
First or Applicant) filed an application
under 49 U.S.C. 10903 requesting that
the Surface Transportation Board
(Board) authorize the third-party, or
adverse, abandonment and
discontinuance of approximately 0.25
miles of rail line and associated right-ofway (the Line) owned by The Great
Walton Railroad Company (GWRC). The
Line, which traverses United States
Postal Service Zip Code 30643, extends
from Athens Street to a stub end at
South Forest Avenue in Hartwell, Hart
County, Ga. It is a portion of a line of
railroad, which Hartwell First refers to
as the Hartwell Line, between
Bowersville, Ga., and Hartwell.1 There
are no stations associated with the Line.
The application is available on the
Board’s Web site at https://www.stb.gov,
or a copy can be secured from Hartwell
First’s counsel, whose name and
address appear below.
Hartwell First currently owns
property on both sides of the Line that
it wishes to develop. According to
Hartwell First, the Line has not been
used to provide local rail service since
1996, is largely overgrown, and public
crossings have been removed and/or
closed by the Georgia Department of
Transportation. Hartwell First states that
GWRC has entered into a 99-year lease
for the Line and adjacent property with
a local non-profit for development of a
park, walking path, and farmers’ market.
Thus, Hartwell First asserts that the
Line cannot currently be used to
conduct rail service even if GWRC
wanted to do so. Hartwell First states
that GWRC has refused to seek
abandonment or discontinuance
authority voluntarily. Accordingly,
Hartwell First seeks adverse
abandonment and discontinuance
1 In earlier filings, Hartwell First stated that the
Line is owned by Hartwell Railroad Company
(HRC) and that GWRC has trackage rights over it.
(See, e.g., Hartwell First Pet. for Waiver 1, May 26,
2016.) In its application, however, Hartwell First
states that, based on additional research, it does not
appear that HRC has any ownership or operating
rights with respect to the Line. Hartwell First also
contends that no carrier (including GWRC and
HRC) has Board authorization to own or operate the
Hartwell Line. In this notice, references to GWRC
should be read to include HRC to the extent
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 85 / Thursday, May 4, 2017 / Notices
authority, so that it can then seek to
quiet title to the Line to the extent it
bisects Hartwell First’s property
between Athens Street and Webb Street.
In a decision served in this
proceeding on August 29, 2016 (August
2016 Decision), Hartwell First was
granted exemptions from several
statutory provisions as well as waivers
of certain Board regulations at 49 CFR
pt. 1152 that were not relevant to its
adverse abandonment application or
that sought information not available to
it. Specifically, Hartwell First was
granted an exemption from 49 U.S.C.
10903(c) and waiver of 49 CFR
1152.22(a)(5) pertaining to System
Diagram Maps; waivers of certain
requirements pertaining to the notice of
intent prescribed at 49 CFR 1152.21;
waiver of 49 CFR 1152.20(a)(1) to the
extent it requires service of the notice
on the Board by certified letter rather
than electronic or other delivery after a
proceeding has been instituted; waiver
of 49 CFR 1152.20(a)(2)(x) that notice be
served on Amtrak; exemption from 49
U.S.C. 10903(a)(3)(B) concerning
posting the notice of intent at agency
stations or terminals; waiver of 49 CFR
1152.22(b)–(e), which require that
discontinuance and abandonment
applications include information
regarding the condition of properties,
service performed, attributable revenue
and cost data, and rural and community
impact; waiver of 49 CFR 1152.22(i)
concerning the wording of the draft
Federal Register notice; exemption from
49 U.S.C. 10904 and waiver of 49 CFR
1152.27, which govern an offer of
financial assistance (OFA) to continue
common carrier rail service; exemption
from the public use provisions of 49
U.S.C. 10905 and waiver of the
corresponding regulation at 49 CFR
1152.28; and waiver of the requirement
under 49 CFR 1152.29(e)(2) that the
abandonment be consummated within
one year after the abandonment
In the August 2016 Decision, Hartwell
First was directed to amend certain
language in its notice of intent; serve
copies of the notice on any significant
shippers identified by HRC and/or
GWRC; serve copies of the notice on any
duly certified labor organizations
identified by HRC and/or GWRC as
representing their employees; and serve
a copy of the notice on the U.S. Railroad
Retirement Board. Hartwell First has
complied with these requirements.
