Establishment, Modification and Revocation of Air Traffic Service (ATS) Routes; Western United States, 18551-18556 [2017-07784]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 75 / Thursday, April 20, 2017 / Rules and Regulations The Rule This amendment to Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 71 establishes Class E en route airspace extending upward from 1,200 feet above the surface at Denver, CO, within the area controlled by the Denver Air Route Traffic Control Center, Denver, CO. This airspace is established to support en route IFR operations where the airway structure is inadequate. Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(f), 106(g); 40103, 40113, 40120; E.O. 10854, 24 FR 9565, 3 CFR, 1959–1963 Comp., p. 389. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION § 71.1 14 CFR Part 71 [Amended] 2. The incorporation by reference in 14 CFR 71.1 of FAA Order 7400.11A, Airspace Designations and Reporting Points, dated August 3, 2016, and effective September 15, 2016, is amended as follows: ■ Regulatory Notices and Analyses Paragraph 6006 Airspace Areas. En Route Domestic The FAA has determined that this regulation only involves an established body of technical regulations for which frequent and routine amendments are necessary to keep them operationally current, is non-controversial and unlikely to result in adverse or negative comments. It, therefore: (1) Is not a ‘‘significant regulatory action’’ under Executive Order 12866; (2) is not a ‘‘significant rule’’ under DOT Regulatory Policies and Procedures (44 FR 11034; February 26, 1979); and (3) does not warrant preparation of a Regulatory Evaluation as the anticipated impact is so minimal. Since this is a routine matter that only affects air traffic procedures and air navigation, it is certified that this rule, when promulgated, will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities under the criteria of the Regulatory Flexibility Act. * * Environmental Review The FAA has determined that this action qualifies for categorical exclusion under the National Environmental Policy Act in accordance with FAA Order 1050.1F, ‘‘Environmental Impacts: Policies and Procedures,’’ paragraph 5–6.5a. This airspace action is not expected to cause any potentially significant environmental impacts, and no extraordinary circumstances exist that warrant preparation of an environmental assessment. Lists of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 71 Airspace, Incorporation by reference, Navigation (air). Adoption of the Amendment pmangrum on DSK3GDR082PROD with RULES In consideration of the foregoing, the Federal Aviation Administration amends 14 CFR part 71 as follows: * * ANM CO E6 * That airspace extending upward from 1,200 feet above the surface within an area bounded by lat. 44°57′30″ N., long. 103°10′00″ W.; to lat. 44°42′00″ N., long. 101°29′00″ W.; to lat. 43°42′30″ N., long. 101°24′30″ W.; to lat. 43°17′20″ N., long. 100°06′00″ W.; to lat. 42°00′00″ N., long. 099°01′00″ W.; to lat. 39°59′00″ N., long.099°03′30″ W.; to lat. 39°28′00″ N., long. 098°48′00″ W.; to lat. 37°30′00″ N., long. 102°33′00″ W.; to lat. 36°43′00″ N., long. 105°00′00″ W.; to lat. 36°43′00″ N., long. 106°05′00″ W.; to lat. 36°12′00″ N., long. 107°28′00″ W.; to lat. 36°02′00″ N., long. 108°13′00″ W.; to lat. 35°42′00″ N., long. 110°14′00″ W.; to lat. 35°46′00″ N., long. 111°50′30″ W.; to lat. 36°25′15″ N., long. 111°30′15″ W.; to lat. 36°44′00″ N., long. 111°36′30″ W.; to lat. 37°24′45″ N., long. 111°52′45″ W.; to lat. 37°50′00″ N., long. 110°53′00″ W.; to lat. 38°07′45″ N., long. 110°09′25″ W.; to lat. 38°12′00″ N., long. 109°59′00″ W.; to lat. 38°56′00″ N., long. 109°59′00″ W.; to lat. 39°13′00″ N., long. 109°59′00″ W.; to lat. 39°35′00″ N., long. 110°18′00″ W.; to lat. 40°00′00″ N., long. 109°10′00″ W.; to lat. 40°51′00″ N., long. 109°06′00″ W.; to lat. 41°22′00″ N., long. 108°16′30″ W.; to lat. 41°36′30″ N., long. 108°00′00″ W.; to lat. 42°25′00″ N., long. 107°03′00″ W.; to lat. 43°53′00″ N., long. 107°17′00″ W.; to lat. 44°19′00″ N., long. 106°16′00″ W.; to lat. 45°14′15″ N., long. 106°00′00″ W.; to lat. 45°07′00″ N., long. 104°15′00″ W.; thence to the point of beginning. Issued in Seattle, Washington, on April 7, 2017. Sam S.L. Shrimpton, Acting Group Manager, Operations Support Group, Western Service Center. [FR Doc. 2017–07788 Filed 4–19–17; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4910–13–P 1. The authority citation for part 71 continues to read as follows: ■ 13:10 Apr 19, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 Federal Aviation Administration [Docket No. FAA–2016–9264; Airspace Docket No. 16–AWP–1] Establishment, Modification and Revocation of Air Traffic Service (ATS) Routes; Western United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT. ACTION: Final rule. AGENCY: This action modifies three jet routes and four VHF Omnidirectional Range (VOR) Federal airways; removes two VOR Federal Airway routes, and establishes four and modifies three low altitude Area Navigation (RNAV) routes (T-routes) in the western United States. The FAA is taking this action due to the scheduled decommissioning of the Manteca, CA, and Maxwell, CA, VOR facilities, which provide navigation guidance for portions of the affected routes. This action enhances the safety and management of aircraft along these routes within the National Airspace System (NAS). The VOR Federal airway, V–244, published in the notice of proposed rulemaking, requires more coordination and is not being finalized in this action. DATES: Effective date 0901 UTC, June 22, 2017. The Director of the Federal Register approves this incorporation by reference action under Title 1, Code of Federal Regulations, part 51, subject to the annual revision of FAA, Order 7400.11 and publication of conforming amendments. ADDRESSES: FAA Order 7400.11A, Airspace Designations and Reporting Points, and subsequent amendments can be viewed online at air_traffic/publications/. For further information, you can contact the Airspace Policy Group, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20591; telephone: (202) 267–8783. The Order is also available for inspection at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of FAA Order 7400.11A at NARA, call (202) 741–6030, or go to https:// code_of_federal-regulations/ibr_ locations.html. FAA Order 7400.11, Airspace Designations and Reporting Points, is published yearly and effective on September 15. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kenneth Ready, Airspace Policy Group, SUMMARY: Denver, CO [New] PART 71—DESIGNATION OF CLASS A, B, C, D, AND E AIRSPACE AREAS; AIR TRAFFIC SERVICE ROUTES; AND REPORTING POINTS VerDate Sep<11>2014 18551 E:\FR\FM\20APR1.SGM 20APR1 18552 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 75 / Thursday, April 20, 2017 / Rules and Regulations Office of Airspace Services, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20591; telephone: (202) 267–8783. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Authority for This Rulemaking The FAA’s authority to issue rules regarding aviation safety is found in Title 49 of the United States Code. Subtitle I, Section 106 describes the authority of the FAA Administrator. Subtitle VII, Aviation Programs, describes in more detail the scope of the agency’s authority. This rulemaking is promulgated under the authority described in Subtitle VII, Part A, Subpart I, Section 40103. Under that section, the FAA is charged with prescribing regulations to assign the use of the airspace necessary to ensure the safety of aircraft and the efficient use of airspace. This regulation is within the scope of that authority as it modifies the air traffic service route structure in the western United States to maintain the efficient flow of air traffic. History On January 5, 2017, the FAA published in the Federal Register a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) (82 FR 1279); Docket No. FAA–2016– 9264, to amend three jet routes (J–58, J– 80, J–94) and four VOR Federal airways (V–87, V–113, V–195, V–244); remove two VOR Federal airways (V–109, V– 585); and establish four (T–298, T–329, T–331, and T–333) and modify four (T– 257, T–259, T–261, T–263) RNAV Troutes in the western United States. Interested parties were invited to participate in this rulemaking effort by submitting written comments on the proposal. No comments were received. Availability and Summary of Documents for Incorporation by Reference pmangrum on DSK3GDR082PROD with RULES This document amends FAA Order 7400.11A, airspace Designations and Reporting Points, dated August 3, 2016, and effective September 15, 2016. FAA Order 7400.11A is publicly available as listed in the ADDRESSES section of this document. FAA