Hartwell First states that the Line
does not contain federally granted
rights-of-way. Any documentation in
Hartwell First’s possession will be made
available promptly to those requesting
it. Hartwell First’s entire case-in-chief
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for adverse abandonment and
discontinuance was filed with the
The interests of railroad employees
will be protected by the conditions set
forth in Oregon Short Line Railroad—
Abandonment Portion Goshen Branch
Between Firth & Ammon, in Bingham &
Bonneville Counties, Idaho, 360 I.C.C.
91 (1979).
Any interested person may file
written comments concerning the
proposed adverse abandonment and
discontinuance or protests (including
protestant’s entire opposition case) by
May 29, 2017. Persons who may oppose
the proposed adverse abandonment and
discontinuance but who do not wish to
participate fully in the process by
submitting verified statements of
witnesses containing detailed evidence
should file comments. Persons opposing
the proposed adverse abandonment and
discontinuance who wish to participate
actively and fully in the process should
file a protest, observing the filing,
service, and content requirements of 49
CFR 1152.25. Hartwell First’s reply is
due by June 13, 2017.
Any request for an interim trail use/
railbanking condition under 16 U.S.C.
1247(d) and 49 CFR 1152.29 must be
filed by May 29, 2017, and should
address whether the issuance of a
certificate of interim trail use in this
case would be consistent with the grant
of an adverse abandonment and
discontinuance application. Each trail
use request must be accompanied by a
$300 filing fee. See 49 CFR
All filings in response to this notice
must refer to Docket No. AB 1242 and
must be sent to: (1) Surface
Transportation Board, 395 E Street SW.,
Washington, DC 20423–0001; (2) Eric M.
Hocky, Esq., Clark Hill PLC, 2005
Market Street, Suite 1000, Philadelphia,
PA 19103, (215) 640–8500.
Filings may be submitted either via
the Board’s e-filing format or in the
traditional paper format. Any person
using e-filing should comply with the
instructions found on the Board’s
‘‘www.stb.gov’’ Web site, at the ‘‘E–
FILING’’ link. Any person submitting a
filing in the traditional paper format
should send the original and 10 copies
of the filing to the Board with a
certificate of service. Except as
otherwise set forth in 49 CFR pt. 1152,
every document filed with the Board
must be served on all parties to this
adverse abandonment and
discontinuance proceeding. 49 CFR
An environmental assessment (EA) (or
environmental impact statement (EIS), if
necessary) prepared by the Board’s
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Office of Environmental Analysis (OEA)
will be served upon all parties of record
and upon any agencies or other persons
who commented during its preparation.
Any other persons who would like to
obtain a copy of the EA (or EIS) may
contact OEA by phone at the number
listed below. EAs in these abandonment
proceedings normally will be made
available within 33 days of the filing of
the application. The deadline for
submission of comments on the EA will
generally be within 30 days of its
service. The comments received will be
addressed in the Board’s decision. A
supplemental EA or EIS may be issued
where appropriate.
Persons seeking further information
concerning abandonment and
discontinuance procedures may contact
the Board’s Office of Public Assistance,
Governmental Affairs and Compliance
at (202) 245–0238 or refer to the full
regulations at 49 CFR pt. 1152.
Questions concerning environmental
issues may be directed to OEA at (202)
245–0305. Assistance for the hearing
impaired is available through the
Federal Information Relay Service
(FIRS) at 1–800–877–8339.
Board decisions and notices are
available on our Web site at
Decided: May 1, 2017.
By the Board, Rachel D. Campbell,
Director, Office of Proceedings.
Jeffrey Herzig,
Clearance Clerk.
[FR Doc. 2017–09135 Filed 5–3–17; 8:45 am]
Federal Motor Carrier Safety
[Docket No. FMCSA–2014–0383]
Qualification of Drivers; Exemption
Applications; Hearing
Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Administration (FMCSA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice of renewal of
exemptions; request for comments.