Order 7400.11A lists Class A, B, C, D, and E airspace areas, air traffic service routes, and reporting points. Differences From the NPRM The NPRM proposed to establish VOR Federal airway, V–244. Due to additional coordination required for low altitude routes, V–244 requires additional review and will be finalized at a later date. VerDate Sep<11>2014 13:10 Apr 19, 2017 Jkt 241001 The Rule The FAA is amending Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 71 to amend jet routes J–58, J–80, J–94, and VOR Federal airways V–87, V–113, V– 195; remove VOR Federal airways V– 109, V–585; establish RNAV T-routes T– 298, T–329, T–331, and T–333; and modify RNAV T-routes T–257, T–259, T–261, T–263 in the western United States due to the scheduled decommissioning of the Manteca and Maxwell VOR facilities. The routes are outlined below. J–58: J–58 currently extends between Oakland, CA (OAK) and Harvey, LA (HRV). The FAA removes the segment of the route west of Coaldale, NV (OAL) from Oakland to Coaldale via Manteca. The unaffected portion of the existing route will remain as charted. J–80: J–80 currently extends between Oakland, CA (OAK) and Bellaire, OH (AIR). The FAA removes the segment of the route west of Coaldale, NV (OAL) from Oakland to Coaldale via Manteca. The unaffected portion of the existing route will remain as charted. J–94: J–94 currently extends between Oakland, CA (OAK) and Flint, MI (FNT). The FAA removes the segment of the route west of Mustang, NV (FMG) from Oakland to Mustang. The unaffected portion of the existing route will remain as charted. V–87: V–87 currently extends between Panoche, CA (PXN) and Red Bluff, CA (RBL). The FAA amends the route by ending the route at Scaggs Island, CA (SGD), eliminating the segment north of Scaggs Island, CA (SGD) to Red Bluff, CA. The unaffected portion of the existing route will remain as charted. V–109: V–109 currently extends from Panoche, CA to Oakland CA. The FAA removes this route. V–113: V–113 currently extends between Morro Bay, CA (MQO) and Lewistown, MT (LWT). The FAA removes the Manteca, CA segment between Panoche, CA (PXN) and Linden, CA (LIN). The unaffected portions of the existing route will remain as charted in the two remaining segments. V–195: V–195 currently extends between Manteca, CA (ECA) and Fortuna, CA, (FOT). The FAA removes the part of the route east of Oakland, CA (OAK) from Manteca to Oakland. The unaffected portion of the existing route will remain as charted. V–585: V–585 currently extends from Clovis, CA to Sacramento, CA. The FAA removes this route. T–257: T–257 currently extends between Big Sur, CA (BSR) to Point PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 Reyes, CA (PYE). The FAA amends the route from Ventura, CA (VTU) to Tatoosh, WA (TOU). T–259: T–259 currently extends between San Jose, CA (SJC) to Sacramento, CA (SAC). The FAA amends the route from Lake Hughes, CA (LHS) to Ely, NV (ELY). T–261: T–261 currently extends between Woodside, CA (OSI) and the ALTAM waypoint. The FAA amends the route from Santa Catalina, CA (SXC) to JSTEN waypoint. T–263: T–263 currently extends between the SUNOL waypoint and Scaggs Island, CA (SGD). The FAA amends the route to begin at Fillmore, CA (FIM) to ELWHA waypoint. T–298: The FAA establishes T–298 between Oakland, CA (OAK) and Crazy Woman, WY (CZI). T–329: The FAA establishes T–329 between Morro Bay, CA (MQO) and NACKI, CA waypoint. T–331: The FAA establishes T–331 between NTELL, CA waypoint and FONIA, ND FIX. T–333: The FAA establishes T–333 between KLIDE, CA fix and TIPRE, CA waypoint. All radials in the regulatory text route descriptions below are stated in True degrees. Jet routes are published in paragraph 2004, VOR Federal airways are published in paragraph 6010(a), United States Area Navigation Routes (TRoutes) are published in paragraph 6011, respectively, of FAA Order 7400.11A dated August 3, 2016, and effective September 15, 2016, which is incorporated by reference in 14 CFR 71.1. The Jet routes, VOR Federal airways and United States Area Navigation Routes (T-Routes) listed in this document will be subsequently published in the Order. Regulatory Notices and Analyses The FAA has determined that this regulation only involves an established body of technical regulations for which frequent and routine amendments are necessary to keep them operationally current. It, therefore: (1) Is not a ‘‘significant regulatory action’’ under Executive Order 12866; (2) is not a ‘‘significant rule’’ under Department of Transportation (DOT) Regulatory Policies and Procedures (44 FR 11034; February 26, 1979); and (3) does not warrant preparation of a regulatory evaluation as the anticipated impact is so minimal. Since this is a routine matter that only affects air traffic procedures and air navigation, it is certified that this rule, when promulgated, does not have a significant economic impact on a substantial E:\FR\FM\20APR1.SGM 20APR1 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 75 / Thursday, April 20, 2017 / Rules and Regulations number of small entities under the criteria of the Regulatory Flexibility Act. Environmental Review The FAA has determined that this action of modifying three jet routes and three VOR Federal airways, removing two VOR Federal Airway routes, and establishing four and modifying four low altitude Area Navigation (RNAV) routes (T-routes) qualifies for categorical exclusion under the National Environmental Policy Act and its implementing regulations at 40 CFR part 1500, and in accordance with FAA Order 1050.1F—Environmental Impacts: Policies and Procedures, Paragraph 5– 6.5a, which categorically excludes from further environmental impact review rulemaking actions that designate or modify classes of airspace areas, airways, routes, and reporting points (see 14 CFR part 71, Designation of Class A, B, C, D, and E Airspace Areas; Air Traffic Service Routes; and Reporting Points). This action is not expected to cause any potentially significant environmental impacts. In accordance with FAA Order 1050.1F, paragraph 5–2 regarding Extraordinary Circumstances, this action has been reviewed for factors and circumstances in which a normally categorically excluded action may have a significant environmental impact requiring further analysis, and it is determined that no extraordinary circumstances exist that warrant preparation of an environmental assessment. pmangrum on DSK3GDR082PROD with RULES Jkt 241001 * PART 71—DESIGNATION OF CLASS A, B, C, D, AND E AIRSPACE AREAS; AIR TRAFFIC SERVICE ROUTES; AND REPORTING POINTS 1. The authority citation for part 71 continues to read as follows: ■ Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(f), 106(g); 40103, 40113, 40120; E.O. 10854, 24 FR 9565, 3 CFR, 1959–1963 Comp., p. 389. 2. The incorporation by reference in 14 CFR 71.1 of FAA Order 7400.11A, Airspace Designations and Reporting Points, dated August 3, 2016 and effective September 15, 2016, is amended as follows: ■ Paragraph 2004 Jet Routes. J–58 [Amended] From Coaldale, NV; Wilson Creek, NV; Milford, UT; Rattlesnake, NM; Fort Union, NM; Panhandle, TX; Wichita Falls, TX; Ranger, TX; Alexandria, LA; to Harvey, LA. * * * * * J–80 [Amended] From Coaldale, NV; Wilson Creek, NV; Milford, UT; Grand Junction, CO; Red Table, CO; Falcon, CO; Goodland, KS; Hill City, KS; Kansas City, MO; Spinner, IL; Brickyard, IN; to Bellaire, OH. * * * * PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. * * Paragraph 6010 Airways. * * Domestic VOR Federal V–87 [Amended] From Panoche, CA; INT Panoche 245° and Salinas, CA, 100° radials; Salinas; INT Salinas 310° and Woodside, CA, 158° radials; Woodside; San Francisco, CA; INT San Francisco 359° and Scaggs Island, CA, 182° radials; to Scaggs Island, CA. * * * * * * * V–109 [Removed] * [Amended] T–257 Ventura, CA (VTU) to Tatoosh, WA (TOU) [Amended] Ventura, CA (VTU) VOR/DME (Lat. 34°06′54.21″ San Marcus, CA (RZS) VORTAC (Lat. 34°30′34.32″ Morro Bay, CA (MQO) VORTAC (Lat. 35°15′08.12″ BLANC, CA FIX (Lat. 35°37′53.19″ CAATE, CA WP (Lat. 36°46′32.29″ CHAWZ, CA WP (Lat. 37°06′48.59″ PORTE, CA FIX (Lat. 37°29′23.23″ THHEO, CA WP (Lat. 37°44′54.55″ WP (Lat. 37°51′16.99″ JAMIN, CA Point Reyes, CA (PYE) VORTAC (Lat. 38°04′47.12″ FREES, CA FIX (Lat. 38°23′38.47″ NACKI, CA WP (Lat. 38°43′47.73″ Mendocino, CA (ENI) VORTAC (Lat. 39°03′11.58″ FLUEN, CA FIX (Lat. 39°32′47.92″ PLYAT, CA FIX (Lat. 40°20′20.90″ CCHUK, CA WP (Lat. 40°31′42.18″ WP (Lat. 40°55′23.94″ SCUPY, CA OLJEK, CA FIX (Lat. 41°28′30.66″ CIGCA, CA WP (Lat. 41°36′39.60″ FURNS, CA WP (Lat. 41°55′15.86″ MITUE, OR FIX (Lat. 43°18′49.00″ JANAS, OR FIX (Lat. 44°17′33.63″ Newport, OR (ONP) VORTAC (Lat. 44°34′31.26″ CUTEL, OR FIX (Lat. 44°54′27.50″ FIX (Lat. 46°19′46.62″ ILWAC, WA ZEDAT, WA FIX (Lat. 46°35′50.64″ WAVLU, WA FIX (Lat. 46°50′00.90″ Hoquiam, WA (HQM) VORTAC (Lat. 46°56′49.35″ COPLS, WA WP (Lat. 47°06′46.78″ WAPTO, WA FIX (Lat. 47°28′19.54″ OZETT, WA WP (Lat. 48°03′07.00″ 13:10 Apr 19, 2017 From Mustang, NV; Lovelock, NV; Battle Mountain, NV; Lucin, UT; Rock Springs, WY; Scottsbluff, NE; O’Neill, NE; Fort Dodge, IA; Dubuque, IA; Northbrook, IL; Pullman, MI; to Flint, MI. The Amendment In consideration of the foregoing, the Federal Aviation Administration amends 14 CFR part 71 as follows: * VerDate Sep<11>2014 J–94 [Amended] List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 71 Airspace, Incorporation by reference, Navigation (air). § 71.1 18553 * * V–113 [Amended] From Morro Bay, CA; Paso Robles, CA; Priest, CA; to Panoche, CA. From Linden, CA; INT Linden 046° and Mustang, NV, 208° radials; Mustang; 42 miles, 24 miles, 115 MSL, 95 MSL, Sod House, NV; 67 miles, 95 MSL, 85 MSL, Rome, OR; 61 miles, 85 MSL, Boise, ID; Salmon, ID; Coppertown, MT; Helena, MT; to Lewistown, MT. * * * * * V–195 [Amended] From Oakland, CA; INT Oakland 004° and Williams, CA, 191° radials; Williams; INT Williams 002° and Red Bluff, CA, 158° radials; Red Bluff; to Fortuna, CA. * * * * * * * V–585 [Removed] * * * Paragraph 6011 United States Area Navigation Routes. 