FMCSA announces its
decision to renew exemptions for 9
individuals from the hearing
requirement in the Federal Motor
Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs) for
interstate commercial motor vehicle
(CMV) drivers. The exemptions enable
these hard of hearing and deaf
individuals to continue to operate CMVs
in interstate commerce.
[Federal Register Volume 82, Number 85 (Thursday, May 4, 2017)]
[Pages 20958-20959]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2017-09135]
[Docket No. AB 1242]
Hartwell First United Methodist Church--Adverse Abandonment and
Discontinuance--Hartwell Railroad Company and the Great Walton Railroad
Company, Inc., in Hart County, GA
On April 14, 2017, Hartwell First United Methodist Church (Hartwell
First or Applicant) filed an application under 49 U.S.C. 10903
requesting that the Surface Transportation Board (Board) authorize the
third-party, or adverse, abandonment and discontinuance of
approximately 0.25 miles of rail line and associated right-of-way (the
Line) owned by The Great Walton Railroad Company (GWRC). The Line,
which traverses United States Postal Service Zip Code 30643, extends
from Athens Street to a stub end at South Forest Avenue in Hartwell,
Hart County, Ga. It is a portion of a line of railroad, which Hartwell
First refers to as the Hartwell Line, between Bowersville, Ga., and
Hartwell.\1\ There are no stations associated with the Line. The
application is available on the Board's Web site at https://www.stb.gov,
or a copy can be secured from Hartwell First's counsel, whose name and
address appear below.
\1\ In earlier filings, Hartwell First stated that the Line is
owned by Hartwell Railroad Company (HRC) and that GWRC has trackage
rights over it. (See, e.g., Hartwell First Pet. for Waiver 1, May
26, 2016.) In its application, however, Hartwell First states that,
based on additional research, it does not appear that HRC has any
ownership or operating rights with respect to the Line. Hartwell
First also contends that no carrier (including GWRC and HRC) has
Board authorization to own or operate the Hartwell Line. In this
notice, references to GWRC should be read to include HRC to the
extent appropriate.
Hartwell First currently owns property on both sides of the Line
that it wishes to develop. According to Hartwell First, the Line has
not been used to provide local rail service since 1996, is largely
overgrown, and public crossings have been removed and/or closed by the
Georgia Department of Transportation. Hartwell First states that GWRC
has entered into a 99-year lease for the Line and adjacent property
with a local non-profit for development of a park, walking path, and
farmers' market. Thus, Hartwell First asserts that the Line cannot
currently be used to conduct rail service even if GWRC wanted to do so.
Hartwell First states that GWRC has refused to seek abandonment or
discontinuance authority voluntarily. Accordingly, Hartwell First seeks
adverse abandonment and discontinuance
[[Page 20959]]
authority, so that it can then seek to quiet title to the Line to the
extent it bisects Hartwell First's property between Athens Street and
Webb Street.
In a decision served in this proceeding on August 29, 2016 (August
2016 Decision), Hartwell First was granted exemptions from several
statutory provisions as well as waivers of certain Board regulations at
49 CFR pt. 1152 that were not relevant to its adverse abandonment
application or that sought information not available to it.
Specifically, Hartwell First was granted an exemption from 49 U.S.C.
10903(c) and waiver of 49 CFR 1152.22(a)(5) pertaining to System
Diagram Maps; waivers of certain requirements pertaining to the notice
of intent prescribed at 49 CFR 1152.21; waiver of 49 CFR 1152.20(a)(1)
to the extent it requires service of the notice on the Board by
certified letter rather than electronic or other delivery after a
proceeding has been instituted; waiver of 49 CFR 1152.20(a)(2)(x) that
notice be served on Amtrak; exemption from 49 U.S.C. 10903(a)(3)(B)
concerning posting the notice of intent at agency stations or
terminals; waiver of 49 CFR 1152.22(b)-(e), which require that
discontinuance and abandonment applications include information
regarding the condition of properties, service performed, attributable
revenue and cost data, and rural and community impact; waiver of 49 CFR
1152.22(i) concerning the wording of the draft Federal Register notice;
exemption from 49 U.S.C. 10904 and waiver of 49 CFR 1152.27, which
govern an offer of financial assistance (OFA) to continue common
carrier rail service; exemption from the public use provisions of 49
U.S.C. 10905 and waiver of the corresponding regulation at 49 CFR
1152.28; and waiver of the requirement under 49 CFR 1152.29(e)(2) that
the abandonment be consummated within one year after the abandonment
In the August 2016 Decision, Hartwell First was directed to amend
certain language in its notice of intent; serve copies of the notice on
any significant shippers identified by HRC and/or GWRC; serve copies of
the notice on any duly certified labor organizations identified by HRC
and/or GWRC as representing their employees; and serve a copy of the
notice on the U.S. Railroad Retirement Board. Hartwell First has
complied with these requirements.