119°02′58.17″ 119°46′15.57″ 120°45′34.44″ 121°21′23.04″ 122°04′09.57″ 122°21′09.58″ 122°28′28.48″ 122°36′54.79″ 122°40′12.05″ 122°52′04.18″ 122°55′33.24″ 123°05′52.93″ 123°16′27.58″ 123°33′42.75″ 123°41′35.88″ 124°04′16.08″ 124°18′09.85″ 124°14′20.68″ 124°17′27.58″ 124°26′09.40″ 124°30′22.74″ 124°05′14.25″ 124°03′38.14″ 124°01′25.30″ 124°10′49.49″ 124°10′01.14″ 124°06′35.70″ 124°08′57.37″ 124°07′40.80″ 124°13′50.38″ 124°35′54.42″ E:\FR\FM\20APR1.SGM W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) 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W.) 20APR1 18554 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 75 / Thursday, April 20, 2017 / Rules and Regulations Tatoosh, WA (TOU) VORTAC (Lat. 48°17′59.64″ N., long. 124°37′37.36″ W.) * * * * * T–259 Lake Hughes, CA (LHS) to Ely, NV (ELY) [Amended] Lake Hughes, CA (LHS) VORTAC (Lat. 34°40′58.70″ Shafter, CA (EHF) VORTAC (Lat. 35°29′04.40″ Avenal, CA (AVE) VOR/DME (Lat. 35°38′49.11″ MBARI, CA WP (Lat. 36°01′37.09″ LKHRN, CA WP (Lat. 36°05′59.82″ Salinas, CA (SNS) VORTAC (Lat. 36°39′49.81″ CAATE, CA WP (Lat. 36°46′32.29″ FIX (Lat. 36°58′45.26″ SANTY, CA SAPID, CA FIX (Lat. 37°11′28.73″ CRTER, CA WP (Lat. 37°27′09.35″ MOVDD, CA FIX (Lat. 37°39′40.88″ OXJEF, CA WP (Lat. 37°46′11.40″ SAAGO, CA WP (Lat. 37°51′19.01″ BNAKI, CA WP (Lat. 37°53′25.61″ WEXIM, CA WP (Lat. 37°59′12.54″ FIX (Lat. 37°58′02.88″ NIKOL, CA DAYMN, NV WP (Lat. 38°59′19.00″ Ely, NV (ELY) VOR/DME (Lat. 39°17′53.25″ pmangrum on DSK3GDR082PROD with RULES * * * * * T–261 Santa Catalina, CA (SXC), to JSTEN, WA [Amended] Santa Catalina, CA (SXC) VORTAC (Lat. 33°22′30.20″ Gaviota, CA (GVO) VORTAC (Lat. 34°31′52.75″ Morro Bay, CA (MQO) VORTAC (Lat. 35°15′08.12″ CLMNS, CA FIX (Lat. 35°24′45.26″ HRRNG, CA WP (Lat. 35°37′39.24″ WP (Lat. 36°03′16.11″ HMPBK, CA WOZZZ, CA WP (Lat. 36°13′59.12″ Salinas, CA (SNS) VORTAC (Lat. 36°39′49.81″ WINDY, CA FIX (Lat. 37°17′36.96″ MOVDD, CA FIX (Lat. 37°39′40.88″ GIFME, CA WP (Lat. 38°12′02.39″ GRIDD, CA FIX (Lat. 39°19′38.69″ FIX (Lat. 39°44′36.22″ GONGS, CA HOMAN, CA FIX (Lat. 40°24′17.88″ GARSA, CA FIX (Lat. 40°42′05.61″ CCAPS, CA WP (Lat. 41°28′40.20″ MUREX, CA FIX (Lat. 41°52′11.03″ MIXUP, OR FIX (Lat. 42°31′07.79″ Deschutes, OR (DSD) VORTAC (Lat. 44°15′09.95″ CUPRI, OR FIX (Lat. 44°37′03.76″ WP (Lat. 44°54′05.94″ SUPOC, OR KUKTE, OR FIX (Lat. 45°19′55.95″ SUNSN, WA WP (Lat. 45°57′09.59″ MUDLE, WA FIX (Lat. 46°23′38.69″ Yakima, WA (YKM) VORTAC (Lat. 46°34′12.87″ SELAH, WA FIX (Lat. 46°42′03.01″ GEBTE, WA FIX (Lat. 46°51′39.01″ QUINT, WA FIX (Lat. 47°12′50.29″ WP (Lat. 48°10′04.08″ PAWYO, WA HVARD, WA WP (Lat. 48°17′32.75″ SOFFE, WA WP (Lat. 48°41′41.31″ JSTEN, WA WP (Lat. 48°57′50.34″ * * * T–263 Fillmore, CA (FIM) to ELWHA, WA [Amended] Fillmore, CA (FIM) VORTAC Avenal, CA (AVE) VOR/DME Panoche, CA (PXN) VORTAC FIX WINDY, CA MOVDD, CA FIX RBLEW, CA WP PITTS, CA FIX Scaggs Island, CA (SGD) VORTAC POPES, CA FIX DIBLE, CA FIX KENDL, CA FIX FIX FOLDS, CA HOMEG, CA WP ZUNAS, CA FIX TALEM, OR FIX OREGN, OR WP EROWY, OR WP NOTTI, OR FIX Corvallis, OR (CVO) VOR/DME FIX ARTTY, OR Newberg, OR (UBG) VOR/DME LOATH, OR FIX WINLO, WA FIX ULESS, WA FIX ARRIE, WA FIX VerDate Sep<11>2014 13:10 Apr 19, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Frm 00008 * N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. * 34°21′24.10″ 35°38′49.11″ 36°42′55.65″ 37°17′36.96″ 37°39′40.88″ 37°53′49.80″ 38°02′59.59″ 38°10′45.70″ 38°29′09.41″ 40°13′22.13″ 40°27′20.50″ 40°44′16.56″ 41°20′09.00″ 41°51′34.17″ 42°08′49.70″ 42°50′22.63″ 43°03′20.67″ 44°03′23.13″ 44°29′58.45″ 45°00′00.00″ 45°21′11.62″ 46°00′41.95″ 46°27′27.26″ 47°07′54.58″ 47°52′47.61″ Sfmt 4700 long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. * * (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. Fmt 4700 * N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. * 118°34′36.98″ 119°05′50.27″ 119°58′42.98″ 120°34′38.27″ 120°45′22.53″ 121°36′11.47″ 122°04′09.57″ 122°04′23.07″ 122°10′47.00″ 121°50′28.62″ 121°26′53.53″ 121°02′03.31″ 120°05′09.54″ 119°40′02.43″ 119°14′15.57″ 118°40′57.19″ 115°51′00.00″ 114°50′53.90″ W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) * 118°25′11.68″ 120°05′27.92″ 120°45′34.44″ 121°09′45.91″ 121°25′19.36″ 121°45′05.32″ 121°48′24.46″ 121°36′11.47″ 121°11′00.75″ 121°26′53.53″ 121°35′11.42″ 121°50′07.50″ 122°03′01.33″ 122°07′44.68″ 122°01′26.87″ 121°48′51.96″ 121°44′02.93″ 121°59′49.66″ 121°18′12.69″ 121°15′13.89″ 120°58′53.25″ 121°09′17.29″ 120°38′38.03″ 120°34′53.38″ 120°26′40.69″ 120°32′59.48″ 120°30′17.18″ 119°54′31.59″ 119°29′30.00″ 119°30′16.09″ 119°29′21.93″ 119°26′15.47″ W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) * 118°52′52.65″ 119°58′42.98″ 120°46′43.26″ 121°11′00.75″ 121°26′53.53″ 121°30′30.31″ 121°53′28.90″ 122°22′23.35″ 122°20′45.16″ 122°17′43.51″ 122°23′04.50″ 122°30′10.69″ 122°51′05.00″ 122°50′54.37″ 122°52′41.50″ 123°31′55.53″ 123°30′02.52″ 123°27′29.76″ 123°17′37.21″ 123°04′28.96″ 122°58′41.37″ 123°03′39.04″ 123°06′03.90″ 123°28′12.15″ 123°28′33.00″ E:\FR\FM\20APR1.SGM W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) 20APR1 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 75 / Thursday, April 20, 2017 / Rules and Regulations ELWHA, WA WP (Lat. 48°08′55.11″ N., long. 123°40′15.06″ W.) * * * * * T–298 Oakland, CA (OAK) to Crazy Woman, WY (CZI) [New] Oakland, CA (OAK) VORTAC (Lat. 37°43′33.32″ ALTAM, CA FIX (Lat. 37°48′43.82″ ORANG, CA FIX (Lat. 37°59′00.43″ ELKHN, CA WP (Lat. 38°09′24.47″ NIKOL, CA FIX (Lat. 37°58′02.88″ Coaldale, NV (OAL) VORTAC (Lat. 38°00′11.74″ KATTS, NV WP (Lat. 38°20′00.00″ WP (Lat. 38°19′44.23″ KITTN, NV Wilson Creek, NV (ILC) VORTAC (Lat. 38°15′00.69″ Milford, UT, (MLF) VORTAC (Lat. 38°21′37.28″ DETAN, UT FIX (Lat. 38°22′22.30″ EBOVE, UT WP (Lat. 39°02′44.32″ Carbon, UT (PUC) VOR/DME (Lat. 39°36′11.49″ Myton, UT (MTU) VOR/DME (Lat. 40°08′56.74″ Rock Springs, WY (OCS) VOR/DME (Lat. 41°35′24.76″ WP (Lat. 43°02′36.63″ DORTN, WY Crazy Woman, WY (CZI) VOR/DME (Lat. 43°59′59.02″ * * * T–329 Morro Bay, CA (MQO) to NACKI, CA [New] Morro Bay, CA (MQO) VORTAC Paso Robles, CA (PRB) VORTAC LKHRN, CA WP Panoche, CA (PXN) VORTAC MKNNA, CA WP OXJEF, CA WP WP TIPRE, CA HNNRY, CA WP ROWWN, CA WP RAGGS, CA FIX POPES, CA FIX NACKI, CA WP pmangrum on DSK3GDR082PROD with RULES * * * T–331 NTELL, CA to FONIA, ND [New] NTELL, CA WP FIX KARNN, CA VINCO, CA FIX NORCL, CA WP MOVDD, CA FIX EVETT, CA WP TIPRE, CA WP ESSOH, CA WP Squaw Valley, CA (SWR) VOR/DME FIX TRUCK, CA Mustang, NV (FMG) VORTAC HIXUP, NV WP Lovelock, NV (LLC) VORTAC CUTVA, NV FIX Battle Mountain, NV (BAM) VORTAC PARZZ, NV WP TULIE, ID WP WP AMFAL, ID Pocatello, ID (PIH) VOR/DME VIPUC, ID WP Idaho Falls, ID (IDA) VOR/DME SABAT, ID FIX WAHNZ, ID WP SPECT, MT WP VORTAC Billings, MT (BIL) TRUED, MT WP EXADE, MT FIX JEKOK, MT WP FONIA, ND FIX * * T–333 KLIDE, CA to TIPRE, CA [New] KLIDE, CA FIX BORED, CA FIX SMONE, CA WP WP TIPRE, CA VerDate Sep<11>2014 13:10 Apr 19, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Frm 00009 * * * 35°15′08.12″ 35°40′20.87″ 36°05′59.82″ 36°42′55.65″ 37°04′23.41″ 37°46′11.40″ 38°12′21.00″ 38°23′27.61″ 38°24′55.86″ 38°28′34.94″ 38°29′09.41″ 38°43′47.73″ N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., 36°53′58.99″ 37°09′03.79″ 37°22′35.11″ 37°31′02.66″ 37°39′40.88″ 38°00′36.11″ 38°12′21.00″ 38°43′11.37″ 39°10′49.16″ 39°26′15.67″ 39°31′52.55″ 39°58′08.32″ 40°07′30.95″ 40°23′27.16″ 40°34′08.69″ 41°36′14.64″ 42°37′58.49″ 42°45′56.67″ 42°52′13.38″ 43°21′09.64″ 43°31′08.42″ 44°00′59.71″ 44°17′15.61″ 45°20′00.37″ 45°48′30.81″ 46°08′27.38″ 47°35′56.78″ 47°59′31.05″ 48°15′35.07″ N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. * 37°09′51.03″ 37°18′34.16″ 37°32′10.45″ 38°12′21.00″ Sfmt 4700 long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. * * (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. * * (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. Fmt 4700 N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., N., * (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. * * N., N., N., N., long. long. long. long. * 122°13′24.91″ 121°44′49.54″ 121°15′50.95″ 120°22′23.46″ 118°40′57.19″ 117°46′13.61″ 116°20′00.00″ 114°57′41.27″ 114°23′39.22″ 113°00′47.64″ 112°37′46.69″ 111°46′24.18″ 110°45′12.70″ 110°07′37.30″ 109°00′55.18″ 107°13′03.27″ 106°26′08.63″ W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) * 120°45′34.44″ 120°37′37.59″ 120°45′22.53″ 120°46′43.26″ 120°50′22.26″ 121°02′03.31″ 121°02′09.00″ 121°37′43.50″ 121°47′00.05″ 122°09′24.65″ 122°20′45.16″ 123°05′52.93″ W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) * 119°53′22.21″ 121°16′45.22″ 121°42′59.52″ 121°43′10.60″ 121°26′53.53″ 121°07′48.14″ 121°02′09.00″ 120°38′10.87″ 120°16′10.60″ 120°09′42.48″ 119°39′21.86″ 118°51′52.25″ 118°34′39.34″ 117°35′59.79″ 116°55′20.12″ 115°02′09.69″ 113°06′44.54″ 112°50′04.64″ 112°39′08.05″ 112°14′44.08″ 112°03′50.10″ 111°39′55.04″ 111°13′32.75″ 109°27′47.95″ 108°37′28.73″ 107°54′36.55″ 104°32′40.61″ 103°27′17.51″ 103°10′37.54″ W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) W.) * 121°42′46.98″ 121°27′48.06″ 121°21′30.65″ 121°02′09.00″ E:\FR\FM\20APR1.SGM W.) W.) W.) W.) 20APR1 18555 18556 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 75 / Thursday, April 20, 2017 / Rules and Regulations Issued in Washington, DC, on April 12, 2017. Gemechu Gelgelu, Acting Manager, Airspace Policy Group. II. Background Information and Regulatory History [FR Doc. 2017–07784 Filed 4–19–17; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4910–13–P DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Coast Guard 33 CFR Part 100 [Docket Number USCG–2017–0077] RIN 1625–AA08 Special Local Regulation; Tred Avon River, Between Bellevue, MD and Oxford, MD Coast Guard, DHS. Temporary final rule. AGENCY: ACTION: The Coast Guard is establishing special local regulations for certain waters of the Tred Avon River. This action is necessary to provide for the safety of life on the navigable waters located between Bellevue, MD and Oxford, MD, during a swim event on June 10, 2017. This rulemaking will prohibit persons and vessels from entering the regulated area unless authorized by the Captain of the Port Maryland-National Capital Region or the Coast Guard Patrol Commander. DATES: This rule is effective from 8:30 a.m. on June 10, 2017, until 11:30 a.m. on June 11, 2017. This rule will be enforced from 8:30 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. on June 10, 2017, and if necessary, due to inclement weather, from 8:30 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. on June 11, 2017. ADDRESSES: To view documents mentioned in this preamble as being available in the docket, go to https://, type USCG–2017– 0077 in the ‘‘SEARCH’’ box and click ‘‘SEARCH.’’ Click on Open Docket Folder on the line associated with this rule. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: If you have questions on this rule, call or email Mr. Ronald Houck, U.S. Coast Guard Sector Maryland-National Capital Region, MD; telephone 410–576–2674, email SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: pmangrum on DSK3GDR082PROD with RULES SUMMARY: I. Table of Abbreviations CFR Code of Federal Regulations COTP Captain of the Port DHS Department of Homeland Security FR Federal Register NPRM Notice of proposed rulemaking § Section U.S.C. United States Code VerDate Sep<11>2014 13:10 Apr 19, 2017 Jkt 241001 On January 23, 2017, Charcot-MarieTooth Association of Trappe, MD notified the Coast Guard that it will be conducting the swim portion of the Oxford Biathlon from 9:30 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. on June 10, 2017. The event will be conducted on a designated 1,300-meter course that starts at the ferry dock at Bellevue, MD and finishes at the Tred Avon Yacht Club at Oxford, MD. On February 27, 2017, the Coast Guard published a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) titled ‘‘Special Local Regulation; Tred Avon River, between Bellevue, MD and Oxford, MD’’ in the Federal Register (82 FR 11867). In the NPRM, we stated the purpose of the rulemaking and invited comments on the proposed regulatory action related to this swim event. During the comment period that ended March 29, 2017, we received 1 comment. No public meeting was requested, and none was held. III. Legal Authority and Need for Rule The Coast Guard is issuing this rule under authority in 33 U.S.C. 1233. The COTP Maryland-National Capital Region has determined that potential hazards associated with the swim event on June 10, 2017, will be a safety concern for anyone intending to participate in this event or for vessels that operate within specified waters of the Tred Avon River between Bellevue, MD and Oxford, MD. The purpose of this rule is to protect event participants, spectators and transiting vessels on certain waters of the Tred Avon River before, during, and after the scheduled event. IV. Discussion of Comments, Changes, and the Rule As noted above, we received 1 comment on our NPRM published on February 27, 2017. There are no changes in the regulatory text of this rule from what was proposed in the NPRM. The commenter, an individual, stated support for the regulated area, that it’s necessary because the concentration of swimmers in this case increases the likelihood of a boating accident. Additionally, the consequences would be a slight inconvenience for a small number of recreational boaters and nothing involving significant economic trade on the waterway. The Coast Guard agrees that this waterway restriction is necessary, however, should remain limited in scope and duration. The Coast Guard carefully considered its actions to enhance safety to event participants PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 while minimizing restrictions on mariners on the Tred Avon River. For this event, enough notice has been provided for persons to schedule, coordinate and adjust their voyages, and the Coast Guard will only enforce the regulated area during the enforcement period. This rule establishes special local regulations from 8:30 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. on June 10, 2017, and if necessary, due to inclement weather, from 8:30 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. on June 11, 2017. The regulated area will include all navigable waters of the Tred Avon River, from shoreline to shoreline, within an area bounded on the east by a line drawn from latitude 38°42′25″ N., longitude 076°10′45″ W., thence south to latitude 38°41′37″ N., longitude 076°10′26″ W., and bounded on the west by a line drawn from latitude 38°41′58″ N., longitude 076°11′04″ W., thence south to latitude 38°41′25″ N., longitude 076°10′49″ W., thence east to latitude 38°41′25″ N., longitude 076°10′30″ W., located at Oxford, MD. The duration of the regulated area is intended to ensure the safety of event participants and vessels within the specified navigable waters before, during, and after the event, currently scheduled to begin at 9:30 a.m. and last until 10:30 a.m. No vessel or person will be permitted to enter the regulated area without obtaining permission from the COTP Maryland-National Capital Region or the designated Coast Guard Patrol Commander, except for Oxford Biathlon participants. V. Regulatory Analyses We developed this rule after considering numerous statutes and executive orders (E.O.s) related to rulemaking. Below we summarize our analyses based on a number of these statutes and E.O.s, and we discuss First Amendment rights of protestors. A. Regulatory Planning and Review E.O.s 12866 (‘‘Regulatory Planning and Review’’) and 13563 (‘‘Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review’’) direct agencies to assess the costs and benefits of available regulatory alternatives and, if regulation is necessary, to select regulatory approaches that maximize net benefits including potential economic, environmental, public health and safety effects, distributive impacts, and equity. E.O. 13563 emphasizes the importance of quantifying both costs and benefits, of reducing costs, of harmonizing rules, and of promoting flexibility. Executive Order 13771 (‘‘Reducing Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs’’), directs agencies to reduce regulation and E:\FR\FM\20APR1.SGM 20APR1