Hartwell First states that the Line does not contain federally
granted rights-of-way. Any documentation in Hartwell First's possession
will be made available promptly to those requesting it. Hartwell
First's entire case-in-chief for adverse abandonment and discontinuance
was filed with the application.
The interests of railroad employees will be protected by the
conditions set forth in Oregon Short Line Railroad--Abandonment Portion
Goshen Branch Between Firth & Ammon, in Bingham & Bonneville Counties,
Idaho, 360 I.C.C. 91 (1979).
Any interested person may file written comments concerning the
proposed adverse abandonment and discontinuance or protests (including
protestant's entire opposition case) by May 29, 2017. Persons who may
oppose the proposed adverse abandonment and discontinuance but who do
not wish to participate fully in the process by submitting verified
statements of witnesses containing detailed evidence should file
comments. Persons opposing the proposed adverse abandonment and
discontinuance who wish to participate actively and fully in the
process should file a protest, observing the filing, service, and
content requirements of 49 CFR 1152.25. Hartwell First's reply is due
by June 13, 2017.
Any request for an interim trail use/railbanking condition under 16
U.S.C. 1247(d) and 49 CFR 1152.29 must be filed by May 29, 2017, and
should address whether the issuance of a certificate of interim trail
use in this case would be consistent with the grant of an adverse
abandonment and discontinuance application. Each trail use request must
be accompanied by a $300 filing fee. See 49 CFR 1002.2(f)(27).
All filings in response to this notice must refer to Docket No. AB
1242 and must be sent to: (1) Surface Transportation Board, 395 E
Street SW., Washington, DC 20423-0001; (2) Eric M. Hocky, Esq., Clark
Hill PLC, 2005 Market Street, Suite 1000, Philadelphia, PA 19103, (215)
Filings may be submitted either via the Board's e-filing format or
in the traditional paper format. Any person using e-filing should
comply with the instructions found on the Board's ``www.stb.gov'' Web
site, at the ``E-FILING'' link. Any person submitting a filing in the
traditional paper format should send the original and 10 copies of the
filing to the Board with a certificate of service. Except as otherwise
set forth in 49 CFR pt. 1152, every document filed with the Board must
be served on all parties to this adverse abandonment and discontinuance
proceeding. 49 CFR 1104.12(a).
An environmental assessment (EA) (or environmental impact statement
(EIS), if necessary) prepared by the Board's Office of Environmental
Analysis (OEA) will be served upon all parties of record and upon any
agencies or other persons who commented during its preparation. Any
other persons who would like to obtain a copy of the EA (or EIS) may
contact OEA by phone at the number listed below. EAs in these
abandonment proceedings normally will be made available within 33 days
of the filing of the application. The deadline for submission of
comments on the EA will generally be within 30 days of its service. The
comments received will be addressed in the Board's decision. A
supplemental EA or EIS may be issued where appropriate.
Persons seeking further information concerning abandonment and
discontinuance procedures may contact the Board's Office of Public
Assistance, Governmental Affairs and Compliance at (202) 245-0238 or
refer to the full abandonment/discontinuance regulations at 49 CFR pt.
1152. Questions concerning environmental issues may be directed to OEA
at (202) 245-0305. Assistance for the hearing impaired is available
through the Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1-800-877-8339.
Board decisions and notices are available on our Web site at
Decided: May 1, 2017.
By the Board, Rachel D. Campbell, Director, Office of
Jeffrey Herzig,
Clearance Clerk.
[FR Doc. 2017-09135 Filed 5-3-17; 8:45 am]