[Federal Register Volume 82, Number 75 (Thursday, April 20, 2017)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 18551-18556]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2017-07784]



Federal Aviation Administration

14 CFR Part 71

[Docket No. FAA-2016-9264; Airspace Docket No. 16-AWP-1]

Establishment, Modification and Revocation of Air Traffic Service 
(ATS) Routes; Western United States

AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT.

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: This action modifies three jet routes and four VHF 
Omnidirectional Range (VOR) Federal airways; removes two VOR Federal 
Airway routes, and establishes four and modifies three low altitude 
Area Navigation (RNAV) routes (T-routes) in the western United States. 
The FAA is taking this action due to the scheduled decommissioning of 
the Manteca, CA, and Maxwell, CA, VOR facilities, which provide 
navigation guidance for portions of the affected routes. This action 
enhances the safety and management of aircraft along these routes 
within the National Airspace System (NAS). The VOR Federal airway, V-
244, published in the notice of proposed rulemaking, requires more 
coordination and is not being finalized in this action.

DATES: Effective date 0901 UTC, June 22, 2017. The Director of the 
Federal Register approves this incorporation by reference action under 
Title 1, Code of Federal Regulations, part 51, subject to the annual 
revision of FAA, Order 7400.11 and publication of conforming 

ADDRESSES: FAA Order 7400.11A, Airspace Designations and Reporting 
Points, and subsequent amendments can be viewed online at For further information, you can 
contact the Airspace Policy Group, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 
Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20591; telephone: (202) 267-
8783. The Order is also available for inspection at the National 
Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the 
availability of FAA Order 7400.11A at NARA, call (202) 741-6030, or go 
    FAA Order 7400.11, Airspace Designations and Reporting Points, is 
published yearly and effective on September 15.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kenneth Ready, Airspace Policy Group,

[[Page 18552]]

Office of Airspace Services, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 
Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20591; telephone: (202) 267-


Authority for This Rulemaking

    The FAA's authority to issue rules regarding aviation safety is 
found in Title 49 of the United States Code. Subtitle I, Section 106 
describes the authority of the FAA Administrator. Subtitle VII, 
Aviation Programs, describes in more detail the scope of the agency's 
authority. This rulemaking is promulgated under the authority described 
in Subtitle VII, Part A, Subpart I, Section 40103. Under that section, 
the FAA is charged with prescribing regulations to assign the use of 
the airspace necessary to ensure the safety of aircraft and the 
efficient use of airspace. This regulation is within the scope of that 
authority as it modifies the air traffic service route structure in the 
western United States to maintain the efficient flow of air traffic.


    On January 5, 2017, the FAA published in the Federal Register a 
notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) (82 FR 1279); Docket No. FAA-2016-
9264, to amend three jet routes (J-58, J-80, J-94) and four VOR Federal 
airways (V-87, V-113, V-195, V-244); remove two VOR Federal airways (V-
109, V-585); and establish four (T-298, T-329, T-331, and T-333) and 
modify four (T-257, T-259, T-261, T-263) RNAV T-routes in the western 
United States. Interested parties were invited to participate in this 
rulemaking effort by submitting written comments on the proposal. No 
comments were received.

Availability and Summary of Documents for Incorporation by Reference

    This document amends FAA Order 7400.11A, airspace Designations and 
Reporting Points, dated August 3, 2016, and effective September 15, 
2016. FAA Order 7400.11A is publicly available as listed in the 
ADDRESSES section of this document. FAA Order 7400.11A lists Class A, 
B, C, D, and E airspace areas, air traffic service routes, and 
reporting points.

Differences From the NPRM

    The NPRM proposed to establish VOR Federal airway, V-244. Due to 
additional coordination required for low altitude routes, V-244 
requires additional review and will be finalized at a later date.

The Rule

    The FAA is amending Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) 
part 71 to amend jet routes J-58, J-80, J-94, and VOR Federal airways 
V-87, V-113, V-195; remove VOR Federal airways V-109, V-585; establish 
RNAV T-routes T-298, T-329, T-331, and T-333; and modify RNAV T-routes 
T-257, T-259, T-261, T-263 in the western United States due to the 
scheduled decommissioning of the Manteca and Maxwell VOR facilities. 
The routes are outlined below.
    J-58: J-58 currently extends between Oakland, CA (OAK) and Harvey, 
LA (HRV). The FAA removes the segment of the route west of Coaldale, NV 
(OAL) from Oakland to Coaldale via Manteca. The unaffected portion of 
the existing route will remain as charted.
    J-80: J-80 currently extends between Oakland, CA (OAK) and 
Bellaire, OH (AIR). The FAA removes the segment of the route west of 
Coaldale, NV (OAL) from Oakland to Coaldale via Manteca. The unaffected 
portion of the existing route will remain as charted.
    J-94: J-94 currently extends between Oakland, CA (OAK) and Flint, 
MI (FNT). The FAA removes the segment of the route west of Mustang, NV 
(FMG) from Oakland to Mustang. The unaffected portion of the existing 
route will remain as charted.
    V-87: V-87 currently extends between Panoche, CA (PXN) and Red 
Bluff, CA (RBL). The FAA amends the route by ending the route at Scaggs 
Island, CA (SGD), eliminating the segment north of Scaggs Island, CA 
(SGD) to Red Bluff, CA. The unaffected portion of the existing route 
will remain as charted.
    V-109: V-109 currently extends from Panoche, CA to Oakland CA. The 
FAA removes this route.
    V-113: V-113 currently extends between Morro Bay, CA (MQO) and 
Lewistown, MT (LWT). The FAA removes the Manteca, CA segment between 
Panoche, CA (PXN) and Linden, CA (LIN). The unaffected portions of the 
existing route will remain as charted in the two remaining segments.
    V-195: V-195 currently extends between Manteca, CA (ECA) and 
Fortuna, CA, (FOT). The FAA removes the part of the route east of 
Oakland, CA (OAK) from Manteca to Oakland. The unaffected portion of 
the existing route will remain as charted.
    V-585: V-585 currently extends from Clovis, CA to Sacramento, CA. 
The FAA removes this route.
    T-257: T-257 currently extends between Big Sur, CA (BSR) to Point 
Reyes, CA (PYE). The FAA amends the route from Ventura, CA (VTU) to 
Tatoosh, WA (TOU).
    T-259: T-259 currently extends between San Jose, CA (SJC) to 
Sacramento, CA (SAC). The FAA amends the route from Lake Hughes, CA 
(LHS) to Ely, NV (ELY).
    T-261: T-261 currently extends between Woodside, CA (OSI) and the 
ALTAM waypoint. The FAA amends the route from Santa Catalina, CA (SXC) 
to JSTEN waypoint.
    T-263: T-263 currently extends between the SUNOL waypoint and 
Scaggs Island, CA (SGD). The FAA amends the route to begin at Fillmore, 
CA (FIM) to ELWHA waypoint.
    T-298: The FAA establishes T-298 between Oakland, CA (OAK) and 
Crazy Woman, WY (CZI).
    T-329: The FAA establishes T-329 between Morro Bay, CA (MQO) and 
NACKI, CA waypoint.
    T-331: The FAA establishes T-331 between NTELL, CA waypoint and 
    T-333: The FAA establishes T-333 between KLIDE, CA fix and TIPRE, 
CA waypoint.
    All radials in the regulatory text route descriptions below are 
stated in True degrees.
    Jet routes are published in paragraph 2004, VOR Federal airways are 
published in paragraph 6010(a), United States Area Navigation Routes 
(T-Routes) are published in paragraph 6011, respectively, of FAA Order 
7400.11A dated August 3, 2016, and effective September 15, 2016, which 
is incorporated by reference in 14 CFR 71.1. The Jet routes, VOR 
Federal airways and United States Area Navigation Routes (T-Routes) 
listed in this document will be subsequently published in the Order.

Regulatory Notices and Analyses

    The FAA has determined that this regulation only involves an 
established body of technical regulations for which frequent and 
routine amendments are necessary to keep them operationally current. 
It, therefore: (1) Is not a ``significant regulatory action'' under 
Executive Order 12866; (2) is not a ``significant rule'' under 
Department of Transportation (DOT) Regulatory Policies and Procedures 
(44 FR 11034; February 26, 1979); and (3) does not warrant preparation 
of a regulatory evaluation as the anticipated impact is so minimal. 
Since this is a routine matter that only affects air traffic procedures 
and air navigation, it is certified that this rule, when promulgated, 
does not have a significant economic impact on a substantial

[[Page 18553]]

number of small entities under the criteria of the Regulatory 
Flexibility Act.

Environmental Review

    The FAA has determined that this action of modifying three jet 
routes and three VOR Federal airways, removing two VOR Federal Airway 
routes, and establishing four and modifying four low altitude Area 
Navigation (RNAV) routes (T-routes) qualifies for categorical exclusion 
under the National Environmental Policy Act and its implementing 
regulations at 40 CFR part 1500, and in accordance with FAA Order 
1050.1F--Environmental Impacts: Policies and Procedures, Paragraph 5-
6.5a, which categorically excludes from further environmental impact 
review rulemaking actions that designate or modify classes of airspace 
areas, airways, routes, and reporting points (see 14 CFR part 71, 
Designation of Class A, B, C, D, and E Airspace Areas; Air Traffic 
Service Routes; and Reporting Points). This action is not expected to 
cause any potentially significant environmental impacts. In accordance 
with FAA Order 1050.1F, paragraph 5-2 regarding Extraordinary 
Circumstances, this action has been reviewed for factors and 
circumstances in which a normally categorically excluded action may 
have a significant environmental impact requiring further analysis, and 
it is determined that no extraordinary circumstances exist that warrant 
preparation of an environmental assessment.

List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 71

    Airspace, Incorporation by reference, Navigation (air).

The Amendment

    In consideration of the foregoing, the Federal Aviation 
Administration amends 14 CFR part 71 as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 71 continues to read as follows:

    Authority:  49 U.S.C. 106(f), 106(g); 40103, 40113, 40120; E.O. 
10854, 24 FR 9565, 3 CFR, 1959-1963 Comp., p. 389.

Sec.  71.1  [Amended]

2. The incorporation by reference in 14 CFR 71.1 of FAA Order 7400.11A, 
Airspace Designations and Reporting Points, dated August 3, 2016 and 
effective September 15, 2016, is amended as follows:

Paragraph 2004 Jet Routes.

J-58 [Amended]

    From Coaldale, NV; Wilson Creek, NV; Milford, UT; Rattlesnake, 
NM; Fort Union, NM; Panhandle, TX; Wichita Falls, TX; Ranger, TX; 
Alexandria, LA; to Harvey, LA.
* * * * *

J-80 [Amended]

    From Coaldale, NV; Wilson Creek, NV; Milford, UT; Grand 
Junction, CO; Red Table, CO; Falcon, CO; Goodland, KS; Hill City, 
KS; Kansas City, MO; Spinner, IL; Brickyard, IN; to Bellaire, OH.
* * * * *

J-94 [Amended]

    From Mustang, NV; Lovelock, NV; Battle Mountain, NV; Lucin, UT; 
Rock Springs, WY; Scottsbluff, NE; O'Neill, NE; Fort Dodge, IA; 
Dubuque, IA; Northbrook, IL; Pullman, MI; to Flint, MI.
* * * * *

Paragraph 6010 Domestic VOR Federal Airways.

V-87 [Amended]

    From Panoche, CA; INT Panoche 245[deg] and Salinas, CA, 100[deg] 
radials; Salinas; INT Salinas 310[deg] and Woodside, CA, 158[deg] 
radials; Woodside; San Francisco, CA; INT San Francisco 359[deg] and 
Scaggs Island, CA, 182[deg] radials; to Scaggs Island, CA.
* * * * *

V-109 [Removed]

* * * * *

V-113 [Amended]

    From Morro Bay, CA; Paso Robles, CA; Priest, CA; to Panoche, CA. 
From Linden, CA; INT Linden 046[deg] and Mustang, NV, 208[deg] 
radials; Mustang; 42 miles, 24 miles, 115 MSL, 95 MSL, Sod House, 
NV; 67 miles, 95 MSL, 85 MSL, Rome, OR; 61 miles, 85 MSL, Boise, ID; 
Salmon, ID; Coppertown, MT; Helena, MT; to Lewistown, MT.
* * * * *

V-195 [Amended]

    From Oakland, CA; INT Oakland 004[deg] and Williams, CA, 
191[deg] radials; Williams; INT Williams 002[deg] and Red Bluff, CA, 
158[deg] radials; Red Bluff; to Fortuna, CA.
* * * * *

V-585 [Removed]

* * * * *

Paragraph 6011 United States Area Navigation Routes.

T-257 Ventura, CA (VTU) to Tatoosh, WA (TOU) [Amended]
Ventura, CA (VTU)                                  VOR/DME                     (Lat. 34[deg]06'54.21'' N., long. 119[deg]02'58.17'' W.)
San Marcus, CA (RZS)                                VORTAC                     (Lat. 34[deg]30'34.32'' N., long. 119[deg]46'15.57'' W.)
Morro Bay, CA (MQO)                                 VORTAC                     (Lat. 35[deg]15'08.12'' N., long. 120[deg]45'34.44'' W.)
BLANC, CA                                           FIX                        (Lat. 35[deg]37'53.19'' N., long. 121[deg]21'23.04'' W.)
CAATE, CA                                          WP                          (Lat. 36[deg]46'32.29'' N., long. 122[deg]04'09.57'' W.)
CHAWZ, CA                                          WP                          (Lat. 37[deg]06'48.59'' N., long. 122[deg]21'09.58'' W.)
PORTE, CA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 37[deg]29'23.23'' N., long. 122[deg]28'28.48'' W.)
THHEO, CA                                          WP                         (Lat. 37[deg]44'54.55'' N., long. 122[deg]36'54.79'' W.)
JAMIN, CA                                          WP                         (Lat. 37[deg]51'16.99'' N., long. 122[deg]40'12.05'' W.)
Point Reyes, CA (PYE)                               VORTAC                    (Lat. 38[deg]04'47.12'' N., long. 122[deg]52'04.18'' W.)
FREES, CA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 38[deg]23'38.47'' N., long. 122[deg]55'33.24'' W.)
NACKI, CA                                          WP                         (Lat. 38[deg]43'47.73'' N., long. 123[deg]05'52.93'' W.)
Mendocino, CA (ENI)                                VORTAC                     (Lat. 39[deg]03'11.58'' N., long. 123[deg]16'27.58'' W.)
FLUEN, CA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 39[deg]32'47.92'' N., long. 123[deg]33'42.75'' W.)
PLYAT, CA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 40[deg]20'20.90'' N., long. 123[deg]41'35.88'' W.)
CCHUK, CA                                          WP                         (Lat. 40[deg]31'42.18'' N., long. 124[deg]04'16.08'' W.)
SCUPY, CA                                          WP                         (Lat. 40[deg]55'23.94'' N., long. 124[deg]18'09.85'' W.)
OLJEK, CA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 41[deg]28'30.66'' N., long. 124[deg]14'20.68'' W.)
CIGCA, CA                                          WP                         (Lat. 41[deg]36'39.60'' N., long. 124[deg]17'27.58'' W.)
FURNS, CA                                          WP                         (Lat. 41[deg]55'15.86'' N., long. 124[deg]26'09.40'' W.)
MITUE, OR                                          FIX                        (Lat. 43[deg]18'49.00'' N., long. 124[deg]30'22.74'' W.)
JANAS, OR                                          FIX                        (Lat. 44[deg]17'33.63'' N., long. 124[deg]05'14.25'' W.)
Newport, OR (ONP)                                  VORTAC                     (Lat. 44[deg]34'31.26'' N., long. 124[deg]03'38.14'' W.)
CUTEL, OR                                          FIX                        (Lat. 44[deg]54'27.50'' N., long. 124[deg]01'25.30'' W.)
ILWAC, WA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 46[deg]19'46.62'' N., long. 124[deg]10'49.49'' W.)
ZEDAT, WA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 46[deg]35'50.64'' N., long. 124[deg]10'01.14'' W.)
WAVLU, WA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 46[deg]50'00.90'' N., long. 124[deg]06'35.70'' W.)
Hoquiam, WA (HQM)                                  VORTAC                     (Lat. 46[deg]56'49.35'' N., long. 124[deg]08'57.37'' W.)
COPLS, WA                                          WP                         (Lat. 47[deg]06'46.78'' N., long. 124[deg]07'40.80'' W.)
WAPTO, WA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 47[deg]28'19.54'' N., long. 124[deg]13'50.38'' W.)
OZETT, WA                                          WP                         (Lat. 48[deg]03'07.00'' N., long. 124[deg]35'54.42'' W.)

[[Page 18554]]

Tatoosh, WA (TOU)                                  VORTAC                     (Lat. 48[deg]17'59.64'' N., long. 124[deg]37'37.36'' W.)
                                                                      * * * * * * *
T-259 Lake Hughes, CA (LHS) to Ely, NV (ELY) [Amended]
Lake Hughes, CA (LHS)                              VORTAC                     (Lat. 34[deg]40'58.70'' N., long. 118[deg]34'36.98'' W.)
Shafter, CA (EHF)                                  VORTAC                     (Lat. 35[deg]29'04.40'' N., long. 119[deg]05'50.27'' W.)
Avenal, CA (AVE)                                   VOR/DME                    (Lat. 35[deg]38'49.11'' N., long. 119[deg]58'42.98'' W.)
MBARI, CA                                          WP                         (Lat. 36[deg]01'37.09'' N., long. 120[deg]34'38.27'' W.)
LKHRN, CA                                          WP                         (Lat. 36[deg]05'59.82'' N., long. 120[deg]45'22.53'' W.)
Salinas, CA (SNS)                                  VORTAC                     (Lat. 36[deg]39'49.81'' N., long. 121[deg]36'11.47'' W.)
CAATE, CA                                          WP                         (Lat. 36[deg]46'32.29'' N., long. 122[deg]04'09.57'' W.)
SANTY, CA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 36[deg]58'45.26'' N., long. 122[deg]04'23.07'' W.)
SAPID, CA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 37[deg]11'28.73'' N., long. 122[deg]10'47.00'' W.)
CRTER, CA                                          WP                         (Lat. 37[deg]27'09.35'' N., long. 121[deg]50'28.62'' W.)
MOVDD, CA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 37[deg]39'40.88'' N., long. 121[deg]26'53.53'' W.)
OXJEF, CA                                          WP                         (Lat. 37[deg]46'11.40'' N., long. 121[deg]02'03.31'' W.)
SAAGO, CA                                          WP                         (Lat. 37[deg]51'19.01'' N., long. 120[deg]05'09.54'' W.)
BNAKI, CA                                          WP                         (Lat. 37[deg]53'25.61'' N., long. 119[deg]40'02.43'' W.)
WEXIM, CA                                          WP                         (Lat. 37[deg]59'12.54'' N., long. 119[deg]14'15.57'' W.)
NIKOL, CA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 37[deg]58'02.88'' N., long. 118[deg]40'57.19'' W.)
DAYMN, NV                                          WP                         (Lat. 38[deg]59'19.00'' N., long. 115[deg]51'00.00'' W.)
Ely, NV (ELY)                                      VOR/DME                    (Lat. 39[deg]17'53.25'' N., long. 114[deg]50'53.90'' W.)
                                                                      * * * * * * *
T-261 Santa Catalina, CA (SXC), to JSTEN, WA [Amended]
Santa Catalina, CA (SXC)                           VORTAC                     (Lat. 33[deg]22'30.20'' N., long. 118[deg]25'11.68'' W.)
Gaviota, CA (GVO)                                  VORTAC                     (Lat. 34[deg]31'52.75'' N., long. 120[deg]05'27.92'' W.)
Morro Bay, CA (MQO)                                VORTAC                     (Lat. 35[deg]15'08.12'' N., long. 120[deg]45'34.44'' W.)
CLMNS, CA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 35[deg]24'45.26'' N., long. 121[deg]09'45.91'' W.)
HRRNG, CA                                          WP                         (Lat. 35[deg]37'39.24'' N., long. 121[deg]25'19.36'' W.)
HMPBK, CA                                          WP                         (Lat. 36[deg]03'16.11'' N., long. 121[deg]45'05.32'' W.)
WOZZZ, CA                                          WP                         (Lat. 36[deg]13'59.12'' N., long. 121[deg]48'24.46'' W.)
Salinas, CA (SNS)                                  VORTAC                     (Lat. 36[deg]39'49.81'' N., long. 121[deg]36'11.47'' W.)
WINDY, CA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 37[deg]17'36.96'' N., long. 121[deg]11'00.75'' W.)
MOVDD, CA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 37[deg]39'40.88'' N., long. 121[deg]26'53.53'' W.)
GIFME, CA                                          WP                         (Lat. 38[deg]12'02.39'' N., long. 121[deg]35'11.42'' W.)
GRIDD, CA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 39[deg]19'38.69'' N., long. 121[deg]50'07.50'' W.)
GONGS, CA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 39[deg]44'36.22'' N., long. 122[deg]03'01.33'' W.)
HOMAN, CA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 40[deg]24'17.88'' N., long. 122[deg]07'44.68'' W.)
GARSA, CA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 40[deg]42'05.61'' N., long. 122[deg]01'26.87'' W.)
CCAPS, CA                                          WP                         (Lat. 41[deg]28'40.20'' N., long. 121[deg]48'51.96'' W.)
MUREX, CA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 41[deg]52'11.03'' N., long. 121[deg]44'02.93'' W.)
MIXUP, OR                                          FIX                        (Lat. 42[deg]31'07.79'' N., long. 121[deg]59'49.66'' W.)
Deschutes, OR (DSD)                                VORTAC                     (Lat. 44[deg]15'09.95'' N., long. 121[deg]18'12.69'' W.)
CUPRI, OR                                          FIX                        (Lat. 44[deg]37'03.76'' N., long. 121[deg]15'13.89'' W.)
SUPOC, OR                                          WP                         (Lat. 44[deg]54'05.94'' N., long. 120[deg]58'53.25'' W.)
KUKTE, OR                                          FIX                        (Lat. 45[deg]19'55.95'' N., long. 121[deg]09'17.29'' W.)
SUNSN, WA                                          WP                         (Lat. 45[deg]57'09.59'' N., long. 120[deg]38'38.03'' W.)
MUDLE, WA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 46[deg]23'38.69'' N., long. 120[deg]34'53.38'' W.)
Yakima, WA (YKM)                                   VORTAC                     (Lat. 46[deg]34'12.87'' N., long. 120[deg]26'40.69'' W.)
SELAH, WA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 46[deg]42'03.01'' N., long. 120[deg]32'59.48'' W.)
GEBTE, WA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 46[deg]51'39.01'' N., long. 120[deg]30'17.18'' W.)
QUINT, WA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 47[deg]12'50.29'' N., long. 119[deg]54'31.59'' W.)
PAWYO, WA                                          WP                         (Lat. 48[deg]10'04.08'' N., long. 119[deg]29'30.00'' W.)
HVARD, WA                                          WP                         (Lat. 48[deg]17'32.75'' N., long. 119[deg]30'16.09'' W.)
SOFFE, WA                                          WP                         (Lat. 48[deg]41'41.31'' N., long. 119[deg]29'21.93'' W.)
JSTEN, WA                                          WP                         (Lat. 48[deg]57'50.34'' N., long. 119[deg]26'15.47'' W.)
                                                                      * * * * * * *
T-263 Fillmore, CA (FIM) to ELWHA, WA [Amended]
Fillmore, CA (FIM)                                 VORTAC                     (Lat. 34[deg]21'24.10'' N., long. 118[deg]52'52.65'' W.)
Avenal, CA (AVE)                                   VOR/DME                    (Lat. 35[deg]38'49.11'' N., long. 119[deg]58'42.98'' W.)
Panoche, CA (PXN)                                  VORTAC                     (Lat. 36[deg]42'55.65'' N., long. 120[deg]46'43.26'' W.)
WINDY, CA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 37[deg]17'36.96'' N., long. 121[deg]11'00.75'' W.)
MOVDD, CA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 37[deg]39'40.88'' N., long. 121[deg]26'53.53'' W.)
RBLEW, CA                                          WP                         (Lat. 37[deg]53'49.80'' N., long. 121[deg]30'30.31'' W.)
PITTS, CA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 38[deg]02'59.59'' N., long. 121[deg]53'28.90'' W.)
Scaggs Island, CA (SGD)                            VORTAC                     (Lat. 38[deg]10'45.70'' N., long. 122[deg]22'23.35'' W.)
POPES, CA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 38[deg]29'09.41'' N., long. 122[deg]20'45.16'' W.)
DIBLE, CA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 40[deg]13'22.13'' N., long. 122[deg]17'43.51'' W.)
KENDL, CA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 40[deg]27'20.50'' N., long. 122[deg]23'04.50'' W.)
FOLDS, CA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 40[deg]44'16.56'' N., long. 122[deg]30'10.69'' W.)
HOMEG, CA                                          WP                         (Lat. 41[deg]20'09.00'' N., long. 122[deg]51'05.00'' W.)
ZUNAS, CA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 41[deg]51'34.17'' N., long. 122[deg]50'54.37'' W.)
TALEM, OR                                          FIX                        (Lat. 42[deg]08'49.70'' N., long. 122[deg]52'41.50'' W.)
OREGN, OR                                          WP                         (Lat. 42[deg]50'22.63'' N., long. 123[deg]31'55.53'' W.)
EROWY, OR                                          WP                         (Lat. 43[deg]03'20.67'' N., long. 123[deg]30'02.52'' W.)
NOTTI, OR                                          FIX                        (Lat. 44[deg]03'23.13'' N., long. 123[deg]27'29.76'' W.)
Corvallis, OR (CVO)                                VOR/DME                    (Lat. 44[deg]29'58.45'' N., long. 123[deg]17'37.21'' W.)
ARTTY, OR                                          FIX                        (Lat. 45[deg]00'00.00'' N., long. 123[deg]04'28.96'' W.)
Newberg, OR (UBG)                                  VOR/DME                    (Lat. 45[deg]21'11.62'' N., long. 122[deg]58'41.37'' W.)
LOATH, OR                                          FIX                        (Lat. 46[deg]00'41.95'' N., long. 123[deg]03'39.04'' W.)
WINLO, WA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 46[deg]27'27.26'' N., long. 123[deg]06'03.90'' W.)
ULESS, WA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 47[deg]07'54.58'' N., long. 123[deg]28'12.15'' W.)
ARRIE, WA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 47[deg]52'47.61'' N., long. 123[deg]28'33.00'' W.)

[[Page 18555]]

ELWHA, WA                                          WP                         (Lat. 48[deg]08'55.11'' N., long. 123[deg]40'15.06'' W.)
                                                                      * * * * * * *
T-298 Oakland, CA (OAK) to Crazy Woman, WY (CZI) [New]
Oakland, CA (OAK)                                  VORTAC                     (Lat. 37[deg]43'33.32'' N., long. 122[deg]13'24.91'' W.)
ALTAM, CA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 37[deg]48'43.82'' N., long. 121[deg]44'49.54'' W.)
ORANG, CA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 37[deg]59'00.43'' N., long. 121[deg]15'50.95'' W.)
ELKHN, CA                                          WP                         (Lat. 38[deg]09'24.47'' N., long. 120[deg]22'23.46'' W.)
NIKOL, CA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 37[deg]58'02.88'' N., long. 118[deg]40'57.19'' W.)
Coaldale, NV (OAL)                                 VORTAC                     (Lat. 38[deg]00'11.74'' N., long. 117[deg]46'13.61'' W.)
KATTS, NV                                          WP                         (Lat. 38[deg]20'00.00'' N., long. 116[deg]20'00.00'' W.)
KITTN, NV                                          WP                         (Lat. 38[deg]19'44.23'' N., long. 114[deg]57'41.27'' W.)
Wilson Creek, NV (ILC)                             VORTAC                     (Lat. 38[deg]15'00.69'' N., long. 114[deg]23'39.22'' W.)
Milford, UT, (MLF)                                 VORTAC                     (Lat. 38[deg]21'37.28'' N., long. 113[deg]00'47.64'' W.)
DETAN, UT                                           FIX                       (Lat. 38[deg]22'22.30'' N., long. 112[deg]37'46.69'' W.)
EBOVE, UT                                          WP                         (Lat. 39[deg]02'44.32'' N., long. 111[deg]46'24.18'' W.)
Carbon, UT (PUC)                                   VOR/DME                    (Lat. 39[deg]36'11.49'' N., long. 110[deg]45'12.70'' W.)
Myton, UT (MTU)                                    VOR/DME                    (Lat. 40[deg]08'56.74'' N., long. 110[deg]07'37.30'' W.)
Rock Springs, WY (OCS)                             VOR/DME                    (Lat. 41[deg]35'24.76'' N., long. 109[deg]00'55.18'' W.)
DORTN, WY                                          WP                         (Lat. 43[deg]02'36.63'' N., long. 107[deg]13'03.27'' W.)
Crazy Woman, WY (CZI)                              VOR/DME                     (Lat. 43[deg]59'59.02'' N., long. 106[deg]26'08.63'' W.)
                                                                      * * * * * * *
T-329 Morro Bay, CA (MQO) to NACKI, CA [New]
Morro Bay, CA (MQO)                                VORTAC                     (Lat. 35[deg]15'08.12'' N., long. 120[deg]45'34.44'' W.)
Paso Robles, CA (PRB)                              VORTAC                     (Lat. 35[deg]40'20.87'' N., long. 120[deg]37'37.59'' W.)
LKHRN, CA                                          WP                         (Lat. 36[deg]05'59.82'' N., long. 120[deg]45'22.53'' W.)
Panoche, CA (PXN)                                  VORTAC                     (Lat. 36[deg]42'55.65'' N., long. 120[deg]46'43.26'' W.)
MKNNA, CA                                          WP                         (Lat. 37[deg]04'23.41'' N., long. 120[deg]50'22.26'' W.)
OXJEF, CA                                          WP                         (Lat. 37[deg]46'11.40'' N., long. 121[deg]02'03.31'' W.)
TIPRE, CA                                          WP                         (Lat. 38[deg]12'21.00'' N., long. 121[deg]02'09.00'' W.)
HNNRY, CA                                          WP                         (Lat. 38[deg]23'27.61'' N., long. 121[deg]37'43.50'' W.)
ROWWN, CA                                          WP                         (Lat. 38[deg]24'55.86'' N., long. 121[deg]47'00.05'' W.)
RAGGS, CA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 38[deg]28'34.94'' N., long. 122[deg]09'24.65'' W.)
POPES, CA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 38[deg]29'09.41'' N., long. 122[deg]20'45.16'' W.)
NACKI, CA                                          WP                         (Lat. 38[deg]43'47.73'' N., long. 123[deg]05'52.93'' W.)
                                                                      * * * * * * *
T-331 NTELL, CA to FONIA, ND [New]
NTELL, CA                                          WP                         (Lat. 36[deg]53'58.99'' N., long. 119[deg]53'22.21'' W.)
KARNN, CA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 37[deg]09'03.79'' N., long. 121[deg]16'45.22'' W.)
VINCO, CA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 37[deg]22'35.11'' N., long. 121[deg]42'59.52'' W.)
NORCL, CA                                          WP                         (Lat. 37[deg]31'02.66'' N., long. 121[deg]43'10.60'' W.)
MOVDD, CA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 37[deg]39'40.88'' N., long. 121[deg]26'53.53'' W.)
EVETT, CA                                          WP                         (Lat. 38[deg]00'36.11'' N., long. 121[deg]07'48.14'' W.)
TIPRE, CA                                          WP                         (Lat. 38[deg]12'21.00'' N., long. 121[deg]02'09.00'' W.)
ESSOH, CA                                          WP                         (Lat. 38[deg]43'11.37'' N., long. 120[deg]38'10.87'' W.)
Squaw Valley, CA (SWR)                             VOR/DME                    (Lat. 39[deg]10'49.16'' N., long. 120[deg]16'10.60'' W.)
TRUCK, CA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 39[deg]26'15.67'' N., long. 120[deg]09'42.48'' W.)
Mustang, NV (FMG)                                  VORTAC                     (Lat. 39[deg]31'52.55'' N., long. 119[deg]39'21.86'' W.)
HIXUP, NV                                          WP                         (Lat. 39[deg]58'08.32'' N., long. 118[deg]51'52.25'' W.)
Lovelock, NV (LLC)                                 VORTAC                     (Lat. 40[deg]07'30.95'' N., long. 118[deg]34'39.34'' W.)
CUTVA, NV                                          FIX                        (Lat. 40[deg]23'27.16'' N., long. 117[deg]35'59.79'' W.)
Battle Mountain, NV (BAM)                          VORTAC                     (Lat. 40[deg]34'08.69'' N., long. 116[deg]55'20.12'' W.)
PARZZ, NV                                          WP                         (Lat. 41[deg]36'14.64'' N., long. 115[deg]02'09.69'' W.)
TULIE, ID                                          WP                         (Lat. 42[deg]37'58.49'' N., long. 113[deg]06'44.54'' W.)
AMFAL, ID                                          WP                         (Lat. 42[deg]45'56.67'' N., long. 112[deg]50'04.64'' W.)
Pocatello, ID (PIH)                                VOR/DME                    (Lat. 42[deg]52'13.38'' N., long. 112[deg]39'08.05'' W.)
VIPUC, ID                                          WP                         (Lat. 43[deg]21'09.64'' N., long. 112[deg]14'44.08'' W.)
Idaho Falls, ID (IDA)                              VOR/DME                    (Lat. 43[deg]31'08.42'' N., long. 112[deg]03'50.10'' W.)
SABAT, ID                                           FIX                       (Lat. 44[deg]00'59.71'' N., long. 111[deg]39'55.04'' W.)
WAHNZ, ID                                          WP                         (Lat. 44[deg]17'15.61'' N., long. 111[deg]13'32.75'' W.)
SPECT, MT                                          WP                         (Lat. 45[deg]20'00.37'' N., long. 109[deg]27'47.95'' W.)
Billings, MT (BIL)                                 VORTAC                     (Lat. 45[deg]48'30.81'' N., long. 108[deg]37'28.73'' W.)
TRUED, MT                                          WP                         (Lat. 46[deg]08'27.38'' N., long. 107[deg]54'36.55'' W.)
EXADE, MT                                          FIX                        (Lat. 47[deg]35'56.78'' N., long. 104[deg]32'40.61'' W.)
JEKOK, MT                                          WP                         (Lat. 47[deg]59'31.05'' N., long. 103[deg]27'17.51'' W.)
FONIA, ND                                          FIX                        (Lat. 48[deg]15'35.07'' N., long. 103[deg]10'37.54'' W.)
                                                                      * * * * * * *
T-333 KLIDE, CA to TIPRE, CA [New]
KLIDE, CA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 37[deg]09'51.03'' N., long. 121[deg]42'46.98'' W.)
BORED, CA                                          FIX                        (Lat. 37[deg]18'34.16'' N., long. 121[deg]27'48.06'' W.)
SMONE, CA                                          WP                         (Lat. 37[deg]32'10.45'' N., long. 121[deg]21'30.65'' W.)
TIPRE, CA                                          WP                         (Lat. 38[deg]12'21.00'' N., long. 121[deg]02'09.00'' W.)

[[Page 18556]]

    Issued in Washington, DC, on April 12, 2017.
Gemechu Gelgelu,
Acting Manager, Airspace Policy Group.
[FR Doc. 2017-07784 Filed 4-19-17; 8:45 am]
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